
ABOVE: Big hands mean big . . . gloves? The white guy is GAY and is
taking the woman home for jazz hand lessons and appletinis.

Over at the American Thinker Brain Trust someone who calls herself “Robin of Berkeley,” obviously a close relative of “Frederick of Hollywood,” has discovered that the problem with the Obama administration was that he was elected only because he was a hot black throbbing mantower of burning love.

When pundits analyze why the masses flocked to the untested, mysterious Obama, they cite the usual suspects: anger at George Bush, white guilt, desire for some elusive change. But there’s a missing ingredient here: sex.

I can already see that this column is not going to end well and that it will only be a matter of time before “Robin of Berkeley” works crack cocaine, teen fisting, gay marriage and shemales into her discussion.

Now I didn’t vote for Obama.

Big fucking surprise, that.

When I see the dude, I ache, but not out of lust. However, millions have fallen under his spell and remain smitten.

Just yesterday as I walked by the White House I saw three sex-crazed young women tear off their clothes and try to scale the fence in the heat of Obama lust before they were stopped by the Secret Service.

For a long while, it wasn’t safe to wander over to a store’s magazine section. Every other magazine, from Newsweek to Men’s Health, featured Barack’s well-toned bod.

Not to mention the Calvin Klein underwear ad that Obama did for a billboard in Times Square and that revealing guest appearance that Obama did with Adam Ramrod on the Bad Puppy website or with the Czech twin brothers over at Bel Ami.

Some of my friends started acting like pre-teens when the O word was mentioned. My chum Wendy literally kissed her Obama bumper sticker right before my unbelieving eyes.

That’s the first time a bumper sticker has ever been seen as a veiled penis reference but, hey, “Robin of Berkeley” claims to be a psychotherapist and she writes for a web site known for, in equal measure, delusional thinking and cognitive disabilities

Of course the press sold Obama like the newest form of crack, getting the public fixated on his every word. The same media that stalks Angelina and Paris anointed Obama the ultimate celebrity. And to the addicted masses, entranced by leering reality shows and 24/7 texting, the Obama Show was just another sexually charged extravaganza.

Crack cocaine reference: check

From the moment he arrived on the scene, Obama sent out a sexual tone. Suddenly, sexuality is in our faces, whether it’s gay marriage, queering school kids, or elevating the transgendered to high places in government.

Gay marriage, teen fisting and shemales: check, check and check.

As conservatives, we have to figure out some way to snap the Obama Girls and Boys out of their virtual realities.

How ’bout, say, learning what’s meant by a “virtual reality” in the first place? Then I am certain that writing bunches of articles on the Internet about the Obamaschlong, his pecs and gay stuff will do the trick and will cause all the Obama Boys and Girls to join up with the legions of conservatives who all love Sarah Palin solely for her keen intellect. (VMILFR.)


Comments: 317


From the moment he arrived on the scene, Obama sent out a sexual tone.
Makes him sound like a fire truck….with a really long hose!


I was totally sexually attracted to Obama. Those pecs! His loins! I knew he was The One™ before I ever heard him speak.

Oh wait, I meant the opposite.

First I actually heard of the guy was the 2004 Dem convention. I heard his speech over the radio and thought, “whoah. That dude’s smart and sensible. I’ll have to watch him.”


Is anything conservatards say not classic projection? Listen, you dumb twat: just because Dumbya is his flight costume got you all misty down there doesn’t mean liberals are so easily seduced.


What? Not a word about Chris Matthews’ boner at the sight of W strutting his codpiece on the deck of the Abraham Lincoln?


Personally, I find Palin to be an intellectual giant. Those glasses really make me think that she thinks that I think she’s smart. Plus, she’s always on teevee so she’s gotta be, like, genius. Amirite?


” and thought, “whoah. That dude’s smart and sensible. I’ll have to watch him.”

Smart and sensible? What are you, some kind of elitist?


First I actually heard of the guy was the 2004 Dem convention.

You mean you heard all the noises coming from the crowd right? Like a Sodom and Gomorrah reenactment?


Also…new thread…so soft! So warm! Smells like Snuggle! Yay!!!


Also…new thread…so soft! So warm! Smells like Snuggle! Yay!!!

Just like The Obamanation. Then, you’re dead. From socialism. He’s lulling us into a false sense of arousal.


Got out of the boat (of course).

This is awesome (and by awesome, I mean jaw-droppingly stupid and offensive): “If the masses remain enamored with the snarling, disdainful Obama, who is plunging us into ruination, then they’re no longer in just an addicted relationship. They are also in an abusive one.

Because abuse is the inevitable consequences of staying with those mean, Bad Boys and Girls. And those of us who’ve been there and done that know that this sick, symbiotic relationship always ends badly. ”

What is UP with these people’s obsession of comparing abuse and rape with our relationship to the president??? Hell, even when W. was in power, I didn’t feel like I was in an “abusive relationship” with him. I’m sure plenty of people close to him were, but that’s hardly the same thing.


Also…new thread…so soft! So warm! Smells like Snuggle! Yay!!!
Just wait. it will smell like DKW’s grandmother soon enough.

Elephant Butte Returns



….plunging us into ruination


“77south said,
May 18, 2010 at 21:15

Also…new thread…so soft! So warm! Smells like Snuggle! Yay!!!
Just wait. it will smell like DKW’s grandmother soon enough.”

Ben gay , urine , malt liquor and Astroglide?


enamored with the snarling, disdainful Obama

With those adjectives why would anyone be enamored with him? The entire premise of Robin The Retard’s (satire) post does not a lick* of make sense.



I was thinking, more like, gin, mothballs, baby powder and death.

Marion in Savannah

Smart and sensible? What are you, some kind of elitist?

I don’t want to tell tales out of school, but I’ve heard that Whale Chowder eats arugula…


T&U, you know good and well that since people of her ilk use hyperbole in lieu of facts or logic.


My chum Wendy literally kissed her Obama bumper sticker right before my unbelieving eyes.

Heh. “Bumper.” “Sticker.”



So perhaps the most unflappable and personally collected president I’ve seen in my lifetime, who also speaks to us as though we are adults (in complete sentences, for one thing), is now ‘snarling’ and ‘disdainful’?

Which ‘virtual reality’ does this jerkoff plug into again?




T&U, you know good and well that since people of her ilk use hyperbole in lieu of facts or logic.

Certainly. But it would be nice if they didn’t stomp all over actual victims of violence while they are doing so. Just, you know, be courteous with your hyperbole.

Pupienus Maximus

Bad Puppy website or with the Czech twin brothers over at Bel Ami.

I must say Tintin, you seem to have excellent taste in pr0n.


“77south said,
May 18, 2010 at 21:19

I was thinking, more like, gin, mothballs, baby powder and death.”

Ah! Sounds intoxicating. *dabs on pulse points*


Man, “Robin of Berkeley” sounds gay even for a woman. Like Robin Hood’s pussified younger brother.

Anyway, Where the HELL are all of these swooning, fawning, entranced Obamabots that I keep hearing so much about. I was in high school in a relatively poor suburb of Chicago when he was elected: prime Obot territory, but I never met any of these people.


crack cocaine, teen fisting, gay marriage and shemales

Big fucking

three sex-crazed young women tear off their clothes

the heat of Obama lust

Calvin Klein underwear

a veiled penis reference

delusional thinking and cognitive disabilities

the Obamaschlong

his pecs

gay stuff

do the trick


This site is so hot.

The Obamaschlong

Robin of Berkeley seems to have given this hypothesis a great deal of in-depth thought.


My chum Wendy literally kissed her Obama bumper sticker right before my unbelieving eyes.

Well, your “chum” is a dumbass, lady. Which explains why she hangs out with you.


Ah! Sounds intoxicating. *dabs on pulse points*

Yes, I tried to market the “eau de assisted living community” fragrance to Chanel, but they didn’t bite.

Marion in Savannah

T&U, I’m staying in the boat, but I somehow get the feeling that her “chum” (who the hell has used that word in the last 70 years?) is a fignewton of her imagination, rather like Tommy “The Moustache of Wisdom” Friedman’s cab drivers.


Oh and one more thing: WE’RE obsessed w/ O’s mojo? They’re the ones constantly bizarre sexual rhetoric in all their arguments. (Which is pArt of what t&u was just saying)


“Dennis, there’s some lovely filth down here.”

Obama himself used sexually hostile, degrading language to smear the Tea Parties and Rush Limbaugh.

What sexually hostile, degrading language did the O-ster use?
Tea-Parties(sic): “tea baggers”
Rush: “Limbaugh can play with himself.”

That motherforking corksoaker!

Pupienus Maximus

“Robin of Berkeley” claims to be a psychotherapist

Psycho therapist, diagnose thyself. Here’s a little help to get you started: reaction formation.


And I totes think they are hot for him and hate themselves for it. Poor conservatards: they just can’t quit him.

nick with an i

gin, mothballs, baby powder and death

You left out a Hungadunga.


I somehow get the feeling that her “chum” (who the hell has used that word in the last 70 years?) is a fignewton of her imagination

Right? What is she, some English schoolboy from 1955? And call me narrow-minded, but if I had voted for Obama and found out this lady writes for the American Thinker, I would have run the other way, whatever excellent qualities she may have otherwise.

O’s mojo?* They’re the ones constantly bizarre sexual rhetoric in all their arguments.

Psst…it’s because he’s BLACK.



When pundits analyze why the masses flocked to the untested, mysterious Obama, they cite the usual suspects: anger at George Bush, white guilt, desire for some elusive change.

I dunno; I think it was more along the lines of what I just love to tell rightwing bigots: “Hey, your guys fucked up. How big did they fuck up? SO HUGE that people decided to vote for the most opposite thing they could think of – a black guy. Yeah, your guys were such huge fuck-ups that even good old American racism wasn’t enough to save their sorry asses. You want to know who elected Obama? Take a look in the mirror, dipshit. If it hadn’t been for morons supporting every stupid fucked up thing Bush and company did to destroy the country, Obama wouldn’t be president now. Thanks!”


My chum Wendy literally kissed her Obama bumper sticker right before my unbelieving eyes. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before! I mean, I was a student a major state college, but the way she put her tongue on that little scrap of vinyl covering that smooth hard chrome, while she knew I was watching! Oh God! Wendy! Do me! NOW!! THE OBAMALUST!!1!111!!


I mean, I did vote for Obama…fuck it. Whatever.


Okay … I went for the mangoes and that thing still doesn’t make a lick of sense.*

Per her “logic,” because one single person Robin knows kissed a bumper sticker,** and a few magazines decided to point out that Obama was in shape, it HAS to mean that everyone who voted for Obama over the Captain McGrumpy and Caribou Barbie ticket only did so because they want his little Commander-in-Chief.

It had nothing at all whatsoever nope couldn’t have had anything to do with him noting being a willfully ignorant, hateful, idiot like Palin, nor someone whose sole interest in the office was to settle his daddy issues like McCain.

Nope. It’s all about Obama’s manhood.

Um … yeah. Okay.

It’s not a surprise this ditz doesn’t know what “virtual reality” is given that she has no connection to basic reality.

(* VCunnilingusR)
(** NSVAnalSexR)


… with him noting being a willfully ignorant, hateful, idiot like Palin,

Or, alternatively, with him NOT being any of those things.

Sorry, my mind is already on vacation …


Them mangoes in the comment section are going fast. I think this dude is the Cutter guy from the BaptistBoard I went to yesterday.

Smell this one!
*thrusts rotted mango under your nose*

I wonder about those that are born with too many of one or the other sexual hormones, it is a defect not unlike 6 toes or just one eye, but the worst part of it is that it goes unnoticed as it can not be seen. Excessive estrogen seems to be dominant in liberals. Now I am not saying it is a bad hormone if in the right amounts in the right gender, but men with too much estrogen have weird feelings going up some strange places and people with too much estrogen can be convinced they are in love with anyone of any sexual orientation and they not only believe it, they seem to live it, at least in their own minds. Combine the excessive amount of estrogen with an a-healthy dose of the liberals favorite narcotic and WOW!!! they would most likely fall for even the oddest lookung alien!

Seems estrogen will fuck you up when mixed with our favorite narcotic…I learn something new every day!


Wait a minute. Did Tintin really write VMILFR up there? About Sister Sarah? Seriously?


Chicks ruin everything.


but men with too much estrogen have weird feelings going up some strange places and people with too much estrogen can be convinced they are in love with anyone of any sexual orientation

This fucktard doesn’t know that testosterone is the “sex hormone,” does he?


Hey guys… I’m sorry our chick juice made you faggoty liberals. Maybe there’s an antidote out there somewhere.


Basic biology, motherfucker. DO YOU KNOW IT?


i bet she’s repulsed but powerless to stop the constant flood of images of obama dressed in a tigerskin loincloth repeatedly ramming his socialist cock up into her delicate chocha that keeps popping into her head during the torpid sex she undoubtedly has.

Pupienus Maximus

Wait a minute. Did Tintin really write VMILFR up there? About Sister Sarah?



No. He was using satire you fucking retard.


mmmmhmmm, socialist-cock-ramming delicate chochas….

Wyatt Watts III

My chum Wendy literally kissed her Obama bumper sticker right before my unbelieving eyes.

Veiled auto-cunnilingus reference?


“mextremist said,
May 18, 2010 at 21:50

i bet she’s repulsed but powerless to stop the constant flood of images of obama dressed in a tigerskin loincloth repeatedly ramming his socialist cock up into her delicate chocha that keeps popping into her head during the torpid sex she undoubtedly has.”

Could you type more slowly?

Arnold Schwarzenegger

It is good that the Republicans do not elect politicians because of their muscular bodies.


Republicans never fall for the lure of celebrity. I should know.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

For those of you who sampled the mangoes, have any of the wingnuts mentioned all the things being shoved down their throats by the Marxist Nazi Commie Muslim Terrorist who is President?


“If the masses remain enamored with the snarling, disdainful Obama, who is plunging us into ruination, then they’re no longer in just an addicted relationship. They are also in an abusive one.

Because abuse is the inevitable consequences of staying with those mean, Bad Boys and Girls. And those of us who’ve been there and done that know that this sick, symbiotic relationship always ends badly. ”

Again I have to wonder at the superhuman ability these idiots have for projection.


Maybe there’s an antidote out there somewhere.

Lots of NASCAR and Ultimate Fighting.


I wonder about those that are born with too many of one or the other sexual hormones, it is a defect not unlike 6 toes or just one eye, but the worst part of it is that it goes unnoticed as it can not be seen.

“Nor are there any lab tests that are capable of detecting it, and no one, not even the most trained specialists, no one other than YOURS TRULY can diagnose whether or not a person is affected based on their political opinions and voting patterns.”


“Because abuse is the inevitable consequences of staying with those mean, Bad Boys and Girls.”

Heh–Robin of not-even-Locksley is mining a nastier racist vein here: black men’s voodoo/ungodly heathen looks blind innocent white (women) to the savage brutish nature underneath.

the socialest paradise of the south seas

OT, ms Schlussel demonstrates again how real journalism is done with an expose of the new miss USA’s connection to terror islamo furriners sez the guardian “Mark my word. Hezbollah is laughing at us, tonight,” Schlussel raged.

Sir Will Scarlett

Robin of Berkely is a twit.


Also, re DKW’s granny: Thunderbird and Lysol.


Maybe there’s an antidote out there somewhere.

Lots of NASCAR and Ultimate Fighting.

Those are steps 5 & 6

1) Play “Proud to be an American” on a loop
2) Watch LOTS of Chuck Norris movies
3) Eat lots of Slimjims and Cheetos
4) Harass shoppers at Whole Foods
5) Watch Nascar races
6) Watch Ulimate Fighting
7) Find all nakedly misogynistic beer commercials wildly funny
8) Don’t serve in the military but constantly talk about how war is always the answer
9) Buy a Hummer
10) Put a “No Fat Chicks” and “Palin/McCain” bumper sticker on it.
This is the only way to de-chickify yourself. I’d get started now.


Also, re DKW’s granny: Thunderbird and Lysol

Stop it. You’re getting me hot.


“Robin of Berkley” just remembers that a black guy sang “Virtual Reality” in the goofy video, all those years ago, when life was easy and daddy paid for everything at school, and her and Amy had so much fun…


Stop it. You’re getting me hot.

Don’t forget about the adult diaper…


Got to say, I love the sheer contempt that conservatives hold Americans in.

We couldn’t really vote for Obama because we were tired of what Republicans had done: (two Middle Eastern wars, non-existent or uninforced regulation of businesses, letting Wall St. loot the economy, etc.)

We couldn’t vote for him because we made a decision that given John “Why the fuck aren’t we bombing more people” McCain, Sarah “W in a Skirt” Palin, a majority decided that it was in the best interest to turn the leadership over to someone slightly more sane.

No, we had to vote for the guy cause we’re all stoopid drooling idiots fawning over Paris Hilton and media celebrities and they made us all lust after Obama, even us men.

For people who claim to love this country so much, they really do hate its people.

Wyatt Watts III

“Mark my word. Hezbollah is laughing at us, tonight,” Schlussel raged.

Ya gotta admit, Debbie Schlussel predicting someone out there is laughing at her is a pretty safe bet.


Don’t forget about the adult diaper…

How could I? Is it getting warm in here or is just the talk about about DKW’s grandma?



Oh and one more thing: WE’RE obsessed w/ O’s mojo?

This has (alas) become the default pseudo-with-it style for pop sociology and psychology articles and, worse, decorating and lifestyle articles that aspire to some (pseudo) academic/social scientific authority, since the 1970s.

E.g. “Suddenly, we’re abandoning no-fat, lite ice creams and taking up, again, with the bad-for-you roues of the ice cream world, where ‘whole cream’ is a boast and not a secret.”

Or, “we’re watching less television but recording more of it.”

Etc. Although this Robin of Berkley creature also wants to trade on the favorite trope of the idiot right wing, their persecution (by “the media” in this case). But then, look at the quotes: everything she writes is a cliche. She’s another ad copy writer banging out material for the client.


“Mark my word. Hezbollah is laughing at us, tonight,” Schlussel raged.

Don’t you get it, man?!! This is the perfect for Hezbollah to infiltrate–through beauty pageants! THINK ABOUT IT.

Are you scoffing…or did I just blow your fucking mind?


I was thinking, more like, gin, mothballs, baby powder and death.

I’ve tasted beers like that.

Not going to check the mangos (Mango beer DO NOT WANT). Does she call for the military America’s friends to stage an intervention and rescue the population from their codependency?


I think all we’ve learned here is how many racial dog-whistles can be forced in to one article. Big, throbbing, turgid dog-whistles, thrusting deeply into the readers wet and tight minds, until they simultaneously explode in a fit of white supremacist ecstasy.


I was thinking, more like, gin, mothballs, baby powder and death.

I’ve tasted beers like that.

That would have been an improvement compared to Duke’s Plutonium Stout. Grapefruit does not belong in beer. Or anything intended for human consumption. That is one brewpub that I am happy is out of business.


wait, “suddenly” sexuality is in all our faces?

I guess Madison Avenue was invented in November 2008?


also, Veiled bukkake reference.


I’ve never understood the appeal of grapefruit. It’s bitter!


Big, throbbing, turgid dog-whistles, thrusting deeply into the readers wet and tight minds, until they simultaneously explode in a fit of white supremacist ecstasy.

*fans self* Good Lord!


how many racial dog-whistles can be forced in to one article.
I buy all my dog-whistles from ACME. What could go wrong?

Oh look, pink dog-whistles for the ladeez.


*fans self* Good Lord!

I know, right? This thread is hot.


It’s conservaporn!


Oh look, pink dog-whistles for the ladeez.

Why must everything lady-related be pink? I happen to love the color, but I’m sure there are lots of women out there who don’t. Ugh.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Don’t you get it, man?!! This is the perfect for Hezbollah to infiltrate–through beauty pageants! THINK ABOUT IT.

It’s quite possible that the pageant results were caused by Obama’s amazing ability to control everything that happens in America. But that Marxist Commie Muslim Nazi forgot one thing!

You don’t qualify for Higher Office by winning a beauty contest. You have to come in 2nd Place. That’s how Caribou Grifter Barbie did it.


You don’t qualify for Higher Office by winning a beauty contest. You have to come in 2nd Place.

HAHAHAHAAHA, Hezzbollah, Obummer and all you Islamofascists out there—YOUR PLOT HAS FAILED!


used sexually hostile, degrading language to smear the Tea Parties and Rush Limbaugh

But I thought “uses sexually hostile, degrading language to smear” is part of the definition of the Tea Parties and Rush Limbaugh.


And those of us who’ve been there and done that know that this sick, symbiotic relationship always ends badly.

I am intrigued by this line of argument that “My first-hand experience with a psychological problem qualifies me to recognise the same problem in a metaphorical form in everyone else”.

In other news, the New Zealand electorate proved themselves to be PISS-HEADS and STALKERS by voting for the current conservative government.


Combine the excessive amount of estrogen with an a-healthy dose of the liberals favorite narcotic and WOW!!! they would most likely fall for even the oddest lookung alien!

What the fuck does this even mean? If we smoke some bud we’ll have sex with Vulcans? “Odd-looking” Mexicans? What?


I’ve never understood the appeal of grapefruit. It’s bitter!

Of course you do, it’s right there in your second sentence!


I don’t know, maybe her “chum” is real. I know that if I had a sneering conservative dipshit for an acquaintance who still needed rides everywhere and couldn’t stop yammering about how they miss Bush’s manly flight suit, I’d probably make a passive-aggressive show of my Obama bumper sticker too incl. kissing it if I caught the perturbed bat sneering at it.

Of course, conservatives knowing nothing other than literalism would interpret that as “omg, the Obama cult is real, I must write an essay about how they want his black schlong” rather than a passive-aggressive “fuck you”.


Why must everything lady-related be pink?

Can I interest you in a pink starting pistol then?


Also, too: “For a long while, it wasn’t safe to wander over to a store’s magazine section.”

ZOMG his sexy African body is assaulting MY VERY EYES!


Can I interest you in a pink starting pistol then?

Holy fuck, keep that pink shit AWAY FROM ME.



You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

What the fuck does this even mean? If we smoke some bud we’ll have sex with Vulcans? “Odd-looking” Mexicans? What?

They’re describing how Maher was able to hang out with Man Coulter.


They’re describing how Maher was able to hang out with Man Coulter.

Plz to not associate our trans friends with such a hideous beast.


Pink studies:

Easier, that is, unless you want to buy your daughter something that isn’t pink. Girls’ obsession with that color may seem like something they’re born with, like the ability to breathe or talk on the phone for hours on end. But according to Jo Paoletti, an associate professor of American studies at the University of Maryland, it ain’t so. When colors were first introduced to the nursery in the early part of the 20th century, pink was considered the more masculine hue, a pastel version of red. Blue, with its intimations of the Virgin Mary, constancy and faithfulness, was thought to be dainty. Why or when that switched is not clear, but as late as the 1930s a significant percentage of adults in one national survey held to that split. Perhaps that’s why so many early Disney heroines — Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Wendy, Alice-in-Wonderland — are swathed in varying shades of azure. (Purple, incidentally, may be the next color to swap teams: once the realm of kings and N.F.L. players, it is fast becoming the bolder girl’s version of pink.)

Know what else was around in the 30s?


Know what else was around in the 30s?

The Hindenberg?


Know what else was around in the 30s?
Mechagodzilla? no… wait, that wasn’t it. How many guesses do I get?


Know what else was around in the 30s?
The Gros Michel variety of Banana?


Caspian Tigers 🙁

Pupienus Maximus

They’re describing how Maher was able to hang out with Man Coulter.

Plz to not associate our trans friends with such a hideous beast.

Wait – Maher is trans? I just can’t keep up anymore.

lipstick on a trig

-Know what else was around in the 30s?-

John McCain?


Wait – Maher is trans? I just can’t keep up anymore.

Kids these days! Amirite?


The same media that stalks Angelina and Paris anointed Obama the ultimate celebrity.

Yes, by god, the very same! It was Gawker, Defamer, Gossip Girls and eonline.com that really got Obama’s career rolling.

You know who else was in the newspapers a lot? Hitler!


Caspian Tigers 🙁

Is there a lower-lip pout emoticon? Because that’s what I just did. And I probably looked dorky.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


As conservatives, we have to figure out some way to snap the Obama Girls and Boys out of their virtual realities.

I know! Try shouting “Look out the horny young buck is coming to sex your women AND men folk!” a little bit louder.

I’m sure once people realize that a) He’s black and b) As a result he wants to shove a bit more than health care reform down their throats, they’ll come flocking to conservatives.

Here’s a megaphone you ugly brain-dead bigot. Knock yourself out. Or go fuck yourself.


My chum Wendy literally kissed her Obama bumper sticker right before my unbelieving eyes.

Worst Penthouse Letter EVER!~




How does this hooker not read this and think “hm, it sounds a bit as if I’m fighting a pants-soaking crush of my own”?

On another note: Where all da white women at?


Smut, that looks like a TOY. Creepy.


Smut, that looks like a TOY. Creepy.

At least it just fires blanks.


Know what else was around in the 30s?

Machinegun Kelly?


…Whale Chowder eats arugula…

DFH all the way, baby!

Excessive estrogen seems to be dominant in liberals. Now I am not saying it is a bad hormone if in the right amounts in the right gender, but men with too much estrogen have weird feelings going up some strange places and people with too much estrogen can be convinced they are in love with anyone of any sexual orientation and they not only believe it, they seem to live it, at least in their own minds.

Plz to read less National Enquirer. Jeebus, where do they come up with this shit? Also, what is our favorite narcotic? I’d like to know for, um, SCIENCE! Yeah…

Could you type more slowly?

Just read it over and over, a little faster, a little harder each time, with perhaps a circular motion thrown in for good measure. Don’t forget to go up on the backstroke paragraph.


Combine the excessive amount of estrogen with an a-healthy dose of the liberals favorite narcotic and WOW!!! they would most likely fall for even the oddest lookung alien!

This is good news for my political aspirations.


This is good news for my political aspirations.

Gonna cost you a fortune, though.


From the moment he arrived on the scene, Obama sent out a sexual tone. Suddenly, sexuality is in our faces, whether it’s gay marriage, queering school kids, or elevating the transgendered to high places in government.

She totally left out dancing with his smokin’ hot wife and mother of his kids.

I know when I look at Barack Obama, I don’t think of gay marriage, queering school kids, or the transgendered. I think of….wow, they look hot together.


Plz to read less National Enquirer. Jeebus, where do they come up with this shit? Also, what is our favorite narcotic? I’d like to know for, um, SCIENCE! Yeah…

I don’t think that even the Enquirer would run some shit like this without at least revealing that it took last place in a “special” essayists contest. Furthermore, I don’t think it’s fair to blame this narcotics. What did drugs do to you?


Smut, that looks like a TOY. Creepy.

Imagine how many times I have heard that.


that looks like a TOY.

Oh yeah? Try these babies. Ain’t no starter pistols, neither.


Combine the excessive amount of estrogen with an a-healthy dose of the liberals favorite narcotic and WOW!!! they would most likely fall for even the oddest lookung alien!

This is good news for my political aspirations.

Didn’t help McCain, and my favorite narcotic is crazy-angry prune-faced old white dude!

Rusty Shackleford

Barbie Dream Sniper Rifle


queering school kids

Pardon me? Fuck you, cunt.


Please excuse my outburst.

That is all.

Carry on.


This from the people who selected Palin, the woman who’d actually wink at her audience in the middle of a serious political discussion?

Oh, well. Richard Hofstader did bring this up in his memorable essay;

“The paranoid’s interpretation of history is distinctly personal: decisive events are not taken as part of the stream of history, but as the consequences of someone’s will. Very often the enemy is held to possess some especially effective source of power: he controls the press; he has unlimited funds; he has a new secret for influencing the mind (brainwashing); he has a special technique for seduction […]”

Whatshisface would appear to prove him right.


My chum (VtunaR) Wendy

Hee hee–look at her try to act like she has any friends. Good times, good times.


2) Watch LOTS of Chuck Norris Michael Bay movies



Didn’t they try this BS with Bill Clinton too?


“I’ve never understood the appeal of grapefruit. It’s bitter!”

Mixed with iced tea, orange juice, nutmeg, and cinnamon it makes excellent punch.


Seems estrogen will fuck you up when mixed with our favorite narcotic…I learn something new every day!

I think I need to do some research.


“Dude! What was in that shit!”

“Oh, I wasn’t sure we had enough, so I cut it with some estrogen”

“Lets do another bowl and go get pedicures!”

“And if the voting booths are open, we can vote straight-party Democrat!”


Didn’t help McCain, and my favorite narcotic is crazy-angry prune-faced old white dude!

McCain was a blood-sucking monster, though, whereas I… umm, okay, H.G. Wells was right about us. But I’m a blood-sucking monster with progressive politics!

(And a taste for wingnut.)

Pupienus Maximus

“I’ve never understood the appeal of grapefruit. It’s bitter!”

Mixed with iced tea, orange juice, nutmeg, gin, mothballs, baby powder and death. and cinnamon it makes excellent punch.

Recipe fiqst.


Wingnut Porn = DO NOT WANT!

From the moment he arrived on the scene, Obama sent out a sexual tone.

Testify, sister, testify!

Indeed, America should’ve known something was fishy when the Democrats put forward a “Marathon Mongolian Clusterfuck/Free Fleshlights & Double-Dongs For Everybody/Gonzo Porn On All Networks 24-7” platform in the summer of 2008 …& you gotta admit, Obama giving that first State Of The Union address in thigh-high leather boots, a thong & nipple-clips WAS a tiny bit over the top.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

If the masses remain enamored with the snarling, disdainful Obama, who is plunging us into ruination, then they’re no longer in just an addicted relationship. They are also in an abusive one.

Snarling? Disdainful? Danielle Steele called, & she wants her cliched adjectives back. Holy shit, does he wear a cravat & ride a fucking Lippazon Stallion too?

Actually, he mostly comes across as the nerd that he is – long detailed answers, lots of “um, er” while he thinks of the right answers instead of regurgitating soundbites, & a downright crazy-intense agenda that he’s constantly fine-tuning.

As for plunging America into ruination, he’s done (& failed to do) some things that I find abhorrent, but anybody who’s nostalgic for a flatlining economy, an unending Iraqi quagmire, accelerating job-losses & an ongoing tsunami of medical bankruptcies needs to give their fucking head a shake to see if there’s any marbles left in there.

Pupienus Maximus

“And if the voting booths are open, we can vote straight-party Democrat!”

Fuck! Thanks for reminding me, hafta drop off our ballots today.


Fuck! Thanks for reminding me, hafta drop off our ballots today.

Fergawdsake, do NOT let your wanton lust for his bonered highness affect your vote! You’d be queering school kids…whatever the fuck that means.


(And a taste for wingnut.)

If you were Robin of Berkeley (as if), you’d have a taste for Obamanut. But then you’d spend an alarming amount of time projecting that onto the rest of the country.


“And if the voting booths are open, we can vote straight-party Democrat!”

I thought the “straight” party was supposed to be the Republicans. Nominally. Give-or-take a wetsuit, dildo or propositioned page or two.


Mixed with iced tea, orange juice, nutmeg, and cinnamon and rum it makes excellent punch.

It’s no gin, mothballs, baby powder and death but it’s good for what ails ya, unlike DKW’s grandma.


Mixed with iced tea, orange juice, nutmeg, gin, mothballs, baby powder and death. and cinnamon it makes excellent punch.

Recipe fiqst.

Needs more estrogen.

Pupienus Maximus

Fergawdsake, do NOT let your wanton lust for his bonered highness affect your vote!

Er, um, I … I don’t…. I can’t even….

You’d be queering school kids…whatever the fuck that means.

If it means what I think it means, I’m guilty. Hey it was decades ago! Honest!


How does this hooker not read this and think “hm, it sounds a bit as if I’m fighting a pants-soaking crush of my own”?

Proofreading is for fags and liberals.

Straight outta the GUTS and onto the goddam PAPER!!!11!1


One half of a grapefruit, broiled with a very little brown sugar on top, is a perfect winter breakfast. Grapefruit Campari sorbet is the best sorbet EVER. Chocolate covered candied grapefruit peels were devoured by one and all the one time I got off my lazy ass to make them, and the plain candied peels MADE the fruitcake they went in.


grapefruit this, grapefruit that look at all the grapfruit stuff I can make that’s tasty, motherfuckers

Sure, as long as you bury the grapefruit taste in other stuff, it’s great. That and your secret ingredient: estrogen.


gin, mothballs, baby powder and death

No no, DKW’s granny smells more like Sterno, beeswax, mouldering paper and disappointment.


Robin of Berkeley:

When I was twenty, I fell hard and fast for a dreamy guy named Will. Handsome and hilarious, Will was the perfect boyfriend…that is, until the day he hit me.

We weren’t arguing; we were just goofing around on the couch. Out of nowhere, he slapped me across the face. Though I was shocked, I somehow found the wherewithal to say, “Don’t do that again.”

When I got my bearings back, I demanded to know why Will hit me. He said he thought I’d like it. I discovered that the man was into some unspeakable behavior, stuff I’d never heard of before. And he had had no problems finding willing others.

During our time together, Will put his perverse proclivities on ice. But I could see the roots of his depravity — his contempt for people, his stinginess, and his narcissism.

Eventually, Will dumped me for another girl. Though I cried inconsolably for weeks, in retrospect, his rejection was the best (and only) gift he ever gave me.

Bonus fisting at the link.


Using lyrics from a Robert Palmer song to buttress her argument is really, really, really, really, REALLY weird.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

We weren’t arguing; we were just goofing around on the couch. Out of nowhere, he slapped me across the face. Though I was shocked, I somehow found the wherewithal to say, “Don’t do that again.”

I wonder if the artistes do that at the S&M tittie bar the GOP likes to spend their donor’s money at.


I wonder if the artistes do that at the S&M tittie bar the GOP likes to spend their donor’s money at.

All services are available, for a price.

I mean, really, Max Mosley (former FIA president, not really important to the discussion, but his dad was a noted far right winger in England in the runup to the war) was able to find women to do “Nazi S&M play”.

A little slapping? At a pretend-S&M bar? What are the odds?


Sure, as long as you bury the grapefruit taste in other stuff, it’s great.

Nuh uh.

That and your secret ingredient: estrogen.

DAMMIT I knew I shouldn’t have told.


When I got my bearings back, I demanded to know why Will hit me. He said he thought I’d like it.

Does stuff like this ever really happen? I mean, who would haul off and hit somebody without ever finding out if the other person is into it?


Proofreading is for fags and liberals.

Straight outta the GUTS and onto the goddam PAPER!!!11!1

Wolverines goddammit! Fuck yeah.

It never ceases to amaze me just how transparent wingnut projection can be.

Shorter wingnut–Freud was right. About everything. Also John Wayne and puppies.


Robin of Berkeley is not just any wingnut, she’s the especially creepy I-used-to-be-a-liberal variety.

A PUMA to be exact.


When I got my bearings back, I demanded to know why Will hit me. He said he thought I’d like it.

Does stuff like this ever really happen? I mean, who would haul off and hit somebody without ever finding out if the other person is into it?

Of course it does. She just left off the preface: “Dear Penthouse Forum; I never thought this would happen to me…”

(Riffing on Woodrowfan’s original smackdown)

The Tragically Flip

Yeah, Chris nails it with the Palin point. Do we need to break out the starbursts quote?

There’s no doubt that the candidate’s appearance matters. There’s a reason the taller candidate almost always wins, and almost no democracy ever elects a bald man, and I never say this, but this is probably one of those things that both sides do significantly. I’d like to think the right is worse for it, but if they are, it isn’t by much. If JFK had a horrible disfiguring scar, Nixon would have been President in 1960.


Robin of Berkeley is not just any wingnut, she’s the especially creepy I-used-to-be-a-liberal variety.

Oh, those are the worst. They claim to have some understanding of liberal ideas. Pretty hilarious stuff.

They like to say “I’m liberal but a fiscal conservative”, which translated to non-rhetorical, means “I’m smart but really fuckin’ stupid”. Mmmmk.


Does stuff like this ever really happen? I mean, who would haul off and hit somebody without ever finding out if the other person is into it?

Well, there are some people who cry when the person who hauled off and hit them dump them. See above.


gin, mothballs, baby powder and death
Sterno, beeswax, mouldering paper and disappointment.

The one candy he did not get to taste – one Mrs. Quoad withheld – was the Fire of Paradise, that famous confection of high price and protean taste – “salted plum” to one, “artificial cherry” to another… “sugared violets”… “Worcestershire sauce”… “spiced treacle”… any number of like descriptions, positive, terse – never exceeding two words in length – resembling the descriptions of poison and debilitating gases found in training manuals, “sweet-and-sour eggplant” being perhaps the lengthiest to date.


Robin of Berkeley’s theme music:

Who’s the black private dick
That’s a sex machine to all the chicks?
Ya damn right!

Who is the man that would risk his neck
For his brother man?
Can you dig it?

Who’s the cat that won’t cop out
When there’s danger all about?
Right On!

They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother
I’m talkin’ ’bout Shaft.

He’s a complicated man
But no one understands him but his woman

Lurking Canadian

Excessive estrogen seems to be dominant in liberals. Now I am not saying it is a bad hormone if in the right amounts in the right gender, but men with too much estrogen have weird feelings going up some strange places and people with too much estrogen can be convinced they are in love with anyone of any sexual orientation and they not only believe it, they seem to live it, at least in their own minds.

Hmmm…pseudoscience in service of right-wing eliminationist rhetoric. Been tried before. Doesn’t end well.


You just quoted one of my favorite parts of that book.


Yep, Robin of Fuxley appears to be all about the SHAFT, if you know what I mean and I think you do…


Smut, I tip my chapeau to you for being able to pull that quote out of that, um, dense work.

77south, props for recognizing it.

Me, I read it (some years ago, in my defense) and recall nearly nothing except a ringing in my ears at night when I put the book down.

Sen. Scott Brown

Hey! What about me?


For further Robin-of-Berkeley goodness, see World-o’crap.


They claim to have some understanding of liberal ideas.

Her understanding of the leftist mind is profound.

Lefties are sadistic nihilists:
(Liberals have created a) secular society where anything goes, where self fulfillment reigns, where morals and values are as disposable as yesterday’s underwear, to be thrown in the trash when you’re tired of them. A society gone mad, a “return to the primitive,” as Ayn Rand described it forty years ago when she witnessed the growing power of the Left. Adults who have the impulse control of two year olds marching around, unhinged and uncontrolled, like Lord of the Flies.

Lefties are rabid beasts:
evil exists, and it’s running rampant all over the country and spreading like wildfire. The meanest, most sociopathic fringes of the far left have been set loose, like rabid beasts unleashed from a cage, and they’re sinking their diseased fangs into conservatives. And there’s more people foaming at the mouth every day. But this is part of the Left’s plan…

Enough of that. I gotta go sink my diseased fangs into a conservative. Toodle-ooo.


Gin, mothballs, baby powder and death
Sterno, beeswax, mouldering paper and disappointment
These are a few of my favourite things…

Doesn’t scan.



Citizen–good god that is silly

Whoever had the grapefruit drink recipe…that actually sounds pretty yummers

Sen. Brown's Dermatologist

Hey! What about me?

Senator, next time you are in front of a mirror, look very carefully at your skin tone. I think that might give you a hint.


A fucking objectivist wants to talk about maturity? Irony is dead, long live irony.


Stinking of mothballs
And paper a-moulderin’
Sterno and beeswax
And deadly bathtub gin

Death, disappointment
Sterno in a can

These things remind me
Of Dee-Kay-Dub’s Graaaan

When the fangs bite
When the slap stings
When O makes me saaad

I simply remember Dee-Kay-Dubya’s Gran
And then I don’t feeeel
Soooo sad.


I simply remember Dee-Kay-Dubya’s Gran that nasty old hag


Scans better.


Hmmm…pseudoscience in service of right-wing eliminationist rhetoric. Been tried before. Doesn’t end well.

Oy. Too soon…

(Liberals have created a) secular society where anything goes, where self fulfillment reigns, where morals and values are as disposable as yesterday’s underwear, to be thrown in the trash when you’re tired of them. A society gone mad, a “return to the primitive,” as Ayn Rand described it forty years ago when she witnessed the growing power of the Left. Adults who have the impulse control of two year olds marching around, unhinged and uncontrolled, like Lord of the Flies.

Forget maturity, I love that the man has the face to bitch about “a secular society” and then quote Ayn Rand in the very same sentence. If there’s one thing Ayn Rand hated almost as much as socialists, it was Christians… which is one of the many reasons I think the right’s religious fervor is completely phony.

Enough of that. I gotta go sink my diseased fangs into a conservative. Toodle-ooo.

Make way for the Heir of Slytherin! Seriously evil wizard coming through!


(Liberals have created a) secular society where anything goes, where self fulfillment reigns, where morals and values are as disposable as yesterday’s underwear, to be thrown in the trash when you’re tired of them. A society gone mad, a “return to the primitive,” as Ayn Rand described it forty years ago when she witnessed the growing power of the Left. Adults who have the impulse control of two year olds marching around, unhinged and uncontrolled, like Lord of the Flies.

Vermont IS lovely.


Quoting myself quoting Robin of Berkeley:
(Lefties are) Adults who have the impulse control of two year olds…

America is being overrun by hordes of Marxist poopy-pants.


Enough of that. I gotta go sink my diseased fangs into a conservative. ”

I’ll give you the name of my dentist; my fangs are white and shiny.


Tigris–tee hee!


From Subby’s link (damn youuu!), hidden away among the unsubstantiated claims about the “Gay Agenda” was this little gem:

It’s one thing to support a teen who believes he or she is gay. But recruiting kids not only into homosexuality, but towards dangerous and degrading behavior? Divorcing any connection between sex and love and marriage?

So…she supports gay marriage then? (bwahaha!) More likely, she has no idea of the cognitive dissonance embedded in that paragraph.


So, they’re still hurt about how Obama rammed his massive health care package down their unwilling throats, deep into the American economy?


Stinking of mothballs
And paper a-moulderin’
Sterno and beeswax
And deadly bathtub gin

Hee hee.


Let’s go over it one more time, wingnuts: Rand was an atheist. A foaming at the mouth atheist. She made Madalyn Murray O’Hair seem like a Carmelite nun. She despised Christianity for its tendency to justify altruism, the original sin of Objectivism.


It’s one thing to support a teen who believes he or she is gay. But recruiting kids not only into homosexuality, but towards dangerous and degrading behavior? Divorcing any connection between sex and love and marriage?

Recruitment office? Behind the church, but in Dangerville, USA? Sex and marriage? Hating out loud? Cognitiii..what? Sentence fragment? Is ‘sentence fragment’ a sentence fragment? What?


The fact is, make all the jokes about faggot sex you want (so much for being “down” with your homosexual bretheren, you use them as tools only), Obama has increased imortality and decline of the Race, using race mixing and premartial sex as a weapon. You will all face feirce completition from the Heartland as we take back congress this November, get our country back and then take the White House in 2012 and make SARAH PALIN OUR TRUE LEADAR….


So, they’re still hurt about how Obama rammed his massive health care package down their unwilling throats, deep into the American economy?

It wasn’t the throat, and he wiped the package on the curtains after he done did da deed.


The fact is, Rand Paul is a moral man who supports God and the Free Market System and No Leaches like Blacks and welfare cases and hippys.


Hi Gary! You’re cool. Let’s be friends. You sound a little personally hurt by the gay jokes. Something you’re not telling us, Sir G?


The meanest, most sociopathic fringes of the far left have been set loose


I have been holding myself back for quite some time now.


The fact is, Randy Paul Jackson is a moral man who supports God DAWG, YO

Testify, brother! Hell yeah!


Let’s go over it one more time, wingnuts: Rand was an atheist. A foaming at the mouth atheist. She made Madalyn Murray O’Hair seem like a Carmelite nun. She despised Christianity for its tendency to justify altruism, the original sin of Objectivism.

Right on. And let’s go over this one more time, in case there was any doubt; CONSERVATIVES DON’T CARE ABOUT CHRISTIANITY. It has its uses as an electoral tool, a way to bring the masses to the poll and all that… but truth be told, the masses don’t really care about Christianity that much either. As a piece of identity, a way of saying “Group of people I belong to who are therefore better than the other groups of people over there,” yes… as a system of values, not at all.



I have been holding myself back for quite some time now.

Get ’em, M!


(via the World-O-Crap link) More insight into the true nature of leftists from Robin of Berkeley:

We can see right through them. We know who they are: the most piteous of human beings, and the most dangerous. Men without a country, orphans far from home. The forsaken and disowned.

They’re “hungry ghosts,” to use a Tibetan phrase: tormented beings who are starving to death from their inner nothingness.

Every miserable minute of my rotten life is a plunge into an abyss of absolute emptiness bordered by desolate expanses of pointless torment and aimless meaninglessness onto which dark, dismal clouds of despair drop golf-ball sized hailstones of wretched agony.

Lurking Canadian

She despised Christianity for its tendency to justify altruism, the original sin of Objectivism.

I would say “require” rather than “justify”, but it is not to worry. Modern American Christianity seems to have removed that obstacle. Just ask Glenn Beck.

So, they’re still hurt about how Obama rammed his massive health care package down their unwilling throats, deep into the American economy?

The key question is this: did he go up on the backstroke?


Hol’ up: where morals and values are as disposable as yesterday’s underwear, to be thrown in the trash when you’re tired of them.

Laundromat, find one. Use detergent.

Randian Super Genius

“Group of people I belong to who are therefore better than the other groups of people over there,” yes… as a system of values, not at all.



John Galt. So there. SHUTUP, fag!


They’re “hungry ghosts,” to use a Tibetan phrase: tormented beings who are starving to death from their inner nothingness.

A bowl of Kashi and I’m right as rain.


So… am I to understand that the rightards have finally gotten over Teh Clenis?


Why do you say your rotten life is a plunge into an abyss of absolute emptiness bordered by desolate expanses of pointless torment and aimless meaninglessness onto which dark dismal clouds of despair drop golfball sized hailstones of wretched agony?


Why do you say your rotten life is a plunge into an abyss of absolute emptiness bordered by desolate expanses of pointless torment and aimless meaninglessness onto which dark dismal clouds of despair drop golfball sized hailstones of wretched agony?

I, um, well…




Every miserable minute of my rotten life is a plunge into an abyss of absolute emptiness bordered by desolate expanses of pointless torment and aimless meaninglessness onto which dark, dismal clouds of despair drop golf-ball sized hailstones of wretched agony.

Please put me on your email list as soon as you can get out from under the hailstones & stuff.


Why do you say your rotten life is a plunge into an abyss of absolute emptiness bordered by desolate expanses of pointless torment and aimless meaninglessness onto which dark dismal clouds of despair drop golfball sized hailstones of wretched agony?

Answer 2:

Cuz iam a consertive. get a brain morans!


I, um, well…



Can you elaborate on that?


Obama has increased imortality and decline of the Race

How can they decline if they’re immortal?


We can see right through them. We know who they are: the most piteous of human beings, and the most dangerous. Men without a country, orphans far from home. The forsaken and disowned.

They’re “hungry ghosts,” to use a Tibetan phrase: tormented beings who are starving to death from their inner nothingness.

Yes, pity the poor Leftist, who fill his emptiness with false religion and an imaginary God, then demands everyone treat his religion as a special thing, the only source of truth and morality, while he uses it as a club to beat anyone who dares believe differently.


How can they decline if they’re immortal?

They’re over the hill for a very, very long time.

Shell Goddamnit

Back to the guy that hit Poor Robin:

When I got my bearings back, I demanded to know why Will hit me. He said he thought I’d like it.

Does stuff like this ever really happen? I mean, who would haul off and hit somebody without ever finding out if the other person is into it?”

Well, imagine it. You are dating a wet mess like Robin of Berkeley. Wouldn’t you feel the urge to slap her?

Hell, I feel the urge to slap her right fucking now.


Can you elaborate on that?

**sniff** well, my life is a 40 year long country song. My dog, my truck, my girl, all gone. Absolute emptiness and pitiless torment only begin to describe it. American Idol isn’t going my way. Neither is Dancing with the Stards. It’s NOT FAIR.


Hell, I feel the urge to slap her right fucking now.

I know, right? I want to mail this guy a thank you card.


“Eventually, Will dumped me for another girl. Though I cried inconsolably for weeks, in retrospect, his rejection was the best (and only) gift he ever gave me.”

He clocked you across the face…but you were sorry he eventually dumped you? Uh-huh…


Yes, pity the poor Leftist, who fill his emptiness with false religion and an imaginary God, then demands everyone treat his religion as a special thing, the only source of truth and morality, while he uses it as a club to beat anyone who dares believe differently.

Oh I know! Tom Cruise!


USA Apple Pie Mom

I love coming to sites like this and see the extreme, pathetic attitudes of the left. Rand Paul and his father are about less federal government and government in general, but want local and state governments to govern for once.

You think Rand is extreme huh? Your socialist, muslim, kenyan-born president isn’t? Allowing millions of illegal immigrants amnesty and permitting more to come across the borders to kill American ranchers isn’t extreme? Shredding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in favor of a more Socialistic government isn’t extreme? Actually it’s treason, but you lazy, dumb a-s-s-e-s who feign to call yourselves Americans can’t see that because you want to be fed and coddled by the government then gettng up and fighting tyranny and oppression.

Most of you here don’t even deserve to be Americans. Most of you here never have picked up a weapon and defended anything except your yuppy stupidity and ignorance behind a wall of monitors and keyboards. It’s people like you that sat on their hands when the British invaded and real Americans like Rand and other patriots who picked up their guns and fought for freedom, the freedom you now possess but want to hand over to a muslim and his illegal immigrant supporting administration. Don’t worry though….real patriots will save this country once again so just stay out of our way commies.


“Hell, I feel the urge to slap her right fucking now.”

Hee. “Robin, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?”


It’s people like you that sat on their hands when the British invaded and real Americans like Rand and other patriots

Okay, I figured Rand was older than the hype, but is the elder Paul killing virgins for their life-infusing essences?


stupidity and ignorance behind a wall of monitors and keyboards

Is that like the Monitors and the Merrimacs?

Shell Goddamnit

Oh, fuck every Paul in North America. Who cares? AMERICA doesn’t love liberty, you dope. YOU don’t love liberty.

Fighting tyranny and oppression. Don’t make me loff.


Most of you here don’t even deserve to be Americans.
Well now, that statement doubtlessly belongs in the Dumbshit Hall of Fame.

Most of you here never have picked up a weapon and defended anything except your yuppy stupidity and ignorance behind a wall of monitors and keyboards
Ok, Apple Tart Mom, I’ll bet you picked up a weapon and marched into combat. Be careful what you say, SuperGenius. Many of us have served this country with distinction and honor. I’d suggest you shut your pukehole where service to this nation is concerned.

It’s people like you that sat on their hands when the British invaded and real Americans like Rand and other patriots who picked up their guns and fought for freedom,
I’m pretty sure nobody here was alive during the War of 1812. I wasn’t. A few years before my time.

the freedom you now possess but want to hand over to a muslim and his illegal immigrant supporting administration. Don’t worry though….real patriots will save this country once again so just stay out of our way commies
Awesome train wreck of stupid, Apple Bottom. Well done. **golf clap**

You may return to your regularly scheduled PalinPorn.


How many monitors would it take to make a wall, and don’t they bite when you try to stack them?


Every miserable minute of my rotten life is a plunge into an abyss of absolute emptiness bordered by desolate expanses of pointless torment and aimless meaninglessness onto which dark, dismal clouds of despair drop golf-ball sized hailstones of wretched agony

…the rest of the North Island can expect increasing fine periods, with fresh Northerlies and fine weather for tomorrow.


How many monitors would it take to make a wall,

Aw shit. New problem to keep me awake at night–thanks tigris. I’m STILL working on how much wood a woodchuck might chuck if said chuck were inclined to chuck wood. So far I’m up to a cord worth of verifiable results, but I’m having serious issues with chuck mutiny.


You think Rand is extreme huh? Your socialist, muslim, kenyan-born president isn’t? Allowing millions of illegal immigrants amnesty and permitting more to come across the borders to kill American ranchers isn’t extreme?

No brah, murdering one million people because their skin’s brown and you need a political victory is extreme.

Most of you here don’t even deserve to be Americans. Most of you here never have picked up a weapon and defended anything except your yuppy stupidity and ignorance behind a wall of monitors and keyboards.

All right, Man Behind A Monitor And Keyboard. Where was George W. Bush at the time of the Vietnam war? Where was Dick Cheney? Where was Wolfowitz? Rove? Any of these guys? While we’re at it, where was Reagan during World War Two? Anyone?

Several thousand miles away from John Kerry and Max Cleland, I’ll wager. Of course, you do have your own veterans (G. H. W. Bush, McCain, Powell) but you keep throwing them away as “liberals.” Huh. I guess the difference between a Real Republican and a God Damn Liberal is the difference between fighting a war and talking about it from the safety of a keyboard and monitor in Bumblefuck, South Carolina.


I got my DD-214 and my expert marksman ribbon right here, apple pie bitch. Bite me.


I’m pretty sure nobody here was alive during the War of 1812. I wasn’t. A few years before my time.

But if you had been, you’d have been hiding behind A WALL OF MONITORS AND KEYBOARDS. You bastard.


And though the monitors were small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many monitors it takes to make a wall


Arlan Specter loses!


I got my DD-214 and my expert marksman ribbon right here, apple pie bitch. Bite me.

Same here, only Sharpshooter. Stupid A1 (yeah, I’m that old) jammed, costing me 3 targets.

Andrew Jackson

Don’t shoot until you see the Blue of their Screens, boys!


But if you had been, you’d have been hiding behind A WALL OF MONITORS AND KEYBOARDS. You bastard.

Is she talking about Woodstock? And I don’t mean the little yellow birdie that never speaks yet has so much to say…

Pupienus Maximus

Blanche (alas, not that Blanche) appears to be holding on. Probably won’t get the 50% so there’s a runoff but she’ll win that.

Arlen “One Bullet” Specter appears to be in trouble. Pretty big trouble. ‘Bout fucking time, too. People are tired of holding their noses and voting for Arlen “One Bullet” Specter for a long time now.

And in more good news, the D in the PA-12 special election (to fill John “King of Pork” Murtha’s seat is well in front. That’s the otherwise heavily R district the R’s were getting ready to tout as “See! The Dems are in big trouble come Nov.”

Sorry. There’s elections. There’s gin. I get carried away.

Also FYWP with a cunt augur. I said, FYWP. What the fuck don'[t you understand about FYFingWP? Bitch.


USA Apple Pie Mom says:

I fighted a war! It was vietnam and we had to go on a riverboat and relieve a crrraaaazzzyass Colonel of his command. It was pure horror. But I did come to love the smell of napalm in the morning, feel me, brah?


Sorry. There’s elections. There’s gin. I get carried away.

There’s Obama’s throbbing, erect health care plan…


Was it good news?

I admit I haven’t been following the primaries closely, and I’m biased because a friend of mine worked in his office until very recently… But wouldn’t Specter, being more in the center, have a better chance of winning in November? Or does the “throw the bums out” sentiment mean a fresh face will be better?


Most of you here don’t even deserve to be Americans.

This is the real problem. Our politics have always been contentious – a motherfucker got caned on the floor of the U.S. Senate, for God’s sake – but this whole idea that the other side is actively “un-American” or “trying to destroy the country” is just not healthy for us. In retrospect, it probably wasn’t healthy even if/when the neocons actually were trying to destroy the country, because it just made the people who would become Tea Partiers all the angrier.

I don’t want to sound like David Broder here, but seriously, moving a little to the center would be nice. Because one day either the Tea Partiers, or whatever we cook up to answer them, is going to be so goddamn far out there that there will be no going back. People will get hurt. I would like to avoid that.

Shell Goddamnit

“this whole idea that the other side is actively “un-American” or “trying to destroy the country” is just not healthy for us. In retrospect, it probably wasn’t healthy even if/when the neocons actually were trying to destroy the country, because it just made the people who would become Tea Partiers all the angrier.

I don’t want to sound like David Broder here, but seriously, moving a little to the center would be nice.”

Well, ya do sound like Broder. This false equivalence – how long have you had it? You should get it looked at.


From what I’ve heard, Sestak’s got a better chance of beating Toomey because he’s got less baggage. It’s 48-44 Toomey right now, but that sort of gap can be made up.

Pupienus Maximus

I admit I haven’t been following the primaries closely, and I’m biased because a friend of mine worked in his office until very recently… But wouldn’t Specter, being more in the center, have a better chance of winning in November? Or does the “throw the bums out” sentiment mean a fresh face will be better?

Yes, I think it was good news. I’ll toss out a disclaimer that I haven’t lived in PA for 3 1/2 years now but hell, I lived there for 20 years before that and, with the exception of a brief 10 year long “semester off”, pretty much all my life.

Sestak is trailing Twoomey in the latest polls but at this point, any polls matching those two up are largely meaningless. Sestak is unknown, Twoomey has decent name recognition from his several failed prior runs. Twoomey, though, is known primarily for challenging Specter from the right.

Dems in PA have always accepted Arlen “One Bullet” Specter but only quite grudgingly . There’s NFW he could carry the INDs AND the DEMs in the general. Joe Sestak – Admiral Joe, that is – can. And there’s liittle reason to expect the moderates, INDs etc., to go with far right Twoomey.

All in all, I call it a win for D’s.


I think the whole “not healthy for the country bit” is a lot more fun when you use it to shame Republicans in person, in public. I used it on a whole table full of numbnuts Fox News junkies at a business dinner. They were screeching about the “liberal” media; I spoke up and said I didn’t find the media particularly “liberal” and when they howled in protest, I continued that I thought the media in general, including those “liberal” outfits (everything other than Fox), all do a crap job of informing people about what they need to know about, and that as far as Fox goes, what with O’Reilly and others calling people out as “unpatriotic” that while I couldn’t define exactly what patriotism is, I damn well know what it is not, and what it is not is turning citizen against citizen over differences of opinion about public policy. That as Lincoln said, a house divided against itself cannot stand, and that anyone actively trying to divide the citizenry against one another most definitely DOES have an agenda, but that agenda has nothing whatsoever to do with “what’s best for the country,” because any fool could see that setting the country at each others’ throats is not a GOOD thing.

And when I finished, not a goddamned one of them would look me in the eye, though they all more or less murmured assent.

And then when dinner was over, they went back to their hotel rooms and turned on Fox News.

But at least I had that moment of publicly shaming them.


Joe Sestak – Admiral Joe, that is – can. And there’s liittle reason to expect the moderates, INDs etc., to go with far right Twoomey.

Was it hard to find Sestak behind the wall of keyboards and monitors?


FY fucking wordpress. I’m not re-writing that shit.


This wing-nuttery will, if unchecked, get some people hurt, no doubt. The wing-nuts are being bullies, and assuming that they’ve got a lot of easy, passive targets. I’d say we should take every opportunity to interrupt their fantasy. I spent four years in the military and didn’t serve with a single wing-nut. We liked Carter. We didn’t think Reagan was the second coming. No one ever got called down for calling him a senile boob. We spoke far more freely than is acceptable to speak in public now. Maybe the military has changed a lot, but I suspect a lot of wing-nuts have never served, and the ones who have were in the Army.

Pupienus Maximus

Was it hard to find Sestak behind the wall of keyboards and monitors?

Not with that feather duster sticking out of his ass it wasn’t.



It was changing quickly while I was in-87-89. By that time, the buildup was essentially complete, and the dick flexing was rampant. Still, though, the idea that wingnuts fill the ranks of the military displays a complete ignorance of the fact that plenty of soldiers are intelligent, free-thinking young men and women.


Not with that feather duster sticking out of his ass it wasn’t.

HAHA! Well played, sir.


This is the real problem. Our politics have always been contentious – a motherfucker got caned on the floor of the U.S. Senate, for God’s sake – but this whole idea that the other side is actively “un-American” or “trying to destroy the country” is just not healthy for us. In retrospect, it probably wasn’t healthy even if/when the neocons actually were trying to destroy the country, because it just made the people who would become Tea Partiers all the angrier.

Last time this happened was during the Gilded Age, when the “real Americans” were Northern WASPs, and the “unAmerican enemies” were either Southerners or inner-city immigrants (mostly Catholic or Jewish). Then as now, it was the big money that kept the narrative going in order to keep the rabble fighting amongst themselves. (No one’s going to notice you stealing the cash drawer if you do it in the middle of a bar brawl).

The Real Americans resented the rich too, but up until the Great Depression, they preferred to fuck themselves over along with the immigrants, than hold their nose and join the immigrants in fighting for more justice. (The Bull Moose platform was essentially “Populism for Real Americans,” which is what differentiated it from the Democrats who still had the bulk of their support in the South and the inner cities).

To paraphrase Golda Meir, conservatism will end when conservatives love their children more than they hate everyone else.


the final judges of the 2010 Miss USA Pageant were:

Carmelo Anthony – NBA’s Denver Nuggets who is a two-time Olympic medalist.
Tara Conner – Miss USA 2006
Paula Deen – Best-selling author, chef and host of four shows on The Food Network.
Oscar Nunez – Star of NBC’s hit comedy series, “The Office”.
Phil Ruffin – American businessman and real estate mogul.
Suze Yalof-Schwart – Executive Fashion Editor-at-Large of Glamour.
Melania Trump – Model who has appeared on multiple magazine covers including Vogue and the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
Johnny Weir – Three-time National Champion figure skater and Olympian.

Islamofascist infiltration of our society is worse than I thought. I mean even Paula Fuckin Deen!


Mmmmm. The tasty wingnutty goodness of the American Thinker comments section.

I’ve known charming African Americans in my life. They “seduce” you with their chatter and “street” hustler attitude…
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Excessive estrogen seems to be dominant in liberals… men with too much estrogen have weird feelings going up some strange places and people with too much estrogen can be convinced they are in love with anyone of any sexual orientation and they not only believe it, they seem to live it, at least in their own minds. Combine the excessive amount of estrogen with an a-healthy dose of the liberals favorite narcotic and WOW!!! they would most likely fall for even the oddest lookung alien!
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Are we able and willing to digest the idea that our president is not sexually who he wants everyone to think he is? When he told the gay meeting at the WH that he wanted to be “more than friends” what did he mean by that?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
More evidence of the old time wisdom. Only property owning citizens should be granted the vote.


Wow–@84% reported, Sestak 54%, Spector 46%.

Old fashioned bitch slappin’.


More evidence of the old time wisdom. Only property owning citizens should be granted the vote.

Conservatives everywhere should so proud. Brings a tear to my eye…

This isn’t about race, though. Liberals are the real racists.


Interesting factiod:

It appears that in these states having both Repubican and Democratic primaries, that people have turned out for the Democratic primaries while for the Republican ones, not so much.

In the much-ballyhooed KY race where the teabaggers gleefully claimed a scalp by nominating Rand Paul, about 35% more people voted in the Democratic Senate primary than the Republican primary.

In Arkansas, so far, about 3 – 4 times more people have voted in the Democratic Senate primary as in the Republican Senate primary.

I’m not sure I’d characterize that as “good news for Republicans” either now or come this fall. And that’s not even mentioning that the Dem won the special election in PA to fill Murtha’s seat.


I’ve known charming African Americans in my life. They “seduce” you with their chatter and “street” hustler attitude…

“Wow”. That’s a “stupid” fucking “thing” to say…


Did you bookmark that, Troofus?


Thanks for the clarifications on Sestak/Specter.


FY fucking wordpress. I’m not re-writing that shit.

Shame. Your posts are usually the very best (and that’s not a commentary on anyone else’s, cause I’ve seen a lot of gold here).

This wing-nuttery will, if unchecked, get some people hurt, no doubt. The wing-nuts are being bullies, and assuming that they’ve got a lot of easy, passive targets. I’d say we should take every opportunity to interrupt their fantasy. I spent four years in the military and didn’t serve with a single wing-nut. We liked Carter. We didn’t think Reagan was the second coming. No one ever got called down for calling him a senile boob. We spoke far more freely than is acceptable to speak in public now. Maybe the military has changed a lot, but I suspect a lot of wing-nuts have never served, and the ones who have were in the Army.

Heartening to hear – it does seem to me that the military, overall, have a lot more sense than the people who send them into harm’s way (and also that they’re not quite as conservative as their fan club claims). It tells you something when virtually all the Vietnam veterans in government are either Democrats or moderate Republicans who get excoriated by their own base.

Ah well – I suppose people who truly do great things don’t feel the need to talk about them all the time.

Well-Boned Todd

Heh. She said ‘well-toned bod.’

Pupienus Maximus

I am shocked and more than a little appalled that Johny Weir and ….

Wait. I bet Paula Deen has more queerboy friends than she can count.

But really, Johny: Paula Deen?!? Gurl, whats got into ya?


I’m not sure I’d characterize that as “good news for Republicans” either now or come this fall. And that’s not even mentioning that the Dem won the special election in PA to fill Murtha’s seat.

Uh oh–libz is titening their grip on amercia!


Bristol Palin has signed with a speakers bureau for a tidy sum of between $15,000 and $30,000 per speech, RadarOnline reports.

.Palin’s listed programs include “Abstinence,” “Conference,” “Fundraiser,” “Pro-Life,” “Special Event/Holiday,” “Women’s,” and “Youth” — She also looks to be the relatively new bureau’s highest-profile speaker to date, except perhaps for Drew Brees.


Former First Lady Laura Bush’s revelations that she is both supportive of abortion rights and equal marriage rights regardless of gender has made her new memoir extremely popular, according to The Guardian.


Islamofascist infiltration of our society is worse than I thought. I mean even Paula Fuckin Deen!

In her defense, she was hammered and seeing double. Filling out a ballot when there are two in front of you can be, um, difficult. Trust me on that one, my friends.


My recommendation to Robin Berkely, is to find a black man, fuck him, and get it out of her system.


Drive-by troll sounded cranky. I’m guessing the primaries aren’t going well for them.


My recommendation to Robin Berkely, is to find a black man, fuck him, and get it out of her system.

Yes, a charming African American who can “seduce” her with his chatter and “street” hustler attitude. You just know there’s a good fuckin’ cuming your way when you get “hustled” with chatter. Whooooeeeee! “Word”.

Lurking Canadian

The new face of American Jihad. Praise be to Allah.

The burqa ain’t what it used to be.


The new face of American Jihad. Praise be to Allah.

No! This is a modern day Matta Harry! Don’t be fulled by the urserper moslim!


Did you bookmark that, Troofus?

NO and you canot make me! neah!


I’m not sure I’d characterize that as “good news for Republicans” either now or come this fall. And that’s not even mentioning that the Dem won the special election in PA to fill Murtha’s seat.

It looks like my useless twit of a rep. managed to fend off the teabagger in the PA-19 primary, also too. Maybe he’ll stop pandering to them now.


Jennifer said,
May 19, 2010 at 4:39
Did you bookmark that, Troofus?

You know what that sounded like here? SSSSMACK!!!!

Jennifer brings the thunder.

Pupienus Maximus

PA-19th, eh? Any good scrapple round those parts?


PA-19th, eh? Any good scrapple round those parts?

Sadly, yes. Not to mention plenty of battle flags–sometimes it’s hard to believe that I moved north of the Mason-Dixon line.


From the moment he arrived on the scene, Obama sent out a sexual tone




PA-19th, eh? Any good scrapple round those parts?

Yes, and the winning word they spelled for the Goopers in November is: DOOM!!!


Election update from the orange Satan.
Not a good night for Blanche. Not at all.

42.6 reporting

Lincoln 43.8
Halter 42.1
Morrison 14.1

There’s also some drama over in the GOP primary:
42.2 reporting
Boozman 50.1
Holt 16.5
Baker 12.5

Boozman is the GOP’s establishment pick and polls best against the Dems. He’s been flirting with that 50% line all night, and the last thing he needs is to face a runoff against one of the four teabaggers currently splitting the anti-him vote.

Update: AP calls a runoff. Lincoln can’t get to 50 percent. She won’t even be close.


I can’t help rooting for a guy name Boozman.


I can’t help rooting for a guy name Boozman.

Depends on whether or not he’s going up against Hempseed in November.




Did you know that you can create a map starting with Dick Swett?


“Whoever had the grapefruit drink recipe…that actually sounds pretty yummers.”

Thanks–it was my grandmother’s and we make it at Xmas and Thanksgiving dinner. Ginger ale gives it a nice fizz. You can also substitute pineapple juice for grapefruit juice, but I personally find that version too sweet.


“…where morals and values are as disposable as yesterday’s underwear, to be thrown in the trash when you’re tired of them.”

Yeah, Victoria’s Secret is mostly crap, but sheesh…


Here’s a cheery little depiction of the size of the Louisiana oil spill. Just in case you weren’t horrified enough.


From the moment he arrived on the scene, Obama sent out a sexual tone.

hahaha, what?

I don’t see a “shoved down our throats” reference. I guess the Con-essay-generator didn’t issue one of those when she was composing.


Here’s a cheery little depiction of the size of the Louisiana oil spill. Just in case you weren’t horrified enough.

Hey! Put that shit on red state–not Eastern Washington.

Yeah, that’s very cheery. Nothing like shattering the old records, eh? Fuck.


Put that shit on red state

If you follow the original source back (to NYT? can’t remember) you can apply it to other fun places like Paris, New York or some other hellhole like that.

Actually it uses GOOG Earth so you can center it right on James Inhofe’s district if you were so inclined. Ahem. Not that I would do such a thing myself, that is.


After reading this nonsense about “Will”, I read Robin of Berkeley’s earliest pieces, and found she is just a never-ending morass of neediness who’s desperate to be validated. She’s one of those people who never actually believed in anything at all, but just went along with whatever crowd she happened to be with. After extreme butthurt from supporting Hillary, (which let’s be honest, was probably just a few heated discussions that she overreacted to, what with her drunk and negligent parents and the brother who, and I quote, hated her from the moment she was born and made her life a living hell), she took her toys and went home, regrouped, and decided to try to ingratiate herself to the most extreme people she could find, thinking that she could finally find the love that she so craves from the people who are the exact opposite of her secular Jewish liberal parents. Paradoxically, she apparently really damaged her brain from all those drugs she says she did, or she needs to be medicated. It’s not cool to be taking out your family issues on society when you’re 54 goddamn years old.


It’s not cool to be taking out your family issues on society when you’re 54 goddamn years old.

Sweet! That means I have, like three years to go!


It’s not cool to be taking out your family issues on society when you’re 54 goddamn years old.

Is it OK if you’re, oh, say, 56 & closing on 57? Or would you prefer I take out my societal issues on my family?


Honestly, it’s only acceptable to take out your family issues on society at large when you’re in the throes of that adolescent “nobody understands me, I hate the world” phase. And even then, it shouldn’t go beyond impotent rage at all authority figures and sullen loitering.


Attacked from the right. I am sure he is 100% wrong on many other things.



Late for the party, but does anyone else see strange symmetry in the fact, that (according to certain claims), “Wendy” is a made up name, for a made up character, in a story about a boy who doesn’t want to grow up?

These guys couldn’t make it funnier if they tried.


Attacked from the right. I am sure he is 100% wrong on many other things.

He an’ his daddy are gonna have so much fun Washington.

Thanks, Mitch!!


vacuumslayer said,

May 18, 2010 at 23:32

Smut, that looks like a TOY. Creepy.

TruculentandUnreliable said,

May 18, 2010 at 23:34

Smut, that looks like a TOY. Creepy.

At least it just fires blanks.

Now, now. If you can’t say anything nice…


It’s all right, I’m used to that reaction.

Lurking Canadian

It’s not cool to be taking out your family issues on society when you’re 54 goddamn years old.

She’s 54 years old? From the tone of the posts, I was thinking early 20s. It has that overwrought sophomore feel. It’s hard to imagine a grown adult writing these kind of things.


Queer is a verb?


More evidence of the old time wisdom. Only property owning citizens should be granted the vote.

Ten dollars says over 50% of the people commenting on that thread are renters. Hell, that very commenter may be, the stupid well there may very well BE bottomless.

After reading this nonsense about “Will”, I read Robin of Berkeley’s earliest pieces, and found she is just a never-ending morass of neediness who’s desperate to be validated. She’s one of those people who never actually believed in anything at all, but just went along with whatever crowd she happened to be with.

Are you saying she’s one of those most piteous of human beings, and the most dangerous, men without a country, orphans far from home, the forsaken and disowned, one of the “hungry ghosts,” to use a Tibetan phrase: tormented beings who are starving to death from their inner nothingness? GASP!


Of course the press sold Obama like the newest form of crack

And who doesn’t remember the heady days of 1987, when the press was selling Americans on the wonders of crack cocaine?


i’m obviously not aware of all internet traditions



And who doesn’t remember the heady days of 1987, when the press was selling Americans on the wonders of crack cocaine?

Wasn’t that right in the middle of the crack wars? When Coca Cola changed to new Crack, followed by the reintroduction of Crack Classic, but with HFCS instead of cane sugar?


Hey, man, first black president’s for free…


deering–That DOES sound festive…YUM!

Smut–Awww. We wuz just talkin’ about the toy guns–honest!

tofubo–Veiled Mother I’d Like to Fuck Reference

justme– big LULZ 🙂


Also…question for those of you paying closer attention to the races, but isn’t Rand Paul kind of a real, honest-to-gosh Randian Libertarian? Isn’t he for pulling out of Iraq and legalizing drugs? Do y’all think that the teatards who are creaming their shorts for him know this?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

And who doesn’t remember the heady days of 1987, when the press was selling Americans on the wonders of crack cocaine?

Considering these are the same people who are always on about how any news is good news for McCain, or that the homosexual recruiters are widespread and all-consuming despite homosexuality having NO VIRTUE WHATSOEVER, YOU SAYING I LIKE DUDES?

I could very easily see them saying that the very fact that the news brought attention to the crumbling inner-city youths destroying themselves on crack rock was a liberal puff-piece trying to sell the Heartland on the glories of the rock candy.

Because they’re some gullible motherfuckers.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Honestly, it’s only acceptable to take out your family issues on society at large when you’re in the throes of that adolescent “nobody understands me, I hate the world” phase.

And even then, we’re all going to think you’re kind of a choad.


tofubo said,

May 19, 2010 at 14:33

i’m obviously not aware of all internet traditions


Anything bookended with V and R is a veiled reference. It could also be a freudian type revelation of “what’s really going on” if ya know what I mean.


Robin of Blockhead would be more appropriate.


I voted for Obama.

I’d also totally f**k him.

Just sayin’


And if the voting booths are open, we can vote straightgay-party Democrat!

I can’t believe no one fiqzd that.


I’d also totally f**k him.

Just sayin’

You might have to fight Robin of Brickley for him.

The Goddamn Batman Is Addicted To Love

Now I totally want to see Barry cover “I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On”.


Why is it when some conservative site uses “thinker” or “free thinker” or “independent” in their title or description, I always find out that the people who frequent it are imbeciles?

It’s like “I know I’m head-crushingly stupid. But if I tell people I’m a “thinker” they will be confused and believe I’m brilliant.”

Or is it just narcissism and an overly high self-evaluation of capability? I remember reading that the overwhelming majority of demonstrably incompetent people believe they are star performers.

Which reminds me of a story. Years ago at another my boss foisted a new hire on my team. We’ll call him Bruce. Bruce was lazy, didn’t have the intellectual capacity to learn anything new, and spent most of his days printing out email articles he found interesting and laying them on my desk. Along with all his work. He would jolly along a task for months until it was almost due and then turn to me in panic. One day my boss sat us all down and used a printout of my weekly status report as an example of how status reports should be written. It took Bruce all of 2 seconds after the meeting was over to ask me to “help” do his status report for him. He wanted me to provide the “verbage.” In other words, Bruce could only find about 6 words to say about what he was doing so he wanted me to embellish it for him and make it look good. I flatly refused. I said, “Bruce, I’m sorry but he will be able to tell. You have to figure that one out on your own.” Another time he told me of his service in the Iraq war, and how his commanding officer had him go paint rocks. I don’t think he realized he was telling me that because his bosses in the army probably couldn’t think of anything else to give him to do, he was so stupid. Another time he opened up a ticket on some piece of junk software he’d installed and it got routed by the support group right back to him — because it was HIS department to figure out that shit.

The day they fired him, he looked aghast at our boss and said “I’m doing a great job for you. I just don’t understand.”

My boss said glumly, “I didn’t figure you would.”


Now I totally want to see Barry cover “I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On”.

Oooh, at the next SOTU instead of “Hail to the Chief” they could play “I’ll Do for You Anything You Want Me To.” Or maybe “Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe.”

Watch the Frightards’ heads explode at exactly the same time they cream their slacks.


When I get that feeeeeee-lin’
I want Socialist Healing.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

You know, the main reason I voted for the guy was to put a fucking stake in the heart of the Vietnam era.



You know, the main reason I voted for the guy was to put a fucking stake in the heart of the Vietnam era.

What’s that got to do with Big O’s super-sexxxay sashay?

I mean, really: how do you feel about him as, you know, a man? Does he make your chest (and your pants) tighten? ‘Cause if you voted for him it’s clear it was because you have a mancrush on him.

Psh, Vietnam. Like anybody believes that.


When I get that feeeeeee-lin’
I want Socialist Healing.



tsam and wiley, I have never served in any branch of the U.S. armed forces, but it’s always been my impression that, in general, uniformed folks are conservative…but they are not radical. They go along with the notion of chain of command, protocol, rules of engagement, etc., and anyone trying to incite them to do bad stuff to the POTUS or the constitution would not be viewed kindly. Now, after years of the all-volunteer forces, I don’t know if that demographic has changed appreciably. But I kind of don’t think so. Anyway, I’m hoping.

Also, we’re way down in the hundreds of comments, so it’s probably a little late to mention the mangoes and how awesomely nasty they are.

A concerned citizen

First I actually heard of the guy was the 2004 Dem convention.

You mean you heard all the noises coming from the crowd right? Like a Sodom and Gomorrah reenactment?

I’m John Kerry and I’m reporting for back-door duty.


“Hell, even when W. was in power, I didn’t feel like I was in an ‘abusive relationship’ with him.”

Well, TruculentandUnreliable, I kind of did. Not with Dubya (eww), but with the country that would tolerate him.

I wrote an essay that started, “I wish I knew how to quit you, America, but I keep coming back no matter how many times you break my heart” and ended, “I love you, America — God help me.”

I guess the Teabaggers feel sort of that way right now. Of course, in my case it was in response to America’s supinely submitting to the abridgement of the Bill of Rights, while in their case it’s because they’re “Taxed Enough Already” (with the lowest tax rates in decades), plus “death panels” and “Socialism”….


“How many monitors would it take to make a wall,”

Give the Tea-Baggers the chance to make 600, their much-wished-for, long-mouldering sequel to 300, and we’ll find out.


Thread’s dead and such, but in response to vacuumslayer’s question, I believe Paul Jr is anti-choice and anti-gay marriage, and on his website he says “Military spending should be America’s number one priority.”

So, still a Rethug, only with extra douche. Can’t wait to see Conway whup his ass.

Roger the Shrubber

Sweet Tintin, you had me at “Robin of Berkeley”.

Roger the Shrubber

Is anything conservatards say not classic projection? Listen, you dumb twat: just because Dumbya is his flight costume got you all misty down there doesn’t mean liberals are so easily seduced.

Speak for yourself; I’m easily seduced but consistently fickle 😀

me see Sarah Palin, on the teevee: oo, hot librarian, rawr
me see Sarah Palin open her piehole to answer actual questions, to a reporter, on the teevee: sad trombone

Consumer Unit 5012

I wonder about those that are born with too many of one or the other sexual hormones, it is a defect not unlike 6 toes or just one eye, but the worst part of it is that it goes unnoticed as it can not be seen. Excessive estrogen seems to be dominant in liberals.

It’s amazing how many Republican talking points can be summed up as “We’re STRONG and MANLY. And they’re WEAK AND WOMANLY.”


So, your green with envy over Obama. I’ll bet you vote for another loser or nobody again in 2012. Obama has done more good in his time than a stack of repugnuts could ever wet dream about. It must be those amp’ed up sexual hormones Liberals have. Just think, now we know who really needs “extra help” in the bedroom… The republicans!


(comments are closed)