Breaker Moran
There once was an evil king who shoveled all his subjects’ dignity into a roaring bonfire, and his name was Brea King.
Baba Tim, Big Government:
BREAKING** Milblogger Baba Tim: Sources Confirm Pakistanis Have Captured Mullah OmarFrom the noted miliblogging site Free Range International comes this confirmation of Big Government and Big Journalism’s exclusive story by Brad Thor about the capture by Pakistani authorities of Mullah Omar:
Which brings me to my final topic
Now that’s burying the lede!
and it is not something Americans should be happy about.
Happy, you say.
I have been hearing for weeks
Earring, you say.
rumors about the detention of this guy:
Rumours, you say.
Detention, you say.
Forsooth, when Brea King is finished with Brad Thor and company, it’ll be time for a long journey through the lands of his brothers Drin and Wan.
But what of the Moonies? What does the Moonie paper say?
Heh… Mullah Moon…
Mullah Omar is the new long-form vault copy birth certificate. Just gotta have him!
Obsession: It’s what’s for breakfast.
From the guy’s “confirmation” post.
I do not believe a cigar is merited here.
Keep fucking that chicken!
I have just checked and rechecked with all my insider sources, and they confirm several times that Mullah Omar is in the International Space Station, hiding behind one of the water fountains and the calls are coming from inside the house!
When the NYT revealed information the government wanted to keep secret, they were called traitors, and many were the grim discussions of capital punishment and such as.
A government run by President Blackula is illegitmate, and it is thus the highest form of love of one’s country – second only to denying the fundamental constitutional rights of lesser Americans.
Is President Blackula the
scary nosferatu type?
the sexytime kind?
the sparkly kind?
Hello Mullah, Hello Fatwa
Here I am at Camp Delta
I’ve been tortured
I’ve been beaten
And I can’t remember how long since I’ve eaten
Got out of the boat. Those aren’t mangoes–they’re POOP!
Homeboy sez: “This isn’t a game, dammit, it’s war and needs to be treated as such.”
Really? All you flag t-shirt wearing, 24-watching, soldier-cock worshipping, impotent, shrieking assholes could have fooled me. And maybe this superduper confirmed true times 300,000 to the 17th power rumor is being withheld from the American public for a fucking REASON, jackass. In which case, YOU are the one who is treating war like a game to score political points and/or, I don’t know, stroke your teeny, tiny, death-obsessed, pants-pooping ego.
Shorter me: I got out of the boat, the mangoes were POOP, and saw this, “This isn’t a game, dammit, it’s war and needs to be treated as such.” Which I found beyond hilarious, because if, on the off-chance that these motherfuckers aren’t delusional in this particular case, the government obviously has security reasons for keeping this secret. So who’s treating war like a game now, dumbfucks?
That Omar, he’s a baaad Mullah –hush your mouth!
Also, hee re: this comment: “There is no other conceivable option? Well I have to disagree with that assertion. We see no other option because we are USA Americans.
Through the prism of the Progressive Pathological Liars there is no limit to what they have planned for this event. After all don’t let a ‘crisis go to waste.’
USA Americans…the hour glass is set at 26 weeks. If we fail in November then the USA as we knew it is over.”
Is this guy for real?
wait a minute, if Omar were to be captured, wouldn’t that be a good thing for Obama? I mean, Shrub couldn’t do it. Somehow capturing someone the Repuks admin failed to get is somehow a blow against Obama?
Somehow capturing someone the Repuks admin failed to get is somehow a blow against Obama?
Shhhhh…don’t think about it too hard. They certainly don’t.
USA Americans…the hour glass is set at 26 weeks. If we fail in November then the USA as we knew it is over.
Yep, it says so right in the constitution, if they fail this November it’s nothing but magical gay Muslim socialist unicorn ponys for everyone forever.
T&U, I went for the mangoes too, and that comment just stopped me in my tracks, I mean wtf….. It takes a better man than me to parse that bullshit….
Yep, it says so right in the constitution, if they fail this November it’s nothing but magical gay Muslim socialist unicorn ponys for everyone forever.
I am interested in your magazine and would like to subscribe…
Y’know, I hope they actually have gotten this cobag. ‘Bout time. The downside, of course, is that if true, Blartblart and pals will be even more insufferable than usual because there will finally be one instance they can point to where they have been right about something. The likelihood of this occurring seems to me to be inversely proportional to the volume of their doubling down on it. So, yeah. Not. Fucking. Likely.
The beauty(?) of the ploy is that, barring Mullah Omar strolling into Fox News Central and giving a snappy parade wave, they will continue to claim that this is true, and anyone saying otherwise is just in the tank for that lyin’ Obama and so forth. These people are built for conspiracy theories. It is indeed the new long form birth certificate. “Show us Mullah Omar to prove you don’t have Mullah Omar!”
There’s a chicken grease/fingers/double down joke in there somewhere, but it’s way too early for me.
wait a minute, if Omar were to be captured, wouldn’t that be a good thing for Obama? I mean, Shrub couldn’t do it. Somehow capturing someone the Repuks admin failed to get is somehow a blow against Obama?
I’ve been wondering that, too. The only reason I can think of is “OMG Obamar wants the terrists to win, so now we got one and he is so sad hahaha.”
Republicans are craaaaaazy.
The only reason I can think of is “OMG Obamar wants the terrists to win, so now we got one and he is so sad hahaha.”
You KNOW that if they did capture him and released that information to the public, they’d throw a hissy that he dared to reveal information that could put our troops in harm’s way or some shit.
Oh shit! When did Rush Limbaugh become president?
“Everything I ever told you was a lie- including what I just told you!”
Someone more or less says that in the comments:
And there are others in a similar “libs want us to lose!” vein.
Our government has no interest in winning this war. Not the current administration anyway. They want this country to fail.
Remember what these freaks are complaining about: the terrible failure of capturing a key Al Qaeda figure and not releasing classified information which could compromise US assets or plans for further captures…
Another commentor dusts off a truther conspiracy theory:
Which means that in a few more days, we’ll hear about how Mullah Omar has been working for Obama all along and the stock market crash was an inside job conducted by radical Muslim ACORN thugs impersonating bankers to make free market USA Americans look bad so Sarah Palin wouldn’t become president.
Of course more likely they are planning an “October Surprise.”
You think they’d be all over Obama following in the footshteps of their hero, Traitor Ron.
Hi guys! I’m not really captured, I’m more “guesting” at the request of armed hosts. Been talking a lot, every dam day, to whoever will listen. Been web-surfing a little too, looking forward to the Kendra sex tape. Big interview with Morley Safer on Sixty Minutes, coming up in a couple weeks. Toodles.
oooh fun!
Obama hasn’t announced the capture of Mullah Omar (made possible by information gained from Hillary Clinton’s efforts) because just before U.S. forces could secure Omar, certain elements of the Pak ISI snuck him out and are hiding him in a safe-house in Karachi.
Why Conservatives Love the Founders
By James Lewis
A Salon writer wonders, “What’s the conservative fetish with the Founding Fathers?”
It’s because we read history, my sadly ignorant friend. So did the Founders.
History is full of Obamas, and the people who idolized such power-hungry self-glorifying narcissists. The Founders understood human history in their very bones, because they read history from the Bible to the Roman Empire, Europe’s bloody and tyrannical history, and the Americas. If you want to understand Obama, just look at any idolized hero in Latin America: Chavez, Fidel, Bolivar, Juan Peron. Look at European monarchs. Look at Napoleon.
They are all the famous Man on Horseback, the hero of the hour who instantly turns into a tyrant. Even today Latin America is bedeviled by its own Obamas, who all demand to be idolized and worshipped. Obamas are a dime a dozen.
The Founders knew about abuse of power by arrogant and ignorant narcissists, over and over again in human history. They read it in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. They read it in the Book of Kings, where you can find out all about Saddam Hussein, because the politics of the Middle East hasn’t changed much. They saw it in the Middle East of their day, which was full of clan tyrannies and immense cruelty. Arab slavers were still raiding Britain when the Founders proclaimed the Declaration of Independence.
They read it in Plutarch’s Lives of the Ceasars. They read it in the history of Athens, torn between bloody factions, and constantly raising new Obamas to power.
You see, all you Salonistas, the Founders were profoundly educated people. They were passionate believers in the Enlightenment. They understood the role of free speech, free thought, free political debate, and free trade. They saw the benefits of freedom in their own lives.
The Founders knew about slavery in the South, and they were deeply ashamed of it. But unlike contemporary liberals, who are massively ignorant of everything but their navels, they also knew that slavery was the norm in the British Royal Navy, for example, which recruited its sailors by force, using press gangs in London and other port cities. The British Navy also kidnapped American sailors.
The Royal Navy abolished the African slave trade. But common British sailors were whipped to work every day. They slept in 28 inches of space, almost as bad as African slaves, and were kept in bondage (deserters were hanged), and drug-addicted on daily grog and beer. The Founders knew about slavery in Biblical times, and among Russia’s serfs. They knew about slavery in France and the German states, where violence was used routinely to keep peasants tied to the land. The Founders also knew about the mental slavery that comes from indoctrination, which is why they loved liberty, including liberty of faith.
The Founders understood that liberty had to come in stages. Only tyrants claim to create instant paradise. Practical statesmen work step by step. They created the intellectual and legal framework for the liberation of the slaves. When Abraham Lincoln came along, Americans were willing to fight a terrible war to free the slaves, even if more than half a million people had to die. Read the lyrics of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, and you can see the real campaign for human liberty, not the fantasy version liberals entertain today. Liberty is bought very dearly, in blood and suffering. (And it was Christian Abolitionists who created the campaign to liberate the slaves.)
America’s wars of liberation were real, not frauds like the Marxist ones. We brought liberty to Europe in World War I, in World War II, and in the Cold War. We brought liberty to American slaves in the Civil War. No other nation in history can claim anything close to that.
The Founders created the first land of liberty in human history. To be sure, they learned a great deal from British political thinkers like John Locke and Edmund Burke, and from the classical writers. They demanded for themselves the rights that were (theoretically) granted to Englishmen of their time. Meanwhile the French Revolution led to massive bloodshed and twenty years of bloody war to conquer Europe. Napoleon was another Obama idol.
Read your history, my friends. Real history, not the Leftist propaganda version.
America gave the first great opportunity in human history to start afresh. The Founders used that opportunity to create the greatest political foundation in history — because they understood that human nature hasn’t changed, and that there would be those (like Obama) who were so power-oriented that they would try to lord it over all Americans. The Constitution was carefully designed to stop and balance human power mongers, like Obama. It has done so for two hundred years, and today it is the Marxist Left that is mounting a great assault on the US Constitution. But Marx never changed human nature.
The Left seems to believe that Karl Marx found a better way than the American Founders did. But look at the works of Marxism: The Soviets, Maoism, Pol Pot. One hundred million human beings killed by Marxist regimes in the 20th century alone. Look at North Korea, my sadly ignorant friends. Look at Robert Mugabe and his ilk. Look at the Nazis and their close affinity for Marxist totalitarians.
Karl Marx was just a throwback to all the slave-taking empires in history. Marx was born in Prussia, and idolized the chief propaganda philosopher of Prussia for his own “philosophy.” (That was Friedrich Hegel.) Marx wanted a militaristic state, run by an elite of Marx followers, who would indoctrinate all the workers to march in lockstep to the Central Commander. Is that what you want? It’s what Obama is creating for the United States today.
Read a little history, my poor friend, and you will see Obamas everywhere you look. Lenin was an Obama (and the Obama campaign deliberately used Lenin imagery for its propaganda). Stalin was an Obama. Mussolini was an Obama. Napoleon was an Obama. Putin is an Obama. Ahmadinejad is an Obama. Saddam was an Obama.
America never had a rock star president until the Obama campaign. George Washington made very sure no one would suspect him of being an Obama. Lincoln never claimed to be an Obama. None of our presidents have paraded themselves as Obamas — not until Obama came along and brought the psychology of self-glorifying narcissism to these shores. And the Left snapped to and saluted Obama, worshiped at his feet of clay in that ancient and corrupt way that humans have known for millenia.
Are rock stars your idea of an American president? If so, please go back to school and read a little history.
Russian president Medvedev said this last week – said it out loud, to the deaf, dumb and blind Leftists of the world:
Conservatives love the Founders because we read history. We know that you don’t read history. Obama doesn’t know history.
That’s why you liberals scare us.
oh shit, wheres the
shotgungreasemonkey script againBecause we’re fucked in head when it comes to reading comprehension.
That’s why we threaten you liberals.
Read a little history, my poor friend, and you will see Obamas everywhere you look. Lenin was an Obama (and the Obama campaign deliberately used Lenin imagery for its propaganda). Stalin was an Obama. Mussolini was an Obama. Napoleon was an Obama. Putin is an Obama. Ahmadinejad is an Obama. Saddam was an Obama.
i’m Obama, and so is my wife…
Why Conservatives Love the Founders
Because they’re delusional enough to think they would have supported them back in the day. Maybe the slavery and only landowning white dudes have voting rights part. But the rest of it? Nah.
You have it wrong, T&U.
The liberals in the 1770s were the Tories who supported big government and high taxes from London.
CopyPasta troll. Do. Not. Want.
And it would show that he’s uppi- I mean, arrogant. Also2!
Yeah, you brought us just shitloads of liberty.
The liberals in the 1770s were the Tories who supported big government and high taxes from London.
Oh, darling. You do know what the word “conservative” means, right?
Besides, as far as I can tell form my experience over the past 10 years, y’all basically want a form of monarchy, as long as it represents your interests.
Passing on the Nth discovery of Mullah Omar and the return of Troofie…
Just so we’re clear, it’s the abuse victims, not the Church, that needs solidarity from people right now. 100,000 people in St. Peter’s square? Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. What a pity that there wasn’t a similar number of people flocking there to denounce the abuse years and years ago. Then, perhaps the Church would have been moved to stop the abuse earlier, and it wouldn’t be going through such a “difficult time” right now.
What a pity that there wasn’t a similar number of people flocking there to denounce the abuse years and years ago. Then, perhaps the Church would have been moved to stop the abuse earlier, and it wouldn’t be going through such a “difficult time” right now.
This is why most organized religion does its best to make people authoritarian followers…you can get away with ANYTHING if people are brainwashed enough.
Troll reminds of these great lines from “A Fish Called Wanda”
“Wanda: Oh, right! To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! I’ve known sheep that could outwit you. I’ve worn dresses with higher IQs. But you think you’re an intellectual, don’t you, ape?
Otto West: Apes don’t read philosophy.
Wanda: Yes they do, Otto. They just don’t understand it. ”
Conservatives may read history…they just don’t understand it.
Conservatives may read history…they just don’t understand it.
They don’t even understand the implications of their own writings, either;
And your answer to the horrendous slave-taking empires is a group of people who… in many cases, owned slaves… and all around, agreed to allow the institution of slavery to go on unhindered, at least in their time. Do you not proof-read your own stuff, or are you just that fucking stupid? That was the equivalent of “Vote Capone because the Mafia sucks.”
What really disgusts me is that some of them are openly slavering over their fantasies of Mullah Omar being tortured by the ISI. Aren’t these the same assclowns who cite state-sponsored torture as one of the indicators of how EEEEEEEVIL Islamic nations are?
(Not to mention the whole “official casus belli for Iraq” thing.)
Conservatives may read history…they just don’t understand it.
They don’t even understand the implications of their own writings, either;
They also don’t understand their own experience with how people behave in the real world; otherwise they wouldn’t fall for the baloney about how people will simply stop trying to make more money if the tax rate on the additional amount they make is a few percent higher than the rate they pay on what they make now.
Actually, the list of what conservatives don’t understand is so exhaustive that we’d be better off sticking to the list of what they DO know, which while also being wrong too is infinitely more entertaining.
They also don’t understand their own experience with how people behave in the real world; otherwise they wouldn’t fall for the baloney about how people will simply stop trying to make more money if the tax rate on the additional amount they make is a few percent higher than the rate they pay on what they make now.
No other evidence is needed to know that they have little experience with the wealthy. Why would the wealthy care about a few percent in marginal income tax when their income doesn’t show up as salary?
Two possibilities: wingnuts are right, so Obama gets yet another terrorist scalp in his belt, hurting the bad guys more in two years than the previous administration did in seven (anybody remember Bush’s nonchalant “I just don’t think about him very much” when asked about Bin Laden circa 2004?) … or wingnuts are clueless as usual, so bipedal pubic-lice like Ollie North prove yet again that their credibility is nil.
Breaking news is broken.
There is a VERY slim possibility that Omar is now another “ghost detainee” like Ali Abdul Saoud Mohamed might be (Mohamed reportedly boasted that he “knew too much” & that the US would have to let him go within weeks of getting him, & sure enough by a month or so later he had gone the way of the crew of the Marie Celeste) … although I really doubt Omar’s either working for more than one boss or changing teams.
Tory = Conservative.
I suspect the Grandpa Of Liberalism, John Stuart Mill, derived major inspiration for On Liberty from both the French & American Revolutionaries.
Thanks for offering more gobs of turbid copypasta for me to ignore.
Please go away – & don’t come back until you can accurately convey the basic meanings of two-syllable words.
This is not a Daycare Center for dipshits.
The liberals in the 1770s were the Tories who supported big government and high taxes from London.
Oh dearie dear, someone else who gets his definition of liberal as “anyone I don’t like” from Doughy Pantload. Meanwhile, you conservatives liked the monarchy so much you tried to reinstall it, you fucking traitor.
They also don’t understand their own experience with how people behave in the real world; otherwise they wouldn’t fall for the baloney about how people will simply stop trying to make more money if the tax rate on the additional amount they make is a few percent higher than the rate they pay on what they make now.
Yes, those high tax rates in the 1950’s really stopped creativity, whereas today, with the lowest rates since Truman, the economy is going great guns!
This is not a Daycare Center for dipshits.
No, it’s not…but thanks for the new business idea.
USA Americans
Not just mere Americans, but USA Americans who live in USA America!
Oh, and thanks for the Slapp Happy and Faust. Very cool.
Read a little history, my poor friend, and you will see Obamas everywhere you look. Lenin was an Obama (and the Obama campaign deliberately used Lenin imagery for its propaganda). Stalin was an Obama. Mussolini was an Obama. Napoleon was an Obama. Putin is an Obama. Ahmadinejad is an Obama. Saddam was an Obama.
ZOMG! Obama is the eternal Jew!
And of course all these asskissers like Goldberg or Kristol or Bobo or etc. etc. etc. would have supported “their country” in the mid Eighteenth century – that country, of course, being England.
Folks who derive their income by fellating the powerful in the present day would have been AGAINST the powerful in 1776? Horsefeathers. Jeremiah Goldberg would have worn printing presses out trying to convince everybody how wonderful the King is.
Jeremiah Goldberg would have worn printing presses out trying to convince everybody how wonderful the King is.
SpongeRobt LoadBritches
This is not a Daycare Center for dipshits.”
Well. Suddenly I don’t feel so welcome here.
LittlePig – that’s what gets me, though. You have all these mooks making $30K per year who know damn good and well that if someone came to them and said, here, you can make $80K per year but the hitch is, on some of that amount your tax rate will be 5% higher, so really you’ll only be making $35K per year more than you make now instead of the full $50K, so whaddya say, that they themselves would run over their own mommas with their pickup trucks getting in line for that deal. And pretending that it just wouldn’t be worth it to them to more than double their income if they had to pony up a few more dollars in taxes.
That goes beyond stupid and dishonest, all the way into delusional.
(and the Obama campaign deliberately used Lenin imagery for its propaganda)
So does the Tea Party. Also, Nixon, Reagan, and GWB were worse “Obamas” than the real Obama if by that you mean narcissistic assholes.
While I will grant 1950s comparison is a bit of a cheap shot (being the only country left on the planet with a non-bombed industrial base kinda helped out there, although the same people bitches about taxes today were the ones pissing that advantage away 50 years ago), it does seem pretty damn elementary that better roads helps everybody, big business and small business alike, as does better air safety, better telephonic infrastructure, etc. etc. etc. More money for everybody.
But lord no, can’t think that far ahead, too busy saving a couple thousand dollars on a blowout preventer. Plus those pesky brown and black vote might benefit, and their rich folks and friends sure didn’t hand them a cushy job just to share it with those people.
Same people bitching about taxes…
better roads help everyone….
pesky brown and black folk might benefit…
Damn, I need more tea.
Nosferatu sounds muslimy and socialisty, so I guess we’ll go with that.
Three words: Confederate history month.
And the cockbite even cites Lincoln and the Civil War in that piece of dreck, too.
Brad and the boys would very much like to convince Holder that Mullah Omar and his underground confederates should be tried in the same way Breaker Morant was tried: Rule .303.
Either that or civilian courts the way most of the terroristas have been tried.
Taxes on income are lower than they’ve been since Truman, and still the TeaTards bitch about taxes, because, of course, they’ve got their heads up their asses.
Au contraire.
You may feel like one at times – or even most of the time – but I’m pretty sure you don’t qualify.
That art you do? Dipshits can’t even have daydreams about doing that … they generally think art is just a bunch of icky elitist crap made by & for druggies & the gheys.
Keeping up with the cascade of delicious snark here? The Mighty Man-Boy Warrior of Control-C/Control-V up yonder doesn’t DARE dream of pulling off such an arcane feat. For him, that would be a nightmare: teh Sadlynauts might CONVERT him into the rites of our loathsome dark conspiracy of Not Sprinkling Tinsel On Turds & Calling Them Jewel-Logs … truly a fate worse than death for a dipshit.
The Clincher: How many wetsuits do you own?
Read a little history, my poor friend, and you will see Obamas everywhere you look.
I can’t resist:
When I look out into your eyes out there,
When I look out into your faces,
You know what I see?
I see a little bit of Obama
In each and every one of you out there.
Lemme tell ya…
Obama is everywhere
Obama is everything
Obama is everybody
Obama is still the king
Man o man
What I want you to see
Is that the big O’s
Inside of you and me
Obama is everywhere, man!
He’s in everything.
He’s in everybody…
Obama is in your jeans.
He’s in your cheesburgers
Obama is in Nutty Buddies!
Obama is in your mom!
He’s in everybody.
He’s in the young, the old,
the fat, the skinny,
the white, the black
the brown and the blue
people got Obama in ’em too
Obama is in everybody out there.
Everybody’s got Obama in them!
Everybody except one person that is…
Yeah, one person!
The evil opposite of Obama.
The Anti-Obama
Anti-Obama got no Obama in ’em,
lemme tell ya.
Glenn Beck has no Obama in him.
And Obama is in Joan Rivers
but he’s trying to get out, man!
He’s trying to get out!
Listen up Joanie Baby!
Obama is everywhere
Obama is everything
Obama is everybody
Obama is still the king
Man o man
What I want you to see
Is that the big O’s
Inside of you and me
Man, there’s a lot of unexplained phenomenon
out there in the world.
Lot of things people say
What the heck’s going on?
Let me tell ya!
Who built the pyramids?
Who built Stonehenge?
Yeah, man you see guys
walking down the street
pushing shopping carts
and you think they’re talking to allah,
they’re talking to themself.
Man, no they’re talking to OBAMA!
You know whats going on in that Bermuda Triangle?
Down in the Bermuda Traingle
Obama needs boats.
Obama needs boats.
Obama Obama Obama
Obama Obama Obama
Obama needs boats.
Aahh! The Sailing Obama!
Captain Obama!
Commodore Obama it is.
Yeah man, you know people from outer space,
people from outer space they come up to me.
They don’t look like like Doctor Spock.
They don’t look like Klingons,
all that Star Trek jive.
They look like Obama.
Everybody in outer space looks like Obama.
Cause Obama is a perfect being.
We are all moving in perfect peace and harmony towards Obamaness
Soon all will become Obama.
Everything everywhere will be Obama.
Why do you think they call it evolution anyway?
It’s really Obamalution!
Obama is everywhere
Obama is everything
Obama is everybody
Obama is still the king
Man o man
What I want you to see
Is that the big O’s
Inside of you and me
That’s right ladies and gentlemen,
The time has come!
Time has come to talk
To that little bit of Obama inside of you.
Talk to it!
Call it up!
Say “Obama, heal me!”
“Save me, Obama!”
“Make me be born again
in the perfect Obama light”
That’s right!
You’ve got that Obama inside of ya
and he’s talkin to ya
He says he wants you to sing!
Everybody’s got to sing like the king!
Like the king
Get that leg going now
Get your lip too.
Not no fool Billy Idol lip either
Yeah, we’re rockin now!
Obama is with us.
He’s with us and he’s speaking to us.
He says “Peoples!”
“Everybody got to sing!”
Obama is everywhere
Obama is everything
Obama is everybody
Obama is still the king
Man o man
What I want you to see
Is that the big O’s
Inside of you and me
Karl Marx was just a throwback to all the slave-taking empires in history.
Massas of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your slaves!
Off topic, but has anyone tried to access The Poor Man lately? I’ve tried four different browsers on that fucker, and it crashes the fuck out of every one of them.
How come Troofy can copy-and-paste something boring but I can’t copy-and-paste something hilarious? FYWP.
When I look out into your eyes out there,
When I look out into your faces,
You know what I see?
I see a little bit of Obama
In each and every one of you out there.
Lemme tell ya…
Obama is everywhere
Obama is everything
Obama is everybody
Obama is still the king
Man o man
What I want you to see
Is that the big O’s
Inside of you and me
Elvis is everywhere, man!
He’s in everything.
He’s in everybody…
Obama is in your jeans.
He’s in your cheesburgers
Obama is in Nutty Buddies!
Obama is in your mom!
He’s in everybody.
He’s in the young, the old,
the fat, the skinny,
the white, the black
the brown and the blue
people got Obama in ’em too
Obama is in everybody out there.
Everybody’s got Obama in them!
Everybody except one person that is…
Yeah, one person!
The evil opposite of Obama.
The Anti-Obama
Anti-Obama got no Obama in ’em,
lemme tell ya.
The Truth has no Obama in him.
I’m having no problem accessing the Poorman.
Then again, I’m using the laughably lame IE.
I seem to have missed an Elvis. But you get the idea…
Not just mere Americans, but USA Americans who live in USA America!
Wouldn’t want to confuse them with the Central and South Americans and certainly the Canadian Americans don’t want to be connected to them in any way.
While I will grant 1950s comparison is a bit of a cheap shot (being the only country left on the planet with a non-bombed industrial base kinda helped out there, although the same people bitches about taxes today were the ones pissing that advantage away 50 years ago), it does seem pretty damn elementary that better roads helps everybody, big business and small business alike, as does better air safety, better telephonic infrastructure, etc. etc. etc. More money for everybody.
I’ll grant that being the only major country still in working order was a big help. But remember that the same thing was true in the 1920s after World War One. How do those two decades compare? Well, the 1920s were a good decade for the economy, but they didn’t do much for the average American. All the luxuries that were household items by the end of the 1950s – telephones, indoor plumbing, cars – were already available thirty years earlier, but for the majority of Americans, even with the post-war boom, these things remained out of reach the entire time.
What was different about the 1950s? Answer; twenty years of wealth redistribution via a powerful union movement and a government that was now firmly established as a guardian of economic justice. So no, the 1950s aren’t a cheap shot at all. In fact, they’re probably the best argument for social democracy ever made.
They do have daydreams about it, but it usually involves men with sculpted abs and impressive cocks.
I don’t know why I bother with projects that involve 100+ layers in Photoshop when I can be making things like this. I bet there’s a market for it somewhere!
Oh, and thank you.
What was different about the 1950s? Answer; twenty years of wealth redistribution via a powerful union movement and a government that was now firmly established as a guardian of economic justice. So no, the 1950s aren’t a cheap shot at all. In fact, they’re probably the best argument for social democracy ever made.
No, no, no! What was different about the fifties was that Hollywood was not pushing it’s liberal agenda. Put Ozzie and Harriet back on TV and Reefer Madness back in the theatres and evrything will be fine.
No, no, no! What was different about the fifties was that Hollywood was not pushing it’s liberal agenda. Put Ozzie and Harriet back on TV and Reefer Madness back in the theatres and evrything will be fine.
Sadly yes, that’s pretty much the way the history books have been written. The liberal (radical) roots of the 1950s have been completely left out of the history books, as has the union movement that made it such a prosperous and stable era (how many Americans know who Walter Reuther was?)
So conservatives today only remember the 1950s as a golden age of family values and the American dream. They don’t remember what made the dream come true in the first place, so they’ll furiously oppose any attempts to bring it back, all in the name of preserving it. What can I say? We live in loony times.
Google search for “Jewel-Logs” turns up:
Jewel of Muscat Videos, photos and information on the reconstruction of a 9th-century Arab ship, and its historic voyage from Oman to Singapore.
And what logo do I see on that page?? The Sultanate of Oman logo!!!!
Google search for “Tinsel On Turds” turns up:
“my parents’ cat used to eat tinsel off the tree and then would shit out tinsel-laced cat turds that would dangle off its ass like tin cans from a wedding limo.”
This just proves that everything is connected to everything else and that the universe is one vast self-reflecting, self-referencing, self-evolving entity. Ima gonna start a new religion called Tinsel On Turds. The metaphysics should be more coherent than Scientology. Plus we worship a shit log sprinkled with tinsel so we’ve got that going for us.
I think that’s a harsh way to refer to Lady Gaga.
The Truth has no Obama in him.
but, oh he sure wishes he had Obama in him. If you know what I mean and I think you do.
Nicely done, JNM, even with the extraneous Elvis.
Hey, sometimes a person gets an itch that only a MASSIVE SOCIALIST PACKAGE can scratch.
(Link does not go to PENIS, although the story is accompanied by a photo of four cocks.)
The safe-house on the deserted island is ready.
Remember, your contact needs to hear you say “the ocelot is eating my undergarment” before he can give you the codebook.
Meet us at the abandoned warehouse down on the docks – & don’t forget to wear your “Paul Blart: Mall Cop” baseball-cap.
“Now let me correct you on a couple of things, OK? Aristotle was not Belgian. The central message of Buddhism is not “Every man for himself.” And the London Underground is not a political movement. Those are all mistakes, Otto. I looked them up.”
I just can’t understand why the Blart-buddies think this is such a big deal (meaning it’s bad for Obamhitler). I can usually tease out their twisted logic but this time… I got nuthin’.
Except everytime I hear something out of North, I want to kill kittens. That fucking traitor should be making small rocks out of big ones in Leavenworth.
“Radar Love” rules.
“my parents’ cat used to eat tinsel off the tree and then would shit out tinsel-laced cat turds that would dangle off its ass like tin cans from a wedding limo.”
If that’s a surprise then you must not have spent many Christmases with cats in the house.
Seeing tinsel hanging out a cat’s ass is one of the joys of the season.
While you’re playing Golden Earring, their cover of 8 Miles High would also be apt.
Sprinkling Tinsel On Turds & Calling Them Jewel-Logs
Ivor Cutler reckoned he used to sprinkle hundreds-&-thousands* on dog turds on the pavement, in an attempt to shame the dog-owners into cleaning up.
* Nonpareils, or whatever you people call them.
That fucking traitor should be making small rocks out of big ones in Leavenworth.
Close but no banana. Other prisoners in Leavenworth should be making small rocks out of his skeleton.
* Nonpareils, or whatever you people call them.
Re: Break King and his ilk- “Everything I ever told you is a lie, including what I just told you.” Also, the connection between worker’s rights and prosperity is well documented, just ignored and subverted by the running-dog lackeys of the oppressors.
“Now let me correct you on a couple of things, OK? Aristotle was not Belgian. The central message of Buddhism is not “Every man for himself.” And the London Underground is not a political movement. Those are all mistakes, Otto. I looked them up.”
Also, I went to the theatre recently and saw “The Big Bang” which pretty much covered the entire history of the world and there was no mention of Obama being Lenin in there anywhere.
Obama is in
yourDKW’s mom!Amended.
We have become Shiva, killer of threads.
Let It Burn
By Demosthenes
For the past hundred years, America has been slowly moving away from the principles of its founding. The ideals of liberty, individual achievement, limited government, and the equality of opportunity have been slowly supplanted by calls for security, class warfare, excessive regulation, and the equality of outcome. The passage of stimulus acts, bailouts, government takeovers of two U.S. automakers, and the health care overhaul prove that our movement away from 1776 has accelerated.
Passage of the health care bill has sparked a revival of small-government thinking, causing many to predict significant Republican gains in Congress this fall. But despite some short-term success, this small-government revival is doomed to fail. The depressing truth is that the only way to regain the full measure of those freedoms proclaimed in our Founding Documents is for our current federal government to completely collapse under the weight of its own excesses.
Often, one carefully articulated analogy can succinctly convey a very complex idea. In our case, that analogy is addiction. Over the past hundred years, we have slowly allowed a monstrous system of dependence to develop until nearly every citizen relies upon government money, and thus is an addict. This has come about because the hard logic of the Founders has been replaced by the seductive ease of emotional arguments. All too often, the debate is over not if government should do something, but what it should do. This almost imperceptible shift in our national philosophy is a manifestation of our addiction.
While the citizen-addict is hooked on government largesse, the politician-addict is hooked on something far more sinister: power. Their drug is available in Washington, D.C. Just as a dealer will go to any length to continue selling his wares, politicians will stop at nothing to retain their power. These two groups of addicts are locked in mutual co-dependence, where the politician-addict seeking re-election buys off the citizen-addict with more spending. Then the citizen-addict, seeking yet another free lunch from Washington, reelects the politician-addict. The result is endless, ever-expanding government programs and our current fiscal nightmare.
The persistence of these programs has nothing to do with their success. They continue because we are more concerned that our actions are deemed compassionate than whether our programs are actually successful. If we truly wanted to help people save for retirement, we would not establish a program with a meager 1.23% rate of return while simultaneously supporting a monetary policy of systematic inflation. Yet these and other ineffective or even counterproductive programs continue. Such willful blindness to economic reality cannot be sustained indefinitely. The Congressional Budget Office has recently stated that our national debt will constitute 90% of our gross domestic product — that is 20.3 trillion dollars — in just ten years. What is even more shocking is that these debt numbers do not include the unfunded liabilities of Medicare and Social Security, which currently rest at 107 trillion dollars. Sadly, this trend cannot be stopped.
If Republicans take control of the House and Senate, and if they repeal the health care bill, then they will not be able (or likely even try) to reform Medicare or Social Security. These programs alone will bankrupt our nation. Yet they are untouchable because a large number of Americans have come to depend upon these benefits. They have become unknowingly hooked. Senior citizens have organized their financial futures around the twin promises of Social Security and Medicare and will naturally resist any change to either. George W. Bush knew this when he attempted his overhaul of Social Security. That is why his plan to privatize retirement savings was voluntary and would have excluded those over 55. Nevertheless, it was easy for the politician-addicts to scare the citizen-addicts, and his plan was defeated.
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.” This quote by Ben Franklin is often used by civil libertarians in opposition to government security programs such as the Patriot Act. But this sentiment is equally applicable to those who would give up economic liberty to obtain economic safety. The economic attitude of the nation has shifted. We are no longer a nation of self-sufficient, rugged individualists; we are now a nation of addicts, hooked on a politician’s promises of economic safety.
This is why America is lost. Too many Americans are hooked for us to return to a sound economic footing via the normal political processes. Our efforts to moderate the most radical agendas — welfare reform, for example — serve only to delay the inevitable. In fact, many of those reforms are quietly undermined as the slow march towards collapse continues. We cannot alter our current trajectory; expansive government, greater entitlements, and ever-increasing taxes are our fate. Attempts by responsible citizens at reform will be only partially successful, not changing the fundamentals of our dilemma.
The addict analogy carries through to recovery. For most addicts, recovery can begin only once they have descended so far in their addiction that they lose everything, a process often called “hitting bottom.” Sometimes there is no recovery, and hitting bottom means death. But for others, hitting bottom is a tremendous learning experience, and they emerge as better people. America is addicted. The decline has begun, and now our nation must hit bottom.
Detoxing America will cause social, political, and economic strife of a sort unimaginable, and yet it is a process we must endure. Hitting bottom is our only hope for a national rehabilitation. It is our only chance for a true reacquaintance with those principles that made this the greatest nation on earth: liberty, individual achievement, limited government, and the equality of opportunity.
It is our only chance for a true reacquaintance with those principles that made this the greatest nation on earth: liberty, individual achievement, limited government, and the equality of opportunity, which can only be realized if all policy is geared towards making sure that the very wealthy are not hampered in their pursuit of beoming even more wealthy, and furthermore, if said policies help make it impossible for anyone not already a member of the club to join it.
Or shorter: “The masses must suffer so the few can live without limits.”
fixx0red for greater accuracy.
But for others, hitting bottom is a tremendous learning experience, and they emerge as better people. America is addicted. The decline has begun, and now our nation must hit bottom.
Funny how it’s always the average citizens and never the CEOs of large financial institutions that are “allowed” to hit bottom. Why must we cheat the likes of Goldman-Sachs out of this tremendous learning experience? Being the mighty and productive Galts that they are, don’t they deserve the full benefits of such a valuable education?
Shorter troll: “I hate America and want it to die, so it can be replaced with a desperately poor and unfree nation that venerates True Patriots like Tim McVeigh.
Just so you know, I died 2300 years ago, and I didn’t write that piece of crap.
Copypasta from the American Thinker. That’s just sad.
Our nation’s finest minds discuss Demosthene’s ideas.
Sometimes I wonder what which drugs I would have to take to turn off enough of my brain to make the new conservative pseudo-history moderately cogent. I’m thinking really strong pot, plus oxycodone, and maybe some benzos. Maybe this is all due to some sort of problem with the GABA receptors in about 25% of the population.
Yeah- appropriating others’ labor (intellectual property under copyright) without attribution is real conservative.
Put Ozzie and Harriet back on TV and Reefer Madness back in the theatres and evrything will be fine.
Reefer Madness came out in 1936.
Our nation’s finest minds discuss Demosthene’s ideas.
I’ll just be over here, clinging to the boat with a white-knuckled grip, thanks.
I know that running errands is rarely as simple in practice as it is when I run through my list mentally. Why do these right wingers think they know how they will fare in a catastrophic economic collapse? One might think they have a very selective imagination. Like survivalists who think that having stockpiles makes them safe, but don’t consider that that also makes them a prime target worthy of a cooperative endeavor to rob them of their stores.
Veiled call for the gayification of USA America.
Veiled call for the gayification of USA America.
Whereas the islamofascists issue gay calls for the veiling of America.
Over at Irky’s, the teabaggers are QQing because a high school kid hurt their fee-fees. Gee, I thought they were all about freedom of expression and hand-lettered grass-roots signs and such.
Maybe they’re just envious because the kid spelled everything correctly.
I know that running errands is rarely as simple in practice as it is when I run through my list mentally. Why do these right wingers think they know how they will fare in a catastrophic economic collapse? One might think they have a very selective imagination. Like survivalists who think that having stockpiles makes them safe, but don’t consider that that also makes them a prime target worthy of a cooperative endeavor to rob them of their stores.
LMAO, forget robbing them; if “the system” collapsed completely, how difficult would it be to drive over, pop an RPG round or two into their house and watch the stockpile and the house go up in fireworks? We live in the 21st century, guns haven’t been the peak of technology for a very long time.
Also, while I don’t doubt their shooting prowess, something tells me they have considerably less experience dealing with gang violence than people in the inner city. So, if the country regresses to the point where gun violence is common and necessary, what exactly makes them think they’d have the upper hand against MS-13 and the rest of these
uppitydarkiesGawd damn terr’rists?The Ugly Side of Social Justice
By Sean Parr
Behind the social justice banner lurks an ugly choice.
Nineteenth century French thinker Frederic Bastiat’s summation of free will is quite succinct: “Society has for its element man, who is a free agent; and since man is free, he may choose — since he may choose, he may be mistaken — since he may be mistaken, he may suffer.”
A basic understanding of free will elicits a particular truth about God’s ordained relationship with man: that He wishes for us to obey Him, but for us to obey Him freely.
Can a comprehension of free will — of our relationship with God — give us clues as to how He would have us relate to each other? Can it give us clues as to how He would have our institutions relate to each of us individually?
If it is agreed, for instance, that charity is a desirable human action, should charity therefore be a forced action? And if charity becomes a forced action — if governments, rather than citizens, mandate its application — does it cease to be charity? Is it reduced to mere obedience?
This is the essence of the debate over social justice.
The faith-inspired proponents of social justice seek not only to assist the poverty stricken, but to altogether dissolve the conditions that allow for poverty. These noble ends, though they may appear universally appreciated, have drawn vehement opposition due to the coercive means through which they are to be obtained.
On his website, Reverend Jim Wallis — ringleader of the leftist anti-poverty group Sojourners — has outlined the mission of his organization: “… to articulate the biblical call to social justice.” Further perusal of the site elicits how this “biblical call” is to be answered:
By means of a government-directed redistributive effort.
By spreading the wealth through taxation.
By force.
To this end, the Sojourners site stipulates that, “There is a biblical role for the state,” and “social justice requires economic support from government.”
It is this governmental role that has the critics of social justice reeling. One such critic is conservative Fox News host, and liberal media lightning rod, Glenn Beck. Beck has been attacked for his opposition to social justice, most vocally, by Reverend Jim Wallis and the clash between the two has been much publicized.
Although Beck has been adamant in expressing that his objections are solely concerned with how — not whether — the needy should be assisted, Wallis nonetheless seems content in portraying him as antagonistic to the plight of the poor. And because of this unfair portrayal, Beck has been painted in the media as a monster for simply emphasizing his belief that it is better for individuals to donate their assistance to the downtrodden by choice rather than by dictate.
During a March 12th interview on MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, after repeatedly mischaracterizing the subject at the core of Glenn Beck’s criticism, the Reverend offered Beck a challenge: “Let’s go back through the bible, verse-by-verse, and look at what in fact God says about justice.”
Here, Wallis uses the term justice as if it were synonymous with coercion. This is no mistake. However, if such a verse-by-verse challenge were ever to take place, the results would likely have the Reverend quite dismayed because such a detailed biblical review — once the subject of the debate had been adequately defined — would place the onus on Wallis to demonstrate where the Good Book calls for a governmental role in charity.
Its often the case that liberal Christians, like the Sojourners and others, will operate under the misconception that government is the subject of the Gospel’s appeal to charitable action. Christian apologist Greg Koukl, in articulating this error, aptly describes the fallacy upon which it is based:
A significant mistake… is to take the commands that Jesus has given… applying to the church; the followers of Christ; the believers… and then apply that principle to government. Government cannot be loving because an organization — a government — cannot love.
Such mischaracterizations of biblical verse are representative of the way in which the advocates of social justice would prefer the debate be carried out: based on subjective interpretation. Passages like Luke 4:18 are perverted and said to express God’s desire for man to strong-arm his brothers into donation. And for every 2Corinthians 9:7 that the conservative claims for his side, the liberal will find countless other verses to misconstrue.
The subscribers of social justice — socialists using the guise of Christianity to promote their unpopular view — offer their deliberately twisted interpretation of the gospel as a means of having the public at large conform to their notions of proactive and coercive government redistribution.
These constant manipulations should prompt conservative Christians, and indeed all opponents of redistribution, into redirecting the debate away from the analysis of biblical verse and toward that which is objectively evident in the truth of our existence — the nature of free will.
Our experience shows us that we are not forced to love God, or to obey Him, or even to acknowledge His existence. He has left those decisions to us.
But which philosophy should we adopt based on this reality: Conservatism or Progressivism?
Freedom or obedience?
Bastiat acknowledged that he found this choice to be quite simple when he declared, “I have faith in the wisdom of the laws of Providence, and for the same reason I have faith in liberty.”
Mushroom, MUSHROOM
Those swine! Only miserable tyrant-worshipping com-symps use leftist imagery!
Bookmark it.
Wow, so since we can’t coerce people into doing the right thing, I guess no laws about killing or stealing either. Sweet.
For the past hundred years, America has been slowly moving away from the principles of its founding. The ideals of liberty, individual achievement, limited government, and the equality of opportunity…
Tell that to the black folks and women.
have been slowly supplanted by calls for security, class warfare, excessive regulation, and the equality of outcome.
Right, by YOUR side. Or maybe Obama and his sneaky leftist mini-onions really passed the PATRIOT act and I just misremember being told by people JUST LIKE YOU that my desire to not completely ignore the Constitution was sadly naive because OMG THEY WANT TO KILL US FOR OUR FREEEEEEEDOMS!!!!11!1!! In other words, kindly see to fucking yourself.
Tell that to the black folks and women.
They are not default Americans, AKA USA Americans.
Or USAmerkins, calling to mind a certain vestige for the nether regions.
God wants all mankind to have access to free swill.
Or USAmerkins, calling to mind a certain vestige for the nether regions.
My mind will not accept the charges for that call.
So has it finally sunk in yet, liberals? Has it finally gotten through your thick, brainwashed skulls that Obama and Democrats are on the way out, and Tea Party Republicans are on the way into power?
RINOs and Democrats are on the run. Look at what happened to Bob Bennett. Look at what is about to happen in Kentucky, look at what will happen to McCain.
People are mad, really really really mad, and they’re going to take it out first on RINOs who negotiate with the enemy, and next on Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
Kennedy’s seat is already in our hands. Next is Obama’s, Biden’s, and Reid’s, and that’s just to start.
It’s going to be a long, hot summer, liberals, followed by hell for you in the fall.
Please try to handle your ultimate demise in a mature, adult manner, and think about why Obama and Democrats were such failures in power.
Change is coming, liberals.
Chief Korir is calling you, Troofie. He has a scoop about Mullah Omar he wants you to pass along.
Oh, and Troofie?
Whatcha gonna do when the Dems regain 60 seats in the Senate?
If it is agreed, for instance, that charity is a desirable human action, should charity therefore be a forced action? And if charity becomes a forced action — if governments, rather than citizens, mandate its application — does it cease to be charity? Is it reduced to mere obedience?
Perhaps it does, but it’s been a damn sight more effective in reducing poverty than any form of voluntary charity. Since you can only speak in quotes, here’s another Frenchman; “Charity has always eased the rich man’s conscience long before it eased the poor man’s stomach.”
It would be beautiful if we lived in a world where charity were an effective solution against poverty and social injustice. It’s not, and it never has been; if it were, all our social problems would have ended in the Middle Ages. It would also be beautiful if we lived in a world where we didn’t need the forced action of our police departments to protect people from crime, because citizens just voluntarily choose not to kill, rape and steal. Sadly, we do not live in that society.
And here’s another one for you; it would be beautiful if we lived in a world where women chose not to abort their babies. Clearly, God doesn’t want us to kill babies, but clearly, God only wants us to obey him of his own free will, yes? But here you people are, denying that woman her free will. Why? Are you on the side of Progressivism and Obedience – compulsory, government-mandated obedience?
Although Beck has been adamant in expressing that his objections are solely concerned with how — not whether — the needy should be assisted, Wallis nonetheless seems content in portraying him as antagonistic to the plight of the poor. And because of this unfair portrayal, Beck has been painted in the media as a monster for simply emphasizing his belief that it is better for individuals to donate their assistance to the downtrodden by choice rather than by dictate.
I don’t know if Glenn Beck personally has ever said this, but actually, no, the right’s objections very much concern whether the needy should be assisted. For the last forty years, the message out of the GOP to the poor has been “pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. You’ll get over it.” That, and endless, pompous lectures about self-reliance, usually coming from white, middle class suburbanites who were bailed out by their parents twenty times. The urge for charity has been getting more and more depleted in the conservative movement for years, and that trend shows no sign of ending soon.
Nice to know you are still so deluded, Actor, it will only make the failure even harder for you to take.
Since you can only speak in quotes, here’s another Frenchman
– “Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”
Not really your point, Chris, but one of my favorite comments on the relationship of lickspittles to power.
How exactly do you expect the Democrats to regain 60 seats, Actor? Let’s hear your deluded, fantasy “math”.
As near as I can tell, for the real anti-tax wealthy it’s not about what percentage they pay on their income. It’s about starving any hope of effective governance. If they can bankrupt the government, none of those pesky regulators will be able to tell them not to poison children for fun and profit. Any slight rate change is minor compared to the money to be made at the expense of others’ health, well being or lives.
It’s bizarre and sad when millions of the potentially poisoned cry out for more abuse, misguidedly convinced that some change in the top tax rate will somehow give them the means to better themselves. It puzzles me how those rubes manage to swallow such vast oceans of shit without literally turning into a seeping brown stain.
What the Conservative Elite want is utter lawlessness, at least for the “haves.” This is basically what they got from the Bush administration. A complete lack of enforcement of any laws dealing with restricting the behavior of corporations, regardless of the impact on the citizenry. Mine safety? Hah! Oil rig inspection? Hah! Usury? Hah! Insider trading? Bahahahahaha! The list is as long as one might care to make it, and about impossible to complete. Basically, they want to be able to shit down our shirts without any fear of reprisal.
Fuck a whole lot of that.
And fuck the sorry-assed unimaginative copypasta troll, too.
As near as I can tell, for the real anti-tax wealthy it’s not about what percentage they pay on their income. It’s about starving any hope of effective governance.
Good point, but I think most of the wealthy don’t really care. As long as they can shield their income, they’re content to let the little people try (on one side) for social justice and fap (on the other side) over pictures of money.
Veiled on-topic, OT comment. I am killing a little time by reading “The 40 Worst Rob Liefeld Drawings.”
Clearly, God doesn’t want us to kill babies
You’d think there’s be a lot fewer miscarriages if God cared all that much about it.
Awww. That’s cute. Troofie’s crush on Actor is back.
God’s ordained relationship with man
I am not a theologian, but this is gibberish.
But it sounds so churchy!
It sounds kinda gay to me.
I am not a theologian
I will not rest until you are ordained.
The proper term is “unmedicated whackjobs.”
I am willing to become a Doctor of Divinity if I am thereby entitled to write prescriptions.
I am willing to become a Doctor of Divinity if I am thereby entitled to write prescriptions.
Experience says it will enable you to proscribe.
God’s “ordained” relationship with man, as opposed to God’s illicit relationship with man—few dare go there.
I totally heard that God’s a bottom, just looking for some manly USA Americans as doms.
Doctor of Divinity
I need to consult one of those about my swollen apostate gland.
He touched me—down there.
Ask your Doctor of Divinity if Anathema® is right for you!
DDs — not just for SHUT UP SMUT
Comedy Central and Anti-Semitism
Lauri Regan
Question: What do Comedy Central and the Palestinian Authority have in common?
Answer: Children’s programming designed to indoctrinate the masses into believing that Israel is a baby-killing, immoral machine.
Apparently, Comedy Central’s political correctness begins with respect for Islam and ends with blatant anti-Semitism. While censoring a South Park episode that was offensive to Muslims and resulted in the ever-expected death threats to infidels, Comedy Central apparently feels no compunction about depicting Israel as a violent, child killing machine.
As points out:
“Recently, the Comedy Central TV network censored an episode of the popular South Park cartoon following threats from Islamic extremists offended at the show’s portrayal of the Prophet Mohammad. But while Comedy Central was perceived to have caved in on a matter of free speech, it appears that the network exercises double standards when it comes to producing genuinely offensive material.”
The game appearing on the Comedy Central website is called “I.S.R.A.E.L. Attack!” It begins with a character stating, “You lied to me, Jew Producer” for the “Jew Producer’s” failure to kill child-like cartoons. Instead, a robot named the Intelligent Smart Robot Animation Eraser Lady, aka, “Israel,” is then sent to complete the job.
This is so offensive that it is incomprehensible that any executive over at Comedy Central thought that it was acceptable to produce, let alone post, and get away with without a huge public outcry. I have recently written about “The Mainstreaming of Anti-Semitism” but this has reached a new low. Don’t let Comedy Central get away with this. Anti-Semitism is not a game, it is a disease. And it is quickly spreading.
HonestReporting posted the following:
“This inappropriate and offensive game, aimed at children as well as adults, should not appear on Comedy Central’s website or any other mainstream media outlet.
At the time of writing, Comedy Central’s website feedback form is not operational so please go to the programming feedback form, select Other in the Topic section and demand that Comedy Central remove this offensive game from its website.
Join our new Facebook group dedicated to spreading this campaign to a wider audience.”
Very much shorter Troofie:
Somebody didn’t get their nap today.
(I miss Bruce.)
Needs more RoboGeisha. H/T Dennis Hartley at Digby’s joint.
Well, it was fun while it lasted.
Hey, has anyone noticed the deafening silence from Darth Cheney over the failed car bomb in Times Square?
Say, that wouldn’t have anything to do with the disaster unfolding day after day in the Gulf of Mexico, do you think?
How bout you, Toofus? Where’s Dick? Any explanation why he’s giving the “soft on terror” Obama administration a pass on this last one?
How bout you, Toofus? Where’s Dick? Any explanation why he’s giving the “soft on terror” Obama administration a pass on this last one?
Could it be that someone might suggest that Dick would fit perfectly in BP’s leaking pipe if injected with enough force?
(VPRs for everyone!)
One of the Seattle Film Festival flics that Hartley mentions:
“…the first documentary to examine the world of… yodeling lesbian twins.”
At long last!
Considering the level of competence that BP has shown so far, they’ve probably got a spreadsheet of all the bribes they’ve paid out over the years–labeled “BRIBES.XLS”–sitting on a public server somewhere.
A question for all you liberals upset over the oil spill:
What kind of car do you drive, and how often do you drive it?
This ought to be good!
My chariot gets three leagues per hay bale, I’ll have you know.
Some researchers believe that one of the purposes that GABA serves is to control the fear or anxiety experienced when neurons are overexcited.
We have a winner.
FOX NEWS reports that benzodiazepines increase PENIS size & make you irresistable to women – pass it on.
And as for any of you that ride the subway because you happen to live in shithole New York, where do you think the subway gets its power from? A power plant. And what does the power plant that powers NYC burn?
“…the first documentary to examine the world of… yodeling lesbian twins.”
Six months behind the news there!
Before I answer, would you mind drinking a quart of crude and reporting back on the effects? Thx in advance.
Why don’t you drive your car until it runs out of gas, and then report the effects?
Why don’t you cut off your own electricity if you’re so “green”? Do you know how much carbon you’re producing by responding to me?
A question for all you liberals upset over the oil spill:
What color underwear are you wearing, and can you send me pictures?
This ought to be good!
How many pounds of carbon do you think Algore raises when he flies around on his private jet to lecture us on the “dangers” of fossil fuels?
Trollbreath: Drink your quart of oil, then we’ll talk.
Hey Jim (the Canadian), how do you like your CONSERVATIVE Prime Minister, who is basically using the Canadian version of a filibuster to frustrate your liberal dreams?
I produce large semi-solid carbon masses on a daily basis.
How many pounds of carbon do you think Algore raises….
I notice you can’t answer any of my questions but simply deflect them in a typically childish, immature manner.
Description of Ad Hominem Tu Quoque
This fallacy is committed when it is concluded that a person’s claim is false because 1) it is inconsistent with something else a person has said or 2) what a person says is inconsistent with her actions. This type of “argument” has the following form:
1. Person A makes claim X.
2. Person B asserts that A’s actions or past claims are inconsistent with
the truth of claim X.
3. Therefore X is false.
I notice you’re not particularly eager to gain firsthand experience with the effects of crude oil ingestion on living things.
Time for me to wheel out my favorite hobbyhorse:
There is no such ideology as “conservatism”. In American politics, there are conservative liberals and there are progressive liberals, but we all agree on the basics: that all men are created equal, endowed with inalienable rights, &c.
There is in truth nothing “self-evident” about the principles of liberalism. In 1776, you could start a fight in most taverns by standing up and saying, “Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed!”
The very ubiquity of Liberalism results in its being invisible, like water to fish, and this in turn leads to confusion as people fantasize about a great ideological divide between “liberalism” and “conservatism”, and both sides try to claim the Founders, Lincoln, &alia for themselves.
The truth is, Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln were left-wing extremists, on the very fringes of liberalism, advocating astonishing revolutionary measures like abolishing monarchy, abolishing slavery, abolishing for-profit health insurance — no, wait, that last one is still too far out to be respectable (this decade).
As near as I can tell, for the real anti-tax wealthy it’s not about what percentage they pay on their income. It’s about starving any hope of effective governance. If they can bankrupt the government, none of those pesky regulators will be able to tell them not to poison children for fun and profit. Any slight rate change is minor compared to the money to be made at the expense of others’ health, well being or lives.
Right. Hence the quote about getting government down to a small enough size where it can be “drowned in a bathtub” (presumably, military and police services will then go independent or be farmed out to private contractors, thus completing the American dream). Also that quote about needing “a Leninist strategy” to undermine Social Security.
Take a look at that new “contract with America” thing the teabaggers have put up – the most revealing suggestion by far is the call for a Balanced Budget amendment which, in addition to requiring a balanced budget, would also make it unconstitutional to raise taxes without approval by two thirds of Congress. In other words, we demand a balanced budget, but we’re also going to make it impossible for you to balance the budget through anything other than cutting spending (e.g. services to the people).
It’s by far the most transparent proposal they made, and one that reveals how little they care about either taxes or balanced budgets – all they care about is killing the welfare state. (Go back to the debates in the mid-nineties when Gingrich wanted to strangle Medicare, and in the mid-2000s when Bush wanted to privatize Social Security, for an idea of just how popular that’s going to be).
If you don’t mention women you get to pay them less. Ha!
I think it goes like this:
I am conservative.
I believe in liberty.
George Washington believed in liberty,
therefore George Washington is conservative.
What about us?
Teabaggers aren’t conservative—they’re radical and reactionary.
The church must miss the days when these
hereticsprotestors could be dealt with appropriately. Accountability is hard. So saith the holy see.The Truth Returns said,
May 17, 2010 at 4:30
I notice you can’t answer any of my questions but simply deflect them in a typically childish, immature manner.
Whatever. You smell. I’ll bet your mom had to tie a steak around your neck just to get your dog to play with you. Nyah.
ADDRESS MY POST LIBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God, how droll.
Teabaggers aren’t conservative—they’re radical and reactionary.
At this point, I’m going to go with “totalitarian.”
Mmm … a nice ripe troll.
I just LOVE it when they bring a Nerf-gun to a firefight.
I take the bus or walk.
If I drove a car, why exactly would that disqualify me from being choked at amoral corporate vermin turning the Gulf Of Mexico into a dead-zone? Your snark implies that folks can just pull clean-energy power-plants out of their asses on a whim – or that anyone using conventional sources is “sinful” because of their inability to do so.
Perhaps some time offline & a consultation with a neurologist is in order.
He isn’t “frustrating” jack-shit. We have a minority government, so Harper has no choice but to play nice with the BQ, Liberals & NDP if he wants to get anything done … & in America, even a neocon dickhead like Harper would be classified as a Marxist-Socialist-Babyeater.
Your Troll Fu is weak.
Thanks for failing.
Shalom\m/ (>_<) \m/, punk bitches. I see that the last video up there is about dead rock and rollers. Take that down. It's disrespectful of Dio to leave that up there tonight.Also, just because I threw up the horns above doesn't mean you punk bitches can do it back. DO NOT USE THE HORNS UNLESS YOU ARE METAL.
Did something happen to Dio?
He was Holy Diving but they hadn’t filled the pool.
I hope there was a clean tiger he could jump on.
Wait, Krauthammer played in a metal band?
Krauthammer is false metal.
Today is co-blogger Lyta’s birthday, and I found the best birfday video ever, now up at our place. Also an awesome dead shark cake.
Dave Noon shows some respect.
Ok, now watch as I shit in this cup, wave my hand over it, call it the Gospels of Everything blessed by Dog, tell everybody they have to enjoy it and then;;;
and then….
Wave my gun around!
(like this part the best!! Ain’t it a big gun? Better say yes sinner…)
The Tea Party movement is founded on INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY, SMALL GOVERNMENT, and LIBERTARIAN VALUES. A movement like that is the ONLY DEFENSE against the totalitarian agenda of big government.
The Tea Party movement is
foundedastro-turf pushingon INDIVIDUAL LIBERTYNarcissism , SMALL GOVERNMENT(whenever a Democrat is president), andLIBERTARIAN VALUESLAWS AND RULES FOR YOU BUT NOT FOR ME. A movement like that is the ONLY DEFENSE Republicans have against having to put “Republican” on their campaign posters.the totalitarian agenda of big government.The Tea Party movement is founded on LATENT HOMOSEXUALITY, BALLS, FOREHEADS and PECULIAR OBSESSIONS WITH THE SHOVING OF LARGE, GLISTENING AGENDAS DOWN UNWILLING BUT SECRETLY EAGER HEARTLAND THROATS.
Are you serious, Jimmy? You TAKE THE BUS? You’re either 15 years old, or a complete loser who can’t even afford a used car.
Do you get pissed off when you see someone in a big-as’s SUV blow carbon in your face while your sitting out in the rain waiting for the ghettobus?
No cucumber sandwiches?
Should we bookmark it?
It’s ok Truth, it’s ok… *pats on head*… we understand it’s another aching, desolate Monday morning for you. Another week ahead with no chance of a date, no hope, nothing to live for but hatred to get you through the lonely, empty hours of your life. Whilst everyone else is going to at least a well paid job, the best you’ve got to look forward to is trying to control your temper long enough to apply for a short-fry cook position. It’s ok though; we liberals know how to empathise with the down trodden, the weak, the useless. This just makes you angry we know too, because you want to associate yourself with the big, the strong… but we’ll always be there for you when it gets too much…
… Even though you said you’d never return, you’ll always have Sadly, No! to come back too, and lash out with impotent rage at when the demons inside get too much…
But hey… why not join us in laughing at some of the classic idiocy we’ve shared over the years? Here’s just one of them; you’ve managed to call every single event after this one completely wrong too, but we’ll always treasure this one night in particular… remember it, “Truth”? Remember how the Truth turned out to be a liar on the night?
And now you’ve predicted hell fire for November… even though Barack Hussein Obama is still going to be President, just like Clinton before him, irrespective of what happens then… you’re such a darling Canary Of Dumb!
(Oh and the Tory coalition will probably fall within 2 years too, but then you don’t know anything about British politics either… but the “Truth Seal Of Approval” has doomed them now too for certain, thank you, thank you!)
we understand it’s another aching, desolate Monday morning for you
Shit Steyn is on Google fast flip this morning (with his Grover Norquist beard). It’s really pissing me off.
Seriously, NRO? I thought that was a hate site. Why is that in my news feed?
Seriously, NRO? I thought that was a hate site. Why is that in my news feed?
Yep. Mine as well. Not amused prior to appropriate caffeine levels being achieved. Nor after, for that matter.
Mull A Homer said,
there’s a theory that the name Homer is Omar and therefore Homer was North African or Black or what have you… anyway, the reference is too erudite and ruined to troll for me. FWIW.
Just so we’re clear, it’s the abuse victims, not the Church, that needs solidarity from people right now. 100,000 people in St. Peter’s square?
Wait a minute, the season has started, right? How do you know a third of them aren’t confused tourists who hoped to get a glimpse of the pope?
I was in Rome last month. They had some sort of political holiday accompanied by a massive popular protest near or in Garibaldi square. Their politicians are corrupt shits so it helps to make them a bit nervous. As opposed to the American response which is to say “la la la I’m not listening”.
The big LK’s and the Gangster DisciplesLouis can’t think of who else could take over
For those who willing expose themselves to toxic waste: have the wingnuts started complaining yet that the selection of a new Miss USA born in Lebanon is part of the plot?
For my part, I’m glad to see that she looks exactly like the beauty-pageant archetype, except brown. Wouldn’t expect anything else…
My bookmark file is full.
have the wingnuts started complaining yet
Hie theeself to Alicublog.
@ Why Conservatives love
thesome Founders:Know who else is Obama?
Hie theeself
It’s a little early in the morning and I haven’t scanned any pr0n yet.
Hie theeself to Alicublog.
I for one welcome our new Lebanese-American overlordesses.
Hie theeself to Alicublog.
Attacking Miss America? That sounds un-American and illogical!
In other Wingnut news:Sun rises in East. Water is wet.
Attacking Miss America? That sounds un-American and illogical!
She’s Miss USA, so it’s actually unUSAian.
The Tea Party movement is founded on INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY, SMALL GOVERNMENT, and LIBERTARIAN VALUES. A movement like that is the ONLY DEFENSE against the totalitarian agenda of big government.
What the Tea Party Movement is, is a mass movement founded on the notion that its ideology is right a priori and provides the answer to every possible problem. Its members do not accept, process, or take into account information that isn’t vetted by the movement’s propagandists. It does not tolerate dissent of any kind within its ranks, for any reason and on any issue. It does not hold other ideas, theories or points of view to be of interest, since everything outside of its ideology is valueless by definition. It does not hold itself responsible for its failures, or adapt its beliefs in light of them, instead blaming them all on insufficient devotion to the ideology. It takes precedence for its followers over every other source of beliefs or identity, even trumping long-held religious and constitutional values.
It is, to make a long story short, a group of people united by a belief in their divine right to rule, who do not recognize as legitimate anyone who isn’t a part of their gang regardless of how that someone got into office. In other words, a totalitarian movement.
I am a Mistress of Science.
Just defended my Master’s thesis in Biology and aced the fuck out of it. I will now be able to kidnap local villagers for use in unthinkable experiments against the laws of God and Man.
In short, I rock.
Now if you’ll excuse me, nature is fucking beautiful right now and I intend to view the fuck out of it (seriously, every tree is flowering and they have fucking japanese cherry blossoms here, it’s like Denmark has this week as a general apology for being grey skies and sticks for 6 months out of the year).
Also, PENIS.
But hey… why not join us in laughing at some of the classic idiocy we’ve shared over the years? Here’s just one of them; you’ve managed to call every single event after this one completely wrong too, but we’ll always treasure this one night in particular… remember it, “Truth”? Remember how the Truth turned out to be a liar on the night?
No, I’ve only been on SadlyNo since late last fall, so thank you for providing me with that little gem, it made me laugh. Don’t understand why he was so devoted to a McCain presidency. Didn’t he get the memo? McCain was a liberal. (Besides, he has an illegitimate black daughter).
Oh, and as for the U.K. elections… I took a look at Cameron’s wikipedia profile. Hell, I wish we had Democrats here who had the balls to call themselves “passionate about the environment,” condemn the Israeli bombings in Lebanon, and call for an inquiry into the government’s conduct of the Iraq war. While the man seems quite conservative, he seems to be the kind who either has some common sense, some values, or an electorate that forces him to pretend he has both.
Radley Balko: “”
This might be interesting. Or it might not…
I’d love to see what happens if Radley goes into an anti-paramilitary-police rant on there. His own readership is not exactly Right-Glib assholes, and ain’t likely to put up with knee-jerk cop-sucking bullshit if they follow him to instajerk.
Cerberus, congratulations!
I am a Mistress of Science.
I’m married to one of those. Awesome species you belong to.
Congrats, Cerebrus! I was not aware you are in Denmark – I visited there once, lovely little country. I do recall that sunshine was not abundant so by all means, get out and enjoy.
For those who willing expose themselves to toxic waste: have the wingnuts started complaining yet that the selection of a new Miss USA born in Lebanon is part of the plot?
Cerebrus, congratulations!
See also.
I’m sorry I never believed in you, Google Reader.
Weren’t attractive Lebanese women supposed to be a good thing a few years ago? What happened to “democracy, whiskey, sexy”?
For those who willing expose themselves to toxic waste: have the wingnuts started complaining yet that the selection of a new Miss USA born in Lebanon is part of the plot?
Have they started agitating for the long-form birth certificate yet?
the Tory coalition will probably fall within 2 years too
That’s a generous prediction.
But then we are liberals and hence understand the unpredictability of the world.
Me, I give them until Christmas.
A movement like that is the ONLY DEFENSE against the totalitarian agenda of big government.
Is that why you called the FBI on people you didn’t like in 2003?
Have they started agitating for the long-form birth certificate yet?
She’s form Dearborn. I think their record-keeping may use the finest 19th-century technology.
Have they started agitating for the long-form birth certificate yet?
She’s form Dearborn. I think their record-keeping may use the finest 19th-century technology.
Ayyyyyy, she was raised an got her good looks here in Noo Yawk!
Weren’t attractive Lebanese women supposed to be a good thing a few years ago? What happened to “democracy, whiskey, sexy”?
The Iraqis didn’t greet us as liberators, and we resented them for it and concluded it could only be because they were savage animals too brutish to appreciate the great gifts of democracy, whisky and sexy we gave them. (Seriously; I have a private theory that the Iraqi people’s reaction to the war did more to “fan the flames” of American Islamophobia than 9/11 did).
Still, in this particular case, only a complete mophead could possibly miss the young woman’s allegiance to Shari’a law. Just look at that burqa!
Just look at that burqa!
From the Debbie Schlussel link:
And they’re not alone.
From the Biggummint post:
This, from someone who’s pimping a website called RightWingStuff with some of the worst-designed T-shirts in history.
Hezbollah is laughing at us…
Debbie is a dhummi
Let me join in as well:
Cerebrus, congratulations!
It would just figure that Gavin’s a Slapp Happy fan as well, to which all I can say is, Henry Cow!
Dang, now I’ll be whistling “Me and Parvati” all day long.
I will now be able to kidnap local villagers for use in unthinkable experiments against the laws of God and Man.
Congratulations with extra maniacal laughter.
Damn, Martian, you right. I’m gonna start using cockbiter instead of cocksucker as an insult because cockbiter better conveys the idea of ‘sociopathic asshole’.
The problem with cocksucker is that you’re trying to say that this cobag fellates Establishment/authoritarian dick, but the word can also mean “popular at parties”. So, a bit ambiguous.
Troofie sez:
Do you get pissed when you pay your car payment every month and realize that you’re $7000 upside-down and paying the dealer’s damn mortgage while I’m enjoying my European vacation?
Kinda puts it in a different perspective, don’t it.
Oh, and I don’t sit out in the rain. It’s called a bus shelter, but thanks for your concern.
Oh, and I don’t sit out in the rain. It’s called a bus shelter, but thanks for your concern.
In fairness to Troofie, the only bus he’s ever taken in his life was short, yellow and picked him up in front of his house, but insisted he wear the helmet.
Great detailed information, I just bookmarked you on my google reader.
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