Stock Plunge

William “Billy Two Times” Petroski, the Des Moines Register:
“Woodstock” of tea parties planned Sept. 11 in western Iowa

An event described as the “Woodstock” of tea parties is planned for Sept. 11 at the Monona County Fairgrounds in Onawa in western Iowa.

While the art of the headline clearly isn’t their thing down at the Register, it’s the case that ‘Monona in Onawa in Iowa’ provides a consistency of vowel-consonant alternation once thought unachievable in the festival trade. And yet, are they not all Woodstocks now, these plein air conservative events with inadequate toilets and apparitions of the ubiquitous Ben Hancock?1 Shall there be no Monterey Pop or Newport Jazz Festival of tea parties? Where is their… Yes, sure, this may have been their Altamont, but when will we see their Riverfront Who Stomp?

It’s clever, though. The date of September 11 will help debunk the liberal media’s malicious association of the Tea Partiers with wingnut conservatism.

Craig Halverson of Griswold, who is helping to organize the event, said supporters hope to attract at least 1,000 people from Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota and other states.

A map provides the hints of Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas, although expanding the effective radius of this event seems inefficient, given that the Onawa Metro Area retains significant potential, attendancewise.

He said they are inviting prominent conservative speakers and plan to have bands perform patriotic music.

On second thought, Onawa’s schedule looks really maxed that week, sorry.

The event will have a “Take back our country” theme, Halverson said. Although the activities will occur on the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, he said organizers don’t plan to spend the day reflecting on those events.

Yeah, that’s like your neo-Druid friends inviting you to a big outdoor party with bonfires on May 1st, and being like, “Well, it’s scheduled for halfway between the solstice and equinox, but we’re not planning to celebrate Beltane.”



1 This is the Colonial-garbed Founding Father of no definite identity who attends tea parties, often in multiple simultaneous incarnations, and sometimes in the company of his bonneted helpmeet, Betsy Pitcher. Ben Hancock wears a green jacket more often than chance would seem to demand, and often affects small, rectangular eyeglasses.

Update: Bonus Petroski:

William “Billy Bad Breaks” Petroski, the Des Moines Register:
Iowa’s 2008 disaster funding tops $4 billion

Recent allocations of state and federal funding have pushed Iowa’s 2008 disaster recovery allocations over $4 billion, state officials said today.

Why, it almost seems as if he starts with the hed and works his way down.

Comments: 140


Craig Halverson of Griswold, who is helping to organize the event, said supporters hope to attract at least 1,000 people from Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota and other states.

I LOL’ed

Enraged Bull Limpet

And I dreamed I saw the ‘baggers
Riding shotgun o’er the plains,
Turning into glad earthworms
Below our nation.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

he said organizers don’t plan to spend the day reflecting on those events

Fuck these assholes, we Eastern seaboard elitists, union members, government employees, and cosmopolitan types need to take back 9/11 from these conservative cornholes.


I think it’s a bad idea for these teabagging enthusiasts to hold their Onan festival on September 11th.

Haystack Calhoun

And if anyone drops brown acid, how would you tell?


Yeah, that’s like your neo-Druid friends inviting you to a big outdoor party with bonfires on May 1st, and being like, “Well, it’s scheduled for halfway between the solstice and equinox, but we’re not planning to celebrate Beltane.”

Do they still give out Koufax awards? If so, I think I have a nomination.


So, wait, this guy is saying the teabaggers have forgotten the lessons of 9-11? Are we no longer All New Yorkers? If so, I imagine New Yorkers have to be relieved.

Enraged Bull Limpet

At least it’ll be more practical to rustle up breakfast in bed for that gaggle.


How quaint. Teabaggers getting together to sing patriotic songs while teabags dangle from their styrofoam cowboy hats.

I hope they enjoy themselves and keep the noise down. And by noise, I mean farting and sputtering.


And if anyone drops brown acid, how would you tell?

If some Arizona cops pull the acid over and ask to see its birth certificate, you’ll know it’s the brown acid.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Johnny Pez said,
May 8, 2010 at 8:55

And if anyone drops brown acid, how would you tell?

If some Arizona cops pull the acid over and ask to see its birth certificate, you’ll know it’s the brown acid.

Shit, Wild Turkey hurts when it spurts out your nose!

Enraged Bull Limpet

Acid for the base! Fair ‘n’ balanced.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

And if anyone drops brown acid, how would you tell?

I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep on saying it… there won’t be any brown anything at this rally.


“Well, it’s scheduled for halfway between the solstice and equinox, but we’re not planning to celebrate Beltane.”
And PAY NO ATTENTION to the vaguely anthropomorphic wicker sculpture.

Fair ‘n’ balanced
I thought of a cryptic-crossword clue for “Titration” but the margin is not wide enough and SHUT UP SMUT

Enraged Bull Limpet


Wyatt Watts III

…said supporters hope to attract at least 1,000 people from Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota and other states.

So is this where they’re filming the sequel to The Human Centipede?


So is this where they’re filming the sequel to The Human Centipede?

You broke my brain. I hope you’re happy.


I imagine New Yorkers have to be relieved.

It’s like when you squeeze out that three-day-constipated turd. It’s that kind of relief.


I anxiously await the teabagger TAMI Show.

S. cerevisiae

Why do conservative jagoffs always try to steal cool hippie shit? Conservative and rock are diametrically opposed – if it’s conservative it doesn’t rock and if it rocks it’s not conservative.

Conservative Woodstock?, Nah, just more of the Pat Boone show.


It’s like they want us to make fun of them. I’m no bully…but they’re kind of asking for it.


“S. cerevisiae said,
May 8, 2010 at 14:33

Why do conservative jagoffs always try to steal cool hippie shit? Conservative and rock are diametrically opposed – if it’s conservative it doesn’t rock and if it rocks it’s not conservative.”

kinda like comedy and conservative.


With any luck, they’ll all get drunk, wander into the cornfield, and be consumed by He Who Walks Behind the Rows.


Children of the Cornholes!

he said organizers don’t plan to spend the day reflecting on those events.

How odd. It’s almost as if they’re exploiting a terrible event in U.S. history for their own gain! Oh well, after eight years of BushBots and Rudi 911ani, I’m sure the dead and their survivors are used to it.


Children of the Cornholes!

With all the paranoia about where the president was actually born, and the new “breathing while brown” law in Arizona, they’ve got the role of the ugly kid screaming “OUTLANDER!!!” down pat.


he said organizers don’t plan to spend the day reflecting on those events

You mean to tell me that the baggers don’t care about September 11 except as a political symbol?

I’m shocked, I tell you. Shocked!


Arky said May 8, 2010 at 14:45

*sigh* Yours was better. I’m blaming my Droid.


I’m blaming my Droid.

The garbage can or the gay English one?


The garbage can or the gay English one?

Those are not the droids you are looking for.


From the NYT home page:

Bloggingheads: Was Bush Right?

Glenn Greenwald and David Frum debate whether President Bush was right on national security.

Amazingly, I have resisted the temptation to click through.


Those are not the droids you are looking for.

Can’t check online for the sexbots while Mrs. __B is in the room.

Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford



Glenn Greenwald and David Frum debate whether President Bush was right on national security.

Unholy Destruction of Recent History, Batman!


“organizers don’t plan to spend the day reflecting on those events.”

I don’t believe these people spend any time reflecting about anything otherwise they wouldn’t be spewing out all the crap that they do.


Can’t check online for the sexbots while Mrs. __B is in the room

Sheesh. Women! Amirite?


Sheesh. Women! Amirite?

Actually no. It’s just that older bots sometimes get jealous of newer, more advanced ones.


Did somebody say vaguely anthropomorphic wicker sculpture?

Is that, like, the best movie ever, or what?


Actually no. It’s just that older bots sometimes get jealous of newer, more advanced ones.

I’m sure she’d be delighted to hear you say that!


I’m sure she’d be delighted to hear you say that!

If you only knew what she says about me…


The event will have a “Take back our country” theme, Halverson said. Although the activities will occur on the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, he said organizers don’t plan to spend the day reflecting on those events.

Yeah, that’s like your neo-Druid friends inviting you to a big outdoor party with bonfires on May 1st, and being like, “Well, it’s scheduled for halfway between the solstice and equinox, but we’re not planning to celebrate Beltane.”

No, I believe it. It’s not like they really give a shit about 9/11 anyway. Sure, it was a golden opportunity to go back to doing what they always wanted to do (killing people and fucking things up), but beyond that? The people they really want to bust up are Obama, CAIR, ACORN and all the rest of their fellow Americans, and I’m pretty sure that’ll be the theme of the event – actual terrorists are just window dressing.

(Just like the Cold War, for them, was mostly a war on unions, worker-protection laws, regulation, civil rights and foreign governments who put their responsibilities to their people ahead of their service to American corporations – the Soviet Union and China were just kinda there in the background).


The event will have a “Take back our country” theme

Pitchforks, torches, ball-and-chain combos, and postal censorship?

Mr. Wonderful

A thousand people = Woodstock?

This is a joke, right? There were probably a thousand roadies at the actual Woodstock.


I’m sure she’d be delighted to hear you say that!

If you only knew what she says about me…

Mr. T&U and I normally say nice things about each other…I guess we’re doing marriage wrong?


The event will have a “Take back our country” theme….

Did Toby Keith come out as a liberal when I wasn’t looking or something? Why would they need to take country back?


Why would they need to take country back?

Black dude.

In the White House.

Have you forgotten?!

Martian Buddy

Did Toby Keith come out as a liberal when I wasn’t looking or something? Why would they need to take country back?

‘Nym fail. That was me.

Monona County Fairgrounds in Onawa in Iowa, Doo Dah, Doo Dah.

I say, I say, will there be any chickens at this here powwow, pay attention to me when I’m talkin’ to ya boy, it could be the highlight of your day. I say will there be any new chickens exchanged for checkups at this parlay of the plains people? Oh a doo dah day!


When are the guys who put together the conservative Woodstocks planning on organizing a conservative Kent State?


An event described as the “Woodstock” of tea parties is planned for Sept. 11 at the Monona County Fairgrounds in Onawa in western Iowa.

I love how they can’t even describe how cool their event’s going to be without referring to a popular hippie event.


When are the guys who put together the conservative Woodstocks planning on organizing a conservative Kent State?

I suppose coffee going down the wrong pipe after laughing at this joke is what I get for laughing at this joke in the first place…

Xecky Gilchrist

When are the guys who put together the conservative Woodstocks planning on organizing a conservative Kent State?

OOOoooOOoooOOOoooo! Burn!

Golf clap!


ick. A conservative Kent state would be the cassus belli for a thousand gun hoarding wingnuts to climb water towers and commit suicide by cop. Do Not Want.


I love how they can’t even describe how cool their event’s going to be without referring to a popular hippie event.

Right? And are they trying to appeal to the yoot with this bullshit? Because while I don’t really represent the youth demographic these days, I do know that Woodstock is some quaint, weird thing that their parents were probably too young to attend. Hell, mine were…

What about a conservative Bonnaroo? Or a conservative Burning Man?


ick. A conservative Kent state would be the cassus belli for a thousand gun hoarding wingnuts to climb water towers and commit suicide by cop. Do Not Want.

Nor do I. No one deserves that. It’s just that they seem so eager to re-enact major events from forty years ago…



Rusty Shackleford

Or a conservative Burning Man?

Lately we’ve seen some conservative Flaming Men.


Totally off-topic, but if someone buys this for me, I will be their BFF. FOREVER.


WTF is up with the conservatives and pornstaches, anyway? There’s Bolton, Mr., John Stossel & I’m sure I’m leaving out a few of them.


Right? And are they trying to appeal to the yoot with this bullshit? Because while I don’t really represent the youth demographic these days, I do know that Woodstock is some quaint, weird thing that their parents were probably too young to attend. Hell, mine were…

They probably are, yes (just like McCain supposedly modeled one of his websites on a video game that hasn’t been played since the seventies in a similar attempt).

The right hates popular culture while at the same time craving its popularity and appeal. These are the people who spent years decrying it as vulgar, obscene, crude and debauched and why couldn’t we all go back to Amos and Andy The Andy Griffith Show… until South Park came out and they leaped for joy and cheered at how cool it was that they finally had their own hip and cool and popular show… until the Terry Schiavo episode with the “Use the Republicans” line came out and they went into a corner and cried again.


WTF is up with the conservatives and pornstaches, anyway? There’s Bolton, Mr., John Stossel & I’m sure I’m leaving out a few of them.

You sure are!


You sure are!

Wait..wait..doesn’t that Mr. Intelligent-Design Banana Fellator have a pornstache too? What’s his name?


WTF is up with the conservatives and pornstaches, anyway?

Hey, it worked for Tom Selleck.


The right hates popular culture while at the same time craving its popularity and appeal.

A toxic mix of insecurity and jealousy undergirds everything in the conservative mindset, does it not?


Wait..wait..doesn’t that Mr. Intelligent-Design Banana Fellator have a pornstache too? What’s his name?

Ray Comfort.

And don’t forget this prominent conservative’s modest yet famous testes tickler.


Jennifer, I was trying to pick up what you put down with Teabagapalooza, but I’m drawing a blank. I pretty much fail at life.


And don’t forget this prominent conservative’s modest yet famous testes tickler.

Is there a mustache equivalent of Godwin’s Law?


Is there a mustache equivalent of Godwin’s Law?

Facial hair references are exempt. That’s Snorghagen’s Law.

Martian Buddy

Wait..wait..doesn’t that Mr. Intelligent-Design Banana Fellator have a pornstache too? What’s his name?

Ray Comfort. I guess the Mustache of Understanding doesn’t count since he’s a “radical centrist” and all.

Martian Buddy

Scary thought for the day: in some parts of the country, that’s also the copstache.


Incidentally, Adolf (on the right, naturally) sported a much more impressive stache before he hit the big time.


Jennifer, I was trying to pick up what you put down with Teabagapalooza, but I’m drawing a blank

It’s a steep curve.


T & U – oops, I didn’t make the connection. But if it’s any consolation, I loved the Henry & Glenn Forever link, even clipped one of the comments for later posting at my place.


“…activities will occur on the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks … organizers don’t plan to spend the day reflecting on those events…”

And if the festival took place on July 4th they wouldn’t ‘reflect’ on Revolutionary War?

If on Dec 25, it would have nothing to do with Christmas?

And if on November 5th?


It’s a steep curve.

Thanks. I thought it was just me.

T & U – oops, I didn’t make the connection.

Oh, no, I didn’t actually post anything…I was trying to think of something. I was obliquely complimenting your joke.

Doesn’t that comic look awesome? I may have to order it.


Incidentally, Adolf (on the right, naturally) sported a much more impressive stache before he hit the big time.

And also too there was his famous homophobia.

Also he only had one ball. Because he lost the other one in a bizarre and tragic teabagging incident. Let this be a lesson to all the Teabaggers.


RE: the comic – I love the idea of Hall & Oates as the Satanic neighbors. I’ve been trying to put my finger on the source of their suckitude for lo these many years…collusion with the Dark One is the most plausible explanation for the perversion of “music” they perpetrated and – successfully – inflicted upon us that I’ve ever heard.


i would think the event where the teabagger lost the finger was more their Altamont. Sticky Fingers and all.


So is the theme song for this unforgettable (“Someday people will ask if you were there!”) event be “My Monona?”

Alt name: “The Gathering: Morona at Monona.”


And can Looch grammar phail harder? You tell US!

The Kenosha Kid

“There’s one thousand of you fuckers out there! Maple Street is closed, man! Can you dig it?”


hope to attract at least 1,000 people from Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota and other states.

Wow. That’s like 250 people from each state! Impressive!

The local dance studio’s recital has a bigger draw, but still…


I love the idea of Hall & Oates as the Satanic neighbors.

Me, too. Especially in opposition to, you know, Danzig.


Alt name: “The Gathering: Morona at Monona.”

The Onanists come all over Onawa.

(apologies to El Cid at 7:08)


how come they’re not having their celebration of september 11th in new york? we’d give them a niiice welcome.

Martian Buddy

Speaking of Kent State, DougJ over at Balloon Juice notes that wingnuts are trying to justify the shootings. “Sure, it’s sad that some hippy-dippy college kids got shot, but it sure stopped the little bastards from rioting.”


how come they’re not having their celebration of september 11th in new york?

And be around all those brown people? Ewww. No thanks.


DougJ over at Balloon Juice notes that wingnuts are trying to justify the shootings.

Yeah, this ain’t really a surprise. These are the same people who think Joe McCarthy and Oliver North are American heroes.


The right hates popular culture while at the same time craving its popularity and appeal.

This is why I’m not completely against concealed carry laws.

No, really. I know it’s just a matter of time before those simpletons decide the road to power involves:
1. Rounding up a bunch of black dudes of actual or apparent mixed-race parentage;
2. Sticking them in Dont Tred On Me t-shirts; and
3. Parading them around and the Baggerfests and PatriotPaloozas. On leashes if necessary.
That way all the people who like Obama will flock to the teabaggers because Look, we’ve got black guys who’re part ReaLAMErican race traitor and part darky Sambo too, also.

I’d like to be able to fend off the fucktarded hordes when Operation Infinite Yellow Tail commences.


“This is a joke, right?”

Yes, it’s just that they’re not in on it.



Halvorson might be trying to work some of that 4B U$D calamity cash, ’cause this looks like a potential disaster from here. Also, the KSU shootings and right-wing fucktards justification thereof: nothing new, the locals were cheering this shit the day it happened- I was there!

Sirius Lunacy

The way they get overly excited by Sarah’s little wink if she were to show up then they probably would have a tea party Wood Stalk. I’m thinking it will be more of a Moronapalooza or, since it’s Teabaggers, a Moranapalooza


Speaking of Kent State, DougJ over at Balloon Juice notes that wingnuts are trying to justify the shootings. “Sure, it’s sad that some hippy-dippy college kids got shot, but it sure stopped the little bastards from rioting.”

This particular gem is from one of the hardline Catholic conservatives at First Things.

Firing on students was okay because…
The responsibilities of government are limited and few. One of these is the maintenance of order. Governor Rhodes fulfilled his obligation to maintain order, in calling up the National Guard…

That government is best which governs least, and shoots a few hippies every once in a while.


That government is best which governs least, and shoots a few hippies every once in a while.

Shit, I don’t care who they shoot as long as they don’t raise my taxes.


Zombie PENIS. Also and such as.

S. cerevisiae

Come to conservative Burning Man! Because we’ve got real burning men! (and women, and books…)


It’s as if Teh Teabaggers observed lefty protests … & decided that the giant effigy-puppets & hackeysack circles were solid gold, & everything else was dross.

Wow. That’s like 250 people from each state!

Yes, it is truly a slumbering behemoth we have awoken here, libz!

Perhaps one day these valiant stewards of political change can even grow enough to attain the popularity & scale of Trekkies, Furries or people who refer to themselves as Jedi. For them to match their levels of legitimacy, seriousness or respectability is of course a fantasy.


Three free hints to the Bagstockers: Sex. Drugs. Rock ‘N Roll.


The fact is, stupid liberals, September 11th is now Patriot Day. it is OURS. The PATRIOTS. you are NOT PATRIOTS,you hate USA and all we stand for and fought and died for in every USA war, ones you disown and apologize for, while we in the Middle of America make no apologies for Freedom.


Totally off-topic, but if someone buys this for me, I will be their BFF. FOREVER

Once you’re ensconced as an elementary-school librarian, make sure to buy a few copies.

You know, for the kids.


The fact is, stupid liberals, September 11th is now Patriot Day. it is OURS. The PATRIOTS. you are NOT PATRIOTS,you hate USA and all we stand for and fought and died for in every USA war, ones you disown and apologize for, while we in the Middle of America make no apologies for Freedom.

I know you’re a fake troll, but the “apology for freedom” thing remains the weirdest thing to have come out of the right in the last couple years. I’ve watched his speeches. There was no apology, only a vague admission that we haven’t always done the right thing – no suggestion at all that we’ve ever done things with anything but the right intention.

I wish the concept of an apology did exist in America – and I don’t mean a barely-apology from one president that’s immediately excoriated by the “heartland,” I mean an actual repentance by the people as a whole, like what Germany’s gone through since the end of World War Two, with a frank admission of our sins combined with a dedication to never letting them happen again. Because God knows we have enough crimes in our name to warrant that.


Once you’re ensconced as an elementary-school librarian, make sure to buy a few copies.

You know, for the kids.

I’m sure their parents would be THRILLED.

Oh, hey, my practicum is set up now and I’ll be working in children’s services at the public library. I get to go out on the bookmobile! I’m stoked!

I may have to do storytime, though. Ugh.


Because God knows we have enough crimes in our name to warrant that.

Why do you hate America, Chris? WHY???


I may have to do storytime, though. Ugh.



The responsibilities of government are limited and few. One of these is the maintenance of order.

The other being the maintenance of embryos in wombs because life is sacred.

Also, maintenance of sex only between a man who is married to lady and only for embryo production.


maintenance of embryos

The expiration date is pretty clearly indicated on the carton.


With apologies in advance to Country Joe and various and sundry aquatics animals:

And it’s one, two. three,
What’re we pissed about?
Don’t ask me I don’t have a clue
Yelling feels good, who cares what’s true.

And it’s five, six, seven,
We’re all as sane as Orly Taitz
Well we ain’t got time to spell our signs
Whoopie! We’re all gonna whine.


The expiration date is pretty clearly indicated on the carton.

After which date the RCC instructs you to turn the post-partum waste products (sometimes frivolously referred to as infants, babies or children) over to the nearest priest for [ahem] research.

Sirius Lunacy

I may have to do storytime, though. Ugh.

I was picturing something more like this.


It may have been noted on this site yesterday but not all of the victims of the Kent State shooting were protesters. A couple were passersby, I believe (too busy too look it up right now, natch).


Conservative Woodstock?

More like Galtamont.

I’m sure if a black dude showed up the result would be the same.


After which date the RCC instructs you to turn the post-partum waste products (sometimes frivolously referred to as infants, babies or children) over to the nearest priest for [ahem] research.

Maintenance and research.


It may have been noted on this site yesterday but not all of the victims of the Kent State shooting were protesters. A couple were passersby, I believe

If they were shot, they were by definition hippie scum.


I was picturing something more like this.

That seems more likely. I can’t be terrifying even if I try.

Speaking of terrifying, I’m a little nervous. I haven’t dealt with children (or their parents) in quite a long time.


BTW, new Horrors of Hallmark at my joint.


BTW, new Horrors of Hallmark at my joint.

Angel crap! The bane of my existence! (Besides Precious Moments).


I want an angel riding a unicorn.

Sirius Lunacy

I want an angel riding a unicorn.

I want a unicorn riding an angel. I live in Florida, so it’s legal here.


(Besides Precious Moments).

Oh, I’ll get to those. All in due time, all in due time…

S. cerevisiae

It depends on how the angel was riding the unicorn.


Speaking of terrifying, I’m a little nervous. I haven’t dealt with children (or their parents) in quite a long time.

Think your TeaTard relatives. You’re covered.

S. cerevisiae

Yeah kingbu, that was fucking awesome. “We’re all as sane as Orly Taitz” – genius.

S. cerevisiae

sorry – Kingubu. I em a bad spellar.


Are Standing Golf Claps kosher? If so, enjoy one, Kingubu.


Yes, well done, kingubu. Well done, indeed.

It depends on how the angel was riding the unicorn.

Hentai porn was referenced.


I was just looking at Amazon reviews of Mike Jones book about Ted Haggard, I Had To Say Something, a book that really ought to be back on the shelves post-Rekers gaycation. It’s a pretty good book, better than you might expect. Anyway, I was looking at the Amazon reviews and, viola!, review no. 1 is by Ted Haggard, apparently, the real Ted Haggard. He says Mike Jones is lying about various things but, yup, it’s a rather disingenuous review and something of a non-denial denial. In short, Haggard picks a few technical points–he claims he did not have a three year “relationship” with Jones, ahem, but he doesn’t deny, say, doing meth with Jones and bonking his brains out over a three year period. It’s worth taking a look at.

Shell Goddamnit

I am not sure about Kent State shootees, but one of the two people shot at Jackson State was an onlooker.

Course he was brown so nobody gave a shit.

It was so crazy then, even more than now in some ways. These dumb fucks want to re-enact every event from that time in an attempt to finally “win”. I’d really rather not.




Hey, look what’s up over at Christwire, one of Marie Jon’s haunts. Makes me think that both the site and Ms. Jon’ are spoofs.

Also, attention Sadly, No! overlords: S,N! regular feature S. E. Cupp will be on Real Time next Friday.


It was so crazy then, even more than now in some ways.


There’s a tremendous amount of bad craziness now, but so far it’s mostly talk. Back then, there was much more political violence, and once blood starts to flow it’s hard to step back. I thought we were going to go over the edge; I still think we’re lucky we didn’t.

Monona's Moronicon

She said her name was Monona…Monona Clamthistle.
I said “Please sit down, Ms Clamthistle.”
She replied “All my friends call me Monona. Don’t you want to be my friend?”
When she had entered my office a few minutes earlier, I had very much wanted to be more than her friend, but now she wanted me to visit Iowa. Some whistlestop called Onawa was having a clambake for bumpkins and my escort would be Monona Clamthistle.


WAIT! Wasn’t the thing in Nevada supposed to be their “Woodstock”?



Ribbons and a tiara as well?


“There’s a tremendous amount of bad craziness now, but so far it’s mostly talk. Back then, there was much more political violence, and once blood starts to flow it’s hard to step back. I thought we were going to go over the edge; I still think we’re lucky we didn’t.”

At first I thought, naw, it’s worse now, but then I remembered Kent, Chicago, Newark, Watts and Detroit. JFK, RFK, MLK and 25,000 or so American boys were shot in about six years.


I think your referring to the fact that the girl kneeling by the body at Kent was a runaway, not a student.


I was a little kid in ’68 and ’69. Those times were terrible. People started locking their doors. 2001 compares as far as the public’s fear in daily life. People buying plastic sheeting and duct tape, stocking up on Cipro, etc. was over the top. The paranoia was so widespread and intense that I bought a clear vinyl backpack and put clear vinyl bags in it to assure people that I wasn’t carrying a bomb. We’ve calmed down a bit, no one blinks at a regular backpack now. It doesn’t seem that reactionary behavior stuck like the door locking in the sixties, but the idea that we live with an existential threat that is new and unlike anything anyone has ever experienced before hasn’t gone away.


One of the Kent State victims was a ROTC student on his way to a class and not even a onlooker.


Something cracked by someone wittier than I when the Nevada Teabag “Woodstock” was in the news.

“Don’t take the brown antacid, man!”


While they’re mobbing the chickens for checkups booth, you’ll find me in the short line at the firkins for fuckups booth. I hope it’s something good, like Anchor Steam.


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