‘Fate Kedoodle’?
Lori ‘Snark & Boobs’ Ziganto, RedState:
Newsweek Frets Over Conservative Hotties; Newsweek, Heal Thyself
“Hey, physician,” I shouted at the physician who wedged in front of me in his silver Mercedes CE3K. “Heal thyself!” I knew that he was a physician because on the car’s molded bumper was a sticker with a stylized hand pointing to the vertical — one of those secret symbols that doctors use to recognize each other and confound normal people. It was defining what ‘up’ was, as if in answer to a question asked a doctor. His dark tinted window scrolled down. “Hey, comedian,” he barked with his capped teeth and Ray-Bans. “Kedoodle you!”
“Kedoodle?” I said, not sure who had come out ahead in the exchange. “What the ding-dong Hell does ‘kedoodle’ mean?” But the tinted window scrolled back up and the Mercedes moved forward a few more inches, as if to say he was already past it.
On June 1st, Right Wing News posted their “20 Hottest Conservative Women in New Media (2010 Edition).” Their first edition was last year and it was born in response to Playboy’s Guy Cimbalo and his disgusting hit piece on conservative women. His article (term used loosely) was a list which was comprised of conservative women that he’d like to “Hate Kedoodle.” Only, you know, he used the F-word.
“Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher, all is vanity,” I yelled at the preacher who tried to wedge in front of me in the slipstream, as it were, of the Mercedes. I knew it was a preacher because of the “Papa DO preach!” sticker on the Pontiac’s trunk lid, which showed an indifference to the concepts animating popular song lyrics. He did that rude thing where you move your fist sideways in synch with your tongue pushing a lump into your cheek. I thought about doing that thing where you fold your finger over and make it look like it’s sticking way up your nose, but realized I’d been owned. I rolled the window closed and turned up the radio.
In full disclosure, I am on Right Wing News‘ 20 Hottest list. According to Newsweek, I should be ashamed of this and feel objectified. Call me crazy, but I’d rather be on this list than on the above mentioned list made by their fellow lefty, where one gleefully crows about…
I turned off the radio.
Hey crazy wingnut lady, SOIL YOURSELF!1!!11! BwahahahHAA.a….ha…oh…uh…I see that you already have. Uh. Well, carry on then.
will you leave RedState alone? lol
Foolishly, I once again got out of the boat. Ms. SnarkAndBoobs is entitled to her opinion, bullshit though it is. But DO NOT READ THE COMMENTS. You have been warned. Any brain damage and/or cardiac incidents you experience are your own fault.
Conservative hotties? Isn’t that an oxymoron?
Well, that’s a new one, WordPress. It ate my comment without so much as a by-your-leave.
Anyway, I stand by my assertion that any intellectual movement that was not entirely devoid of intellectual content would be more concerned with the content of its women’s arguments than the content of their brassieres. Ms. SnarkAndBoobs may do what she wants with her life, but she’s just wrong in this article.
However, should you choose to venture out of the boat, do not read the comments. You have been warned. Any damage, cranial or cardiac, that you suffer is your responsibility.
Fuck kedoodle? French kedoodle? Frankfurter kedoodle? None of these make any sense and I’ve worked my way through the letter “F” in my Webster’s Collegiate.
Odd that she isn’t the least bit disgusted to have been ogled, gawped, and adjudged by such creepy and nauseating specimens as John Hawkins and Jonah Goldberg. The mere thought of a Hawkins libido, no less the acts of laptop frottage it surely provoked for this contest, should have been enough to disgust even a vulgar conservative woman.
Fuck kedoodle? French kedoodle? Frankfurter kedoodle? None of these make any sense and I’ve worked my way through the letter “F” in my Webster’s Collegiate.
I’m pretty sure that it’s foodle kedoodle.
This is kadoodle
Fuck kedoodle? French kedoodle? Frankfurter kedoodle? None of these make any sense and I’ve worked my way through the letter “F” in my Webster’s Collegiate.
Fallopian kedoodle?
Ferengi kedoodle?
Fascist kedoodle?
Far-away-eyes kedoodle?
Oh, and my rooster was bragging agian this morning.
“Cock kedoodle do!”
Jeez, this just cries out for an alternative shorter:
Lori Ziganto, RedState: Blart, blart, blart, and in case you thought I was an unbiased commentator, COME CHECK OUT MY RACK.
Oh, and my rooster was bragging agian this morning.
Or again possibly.
Looks like I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue.
Funny you should mention it:
onTO Goldberg & his judging.“Oh, yeah, kedoodle me!” just doesn’t have the same ring to it…
Yoo hoo!
Mickey K. is soliciting YouTube submissions.
“Cock kedoodle do!”
Thing is, she only beleives in kedoodling cock inside the bonds of holy matrimony.
Now Shafley will be able to add ‘kedoodle’ to his list of conservative words. See, the conservative’s vocabulry is expanding at an exponential pace. Kind of like a two year old.
The last time I kedoodled a woman, they forced me to clean the paint off the side of the subway car.
“They don’t comprehend that as strong and confident conservative women, lacking an ounce of our liberal counterparts’ perpetual victim hood . . . ” she whines, totally oblivious to her own perpetual victimhood.
The real question is: will our friend here be changing her nym to “Snark & Mammary Glands” since even the letter “f” followed by symbols signifying the word “fuck” is too vulgar for her delicate constitution?
Tommy was supposed to read The Catcher in the Rye for school, but he just spent his time kedoodling in the margins.
[cue bow-chika-bow-bow]
Oh, yeah, baby! I want you to kedoodle me! I want your peepee in my hiney! That’s it, baby! Kedoodle me harder, baby! Now I want you to kerfuffle all over me! GALT, BABY, GALT!!!
Fuck-kedoodle-do, crowed the rooster at the redstate dawn.
Fuck-kedoodle-don’t, it amended, on espying Ms. Ziganto.
Oh, kedoodle! Should have read the kedoodling thread before posting.
Furtive-airport-bathroom-stall Kedoodle
Felonious-importuning-of-minors Kedoodle
There she was just a-walkin’ down the street, singin’ “Do you want me to Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you”
Snappin’ her fingers and shufflin’ her feet, singin’ “Do you want me to Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you”
She keddodled good (kedoodled good), she kedoodled fine (kedoodled fine) and I nearly lost my mind
Before I knew it she was kedoodling with me, singin’ “Let me Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you”
Holdin’ my cock just as natural as can be, singin’ “Let me Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you”
We wanked on (wanked on) to my door (my door)
We wanked on to my door, then we wanked a little more
Whoa-oh, I knew we was falling in love
Yes I did, and so I told her all the things I’d been dreamin’ of
Now we kedoodle nearly every single day, singin’ “Let me Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you”
A-we’re so happy and that’s how we’re gonna stay, singin’ “Let me Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you”
Well I’m hers (I’m hers), she’s mine (she’s mine)
I’m hers, she’s mine, we kedoodle all the time
Whoa-oh, I knew we was falling in love
Yes I did, and so I told her all the things I’d been dreamin’ of
Now we kedoodle together nearly every single day, singin’ “Let me Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you”
A-we’re so happy and that’s how we’re gonna stay, singin’ “Let me Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you”
Well I’m hers (I’m hers), she’s mine (she’s mine)
I’m hers, she’s mine, we kedoodle all the time
Whoa-oh-oh-oh, oh yeah
Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you
Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you, we’ll sing it
Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you, oh yeah, oh, oh yeah
Cock-Kedoodle your cock for you
pls post HTML’s famous screed on civility vs decency k thx
K-Lo on TO Goldberg & his judging.
“I suspect you didn’t enlist an AEI intern for this assignment, but covered it yourself.”
*HORK* I don’t want to think about Jonah “covering” anything.
How do I explain this vomitorious keyboard to IT?
Friedman Kedoodle [To kedoodle without government regulation; kedoodling with an invisible hand]
What’s sad/amusing about attractive conservative women it is that they’re part of a movement that thinks they’re whores for being physically attractive women. And if they wear clothing that accentuates any of their better features, they’re just begging to be raped.
They’re part of a movement that doesn’t think they’re real people. I think the cognitive dissonance of forgetting the indescribable misogyny of conservativism is what makes conservative women a little extra crazy. At least wealthy white male conservatives do stand to benefit a lot from the policies they advocate. These women are supporting a movement that wants to repeal the 19th amendment.
It’s the whole kit and kedoodle!
Flip: That’s why every non-white-straight-wealthy-male Republican seems crazy — they’re all supporting a party that wants them, at best, subjugated to the point of slavery, or at worst, dead, cremated, and airbrushed from history.
…or at worst, dead, cremated, and airbrushed from history.
And certainly not for any kedoodle calls.
My favorite (and by “favorite,” I mean it drives me kedoodling crazy) is that the only time these people give a shit about feminism is when they can use it as a cudgel against liberals. Sure, liberals have problems with sexism, but people are generally called out when that occurs. Has a conservative woman EVER stood up to Rush Limbaugh’s misogyny?
Now now, T&U, you know the only reason Republicans strangle their mistresses, scream racial epithets in public, and derive perverse sexual pleasure from the torture and humiliation of the weak and powerless is because OMG PUAL MCARTNEY HATE HIM FOREVAR
TU, what do you mean Limbaugh’s “misogyny”? Rush is such a kidder, damn liberals have no sense of humour.
Wait. Ziganto was reading Newsweek, but thinking it was Playboy? I’ve always maintained that (generaly) men understand pr0n better women, but Lori – U R DOIN’ IT RONG.
Hi kedoodly ho, neighbour!
TU, what do you mean Limbaugh’s “misogyny”? Rush is such a kidder, damn liberals have no sense of humour.
How bad do you think Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter or Pammyboobs Atlass feel that “wingnut-cum-lately” Hannah Giles came in fifth?
Guy Cimbalo: Cock kedoodle do!
Lori Ziganto: Any cock’ll do.
But yeah, I mean, that hatefucking article was gross and misogynist, but it was published in Playboy, for fuck’s sake. I expect enlightened discourse about women from that magazine about as much as I expect an issue without fake tits. It’s not as if Playboy is some leading light in liberalism.
Limbaugh? Is a leader of the conservative movement. And I can’t even begin to count the number of head-explodingly sexist things he’s said over the course of his career.
Has a conservative woman EVER stood up to Rush Limbaugh’s misogyny?
No, in fact, Sarah Palin went out of her way to exclude and defend Rush while that whole Letterman thing was going on.
Wait. Ziganto was reading Newsweek, but thinking it was Playboy?
Who cares? They’re both part of Teh Liberal Media, which, as everyone knows, is a Borg-like phenomenon encompassing pretty much everything non-right wing, including the Rachel Maddow show and Michael Bay movies.
How bad do you think Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter or Pammyboobs Atlass feel that “wingnut-cum-lately” Hannah Giles came in fifth?
I would hope they consider themselves blessed to have made the list at all. Ann, Michele and Pam are all dogs. Hannah, on the other hand(ah)…
Who cares?
Well legions of guys who were teenagers before the Golden Age of Internet Pr0N. And, um… Hef?
Well legions of guys who were teenagers before the Golden Age of Internet Pr0N. And, um… Hef?
Look, guys my age moved onto Penthouse…before they developed this weird urination fascination…long before the Internet.
No, in fact, Sarah Palin went out of her way to exclude and defend Rush while that whole Letterman thing was going on.
Yeah, I know. And we’re just talking about ONE DUDE, here. Similarly, I find it hilarious that it’s not sexist to be ogled by conservative men who shout “Drill, baby, drill!” when you’re onstage and probably only vote for you because you’re hawt. If that Playboy article was simply titled, “Conservative Women I’d Like to Fuck” and was complimentary, I doubt we’d have seen the same fit-throwing.
Who cares?
Well legions of guys who were teenagers before the Golden Age of Internet Pr0N. And, um… Hef?
I was speaking from the “I’ll address the liberal media as a large conglomerate that includes Bill Moyers AND Playboy” perspective, not a wank-material viability perspective.
before they developed this weird urination fascination
DUDE. What the fuck is up with that, anyway?
I mean, not that I would know…
Usually when people do a “hottest” list, they discuss why. Guess the judges were to “busy” to actually talk and decided to just submit pictures.
And of course it’s usual suspects: vapid blondes and Baroness-look-alikes, with one Redhead and one minority for “diversity.”
If that Playboy article was simply titled, “Conservative Women I’d Like to
Fuckthink about when I put on my two wetsuits and then shove this giant d1ldo up ass” and was complimentary, I doubt we’d have seen the same fit-throwing.Fixxored that.
Some sound familiar:
Perhaps Ms. Snarknboobs should go ahead and do a Penthouse *spread* (VohyeahbabyR). That would rocket her straight to the top of the list.
Too much? Too soon?
And of course it’s usual suspects: vapid blondes and Baroness-look-alikes, with one Redhead and one minority for “diversity.”
Yet again, this shows that conservative men are permanently 13-years-old. They either want the sexy country club mommy or the porny blonde.
before they developed this weird urination fascination
DUDE. What the fuck is up with that, anyway?
tsam’s rule number 4 of healthy and enjoyable sex:
Anything you do to a toilet, should not be done to your partner.
tsam’s rule number 4 of healthy and enjoyable sex:
Anything you do to a toilet, should not be done to your partner.
Hey, I wasn’t judging people who are into it, though I personally find it icky. I just can’t figure out why it’s become so popular in mainstream pr0n mags.
Anything you do to a toilet, should not be done to your partner.
You make an exception for the plunger, right?
Your daily wingnut humor:
Some guy has a huge anus! And Tom Friedman has his head stuck up his ass! RTFLMAO, HAHAHA!!!
According to the comments, I really, really need to stock up on pantsuits and sensible shoes.
I just can’t figure out why it’s become so popular in mainstream pr0n mags.
I’m of the generation that grew up having to get its porn on dead trees, and I could never figure it out either. I (am ashamed to admit that I) remember when Penthouse did that, and I just thought: what the fuck? Why? Are there that many people who are into that sort of thing? Who do they think they are, Hustler? I don’t get it.
Anything you do to a toilet, should not be done to your partner.
I’ve screwed a few into the tiles. Are you suggesting floor sex is out??????
Not unless every liberal het woman has said no to me, and only after I’ve failed to turn Pam Spaulding straight.
Yo! Yo! Yo! ,a href=”http://thacorner.net/forums/the-tapedeck/obama-found-in-1993-video-for-%27whoomp-there-it-is!!%27/?PHPSESSID=a06bc1fb01581be37b958336fa9874bc”>Bama got street cred, whutahmsayin!
Cuz law professors always show up as obscure extras in rap videos.
Oooh, tag fail. Sorry
Whoomp, they it is!
Anything you do to a toilet, should not be done to your partner.
Unless you promise you’ve never showered with a partner, I am not ever visiting your house.
Unless you promise you’ve never showered with a partner, I am not ever visiting your house.
You shower with your toilet?
I mean, I’ve done that while I was living out of my car for a couple of weeks…and on the few occasions when I’ve passed out in a public rest room…vagus nerve problem, you see…but you know…dude, that’s just sick!
I was thinking “cleaning” more generally, you know, rubbing with a sponge, that sort of thing.
I can’t help where your mind goes. I’ve learned not to try.
Why? Are there that many people who are into that sort of thing? Who do they think they are, Hustler? I don’t get it.
I don’t either. Then again, I don’t get a lot of shit that is basically expected in most mainstream hetero pr0n these days. It’s like gonzo has taken over and there’s nothing even resembling the kind of sex most people have. It makes me worry about the kids, who are already fucked up from our puritanical culture and lack of proper sex ed.
So anyways, for those intelligent enough to stay in the boat, here’s a taste of Lori:
Because Playboy printed a misogynistic article. But wait – THERE’S MOAR!
BWAHAHahahAHaHAAWASahahdgahhasdjkahOMFG-lauughing 2 hard-A#kedoodleHAhhaha11!!!!11exclamationpoint!!
I think that claim might have flown better if it didn’t appear in the middle of a thousand word WATB essay on how Newsweek (which is actually Playboy) is victimizing you.
Whoops kedoodly okley.
Anywho, also amusing is that she didn’t bother reading the Newsweek article she pulls quotes out of.
Guess what image heads Lori’s post?
Rule # 1: If you’re both up for it, get down with it.
Problem with human waste, see, is that it’s (as far as I know) poisonous and very messy.
I was thinking “cleaning” more generally, you know, rubbing with a sponge, that sort of thing.
Oh, you meant cleaning the toilet. Gotcha now.
Still, dude, a little sick, you know? I mean, stick my hands in my toilet?
Problem with human waste, see, is that it’s (as far as I know) poisonous and very messy.
Well, considering that this discussion started because I used the word Golden, I’d like to point out that urine is sterile (unless the urethra it comes from is a festering tube of infectious disease, say due to a candiru attack).
urine is sterile (unless the urethra it comes from is a festering tube of infectious disease, say due to a
candiru attacksex with DKW’s mom).FIXEDkedoodle!
They don’t comprehend that as strong and confident conservative women, lacking an ounce of our liberal counterparts’ perpetual victim hood…
Also, I like what follows: “As such, we have no problem looking pretty whilst vivisecting you verbally in an argument.”
Okay, where do I start? 1) I have seen femme-y, beautiful women (some of them lesbians!) kick the living FUCK out of some jackass during a debate; 2) similarly, I suppose I need to turn in my femme card because there are few things I enjoy more than taking conservatives down; 3) “vivisecting you verbally in an argument”? Please. Don’t make me hurt you.
I was thinking “cleaning” more generally, you know, rubbing with a sponge, that sort of thing.
Still, dude, a little sick, you know? I mean, stick my hands in my toilet?
There’s a joke here about a toilet brush that I am far too ladylike to tell…
I went to a small agricultral college, Cock Kedoodle U. It was like spring break all year long.
I am far too ladylike to tell…
Wait. What? When?
Cock Kedoodle U. It was like spring break all year long.
yea, but those Sunrise Semesters musta been a bitch.
1) I have seen femme-y, beautiful women (some of them lesbians!) kick the living FUCK out of some jackass during a debate;
Haha–ultimate bug spray for the misogynist!
I’m shocked that M’arie’ Jo’n didn’t make the list. Particularly since looking at it, it’s pretty clear that by #15 they ran out of hot conservative women and rounded out the list with some also rans in the looks department.
Wait. What? When?
That was a total lie. It’s just that it’s far too early for me to spend the rest of the day hating myself. I like to wait until at least 11:00 to disgust myself.
I’m shocked that M’arie’ Jo’n didn’t make the list. Particularly since looking at it, it’s pretty clear that by #15 they ran out of hot conservative women and rounded out the list with some also rans in the looks department.
Yeah…once you even consider Malkin and Coulter hot, you’ve pretty well run out of options.
In conservative circles, it’s more acceptable for women to be praised for both their brains and their beauty. But if that praise turns to criticism, looks becomes off limits, and critics are condemned (rightly so) for sexism.
Oh, yes, I well remember how vehement was the condemnation from the right at Limbaugh’s comments about Hillary Clinton’s legs.
I work at an airport and I just looked out and saw a large group of dusky-hued people. I’m sure they must be religiuos extremists. So, as I am probably about to be blowed up and go to ride the Great Snaklepony in the Sky, I just want to say I’ve enjoyed the quips and attitude displayed at Sadly, No!
“As such, we have no problem looking pretty whilst vivisecting you verbally in an argument.”
Or even vivisecting a totally unrelated publication. Imagine the response from Newsweek at the scalding rebuke that Playboy objectifies women! OMG! This snarkandboobs is zing-tastic.
P.S. – re:FIXEDkedoodle! – Okay actor, consider yourself on notice. You’ve managed to displace Whale Chowder from his perch of glory. You and your mom are gonna get it.
I’d rather fuck SeaWolf.
Yeah…once you even consider Malkin and Coulter hot, you’ve pretty well run out of options.
Malkin I can see. She’s lovely when she isn’t making the ragegasm face…which is never, so never mind.
Coulter, on the other hand, I’m convinced is a sort of consensual hallucination on the right. I feel like the kid in the Emperor’s New Clothes when they (and even she herself) talk about her “beauty”
There was also the freak out over the “low cut” (read “quite normal in any office”) top she wore to the Senate one day.
I found some of the witches in “Shrek Forever After” hot. Does that make me a conservative?
You and your mom are gonna get it.
She gets it while she can.
Get back! Get back! Get back to where you once belonged…
I found some of the witches in “Shrek Forever After” hot. Does that make me a conservative?
According to the previous thread, yes it does, because “Action at a distance” is a conservative concept and witches are all about action at a distance.
There’s something in there about the weight of a duck and the density of wood, too, but I don’t understand these complicated arguments.
“Action at a distance” is a conservative concept
Magnets are conservative? What a country!
Coulter, on the other hand, I’m convinced is a sort of consensual hallucination on the right. I feel like the kid in the Emperor’s New Clothes when they (and even she herself) talk about her “beauty”
She’s Aryan and skinny. What else do you need?
Also, where was Megyn Kelly on the list?
Oh wait. she’s a Fox News host, she’s not “conservative” she’s a balanced centrist journalist telling objective truth.
She’s Aryan and skinny. What else do you need?
How about not being an ugly piece of shit?
What else do you need?
She’s worn the same dress for 15 years. I can’t imagine her Febreze budget.
She’s Aryan and skinny. What else do you need?
So much on the right is cargo-cult ritual, why not beauty, too? Thin? Check! Blonde? Check! Hates liberals? Check! OMG 2HAWT!
What? Coulter is a woman? When did this happen?
There’s something in there about the weight of a duck
Duck kedoodle do!
That was quite awesome, and from the perfectly appropriately-nymed source at that.
So much on the right is cargo-cult ritual
What’s with the cargo cult hate? I spend every morning mowing the airstrip i carved out of the north woods and marching with my homemade uniform and wooden rifle. On weekends I continue construction of my wooden control tower. Any day now I expect John Frum will return with pallet after pallet of wonderful cargo. Khaki pants, canned hams and jeeps for everyone!
She’s worn the same dress for 15 years. I can’t imagine her Febreze budget.
Don’t judge. Black is slimming.
Off-topic, but:
Holy crap, my dream man!
Black is slimming.
Yes, I imagine that slime is what it smells like.
Magnets are conservative? What a country!
Yeah, but how do they fucking work?
Anyway, yeah, this guy sounds like a total winner. Sign me up!
Yeah, but how do they fucking work?
Oh, I loled.
Yeah T&U, stay away from that guy. He’s obviously not being above board. Everybody knows that Obama doesn’t shake hands, he bows.
Magnets are conservative? What a country!
Yeah, but how do they fucking work?
You see, the north pole – let’s call it the Boy Magnet – develops feelings for the south pole (Girl Magnet). God has arranged it so that Boy Magnets repel other Boy Magnets, and Girl Magnets repel other Girl Magnets.
Opposite magnetism works.
OT drunk monkeys video
Anyway, yeah, this guy sounds like a total winner. Sign me up!
HA! Loser. I know like 19 guitar chords.
Yet again, this shows that conservative men are permanently 13-years-old. They either want the sexy country club mommy or the porny blonde.
When I was 13, I definitely would’ve picked the redhead or the “ethnic” one. I wonder if you could accurately predict someone’s adult political leanings based on what they fapped it to when they were that age.
What’s everyone got against Clutch Cargo??????
Thou a wanton kedoodler art
And froward with’t
A mimping, farded hiren
Mincingly tripping hence
Beck’d by crook of finger
Fing’red soon to be.
Anyway, yeah, this guy sounds like a total winner. Sign me up!
Tackos…do you get those in a faux Messican restaurant in, like, Kansas, where they make the salsa with ketchup?
Spengler Dampniche said,
June 7, 2010 at 17:19
Tackos…do you get those in a faux Messican restaurant in, like, Kansas, where they make the salsa with ketchup?
Barf. I’ll have you know that Kansans have NOT done that since at least 1992.
You know who else kedoodled? Hitler! That’s who!
So then what’s a snickerdoodle, in this, um, tart’s mind? Some kinda lesbian activity?
There’s an anti-women hit piece by Amy Siskind in the Huff Post today — not sure why they published it, but it’s the “down with feminazi lesbo-abortionists” version of the anti-evolution argument. No link provided, because I don’t want to encourage the old girl, but the ladies of the extreme right are making a serious press to kill feminism, and Siskind is obv hoping to join the $100k-per-engagement speaker’s club.
Yon kedoodle went to town
Riding like a horny
d00d wearing a pimp hat
He kedoodle’s dandy.
I’m so dragging out my old Nintendo and playing Donk Kedoodlekong.
Anyway, yeah, this guy sounds like a total winner. Sign me up!
Who doesn’t like eating tackos?
Wow…I finally get that crazy old saying “23? Skedoodle.”
He’s asking her age first.
Who doesn’t like eating tackos?
I know, right? It’s too bad he’s never been in jail, because he would be the perfect man.
It’s too bad he’s never been in jail, because he would be the perfect man.
You have to respect a man who lays it all on the table, right down to the large breasts requests.
Me, I prefer to check her teeth and fetlocks, and ask her what her fastest time in the quarter is.
Wait. tacko GUY is seeking A REGULAR GA… the image cuts out here. What is this suave computer dude looking for?
A REGULAR GAY LOVER (with large breasts)
A REGULAR GASTROINTESTINAL ROUTINE (watch out for them tacko’s)
Me, I prefer to check her teeth and fetlocks, and ask her what her fastest time in the quarter is.
Now, that’s just a horse of a different color, isn’t it?
(11:06! Time for the self-hatred to begin!)
Wait. tacko GUY is seeking A REGULAR GA… the image cuts out here. What is this suave computer dude looking for?
A regular Gary Coleman? Aww. Sad.
Wait. tacko GUY is seeking A REGULAR GA…
A regular gas powered vehicle? Getting tired of paying for premium?
Now, that’s just a horse of a different color, isn’t it?
Got that right. She also ought to be able to hold the bit in her teeth in the homestretch.
tacko GUY is seeking A REGULAR GA…
Regular gas? I can’t believe such a winner would want less than premium grade.
(11:06! Time for the self-hatred to begin!)
Why hate yourself when there are so many people in so much more need of being hated?
Why hate yourself when there are so many people in so much more need of being hated?
Have you ever considered becoming a therapist?
Helen Thomas retired. What she said was dumb, but this makes me very sad.
The fact is, this is a list I can get behind!
Do you get it libs? Hmm Hmm????
The fact is, this is a list I can get behind!
God knows I wouldn’t want to see any faces…
She’s Aryan and skinny. What else do you need?
Must like tackos and cartoons.
Must like tackos and cartoons.
And have large floppy breasts.
Have you ever considered becoming a therapist?
I’ll return to S,N! in three days, when
they open my tombI’m done laughing.(11:06! Time for the self-hatred to begin!)
Only 9:06 here, you could reallyl make a day of it by heading West.
I’ll return to S,N! in three days, when I’m done laughing.
What? I thought engineers were totally known for their warmth, empathy, and communication skills.
I know, right? It’s too bad he’s never been in jail, because he would be the perfect man.
ONLY if he’s got the Harley Davidson gear to go with it the shameful rape stories.
I thought engineers were totally known for their warmth, empathy, and communication skills.
’tis true. The levels of warmth, empathy and general communcative-ness of engineers is legendary.
I thought engineers were totally known for their warmth, empathy, and communication skills.
We are. It’s not our fault all the rest of you people are screwed up.
What? I thought engineers were totally known for their warmth, empathy, and communication skills.
Haha–I should send some of the *clarifications* I get from A/E’s. Yeah, that stuff, no.
We are. It’s not our fault all the rest of you people are screwed up.
HA! rotfflmdwsao!
I should rescind or at least qualify that
arrogant generalizationobservation–engineers are much better at communication than architects.’tis true. The levels of warmth, empathy and general communcative-ness of engineers is legendary.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m inferring a “low” in front of the word “levels.”
ONLY if he’s got the Harley Davidson gear to go with it the shameful rape stories.
so, like six months ago, someone convinces me to go the party after a juggling/clown convention. (i do not juggle, nor am I a clown. neither was the person who invited me, it was odd.) So they had booked a bar in town, and the performers would do skits or acts a little too risque for the family friendly convention. At one point the emcee asked the crowd “So, who here ran away to join the circus?” to scattered applause. He followed up with “And how many of those people were gang raped by clowns?”
so, like six months ago, someone convinces me to go the party after a juggling/clown convention. (i do not juggle, nor am I a clown. neither was the person who invited me, it was odd.)
Oh, fuck that. That’s just terrifying. I’m surprised you lived to tell the tale.
Poor architects. Everyone is just so MEAN.
T&U, how’s the boy kitteh doing?
Marion, thanks for asking! He’s fine…it was just some weird UT stuff. We have special diet (he’s a fatass)/urinary health food that he’s on now. It’s been basically impossible to feed the cats two different foods though…he seems to hate the prescription food, and Pennycat seems to love it. Weirdos.
Poor architects. Everyone is just so MEAN.
And Mr. Brady’s designs SUCKED.
Hannah, on the other hand(ah)…
She said “Do you know?
We do it to and fro
Backwards and forwards its all the same
Just like your sayin my name.”
And how. Years ago when I got a Siamese kitten who was supposed to be on kitten food she’s only eat the adult food and our lardass tuxedo inhaled the kitten food… Mine are currently in danger of becoming bathmats. They’ve taken to doing the “piteous kitteous” routine at the window, wanting to come in and when the door is opened standing half in and half out, unable to decide where they want to be. Which leaves us trying to air condition Savannah…
I think I know what’s bothering me so much about Lori’s insane rant (aside from the offensive misogyny in it¹). That Newsweek article bends over backwards (like actor’s mom does… fuck, too weak. A reprieve this time actor, but I shall have my vengenance) to be balanced. Even places where David Graham is going out of his way to praise these slack jawed morons, they are taking offense.
It’s not just that they’re missing the point that the Newsweek article isn’t about conservative women (it’s about the conservative chauvinsts who ogle them) – it’s that they are going out of their way to defend jackwads like Insty the campus photo-stalker.
Well, now that that’s cleared up – I do feel a lot better. As a lib, it pained me to see this play out. And while I do not mean to trivialize domestic abuse by comparing it to Lori Ziganto’s sordid relationship with the right-wing – her post does have the tinge of battered wife syndrome. So I feel better knowing why I was starting to feel sorry for snarkandboobs. And now that I know it’s based on a false premise, I can go on to laughing at her inane stupidity. Well, laughing more freely anyways.
¹And I blockquote
“And how many of those people were gang raped by clowns?”
“And how many people gang raped the n00bs?”
**thunderous applause**
Anyway, yeah, this guy sounds like a total winner. Sign me up!
Dammit, they blurred out the part where I clearly stated “No Fat Chicks!”
OT, but Helen Thomas just announced her immediate “retirement.”
Another victory scalp for the apartheid regime!
“And how many people gang raped the n00bs?”
**thunderous applause**
so was it a good convention?
“… gang raped by clowns?”
I think I may use this phrase for the rest of my life. Especially to describe meetings.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m inferring a “low” in front of the word “levels.”
You’re wrong. Where’s my yardstick of discipline? I couldn’t have left it over at actor’s mom’s place…
damnit - that's no good either
. I swear actor212, your mom’s going down – just like she does every…too obvious. ARGHHH!
Where was I? Oh yeah, doing actor’s mom.
Here’s an estrogen-insider secret for you; when a woman asks you if her arse looks fat, it is because she knows it does not.
Yeah, um, a) who the fuck does she think she is, speaking for all women?, and b) what a tired, sexist trope. I mean, really. Although I do ask if my ass looks PHAT in something, and if the answer is “no,” then I change.
missing the point
The hallmark of conservative thought since it’s inception.
Ya know, sometimes I sit and wonder if these people know better, yet tow the line in some misguided effort to belong to something, or if there is a higher purpose (at least in the mind of someone who would define total world domination by a church a higher purpose) behind all of this, or just something that I’m missing. I’m beginning to reach the conclusion that they’re just opportunistic, superficial boneheads, who react upon the first instinct to distrust and hate anything that doesn’t line up with the rich-white-guy-master&commander worldview. It’s just stupidity, justified by more stupidity. When called upon to think things through, they run shrieking as if they’d just seen a spider the size of a soccer ball. Who would want to live like that?
It makes me worry about the kids, who are already fucked up from our puritanical culture and lack of proper sex ed.
I’m still mildly weirded out by the coming on faces schtick, and that’s been in effect for ages.
Then again, I mostly look at Japanese pornography nowadays. Hoo boy, let me tell you that America is still behind the curve in awful things to do to people in order to get off.
Dammit, they blurred out the part where I clearly stated “No Fat Chicks!”
Oops, that could be read wrong, I didn’t mean you, T&U!
so was it a good convention?
It was good for the clowns.
Your daily wingnut humor:
Jonah said Tom Friedman had his head up his ass? While technically correct, um Jonah?
I wonder if K-Lo has ever asked Jonah if “this dress makes my arse look fat?”
No, actually, I don’t wonder that at all. Ever.
…who the fuck does she think she is, speaking for all women?
I guess you missed the part where she says she’s just speaking for herself (two grafs down from blockquoted).
I may not be of the womanly gender – but I’m pretty sure that it is an extremely small minority that checks out their outfit with four different women before asking me if I think it makes their ass look fat. Actor’s mom already knows the answer is “shut up and keep stroking you big slut”.
SRSLY, she just claimed that all women were attention whores (since she is) but that doesn’t make them dumb unless they’re Janeane Garofolo. Obviously the first person anyone would imagine asking the question of whether or not something makes her ass look fat.
Yeah, um, a) who the fuck does she think she is, speaking for all women?, and b) what a tired, sexist trope. I mean, really. Although I do ask if my ass looks PHAT in something, and if the answer is “no,” then I change.
If it’s such a tired, sexist trope, then howcome just reading that question on the interwebz makes me shut my mouth out of fear?
Kedoodle sounds like something they’d sell in an infomercial.
Dammit, they blurred out the part where I clearly stated “No Fat Chicks!”
Oops, that could be read wrong, I didn’t mean you, T&U!
So you were totally lying when you said my ass doesn’t look fat in this??? *flounce* *sob*
Fuck. Now I have an image of Billy Mays hawking a multifunction vibrator.
I hate my brain somedays. And it clearly hates me.
Speaking of pr0n, yeah there’s an awful lot of marginal shit out there. Gonzo doesn’t begin to describe it. But that’s because there’s just more pr0n overall. The vast overwhelming majority of pr0n is still regular old vanilla guy-on-girl/girl-on-girl/solo-girl/guy-with-two-girls/guy-on-girl-with-other-girl-looking-on-and-masturbating varieties. Hardly with any toys or peripherals other than shoes with ridiculous heels.
IOW, If one in a million sex flicks had some chick doing something unspeakable with her own lactation – that would be one film for all of the seventies, and one film every other hour today.
Or so I’m told.
So you were totally lying when you said my ass doesn’t look fat in this??? *flounce* *sob*
But it does look PHAT!
If it’s such a tired, sexist trope, then howcome just reading that question on the interwebz makes me shut my mouth out of fear?
Y’all are such weenies. Just say, “Do you want my honest opinion about it, or is anything I say going to upset you?” If she says she wants your honest opinion, then say, “No! Your ass looks great!” or “Well, your ass is amazing, but I don’t think that outfit shows it off in its full glory.” If she says she doesn’t want an honest opinion, then tell her not to fucking ask. Anybody who seeks validation in a passive-aggressive manner like that (I’m not judging, I’ve done it, too) needs to be called on it.
Y’all are such weenies.
wev. I usually say “I’ll need to see your ass out of that outfit to do a proper comparison.” Sometimes being an engineer helps in the communication department.
And by proper comparison, I mean kedoodle.
So you were totally lying when you said my ass doesn’t look fat in this??? *flounce* *sob*
But it does look PHAT!
Awww, thanks!
But really, my three questions are, “Is this flattering?” (see, you evade the “does my ass look fat” landmine, but can still get the overall feeling of how you look), “Is this too slutty for work?” and “How do these shoes look with this?”
Ooops, did I just type that last part out loud?
I usually say “I’ll need to see your ass out of that outfit to do a proper comparison.”
That’s an excellent answer, too.
So you were totally lying when you said my ass doesn’t look fat in this??? *flounce* *sob*
The good news is that no one’s talking about T&U’s boobs today.
Y’all are such weenies.
We just wanna get laid.
Actually, I am fairly likely to use the line “I sense a trap.” sometimes followed up by “My lawyer recommends I decline to answer at this time.”
The good news is that no one’s talking about T&U’s boobs today.
I know! I’m glad we’re talking about my ass now, because I was starting to get offended.
The good news is that no one’s talking about T&U’s boobs today.
How could that possibly be good news???
The good news is that no one’s talking about T&U’s boobs today.
Not enough information to speak authoritatively on the subject.
“Is this too slutty for work?”
“Which corner will you be working?”
“Are you trying to get a raise?
“There might be a little too much labia showing”
All reasons I have trouble keeping girlfriends…
wev. I usually say “I’ll need to see your ass out of that outfit to do a proper comparison.” Sometimes being an engineer helps in the communication department.
That’s my bomb diffusing technique too. Highly effective.
Anyway, very slightly related, but amusing (to me, anyway):
Yesterday, the husband and I were in Target and we saw this family of indeterminate cultish origin. I think they were Latter-Day Saints–the women had their hair in buns and they were wearing long dresses. Anyway, we were walking toward them and this little girl who looked like a character in fucking Village of the Damned crosses her arms and STARES ME DOWN. I tried smiling at her, but she didn’t smile back and kept boring holes into my soul. I thought maybe I was being crazy, but Mr. T&U saw it, too.
I’m guessing she disapproved of my hussy knee-length dress, tattoo, and husband hand-holding? I’ve never been slut-shamed by a 7-year-old!
I’m guessing she disapproved of my hussy knee-length dress, tattoo, and husband hand-holding? I’ve never been slut-shamed by a 7-year-old!
She will probably be sleeping with daddy or the cult leader in a few years, if it is any consolation.
I’m guessing she disapproved of my hussy knee-length dress, tattoo, and husband hand-holding? I’ve never been slut-shamed by a 7-year-old!
Haha! You’re doing it right!
She will probably be sleeping with daddy or the cult leader in a few years, if it is any consolation.
Yuck. Not really. It was just a little disturbing, especially since kids normally really like me.
Magnets are conservative?
fuckin conservatives. How do THEY work?
Ok, Littlepig, I didn’t read all the comments before posting.
But I would do it again, if it would save lives.
fuckin conservatives. How do THEY work?
LOL again. I swear, that shit will never get old.
Did this get posted already?
Yuck. Not really.
Yeah, sorry. I’ve got a neighbor I worry about; I woke up last night hearing him trying overly hard to stop his daughter from crying (I’ve heard her crying at night before). It is probably nothing. Probably. But I hate that shit, and its so often those fundie families that perpetrate it.
Poor architects. Everyone is just so MEAN.
well, we’re pretty used to it since we take the blame for every engineer and/or contractor’s fuckup.
I only ever get asked “Does this make me look fat” in stores, while my wife is trying on clothes. At such times, she wants an honest answer (so as not to buy the wrong thing), but there is still a right way and a wrong way to go about it. “Yes, it makes you look fat” is not recommended, but “There’s something wrong with how it’s cut around your hips/It isn’t flattering/I don’t think the style is right/You have one that fits like that and you don’t like it” have all worked in various circumstances.
well, we’re pretty used to it since we take the blame for every engineer and/or contractor’s fuckup.
Does it ever make you want to blow the building up, just to show the damned second-handers?
Oh, wow. I mean debating the Doughy One is like getting in an abstinence contest with actor212’s mom but (and it hurts me to say this) props to David Frum for a vicious beating. A vicious beating of an intellectually crippled idiot with a sense of entitlement almost large enough to account for his multiple blind spots – which may sound kinda bad, but is like, totes deserved and actually kinda awesome.
Sub, that’s really good. I do like the idea of “the two-step of terrific triviality.”
Yeah, sorry. I’ve got a neighbor I worry about
No problem. It’s that I don’t wish that on anyone, even evil Village of the Damned Girls.
I know that we have an anonymous tipline for DFS. You might call it. At worst, they won’t respond, and at best, they’ll come and check it out and not find anything, although dude sounds emotionally abusive as hell.
Does it ever make you want to blow the building up, just to show the damned second-handers?
They’re only allowed to do that if they first give a 4-hour speech on individualism, concluding with “Architect is Architect.”
Ya know, sometimes I sit and wonder if these people know better, yet tow the line in some misguided effort to belong to something, or if there is a higher purpose (at least in the mind of someone who would define total world domination by a church a higher purpose) behind all of this, or just something that I’m missing.
Oh yes, that definitely happens.
One of my best friends used to date a conservative and, occasionally, get into political arguments with her. He told me about one argument they had right after the stimulus plan; “I know we needed a stimulus,” she says, “but this is not the right kind!” “Okay. What would you have done?” “Well, what we SHOULD have done…” And she proceeds to outline almost exactly the same stimulus package as the one we actually got. (Which she’s still opposed to, by the way).
Earlier on during the campaign, she’d taken a facebook “Which Republican Candidate Are You?” quizz and came up as John McCain (which is pretty accurate, in terms of what her positions are when she actually thinks for herself). She was put out and disappointed because “McCain isn’t a real conservative;” it never occurred to her that if she agreed with McCain more than with “the real conservatives,” maybe she should stop listening to them and think for herself for a change.
So yes, there are definitely regular people out there who know better, but at the same time don’t allow themselves to know better, just because. It’s groupthink at its finest.
well, we’re pretty used to it since we take the blame for every engineer and/or contractor’s fuckup.
ZRM, do you ever have to endure those meetings where some fuckhead subcontractor asks no one in particular “Who’s responsible for this?” Generally, this is an electrician rhetorically asking who is going to provide the low voltage wiring that is clearly shown on the electrical drawings. Believe me, architects are far less irritating than those bastards…I run into this because I supply access control and power operators and stuff…
Does it ever make you want to blow the building up, just to show the damned second-handers?
hmpf. Usually the building will just fall down, due to crappy engineering or shoddy construction, while the lawyers are still arguing about it.
but there is still a right way and a wrong way to go about it.
props to David Frum for a vicious beating.
Right? Just when I thought he was done, Jonah came back for more.
Oh yeah, doing actor’s mom.
Would you hurry up? She has a paying customer waiting. You’re pro bono¹ stuff is taking too long.
Usually the building will just fall down, due to crappy engineering or shoddy construction, while the lawyers are still arguing about it.
And Zombies feast.
ZRM, do you ever have to endure those meetings where some fuckhead subcontractor asks no one in particular “Who’s responsible for this?”
not lately. You have people building stuff? What are they, banksters, insurance industry, or drug dealers?
I still haven’t found what I’m looking for¹
¹Veiled “Man is she ever fat” reference
And Zombies feast.
we usually go for the reporters covering it.
I still haven’t found what I’m looking for¹
¹Veiled “teenie peenie” reference
do you ever have to endure those meetings where some fuckhead subcontractor asks no one in particular “Who’s responsible for this?”
We have a similar happening in our business meetings, and when some low-level flunkie who’s angling for a promotion says that, just to hear himself speak or to make himself appear vigilant for pointing it out, the response I cooked up is “Thanks for volunteering. Have an action plan on my desk by five.”
Veiled “teenie peenie” reference
As if. I even tried covering her with flour and looking for the wet spot – but you know how she sweats when she gets excited.
the response I cooked up is “Thanks for volunteering. Have an action plan on my desk by five.”
So I guess you have long periods of uncomfortable silence in your meetings?
not lately. You have people building stuff? What are they, banksters, insurance industry, or drug dealers?
Right now, 2 giant casino/hotel/resorts and a few schools. I do have one drug dealer going, and a few small (do it while the recession is on and money is cheap) renovations going.
As if. I even tried covering her with flour and looking for the wet spot – but you know how she sweats when she gets excited.
Dude. I was so hoping you wouldn’t go there. Why can’t you people remember that I eat lunch around 1:00-2:30 CDT???
Why can’t you people remember that I eat lunch around 1:00-2:30 CDT???
You’re not having anything dredged in flour are you?
I even tried covering her with flour and looking for the wet spot – but you know how she sweats when she gets excited.
Yes. So you’re saying all the flour fell off.
So I guess you have long periods of uncomfortable silence in your meetings?
We don’t have interruptions, either.
Why can’t you people remember that I eat lunch around 1:00-2:30 CDT???
I was never very good at converting from the metric system. What time is that American?
You’re not having anything dredged in flour are you?
No. That would probably make me much sicker than your comment did.
I was never very good at converting from the metric system. What time is that American?
Don’t say that to all the dudes who have “STOP THE METRIC SYSTEM” billboards on their farmland out here…
Don’t you understand the potential gramage?
That would probably make me much sicker than your comment did.
Ah yes, I forgot for a moment there. Maybe next time I’ll roll actor’s mom in something gluten-free like corn meal. I wouldn’t want you to suffer from cross-contamination when your turn’s up.
Take us to your Litre.
Don’t say that to all the dudes who have “STOP THE METRIC SYSTEM” billboards on their farmland out here…
Which is weird, because every frikkin’ industry in America is already mostly converted or on their way, except maybe construction.
Maybe next time I’ll roll actor’s mom in something gluten-free like corn meal. I wouldn’t want you to suffer from cross-contamination when your turn’s up.
Thanks, especially since she normally doesn’t bathe before it’s my turn.
Which is weird, because every frikkin’ industry in America is already mostly converted or on their way, except maybe construction.
I’ve been advocating changing to the metric system in construction for years. I’ve concluded that it will not happen in my lifetime, if ever.
Which is weird, because every frikkin’ industry in America is already mostly converted or on their way, except maybe construction.
Don’t ask me. They aren’t as numerous as the anti-abortion signs, but they exist.
Lay down your arms or Joule be sorry! Resistance is measured in Ohms!
We will fight long and yard for our freedoms!
Your Imperial forces are losing by degrees. Soon the radian forces will triumph.
We shall bar your archaic units. They’ll knot be allowed. And while it may Hertz to change now, we won’t be forced to kilo you later. And I mean exa-cute.
So many dead and inchured! The scale of our destruction is large!
*sigh* I can’t do more than double-stack puns. I’m afraid I’m a mass.
Why are you commieliberalhippopinkieliberals trying to dram the metric system down our bushels????
Why do you hectare me so?
Watt? Don’t like feeling it go Pascal your defenses?
It’ll be no mean feet
I’m afraid I’m a mass.
We will pound you.
You want I should tera you a new one?
I tare ya
I would be in league with you but when it comes to foot-pounding, who will stere?
I would be in league with you but not furlong.
Y’all obviously don’t get the pint. It’s just gross.
I will stone the next person to make a bad pun.
Where shall we dyne tonight?
I will stone the next person to make a bad pun.
You should offer a karat with that stick.
Gauss about.. Henry? Farad and away a bad fight to pico.
Where shall we dyne tonight?
FYWP, I’m on a roll here. Stop jerking my chain.
I will stone the next person to make a bad pun.
Do that and no one will give you quarter. I won’t have an ounce of sympathy for you, either.
Can’t fathom wordpress..
WP eated my “duck duck Gauss” line.
I won’t have an ounce of sympathy for you, either.
Really. It’s all “pieces of hate” with this guy…
Chill, I’m Newton this
Is the new thread a desperate attempt to stop the punnery? That’s not very coulombudsman.
Where shall we dyne tonight?
Lets stop for a pint at the isobar. we can get a byte afterwards.
Lets stop for a pint at the isobar.
Can’t. They only serve in isometric. You can get kilo’d in there!
They only serve in isometric
Do look directly at anyone, and better carry a concealed Planck
I mean don’t
Don’t look directly at anyone, and better carry a concealed Planck
WTF were we talking about? flour?
It’s all so rood
I only ever get asked “Does this make me look fat” in stores, while my wife is trying on clothes. At such times, she wants an honest answer (so as not to buy the wrong thing), but there is still a right way and a wrong way to go about it.
The best way to answer is to whisper in her ear, “It’ll look great on the floor.”
ho ho ho
I only ever get asked “Does this make me look fat” in stores, while my wife is trying on clothes.
There’s only one safe answer to any question of this sort. I urge you to memorize this:
Wife: “Honey, am I getting fat?”
Husband: “Honey, am I getting stupid?”
I’ve been advocating changing to the metric system in construction for years. I’ve concluded that it will not happen in my lifetime, if ever.
The Ontario building code is metric, officially. What that means is that they took the dimensions of standard lumber (2×4, 2×6…) and converted them to millimetres, so we have tables with measurements like 38mm x 89mm for structural lumber. Really easy to remember, so everybody just calls it a 2×4. In a similar way, plywood thickness is measured in fractions of an inch, unless it’s Good-One-Side plywood, in which case, they sand the last bit off and report it as 18mm.
The best way to answer is to whisper in her ear, “It’ll look great on the floor.”
The problem is that is true of every garment. It still doesn’t help her decide what to wear to her cousin’s wedding.
It still doesn’t help her decide what to wear to her cousin’s wedding.
You haven’t met her cousins, obviously.
You haven’t met her cousins, obviously.
On behalf of my in-laws: Hey!
You people have no scruples.
There turns out to be about 1,100 Googlehits for “gang-raped by clowns”.
I was thinking Gang Rape the Noob would be a great name for my new punk band.
Hawt? Coulter? Malkin?
Either there’s a boycott of optometrists afoot in Wingnuttown or some people need to rotate the stubby round coat-hanger on their front door & begin exploring the wonderful new magical kingdom on the other side of the threshold.