In Fact Gulf Residents Should Be Compensating BP

Corn Dog
ABOVE: Hinderaker wonders where all the nurses have gone

Shorter John Hinderaker, Powerlie Blog:
Obama’s Long Nose

  • Obama should stop trying to punish BP because BP has been damaged more than anyone else on the planet as a result of the Deep Horizon oil spill.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 509

Pupienus Maximus

Awfuck, I will never learn. Always. Trust. The. Shorter. Now how do I get this swamp puke cleaned off?


Nose? Yeah I’m sure that’s what Hindy’s thinking about.


By any rational measure, BP has been harmed more by the spill than anyone else…

Yes, he actually wrote that. Fucking amazing.


As I noted yesterday, BP’s market capitalization has declined by around 50 percent–$100 billion–as a result of the spill. By any rational measure, BP has been harmed more by the spill than anyone else

My god! That’s worth at least four Terri Schiavos!

Coach Urban Meyer

By any rational measure, BP has been harmed more by the spill than anyone else…

Wuzza-wuzzwrong with that, loony libs? The fact of the matter is, Da Ass Blaster agrees with Da Cool Coach! BP is a great example of American industry and free markets and situ is like this, brahs: The Obummer wants to punish BP just because he hates capitalism! Take it to the bank…but then again, better not, seeing how Obummer’s taxing us to death!

BP has been harmed by Obummer’s regulatory retardsmanship, and we’re all paying for it! Suck it, Obummer! Urban out.


By any rational measure, BP has been harmed more by the spill than anyone else…

Sweet Jesus. Does Hindy have some sort of Bizarro World dictionary?

Progressive Center Left Grrl Voice of Truth

What the fuck? Suppose a driver loses control of his vehicle and crashes it into your house. He’s crippled as a result of the crash, the car is totaled, and does $10k damage to the house. Now, certainly, the driver has taken a big loss on the accident. Maybe even more than the homeowner. But who in their right mind would say that this fact gives the driver a pass on paying back the homeowner for the damage he caused?

This must be part of that Bully Complex HTML was on about.


I can’t believe Coach Urban Meyer made fun of Trig!

Progressive Center Left Grrl Voice of Truth

I call fake coach. Not enough barely concealed sexual tension.


Be prepared for this to become the next official Republican talking point. Bachmann’s already called the $20B escrow fund “redistribution of wealth”. Granted, she’s batshit, but her lunacy is usually adopted by the rest of the party eventually.

Yep, the GOP is gonna run with “Leave BP alone!”. That’s gonna be awesome.

Coach Urban Meyer

Yep, the GOP is gonna run with “Leave BP alone!”. That’s gonna be awesome.

Why shouldn’t they, loony lib? Check it before ya wreck it, ya better believe that Americans don’t give a rat’s patoot about the Gulf Coast Freeloaders. BP didn’t do anything wrong cept be bullied around by Obummer’s dumn-dumn regulations! If he let BP drill closer to shore, we wouldn’t be in this mess, ya dig? But noooooo, anything to save Obummer from ConservoMentum ’10!

Hear that SPREAD comin down the track? It’s conservatism comin back!


I call fake coach.

You mean that’s not really Urban Meyer?


I always feel sorry for drunk drivers who get hurt in crashes. They’re the real victims.


You mean that’s not really Urban Meyer?

What? Yes it is.

Progressive Center Left Grrl Voice of Truth

Well, the second one may be real. Conservation of momentum it is then! We can solve all our physics problems via energetics!


The guy that wrote that thinks himself smart.
(Hindlicker or whatever)


Or, he’s just angling for some sweet, sweet wingnut welfare cash cause man, that was just the stoopidistshit I have read today.


Is that like Bush suffering the most because of the Iraq war?

Lurking Canadian

Chomsky likes to quote somebody, Bush pere, I think, saying that he saw no reason to apologize for US actions in Vietnam, because “the destruction was mutual”.

Hinderaker’s plea of “Won’t somebody please think of BP!” is on the same order of magnitude, I think.

Lurking Canadian

And now, having posted, I remember what this really makes me think of. From Joan of Arcadia, Joan’s paraplegic brother (paralyzed in an accident) is being sued by the drunk driver who caused the accident, for mental pain and suffering. The brother’s response:

I guess I can understand he’s upset, but this is a little like America suing Hiroshima for wrecking our bomb. “Aw, you broke it! It was our best bomb!”


“By any rational measure, BP has been harmed more by the spill than anyone else”

As my friend from New Orleans, Martin, likes to say, “Go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit redneck!”.

He might use Yankee instead of redneck if it were appropriate.


Be prepared for this to become the next official Republican talking point. Bachmann’s already called the $20B escrow fund “redistribution of wealth”.

Nom: Larry Kudlow is on CNBC screaming that Obama is waging jihad against BP. Yes, he actually used the word jihad. If I could get close enough to Larry, I would jam his monogrammed cufflnks up his nostrils and seal his eyes shut with his hair pomade.

What, too cruel?


Well sure, you betcha! Also.

Furthermore, the reason BP and such as are drilling deep is not because they’re forced to, it’s because they’ve depleted the easy shallow drilling opportunities (not to mention lowered the sea level of New Orleans and drowned it).

BP drilled where they did because that’s where lots of oil (relative to what they could get shallow) is. It’s still nothing compared to what we actually use in this country each year.

But y’all know that.

/boring rant


What, too cruel?

Cokehead Larry might like that.


Yes, BP is suffering.

Expenditure for “cleanup”, 17.5 million per day. Profits: 93 million per day

I wish my daily expenses were 19% of my income.


Trig really, really likes Hindy.

Trig’s having one of his good days.


Yeah, fella, stick up for BP. That’ll work.

I was jogging the other day and passed a gas station that was being converted to a BP—from a Citgo, no less! The sign was literally going up that moment. As I ran past, I whooped at the workmen, “BP!? Are you shittin’ me? Good luck with that!”

One of the guys gave me a thumbs-up sign. I think it was a thumb. There was sweat in my eyes.


What, too cruel?

Um, no.

Larry Kudlow would be a good candidate for wood-chipper feeding.


Progressive Center Left Grrl Voice of Truth

Seriously, this thing is burning my brain. Who cares who was hurt the most? We know who is at fault. It isn’t exactly some alien concept to have the party at fault pay for the damages. That practice is more or less universal in codes of justice around the globe.


Bitter, I’ve seen that too.

I think the strategy is that if they can reduce people’s convenient choices, it will allow them to overcome the reluctance to stop at one of the green ones.

Why not? they spend the money now, then jack the prices later. Perfect corporate invisible hand job.


Perfect corporate invisible hand job.

Especially when your “competitors” are happy to collude with you to jerk up the price of refined fuel.


Zombie–Yeah, but you’d think they’d be in hunker-down mode now or soon. Half the value of their company has disappeared. I’m no businessman, but that’s normally not the time to go on a spending spree.

Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris

Since some of the students we shot are still alive, WE are the real victims of the Columbine shootings.


Look what your face did to my windshield!

Also, her fellow bullies gang up on innocent Li’l Debbie S.


Sub, I posted that last thread and NOBODY CARED. It hurt my feelings.

Also, too, is there anyone more fucking retarded than Sarah Palin?


Also, too, is there anyone more fucking retarded than Sarah Palin?



Trig after a few beers?


M. B. with the link of the day!

Starving rabid weasels, how do they work?




Ooops. The answer to your question, T&U, appears to be ROGER ALLEN.


Or not.

How about Trig, after a few beers, and an hour of huffing some of Todd’s snow machine carb cleaner?


I was confused by Mr. ALLEN’s shouting and his on-topic comment. They are so rare in general that they are a bit startling when they do occur.


Zombie–Yeah, but you’d think they’d be in hunker-down mode now or soon

pfft. The Banksters showed them that there’s no reason for anything like that, if you’ve bought enough congresspeople…


I’m no businessman, but that’s normally not the time to go on a spending spree.

actually, that can be a good time to hit the marketing button for all it’s worth, as long as you’re still profitable at any level.

Also, I imagine there are plenty of gas station owners more than happy to sell, these days, especially for cash.


Apparently, the only reason BP is destroying the Gulf, is that meanie lefties wouldn’t let them destroy more environmentally sensitive areas.

Lurking Canadian

Also, too, is there anyone more fucking retarded than Sarah Palin?


Line in Vegas is 3-2 that Trig turns out to be the smart one in the family.


“Looch said,
June 17, 2010 at 1:20

Trig really, really likes Hindy.

Trig’s having one of his good days.”

Quit making me laugh at stuff like this.


Kudlow? Palin? Let’s combine ’em for a double dose of stupid.

Kudlow’s thoughts on Palin from some crap he posted in September 2008:
Despite controversy, Sarah Palin will strengthen the McCain presidential case. That spells lower taxes and more drilling. She is a champion of drilling in ANWR and is one tough cookie to boot.


You see, the Kaiser shouldn’t have to pay reparations. No one has lost more in the Great War than Germany.


“Why not? they spend the money now, then jack the prices later. Perfect corporate invisible hand job.”

I heard that Wonder Woman gives invisible hand jobs in the back of her invisible jet.


They were victims too, etc. etc.


Dennis Byrne, who any Chicagoans might recognize as the local “common-sense conservative” slackwit in the Trib, had a column today to this effect. I didn’t bother reading it, but the title was literally something like “BP bashing has gone a little too far.”

Hell no, I didn’t read it. It’s much more dangerous to get out of the boat with ink-and-dead-trees technology: can’t click out of anything if the tigers get you.


Spaghetti: It’s amazing how Byrne french-kisses BP’s ass. When their refinery in Indiana got in trouble for dumping toxic shit into Lake Michigan (not legal trouble, since they had properly bribed the Indiana legislature first), Byrne kept piping up that it wasn’t really poison and anyone who thought otherwise was a business-bashing enviroweenie. I wish they would drop the crap in the fuckhead’s backyard if he likes it so much.


“By any rational measure, BP has been harmed more by the spill than anyone else”

I swear, it’s like they’re daring people to wheel out the guillotines.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

“By any rational measure, BP has been harmed more by the spill than anyone else”

So, “any rational measure” = “Imaginary money”

got it


You see, the Kaiser shouldn’t have to pay reparations. No one has lost more in the Great War than Germany.

I disagree.


Czar Nicky said,

Okay, now that shit is funny.


So what’s the cause of this? Tone deafness? Or sociopathy?

I said yesterday that billionaire Richard Branson was on Morning Joke saying that the prez should not “kick BP while it was down. ” The lack of compassion is shocking and alarming.


As I noted yesterday, BP’s market capitalization has declined by around 50 percent–$100 billion–as a result of the spill. By any rational measure, BP has been harmed more by the spill than anyone else

Jesus. They are responsible for the damage to their own company, so they can fund its repair just as they fund the Gulf’s etc.


So what’s the cause of this? Tone deafness? Or sociopathy?

You are one for two. Scratch “tone deafness” and plug in the word “Trig.”


Trig deafness? Is that when you can’t hear your retarded child but you can hear Fox News?


As I noted yesterday, BP’s market capitalization has declined by around 50 percent–$100 billion–as a result of the spill. By any rational measure, BP has been harmed more by the spill than anyone else

Where he’s going: “Privatize the resources but socialize the clean-up.”

Alt shorter: “Stockholders should never have to face downside risk–that’s the public’s job.”

Pupienus Maximus

Especially when your “competitors” are happy to collude with you to jerk up the price of refined fuel.

I see what you do there.


I never understood why anyone would want to hold hold a stock.


Is that when you can’t hear your retarded child but you can hear Fox News?

Yes. Your retarded child makes too much sense for you to understand.


I never understood why anyone would want to hold hold a stock.

In Russia, stock holds you, da?


But does it hold hold you?


Sounds like the media is not showing many photos of the devastation wrought by BP any more. People can’t SEE what’s happening, they might believe what some buttmunch like buttrocket tells them.

Carribbean Walrus

Oh, hey mon, me a natty dread mammal. Everybody wants to protect the Carribbean Walrus, mon. Put the lime in the blubber and drink it all up, mon. Two words for you, mon, Jah Penguin.


Scott said:

I swear, it’s like they’re daring people to wheel out the guillotines.

Yes, lets send our elected officials little hand made guillotines. I made one with toothpicks and an old razor blade once. I forget why.

Carribbean Walrus

Irie haz a bucket.

Lurking Canadian

Where he’s going: “Privatize the resources but socialize the clean-up.”

That’s it, exactly. Somebody on Balloon Juice today quoted Trent Lott saying what an awful idea it would be to force oil companies to pre-drill relief wells, as happens in other places, because it would cost them millions.

This spill is going to cost probably hundreds of billions to fix. By most mathematical reasoning, paying millions now to save hundreds of billions later is what is called a “good investment”. Lott’s argument only makes sense if there’s an implied, “but they won’t have to pay the hundreds of billions, since the tax payers will pick it up”.


Yes, lets send our elected officials little hand made guillotines. I made one with toothpicks and an old razor blade once. I forget why.

Unruly hamster peasants?


“…Put the lime in the blubber and drink it all up, mon. Two words for you, mon, Jah Penguin…”

Whoever you are, I love you.


Yes, lets send our elected officials little hand made guillotines. I made one with toothpicks and an old razor blade once. I forget why.

Square toenails!


I think it was a rainy day and we kids had a couple boxes of toothpicks. Sister made a castle, brother made a rocket. Later we took them outside and set fire to them (lull in the rain) and took photos. But that was long ago, the pics are probably gone.


“Not paying for this oil spill will hurt me more than it does you. Trust me.”


But that was long ago, the pics are probably gone.

I’m sure the pictures are on their way to the galactic center, between episodes of Gilligan’s Island.


I can speculate that Sister & I were building the castle together, then quarreled, so I decided to make a guillotine to kill the inhabitants of her castle. Sounds possible, tho I really don’t remember.


I can speculate that Sister & I were building the castle together, then quarreled, so I decided to make a guillotine to kill the inhabitants of her castle. Sounds possible, tho I really don’t remember.

Did Uncle Fester give you the matches?


No, it was my brother who liked to burn things. But we lived in Arcata CA, when nothing burns very long. I don’t think they even have a fire department. Heck, I don’t think most people have hoses, even.


But we lived in Arcata CA, when nothing burns very long

Did they teach you in school about the thing called “the sun?”


I said yesterday that billionaire Richard Branson was on Morning Joke saying that the prez should not “kick BP while it was down. ” The lack of compassion is shocking and alarming.

Branson’s got compassion up the wazoo, just, you know, for Tony Hayward, instead of all the people whose lives Tony Hayward ruined. Hey, billionaires gotta look out for each other, because the socialist cavalry could come charging over the hill at any minute and steal all of their money and give it to pothead college dropouts and welfare queens.

Luckily for them, there’s a very nice spot in Galt’s Gulch where they can sit and buttfuck each other till they’re blue in the face*, and nothing of value will be lost.


Physical Educator NIck Saban

It serves no purpose to launch unsupported accusations of recklessness. One might say, on the contrary, that it is reckless to do so.


If the federal government artificially inflates the price of fossil fuels through taxation and thereby forces Americans to use less desirable sources of energy, while at the same time other countries continue to use more efficient fossil fuels, it will raise the relative price of all American products and devastate our economy. Is it possible that Barack Obama does not know this? I’m not sure; his grasp of even the most basic economic principles seems shaky at best.

…and he muffs the landing. Most people in the United States would consider China a polluted hellhole and don’t want our country to look like that. Is it possible Hindrocket does not know this? He seems to think that hydrogen fuel cells and other technology that the free market would provide in response to taxation of fossil fuels are “less desirable sources of energy” than coal.

I think that’s the whole conservative mindset right there for you. Give them a rocket pack, and they can only wax nostalgic for the days when they used to be able to ride a fat guy to work. On the highway if you wanted to!


Substance McGravitas said,
June 17, 2010 at 1:08

Well, I suppose you have to give them credit for coming up with ever crazier shit to smear all over innards of teh teevee box.

Then again, maybe you don’t.

“Go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit redneck!”.



We here at Union Carbide feel British Petroleum’s pain. Remember, by any rational measure, our company was harmed more by that unfortunate “unscheduled release event” in Bhopal than anyone else … well, at least until we countersued.


I have abandoned Union Carbide in favor of Kruger Industrial Smoothers.


Hey are you a lazy piece of shit who enjoys consuming bullshit because some fucking dickhead decided to sell it to you via your lying robot box of plastic dreams?

Why, yes! Please, tell me more!


Dibs on “Robot Box of Plastic Dreams” for my post-punk/post-electronica album, also too.


Does it smell like a superfund down there? Has anyone been there? Go ahead, repukes, try that one again.


Hey are you a lazy piece of shit who enjoys consuming bullshit because some fucking dickhead decided to sell it to you via your lying robot box of plastic dreams?

Well duh. I’m watching Fox News, aren’t I?


Physical Educator NIck Saban said,

jim, is that you?


“Obama’s long nose.”

Veiled antisemetic reference?


Hey are you a lazy piece of shit who enjoys consuming bullshit because some fucking dickhead decided to sell it to you via your lying robot box of plastic dreams?

I have responded to the shitheel who impugned my way of life, if not my very existence:

$1.88 each! Fuck you, & the horse you rode in on (& probably ate, you hippie)!

Likewise, WP!!


2 things from the article;

Residents of Louisiana, by a 50-35 margin, rate the Obama administration’s response worse than the Bush administration’s performance on Hurricane Katrina.

Pardon me for pointing this out, but Louisiana’s a red state (a George Wallace red state at that), which means a ton of these people would probably would probably be screaming “Obama can’t swim” if he were to walk on water.

Second, while human error no doubt played a role in the disaster, there is no evidence that BP was “reckless.”

You’re right. The safeguards were downgraded by Dick Cheney, not by BP, which means those $20 billion should be coming out of his personal piggybank.


Wuzza-wuzzwrong with that, loony libs? The fact of the matter is, Da Ass Blaster agrees with Da Cool Coach! BP is a great example of American industry and free markets and situ is like this, brahs: The Obummer wants to punish BP just because he hates capitalism! Take it to the bank…but then again, better not, seeing how Obummer’s taxing us to death!

“BP is a great example of American industry.” Yes, he actually wrote that. Also fucking amazing.


I swear, it’s like they’re daring people to wheel out the guillotines.

Let them eat cake oil!

I sort of love that the reflexive Republican reaction to this is to throw up as big a bullshit-smokescreen as possible and crank it up to 11 defending a foreign company that has destroyed the livelihoods of thousands if not millions of Americans. Keep it up, fellas. The election’s only five months away.


I’ll say one good thing for BP, at least they finally (after arm-twisting and all) agreed to shell out $20 bil. for the people of the Gulf coast.

Not enough? Not even close. But remember, the same thing happened in Somalia, not as a result of carelessness but of deliberate action (using Somali waters as a trash dump), destroying the livelihoods of thousands of Somali fishermen as a result. Were these people ever compensated? You better believe not – instead, we had to bail out the companies via the U.S. Navy, cause you know, they really don’t have anything better to do right now…


Just waiting for someone to speculate that the Muzlim-terrorist-sympathizing pelicans sabotaged the rig with their Beaks Of Death … & after the recent emo-tsunami of “boo-hoo, why is nasty Obama picking on poor helpless BP” it doesn’t look like much of a stretch, either.

I’m not going to be very shocked if BP finds a way to get major compensation for everything from “emotional suffering” to the barbecued drilling-rig. Recall that Ford Motor Co. sued the US Government for bombing damage to their Nazi subsidiary right after WW2 – & yeah, they got a tasty settlement.

Another point Chomsky makes is that as soon as you get caught with your paw in someone’s pocket, the first thing you do is to point at them & yell “STOP, THIEF!”

Pretty sweet for BP & their fellow crust-looters that nobody seems to be questioning a situation where a foreign company is selling America’s own oil back to it at premium rates – & the odds of the pump-price being raised substantially due to this fuck-up are about 100%.


Residents of Louisiana, by a 50-35 margin, rate the Obama administration’s response worse than the Bush administration’s performance on Hurricane Katrina.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Pardon me for pointing this out, but Louisiana’s a red state (a George Wallace red state at that), which means a ton of these people would probably would probably be screaming “Obama can’t swim” if he were to walk on water.

Here’s the poll. If you scroll down to the crosstabs, note that ‘Bush was better’ vs. ‘Obama is better’ is 59% vs. 22% among whites and 18% vs. 80% among blacks. No racial divide in that state, no siree.


Clearly oil spills are the result of taxes and regulation. 1980-?: The Modern Dark Ages.


foreign company is selling America’s own oil back to it at premium rates

Americans is so silly!


I sort of love that the reflexive Republican reaction to this is to throw up as big a bullshit-smokescreen as possible and crank it up to 11 defending a foreign company that has destroyed the livelihoods of thousands if not millions of Americans. Keep it up, fellas. The election’s only five months away.

My favorite part is the novel, albeit seriously half-assed attempt to tip-toe the tightrope over the crevice corporate shillery after said corporation just took a giant shit on a bunch of red states. REAL job loss and economic hardship tend to quickly defenestrate those purported values these rank and file toolsheds throw around like eye candy on their trucks. I wonder if those bumper stickers are helping the environment.


Hello hello hello

Echo echo echo echo….

Ha, new kill move. Chavez mask. What now, bitchez?


Fine. If you need me, I’ll be truckin’ fools on Halo3.



Foiled again, Chavez!


No racial divide in that state, no siree.

I wonder if those bumper stickers are helping…

Dovetailing nicely, LA is where I once saw the bumper sticker, “If I’d known how much trouble it was gonna be, I’d have picked my own damned cotton.”

Oddly, this was not in the 1890s, but the 1990s.

The Naked Liberal Fascist

I’m watching Tweety’s special tonight, and is it just me, or does Dick Armey sound like he has a drinking problem?


Dovetailing nicely, LA is where I once saw the bumper sticker, “If I’d known how much trouble it was gonna be, I’d have picked my own damned cotton.”

Nice one.

One more; my (French) mother had to spend some time getting acquainted with the deep United States after marrying my dad, especially after his mother and two of his sisters moved to north Florida. Out of all the new expressions she heard down there, the gold medal for political incorrectness goes to “you’re dressed like you’re going to a hanging,” apparently meaning you’re very well and formally dressed.

Not a gator, anyone still use that expression down there? I’ve never heard it in St. Augustine, maybe you’d have more luck in Gainesville…


Dovetailing nicely, LA is where I once saw the bumper sticker, “If I’d known how much trouble it was gonna be, I’d have picked my own damned cotton.”

Ah the South. Home of the oppressed, downtrodden cracker. I’m sure it’s a whole lotta trouble for him.


Lemme see if I got this right…

Personal responsibility for all, no sponging of the gotdam guvment, except for corporations, who are not persons, except in the case of republican campaign donations and cleaning up environmental disasters or compensating victims of poorly made/dangerous products. Does that about cover it?


Foiled again, Chavez!



Why has not a gator been hanging around virology blogs? Inquiring minds would like to know have too much time.


Courtesy of a commercial on PJTV’s website;

Nothing says “party of responsible spending policies” like hosting a convention in Vegas.


This isn’t so different than Dick Cheney getting the lawyer to apologize for getting in the way of his shot.

Hindraker should organize a collection fund for canned goods for BP executives.

Someday I will get to kick him in the nuts. And I will make him apologize for hurting my foot.



Winning Strategy Against the Left: Bring the Asian-Americans into the Tea Party Movement

Developing Media Platforms With a Capital Focus Approach While Building Your Brand

We will also be hosting the First TPN Conservative Film Festival and Ronald Reagan Film Awards, A Conservative Book Fair and a Traditional American Concert & Symposium!

Let’s get all THE Asian-Americans into the T.P.

And kultur.


Tea Party in Vegas? Won’t all the alcohol, loose women, gambling, and drugs and bad words cause them to harrumph the city right off the map?

Wait a minute…that’s why they’re supporting Sharron Angle! To put an end to all that decadent nonsense! Any Nevadan sadlies should get extra-drunk, just to welcome them.



Winning Strategy Against the Left: Bring the Asian-Americans into the Tea Party Movement

I give this about 20 minutes of working before Bubba Jim Bob from Lickstump, Arkansas tells some “gorram Jap (and/or Chink) to stop taking American jobs, and if the boys back home try to launch a full-frontal assault, they’ll be ready!” WOLVERINES, and such as.


…it will raise the relative price of all American products and devastate our economy.

I fail to see how an increase in the cost of oil will have much effect on the cost of making porn, which is the only American product these days.


Winning Strategy Against the Left: Bring the Asian-Americans into the Tea Party Movement

Ironically, they had Arab Americans on board the Republican train up until 9/11. For some reason, the GOP just really doesn’t do well with minorities.


,em>I fail to see how an increase in the cost of oil will have much effect on the cost of making porn, which is the only American product these days.


I’m just so proud of this country…


Ironically, they had Arab Americans on board the Republican train up until 9/11. For some reason, the GOP just really doesn’t do well with minorities.

*Color* me mystified.


Nice tags, tsam. Too bad ur doing it wrong,


I fail to see how an increase in the cost of oil will have much effect on the cost of making porn, which is the only American product these days.

I’m so in the wrong industry. I blame my guidance counselor for this, too.


I fail to see how an increase in the cost of oil will have much effect on the cost of making porn, which is the only American product these days.

Many adult products are made of petroleum distillates.


That Laura Ingrahm is Hawtt! Like a young(er), not-bloated Orly Taitz.



I think the National Tea Party Unity Convention in Las Vegas will be the most extraordinary collection of stupid, of human ignorance, that has ever been gathered in one place, with the possible exception of when Sarah Palin dined alone.


From M. Bouffant’s link:

“Tea Party Nation (or TPN) is a user-driven group of like-minded people who desire our God given Individual Freedoms which were written out by the Founding Fathers.”

So the Fonding Fathers wrote them out of the Constitution did they? I always suspected they were secret America hating commies.


Nothing says “party of responsible spending policies” like hosting a convention in Vegas.

Watch out, Nevada! Did you see what happened to Tennesee after they booked their “Sarah Palin’s Neo-Nuremburg Hoedown” shindig at the Gaylord? You might want to look into getting some Plague, Pestilence & Brimstone Insurance.

That Laura Ingrahm is Hawtt! Like a young(er), not-bloated Orly Taitz.


Actually, there IS a resemblance … but Orly is way kinkier & crazier in the sack (too).
Or so I’m told.


What needs to happen.

Obama: Hello. My name is Barack Obama. You killed the Gulf of Mexico. Prepare to die.


Tea Party Nation

Lou fucking Dobbs, and the WorldNutDaily dude with a caterpillar stuck to his lip.

Great. Let me grab my checkbook.

Such coninspiring topics, too.

Winning Strategy Against the Left: Bring the Asian-Americans into the Tea Party Movement

Y’know, since we already fucked the Hispanic vote all to hell…

Community Organizing in Your Area

You know who else was a community organizer?

Combating Charges of Racism

That’ll probably come in handy.

and my favorite,

Threat of EMP Attack on the Continental US. A Case Study of a Gov’t Which Has Failed to Prepare

Run Awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, fuck these sniveling fucks in their fucking toasted assholes.


What really can’t be said—what is really inconceivable to the corporate conservative mind —is that maybe the people responsible for this blowout should consider that putting short term profit above safety when the consequences of an accident are as profound as this is wicked. BP should fix the problem, pay for the damages and economic losses without complaining, ask forgiveness, then change their ways.


M.C. Polatik is gonna be in the house bustin his crazy ass killa rymes.

“David Saucedo—aka hip-hop entertainer, Polatik—is an practically lifelong resident of Waco, Texas. He grew up in low-income communities in and around Central Texas. Due to the abundance and availability of drugs and alcohol in his environment, David participated in crime, which led to imprisonment of three years. In January of 2007, David reentered society with a determination and the grace of God to change not only his life, but also the lives around him, as well as his community.
David uses the appeal of hip-hop not only to reach the young, but also to infuse the culture at large with lyrics that are constitutionally based and speak of the issues of the day. His latest song, “Tea Party” has been performed throughout the country while on the Tea Party Express III national tour. His performances are always met with thunderous applause from the audience, even those that especially do not endear themselves to hip-hop music. He has also performed for other tea party and conservative events nationwide, and has been featured in national newspapers as well as the June 2010 issue of Newsmax Magazine. David is also a participant of the national recording “Take Back America”, a “We are the World”-esque recording of conservative recording artists from across America. All of the proceeds will benefit the families of our fallen men and women in the military through efforts of”


veiled penis


A “Traditional American Concert & Symposium!”

Is that whistling Dixie at a lynching?


Way back, Lurking Canadian:

…Chomsky likes to quote somebody, Bush pere, I think Chomsky likes to quote somebody, Bush pere, I think, saying that he saw no reason to apologize for US actions in Vietnam, because “the destruction was mutual”…

Sadly, it wasn’t said by 41, it’s Jimmy Carter.

Chomsky used the quote in a recent talk to illustrate psychotic rationalization, among other things, of US foreign policy. He’s used it before to the same effect. Also, it shows up in a similar discussion in Zinn’s People’s History.

“…The US became the victim of the Vietnamese…the basis was laid for a “law and order” campaign at home…Arousing no criticism or comment, President Carter could explain that we owe the Vietnamese no debt, because “the destruction was mutual.”

Apparently, both Chomsky and Zinn are referring to Carter’s response to an Ed Bradley question at a 1977 WH press conference. A transcript of the press conference is in the first volume of the GPO’s Carter papers. The quote is accurate. The context, generally, doesn’t make it much better than it is as a stand alone.

Yup, the Overton Vortex is the spawn of Banksy when it comes to understanding the King of Corndogs.

The Tragically Flip

Obama: Hello. My name is Barack Obama. You killed the Gulf of Mexico. Prepare to die.




Never forget: Time Magazine Blog of the Year.


Never forget: Time Magazine Blog of the Year.

Is Time still published?


“That Laura Ingrahm is Hawtt! Like a young(er), not-bloated Orly Taitz.


She look-a like-a man.

Carribbean Walrus

I am Tosh, the Carribbean Walrus, mon. Have some Jerk Pengween and a Red Stripe, mon. No, mon, that’s my tusk in my mouth, not a splif, mon. The harder they come, the harder they…skim with a boom, mon.


What is the name of that speech impediment Rudy Guliani has? Listening to him snipe at the Prez. makes my ladyparts shrivel up.


A great article (I think) in the NYT about the underpinnings of the Tea Party phenomena.

“This is the rage and anger I hear in the Tea Party movement; it is the sound of jilted lovers furious that the other — the anonymous blob called simply “government” — has suddenly let them down, suddenly made clear that they are dependent and limited beings, suddenly revealed them as vulnerable. And just as in love, the one-sided reminder of dependence is experienced as an injury. All the rhetoric of self-sufficiency, all the grand talk of wanting to be left alone is just the hollow insistence of the bereft lover that she can and will survive without her beloved. However, in political life, unlike love, there are no second marriages; we have only the one partner, and although we can rework our relationship, nothing can remove the actuality of dependence. That is permanent.

In politics, the idea of divorce is the idea of revolution. The Tea Party rhetoric of taking back the country is no accident: since they repudiate the conditions of dependency that have made their and our lives possible, they can only imagine freedom as a new beginning, starting from scratch. About this imaginary, Mark Lilla was right: it corresponds to no political vision, no political reality. The great and inspiring metaphysical fantasy of independence and freedom is simply a fantasy of destruction. “

More here:

Carrie Fisher, star of Star Wars, doesn’t like teabaggers – teabaggers cry.


That Laura Ingrahm is Hawtt! Like a young(er), not-bloated Orly Taitz.

Trust a conservative to wear a halter top that covers up more than most coats.


PoopyAnus said it for me.

Hindraker is such a corporate tool.


Looch said,
June 17, 2010 at 14:26

Fuck you, I just posted that at my blog, along with my insights.


So, appropos of nothing really, I print invoices at my company. Yesterday, I had to send an invoice for an order that we shipped to ‘1 John Galt Way’ I forget the city and state. But I chucked at the idea. The street where all of the Randian supermen pave their own roads, dig their own wells, and generate their own electricity to power the buildings they built themselves from steel they propected, mined, smelted, and forged themselves. Seriously if they even tried to do all of this themselves, John Galt way would make the worst Haitian slum look like Beverly Hills.


That Carrie Fisher link is awesome.

Shorter Ed Driscoll

Star Wars is a mess of commie loving propaganda – wait, are you saying lotsa people like Star Wars? – I mean Obama is Emperor Palpatine and teh Tea Party people are teh Rebel forces and teh Jedis and – wait that makes Joe Biden Darth Vader – I mean Star Wars is EBIL, a vile product of teh traitorous and totes anti-American-ness-itude of Hollywood.


Fuck you, I just posted that at my blog, along with my insights.

Great minds, etc….


As I noted yesterday, BP’s market capitalization has declined by around 50 percent–$100 billion–as a result of the spill.

Lemme see…there’s something like 10 million people living on the Gulf Coast (that’s just in seaside towns)

So that’s $10,000 per person.

Anybody want to bet that the average resident of the Gulf Coast earns $10,000 a year? Keep in mind all the oil workers and the Naval people stationed down there.

So BP, in destroying the region, lost about as much as the combined annual income of one year for those residents. That’s not even beginning to look at property damage, long term health risks, or other economic factors that remain hidden at this point.

This FUCKHEAD is suggesting that BP is the most hurt? What a dick.


Great minds, etc….

Well, I mean, yea, but you couldn’t let me whore first?????


or other economic factors that remain hidden at this point.

Like the wholesale, permanent destruction of fisheries and breeding grounds for both wildlife (“Oooh purty!”) and foodstuffs (“No oysters, ever again.”)


Well, I mean, yea, but you couldn’t let me whore first?????

You get to be last, this one time.


When Hindy is on his deathbed, do you think he’ll regret that he only spent 16-17 hours a day twisting himself into improbable, evil rhetorical positions in order to suck corporate cock? Think of all the time he’ll have spent on the john over his life that he could have used to produce even stinkier, more repellent shit. Loser.

Lurking Canadian

From the comments at the Princess Leia link:

Whay do you pay attention to this pin-head? The Islamists are at our door.

That’s what you’re dealing with. That’s why you can’t have nice things: paranoiacs who can’t spell.


” Islamists are at our door.”

Silly man. That’s just Avon calling.


Silly man. That’s just Avon calling.



When Hindy is on his deathbed, do you think he’ll regret that he only spent 16-17 hours a day twisting himself into improbable, evil rhetorical positions in order to suck corporate cock?

Only if God exists. And you know my feelings on this.


Don’t fall for it, wingnut! It’s a trick!


Hey, does anybody here have a time machine? I just read the most horrifying blog post and I’d like to warn myself not to even look at the title.


Well my post made much more sense before actor so rudely ruined the joke’s continuity. The noive.


So here is the question: do the Democrats have the brains and the gonads to hang this around the Republicans’ necks in 2010? The “pro-BP party” is all they need to say.


Only if God exists. And you know my feelings on this.

Sometimes I really wish I believed in hell. I would really love to outsource all this self-righteous rage.


“TruculentandUnreliable said,
June 17, 2010 at 15:34

Hey, does anybody here have a time machine? ”

no but I do have a flux capacitor


Well my post made much more sense before actor so rudely ruined the joke’s continuity. The noive.

Actor: The Joke Killer.

Whats this world coming to when one has to explain why one is hanging around virology blogs?

Hey guys, I haven’t had a chance to read Beetle Bailey yet today so no spoilers please. OK? It’s a big part of my day, yanno?


no but I do have a flux capacitor

Great. Does anybody have a DeLorean?


“Hey guys, I haven’t had a chance to read Beetle Bailey yet today so no spoilers please. OK? It’s a big part of my day, yanno?”

ok….but I will say this: Garfield really REALLY likes lasagna.


ok….but I will say this: Garfield really REALLY likes lasagna.

Have you ever seen garfield minus garfield? It’s kind of brilliant.


Oh, and on the spill itself. I have seen reports indicating that Christmas may be a btter target date for getting this thing closed down. And that may not come to pass because of the risk that the drilling infrastructure below the seabed may degenerate to the point where there is no opportunity to cap what amounts to an open hole to a pressurized, gagillion-barrel oil deposit that will stream into the ocean until the pressure subsides or it is empty.

Caribbean Walrus, mon, you gonna need another bucket.


Great. Does anybody have a DeLorean?

I do but it only drives on the white lines and in the snow.


Have you ever seen garfield minus garfield?

You REALLY need to get out of my head! Or at least pay for the pizza you had delivered.


And that may not come to pass because of the risk that the drilling infrastructure below the seabed may degenerate to the point where there is no opportunity to cap what amounts to an open hole to a pressurized, gagillion-barrel oil deposit that will stream into the ocean until the pressure subsides or it is empty.

Why not give the pipeline a massive dose of Viagra? That’ll ensure it stays erect for more than four hours, allowing us time to put a real cap on it.


Without Garfield: oddly depressing


Without Garfield: oddly depressing

With Garfield: depressing for known reasons.


I do but it only drives on the white lines and in the snow.

I do not care, as long as it can get up to 88.

You REALLY need to get out of my head! Or at least pay for the pizza you had delivered.

What?! You’re the one who ate all of it.


Without Garfield: oddly depressing

That comic’s always been depressing. I mean, the dude lives alone with his dog and an obese cat* and has regular conversations with them. When he reaches out for human contact, his hands are slapped away.

*No offense to John Cole.

The Tragically Flip

At this point I’m thinking we should be building barges and filling them with rocks and just dump a god damn mountain of rocks on the damn thing.

There must be a sheer brute force strategy that would work. Think big. Fuck, we built the Panama canal and the Hoover dam. Would something on that order of magnitude still be unequal to the task?

The Tragically Flip

*No offense to John Cole.



What?! You’re the one who ate all of it.

Only because you realized it was made with wheat flour! Don’t blame me because you can’t read a menu!


That comic’s always been depressing. I mean, the dude lives alone with his dog and an obese cat* and has regular conversations with them. When he reaches out for human contact, his hands are slapped away.

based on Jonah Goldberg’s life story, no doubt.

The Goddamn Batman Would Enjoy Seeing The Head Of BP In A Cage Match With The "Small People", About Half-A-Dozen Sounds Right, Because, After All, They're Small

The twists and contortions of wingnuts who complain about Obama not doing enough and doing too much all at the same time make me think of someone saying, “Harder, damnit, I said harder–OWWWWWW!”


*No offense to John Cole.


Heh. And actually, I meant it. I find his devotion to his animals to be quite charming.


Only because you realized it was made with wheat flour! Don’t blame me because you can’t read a menu!

Good lord. How drunk was I?


Good lord. How drunk was I?

Did you want to see the video?


Sorry to break in here, but I’m askeerred of teh Yahoo this AM. Anyone else having issues with signing in to When I use that in the address bar, I see a PornTube applet* in the upper right (deck(er?)) and hovering over the Sign In link shows a URL a mile long.

Did something get to them today? I have a screen shot of the affected page, if’n yer interested.

*Check the spelling. aPPlet. Sheesh.


Did you want to see the video?

Oh, that’s never a good sign…


No issues here, Cal.


Oh, that’s never a good sign…

What do you mean? All the guys offered a lot of money for a copy.


What do you mean? All the guys offered a lot of money for a copy.

Will I at least get a cut this time?


Will I at least get a cut this time?

Minus the pizza.


So here is the question: do the Democrats have the brains and the gonads to hang this around the Republicans’ necks in 2010? The “pro-BP party” is all they need to say.


They might try until the BP/major oil donation records show up in the news.

The Tragically Flip

I like Cole and all, but damn that was funny.

Too bad he’s not “Jon Cole” or it would be too much to bear.


-Well, I mean, yea, but you couldn’t let me whore first?????

Actor- whore first, ask questions later, dammit!

There is no justice for sociopaths- corporate or individual. If penalties are imposed, the outward protestations only serve to set up the next hit/scam/thievery- inwardly, the dues are paid and the revenge is reservered for future imposition and enjoyment. Remember when gasoline was $ 4 a gallon and diesel was $ 5 a gallon? Wait until the Assrockets and their ilk spin the shock and moral outrage up to 11+ and then the “see what you ungrateful bastards did- made ‘us’ pay for poor ol’ BP’s injuries on the backend! Who’s sorry now, socialests???”

Looks like “the Party of BP” just might be a 2010/12 winnah!!! Can’t wait!


Looks like “the Party of BP” just might be a 2010/12 winnah!!! Can’twait!



Sarah Palin’s Neo-Nuremburg Hoedown




They had to cancel her appearance with Hanson.


Sarah Palin’s Neo-Nuremburg Hoedown


Huh, I thought the animatronic Nazi bears were pretty awesome.


Huh, I thought the animatronic Nazi bears were pretty awesome.

Wow, am I clueless. I thought they were Rooskie Bears. You know, on her porch.


It’s a white world after all!


They might try until the BP/major oil donation records show up in the news.

And then what? You’ll switch from the “Waah Obama is persecuting BP” meme back to the old “Waaah Obama is working for BP” one?

Or will you defy all reason and attempt to push both these memes at the same time?

And if you really thought the media had a liberal bias, why would you expect anything that makes Obama look bad to “show up in the news”?

(No, marching around with a giant sign that says “niggars” is not a valid answer to any of these questions. Please try again.)

Lurking Canadian

based on Jonah Goldberg’s life story, no doubt.

No, she said the cat was obese.

(Yes, I’m aware that I am going straight to hell. In my defense, I can’t believe that curve’s been hanging there for more than an hour.)


Huh, I thought the animatronic Nazi bears badgers were pretty awesome.



Its a world for WASPs
Its a world for hicks
But we’re all held back
by the blacks and spics
we won’t be forced to share
we will make them aware
its a white world after all!

Strangely, I left the ride with a strong desire to annex the Sudetenland


Mysticdog said,

June 17, 2010 at 17:26

Oh very well played!

*polite golf clap*



Of course, in this Disneyworld, the pirates really DO leap on the ride and eat you.


Strangely, I left the ride with a strong desire to annex the Sudetenland

And burn some books, too?


Strangely, I left the ride with a strong desire to annex the Sudetenland
And burn some books, too?

Just stay away from the oven baked strudel.

What? Did I say something wrong?


RIP Louisiana Pancakes

Poor Goddamn Batman. He’s going to be upset.


“BP’s reported willingness to go along with the White House’s new fund suggests that the Obama Administration is hard at work exerting its brand of Chicago-style shakedown politics, wrote chairman Tom Price (R-GA). “These actions are emblematic of a politicization of our economy that has been borne out of this Administration’s drive for greater power and control.”

Q.)How can a raving, closeted homosexual like Price be the chairman of a group of conservative Congressmen?

A.) He may have a purty mouth, but he knows when NOT to use it?


I thought apologies to foreigners were “humiliating” to the US?


smedley said,
June 17, 2010 at 17:34

Did you see Barton’s comments? Equally fucked. Republicans are already running screaming from that shit.


I thought apologies to foreigners were “humiliating” to the US?

Okay, now it’s your turn to get out of my brain. I was just reading that.


The GOBP strikes again
Barton to BP: ‘I apologize’ for the White House ‘shakedown.’

BARTON: I’m speaking totally for myself, I’m not speaking for the Republican Party, I’m not speaking for anybody in the House of Representatives but myself. But I’m ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday. I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown, in this case a $20 billion shakedown


Okay, now it’s your turn to get out of my brain.

Nice wallpaper.

Be a shame if someone was to tear it down…


Barton to BP: ‘I apologize’ for the White House ‘shakedown.’



They’re really going to make it easy for us to tag them “The Party of BP”

Doesn’t Barton know he has a re-election bid this year?



Well, its got to be 9 am somewhere!


Doesn’t Barton know he has a re-election bid this year?

I read he is in a very safe district. I’m very glad I don’t live there, BTW.


Be a shame if someone was to tear it down…

Meh. See all that sage green? It’s been up since at least 1997.


And the whole “Chicago shakedown” verbiage.



BARTON: I’m speaking totally for myself, I’m not speaking for the Republican Party, I’m not speaking for anybody in the House of Representatives but myself. But I’m ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday. I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown, in this case a $20 billion shakedown

And I think it’s a tragedy that the taxpayer will end up footing the bill for most of this regardless ($20 bil. likely isn’t enough). I guess we live in an imperfect world.


See all that sage green? It’s been up since at least 1997.

Which is OK. I suppose. The couch is burnt ochre.


Yeah, I really wish they had started hanging “drill, baby, drill” on the repubs as soon as this happened. But Obama came out and endorsed drilling, like, that week, sooooo….


Also too, let us point out that a decline in BP’s market cap is actually hurting BP stockholders more than the abstract entity “BP” itself. Oh sure, it may affect BP’s ability to pay Tony Hawyward’s bonus, or the company’s dealing with the gnomes and dwarves they care about so much, but it’s the shareholders who are going to take it in the nads.

Pupienus Maximus

pssst! Hey you! Yeah, you dere at da computer. Wanna buy a Delorean?

Pupienus Maximus

The couch is burnt ochre.

That’s one serious flatulence problem.


The thing about Barton is that he actually brags about all the oil and gas money he receives and still wins elections in his Dallas-area district.


That’s one serious flatulence problem.

Sorry. My brain *really* likes broccoli.


And the whole “Chicago shakedown” verbiage.


Oh, if I had a nickel for every dog whistle I’ve heard from the GOP… Bill Whittle defiantly making a stand against “this president and his street thug advisers” was one. Karl Rove during the campaign calling Obama “lazy” and “trash-talking” and bringing up “playing pickup basketball” was an even less subtle one. Trying to remember others, God, I know I’ve heard them…


In David v Goliath situations why do conservatives always ALWAYS side with Goliath?


In David v Goliath situations why do conservatives always ALWAYS side with Goliath?

Because they’re authoritarian bullies?

Pupienus Maximus

What is the name of that speech impediment Rudy Guliani has?



“Oh, if I had a nickel for every dog whistle I’ve heard from the GOP… Bill Whittle defiantly making a stand against “this president and his street thug advisers” was one. Karl Rove during the campaign calling Obama “lazy” and “trash-talking” and bringing up “playing pickup basketball” was an even less subtle one. Trying to remember others, God, I know I’ve heard them”

UGH!!! Whom do they think they’re fooling?



ROFL…yup that’s it.


What is the name of that speech impediment Rudy Guliani has?

His brain?


“TruculentandUnreliable said,
June 17, 2010 at 18:00

In David v Goliath situations why do conservatives always ALWAYS side with Goliath?

Because they’re authoritarian bullies?”

that’s it. I confess I’m morbidly fascinated by it.


“TruculentandUnreliable said,
June 17, 2010 at 18:00

In David v Goliath situations why do conservatives always ALWAYS side with Goliath?

Because they’re authoritarian bullies?”

that’s it. I confess I’m morbidly fascinated by it.

That’s it indeed. But do all bullies have such an acutely developed persecution complex?


hat’s it indeed. But do all bullies have such an acutely developed persecution complex?

You may have made the breakthrough there.

Bully + persecution complex = Conservative?

Still seems to be missing the “not realizing Stephen Colbert is just kidding” part, but you’re definitely on to something.


In a statement from Robert Gibbs, the White House fires back at GOP congressman Joe Barton for apologizing to Tony Hayward:

What is shameful is that Joe Barton seems to have more concern for big corporations that caused this disaster than the fishermen, small business owners and communities whose lives have been devastated by the destruction. Congressman Barton may think that a fund to compensate these Americans is a ‘tragedy’, but most Americans know that the real tragedy is what the men and women of the Gulf Coast are going through right now. Members from both parties should repudiate his comments.


Alterantive shorters:

I do not know what the word meretricious means, but it sounds like meritocracy, which has been used to describe how the Clenis Obama’s long nose was elected president so it must be bad.

In case you haven’t noticed our President is a N (clang) which means his nose is short which makes my title funny

Obama hasn’t done enough to help the residents of the gulf but anything he possibly could do is socialist anyway, so check and mate, Mr. President.

Obama must be blamed for not doing enough to take responsibility for the oil spill caused by BP. Mayor Quimby should release Side Show Bob. How dare Mayor Quimby release the notorious criminal Side Show Bob? Side Show Bob for Mayor!

(actually the last three sentances of my last “shorter” pretty much describe any GOP campaign or talking point; and yet the Democrats fall for it, and seem completely unprepared for that strategy, every time! What does that say about our Democrats?)


Boehner starts the walkback. The TPM liveblogging has both Stupak and Burgess piling on. Looks like another split on the right over fellating industry and riding the populist wave.

I’m looking forward to seeing how teh Tea Party officially tacks on this one. Reflexive rabble-rousing populism dictates BP bashing, but their leading lights are all fueled by petroleum. Note: I acknowledge and understand that the Tea Party has no actual views on anything other than “Obama = bad” and that their behaviour has not connection to rational thought or reality. I’m just wondering whether the bankroll establishment guys are going to be able to keep the generalized anger and frustration of their movement trained away from the company responsible for the spill.


that’s it. I confess I’m morbidly fascinated by it. – vacuumslayer

Me too. I am also fascinated by how certain so-called leftists reflexively side with whomever they perceive to be the “David” and how quickly they close their minds about which side is which.

Why not keep and open mind and try to understand each case on its own basis and try to figure out which side, if any, is actually the just side?

I should think that’s part and parcel of liberalism, isn’t it?

But yeah — there is something especially twisted about reflexively siding with “Goliath”.


In David v Goliath situations why do conservatives always ALWAYS side with Goliath?

‘Cos that skinny, beardless Jew-boy just might be a *wait for it*

He just might be a faggity-fag-fag!


“BP’s reported willingness to go along with the White House’s new fund suggests that the Obama Administration is hard at work exerting its brand of Chicago-style shakedown politics, wrote chairman Tom Price (R-GA).

Or maybe shows the fund requires far less than BP could’ve reasonable been expected to shell out otherwise. Yeah, Br’er Petroleum really doesn’t want to get thrown in that brier patch.

“These actions are emblematic of a politicization of our economy that has been borne out of this Administration’s drive for greater power and control.”

The thirst for power by this president is unprecedented!


I’m looking forward to seeing how teh Tea Party officially tacks on this one. Reflexive rabble-rousing populism dictates BP bashing, but their leading lights are all fueled by petroleum – DKW

C.f. my comment above, the Tea Party can always go with “Mayor Quimby even released the notorious murderer Side Show Bob. Vote Side Show Bob for mayor!”. It’s been a winning strategy for the right for so long there is some indication they don’t know any other approach.

Of course the other thing is that, as Baby Blue Satan (aka Prof. Dr. Atrios) pointed out a while back, the mainstream newsmedia clearly are clueless about the real devistation caused by the oil spill. So one tack would be

those liberal elites in the media and in DC just don’t get how deeply this horrid oil-spill will affect your lives, so vote GOP in 2010 to show them that you care as much about their ‘lifestyle choices’ as they care about you (and please ignore the gobs of money we get from powerful corporate interests — at least you know that means we won’t be socialists who’ll take your money and force your daughter to get gay married and have an abortion — as well as that our policies have caused all the problems that you are having in the first place)

The above is, of course, yet another tried and true right-wing tactic.

Nu? Why should the Tea Party mess with what works for their side?


Kid, it’s either that or clam chowder.


He just might be a faggity-fag-fag! – Big Bad Bald Bastard

Well, actually David was clearly bisexual — he may have gone for the occassional dude, but he clearly had a thing for the ladies. In fact, he managed to get with two siblings! (although the critical scholars claim two separate narratives are involved — the “republican” narrative in which David is a gay-commie-rabble-rouser who’s knowin’ Jonathan in the Biblical sense and the “monarchist” narrative which seeks to paint the transition from Saul to David as a nice, straight, conservative transition in which David marries Saul’s daughter)


Bully + persecution complex = Conservative?

Yup. And actually, I think the bully part and the persecution complex part are two sides of the same coin. Bullies are all about the idea of an all-or-nothing exchange of power. As soon as bullies lose a little power, they either feel like they’ve lost it all, or they’re afraid they’re going to lose it all. And there’s your persecution complex.


Yup. And actually, I think the bully part and the persecution complex part are two sides of the same coin. Bullies are all about the idea of an all-or-nothing exchange of power. As soon as bullies lose a little power, they either feel like they’ve lost it all, or they’re afraid they’re going to lose it all. And there’s your persecution complex.

Very perceptive.


They’re really going to make it easy for us to tag them “The Party of BP”

Doesn’t Barton know he has a re-election bid this year?

They’re still making half-hearted attempts to “repeal and replace” the health care bill, also too, and Orange Boner’s “new” economic plan consists of proposing the exact same things Bush did whilst denying they were what Bush did. It’s like they’re running some bizarre poli-sci experiment to see just how pathetic your party can get without getting crushed at the polls.


Very perceptive.

Thanks. I think about this shit waaaaaaaaaay too much.


Me too. Sometimes I think it’ll drive me crazy, but watching them in action and not understanding what’s behind it probably would too.


Of course the other thing is that, as Baby Blue Satan (aka Prof. Dr. Atrios) pointed out a while back, the mainstream newsmedia clearly are clueless about the real devistation caused by the oil spill.

This would not happen if BP weren’t allowed to control access to the site- fuckin’ Coast Guard (how does it work?).

Well, actually David was clearly bisexual — he may have gone for the occassional dude, but he clearly had a thing for the ladies.

It’s cold at night, campaigning in the desert.

Yup. And actually, I think the bully part and the persecution complex part are two sides of the same coin.

Bullies also tend to suck up to those more powerful than themselves.

Marion in Savannah

Sometimes I really wish I believed in hell.

T&U, ever been to Covington, KY? Close enough…


Bullies also tend to suck up to those more powerful than themselves.

Oh, definitely. They admire powerful people simply because they have power and, to some degree, they hope that those people will bestow some of their power on them, as well.


Bullies also tend to suck up to those more powerful than themselves.

Ahhh, power by association. And here we have the reason why so many “regular people” cozy up to the corporations and politicians that screw them year after year after year.


T&U, ever been to Covington, KY? Close enough…

Well, we just need to send Cheney there, then.

Pupienus Maximus

As soon as bullies lose a little power, they either feel like they’ve lost it all,…

Yes. We see the same dynamic with the religious right who, in their post hegemonic state, cry about the persecution they are suffering.


Sure teh Tea Party is full of self-contradictory nonsense and deranged whackaloon nutjobbery. And yes, the astroturfers steering them are quite adept and herding the unquestioning morons that make up the bulk of the Tea Party People. It will still be interesting to see how it plays out.

Remember that the unifying thing about the Tea Party is that there is no unifying thing about Tea Partiers. It’s a collection of a bunch of different crazies, each with their own axe to grind and each with their own sacred cows. Certainly a lot of them are going to be angry about the oil spill and a lot of them are probably very anti-corprate, especially after the bankster fueled Financameggadon. What if some faction rises up against the moneymen and tries to ride an anti-BP wave in order to take “control” of the media’s favourite political movement? Yes the conservative movement is about absolute loyalty to the cause, but it’s not like there aren’t a massive number of self-serving egomaniacs who define “the cause” by looking in the mirror.

But I’m an optimist. I’ve probably started popping my popcorn too early.


I’m looking forward to seeing how teh Tea Party officially tacks on this one. Reflexive rabble-rousing populism dictates BP bashing, but their leading lights are all fueled by petroleum. Note: I acknowledge and understand that the Tea Party has no actual views on anything other than “Obama = bad” and that their behaviour has not connection to rational thought or reality. I’m just wondering whether the bankroll establishment guys are going to be able to keep the generalized anger and frustration of their movement trained away from the company responsible for the spill.

So far they’ve been able to keep the pitchforks and torches away from the banksters, who arguably deserve it as much as BP does.


I’ve probably started popping my popcorn too early.

Totes NOT a VPrematureEjaculationR.


What if some faction rises up against the moneymen and tries to ride an anti-BP wave in order to take “control” of the media’s favourite political movement?

That faction will be ignored by the media, and marginalized by the main cohort of Teabaggers.


“In David v Goliath situations why do conservatives always ALWAYS side with Goliath?”

Well, how do you think he got to be Goliath? Hmmm? He is big and strong because he chose his parents right. Philistines Rule!!!!!!!!!!!

Pupienus Maximus

Heh. From that Ed Driscoll link, Carrie Fisher sez Yup, and the fact that they chose to call themselves “teabaggers,” which is slang for a certain act involving b***s. It sort of says a lot. I would say a mouthful.

You go girl!


Remember that the unifying thing about the Tea Party is that there is no unifying thing about Tea Partiers. It’s a collection of a bunch of different crazies, each with their own axe to grind and each with their own sacred cows. Certainly a lot of them are going to be angry about the oil spill and a lot of them are probably very anti-corprate, especially after the bankster fueled Financameggadon. What if some faction rises up against the moneymen and tries to ride an anti-BP wave in order to take “control” of the media’s favourite political movement? Yes the conservative movement is about absolute loyalty to the cause, but it’s not like there aren’t a massive number of self-serving egomaniacs who define “the cause” by looking in the mirror.

You just described the conservative movement in general, going all the way back to the Birchers. You always have all kinds of different and contradictory narratives; the ones that survive are the ones that the pundits (which means the big money) decide to pick and run with. No anti-corporate platform has a prayer of doing that. They’ll just run with some variation of “big government fucked up the rescue ZOMG LOOK THE SHERRIF’S A NIG[church bell rings]!!!”


the unifying thing about the Tea Party



“T&U, ever been to Covington, KY? Close enough…”

You mean Cincinnati’s armpit?

The Tragically Flip

Ok, if the Democratic party is unable to capitalize off of this latest round of sloppy wet ass kissing of the most hated company on earth by the Republicans, they really do deserve to lose and the left deserves to suffer Cassandra’s fate (even moreso than usual).

My FSM, apologizing to BP?


why do conservatives always ALWAYS side with Goliath?

Because claymation talking dogs that act as religious scolds rule?


Certainly a lot of them are going to be angry about the oil spill and a lot of them are probably very anti-corprate, especially after the bankster fueled Financameggadon. What if some faction rises up against the moneymen and tries to ride an anti-BP wave in order to take “control” of the media’s favourite political movement? – DKW

Many “money men” are socially liberal NYCers (if you catch my drift … c.f. the conversation about David and Goliath). Antipathy toward the “money men” can be very readily channeled into pro-GOP sentiment.

This reminds me of a comment someone made a while back when straw-liberals were busy comparing GW Bush to a Nazi: GW Bush and his brand of reactionary politics was not “Nazi” — the correct German analogy was that the politics of the Southern reactionaries was the politics of the Junker reactionaries, minus the support for a kind of welfare state. Thus, what we have to fear as “Nazism” isn’t the loathsome neo-cons but rather the successor reactionary movement that would claim the neo-cons (and we know who they are) “stabbed conservatism in the back”, etc., etc.


Many “money men” are socially liberal NYCers

I was referring to the astroturf-y moneymen – the Koch Enterprises and AEI’s.

Anyways, I’ve thrown out my popcorn thanks to B^4’s comment at 19:00.

Marion in Savannah

You mean Cincinnati’s armpit?

I was thinking more along the lines of Herpes-infected genitalia, but yeah, that place.



I am sure to a certain class of Tea Baggers, if they even know what AEI is, the AEI would count as “liberal NYCers”. More generally, in order to turn against the astroturf-y moneymen, the Tea Baggers would need to fully appreciate their existance.

The media and said moneymen will make sure that Koch Industries, et al., have a low profile (agreed with B^4 here, too) … any money men that will be allowed to arouse Tea Bagger anger will be socially liberal quants living in NYC.


This reminds me of a comment someone made a while back when straw-liberals were busy comparing GW Bush to a Nazi: GW Bush and his brand of reactionary politics was not “Nazi” — the correct German analogy was that the politics of the Southern reactionaries was the politics of the Junker reactionaries, minus the support for a kind of welfare state

I admit I’m not familiar with the word “Junkers” except as an airplane. According to Wikipedia, they seem to have been the Prussian aristocracy which controlled the military and didn’t particularly like the Nazis.

So, if I’m getting your analogy right, you’re saying that conservatives prior to this point have been like the Kaisers’ Germany, and the teabaggers would be the post-WW1 fascist movement? In that case, I agree, I’ve made similar analogies myself.


Ok, if the Democratic party is unable to capitalize off of this latest round of sloppy wet ass kissing of the most hated company on earth by the Republicans, they really do deserve to lose and the left deserves to suffer Cassandra’s fate (even moreso than usual).

Yeah, just immanentize the fucking eschaton already.


Many “money men” are socially liberal NYCers (if you catch my drift … c.f. the conversation about David and Goliath).

Whenever a ‘bagger mentions Saul Alinsky, I hear the same dog whistle.

You mean Cincinnati’s armpit?

Would that be Big Burnin’ Jesus’ armpit?


Chris — yes you are getting the analogy right.


The media and said moneymen will make sure that Koch Industries, et al., have a low profile (agreed with B^4 here, too) … any money men that will be allowed to arouse Tea Bagger anger will be socially liberal quants living in NYC.

Koch Industries is by far the name that comes up the most often when it comes to financing conservative causes (very much including the teabaggers), but they seem to be virtually unknown to the general public. They’ve done a hell of a job maintaining a low profile.


“Ok, if the Democratic party is unable to capitalize off of this latest round of sloppy wet ass kissing of the most hated company on earth by the Republicans, they really do deserve to lose and the left deserves to suffer Cassandra’s fate (even moreso than usual).”

Well, yeah, ok. But, remember, the Joe Bartons of the world have been proudly proclaiming their allegiance to Big Oil for decades and keep winning elections. They know how to play the game. “Big Oil means more high-paying jobs for my district”…………etc.


Chris — yes you are getting the analogy right.

Scary eh?

Which would make the Democrats like the Weimar Republic or its equivalents in France and Britain – well meaning but unable to assert itself, mired by corruption, and completely paralyzed by the political system.


So, if I’m getting your analogy right, you’re saying that conservatives prior to this point have been like the Kaisers’ Germany, and the teabaggers would be the post-WW1 fascist movement? In that case, I agree, I’ve made similar analogies myself.

I think that’s exactly it, too. Dave Neiwert’s been saying the same thing lately, as well. It worries me. And that’s part of the reason why I may be all Eeyore about Obama and the Democrats right now–I think there’s a LOT riding on this; maybe even more than we realize.


Thanks. I think about this shit waaaaaaaaaay too much.

Me too. In fact, it’s an obsession of mine. I’d wager that everyone here–to a person–knows more about the issues than I do. I’m no policy wonk. But I am completely and utterly fascinated by the conservative mindset. In fact, I was thinking the other day how conservatives and the way they think reminds me of how I thought when I was a child. I was anti-choice when I was in my early teens. The reason I was anti-choice? My feeling was that any woman who was dumb and slutty enough to get knocked up deserved to “pay.” I also thought environmentalism was dumb because who cares about that? Only humans matter. Here’s the thing: I very quickly grew out of that. In fact, a couple years later I became fiercely pro-choice. I’m sure some people would assume that I became a liberal because I was raised by DFH’s. But no. It was totally organic. Because as I got older, I just naturally decided that I wanted to be a decent human being. That it was a choice to be compassionate, to be tolerant, to be loving. And that I wanted to make that choice. I honestly don’t understand people who don’t make that choice.


Which would make the Democrats like the Weimar Republic or its equivalents in France and Britain – well meaning but unable to assert itself, mired by corruption, and completely paralyzed by the political system.

Yup. And I haven’t been able to talk myself down from that idea for a while, though I’ll happy if anyone else can.


But do all bullies have such an acutely developed persecution complex?

Yeah. I don’t know how people with such a tremendous amount of power continue to feel so under siege.


“I’ll BE happy…”


Whenever a ‘bagger mentions Saul Alinsky, I hear the same dog whistle. – BBBB

Heck, pretty much all the “scary Islamo-fascist” rhetoric (and a good portion of the “gay married abortionist” rhetoric) is just recycled anti-Semitism with the Semitic race identified as Muslim rather than Jewish. Which is why I can’t understand how some of my fellow members of the tribe support today’s political right.

Of course many of co-religionists who support today’s political right are denizens of the NYC area who have probably never actually been directly exposed to right wing “populists” and hence, for all their talk of “never again”, can’t even hear the dog whistles involved.


Yup. And I haven’t been able to talk myself down from that idea for a while, though I’ll happy if anyone else can.

Well, just because some of the political movements in our time are similar to those in another era doesn’t mean it’ll play out the same way. But it’s enough of a motivation for me to keep voting solidly against the right wing.

Ted the Slacker

Bit late here, but holy shit.

I’d go with a somewhat shorter Assrocket, “Lay off the dick I want to suck”… and, lest it be overlooked, the day BP agreed to pony up 20 extra-extra-large (at least), suspend dividend payments etc… its shares rallied over 12%. Clearly the market wants to punish BP for showing signs of growing a conscience and being an enviroweenie and and pussying out to Obama. The markets hate all that obviously and ass-kicked management the way they know best by driving up the share-price.


Heck, pretty much all the “scary Islamo-fascist” rhetoric (and a good portion of the “gay married abortionist” rhetoric) is just recycled anti-Semitism with the Semitic race identified as Muslim rather than Jewish. Which is why I can’t understand how some of my fellow members of the tribe support today’s political right.

Same here! Except that in my case, I hear recycled anti-Catholic rhetoric from the good old days (I was raised a Papist).

Claims of filthy unAmericanness and how they can never assimilate – Check. Accusations of terrorism – Check (Mafia and Irish nationalists doncha know). Sinister conspiracy by a foreign religious power bent on taking over America, with all believers as agents whether they know it or nor – Check.

Yeah, they don’t bother to change the script much.


Yup. And I haven’t been able to talk myself down from that idea for a while, though I’ll happy if anyone else can.

Nobody representing fact can. Obama is proof that the system cannot be changed from within, and that Democrats are every bit as guilty as Republicans in treated policy making like a game, oblivious to the damage caused to anyone other than the feeding machine that is big business.


But do all bullies have such an acutely developed persecution complex?

Why do you think they became bullies?


Pretend that treated is actually spelled treating.


You guys are no help.


Remember that the unifying thing about the Tea Party is that there is no unifying thing about Tea Partiers.

Sure there is

(Finally, a chance to blogwhore!)


See, this is why I would make a horrible president. Because I would HAVE TO screw with these people.

I’d start each day by issuing a statement against something that sane people regard as bad.

By noon the blargosphere would be flooded with posts that equate my stance against setting the elderly on fire/raping puppies/gargling Drano with FASCIST THUGGERY of the worst kind.

Every night I’d laugh myself to sleep.


Yeah, just immanentize the fucking eschaton already.

This goddamn gulf gusher could kill Leviathan itself!

Yeah. I don’t know how people with such a tremendous amount of power continue to feel so under siege.

The average bully, like the average ‘bagger, has no power whatsoever, and that scares them shitless. In the ‘baggers’ case, the major fear is that, when white folks are no longer the majority, they will be come to be treated with the same respect they’ve always shown non-whites.

The Tragically Flip

Me too. In fact, it’s an obsession of mine. I’d wager that everyone here–to a person–knows more about the issues than I do. I’m no policy wonk. But I am completely and utterly fascinated by the conservative mindset. In fact, I was thinking the other day how conservatives and the way they think reminds me of how I thought when I was a child. I was anti-choice when I was in my early teens. The reason I was anti-choice? My feeling was that any woman who was dumb and slutty enough to get knocked up deserved to “pay.” I also thought environmentalism was dumb because who cares about that? Only humans matter. Here’s the thing: I very quickly grew out of that. In fact, a couple years later I became fiercely pro-choice. I’m sure some people would assume that I became a liberal because I was raised by DFH’s. But no. It was totally organic. Because as I got older, I just naturally decided that I wanted to be a decent human being. That it was a choice to be compassionate, to be tolerant, to be loving. And that I wanted to make that choice. I honestly don’t understand people who don’t make that choice.

Nearly my course exactly. I always thought I was decent, and was able to convince myself that right wing policies were the real “tough love” way to a better world, rather than those bedwetting socialists who are so big hearted they give away the store.

Once I started to see the real consequences of conservative policy and realized that it doesn’t help the people it claims to, and in fact, can’t do so, I moved away. The Bush Administration was a great help actually. Seeing Canadian right wingers cheer for that mess was a great wake up call that I wasn’t one of them anymore.

It feels much better to be on the left fighting for policies which actually help people as their primary effect, rather than trying to rationalize some kind of secondary benefit by giving rich people everything they want, which is at best all you can ever say for right wing policy. Any help anyone gets from it is incidental if not accidental.


Arky, please run for office NOW.


Which would make the Democrats like the Weimar Republic or its equivalents in France and Britain – well meaning but unable to assert itself, mired by corruption, and completely paralyzed by the political system.

I disagree, altho appearances would seem to show me as wr– wro– perhaps not in alliance with correct.

I think this is a temporary phenomenon and that once the anger from the angry subsides, actual work will get done in this country.


Well, just because some of the political movements in our time are similar to those in another era doesn’t mean it’ll play out the same way. But it’s enough of a motivation for me to keep voting solidly against the right wing.

Democrats at least to fap off to the idea of a “solution” for society’s *undesirables*. They do, however, pay lip service to helping them out while stabbing them in the back quite frequently. Their cowardice (gay marriage is the most glaring example) is infuriating. You don’t hold your hand over your heart and pledge allegiance to that for which the flag stands and then turn a blind eye to oppression. AFAIC, knowing better but doing nothing is almost worse than the bigotry.


Claims of filthy unAmericanness and how they can never assimilate – Check. Accusations of terrorism – Check (Mafia and Irish nationalists doncha know). Sinister conspiracy by a foreign religious power bent on taking over America, with all believers as agents whether they know it or nor – Check.

Dude, monsignor never gave you a copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Erin, detailing the fiendish Irish plot to conquer the world by emigrating and fucking until everyone on the planet was part Irish?

Meet me at Miles O’Toole’s Pub, and I’ll give you a copy.


I’ve probably started popping my popcorn too early.

good thing this ‘too early’ concept does not seem to apply to cocktails.


(Finally, a chance to blogwhore!)

That’s actually a pretty good column. And there are plenty of other traits that Tea Party People seem to share – skin colour for example. I guess my previous statement was clumsy and poorly worded – but the idea was that the “movement” really doesn’t have an agreed upon platform or a lot of shared common goals.


“Meet me at Miles O’Toole’s Pub, and I’ll give you a copy.”

Miles O’Toole? How did that name escape our litany of porn actor’s names last week?


Dude, monsignor never gave you a copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Erin, detailing the fiendish Irish plot to conquer the world by emigrating and fucking until everyone on the planet was part Irish?

Meet me at Miles O’Toole’s Pub, and I’ll give you a copy.

I knew I missed something in Catechism.

But ssshhh! The plot’s a SECRET. That’s why only the vastly superior intellect of a True Conservative has been able to deduce all of it.


“I’ll BE happy…”

Don’t worry….


It feels much better to be on the left fighting for policies which actually help people as their primary effect, rather than trying to rationalize some kind of secondary benefit by giving rich people everything they want, which is at best all you can ever say for right wing policy. Any help anyone gets from it is incidental if not accidental.

But aren’t you afraid that some undeserving welfare queen will sell her government cheese and use the proceeds to buy fur coats and Cadillacs?

You don’t hold your hand over your heart and pledge allegiance to that for which the flag stands and then turn a blind eye to oppression. AFAIC, knowing better but doing nothing is almost worse than the bigotry.

The difference between the Dems and the GOP is, to crib a Simpsons’ line, the difference between villainy and cartoonish supervillainy


I think this is a temporary phenomenon and that once the anger from the angry subsides, actual work will get done in this country.

Aww, that’s so cute.


But ssshhh! The plot’s a SECRET.

Don’t worry, most English-speakers are part Irish by now.


But aren’t you afraid that some undeserving welfare queen will sell her government cheese and use the proceeds to buy fur coats and Cadillacs?

Left versus right. The left would rather help everyone who deserves it and, as a byproduct, help a few people who don’t. Whereas the right would rather hurt everyone who deserves it and, as a byproduct, hurt a few people who don’t.

Hell, even in voter fraud that’s how it works. Democratic fraud usually involves extending the vote (Chicago’s graveyards unanimously voting for Daly), whereas Republican fraud usually involves denying it (purge of black voters in Florida back in 2000). We can’t even get over that basic difference when we’re both cheating.


I think this is a temporary phenomenon and that once the anger from the angry subsides, actual work will get done in this country.

But what work has been done in the last 30 years (3/4 of my life) that has helped anyone besides the corporate machine? I really can’t think of much in the way of even little things that have helped working families or the poor, and I can say with all authority that there has been ZERO sweeping legislation that changes anything. Don’t even THINK about responding with HCR.


Same here! Except that in my case, I hear recycled anti-Catholic rhetoric from the good old days (I was raised a Papist). – Chris

Some have argued that anti-Catholicism is the anti-Semitism of the Anglo world. England kicked out its Jews so early on … and, for hundreds of years, it had no-one to fill the role of whipping boy. But when England went Protestant, Catholics became the new Jews.

Certainly the rhetoric of Anglo-American anti-Catholicism is the traditional rhetoric of anti-Semitism.

Claims of filthy unAmericanness and how they can never assimilate – Check. Accusations of terrorism – Check (Mafia and Irish nationalists doncha know). Sinister conspiracy by a foreign religious power bent on taking over America, with all believers as agents whether they know it or nor – Check.

And, just as you have Jews who spew this rhetoric so long as it’s about someone else, you also have Catholics doing so. I was in the Maspeth library the other day and overheard a bunch of elderly “white ethnics” talking about Obama and how those Muslims are just trying to make trouble wanting to build mosques everywhere … and it was sad because when these people were growing up, if they wanted a new Church, the WASPs would be saying about them all the things they were saying about Muslims.

Dude, monsignor never gave you a copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Erin, detailing the fiendish Irish plot to conquer the world by emigrating and fucking until everyone on the planet was part Irish?

In my single days I would have happily helped out with this plot but I never was approached by any lovely daughter of Erin to assist.

Now I’m married to a Scotswoman (or more precisely, enough of the plantation masters for whom her ancestors were slaves were Scottish that Scottish surnames about in her family — so she claims to be “Scottish” … which gives me a new appreciation for Chef on South Park being Scottish), which I guess precludes me being part of any sinister plot by the Elders of Erin?

The Tragically Flip

But aren’t you afraid that some undeserving welfare queen will sell her government cheese and use the proceeds to buy fur coats and Cadillacs?

Damn it. Someone, somewhere might be getting a marginal break that they don’t strictly deserve at my infinitesimal expense.

I must now vote against my own interests to punish this probably fictional person and all like them. Forward to Pyrrhic victory!

(am I doing the right winger thing right? I’m out of practice)


But what work has been done in the last 30 years (3/4 of my life) that has helped anyone besides the corporate machine?

Life since Reagan…


The left would rather help everyone who deserves it and, as a byproduct, help a few people who don’t. Whereas the right would rather hurt everyone who deserves it and, as a byproduct, hurt a few people who don’t.

The left, NOT Democrats. There hasn’t been one that wanted to help since Johnson–even though he was feeding a lot of poor people to the war machine.

Fucking Grammar Nazi

C.f. my comment above

Two problems there:

cf. is an abbreviation for the Latin word confer,
It is mainly used in scholarly or educated contexts,[…]


(Chicago’s graveyards unanimously voting for Daly)

Zombies luved em some Daly!


speech impediment Rudy Guliani has?

Poorly fitting dentures?


But what work has been done in the last 30 years (3/4 of my life) that has helped anyone besides the corporate machine?

Notwithstanding Texas school boards and NCLB, access and succes in education.


But what work has been done in the last 30 years (3/4 of my life) that has helped anyone besides the corporate machine?

Wait. But I thought that’s what government is supposed to do?


Aww, that’s so cute.

Not helping!


Fucking Grammar Nazi said,
June 17, 2010 at 20:00

Please ignore all posts which begin with “tsam said,”.

Thank you. That is all.


Don’t worry, most English-speakers are part Irish by now.

When I participated in the National Geographic Genome project, and it’s deep ancestry database, I was shocked to see how British and Irish my lineage was.


Now I’m married to a Scotswoman (or more precisely, enough of the plantation masters for whom her ancestors were slaves were Scottish that Scottish surnames about in her family — so she claims to be “Scottish” … which gives me a new appreciation for Chef on South Park being Scottish), which I guess precludes me being part of any sinister plot by the Elders of Erin?

You’re knee-deep in it, baby, the Scots fell before anyone else.


The average bully, like the average ‘bagger, has no power whatsoever, and that scares them shitless. In the ‘baggers’ case, the major fear is that, when white folks are no longer the majority, they will be come to be treated with the same respect they’ve always shown non-whites. – BBBB

Not exactly the point you are making, but do read The Strange Career of Jim Crow. Or, if you are not in the mood to read a full book, do what the rest of us have done and read a transcript or listen to a talk given certain Christian minister type about it.


But what work has been done in the last 30 years (3/4 of my life) that has helped anyone besides the corporate machine?

ADA & American Family Leave Act spring to mind, and that’s without even thinking about it much.

Pupienus Maximus

Dragon-King Wangchuck said,

June 17, 2010 at 19:50 (kill)




Love the alt text, Poopy.


But what work has been done in the last 30 years (3/4 of my life) that has helped anyone besides the corporate machine?

Notwithstanding Texas school boards and NCLB, access and succes in education.

Good point. Strangely enough, that seems to be a steady trend throughout the entire period, regardless of party in power.

Is there a sort field for socio-economic status?


Wow. Some linguist was asked by CNN to analyze Obama’s speech and why it failed to connect with viewers.

Turns out, it was written at a tenth grade level, thus over the heads of most people.


Damn you PM! I dunno how you manage to get to all those choice PENISes before me.


But what work has been done in the last 30 years (3/4 of my life) that has helped anyone besides the corporate machine?

algore invented the internet.


I dunno how you manage to get to all those choice PENISes before me.

Cuz he’s in line in front of your mom.


Good responses, now let’s compare the number and scope to legislation that has been corporate welfare or a directly scatological affront to the Constitution.

Yes, small advances shut us libtards up for a little while, and ADA was a very good thing. That’s probably the best example (George Sr.). But, well, you know the but.


And, just as you have Jews who spew this rhetoric so long as it’s about someone else, you also have Catholics doing so. I was in the Maspeth library the other day and overheard a bunch of elderly “white ethnics” talking about Obama and how those Muslims are just trying to make trouble wanting to build mosques everywhere … and it was sad because when these people were growing up, if they wanted a new Church, the WASPs would be saying about them all the things they were saying about Muslims.

Oh yes. A far larger share of the Catholic vote goes to the GOP than the Jewish one.

What’s nauseating is to see the number of them who will spout economic royalist rhetoric in regards to UHC, even though the Vatican and USCCB have both come out and said that the Catholic Church considers health care a basic human right, and considers it the government’s duty to see to it that the right is kept in place.

Even more nauseating is that the USCCB itself did nothing to push for UHC after releasing that document. Instead, they leapt on the “ZOMG MONEY FOR ABORTION” bandwagon, and kept spouting it even after Stupak and other pro-lifers had ensured that no money would be going to abortion.


Good responses, now let’s compare the number and scope to legislation that has been corporate welfare or a directly scatological affront to the Constitution.

Hey, that’s not what you asked!

Marion in Savannah

(am I doing the right winger thing right? I’m out of practice)

Be careful when you channel wingers — it can lead to horrible headaches.


Drown Barton off the coast of Alabama and fuck BP with a rusty chain saw. Twice.

Pupienus Maximus

algore invented the internet.

I get a chuckle that every time by reading that. It’s like Catch 22, no matter how many times you’ve read it, you can’t help but LOL.


it was sad because when these people were growing up, if they wanted a new Church

Damned Papists…

the WASPs would be saying about them all the things they were saying about Muslims.

Not telling tales out of school here, but you may know the Empire State Building owners have come under some heavy fire for refusing to honor Mother Theresa on the anniversary of her birth this summer.

I pointed out that, if she was a Muslim and had done the wonderful things attributed to her, these SAME PEOPLE would be screaming at the top of their lungs about honoring a hatefilled religion.

And then I pointed out the Papist view that we Protestants hold and shut up now, why don’t you?

Heckuva job, whitey

But what work has been done in the last 30 years (3/4 of my life) that has helped anyone besides the corporate machine?

At the risk of stating the obvious, HCR. Before that SCHIP.

Pupienus Maximus

I dunno how you manage to get to all those choice PENISes before me.

Cuz he’s in line in front of your mom.

Y’know, out of context, that’s a really beautiful picture. It almost looks like a Fenton glass rendering of a wave.


I thought I was paying you a compliment that she gets your sloppy seconds!



The difference between the right and the left can be more succinctly summed up thusly:

The left recognizes that people aren’t perfect and everyone needs help from time to time.

The right wants to punish people for not being perfect.

And I just thought up a great app for the iPhone: iPope. I’m gonna be RICH, bitch!


Turns out, it was written at a tenth grade level, thus over the heads of most people.

Now you’re not helping.

Oh yes. A far larger share of the Catholic vote goes to the GOP than the Jewish one.

I, personally, like how people make abortion the number one issue, but totally forgive, like, unjust wars and the death penalty.


At the risk of stating the obvious, HCR. Before that SCHIP.

I was a toddler back then but if I remember right, there was a lot of legislation passed in the first two years of Clinton’s administration that did a lot of good, including some much-needed reforms for working mothers. (Ironically, you can look at a graph and literally watch the abortion rate drop like a stone between 1992 and 1994, then stabilize almost the instant Gingrich’s Congress swept into power).


Oh yes. A far larger share of the Catholic vote goes to the GOP than the Jewish one.

And the GOP didn’t do a damn thing about Roe vs. Wade- fuckin’ anti-choicers get played every time. Worst thing is, the abortion rate went up under the “Bush 2.0/GOP Control of Both Houses” era.


I was a toddler back then

I was going to make a snarky comment about people your age even being allowed on the internet, but I figured you weren’t purposely trying to make me mourn the fading flower of my youth.


I know actor 212, and out of context a nuclear exposion is quite lovely also.


Yesterday I wrote:

Nom de Plume said,

June 17, 2010 at 0:44

Be prepared for this to become the next official Republican talking point.

“This” being apologizing to BP. Sorry to brag, but I told ya.


“This” being apologizing to BP. Sorry to brag, but I told ya.

So you’re to blame!

Marion in Savannah

So Nom de Plume is the one who sends out the blast faxes with the wingnut talking points?


Sorry to brag, but I told ya.

I bookmarked it and everything.


Nom de Plume, you had the power to force Repugs to bend to your will and you wasted it on making a douchebag apologize to BP! Shame on you.

Pupienus Maximus

I thought I was paying you a compliment that she gets your sloppy seconds!

Oh. Okay then.


I was going to make a snarky comment about people your age even being allowed on the internet, but I figured you weren’t purposely trying to make me mourn the fading flower of my youth.

Sorry. I keep forgetting that history is older than the Internets.


I bookmarked it and everything.

We wonder how he knew.


Oh and BTW, it wasn’t until today that I noticed the attribution on the Shorter. Powerlie. Nicely played Tintin, you magnificent Frenchman or faggot or possibly both.


Sorry. I keep forgetting that history is older than the Internets.

No problem. I did the same thing all the time back in the day before these newfangled blog thingies were around and I was posting on forums.


I thought I was paying you a compliment that she gets your sloppy seconds!

Woo woo, he called you sloppy!


Somewhat on topic (Sorry!): Idiots bloviate on idiocy & “populist conservatism.”

And, if you haven’t seen it yet, just how much positive change we’ve seen over 3/5 of my lifetime.

(Both videos, so don’t, if you can’t.)


Somewhat on topic (Sorry!): Idiots bloviate on idiocy & “populist conservatism.”

Even if I could, I wouldn’t. I’m traumatized enough by the still.


Oh, “POOP!” you type?

Actual, disgusting POOP! (Linking because I got up early to watch baseball & am cranky, you POOP pikers!)


Zombie denied medical care

Oh goody. Wingnut false equivalency argument in 5, 4, 3….

Since this has never happened here, I’m assuming that HCR which is exactly like the British system, will cause this to happen everywhere, all the time.


Idiots bloviate on idiocy & “populist conservatism.”

Y’know, I was hungry until I saw the still…


“populist conservatism.”

File that one in the same drawer with “feminist conservatism”. Two words that should erupt into flames when in close proximity.


hungry until



“populist conservatism.”

File that one in the same drawer with “feminist conservatism”.

Oh, I don’t know…the KKK was conservative and you could make the argument it was populist. A little.


hungry until


That’s not the kind of hungry I meant.


Oh, I don’t know…the KKK was conservative and you could make the argument it was populist. A little.

I don’t think rabid ethnocentrism can really be called populism, do you? Teabaggers call themselves populists. The worldview between teabaggers and the old KKK overlap to some degree.



actor212 said,

June 17, 2010 at 20:06 (kill)

Love the alt text, Poopy.

Swordfights in the load-pan bay!!


I don’t think rabid ethnocentrism can really be called populism, do you?

I’d argue that American populism, in most instances, includes a tinge of ethnocentrism. Look at John C Calhoun, or William Jennings Bryan.


Dragon-King Wangchuck said,
June 17, 2010 at 19:50

“Measuring 65 metres (220 ft) long and 27 metres across, the big penis rises and glistens in the light whenever the bridge is raised to let ships pass beneath, framed against a backdrop of the imposing architecture of the former capital city of the Russian Empire.”

That’s the last time I go skinny dipping in Moscow.


Me too. In fact, it’s an obsession of mine. I’d wager that everyone here–to a person–knows more about the issues than I do. I’m no policy wonk. But I am completely and utterly fascinated by the conservative mindset. In fact, I was thinking the other day how conservatives and the way they think reminds me of how I thought when I was a child. I was anti-choice when I was in my early teens. The reason I was anti-choice? My feeling was that any woman who was dumb and slutty enough to get knocked up deserved to “pay.” I also thought environmentalism was dumb because who cares about that? Only humans matter. Here’s the thing: I very quickly grew out of that. In fact, a couple years later I became fiercely pro-choice. I’m sure some people would assume that I became a liberal because I was raised by DFH’s. But no. It was totally organic. Because as I got older, I just naturally decided that I wanted to be a decent human being. That it was a choice to be compassionate, to be tolerant, to be loving. And that I wanted to make that choice. I honestly don’t understand people who don’t make that choice.

Nearly my course exactly. I always thought I was decent, and was able to convince myself that right wing policies were the real “tough love” way to a better world, rather than those bedwetting socialists who are so big hearted they give away the store.

Once I started to see the real consequences of conservative policy and realized that it doesn’t help the people it claims to, and in fact, can’t do so, I moved away. The Bush Administration was a great help actually. Seeing Canadian right wingers cheer for that mess was a great wake up call that I wasn’t one of them anymore.

It feels much better to be on the left fighting for policies which actually help people as their primary effect, rather than trying to rationalize some kind of secondary benefit by giving rich people everything they want, which is at best all you can ever say for right wing policy. Any help anyone gets from it is incidental if not accidental.

Yes! It would be one thing if I saw conservatism doing good things for people. Unless I’ve gotten it wrong, it simply hasn’t. However, I could give examples of liberal thought doing good things–even amazing things–for people.


Maybe I should have kept that popcorn.

The guy who hired Box Turtle Ben the Plagiarist as a speechwriter gives Barton a thumbs up, but it’s not looking so good for the “apologize to BP” strategery. TPM’s liveblog has this quote from Barton hisself

I want the record to be absolutely clear that I think BP is responsible for this accident, should be held responsible, and should in every way do everything possible to make good on the consequences that have resulted from this accident. And if anything I said this morning has been misconstrued in an opposite effect I want to apologize for that misconstruction.

Additionally Barton said that if his statement sounded overly confusing or as if it were the product of a committee of strategists including several lawyers and gives the impression of a paniced attempt at damage control over a failed attempt at political grandstanding – well that was totally not the intention of the statement and people really should interpret his words for what he means them to say.


Yes! It would be one thing if I saw conservatism doing good things for people

It’s done good things for certain people. The Right people.


It’s done good things for certain people. The Right people.

Exactly.I think if you’re wealthy and/or white and/or straight and/or male conservatism’s gonna treat you pretty well. Notsomuch anyone else.


The guy who hired Box Turtle Ben the Plagiarist as a speechwriter gives Barton a thumbs up, but it’s not looking so good for the “apologize to BP” strategery. TPM’s liveblog has this quote from Barton hisself

Boehner went out of his way to distance himself from the statement, too.

Pupienus Maximus

Apropos of absolutely nothing, I’ve been reading the transcripts (live-blogging pages, to be accurate) of the Prop 8 closing arguments. The assclown defense is shitting all over itself just like in the trial. It’s pretty funny.

[Judge] Walker: Let’s move from the millenia to the three weeks in january. What does the evidence show?

[defense counsel] Cooper: Responsible procreation is at the heart of society’s interst in regulating marriage.

Walker: Be specific, please — what was the evidence, what was the witnes.

Cooper: Kingsley Davis said rearing offspring. Blackstone said there are two great reltiionships in public life: marriage underwritten by civil society.

Second great relationship: parent and child.

Cooper: Justice Stevens, in his Bowers dissent, said marriage is critically important

Walker: I don’t mean to be flip, but Blackstone did not testify, Stevens did not testify, Kingsley Davis did not testify. What evidence is before this court?

Cooper: You don’t have to have evidence, your honor — Mr Blankenhorn said….

Walker: Yes, I have to have evidence.

Walker; About one of your answers to my written questions to both sides : IF the court finds 8 unconstitutional, what remedy would be a constitutional expression of voters’ will? Your response was: if as plaintiffs maintain 8 cannot be reconciled with its own retrospective aspect, the remedy is to sustain prop 8 retroactively and eliminate the conflicting feature of California law. Do you mean I must also invalidate the same-sex marriages between June and November>?

Cooper: No

Walker; Not what those words you wrote say.


Oh, sorry, there was supposed to be a linky:

Boehner’s Barton boner


How much did them Californy bigots spend on those lawyers? On the list of things you shouldn’t say to a judge, I imagine “You don’t have to have evidence, your honor” porbably comes pretty close to the top. Probably just after “I fucked your mom.”


Oh, I don’t know…the KKK was conservative and you could make the argument it was populist. A little.

It all depends on how you define “The people,” don’t it?


I guess people who don’t procreate should not be allowed to marry. That will include many straight couples. And most older ones.


Exactly.I think if you’re wealthy and/or white and/or straight and/or male conservatism’s gonna treat you pretty well. Notsomuch anyone else.

Oh, so you’re going for some girl welfare then?


WHOOOO! Mexico seems to have done something vs. The Frogs. I know this because the neighbors are honking their vuvuzuelas & shouting.


I’m traumatized enough by the still.

Should you really be drinking this early in the day?


pup max, funny shit, two words, link please, thank you.


people who don’t procreate should not be allowed to marry

The logical extension of this is to get knocked up & then marry. (As practiced among the denizens of the blue states, it appears. See the recent Ross Doo-Hat column.) Thus, no non-fertile people will ever get tax breaks or anything they don’t deserve.


I guess people who don’t procreate should not be allowed to marry. That will include many straight couples. And most older ones.

In theory, however, a goat and human could…


“We don’t need no steenkin’ evidence!”

How fucking lame are those people? Are the defending attorneys all crazed true believers?


Dragon-King Wangchuck said,

“How much did them Californy bigots spend on those lawyers?”

In defense of the lawyers, if your client gives you a load of shit to work with, its kind of hard to mold a great work of art out of it. On the other hand, if your only possible answer is retarded, maybe you should consider shutting your pie hole.


Cooper: You don’t have to have evidence, your honor — Mr Blankenhorn said….

Uh. Oh.

That’s some fine lawyerin’ there, Lou.

I know this because the neighbors are honking their vuvuzuelas & shouting.

In case anyone feels left out…


In case anyone feels left out…

That is the coolest thing I’ve seen all day, and my day started out in the Apple Store!

Pupienus Maximus

Start here:

The links to subsequent pages are below the blogging, above the comments.


Kewl! For you engineering, architecture and construction mavens:

Portable Subway shop


people who don’t procreate should not be allowed to marry

So my widowed, recently remarried MIL should have done what, exactly, according to these people?


So my widowed, recently remarried MIL should have done what, exactly

DKW’s mom?

Pupienus Maximus

I won’t be arsed to go back and find it – at one point Ted Olson sez to the judge [my paraphrase] “They’re not bad lawyers. It’s just that they have no case to work with.”


Walker: Yes, I have to have evidence.

Longer Judge Walker: You witless fuckheel. Did you actually forge your bar credentials out of Pop-Tart boxes and crayons? Have you actually even seen a real trial before? HOW. FUCKING. STUPID. DO. YOU. THINK. I. AM?

That he didn’t just send the fool packing right then and there is testament to the man’s patience.





Walker: Yes, I have to have evidence.

Longer Judge Walker: You witless fuckheel. Did you actually forge your bar credentials out of Pop-Tart boxes and finger paint? Do you have the slightest notion of how a trial might function? HOW. FUCKING. STUPID. DO. YOU. THINK. I. AM?

That he didn’t send the twunt packing right then and there is testament to the man’s sense of tolerance.


The only thing worse than WfP eating a comment is having it puke it right back up at you.



Kewl! For you engineering, architecture and construction mavens:

Pifft. A couple of blocks from my office, a twelve story condo/res hotel was built just to house a Qdoba (although to be fair, the rest of the building would have probably been finished if the developer hadn’t eaten it).

Not to mention that two pod containers were painted orange and built out as sales office on the site of a new condo tower just under construction.

Look, New York doesn’t have a monopoly on creative solutions.


The only thing worse than WfP eating a comment is having it puke it right back up at you.

Our dog seems to like those kind of things.


The logical extension of this is to get knocked up & then marry. (As practiced among the denizens of the blue states, it appears. See the recent Ross Doo-Hat column.)

Did you mean red states?


Oh, so you’re going for some girl welfare then?


Pupienus Maximus

That he didn’t send the twunt packing right then and there is testament to the man’s sense of tolerance.

He built up a tolerance from the three weeks of their clownish lawyering in January. Damn shame Scalia forbade the teevee cameras; reports are Walker broke out in laughter when David Boies got their main witness to agree with the plaintiffs.


LOL in the comments.

They also need to spray the building for scumbags.



Walker: Yes, I have to have evidence.

A few years back, I served jury duty and being a good liberal zombie, I didn’t try to duck it. Ended up being selected for a jury, a rape trial of all things. Served as forezombie too, but that’s neither here nor there.

During the trial, the defending lawyer was pulling this kind of crap, and the judge would slap him down regularly, to the point that we discussed in the jury room what the hell was going on.

The young lady was pretty composed on the stand, which kind of weighed against her with several jury members (apparently feeling that a rape victim should have been more destroyed by the experience or something)

After we delivered the verdict, the judge asked to address us before dismissing us, which seemed unusual. He came in and told us that the rapist had become something of a jailhouse attorney, obtaining several re-trials on technicalities; retrials that all came to the same determination (which explained why the young lady was somewhat composed – she had been through it several times already) and with this final trial, no attorney could be found to represent the jerk. So the judge asked this attorney to do it as a favor, so the rapist wouldn’t be freed for a mistrial; Looking back, I think the attorney was trying to ratfuck the case, although he could only ever be accused of trying too hard to defend his client, to the point of annoying the judge.

Not saying the Prop 8 legal team is trying to do this. But if they were, would they be acting any different?


Right you is, VS. As a long time commie/anarcho-nihilist, I am used to decent people being RED, not this Republicans=R=Red BULLSHIT!!.

Stupid world.

Pupienus Maximus

I should note that the witness contradicted his earlier testimony and agreed that Prop 8 was discrimninatory and that “we will be more American when gay marriage is legal.” I’m sure I would not been able to suppress the belly roar.


Right you is, VS. As a long time commie/anarcho-nihilist, I am used to decent people being RED, not this Republicans=R=Red BULLSHIT!!.

Stupid world.

I thought you did. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t mistaken before I said I found the summation of that book VEEEERY INTERESTING. It seems like the whole thing was like: MARRIAGE AND KIDS: YUR DOIN’ IT WRONG. *

tee hee

*Red Staters


Look, New York doesn’t have a monopoly on creative solutions.

But we DO have a monopoly on 1776 foot high erections.

And then there’s the Freedom Tower….


“But we DO have a monopoly on 1776 foot high erections.”

That must be why so many people flock there.


That must be why so many people flock there.

Well, I am pretty popular.


Big pile of shit disgraces garden variety sociopaths.

Pupienus Maximus

Not exactly what we were talking about earlier, with the persecution shit but:

Bishop Harry Jackson with the Fellowship of International Churches tells OneNewsNow he believes the White House is trying to expand the tent of faith to include atheists and non-religious people as a way to discredit Bible-believing evangelicals


That he didn’t just send the fool packing right then and there is testament to the man’s patience.

They love this stuff. He’s the envy of the courthouse right now.


“trying to expand the tent of faith to include atheists and non-religious people as a way to discredit Bible-believing evangelicals.”

They’re doing a fine job all by themselves.


When tragedy strikes, people need help without the hassles.

And just like the great Norma Desmond , we’d like to acknowledge all you little people. Thanks, all you little people out there. Out there in the dark and muck with your popcorn…….. shrimp.


Should you really be drinking this early in the day?

My doctor told me I shouldn’t skip lunch.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Yes, bring the Asian-Americans into the Tea Party. If it works anything like the Arabs, Eastern Europeans, Cubans, Mexicans, Iranians, and so forth, the Democrats will absolutely sweep the elections based off of horrifically-offended Chinese-, Vietnamese-, Korean-, Cambodian-, Filipino- and Japanese-Americans fleeing from the GOP.



Spotted in the comments of a Crooks and Liars post, this laugher about a woman lost in a hot air balloon has been making its way around the Internet.

BaScOmBe commenting at Crooks and Liars:

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.”

The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, “You’re in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.

“She rolled her eyes and said, “You must be an Obama Democrat.”

“I am,” replied the man. “How did you know?”

“Well,” answered the balloonist, “everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help to me.”

The man smiled and responded, “You must be a Republican.”

“I am,” replied the balloonist. “How did you know?”

“Well,” said the man, “you don’t know where you are or where you are going. You’ve risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You’re in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it’s my fault.”

William Shatner

Bishop Harry Jackson with the Fellowship of International Churches tells OneNewsNow he believes the White House is trying to expand the tent of faith to include atheists and non-religious people as a way to discredit Bible-believing evangelicals

“Know this; the American people will find it refreshing to finally get a Republican candidate who isn’t a moralistic, sexually repressed crusading hypocrite who cruises airport men’s rooms late at night. Denny Crane rides high in the saddle. I’ll go into office with my boots on, I’ll die with my boots on! Next question.”


Bouffant, that was outstanding. Thank you.


Since this post has already had its blog-whore cherry popped…check out some arts

Pupienus Maximus

M. Bouffant said,

Another of those “never gets old” things.


Thank whomever BaScOmBe @ C&L swiped it from.

Just the messenger here.

Pupienus Maximus

Way to go M.B. You killed the thread. Happy now?


Naw, it wuz Shatner.

And Eastern elitests & Heartllanders are commuting, & no longer wasting their bosses’ electrons.


Pupienus Maximus said,

June 17, 2010 at 23:34

Way to go M.B. You killed the thread. Happy now?

This thread died for YOUR sins.


Or: people clicked vacuumslayer’s art & are unable to escape the horror. (“Horror” meant in a good way, of course.)


I’d argue that American populism, in most instances, includes a tinge of ethnocentrism. Look at John C Calhoun, or William Jennings Bryan.

Oh no doubt about that. There’s always a “people like us” element to it. But there’s a line between that and an ethnic/racial/religious purity line. That’s where it hauls all the way around the circle and hovers near the fascism line.

I think that a true populist is less concerned with race/religion/ethnicity as they are with defending the defenseless against a powerful entity that abuses it’s power. Right? (This is a new line of thinking for me–I’ve never gone down this path before) Anyway, teabaggers have, on occasion, acted like they’re protecting good Americans from the black guy–meaning they’re scared of having black shoved down their throats…


I think that a true populist is less concerned with race/religion/ethnicity as they are with defending the defenseless against a powerful entity that abuses it’s power. Right?

Think Jim Hightower. He’s personifies my definition of populism.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Think Jim Hightower. He’s personifies my definition of populism.

The guy from Police Academy?


Wandering in the general direction of the original topic (What?!) I have to say the shoop of the safety helmet on Corndog Boy is a very nice touch indeed. While there is no reason, really, to assume there was actually shoopage (given the boy’s glaring limitations), I wish to compliment the proprietors for their skill and the ensuing amusement.



That is the coolest thing I’ve seen all day, and my day started out in the Apple Store!

Where you found no boobs. How can that be cool?


The guy from Police Academy?

Another fine example, but no. This dude right here


Hightower has been kind of da bomb for some time. I haven’t kept track of him lately but he always seemed both right* on the issues and right** as a person.

*As in “correct.”
**As in “decent.”


Hightower has been kind of da bomb for some time. I haven’t kept track of him lately but he always seemed both right* on the issues and right** as a person.

He’s a good reminder that not all Texans are fucking dumbshit Foghorn Leghorns.


But then the Bartons and Perry’s of Texas drown this poor guy WAY out.


But then the Bartons and Perry’s of Texas drown this poor guy WAY out.

I spoze. But his signal tends to be a little more persistent than their noise.

(Sue me. I have moments of optimism).


So, Tsam, two-handed game of poker?

(There’s enough VwhateverR there to draw a few preverts out of the grass, eh?)


Operation I’m Sorry for Saying I’m Sorry Update:

I apologize for using the term ‘shakedown’ with regard to yesterday’s actions at the White House in my opening statement this morning, and I retract my apology to BP.

Issued just a scant few hours after Judson Phillips weighed in with the Tea Party perspective. Imagine, a political movement more out of touch with reality than the GOP.


(There’s enough VwhateverR there to draw a few preverts out of the grass, eh?)

Uhh, my commenting just now is totes coincidental. 100% heterosexually too.


(There’s enough VwhateverR there to draw a few preverts out of the grass, eh?)

(whisper) shhhh–there alredy in are base wide stancin are doodz


I see you pervs and gheys. And I’m telling everyone.


I see you pervs and gheys. And I’m telling everyone

you likey?




Oh tsam…you know me so well.


From DKW’s link;

I said on ABC’s “Top Line” today that Barton’s comments reflect what Republicans think, but don’t say so clumsily as Barton, about the $20 billion escrow fund for oil spill damages: It’s worrisome, and it was handled in a way reminiscent of the much-despised “takeover” of General Motors. Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Tex.), who did not explicitly agree with Barton, called the White House’s handling of the fund “unseemly” during a short CNN interview today.

Holy fucking shit. So let me see, the guv makes the shitelords who broke the world pay for it. That somehow looks like a bailout for a company that stopped trying in 1968… Really?

Unseemly? Nah. Unseemly is talking out your stupid motherfuckin ass, fool.


I know–I can almost see you biting right through your lower lip right now.



Toldja there in are base!!!11!


So VS, I’ve been meaning to ask. Should I take the obvious implication from your spelling of vaccum?


FYWP–get your grubby dickbeaters offa my comments!

I had a nice lashing at the dude who shit all over the internet at DKW’s link. But WP eated it twice.


Holy shit…it’s misspelled on my iPhone. Honestly didn’t realize. So you can assume this: I’m an oblivious idiot.


I spoze. But his signal tends to be a little more persistent than their noise.

Their noise can only be heard by the douche genus. And monkeys also too.


There, that’s better.

Can I still be in the Perv Club?


Holy shit…it’s misspelled on my iPhone. Honestly didn’t realize. So you can assume this: I’m an oblivious idiot.

Hardly the answer I was looking for…


Nature abhors a vaccum.


Can I still be in the Perv Club?

You sit on the board. Giggity.


Nature abhors a vaccum.

I’m terrified of vaccums. That noise. Stuff goes in and doesn’t come out. I don’t like it.


Toldja there in are base!!!11!

And you would not believe what we’re doin to ur doods.


“Hardly the answer I was looking for…”

I know, I know….I think I was too embarrassed to be witty/sexy/pervy.


Ok S,N Night Ghey Perv Club members*, I’m Audi 5000.



And you would not believe what we’re doin to ur doods.


and morbidly curious. Wait, Substance isn’t around is he? I don’t want to get goatsewrecked.


Ok S,N Night Ghey Perv Club members*, I’m Audi 5000.

I’m 280mm. a/s/l?


There’s a club?

Isn’t this where I spin out Groucho’s line?

“I wouldn’t want to join any club that would have me as a member.”

Oooh. Look! Amother one!


Or “another.”

Or DKW’s mom.

Your choice.


There’s a club?

There is, and you’ve been forcibly inducted.


There is, and you’ve been forcibly inducted.

OK, fine.

But I am in charge of purchasing. And the supply closet.


Any suggestions on what I should order?

Besides the three 55-gallon drums of Astroglide?


And the pallet of batteries?


Does this club need someone to lift their luggage?


Does this club need someone to lift their luggage?


Any suggestions on what I should order?

Rope, cups, performance enhancing substances, lots and lots of furry animal costumes.


tsam! You did it again!


Don’t forget the FLOWBEE. You. Just. Don’t. Want. To. Forget.

Teh horrurrz.


Aw nertz. Dun forgot to say who’s I is.

Spengler Dampniche

I think the bully part and the persecution complex part are two sides of the same coin. Bullies are all about the idea of an all-or-nothing exchange of power. As soon as bullies lose a little power, they either feel like they’ve lost it all, or they’re afraid they’re going to lose it all. And there’s your persecution complex.

That’s a really dynamite insight away upthread. Truculent, as I recall. It’s vital to understand that these people work entirely on the offensive, all the time, because defense is the same thing as defeat.

I think we can agree they’re always offensive, anyway.


you may know the Empire State Building owners have come under some heavy fire for refusing to honor Mother Theresa on the anniversary of her birth this summer. – actor212

My wife and I were discussing this recently. We think the whole contretemps is a good thing — it’s keeping Bill Donohue busy and keeping him distracted away from his usual the Jews killed Jesus the evil secularists are waging war on Christmas schtick.

Also, it’s absolutely precious that Donohue and Christine Quinn are on the same side. I wonder how Donohue feels about this alignment of political interests?


You’re knee-deep in it, baby, the Scots fell before anyone else. – BBBB

So my particular experiences in racial miscegenation are not an isolated event but part of a larger plot by the Irish to take over the world? And here I thought it was us Jews who were trying to undermine the white race from within …


There’s a club?

Well, it’s not THAT big.

[Blushes modestly]


assrocket must be the 8 man


In other news…

Fuck you Joe Fucking Lieberman sideways with a rusty Garden Weasel. Again.

Jesus Christ. What a putz.

Internet ‘kill switch’ proposed for US

Under PCNAA, the Federal Government’s power to force private companies to comply with emergency decrees would become unusually broad. Any company on a list created by Homeland Security that also “relies on” the internet, the telephone system or any other component of the US “information infrastructure” would be subject to command by a new National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC) that would be created inside Homeland Security.



Hey Pervs, good news and bad news:

Good news: I am getting a massage today
Bad news: it is not full release

I hope this does not effect my standing in the club.


“Arky said,
June 18, 2010 at 5:18

There’s a club?

Well, it’s not THAT big.

[Blushes modestly]”

Tee hee


I hope this does not effect my standing in the club.

I suppose we’ll let it slide this time.

(What? Was there any doubt? I’m the historian, obviously.)


Also, um, maybe this isn’t nice, but when the hell is Lieberman going to die already?




Also, um, maybe this isn’t nice, but when the hell is Lieberman going to die already?

never. His life force is powered by AIPAC fellatio.


(What? Was there any doubt? I’m the historian, obviously.)

Quit being modest. You’re the Vice President in Charge of Furry Costume Acquisitions


His life force is powered by AIPAC fellatio.

Life force? I thought he was the reincarnation of Droopy Dog.


Also, um, maybe this isn’t nice, but when the hell is Lieberman going to die already?

Well, I suppose it’s really NOT nice that my list is a lot longer than just Senator Droopy Dog.


History shows again and again
How nature points out the folly of man

History shows again and again
How nature points out the folly of man


Also, um, maybe this isn’t nice, but when the hell is Lieberman going to die already?

How about we freeze him till we need the powers of america’s most petty, venal and mendacious superhero? I mean seriously, he’s like the Goddamn Batman, except without the strength, intelligence, character, resolution, cool toys, sense of purpose, neat costume, and record of success.


How about we freeze him till we need the powers of america’s most petty, venal and mendacious superhero?

Waste of a good freezer, if you ask me.


In Fact Gulf Residents Should Be Compensating BP

Mmm, smells like some fresh-fried meme up in this bitch.

In Fact The Cherokee, Navaho, Sioux, Et Al Should Be Compensating America

In Fact The Ancient Chinese Should Have Compensated Attila The Hun

In Fact The Roman Senate Should Have Compensated Caligula

In Fact The Koreans Should Have Compensated Hirohito

In Fact The Timorese Should Be Compensating Indonesia

In Fact Stapp Should Be Compensating Creed


Good news: I am getting a massage today
Bad news: it is not full release

Everything changed when she got all prudish with her name. Vaccumslayer would have made it full release 🙁


“Everything changed when she got all prudish with her name. Vaccumslayer would have made it full release :(”

there’s always hope that my evil twin will cum back at some point.


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