Lindsey’s Lisp

ABOVE: James Simpson

Shorter James Simpson, Washington Examiner
Is Lindsey Graham Compromised?

  • The beaners and the treehuggers are blackmailing Lindsey Graham by threatening to reveal that he is an effeminate homosexual, which no one would ever have guessed otherwise. This is why Graham is sashaying about with all the Democrats who are trying to destroy the country, and it is sufficient justification to replace him with a manly teabagger.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 444

tony in san diego

OMG Frist!!! (I am such a child!)


Is he Homer’s older brother?


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

It’s not the liberals who are threatening to out Graham. It’s the Teabaggers who dislike him because he had the temerity to agree with the Democrats on one or two “safe” issues.


Funny how these folks are just catching on to the fact that Graham may be teh ghey now that he disagrees with them…


“Manly teabagger.” I like that. I really like that.


because he had the temerity to agree with the Democrats on one or two “safe” issues.

What do you suppose Mr. Simpson’s safe word is?

Or, when the ball gag is in place, what is the hand signal?



Very Short Scene from Grahamnail & I:

Manly Teabagger: Ponce!

Smiling Mortician

I clicked through. You can actually smell the flop sweat. It must be exhausting, failing that hard.


What do you suppose Mr. Simpson’s safe word is?



From Mr. Non-Homer’s blog:

“Truth & Consequences – There is no Right and Left, only Right and Wrong

As a nation we have been asleep for years. Lulled by affluence and self-indulgent apathy, our collective awareness has grown dim. This has created an opening for our enemies, one that may ultimately prove fatal. This is the truth and what we do, or don’t do, will determine the consequences, for better or worse. It is time to decide.”

This here is one open-minded, considerate fellow.

I’m guessing his furry is a racoon.


What do you suppose Mr. Simpson’s safe word is?

“It is the most promising of their many, despicable, underhanded, self-serving plans to pack voter roles with reliable democrat voters, constitution, rule of law, and the will of the people be damned.”

I don’t think he understands the concept.

Or, when the ball gag is in place, what is the hand signal?

Dude. While I am happy to imagine this guy shutting the fuck up, I’d rather not imagine that.

The Rainbow Batman Usually Has Mixed Feelings About Tactical Outing, But Where Graham Is Concerned, Not So Much

As far as I’m concerned, Lindsey is reaping the whirlwind here. Other closeted-but-commonly-rumored-about GOP congresspeople (there are supposedly at least two in my state, and if you live there too, you probably know who I’m talking about) who might be tempted to moderate their rhetoric and chosen issues are probably the intended audience for this.

Also, it’s kind of amusing that Simpson’s headshot on the Examiner page is less flattering than the one here, for once.


Dear GOP:

By all means, continue purging all of your non-batshit members until you wingnut yourselves right out of the mainstream. I look forward to the day that your party is regarded as an isolated coven of kooks, like Scientology.



Hoo boy! I took the cap’ns gig to look for fruit and found fruitcake. That is some funny shit. Really, I LedOL.


Lulled by affluence and self-indulgent apathy

Wow, so he’s saying that all those years of economic growth under Democratic presidents was BAD for the nation?


I mean, in reality, isn’t the truth of this matter the _exact opposite_ of what they’re fantasizing about? As usual?


Dude. While I am happy to imagine this guy shutting the fuck up, I’d rather not imagine that.

Me neither, to be honest. But I do wish that Mr. Non-Homer will feel the need to appear and defend himself.

All I want him to do is to deny it.


Lulled by affluence and self-indulgent apathy

Wow, so he’s saying that all those years of economic growth under Democratic presidents was BAD for the nation?

well, yeah – we got soft (VIR). When we are sleeping on moldy rags on the floor of a hovel, and picking through garbage for meals THEN we will develop the spine and fortitude of a strong, independent, correctly-voting people!


Wonder how many crap bills Crist will have to banhammer before Republicans suddenly start seeing through his orange facade?


I mean, in reality, isn’t the truth of this matter the _exact opposite_ of what they’re fantasizing about? As usual?

Absolutely. But he is pure, undiluted and immutable. He’s in a corner and there’s no way out. I want to poke him with sharp sticks. (Absolutely NOT a VPR).


Way back when, about 1950-something or so, being the ghey was a serious security risk to the integrity of the US government and way of life and future of this great nation and military might and moral fiber and on and on, for about fifteen or twenty years. It was right up there with being a commie pinko fellow traveller subversive, and fluoridated water supplies. Then some meathead sunnabitch revives this lunacy, again. Is this schmuck channeling Joe McCarthy or perhaps….Roy Cohn?


He’s in a corner and there’s no way out. I want to poke him with sharp sticks. (Absolutely NOT a VPR).

Goddammit, Looch, stop it! I have a very vivid imagination.


Is this schmuck channeling Joe McCarthy or perhaps….Roy Cohn?

Heh. J. Edgar Hoover. That’s where my money is.


Teh Gheys are leaking our atomic secrets to Gheyistan!


I mean, in reality, isn’t the truth of this matter the _exact opposite_ of what they’re fantasizing about? As usual?

Seriously, after reading this dude I wouldn’t be surprised* to discover Graham’s straight as a board. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

* OK, I would, but less so than before. It may turn out to be the only thing they’ve ever been right about.



We’s got a fagnit in Sou’ Ca’lina?

Wow. I didn’t think we allowed them in the state to begin with.


Seriously, after reading this dude I wouldn’t be surprised* to discover Graham’s straight as a board.

I have zero gaydar and I really don’t care about other people’s sex lives, so I usually don’t speculate. I’m thinking there may be a parallel to the whole “gay or just English” question here.


these guys are all living in wingnut-virtual-reality, which states that all ‘homos’ are closeted because they are too icky and horrible to face the light of day, and therefore, they can be easily manipulated and blackmailed to do whatever dastardly action (e.g., cooperate with Democrats) by the eminences grises that seek to destroy our FREEDUMBS!!


Teh Gheys are leaking our atomic secrets to Gheyistan!

Freddy Mercury would totally be the president of Gheyistan if he were still alive.


Freddy Mercury would totally be the president of Gheyistan if he were still alive.



In times of stress and fear, the authoritarian faction frequently begins to search for sgaypegoats.


Graham’s sexuality has been an open secret forever in SC. So has Andre Bauer’s. The rule up to now has been that if you’re an elite white male and conservative, you can be gay — just don’t ever call yourself that, or call any attention at all to your queerness. Everyone will play along and politely look the other way when you’re spotted in that bar with this or that handsome youth.

In Charleston the euphemism “confirmed bachelor” is still used in dead earnest.

I’ve wondered when this quaint local custom would finally come to clash with the national right-wing loony mainstream.


It would be really, really funny if the TeaTards succeed in getting Crist elected as an Independent in Florida and driving Lindsey Graham out of the Republican Party for not being a right wing enough South Carolina Republican.

The 14th Amendment is theft!



He will, as they say, “rock you.”




one small grace – there are a lot more of the ‘enemies of true murkin freedumb’ than in previous times of scapegoating, such as liberals, feminists, enviromentalists, brown people, etc., etc., and a lot of us are hard to identify right off the (moon) bat. I’m hoping this holds down (to zero) the body count that the righties would like to rack up.



Not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, with just their word against his, there appears to be reasonable doubt. On the other hand, the reaction of the public, once again, doesn’t appear to have been “you can’t believe a terrorist over our boys” – it was “sure well if our boys beat him up, that’s great! what’s wrong with that?”

I don’t know. I’m getting goddamn tired of the complete lack of accountability for our troops (the fuck with Blackwater, I’m talking about American military personnel). The Abu Ghraib soldiers were let off with a slap on the wrist, the Haditha soldiers didn’t even get that, and of course, the big shots (including Rumsfeld) have never gotten in any trouble for it. It’s long past time for someone to finally get the axe.


He will, as they say, “rock you.”

I’m tingling all over. This must be how Lindsey Graham feels every day of his life.


He’s in a corner and there’s no way out. I want to poke him with sharp sticks. (Absolutely NOT a VPR).

What if he comes at you with a banana????


Wow, so he’s saying that all those years of economic growth under Democratic presidents was BAD for the nation?

That growth, as you know, benefited the wrong sort of people.


That growth, as you know, benefited the wrong sort of people.

The most beautiful view over a gay-sex reference I’ve ever seen.


veil, not view. fuck stupid typing fingers


What if he comes at you with a banana????

Um, I’ll peel out?


Kerry himself recently noted that the recession has reduced greenhouse gas pollution by 6 percent. He wants to see another 14 percent reduction by 2020. Not one given to heavy intellectual lifting, we’ll assume Kerry overlooked the implications of that statement. But others have been explicit, suggesting a controlled recession is what’s needed to achieve that result.

Always one who enjoys seeing a guy fuck his own face, I clicked through and found this…It always cracks me up to see an intellectual midget take a cheap shot like this. I’m detecting an invitation for some bromance here, like when children show each other attention by punching each other.


Um, I’ll peel out?


I’d split.


What if he comes at you with a banana????

Um, I’ll peel out?

Or a raspberry????


It gets better. Simpson weighs in in comments to complain about ad hominems from the left. After an article he wrote speculating about someone being gay because they don’t think the way he does.

My response:
Jim Simpson says: “I am so sick of baseless, ad hominem attacks. Do you know that an ad hominem attack is a form of logical fallacy? It advances no argument, proves no point, and resolves nothing. It is a form of mindless intimidation engaged in by people who don’t have the brains to argue or don’t have the intellectual integrity to admit when they are wrong.”

Which is pretty rich in the context of a response to an article he, himself, wrote, which is based on an ad-hominem speculation that the reason some guy is not voting the way he likes is because the guy is a gay homosexual qu**r f*ggort.

Dude, you’re projecting like the octoplex down at the mall.

As for Graham, it must come as a shock to the poor dear that his debasement of himself during the 98 impeachment circus curries him no favors with the same lunatic base today.


He will, as they say, “rock you.”

I’m tingling all over. This must be how Lindsey Graham feels every day of his life.

Indeed. However, according to James Simpson, Graham’s tingle is most likely not inspired by fat bottomed girls.


like when children show each other attention by punching each other.

I dated a girl like that. Boy, the changes people go thru in forty years…she went from beating me up to begging to be…well, a gentleman never kisses and tells.

But since we’re talking about fucking…


Graham’s sexuality has been an open secret forever in SC. So has Andre Bauer’s. The rule up to now has been that if you’re an elite white male and conservative, you can be gay — just don’t ever call yourself that, or call any attention at all to your queerness.

And, of course, one must be sure to support such manly legislation as DOMA and DADT. An occasional veiled reference to some sort of final solution is very helpful as well.


well, a gentleman never kisses and tells.

But since we’re talking about fucking…

and who said you’re a gentleman?


Indeed. However, according to James Simpson, Graham’s tingle is most likely not inspired by fat bottomed girls.

Attraction to fat bottomed girls, I’m told, is the last stage before coming to terms with being gay. So perhaps…


We all know why the Democrats’ want amnesty.

Because it will increase the number of apostrophes entering my sentences illegally!


Attraction to fat bottomed girls, I’m told, is the last stage before coming to terms with being gay. So perhaps…

Sounds like the husband and I need to have a talk, then.


and who said you’re a gentleman?

You’d be surprised who I’ve conned.


Attraction to fat bottomed girls, I’m told, is the last stage before coming to terms with being gay.



HAHA–ok, which one of you left this comment on James’ farticle?

Lindsey Graham says:
Hey, Jimmy. Suck my dick.

Love, Lindsey Graham.
April 22, 11:10 AM


Lurking Canadian

Graham’s sexuality has been an open secret forever in SC

Wait, Lindsey Graham is really gay? I just assumed this was a bunch of Republicans standing around the schoolyard chanting, “What kind of faggy name is Lindsey“?


Oh HELL yes!

Here’s another awesome comment. How loaded with veiled butsecks references is this???

Grandpa Smith says:
You must be right over the target Jim, that would explain why the flak is so heavy!


Fat-bottomed girls, they make the rockin’ world go round.


Grandpa Smith says:
You must be right over the target Jim, that would explain why the flak is so heavy!

They’re coming in from the left! They’re coming in from the right! Streams of missiles aimed right for Simpson’s face! Oh, the huMANity!


HAHA–ok, which one of you left this comment on James’ farticle?

Not me, but both the comment and “farticle” made me giggle.


apostrophes entering my sentences illegally!
Veiled penetration reference.


You must be right over the target Jim, that would explain why the flak is so heavy!

I was over there looking at comments. It’s all pretty tame (Jennifer’s being the most pointed — but hardly harsh).

Heavy flak?

What a bunch of crybabies.


Is there any other kind of teabagger?


OK, I not only picked a mango, I spit the seed back at Simpson.


Fat-bottomed girls, they make the rockin’ world go round.

True, but what makes all these men chase a big leg woman down?


OK, I not only picked a mango, I spit the seed back at Simpson.

I’m sure he thinks that’s the pits.


what makes all these men chase a big leg woman down?



what makes all these men chase a big leg woman down?

They’re slow, and easy to catch?


Steatopgyian females are the cause the phenomenon wherein fans of the rock music genre maintain their devotion to same.


heavy flak == “I disagree with you”

years, ago, I worked with a fundy who was exactly like this. He would refuse to speak to me for days because I dared question something he pronounced.


As Gheen explained:

I personally do not care about Graham’s private life, but in this situation his desire to keep this a secret may explain why he is doing a lot of political dirty work for others who have the power to reveal his secrets. Senator Graham needs to come out of the closet inside that log cabin so the public can rest assured he is not being manipulated with his secret.

He doesn’t care, which totally explains all of the hand wringing and implication that being gay is huge scary revelation that just might cause some sort of international catastrophe of really really scary proportions. I vote we torture Graham until he talks.

If that is Graham’s motive, it would certainly explain a lot. It would also provide justification for demanding his removal. Gheen is right that Graham’s private life is no one’s business, but if Graham has bought silence about it by agreeing to back these odious, nation-wrecking initiatives, he has betrayed his country, his Party, and utterly destroyed his own credibility.

The only possible way Graham might make a smart decision is if he is blackmailed. Since he isn’t acting like a psychotic teabagger, this blackmail scenario is the only possible explanation.

Super genius of heavy flak.



I like big butts and I cannot lie
You other brothers can’t deny
That when a girl walks in steatopygian
You pick up your pigeon


Not even off-topic! Also FYWP

Meanwhile, in another universe

Veteran Rep. Babette Josephs (D., Phila.) last Thursday accused her primary opponent, Gregg Kravitz, of pretending to be bisexual in order to pander to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender voters, a powerful bloc in the district.

“I outed him as a straight person,” Josephs said during a fund-raiser at the Black Sheep Pub & Restaurant, as some in the audience gasped or laughed, “and now he goes around telling people, quote, ‘I swing both ways.’ That’s quite a respectful way to talk about sexuality. This guy’s a gem.”


his debasement of himself during the 98 impeachment circus

oOOOOOh-weee, forgot about that. (Don’t I WISH.)

And “Lindsey = faggy name”? Dude, we’re all about the weird-ass names down here – names like “Newt” and “Asa” and “Rash” and suchlikethatthere.


Gheen is right that Graham’s private life is no one’s business, but if Graham has bought silence about it by agreeing to back these odious, nation-wrecking initiatives, he has betrayed his country, his Party, and utterly destroyed his own credibility.

So it’s none of anyone’s business, except that it’s everyone’s business.


That when a girl walks in steatopygian
You pick up your pigeon

well played, m’sieur, well played.


but if Graham has bought silence about it by agreeing to back these odious, nation-wrecking initiatives, he has betrayed his country, his Party, and utterly destroyed his own credibility.

Wait – is the GOP now claiming the personal is the political?


“I outed him as a straight person,” Josephs said during a fund-raiser at the Black Sheep Pub & Restaurant, as some in the audience gasped or laughed, “and now he goes around telling people, quote, ‘I swing both ways.’

Well, this is the first time in history I’ve ever seen anyone accuse a bi *guy* of secretly being straight.


thee you on the thee-thaw, lindthee.


f Graham has bought silence about it by agreeing to back these odious, nation-wrecking initiatives

My god, the Dems have been blackmailing Graham all along by not outing him! That’s why he voted AGAINST HCR!

Wait, something doesn’t seem right there. What could it be? Since I’m even dumber than John Kerry maybe I will ask that mental giant not-Homer.


veil, not view. fuck stupid typing fingers

are your fingers too large, or did you injure them on a scaffold?


You know what they say about a man with big hands and big feet?

Big gloves, big shoes.


My god, the Dems have been blackmailing Graham all along by not outing him!

For five quid, I won’t interrupt this thread.


You know what they say about a man with big hands and big feet?

They’re hard to shop for?


You know what they say about a man with big hands and big feet?

Big gloves, big shoes.

veiled leather fetish reference.


My leather fetish has been unveiled ever since I laid eyes on Emma Peel and Kathy Gale.


You know what they say about a man with big hands and big feet?

Big gloves, big shoes.

…occasionally falls off scaffolds.


“Teh Gheys are leaking our atomic secrets to Gheyistan!”

I hear they are building a Ghey-bomb!


Get on your bikes and ride!


Is this an example of that support for diversity of opinion on the right, with “plenty of room for diversity and disagreement and heterodoxy?” Because sometimes I get confused by such sophisticated arguments.


How can make this not OT? . . . . . Got it!
Greg Sargent says Michael Steele outed his party as racists.

“For the last 40-plus years we had a ‘Southern Strategy’ that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South. Well, guess what happened in 1992, folks, ‘Bubba’ went back home to the Democratic Party and voted for Bill Clinton.”

Gawd bless Steele, the gift that keeps on giving. And giving. And giving.


Zombie Freddie Mercury? Awesome.

After all, Queen wrote a song called “All Dead, All Dead”.


[The fundie] would refuse to speak to me for days because I dared question something he pronounced.

My god, how did you ever say anything in agreement with him then?


Michael steele is the most sophisticated rat-fucking operative EVAH!


When I was a lad, Diana Rigg as Emma Peel made me question my sexuality.


I hear they are building a Ghey-bomb!

And it won’t explode with a bang but a “poof?”

They won’t know what hit them.

Yes, the damn comment is chock full of ’em.

Go to town.


After all, Queen wrote a song called “All Dead, All Dead”.

And the lead guitarist was named Brain May…


I hear they are building a Ghey-bomb!

When it explodes, it rearranges the furniture


Also, another broadside in the NRO slap tickle fight.


I don’t know, but I been told
big leg woman ain’t got no soul


…occasionally falls off scaffolds.

But is saved by his correctly-donned harness.


But is saved by his correctly-donned harness.

Well, it would be correctly donned if his freakishly large fingers were able to hook together the strapping.


Also, another broadside in the NRO slap tickle fight.

Good God, these people are tedious.


When I was a lad, Diana Rigg as Emma Peel made me question my sexuality.

Now that is a compliment.


Also, another broadside in the NRO slap tickle fight.

This post has enough sarcasm and bad-feeling to it that I think we can go to DumbCon 3 and call it a slap fight.


Not one given to heavy intellectual lifting, we’ll assume Kerry overlooked the implications of that statement.

Because there can be only one way of taking it and I has it figgered out! This guy must be a blast at art shows, poetry readings, etc.


I heard Freddy Mercury created autism!


Not one given to heavy intellectual lifting, we’ll assume Kerry overlooked the implications of that statement.

Wait. This guy writes for a living?!


I, for one, welcome our leather-clad fat-bottomed female overlords (overladies?). With breathless anticipation, I might add.


what makes all these men chase a big leg woman down?

Well, I don’t know, but I’ve been told, big leg woman ain’t got no soul.


Dang, out-Smedleyed again.


I, for one, welcome our leather-clad fat-bottomed female overlords (overladies?). With breathless anticipation, I might add.

Won’t have to ask ME twice


Wait. This guy writes for a living?!

Hateful snark sells superlatively.


Hateful snark sells superlatively.

Porn for the repressed.


More correctly, hateful snark is subsidized superlatively.


I heard Freddy Mercury created autism!

Actually that’s pawtism, for his propensity to put his paws in the most unusual places.


As posts such as Simpson’s get wingier, the probability of their containing bad grammar, comma and apostrophe misuse and packing/ramming allusions approaches unity.

Sure enough:

We all know why the Democrats’ want amnesty. It is the most promising of their many, despicable, underhanded, self-serving plans to pack voter roles with reliable democrat voters, constitution, rule of law, and the will of the people be damned

Let’s get him fired like Freedomwerks did to the GEICO guy.


Hateful snark sells superlatively.

Hey, I like snark, even when it’s a little hatey. His problem is not that he’s snarky, it’s that he’s an idiot who writes like crap.

self-serving plans to pack voter roles with reliable democrat voters … the will of the people be damned

The will of the people is thwarted when the majority of them vote for Democrats.



This: “with reliable democrat voters, constitution, rule of law, and the will of the people be damned” just sets my teeth on edge. How did it not occur to him that this sentence made no fucking sense?


“and the will of the people be damned”

Surely there is some method of determining the “will of the people.” I wonder how holding elections might work?


shorter version: “OMG! The Democrats want non-whites and naturalized citizens to vote!”


“with reliable democrat voters, constitution, rule of law, and the will of the old straight white people be damned”

Fizzled for thigh justice.

Ferrets of Fear

Love of Fat bottomed girls = suppressed buttsex tendacies ….

Oh shit, have to have word with myself…..

And we can look at Jonah in a new light too..

Ferrets of Fear

a word, ffs


This: “with reliable democrat voters, constitution, rule of law, and the will of the people be damned” just sets my teeth on edge. How did it not occur to him that this sentence made no fucking sense?

He’s not given to intellectual heavy lifting…?


I wonder how holding elections might work?

They sometimes work, when Republicans win, but more often that not nowadays the will of the people is thwarted.

the will of the old straight white people be damned

Sometimes even most of them vote in a way to thwart the will of the majority! SHOCKING.

He’s not given to intellectual heavy lifting…?

I giggled like a schoolgirl.


He’s not given to intellectual heavy lifting…?

I don’t think he’s given to any type of heavy lifting, intellectual or otherwise.


I don’t think he’s given to any type of heavy lifting, intellectual or otherwise.

He did lift his leg to urinate all over the internet. Would that be described as “heavy”?


Let’s say Mr. Precious Bodily Fluids here is right, just for the sake of argument.

If Graham is suddenly a secret fan of tag-team bum-darts, based solely on his voting for the odd non-psychotic bill, then what does that say about John “Wet-Start” McCain, or Scott “Treasure-Trail” Brown?

The Colonial-drag Cosplayer whackaloons’ latest bit of attention-whoring is that from now on they’re going to be PROUD to call themselves “Teabaggers,” to boot – while the RNC pays party money for lesbian S&M parties.

So, by the time the video of the Thurmond-Cheney-Falwell Lemonparty* finally comes out, will anyone even notice?

* Yeah, you read that right – & now you can never UNREAD it.


He ain’t heavy, he’s my water retention.


Re: that off-topic article about the Ahmed Hashim Abed beating trial.

I see he’s referred to as a terrorist and that there are charges of terrorism against him. The only thing I see described that he did was ‘mastermind’ an attack on US ‘security contractors’ (read mercenaries). None of this should be read as a defense of anything Abed is accused of, but isn’t it pretty much identical to what Rambo or WOOOOLVERINES do in their movies? Don’t conservatives especially consider brutal killings in defense of god and country to be noble and worthy of praise?


He did lift his leg to urinate all over the internet. Would that be described as “heavy”?

In order to make that determination, I would have to think about his anatomy, which is quite unappealing to me. So I will leave this for someone else to decide.

Also, off-topic, but Chuck Todd is a fucking chode.


Don’t conservatives especially consider brutal killings in defense of god and country to be noble and worthy of praise?

Sure, but not when they’re done by Brown People!


you bastard, jim, I had been blissfully ignorant about ‘lemonparty’ up till now.



Djur – Yes. Any other questions?


John “Wet-Start” McCain, or Scott “Treasure-Trail” Brown?



He will, as they say, “rock you.”

He was ,as you know, the Champion of the World.


Also, off-topic, but Chuck Todd is a fucking chode.

and also a Citrus Fashion enthusiast.


you bastard, jim, I had been blissfully ignorant about ‘lemonparty’ up till now.

Something is telling me my decision not to look this up was a good one.


Wait…is that a picture of HITLER behind Simpson? Perhaps we can deduce that he’s tossing* together half-assed attacks against Lindsey Graham because he’s being blackmailed by the VRWC who threaten to out his sooper sekrit skinhead leanings.

* veiled rusty trombone reference


He was ,as you know, the Champion of the World.

But also a Liar


He was ,as you know, the Champion of the World.

He will, as we all know, keep on taking it…in the end Well, maybe not anymore.


Wait…is that a picture of HITLER behind Simpson?

I thought it was a young Oscar Wilde.


you bastard, jim, I had been blissfully ignorant about ‘lemonparty’ up till now.

Something is telling me my decision not to look this up was a good one.

Uh, yeah, me too.


Big legs? ZuZu Bolin knew all about “Big-Legged Woman”, and I’d put up the song over at my blog if it didn’t SUCK TRUCKNUTS and refuse to allow me to post sound files. I’ll see if I can find it on the youtubes.


He was ,as you know, the Champion of the World.

He was, however, just a poor boy from a poor family.

On topic but off topic, if this keeps up I’ll start quoting the lyrics from Flash Gordon and then you’ll all be sorry.


He was ,as you know, the Champion of the World.

Indeed. I can hear him calling from many years away.




seems to have multiple meanings

<blockquotePolicies and platforms

The Lemon Party has pledged to:

* Restructure Canada’s economy to be centred on lemon production
* Support global warming so lemons can be grown in Canada
* Abolish Toronto
* Repeal the law of gravity

i support the lemon pledge!


if this keeps up I’ll start quoting the lyrics from Flash Gordon and then you’ll all be sorry.

I don’t care, as long as nobody starts quoting Rush lyrics.

…I just shot myself in the foot, didn’t I?


what kind of a universe is it where you can call for the repeal of the law of gravity but you can’t rescind a broken tag?


Gravity is not in the constitution!


…I just shot myself in the foot, didn’t I?

Savior of the universe!


Ok, well, ZuZu’s “Big-Legged Woman” isn’t up, but here’s another of his tunes with the same swing-blues vibe.

A couple of lines of the lyrics, from memory:
“Don’t need no fancy coffin when I die all I crave,
Big-legged women pallbearers carry me to my grave.”

“Big-legged woman, make poor me a slave.”

It seems Zu was into the chunky ladies.


Gravity is theft!


It seems Zu was into the chunky ladies.

I disconcur. “Big-legged” does not mean chunky. It means comfortable upholstery hiding muscle.


Savior of the universe!

See, all that does is make me laugh.


Flash – a-ah
He’s for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He’ll save with a mighty hand (he’ll save with a mighty hand)
He’ll save with a mighty hand (he’ll save with a mighty hand)
He’ll save with a mighty hand (he’ll save us)
Every man every woman every child
With a mighty
Flash a-ah


Also, too, all I know is, I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike.


Also, too, all I know is, I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike.

See: big-legged women can help with that.


How do you think their legs got so big? CYCLING.


…I just shot myself in the foot, didn’t I?

well, at least you didn’t use
hammer, axe and saw….


you bastard, zrm, I had been blissfully ignorant about ‘lemonparty’ up till now, when you repeated and whined about lemonparty.



I, for one, welcome our leather-clad fat-bottomed female overlords (overladies?)

Have the librarians invaded?


Have the librarians invaded?

Interesting libraries you frequent.


I, for one, welcome our leather-clad fat-bottomed female overlords (overladies?)

Have the librarians invaded?

The two groups certainly aren’t mutually exclusive.


…I just shot myself in the foot, didn’t I?

Exunt the warrior, today’s Tom Sawyer…


They say there are strangers who threaten us
are immigrants and infidels
They say there is strangeness to danger us
on our theaters and bookstore shelves
and those who know
whats best for us
must rise and save us from ourselves

well, someone mentioned Rush lyrics.


Interesting libraries you frequent.

The “Do We?” decimal system.


…I just shot myself in the foot, didn’t I?

Exunt the warrior, today’s Tom Sawyer…



I hate myself.


It’s too bad that Rush’s follow-up song, “Huckleberry Finn” never cracked the top ten.



Hey, don’t hate the playa, hate the … aaaah, who the hell am I kidding.

Sorry, guys. That WAS truly loathsome of me – I know it’s so, because the response made me LOL like a motherfucker. Plus I’m still grinning like a cat in a bucket of catnip. I just can’t help it.

Schadenfreude is my crystal meth.


Take……………..these broken wings…………………..and learn to fly again

Try NOT to picture the E-trade babies.


It’s too bad that Rush’s follow-up song, “Huckleberry Finn” never cracked the top ten.

Altho Becky Thatcher WAS a ten….if you know what I mean.


well, someone mentioned Rush lyrics.

A photo finish *AHEM*!


Take……………..these broken wings…………………..and learn to fly again

I never got those lyrics. It seems to me that a flight with broken wings will be short with an unfortunate end.


just a little slow.


Tie Your Mother Down.


It seems to me that a flight with broken wings will be short with an unfortunate end.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise



I spend over 70% of my brain time composing disgusting burlesques of popular songs, and for some reason Rush songs always end up being about golden showers. Spirit of Radio especially. There’s something about Geddy Lee’s voice which just makes the mind go automatically to the subject of piss.


Our close ally Colombia, recipient of massive amounts of U.S. aid and diplomatic support in the hemisphere, turns out not only to have been using its state intelligence agency (the DAS) and U.S.-provided electronic surveillance equipment to illegally spy on its own citizens, journalists, human rights workers, prosecutors, even Supreme Court judges (including handing that info off to death squad paramilitaries to assassinate opposition targets like professors and union organizers)…

…Turns out the same agency — and, gosh, please don’t you dare suggest that those 5 DAS directors in a row had anything to do with “savior” right wing President Uribe! — was spying on European government bodies and human rights organizations and probably on U.S. agencies and civil society groups as well.

The Colombian state intelligence agency, working closely alongside right wing death squads and right out of the office of the President Uribe, may have been organizing smear campaigns against U.S. groups or even individuals or politicians.

Colombian intelligence agency DAS carried out illegal monitoring as part of a smear campaign against European organizations, including the EU parliament, according to leaked reports from the prosecutor general, reported broadcaster RCN on Wednesday.

Newly revealed parts of the judicial dossier on DAS’s operations reveals that European organizations were targeted in order to undermine the influence of the European justice system.

This targeting including “following, apparently illegal,” reports RCN.

According to the revealed files, the European Parliamentary committee on human rights, the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights and national governments, were agencies deemed a threat to the Colombian government.

The strategy of “Operation Europe” was to discredit such entities by creating press releases, website reports and by waging legal battles against them. DAS members attended NGO seminars, workshops and forums to compile confidential reports which included photographs and films of attendees.

The possibility of smear campaigns against U.S. entities is also being investigated.

Remember — a lot of these NGO and human rights types visit Colombia. And the state intelligence agency is surveilling them illegally, attempting to smear their reputation, and working right alongside right wing narco-paramilitary death squads in a nation where 1/3 of the national legislature is under arrest or investigation for collaborating with the right wing narco-paramilitaries.

No reason to be nervous if you’re an NGO representative, right?

But hey, I mean, there’s no reason to stop treating them like our best buddies, right? And even though no one is alleging the tiniest bit of proof for such a thing, surely Hugo Chavez is doing much, much worse things. Like, um, saying weird shit.


Stop, stop, I’m already dead!


Tie Your Mother Down.

How many times has DKW heard this.


Take……………..these broken wings…………………..and learn to fly again

Try NOT to picture the E-trade babies.

Yet again, I thank God that I don’t ever watch regular TV.


The Fountain of Lamneth?



Until the day I die I will thank you every morning for that link.


Rush songs always end up being about golden showers.

Gollllllllllllllllllllllllllden showers fill your eyes, Streams awake you when you rise
Sleep little darling, do not cry, and I’ll pee right in your eye.


Until the day I die I will thank you every morning for that link

Which? Fergie?



There’s something about Geddy Lee’s voice which just makes the mind go automatically to the subject of piss.

probably why Weird Al has never done a Rush song.

It does, however, say something about YOUR obsessions, djur.


Alas, the “Becky Thatcher” is gone..


Which? Fergie?

Speaking of pee….


I heard Becky Thatcher went to 11. All the time, if you know what *I* mean.


… but not even a Bruce Lee Of Unmtigated Gratuitous Bastardry like me would stoop to quoting Rush lyrics.

Tipping my hat (so I can woof my cookies into it).


Yup. Now “Tom Sawyer” is in my head. Way to go.


I heard Becky Thatcher went to 11

Is it Life on the Mississippi where Twain mentions that the only Jewish family in town had twin boys, who were known as twenty-two since they were twice ‘levin.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Lulled by affluence

Where the hell has he been these past ten years?

LOLed, indeed.


Alas, the “Becky Thatcher” is gone..

At least she went going down.


Imagine a question mark at the end of my last comment.

Now “Tom Sawyer” is in my head.

Whitewashing your pickets? How very veiled.


… but not even a Bruce Lee Of Unmtigated Gratuitous Bastardry like me would stoop to quoting Rush lyrics.

I have much to teach you, my young apprentice.



I do refer to the Fergie link. Blimey…


Now “Tom Sawyer” is in my head.

Lucky Tom.


Now “Tom Sawyer” is in my head.

Whitewashing your pickets? How very veiled.

Doesn’t he get stuck in a cave? That’s, uh, not really veiled at all.


Doesn’t he get stuck in a cave?

He’s got to make his own mistakes, And learn to mend the mess he makes. He’s old enough to know what’s right, But young enough not to choose it


Yup. Now “Tom Sawyer” is in my head.

Perhaps Injun joe can lead him out.


Absolute genius:

Some of those are really very funny.


Key Huy-Quan as Jar-Jar Binks…*chuckle*


El Cid- thanks(?) for the dose of reality about our “friends”. Fucking war on (some) drugs.


Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Oh whoa…now I have an almost uncontrollable urge to start a race war.

…too soon?


I’m not sure which I hate more, caves or Rush. Both have indirect links to Mark Twain, that fucking fucker.


Oh whoa…now I have an almost uncontrollable urge to start a race war.

…too soon?

mih ssim, mih ssim, daed si luaP


I’m not sure which I hate more, caves or Rush.

Both are synonymous with pussies.

Just Alison, back from the semi-dead

Freddy Mercury would totally be the president of Gheyistan if he were still alive.

Nononononono, T&U. Not Preznit. Queen.

That was what I thought, given FM’s flamboyant self. Then, some time later, it occurred to me that he was in a band called, now, what was it?

Duh. My only excuse is that I’m awake at this hour (3.58 am) after only 3 hours sleep. Sorrysorrysorry.


What’s to hate about caves? Sure, they’re Canadian, whine in falsetto, and have ridiculous lyrics, but they’re just innocent holes in the ground.


I’m not sure which I hate more, caves or Rush.

Both are synonymous with pussies.

What do you have against cats, anyway?


What do you have against cats, anyway?

They kick him out of bed right after they come.


… Canadian, whine in falsetto, and have ridiculous lyrics,

Neil Young?


“He’s got to make his own mistakes, And learn to mend the mess he makes. He’s old enough to know what’s right, But young enough not to choose it”

Thank you, actor. The only Rush song worth a shit.


They kick him out of bed right after they come.

You know, if a kitty is kicking you out of bed, you might not be the hard-ass you think you are.


ou know, if a kitty is kicking you out of bed, you might not be the hard-ass you think you are.

Yes, that was my joke that you’ve just killed. T&U was asking Actor…


Sure, they’re Canadian, whine in falsetto, and have ridiculous lyrics, but they’re just innocent holes in the ground.

Well, I don’t know nothin’ about them Canadian caves, but I done been dragged to every fucking cave in the Ozarks as a child, including the ones with terrifying elevators and/or little train thingies that were certain to collapse at any point in timeIFUCKINGHATECAVES.

PS: I’m claustrophobic.


What do you have against cats, anyway?

Why, nothing! I’ve been owned by several in my life.


They kick him out of bed right after they come.

Silly man! Cats never come!


I’m claustrophobic.

You’d best stay away from the north pole.


What do you have against cats, anyway?

Why, nothing! I’ve been owned by several in my life

I see you know how it works…


<i.PS: I’m claustrophobic

That would explain the Rush fetishes.


Tag fail.


Hey now, Neil Young rocks.


I’m claustrophobic.

Actually, so am I slightly. Given the choice of climbing a facade or going in foundation pit – and I do both – I prefer moving upwards.


<i.PS: I’m claustrophobic

That would explain the Rush fetishes.

Ah ha ha! Simultaneous tag fail!

PPS–I have no idea what this means.


I’m claustrophobic.

I’m “compromised”


Given the choice of climbing a facade or going in foundation pit – and I do both – I prefer moving upwards.

Me, too. I get vertigo,* but rationally, I’d rather fall than be crushed to death.

*What? I have a delicate constitution.


PPS–I have no idea what this means.

I have a clue.



Neil Young rocks

He is pretty petrified.


I get vertigo

I don’t. I thought it was pretentious even by U2’s standards.


This is sad. But at least we can still turn to Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III when we need a reminder of what a Man’s Man looks and sounds like.


Yes, that was my joke that you’ve just killed

Zombie Here! It’s what I do.

FWIW, I didn’t Nom the joke’s branes. There weren’t any there.


PPS–I have no idea what this means.

I have a clue.


I still don’t get it. But if this has anything to do with Rush Limbaugh, I will vomit. In your face.


Rush, Yes, and the Dreadful Grate. What’s playing on Hell’s iPod…


Tea Party Protest Against Obama Draws Five People

Oh, bless their little hearts. They should (not) move out here.


Hey now, all prog rock isn’t Rush.

If actor can get all sensitive about his christianity, I can warn you off music mocking.


FWIW, I didn’t Nom the joke’s branes. There weren’t any there.

The nonfire of the Nomities


Hey now, all prog rock isn’t Rush.

Which is why Woody included Yes.


Hey now, all prog rock isn’t Rush.

Which is why all prog rock doesn’t suck..


Rush, Yes, and the Dreadful Grate. What’s playing on Hell’s iPod…

Naw, that would be a continuous loop of one of those K-Tel disco albums.


I can distinguish Rush and Yes from each other. Unlike Journey/Triumph/Aja.


Nope. “Let The Eagle Soar”

on accordion and bagpipe. With Banjo solos. By a hippie.


He’s got to make his own mistakes, And learn to mend the mess he makes. He’s old enough to know what’s right, But young enough not to choose it

Shush, you.

You’re talking like he’s a New World Man or something.


Unlike Journey/Triumph/Aja.

ASIA goddamnit!


Oh, dear God. There isn’t going to be an epic prog rock debate now, is there?


Ah ha ha! Simultaneous tag fail!

PPS–I have no idea what this means

I think one of you is supposed to ask the other if was good for him/her/it/lobster, too.


Naw, that would be a continuous loop of one of those K-Tel disco albums.

To accompany an eternity of pointing at the ceiling.


If actor can get all sensitive about his christianity, I can warn you off music mocking.

It’ll probably work just as well as actor’s sensitivity did, too.


Tea Party Protest Against Obama Draws Five People

I almost snorted orange out of my nose at that.



I think one of you is supposed to ask the other if was good for him/her/it/lobster, too.

That’s what I was laying down, but it didn’t get picked up.

I was wondering about the Rush fetish/claustrophobia connection.


Oh, dear God. There isn’t going to be an epic prog rock debate now, is there?

O please yes. Maybe we can even get that “Punk Rok Sux” troll to show up again….


O please yes. Maybe we can even get that “Punk Rok Sux” troll to show up again….

I missed that. Lawl.


Unlike Journey/Triumph/Aja.

ASIA goddamnit!

I’d rather listen to Aja than any of ’em, if you know what I mean.


ASIA goddamnit!

I only agree with half of that sentence.

There isn’t going to be an epic prog rock debate now, is there?

Of course not. There will be an epic prog-rock bloodbath.


I was wondering about the Rush fetish/claustrophobia connection.

Listening to Rush is like being trapped in a coffin alive with no way out?


There will be an epic prog-rock bloodbath.

Ooo! Even better!

And then we can write a 7 part, 24 minute song about it, with part of it in 9/8 time….


I was wondering about the Rush fetish/claustrophobia connection.

Listening to Rush is like being trapped in a coffin alive with no way out?

Oh, god. Now I have a new nightmare…being trapped in a coffin alive with Rush pumped in while I slowly suffocate to death.


And then we can write a 7 part, 24 minute song about it, with part of it in 9/8 time….

With whining falsetto lyrics!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Well done, New York City!

Tea Party Protest Against Obama Draws Five People

Well, it’s not like NYC is a major population center.


Now I have a new nightmare…being trapped in a coffin alive with Rush pumped in while I slowly suffocate to death.

If you’ve never read the short story “Where There’s a Will” by Richard Matheson, you should. If you’ve never read Matheson at all, for shame…


I almost snorted orange out of my nose at that.

A shot of penicillin will clear that up.


With whining falsetto lyrics!

And costumes.

and laser lights.

and a drum solo.

I am glad to see N__B getting into the spirit of this thing!


And then we can write a 7 part, 24 minute song about it, with part of it in 9/8 time….

Oooh! I wan to play the keyboard! Doodle weedle doo doo doo…


Oh, dear God. There isn’t going to be an epic prog rock debate now, is there?

Thunderheads are rumbling in a distant overture…


What’s playing on Hell’s iPod…

Billy Joel.


And then we can write a 7 part, 24 minute song about it, with part of it in 9/8 time….

I’m on it!

*calling Annie Haslam*


Can’t have a prog-rock bloodbath without some quality drugs – whose got some?


There will be an epic prog-rock bloodbath.

Every day a little sadder,
A little madder,
Someone get me a ladder.


There will be an epic prog-rock bloodbath.

Kingcrimsonchu! I choose you!


I’m impressed! Annie Haslam aint exactly a household name, never was.


If you’ve never read the short story “Where There’s a Will” by Richard Matheson, you should. If you’ve never read Matheson at all, for shame…

I think I have, but blocked it out. And yes, I know. He’s on my reading list should I ever actually fucking get done with school.


next upon a stool we’ve a sight to make you drool
seven virgins and a mule, keep it cool , keep it cool


Annie Haslam aint exactly a household name

When I was a lad, I got confused between Genesis and Renaissance.

Never got around to regretting it, either, especially after Peter Gabriel left.

Marion in Savannah

Hell’s iPod? All disco all the time.

‘Scuse me, I have to go and get knitting needles and stab at my ears now.


Freddy Mercury covers: In the Court of the Crimson Queen.


*calling Annie Haslam*

Oooo ooo! a Renaissance ref!


Never got around to regretting it, either, especially after Peter Gabriel left.

Peter Gabriel was in Renaissance?


Oh, god. Now I have a new nightmare…being trapped in a coffin alive with Rush pumped in while I slowly suffocate to death.

If nothing else, you’d be glad to finally die.


Hell’s iPod? All disco all the time.

Not so bad really.


He’s on my reading list should I ever actually fucking get done with school.

Go with the stories – they’re very short so you can kill one each time you procrastinate for ten minutes.

“Born of Man and Woman” – four pages long and it still haunts me…seeing as how it’s the story of D-KW’s mom.


Now that it’s mentioned… that picture in the OP looks A LOT like Peter Gabriel these days….


Freddy Mercury covers: In the Court of the Crimson Queen.

Fanfare for the Common Queen


“Born of Man and Woman” – four pages long and it still haunts me…seeing as how it’s the story of D-KW’s mom.

That’s quite touching.


Peter Gabriel was in Renaissance?

Genesis, you dolt.


Genesis, you dolt.

heh. bit on that like a carp, you did.


Peter Gabriel was in Renaissance?

Genesis, you dolt.

Heh. I though this was a joke?


bit on that like a carp, you did.


Nom this, deadman


Freddy Mercury covers: In the Court of the Crimson Queen.

Supper’s Rhapsody.

I Know What I Like (Fat Bottomed Girls)


That’s quite touching.

The first line of the story: “Today mother called me retch. ‘You retch, she said.'”


Rock The Cash Bar


How long?
How long?
How long? To the point…of no return?


O, Kansas… now THERE’S a band worthy of scorn!!

Another One Bites Th Dust In The Wind.


There will be an epic prog-rock bloodbath Brain Salad Surgery.



How long? To the point…of no return?

Kansas>Boston>Chicago>Oklahoma! if the criterion is annoyingness.


Another One Bites Th Dust In The Wind.

Carry On, My Best Friend


Always wanted to cover this song. Exactly the right kind of stupid bombast to be fun.


stryx said

something something something, Mr. Roboto.


Always wanted to cover this song.

Everyone made fun of Cozy Powell’s name. Until they discovered he was born Colin Flooks.


O, Kansas… now THERE’S a band worthy of scorn!!

To quote one of their members (I have no idea which one because I didn’t want to stare): “The kids these days don’t get it, but they dig it!”


Remember the last thread?

Well, I guess we know Simpson’s answer to “What is the sexiest accent if you are […] d. a gay male [?]” — South Carolinian


The kids these days don’t get it, but they dig it!”

There were a lot of drugs in the 70s.


Always wanted to cover this song.

but the other members in your band were more sensible?


but the other members in your band were more sensible?

That’s pretty much it, and being shit players doesn’t help either. We did, however, appropriate some of this prog masterpiece.


Another One Bites Th Dust In The Wind.

Carry On, My Best Friend

Owner of a Lonely Wind


The kids these days don’t get it, but they dig it!”

There were a lot of drugs in the 70s.

I think you’d have to be on drugs to pay $100 to go see Kansas today.


something something something, Mr. Roboto.

Freddie Mercury covers with “Crazy Little Thing Called Mr Roboto”


We did, however, appropriate some of this prog masterpiece.

“…and that was when we rushed the stage, your honor.”


Come without a warning like a U.F.O.

Emerson, Lake and Penetration.


Owner of a Lonely Wind

The new advertising jingle for Bean-O


Hell’s Playlist:

Kung Fu Fighting
Gypsys, Tramps, and Thieves
Tie A Yellow Ribbon
99 Luft Balloons


Hell’s Playlist:

You forgot Toy Soldier by Martika.

I don’t blame you.


Also, too, all I know is, I want to ride my bicycle

I’ve got a bike. You can ride it if you like.
It’s got a basket, a bell that rings and
Things to make it look good.
I’d give it to you if I could, but I borrowed it.


Kung Fu Fighting
Gypsys, Tramps, and Thieves
Tie A Yellow Ribbon
99 Luft Balloons

Oh, come ON. 99 Luft Balloons isn’t even close to the awfulness of the other three songs.

Replace that with “Lovin’ You” by Minnie Riperton and maybe I could agree.


Willy –
You left off “You Light Up My Life” and “The Pina Colada Song.”


being shit players doesn’t help either.

doesn’t stop the Black Crowes.


And also too: “Afternoon Delight.”


Skyrockets in flight


“Eye of the Tiger”


I Believe In Miracles by Hot Chocolate


Kung Fu Fighting
Gypsys, Tramps, and Thieves…

Sylvia’s Mother


I just figured I’d start the list. No way I could make anything like an exhaustive list. I’m not that ambitious.


And also too: “Afternoon Delight.”


Also, “I Did it All for the Nookie.”


Hell’s Playlist:

MacArthur Park. On repeat.


Let The Eagles Soar


New entry

Doesn’t count: it was INTENTIONALLY bad.


MacArthur Park. On repeat.

Wait. The Richard Harris version or the Donna Summer one?


Sylvia’s Mother

Now come on. Many of these songs – and this one in particular – have enormous comedy value. Like Jewel.


Replace that with “Lovin’ You” by Minnie Riperton and maybe I could agree.

Or Maria Muldaur’s dreadful “Midnight at the Oasis”. “Send your camel to bed.” Written for Mickey Kaus perhaps?


Let’s not forget MC Rove


MacArthur Park. On repeat.


“Hooked on a Feeling.”


I love you
You love me
Let’s do it in the road


Need I say it?

The house band in hell: Creed


Wait. The Richard Harris version or the Donna Summer one?

My personal Hell would have the Richard Harris version, but whichever you hate worse. Maybe Satan will order a new duet version with them both.

Also: a fully orchestral Muskrat Love, Having My Baby mash up. But that’s just in the elevators.



Oh. Wildfire, too. Might as well clear the animal songs in one swell foop


Might as well clear the animal songs in one swell foop



ANY of the creepster songs by Gary Puckett.


My personal Hell would have the Richard Harris version

*Skipping iPod ahead*

Why, yes, of course. You’re correct.


Yummy Yummy Yummy.

Anything by David Gray (because they’re all the same fucking song anyway)



Seasons In The Sun


Yummy Yummy Yummy.

Oh, sweet Jesus.


Semi-serious question: how the hell did you people live through the 70s? My god.


Teen Angel
Leader of the Pack

…all the other horrible ’50s “teen” songs by whitebread groups


See, almost all of these are still funny. I don’t understand how people can make each other squirm with puns that should be illegal and yet have it in for Richard Harris. The orchestral break in MacArthur Park is hilarious and so is Harris.


Semi-serious question: how the hell did you people live through the 70s?


What? The Seventies are over?


Thats good shit, man.


We had joy, we had fun…..

it’s hard to die
when all the bird are singing in the sky,
Now that the spring is in the air.


Semi-serious question: how the hell did you people live through the 70s?

By listening to – depending on my mood – dinosaur rock or punk and pointing and laughing at* those who liked the songs being named on this thread.

*And occasionally getting into fights with.


We had joy, we had fun…..

it’s hard to die
when all the bird are singing in the sky,
Now that the spring is in the air.

*slitting wrists*


Semi-serious question: how the hell did you people live through the 70s? My god.

Oh, there’s plenty of dreck to be found in any era.

Two words: Lady Gaga.

(who(m?) I’m going to see LIVE! and IN! CONCERT! because I love my daughter)


Semi-serious question: how the hell did you people live through the 70s? My god.

Everyone knows rock and roll attained perfection in 1975.


I got beaten up for not liking AC/DC. Which is reasonable as I was wrong. Maybe it was N__B.


Semi-serious question: how the hell did you people live through the 70s?

I didn’t. I died The Night Chicago Died.

Marion in Savannah

a fully orchestral Muskrat Love, Having My Baby mash up

Just because everybody in the gummint seems to be all okay with torture does NOT mean that it’s okay here, does it? I’m breaking out in hives just thinking about this…


I got beaten up for not liking AC/DC. Which is reasonable as I was wrong. Maybe it was N__B.

Nope. (1) That’s neither dinosaur nor punk. (2) The fights I was in had as their cause someone else attempting to make me listen to/like their crap, not the other way around. Just like I don’t care about other people’s sex lives, I don’t care about their musical perversions.


Let The Eagles Soar


Semi-serious question: how the hell did you people live through the 70s? My god.

Punk rock.


I know Led Zep’s the shit but if I hear Stairway to Heaven again I’m sending a few people there on the express elevator.


I got beat up for an enitrely different set of reasons but at least I was right about AC/DC being a total crapwad band.


Two words: Lady Gaga.

Okay, Lady Gaga’s music is, admittedly, fucking horrible. But I would LOVE to go to one of her concerts just to see the spectacle. Aesthetically, she (or the people on her design team) is a fucking genius.

And “Bad Romance” is pretty catchy.


zombie rotten mcdonald said,

April 22, 2010 at 21:36

Sorry for poaching.


Subby is DEAD TO ME.


By listening to – depending on my mood – dinosaur rock or punk and pointing and laughing at* those who liked the songs being named on this thread.

Ah, so add some grunge and shoegazey stuff in, and it’s basically the way I survived the 90s!


Punk rock


And hush! The Fool might be lurking.


Ah, the 70’s. Amazing highs, terrible lows and everything under the influence of really good drugs.


Semi-serious question: how the hell did you people live through the 70s? My god.

Punk rock.

Well the years was rollin’ by
Heavy Metal ‘n Glitter Rock
Had caught the public eye
Snotty boys with lipstick on
Was really flyin’ high
‘N’ then they got that Disco thing
‘N’ New Wave came along


I got beat up for an enitrely different set of reasons but at least I was right about AC/DC being a total crapwad band.

I thought I was the only person on the planet who hated AC/DC. OMFG I HATE THEM.


but if I hear Stairway to Heaven

I had friends who did a noise/punk version called “Stairwell To Hell”. Other than the first and last stanzas, it was three minutes of blasphemy. Set to a drum machine.


Patti Smith was the cause of and solution to my anxieties in the Seventies.


Wind Beneath My Wings
The Morning After
Anything by Barbara Streisand.

I could go on all day. I’m a conos…cognosc…kawnis… I’ve heard a lot of crappy music over the years.


Patti Smith was the cause of and solution to my anxieties in the Seventies.

Funny, she was that for me in the 90s.


I thought I was the only person on the planet who hated AC/DC.

They grew on me. Like a fungus, but nevertheless, I hold them in higher regard now than I did back then.


Shorter music snob argument:

If your music is so good, then why do so many people like it? QED.


Sorry for poaching.

S’alright. I don’t get to AHEM much.


If Michael Bay had a sense of humor or any self-knowledge, he’s have used SC/DC as the background music for the Transformers movies.


Funny, she was that for me in the 90s.

Still is, for me. Have you heard Twelve?


Funny, she was that for me in the 90s.

Her music has really lasted nicely. Many times during the Bush years, I’d throw Horses or Land in the CD player and wonder how things ever backslid so far.


Anything by Barbara Streisand.

Beat me to it. I was gonna say Evergreen.


he’s have used SC/DC

no comment necessary.


I was right about AC/DC being a total crapwad band.

You can’t like loud guitars and dislike the song “Back in Black”. I must question your ability to rock.


Still is, for me. Have you heard Twelve?


I met her once. About peed my pants. And hung out for a little while with Lenny Kaye after the show.


Subby is DEAD TO ME.

feel the same way about that Righteous Bubba fellow.


how the hell did you people live through the 70s?

Y’know, Queen were really terrific and even prog and heavy sometimes.


If your music is so good, then why do so many people like it? QED.

In the immortal words of the Yogi, “Nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded”


I’ve never cared much for AC/DC either but I saw THEM live last summer (because I also love my son) and I have to say, ol’ Angus puts on a helluva show.

Still don’t really like the music but I appreciate the showmanship.


I am so sorry I missed out on this thread.

Kudoze to smedley for this nugget:

“and the will of the people be damned”

Surely there is some method of determining the “will of the people.” I wonder how holding elections might work?


no comment necessary.

stupid fingers


You can sing the lyrics to the theme from Gilligan’s Island to the music from Stairway to Heaven and it fits pretty well. I heard it once on the Dr Demento show way back in the day.


Come On Eileen

(not so veiled bukkake reference)


Her music has really lasted nicely. Many times during the Bush years, I’d throw Horses or Land in the CD player and wonder how things ever backslid so far.

Horses is definitely in my top ten albums of all time. Easter almost cracks the list, too, if not for the cover alone.


Easter almost cracks the list, too, if not for the cover alone

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….yes….nothing says “Listen to me, bitch” like a nice set of nipples…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

FYWP!!! I had a long, post actually defending disco, but it done got eated!

I was a young ‘un when the scribbling “Disco Sucks!” on one’s notebook was considered the height of wit, but in my maturity (so called), I have come to the conclusion that the anti-disco backlash was led by awful, boring people who thought it was too black, or too French and/or gay.

I have come to the realization that, if disco is cool enough for the Vibrators, it’s cool enough for me.


Come On Eileen

I don’t know if, for me, that’s quite in the neighborhood.

But it’s shopping for a condo there.


You can’t like loud guitars and dislike the song “Back in Black”. I must question your ability to rock.

I assure you, I was a Rock and Roll Animal


being trapped in a coffin alive with Rush pumped in while I slowly suffocate to death.
You need to talk to an agent about your movie script before the Saw people steal the concept.


I have come to the conclusion that the anti-disco backlash was led by awful, boring people

I hated disco and it had nothing to do with the artists and everything to do with the people who inflicted it on the rest of us.


Can’t help but notice that no one dares to repeat my invocation of “The Pina Colada Song” which is without doubt the worst song of all time.


I assure you, I was a Rock and Roll Animal

I don’t see that much of a divide between Wagner/Hunter and Young/Young, rock-wise…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

You can sing the lyrics to the theme from Gilligan’s Island to the music from Stairway to Heaven and it fits pretty well. I heard it once on the Dr Demento show way back in the day.

I always preferred You wish it, I dish it.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Cut and paste fail… ignore the man behind the cretin.


Subby, eat Humble Pie. Or perhaps you’d like a Foghat to go with your foghead?


I heard it once on the Dr Demento show way back in the day

I miss the good Doctor. I know he’s on the net, but it’s not the same thing as listening to him late on a Sunday night.


OMG what about Ambrosia? Aaaaaaaaaaaah!


Holy Crap BBBB! I haven’t heard that in about 25 years and wasn’t even sure if it was a figment of some good hash.


Can we put David Lee Roth on Hell’s flaming cross?

Oooh, yeah
(Ahh!) Runnin’ with the devil (Ahh-hah! Yeah!)
(Woo-hoo-oo!) Runnin’ with the devil
I’m gonna tell ya all about it


Stryx, have you ever heard the vocal-only tracks from that album? Nearly as mind-breakingly wonderful as teh Tape of Only Linda.


Actor, to listen to the Doctor me and my buddies would have to drive up to the top of a local mountain so we could pick up the radio signal from Duluth. We had some good bud and a few beers and laughed our heads off.


Subby, eat Humble Pie. Or perhaps you’d like a Foghat to go with your foghead?

I never really liked either of those two. Small Faces and Faces were certainly better than Humble Pie. Hey, Rod Stewart was good once! A surprising fact.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I live to serve!


Dr. Demento performed a valuable service and with love too.


Totally avoiding prog-rock discussion just to say that the thread needs more pedantry:*
plans to pack voter roles with reliable democrat voters.
I was going to say something about “building up their parts”, but VPR and all that.

* OK, I wrote that before even checking Simpson’s words for stupid easily-ridiculed typos, but threads always need more pedantry.
Also he misspelled ‘deth-picable’.

Has anyone mentioned the deth-picable perfidy of liberal and democrat efforts to keep homosexuality stigmatised so they can blackmail republicans?


If you get a chance, find album”The Disconnection” by Carina Round. It is awesome.

In fact, here:


Actor, to listen to the Doctor me and my buddies would have to drive up to the top of a local mountain so we could pick up the radio signal from Duluth.

He’s on seven radio stations. Lower Koyukuk, AK is a bit far for me.


Runnin with the Devil, naked.

Oregon Beer Snob

I haven’t read all the comments so somebody may have already mentioned this, sorry

Sort of on topic:


And he’s just dreamy.



Interesting that he challenges Jughead to a meat-eating contest.

But I always thought it was Reggie that was a bit too over-compensating…


Runnin with the Devil, naked.

That file’s excellent, but it’d work for so many bands.


That file’s excellent, but it’d work for so many bands.

Like so?


It depends on how one defines “openly.”


What’s playing on Hell’s iPod…

Billy Joel.

NO NO NO–You’re all wrong. Hell’s iPod is all country.


I was a young ‘un when the scribbling “Disco Sucks!” on one’s notebook was considered the height of wit, but in my maturity (so called), I have come to the conclusion that the anti-disco backlash was led by awful, boring people who thought it was too black, or too French and/or gay.

I have come to the realization that, if disco is cool enough for the Vibrators, it’s cool enough for me.\

Well said, BBB.


I’ve never cared much for AC/DC either but I saw THEM live last summer (because I also love my son) and I have to say, ol’ Angus puts on a helluva show.

Still don’t really like the music but I appreciate the showmanship.

I do like AC/DC, for drinking and partying, and I used to cover many of their songs in my old band. (Which is not to say I ever lived up to the awesomeness that is Angus Young, but that is another story…)

What I can’t stand about them is the mullet/wifebeater uniform that their diehard fans insist on wearing


Dunno how you give a pass to disco – which is deserved – but not to country.


No way Creed could write lyrics as good Bob Wills:

Sitting in the window, singing to my love
Slop bucket fell from the window up above
Mule and the grasshopper eatin ice cream
mule got sick, so they laid him on the green


Grab your partner, pat her on the head
If she don’t like biscuits, feed her cornbread
Girls around Big Creek, ’bout half grown
Jump on a man like a dog on a bone


How’d we survive the 70s? Hard Rock bands (AC/DC, Van Halen, Cheap Trick) ..mix with Heart and Blondie….

In the meantime, on Hell’s iPod, let us not forget “Billy, Don’t be a Hero” (I’m sorry)


I’d just like to point out that, yes both Disco and Country have some not-sucking songs, hooray for them, but the genres themselves both suck harder than the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.



I’m still trying to get over the guy who is going to show liberals by repeatedly flushing what we have to assume are very large piles of poops. That’s some mean psychological warfare. That’s vicious.


And then we can write a 7 part, 24 minute song about it, with part of it in 9/8 time….

As sure as eggs is eggs.


Bob Wills didn’t play no country music. Bob Wills invented and played Texas Swing.


Rush: almost as enjoyable as listening to a kitten being crushed by a Panzer.


I’m still trying to get over the guy who is going to show liberals by repeatedly flushing what we have to assume are very large piles of poops

Wait til he gets his water bill.

Big Bad Bald Bastard


And he’s just dreamy.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Dunno how you give a pass to disco – which is deserved – but not to country.

I hear ya, SMcG, and I agree.

I’d just like to point out that, yes both Disco and Country have some not-sucking songs, hooray for them, but the genres themselves both suck harder than the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.


I’m invoking Sturgeon’s (second) Law here.


Bob Wills invented and played Texas Swing.

Marketing-term alert! It was Western Swing.


(comments are closed)