Sue The Jokers! Piss On Their Dry Runs! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Not being one to let an airplane incident with a Muslim go to waste, not-so-little Debbie Scheißell has convinced herself, and her gullible readers judging from her comments section, that the smoking incident on United Flight 663 from Washington National to Denver was a “dry run.” A “dry run” is the wingnut version of Hamburger Helper and can be stirred into any Muslim flight itinerary, no matter how innocuous, to turn it instantly into a delicious, one-skillet meal for the “Silly Muslim, Planes Are For White People” crowd.
No way I believe for a second that this guy was just trying to sneak a smoke. … Yup, a diplomat from the nation that funds and is home to Al-Jazeera. I’m sure he took a smoke sneak and joked about putting it out on his shoe, by accident. Because that’s sooooo funny. Ah, the Muslim humor.
Apparently this was a dry run to see if telling bad jokes could cause air marshals to knock themselves out by hitting the heel of their own hands on their foreheads after hearing the bad joke. This would then allow the terrorist to detonate his bomb.
Of course, the government of Balack Hussein Osama is all in favor of dry runs and will be personally delivering a stimulus check to the Qatari diplomat to apologize that the air marshals weren’t rendered helpless by the bad joke as planned but instead handcuffed the diplomat and handed him over to federal authorities.
In a matter of days, they’ll have the Federal Air Marshals on leave and our State Department will be kissing ass, er . . . apologizing over caviar and falafel.
If this had been an African diplomat, Debbie, the comedian’s comedian and the ultimate arbiter of good versus bad humor, would have had us rolling in the aisles with a reference to apologizing over champagne, fried chicken and watermelon.
The U.S. government is, naturally, totally in the bag for the terrorists, and it is now sending Hillary Clinton to Qatar to provide advice as to how Qatari diplomats should conduct their next dry runs on flights out of Washington National Airport. The only thing true-blooded all-American Judeo-Christian passengers can do now to prevent being inconvenienced by future “dry runs” is to take matters into their own hands.
Like I said, if passengers continue to allow these delays and traumas by “joking” Muslims and Arabs, they will continue to experience them. It’s time for them to take action and start costing these people, start embarrassing them through lawsuits. Period. I don’t get why Americans are willing to sue airlines that keep them on the plane unnecessarily, but they won’t do the same to “joking about shoe bombs” Muslims. Why not?
If only someone had sued Mohamed Atta and the Government of Egypt over flight delays caused by Atta’s dry runs, well, the World Trade Towers would still be standing and Debbie would be spending all her time complaining about African-Americans instead of Muslims.
Has this fascist ever even *met* any Muslims? I fail to see how anyone could be such a racist asshole and not have God strike her down.
I fail to see how anyone could be such a racist asshole and not have God strike her down.
Hidden assumptions:
God exists.
God isn’t a racist.
God cares whether or not the world destroys itself.
God cares whether or not the U.S. destroys itself.
God is capable of reading Debbie without vomiting to the point where thought is impossible.
God’s plan isn’t to use racist assholes to shame the rest of us.
…and so on…
Dry run? I bet Debbie’s heard that one before. (veiled dry vagina reference)
Also, too, humorless dildo, also.
Debbie’s = Debbie has
I’m dumb.
Hidden assumptions:
You and your “logic.”
Why not?
I can speak only for myself, of course, but I suspect others will answer the same way. The answer is, wtf did you just say? WTF is the question you incoherently babbling hateful psychobitch?
Me and my “tag fail.”
The entire nation
Must face the situation
And end the traumatization
Of Muslamic comediazation.
It’s time for them to take action and start costing these people, start embarrassing them through lawsuits.
Sue WHO, f’crissakes?
A guy who had a smoke in a airplane toidy?
And sue him for WHAT? Damages to Lil’ Debbie’s undershorts from the pooping? (Or maybe, just mayyyybeeee, I’m giving her too much credit for thinking this thing out. Y’think?)
God is capable of reading Debbie without vomiting to the point where thought is impossible.
Which begs the question: Can God create a person so stupid even S/He can’t stand her?*
* evidently, yes.
I think this dipshit was on the flight I once took from Philly to Madrid. Four Middle Eastern guys sat in one row 3-4 from the back of the plane, near me, turned their Western style suit coats backwards as blankets…then the ‘trouble’ started. Cranky Woman 2 rows up from me started complaining to the flight attendant about them (I guess she thought they were constructing bombs under their jackets, or something something). Loudly. I liked how the FA said, slowly and politely, “they’re not DOING anything”. But no, this Lil’ Debbie Wannabe kept at the FA all through the flight, during which, the 4 swarthy dudes must’ve take 4 percodans each cuz they were sound asleep the entire time (or that’s what they *wanted* me to think, clever curs), even though it was the bumpiest flight I’d ever been on. When we arrived, they got up, put their jackets on and exited the plane without killing anyone, if you can believe that. I’m just glad they were asleep during the 7 hrs of slander (though it would’ve been cool if one of them yelled ‘boo’ at Lil’ Debbie Wannabe, but then we might’ve been diverted in flight to treat her myocardial infarction…). But hey, don’t get me started on the drunk, belligerent Asshole American right next to L.D.W., about whom she said nothing the whole flight. I wasn’t worried though; I always carry a bomb with me on every flight, figuring that’d make us all safe. After all, what’re the odds of having *two* bombs on a flight? Astronomical!
Like I said, if passengers continue to allow these delays and traumas by “joking” Muslims and Arabs, they will continue to experience them.
Uh…what? I confess that I went to Debbie’s site to see if this statement made more sense in context, but it didn’t (in part because there wasn’t much context). Obvious questions:
* Can you even sue someone who has diplomatic immunity?
* Does Debbie [veiled something reference] think that a lawsuit will have a greater effect than a diverted flight that ended in an arrest?
This really, really got me: “apologizing over caviar and falafel.”
Falafel is fucking good, you hateful twunt. And who the fuck eats it with caviar, you loon?
when are us hebrews going to stand up and demand that our good name not be abused by ass-talkers who don’t deserve to be called “christian”, much less “judeo”?
You can in fantasy court.
Hang on…QATAR? A Al Qaeda outpost?
The same Qatar that maintains US bases AND is a staging point for just about any fucking action we take in the region?
Wait. I answered my own question…
Caviar and falafel? The only people that would eat those foods at the same time are the same people that bring you restaurants with big signs in their window saying things like “Pizza Palace: we now serve Sushi!” (*). Yep. My people.
Why does Debbie Schlussel hate Jews?
* there is a new restaurant in my neighborhood that advertises itself as serving pizza, sushi and bagels. It has written (in Hebrew) prominently in its storefront that it is kosher. I personally think that is redundant: why kind of non-kosher restaurant would serve pizza, sushi and bagels as its particular combination of specialties?
And yes, I posted that same comment at Debbie’s.
Hang on…QATAR? A Al Qaeda outpost?
Right? Her fucktardery knows no bounds.
Well, since they do all worship the same God of Abraham when you get right down to it, I think we should expand that to Judeo-Islamo-Christian. That would really stir up the wingnuts.
At least she remembered the difference between falafel and a loofah.
T&U, you’re correct of course, but the Debster is trying to play to the HFCS-and-grease-saturated-food-on-a-stick crowd that wouldn’t eat either, unless someone else was buying in which case they’d find out that they’re actually freaking great (well, not everyone likes caviar, but you never know). Peoria, for instance, has a surprisingly large Lebanese population (Ray LaHood, former GOP rep and current Transportation secretary, is one) and so you have people that normally wouldn’t go within a mile of a Middle Eastern restaurant who know how great a falafel sandwich is.
Right? Her fucktardery knows no bounds.
She makes Hannity seem noble.
Well, since they do all worship the same God of Abraham when you get right down to it, I think we should expand that to Judeo-Islamo-Christian
Now hang on there a moment! I don’t ascribe to no camel-screwing prophet…
Debz musta heard that sane people were warming up to her after exposing the manatee and his little enterprise using veteran’s families as bait for the trap.
This piddle on the floor of the blogosphere should fix that!
Here in NYC, we buy that from Halal vendors.
You know, MUSLIMS!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand all that goodwill Debbie built up by pimp-slapping Sean Hannity just went down the drain.
I mean, is she SERIOUS with this shit? Does she know how fucking insane she sounds? I just can’t wrap my brain around this shit, and when I try, it HURTS.
Hang on…QATAR? A Al Qaeda outpost?
The same Qatar that maintains US bases AND is a staging point for just about any fucking action we take in the region?
Well, yeah! EVERYONE in that whole region is a terrorist. You know that. They newborn babies are outfitted with bombvests before they leave the medical tent on camelback. Don’t you know nuthin?
They newborn babies are outfitted with bombvests
“OK, Mrs Halami, we’ve got your baby here and we’ve got a week’s supply of Pampers and some Enfamil…and can we interest you in a C4 explosive vest for those cold April nights?”
I’m getting hungry for some khlav kalash, washed down with crab juice…
Here in NYC, we buy that from Halal vendors.
You know, MUSLIMS!
Yeah, but everyone knows you upper east coast liberals are all avowed terrorist loving amercia* haterz
*Amercia courtesy of the latest “False Flag” teahadist sign spotted. I’m particularly amused by it since it has a distinct spanglish undertone to it.
“OK, Mrs Halami, we’ve got your baby here and we’ve got a week’s supply of Pampers and some Enfamil…and can we interest you in a C4 explosive vest for those cold April nights?”
TV remote, detonator….which one of these fucking things was which now?
Amercia the Baeutiful.
I mean, is she SERIOUS with this shit? Does she know how fucking insane she sounds? I just can’t wrap my brain around this shit, and when I try, it HURTS
1: Yes, she’s extremely Serious. Defending America from the cameljockey hordes is Serious business.
2: No, she doesn’t know. Insane people have a difficult time with insane vs. sane.
3: For the love of whiskey, leave the brain-wrapping to the professionals at Sadly, No!. They’re already sacrificing their well-being to bring the Shorter to you, don’t jump off the bridge with them!
Great idea for my new restaurant! I’m going to specialize in falafel, pizza, kosher bagel-dogs, sushi, tacos, bratwurst, paella, escargot, steak and kidney pie, corned beef and cabbage, dim sum and tuna hotdish.
We’ll call it Steerpike’s All-American Eats!
Here in NYC, we buy that from Halal vendors.
Who promise not to tell your wife or your Rabbi when you buy the non-kosher (but at least it’s Halal) meat items from them rather than the falafel or the knish. They’ll even tell you if it looks like someone might be looking so you’ll know whether it’s “safe” to buy the kebab from them rather than sticking with the knish.
Who knows what they think of Israel, but our NYC Halal vendors are very, very friendly to us Jews 😉
*Amercia courtesy of the latest “False Flag” teahadist sign spotted. I’m particularly amused by it since it has a distinct spanglish undertone to it.
*that explains the red, white, and blue thigh highs!*
Great idea for my new restaurant! I’m going to specialize in falafel, pizza, kosher bagel-dogs, sushi, tacos, bratwurst, paella, escargot, steak and kidney pie, corned beef and cabbage, dim sum and tuna hotdish.
Don’t forget the khlav kalesh and crab juice!
(thanks, Bigby!)
Well, since they do all worship the same God of Abraham when you get right down to it, I think we should expand that to Judeo-Islamo-Christian. That would really stir up the wingnuts. – Sirius Lunacy
Actually they should drop the Judeo part. We’re the odd man out because we don’t believe in Jesus as anybody in particular … well, maybe he was a sage or something, but who knows really.
Christians, of course, believe Jesus is the Messiah. If I understand Muslim doctrine correctly they believe Jesus was just a prophet in round one but when Jesus comes back to Earth again, he’ll be the Messiah at that time. It’s just that Muslims are smart: they understand that in a constitutional monarchy (remember Messiah roughly = King) the real power will be in the Prime-Minister or “Mahdi”.
Forget Qatari diplomats, the ones you really have to look out for are investment bankers. Does anyone remember this guy:
Nothing dry about that guy’s run(s). He also wiped his ass with the linen napkins they use in first class and wiped his shit smeared hands on various surfaces throughout the plane. Nowadays when I fly I keep a giant cork in my carry on bag and if I sleep it’s with one eye open so that I’m ready to plug one of these motherfuckers up if need be. I’m a hero and nobody knows it but I can’t be everywhere at once, sheeple. These people should be profiled and they should be profiled hard but our modern PC society doesn’t allow that sort of thing.
There isn’t a single sentence quoted above that isn’t the product of dementia.
Also: Smoke sneak?
dropped his pants and defecated on a service cart in plain view of the passengers and crew
Um, thanks for reminding me.
I have to puke now.
So, I wonder what Amy’s up to these days?
, dropped his pants and defecated on a service cart in plain view of the passengers and crew. Then he stepped in his own feces and tracked it through the main cabin
And Al Jazeera, because, you know, residents of the Middle East should only get their news from reliable and unbiased Western sources.
So, I wonder what Amy’s up to these days?
AHA! So you’re really Arnold Alkon!
Actually, *this* was the dry fake flag run.
dropped his pants and defecated on a service cart in plain view of the passengers and crew. Then he stepped in his own feces and tracked it through the main cabin
See what one letter can mean?
Also: Smoke sneak?
Just like the Hamburglar but, you know, …
Actually, *this* was the dry fake flag run.
Yellow flag. Unsportsmanlike conduct.
See what one letter can mean?
And the comma. Don’t forget the comma.
And the comma. Don’t forget the comma.
Let her spout her crazy shit. If she brings down Sean Hannity, I’ll forgive every crazy fucking thing she ever wrote.
Commas are the Jews of liberal grammar.
If only someone had sued Mohamed Atta and the Government of Egypt over flight delays caused by Atta’s dry runs, well, the World Trade Towers would still be standing and Debbie would be spending all her time complaining
about African-Americans instead of Muslimsthe necessity of tort reform.Fixx0red for
accuracygreat justice.When we arrived, they got up, put their jackets on and exited the plane without killing anyone, if you can believe that.
I can’t. You, Bigby, are a liar.
Plus, FYWP, because I can’t be “posting too quickly” if I haven’t posted anything yet.
I can’t help it! It’s one of my adorable quirks. Or near-Aspie tendencies, depending on how you look at it.
The inclusion of a reference to falafel leads to one undeniable conclusion: Debbie Schlussel is sending an encrypted randy message to Bill O’Reilly. Beats the hell out of sexting.
Falafel is fucking good, you hateful twunt. And who the fuck eats it with caviar, you loon?
Sorry to be bustin’ your ovaries, but I couldn’t resist.
*snooty* I was taught how to make falafel from scratch by a Coptic neighbor *snooty*. I think the key is to use a mixture of peeled white favas and chickpeas. Most of the time, I just go to Mamoun’s, though.
Commas are the Jews of liberal grammar.
What are semicolons?! They have interpuncts! And we all know how dangerous interpuncts are.
The ironic thing, Esteev, was that 10 days later when I went to leave Madrid to return home, the bombing at Atocha Renfe occurred (in fact, I was across town on the Metro heading to the airport). If we’d only listened to Lil Debbie Wannabe, and profiled every person who looked like those guys on my flight and in all of Madrid…damn pansy Europeen Spaniards. Oh well, at least they didn’t POOP on the food cart on the way over, but we were all in Coach.
Speaking of food on a stick, whattaya think: bulkogi tacos or khao man gai, or banh mi?
Who’s IQ would be higher? This fine young cannibal or Debbie?
Debbie Schlussel is sending an encrypted randy message to Bill O’Reilly.
Hey, that just says that they eat it with toast. I don’t see anything about falafel…I meant in the same meal, not in general.
What are semicolons?! They have interpuncts!
Semi-colons are the steampunk of liberal grammar
OT, but –
This is just too freakin’ cool.
Evidently they’ve discovered organisms living in brine (“salt-saturated” is how it’s described) and sulfur at the bottom of the ocean – in total lack of oxygen.
These lil’ darlings. THEY DO NOT BREATHE OXYGEN..
Too. Freaking. Cool.
The ironic thing, Esteev
The ironic thing, Bigby… I think it’s irony… is that somehow, you are commenting from the dead after being viciously taken from the earth by four tired, nonthreatening gentlemen with nothing on their minds but which hotel to bring the escorts back to.
Best steampunk evar.
i googled.
Pere, I thought you’d be too busy playing AlephOne to post!
It’s one of my adorable quirks.
OCD is not cute. I cite Monk as example.
Also, too, putting Debbie, O’Reilly and sexting into the same thoughtspace is a hanging offense.
These lil’ darlings. THEY DO NOT BREATHE OXYGEN
Oxygen is the Jew of liberal breathing gases.
Uh, Debbie, this took, literally, 1 second. I type fast so I’ll give you ten seconds.
Research is, like, soooooooo overrated.
OCD is not cute. I cite Monk as example.
Goodness, I’m not that bad.
Uh, Debbie, this took, literally, 1 second. I type fast so I’ll give you ten seconds.
Yes, but who will she take out her hateful racism on if she admits that terrorism isn’t a threat?
Yes, but who will she take out her hateful racism on if she admits that terrorism isn’t a threat?
Excellent point. I forgot about that whole, you know, “xenophobia-thing”.
Research is, like, soooooooo overrated.
Research may be easy, but for Debbie, freaking out and puking on kittens is more fun.
Al Jazeera, Al Qaeda. All Als are alike to Frau Schlusselscheissmacher.
Uh oh, maybe Debbie’s “right”.
Sure you would, Hank. But, then again if you did have immunity, I can only imagine what the attendants would have found you doing in the bathroom.
foi gras and corn dogs mmmmm
How does one event get turned into something that “these Muslims and Arabs” are doing? How do you get to judge an entire group of people based on the actions of one full-of-himself diplomat?
And also, what the hell is wrong with Al-Jazeera? Is anything prefixed with “Al-” assumed to be a terrorist organization now?
Al Jazeera, Al Qaeda. All Als are alike to Frau Schlusselscheissmacher.
I can call you Debbie
And Debbie when you call me
You can call me Al-SerialWhiteWomanRapistSuicideBomber
Nothing is wrong with Al-Jazeera. Would that any of our regular news programs were so professional.
Well, naturally Al Q. is going to use diplomats from governments they oppose for suicide runs…. right?
Has this fascist ever even *met* any Muslims?
Only when standing in line at a falafel stand in Dearborn, when she’s deep undercover.
You cannot go wrong with unveiled Liquid Sky references.
I can call you Debbie
And Debbie when you call me
You can call me Al-SerialWhiteWomanRapistSuicideBomber
lulz! well, played.
Why, yes, I would love a martooni *hic*
Is anything prefixed with “Al-” assumed to be a terrorist organization now?
Let’s examine this:
Al Qaeda – check
Al Jazeera – check
Algore – check
Algebra – check
Alhaig – check
Alcapone – check
Alpaca -….uh oh.
Definitely better than the original.
NOT AL SMITH! He was the Happy Warrior!
NOT AL SMITH! He was the Happy Warrior!
Wow, and I thought I was old, cuz Hubert Humphrey was called that….
It’s time for them to take action and start costing these people, start embarrassing them through lawsuits. Period. I don’t get why Americans are willing to sue airlines that keep them on the plane unnecessarily, but they won’t do the same to “joking about shoe bombs” Muslims. Why not?
this is her recommendation to Americans? Press nuisance suits against foreign diplomats in American courts for unspecified damages? Or – wait – is she recommending Americans sue the airlines for allowing someone to joke about shoe bombs?
I thought these people were for tort reform! At least the guy didn’t spill hot coffee on the passengers.
“Is anything prefixed with “Al-” assumed to be a terrorist organization now?
Let’s examine this:
Al Qaeda – check
Al Jazeera – check
Algore – check
Algebra – check
Alhaig – check
Alcapone – check
Alpaca -….uh oh.”
Or – wait – is she recommending Americans sue the airlines for allowing someone to joke about shoe bombs?
Sue? I thought they were all about tort reform!
On the chance there really is one….NO! Are you fucking crazy????
Al-thouse *DOH!*
I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Super Sara’s a member of the Al-Aska Martyrs’ Brigades.
Al-l My Children?
I got nothin.
Al-thouse *DOH!*
I really hate you.
Wait…wasn’t that plane flying at Al-Titude?
Meeting of the Minds
Wait…wasn’t that plane flying at Al-Titude?
Wait. Worse. Wasn’t Al-Timeter IN THE COCK-PIT! OMG! DEBBIE WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!
Al-Ghul, Ra’s?
How does one event get turned into something that “these Muslims and Arabs” are doing?
9/11 was the worst thing ever to happen to anyone ever in the history of the universe ever no takebacks world without end amen.
Even non-oxygen-breathing jellyfish things from the bottom of the ocean hate Muslins now, ’cause shut up that’s why.
BTW never take the medicine ramipril.
The brand name?
I think you can see where this is going.
Even non-oxygen-breathing jellyfish things from the bottom of the ocean hate Muslins now, ’cause shut up that’s why.
They have a good reason to hate Muslims- they’re halal, and they’re delicious.
I don’t need the brand name to see that’s a Muslim name. Rami Pril? Come on! This is part of the Islamofascist conspiracy.
At least they weren’t heading for Al-buquerque.
I have now dumped every box of Al-Kseltzer from the local drug store into the toilet.
subversive candy: Al Toids
At least they weren’t heading for Al-buquerque
They made a wrong turn there…JUST TO WATCH IT DIE!
Maybe it was Reno, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate which is central to my point.
Al-so, anybody else read non-oxygen-breathing jellyfish things from the bottom of the ocean and think of this?
At least they weren’t heading for Al-buquerque.
Oh, I see what you did… must’ve taken a wrong left turn!
Alsace! a Muslim plot in the heart of Europe!
Al-cohol! this plot goes deeper than we thought!
I just realized the depth of the Ilsamomooslim conspiracy.
What letters are in the middle of “heALth”?!!!!!!!!!~~!!~!!111
Al Uminium (for the brits)
What letters are in the middle of “heALth”?!!!!!!!!!~~!!~!!111
George W-AL-ker Bush!
Sarah p-AL-in…doncha know?
Look, we need to invade Canada right now, because the stronghold at Al-berta cannot be tolerated.
Bugs Bunny was always taking the LEFT turn there – Are the commies involved in this conspiracy?!
H. Al Liburton
Oh, yeah, laugh about R’Lyeh now, before Cthulhu himself shows up.
People have pointed out that the location the sound originated within 500 miles from the location of R’lyeh in the South Pacific, thus coincidentally linking the sound to the sleeping Great Old One Cthulhu in the fiction of H.P. Lovecraft.[9]
How for does this go? is not just locAL its federAL presidentiAL or even *gasp* universAL!
We’re fighting for our LIVES here!
We’re fighting for our LIVES here!
But only if your AL-ive!
I just poopt.
But only if your AL-ive!
I must go out and commit suicide….but how?
I got it! I’ll strap loads of C4 to my chest and blow myself up in public! For Al-ive!
They have even taken over a state of the US:
Al-Fatiha, just in case he really was in there sneaking a…no, I can’t do it.
Frivolous lawsuits! Tort reform! Activist judges!
Oh wait, these were muslims?
Sue ’em!
Strangely, buttermilk cornmeal breading resist oil, and so, when fried, is not actually very greasy. A properly fried something on a stick should end up with about a teaspoon or two of oil, most of which should come off while cooling before consuming. The breading continues to cook inside the the object, of course.
Coincidently, you’re able to deep fry many corndogs without refilling the oil – whereas for pommes frites you must add oil to make up for that which is carried by the potatoes.
Exploding Cigars ftw!
Ah Debbie, the Hannity thing made me think ypu’d finally got your meds right. Keep trying, you’ll eventually get there!
Can you even sue someone who has diplomatic immunity?
You can in fantasy court.
Mr Roarke is firm, but fair.
Actually, *this* was the dry fake flag run.
You’ll note it was a Continent-al flight from Cleveland Hopkins Internation-al Airport.
“…dropped his pants and defecated on a service cart in plain view of the passengers and crew”
But- didn’t anyone try to stop him? What were the passengers doing? Someone could at least have locked him in one of the tiny toilets … or something. Don’t the stewardess have Pepper Spray?
Meeting of the Minds
Wind tunnel.
or better yet, “Pooper spray”
El-drick Woods!!!
“complaining about African-Americans instead of Muslims.”
There’s a difference?
Evidently they’ve discovered organisms living in brine (“salt-saturated” is how it’s described) and sulfur at the bottom of the ocean – in total lack of oxygen.
These lil’ darlings. THEY DO NOT BREATHE OXYGEN.
Pfft. Where do you think Olives come from? Especially the green olives with the red intestines … mmmmm!
Pfft. Where do you think Olives come from? Especially the green olives with the red intestines … mmmmm!
*puts down martini* You guys aren’t letting me enjoy anything today, are you?
There’s a difference?
You must be thinking of the incense street vendor guys.
Especially the green olives with the red intestines
I wondered how they survived at the bottom of my martinis…
Usual dessert
In Tuscaloosa should be
Pie a la bama
BTW, anyone remember what I was going to look up on the Intertubes? ’cause I done forgot.
Probably Tron pr0n.
BTW, anyone remember what I was going to look up on the Intertubes? ’cause I done forgot.
Incense breathing molluscs?
BTW may I mention the fact that Lil’ Debbie’s picture up top somehow manages to get more hideous every time I see it.
Considering where it starts, that’s saying a lot, Pere.
Don’t the stewardess have Pepper Spray?
Not really something you want to be using in a small enclosed area where the air gets constantly recirculated, really.
Unless, you know, you don’t like your passengers very much.
Or the rest of the crew.
BTW may I mention the fact that Lil’ Debbie’s picture up top somehow manages to get more hideous every time I see it.
I actually think it’s more flattering than the one she has on her site.
Oh, my, Lil’ Debbie’s gonna make a lot out of this:
DENVER – A Qatari diplomat was on his way to an official visit with an imprisoned al-Qaida sleeper agent when he touched off a bomb scare by slipping into an airline bathroom for a smoke, officials said Thursday as the diplomat prepared to leave the U.S.
The diplomat, Mohammed Al-Madadi was going to meet Ali Al-Marri in prison, according to a State Department official and another person close to the matter. Al-Marri, a citizen of Qatar, is serving eight years in prison after pleading guilty last year to conspiring to support terrorism.
The purpose of his visit raises further questions about Al-Madadi’s behavior, such as why someone familiar with terrorism cases would apparently flaunt airline security rules.
Debbie’s gonna need to stock up on Depends if this thing keeps going.
Unless, you know, you don’t like your passengers very much.
Oh, you were on that flight too?
The purpose of his visit raises further questions about Al-Madadi’s behavior, such as why someone familiar with terrorism cases would apparently flaunt airline security rules.
Flaunt? JESUS.
This sounds like a bad innovation…
Oh, and FYWP
Flaunt? JESUS.
There’s your liebrul press for you.
Flaunt? JESUS.
A little known detail to the story is that Al-Madadi was wearing a micro-mini with TSA regs silk-screened on. In 6-point Comic Sans.
The bastard.
More from the MSNBC story:
Some air travelers at Denver International Airport Thursday were amazed that Al-Madadi would not be charged with anything.
“I think it’s wrong. I’d get busted. I don’t think that (immunity) should be a factor,” said one of them, Hank DePetro, a retired psychologist from Greeley, Colo.
Yeah, go ahead and ignore diplomatic immunity. Can’t see how that could go wrong, nope!
A little known detail to the story is that Al-Madadi was wearing a micro-mini with TSA regs silk-screened on. In 6-point Comic Sans.
That’s what he gets for showing off his brown skin. He was asking for it!
Yeah, go ahead and ignore diplomatic immunity. Can’t see how that could go wrong, nope!
Pardon me, but these people are fucking retarded (not satire).
I actually think it’s more flattering than the one she has on her site.
One word: Basilisk.
That’s a ridiculous assertion, Pere. They don’t use 9-letter words.
One word: Basilisk.
It’s not my fault your puny mortal brain can’t handle it!
Bugs Bunny was always taking the LEFT turn there – Are the commies involved in this conspiracy?!
That was code from ebol joos that own hollywood and eat babies. That was the go order
Yeah, go ahead and ignore diplomatic immunity. Can’t see how that could go wrong, nope!
Pardon me, but these people are fucking retarded (not satire).
Can you imagine what a western diplomat in Qatar must be thinking if they have the misfortune of stumbling across a retarded comment like that?
Let’s see–this idiot was from Qatar, and we should overlook the law and prosecute him becaaaaaaauuuuuuuuse…everyone needs to shutup cuz theirs no moar rasicm in the US?
White guy tries to huff a smoke in the shitter, think he has dumbshit plane ride takers calling for him to go to prison? Just a hunch, but I’m thinking not so much.
White guy tries to huff a smoke in the shitter, think he has dumbshit plane ride takers calling for him to go to prison? Just a hunch, but I’m thinking not so much.
Prison? *pfaugh*
Like I said before, if he was a teahadist and really lighting up some C-4 they’d give him his own damn show on CNN.
I once read a comment on a blog post somewhere by a person who said that Al Jazeera had to be funded by Osama Bin Laden because he was the only person in the Middle East with enough money to start a television station. No, really.
Fasten your seatbelts boys, it’s going to a bumpy night. Latest wiord is, the Qatari diplomat was on his way to Colorado to…..
wait for it ………….
vist an AQ inmate in a supermax prison there. Oh this is going to be distressingly funny.
Okay, I just skimmed to see whether anyone had noted it. Sorry.
I wasn’t first but I *did* use a Bette Davis line in my comment…..
It’s time for them to take action and start costing these people, start embarrassing them through lawsuits.
It’s not frivolous if you’re suing brown people. It’s only frivolous if you are suing good American corporations and insurance companies and rich white doctors.
Also. Too.
Unless, you know, you don’t like your passengers very much.
Oh, you were on that flight too?
Is’nt that EVERY fight now?
I love it that she conflates al-Jazeera with al-Qaeda. Wait, no I don’t.
Linux video game emulators.
THAT’S what I wanted to search for.
Thank you for reminding me!
Linux video game emulators.
Ooooh! Baby Cthulhu turds!
Clearly the Air Marshall should of just shot him on the spot and said “It’s just been revoked.”
He’s a diplomat, he probably thought he could get by with breaking the rules about smoking on a plane.
I love it that she conflates al-Jazeera with al-Qaeda.
Al-Jazeera pisses everybody off, from radical Muslims to radical-right Americans. That’s a sign they’re doing their jobs.
(Gee, didn’t we used to have TV news operations like that?)
If life gives you smokers, make terrorists
So they’re ready to lynch this guy, huh? Perhaps it’s time to stop and think. It’s been eight years—it’s safe now. To think. Anyone could have identified it as cigarette smoke. A flight attendant could have prevented this from getting out of hand with what some people call “tact,” and could have recommended patches for future flights. Some guy smoked in the potty. Then said something stupid about it. Then someone(s) overreacted and NORAD got involved.
Fucking NORAD. I don’t want any of the people involved in making this little incident into a military matter to ever have children. It would be best if they didn’t handle sharp knives, either.
Tell you the truth, I don’t mind that this guy was arrested. Assholes who make stupid jokes about bombs in airports or on planes are always arrested, and I don’t see why this guy should be any different. But I agree, scrambling the planes was beyond stupid. What if someone had gotten hurt?
You can’t make a terror omelette without scrambling a few planes.
You can’t make a terror omelette without scrambling a few planes.
Tig pounces for the win.
Another thought.
Soooo. They get the F-18s up there (or whatever was handy) and they fly alongside this plane and do what?
If the guy has a shoe bomb and catastrophically detonates it are the fighter planes going to fire heat-seeking missiles at the flaming wreckage? Are they going to swoop in and catch falling passengers on their wings? Are they going to chuck parachutes at these folks?
You can’t scramble Debbie’s brains without scrambling a few planes.
(Oh, wait…yes you can.)
There is something that is bugging me about this whole story. Let us suppose for a minute lil’ Debbie was right and this was a “dry run”. The guy was caught, arrested or whatever … and then let go. But the point is that the guy was caught and, had this been a real “shoe bomb emergency” would have been intercepted before he lit up his shoes or anything.
The whole thing does show that inspite of re-dick-yu-louse security theatre, all that is accomplished is making people wait longer in line (to be better targets for in airport terrorists?) and does nothing to prevent people from, what, smuggling matches on board. But it also shows (as does every single other “we almost got attacked”) that yet again another potentially dangerous situation was stopped from actually being, well, dangerous.
Almost a terror attack is not a terror attack. Essentially all these situations where Debbie and her friends are screaming “oh noes, we almost got attackeded … because our sleeper-Islamo-socialist-fascist president is purposefully asleep on the job of keeping us safe” are, in fact, occassions where Obama & company have demonstrated themselves to be on the job and keeping us safe.
Indeed, when Bush was president, such “we almost got attacked’ situations were trumpetted (by the very same people criticizing Obama & CO) as evidence that Bush & CO were keeping us safe.
To engage the invisible al-Qaeda starships when they decloak.
If they had interrogated him, it would have been easy to get him to talk. No cigarettes. Of course, that might lead to false confessions. He needs to try the gum, patch, and smokeless cigarettes.
re-dick-yu-louse security theatre
Yep. Fighter jets are shiny and fast and make really loud vroom sounds and can’t do fuck-all about an incident on a plane except shoot the plane down and then drop laser-guided bombs into the crater it makes upon impact.
I’m sorry, but after years of dealing with the “Seasoned Professionals” of TSA, in comparison with those of Germany, The Netherlands, Japan, China, Mexico, Australia, Singapore and Turkey… If I had diplomatic immunity, I’d be mocking anyone related to US Transport Security as well.
Of course, I’d deserve to get reamed for smoking on a goddam plane, but the opportunity for snark would not go wasted. Wait, is that bad of me?
Of course, diplomats NEVER visit convicted supporters of terrorists in prison, not even when they’re nationals because shut up that’s why.
Also, you’ve left out the most terrifying sleeper-cell of them all …
We need to find the location of 4chan’s servers – & nuke the site from orbit, just to be sure.
Not really something you want to be using in a small enclosed area where the air gets constantly recirculated, really.
Unless, you know, you don’t like your passengers very much.
Well, how about a tazer? I don’t think Cops should carry them, but Flight Attendants, Waitresses, and Altar Boys should be issued them.
They get the F-18s up there (or whatever was handy) and they fly alongside this plane and do what?
Eh. Yeah, given what they knew, the F-18s couldn’t do very much, but maybe what they knew was wrong. It doesn’t really hurt to have them there just in case they can do something useful.
Tell you the truth, I don’t mind that this guy was arrested. Assholes who make stupid jokes about bombs in airports or on planes are always arrested, and I don’t see why this guy should be any different.
Sure–this has been standard procedure for as long as I can remember. Heck, when I was 8 and my sister was 4, we were flying down to Florida, and my dad (a former Federal prosecutor) sat us down to explain the rules. My sister’s teddy bear HAD to go through the X-ray machine, and I was NOT to ask the X-ray tech whether s/he thought that Teddy had swallowed a bomb. Like it or not, bombs are not a joking matter.
Would some WASPy white dude have been arrested for smoking in the john? I don’t know, but I think they should’ve…but maybe that’s because I’m an anti-smoking fascist.
I have to pipe up here and point out that I live close enough to Buckley AFB (where they scrambled the jets from) to hear them play reveille at 7:00 every morning, the National Anthem every day at 5:00, and Taps every night at 10:00. I heard the “whoop-whoop-whoop” scramble alarm at about 6:30 last night, and didn’t give it a second thought until I heard about the “incident” later on. I didn’t realize I was supposed to be pooping my pants until it was too late. Oh, well…
It’s never too late to poop your pants!
They scramble from Buckley now? When I worked there, it was just my bitty-bitty missile warning squadron, a whole lot of super secret civilians that you never saw, a cafeteria, and a guard shack. Just one golf ball.
i heard somebody say once that the religious wars of the 21st century would be between alcoholics anonymous and scientology
Bullshit K. Hustler
maybe i don’t want to use that nym after all
The fact is, faggots. Faggots, faggots, faggots. NO SPECIAL RIGHTS FOR GAYS OR MOOSLIMES, they are subhuman and not USA or POWER AMERICA freedom lovers, just hate and bias.
The fact is, liberals are scared of Palin and Bachmann, and they should be. These women are the future of USA, not Pelosi and Michelle “the gorilla” Obsama. They will win the USA election and become our rulers, which is the way it should be, amen.
Speakin’ of pooping one’s pantaloons – hi, Gare-bear!
The fact is.
The factis.
I’m scared they have the hydrophobie.
We’ve only lived here about 5 years, but Buckley must have grown quite a bit since your time, Wiley. There are about a dozen giant golf balls now, and fighter jets, transports and Hueys come and go at all hours. Visitors are sometimes put off by the noise, but I really don’t even notice it unless I’m outside and it drowns out conversation briefly.
These lil’ darlings. THEY DO NOT BREATHE OXYGEN..
Pere Ubu’s link leads to
One new phylum would be enough for most people, but no, Reinhardt had to be greedy.
I remember when the Cycliophora were discovered, someone compared them to “animated cold sores that live on the lips of lobsters”, which brings us back to Debbie.
animated cold sores that live on the lips of lobsters
I didn’t realize I was supposed to be pooping my pants until it was too late.
It’s never too late to poop your pants!
Terror Alert Status = Brown! Run!
If they had interrogated him, it would have been easy to get him to talk. No cigarettes.
See, THAT’s why he lit up in a airplane toidy.
The small matter of nicotine addiction.
Seems obvious to me.
He is also considered one of the world’s leading experts on tardigrades.
Professorial excuses for returning essays later than promised?
The rilly rilly cool thing about that is that hydrogenosomes have only previously been found in protozoa (including a few parasitic nasties like giardia and Trichomonas). They’re like mitochondria, but doing anaerobic rather than aerobic respiration, and there used to be arguments whether they’re descended from mitochondria or from a separate event of bacterial endosymbiosis. Anyway, WTF are they doing inside a metazoan?
Yeah, Steerpike, I left in January of ’81. Used to be the 2nd Communications Squadron (missile warning). Now it’s 2nd Space Warning something or other.
dreadfully boring job at best —watching test launches was kind of fun, though
Professorial excuses for returning essays later than promised?
Consider it stolen.
leading experts on tardigrades
personally, myself, i’m fond of a nice ctenophore after dinner
onna other hand,
ew! ew! ew! ew! ew! ew! yuk!!!
Awww, ookit the ickle bicky water bears! So coot!
That is some nightmare fuel right there.
What is so wrong with mutant koalas?
You know, I’m not entirely comfortable living on a planet with all this weird shit. Not to mention the bacteria that use me as a walking colony. Gross.
Not to mention the bacteria that use me as a walking colony. Gross.
And here I thought you libruls was all bleedy-heart over the homeless, regardless of species.
Goddamned invertebrate biologists keep oozing under my door seeking warmth and nutrients.
Goddamned invertebrate biologists
But they have the cutest little eyestalks!
Let us suppose for a minute lil’ Debbie was right and this was a “dry run”.
So….what purpose would a Terra-ist have, smoking in the john? I mean, frankly, if it were me trying to do a “dry run” I think I would certainly avoid doing something that’s specifically forbidden and would attract attention. I mean, they have signs and even announcements that smoking in the john isn’t allowed. How does it serve a terrorist plan to smoke in the john? Testing out whether flight attendants have a sense of smell?
[Palin and Bachman] will win the USA election and become our rulers, which is the way it should be, amen.
In your dreams, Gary, you naughty boy!
Emuvosis lost his shorts about this too, and I don’t mean in the good way.
Can we just give the same paranoid accusations back to the wingnuts now?
Can’t we just assume that anytime three or more of them are together they are planning an apocalyptic mass shooting or trick bombing?
It’s what they deserve.
Err….truck bombing.
It occurs to me that al Quaeda could bring America to its knees without anyone even being hurt. All they need to do is put a person on every plane who will make a bad joke about terrorism about a quarter of the way through the flight. That person will be jailed for a short time, but they’ll live to rejoice in the ruin of the American economy. Imagine if even a third of all flights originating in the U.S.A. had to land short of their destinations or return to their airports of origin. And the budget for the F16s to escort them would be huge!
But perhaps TSA would solve the problem by duct-taping shut the mouths of all passengers and using the plastic restraints on them to prevent duct-tape removal during the flight.
Proud to be an American. Where we’re ready to embrace any invasion of our own privacy or restriction on our own activities just to feel a teeny weeny bit safer. What’s that song we sing?
“Blessed by TV’s soft glow, to the shopping mall we go,
Every move watched and tracked, but slightly safer from foe.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the scared and the home of fear’s slaves?”
Yep, that’s it.
*clapping slowly* Cowalker, that was awesome. Wrap up your intertube and take it home, sir.
Funny joke, Cowalker –
But the opportunity for al-Qaeda to tear American society apart simply through fear and paranoia does exist, whether or not they have the ability to do it right now. And for certain, the right’s psychotic fanaticism would make their job a hell of a lot easier.
Tom Tomorrow:
“Ladies and Gentlemen, new regulations require that you be sedated and strapped into your seats like Hannibal Lecter for the duration of today’s flight. Your underpants will be returned to you upon arrival at our destination.”
Isn’t it funny how upon reflection this “scare,” the airline’s response to it, the military response to it, and the wing nut pundit response to all of it is so completely moronic that it’s insane. Do the wing nutty pundits and the people who read them for other than clinical purposes (such as these brave souls here at sadlyno) actually think that the organization that hijacked four airplanes on 9/11 is making “dry runs” for underpants bombings using cigarettes in the bathroom for practice and then joking about a bomb.
I’m beginning to be sorry that it’s so hard to have people involuntarily committed these days.
He’s one of those really patient terrorists who kills people with second-hand smoke.
Can you imagine what falafel and champagne would do to you?
wiley said:
“Isn’t it funny how upon reflection this ‘scare,’ the airline’s response to it, the military response to it, and the wing nut pundit response to all of it is so completely moronic that it’s insane. Do the wing nutty pundits and the people who read them for other than clinical purposes (such as these brave souls here at sadlyno) actually think that the organization that hijacked four airplanes on 9/11 is making “dry runs” for underpants bombings using cigarettes in the bathroom for practice and then joking about a bomb.”
Ha! You must have missed the run-up to 9/11! It was like getting into a Second City performance! Teams of “dry run” terrorists were dispatched to make audible jokes about turning planes into bombs, as flights took off, and as they approached their destination.
Wait. Maybe that was a fantasy. Like Fantasy Court.
Never mind.
It occurs to me that al Quaeda could bring America to its knees without anyone even being hurt. All they need to do is put a person on every plane who will make a bad joke about terrorism about a quarter of the way through the flight. That person will be jailed for a short time, but they’ll live to rejoice in the ruin of the American economy. Imagine if even a third of all flights originating in the U.S.A. had to land short of their destinations or return to their airports of origin. And the budget for the F16s to escort them would be huge!
Dude, they’ve pretty much already accomplished it. Bin Laden said he wanted to “bleed [us] white” and he managed to spook us into two bank-breaking wars plus the lost time and frustration of air travel these days. Plus the whole DHS.
He’s nearly fuckin’ won, at a pretty small cost in relative terms.
The terrorists’ attacks succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, and the collapsed buildings were the least of it. The ass-turnips who let 9/11 “change everything” are as much to blame as the ones that flew the planes.
And yeah, what Chowder said, too. Also.
O’er the land of the scared and the home of fear’s slaves?
i tried mightly to get this point across to some victims of advanced wingnuttism, but they remained determined to throw away as much of the 4th amendment as possible in the name of patriotically soiling their undies
it’s your duty as an american!
it should be pointed out that Debbie has left her comments unmoderated…
it would be very rude to go over there and pretend to be gary…
thats all….
Am I the only one who think say “I’m setting my shoes on fire” was kind a funny line?
But perhaps TSA would solve the problem by duct-taping shut the mouths of all passengers and using the plastic restraints on them to prevent duct-tape removal during the flight.
Do you publish a newsletter?
Relevent to your interests.
Can you imagine what falafel and champagne would do to you?
Dry runs.
The rilly rilly cool thing about that is that hydrogenosomes have only previously been found in protozoa (including a few parasitic nasties like giardia and Trichomonas). They’re like mitochondria, but doing anaerobic rather than aerobic respiration, and there used to be arguments whether they’re descended from mitochondria or from a separate event of bacterial endosymbiosis. Anyway, WTF are they doing inside a metazoan?
This is all a really good argument AGAINST creationism.
What, God’s decided to just fuck with us now? “Ha! Organisms where they shouldn’t belong and ones that don’t conform to the rules I MADE! *snicker* This is better than all those bones I let the kid bury!”
The Goddamn Batman should check this out – they’ve found a natural Smilex.
About a decade ago, a Sardinian shepherd committed suicide by eating a hemlock water-dropwort, leaving a corpse with a striking grin.
Hi gang! Iphoning it in from Boston today because I’m hella globetrotting. So my idea is to lure the fuckwits into a box canyon of our devising: make upaphalse rightwing blogger, take turns speculating on the lieberal news of the day (anything less would be irresponsible) and see how much pure lunacy we can flush out of the canebrake. Any takers?
Gary Ruppert said
Ruppert was a brewery owner.
Breweries make beer.
Beer contains….AL-COHOL! OMG! GARY IS A MUSLIN TERRAREST!!!!!!!!!!
Bin Laden said he wanted to “bleed [us] white” and he managed to spook us into two bank-breaking wars plus the lost time and frustration of air travel these days. Plus the whole DHS.
Not to mention two major recessions.
(the second occuring as a direct result of the interest rates cuts that the Fed passed in order to keep the economy from tipping into depression in 2002)
Late to the party again, but this line: “A “dry run” is the wingnut version of Hamburger Helper and can be stirred into any Muslim flight itinerary, no matter how innocuous, to turn it instantly into a delicious, one-skillet meal for the “Silly Muslim, Planes Are For White People” crowd.”
…is just about perfect, Tintin.
The terrorists’ attacks succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, and the collapsed buildings were the least of it. The ass-turnips who let 9/11 “change everything” are as much to blame as the ones that flew the planes.
Indeed. I have more hatred for them than for the terrorists–they’ve destroyed this country from the inside. Terrorists get what they want using fear. They’ve gotten what they want using fear. I don’t see a whole lot of difference.
see how much pure lunacy we can flush out of the canebrake. Any takers?
So what do you do with it when you’ve flushed them out?
Terrorists get what they want using fear. They’ve gotten what they want using fear. I don’t see a whole lot of difference.
The ass-turnips who let 9/11 “change everything” are as much to blame as the ones that flew the planes.
It was a horrific event but it shouldn’t have changed everything. The T’s have won: warrant-less wiretaps, indefinite detentions, the suspension of habeas corpus, assassinations of American citizens by the Executive Branch… the list goes on. These, to me anyway, are more detrimental to our country than anything a Terrarest could think of doing.
I remember people running around acting like we were the only fucking nation on the planet that has been hit by terrorism. It was/is fucking insane. People who live with the reality of terrorism every day are less pants-shitting than the average American.
Pipebomb terrorist looks like Truthy?
They all look the same to me. Easy nuff to profile, I say.
Pipebomb terrorist looks like Truthy?
*gleefully awaiting the well-deserved snark on this POS*
Crazed NeoCon Of The Week (with bonus photo of teh crazee)
So what do you do with it when you’ve flushed them out?
Go all medieval on their asses.
(with bonus photo of teh crazee)
AAAAAAAAAAAH OMG that’s worse than those tiny bear-things!!!! AAAAH!
Pipebomb terrorist looks like Truthy?
He looks like Kelsey Grammer, after a heaping plate of snotchos.
OMG that’s worse than those tiny bear-things!!
I’m half-expecting an article this weekend of her arrest in a trailer-park crack den.
In all seriousness, though, these are the people I’m most worried about. This guy is obviously mentally ill, and though he might have committed violent, crazy crimes without Fox News, that shit sure doesn’t help. Plz to stop poking the crazy conspiracy theorists, right-wing talkers.
I’m half-expecting an article this weekend of her arrest in a trailer-park crack den.
She looks possessed. I’m trying to think of what movie/TV monster she reminds me of there, but I can’t quite put my finger on it…
I’m trying to think of what movie/TV monster she reminds me of there
Linda Blair in the Exorcist.
Or Fredy Krueger.
Plz to stop poking the crazy conspiracy theorists, right-wing talkers.
It astounds me how FOX et al the right wing media refuse to accept responsibility for the rise in these groups. We have pretty clear, if simplistic, evidence of this.
Hate groups rose during the Clinton administration (coinciding with the ramp up of FOX), dipped during Bush (when FOX would never say a word against him), and then started to climb at the end of the Bush years, when FOX started realizing that either McCain or Obama was going to be bad for business.
Or The Master from BTVS.
I’m reading about the Republican convention at the Hilton in New Orleans, Liz Cheney and Newtie railing about Obama, and understand that so far there hasn’t been one mention – not one – about Hurricane Katrina.
I’m sure the Snotchos being served at the New Orleans Hilton this week are particularly creamy and delicious!
Or the Master from BTVS.
I’m reading about the Republican convention at the Hilton in New Orleans, Liz Cheney and Newtie railing about Obama, and understand that so far there hasn’t been one mention – not one – about Hurricane Katrina.
Don’t you know?
NOTHING happened between 2000 and 2009, except for September 11.
It astounds me how FOX et al the right wing media refuse to accept responsibility for the rise in these groups. We have pretty clear, if simplistic, evidence of this.
Yeah, I think Dave Neiwart has a really good point about how right wing media have used far-right, extreme talking points to stir people up and bring those ideas into the mainstream. I was a little disappointed in that book, but his thesis is solid. I have seen insane, fascistic shit posted on the internet a week or so before Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck start ranting about it. I have a feeling their staff reads Free Republic and World Net Daily for ideas.
Crazed NeoCon Of The Week (with bonus photo of teh crazee)
Please tell me that this whole story is an Onion parody of nepotism gone bad.
Please tell me that this whole story is an Onion parody of nepotism gone bad
Luzerne County would be Alabama if it was warmer.
Pipebomb terrorist looks like Truthy?
That crazee is “disenchanted” with the gov’t?! What the hell is this? A school dance?!?!
Thanks, Pere Ubu! Frickin’ Sardinians. Always thought they smiled too much.
Frickin’ Sardinians. Always thought they smiled too much
Well, if you were crammed butt-to-penis against a bunch of your brothers and sisters in a tiny little can, you’d smile a lot too…
if you were crammed butt-to-penis against a bunch of your brothers and sisters
I didn’t know female sardines had penises! For that matter, I didn’t know sardines had butts!
Pipebomb terrorist looks like Truthy?
They all look the same to me. Easy nuff to profile, I say.
I went for the mangoes…. and he could only be sentenced for 10 years…. But on these COPS reruns you bastards sending over, some black guy with 1grm of weed gets sentenced to 7 years…. am i missing something? pipe bombs vrs 1grm of weed….
I didn’t know female sardines had penises!
Why do you think they smile so much?
But on these COPS reruns you bastards sending over, some black guy with 1grm of weed gets sentenced to 7 years…. am i missing something?
What part of “black guy” was unlcear to you?
Do you know what kind of damage you can do with 1grm of w33d?!
..uh, i forgot what we were talking about. South Park, right?
Ladies and Gentlemen, new regulations require that you be sedated and strapped into your seats like Hannibal Lecter for the duration of today’s flight. […]
I’ll have my fava beans with a nice Salice Salintino rather than Chianti. And I’ll take the kosher option of broiled calf liver as opposed to the human liver. Yes. I know the human liver is completely fresh off the shoe courtesy of the nice folks at Soylent food services, but … um … no thanks.
What part of “black guy” was unlcear to you?
It’s not like they can vote. Right?!!?!
I’m trying to think of what movie/TV monster she reminds me of there
Evil Gidget.
The trouble with this kind of blind and stupid racism is that the people who wallow in it actually try to make policy.
Imagine how World War Two would have been fought if some kraut-hating good ole boys had gotten some financing together and made a scandal out of General Eisenhower’s German heritage – in the middle of Operation Overlord. Whether it’s suggesting that longstanding ally Qatar is an al-Qaeda client state, or suggesting back in November that all hajjis serving in the military be fired immediately, that’s the kind of insanity we face every day.
Which just solidifies my belief that America’s triumph really isn’t their top priority, like they’re always saying it is.
And if it isn’t, what is?
That’s where the woods get dark.
Imagine how World War Two would have been fought if some kraut-hating good ole boys had gotten some financing together and made a scandal out of General Eisenhower’s German heritage – in the middle of Operation Overlord. – Chris
This sort of thing did happen, albeit on a much smaller and less damaging scale. For whatever reasons, a lot of refugees from Hitler (who got out before things got too rough) decided to settle in LA (I guess to try to break into Hollywood or something). LA ended up for a while with a fairly nice German community.
And when the war broke out? Whenever these refugees started speaking German or something, some or other good ol’ boy or Schlussel/Alkon-esque society-matron-wannabe would get all huffy about said refugees speaking in German. I.e. the spiritual ancestors of today’s “the Islamofascists are out to get us!” crowd were scared that Jewish nerds speaking their native tongue of German meant the Nazi-Kaiser’s hoards were poised to take over ‘Murka.
I wouldn’t be too surprised if some yahoos from that era were indeed afeared that Eisenhower was a secret Nazi plant — except that the yahoos from that era figured that “Franklin Delano Rosenfeld”, Harry “that Jew in the White House” Truman (whose mother’s family may very well have been Jewish, FWIW) and (Dwight) “Dovid Ikey, the Swedish Jew” Eisenhower were all Jewish anyway.
We always had the crazies in this country. It’s just that pre-Southern-Strategy, they were divided between the parties and hence had too much veto power of necessary progressive measures but didn’t have a single party from which to actually control any branch of the government. Nixon — who was actually not a (political) crazy … well he was paranoid and crazy, but not in the teabagging sense — in a pique of anger at the Blue-Bloods who never trusted him, decided to give the nuts a home in the GOP, and … well … we all know the results of that.
Am I the only one who think say “I’m setting my shoes on fire” was kind a funny line?
I guess it’s marginally funnier than “Be careful with that, there’s a bomb in it.” I still think someone who utters something like that on a plane or in an airport is an asshole who deserves to be detained.
Joe McCarthy was the grandfather, or godfather, of today’s Teabaggers. It’s startling how much congruence there is between them and McCarthy’s supporters. It’s instructive that 1) McCarthy and the professional anti-Semites had no use for each other–to the point where one or two kooks put it about that McCarthy was a secret Jew, and 2) Nixon was one of McCarthy’s enablers within the GOP (until Joe became politically toxic, of course).
Good point… for a lot of history, especially in the 1950s and 1960s, the two parties were run by reasonable-ish people who generally tried to keep their extremist fringes under control. Bringing all the crazies into the GOP unbalanced the equation drastically.
(It helps that between 1865 and 1932, “real America” chauvinism was very much a Northern thing – Southerners were considered almost as unAmerican as Jews and Catholics during that time, hence the “Vote against Rum, Romanism and Rebellion” mottos you saw in the Republican Party).
That’s probably the thing that infuriates me the most about the Islamophobic sentiment, actually. The people most likely to suffer from it are the very people who ran away to our country for fear of persecution, and are considered America-loving traitors by the fanatics in their home country. Either them, or the people of countries like Iraq and Afghanistan who had to bear the brunt of that kind of tyranny long before their tyrants were ever on our radar. It’s the equivalent of persecuting the Vietnamese boat people or the Miami Cubans for communist sympathy.
Nice to know al-Qaeda and the American right wing share a determination to ruin these people’s lives. They have other things in common, too.
The people most likely to suffer from it are the very people who ran away to our country for fear of persecution
Worse, here in the city, violence against Sikh Indians skyrocketed to the point where taxi and limo drivers (a big portion of the Sikh population) had to put two bumper stickers on their cabs/cars:
1) God Bless America
2) I Am Sikh.
I’m not making that up. All because they wear turbans (something fundie Islamists do not!)
If yer an ignat ass, one dark-skinned dude in a turban is like any other and serves adequately as the object of your
helpless ragefearconcern.If yer an ignat ass, one dark-skinned dude in a turban is like any other
Fun Fact: the turban in Afghanistan is called a lungee
I know. There was someone on imdb a few months ago bitching about how unfair it was that he had to keep taking his shoes off at airports, but he frequently saw “towelheads and dotheads” being let through with no problems –
Forgetting about the towelheads for a minute, there’s a perfectly good reason why ethnic profiling would let the dotheads through – Hindus are a recurring enemy and target for Muslim terrorists, as much so as Jews and Christians. The chances of one of them being an al-Qaeda number are very precisely zero.
(Also, by “the city” I assume you mean New York?)
All because they wear turbans (something fundie Islamists do not!)
OK, *some* do, like the Ayatollah (before my pedants come out of the woodwork)
(Also, by “the city” I assume you mean New York?)
The “212′ gives me away, doesn’t it?
The “212? gives me away, doesn’t it?
Not so much that as saying “the city” and assuming everyone knows which city you mean. Heh.
Top 10 cannabis studies the government wishes it never funded
Pipebomb terrorist looks like Truthy?
He looks like an egg.
Joe McCarthy was the grandfather, or godfather, of today’s Teabaggers. It’s startling how much congruence there is between them and McCarthy’s supporters. It’s instructive that 1) McCarthy and the professional anti-Semites had no use for each other–to the point where one or two kooks put it about that McCarthy was a secret Jew, and 2) Nixon was one of McCarthy’s enablers within the GOP (until Joe became politically toxic, of course).
I am looking forward to seeing more reports from it before. What you said was news to me, I?ll tell you.Thanks!
Great informative post!