Gay Patriot Foot, Meet Bullet; Bullet, Meet Gay Patriot Foot

Yesterday we called America’s Dumbest Homosexual™, the illustrious B. Daniel Blatt, a “wretched, illiterate prick.” It appears that the “illiterate” jab must have hit home because Dan felt compelled to prove his literacy by posting an item “correcting” an AP headline with, it almost goes without saying, hilarious results. Here’s a screen capture, which I have partially annotated for Mr. Blatt’s enlightenment when he drops by Sadly, No! (And you know he will.)

So, not only is Dan’s own post riddled with errors, but also his central premise — that there can be no superlative of two — is a myth, as this highly informative entry in Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage makes crystal clear.



Comments: 136


“they” with a singular antecedent has long been accepted by more intelligent speakers of English than me or you. Or, as the mavens over at Language Log say: “God said it, I believe it, that settles it.”


Ooh, hi! And oh dear lord, how embarrassing. I dread being found riddled with errors.


So, he’s essentially conceding the “wretched prick” part, then?


bulbul, sometimes rephrasing is the better part of valor. Guess no one at the AP got schooled by Miss Hickman and her Grammar Ruler of Doom & Busted Knuckles.


@bulbul-I guess when I have to explain a joke, I’ve failed. I know that the use of “them” to refer to a singular antecedent has been accepted by many as proper and perhaps even preferable to the burdensome “him or her.” But my point was that while Dan was insisting on school-marmish grammatical norms, he was at the same time violating them himself.

The Disgruntled Chemist

Guess, Mrs. Hickman is going to be, kicking herself for not, emphasizing, comma usage in her, class.


Also, you missed “Guess, no one at” which I gather is another sentence fragment and his atrocious use of commas.


But surely one of them must be the youngest?

Ow, my sanity.



sorry, yes, I understood that part. But as a good pullumite, I just had to get that out of the way.


Does anyone here have access to the AP Stylebook? I’m just curious about what it says on superlatives.

Stag Party Palin, retired grammar police person

Gotta go with bulbul. Check the “singular they” wiki. This is like the “rule” forbidding the ending of sentences with prepositions – the solutions to the ‘problem’ are worse than the problem.

I still don’t like ‘singular they’ constructions. They make me feel all goosebumpy. “Guess, no one at the AP had Miss Hickman teach them grammar,” also is a sentence fragment (missed that one, didn’t you, ya Frenchman), has a gratuitous comma (I think we found Marie Jon’s missing appendage, albeit out of position) and it sounds both folksy and clumsy.

“I guess Miss Hickman never taught grammar to anybody at the AP,” is still sophomoric, but it’s better grammar.


So, he’s essentially conceding the “wretched prick” part, then?

I’m reminded of an old WB cartoon:

Porky Pig: T-T-That does it! You web-footed, n-n-no good, two-timing, d-d-double-crossing, d-d-double-dealing, unsanitary old snake in the grass!
Daffy Duck: Unsanitary?!


At least Danny Boy didn’t “misuse” quotes in his “post”.


@PereUbu: I direct you to section 7.58 of the Chicago Manual of Style. Also, scare quotes are a long tradition at Sadly, No! Also.


Y’all is full of a bunch of shits.


Miss Hickman grinds her choppers in agonized fury; if only she’d let Blatter Murr drown when she found him clinging to a post over the river!


Here’s another one: “caught this headline” should end with a colon rather than a comma. In a sense, a headline is a type of quote, and grammar dictates that a quote be introduced with a colon.

That’s the formal explanation. Less formally, the comma looks dumb.


Meh. I still hate plural pronouns that reference singular antecedents, at least in formal writing. Split infinitives can go fuck themselves, too.

Wyatt Watts III

Wouldn’t the comma after “so” in “so, they’re referencing a non-existent human being” also be a mistake?

This answer from the Chicago Manual of Style suggests that comma doesn’t belong.

Also, Chicago Manual of Style 5.69: “When [transitional adverbs] are used in such a way that there is no real break in continuity and no call for any pause in reading, commas should be omitted.”

Were there a semi-colon after “both girls,” you might have a different situation, but I believe the sentence should read “The Texas Democrat only had two children, both girls, so they’re referencing a non-existent human being.”


And there’s some weird comma splice action going on in that sentence fragment, but since it’s not, like, an actual sentence, I guess we should let it slide.


Also, it should probably read “The Texas Democrat had only two children,” not “only had.”


Wouldn’t the comma after “so” in “so, they’re referencing a non-existent human being” also be a mistake?

Yup. “So” is used as a conjunction in this context, so it would be like writing: “I felt bad making fun of the Gay Patriot, but, now he has shown himself to be ignorant, and, a faux-pedant.” Makes no sense, right?


And “On Yahoo! (and AOL) caught this line” is fucking awkward, even if he did include “I” in that sentence.” Those parentheses can fuck right off (really, why are they there?), and I think beginning the sentence with “I caught this line on Yahoo! and AOL: blah blah blah” is much less weird.

Guess, the Guess Jeans Mascot

He was telling me specifically that no one at the AP had Miss Hickman teach them grammar. It’s sort of an in-joke we have. Anyway, you had to be there.

Smiling Mortician

Damn, y’all. I teach grammar, so such matters matter to me. But this. This is blood-in-the-water, brains-on-the-wall territory. I see teeth flashing. I’m backing the fuck out of here.


It’s common but hardly inevitable for grammar “corrections” to contain errors themselves. Oddly, the errors generally seem to mitigate the douchebaggitude of unsolicited copyediting.


Scale of annoying internet things:
(In ascending order)
Misspelled words (I mean Jesus, it’s got a jagged underline)
Their/there/they’re/your/you’re and apostrophe’s (tie)
Hypercorrections that are themselves wrong
People who use the term “Grammar Nazi”
People who use the term “Grammer Nazi’s”


Fragging sentences be fine by me; moaning about legitimate usage, however, is something up with which I shall not put.

Thinking of Winnie the Churchill, one is moved to quotation: “Some chicken. Some neck.”

Nevertheless, however, and in the alternative, on the other hand (or foot), “non-existent” is a questionable choice of wording. Also.


Scale of annoying internet things:
(In ascending order)
Misspelled words (I mean Jesus, it’s got a jagged underline)
Their/there/they’re/your/you’re and apostrophe’s (tie)
Hypercorrections that are themselves wrong
People who use the term “Grammar Nazi”
People who use the term “Grammer Nazi’s”

“Loose” for “lose”.


Thanks, Tintin. That was fucking funny.


Whoa, hey, let’s not let this thread devolve into “my pet grammar peeves”, shall we? Focus, people, focus: Dan Blart. Wretched illiterate prick. Now get back on subject.


I suspect grammar wasn’t really what “Miss Hickman” was teaching Danny boy with that ruler.


See, AP’s one word not complying with Dan’s imaginary usage rules makes them awful at their job of publishing.

Dan’s butchering of an entire paragraph by tying it to the bumper and just driving off leaving a long, red trail just makes him folksy.


The comma after “so” is as useless and awkward as Blatt himself. His final sentence of the first paragraph really ought to read “I guess nobody at the AP..”

I think this is just another case of people who think they can write properly, but tend to write in the same style as they talk, with little thought for sentence construction.

So anyway. Blatt? Fuck you and the horse in upon which you rode.


I may not be the most erudite muthafukka on the planet, but I sure luvs me some printed knucklehead for breakfast! The whole concept of a conservitard homosexual is infinitely fascinating to me, it is difficult to grasp the logic of the thought process that rationalizes the logic to be an actual conservitard homosexual. I am a very logical and rational man, unless provoked to irrationality and impulsiveness, impinged upon me by aforementioned knuckleheads.


“Loose” for “lose”.
I think I speak for all non-native speakers of English when I say fuck that shit.


Comma splicing is the Jew of liberal grammar Nazi’s. 😉


Graham, Ur-Nazi doesn’t understand why so many talk about him on the internet.


Split infinitives can go fuck themselves, too.

Trying to start a war with the Trekkies?


I find it not at all surprising that the gay conservative Republican (some even say, wretched illiterate prick) is also a fan of of the fingerwagging schoolmarm school of ironclad rules, ruler-rap-on-knuckles school of grammar. It’s all part of the Right Wing Authoritarian mindset.

Rules are rules! Orders are orders! We must support our president in a time of war! Thank you sir may I have another?! I’m a dirty piggie and must be spanked! Don’t grant me full civil rights, I’m not worthyyyy….


Whoa, hey, let’s not let this thread devolve into “my pet grammar peeves”, shall we?

I have a hard time stating a single rule of grammar. My version of Miss Hickman (Mrs. Benjamin, a child-hating monster who should have been forcibly removed from her tenured chair and shoved into an iron maiden) drilled a bunch of stuff into my head and I just compare what I’m writing to that without understanding it. In other words, I write like a dog watches TV.

Having said that, I abhor the caging, branding, and torturing of feral peeves. THESE THINGS ARE NOT PETS, PEOPLE!


Uhh… I’ll be outside having a smoke with the Smilin’ Mort. Someone pull the sock off the knob* when y’all are done.

*Inouye veiled.



Oh come on. Is it so terrible to occasionally use split infinitives? Isn’t it preferable to completely ruining the rhythm of the sentence? Or is that something you’re unable to tolerate ever?


if both Pere Ubu AND Kingubu show up on one thread, is an eddie created in the blog/time continuum? and if so, what’s he doing in there.


douglas adams is the jew of liberal snarky anti-self-hating-gay-republican grammar policing.


Won’t someone think of the little baby infinitives?


This little hors d’œuvre of a post is a nice afternoon snack.

But one has to ask: This footbullet-correction (and the effort to hunt it down) is the raison d’être of Gay Patriot’s life and blog?

What a looser.


DoctorB, think it through. You generally aren’t allowed to compare anything to nazis, yet you are generally allowed to refer to obsessive-grammar types as such. That should indicate to you the level of annoyance the internet has with general grammar-nazidom.


Much as Dan Blatt is a cunt, I have to represent for Singular They. What, “hir” is better than that? Only to fucktards.



Perhaps Mr. Blatt is “not completely fluent in English,” as Mr Norquist says of Mr Barbour.


This footbullet-correction (and the effort to hunt it down) is the raison d’être of Gay Patriot’s life and blog?

Well, since nobody will fuck him…


Actually I think using the term “grammar Nazi” (or even better, “grammer Nazi”) is at least partly intended to Godwin the thread.

(Also, it’s “Doctorb”, pronounced with two syllables, but that’s ok).

As for the Final Solution to the Pronoun Question (as grammar Hitler would say1) I don’t know. I like the singular they, because I can tolerate a bit of ambiguity for the sake of not sounding like a sexist or a pretentious twunt, but I’m also becoming fond of the “new Spivak” pronouns, because they make the speaker sound like an English country apple farmer, or a pirate: “E wouldn’t share eir scrumpy, so I keelhauled em, arr”.

1 Well, really “Die Endlösung der Pronomensfrage” I guess


grammer Nazi

That’s the asshole who used to be on Cheers, right?



Love that.


Apparently, I am the only one here who likes to use hyphens – is that wrong?


it’s “Doctorb”, pronounced with two syllables

Doct orb?


Speaking of violating antecedents, Dan’s mom is superlative.


now, let this be a warning to you all to never overhead your wingnuts:


Dissent is a much different matter than stating that “the war is lost” or calling the troops or the President “murderers”, “Hitler”, or comparing them to the SS or Khmer Rouge.

In 2004 when a bloated and sweaty Al Gore, screaming and spewing spittle, declared that the President of the United States had,”…betrayed this country!”, he lied for the intended effect it would have on a room full of party loyalists gathered to greet prospective candidates John Edwards and Wesley Clark. His outrageous and unsupported claims of conspiratorial treachery were designed to stoke the partisan fires for the coming election. That is not honest dissent but recklessness to the point of undermining a war effort while troops are locked in battle.

Gore called the President of the United States a criminal in his conduct of the war. His intent was to do Bush harm and as such, it would be appropriately deemed slander though this abuse was tolerated under the guise of free speech, not because Gore could back up his deliberate and calculated smear with a single fact.

Outrageous comments and pronouncements from men like Al Gore, Harry Reid, Dick Durban, and John Murtha gave aid to our enemies. These men were well aware of that aspect but placed political ambition ahead of the welfare of troops, as did the mouthpiece and fundraiser of the left,, when it created and paid for the libelous attack ad that it ran (at a special partisan discount rate) in the NYT.

If you want to wax indignant about criticism coming from a conservative movement, that’s fine with me, but remember the context of it all and don’t forget for a second that we see your vile hypocrisy for what it is. And while you’re at it, why not drop this bizarre sexual reference you use to impugn people you know nothing of? Given your frequent use of the term, I suppose “tea-bagging” is a popular and common pastime in your own social circles, TV, and as such it may have different meaning for you but it’s nothing more than crass name calling here and we already have plenty of that from you.


oh poo

never overheat your wingnuts


Won’t someone think of the little baby infinitives?

I’d like to mercilessly abort them.


oh poo

never overheat your wingnuts

Oh, good, cuz that flag-wrapped white fat-ass was never going to fit into that bin no matter how hard I pushed.


more intelligent speakers of English than me or you.
I see what you do there.

if only she’d let Blatter Murr drown
A Kafka / Hoffmann mash-up? Please make it so.


Whilst LBJ may have two daughters, the headline doesn’t say so, nor would it be common knowledge. So really, the superlative of two issue doesn’t apply. The number of daughters isn’t really part of the context.

Also, Blatty boy has a missing subject TWICE in this post, and another in the quote from two posts back. He seems to have a problem with doing that.

But starting a sentence with “and” twice in a row, and over using commas just makes his work read like a schoolboy of 14 or so who is trying to sound clever on the internet.

I’m not a grammar nazi, more of a readability communist. Blatt’s crappy style is begging to be purged with the red pen and sickle.


When you overheat wingnuts they tend to seize.


Eh, mebbe I’ll ‘member to lose my sainthood.



Dan Blart (Mall Grammar Cop) is obviously right about never having a superlative when comparing only two things. Watching you libs try and make fun of him for it, while being exactly wrong, is like the best of both worlds. U loose lib’s.


You don’t use a super

for some unfathomable reason, i am unable to find the official website of the Academy to get an official ruling

in the interim, we should all observe all the correct usages as embodied in the original king james bible, for it is meet and right so to do


U loose lib’s

loose lib’s sink sib’s?


LBJ didn’t; Have a youngest daughter! He two equally oldest daughters!

Jesus Christ, what a depressingly worthless little snot rag.


LBJ didn’t; Have a youngest daughter! He two equally oldest daughters!

Simultaneous twins? Ouch.


I think what he’s getting at is that generally when there’s two you’d say the younger daughter and the older daughter. I mean that sounds more natural to me at least but it’s no reason to be pedantic.


Oh, the outrage of the guilty…

Dissent is a much different matter than stating that “the war is lost” or calling the troops or the President “murderers”, “Hitler”, or comparing them to the SS or Khmer Rouge.

First of all, in your mind, it’s not. There were generals who knew damn well that the Iraq war could not be done with only 138,000 men and the pathetic excuse for a plan Rummy had drummed up – moral considerations completely aside for the moment – and said so; they were subject to a vicious slander campaign calling them traitors, turncoats, terrorist lovers, people giving aid and sympathy to Osama. In your mind, there’s no room for “loyal dissent,” so let’s not split hair and pretend that there is.

Second, I for one am getting fucking tired of the notion that it’s beyond the pale to call our leaders murderers or compare them to the SS or the Khmer Rouge. American militarism, in its couple hundred years of existence, has murdered at least as many people as Communism and certainly more people than Nazism. The fact that the American people don’t make the logical connection “flag-waving right-winger = piles and piles of dead innocent people = BAD” is a commentary on how completely indoctrinated they are, not the fact that Iraqis, Vietnamese, Filipinos and Indians are somehow less dead or less worthy of being mourned than Jews and Poles.

Gore called the President of the United States a criminal in his conduct of the war.

Well, let’s see quickly here; the U.S. invasion of Iraq was a violation of the UN Charter, which the United States has signed and therefore has force of law in the U.S. That means Bush broke the law, and since the breaking of the law resulted in the deaths of one million Iraqis, we’re damn well going to call him a criminal, though the word doesn’t quite do justice to the magnitude of the crime. In a world where law and logic ruled supreme, Bush should have been impeached and tried, not by some international body but by the United States government itself – due to the above sentiment that “Americans killing unAmericans ain’t a crime,” it didn’t happen.

Was that a betrayal of America? Well, it was a betrayal of American law, so there’s that. It was definitely a betrayal of the spirit expressed by the American founders who warned against “going overseas in search of monsters to destroy” – since I realize we don’t actually live in 1776 anymore, I don’t consider that treason, but you might, given your obsession with “founder intent” and all that. And, at a time when al-Qaeda was reeling, alone and friendless, it was a miraculous windfall for them in terms of recruits and opportunities, so whether or not it’s outright treachery, it’s certainly the kind of criminal incompetence that led Lincoln to fire so many generals. And it did, beyond a shadow of a doubt, provide more aid and comfort to al-Qaeda than any of your pathetic attempts at counter-examples (I doubt if the average jihad leader has ever heard of Reid, Murtha or Durban or could tell you what their politics are).

If you want to wax indignant about the perfectly accurate criticism coming from a liberal movement, that’s fine. But don’t forget the context of it all, and don’t forget for a second that we and the entire world see your hypocrisy for what it is, and it won’t be forgotten.


Shouldn’t Dan be applying his limited skills correcting teabagger protest signs? Those are his people.


But there are so many on them that could come dangerously close to actual work.


I rely entirely on The Reverend Grant Swank’s Modern Rules of Grammatical Usage in the Modern Grammar World of Use Rules.


Snorhagen is making sense!


Shouldn’t Dan be applying his limited skills correcting teabagger protest signs? Those are his people.

It’s funny because it’s true!

I rely entirely on The Reverend Grant Swank’s Modern Rules of Grammatical Usage in the Modern Grammar World of Use Rules.

J Grant Swank’s Litany Grammatical of Grammar Modern and Usage Rules GLOBAL


Shouldn’t Dan be applying his limited skills correcting teabagger protest signs?
We cannot rule out the possibility that he has already done so.


Me fail English? That’s unpossible.


Tintin, thank you for that highly informative entry. That you managed to get Joseph Priestley into the discussion of conservatives is Awesome. Phlogiston Theory may well be the next major foundational column of modern conservatism.

That said, AP? Fuck those fuckers. We’re talking about the same outfit that bankrolled John Solomon’s one man crusade against Moby Reid, the Great White Whale. I mean, yeah – HAHA Dan Blatt is an ignoramus. Between him and the Original Gay Patriot Bruce – Dan’s probably the stupidest. But AP can go Cheney themselves.


Oh, good, cuz that flag-wrapped white fat-ass was never going to fit into that bin no matter how hard I pushed.

And it costs extra. And if you overheat them, it costs even more, because they plump when you cook ’em.

chimpevil late as fucking usual

I know I’m late as fucking usual, but Tintin wait you know I love you (like you even know who the fuck I am) like a brother (not a good simile cause my bro’s an asshole), but anyway the header on aunt danny’s thing should actually read, in correct grammaticality (sp?) and such “looks as if they don’t teach, etc. Cause “as” is used with a sentence with a verb and “like” be like only used with nouns or a noun phrase and shit. So you would correctly say, if you weren’t an illiterate ass, “You’re acting like an ass.” Or otherwise, also too, you could say “You’re acting as if you had your head shoved up you ass .” (Both formations appropriate in today’s world.)


The AP is currently run by Ron Fournier, who said this to Karl Rove:

In one email, Rove asked, “How does our country continue to produce men and women like this?” Fournier responded: “The Lord creates men and women like this all over the world. But only the great and free countries allow them to flourish. Keep up the fight.”

Not to mention he tried to get a job with the McCain campaign and never disclosed it. John Solomon went to work for the Moonie Times thanks to his impressive hit pieces. Hopefully he’s unemployed.

Also, the phrase “sentence fragment” is also a sentence fragment.


That said, AP? Fuck those fuckers.

They’ve been assholes for a long, long time. This classic Art Young cartoon from 97 years ago earned Young a couple of libel suits from AP.


PENIS cake.

Wembley and Red! What would Gobo think?


I wish this gay patriot had met my mom, the retired English teacher.


i strongly suggest that anybody found claiming to be a grammarian should be sentenced to read the entire published works of foucalt and derrida

Tea Party USA Freedom

oh stop it with the “were mean to the president” stuff, you all called Bush HITLER over and over, even though he was the oposite of HITLER and obama is doing exactly what HITLER did in bringing socialesm and the destruchun of freedom.


you all called Bush HI

“chimpy” was by far the most favored appellation

socialesm and the destruch

i call parroty trool


You can’t escape the long arm of Skitt’s Law.

Wyatt Watts III

…even though he was the oposite of HITLER and obama is doing exactly what HITLER did in bringing socialesm and the destruchun of freedom.

Miss Hickman, is that you?


I, for one, never compared Bush to Hitler. Or even HITLER.

After all, Hitler won his election.


I, for one, never compared Bush to Hitler.

I compared Bush to Hitler but with the proviso that the Hitler I meant was dumber than the real Hitler.


Chimpy McHitler, a-hole

his brother Ronald McHitler had better business sense, and that’s why i was able to enjoy a a tasty and economical hitler-meal at the sign of the golden swastikas this evening


tl:dr; from the old thread since everyone has moved on:

The same arbitrary lines Larkspur is talking about are the slippery steps we’ve made on slippery slopes in the past, so I don’t see this one as significantly different. I’d be less ambivalent if Muslim men also wore the burqa and/or niqab. I think scaredy white-America — read Tea partiers — could really get behind that: all conservative Muslim dudes looking like ninjas or Inky, Blinky, or Clyde (obviously not Pinky, too gay).


tl:dr; from the old thread since everyone has moved on:

Could there be a way to interpret everyone moving on from that thread?


You know who else has moved on from that thread?

a tasty and economical hitler-meal at the sign of the golden swastikas this evening

Their value meals wage Blitzkrieg on your hunger without an Anschluss of your wallet.


I suggest that it would make more sense for them to preach “English Only” if they first would embrace “English At All.”


Hey Substance McGravitas,

Now I haz a sad. :..(


What thread?


JennofArk: Young lady, I hope you are proud of yourself that PENIS is the largest thing in the 3 weird sisters’ cloud o’tags.

And, having read the comments: Now I see. You want it that way.


Miley Cyrus and Trojans:

Liberals failed miserably when they tried to take over the talk radio industry with Air America. It reminded me a lot of the time that Pearl Jam took on Ticketmaster, which in turn reminded me a lot of a bowl of jell-o taking on a herd of wildebeests. The left can’t compete in the Christian market. Let’s face it, the folks who declare Robert Mapplethorpe “art” simply have no credibility in that particular market. With that said, Country is a family friendly format they still think they have a chance of corrupting, and Miley Cyrus may be their perky little Trojan horse into that industry.


…and Miley Cyrus may be their perky little Trojan horse into that industry.

Holy Creating Your Own Reality, Batman!


My perky little Trojan is currently standing at attention at the very thought of Miley Cyrus,

Also – apologies if someone already did this one – Gay Patriot certainly didn’t put his best foot forward, did he?


Also sadlynoughts, when referencing “PENIS”, the proper format is “PENIS:” In other words, a colon should come directly at the end of the penis. This is not to be confused with a penis coming directly into the colon which is a common mistake made amongst Gay Patriots.


Trojan horse or Trojan hamster?

Nobody tell Brian Cherry about Brad Paisley.


Trojan horse or Trojan hamster?



You know it, baby. Macy’s, orbs, and Miley. That’s my America.


Everything you need to know about librarians.


The left can’t compete in the Christian market.

Which explains why Liberation Theology was such a big fat dud back in the 1980s, amirite?

As for grammar, I fail it shamelessly in places like this, where the tone is conversational & idiomatic quirkiness reigns supreme. But if the subject of one’s post is itself another’s shitty grammar, you damn well better make doubly certain that yours is exemplary.

Looks they don’t teach grammar to AP editors“?!?

Srsly? You can’t even get through your HEADLINE without sounding like a spambot with a second-rate word-file? Making me lose interest before I even get to the opening sentence – way to go, Poindexter.

This is what happens when people replace proofreading with Spellcheck: orthographically perfect gobbledygook. It’s non-trivial to observe that a similar program for grammar would only insure that the mindless yelping can also be successfully scanned & parsed.


The Country Music Awards are on CBS now, tape delayed for the coast w/ the most, but they’re pretty much corrupting themselves.

It reminded me a lot of the time that

There’s a fine example of what, in my day, would have been pretty good for a fifth-grader. Today, it comes from “a contract and freelance writer who has written for a number of Fortune 500 companies.” I’m not surprised. Another fuck who types as he speaks, & thinks he’s hot shit.

M’G., how’d you miss this? (I laughed audibly, it was so incredibly lame.):

The left in this country has a problem. Well, they have a lot of problems, many of which involve personal hygiene and anger management issues.

Considering “Brian Cherry’s” yuck-filled face mullet & unkempt hair, it seems necessary to remind him that it hasn’t been 1968 for 42 yrs. Moran.


Wait, Miley Cyrus is over 18, right?


Shit, not until November. I’ll go quietly, officer…

Chris Hansen, Dateline

Wait, Miley Cyrus is over 18, right?

Have a seat over there.


Waiting patiently for a Miley Cyrus ‘scintillating revelation’ of Republican-style morality scandal. And so are all of you, dammit.
(Coming* soon to a redneck radio station near you!)

* veiled sex scandal reference


Country is a family friendly format they still think they have a chance of corrupting
Shut up and sing.


Did everyone have the grade school music teacher that told them to “shut up and sing?”


A blast from the past: Brian Cherry solves the mysteries of human evolution.


Country is a family friendly format they still think they have a chance of corrupting

Too late.


The sound of one Cherry popping:

Despite the fact that a number of reputable scientists support this theory with credible scientific evidence, it didn’t stop proponents of evolution to immediately yell that this is a breach of contemporary view of the second amendment that separates church and state.

Oh, my.


I bet at this point that blind, drunk leper at the Alabama truckstop would just say, “fuck off, moron.”


Shit, not until November. I’ll go quietly, officer…

You sickening perv, its not petty legalities, it’s whether or not she’s lost her baby fat. (Looks like she has, & got some new teef, too.)

Maker Of The Hilarious Star Wars Parody YouTube Reviews: On Grammar

Annnywun wanta heLp me Millk mie ccat?

ssSSSsstime du mAke brrukfust


Country is a family friendly format they still think they have a chance of corrupting

Do tell.


Country is a family friendly format they still think they have a chance of corrupting

Obviously this is someone who’s never heard


Dammit. As I was saying, obviously this is someone who’s never heard any Conway Twitty. There’s a reason this shit was played in beer joints, ya know.

Just Alison, back from the semi-dead

Did everyone have the grade school music teacher that told them to “shut up and sing?”

No. I had the (grade school equivalent) music teacher who just told me to shut up. (sob, choke).

Viz country music: what would the rightie knobsticks say about Granny was a cripple in Nashville?

I find it not at all surprising that the gay conservative Republican (some even say, wretched illiterate prick) is also a fan of of the fingerwagging schoolmarm school of ironclad rules, ruler-rap-on-knuckles school of grammar. It’s all part of the Right Wing Authoritarian mindset.

Yeggsackly. It’s the reassurance of strict rules and the punishment of transgressors that comforts these buggers: Right Wing Authoritarian to the hilt. I hear uneasy echoes of Animal Farm sometimes when these Tighty Whitey Righties bray, which would undoubtedly discombobulate them no end (at least if they knew anything about the book, which is doubtful).

Rules are rules! Orders are orders! We must support our president in a time of war! Thank you sir may I have another?! I’m a dirty piggie and must be spanked! Don’t grant me full civil rights, I’m not worthyyyy….

Oddly, that’s more reminiscent of the tendency of Tory politicians to have a private life that involves dressing in a cavalry uniform and inserting citrus fruits into their bottoms, rather like the 13th Earl of Gurney, while the tighty righties are more like the second incarnation of the 14th Earl (just a plug for one of the finest movies in the known universe, because I felt like a bit of Peter O’Toole).


Any bit in particular?


Also, you missed “Guess, no one at” which I gather is another sentence fragment and his atrocious use of commas.

He might have been talking to his jeans. You know, the pair he wears when he flies to Minneapolis International Airport to use the men’s room.


Since when is the youngest, refering the youngest of two, incorrect? Only a fuckface douchebague would take issue with that.

Yeggsackly. It’s the reassurance of strict rules and the punishment of transgressors that comforts these buggers: Right Wing Authoritarian to the hilt. I hear uneasy echoes of Animal Farm sometimes when these Tighty Whitey Righties bray, which would undoubtedly discombobulate them no end (at least if they knew anything about the book, which is doubtful).

Authoritarian, yes. It is also part of the Right Wing Hypocricy. If one were to spend a few hours browsing right wing chatter on the interwebz, one would find a volcano of grammatical earfucking–or eyefucking I guess. But who wants to do that? Sadly, not me.


A blast from the past: Brian Cherry solves the mysteries of human evolution.

But Ben Stein Also.


The left can’t compete in the Christian market.

“These prices are crucifying me!”

David Margolies

I was always taught that correct usage was the usage of great writers. This is the beginning of ‘Emma’ by Jane Austen (uppercase added):

“Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.

“She was the YOUNGEST of the TWO daughters of a most affectionate, indulgent father…”

Oregon Beer Snob

Tintin said,

April 18, 2010 at 17:58

@PereUbu: I direct you to section 7.58 of the Chicago Manual of Style. Also, scare quotes are a long tradition at Sadly, No! Also.

CHICAGO!?! But we all know that Chicago is full of thugs and communist community organizers and Saul Alinksy types. You can’t trust those people.

I always liked “Strunk” and White’s Elements of “Style”. “Also” too. “”


I always liked “Strunk” and White’s Elements of “Style”. “Also” too. “”


Does NO ONE use the Times’ Style Guide anymore????


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