The Well Of Lost Plotz*

Erick Erickson, RedState:
No Act of Moderation: Why Barack Obama cannot fix the economy

Punctuation: The Grandiloquence blar extra words bla ruined.

This past week, the Gulf States who hoped Barack Obama would actually do something to help them were stunned when he imposed a ban on deep water offshore drilling.

Erickson looks slightly upward and his expression goes slack. He seems close to thinking, but this is only a trick of appearances, for he has something better in his head than thinking. “There they are,” he says to himself. “There they are, literally looking stunned.” He sees anthropomorphic Gulf States — one has a bottom part like Louisiana but the rest are sort of blurry, except maybe Texas has a panhandle in there someplace. He sees them in his mind.

Erickson is using what The Quotations, in their 1961 interpretation of a Johnny Burke, Jimmy Van Heusen composition made popular in 1940 by Glenn Miller, memorably called, “Yibbity-ma-ma-ma, yibbity-ma-ma-ma, muh-may-ay kin’-shit-up.”

It is no exaggeration to say that as much as shrimping is part of the way of life in the Gulf Coast area, oil drilling is too. Barack Obama, with the stroke of a…

Whoah, whoah, whoah, just one single, solitary second here. Shrimping. Okay, okay, back up to speed with the…whoah, whoah, whoah, hold on, damn. ‘Shrimping’ and then ‘oil drilling,’ fine, youbetcha. But now it’s Obama with the stroke of a what, now?


Oh, we’ll be keeping an eye on you, Erickson. We certainly will, by jingo. Say, if you see Erickson come running through here in his gym shorts or an Indian loincloth or what-have-you, shield your eyes from the pallor, is all we’re saying.

That was no act of moderation.

Haha, and this isn’t a banana.

That was an overreaction — a desire by Obama to move the narrative from “do nothing” to “do something.” He did something alright.

Indeed, despite all the computations, he could just dance to that rock ‘n’ roll station, and that would be the result, yes.

Okay, this is becoming one of those posts. I’m just going to wait for it to slow down a little, then jump off.

In his zeal to turn this from his Katrina to his 9/11 with a “Never Again” moment, he destroyed an entire industry.

The zeal industry has been doing poorly because of the baby-zebras-in-cages thing. On the other hand, the sleeve of ‘Never Again‘ was actually a John Heartfield photomontage cleverly disguised as Xerox art, so I guess you never know.

That was not an act of moderation. It was a desperate, selfish bid to change the narrative, despite all sorts of collateral damage.

That’s me. Jumpin’ off…

It was one well, one platform, and one company well connected to Barack Obama…

Disconnect from it, Barack. That company well wants to drink your milkshake.


* Cf.

Comments: 644


He didn’t ban offshore drilling. He banned NEW drilling, Existing wells are free to continue pumping and already existing exploratory drillings can continue.

Do these assholes read English?

Charlton Heston

He has a point. Soon when all the shrimp in the gulf are dead because of oil, what ever will the shrimpers do to earn a living? OFFSHORES OILS DRILLIN’ I SAYS!


I was Charlton Heston

Rusty Shackleford



It’s unpossible! But true!

Trig feels even smarter now!


I was Charlton Heston

I know we all have past lives but some I wouldn’t brag about. Just sayin’.


“There they are,” he says to himself. “There they are, literally looking stunned.” He sees anthropomorphic Gulf States — one has a bottom part like Louisiana but the rest are sort of blurry, except maybe Texas has a panhandle in there someplace. He sees them in his mind.

Yes, I literally LOLed.

It was one well, one platform, and one company well connected to Barack Obama…

Um, WHAT????

Rusty Shackleford

To fight this and fix it will require a President who understands government is the problem, not the solution.

Heads I win, tails you lose


I was Charlton Heston

I think they have a cream for that now.


To fight this and fix it will require a President who understands government is the problem, not the solution.

“To fix this, he must do nothing. But he did something. Therefore, corporations good, government bad”.


If Obama had any guts he’d open holes in all deep and shallow water wells and let people skim their oil off the top of the ocean as needed, and fuck these god-damn wimpy ass shrimp and fish and pelicans if they can’t adapt. After all, don’t the damn pointy head fagz anyway believe in Darwin?


turn this from his Katrina to his 9/11

BP Oil Spill = 2 colossal Bush Co. fuckups?

Seriously, Erik. Talking this way about W is seditious and treasonous.

They’ll take away your trike.


Oh boy. We’re gonna get in big trouble, I think. We’re making fun of Erick Erickson and he’s on CNN.

They should just have a hour-long show with a rotating line-up of wingnuts.

Call it “Tool Time.”


Uh, yeah, Irky, he called for a halt to new drilling — it might have something to do with the fact that a majority of Americans now oppose new drilling. Except for conservatives, of course, who still can’t get over their fantasies of boring an exploratory shaft into Sarah Palin’s ice-covered tundra*.



So we should all send a message to the White House. We need more drilling, and how better to make that point than by sending him drill bits!

I’m going to dig up a link where you can buy a drill bit for a mere pittance and only a tiny portion of that ends up in the Erickson Cheetos fund.



Usually, no. But when they’re soaked with oil, au contraire!

That company well wants to drink your milkshake.
Veiled &c &c.


Trig feels even smarter now!

If Trig keeps reading wingnut blogs, he’s gonna end up like MODOK.


I was Charlton Heston

Did you put your vest on?


Diaper Dan agrees with Ericksonoferick


To fight this and fix it will require a President who understands government is the problem, not the solution.

“To fix this, he must do nothing. But he did something. Therefore, corporations good, government bad”.

Yeah, this is pretty fucking mindboggling. So, like, the government created this problem? I mean, I suppose it technically did, given the lack of oversight and regulation that occurred (mostly during the Bush administration), but I don’t think that’s what Erk’s getting at.

I’m so confused! I suppose it’s a sign of sanity that I can’t hold two contradicting premises in my mind at the same time.


I think his point is “Because, Shut Up! That’s Why.” and how can you argue with that.

Pupienus Maximus

*Whew* That was close. Why I went into that foul fuming foetid* morass** I shall never no but I did and I must report what I saw therein. I managed to penetrate*** only the outer perimeter (and still barely made it back with my senses mostly intact) – here is the miasmic mango I retrieved****.

Tie Barack Obama’s handling of the economy together with his handing of the British Petroleum accident and we have the definitive reason Barack Obama cannot fix the economy. The man needs an enemy to act.

The who what accident? British Petroleum? Oh, I seem to recall such a thing but that was 10 years ago. Erk (son of Erk) is, as usual, either right on top of things***** or talking out his ass. I report, you decide.

* Apologies if I have caused anyone to think of Howard Da Silva
** this is not intended as a VanythingR
*** but this one is
**** Not to worry, it is fully contained in a hermetically sealed HTML tag
***** I suppose it is but it wasn’t intentional and eeewww, I’m sorry

Also a preemptive FYWP. And such as.

Marion in Savannah

It’s gotta be some sort of Jungian synchronicity thingy — all about shrimpers…

Today’s huge, screamer headline on Page 1 of the Savannah Daily Disappointment is “Shrimpers practice their Southern trawl.” Yes, it’s a headline, and yes, it’s capitalized like that. Just consider yourselves lucky it didn’t say “there” Southern trawl.

The subhead is “As oil closes areas of Gulf, Georgia’s shrimping season opens,” with the following first 3 grafs:

Georgia’s shrimp season opens today. It could be a profitable time for the 116 licensed trawlers in the state, in part because of a decrease in foreign imports, but also because of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

While most Gulf state waters are still open for shrimping, about a third of federal waters in the Gulf are closed to fishing.

“It’s got our price up pretty good,” said Savannah shrimper Hank Groover.

So yee-hah for us, we’re gonna make us some money and screw everybody else. Fucker.

Pupienus Maximus

Besides, shrimp are sometimes cooked in oil so quit yer fucking whining already they’ve invented pre-oiled shrimp and saved us a step in the kitchen.


“It’s got our price up pretty good,” said Savannah shrimper Hank Groover.

So yee-hah for us, we’re gonna make us some money and screw everybody else. Fucker.

I wouldn’t worry too much about that. The oil will hit the Georgia coast within several months.

Marion in Savannah

within several months.

I’m guessing it won’t take that long.


That’s okay! We’ll just import Chinese shrimp! Sure, that’s part of the reason why we had this problem in the first place, but you don’t expect Americans to take RESPONSIBILITY, now do you?


My doctor tells me that fish oil supplements are good for me so I got that going for me.


Shrimp are gross, anyway. I’ve never gotten the appeal* of them. Those little legs are creepy.

*Veiled peel and eat shrimp reference?


Wait, so the best way to do something about oil spills is … Allow even more oil drilling? Seriously, do these guys have any motherfucking shame or self-awareness? I mean even an iota?

Marion in Savannah

Shrimp are gross, anyway.

Amen! But you can count the kinds of seafood that don’t make me gag on one hand…


But what do you non-shrimp eaters do for Dim Sum?


there’s gotta be something veiled in there somewhere


But what do you non-shrimp eaters do for Dim Sum?

1. Wheat.

2. I actually can handle shrimp in small amounts if I don’t have to see it. I like most fish, but I really can’t handle shellfish unless it’s already disassembled for me and isn’t a main part of a dish.


Also, too:

3. Dim sum? HAAAAAAA HA HAHA! I think there might be a place in Kansas City? Two and a half hours away?

The food choices here are fucking abysmal, unless you like Applebee’s and Olive Garden.


if they keep drilling, they will eventually strike anti-oil. let that spill into the ocean, and the oil is gone!!

It’s brilliant, but dum libruls can’t see the brilliance because the abortions get in their eyes.


I wonder if this will cut into the eel supply. Don’t know that I can live without eel rolls.


Rats. I was hoping for placement after T&U’s point 2.


1. You know, there are lots of rice flour based dumpling skins. I’m pretty sure Haw Gao is gluten-free.
2. Ah, in that case dumplings are no prob, since the shrimp in them are chunked into bits.
3. Wha? I don’t understand. Surely there’s some a Dim Sum place nearby. They may not be as ubiquitous as sushi bars are now, but there’s gotta be at least one nearby.


asked me how I knew
that the oil blew
it seems that I got wise
and it was no surprise
abortion gets in your eyes….

Not quite random bible quote of the day

Numbers 31:17-18 (King James Version)

17Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.


Now if they could only strike anti-stupidium.

Pupienus Maximus

3. Wha? I don’t understand. Surely there’s some a Dim Sum place nearby. They may not be as ubiquitous as sushi bars are now, but there’s gotta be at least one nearby.

Your geographical scope is amusingly small and narrow.

Marion in Savannah

But what do you non-shrimp eaters do for Dim Sum?

Pork buns. (Go ahead, it’s gotta be some sort of veiled reference…)


BTW, Jasper Fforde’s books (see the Cf) are pretty damn good, if I say so myself.
Looch haz readed books, yessirree Bob, as hard as it may be to believe.


1. You know, there are lots of rice flour based dumpling skins. I’m pretty sure Haw Gao is gluten-free.

I know, and honestly, I could probably find it. It’s just usually cross-contaminated and soy sauce is almost always full of wheat.

3. Wha? I don’t understand. Surely there’s some a Dim Sum place nearby. They may not be as ubiquitous as sushi bars are now, but there’s gotta be at least one nearby.

Dude. I live in central Missouri. We have one shitty sushi place and one shitty sushi place/hibachi grill. I am not exaggerating when I say that I would have to drive at least two hours for dim sum. All our Chinese places are gross buffets.


Wha? I don’t understand. Surely there’s some a Dim Sum place nearby. They may not be as ubiquitous as sushi bars are now, but there’s gotta be at least one nearby.

Wow, DKW. I don’t know about you, but I only go to Dim Sum (or sushi) places in coastal areas.


All our Chinese places are gross buffets.

Yeah, what’s up with that? And how are they able to flout food safety and federal labor laws? Special bribery fu? (Because they seriously do. Flout food safety and labor laws.)


Eels are sooooo nasty, yet oddly tasty on sushi. Very strange.

(My Irish ancestors loved them some eels, so maybe it’s genetic.)


I will say that our restaurant scene is extraordinarily bad for a college town, though. Lawrence has several outstanding restaurants, and we have, like, one.


(of course, not really; that would be absurd.)


Yeah, what’s up with that? And how are they able to flout food safety and federal labor laws? Special bribery fu? (Because they seriously do. Flout food safety and labor laws.)

I don’t know, but I swear that 90% of the food code violations printed in the paper are “Chinese” places.


Yeah, this is pretty fucking mindboggling. So, like, the government created this problem? I mean, I suppose it technically did, given the lack of oversight and regulation that occurred (mostly during the Bush administration), but I don’t think that’s what Erk’s getting at.

I think it’s the same sort of mentality that Matt “FreedumbJerx” Kibbe was displaying in this interview. Apparently oil spills are just acts of God, like hurricanes, tornadoes, plagues of locusts o’er the land, Christian rock, and so forth, so we should… uh, sue the Vatican or sumfin’, I guess. Iunno. So BP is completely blameless for the immense ecological clusterfuck in the Gulf, while Obama’s inability to immediately staunch an 850,000+ gallon-per-day oil geyser is proof that he’s the Worst. President. EVER.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It is no exaggeration to say that as much as shrimping is part of the way of life in the Gulf Coast area, oil drilling is too.

More like a way of death- hey, isn’t that a kung fu movie?

I wonder if this will cut into the eel supply. Don’t know that I can live without eel rolls.

Your eel supply is safe for the time being- until the spill hits the Sargasso Sea:


Wow. No Dim Sum? Condolences to all of youse.


Huh, well do you have grad students? I think grad students make the difference. I went to a college with few grad students but many undergrads. Also, the professors all lived some distance away. Even though we were in the Northeast, where good Italian food is easy to find, the delivery pizza on campus was this greasy, vomit-inducing shit called Cappys. I called it Crappy’s, but that didn’t catch on. Of course, I was commuting and got fed dinner at home so I was never desperate enough to eat that shit (more than the one time). Nor did I smoke, which apparently deadens the olfactory senses. I used to take me a nice little walk a mile into town where there was actually some decent fucking food. I used to ride the bus too, which apparently made me weird. So there.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

(My Irish ancestors loved them some eels, so maybe it’s genetic.)

That, and the fact that there was a famine going on- hell, they even ate dilisc with gusto.

I love eels myself, my great-grandfather had a smokehouse, and he’d smoke eels that he’d speared in Pelham Bay in the Boogiedown Bronx. The fat under the eelskin would melt, so you could peel those suckers like a banana, and get at all that eely goodness inside.

eel- VPR? spear- VPR?


Wow. No Dim Sum? Condolences to all of youse.

Nope. One of the many reasons I am desperate to move.

Huh, well do you have grad students? I think grad students make the difference. I went to a college with few grad students but many undergrads.

We do, but yeah, undergrads dominate the campus. I think the biggest problems are:

1) We’re right on the I-70 corridor between St. Louis and Kansas City, which results in a fuckton of chain restaurants for travelers/commuters;

2) The university isn’t hiring full-time, tenured professors anymore, at least not in areas that would bring in more liberal, open-minded people into the town–I feel like I’ve seen a shift in the overall atmosphere since I moved here 6 years ago because of it;

3) It’s mid-Missouri. I mean, Lawrence is sort of a mecca for hip people in Kansas, but even if people go to college here, most of them are going to move to St. Louis or Kansas City. I mean, it’s not *terrible* here, but it doesn’t really feel like a college town.


Your eel supply is safe for the time being- until the spill hits the Sargasso Sea:

WTH? I thought that they were freshwater eels. Dammit.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

WTH? I thought that they were freshwater eels. Dammit.

They’re catadromous, baby!

Like yer momz.


Besides, shrimp are sometimes cooked in oil so quit yer fucking whining already they’ve invented pre-oiled shrimp and saved us a step in the kitchen.

Someone listens to “Wait! Wait! Don’t tell me!”


I don’t know, but I swear that 90% of the food code violations printed in the paper are “Chinese” places.

In Gainesville we used to have a place called Mr. Hon’s (the guy died in a car wreck last year) which was cited, repeatedly, for having muscovy ducks in the freezer. Yup, he was trapping local ducks to serve in his duck dishes, which is all kinds of illegal.

We also have this hideous buffet on SW 13th St, by the “Bambi” motel (hooker hangout) and the weekly motels where the drunk, PTSD Vietnam Vets hang out, which is so incredibly nasty I’m surprised there isn’t a 24 hr. clinic next door to treat the hapless diners. The Mexican construction workers used to eat there, FWIW.

Of course, in this town, one of the absolute worst places is an upscale “Asian fusion” place owned by whites. I don’t know what it is about fancy, overpriced restaurants, but a lot of them seem to have contempt for simple concepts like storing meats and seafood at proper temperatures.

(Btw, that stupid Florida website doesn’t even show all of their FORMER inspections with critical violations, just the most recent one. What is the point of inspections when they’re totally toothless? In Mass. places like that got shut the fuck down!)

The Tragically Flip

In his zeal to turn this from his Katrina to his 9/11 with a “Never Again” moment, he destroyed an entire industry.


Forget impeachment, call the Hague.


I wonder if this will cut into the eel supply. Don’t know that I can live without eel rolls.

It’s an eel wind that blows no man to good.

Thus DKW’s mom. Also.


Pork buns. (Go ahead, it’s gotta be some sort of veiled reference…)

Drop your panties, Miss Marion, and I’ll demonstrate…


I dig on some sushi, but I don’t eat no eels. Because of this why.

The Tragically Flip

first they came for the banksters but I said nothing for I was not a bankster
then they came for the health insurance skimmers but I was not a skimmer
then they came for the globe warming fossil fuel oligopoly


Nope. One of the many reasons I am desperate to move.

Don’t move to central PA; the nearest decent ethnic food is down in Baltimore or D.C. — about an hour and a half or more away, depending on gridlock and one’s leadness of foot.

Also, wingnuts. Unreconstructed, battle-flag-sporting wingnuts.


Aaiiiigghhhhh, Jennifer! Grossest scene in a movie ever!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

It’s an eel wind that blows no man to good.

Thus DKW’s mom. Also.

Y’know, I think I saw that porn.


@not a gator:

There’s a Chinese place where my brother used to live in Morgantown that was once busted for health code violations when someone saw them poach a deer and then drag it through the back door of the restaurant. There was also one where I used to live that was situated in between a pet store and a veterinarian. Location, location, location….


There’s a Chinese place where my brother used to live in Morgantown that was once busted for health code violations when someone saw them poach a deer and then drag it through the back door of the restaurant. There was also one where I used to live that was situated in between a pet store and a veterinarian. Location, location, location….



There was also one where I used to live that was situated in between a pet store and a veterinarian.

And across the yard from a curiously clean pet mortuary?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I dig on some sushi, but I don’t eat no eels.

It would have to one charming motherfuckin’ eel!

Uh, anybody in the NY metro area, get your asses to Brooklyn tonight!


Don’t move to central PA; the nearest decent ethnic food is down in Baltimore or D.C. — about an hour and a half or more away, depending on gridlock and one’s leadness of foot.

Also, wingnuts. Unreconstructed, battle-flag-sporting wingnuts.

Wasn’t planning on it. I’m avoiding anywhere even vaguely wingnutty. Thanks for the warning, though.

Pupienus Maximus

Don’t move to central PA; the nearest decent ethnic food is down on Calder Alley where the lunch buffet at the Indian restaurant is woo-hoo good.

Golden Wok was pretty good, at least back in the day. And Mexican could be had….nowhere, okay I’ll give you that. The Post House converted to Thai but I never went there and cannot attest to its quality or lack thereof.

So, umm, yeah you were right.


Uh, anybody in the NY metro area, get your asses to Brooklyn tonight!

Is it that time of the month? AGAIN?


And Mexican could be had….nowhere, okay I’ll give you that.

Jesus. At least we have halfway decent Mexican food here.


Because of this why.

I dunno, that looks like a great way to use any left-over horse’s heads you might have lying around.

You know, in China they eat centipedes. And not the long legged Scutigera kind which are mostly creepy and otherwise harmless – but the nasty red-headed scolopendra variety with the toxic bite.

Here’s how they catch ’em. You go down to the beach, just like in the video. Then you dig a hole in the sand and toss in a couple dead chickens. All that’s left is to come back the next day and harvest your poisonous critters with out getting injected with too much centipede venom. Good times.

Pupienus Maximus

Someone listens to “Wait! Wait! Don’t tell me!”

I do, but mostly during the rainy season (That’s October through early June, round these parts) ‘cuz OPB airs it at 11:00 Saturday mornings which is sure to find me carving up the twisties during the nice weather. Shall I take it that Mo Rocca or someone beat me to that one?

On a side note, I had the opportunity to correct Roy Blount Jr., in the green room when they did their show here, on the etymology of ‘ecdysiast.’ He thought it had latin roots! Fucking idjit. Hah!

Marion in Savannah

actor212 said,
June 8, 2010 at 19:22

Okay, I should definitely have seen that one coming. (notatallVER)


Fforde reference for the ultimate victory.


Shall I take it that Mo Rocca or someone beat me to that one?

Roxanne Roberts, actually. I was going to use that on at least one other occasion here, but then pulled up when I realized it would be identified.


I dunno, that looks like a great way to use any left-over horse’s heads you might have lying around.

And if you’re Marlon Brando, you could recycle them.


Am I the only one here who’s read Fford’s The Fourth Bear?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Is it that time of the month? AGAIN?

Wear a pad.

I dunno, that looks like a great way to use any left-over horse’s heads you might have lying around.

But what if you need to send someone a “message”?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Uh, next time, I’ll read ALL the comments before posting… ignore the man behind the cretin.


ignore the man behind the cretin.

Veiled buttsecks with Trig reference?

Marion in Savannah


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Veiled buttsecks with Trig reference?

Uh… EW! (NSFW)

Pupienus Maximus

Foreskin Holocaust, The movie

Pupienus Maximus

B^4 link no worky. Broke.


And across the yard from a curiously clean pet mortuary?

I can’t recall one, but I did get my cat from that pet store. The little fuzzball was climbing the side of the cage and meowing frantically to get my attention — it was so adorable that I just had to buy him.* In retrospect, maybe it was a desperate cry for rescue.

*(he rewarded this act, in true feline fashion, by launching an unprovoked assault on my ankle the moment I let him out of his box.)


Love me some eel and dim sum, too. Googled up Kansas City dim sum and Bo Ling there looks pretty decent- definitely a cut above microwaved frozen gyoza, though no duck foots. And the Fforde books look to be right up my alley- will have to investigate- I get most of my book faves from such serendipitous finds.

But above all, I have to salute Gavin for the Imagination by the Quotations link (yibbity- ma- ma- ma etc.). Doo-wop is a passion. I would transliterate the scat syllabification as imminy-ma-ma- etc. to go better with the word imagination, but that’s fodder for a dissertation still to be written by someone else.


You know, in China they eat centipedes. And not the long legged Scutigera kind which are mostly creepy and otherwise harmless – but the nasty red-headed scolopendra variety with the toxic bite.

Jesus, I have seen those foot-long horrors in Arizona. They are hard to kill and definitely not very appetizing.


Jeepers, I am spoiled out here on the left coast. It’s a hard life in the middle. You have to drive, like, hours, and sometimes even across state lines, before you can get either dim sum or an abortion. Where’s the fun in that? At least you don’t have to wait 24 hours and look at foetal chicken foot films before you get your dim sum.


You know, horse is starting to look like the sustainable uber resource of the future. Horse’s heads can be used as a personalized message to others that it’s time to go eel fishing, horse skin can be tanned to leather, horse hair is a furniture-maker’s staple, horse flesh can be made into sausage, horse bones can be ground for glue – well other than that other horse bone which you can equip for +100 ATK.


Foreskin Holocaust, The movie

*crossing legs*

Soooooooooooo…how about them Blackhawks?


well other than that other horse bone which you can equip for +100 ATK.

I see what you do there.


Two cents from Gallup;

Large majorities say that more should be done to clean things up, but the majority also believes that BP and not the feds should be in charge of the clean-up and that BP shouldn’t be boycotted, and also a slim majority thinks that the risks for offshore drilling are too great.


I see what you do there.

Yeah, I play Disgaea. It’s a nasty trap for obsessive compulsives who have hour long train commutes.


too much centipede venom

I don’t have band name yet, but fuck me if that’s not the title of our first single release!


Jeepers, I am spoiled out here on the left coast. It’s a hard life in the middle. You have to drive, like, hours, and sometimes even across state lines, before you can get either dim sum or an abortion. Where’s the fun in that? At least you don’t have to wait 24 hours and look at foetal chicken foot films before you get your dim sum.

Heh. Also, our public transportation is terrible, and in Kansas, the blue laws were written by crazy people.

Pupienus Maximus

In other OT wingnuttery, the pooch; it’s being screwed. By the purply prosaic Theophilus.

I’ll never forget a set of field grades at the point of mutiny when DADT was initiated in 1993.
The lust of homosexuals to defile knows no bounds. The islamofacists will rejoice as we are hung by our own libidinous licentious and libertine petards.

It is common to criticize the dog that bites the hands that feed it. Incredibly, sadistically and suicidally, we are raping from behind, the dogs that guard us.


“and also a slim majority thinks that the risks for offshore drilling are too great.”

Give it about a year. Some conservatard will exclaim that Cuba or China (or both) are drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and extracting OUR OIL!!! BP will be back in good graces, same as it ever was.


too much centipede venom

I see this as a blues tune

Well, I dug a hole in the beach! (Da dum, Da dum)
And I dug that hole deeper’n hell (Da dum, da dum)
And I stuck a horse’s head in (Da dum, da dum)
And I buried it back over (Da dum da dum)

In the morning, I dug it back up (da dum da dum)
And I stuck my hand in (da dum da dum)
And I came up with
A case of too much centipede venom (DA DA DA DA DA TWANG DUM)


In other OT wingnuttery, the pooch; it’s being screwed.

Wow. Just…wow. I mean, I know it’s Freep, but are we sure this isn’t satire?

Also, you read Free Republic? How do you stomach it???


we are raping from behind, the dogs that guard us.

Y’know, I think Santorum meant that men would MARRY dogs, not rape them.


“and in Kansas, the blue laws were written by crazy people”

Do they still have those? and in Missouri, too?

Here in Texas, the right of WalMart, et al, to make money on the Sabbath finally over-rode THE WORD about twenty years ago.

Pupienus Maximus

Heh. Also, our public transportation is terrible, and in Kansas, the blue laws were written by crazy people.

Oh my. I can’t imagine life without getting on the extensive (and free, in the downtown area) bus/light-rail/streetcar system for a quick, pleasant ride to my favorite pho, banh mi, tacoteria, … vendor. I say this only to gloat and rub it in, of course.

Git off yer ass and make the move already.


The lust of homosexuals to defile knows no bounds. The islamofacists will rejoice as we are hung by our own libidinous licentious and libertine petards.

HAWT. Where’s the torrent? Uh- in a totes heterosexual way, of course.


Do they still have those? and in Missouri, too?

Nah, Missouri’s normal. You can buy liquor and beer pretty much anywhere. In Kansas, you can only buy 3.2 beer in grocery stores/convenience stores, and you have to buy liquor, full-fledged beer, and wine in liquor stores. A couple of the counties in Kansas have lifted the ban on selling alcohol on Sundays, but most of the state still has it.


DKW, can you give this to your mom for me.

Marion in Savannah

Here in Texas, the right of WalMart, et al, to make money on the Sabbath finally over-rode THE WORD about twenty years ago.

Still can’t buy alcohol in a store here on Sunday. You can get a drink in a bar/dining establishment but they somehow have to prove that their Sunday sales are at least 51% food. Welcome to the bible belt!

Pupienus Maximus

I only occasionally _read_ Freeperville. Mostly I rely on top find the best of the worst or the worst of the worst or the whatever, you know wtf I mean.


The lust of homosexuals to defile knows no bounds. The islamofacists will rejoice as we are hung by our own libidinous licentious and libertine petards.

Ah, another graduate of the Pastor Swank School O’ Writin.


Oh my. I can’t imagine life without getting on the extensive (and free, in the downtown area) bus/light-rail/streetcar system for a quick, pleasant ride to my favorite pho, banh mi, tacoteria, … vendor. I say this only to gloat and rub it in, of course.

Git off yer ass and make the move already.

Well, we have a bus system. And the buses run, um, every forty minutes. I ride the bus to work most days, which is fine, but when we only had one car, it was basically impossible for me to get to appointments without having to take the entire afternoon off. And walk a couple of miles.

My practicum ends the first week of August. We’re hoping to be somewhere else (most likely, Portland) by the end of August. And just in time for our birthdays!


The islamofacists will rejoice as we are hung by our own libidinous licentious and libertine petards.

A well-hung petar(d) no doubt.


My practicum ends the first week of August.

You need to practice??? *perk*


DKW, can you give this to your mom for me.

You want to go eel fishing with her? You might want to ask actor’s mom instead, she’s the expert in hunting for long shaft like tubes of flesh.


We’re better than you.


You need to practice??? *perk*

Uh, exactly what career do you think I’m going into?


Fun fact about Kansas: Population-wise, its largest county is Johnson, which is pure suburban Kansas City. There is literally no there there


“You want to go eel fishing with her? You might want to ask actor’s mom instead, she’s the expert in hunting for long shaft like tubes of flesh.”

Been there, done that.


So back to the original post, Erk points out the mote in Obama’s eye while ignoring the log* in Dubya’s:

The man needs an enemy to act.

That is not leadership. That is bullying.

Um, War on Terra anyone? Bush was well on his way to being another do-nothing presnit just like daddy was until those craaaazy guys flew planes into buildings.

Then he gets the vapors over Obama’s utterance of the word ‘ass:’

That bullying gives way precisely to his NBC News interview wanting to know whose a** to kick — rhetorical immoderation that would get a warmongering jingoistic Rethuglican like George W. Bush in hot water with the media.

My oh my, what’s the world coming to?


Fun fact about Kansas: Population-wise, its largest county is Johnson, which is pure suburban Kansas City. There is literally no there there

Hey, now. Where do you think all your feedlot cattle and genetically engineered corn, soy, and wheat come from?

Plus, Johnson county is a shithole. I’d rather live in the flatlands than there.


You might want to ask actor’s mom instead, she’s the expert in hunting for long shaft like tubes of flesh.

She doesn’t have to hunt.


Foreskin Holocaust, The movie

Cross that puppy with The Human Centipede, and you’ve got a MOVIE!


“The lust of homosexuals to defile knows no bounds. The islamofacists will rejoice as we are hung by our own libidinous licentious and libertine petards.”

Better to make common cause with them is what you’re saying, amirite?


* if the log’s in your eye, you’re doin it rong.


Uh, exactly what career do you think I’m going into?

Hey, you’re the one who’s talking about practicing cum…

Lurking Canadian

Here’s how they catch ‘em. You go down to the beach, just like in the video. Then you dig a hole in the sand and toss in a couple dead chickens. All that’s left is to come back the next day and harvest your poisonous critters with out getting injected with too much centipede venom. Good times.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just eat the chickens?

I have nothing to say about Irk, which is appropriate, since he has nothing to say about anything.


Cross that puppy with The Human Centipede, and you’ve got a MOVIE!

Fuck you.


Fuck you.

Shouldn’t say that around here.


Wait till I post a link to Steve, Don’t Eat It!


Hey, you’re the one who’s talking about practicing cum…

Oh, no. I don’t need to practice.


Shouldn’t say that around here.

I had JUST forgotten about that movie.


actors 1-211 said,
June 8, 2010 at 20:58

We’re better than you.

You’ve been paid off. You don’t want me voiding the contract.


Erick, Spawn of Erick:

That was no act of moderation.

Wait wait wait wait: I thought “moderation is no virtue in the pursuit of justice”, according to someone else Erick, Spawn of Erick quotes and approves of.

Tsk tsk. Such rhetorical incoherence is no virtue!



“Y’know, I think Santorum meant that men would MARRY dogs, not rape them.”

I think Santorum would say that if you’re married to a dog, you can fuck them any time you like. Its in the bible or something. Levicticus 69: “Life’s a bitch, then you marry one, then you fuck it whenever you like.” 1

1. Does not apply to man on male dog or shellfish and other crustacians.

77south AKA former actor608

Where the hell is my check?


Where the hell is my check?

You’re lower on the food chain of the Ponzi scheme. You need to talk to Actor2112.

77south AKA former actor608

who am I kidding, you don’t owe me a check, the entire theater-going population does. My talent was marginal at best. In college, my only lead was Fortinbras, in the play of the same name. And that’s only cause the director was my friend, and we both hated the talented 2 or 3 guys that got all the leads.


She doesn’t have to hunt.

No she don’t. That doesn’t stop her.



How did Sarah Palin’s bust size increase?

I’ll take Wascally Wepublicans for $400, Alex.


OT: my website is DONE. click my name, bitchez! Didn’t the designer do a great job…true talent there.

Xecky Gilchrist

Am I the only one here who’s read Fford’s The Fourth Bear?

No, but I much prefer the Thursday Next stuff.

Was it The Fourth Bear that had the “creme anglaise” joke in it? That was genius, but the rest of the book merely terrific.


“How did Sarah Palin’s bust size increase?”

However it happened, given the nature of today’s Republican party, I think she can claim the cost as a business deduction.

Xecky Gilchrist

(Nope, the creme anglaise joke was in The Big Over Easy.)


OT: my website is DONE. click my name, bitchez!

Is the splash graphic supposed to be way up in the upper left corner?


Wouldn’t it be easier to just eat the chickens?

Who wants to eat chicken when you can have deliciously poisonous centipede?

No, the real reason – and you probably don’t want to think about this too much – is the same as using live bait in fishing. You can get a heck of a lot more meat in centipede than you have in two chickens worth of bait.

Pupienus Maximus

think Santorum would say that if you’re married to a dog, you can fuck them any time you like. Its in the bible or something

There is historical evidence. While it may be in teh bibble, it really is cross cultural.


I had JUST forgotten about that movie.

It’s in my netflix q, and is also at the local art house CINEMA. I am conflicted.


You can get a heck of a lot more meat in centipede than you have in two chickens worth of bait.

so you’re saying the scientist in that movie was on to something?


It’s in my netflix q, and is also at the local art house CINEMA. I am conflicted.

Dude, they bumped the Banksy movie for it and I was PISSED. I was like, goddammit, people, you serve FOOD here. It’s in the same space as a bar, and I wanted to hang out there to see how many people actually went.


I like your art vacuumslayer, what inspired the bird fight club picture? Love it.


“Is the splash graphic supposed to be way up in the upper left corner?”

it’s centered in my browser….hmmm may have to address this with her.


Dude, they bumped the Banksy movie for it and I was PISSED.

well, you’re right and that is an improper move. I say you kill them all. Call it the Krauthammer Solution.


it’s centered in my browser….hmmm may have to address this with her.

It’s fine on mine (Chrome). IE often has issues that require extra code to address.


Also, too, yay website!


I was like, goddammit, people, you serve FOOD here

Zombie. Food on the screen.

Pupienus Maximus

Opera centers the graphic. Horizontally only – the top 1/4 (1/3, 1/2?) is hidden under the address bar.


it’s centered in my browser….hmmm may have to address this with her.

I’m in IE7, so YMMV


well, you’re right and that is an improper move. I say you kill them all. Call it the Krauthammer Solution.

Sounds good to me. Fucking hipsters.

Zombie. Food on the screen.

Even if it’s poop-tainted?


“There is historical evidence. While it may be in teh bibble, it really is cross cultural.”

In that second photo, Santorum is trying real hard (not) to divert his eyes.


No, The Fourth Bear is the one where Jack Spratt bought the used car from Dorian Gray.


think Santorum would say that if you’re married to a dog, you can fuck them any time you like. Its in the bible or something

“There is historical evidence. While it may be in teh bibble, it really is cross cultural.”

My Catholic upbringing suggests that so long as you stick to the missionary position and avoid the doggie style, the Pope will be fine with it. However, I could be misreading the papal bull (shit) on this matter.


Thank you,gm! Actually fight club was inspired by the stock model herself.. Shed used make up to make herself bruised and bloodied, I embellished the heck out that then dEcided to make the piece funny rather than macabre. And what’s funnier than some weirdo who wants to fight birds?


…so you’re saying the scientist in that movie was on to something?

Euw, no. That movie was gross and disgusting. I’m just talking about burying a couple of dead chickens in the sand, so that you can come back a day later to collect the swarming mass of poisonous centipedes that collect there. I believe the reason that a pair of chickens is used is because a single chicken doesn’t last long enough for the right size writhing mass of exoskeletons, legs and venomous biting mandibles to accumulate. You know, regular foodie stuff.

Marion in Savannah

stick to the missionary position and avoid the doggie style

There are doggie missionaries? Now I’m all confused…


“Is the splash graphic supposed to be way up in the upper left corner?”

Its in the upper left on mine too.


Thanks for piping in about the’s supposed to centered AT THE VERY top of the screen.


You know, regular foodie stuff.

At least foodie stuff doesn’t usually involve POOP. Except civet coffee.

Galactic Dustbin

To fight this and fix it will require a President who understands government is the problem, not the solution.

God can you imagine what kind of Ferengi hell hole we would be living in right now if Jefferson’s final draft of the Declaration of Independence had’nt been changed to “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” instead of the orginal “Life, liberty and the pursuit of property” ?

In some alternative universe Erik, Son of Erik is informing on his fellow slaves in the mines of Yellowstone


“There are doggie missionaries? Now I’m all confused…”

You are so naive Marion in Savannah.


Thanks for piping in about the’s supposed to centered AT THE VERY top of the screen.

I have very rudimentary web design skills (despite having taken two semesters of it), but yeah…she’s going to have to find a workaround for IE because, well, it’s a fucking piece of shit that doesn’t follow CSS standards and should be kicked in the balls.


There are doggie missionaries? Now I’m all confused…

You go to Africa with the missionairies you have…


I may scrap the page altogether. I don’t exactly love it.


I think it’s that the margins aren’t fixed…as I recall, IE has some issues with that. I think I struggled with that on one of my sites. She should be able to google for a workaround for IE.


I may scrap the page altogether. I don’t exactly love it.


Stick to your guns. Apart from the graphic…and the blog still in “novus ordum secloro”…it’s fine.


I may scrap the page altogether. I don’t exactly love it.

Nah, it’s fine. I would suggest changing the text color, though. I worry that it will be difficult to read.

And I forgot that she’s a graphic designer, not a web designer. If you want, I can research to see if I can find a fix for that code.


Shed used make up to make herself bruised and bloodied,

many years ago, during the Reagan Era, Missus Zombie dressed up for Halloween one year as the Stature of Liberty, all bruised and bloodied. Problem was, she didn’t overdo the makeup, so hardly anybody remarked on it and later we figured most people thought I was beating her….

And what’s funnier than some weirdo who wants to fight birds?

Liberals who believe in justice?


Euw, no. That movie was gross and disgusting.

you say that like it’s a BAD thing.


Oh, uh, never mind. I just clicked on her profile and she is a web designer. I am a LIAR. She probably just forgot to test it in IE.

Rusty Shackleford

most people thought I was beating her….

Considering she married a zombie, it could have been worse.


vs, I like the website, but agree regarding the text color. However, if the text was larger, the color would be OK, IMHZO.


An resturant that services authentic Hunan style food just opened near me (just outside Baltimore). In addition to the usual americanized stuff they serve all sorts of strange stuff – (can’t get the html to work)


Considering she married a zombie, it could have been worse.

silly, I wasn’t a zombie when she MARRIED me.

…although now that I think about, that can probably be added to the complaints.

Spengler Dampniche

I have eaten
the mangoes
that were in
the assbucket

and which
you were probably
for Breitbart.

Forgive me
they were pernicious
so what
and also.

Rusty Shackleford

vacuumslayer, the Magoo-eyed amongst us can barely read the text on your website. I like the background color though!


So, you think you’re better than me?!


So, you think you’re better than me?!

Where’s my check? My opinion can be bought.


the centipedes
have eaten the chickens
in the hole.

the crawlies
they were rotten
and O so maggoty

but it is
totally OK to eat them
even if the centipedes
are poisonous.


What is the point of having the biggest and baddest military on the planet if we can’t kill all the centipedes with napalm? Cause eeeeew. T


T at the end of the last comment for testing purposes only. Go about your business citizens.


Also, VS, it may be a screen resolution issue but weren’t the pictures on your other website bigger? These are so small that it’s hard to see all the wonderful detail.

Also, too, and as well, the splash page (hate ’em, btw, as a general rule) is partially hidden under the toolbar in Chrome on Linux.

Otherwise, nice! You sure know how to draw a hiney.


T at the end of the last comment for testing purposes only. Go about your business citizens.

Oh suuuure. It’s like those barcodes on the stop signs, isn’t it? ISN’T IT??


Did you know that the word “Breech” used to mean, in the Olden Days, “Butt”?

Hence the word “breeches” for pants is now explained.

Also, the phrase “Honored in the Breech”. And, of course, “Breech-clout” (clout= cloth).

It all makes perfect sense, it’s to idiotically easy when you KNOW things.


Oh suuuure. It’s like those barcodes on the stop signs, isn’t it? ISN’T IT??

Whatever makes you think that?n


Also, the phrase “Honored in the Breech”.

She offered her breech to honor me, so I was honor breech.


Cross that puppy with The Human Centipede, and you’ve got a MOVIE!

Puppy Centipede DO NOT WANT.

too much centipede venom
I don’t have band name yet, but fuck me if that’s not the title of our first single release!

I have a new homebrew ingredient.


KWillow: It’s “honored in the breach.”



She offered her breech to honor me, so I was honor breech.

She offered her honor
He honored her offer
And all the rest of the night it was


If there is one thing better then civet-p00p coffee, it is civet-p00p-coffee beer.


She offered her honor
He honored her offer

And all thru the night
It was honor and offer.



Puppy Centipede DO NOT WANT.



KWillow: It’s “honored in the breach.”

(EX: Republicans honor our Consitutional rights more in the breach than in the observance)


The zeal industry has been doing poorly because of the baby-zebras-in-cages thing.

I just wanted to read that again.


I had JUST forgotten about that movie.

I really thought that the description was just a joke. So I watched the trailer.

Jesus fucking christ. Really? This is what we are reduced to? The acting of the women is horrible even in the previews. Nevertheless, the artsy review of the movie talks about the compelling sympathy that is evoked for the poor woman in the middle of the centipede…

And I just gave up on humanity. That isn’t fucking compelling storytelling. It is shock cinema that, as always, is designed by lazy fuckers who know they could never tell a real compelling story and so have to resort to the vilest behaviors imaginable to evoke something from the audience.

Hey, know what else would make a great movie? The epic struggle of 5 year old girl from a wealthy family kidnapped and forced to grow up in septic tank. The tragedy of a man who falls into a well and is slowly eaten by rats. A man publically and bloodily tortured to death for … oh, wait, Mel Gibson did that one already.

You know, indy film makers, just because it isn’t something that people normally would film doesn’t make it compelling or edgy cinema.

Xecky Gilchrist

I just wanted to read that again.

Thanks, I didn’t mind a second round myself. It was LOLworthy.


Really? This is what we are reduced to?


Election Night Preview

The sketch:
(Racy music)

Cleese: (talking very fast, as do all the commentators): Hello, good evening and welcome to Election Night Special. There’s tremendous excitement here at the moment and we should be getting the first results through any moment now. We’re not sure where it will be from, it might be Leicester or from West Byfleet, the polling’s been quite heavy in both areas. Ah, I’m just getting… I’m just getting… a buzzing noise in my left ear. Urgh, argh! (removes insect and stamps on it). And now let’s go straight over to Leicester.

Palin: And it’s a straight fight here at Leicester and we’re expecting the result any moment now. There with the Returning Officer is Arthur Smith the sensible candidate and next to him is Jethro Q. Walrustitty the silly candidate with his agent and his silly wife.

Idle: (clears throat) Here is the result for Leicester. Arthur J. Smith…

Cleese: Sensible Party

Idle: …30,612. (applause) Jethro Q. Bunn Whackett Buzzard Stubble and Boot Walrustitty…

Cleese: Silly Party

Idle: …33,108. (applause)

Cleese: Well there we have the first result of the election and the Silly party has held Leicester. Norman.

Palin: Well pretty much as I predicted, except that the Silly party won. Er, I think this is largely due to the number of votes cast. Gerald.

Chapman: Well there’s a big swing here to the Silly Party, but how big a swing I’m not going to tell you.

Palin: I think one should point out that in this constituency since the last election a lot of very silly people have moved into new housing estates with the result that a lot of sensible voters have moved further down the road the other side of number er, 29.

Cleese: Well I can’t add anything to that. Colin?

Idle: Can I just say that this is the first time I’ve been on television?

Cleese: No I’m sorry, there isn’t time, we’re just going straight over to Luton.

Chapman: Well here at Luton it’s a three-cornered contest between, from left to right, Alan Jones (Sensible Party), Tarquin Fin-tim-lim-bim-lim-bin- bim-bin-bim bus stop F’tang F’tang Olé Biscuitbarrel (Silly Party), and Kevin Phillips Bong, who is running on the Slightly Silly ticket. And here’s the result.

Woman: Alan Jones…

Cleese: Sensible

Woman: …9,112. Kevin Phillips Bong…

Cleese: Slightly Silly

Woman: Nought. Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim bus stop F’tang F’tang Olé Biscuitbarrel…

Cleese: Silly

Woman: 12,441. (applause)

Cleese: Well there you have it, the first result of the election as the Silly Party take Luton. Norman.

Palin: Well this is a very significant result. Luton, normally a very sensible constituency with a high proportion of people who aren’t a bit silly, has gone completely ga-ga.

Cleese: And we’ve just heard that James Gilbert has with him the winning Silly candidate at Luton.

Idle: Tarquin, are you pleased with this result?

Palin: Ho yus, me old beauty, I should say so. (Silly noises including a goat bleating).

Cleese: And do we have the swing at Luton?

Chapman: Er… no.

Cleese: (pause) Right, well I can’t add anything to that. Colin?

Idle: Can I just say that this is the second time I’ve been on television?

Cleese: No, I’m sorry there isn’t time, we’re just about to get another result.

Palin: And this one is from Harpenden Southeast. A very interesting constituency this: in addition to the official Silly candidate there is an unofficial Very Silly candidate, in the slab of concrete, and he could well split the silly vote here at Harpenden Southeast.

Jones: Mrs Elsie Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

Cleese: Silly

Jones: 26,317 (applause). Jeanette Walker…

Cleese: Sensible Jones: 26,318…

Cleese: Very close!

Jones: Malcolm Peter Brian Telescope Adrian Blackpool Rock Stoatgobbler John Raw Vegetable Brrroooo Norman Michael (rings bell) (blows whistle) Edward (sounds car horn) (does train impersonation) (sounds buzzer) Thomas Moo… (sings) “We’ll keep a welcome in the…” (fires gun) William (makes silly noise) “Raindrops keep falling on my” (weird noise) “Don’t sleep in the subway” (cuckoo cuckoo) Naaoooo… Smith.

Cleese: Very Silly

Jones: …two.

Cleese: Well there you have it, a Sensible gain at Harpenden with the Silly vote being split.

Palin: And we’ve just heard from Luton that Tony Stratton-Smith has with him there the unsuccessful Slightly Silly candidate, Kevin Phillips Bong.

Idle: Kevin Phillips Bong. You polled no votes at all. Not a sausage. Bugger all. Are you at all disappointed with this performance?

Neil Innes: Not at all. As I always say:

Climb every mountain

Ford every stream,

Follow every by-way,

Till you find your dream.

(Sings) A dream that will last

All the love you can give

Every day of your life

For as long as you live.

All together now!

Climb every mountain

Ford every stream…

Cleese: A very brave Kevin Phillips Bong there. Norman.

Palin: And I’ve just heard from Luton that my aunt is ill. Possibly gastro-enteritis, possibly just catarrh. Gerald.

Cleese: Right. Er, Colin?

Idle: Can I just say that I’ll never appear on television again?

Cleese: No I’m sorry, there isn’t time, we have to pick up a few results you may have missed. A little pink pussy-cat has taken Barrow-in-Furness — that’s a gain from the Liberals there. Rastus Odinga Odinga has taken Wolverhampton Southwest, that’s Enoch Powell’s old constituency — an important gain there for Darkie Power. Arthur Negus has held Bristols — that’s not a result, that’s just a piece of gossip. Sir Alec Douglas Home has taken Oldham for the Stone Dead party. A small piece of putty about that big, a cheese mechanic from Dunbar and two frogs — one called Kipper the other not — have all gone “Ni ni ni ni ni ni!” in Blackpool Central. And so it’s beginning to look like a Silly landslide, and with the prospect of five more years’ Silly government facing us we… Oh I don’t want to do this any more, I’m bored!

Palin: He’s right you know, it is a bloody waste of time.

Chapman: Absolute waste of time.

Palin: I wanted to be a gynaecologist…


Sorry, I’m still angry about the friends who got me to watch “The Cook, the thief, his wife and her lover”, which still pisses me off 20 years later…


Dude. I live in central Missouri. We have one shitty sushi place and one shitty sushi place/hibachi grill. I am not exaggerating when I say that I would have to drive at least two hours for dim sum. All our Chinese places are gross buffets.

Ohhh where! I’m from Rolla, and I feel your pain.


“The Cook, the thief, his wife and her lover”

But Helen Mirren! NUDE!


But Helen Mirren! NUDE!

But the ride in the rancid animal parts truck.


Sorry, I’m still angry about the friends who got me to watch “The Cook, the thief, his wife and her lover”, which still pisses me off 20 years later…
I feel the same way about the movie ‘Happiness’ It’s the only movie I’ve ever walked out on. I would have walked out on that even if it were an in-flight movie. Of course I have deliberately skipped a hell of a lot of movies. including and especially the human centipede.


“The Cook, the thief, his wife and her lover”

But Helen Mirren! NUDE!

One out of four aint bad.


“But the ride in the rancid animal parts truck.”

What are you, a vegan?


Hey, know what else would make a great movie? The epic struggle of 5 year old girl from a wealthy family kidnapped and forced to grow up in septic tank. The tragedy of a man who falls into a well and is slowly eaten by rats. A man publically and bloodily tortured to death for

Have you ever thought about a career in movies? You got the right idea.


But the ride in the rancid animal parts truck.

Look, I’m not proud but I was stuck in Wichita and had to get to Chica–

Oh. The movie. Um, yes.


Jesus fucking christ. Really? This is what we are reduced to?

Yup. If it makes you feel any better, the dude behind it basically lied to everyone involved in order to get them on board.


The acting of the women is horrible even in the previews.

Hey, give ’em a break – they were only paid shit wages.


Ohhh where! I’m from Rolla, and I feel your pain.

Oh, that sucks. I’m sorry.

I live in Columbia. Now you’re going to tell me to stop being such a WATB.


they were only paid shit wages.


And a piece off the back end.


Yuck. I hate all of you.


“Obscenity can’t be defined, but I know it when I see it”

Some might say that real obscenity is when a corporation destroys an entire ecosystem in pursuit of profit, abetted by corrupt politicians who destroyed the regulatory agencies. While alternative approaches are marginalized and de-funded.

And let’s not mention the wars of choice.

Ugly is the world. Art may reflect that. Crap also. Remember that “Frankenstein” was also reviled.


Remember that “Frankenstein” was also reviled

Yeah, but then he narrated How The Grinch Stole Christmas and everything was jake.


Remember that “Frankenstein” was also reviled

Really? I loved that “puttin on the ritz” bit.

Ugly is the world. Art may reflect that.

If we were talking about a movie about those things, or even relating to those things, I would agree.

What we are talking about instead is some schmuck who is essentially using the internet sensation “2 girls, 1 cup” to get his 15 minutes of fame, and a gaggle of posers promoting it as edgy when it is really about as creative and well executed as a pack of 9 year old boys trying to gross each other out.


What we are talking about instead is some schmuck who is essentially using the internet sensation “2 girls, 1 cup” to get his 15 minutes of fame, and a gaggle of posers promoting it as edgy when it is really about as creative and well executed as a pack of 9 year old boys trying to gross each other out.

uh-huh. Not disagreeing, necessarily, but I don’t think either of us have seen the flick.

However, maybe we can just argue about civility vs. decency instead?


pack of 9 year old boys trying to gross each other out

I remember a standard formulation of “would you rather slide down a mile long razor blade into a pool of alcohol or…”


… it is really about as creative and well executed as a pack of 9 year old boys trying to gross each other out.

Asi was Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Not everybody’s cup of tea, certainly, but certainly got the panties of Moral Majority types as well knotted up as did “Piss Christ”

Art doesn’t have to shock. Shock is not art.

But without the ability to shock, art is Thomas Kincaid.


If it makes you feel any better, the dude behind it basically lied to everyone involved in order to get them on board.

Oddly, that does make me feel a little bit better.

Grrr… I know its not important, but it still just pisses me off. I wouldn’t want it to be banned, I just wish people had better taste than to promote, much less make, shock cinema crap.

Also, world peace. That would be nice, too.


Also, the tactics of promoters really have little to do with the film in itself.

Although I am also amused by the film-maker’s need for deception to get it made. There are apparently still taboos to break, which surprises me a little.


If it makes you feel any better, the dude behind it basically lied to everyone involved in order to get them on board.

umm, just the money guys.

He was upfront with the actors and techs. Some actors backed out.


But without the ability to shock…

Which brings me back to the original point. anyone can shock. Revulsion is easy. Why encourage people to keep lowering the bar until a guy taking a dump on a sleeping baby is considered art?


Oh please please please make it so.


I do kinda feel like shock cinema has its place. Without Night of the Living Dead, would Eraserhead have been made?

Boundaries are challenged in shock cinema, and then made acceptable by ‘serious’ filmmakers.


Popping in to say thanks for the input. I’m gonna addess some of these issues with the designer.


Why encourage people to keep lowering the bar until a guy taking a dump on a sleeping baby is considered art?

Lowering the bar doesn’t mean that will be considered art.

However, challenging taboos is part of what art is supposed to do. Porn movies showed guys kissing long before Brokeback Mountain.


Boundaries are challenged in shock cinema, and then made acceptable by ’serious’ filmmakers.

Awesome. We can look forward to the day when no movie is complete without a shit-eating scene.

You make my point for me. All creative work doesn’t have value, and an unwillingness to distinguish between “pushing the envelope” and “this is just fucking stupid” just encourages people to seek their 15 minutes of fame by doing the “this is just fucking stupid”.


However, challenging taboos is part of what art is supposed to do. Porn movies showed guys kissing long before Brokeback Mountain.

Actually, guys were kissing long before “art” got involved. I’m not sure if I’m buying the argument that much of the porn industry (gay or otherwise) is considered art, nor that it blazed the way for Brokeback Mountain.


Oh please please please make it so.

May FSM grant us this boon, and/or Shakira’s Ass, whoever isn’t busy at the moment (I’m guessing FSM).



Meanwhile, there is this inpirational story of a Randian superman bringing value to the world:


I’m not sure if I’m buying the argument that much of the porn industry (gay or otherwise) is considered art, nor that it blazed the way for Brokeback Mountain.

ecch. Zombie is lousy at debating, and frames his arguments poorly.

I don’t say that either. Certainly not saying porn is art, with the exception of Tintin showing wingnuts pooping. What I do say is that, generally, shock precedes art. The shocking, fame-seeking provides new ground for artists to plow.

And I MEANT all those veiled references, so you degenerates can just have at it.


“Meanwhile, there is this inpirational story of a Randian superman bringing value to the world.”

Yes, if you are punched in the face by the sacred invisible hand, you probably had it coming. Libertopia Uber Alles


May FSM grant us this boon, and/or Shakira’s Ass, whoever isn’t busy at the moment (I’m guessing FSM).

FSM is one of those new, trendy deities, but there are plenty of Assyrian gods with a lot of time on their hands these days. I’d try there for Shakira’s ass.


ecch. Zombie is lousy at debating, and frames his arguments poorly.

Yeah, you could have sunk your teeth into my argument in a bunch of places, lol.

I get what you are saying, and in a lot of cases agree. There is artistic porn, there is even artistic revulsion. There is little to disguish art from “whatever else you want to call it” except the spirit it was made in and the opinion of the viewer. And maybe not even then.

I just don’t think all art needs to be encouraged or even accepted just because it is “art” or called art. Some people seem to do what they do out of contempt for their audience.


++pedantic, for vacuumslayer (Bee Ess):

I often find myself in a state [AHEM!] sensory overload


Some people seem to do what they do out of contempt for their audience.

Have you seen the audience? Listened to it? Read its scribblings on the Internet?

Getting them to pay to be abused is trenchant performance act reflecting modern capitalism. And a living.


OK, either “a trenchant performance act,” or “trenchant performance art.”


You people out there give us something more than just record sales
You give us something to hate
And we hate you, you brainless mutants





I think one of the topics of conversation here is a movie about pseudo-centipedes, and this is a boat out of which I will not get, except if the conversation is coming from inside the boat. Then I will swim and swim and don’t try to stop me; I’ll take you down with me.

But when it comes to translatin’ Swankish or proto-Swankish, I am always up for that. So I put it through the Amazing Translatin’ Machine, original Swankish, to German, to Italian, to Albanian, and then back to English, in order to discern the true meaning.

“To desecrate the loss of homosexuals has no limits. The islamofacists will rejoice as we hung from our libertine libidinous licentious and fireworks.”

Okay. Yes, obscure, but not without redeeming hints. The first sentence could be interpreted to mean that losing homosexuals would be an infinite tragedy. Yay. The second sentence, I just keep coming up with “Reply hazy, try again later”. But there are fireworks, and where there are fireworks, there may be starbursts, and that might make somebody happy.

Meanwhile, I would like to go to the movies and see “Splice”. I adore Sarah Polley. What do you think? Will I like it?


I just don’t think all art needs to be encouraged or even accepted just because it is “art” or called art.

Art can be as contemptible as its consumers, but it beats working every time.


“M. Bouffant said,
June 9, 2010 at 0:54

++pedantic, for vacuumslayer (Bee Ess):

I often find myself in a state [AHEM!] sensory overload”

hmmm. Sorry you don’t like my writing style. Fact is I’m rusty and came up with that bio
on the fly. I plan to make it more concise when I get a chance.

Pupienus Maximus

From gm’s Oily Taint link:

“Our country will turn into a banana republican until we disclose information that is related to voter fraud,” she told POLITICO.

I can’t…I don’t even….


Bananas: not actually that good for sticking into republicans.

A Concerned Citizen

Mama loves mangoes:

Scientific evidence in activities like federal government spending (hurts economies and jobs) and tax cuts (helps economies and jobs) are not understood either because of ideologic reasons or simply that no economcis classes were offered or taken in school. THESE IGNORAMUSES ARE MANAGING OUR ECONOMY.


Some people seem to do what they do out of contempt for their audience.

Like Elton John playing a private show for Jabba Limbaugh?


I always regret not seeing GG Allin when he performed in Milwaukee, it was one of his last.

I bet I could have dodged the feces.


O.K., which one of you guys did this.

Must now go to this site. Its wingnuterific!

She brags about her fame. My favorites:

“Dr. Taitz gets 85% in High Desert Tea Party Movement, North San Bernardino County Voter poll”


“Orly Taitz is 43rd most popular search on the Internet in the last hour. It shows tremendous interest of the public. People want to know the truth about Obama”


as we hung from our libertine libidinous licentious and fireworks.”

I have no intention of watching that movie and frankly I am disgusted by the whole pyrotechnic suspension genre.


Orly Taitz is 43rd most popular search on the Internet in the last hour.

and 3rd least likely to be combined with “naked.”


umm, just the money guys.

He was upfront with the actors and techs. Some actors backed out.

I apologize. I was misinformed.

Honestly, I can’t get too worked up over the movie, except to be really, really fucking grossed out. I mean, I’d rather that it hadn’t been made, but I’m not sure I have any more problem with it than a fucking shitty romantic comedy. (Which are about as misogynist as you can get–including horror films.)


O.K., which one of you guys did this.

I am hoping she wins the Republican primary for Secretary of State in CA.

Wingnuts and Birthers on parade.

Handez-moi le popcorn, garkon.


Must now go to this site. Its wingnuterific!

Wait. Is that for real?


frankly I am disgusted by the whole pyrotechnic suspension genre.

who would have thought a man named “Smut” would be so easily squicked?


“Wait. Is that for real?”

Poe says yes.


and 3rd least likely to be combined with “naked.”

I appreciate the joke, but still……my eyes.


Sorry, I’m still angry about the friends who got me to watch “The Cook, the thief, his wife and her lover”, which still pisses me off 20 years later…

I feel the same way about the movie ‘Happiness’ It’s the only movie I’ve ever walked out on. I would have walked out on that even if it were an in-flight movie. Of course I have deliberately skipped a hell of a lot of movies. including and especially the human centipede.

Jesus Christ, those are both excellent movies.


I mean, I’d rather that it hadn’t been made, but I’m not sure I have any more problem with it than a fucking shitty romantic comedy. (Which are about as misogynist as you can get–including horror films.)

so it would have been better if Meg Ryan had been put in front?


so it would have been better if Meg Ryan had been put in front?

No. Worse. But not as bad as if it had been Sandra Bullock.


Jesus Christ, those are both excellent movies.

says the guy who has an animated spider-dog on the front page of his bloggo.


No. Worse. But not as bad as if it had been Sandra Bullock.

I admit it. I am a zombie with an appreciation for nasty horror films, but you have a really TWISTED mind.


Any architects out there might want to comment on this.


I admit it. I am a zombie with an appreciation for nasty horror films, but you have a really TWISTED mind.

What can I say? I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel on the inside.


vacuumslayer, just meant you skipped an “of” there, Trying to assist, not judge.


Any architects out there might want to comment on this.

I’m not an architect, but I think it’s fucking hilarious. Also, BABIES!


Heh, I googled “Orly Taitz” + naked, (shudder) and this is what I found.

To donate $2.37 to my legal defense fund and be entered to win “Orly Taitz: The Naked Pancake Truth”

“You may also order a signed print of my painting Orly Taitz: The Naked Pancake Truth and therefore sponsor my ‘Colors Of Orly’ Art Show to be held at Storefront In A Box in Minneapolis, Minnesota on the 4th of July, with special guest Mr. Dusty Trice.”


Thanks. This is why everyone needs an editor.


Yupk. I need one too, ’cause I sho’ nuff didn’t express that well …


Heh, I googled “Orly Taitz” + naked

My god, man. Why? WHY???


OK: Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock, and J-Lo in a Human Centipede sequel.

Tell me there’s not a market for THAT.


Why did that dude make the movie about sewing people together nose to…er…tail?


OK: Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock, and J-Lo in a Human Centipede sequel.

I hate you.


Please click link for picture of Orly painting with pancake

My god, man. Why? WHY???
‘Cause extremism in the defense of snark is no vice or maybe I have lost my mind.


Why did that dude make the movie about sewing people together nose to…er…tail?

Er, someone had to.


Hoping that Lawyer-Doctor Taitz’s impending Republican nomination will result in some investigative journalists heading to Israel looking for evidence of her alleged bikini model career, WHICH IS SORELY LACKING ON THE INTERNET, PEOPLE!!!


‘Cause extremism in the defense of snark is no vice or maybe I have lost my mind.

I admire your dedication. I guess.


OK: Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock, and J-Lo in a Human Centipede sequel.

I hate you.

yeah, it’s hard not to support that.


But not as bad as if it had been Sandra Bullock.

I would happily go see any romantic comedy* between Sandra Bullock and Meg Ryan. I may not know art, but I know what I like!

*Or porn **
**As long as it wasn’t human centipede related***
***But you probably knew that


which version of “Happiness” are we talking about here?

also, youse all have me so interested in HC that I for sure have to watch it now.
This version of happiness. It is hard to express how much I loathe this movie.


Ok, This is how much I loathe happiness. I would rather watch El Topo again, all 3 pointless unwatchable hours of pseudo intellectual wankery with interludes of midget porn, than watch happiness. again. And I still wouldn’t watch the human centipede on a bet.


He did something alright.
Alright IS NOT A WORD. This is not a pet peeve, it is completely feral.


AAAAAAAAH ZOMG. Speaking of disturbing.


Alright IS NOT A WORD. This is not a pet peeve, it is completely feral.

Thanks. I grit my teeth at that and ignored it because it was one of the least egregious examples of stupidity in that post.


While I will concede that Meg Ryan has been in several metric assloads of horrible as $#*! movies – the lady can (IM Bourbon soaked O) actually act. Sandra Bullock? Not so much, or at least not that I’ve seen.

IOW, Fuck Meg Ryan (in the good way) and Fuck Sandra Bullock (not in the good way).


How’s about “alrighty, then”?


It is accepted by the 3Bulls style guide.

Pupienus Maximus

OK: Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock, and J-Lo in a Human Centipede sequel.

I can see that. We’ll get Cronenberg to direct. Think David Lynch will produce?


Good News Everybody!

Haley goes to run-off with 49%. I Believe Andre Bauer is out of the picture. Two more weeks of sex scandal speculations! I wonder if she’s also done actor’s mom?

Halter with a slight lead over Lincoln and 55% reporting.

Time to toast with another glass of salty Bulleit.

Hysterical Woman

I think Human Centipede would have been more transgressive if the victims were willing volunteers.

Pupienus Maximus

Haley goes to run-off with 49%. I Believe Andre Bauer is out of the picture.

But he’s not out of the closet yet. There’s still time for more SC political wonderfulness.


I wonder if she’s also done actor’s mom?

Dude. Seriously. Do you even have to ask?

Also, I do wonder how the, like, last two bits of the centipede receive enough nutrition in order to live…I just don’t see how that’s possible.


I think Human Centiped would have been a documentary if they had placed it during the Republican National Convention.


Also, I do wonder how the, like, last two bits of the centipede receive enough nutrition in order to live…I just don’t see how that’s possible.


You could feed the front end a lot of corn.


But he’s not out of the closet yet. There’s still time for more SC political wonderfulness.

I dunno. Corey Booker’s been in the closet this long. Of course, NJ isn’t nearly as fucking nuts as SC.


You could feed the front end a lot of corn.

I deserved that. Really, I did.



I mean, it is what they do to cattle, basically…


ONOES! Blanche Lincoln has climbed back over Bill Halter. She is now on top again. These two have switched positions many times tonight.

I am going to console myself with some bourbon.


With less than 1% of NV precincts reporting, Lowden trails Angle by ten votes. Chickens across Nevada cluck a tentaive sigh of relief.


ONOES! Blanche Lincoln has climbed back over Bill Halter. She is now on top again. These two have switched positions many times tonight.

That’s yuckier than the corn thing.

Mmm. Bourbon.


OT – Rand Paul was back on teevee. I did a blow by blow (it was on FOX so there was lotsa of knob gobbling going on) at <insert blogwhore linkage here>.


WTF?! Okay, Lowden’s actually in the lead – but teh problem is that Politico’s map thingy is reporting 0.2=3% precincts reporting and a total of 50K votes. Meaning there’s somewhere around 16 million Republican voters in Nevada. That can’t be right.


Whoah. 0.3% precincts reporting. I blame the bourbon Obama.

Heh – total thread domination achieved!


Okay, Blanche is now at +8K votes with 84.5% of precincts reporting. Halter apparently couldn’t halt her. Although the contest between the two was tight. They were practically on top of each other all evening, both surging towards that inevitable final climax.


Okay, Blanche has her Senate nomination in hand. Cue the derivatives trading lobbyists. Conference committtee is not going to be pretty.

I’d drown my sorrows in bourbon, but this bottle looks mysteriously empty. I blame Obama for drinking all my whisky.


No, three consecutive posts indicates total & absolute lack of a life & general loserness.


See? Just twice.


Three posts? I had this place practically all to yself for half an hour. Immediately following actual discussion by several others. So what if I farted areally wet and loud one in order to clear everyone else out – all’s fair in love and primary elections and bogarting the thread.


Good News Everybody!

Even if Chickens for Health Care Lowden loses the primary, the person she’s losing to is an Oathkeeper! This calls for some kind of toast. I’m gonna have to find another bottle.


It was tough waiting for a new comment so I wouldn’t reveal myself.

all to myself for half an hour
In the real worldOn telebision, there are sporting events. This may explain that.


Okay – ultra super early returns has iCarly with a sooper dooper start in CA-SEN. Lincoln manages to outlast Halter and finishes ahead of him (I dunno how that works either). Nikki Haley has two more weeks of random GOP operatives coming out as her lovers. Harry Reid will be facing off against some sort of wingnut that’s crazy even by GOP standards. There’s your Tuesday Night news report, I’m going to bed (with actor212’s mom) to sleep off this bourbon. You can have your thread back.

Enjoy talking about things more tasteful than politics, like the Human Centipede.


Even if Chickens for Health Care Lowden loses the primary, the person she’s losing to is an Oathkeeper! This calls for some kind of toast. I’m gonna have to find another bottle.

I love how all of a sudden, there’s a sudden explosion of posts on the right “reminding” the military that they don’t have to follow illegal orders. Where were all these people at the time of Iraq, Gitmo, Abu Ghraib…?


Not to mention Angle’s “no booze” ideas & her Scientology links.


Illegal orders means “rounding up patriots” & sending them back to school/FEMA camp.

In a larger sense it means orders given by a Muslim Usurper (Just an example, you realize.) to bring about the downfall of America.


You could feed the front end a lot of corn.

I deserved that. Really, I did.

You could not self-loathe enough for me right now…


there’s a sudden explosion of posts on the right “reminding” the military that they don’t have to follow illegal orders

They don’t have to, but what could be more fun AND patriotic than rounding up wingnuts for re-education?


It may the only thing that saves us.


Ok, This is how much I loathe happiness. I would rather watch El Topo again, all 3 pointless unwatchable hours of pseudo intellectual wankery with interludes of midget porn, than watch happiness. again. And I still wouldn’t watch the human centipede on a bet.

This Human Centipede thingie is sounding better all the time. I’d watch El Topo again. What else don’t you like? Assembling a list.


The goat vote turned out hard in California tonight. This is going to backfire on them, though — Mickey is going to be looking for a misery fuck.


The goat vote turned out hard in California tonight. This is going to backfire on them, though — Mickey is going to be looking for a misery fuck.

I hope to God you’re right. After the last couple years, I’m not sure I have any faith left in the politics of American citizens – call me a pessimist, but that’s just me.


I has Sad

Damon Dunn 484,628 75.1%
Orly Taitz 161,068 24.9%


Bleh, what a horrible election night.


all to myself for half an hour
In the real worldOn telebision, there are sporting events. This may explain that.

Red Sox Won!


161K for Oily Taint? You’re shitting* me…

*my subconscious says that deliberate**

**my superego says shutup already***

***I’m ti-red. 😛 (psst: it’s worse than being drunk)


Candidate | Votes | Percent
Gail K. Lightfoot | 4,928 | 100.0%

The free market speaks! Let competition reign!


PS: my brain keeps amending the post title to “The Well of Lost Souls”. I thought that was a B5 reference but Google is telling me otherwise. Huh.


What else don’t you like? Assembling a list.
There’s any number of movies that I haven’t seen, having read descriptions from reviewers whose opinions I trust (from previous calibrations) that make them sound BORING AS FUCK. This includes Human Centipede, which sounds not only BORING AS FUCK, but also lacking in cinematographic craft.

Then there are movies that pass the BAF test but would probably squick me out, like In My Skin or Trouble Every Day.


If they’re no more popular than the random hippie parties, then why do they get all the media attention?

No, wait, don’t answer that.


BAF: DC Sniper

THAT MOVIE BLOWS. Not even blows donkey cock, just plain blows. Although Ken Foree is a bright spot. I came in the middle when my coworker was watching a pirated copy and thought it looked okay. Then I watched from the beginning and realized the movie was complete crap. Fuck you, Ulli Lommel. Some of my friends lived in PWC.

Fuck it, not editing to seem like I’m cooler about it. I mean, there’s always shit like RED ZONE CUBA to put you straight to sleep or classics like THE WILD WORLD OF BATWOMAN that make you fear for the future of humanity (the movie… is a lie… everything about it… is a lie…). But DC Sniper? Stupid, boring, and offensive. And not in a “Jackass” kind of way.


Cremaster Cycle? Anyone? I punked out on watching these in college.


Where did everybody go?


ha ha, I am become Threadslayer, destroyer of threads!


Cremaster Cycle?

Terrible. Except for the heavy metal, which is tolerable.


Films consisting of people sitting around talking are intolerable. (And while I take a back seat to no one in my Francophilia, ++intolerance if this occurs in a French country house. Geee-ziz!!) If you have a damn message, write a book or get a blog or something. The people who go to movies won’t get it anyway.

Hell, stage productions w/ people sitting around talking are barely tolerable.


Cremaster Cycle?
Drawing Restraint 9 was a load of orientalist exoticism and self-indulgent pretentious tosh, which I enjoyed quite a lot.


(Rubs eyes, groggily) So wait a minute, did Orly Ga-Ga actually win the nomination? Oh, this is gonna be fun.


No such luck. It was all just a dream …

Enraged Bull Limpet

My upcoming film about bovine millipedes might be a bit much for y’all to stomach, but I’m barely grazed by criticism from others in the field.


Mickey is going to be looking for a misery fuck.

But as you noted, the goat vote turned out hard, so he’ll be OK in the end.


Drawing Restraint 9 was a load of orientalist exoticism and self-indulgent pretentious tosh, which I enjoyed quite a lot.

Laughter was a common response in one theatre.


DC Sniper

IslamoMarvelcomics terrorist?


I really want Oily Titz to come out and give a concession speech and say the immortal words “You won’t have Taintz to kick around anymore”.


Yes, another fucking post about my website. So listen…I read all the comments on here and, yeah, the site really needs some tinkering (quite a lot actually). So I’ve brought up all the issues with the designer and I’m sure she can address them all. Anyway, thanks again for giving it a looksee and for the input. It was sincerely appreciated.

Now back to Earache, Son of Earache.


Blanche Lincoln has climbed back over Bill Halter. She is now on top again. These two have switched positions many times tonight.

What those two do in the privacy of their own primary is their business.*

*But, seriously, EWWWWWW


Orly’s race: 368,316 votes, 25.7%
Kaus’s race: 93,599 votes, 5.3%


Blanche Lincoln has climbed back over Bill Halter. She is now on top again. These two have switched positions many times tonight.


And here we thought Nikki Haley was the one who was having problems with shifting positions.


Sorry guys…back to me. Can you answer these questions?

What screen resolution are your friends using? I’ll also need to know their operating systems and browsers.

vacuumslayer said the following:

Well, actually, I’ve shown it some friends and they are having problems with some issues:

1.) They do not find the text big or readable enough. I think the color does not contrast enough for some.
2.) The Flash entry page seems to be different on every browser. I think I’d like to scrap it.
3.) I think the blog would look good with a border around each entry.
4.) The gallery display is awfully small. Many people remarked they could barely see my works.


1280×1024 here, WinXP Pro, IE7


1680×1050, OS 10.6.3, Firefox 3.6.3

On a less pressing topic, it is good to see that Orly will be free to pursue her lawsuits.


Hell, stage productions w/ people sitting around talking are barely tolerable.

Well, I’m just going to stand up here and admit that I LOVED My Dinner With Andre and if that makes me a pretentious twit, so be it.

Now where are my tweeds?


Hell, stage productions w/ people sitting around talking are barely tolerable.

Clearly, you’ve never seen me in anything by Mamet. Fuck you!

Spengler Dampniche

Orly Taint has the shittiest wig in politics.

I went to the polls last night and stood there in line for 20 minutes, shuffling along in silence with all the other penitents. I already knew prop. 14 would pass, destroying any chance of third-party challenges in California. There were a couple of good measures (13 and 15) but I cannot express the depth of my apathy.

The line stopped moving. I sighed. I walked away. First time I’ve ever not voted in my adult life.

I may not vote again. My interests are completely unrepresented, and they never have been.

But hey, that’s kind of a downer, so here’s a useful punch line, great for any joke: “I don’t know, but his FACE rings a bell!”


You guys actually get enough turnout in primaries that you have to wait at least twenty minutes to vote?



VGA 480×360, IBM DOS 6.2

I demand my needs be served.


VGA 480×360, IBM DOS 6.2


64×64 VDG, 8k MicroSoft BASIC, NCSA Mosaic

Eat it raw, N__B!


“N__B said,
June 9, 2010 at 17:02

VGA 480×360, IBM DOS 6.2

I demand my needs be served.”



64×64 VDG, 8k MicroSoft BASIC, NCSA Mosaic

Eat it raw, N__B!

VT220, DEC VAX minicomputer, Lynx 2.0

Suck it, you know you wanna!


VT220, DEC VAX minicomputer, Lynx 2.0

VIC64, VIC-II 40×25, UNIX shell

Lick it! I SAID LICK IT!


Don’t make me get my Newton out!


BeBox running BeOS 4.5 and Netpositive 2.2?


BeBox running BeOS 4.5 and Netpositive 2.2?


How many gerbils you spinning?


One very old and tired gerbil.


Does he have hip dysplasia?


I wonder what she’d do if I really sent her these specs. lulz


Surprised no AOL jokes have been made. Is AOL even still around?


Casio pocket computer!


apparently not, slayer:

I think they pulled a lot of their content in recent years, like homepages and possibly forums? IIRC.


I think they pulled a lot of their content in recent years, like homepages and possibly forums? IIRC.

Yup. Web portal only now.


Opera 9 on a Wii

Now you’re just making shit up…


Ha ha, billing disputes.

Those goatfuckers ripped me off good because I had moved to another state and was unable to close my bank account in time. If they had tried that s*** in Massachusetts they would have had the state’s attorney general breathing down their necks but sadly it happened in Virginia and I wasn’t even a resident any more. GOAT. FUCKERS.


SGI Jurassic Classic running IRIX 6.5.22 and Mozilla 1.6?


BTW, the charges were 100% fraud because they were applied to an account on a phone line which no longer existed. So when I say goatfuckers, I’m talking salad-tossing, goat blowing, nanny-goat-fondling, billy-goat-sodomizing, hat-eating, bent-prick goat fuckers.


IRIX? Cheater.


Hey, remember Ghostzilla?


What screen resolution are your friends using? I’ll also need to know their operating systems and browsers.

You have friends?*

Anyway, 1280 x 1024 Ubuntu Linux 9.4 x86-64, GOOG Chrome.



*I keed, because I love…to keed.


Those Sun workstations must have been purchased by paternalistic employers because back when I had a website and used to scrutinize the logs I would ALWAYS find IRIX in there somewhere (amidst the 500 idiots running low version #’s of iexploder).

And it was a goat porn slash* fic website.

*you know, like Rule 34 slash, not horror movie slash or any other meaning of slash


Hammer and Chisel. Me have rock size of woman’s breastses. Use small vole for clickings.


Blue Ant wireless locative art helmet interface running black market version of the Dixie Flatline.


I know everyone is looking down on me for even dealing with AOL… well, here’s the truth: I had an account with Erol’s. They rocked. A … friend of mine was running some AOL forums and begged me to get a free trial so I could participate. I was all, I don’t know about this, but the hook was that the creator of STATIC, Dwayne McDuffie, was an AOLbie at the time. Dwayne McDuffie. (He went on to write extremely fanboytastic episodes of Justice League Unlimited, with an Alan Moore-ish The Question flirting with, um, I think it was Huntress. Rock.) So I STUPIDLY signed on. Then I moved. I called TWICE trying to get service canceled. The second time they lied, then I was out of state… Well, anyway, I got played KNOWING it was AOL and I was going to get played. Sometimes you play with fire and ya get burned.


Well, two can play that game, DKW:

The Enterprise-D computer running LCARS. Naa-aaa.


Ha ha, remember when Paramount was shutting down websites that emulated the look and feel of LCARS? Hahahaha, tools.



wev. My operating system keeps yelling at me Boy, I was daid.


Wouldn’t Sun workstations be running Solaris? SGI workstations ran IRIX.


Your site hardly comes up at all on my Vic-20. And put some hooters on those nymphs!!!


Eh, they all come from California.

Now, if I could only get my computer to stop calling me “Dave”. Hello, not my name!


“The Well of Lost Souls”.



I only run Northeastern systems, which means vintage DECs and Wangs. Such is the cost of pride. (Nothing sucks like a VAX, etc.)


I believe that’s the Well of Loneliness.


Thanks WC.

Also, I have to know…once and for all…WTH is Rule #34? and goatse?

If it’s super gross and weird no links please. I tend not to handle that stuff well AT ALL.


Nothing sucks like a VAX, etc.

PHONE was an awesome tool for bugging people.


Now, if I could only get my computer to stop calling me “Dave”. Hello, not my name!

McCoy Pauley demands that I link this.


Oooh….Ooooh….I can has answer to goatse question!
Think, um, Larry King, and, oh, prostate exam, err, point-of-view and, well, Technicolor. There, that should do it, and no linkies.

Rule #34. If ya kin thunk it, there’s porn of it.
And yes, that includes porn of thinking of porn.

With DKW’s mom.


Now, if I could only get my computer to stop calling me “Dave”. Hello, not my name!”

this thread is getting lulzier and lulzier.


Calibre, thanks!!! So many traditions I’m not aware of!!


Interesting that you’d ask about those two memes.

Firstly, Rule 34.

goatse is a picture of a man’s gaping wide asshole. GAPING. A big enough hole to toss a couple dead chickens into.

So the “fun” part was getting unsuspecting folks to click on a goatse link. Likt the Rickroll thing. You know stuff like – Anna Kournikova NUDE pics or Obama’s long-form birth certificate.

So, a mean person could have answered both of your questions with:
Rule 34.


Jesus. Thanks for the warning. And I’m not gonna click. I may hold myself and rock back and forth, though.

Sub, no way I’m clicking.


Also, I have to know…once and for all…WTH is Rule #34? and goatse?

I believe you can ask the WikiWakiWoo about both, and get answers that are SFW.

However, some questions are better left unasked, especially if you still have any naive idealism about humans.

especially the goatse. Do NOT get out of the boat on that one. Worse than Human Centipede.

And put some hooters on those nymphs!!! that Centipede!!!


Aw DKW, that linky she’s a blanky. Taint nowhere’s near as much fun. Sides, I rather think my description was apt. Spot on, if you will. Evocative.


And isn’t saying “goatse is like a RickRoll” similar to saying, “Well, it’s Die Hard, in a building”.

Precedents, and such.


I win teh internetz! Thread mine. All done now.

Yeah, laid off has its perkz.


Precedents, and such.

Well show me your precedent’s long form birth certificate then.


Actually I took your description too literally, calibre. I thought Larry king had pulled a Katie Couric.


Oog said,

June 9, 2010 at 18:08

Hammer and Chisel. Me have rock size of woman’s breastses. Use small vole for clickings.

Oh, luxury. Looch has old cave wall with moss. VS needs more green on Web site for Looch cave wall.


To this day, noone has seen goatse from the front.
So, just sayin’.

Could be true.


Also, I am not surprised to see goatse come up in a thread on Irky Irksome – but Red State Trike Force and Rule 34? DO. NOT. WANT.


SUBSTANCE HAS A extreeemze pr0n STASH!

FSM bless the internets. Nothing evar really goes away.


Rule 34 and threeways, even of wheels, are MAAAAAADE for each other.


Speaking of trikes* and force and ericksonoferick…


Ifn ya squint, it looks like him, don’ it?


For a clue to goatse without having to suffer the full effect, there’s the “First Goatse” flickr pool, pictures of people seeing it for the first time.

I suggest starting from the beginning,


Don’t make me get my Newton out!

For one brief shining moment, I had my Newton syncing with my OS/2 desktop.


Aw DKW, that linky she’s a blanky.

Ah, wiki tells me that we can thank Rhonda Clarke for that. Honestly? I never checked back on after the first time my psyche was scarred by a link promising ultimate Starcraft build orders or wev it was.

But then again, nothing is ever lost on the internets. DO NOT CLICK!


But, if you say DO NOT CLICK…then, then



I only run Northeastern systems, which means vintage DECs and Wangs.

So you run an bar for old gays?


goatse is a picture of a man’s gaping wide asshole. GAPING. A big enough hole to toss a couple dead chickens into.

Yes, but would you stick your hands in to get the centipedes out the next day?


Yes, but would you stick your hands in to get the centipedes out the next day?

Well duh, why else would you throw the chickens in? What are you, some kind of pervert?


Get centipedes out?!?!
I’d put some in!

shot. week. veal. tip.


Well duh, why else would you throw the chickens in? What are you, some kind of pervert?

I’d rather throw the centipedes in the goatse and fuck the chickens.


I knew I shouldn’t have checked this thread at lunch…

In other news, I wore a duck hat all morning.


I wore a duck hat all morning.

Ross Duckhat? I find him a bit incoherent.


“….new guy’s in the corner, puking his guts out…”


T&U. In (just*) a hat. By her own admission.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

*What? That’s how *you* pictured it, too, innit?


Ross Duckhat? I find him a bit incoherent.

Dude, I’m trying to get the kids to read, not terrify them.


I wore a duck hat all morning.

Why a duck?


Why a duck?
She’s a witch.


Y. A. Tittle?


It’s all about the ducats.


Why a duck?

Duck on one end, goose on the other?


To this day, noone has seen goatse from the front.

The guy’s DENTIST wouldn’t need to see him from the front.


Its wings flap if you pull a string. It was either that or frog that makes croakin noises when you move. The kids weren’t that impressed.

I don’t think I’m cut out for this shit…


Why a duck?
She’s a witch.

I thought maybe she needed a litle peninsula to clear up an infection or something.

Sheesh. I can’t be the only Marx Brothers fan in here!


Speaking of last night’s primaries and goatse,

Court records show 32-year-old Alvin Greene was arrested in November and charged with showing obscene Internet photos to a University of South Carolina student. The felony charge carries up to five years in prison.


It’s all about the ducats.

/Walter Tetley ON

Gul Ducats, Mr. Peabody?

/Walter Tetley OFF


It was either that or frog that makes croakin noises when you move.

So you opted for the the duck over a little frog in your throat.


Dude, I’m trying to get the kids to read, not terrify them.

And this leads to fowl evisceration how?


I can’t be the only Marx Brothers fan in here!

I know the source, but not the set-up. I’m more in tune with the comedy styling of Horwitz, Fineberg and Horwitz.


It’s all about the ducats.

Are you as good at ducking billets as you are at billing ducats?


I’m more in tune with the comedy styling of Horwitz, Fineberg and Horwitz.

You stooge


Indeed. Amalgamated Association of Morons, Local 6 and 7/8ths.


Amalgamated Association of Morons, Local 6 and 7/8ths.…up 1/8th


Do I know how to class up a thread or what?

You’re welcome.


Do I know how to class up a thread or what?

You showed your tits? WHERE?


Ok, next question:

Do I know how to slay a thread or what?


Welcome to what? *perk*




You showed your tits? WHERE?

Hey, I flash you guys at least 20 times a day. You mean you can’t see me through my computer screen?


You showed your tits? WHERE?



Well played, Whale. Well played.


You mean you can’t see me through my computer screen?

Mayeb if you upgraded from your Sylvania 12″ black and white picture tube…



I said “tits”, not “tats”….


Those I mine. I attest to it. I did not steal them from anybody else.

Pupienus Maximus

I see we are still plotzed here. And what’s all this about Ducatis?


Hey VS, I hate to nitpick, but when I click on yer name and see “Fantasy” as a tab, I, well, I uh kinda expect what I expect, ya know?

That’s GOT to be another discussion with the designer. To, you know, fix that.


calibre, that made me laugh out loud. 😀


I have been good, I didn’t mention them in the thread previously, but they are doing fine, the warranty gas tank is on its way for my Sport 1000S and it should be installed by the end of the week. The Monster 620 continues to be a fantastic around town bike, and saves me tons on gas when I run my errands. I was thinking of dropping a tooth on the front sprocket to gear it a little bit lower for better manners at city driving speeds.


“are mine”



Double-dog damn you, actor. I have enough blogs to follow!
Now, I have to add one more.

Maryellen Hooper FTW.

No, the ‘mom’ thing never gets old. I remember reading my mom’s Erma Bombeck books as a wee lad.


So you’re gonna fix it then, yeah?

Pupienus Maximus

The Monster 620 continues to be a fantastic around town bike, and saves me tons on gas when I run my errands. I was thinking of dropping a tooth on the front sprocket to gear it a little bit lower for better manners at city driving speeds.

Mid to high 40’s, I would guess, not knowing how much WFO is in your around town riding. The Ho’s SV650 does about 50 but he’s pretty tame.

I once _needed_ to replace my chain and sprockets on another SV650. I had let it go to far then went on a long weekend ride and the rear wheel was covered with metal shavings. I had to get it fixed ASAP so I could go on a very important group ride (yeah, ANY ride is very important). The closest to stock anyone had in stock was +2. Can you say wheelie monster? Have fun!


I was thinking of dropping a tooth on the front sprocket to gear it a little bit lower for better manners at city driving speeds.

Speaking totally from ignorance here but wouldn’t it be easier to get a 1-tooth bigger rear sprocket? Is it easier to pull the sprocket from the drive side than to pull the tire and change the sprocket?

On a related note, I have the bug to get a bike again. ‘Way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth I had a Suzuki GT 360 (2-stroke road bike, believe it or not). I picked up a scooter for Mrs. Chowder’s birthday (shhh, don’t tell!) and have had enormous fun riding it around (seller to office to stash it, downtown to transfer title, etc.). I’m thinking I’d like a bike in the 400 – 650 cc range, something I could ride comfortably over weekend-travel distances, maybe 2-up. DO NOT WANT a V-twin (Fuck Harley and all who sail in her). Don’t really want a sport bike either because OLD. Does that leave me as a BMW riding weenie or are there other options? Suggestions welcome.


So you’re gonna fix it then, yeah?

I’ll see what I can do. 😉



Anyone else smelling all that testosterone?


Anyone else smelling all that testosterone?

I thought it was just your mom.


Anyone else smelling all that testosterone?

Oh, I’m sorry. I hope I don’t offend. *sniffs pits*


I thought it was just your mom.

No, she showered this morning.


No, she showered this morning.

IME, an hour or two (or measured another way, 10 or 12 customers) is enough to make her pretty rank again.


an hour or two (or measured another way, 10 or 12 customers) is enough to make her pretty rank again.

Damn. The bitch is slowing down! How am I ever going to afford my Ducati SV650 with the optional cappucino maker if she doesn’t fill her quota????


Damn. The bitch is slowing down!

Maybe if you unchained her from the bed…


Just as I said before, the Conservatives are winning in Republican primaries all across the fruited plain. Tea Party backed gubernatorial candidate Paul LePage won the Republican primary in Maine. I doesnt matter who wins the Democrat primary, all of the Dem candidates for governor are far left socialists who wont stand a prayer, especially in this current climate where the American people are finally waking up to the Democrats socialist agenda.

I for one am looking foward to November with growing anticipation. Or more exactly I would be looking foward to November, if these coastal seafood resturants, open in the summer only, werent so dang good.

Pupienus Maximus

Chain and sprockets should all be changed at the same time. Otherwise they last about 140 miles.

I’m an evangelist for the SV’s so I’ll start there.

The Suzuki 650 is a 90 degree twin, as are most Ducati’s, KTMs and just about every other twin sportbike where Hardly’s are 45 degree P’sOS with some inexplicably bizarre and ridiculous firing order. Also Harleys suck. The Gladius version (previously SV650_not_the_S_model) has a more upright riding position that most older riders prefer over the admittedly somewhat extreme ergonomics of the S version. It will do two up (assuming you’re not both rotund) and is fine but definitely not optimum for weekend jaunts. It’s inexpensive, and there’s a bazillion after market accessories and upgrades available.

The new Honda NT700 looks very interesting. It’s brand new so I have no personal experience or knopwledge but hell, it’s a Honda – it’s almost gauranteed to be a _good_ bike if not a standard setter. It looks like a good compromise between commuter and tourer. And it’s a Honda, did I mention that?

The BMW F650 and F800 are wonderful machines. I’ve ridden each and came away just about as impressed as I expected to be. They are BMW’s, you know. But mang, you pay $$$$ for them.


Just as I said before, the Conservatives are winning in Republican primaries all across the fruited plain.

Veiled closeted homo reference.


“Just as I said before, the Conservatives are winning in Republican primaries all across the fruited plain.

Veiled closeted homo reference.”

Correction: Unveiled “Duh” moment. Conservatives winning Republican primaries = News for the slow-witted.


I for one am looking foward to November with growing anticipation

VER. I suspect it wont last very long…


Ducati SV650

I know you are doing this just to make me grit my teeth. It worked. My dentist will forward the bill for my new crown.

Given that the monster has almost 10k miles on it, if I change any of the sprockets, I am looking at 2 new sprockets and a new chain.

As for small bikes, I recommend a Ducati Monster 696. It is small enough to be very nimble, big enough to be reassuring when carrying passengers. If you’re looking for a used bike a 3-4 year old multistrada would be a good bike at a good price if you can handle the ugliness. For other brands, a Suzuki V-Strom is more upright and a little more dual sporty. Of course there’s also a KLR 650 from Kawasaki or a BMW as well.


Until all of the rinos have been purged, the Republican Party will be unable to effecively lead the Conservative movement in this country. Rinos should not be allowed to serve as Republican candidates. There needs to be a Conservative litmus test for any Republican candidate running for political office. Any Republican politician who supports amnesty for illegal aliens, gun control, gay rights, abortion, globalization, big government or any other leftwing position, needs to be purged from the Party.

Only once the rinos have been effectively purged will we be able to take back America.


Until all of the rinos have been purged, the Republican Party will be unable to effecively lead the Conservative movement in this country.

I whole heartedly agree. Why the fuck are you telling us? Stop playing with yourself, and start purging RINOs. You guys need total ideological purity.


Please, please, please, please get Michael Steele to adapt your strategy. It is a clear winner.


Hey New England Redneck, Look! Over there! Sarah Palin is gettin it on with Dana Perino!

That should keep him busy for an hour or two.


Stop playing with yourself, and start purging RINOs.

Did I misunderstand? I thought those were the same thing.


Great, now youse guys are making me miss my 2001 Dyna Wide Glide, with supremely custom-from-the-factory-yeah-I-know-I-was-surprised-too blue paint job and BLU SKUL (L) plates. Sigh.

Hey, I was in Hollister. It’s what the with-it 59 mile each way commuter got.


Surprise as in how sweet it looked, not bein’ all flamy and what not. Didja know you got knock off a 59 mile commute in 45 minutes?


“Stop playing with yourself, and start purging RINOs.

Did I misunderstand? I thought those were the same thing.”

yet another VMR?



Using the classic “___ing the ______” format, who can come up with the funniest VMR?


Squeegeeing the Ouija board?


Until all of the rinos have been purged, the Republican Party will be unable to effecively lead the Conservative movement in this country. Rinos should not be allowed to serve as Republican candidates. There needs to be a Conservative litmus test for any Republican candidate running for political office. Any Republican politician who supports amnesty for illegal aliens, gun control, gay rights, abortion, globalization, big government or any other leftwing position, needs to be purged from the Party.

Amazing what passes for RINOs in today’s world. I’ve read articles crucifying people as conservative as John McCain, Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee – it goes without saying that Goldwater and Reagan would be lynched if they tried running today.


Polishing the chrome

Buffing the pump handle

Two-wetsuits-and-a-dildoing the arse (nah, needs work)

Casting the spinner

Regurgitating the fish (hmm, no.)

Carding the minor

New England Redneck

“__ing the _____”? Minding the store? Playing the fiddle? I don’t get it. I’m just gonna go masturbate now.


Releasing the Kraken!


“New England Redneck said,
June 9, 2010 at 21:49

“__ing the _____”? Minding the store? Playing the fiddle? I don’t get it. I’m just gonna go masturbate now.”

yeah. You’ll be “purging the rinos.”


“Mysticdog said,
June 9, 2010 at 21:49

Releasing the Kraken!”



Git off yer ass and make the move already.


So no thank you, I’d rather make ‘here’ better than flee to a tripled cost-of-living seaside oasis.


“Carding the minor”

lulz. How about cardinaling the minor?


Only once the rinos have been effectively purged will we be able to take back America.

All 15 of you.


Special BP edition of VMR
dispersing the crude
adjusting the top hat
relieving the backpressure
oiling the pelican
manipulating the media
analyzing the leakage
awarding myself a hardship bonus
getting back to my life


“dispersing the crude
adjusting the top hat”



I know you are doing this just to make me grit my teeth.

Ain’t I a stinkah?


Until all of the rinos have been purged

Who know who else purged?



Well, draining the lizard has always been one of my faves, but that’s more VUR than VMR.


Attacking the commando.


My fave is “roughing up the suspect”


shellacking the capstan


Pummeling the poll.


Attacking the commando.

There ya go!


Only once the rinos have been effectively purged will we be able to take black America up the ass

Is what I heard him say


Teabagger edition:

Renewing (the) America

Taking Back the Country

Opening the wildlife refuge

Purging the Socialist

Winning the Primary


oop: Purifying the party


Triking the Force


LOL!!! All fine!


dispersing the crude
adjusting the top hat

Missed “Catching the oil from the outflow pipe”.


Missed “Catching the oil from the outflow pipe”.

Sucking the flow.


Updating the blog.


Uploading a fresh post.


The chance comment of calling the female variation “fiddling the bean” on a morning radio show cost one of our local newspersonages her job a few years back.

Damn shame.


The chance comment of calling the female variation “fiddling the bean” on a morning radio show cost one of our local newspersonages her job a few years back.

And yet, Ernie Anastos can fuck a chicken on live TeeVee and keep his. Way to keep fucking that chicken, Ernie.


Posting a veiled reference


Slaying the vacuum.


Chowding the whale.


Bimmeling the Herr Doktor.


taunting the overeducatedboredandeasilydistractableooohlookshiny!


Clyding the Smut


“Smut Clyde said,
June 9, 2010 at 22:43

Slaying the vacuum.”

of course!


Wangchucking the dragon


I’m watching the wheels turn. I know what you’re up to in your heads.


balancing the budget
crossing the aisle
Becking the glen
Loofahing the falafel (my favorite so far, even if it is awkward to say)
goatse-ing the cx
bartering the chicken
framing the debate


Finding the real Ann Althouse


Srsly? I wasn’t the only one thinking clyding the smut?

Let us not forget the most obvious of all…and WE’VE ALL DONE IT AT LEAST ONCE! TODAY!

“submitting a comment”

too tame?


I’m watching the wheels turn. I know what you’re up to in your heads.

Viewing the etchings.


We’ve all been submitting the shit out of comments Whew!


I’m thinking about clyding smut even as I type.


Kedoodling the Snarknboobs


Torrenting The Human Centipede


“The Red Badger of Courage said,
June 9, 2010 at 23:05

Bookmarking the Libs”



For republicans: Ruining the country.

For democrats: Weighing the options.


Whoops, that was a VMarkFoleyR.


“Substance McGravitas said,
June 9, 2010 at 23:08

Killing the time.”



For the ladies here visiting from dKos,
Crashing the gate.


For Mysticdog I must once again mention…

Juicing the papaya


Shooting an old man in the face


For the women visiting here from Shakesville (it’s happened…occasionally): feminizing the humorless.


Watering the sprout


“Dragon-King Wangchuck said,
June 9, 2010 at 23:13

Shooting an old man in the face”

That’s hot.


I’m just checking the kerning. Go blind? Well can I at least do it till I need glasses?


Clicking on the link.

A Concerned Citizen

Helping Jonah Goldberg with his research.


Killing the thread


Tasting the mangoes


Veiling the reference

Twisting the Meaning

Doing DKW’s mom Oh, wait.

A Concerned Citizen

Editing The Corner (*)
Launching the minority outreach program
Going on a junket with to Krotchrockstan with John Boehner
Tipping off The Politico

(*) one’s box has corners, yes?


“Whale Chowder said,
June 9, 2010 at 23:26

Tasting the mangoes”

Somebody’s been doing his yoga!!


To celebrate my apperance on comments out of context –
Enjoying the PENIS.

Pupienus Maximus

Lifting the luggage.

Damn, somebody got to the mango before I.

Pupienus Maximus

a tripled cost-of-living seaside oasis.

The ocean is a good 70 miles from here, I’ll have you know.


Immanentizing the eschaton


Billing the clinton


rushing the limbaugh


monetizing the IP (VscoR)


OT – news from the LEAFS SUCK region. So we’re getting some sort of event this month, and it’s got a lotta people all freaked out and whatnot. I am looking forward to seeing how things develop in light of this:


Incorrectly bounding the Bessel function such that it shoots off into infinity.


Imminentising the Eschaton.


He is described as having a short, stocky build, about 40 to 50 years old, possibly of European decent and who walked with a slight limp and was missing fingers on his right hand.

There we go: a European decent. No worries.

Pupienus Maximus

Visiting the neighbors.


Saying rude things about DKW.


There we go: a European decent. No worries.

R U nuts? Have you forgotten that Europe is overrun with Mooslims!?!?!

Pupienus Maximus

Pulling one’s weight.

Pupienus Maximus

Scrapping the junk.

Pupienus Maximus

Feeding the cat.


Torturing the detainee

Waterboarding the suspect


Under the header at Big Hollywood, news of note:

1. Sexist Critics Attack ‘Sex and the City 2’….
2. Guardian: …4 Women with silly sex lives subjected to more critical bile than rapist Polanski
3. Nation: …Why is it wrong for Women to flaunt their toys?
4. …’SATC2’ vs ‘Get Him to the Greek’: Double Standard Much?
5. New Yorker: …Fairytale Luxury okay for Bond, Why not Carrie?

Pupienus Maximus

Galting the World.


Holocausting the foreskin.


Suing the customer

(that’s yer VscoR)


Communing with the Bishop


Randing the Paul


Filibusting the Bill


Tea Bagging the Senator


Giving Substance to the McGravitas

Pupienus Maximus

Swabbing the dick, er, I mean deck.


Energizing the base

Pupienus Maximus

If I may deviate slightly from the formula, “standing athwart history”


Abandoning the snacks.


Producing the vault copies


Stimulating your gross domestic product


Palin the First Dude


Triggering the Palin


for the English ladies:
Palin your Bristols

Pupienus Maximus

Stimulating your gross domestic product

Hey, no kiss and tell! You are entitled to your opinion but it’s rude to talk about others that way in public.


Speaking of “Bimmeling the Herr Doktor”,

herr doktor bimler 06.09.10 at 8:09 pm

One thing I learned from the Mediterranean aid-flotilla saga is the importance of relaxing gun controls. If the people on that ship had been armed they would have been able to incapacitate the deranged gunmen earlier, with less loss of life.
Mitchell Rowe 06.09.10 at 8:11 pm

herr doktor bimler :
God I hope that is sarcasm…


You could have been another Bryan Caplan.


Buffing the statuette
Coursing the hare
Tapping the hydrant (unisex, possibly)
Banging the eraser ( just for the ladies)

And related to the actual topic…

Derbyshiring the john
Goldberging the burrito (though this is a better metaphor for vigorous oral sex)


In other S.C. news.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — An unemployed military veteran who raised no funds and put up no campaign website shocked South Carolina’s Democratic Party leadership by capturing the nomination Tuesday to face Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint in November

“As far as I know, he never showed up at anything.”
“I would’ve liked very much to be a candidate against Jim DeMint,” Rawl said, describing his sole primary rival as something of a mystery. “I never saw him. I’ve still never met him.”


If I may deviate slightly from the formula, “standing athwart history”

Except in this case, they’re yelling, “Don’t…..STOP!!!”


Visit TPM for more mystery man. It gets better.


For Jennifer:
Polishing the guillotine.
Oiling the tumbrils.


Heh. I like that one.


In other S.C. news.

Heh, at first I thought you were talking about the good Herr Doktor.

“I never saw him. I’ve still never met him.”

Wait. Were you talking about Smut Clyde?


Suuuureee there’s no global warming.

When the swallows come back to California,
they fly 50 miles north to Chino Hills…..

The swallows moved 50 miles further north, after stopping at the mission for a very long time.

Heard on NPR.


Using the news.

Dusting the pumice.

Please don’t bother me, I’m TAKING A NAP in here!!


Polishing my rhetoric?


Porking the Taitz.

Also, vacuumslayer: Earache, Son of Earache is the best thing I’ve seen all day.


Footnoting the snark?


Juicing the papaya

Still awesome! I’ve been eagerly waiting for that 🙂

Servicing the Vacuum?


Today the world
Tomorrow the solar system


Noing the Sadly.


Immanentizing the eschaton

Preparing for the Second Coming?


I. By the natural boobs hardcore chamber looked at the bed, until you look sexy.


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