Scott has a brand new line

No, it’s not madman, dangerous, madman, madman. It’s not weapons of mass destruction related program activities. What is it?

These documents clearly show that the President fulfilled his duties. … those point summaries that document the fact that the President of the United States fulfilled his duties … These records verify that he met the requirements necessary to fulfill his duties. … These records — these records I’m holding here clearly document the President fulfilling his duties in the National Guard. … And we have provided you these documents that show clearly that the President of the United States fulfilled his duties. … verify the records that the President had fulfilled his duties … these documents make it very clear that the President of the United States fulfilled his duties … I think that these documents clearly show that the President of the United States fulfilled his duties. … Oh, I think these documents show that he fulfilled his duties. … He fulfilled his duties; … he did fulfill his duties … documents reflect the fact that the President met his requirements and fulfilled his duties … if you look at these records, these records document that the President fulfilled his duties … But the one thing that these documents clearly show is that the President of the United States fulfilled his duties when he was in the National Guard. He met his requirements and he was honorably discharged because he fulfilled his duties. … the point summaries have all been released to show that he met his requirements and to show that he fulfilled his duties … which document that the President fulfilled his duties … And they show that he was serving in the National Guard and that he met the requirements necessary to fulfill his duties … The President of the United States fulfilled his duties … And I think that these documents clearly show that the President met his requirements and fulfilled his duties … he, indeed, did meet his requirements and serve and fulfill his duties. These records document that the President fulfilled his duties … all the documents that are available relevant to this issue demonstrate that the President fulfilled his duties … In fact, I’m saying that these documents demonstrate that the President fulfilled his duties. … The documents clearly show that the President served and met his requirements and fulfilled his duties.

Any questions? Our heads hurt, we’ll be back later to answer them if you do.

Update: More below, as requested by Steve from the Modulator

No, he recalls performing his duties … he does recall showing up and performing his duties … he remembers serving during that period and performing his duties … And equivalent duty is performing your duties … that he recalls performing his duties … that the President recalls serving and performing his duties … No, he recalls performing his duties, both in Alabama and Texas … he does recall showing up and performing his duties

Please, no more.


Comments: 6


A severe drive for completeness moves me to urge you to to also include the 10-12 “perform(ing) his duties” as well.


Fulfilled and Performing

Sadly, No! has detailed the key elements of mcclellan’s responses to questions about bush’s war record during today’s press gaggle….


Scotty also has a brand new gesture: With each mention of “records” and “documents,” he picks up the stapled pages — sometimes in his left hand, sometimes in his right hand, sometimes upside down in either hand [the papers, not Scotty] — and waves them as proof. By the end of the briefing, Scotty’s copies were pretty battered, along with their owner.


Well, I know what clue to use in case the word “duties” ever appears in a Taboo! game.


In yesterday press gaggle, in a span of 37 minutes, Scott “Rain Man “McLellan used the phrase “fulfilled his duties” 23 times. No matter what the question, that was answer.

If anyone else in America ever answered questions this way, we’d be expecting them to follow it with, “10 minutes to Wapner.”


Yes, but isn’t it a welcome relief to get a break from “9/11 changed everything”…”9/11 changed everything”…”9/11 changed everything”?


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