On the Slippery Slop

Sowell, go no more a roving.

Thomas Sowell, Investors Business Daily:
Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny?

  • When Adolf Hitler…*

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

* Actual beginning of column.


Comments: 335

Hysterical Woman

When I think of people who haven’t paid much attention to politics, I think of all the teabaggers who just now have realized the executive branch has too much power. Plus, people who are shocked to find out the lyrics to “Born in the USA”.


C’mon, you can give us more:

At about the same time, during the worldwide Great Depression, the German Reichstag passed a law “for the relief of the German people.”

That law gave Hitler dictatorial powers that were used for things going far beyond the relief of the German people — indeed, powers that ultimately brought a rain of destruction down on the German people and on others.

“Therefore, we can never enact laws that are for the good of the American people. Because you see where that goes. Fortunately, electing Republicans will solve this problem.”


What is liberal tyranny? Forcing everyone to eat all their veggies?


he deliberately sought to activate people who did not normally pay much attention

You know who else sought to activ

Aw Fuckit.

A gushing broken casing well of stupid this one is.


I think Sowell broke the speed of Godwin with this one.


And the mangoes are spoiled but not putrid.

From the comments:
A great insight. Thomas Sowell is a true patriot a great American and a knowledgable discerner of history. America would do well to heed his counsel.


Rat vermin corrupted Boss Tweed-Obama and his corrupted Tammany Hall regime is finally being exposed. Otraitor is a man-child emperor-with-no-clothes. He is a rat vermin traitor with a plummeting popularity rating because he hates America, hates freedom and hates liberty. He works for Goldman Sachs and the banking oligarchs along with Dodd and Frank. He supports expanded wars – but strangely Soros funded Code Pink and Media Matters are silent for this baby-dictator Obama. Obama is weak and the w …and then the author came and promptly fell asleep, leaving the logical payload slowly dripping off the page.


I am utterly speechless.


The stupid is strong with this one.


“Springtime for Obama” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

The Tragically Flip

Obama is breaking democracy by attracting more people to the political process.

This reminds of a classic George Will piece where he bemoaned early and absentee voting because it risked decreasing the quality of the electorate with all them shifty lazy folk what can’t be buggered to vote on election day.

They really really hate democracy.


Brilliant Shorter.




When Adolf Hitler…*

“Ah, fuck it, I’m just phoning it in now.”

The Tragically Flip

When Franklin D. Roosevelt arbitrarily took the United States off the gold standard

Yeah the bank runs and other major powers like the UK abandoning it had nothing to do with it. FDR just out of the blue decided to end the gold standard for shits and giggles.


“When Adolf Hitler was building up the Nazi movement in the 1920s…he deliberately sought to activate people who did not normally pay much attention to politics.”

If I had a quarter every time I read such a blatant instance of conservative self-projection, I would be a rich, rich woman.

The Tragically Flip

Such people were a valuable addition to his political base, since they were particularly susceptible to Hitler’s rhetoric and had far less basis for questioning his assumptions or his conclusions.

“Useful idiots” was the term supposedly coined by V.I. Lenin to describe similarly unthinking supporters of his dictatorship in the Soviet Union.

I like the subtle implication that fascism is a left wing movement here. At least liberals are useful idiots, more than you can say for wingnuts.


How Sowell manages to get his columns published in spite of his indefinite detention in a FEMA concentration camp is nothing short of heroic.

The Tragically Flip

But the Constitution says that private property is not to be confiscated by the government without “due process of law.”

Technically, it has not been confiscated by Barack Obama, but that is a distinction without a difference.

No shithead, it isn’t. BP could fight every last claim in court like Exxon did. They’ve settled out of court, like millions of other litigants and potential litigants do.


stryx said,
June 23, 2010 at 20:26

That second comment made me lol. Maybe he was struck with the sudden urge to go POOP. And then the daily two-hour allotment of electricity to his hovel was shut off.


There is a reason why Tom Asshole doesn’t appear in media other than right-wing media. His “arguments” are so cringeworthy that even the bookers on the Sunday bobbleheads would be embarrassed for him.


A big bead of flop-sweat thumps down on the desk. It’s one hour to deadline and Sowell doesn’t even have the first line of his column written. There’s a cold feeling of fear deep in his stomach. He looks at the empty computer screen, looks miles past the empty computer screen.

Oh, shit.http://www.google.co.uk/

Will he pull it off this time? Everyone nearly knows what a hack you are, Thomas, he thinks to himself. What’s around? What can he do? He picks up his Ideas notebook. Across the cover is a black ink drawing of a stick figure with a thought-bubble coming out of his head. The bubble says “ideas”. Heh, Brilliant, Thomas thinks. Why can’t I have that kind of thought now?

He opens the notebook. Crossed out ideas of columns of yesteryear adorn the pages. He flips through frantically, the pages crinkling as they go past the spiral binding. There it is. He sees it.

“Obama = Hitler. Why didn’t anyone think of this?” It’s written in a cramped hand. Below is a sketch of Obama with a Hitler mustache. Then written on the side: “La Rouche?” No, no one remembers anything that jerk says. This is practically fresh. With a few of the master’s touches, it’ll be as good as gold.

He turns back to the keyboard and raises his arms up to shoulder height like Hunter Thomson, waiting for the right opening to strike. Fingers drum down across the keyboard like rain across a roof.

“When Adolf Hitler…”


* Actual beginning of column.

And he didn’t send a limousine anyway?


If you believe that the end justifies the means, then you don’t believe in constitutional government.

IOKIYAR exemption notwithstanding.


From Teh Comments: “What most of Obama’s supporters fail to realize is that stimulus isn’t what grows an economy. Increased capital per person is what does it.”



I challenge every S,N author to start every post with “When Adolph Hitler…” In fact, I propose that every RESPONSE start with that.

The Tragically Flip

He also works in a complaint about Czars, thus hitting for the wingnut cycle:

Gold Standard


When Franklin D. Roosevelt arbitrarily took the United States off the gold standard

I always find the obsession with the gold standard to be hilarious. A few thousand years ago, they’d have been composing chants about the need to stick to a Spondylus standard.


What most of Obama’s supporters fail to realize is that giving people money isn’t what grows an economy. People having more money is what does it.


When Adolph Hitler saw how fucking dumb the wingnutosphere was, it made it him cringe. And it’s hard to make a Nazi cringe.


When Adolph Hitler ordered me out of the boat to fetch some mangoes, I invoked conscientious objector status.


When Adolf Hitler…


Lurking Canadian

If you believe that the end justifies the means, then you don’t believe in constitutional government.

Unless the question has to do with the torture or indefinite detention of suspects, in which case if you are OPPOSED to the notion that the end justifies the means, then you don’t believe in constitutional government.


Lurking Canadian

Silly Jennifer, Hitler would never stop making fun of Trig.


When Adolph Hitler ‘s ghost appeared to me, he told me to eat Smart Puffs for lunch. So I did, and now I hate my life. That bastard.


A distinction without a difference says he. If I tell you that you ought to do something and you do it, that != you were forced to do anything. BP could very easily have said “no thanks, see you in court” and there’s not a hell of a lot the President could do about that. That’s BECAUSE we are a nation of laws. The fact that they did it at the President’s urging reflects well on the President and, hate to say it, on BP as well. But please, feel free to lie like a dog on a rug.


Some of our overlords, Alinsky, Soros, Fat Michael Moore, et al, should start a campaign to get Sowell booked on This Week, Meet the Press or Face the Nation opposite Krugman or Markos. Think of the benefits that would accrue when this idiot is destroyed on national television. It would be like my birthday on Sunday morning, just like when Michael Steele or Frank Gaffney is on. Hell, even David Gregory could make Sowell look like a fool by just sitting there.


When Adolf Hitler…


Clearly Mr. Sowell resents Trig’s superior intellect.


BTW, you’ll never guess what.

I got an apology from the woman who sent out the offensive email I teed off on. I’ve updated the post. (and thanks for your comment, B4.)

Tsar Nicholas I

He also works in a complaint about Czars, thus hitting for the wingnut cycle:

Gold Standard

I was under the impression that “Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality” would have naturally appealed to the teabagger mindset.


Unless the question has to do with the torture or indefinite detention of suspects, in which case if you are OPPOSED to the notion that the end justifies the means, then you don’t believe in constitutional government.

This is where those lucky bastards get to straddle fence, and as yet have not smashed their nards.

Strict interpretation where it suits your neurosis, living document if something doesn’t validate your neurosis. Cuz shutup thats Y.

Tsar Nicholas I

A distinction without a difference

Is a distinction without a difference that’s also without a distinction worth noting?


When Adolf Hitler…


I don’t think Adolph Hitler ever stopped making fun of Trig. He was pretty mean.


He also works in a complaint about Czars, thus hitting for the wingnut cycle

Oh, this guy is good.


C’mon, if GWB had done this every last one of these motherfuckers would be swooning over his manly act. After a while you know a fake ragegasm when you see it.


BTW, you’ll never guess what.

I got an apology from the woman who sent out the offensive email I teed off on. I’ve updated the post. (and thanks for your comment, B4.)

Holy crap. That’s pretty impressive.


I got an apology from the woman who sent out the offensive email I teed off on. I’ve updated the post. (and thanks for your comment, B4.)


Honestly, I have actually found that there are just some really dumbass people out there and if you take your time to explain to them that they’re just repeating bullshit, they’re willing to listen, at least somewhat. That doesn’t apply to everyone, of course.


Is a distinction without a difference that’s also without a distinction worth noting?

Perhaps if I abdicate my title of Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias.


But the Constitution says that private property is not to be confiscated by the government without “due process of law.”

Technically, it has not been confiscated

So, um, yay?


If Hitler’s head really is buried under Disneyworld or whatever, they should bring it back to life for a day, just so he can see all the amazing things he’s been accused of, like encouraging people to eat their vegetables and ordering a sandwich with dijon mustard.


For some reason this Godwined all to hell nonsense reminds me of the Family Guy joke where the guys are trying to convince Quagmire’s wife that he’s died so they make a retarded video of him being “attacked” by a ninja, a pots and pans robot, and then a “NAZI!!” and the the guy they choose to play the Nazi is, of course, Cleveland, the black guy. I mean it’s so fucking stupid (and funny). Wingnuts wants to badly for Obama to be Black Hitler.


When Adolph Hitler was compared to Obama by yet another fReichtard hack, Louie “Gomer” Gohmert (R-Lunacy) thought it was the best thing evar*:

There’s a brilliant man named Thomas Sowell. And, um, I didn’t vote for Barack Obama in 2008, but I sure would have voted for Thomas Sowell. This man, well, his article says quite a lot. His editorial, um, says here — and it’s just been posted this week — but it says, “When Adolph Hitler was building up the Nazi movement in the 1920’s” — and I’m quoting from Thomas Sowell in his editorial…

You wish I was making this up, bitches!


*h/t someone at BJ**
**Not a VPR


To whom it may concern, Josh St. Lawrence is currently in the field with his team of so-called “researchers” searching for evidence of Bigfoot in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Myself and Mr. St Lawrence are former friends and colleages in Bigfoot research. The man is also con-artist and backstabber. His libelous accusations against myself and Bigfoot Central (my field research organization) Push far beyond the limits of civility and acceptable scientific discourse. He has falsely accused me of being a hoaxer in the Bigfoot field without even bothering to examine the photographs and evidence collected by myself and my team.

His “expedition” is being funded by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, a highly non-professional group of opportunists and amatuers. This organization has been spreading a slanderous campagin of misinformation to the media and to the Bigfoot community about myself and my team of researches, when in fact they are the ones who have perpertrated the biggest hoax in the early 21st Century. The so-called “Skookum cast,” allegedly a body print of a reclining bigfoot is in fact nothing more than the body print of a bedding elk. And yet it was presented by the bfro and Josh St. Lawrence as geniune.

I myself am in fact the first Bigfoot investigator. I have been investigation sightings of this creature since 1956 when myself and three friends had a personal sighing while camping in Washington State at the age of sixteen years old. I am a far more credible and professional researcher and investigator than Josh St. Lawrence who is nothing more than a slanderous huckster.

Though I must say, I wish him and his team the best of luck. I welcome any breakthroughs that will help the field of bigfooting, even if they come from personal enemies. But be rest assured, that if Mr. St Lawrence and his team fail to find any evidence, they will fake it. Of this I am convinced considering the “Skookum Cast” debacle.


That wasn’t Bigfoot. That was just me with my shirt off. Sorry for the confusion.


When Adolph Hitler was compared to Obama by yet another fReichtard hack, Louie “Gomer” Gohmert (R-Lunacy) thought it was the best thing evar*:

I never knew C-SPAN had a comedy hour.


The Tennessean ran both this column by Sowell and David Broder’s latest sneeze this morning. And the Tbaggers around here call The Tennessean a ‘liberal rag.’ No wonder the print media is going extinct.


Is your first name “King”?


“Skookum Cast debacle” LOLCOPTER!


There’s a brilliant man named Thomas Sowell

I’m sure there is somewhere on this planet.


That wasn’t Bigfoot. That was just me with my shirt off. Sorry for the confusion.


The Tragically Flip

If I might critique this from a wingeratti perspective, the post is missing only one thing to achieve legendary wingnut status: No Obama/Chamberlain analogy. Nothing better than equating a liberal to both Hitler, Lenin and Chamberlain in the same essay.


That wasn’t Bigfoot. That was just me with my shirt off. Sorry for the confusion.


DAMMIT! I meant to say This is Ground Control to Major Kong FTFW!


Moderator please delete the attack on the fine Bigfoot researcher Josh St. Lawrence.

Uncle Tom Sowell

If I might critique this from a wingeratti perspective, the post is missing only one thing to achieve legendary wingnut status: No Obama/Chamberlain analogy. Nothing better than equating a liberal to both Hitler, Lenin and Chamberlain in the same essay.

Aw, NUTS. Doggone it.


Who knew cryptozoology was such a cutthroat business?


When Adolf Hitler
Comes bob-bob-bobbin’ along

There’ll be no belittler
To diss old Hitler
In pome or song

Wake up, wake up, wake up
Throw up, throw up, throw up
Your purgatives
Shoot up, shoot up, shoot up

Live, love, laugh and be fascist.


Mr. St Lawrence is also a first class liar and a coward. I myself am not afraid to describe myslef as a conservative and a creationist. While Mr. St Lawrence has presented himself on this blog as a man who is a-political and disinterested in politics in order to gain the support and trust of the good people of this blog he is in fact a young earth creationist. That is correct, Mr. St Lawrence is as rightwing as they come. He has even written a well researched paper claiming that the discovery of living dinosaurs would disprove Darwin’s theory of evolution.

While I do not fault Mr. St Lawrence for his belief in young earth creationism and political conservatism, beliefs which I myself share, I do fault him for his lies and cowardice for refusing to admit this in order to further his own agenda. Again another example of his morally corrupt personal character.


Just where in the Constitution of the United States does it say that a president has the authority to extract vast sums of money from a private enterprise and distribute it as he sees fit to whomever he deems worthy of compensation? Nowhere.

Where in the Constitution say that I have to pay my rent? It doesn’t! I’m not paying my rent anymore. Where in the Constitution does it say you have to wear pants? Oh, wait, NOWHERE?

The last time I checked, which was fifteen seconds ago, the Constitution didn’t say anything about murder being illegal — yet the police have apparently decided to take the law into their own hands and literally arrest people suspected of murder!!!! I thought we lived in a society of laws, but apparently it’s one where you can just make up laws willy-nilly, and the President can just invoke laws made up by Congress only a couple decades ago and voted on by a majority and held consitutional by the Supreme Court and nobody bats an eye except a few thousand media jackwads saying that it’s just like the Bloods and Crips extorting money from a store owner or something.


also Hitler


When Adolf Hitler falsely accused me of being a hoaxer….


that if Mr. St Lawrence and his team fail to find any evidence, they will fake it.

Sounds like your ordinary wingnut, or any paranormal researcher.

So tell me, Cliff Crook, IF that is your real name, what made you two choose Sadly, No! as a battle ground? I’m feeling a little like Westfalia here.


yet the police have apparently decided to take the law into their own hands and literally arrest people suspected of murder!!!!

That means they’re all activists! The cops, the District Attorneys, and those creepy stenographers. Oh, how I hate them.


Where in the Constitution does it say you have to wear pants?

Interest. Newsletter. etc.

Does Obama Want to be President Anymore?

By Roger L. Simon

Ever since viewing his depressing and disconnected “energy” speech last week, I have been mulling whether Barack Obama actually wants to be president anymore. That was an address given by a man who looked very much like he didn’t want to be there, didn’t want to continue. He appeared slumped and worn, as if he aged eighteen years in eighteen months. His demeanor was oddly distracted.

I am not being metaphorical here — I am quite serious. The more I have thought about this, the more I am convinced Barack Obama no longer wishes to be president. The degree that he admits this to himself, I am not sure. But I rather suspect that in the small hours of the morning he fantasizes he were anywhere but 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And who could blame him? By almost any measure, he is doing a terrible job.

Of course, as we all know, Obama didn’t really expect to be president. This was to be a trial run. And then it took off. He ended up in the White House with virtually no experience that prepared him for the task. His superior intelligence was supposed to carry him through. Only intelligence — whatever his level — is just one component of leadership, and probably far from the largest one.

But the question here is not his qualifications. They are no longer particularly relevant. This is a beaten man, struggling to show he is not, even though everybody knows he is.

The media claque that put him in office is getting disaffected and now his party allies in Congress are beginning to disregard him, sometimes for the better. One of the early symbols of Obama’s disconnection was his remarkably unemotional reaction to the democracy demonstrators in Iran. His Iran policy continued to be a phony concoction of non-existent dialogue and toothless sanctions, right up to the latest round at the UN.

But now Democrats in Congress (even Chris Dodd!) are attempting to enact far tougher sanctions, embarrassing the president. Members of his cabinet are rumored to be deserting him — or he them (as if this made a difference). Most Americans despise his health care plan, which he enacted despite their opposition. The Gulf is still leaking, with no end in sight. And no one, certainly not the president, has an answer to our financial woes. And there is no reason to expect it is not going to get worse.

So what does this mean that POTUS hates his job? On the extremes, he could have a breakdown (as blogger David Thomson has predicted) or simply quit. Neither of these things are likely to happen, though they certainly are within the realm of possibility.

More likely he will stumble on, spending as much time as he can on the golf course or on vacation. Meanwhile, the role of the presidency will begin to diminish. More people will disregard his wishes. If the Republicans win big in November, he will retreat further. This man is not a fighter, because he has never had to fight. He lives in a very close, protective bubble, among people he has worked with for many years, most from Chicago. That will only increase as the wagons circle

Except for the most partisan among us, none of this is cause for rejoicing. America cannot thrive with a president who wishes he weren’t there. Nothing does. We can only hope that the damage that is done is reversible. Sometimes I think that it is. Sometimes not.



I myself am not afraid to describe myslef as a conservative

Heavens! This man sounds honest!



Adolf Hitler:My Part In His Down Syndrome


media jackwads saying that it’s just like the Bloods and Crips extorting money from a store owner or something.

I assure you, there is no significance in the street gang reference. Really. There isn’t. You’re the REAL racist.


That was Mr St. Lawrence’s own doing to choose this blog. He has posted cryptozoology topics on many blogs, yours is just one of many. While I am sure that he is trying to advance the cause of cryptozoology as he claims, it is just as likely that he is trying to advance the agenda and publicity of himself and his research team while slandering the finds of other, more honest and more professional researchers in the field of bigfooting and cryptozoology in general.


Where in the Constitution does it say you have to wear pants? Oh, wait, NOWHERE?

That’s why I never wear them. I am a True Patriot.

Xecky Gilchrist

Does Obama Want to be President Anymore?

Maybe not. I mean, even Bush lost interest in the dictatorship gig when he kept having to be awake before 2 pm 10 months out of the year.

The Tragically Flip

Sowell actually makes a nice addition my mental tally of crazy black conservatives. Keyes! Steele! Thomas! Williams! Sowell! Collect them all!

Something akin to female and gay conservatives I think being a black conservative requires an extra scoop of crazy in order to absorb the added cognitive dissonance required of not even being theoretically able to benefit from the ultimate result of the policies you’re fighting for.

Actual comment on Yahoo news

Obama wants to destroy America and Israel and freedom everywhere. At least Hitler only cared about killing some Jews.

Did Palin Wish to Remain Governor of Alaska Anymore?

Take a wild guess.


Heh. I just totally spammed that comments thread with a complete deconstruction of that entire silly piece.

It’s their fault for only allowing me 500 words per post. I had to do 6 or 7 posts to fit it all in!


field of bigfooting

Which was founded by Wilt Chamberlin.


Cliff, one thing you may want to consider is that when two tribes go to war, a point is all that you can score (Score no more, score no more).


Blacks 4 Republicans = Major Kong 4 full body waxes


That’s why I never wear them. I am a True Patriot.

Well now that’s just all kinds of awesome. Also. Here I thought my collection of psych ward inspired bumper stickers proved my patriotism to those unfortunate enough to be following my US American car.


I am not being metaphorical here — I am quite serious.

Well why didn’t you say so? Now I’m paying attention.


I think a better title would have been Is Thomas Sowell Now On Slippery Slope To Insanity? Except, you know, for the fact that he slid all the way down it years ago.


Blacks 4 Republicans = Gavin M 4 Strunk and White

The Tragically Flip

I’m pretty sure that’s the point Colbert was trying to make obliquely with the reoccurring black conservative character (PK Winsome) he used to have.


You liberals are making jokes about Hitler. That means YOU’RE the secret Nazis. BAZINGA!!!! I totes got you to admit it!


“Just where in the Constitution of the United States does it say that a president has the authority to extract vast sums of money from a private enterprise and distribute it as he sees fit to whomever he deems worthy of compensation? Nowhere.”

Nowhere in his donor subsidized “think-tank” world of the Hoover Institute where stupid is funded to put a cog in the wheel of progress daily.

He should take a visit down to any district court house on any day, sit in on the small claims division, possibly on contempt/failure to pay hearing, possibly ride along with a sheriff while said sheriff of the government, processes a claim for possession of a free-born, freedom loving American citizen’s property.

Possibly he could sit in on a lien hearing (but then again maybe he shouldn’t) where carpenters and contractors duke it out with property owners who refuse to pay because they are greedy assholes who think that they don’t have to pay because “Make Me” Ayn Rand told them they can do whatever the hell they want.


Sorry VS. According to the Debbie Schlussellberger Rules of Engagement we’re not Nazis until you post a picture of each person here next to a swastika.


No, there is no fucking way I’m becoming a children’s librarian.


Sorry VS. According to the Debbie Schlussellberger Rules of Engagement we’re not Nazis until you post a picture of each person here next to a swastika.

That’s what Photoshop’s for! BOOYA!


Oh, I diverted he needs to sit in on a one of the millions of liability lawsuits taking place across the country against negligent professional practitioners, corporations (gasp!) and freedom-loving American Patriots.

Why I often wonder, do conservatards and Libertarians assume that others have a duty to compensate and treat them fairly, but they do not have the reciprocal responsibility?

Lurking Canadian

Why I often wonder, do conservatards and Libertarians assume that others have a duty to compensate and treat them fairly, but they do not have the reciprocal responsibility?

Same reason primitive tribes (may have) thought it was OK to eat their neighbouring tribes, but not their own kin: They are the only Real People.

Other human-seeming creatures are not Real People and therefore have no rights.


Why I often wonder, do conservatards and Libertarians assume that others have a duty to compensate and treat them fairly, but they do not have the reciprocal responsibility?

Because they’re whiny little bitches.


wait a minute, those WERE the droids I’m looking for!


Libertarians are just regular conservatives who have given up even the pretense of giving a shit about others.


“Useful idiots” was the term supposedly coined by V.I. Lenin

Ah, so he knows that Lenin never used the term,* so the “supposedly” is his way of maintaining deniability while he brings it up anyway because the link to Lenin is central to his point.

* In fact there is no word for “useful” in Russian.
Not many people know that.

Lurking Canadian

In fact there is no word for “useful” in Russian.

Of course not. In Soviet Russia, idiots use you.


Jennifer, this reply to your comment was incredible:

Look like a BO fan got there feathers ruffled here of these posts.

It’s an even better opening than “When Hitler…”

The Tragically Flip

I’m glad he specified Lenin’s initials or I might have thought he was talking about the Beatle.


I’m glad he specified Lenin’s initials or I might have thought he was talking about the Beatle.

Shut the fuck up, Donny!

Super Genius Troll

* In fact there is no word for “useful” in Russian.
Not many people know that.

I’m just copying and pasting. I take no responsibility for the veracity, logic or intelligence of anything copy/pasted. Besides, liberals are the real racists. You’ll see when the brown Southern hordes have taken over America and Hugo Chavez is now the Chancellor.


Sorry VS. According to the Debbie Schlussellberger Rules of Engagement we’re not Nazis until you post a picture of each person here next to a swastika.

That’s what Photoshop’s for! BOOYA!

Well, that, and also for trimming the pounds (and, thereby, the chins) from your “header” picture.

The Tragically Flip

Shut the fuck up, Donny!

Am I out of my element?


At about the same time, during the worldwide Great Depression, the German Reichstag passed a law “for the relief of the German people.”

In the meantime, a Democratic President FDR actually provided relief to the American people, after the mess created by a conservative Republican president. FDR was, of course, fought at every step by conservative Nazi sympathizers.

But we won’t talk about that, because Obama Hitler.


Overton Window reviewed.

Speaking of that, it’s interesting to put Beck’s day-to-day polemics in Mr. Overton’s window. The kinds of elaborate, darkly fanciful conspiracy theories he routinely spins used to be confined to the back shelves of slightly disreputable bookstores and the lacy fringes of the Internet.(For example, this week, along with hawking the book, he’s demonstrating how the entire Gulf catastrophe is an intricately interlocking plot to further enrich George Soros.) Today, thanks to Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch, they’ve found a whole new audience and a kind of acceptability unthinkable short years ago.


In fact there is no word for “useful” in Russian.
There are, however, 90 different words for “Idiot”.


Am I out of my element?

He peed on the Dude’s rug!


Man, that rug pulled the whole room together.


Also, Dude, “Chinaman” is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.


Donny you’re out of your element! Dude, the Chinaman is not the issue here!


I’m sure everyone remembers when Hitler invaded Poland and forced their industries to clean up their oil spills.


Smokey, this is not ‘Nam. This is bowling. There are rules


forced their industries to clean up their oil spills.

How did humanity go so far off the rails? I just can’t believe it. At trial, they were asked how they could just impose responsibility on human beings. They replied that they were just “pushing buttons” or “following orders”. Sickening.




I’m sure everyone remembers when Hitler invaded Poland and forced their industries to clean up their oil spills.

And the Sudetenland to establish a string of Curves franchises.


Esperanto (kreteno)

New word!!


Josh St. Lawrence is the man that is responsible for 99% of the slanderous accusations against me. Even going so far to suggest that my initial Bigfoot sighting in 1956 was a self serving hoax to add to my credibility. This hostility wasnt always the case, Mr. St Lawrence and myself have spent thousands of hours conducting field work in the past, his slander at first came as a surprise to me. He went public accusing me of hoaxing a now famous Bigfoot photograph taken by a Washington State forest ranger who is a close personal friend of mine. Mr. St Lawrence claims that the photograph is of an eight foot tall Bigfoot statue that I have in my basement at the entrance to mine private collection of Bigfoot artifacts, newspaper clippings and memrobelia. Mr. St Lawrence has been to my home and has seen the Bigfoot statue I keep in my basement.

He knows that photograph was not of that statue. He is an opportunist and a publicity hound, merely trying to present himself as the premier Bigfoot field researcher to a skeptical media.



One time, and you’re labeled for life. I’ll never live that down.


TU, I love you.


S. cerevisiae said,
June 23, 2010 at 22:31

Constitution, shmonstitution

Unless that state is, say California, and the issue is, for instance, about stricter emissions standards that pose it threat to the President’s oil buddies.




TU, I love you.

Aw, thanks. And just for that, I love you, too! (Yes, I’m easy).

I didn’t even break out the Maude quotes, which are my favorite!



Needs linkie to Robert Crumb cartoons.


Holy shit, wait. That’s a real guy?!


That’s a real guy?!

Is it more fun if it is or if it isn’t?

guitarist manqué

I think the crypto-zoologists were confused by the previous thread into thinking that we are part of their people.


at the entrance to mine private collection of Bigfoot artifacts


CC is another “Boy from Brazil.”


Hah! His name is Cliff Crook. That about says it all.


“Big Bad Bald Bastard said,
June 23, 2010 at 22:13

Sorry VS. According to the Debbie Schlussellberger Rules of Engagement we’re not Nazis until you post a picture of each person here next to a swastika.

That’s what Photoshop’s for! BOOYA!

Well, that, and also for trimming the pounds (and, thereby, the chins) from your “header” picture.”

That too.


Is it more fun if it is or if it isn’t?

Is, of course!

I think the crypto-zoologists were confused by the previous thread into thinking that we are part of their people.

Well, I am 1/7th yeti.


Oh, and btw, you bleeding heart liberals are gonna lose control of the House and Senate this November.

Just figured I would add this almost scientific fact considering this is a political blog.


Hah! His name is Cliff Crook. That about says it all.

Hey, now. Some of us don’t have control over how our ancestral Scottish tribes’ names were Anglicized…


Oh, and btw, you bleeding heart liberals are gonna lose control of the House and Senate this November.

Yes. Because most Americans just can’t wait to get to the polls and elect the Party of BP™.


Oh, and btw, you bleeding heart liberals are gonna lose control of the House and Senate this November.

Don’t you mean next January? Or do Juan McChrystal and Evita Palin have a trick up their sleeve?


And I’ve got news for you bleeding hearts, your beloved Josh St. Lawrence is a rightwing conservative and a young earth creationist. The only difference between the two enough is that I am honest enough to admit this.


Oh, and btw, you bleeding heart liberals are gonna lose control of the House and Senate this November.

That what your statue tells you?


scientific fact

Haha. Scientific facts from cryptozoologists. Hilarious.

Chupacabra bitchez!

Chupacabra–awesome band name! It ends in bra, which is awesome, and hopefully it will end the bra.

political blog

You may not have noticed that this is a political snark blog. You might want to find an X Files fanblog for a warmer reception or people sympathetic to you hunting a fabled monster.


* In fact there is no word for “useful” in Russian.
Not many people know that.

I thought that’s what ?ukbum meant.





The only difference between the two enough is that I am honest enough to admit this.

Dude, at least Josh can write a comprehensible sentence.




your beloved Josh St. Lawrence is a rightwing conservative and a young earth creationist

That would explain your penchant for chasing fairy tale creatures, now wouldn’t it?


Are we mad at the yetti guy now?


The only difference between the two enough is that I am honest enough to admit this.

Dude, at least Josh can write a comprehensible sentence.

He also puts out.


I knew it! See, he puts the St. in his name to fool us into thinking he’s a nice guy. He builds trust and then BAM! changes nyms and trashes his old nym. Verrrry clever.


Is it Yetti or Yeti? Or Yeti!*jazz hands!* ?


Hah. we make fun of far better cryptozoologists than you. Actor212 is entering his fourth decade of pursuing the Easy North American Skirt-Beaver. And DKW’s mom’s worldwide pursuit of the giant trouser snake is legendary.


Are we mad at the yetti guy now?

Yes! We hate him so much! ARRRGHHH!


“tigris said,
June 23, 2010 at 23:02

He also puts out.”



“Yes! We hate him so much! ARRRGHHH”



He also puts out.

Yes, but you know? Cliff can just keep that to himself.


YETI!: The Musical

I’m not even drunk.

Science Talkin' Guy

Fucking Bigfoots, how do they work?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This hostility wasnt always the case, Mr. St Lawrence and myself have spent thousands of hours conducting field work in the past, his slander at first came as a surprise to me.

Mr. St Lawrence, I wish I could quit you!

Mr. St Lawrence has been to my home and has seen the Bigfoot statue I keep in my basement.

Better than etchings, baby!


Fucking Bigfoots, how do they work?

Well, first a daddy bigfoot and a mommy bigfoot fall in love…


I heard daddy Bigfoot made a booty call and brought along a bottle of Tanqeray.


“Mr. St Lawrence, I wish I could quit you!”

Why does that joke make me laugh almost unfailingly?




In all of his years of field research, Josh St. Lawrence has not produced any credible evidence for the existence of Bigfoot or any other cryptid. And the evidence he has collected have proven to be very mundane to say the least. I, on the other hand have an entire collection of footprints, photographs, hair and fecal samples and eyewitness reports.

My investigations have gone back to over fifty years. I have seen one of these creatures with my own eyes. The very sight of that eightfoot tall hairy biped with glowing red eyes was enough to send a young boy of sixteen and his three friends running barefoot for over a mile through thick woods to the nearest settlement. That sighting left a lasting impression on me, and I have been hooked even since.


I heard daddy Bigfoot made a booty call and brought along a bottle of Tanqeray.



Josh St. Lawrence has not produced any credible evidence for the existence of Bigfoot or any other cryptid.

But he’s really really trying. That counts for a lot!


footprints, photographs, hair and fecal samples and eyewitness reports.

Reeeaaaaalllly? And just where might a curious individual find a copy of your findings for, say….peer review? Oh! Right. Secrecy is a must in your line of research, yes. I understand completely and accept your statements at face value.

We are flattered that you think we might care about your little dustup with Josh St. Lawrence.

St Science Talkin' Guy

I, on the other hand have an entire collection of footprints, photographs, hair and fecal samples and eyewitness reports.

Well, we have now seen your fecal samples.

The very sight of that eightfoot tall hairy biped with glowing red eyes was enough to send a young boy of sixteen and his three friends into a sexual frenzy! Any bears posting comments?


The very sight of that eightfoot tall hairy biped with glowing red eyes was enough to send a young boy of sixteen and his three friends running barefoot for over a mile through thick woods to the nearest settlement.

Yeah, DKW’s mom says she’s really sorry about that…she just wanted to borrow a cup of sugar.

St Science Talkin' Guy

In all of his years of field research, Josh St. Lawrence has never given me a reacharound. His lack of rigour in the sack is exceeded only by his lack of rigour in the cryptozoological sciences.


A great insight. Thomas Sowell is a true patriot a great American and a knowledgable discerner of history. America would do well to heed his counsel. just as they heeded his counsel during his stint hosting Soul Train


I heard daddy Bigfoot made a booty call and brought along a bottle of Tanqeray.


I get the feeling you’ve had experience with a gin-fueled booty calls.


A Bigfoot music collection.


The very sight of that eightfoot tall hairy biped with glowing red eyes was enough to send a young boy of sixteen and his three friends running barefoot for over a mile through thick woods to the nearest clearing for a circle jerk.

Fixed for more accuracy.


Snakefinger’s “What Are You Yeti” is not on Youtube. Shirley it is a cover-up.* Here’s Bring Back Reality instead.

* Veiled comb-over reference.


A Bigfoot music collection.

I know the mix I’m using for my next party!


But does he eat pork chops?


A Bigfoot music collection.

A total sellout even before the Nike commercial.


I get the feeling you’ve had experience with a gin-fueled booty calls.

**Shuffles feet**

No Mistress.


First they came for a gigantic oil corporation . . .


“Say what you will about the National Socialists, but at least they have an ethos!”


I get the feeling you’ve had experience with a gin-fueled booty calls.

No, but I’m willing to learn 🙂


**Shuffles feet**

No Mistress.

So adorable. *gazes skyward*
Me neever!


No, but I’m willing to learn 🙂

I bet! 😀


Are gin-fueled booties different from booties fueled by a more traditional combustible?


Are gin-fueled booties different from booties fueled by a more traditional combustible?

Yes. They’re sluttier.


Are gin-fueled booties different from booties fueled by a more traditional combustible?

Nah–any chemical or herb amounts to the same sub role for me.


Sowell would make more sense if he dispensed with the strohmann führer and went right for the original. He’s tanned and rested and ready to make a comeback and he likes Sasquatches and Joan Swirsky’s hair!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“Say what you will about the National Socialists, but at least they have an ethos!”

Snazzy uniforms too! Hell, they should have been called “Snazis”.


Snazzy uniforms too! Hell, they should have been called “Snazis”.

lol…best said with a Brad Pitt/Inglorious Basterds accent!


Actually, you could substitute Bigfoot or Godzilla for Hitler in any wing-nut post and it would be only slightly more unhinged.


Yes. They’re sluttier.

Thus better.


From the Roger L. Simon article,

Only intelligence — whatever his level — is just one component of leadership, and probably far from the largest one.

Well, you’d have to think that, wouldn’t you?


Heh. I just totally spammed that comments thread with a complete deconstruction of that entire silly piece.

Pearls to swine. Besides, if it makes too much sense, or if it’s too controversial, they tend not to post it.


Please, don’t read about the Skookum cast. You’ll make Cliff Crook unhappy.



Bless you, Citizen X, for the early Clash reference. Hmm… time for a re-write for Mr. Sowell? (Black man) In Hoover-Tow Palais?

And Zebbidie with a Spike Milligan reference?

I luvs these tubes.


The fact that a conservative sweep is being predicted by someone who claims to have seen Bigfoot is possibly the most encouraging piece of news I’ve seen about the upcoming elections to date.

Dictater? I hardly know her

Li’l Dictator’s Massage Parlor: For the Relief of the German People


The fact is, Obama is a negro, and negroes should be barred from holding public office.

Can I have my wingnut welfare now?


The fact that a conservative sweep is being predicted by someone who claims to have seen Bigfoot is possibly the most encouraging piece of news I’ve seen about the upcoming elections to date.

Didja bookmark it?


Re: Bigfoot: back in 1998 I hosted a huge party – catered barbeque, hired the incomparable Brave Combo to play, several kegs, etc.

Anyway, it was held at an outdoor venue in the downtown Rivermarket entertainment district & I had to hire an off-duty cop as part of the rental agreement, whose main purpose was to keep out the gate-crashers. So to help him in his efforts, I made badges for all the invited guests so he could easily see who was supposed to be there. On the badge? A drawing of the abominable snowman and the words “Yeti Family Reunion, 1998.”

That was so funny – all these old people from my family (and others) who had no idea what a “yeti” was, walking around wearing badges that more or less said “I am a Bigfoot.”


The fact that a conservative sweep is being predicted by someone who claims to have seen Bigfoot is possibly the most encouraging piece of news I’ve seen about the upcoming elections to date.

FTW. Also bookmarked too.


New sport: synchronized thread killing

you did this one
I did the one before


you did this one
I did the one before

Training for the Olympics!

Time Travelin' Pete

As with the Bush era, the overt side of American politics still refers to government actions thinly covered in the mainstream press; on this level of action, we know that Obama signed the largest military budget in history, expanded the war in Afganistan, bailed out banks, and “reformed” health care; but on the covert side of the equation, most don’t realize—given how the corporate media and Obama’s benign rhetoric is busy distracting us—that the new president has carried forward virtually all of the discredited Bush-era War or Terror policies. Worse, Obama and his gallery of advisors steeped in the ways of postmodern corruption have shocked Americans by their eagerness to uphold the Bush administration’s ornate machinery of quasi-constitutional and sometimes criminalized covert action. At a minimum, these include: claims of “state secrets,” NSA (National Security Agency) domestic surveillance, emergency powers linked with the de facto repeal of Posse Comitatus (which enable martial law), summary assassination, illegal detention, and counter-insurgency warfare techniques that defy international law. In addition, Obama countenanced trillions in secret bailout money issued by the Federal Reserve; and, he handed back-room deals to Big Pharma and the health insurance cartel that locks their super-profits into “Obamacare.”


Tom Sowell said,
June 24, 2010 at 0:20

The fact is,

Minstrel Gary Ruppert?


Honestly, I want to make a pithy remark and sound all kinds of cool, but after reading this asswipe’s ignorance I have to commend you all for having the ability to maintain a sense of humor and intelligence in the face of overwhelming fucking stupidity.


Honestly, I want to make a pithy remark and sound all kinds of cool, but after reading this asswipe’s ignorance I have to commend you all for having the ability to maintain a sense of humor and intelligence in the face of overwhelming fucking stupidity.

It’s either that or be rendered insane and slobbering from staring into the abyss.


Honestly, I want to make a pithy remark and sound all kinds of cool, but after reading this asswipe’s ignorance I have to commend you all for having the ability to maintain a sense of humor and intelligence in the face of overwhelming fucking stupidity.

We’ve become immune to the shock. They make it pretty easy to laugh them off. If I really want to be shocked, I try picturing them in their underwear. (((shudder)))


Can’t believe I just noticed this now in the bigfoot post:
when myself and three friends had a personal sighing while camping in Washington State at the age of sixteen years old.
Perhaps this is why he can’t quit mr. st. lawrence, hmmmm?


but on the covert side of the equation, most don’t realize—given how the corporate media and Obama’s benign rhetoric is busy distracting us—that the new president has carried forward virtually all of the discredited Bush-era War or Terror policies.

Early on in the Obama presidency, I occasionally trotted out this argument to get conservatives to recognize why the Patriot Act was a bad idea. So, okay, Bush was a great Christian man and we all know that he’d never abuse his wiretapping or torturing privileges. But now that Obama’s in office, how do you feel about him, the Great Black Socialist himself, having those tools at his disposal?

(No, of course it didn’t work).


(No, of course it didn’t work).

I’ll defer to my previous post, where I advised everyone to set the clocks to Double Standard Time.

Abuse of power is tolerable when it’s your guy doing it, right? Otherwise it’s super scary n junk.


He is a rat vermin traitor with a plummeting popularity rating

This is a funny one I keep seeing. His approval rate has been steady at about 50% for 10 months and counting.


Furst comment was the winner, M.B.


12:03:30 PM
Jun 23, 2010

only in iowa…. now if they would of used farm animals everyting would of been fine…


According to some VP at the Cato institute, because fat people are lazy, they are more libertarian. The only way out of this mess is to elect a fat guy.


I’ll be our new William H. Taft! Hell, if I get stuck in the bathtub, I’ll just stay there & prune up.


Planned Parenthood – quit crossing the line. You have the right to free speech, not the right to force your opinions on our public school students. When we need your advice, we’ll come to you for it.

Why we hate:

Whats wrong w that. Maybe they should have had another student send the video through a text uncensored. Because its ok for a teen to send sexual acts through their cell phones.

the conspiratist

Ok, bets on which American embassy will be taken hostage in early 2011?

And which weapons will the RNC trade the hostage takers to keep it until after the 2012 election?


‘inappropriate’ sex acts simulated on stuffed animals

What sex acts are appropriate for stuffed animals?


What sex acts are appropriate for stuffed animals?

Doggie style?


When Hitler toured his traveling stuffed animals having sex show, we did nothing


The fact is, Hitler is the real leader of the Democrats, his work along with Alinski and Trotski inspires the left to destroy all goodness and freedom.


You know, I’m starting to think of Gary as the Yogi Berra of conservatism. His tweets are right-wing bullshit boiled down to its batshit insane essence. It’s like a haiku of hate.


The fact is, when Adolf Hitler took control of Germany using socialism and left wing hate, he used people like Bitter Scribe, the useless idiots of there time, to do it.


The fact is, Nazism was a Jewish conspiracy.


OK, seriously, that last one was me. But that’s about as ridiculous as the “Hitler left wing socialist!” trope that’s so popular on the right.


Why, Gary. I…I don’t know what to say. (sniff)

So this is what it’s like to be immortal.


When Hitler toured his traveling stuffed animals having sex show, we did nothing

To be fair, that’s because we were all at the traveling plastinated corpses having sex show.


So Obama’s a weak man-child AND an iron-fisted corrupt Chicago politican thug. mmmmkay.

The Truth About Soccer

It’s so funny to see the liberals and “progressives” trying to force the sport of soccer down our throats, but at the end of the day, Americans aren’t good at soccer. We don’t do well at Socialistic sports.

So don’t think for one second the “USA” soccer team will beat Ghana, or even come close to the cup.

We’re bad at soccer, and for a good reason: America is an exceptional nation, not like the rest of the world. We’re not going to be good at an Third World sport.

I’ll enjoy the crying here when the inevitable happens!

The Tragically Flip

You’re a weirdo, whoever the fuck you are. What kind of child tries to turn “I don’t like soccer” into a poltical statement about American exceptionalism?

I’m Canadian, child of European parents and I don’t like soccer either. Where’s my anti-socialism exceptionalist medal?



plastinated corpses having sex show

Lucky bastard. My friend & sexual associate took me to one of those gigs, but it was the “look what smoking does to your lungs” one.

The Troof from a Dick-Soccer

When America is bad at shit, it proves we’re awesome!

The Kid from Kounty Meath

I’m not sure what a “socialistic sport” is; I think it might be, like, a relay race to see who can co-own the means of production the fastest. But I think Troofie’s point might be that Americans are only good at sports that are really, really gay.


We don’t do well at Socialistic sports.

So: Golf, tennis (not doubles, though, ’cause that’s almost socialistical) skiing, swimming, diving, track & field (BUT NOT RELAYS!)?


I see the Kid & I are coming at it from the same direction. Perhaps we should start a relay team. Run, commies, run!!

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“Run, commies, run”
Can Yakety Sax be played on a vuvuzela?

The Tragically Flip

Uhm, sports in general are pretty damn socialist what with the heavy regulation by league officials in every game.

The NFL even has rich teams redistributing revenue to poor teams and a salary cap.

The Tragically Flip

Thinking about this more, liberals should make more fuss about this:

Upon taking over in 1960, Rozelle persuaded NFL team owners — most notably Carroll Rosenbloom of the Colts, and George Preston Marshall of the Redskins — to agree to share revenues between teams. His business model was essentially a system that benefited all teams equally, from revenue sharing to the player draft.

Baseball: No sharing, dominated by the Yankees and fading
NFL: Socialism and success
NBA: Also, too.


The Kid from Kounty Meath

“dominated by the Yankees”
Veiled BDSMR. By Not Real Murka, which makes it even more depraved.


When Hitler and Bigfoot created that off-broadway saucy puppet show, all I could do was watch.


Chess has little socialism.

Except for all the grandmasters…

The Truth About Soccer

No soccer team can be “American” or part of “America”, but no matter, they will lose, and lose BAD. Count on it.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Should we count on it, or Bookmark It? We’d like you on record, if that’s okay.

The Tragically Flip

How about socialist football Troofie? Do you watch salary capped union slobs play for undeserving owners who need handouts to field a decent team?

The Truth About Soccer

Does it still count as “watching” if I’m masturbating the entire time?

The Truth About Soccer

All you sad, liberal children can do is make masturbation and penis jokes rather than debate me on the merits.


When Adolf Hitler had that private meeting with Henry Ford – you know, to compare copies of The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, swap union-busting stories, see whose dog could jump higher, & autograph each others headshots … do you think they did the nasty?

The Truth About Soccer

All you sad, liberal children can do is make masturbation and penis jokes rather than be such a sad little fuckstain you think not liking soccer is a political statement.

The Truth About Soccer

Oh, and in case you’ve forgotten, I’m so mature that my favorite “debate” tactics include threatening to rape female posters and calling people “retard Ass-pies”.

The Truth About Soccer

Here’s a simple question:

If Obama is so concerned about Co2 emissions, why doesn’t he take Amtrak rather than Air Force One to his domestic events?

Can you say “hypocrite”?

The Truth About Soccer

Here’s a simple question:
Since I’ve been made to look like the petty, whiny little bitch I am on what I was originally talking about, can we please switch to something completely unrelated? Please? I’m a gigantic pussy, after all.


It’d be nice if Amtrak went more places, but the other thing is happening as time goes by.


Uhm, sports in general are pretty damn socialist what with the heavy regulation by league officials in every game.

That and the fact that it’s, well, a team sport, with victory coming only through collective action.

Although, I did recently see a teabagger proudly arguing that football was played by a team, but by a team of individuals, whereas soccer was only about the team.

Exactly what that meant, I’m not sure.


When Adolph Hitler and Henry Ford had done the nasty they would relax in bed smoking and swapping stories of the sexual inadequacies of Winston Churchill

The Truth About Soccer

Soccer? I barely know her!


By the way, the America Freaking Out website has left teh internetz.


So – seriously – Troothy’s trolling about soccer?

Doesn’t he have a job to go to?

The Truth About Soccer

“Doesn’t he have a job to go to?”


It’s so funny to see the liberals and “progressives” trying to force the sport of soccer down our throats

And what channels or networks are carrying World Cup? is it Fox? Is Rupert Murdoch forcing soccer down conservative throats?

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“Is Rupert Murdoch forcing soccer down conservative throats?”
Like there’s room in there.


We’re bad at soccer, and for a good reason: America is an exceptional nation, not like the rest of the world. We’re not going to be good at an Third World sport.


No soccer team can be “American” or part of “America”


but no matter, they will lose, and lose BAD. Count on it.

Whaaaat, no smirk?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I’m ashamed that absolutely none of you asked if the Skookum casts are of the buttocks.

The Tragically Flip

“Obama flies to stuff.”. So now we’re recycling anti gore talking points? Obama also lives in a big mansion. Take that liberals!

(Nfl = socialism)


Obama is fat!

(O.K….they will drag that one out eventually.)

The Truth About Soccer

And how does it feel, libs, that our own military doesn’t trust Obambi?

McCrystal 2012, anyone?


And how does it feel, liberal cads, that our own Union boys don’t trust the Dictator Lincoln?

McClellan 1864, anyone?

The Truth About Ninepines

And how does it feel, libs, that our own military doesn’t trust the nigger-loving railsplitter Lincoln?
McClellan 1864, anyone?

The Truth About Ninepines

Fie upon you, bounder! A duel!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

So now we’re recycling anti gore talking points?

And he sleeps around! He murdered Vince Foster! And did you see him drive around in that tank? And howabout him choosing Ferraro as a running mate? Hymietown. Something about peanut farmers, or seeing UFOs, or running from a rabbit. Obama was the second gunman, he didn’t have the will to bomb Kyoto, have you ever seen him outside that wheelchair, some crack about Wilson, maybe.

The Truth About Ninepins

Also, to blue blazes with your WordPress machin’ry.


In the words of the rapscallion Forrest, “Git thar fustest with the mostest.”, but if you insist…

HAVE AT YOU! I say tongs and coal shovels at 20 paces.

The Truth About Soccer

I would know McChrystal committed a serious breach of protocol and rules if I weren’t a fat fucking pussy who’d never been any closer to the military than “Call of Duty”.


McCrystal 2012, anyone?

Why not? He can run with the Wasilla, AK’s most famous resident.

It could be known as the McCrystal/Meth ticket

The Truth About Ninepins

“I say tongs and coal shovels at 20 paces.”
I shan’t be present if no wetsuits are involved.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I demand all messages coming from the 1860s to be written in proper telegrammatical form.

The fact is STOP Obami is a darkie STOP Stop him at once STOP I love America STOP And my mama STOP But not as much as DKW’s mama STOP


Dearest me, speaking of the interview with the good general, I simply cannot abide “Harper’s Weekly” ever since they stopped writing reviews of the latest Foster songs.


What is liberal tyranny? Forcing everyone to eat all their veggies?

That’s pretty much it, isn’t it? Today’s pitiful excuse for “conservatism” is the political philosophy of a 3 year old who doesn’t want to eat his veggies.

It makes one long for the days when the political right’s mentality was that of a dweeby high school freshman.


It could be known as the McCrystal/Meth ticket.

It’s McChrystal. And I’m stealing that, but I’ll credit Nymstradamus.

(You’re not related to Glenn Beck, aka Nostradumbass, are you?)


How does it feel that our own military doesn’t trust Truman? He’s truly one of the worst Presidents ever.

MacArthur 1952, anyone?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

That’s pretty much it, isn’t it? Today’s pitiful excuse for “conservatism” is the political philosophy of a 3 year old who doesn’t want to eat his veggies.

The decline does make their fetishism of unborn fetii in a new light though. Since it won’t be long before conservative philosophy is reduced to a mindless gill-breathing neonate that occasionally kicks women.

General Douglas MacArthur

McCrystal 2012, anyone?

After that pansy, commie-loving Truman shitcanned me, it was smooth sailing to the White House.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

After that pansy, commie-loving Truman shitcanned me, it was smooth sailing to the White House.

But you’re still big in Japan, General.

The Troof About the 1860s

Here is how events shall transpire, blackguards: first, the proud state of Kentucky shall secede from your vile Union. This will rumble your butternuts, it will, but “Horsefeathers, change comes slow as a Scotsman in a peat bog”, you’ll say. New York will go gray, and you jackanapes will begin to feel right scuppered. As the night drags on, Massachusetts, New Jersey and (much to your horror) Maine will join our noble quest to keep the bestial Negro in his proper station. You will awaken to a Jefferson Davis presidency and the great nigger-lover flusterings shall transpire. Make your ink-mark upon these prognostications, as this is precisely how it shall transpire.


When Hitler was invading the USSR, do you think he took time out to troll comic blogs with anti-soccer rants?

Damn. That’s some real “I CAN COUNT TO POTATO” trolling … yes indeed, we have all been quite thoroughly pwned today, libs!

General Douglas MacArthur

(You’re not related to Glenn Beck, aka Nostradumbass, are you?)
You steal my material and insult me. It’s like I’m being formally welcomed to Sadly, No!


It’s like I’m being formally welcomed to Sadly, No!

After my demotion, of course.

The Truth About President Polk

President Polk’s War in Mexico is a failure STOP so is the Democrat Party STOP Winfield Scott for President anyone STOP?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Here is how events shall transpire, blackguards: first, the proud state of Kentucky shall secede from your vile Union.

Okay, this is the first time bookmark it, libs, has been funny in like two and a half years. Whoever did that wins indulgence from me, Pope-in-Avignon.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

[kisses ring] That was me. But now I’m second-guessing myself for overusing “transpire”. You’d think it was DKW’s mom, the mileage I got out of it.


Here is how events shall transpire, blackguards: first, the proud state of Kentucky shall secede from your vile Union. This will rumble your butternuts, it will, but “Horsefeathers, change comes slow as a Scotsman in a peat bog”, you’ll say. New York will go gray, and you jackanapes will begin to feel right scuppered. As the night drags on, Massachusetts, New Jersey and (much to your horror) Maine will join our noble quest to keep the bestial Negro in his proper station. You will awaken to a Jefferson Davis presidency and the great nigger-lover flusterings shall transpire. Make your ink-mark upon these prognostications, as this is precisely how it shall transpire

Bookmark this FTW!


A faint query, chappies, if I may:

If the Devil Lincoln is so concerned about excessive ostentation, why doesn’t he travel by mule rather than armed carriage escort to his domestic events?

Can you say “hypocrite”?


Throughout his Regime, the demeanor of President Jackson has been that of a heartless despot, solely occupied with the preservation of his own authority. Ambition is his crime, and it will be his punishment, too: intrigue is his native element, and intrigue will confound his tricks, and deprive him of his power. He governs by means of corruption, and his immoral practices will redound to his shame and confusion. His conduct in the political arena has been that of a shameless and lawless gamester. He succeeded at the time; but the hour of retribution approaches, and he will be obliged to disgorge his winnings, to throw aside his false dice, and to end his days in some retirement, where he may curse his madness at his leisure; for repentance is a virtue with which his heart is likely to remain forever unacquainted.

The Truth About Lebensraum

Here is how it will go down, unpatriotic Bolshevik-Jew decadent liberals: first Poland will fall to the Wehrmacht. You’ll be a little upset, but you’ll think “hey, it’s just a Sitzkrieg, no big deal, right?” Then the results from Holland, Belgium, & (much to your horror) France will come in, & you’ll begin to know the terror of the cornered rat as our glorious Panzers roll from victory to victory … then, while you are still trying to comprehend the speed & scale of our assault, our bombers & U-Boats will bring England to her knees, & the Soviets will be soon to follow in her wake. By the end of the decade the isolationist USA will capitulate before the vast superiority of our magnificent Reich & the Great Non-Aryan Freakout will be in full bloom. You will wonder how I was able to predict this, but my pure Teutonic blood tells no lies! Bookmark this, you socialist Germanophobic homosexual-loving swine, as this is exactly as it was told to me by my personal soothsayer.

— Love, Adolf

Xecky Gilchrist

This is the best troll-baiting I’ve seen in months.

Golf clap!


the America Freaking Out website has left teh internetz

Let us pray that the screencap-fairies were vigilant … that thing was like a Niagara Falls of lulz.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

This will rumble your butternuts, it will, but “Horsefeathers, change comes slow as a Scotsman in a peat bog”, you’ll say.

Also, I hate to say it, but I think this may be the best collection of words ever to be put upon the Internet. Everything I say after this will be as pale mockery to the glory that is “rumble your butternuts”.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“Golf clap!”
Veiled socialistic-sport-borne VD reference?


I will be back in 1865, liberals, when it will be clear even to you that there will be no victory parade down Pennsylvania Avenue. There will be no further government rescue of Nigras and Mulattos, no Abolition–oh, and I’m AFRAID there will be no bounce in the polls for Lincoln either!

See you then, libs!


St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Actually, wouldn’t golf be the one true sport of the capitalistic Great Man? You play alone, indulge in extravagant waste to create the playing field, and pretty much every contest is sponsored by corporations.

I mean, sure, you have to hit a tiny white ball, which is emasculating to the white man, but nothing’s perfect.


The fact is, we in the Heartland will take back CSA freedom from the Usurper who is bias for the blacks and attends stage-plays which is like a fag.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

I think lately golf’s been disqualified as a conservative sport simply because Tiger Woods’ illicit affairs were with adult women.


Stepping out of character for a mo…

I do have to say that Kid did indeed put together the greatest parody of the “Bookmark this, liberals” post I have yet to come across. I need to put “rumble your butternuts” on a t-shirt.


I seem to recall a slippery slope with the Patriot Act, Gitmo, indefinite detentions, torture, secret prisons.

The Honorable Joseph Linus Barton

I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that private plantations can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown, in this case, a 4 million slave shakedown, with generals of the United States. But I apologize. I do not want to live in a country where any time a plantation owner does something that is legitimately wrong is subject to some sort of military pressure.


Baseball is the only sport where a black man can hit the crap out of something white with a bat and get a standing ovation.


The sasquatch once fell down a slippery slope. He landed on his forearm, hip, knee and the heel of his foot and made the Skookum cast.


Our military doesn’t trust the Preziedent!

Shinseki 2012, anyone?


Let us pray that the screencap-fairies were vigilant … that thing was like a Niagara Falls of lulz.

it only left cuz thay got so manyh ideas that the dint need any more.


The sasquatch once fell down a slippery slope. He landed on his forearm, hip, knee and the heel of his foot and made the Skookum cast.

Wasted in WA State.
Reached for a boob and slipped down the slope.
Made a rather large dent in the cold cold ground.


Oh sure, as soon as TSAM shows up everyone leaves. Even the soccer pouter guy. I see how you are.

Well fuck it. Time for a gin-fueled booty call.


“Well fuck it. Time for a gin-fueled booty call.”





[This is a strange email a just received, any thoughts?]

Dear Thomas Sowell,

Re: Deal of a Lifetime

I will pay good cash money for both of your kidneys. Please mail hygenically stored kidneys via Fed Ex or UPS (communist USPS not accepted) and we will pay you TOP DOLLAR! Don’t fall for other offers. We will match any price. All excess proceeds go to bristolpalinbreast augmentations.org or The Maya Marcel-Keyes Forced Hetero Sex With Thomas Sowell Workshop. The choice is yours. Call before midnight tonight. Operators are standing by.


Rush Limbaugh’s pool boy
(Yes, that’s my real name)

Mysticdog the Pirate



Drinking? Me?





St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon




Wow, it’s hostile in here.


You can keep the squash. For your overlord is a kind man, who is only looking for a little Tanq n ass.


This isn’t Nam, it’s blogging. There are rules.


We’re bad at soccer, and for a good reason: America is an exceptional nation, not like the rest of the world.

We’re number potato! We’re number potato!

The Troof About the 1860s said,

June 24, 2010 at 5:29 (kill)

You totally rumbled my butternuts.


I say tongs and coal shovels at 20 paces.

Hogwash! Are you savages? I propose a foot race to Mornington Crescent, to be conducted forthwith.


McCrystal 2012, anyone?

Why not? He can run with the Wasilla, AK’s most famous resident.

It could be known as the McCrystal/Meth ticket

Except for she likes to call him McClellan, oddly enough…




Uncle Thomas Sowell in the hizzy!


“I’ll enjoy the crying here when the inevitable happens!”

Your prison rape fantasy?


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