RedState Trike Force Crashes, Burns (Again)

Above: The Yolk’s on Erik

For quite some time, there has been considerable debate about how many errors Erick “Bubba Bubbason” Erickson could stuff into one single blog post and now the answer turns out to be a whole shitload more than anyone ever imagined.

How exactly is Elena Kagan’s appointment to the Supreme Court going to make the Court “more representative”? … The woman is replacing the last of the military veterans on the United States Supreme Court.

Sadly, etc., etc., etc. Justice Alito was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Army Signal Corps and served on active duty in 1975. Justice Kennedy joined the California Army National Guard in 1961.

One might think, given the military issues that will undoubtedly come before the Supreme Court in the next few years that it might actually be good to have a veteran on the Court.

I’m not sure what military issues Bubba Bubbason thinks will come before the Supreme Court. Perhaps he imagines that the Court will need to decide the best kind of missile to put on a drone or whether the Marines should attack a Taliban training camp from the north or the south.

More importantly, if military service is so important, we should take a look at Bubba’s military record (shown after the jump).

But Bubba Bubbason’s fuck-uppery isn’t done yet:

More galling, Barack Obama, who has spent his entire career holding the military in disdain, is not only replacing the last veteran on the Supreme Court with a non-veteran, but replacing that veteran with a woman who thought it constitutional and proper to throw the military off college campuses.

Here’s an article from the Wall Street Journal, that far-left socialist rag, explaining what really happened — namely, that the military continued to recruit on the Harvard Law School campus throughout Ms. Kagan’s tenure:

When Ms. Kagan became dean in July of 2003, she upheld this newer policy [granting the military an exemption from the anti-discrimination policy]. Military recruiters used [the Office of Career Services’ placement] services, but at the beginning of each interviewing season she wrote a public memorandum explaining the exception to the school’s nondiscrimination policy, stating her objection to “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and expressing her strong view that military service is a noble and socially valuable career path that should be encouraged and open to all of our graduates.

In November 2004, however, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals found that the Solomon Amendment infringed improperly on law schools’ First Amendment freedoms. So Ms. Kagan returned the school to its pre-2002 practice of not allowing the military to use OCS, but allowing them to recruit via the student group.

Yet this reversion only lasted a semester because the Department of Defense again threatened to cut off federal funding to all of Harvard, and because the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the Third Circuit’s decision. Once again, military recruiters were allowed to use OCS, even as the dean and most of the faculty and student body voiced opposition to “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Apparently one way to become a member of CNN’s “Best Political Team on Television” is just to make shit up.


Comments: 101


I wanna get on the list. Such things provoke quantity, not quality. I can do the former, the latter is a bit iffy, in the best of times.


Oh, and his military record thingy is missing his commandership of the Screen Beret Action Figure League. Need ta fix that.


OK, that’s a wrap. Close comments.

Now do the list.


I wanna get on the list.

I haven’t yet explained the criteria.


I don’t know…there’s something REALLY suspicious about the kerning on that piece of “evidence” above. I think it might not actually be a real document. But on the other hand, it sure looks real.


I’m not sure what military issues Bubba Bubbason thinks will come before the Supreme Court.

Erickson is aware that the Supreme Court could be called upon to parachute into Outer Nuristan to tangle ass with the bloodthirsty Islamomaniac Brotherhood in their mountain stronghold.


“a whole shitload”

That’s the technical term.


Spengler Dampniche

That document is an obvious forgery. I reject it utterly.


Another document of interest might be Erk Erksome’s rating/status as an attorney at the bar in Georgia. Yep, he’s an attorney so he really understands courts and stuff. Really.

Trig feels smarter today.


HA HA HA! “Bubba” really is a goddamned stupid name.


The typeface is all wrong. It’s Elite. It should be Pica.


Trig feels smarter today.


I want to use this line at least once a day now.


“I’m not sure what military issues Bubba Bubbason thinks will come before the Supreme Court. “

Well, I’m certain that Bubba is receiving secret communication from the 101st Rascal Scooter Brigade and its reconnaissance with the 95th Keyboard Column that they will be challenging all the way to the Supreme Court whether they have a right to carry their sidearms into Safeway and the Chineez Buffeh on every third Saturday of the month when they do their maneuvers.

This is what I heard anyway from my imaginings, which experience tells me, should suffice.


“Bubba” really is a goddamned stupid name.

What about that guy who used to post here…Rightwing Bubbles?


More Erickson love from Roy Edroso!

Erick-of-that-ilk seems to be arguing that a candidate who had once belonged to the military will have special insights unavailable to colleagues whose careers were purely civilian. Sounds to me a bit like ’empathy’ and ‘wise Latina’, but if he wants to demand a quota system, then go for it.

Mind you, if the role of supreme-court justices is to act as tokens representives of whatever vocation Erich currently happens to fetishise, SCOTUS sittings are going to look like Village People cover bands.


What about that guy who used to post here…Rightwing Bubbles?

He was mauled and trampled to death in a naïve attempt to find REALLY FRESH pork rinds.


The typeface is all wrong. It’s Elite. It should be Pica.
I see what you do there.


Mind you, if the role of supreme-court justices is to act as representives of whatever vocation Erich currently happens to fetishise, SCOTUS sittings are going to look like Village People cover bands.

You say this as if it’s anything other than AWESOME.


You say this as if it’s anything other than AWESOME.

ATTENTION: name a plumber.


ATTENTION: name a plumber.



ATTENTION: name a plumber.
You’re nominating John Dean?


Let’s not even go down the road leftists like Andrew Sullivan….

Leftist? Sully? Bwa-ha-ha-ha!!!


Eat my dust, Smut Clyde.


How exactly is Elena Kagan’s appointment to the Supreme Court going to make the Court “more representative”? … The woman is replacing the last of the military veterans on the United States Supreme Court.

OK, yeah, it’s not true, but what if it were? Why the fuck didn’t these limp noodles appoint more veterans to the court when they had the chance, if it’s so fucking important to them? So one calls bullshit on military service as a really vital issue to them, at least not until it is useful as a way to bludgeon the nomination of a woman who grew up when women in the military were pretty rare. And as it isn’t true, how was 37.5% of the justices having military backgrounds representative? Hell, the 25% remaining after means they’re STILL over-represented on the court. You know who else is over-represented? PEOPLE WITH LAW DEGREES. I say we pick some homeless dude and nominate him, who will probably have the added benefit of being a vet.


I would have responded before N__B but OH LOOK A SHINY THING


You know who else is over-represented?

Breathers. I want more shamblers on the court.



Let’s leave D-KW’s mom’s unfortunate piercings out of it.


If it’s not a triple vault long form service certificate, it’s not real.


I would also argue, stupid, fat people are over-represented on the court.

So why is Erk so upset?


and ugly people which again, should make Erik overjoyed.


I would also argue, stupid, fat people are over-represented on the court.

Really? Compared to the American populace? Really?


and ugly people which again, should make Erik overjoyed.

There’s just no pleasin’ that boy, I guess.


more shamblers on the court.
Have there been any shamblers since Douglas resigned in 1975?


Have there been any shamblers since Douglas resigned in 1975?

I’m not sure. Thomas is a Brezhnev-style automaton.


Really? Compared to the American populace? Really?

No, not at all. I guess I have this quaint idea that stupid people shouldn’t be on the court. Smart, fat people are fine, just fine.

I want a pony. So sue me.


I want a pony. So sue me.

My attorney, from the International Arabian Horse Association, will be contacting you shortly. His name is Brown.


My attorney, from the International Arabian Horse Association, will be contacting you shortly. His name is Brown.

I’ll take your attorney and raise you Tig’s homeless vet.

How much is your settlement offer?


How much is your settlement offer?

You can have the West Bank after you kick the Israelis out.


I think Kagan would fit in well, looking down the bench at some lowly citizen and raising one hairy eye brow over a bulging eye popping from a long frowning face.

I mean, just saying that’s what I’m seeing and I bet that’s what the Obama people saw too.


In the comments, Huey Loser takes aim and unloads a full mag into his own foot:

I pulled out my pocket Constitution to check out the difference between the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court. Guess what I found? Doesn’t mention that the Supreme Court is supposed to be representative of the people.

Awesome! That means we can have an all-lesbian court!


Awesome! That means we can have an all-lesbian court!

Naked pillow fights in chambers!


Let’s leave D-KW’s mom’s unfortunate piercings out of it.

Whoa… here I thought that was a chain mail bikini.


I hate to say it, but I agree with Eric Erickson. Obama should appoint a veteran to the SCOTUS. I hear George McGovern is available.

Even more Patriotic Douchebag

I pulled out my pocket Constitution to check out the difference between the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court. Guess what I found? Doesn’t mention that the Supreme Court is supposed to be representative of the people.

You had to check? You don’t have it memorized?

You Fucking America Hater!


Zounds, total brainfart in my post above. Nice of everyone not to point and laugh. In my defense, I thought Thomas was a waxwork dummy.


What makes you think Erk has stopped playing with GI Joes or jerking off in cammies?


What makes you think Erk has stopped playing with GI Joes or jerking off in cammies?

I think he’s too busy jerking off his GI Joes.


Erick the BubbaRed served in the same unit as Dick Cheney! Also,wasn’t Rumsfeld in the Navy at about the same time.
Now those guys were real veterans.


More Erickson love from Roy Edroso!

From the above link, Erickson gets all Biblical on the news media’s ass:
Your shibboleths are crumbling around you and you grasp it not.

The Roy Edroso piece has links to some extra-fine wingnuttery, for those who enjoy such things.

The Tragically Flip

I don’t like the Kagan pick much but god damn if the Ericksons of the world don’t make a liberal feel compelled to defend her just the same.

It’s a strange superpower of theirs to attack people who deserve criticism in such an absurd way that you feel sorry for them. Fucking tools could make me feel bad for Goldman Sachs if they ever decided to attack them*

* – completely impossible


Apparently one way to become a member of CNN’s “Best Political Team on Television” is just to make shit up.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the liberal media.


You know, someone should make a military service record generator so we could make these nice documents for all sorts of wingnuts. Bill Kristol’s would be scary.

The Tragically Flip

Bill Kristol was released for medical reasons after a routine physical discovered he had no pulse and no reflection.


gggggggggbbbbbbbbbbbrbubnmiondkjbnkjrrrrrrrrrrriiuhjubsyuvbbbbbbbbbbbbjkih Njhjsdjgkinh kjjdkjktnmkynlknAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I pulled out my pocket Constitution…



You know when a blog post contains the terms “this woman,” it’s going to be good.

So, like, I guess having someone on the bench who is the same gender as over 50% of people in America and 44% of law students is somehow “not representative”?

PS: I am pretty, and don’t you motherfuckers forget it!


Thomas had a series of deferments from the military draft while in college at Holy Cross. Upon graduation, he was classified as 1-A and received a low lottery number, indicating he might be drafted to serve in Vietnam. Thomas reportedly failed his medical exam, due to curvature of the spine, and was not drafted.
Uh oh, time for Clarence Thomas to get out too. Wikipedia sez so

Clarence Thomas

Awesome! That means we can have an all-lesbian court!

I believe I once rented that particular motion picture.


he had no pulse
Veiled magic-bean reference.

and no reflection
Insight is a liberal conspiracy.

Wyatt Watts III

How is a Supreme Court with no veterans in a time of war a good thing?

Please rise for head justice R. Lee Ermey.


Bill Kristol was released for medical reasons after a routine physical discovered he had no pulse and no reflection.

To be serious, reflecting on anything is a problem for just about any conservative pundit. Let alone reflecting on themselves, or reflecting well on other white people.

Jebus Son of Jebus's Son

When did the Numa-Numa guy become editor of Redstate and a CNN contributor?


I believe I once rented that particular motion picture.

No, that was Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill!


Bubba… Bubba… why is that name familiar… oh yeah! DID YOU KNOW:

Elena Kagan is Gay— for Bubba!

I mean, sure the story is juvenile, makes no sense, and was automatically generated by a computer script, but so is Erick Erickson.


I pulled out my pocket Constitution…

veiled penis reference?


Oh man, the edroso link is a regular Mangogasm!

Your shibboleths are crumbling around you and you grasp it not. As you struggle to interpret what the tea parties do and do not mean, you media types and others are getting Utah all wrong.

It’s not about a purge. It’s about an insurrection.

A little dab of Shibboleth-Polyfilla™ will fix that right up.

Never mind that he is a “media type” himself – look beyond the cognitive-dissonance, my child, look deep into the vortex of the Jeremiad Syntax & marvel at the wonder of … er … of … POOP.

His bullshit is weak & he smells it not. As you struggle to overcome your watery eyes & burning sinuses, you snarky types & others are getting Bubba all wrong.

It’s not about a lie. It’s about a delusion.

People change. The media does not.

… & he says this on the INTERNETS.

Now, the great disentangling of conservatism has begun. Conservatives have had enough of being just a token of a Republican Party that never actually opts for smaller government and never actually believes in the limited powers of a federal government.

Yeah, I’m totally 100% sure that EE is gonna be telling all his right-wing fanboys to NOT VOTE REPUBLICAN this November, in service of Teh Great Dismembering … right after that pack of 300-foot indigo howler-monkeys comes flying out of my butt. But hey, you have to admire his remarkable lack of typos, given that he’s obviously typing one-handed throughout.

The punchline at the end about conservatism being “not for sale” is the cherry on the Dingleberry Sundae … this is the same guy that was pimping bags of rock-salt to his fan-club so they could be Mighty Warriors Of Liberty for, what, $15/bag?

It is a deranged thing, wild & chaotic, full of sound & fury, signifying fapping.


It was a truly hard lesson to learn, but, I’ve come to realize that I’m never going to get hired by CNN. I’m not crazy. I’m not an utter asshole. I’m rarely wrong on the facts, and my parents didn’t give me a faux Viking name.

I’m completely unqualified.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

So, wait, he was masturbating constantly for two days straight? Wouldn’t that start to hurt after a while?


So, wait, he was masturbating constantly for two days straight? Wouldn’t that start to hurt after a while?

No. 47 hours, 58.5 minutes was spent trying to find his peepee amongst the folds of fat.

Lurking Canadian

How is a Supreme Court with no veterans in a time of war a good thing?

I can’t top any of the fun poked at Erick’s whelp so I won’t try. But I would like to point out that this statement should put paid, for good and all, to any right-wing claims about Founder fetishism Originalism and judicial interpretationactivism.

If the Supreme Court’s job were simply to enact the original intent of the Framers, you wouldn’t need veterans to rule on military affairs, or members of $(GROUP) to rule on $(GROUP) affairs. All you would need would be a bunch of historians, or even a rule-based AI.

This claim about needing veterans to rule on military affairs is code for, “Screw the rule of law. We’ve got brown people to stomp!”


“SCOTUS sittings are going to look like Village People cover bands”

To return to this vivid mental image, it would certainly make the galleries packed, and the SCOTUS Youtube clips would be huge. I think Scalia in leather gear would allow them to charge admission.

passionately wrong footed

>but no reflection>
>among the folds of fat

No, no. Fat people can reach. The problem here was forelock tugging



That’s a fencing term, right?


SCOTUS sittings would look like bits from ‘Autotune the news.’ Awesome.


PPS: Tintin, I failed to thank you for the lack of a hideous, mind-scarring Photoshop on this post. So THANK YOU.


If the Supreme Court’s job were simply to enact the original intent of the Framers, you wouldn’t need veterans to rule on military affairs, or members of $(GROUP) to rule on $(GROUP) affairs. All you would need would be a bunch of historians, or even a rule-based AI.

If the Court did enact the original intent there wouldn’t be a standing army.


Ah, you guys make my day. I can’t add anything. Hilarious.


PS: I am pretty, and don’t you motherfuckers forget it!

That comment is useless without pics. (Or at least a link to some — perhaps a website or newsletter.)

Also, too, an arial shot of that military service record is in order. And it could have more impact.


You know when a blog post contains the terms “this woman,” it’s going to be good. – T&U

I have coworkers that speak of members of the female persuasion this way. Not surprisingly, these coworkers previously managed to get themselves and our employer sued for gender discrimination when they voted to deny two female faculty members tenure.

The university’s defense was “Profs. So-and-So and Such-and-Such are not sexist … they hate everybody”. Which is true.


That comment is useless without pics. (Or at least a link to some — perhaps a website or newsletter.)

I skimmed this comment and saw “arial shot” and thought it said, “anal shot,” and was rather horrified. Glad to see it was just me being dirty-minded and/or illiterate.

I have coworkers that speak of members of the female persuasion this way.

I’ll say “this man” or “the man” from time-to-time, but I try to avoid it unless I’m talking about a particularly loathsome white dude. Still, I think it’s much, much nastier when directed at women. To me, “that/this woman,” is just a stand-in for “that/this bitch,” which I would rather be called because at least it’s honest.

The university’s defense was “Profs. So-and-So and Such-and-Such are not sexist … they hate everybody”. Which is true.

Oh, I had a few of those during my undergrad days…


You guys are forgetting a critical point. There is speculation that rumors may be spreading* about Kagan’s sexual orientation. Not that it matters, that’s her business, not ours. But I feel strangely compelled to stand in a puddle of my own urine and quiver in fear.**

* V–aw never mind
** I stolded that from someone on this site, but the name escapes me.


I skimmed this comment and saw … “anal shot,” and was … being dirty-minded …

Fixeded for greatest perversion!!


Now, the great disentangling of conservatism has begun.

Thank God. That’s the problem with contemporary conservatism. It’s too entangled.

The Goddamn Batman Wants To Know When A Superhero Will Be Appointed, Someone Who Knows What Justice REALLY Is (He Suggests Matt Murdock)

It’s pretty amusing to imagine Trike Force Commander trying to make it through boot camp, and being told by the DI that when he says “drop and give me twenty”, he isn’t asking for the sissy kind.

Also, I think that what’s making these Nellies so nervous is that, not only is Kagan a softball player, she’s also a pitcher, if you know what I mean and I think you do and if you don’t, well, I’m not going to draw you a picture, that’s why you’ve got the googles.


To me the oddest aspect of the Kagan must be gay line of “thought” is how out of touch the people “thinking” it are. Kagan is gay because of her looks and hair-style? Do these people know any 40 or 50 something Ashkenazic Jewish women? That look and hairstyle is pretty common amongst the women of my people when they reach a certain age. Kagan might be gay, but she’s no more butch than any straight, female New Yorker of her age and station and life. And probably less butch than many straight, female Montanans — who are supposed to be “real ‘Murkins” and such.


To me the oddest aspect of the Kagan must be gay line of “thought” is how out of touch the people “thinking” it are.

Right? I find the implication that she’s some sort of bulldyke, as opposed to a slightly frumpy, middle-aged, and practical woman to be fucking hysterical.


To me the oddest aspect of the Kagan must be gay line of “thought” is how out of touch the people “thinking” it are. Kagan is gay because of her looks and hair-style? Do these people know any 40 or 50 something Ashkenazic Jewish women? That look and hairstyle is pretty common amongst the women of my people when they reach a certain age. Kagan might be gay, but she’s no more butch than any straight, female New Yorker of her age and station and life. And probably less butch than many straight, female Montanans — who are supposed to be “real ‘Murkins” and such.

Wingnuts know this already. They aren’t *thinking* anything. They’re in a pretty serious jam. Obama is an awfully conservative Democrat. With little provocation, aside from responding to their crybaby temper tantrums, Obama has given the right pretty much whatever they want. They know this, yet still feel compelled to be all “GRR, CRANKY”. That leaves them forced to manufacture reasons to be afraid, despite knowing good and goddamn well that Kagan is NOT a leftist, and that they have nothing to fear from her.

So let’s attack her looks and push around a rumor about her sexuality. Assumptions are much scarier than the actual truth, which is boring. Also.


Right? I find the implication that she’s some sort of bulldyke, as opposed to a slightly frumpy, middle-aged, and practical woman to be fucking hysterical.

Take a walk through any government or even private office. That “look” is not uncommon among middle aged, professional women. It certainly isn’t a reason to worry about their qualifications to execute their duties as a secretary or supreme court justice.


Withall the talk about represenation (over and under) I’d be curious what a SCOTUS demographic that “looked like the US” would have to be. There’s no atheists represented, the court should be pretty much 50/50 male to female so maybe a transgender or hermaphrodite could be the tie-breaker. We need Native American representation, GLBT (see tie-breaker)…so on and so forth.

If we started from scratch, what would be a SCOTUS mix that mirrored the population of our nation?

Categories such as:

% that served in military
% that served in combat
% of varuious political stripes
% union
% income levels
% educational levels
% god-view representation
% belief in occult/paranormal
% drug/alchohol use
% criminal acts
% criminal convictions
% served time
% bad driver
% tax cheat/tax delinquent
% f*cked up kids
% urban vs rural
% heartland vs coasts
% nuclear family vs not
% virgin until marriage
% faiithful to spouse
% mutliple partners
% fetish sex
% athletics vs no organized sports

etc., etc., etc….

Maybe we don’t want a SCOTUS to look exactly like America.


Lance, I think % Poptarts and % Celebritarians should be high up on your list, given the daily coverage on Yahoo News, not to mention % fans of the Village People (just on principle). Like you, I’m sure there are innumerable other categories that deserve to be represented as well. Like % Wide-stance. Of course you realize, this means the SCOTUS would have to be somewhere in the vicinity of a couple dozen justices. Oh, and % people who think Bugs Bunny is God.


Oh, and % people who think Bugs Bunny is God.

This is known as the Universal Set. Which is admittedly a bit confusing since most of the Bugs cartoons were done at Warner Bros.


At least he seems to believe that “life experiences” should have an influence on judicial philosophy.


I say we pick some homeless dude and nominate him, who will probably have the added benefit of being a vet.

This was sad and hilarious at the same time.

Other than the fuck up by the White House about “false charges” I don’t see how her being gay would affect Dems negatively. The only form of gay rights that doesn’t have majority is marriage.

Over the past 20 years, support for the idea that school boards should be able to fire gay teachers has waned. In May 1987, 51% of people agreed with the idea. By June 1992, that number had fallen to 40% and it has dropped into the 30s-range ever since. The January 2007 poll that put it at 28% is the first time support has fallen below 30%.

Nobody supports refusing to hire someone for a job for that reason, at least not in public. The teabaggers will go nuts, but everyone else won’t care.


Over the past 20 years, support for the idea that school boards should be able to fire gay teachers has waned.

I would bet good money that, as sex abuse has been uncovered in schools in the intervening decades, people are finally decoupling the idea that gay=pedophile.


I would bet good money that, as sex abuse has been uncovered in schools in the intervening decades, people are finally decoupling the idea that gay=pedophile.

Also if you read the link, which has a great title, people who know gays are much more likely to accept them. They are no longer “the other.”


Do you suppose that half the justices have been divorced at least once? I can’t imagine that thinking Americans would be interested in a marriage record as a job qualification…wait. Never mind.


The teabaggers will go nuts, but everyone else won’t care.

And nobody will notice the teabaggers going nuts, since they haven’t demonstrated a single second of lucidity to date. I hate to think that I would love to see an openly gay justice (keeps a chihuahua under the robe) seated just to see the wingnuts spin a bearing, but I have to admit that it would give me all kinds of giggly loves. Deep down, I just want someone who isn’t a fucking TOOL like Alito, Roberts, Thomas and Scalia, but seeing those bulletheads share a bench with an icky ghey would be pretty gratifying.


wait. so is he for or against Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. My money’s on FOR. B/c he loves him some ignorance..

(but then that may make him AGAINST it, since he loves to flaunt his bestial love for animus ignoramus).


people who know gays are much more likely to accept them.

True dat. The more openly a gay man or lesbian woman can live their lives, the more likely people will accept them as they understand that a gay man or lesbian woman is not a whole lot different from anyone else they know.

Ideally, one day, probably not soon sadly, sexual orientation won’t make a damn bit of difference but until that day, we have to make it make a difference.


I actually would like to see some Supreme Court justices with law degrees from somewhere besides Harvard and Yale. I don’t think it’s a huge thing, and certainly not a dealbreaker, but come on, there are other law schools that are actually quite good.


(comments are closed)