Stay tuned dear friends!
Posted on February 11th, 2004 by
Amber is back, oh yes! And she’s nuttier than ever:
[John Kerry’s book The New Soldier] is mostly filled with pictures (this is why liberals can never get a radio show; lots of pictures is a requirement for spreading liberal propaganda[.)]
The people of Sadly, No! require sleep, so Amber will have to wait another day… See you in the morning.
The people of Sadly, No! require sleep, so Amber will have to wait another day
Come on, everyone knows you could take down the Queen of All the Schlongs in your sleep, but if you must, you must.
Everyone is touting John Kerry as a decorated war hero, since Kerry has a Silver Star, Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts.
That kind of duplicity is epidemic in our society. Just today, my waiter touted the grilled cheese special as having cheese and the coffee as being made of coffee!
The fact that this man keeps drawing attention to his service during Vietnam is bizarre. Perhaps he is stupid, or thinks we are ? and won?t investigate and/or remember what he and his communist buddies did.
I guess Amber’s more used to AWOL types drawing attention to their military prowess.
And damn you, Kerry for serving when your country asked, then coming home and conveying your wartime experience to others in a peaceful, legal manner so that others might not die needlessly! You. Utter. Bastard!
John Kerry tries to smear George Bush because George Bush never was deployed. [This would be an ideal place to insert the patented S,N! brutal takedown.] I ask you: does it matter that Bush?s physical body was never near combat?
I answer you: what, he just went to war mentally? And became a war hero mentally? Okay, that fits, given that his brain has been MIA since the early seventies and he’s a legend in his own mind (such as it is.)
Sadly, No! January 26, 2004:OUR
Sadly, No! February 11, 2004: The people of Sadly, No! require sleep
Frederick: Well, now we can see why we called you (and not Peanut,) the leader of the peanut gallery.
This is obscene. I don’t really care if Amber wants to prattle on about men who look like big eight-year-old boys and get all moist thinking about how she wants said men to touch her, but this is nuts. Takedown, please!
Is this merde for real?!
“John Kerry tries to smear George Bush because George Bush never was deployed. I ask you: does it matter that Bush?s physical body was never near combat? What matters is how both men either harmed or helped the military and the country throughout their lives. Although John Kerry served in Vietnam (and it could be speculated it was nothing but a move to help his political career), Kerry?s actions throughout his life have actively torn down and harmed the US military.
Compare this to George Bush?s leadership, motivation, and inspiration. Let me remind you of President Bush?s words, which motivated the troops, and led a war with a minimal number of casualties: ?We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail.” In fact, you could accurately say that George Bush is a ?uniter not a divider.?”
In fact, you could accurately say that Amber Pawlik is a delusional freak!
Good lord, that Amber is nuts. I thought she was just a loveable, misguided AynRandian Princess, but she’s really quite stupid.
“and it could be speculated it was nothing but a move to help his political career” – What the hell? If Kerry actually thought that, he’d be the stupidest man alive. Amber seems to think that absolutely no one died or was injured in vietnam, and heading over there was a nice pleasure junket while the poor folks at the Texas Air National Guard had to do the real work.
My father was in Vietnam. He came back with a bronze star – for the first part of his deployment, he drove gasoline trucks. The person who rode with him was actually shot and killed. He’d tell me how the goal was to drive fast enough to get to where you are going before the gasoline truck exploded or leaked all the gas out from the bullet holes.
And, not to get too personal, while he was never injured, he did end up going completely nuts by the time I was 3 with schizophrenia/bi-polar disorder (it seems like it was diagnozed schizophrenia originally, but the new thinking is that its a particularly nasty case of bi-polar disorder). I’m sure his vietnam service did not help, and was probably actually a trigger.
But, really, my Dad was just really interested in his political career. *snort*
Frederick: Well, now we can see why we called you (and not Peanut,) the leader of the peanut gallery.
I’m suing once I get done taking the Planter’s people to the cleaners.
That article needs no debunking. It is a self-debunking article. What a psycho!
How much do you know about this Amber? Specifically, do you have evidence that she is actually human and not, say, a chicken that has been taught to peck at a keyboard for food?
Yeah. I just love curling up with my full-color copy of the Communist Manifesto.
wotta moron.
Yeah he claims to be a decorated hero, and the only proof he has is 5 fucking medals. the nerve of that bastard