Standing Athwart Foreign Shit Yelling “Stop!”

ABOVE: Jay Nordlinger and Turkey (front to back)

Shorter Jay Nordlinger, America’s Shittiest Website™:
Soccer and the Metric System

  • Soccer, a game predominantly played by foreign colored people, is, like the metric system, an intentional kick in the nuts of American exceptionalism. And I, for one, am tired of having two-liter bottles of soft drinks and David Beckham shoved down my throat.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 436


Once again, shorter GOP –



It’s not for nuthin’ we know him as Turdflinger.

My favorite bit: Those things, as things — as a sport, as a system of measures — are totally innocent. But I have these lingering associations . . . Soccer and the metric system were rebukes to American exceptionalism — American thickheadedness and backwardness.

Shorter: There’s nothing wrong with either of these things, but I have fucked-up insane mental associations I’ve made with each, so fuck you, soccer and metrics!



P.S. The best argument for soccer I know is the stellar Duncan Currie, my fellow NR-nik, my fellow editor and writer: soccer expert, soccer advocate, and soccer player. I’ve been much more respectful of the game since he came to work for us as an intern, some years ago. Sorry for the metric shtick, Duncan! (He’s heard it many times.)

Ha ha, yes he has. Remember to lock up sharp objects, cranky, or you may wind up with the fate we all wish on Andy Rooney.


I’ve been much more respectful of the game since he came to work for us as an intern, some years ago.

Like all conservatives, if it is not somehow related to them personally, it is evil. Anything tangentially connected to them is good because of, you know, something.

Also in addition to furriners and darkies, castrating feminazis also like this sport. Like they need any excuse to kick balls, amirite?


And I, for one, am tired of having two-liter bottles of soft drinks and David Beckham shoved down my throat.

Tell me about it!


What huge throats these conservatives have!


Soccer is too much work for Americans. That is why it is played only by countries that are either terrorists or neoStalinists.

Also, it’s dumb when they say “GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAL!”

And I think they should gather up all those stupid horns and use them to fill in Obama’s credibility gap. Ha Ha Ha Ha!


Is this the same twatwaffle who bitched & moaned about the limey at the Philharmonic making some crack about Bush?

Does he realize that w/o the metric system & futbol, there’d barely be anything to be exceptional about?

Why not a duck?


We…I can kick American exceptionalism in the nuts? Is there like a line, or a form I can fill out or something? That sounds fan-fucking-tastic.

the socialest paradise of the south seas

Was this soccer’s fault? Heavens no. And neither was it the fault of the metric system.

this is the third sentence of my autobiography!!! get out of my head you fiend


What huge throats these conservatives have!

All the better to…

never mind.

the socialest paradise of the south seas

it was of course the fault of the D.C. electricity generation system


To prove I got out of the boat, I return howling: ALWAYS TRUST THE SHORTER!

When I was coming of age, soccer was pushed on us, and so was the metric system — and for the same reason: The rest of the world did it; America was stubborn and behind, in its rejection of those things.

No, dipshit, we embraced the metric system — actually known as the SI, for two words too froggy for you to pronounce, much less make a failed attempt at understanding of them — because it is a self-consistent system of units, based upon the earth, the decimal system, and water, unlike the British (Imperial) system, based upon the length of the king’s nose, and the inability of illiterate Dark Age English peasants to divide by anything other than two or — and we’re stretching, here — three.

In fact, if our Congress had had the cojones — that’s Messican for “brains”, to you — to use the power Benjamin Franklin had given them, to set the system of weights and measures — we could long ago have sent feet and pounds the way of Republican House Speakers, or non-gay Catholic Preists / Protestant Fundie Preachers. (And, there would have been much rejoicing.)


That linked picture of Beckham in tighty-whiteys would cause anyone to want him shoved down their throats. I stand by this statement.


When I was coming of age, soccer was pushed on us, and so was the metric system — and for the same reason: The rest of the world did it; America was stubborn and behind, in its rejection of those things.

I’m pretty sure this was also the Thinking Conservatives’ winningest argument against health care reform: the rest of the world does it, ergo it sucks Sucks SUCKS and you can’t make me you can’t make me.


I am very tempted to get out of the boat just so I can memorize, repeat and ridicule the anti-soccer memes at work, thus pre-empting stupid co-workers who may be just about ready to try them as proof of their hyper-American cleverness.


the British (Imperial) system, based upon the length of the king’s nose, and the inability of illiterate Dark Age English peasants to divide by anything other than two or — and we’re stretching, here — three.

Balderdash. Keeping track mentally of how some things are comprised of 2, 4, 12, or 16 smaller things with cute names like “drams” and “bushels” and “gills” and “inches” is a perfectly sensible, character-building, freedom-loving system. It works for money, too, and I’d wager a gross of shillings, tuppence on that, and so would every countess and baronet in the peerage.

Also the metric system smacks of the bloody Papists.


In fact, if our Congress had had the cojones — that’s Messican for “brains”, to you — to use the power Benjamin Franklin had given them, to set the system of weights and measures — we could long ago have sent feet and pounds the way of Republican House Speakers, or non-gay Catholic Preists / Protestant Fundie Preachers. (And, there would have been much rejoicing.)

A little known fact: large portions of the federal government are metric and have been since the Carter administration. A lot of public works are designed in metric.

I had the opportunity a few years ago to do some research into the history of civil engineering. There is one journal,now known as ENR, that has been in continuous publication since the early 1880s and is therefore useful to track issues over time. (It was previous the Engineering News-Record, and before the 1930s two journals, the Engineering News and the Engineering Record. One of them began life as – no kidding – the Sanitary Engineer.) If you pick a copy of ENR today, the odds are not bad you’ll find a letter to the editor arguing that metric will destroy the U.S.: the horrible pain of switching will have no upside. They publish one of those letters about once a year, usually from some asshole who’s upset that the project articles give dimensions in both imperial and metric. If you check the back volumes, they’ve been publishing that letter for 120 years.


“Standing athwart engineering yelling stop the meters!”

Pretty sure the U.S. military’s all metric.


Pretty sure the U.S. military’s all metric.

Don’t ask, don’t measure.


Conveniently, a thwart is 1/3 of a standard estoppage.


There’s a lot of overlap between the anti-metric crowd and people suspicious of the thwarthy.


Old man yelling at clouds.

And really? a system of measurement and David Beckham being shoved down your throat?

Seems like there’s a joke there about Beckham units but I haven’t had enough coffee yet to find it.

Lurking Canadian

The sad thing is, the US could have adopted the metric system during Thomas Jefferson’s presidency as a symbolic break with the UK, like they did with money and this problem would have gone away. Of course, in that timeline using the metric system would have become part of American exceptionalism and wingnuts would be writing letters bitching that other countries are stealing it.

Wingnut bitching is a multiversal constant.


You know, one could tell it was World Cup time just by the sheer volume of American Conservatives(AmCons?) whining about soccer and the metric system.

“Son, do you realize you’re showing everyone exactly how deep your inferiority-complex runs?”

Just askin’


Of course, in that timeline

American football would be measured in meters and we may have been infected with “the rouge.”


Old man yelling at clouds.

There are too many types of cloud. Please abolish one.


“A game of centimeters” just doesn’t have the same toughness.

It really doesn’t.

You can’t pronounce ‘centi’ and not sound like a pussy.


“A game of centimeters” just doesn’t have the same toughness.

How about a game of giga-angstroms?


How about a game of giga-angstroms

Thanks, but I’m running a little light today.

Ted the Slacker

Soccer and the metric system were rebukes to American exceptionalism

Could also be that Nerdlinger hated maths and had no interest in sports, so to avoid being mocked by the manly men at NRO he makes up stuff about his thespian nerdliness, past and present. Call me an old-fashioned shit-detector, but “coming of age” generally means getting over one’s insecurities; in conservaworld however, it apparently means putting them in an even more elaborate closet.

Also, suspicion raised on account of Rule V(i) of Conservatism [See, Roman numerals. Take that you Arabs and Dhimmis, with your anti-American curly numbers and zeroes]: Never let people assume you have a small penis.

Ted the Slacker

“A game of centimeters” just doesn’t have the same toughness.

Except a 160kph fast-ball sounds more impressive than a 100mph fast-ball. Coz it’s all about big numbers and cool words, not about ease of use.

My preferred questions for metric scolds… How many pints in a square yard? What does a gallon of water weigh? Don’t know… useless.

The Tragically Flip

My favourite is the plane crashes caused by pilots fucking up the fuel formulas because they are specifying gallons but the fuel technicians at the airport work in litres. Hooray for wingnuts, making the airways safe for quarts!


Flip – Not to mention the Mars lander. Miles? Kilometers? Who cares?


We needed to embrace the real football, soccer, played by thin, small, virtuous Third Worlders, who had no equipment save a ball, and maybe a few sticks for goals. Nets, too, if they were really lucky.

Well, the Browns are thin because they reject the Exceptionalism of McDonalds and fast food- how unamerican! The poor, not so much. And why would that be, I wonder?


the Browns are thin because

…have you ever eaten the food in Cleveland? Those freaks put the fries inside their sandwiches.


You can’t pronounce ‘centi’ and not sound like a pussy.

I can see where this is heading and I am pre-emptively squicked out on behalf of T&U.


Those freaks put the fries inside their sandwiches




And I’m off to climb scaffolding with that image in my head.


Soccer and the metric system were rebukes to American exceptionalism — American thickheadedness and backwardness.

Damn metric system is used by all them pointy-headed science types too- it goes against God’s will, and Natural Law.


Q) Why was the metric system ever promoted in America?
A) Glad you asked, Bobby! Seventeen centimeters of veiled penis reference, jamming down the throat of the River City Women’s Auxiliary (ie National Review) doesn’t negate the fact that President Jimmy Carter (Him! Again!) thought switching to metric would encourage American exports to the rest of the world. Formerly alive President Reagan cancelled the switchover. Get me a firkin of your finest Pepsi.

Rusty Shackleford

Swarthy men kicking ball into net: vaginal French elitism
Swarthy men throwing ball into net: testosteroni USAmerican ass-kick


Jesus Christ. These people need counseling.


Also the metric system smacks of the bloody Papists

Goddamn right! The place has been crawling with hippies ever since we started using that priest-ridden Gregorian calendar.


Swarthy men throwing ball into net: testosteroni USAmerican ass-kick

FUCK YEAH!!!! U-S-A!!!! U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!!


played by thin, small, virtuous Third Worlders

Obviously Nordlinger has never heard of Wayne Rooney, who is only the last of those four things.


Richard Branson–on Morning Whatever Tight Booby Blouse Mika’s Wearing–just said that Obama needs to ease up on BP. Excuse the fuck out of me?


So…what? I come to a thread and everybody stops playing? Be honest: is it because I talk too much about roasted chicken?


played by thin, small, virtuous Third Worlders
Obviously Nordlinger has never heard of Wayne Rooney, who is only the last of those four things.



Third Worlder said,

I’m sorry if I’ve been insensitive. I reckon I should not talk about roasted chicken in front of you.


Be honest: is it because I talk too much about roasted chicken?

Nah. I suspect the inanity of referenced post has stunned a lot of folks. That there is some weapons-grade stupid being put forth by ASW.


Nah. I suspect the inanity of referenced post has stunned a lot of folks. That there is some weapons-grade stupid being put forth by ASW.

That makes sense. Sometimes the stupidity just seems to knock the wind (wit) right out of me.


That makes sense. Sometimes the stupidity just seems to knock the wind (wit) right out of me

And yet they all have paying gigs writing tripe. If they were real writers, the bastards would commit suicide if articles like that were published. under their byline.

For all their bluster they must realize they’re all just talentless hacks – that’s why they hate everybody and everything that actually accomplishes anything.


Hey, conservative idiots! Those other countries loooove their oxygen-breathin’, too! Feel free to stop yours in protest.


Sometimes the stupidity just seems to knock the wind (wit) right out of me.

American Exceptionalism (which seems to be VERY important to these folks) kinda runs like this:

America: “You other people seem to like to keep the bus on the road when driving along winding mountain roads”

Other people: “Yes, we do. It seems to make sense in both the short and long term.”

America: ” Well, we aren’t going to be like you! We’re different!”

Other people: “Does that mean you are going to drive the bus over the cliff?”

America: “FUCK YEAH! Wolverines!1!!!” (Crashing sounds, screaming, explosion, etc)

Have I missed anything here?


played by thin, small, virtuous Third Worlders

I dunno how Jay defines “Third World”. Here’s the Final Four from the past few World Cups:
Italy, France, Germany and Portugal
Brazil, Germany, Turkey and South Korea
France, Brazil, Croatia and the Orange Menace
Brazil, Italy, Sweden and Bulgaria

Maybe Nordlinger uses a different definition of “Third World” than I do.


“Looch said,
June 16, 2010 at

Have I missed anything here?”

Sadly, no.


owlbear: “You can’t pronounce “centi” and not sound like a pussy.” Sure you can…along with OOH ESS AHH… OOH ESS AHH!!


so they don’t understand the metric system, and they don’t understand soccer, and this somehow makes them better people??????? Once again the wingnut pride in ignorance comes to the fore.


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

So is Nordlinger upset that one…OK, two, on weekends…network is showing a game he does not enjoy?

Um, Jay? Change the channel, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmK? I know your fapping enjoyment at the World Team Poker tournament is interrupted, but please!


I am staying in the boat with David Beckham and his package. As long as he doesn’t talk.


“A game of centimeters” just doesn’t have the same toughness.

Right, and so the inchworm is so much tougher than the centimeter worm.

Speaking of inchworms, Jay, get your penis extender now.


so they don’t understand the metric system, and they don’t understand soccer, and this somehow makes them better people???????

As they polish their 9mm guns, yes.


Fucking metric system, how does it work?


played by thin, small, virtuous Third Worlders

Dude’s obviously never seen Oguchi Onyewu.

What a jackass.


Brazil, Turkey, South Korea? Dusky countries all. Portugal, Italy, Croatia, and Bulgaria tend towards swarthiness too. In wingnut speak, Third World = brownish skin. That leaves only four properly white countries out of eleven – and three of those are hippie-commie-surrendermonkeys. So it’s ten Bad Places plus Germany.


Fucking metric system, how does it work?

Y’know, you’d think right wingers would be all in support of this system: “I’m going to give you ten and make it hurt” sounds a LOT better than “I’m going to give you four and make it hurt”.


Speaking of the metric system,
40 rods is an 1/8 of a mile. A hogshead is 63 gallons.

As a comparison, RMS Queen Mary 2 consumes 630,000 L of diesel per day and has a top speed of 30 knots. This works out to, roughly speaking, 1000 rods per hogshead – call it 800 since QM2 is outfitted with CODAG to boost top speed and I don’t know what her natural gas consumption is for a factor of twenty.

Thus Abe Simpson’s car can travel 5% of the distance that the world’s largest cruiseship can for the same amount of fuel. And that’s the way he likes it.


Y’know, you’d think right wingers would be all in support of this system: “I’m going to give you ten and make it hurt” sounds a LOT better than “I’m going to give you four and make it hurt”.

Yeah, but multiplying numbers by 10 hurts their branes.


40 rods is an 1/8 of a mile.

A rod is also 5 meters. Rods swing both ways.


A rod is also 5 meters 6 foot 3



As they polish their 9mm guns, yes.



Yeah, but multiplying numbers by 10 hurts their branes.

They do need to remove their shoes, true.


A rod is also 5 meters 6 foot 3

Kewl! I’m a rod. A hot rod!


How many pints in a square yard? What does a gallon of water weigh?

Well, a pint’s a pound, the whole world round, so 8 pounds.

And there are no pints in a square yard because a pint is a unit of volume, not area.

That said, the whole metric thing would be easier and keep us from crashing more expensive devices onto Mars. Besides, “hectare” is more fun to say than “acre”, which word could go back to being the name of a city on the Mediterranean.


I like Metric. In fact, I was just listening to this song this morning.


Um, Jay? Change the channel, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmK? I know your fapping enjoyment at the World Team Poker tournament is interrupted, but please!

That’s another thing: when the hell did poker become a “sport”? I don’t even know why auto racing is considered a “sport”. A sport usually has to do with some kind of physical athletic prowess, which is what distinguishes it from a “game”.

And the last time I was in England (and Ireland, for that matter), all of the highways were measured in kilometers, not miles. Even the English aren’t sticking to the “English system”.


“Well, a pint’s a pound, the whole world round, so 8 pounds.”

Exactly the problem. A gallon of water weighs 8.35 pounds.


And there are no pints in a square yard because a pint is a unit of volume, not area.

Clearly, you’ve never been to the Bohemian Beer Garden, which is a square and a yard, and is full of pints.


That’s another thing: when the hell did poker become a “sport”?

Why does ESPN have the National Spelling Bee?


Here’s a mess – in my corner of Canuckistani, almost all of us still give our heights in feet and inches, and our weight in pounds. Engines are still rated by horsepower and heaters are in BTU/hour. Temperature however is always in Celsius except when baking or roasting a chicken. Distances are about equally likely to be in miles as kilometers. Plenty of us are saddled with tools in both inch fractions and millimeters. Ee occasionally still specify thickness by wire gauge. Groceries are generally in pounds by mass and litres by volume. This last one is particularly interesting as we now have a variety of things that come in 330 mL, 341 mL and 355 mL – WTF? Also, no one buys a fifth up here, it’s a 750 – and yet the 1.16L is still called a forty.


Also, no one buys a fifth up here, it’s a 750 – and yet the 1.16L is still called a forty.

Well, 750 isn’t as unwieldy as 1.16…I’d just say that it was a forty, too. (42?)


Well, 750 isn’t as unwieldy as 1.16…

Ain’t that the truth. That’s why I stopped swigging straight outta the bottle. Well, at least on week-days.

Sure 1.16 is awkward to say, but why the hell do we have 1.16’s? What’s wrong with litre bottles? Vermouth comes in half liters and liters – that just makes sense. And yet we are saddled with this 40 oz. size because of Shut Up That’s Why.


We…I can kick American exceptionalism in the nuts? Is there like a line, or a form I can fill out or something? That sounds fan-fucking-tastic.



America and the metric system are at weird odds. Most industries have switched over. Construction might be the last real bastion against it, mostly cuz a 2×4 is a 2×4 no matter that it’s 5.08×10.16 (even tho the actual dimensions are smaller than 2×4).


No, dipshit, we embraced the metric system — actually known as the SI, for two words too froggy for you to pronounce, much less make a failed attempt at understanding of them — because it is a self-consistent system of units, based upon the earth, the decimal system, and water, unlike the British (Imperial) system, based upon the length of the king’s nose, and the inability of illiterate Dark Age English peasants to divide by anything other than two or — and we’re stretching, here — three.

Clinging to the system used by King George III and commonly referenced as the “imperial” system is the American Way to express freedom and exceptionalism.


Clinging to the system used by King George III and commonly referenced as the “imperial” system is the American Way to express freedom and exceptionalism.

As a protest against BP, we ought to drop the system.

That’ll show them!


All of this fuss over inches versus meters just distracts us from the one true unit. The cubit. If it was good enough for Noah, it ought to be good enough for the U S of A.


The cubit. If it was good enough for Noah, it ought to be good enough for the U S of A.

Also, the span. Wingnuts are used to measuring things with their palms.


America: ” Well, we aren’t going to be like you! We’re different!”

There’s the right way, the wrong way, and the Max Power way.


I dunno how Jay defines “Third World”. Here’s the Final Four from the past few World Cups:
Italy, France, Germany and Portugal
Brazil, Germany, Turkey and South Korea
France, Brazil, Croatia and the Orange Menace
Brazil, Italy, Sweden and Bulgaria

Look at the ethnic makeup of the French soccer team (to name only that one), and you’ll notice why he and Matterazzi think it’s a third world team. In the NRO’s rulebook, if your skin isn’t whiter than a Klansman’s sheets, you’re not First World.


Isn’t that the wrong way?

Yes, but faster.


What’s wrong with litre bottles? Vermouth comes in half liters and liters – that just makes sense. And yet we are saddled with this 40 oz. size because of Shut Up That’s Why.

Yeah, but a “liter of Mickey’s” just doesn’t have the same ring to it!


My favourite is the plane crashes caused by pilots fucking up the fuel formulas because they are specifying gallons but the fuel technicians at the airport work in litres.

I’m not sure if you thought you were joking, but that actually happened. Fortunately, all ended well.


Vermouth comes in half liters and liters

New Hamthirent comes in mason jars.


Happy Bloomsday, all! Landlord, a round of pork kidneys on me.


France, Brazil, Croatia and the Orange Menace

DKos has a soccer team?


Look at the ethnic makeup of the French soccer team (to name only that one)

It’s not much different from your typical NFL team.


My favourite is the plane crashes caused by pilots fucking up the fuel formulas because they are specifying gallons but the fuel technicians at the airport work in litres.

I’m not sure if you thought you were joking, but that actually happened. Fortunately, all ended well.

If memory serves, we actually lost a spacecraft with that shit.


Happy Bloomsday, all!

Of all the Ulysses books I was forced to read in high school….


If memory serves, we actually lost a spacecraft with that shit.

Two actually, two Martian probes.


Damn, it feels like it wast just Bloomsday.

No, I’m totally serious.


The interweb celebrity I ran into there:

Oh. I was hoping it was that sixth-grader who sang “Paparazzi,” but that’s cool, too.


I can almost see this coming.

Right wing: Oil spill no big deal, but OMG! GROUNDWATER POLLUTION!


In fact, if our Congress had had the cojones — that’s Messican for “brains”, to you — to use the power Benjamin Franklin had given them, to set the system of weights and measures — we could long ago have sent feet and pounds the way of Republican House Speakers, or non-gay Catholic Preists / Protestant Fundie Preachers. (And, there would have been much rejoicing.)

Well, NIST is a federal agency. Heck, other countries come to us to get a 2nd hand measure off of our platinum meter (for reals). We also have that swell atomic clock.

The real problem is that CONgress, which is made up of ignorant dumbasses who flunked high school physics, keeps insisting that gov’t agencies put out info in obscure British units like “inches of mercury” (as oppose to something easily grasped like, say, “atmospheres”). This leads to stuff like the Mars explorer blowing up because two different contractors were using two different units of measure and didn’t check on that first. My dad wasted more time at NOAA converting units of measure than he cared to speak of… and the funny thing is, the effing weathermen don’t know what “inches of mercury” means and even if they do, the audience shore as shit ain’t know! (You know there is a “metric” version of this obsolete unit of measure, known as “centimeters of mercury”. Yes. Really. When we could express pressure in atmospheres. OMGWTFBBQ.)

The real problem with British units is that they don’t form a coherent system that convert well among themselves. Being forced to use them in sciences is a recipe for stupid mistakes and wasted time and money.

Unfortunately on the construction side English units are entrenched so no hope there. But you’d think they’d let the scientists use whatever units they damn well pleased. I doubt a single congresscrittur can tell you what a “dyne” is. Or a slug. Or an inch of mercury, for that matter.


Right wing: Oil spill no big deal, but OMG! GROUNDWATER POLLUTION!

But turbines kill birds!!!!


A lot of public works are designed in metric.

Seriously? Give me some examples.

I’m really curious, because when I was in engineering school they told me that metric was too complex for general contractor’s puny brains to grasp.


I saw Deidrich Bader at Mt. Vernon.


Unfortunately on the construction side English units are entrenched so no hope there.

Not true, IMO. Metric versions of all the codes exist and we cold do a soft conversion, same as they’ve done in the UK. Nominal 12″ wide-flange beams become nominal 300mm beams, and so on.


What does a gallon of water weigh? Don’t know… useless.

Actually, very useful unless you have people carry your gallons of water for you. Or take the water-filled portable free weight set. Somebody had to figure out the mass of water per volume. Which, by the way, is easy. Let me help you out:

1 cubic centimeter of water = 1mL == 1 gram at STP

HA, and if I do say so myself, HA


When I was coming of age, soccer was pushed on us, and so was the metric system — and for the same reason: The rest of the world did it; America was stubborn and behind, in its rejection of those things.

Too bad his teachers didn’t push better writing skills on his stubborn behind.


What does a gallon of water weigh? Don’t know… useless.

Eight pounds, same as it always has.


Metric versions of all the codes exist and we cold do a soft conversion, same as they’ve done in the UK

First off, nothing “soft” in America, K, you Islamohippiecommiefascist freek!

Second, we *could* but we won’t.


Pretty sure the U.S. military’s all metric.

US Army, 1987 to 1989, even under St. Ronnie. All metric.

College, 90 to 92, 93 to 94, all metric in science/math classes (with extra time spent converting our piece of SHIT British system to one that works correctly.)

Anti metric people are Satan’s minions.


When I was coming of age, soccer was pushed on us, and so was the metric system — and for the same reason: The rest of the world did it; America was stubborn and behind, in its rejection of those things.

As soon as you come of age mentally, maybe you’ll understand something. Anything.


Right wing: Oil spill no big deal, but OMG! GROUNDWATER POLLUTION!

Um, not trying to be obtuse here, but wind turbines produce groundwater pollution how?

I mean, I could see some lubricant spillage (oh, Sadlies! Have I a gift for you!) but not more than would drop on a street or highway. Or with DKW’s mom.


Too bad his teachers didn’t push better writing skills on his stubborn behind.

Damn. Did he just throw bits of punctuation into that shit at random?


Second, we *could* but we won’t.

Not so sure about that. It’s generational – the yungins don’t think in pints any more.


Right wing: Oil spill no big deal, but OMG! GROUNDWATER POLLUTION!

Any place that uses pollution as a reason to reject wind turbines should have massive quantities of coal fly ash injected into their water.


the yungins don’t think in pints any more

I blame the forties and hip hop.


Susan Jacoby transgendered Ramesh Ponnuru.

Hey, she writes a “religion” column, which is a fair cop to being a “blithering idiot”. Why would anyone assume someone named Ramesh is female?

(Or is that all the Indian mythology I studied speaking?)

Okay, let me ask Professor Google. *click click ramesh click click*

Oh, I love this: “the meaning of the name Ramesh is “Lord of Lakshmi””

Is this one of those third gender things?


@ N__B:

I had my first lovely experience with a *soft* metric job here at Fairchild Air Force Base a few years ago. It was a BAD experience. The bulk of the confusion and errors were simply due to dumb fat white guys crying about having to do like, math and stuff. Ew.

Of course, through all of that, I’m ecstatic, thinking “this is it, it’s finally here! Feds do it, states do it, counties, cities, and 2 or 3 hundred years later, private business does it!”

I was wrong.


Also, anyone who starts with the “metric doesn’t make sense to me” crap should be forced to spend an afternoon converting pounds mass to pounds force in someone else’s calcs because they DON’T KNOW THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE.


Why would anyone assume someone named Ramesh is female?

I was thinking that, too.


Um, not trying to be obtuse here, but wind turbines produce groundwater pollution how?

They don’t. But the ground they are proposed for is made of some schist or something, that cracks when drilled. Under the rock is the groundwater for wells. Above the rock?

Oh, farm run-off, animal waste, industrial pollutants….


Right wing: Oil spill no big deal, but OMG! GROUNDWATER POLLUTION!

Fucking shameless. They say that shit with all of the sincerety of a true believer too. Nihilists to the core, those wingnuts.


“the meaning of the name Ramesh is “Lord of Lakshmi””

She must have seen that and said “That chick on Top Chef…Padme Lakshmi, right? He must be a chick.”


Er, no offense N__B, but this looks to me like a conversion in name only:

A post spacing of 1905 mm for typical W-beam and thrie-beam guardrails is recommended. This value is the exact conversion of the 6-foot 3-in post spacing normally used today. While there is interest in using 2000 mm for a post spacing, maintenance and inventory problems preclude adopting it at the present time.

You also mentioned the military which was already brought up as using metric. That’s cool if they do; I certainly don’t have any experience with military contracting. Hell, that might explain why my dad bitched so much when he was working for NWS; he was in military sub-contracting for ten years before that. Still, seems like some of those military contractors haven’t gone all metric either? Wasn’t Lockheed involved in that Mars Kablooie thing? Maybe I’m wrong. Can’t remember and too lazy to google it.


Also, anyone who starts with the “metric doesn’t make sense to me” crap should be forced to spend an afternoon converting pounds mass to pounds force in someone else’s calcs because they DON’T KNOW THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE.

They should shutup too, also. How does base 10 not makes sense to someone? How are decimals less easy to understand than motherfucking fractions? I do this shit every day in my job, and I wish I was using millimeters every day.

If you don’t understand the metric system, please DO NOT touch any numbers.


“not a gator said,
June 16, 2010 at 17:13

Susan Jacoby transgendered Ramesh Ponnuru.

Hey, she writes a “religion” column, which is a fair cop to being a “blithering idiot”. Why would anyone assume someone named Ramesh is female?

She definitely doesn’t come across as an idiot to me. She may have assumed that Ramesh was a womaN because he was heralding the age of the new conservative feminism.


Also, anyone who starts with the “metric doesn’t make sense to me” crap should be forced to spend an afternoon converting pounds mass to pounds force in someone else’s calcs because they DON’T KNOW THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE.

They should also be mocked mercilessly for NOT BEING ABLE TO MULTIPLY BY TENS.


Er, no offense N__B, but this looks to me like a conversion in name only:

Essentially what “soft” metric, or “since contractors are too fucking dumb to use the metric system, we’ll just use a nominal system that is a conversion from the British system” metric. At least that’s how it worked on my single experience with it.

Military–all metric. It works very well.


They don’t. But the ground they are proposed for is made of some schist or something, that cracks when drilled. Under the rock is the groundwater for wells. Above the rock?

Oh, farm run-off, animal waste, industrial pollutants….

Yeah I read the article. So they are saying putting wind turbines would allow the shit they have already dumped spread through the porous rock and fuck up the water table. I’m not a hydrologist or geologist, but I do know water is pretty relentless, especially when in cahoots with its sidekick gravity. Wonder how that water is testing right now?


Wow. Spain is about to lose in the World Cu–

Oh. Forgot. Americans.

Carry on!


conservative feminism.

Seems like these two words should catch on fire when in close proximity. I’m putting on eye protection.


r, no offense N__B, but this looks to me like a conversion in name only

Soft conversion is the only way it will happen – we keep the same physical objects we have now and switch to the new units. A generation later, if people want to rationalize to round-number sizes, good for them. Trying to simultaneously switch units and sizes will never happen.

Lurking Canadian

I’m even stranger than DKW. I measure interior temperatures in Farenheit and exterior temperatures in Celsius. If you give me the wrong one, I need to do the math in my head to figure out whether I need to turn up the thermostat or put on my coat.

Yeah, but a “liter of Mickey’s” just doesn’t have the same ring to it!

No Canadian would ever say that, because Mickey is a unit of volume. (That’s what we call the small, hip-flask shaped bottles that teenagers use to remove one another’s pants.)

Construction in Canada is officially metric, which means standard lumber sizes are given in millimetres and nothing changed.


Actor, the funny thing is that sometimes Indians can have cross-gender god’s names in certain circumstances. Sort of like the name Mario. For example, a girl could be named Krishna. Anyway, looked it up, there is the name Rameshwari, meaning given is Lakshmi. Hahahahaha.

There’s no excuse for being so ignorant in this day and age with English-language information from and about India available on the intertubes.


“conservative feminism.

Seems like these two words should catch on fire when in close proximity. I’m putting on eye protection.”



I measure interior temperatures in Farenheit and exterior temperatures in Celsius.

When I go to Europe, I use rough calculations. If it’s in the twenties, I bring a light jacket. If it’s in the 30s, I carry water.

I’m fucked when I go in the winter, tho.


Wow. Spain is about to lose in the World Cu–

I was just looking at the stats…what a weird game. This whole World Cup has been fucking weird.


Okay, found example of a man named Lakshmi Mittal, who is very wealthy and they explain that Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth. I could swear there is a man named Lakshmi who is more familiar to Americans but my google fu wasn’t up to it. (my google fu is WEAK my friends)


They don’t. But the ground they are proposed for is made of some schist or something, that cracks when drilled. Under the rock is the groundwater for wells. Above the rock?

Oh, farm run-off, animal waste, industrial pollutants….

So drilling for turbines would be bad because it would fracture the schist and allow surface pollution to contaminate the water accessed by drilling for wells?


This whole World Cup has been fucking weird.

The ball has bad juju.


So drilling for turbines would be bad because it would fracture the schist and allow surface pollution to contaminate the water accessed by drilling for wells?


Yea. Something like that.


This whole World Cup has been fucking weird.

How so? I mean besides Jesus tying up the US-England game.

BTW, US team this year SUCKS. They just seem like a bunch of dissipated hipsters who must think they’re the shit because they beat some tiny island nations without enough good players to field a damn team. Their ball-handling skills are so sorry it’s painful to watch.


Honestly I have no idea why the author was so careless about Ramesh’ gender…but the rest of the post is compelling and sound.


Pretty sure the U.S. military’s all metric.

US Army, 1987 to 1989, even under St. Ronnie. All metric.

College, 90 to 92, 93 to 94, all metric in science/math classes (with extra time spent converting our piece of SHIT British system to one that works correctly.)

Anti metric people are Satan’s minions.

Not only that, but they also count in European hours. Three hours before midnight, for example, is “2100 hours,” not “9 PM” like it is for the civilians.


I’m fucked when I go in the winter, tho.

That is a great way to keep warm.

Seriously, though, I’ve discovered on XC ski trips that one figures it out VERY quickly.


I’m really bad with temperature in C but I do remember that 27C is a warm room temp (over 70F) because of that one lab in chemistry back in high school.

Also, at -40 they meet.


Soft conversion is the only way it will happen – we keep the same physical objects we have now and switch to the new units. A generation later, if people want to rationalize to round-number sizes, good for them. Trying to simultaneously switch units and sizes will never happen.

Maybe we could upgrade the Concentration Camps to Re-education Camps? That should speed things along.

I find that the biggest stumbling block for change resistant people is the concept of what “a foot” means. When you say, for example 914mm x 2134mm x 44mm, most people haven’t a clue what that means. But it’s a commong commercial door size: 3′ x 7′ x 1-3/4″. I don’t think it would take long to fix that problem.


Metric is aweome cool.

All the good hash comes in kilo increments.


aweSome too, also.


They just seem like a bunch of dissipated hipsters who must think they’re the shit because they beat some tiny island nations without enough good players to field a damn team.

Who beat Spain 2-0 in the Confederations Cup, and almost beat Brazil.


Also, at -40 they meet.

Funny the shit that sticks in our heads, innit?


This whole World Cup has been fucking weird.

How so?

1) Like you said, Jesus tying up the U.S. U.K. game.
2) France having a tie with Uruguay in which it didn’t score a single goal (FOR SHAME!)
3) North Korea, of all places, scoring a goal against the soccer superpower of the world, Brazil. I know they lost in the end, but Jesus Christ, that really wasn’t supposed to happen.


Soft conversion is the only way it will happen – we keep the same physical objects we have now and switch to the new units. A generation later, if people want to rationalize to round-number sizes, good for them. Trying to simultaneously switch units and sizes will never happen.

That’s like taking an english unit tool set, declaring it’s metric, and then trying to use it on your (metric) bicycle. Ain’t gonna happen.

IMO road construction needs some major reform, but incremental changes is all we’re gonna get. Hm, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to let certain interests collude and “capture” all the road projects. Huh.


How so? I mean besides Jesus tying up the US-England game

The Brazil/North Korea game was pretty strange, and England has had a SHITLOAD of injuries.It seems like play has been super, super conservative.

BUT K’naan is fucking awesome.


Eh, you know Brazil needs their nose bloodied a little so they can come back stronger than ever.

And they’d better, because I have a deep psychological need to see Argentina lose.


And they’d better, because I have a deep psychological need to see Argentina lose.

Por que?

guitarist manqué

Historia pura! Las swizas enchiladas ganan!


>The Brazil/North Korea game was pretty strange

g’damn, you people are making me pissed that I missed it.

I caught Argentina-Nigeria. Nigeria could have easily tied it up. I hope they cinch the second spot. They play with heart. Now that’s soccer.


BTW, US team this year SUCKS. They just seem like a bunch of dissipated hipsters who must think they’re the shit because they beat some tiny island nations without enough good players to field a damn team. Their ball-handling skills are so sorry it’s painful to watch.

Really? I honestly haven’t watched them play much, but there are some really good players on the time. Maybe Landon Donovan’s douchery is distracting you.


That’s like taking an english unit tool set, declaring it’s metric, and then trying to use it on your (metric) bicycle. Ain’t gonna happen.

That’s how the UK construction industry metricated in the 70s and 80s. Really.


Chris, not sure I can explain. Maybe it’s those dicky stripey uniforms. Dunno. Or maybe it’s their blowhard coach. I dunno, I watch them on the field, I think Yankees. So you see. Can’t really help it.


The Brazil/North Korea game was pretty strange

North Korea had one of the top rated defenses in the world. Brazil didnt take them seriously in the first half, and could have had four or five goals at halftime.

But that’s Brazil, which immediately makes it normal. They can be brilliant one moment and score an own goal in the next, and you never know which is going to be the winning(losing) moment.


g’damn, you people are making me pissed that I missed it.

If you have the ability to download torrents, I know there are a few of it out there.


That’s like taking an english unit tool set, declaring it’s metric, and then trying to use it on your (metric) bicycle. Ain’t gonna happen.

In the construction industry, that soft change is the only way it’s ever going to go. There are THOUSANDS of design standards and conventions, that are all based on British units. Stock materials, and readily available materials, all SAE measurements. You can’t mix metric with standard on a project (I’ve experienced that nightmare personally), but you can’t just change now, either.

As much as I would like to ram the metric system through the skull of any naysayer or hand wringer, my particular industry requires a phased change.


They play with heart. Now that’s soccer.

The best five minutes of football I’ve ever seen was the last five minutes of the New Zealand game yesterday.

And for a zero-zero draw, the Portugal-Cote d’Ivoire was awfully good.


That’s how the UK construction industry…

And in another 100 years or so, that might begin to happen here.


And for a zero-zero draw, the Portugal-Cote d’Ivoire was awfully good.

I heard that. Of course, Americans were all pouty because, you know, “ties” are totally lame.


I’m waiting for the beer-foos round of the World Cup.


US may have good players (for example, their goalie) and I’m not going to deny it. But they don’t play well as a team. They seem sort of confused and behind the curve a lot. They also give away the ball constantly by being sloppy*. Not exactly world class there.

They were really good on corner kicks both offensive and defensive so they’ve clearly rehearsed the shit out of that.

Heck, couldn’t believe every time the US goalie got the ball he kicked it over to the opposing team’s goalie. Like clockwork. Is this eleventh-dimensional chess, to force a turnover?** Don’t think so, they didn’t win and only tied because the other team fucked up worse.

*-Okay, so you’re chasing a fast ball down the field. Do you a) knock it into play b) slow it down and fake out your defender c) keep kicking it even though you’re headed out of bounds. If you picked C you can now join the US national boyz soccer team.

**-btw, lousy coaching, too


Until Subway gets rid of that $5 footlong, there will be no metrics here. It would fuck their song all up.


Americans were all pouty because, you know, “ties” are totally lame.

One of the most annoying things for me is how the NHL instituted “winner take all” overtime.

What’s wrong with simply acknowledging that two teams were evenly matched for that one game?


Heck, couldn’t believe every time the US goalie got the ball he kicked it over to the opposing team’s goalie.

Given Green’s history of mishandling the ball….

guitarist manqué

Swiza/España was by far the most exciting game this year. Real fun from start to finish. More like that please. (BTW the univision feed is excellent)


Historia para! Las suizas enchiladas ganan!

Yep. An odd WC already.


One of the most annoying things for me is how the NHL instituted “winner take all” overtime.

Except it’s not quite winner take all, since the losing team still gets a point.

I dunno. Call me heedless of tradition, but I kinda like shootouts.


What’s wrong with simply acknowledging that two teams were evenly matched for that one game?

For us Murrikins there’s gotta be a loser otherwise there’s no way to feel exceptional.


Except it’s not quite winner take all, since the losing team still gets a point.

True, but under the old overtime, they split the points and that was that. It made it really easy to figure out how many points your team had and what they needed to make the playoffs.


Until Subway gets rid of that $5 footlong, there will be no metrics here. It would fuck their song all up.

Five-dollar thirty-point-five-centimeter long…

Yeah, I see your point.


What’s wrong with simply acknowledging that two teams were evenly matched for that one game?

That’s simply unAmerican. I have a feeling most people don’t understand how the whole system works, either.


Until Subway gets rid of that $5 footlong, there will be no metrics here. It would fuck their song all up.

Let’s go all in: &euro 13.50 Meter-long


(BTW the univision feed is excellent)

Yeah, rub it in the faces of us non-Spanish speakers, why don’t you.

Sometimes I tune into Univision anyway because I like how lively the announcers are, even though I understand maybe one word in every 30.


What’s wrong with simply acknowledging that two teams were evenly matched for that one game?

Well, not every game’s like that – in the finals, they do in fact go into overtime with penalty kicks. If memory serves, that’s where Italy beat France in the 2006 final.

Cathal Brouhaha

Americans were all pouty because, you know, “ties” are totally lame.

That’s because “”ties”” are lame. It’s more fun to watch teams play to win rather than not to lose. And it’s also why the second round and later games are so much more fun to watch. So are the second and third games of the opening round when teams need a win to advance. Especially if they need a big goal differential. And you don’t have to be American to notice all that.

What’s wrong with simply acknowledging that two teams were evenly matched for that one game?

What’s wrong with it is it’s more fun to watch a game knowing that one way or another someone is going to win. Would you be down with doing away with extra innings in baseball and OT in basketball and settling for ties instead?


Well, not every game’s like that – in the finals, they do in fact go into overtime with penalty kicks. If memory serves, that’s where Italy beat France in the 2006 final.

I meant hockey, actually. 🙂


Would you be down with doing away with extra innings in baseball and OT in basketball and settling for ties instead?


Cathal Brouhaha

For us Murrikins there’s gotta be a loser otherwise there’s no way to feel exceptional.

Which game do you think soccer fans all over the world found more exciting, Uruguay-France or Spain-Switzerland?


It was a BAD experience. The bulk of the confusion and errors were simply due to dumb fat white guys crying about having to do like, math and stuff. Ew.

That was the excuse they gave us for using circular curves instead of parabolic curves*. BTW, any crop circler can inform you that parabolic curves? Not that hard.

*-correct me if I’m wrong, but parabolic curves are considered safer because they account for the change in velocity of the motorist.

I don’t know what it is with dumb, fat white guys, but they are the most entitled bitches on earth. They don’t want to pay any taxes but want SSI to pay them in full and damn everyone else. I guess it makes sense because their parents’ generation DID get way more out of SS than they put in.

Of course, through all of that, I’m ecstatic, thinking “this is it, it’s finally here! Feds do it, states do it, counties, cities, and 2 or 3 hundred years later, private business does it!”

Hahahah, free market, hahahaha.


I don’t think any professional level game should ever end in a tie, but I don’t know how you just keep going without hurting players and I don’t like sudden death.

Shorter me: I don’t like it, and I have no ideas for fixing it. Therefore I’ll just bitch about it.


I really don’t understand the connection between football and the metric system, football is one of the few areas of British life where the imperial system is still used; the white line around the goal is commonly known as the ‘6 yard box’ and a goal scored from well outside this area may even be described as a ’30 yard screamer’ by the commentator.


Do away with extra innings in baseball? Say it ain’t so!

Unless, of course, we’re talking about an All-Star game. Then we go home when our corporate masters tell us to.

Seriously, though, are not extra innings part and parcel of the “joy” of the game? :DDD


What’s wrong with it is it’s more fun to watch a game knowing that one way or another someone is going to win.

Well, someone always wins eventually. And I think soccer is the kind of sport that you watch because of the game itself, not because of the scoring.

Would you be down with doing away with extra innings in baseball and OT in basketball and settling for ties instead?

I can’t really comment on baseball, as I’m not a huge baseball fan and I’m usually drunk by the third inning. But basketball? Why not?


football is one of the few areas of British life where the imperial system is still used

that and pubs, despite efforts by Eurocrats to replace the pint with mL


I really don’t understand the connection between football and the metric system, football is one of the few areas of British life where the imperial system is still used; the white line around the goal is commonly known as the ‘6 yard box’ and a goal scored from well outside this area may even be described as a ‘30 yard screamer’ by the commentator.

Yeah, but do you think he knows that?


I can’t really comment on baseball, as I’m not a huge baseball fan and I’m usually drunk by the third inning. But basketball? Why not?

Hell, they play enough games to tie some. Whatevs. I was pissed that they’ve been eliminating tie scores from pro hockey. And WTF is sudden death overtime. Bollocks, I say.


What’s wrong with simply acknowledging that two teams were evenly matched for that one game?

You’re obviously not a bookie.


Weird, I thought this was a screamer.


No bookies in Old Europe?


Would you be down with doing away with extra innings in baseball and OT in basketball and settling for ties instead?

There’s a qualitative difference between baseball and the other sports: it’s not timed. I’m more comfortable with a tie in a timed game, which says that no one was better in the time allotted than I am with a tie in baseball. IOW, I approve of extra innings but was happier with the NHL when it had straight-up ties.


That’s because “”ties”” are lame. It’s more fun to watch teams play to win rather than not to lose.

Seriously? You think they’re not playing to win? 3 pts vs. 1 and the other team gets a point too? You think in non-tie contests you sometimes don’t get crappy teams trying simply not to get slaughtered?

Soccer is a low-point, low-scoring game so ties are to be expected. Seriously, you think they are somehow playing less? Not from what I’ve seen.

The later rounds are more exciting because the goofy long-shot teams have been knocked out and now some serious titles are on the line. Everyone’s tasted blood and they’re playing at a higher level now.


What huge throats these conservatives have!

With all the practice they get from fellating big business interests, I should think so.


I’m more comfortable with a tie in a timed game, which says that no one was better in the time allotted than I am with a tie in baseball.

True. Different kind of game. I’d like to nitpick here: the score may be a PROXY for which team was better, but they don’t match up 1-1. An element of chance is present in any game (as well as refs & other extraneous factors).

I know sometimes when I was playing school sports our team won we weren’t the best team–we just outplayed them. And sometimes shit just comes together in a sweet, sweet way.

It’s kind of like the problem with chess rankings. They assume a person’s performance on a certain day is absolute. In reality, any player is going to have a range of performance; obviously the top player’s ranges don’t even overlap your clueless newbie. But anyone may have a peak performance versus a bad day and people play differently against differently players and different styles of play. That’s WHY we have sports contests rather than drawing up abstract rankings. In the heat of the moment, anything can happen. That’s what makes it exciting to watch.

Or no?


What huge throats these conservatives have!

With all the practice they get from fellating big business interests, I should think so.

Also, no gag reflex. Too.


I got off the boat and all I got was this alternative shorter:

Because a bunch of hippies in Ann Arbor viewed all sorts of things through a political and ideological lens, I, and all the “real Americans” who agree with me, will always view everything through an ideological lens, just the opposite one that those hippies used. Take that you hippies!

Well that’s not much of a shorter now, is it? How about:

Hippies say “whosoever would be a man must be a non-conformist” therefore in order to be a man, I must non-conform with non-conformity and be a conformist.


(BTW the univision feed is excellent)

Not on my TV. It was fuzzy. Switched to ESPN.


US Army, 1987 to 1989, even under St. Ronnie. All metric.

I have a ruler from back in my grade school days that was handed out by a representative from the local Air Force base, with an Air Force logo and “Towards a metric tomorrow” emblazoned on it in red and blue. Nordlinger would doubtless consider this a dubious — nay, seditious — artifact. Good Tories like Jay love the King’s system of measures, after all.


By “my TV” I mean “the TV in the employee break room”.

Ah, Saturday. Never change.


That linked picture of Beckham in tighty-whiteys would cause anyone to want him shoved down their throats. I stand kneel by this statement.



Hippies say “whosoever would be a man must be a non-conformist” therefore in order to be a man, I must non-conform with non-conformity and be a conformist.

Shorter shorter: if he likes it, I must needs hate it. And vice versa. Ditto. And too.


Actor’s little comment earlier got overlooked, so let me highlight it here:

Y’know, you’d think right wingers would be all in support of this system: “I’m going to give you ten and make it hurt” sounds a LOT better than “I’m going to give you four and make it hurt”.

it’s funny because it’s trooooo


Shorter conservatives: My preeeeciosssss inch. Fap fap fap.


Hippies say “whosoever would be a man must be a non-conformist” therefore in order to be a man, I must non-conform with non-conformity and be a conformist.

It’s kinda trite, but my suggestion would be “Conformity is the new non-conformity.” Also too “It’s hip to be square” since they’re permanently stuck in the Reagan years.


That’s like taking an english unit tool set, declaring it’s metric, and then trying to use it on your (metric) bicycle. Ain’t gonna happen.

Sounds like the bike is Imperial, too, so it’s more like you’re declaring that a 34.9 mm seatpost will fit in your 34.9 mm seatpost clamp. And Lo and Behold, it will!

Call me heedless of tradition, but I kinda like shootouts.

You, sir and/or madam, are Heedless of Tradition.


Hippies say “whosoever would be a man must be a non-conformist” therefore in order to be a man, I must non-conform with non-conformity and be a conformist.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Fucking hippy.


sir and/or madam

Stop making fun of Trig!

guitarist manqué

(BTW the univision feed is excellent)

Not on my TV. It was fuzzy. Switched to ESPN.

I was talking about on-line feed. Even on my middling DSL the picture is great.

Me no have TV.

Cathal Brouhaha

There’s a qualitative difference between baseball and the other sports: it’s not timed. I’m more comfortable with a tie in a timed game, which says that no one was better in the time allotted than I am with a tie in baseball.

What if it were, nine innings is what you’re allotted? If no one is better in the innings allotted you have a tie. I think that would suck regardless of whether you’re measuring time on a clock or the number of outs. And what about basketball? That’s a timed game.

Seriously? You think they’re not playing to win?

I don’t think it, I know it. When a tie is an acceptable outcome anyway and the risk of getting 0 points causes a team to just about give up on scoring and play defensively. They’ll take the point and worry about winning the next game if necessary. Honduras vs. Spain is going to be more fun to watch (unless Spain blows out Honduras but I don’t think they will) than Chile vs. Switzerland because the latter two will be happy to tie.

The later rounds are more exciting because the goofy long-shot teams have been knocked out and now some serious titles are on the line. Everyone’s tasted blood and they’re playing at a higher level now.

It’s got nothing to do with the long shot teams being already eliminated. It’s because you have to win to move on. You’re right about the second part, they are playing at a higher level. Because they’re trying to win.


Aw, my other post got et! Trying again, so dear visitors from the future forgive if it eventually shows up twice:

Hippies say “whosoever would be a man must be a non-conformist” therefore in order to be a man, I must non-conform with non-conformity and be a conformist.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Fucking hippie.


It’s kinda trite, but my suggestion would be “Conformity is the new non-conformity.” Also too “It’s hip to be square” since they’re permanently stuck in the Reagan years.

I agree.

Also, it’s cool and rebellious not to be concerned with the morals of previous generations, e.g. not to care about poor people or oppressed people, which is for pussies. It’s why you see things like this ( crop up in the right wing blogosphere from time to time.


Dammit, I just had a comment eaten twice! WP hates Emerson, except when mis-cited as nameless hippies.

Pupienus Maximus

As recently as 10 years ago, the last era when I was still doing my own wrenching, I kept an old cheap slide rule in my toolbox so I could apply the right quantity of Newton-meters with my torque wrench which was of course calibrated in foot-pounds. And ounces of fork oil as milliliters. Air forks, being spec’ed in atmospheres were also fun to work with.

On the up side, it was fun to wow the folks hanging out in my garage bench racing.

SI is superior for making new units – the milliHelen, for example.


No bookies in Old Europe?

No need of them in the Socialist Workers’ Paradises.

At least you’re not a Gator.


On the other hand, “One and Two Thirds Kilometers Davis” is not as cool a name as Miles I’ll give them that.


the milliHelen, for example.

A unit that I’ve known about for years, but rarely had the opportunity to use until W nominated Harriet Miers.


I played against a gym hockey team (college intramurals…so sue me) named the Cumquarts. Cum0.95liters isn’t as impressive.

Pupienus Maximus

Turdflinger is in league with those who would chain our feet to a perch, Luddites shooting themselves in the feet, giving a hand to the enemy. That link, however, should not last furlong, as they fight over Beckham’s rod.

Pupienus Maximus

Sorry, I just had to use that _line_.

Pupienus Maximus

Becks sure rates more than a few milliHelens. I won’t say another word about rods. Or shoving. Or…. brb


Sorry, I just had to use that _line_.

I can’t fathom it.


What’s wrong with simply acknowledging that two teams were evenly matched for that one game?

You’re obviously not a bookie.

I’ve got an account with Ladbrooke’s.

They LOVE ties.


chain our feet to a perch

Why, that would leave us floundering!


And what about basketball? That’s a timed game.

Look, basketball is INarguably the worst game played at a professional level.

Seriously! When the other team scores 75 points and that’s considered a feat of YOUR defense?

Fuck that shit.

It ought to end in ties. Period.

Coach Urban Meyer

Lolz to the wallz, loony libs! Da Cool Coach got a whiff o’word of y’all giving the Obummer thumbs up to ties in sports- wuzza-wuzzup with that, Jack? Ya better believe that Da Cool Coach and the Tebownator blast through ties like Super Sarah, the Power Palin, will blast through the Obummer in 2012 once ConservoMentum ’10 takes back all of Congress and finally gets around to plugging the hole that Oilbama started! Take that to the bank, libs!

Hear that coming down the track? It’s a SPREAD of TRUTH, comin back! Urban out.

No one in particular

The US military is all-metric. So are all aerospace and defense contractors. Conversions are made for displays and reports to US audiences who are confused by metric. It’s just necessary when you’re doing business world-wide.


It’s a SPREAD of TRUTH, comin back!

The three millimeter spread.


I love Coach Urban Meyer.


Also ConservoMentum is genius.


Cumquarts. Cum0.95liters

That sure is a lot of cum!


That sure is a lot of cum!

Pfft. Have you seen the Pupienus Maximus jar collection?


In aviation we use nautical miles (6000 feet) for speed and distance and feet for altitude.

Russia, China and the former Eastern bloc countries use metric for speed and altitude.


You know who I love? Tim Tebow. He’s Football Jesus.


He’s Football Jesus.

I await the thunderstorm.


He’s Football Jesus.

not until he’s struck by lightning.


Substance McGravitas said,
June 16, 2010 at 19:38

I really hate you.


Tee hee. GMTA I guess. Think actor and Sub were doing some kind of Vulcan mind meld.


Think actor and Sub were doing some kind of Vulcan mind meld.




Is Sub that repulsive?


I almost clicked. Then I remembered the goatse stuff.


I almost clicked. Then I remembered the goatse stuff.

No, its OK.

But then I also posted goatse…


Not goatse, read the hover text! Nice piece of tail there, Subs.


Then I remembered the goatse stuff.

Gosh darn it this “crying wolf” stuff is more complicated than I thought.


I’m really bad with temperature in C but I do remember that 27C is a warm room temp (over 70F)

Maybe it’s because we all live in igloos up in the Great White North, but 27C is a ridiculously warm room temp. It’s 80F for youse Fahrenheiters.

Celsius really is easy to get a handle on. Room temp should be 20 to 25 (low and behold, “Standard” Temperature and Pressure can refer to either of these temperatures as well as 0C). 25 to 30 is warm and 30 to 35 is hot. Above 35 is dangerously hot (like me).


Figure this would be a perfect time to TMI you all to tell you have I’m some anxiety/depression issssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuues…so stuff like goatse really really upsets me. And I don’t mean in that in a ha ha funny way. It really seriously upsets me. I was watching a Jon Lajoie video on youtube and merely saw the the THUMBNAIL/description for 2 Girls One Cup and I was freaked out for days afterward. No joke. I don’t handle weird/gross stuff well at all. So…heads up.

What is it a picture of, for real?

Marion in Savannah

VS, it’s a “5 things I like about my body” post done with real humor. (Pig snout, walrus flipper, tentacle, etc.) I lol’ed.


Clicking!!! Unafeart!!

Thanks, Marion.


What is it a picture of, for real?

Which, goatse or Subby’s stuff? I can’t vouch for Subby’s stuff. It’s so gross my webfilter cuts it off.


Five Things I Like About My Body:

5. Pecs. Just the right size to rest a head on.
4. Eyes. Dark and deep.
3. Neck. I like getting kissed there.
2. Index finger. It’s what I use to push buttons.
1. Scars. Constant reminders of the things I have done (actor’s mom for instance).


No joke. I don’t handle weird/gross stuff well at all. So…heads up.

Me neither, so I won’t ever lead you to think something is clickable that isn’t.


1. Scars. Constant reminders of the things I have done (actor’s mom for instance).

BTW, you’re cut off. Your tab needs to be settled.


Me neither, so I won’t ever lead you to think something is clickable that isn’t.

Boy, how many times in my life have I heard that?


5 things I like about my body

The fact that when I get my hair cut (as I did Monday) my head resembles a toilet brush for the next week. The Mrs. likes this one, too.

Aaaaaand, I’m out of ideas…


It’s just a funny, super-sexy list, actor. Honestly it got me a little hot.


“No joke. I don’t handle weird/gross stuff well at all. So…heads up.

Me neither, so I won’t ever lead you to think something is clickable that isn’t.”

thank you my dear. I will return the favor.


It’s just a funny, super-sexy list, actor. Honestly it got me a little hot.

Tell the truth. It was the pig snout.


BTW, you’re cut off. Your tab needs to be settled.

Your check is in the mail.


It was the pig snout.



“actor212 said,
June 16, 2010 at 20:17

It’s just a funny, super-sexy list, actor. Honestly it got me a little hot.

Tell the truth. It was the pig snout.”

you don’t get me at all. It was the flipper.


BTW, you’re cut off. Your tab needs to be settled.

Your check is in the mail.

That’s almost as big a lie as “I won’t ever lead you to think something is clickable that isn’t”!


It was the flipper.





Yeah well your mommy’s more retarded than you are.


Mommy’s not retarded, VS. She’s Republican.





That’s almost as big a lie as “I won’t ever lead you to think something is clickable that isn’t”!

Offer not applicable where “you” in that sentence refers to actors.


Offer not applicable where “you” in that sentence refers to actors.



Marion in Savannah

Mommy’s not retarded, VS. She’s Republican.

Those two things are different?


“actor212 said,
June 16, 2010 at 20:28

Mommy’s not retarded, VS. She’s Republican.”

difference:not seeing it


Those two things are different?
difference:not seeing it

Only one’s covered by health insurance


Being republican

Pupienus Maximus

Best lede EVAR?

A German student created a major traffic jam in Bavaria when he ‘mooned’ a group of Hell’s Angels, hurled a puppy at them and then escaped on a bulldozer.


You KNOW a one-percenter’s not gonna hurl a puppy.


A German student created a major traffic jam in Bavaria when he ‘mooned’ a group of Hell’s Angels, hurled a puppy at them and then escaped on a bulldozer.

That’s great except for the puppy-throwing, a thing up with which I shall not put.


Hurling puppies: I don’t approve.


“What motivated him to throw a puppy at the Hell’s Angels is currently unclear,” said a spokesman for local police.

He added that the student had been suffering from depression. The puppy was now in safe hands at a local animal shelter.

The Tragically Flip

Hurling puppies: I don’t approve.

A brave stand. I myself opt for cowardly “expressions of concern over this important subject.”


Hurling puppies: I don’t approve.

A brave stand.

I know. I also take brave stances on child molestation* and air pollution*.

*I’m against it.

Pupienus Maximus

Of course. With the possible exceptions of John McCain and Dick Cheney, no one approves of hurling puppies. But it sure fills out the lede wonderfully!


Why didn’t the Hell’s Angels take the proper precations to prevent this sort of thing? Sadly, their insurance is unlikely to cover any damages caused by Acts of Dog.


I’m convinced the puppy hurling was only the most public occasion to date of the new fad sweeping college campuses around the world.

You’ve herd (sic), no doubt, of cow tipping?


And how do you escape on a bulldozer? They’re not exactly speed machines, although I will grant that you probably don’t want to try to get on a moving one.


And how do you escape on a bulldozer?

No doubt he was relying on the Angels’ well known capacity for compassion and concern stunning them into inaction.


That puppy may have been a Muslim and could KILL YOUR WHOLE KNITTING GROUP.


Ironically, the puppy’s name was Meredith Hunter.


Ironically, the puppy’s name was Meredith Hunter.

*polite golf clap*

Well played, if obscure!



That puppy may have been a Muslim and could KILL YOUR WHOLE KNITTING GROUP.

My knitting group is comprised of just me and Jack Bauer so I FUCKING DOUBT IT.


Ironically, the puppy’s name was Meredith Hunter.

*polite golf clap*

Well played, if obscure!

I don’t get it. ‘splain, please. Also, I’d like a martini if you’re making a batch.

Pupienus Maximus

And how do you escape on a bulldozer?

Hell’s Angels ride Harleys.


You’ve herd (sic), no doubt, of cow tipping?

Why you gotta slander my people like that?


I don’t get it. ’splain, please.

Here. Somewhat violent content.


I hope somebody caught the puppy. 🙁


I hope somebody caught the puppy.

The article indicates the puppy was unharmed.


Thanks. I was too scared to look.


Three hours before midnight, for example, is “2100 hours,” not “9 PM” like it is for the civilians.
No midnight, though; it’s either “23:59” or “00:01” (to avoid any confusion about which day is meant).

And they’d better, because I have a deep psychological need to see Argentina lose.
Por que?

Maradona is threatening to run naked through the streets of Buenos Aires if they win. Enough?

Physical Educator NIck Saban

This is a brilliant strategy for courting the Latino base and showing off the big tent aspect of the 21st Century GOP (*). Towards that end, I’d like to remind Nerdlinger how unamerican non-heavyweight boxing, baseball (**), spanish-language versions of wrestling and rodeos, and dominoes are as well.

(*) The Georgia to Oklahoma Party. The Party of Reagan could at least count to 50. Can you imagine Ronnie shitting on anything like this, besides his own pants?

(**) if you got rid of all the players who probably shouldn’t be taking any drives alone in Arizona any time soon, would anybody still watch the game?

Note that Ubaldo Jimenez and Armando Gallaraga didn’t pitch perfect games this year, but Dallas Braden and Roy Halliday *did*. So maybe the charitable thing to say is that baseball is OK because brown people are pretty damn good at it, but only white people can be perfect (well, and Dennis Martinez).


Maradona is threatening to run naked through the streets of Buenos Aires if they win. Enough?

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. That’s way more than enough.


Wow. The South African keeper has just been sent off for a foul inside the box!


Wow. The South African keeper has just been sent off for a foul inside the box!

Oh, shit.


If you have the ability to download torrents, I know there are a few of it out there.

Not a sentence I really want to read during breakfast morning coffee.


Not a sentence I really want to read during morning coffee.

And poorly-constructed, to boot!


Mommy’s not retarded, VS. She’s Republican.

She’s not female, she’s a woman.


And how do you escape on a bulldozer?

According to the article, he didn’t.

Pupienus Maximus

Totally SFW PENIS.


Totally SFW PENIS.

If I had a penis with hands, I could multitask better.


MarMadona is threatening to run naked through the streets of Buenos Aires if they win. Enough?

Oh yes! I’m a fan now!

ROFL. They copied each other’s work. I was kind of hoping for this, though I can’t explain exactly why.


ROFL. They copied each other’s work. I was kind of hoping for this, though I can’t explain exactly why.

It’s yet more evidence of their insanity, but at this point, it really doesn’t fucking matter?

Pupienus Maximus

They copied each other’s work

I immediately had two scenes pop into my head,.

BP exec: Hey, they accepted Exxon’s plan. Copy it – saves us a bunch of money.

Alternate scenario

MMS stooge to Conoco Philips exec: Here’s BP’s plan. You give us that and there’ll be no problems approving those leases.


It’s yet more evidence of their insanity, but at this point, it really doesn’t fucking matter?

I guess that is it… I’m just looking for the comedy now.


I guess that is it… I’m just looking for the comedy now.

That’s how I was toward the Bush administration…I remember watching wrap-ups of shit that happened and realizing that I had forgotten about half of it because those years were so fucking insane.


I’m just looking for the comedy now.

Now at Outback: Pre-Oiled Shrimp!


Who needs respirators when you have prostitutes?


I remember watching wrap-ups of shit that happened and realizing that I had forgotten about half of it because those years were so fucking insane.

And its still running. Two wars, financial ruin, gulf spill, Liz Cheney inexplicably on my TV, the end of our manned spaceflight, the desperate search for someone even dumber to be president (sorry Trig…)


Who needs respirators when you have prostitutes?

In fairness, DKWs mom can suck the chrome off a bumper.




Are you a closet 24 fan too?


In fairness, DKWs mom can suck the chrome off a bumper.

Such a multi-talented public servant. That woman is like the Mother Theresa of horny, exhausted working-class men who are likely to die of cancer and/or COPD in the next ten years.


In fairness, DKWs mom can suck the chrome off a bumper.

That doesn’t seem fair to bumpers to me. But then I’m one of those hippiefaggotliberals with a 280mm penis, so what do I know?


Are you a closet 24 fan too?

Tsam, I heard that. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Now at Outback: Pre-Oiled Shrimp!

New and improved oil! Not that sissy olive stuff.


That woman is like the Mother Theresa of horny

I know. We’re lighting the Empire State Building in her honor.


But then I’m one of those hippiefaggotliberals with a 280mm penis, so what do I know?

Give him an inch, he’ll take a millimeter.


“tsam said,
June 16, 2010 at 22:24



Are you a closet 24 fan too?”

I’ve actually never seen the show, but I couldn’t resist making a Jack Bauer joke for this bunch.


I know. We’re lighting the Empire State Building in her honor.

The day she finally loses her struggle with neurosyphilis will be a public day of mourning.


“But then I’m one of those hippiefaggotliberals with a 280mm penis, so what do I know?”

*furiously tries to do conversion in head*


Tsam, I heard that. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I’m SORRY, I can’t help it. I’m a sucker for a consipiracy show with lots of guns and kickass hand to hand combat.

I will say that being mad at 24 is a little like the righties being mad at whatever shows they deem to be liberal. The show was much more complicated than how it is portrayed in lefty circles. I won’t sit here and say that I liked everything I saw in it, and in fact it made me angry at times. Much of the criticism was well deserved. But there were things in there I could appreciate, especially in the last two seasons. Additionally, compared to the rash of sickening serial killer profiling shows, and all of the other violent shit that passes for entertainment these days, 24 does not stand out among them.

Regarding wingnuts using it as a defense of torture? Well, make believe TV doesn’t really provide a credible defense for anything, does it?


*furiously tries to do conversion in head*

280/25.4= 11.02 inches.

I also have real estate for sale if you believe that.


The day she finally loses her struggle with neurosyphilis will be a public day of mourning.

We’re holding a webathon as I type.


*furiously tries to do conversion in head*

It’s OK. You’re a girl and math is HARD!


280/25.4= 11.02 inches.

I’d imagine that extra .02 of an inch is what really gets the job done, no?


Well, make believe TV doesn’t really provide a credible defense for anything, does it?

Wait…so Kelly Bundy isn’t real??????


I’ve actually never seen the show, but I couldn’t resist making a Jack Bauer joke for this bunch.

Well, if you start watching, you’ll be hooked. I don’t advocate on it’s behalf, especially to those who can’t stand watching torture be successful as an interogation tool. (Not that the show specifically espouses that line of bullshit anyway, but it does occur).

I don’t know of many TV shows that spark the ire of liberals like 24. There are far more grotesque fictional shows on daily–O’Reilly, Rush, Hannity, Fox “News”, CNN, right wing blarghistan, you know da rest…


“tsam said,
June 16, 2010 at 22:36

*furiously tries to do conversion in head*

280/25.4= 11.02 inches.

I also have real estate for sale if you believe that.”

I googles the conversion and I was like “WHAT THE WHAT?!!!!”


Wait…so Kelly Bundy isn’t real??????

The day I found this out was the day my struggles with drugs began.


I will say that being mad at 24 is a little like the righties being mad at whatever shows they deem to be liberal.

I don’t care about that, aside from the fact that it makes conservatives sound really stupid. I just think it’s terrible. I’ll try not to judge, though.


ROFL. They copied each other’s work.

I always wondered where the kids who copied off other peoples papers ended up. Now I know.


The day I found this out was the day my struggles with drugs began.

The Kleenex!


“I don’t know of many TV shows that spark the ire of liberals like 24. There are far more grotesque fictional shows on daily–O’Reilly, Rush, Hannity, Fox “News”, CNN, right wing blarghistan, you know da rest…”

I really didn’t take lib critiques of the show seriously. I mean, it’s a fucking SHOW. Nothing to get worked up over.


I don’t care about that, aside from the fact that it makes conservatives sound really stupid. I just think it’s terrible. I’ll try not to judge, though

I don’t care about it either, I just don’t really get why people get mad at silly TV shows–the show never specifically advocated for torture. It DID show a struggle within the chain of command, some people being against it out of hand, some absolutely for it as a matter of procedure. It wasn’t quite as bad as it has been characterized. There was plenty of torture porn though, I’ll admit that.

But again, I’m certainly not stupid enough to buy into the idea that real life and 24 have anything to do with each other. Wingnuts are already that stupid, so I’m not sure what the harm is.


If you have the ability to download torrents,
See, this reminds me of Dr Adder and the scenes with the prostitutes who cater to water-sport enthusiasts so have had their bladders enhanced.


Yeah this is all nice but the pint is the perfect measurement of booze.


I really didn’t take lib critiques of the show seriously. I mean, it’s a fucking SHOW. Nothing to get worked up over.

There were some things that any intelligent person (liberal or otherwise) should take issue with. But by comparison, I find slash/gore movie a million times more offensive and sickening as 24. That includes the made for TV stuff. So the whole “Where’s the outrage???” stuff is pretty silly to me.

Besides, as long as CSI is on TV, nobody can complain about bad television. Hmmph!


See, this reminds me of Dr Adder and the scenes with the prostitutes who cater to water-sport enthusiasts so have had their bladders enhanced.

Sometimes, I look at your posts and wonder who’s driving.


Yeah this is all nice but the pint is the perfect measurement of booze

Oooohh–solid defense for the British system. Well played, sir.


Let me say one thing about the politics of 24; in Season 7, the bad guys are Blackwater. In Season 5, it’s a Republican president who had his Democratic predecessor assassinated. In Season 2, released right in the build-up to the Iraq war, it’s a cabal of oil interests trying to provoke a war between America and a few Middle Eastern countries in order to make prices skyrocket.

Yeah, there were a few liberals for them to take shots at, but none of them are even close to being main villains, like conservatives were in at least three seasons.


Sometimes, I look at your posts and wonder who’s driving.

Sometimes, I look at those posts and ask, “Why not?”


The shorter made me think: No Fucking Way!

But then I was like…yeah. I can see that.


See, this reminds me of Dr Adder and the scenes with the prostitutes who cater to water-sport enthusiasts so have had their bladders enhanced.

Wouldn’t that be more like uploading torrents?


There were some things that any intelligent person (liberal or otherwise) should take issue with. But by comparison, I find slash/gore movie a million times more offensive and sickening as 24. That includes the made for TV stuff. So the whole “Where’s the outrage???” stuff is pretty silly to me.

I think the reason a lot of liberals are annoyed by the show is because of the hordes of conservatives who think it’s real life. And keep stupidly pointing to the TV and shouting “See! See! Torture totally works and if George Bush hadn’t done the Patriot Act then Hussein Mohammed Kareem Abdul Hajji would TOTALLY have just blow up Los Angeles with a nuclear weapon!

Good show, with a lot of stupid fans.



I believe it is impossible for anyone to defeat the pint argument. Only commies don’t like pints.


Used to have a signed copy of Dr Adder — the trade-paperback edition with Matt Howarth’s illustrations. DO NOT LEND BOOKS, people.


I believe it is impossible for anyone to defeat the pint argument. Only commies don’t like pints.

I realize I had lost that argument before it started.


Used to have a signed copy of Dr Adder — the trade-paperback edition with Matt Howarth’s illustrations. DO NOT LEND BOOKS, people.

Yeah, you really should have known better.

Don’t lend pr0n, either. You’re likely not to get it back, and when you do, it feels a little creepy.



No midnight, though; it’s either “23:59? or “00:01? (to avoid any confusion about which day is meant).
Bullshit. “00:00” = midnight, the start of a new day.



Britain is still a society riddled with class distinctions. The only place where the class barrier breaks down is in the boozer. The pub makes everyone equal and it’s all due to the shared consumption of 568 millilitres of sauce.

Love it!


I think the reason a lot of liberals are annoyed by the show is because of the hordes of conservatives who think it’s real life. And keep stupidly pointing to the TV and shouting “See! See! Torture totally works and if George Bush hadn’t done the Patriot Act then Hussein Mohammed Kareem Abdul Hajji would TOTALLY have just blow up Los Angeles with a nuclear weapon!”

Good show, with a lot of stupid fans.

Oh yes. That pissed me off too. But all of us, deep down, get a little sick thrill out of seeing the “bad guy” get what’s coming to him. But you’re right, the idiots who can take a make-believe TV show and act like it portrays anything close to reality are nothing more than laughable. It’s pointless to be angry with them or the show over it–you can’t make people smarter, and while the show knows it’s demographic and panders to it, it also explored some arguably heady territory with torture vs. security and did a good job of exposing the negative consequences of it. Later in the series, it did a fantastic job of dealing with Islam, including Jack’s life being saved by a Muslim, and giving Jack what he thought would be his last rites.


Don’t lend pr0n, either. You’re likely not to get it back, and when you do, it feels a little creepy.

And sometimes sticky.


Britain is still a society riddled with class distinctions. The only place where the class barrier breaks down is in the boozer. The pub makes everyone equal and it’s all due to the shared consumption of 568 millilitres of sauce.

Ah, yes. Here in America, we pride ourselves on pretending that class distinctions don’t exist here. Similar to a person being proud of having clear skin during a nasty Herpes outbreak…

But we’re all equal when we’re fucking hammered. Perhaps that’s the draw of alcohol–pretenses melt away after a few pints or fifths.


Bullshit. “00:00? = midnight, the start of a new day.
We’re talking about military usage, where 00:00 is avoided due to fuck-up potential.


<I always wondered where the kids who copied off other peoples papers ended up. Now I know.

Making $100K’s a year while doing blow off the ass of a hooker in a company skybox.

I hate my guidance counsellor.


Later in the series, it did a fantastic job of dealing with Islam, including Jack’s life being saved by a Muslim, and giving Jack what he thought would be his last rites.

My God, really? I only saw Seasons 1, 2 and 8. I thought I’d read enough online to know what happened between them, but clearly I missed that.

If that happened, then I’m kind of shocked that the show hasn’t been Two-Minute-Hated by the right wing because of it.


Wow, didn’t even try to make the tags for that one…


And sometimes sticky.

And sometimes accidentally swapped for a home movie!!! The scars, they serve to remind us to check labels before inserting.



The group I drink with ranges from a scaffolder to a Doctor who works in Intensive Care which is a NHS socialist invention. When we are in the pub everyone is equal. Lots of things wrong with the UK but the pub is us at our best.

Rusty Shackleford

Lots of things wrong with the UK but the pub is us at our best.

As seen in Shaun of the Dead. That movie makes me wish we had a pub around here, except without the zombies.


I just thought the show got to be too stupid. I gave up when Jack was tailing a driver and had to delay him at a service station while Cloe hijacked a spy satellite because Jack couldn’t keep following the guy on the empty LA streets at 7 in the evening. He goes to his superagent case in the back of his SUV and pulls out a knife to flatten the guys tire when he goes into the store to … nah, I’m just kidding! He pulls a black skimask from kit and STAGES A ROBBERY IN THE STORE! Because that is a LOT lower risk to the mission…

That said, it can be a fun show, and the storytelling and style are really good. I think with the right friends and a drinking game (every time it will take 20 minutes to get from any part in LA to any other part in LA…) it would be a great time.


That movie makes me wish we had a pub around here, except without the zombies.



Oh, and the show was made for Television Without Pity.


Rusty Shackleford

In times of crisis you go the the pub. Always the pub. My local has been with me for the best of times and the worst of times. Deaths, marriages, births….all acknowledged down the pub

Rusty Shackleford


Fuck. Stuck my foot in it AGAIN.


If that happened, then I’m kind of shocked that the show hasn’t been Two-Minute-Hated by the right wing because of it.

That all happened in 7. Caught a muslim cog in the machine of a terrorist plot, Jack helped out and given comfort on his deathbed by an Imam. It was a bit contrived, but a pretty obvious peace offering to the Muslim community.

In the bigger picture, the show was absolutely dead on with its portrayal of presidents and powerful people. Typically, the perpetrators of these plots were just tools for these people with grandiose plans for manufacturing excuses to increase our military presence elsewhere in the world, or helping out their defense contractor buddies. It had a scathing rebuke of private military contractors with some pretty obvious references to Xe.


Fuck. Stuck my foot in it AGAIN.



That all happened in 7. Caught a muslim cog in the machine of a terrorist plot, Jack helped out and given comfort on his deathbed by an Imam. It was a bit contrived, but a pretty obvious peace offering to the Muslim community.

Still surprised, and impressed. I remember Jack being as respectful as possible to the community, but for the show to have gone that far… like I said, color me shocked that “Jack Bauer” didn’t become “Emmanuel Goldstein” overnight.

And agree, the show was pretty cynical when it comes to men of power.


(every time it will take 20 minutes to get from any part in LA to any other part in LA…) it

We drank every time Jack said “DAMMIT!”, and every time he miraculously showed up to save someone’s life. We drank double when we were all convinced he would show up and didn’t. Unpossible, we thought. But NO!


BTW, since you called Xe by its official name,

“Xe” redirects to “Blackwater” on wikipedia. Name change = total fail.

Rusty Shackleford


No, no, you don’t understand. I mean, there are zombies and there are zombies, you know what I mean? Like, not every walking dead guy is a zombie, and I know some breathers who are definitely zombies. Not that I would dream of calling them that.

And that’s another thing. Why can they call each other “zombie”, but I can’t call one of them a zombie?


“Xe” redirects to “Blackwater” on wikipedia. Name change = total fail.

As if “Xe” sounds any less creepy or ominous than “Blackwater,” anyway.


And that’s another thing. Why can they call each other “zombie”, but I can’t call one of them a zombie?


Am I going to have to break out the Breather Privilege bingo card again?


This is…you guys, I can’t fucking deal with this anymore.

I’m glad I don’t have children to explain this shit to.


Jack helped out and given comfort on his deathbed by an Imam. It was a bit contrived, but a pretty obvious peace offering to the Muslim community.

Paraphrasing the Imam; We are both but men. Let us both now forgive ourselves for the harm we’ve done to others.

Then they prayed together.

I thought it was a brilliant thing to say–redemption. forgiveness, it said a lot in one tiny little soliloquy. I don’t know if it went far enough, but I do remember reading some asshole columnist (an MSN homepage link) whining about the show’s treatment of Muslims near the end. I thought, yeah, ok. They did their job.

Pupienus Maximus
Lurking Canadian

It had a scathing rebuke of private military contractors with some pretty obvious references to Xe.

Blackwater also comes off as the villain, or one of the villains in (I’ll ROT-13, in case anybody cares) the erprag Ngrnz zbivr of all things. Not what I was expecting at all.


“And sometimes accidentally swapped for a home movie!!! The scars, they serve to remind us to check labels before inserting.”

you said “inserting”. *Butthead laugh*


I’m glad I don’t have children to explain this shit to.


I do. “Republicans tend to be buttheads” seems to be sticking with The Rotten Little Perisher. As does “Bush is an asshole.” He’s eleven. I’m proud.

But who knows, maybe he’ll rebel and become a fundy Xtian accountant for ING.

That why I give him the beer. To prevent that. Five or six a day are his limit* though.

*Before school, anyway.


“That why I give him the beer. To prevent that. Five or six a day are his limit* though.

*Before school, anyway.”

So wrong…and so funny.


you said “inserting”. *Butthead laugh*

Nice “catch” huh huh huhhuh


LC, I left you a couple of messages in the last thread.


So wrong…and so funny.



Yeah this is all nice but the pint is the perfect measurement of booze.

Draught beer, sure – but only navigators drink whiskey by pints.


That movie makes me wish we had a pub around here, except without the zombies.

Hey now. Sometimes we like some beer too. You’d eat brains too, if nobody ever bought you a pint.



Fuck. Stuck my foot in it AGAIN.

ZOM NOM NOM NOM…ewww. Rusty, ever hear of a pedicure?

Lurking Canadian

LC, I left you a couple of messages in the last thread.

I’m glad to hear that your website issue was resolved.

And on the cooking thing, I will keep my insecurities to myself henceforth. 🙂 Anyway, DKW’s right, the only way to really reduce our carbon footprint is to save chickens for centipede farming.


Hurling puppies: I don’t approve.
Also not good: Hurling white cats at Steerpike.


Don’t lend pr0n, either. […]
And sometimes accidentally swapped for a home movie!

The accident is understandable when it’s the same people in both.
Or so I hear.


If I had a penis with hands, I could multitask better.

If you had a penis with hands you’d never leave the house.


“There are too many types of cloud.”


(Also, if we’re going metric, won’t actor212 have to change his nym to actor100? Or maybe actor373.15?)


It had a scathing rebuke of private military contractors with some pretty obvious references to Xe.

Blackwater also comes off as the villain, or one of the villains in (I’ll ROT-13, in case anybody cares) the erprag Ngrnz zbivr of all things. Not what I was expecting at all.

And the A-Team movie, as well.

Also, yes, if Islamophobic columnists are offended by 24, then it’s done its job as far as I’m concerned too.


Sometimes, I look at your posts and wonder who’s driving.

Allow me.


BTW, a pint’s not a pound the whole world round. Back here in the country that invented the pint, it’s twenty ounces.

A sixteen-ounce pint is actually slightly less than half a litre, so the old claim that a litre’s too much and a half litre doesn’t satisfy doesn’t apply in the US.

(Also, Continental beer tends to be stronger than British, so a half-litre probably has more alcohol in it than a proper pint of ours. Yours is piss-weak, so what’s your excuse?)

Lurking Canadian

And the A-Team movie, as well.

So much for my attempt at spoiler protection.


(Also, if we’re going metric, won’t actor212 have to change his nym to actor100? Or maybe actor373.15?)



If you had a penis with hands you’d never leave the house.

That’s central to my point(s).


Why can they call each other “zombie”, but I can’t call one of them a zombie?

They call each other “zigger”.


They call each other “zigger”.

It’s so sad when a breather tries to speak in Zombonics.


Zigger, please.

Also, it’s still weird for me to see people use the term “American exceptionalism” like it’s a good thing. Sort of like someone saying “Well, you might prefer it if I respected the rights of others, but I’m afraid that’s not in keeping with my doctrine of Antisocial Personality Disorder.”


It’s so sad when a breather tries to speak in Zombonics.

What? You think we don’t know about your kind????


He ain’t heavy, he’s my breather?


Why can they call each other “zombie”, but I can’t call one of them a zombie?
They call each other “zigger”.

Ziggy played guiiii-taaaaarrr…


You’d eat brains too, if nobody ever bought you a pint.

You’d get more pints if you didn’t smell worse than a British footie fan.


But it’s a commong commercial door size: 3? x 7? x 1-3/4?

What’s that in RCHs?

Lurking Canadian

It’s important to take back one kadam, to honour the God of the Hebrews.


Of course, not embracing the metric system is not American exceptionalism. There are two other countries who haven’t embraced it. Myanmar and Liberia. Oh…crap.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

As if “Xe” sounds any less creepy or ominous than “Blackwater,” anyway.

Honestly, Xe makes it sound like the PMC has an ambiguous gender/sexual identity. Which is not the kind of thing you want mercs to deal with. All the gender-conscious enemy combatants are going to laugh at them and start calling them “zir” and “zhe” in their taunting.


Zigger, please.

Also, it’s still weird for me to see people use the term “American exceptionalism” like it’s a good thing. Sort of like someone saying “Well, you might prefer it if I respected the rights of others, but I’m afraid that’s not in keeping with my doctrine of Antisocial Personality Disorder.”


Pretty sure the U.S. military’s all metric.

“Seven-six-two millimeter. Full metal jacket.”


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