One of these things is not like the other

Von says:

Iraq was a little bit like the recent passage of the healthcare bill. Once it happened, there really is no going back. (You can admit that now, can’t you?) You make the best of what you can.

Well, let’s see. One of those things will result in more of this:

While the other one resulted in a lot of this:


I know which one I’d like to see more of.


Comments: 425


Shouldn’t the photo on top be of a smiling white woman?


The Iraq war was pretty much identical to adding cream to coffee — it’s very difficult to unstir the cream from the coffee, and it’s a warm, refreshing beverage which wakes up the senses in the morning.


Shouldn’t the photo on top be of a smiling white woman?

No. We’re sending them all to Reparations Camp. Remember the plan, comrade?


Shouldn’t the photo on top be of a smiling white woman?

Tanning bed totalitarianism hadn’t yet kicked in when that photo was tooken.


Following that link from D. Aristophanes was a little bit like the recent passage of the healthcare bill. Once it happened, there was really no going back.


No. We’re sending them all to Reparations Camp. Remember the plan, comrade?

Oh, I see! So now we’ll ALL be mandated to use tanning booths in order to darken up, thus solving the deficit problem in one fell swoop!


The Iraq Bloodbath resulted in more people getting healthcare? Well, I suppose that’s more plausible than making that the same claim for the Health Insurance Company Enrichment Act of 2010. Anyway, not that Our Team is in charge, everything’s just fucking ponies and rainbows. S’truth!


“it’s very difficult to unstir the cream from the coffee”

HA! silly libs, if you want to unstir the shit we stirred up in Iraq all you have to do is get in your Hot Tub Time Machine and run time backwards until it’s Regan’s Morning in America again!


Who is this “Our” you keep speaking of, Smithee, as if you ever had any stake in anything in America besides your narrow self-interest in goatfucking?


Off topic, but great money quote from Dawkins:

“Should the pope resign?”

No. As the College of Cardinals must have recognized when they elected him, he is perfectly – ideally – qualified to lead the Roman Catholic Church. A leering old villain in a frock, who spent decades conspiring behind closed doors for the position he now holds; a man who believes he is infallible and acts the part; a man whose preaching of scientific falsehood is responsible for the deaths of countless AIDS victims in Africa; a man whose first instinct when his priests are caught with their pants down is to cover up the scandal and damn the young victims to silence: in short, exactly the right man for the job. He should not resign, moreover, because he is perfectly positioned to accelerate the downfall of the evil, corrupt organization whose character he fits like a glove, and of which he is the absolute and historically appropriate monarch.

No, Pope Ratzinger should not resign. He should remain in charge of the whole rotten edifice – the whole profiteering, woman-fearing, guilt-gorging, truth-hating, child-raping institution – while it tumbles, amid a stench of incense and a rain of tourist-kitsch sacred hearts and preposterously crowned virgins, about his ears.


Completely off topic: do check out the new screed just posted by Adam Yoshida on his blog, “The Moral Case for Supervillainy”. It’s probably the most awesomely insane (not quite the same thing as insanely awesome) thing I’ve read on the intertubes in years.

“More broadly, the lesson to be learned here – the lesson I have taken away and I wish to impart upon you – is that the weak will take every opportunity to prey upon the strong.”


Off topic, but great money quote from Dawkins:



just as long as that women doesn’t need an abortion.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I know which one I’d like to see more of.

And they know which one they’d like to see more of. The problem is the choices don’t match up.


“More broadly, the lesson to be learned here – the lesson I have taken away and I wish to impart upon you – is that the weak will take every opportunity to prey upon the strong.”

I wonder if he has any inkling as to how right he actually is?


I don’t much wanna give Yoshida any hits.

And it’s an almost certain guarantee that I can make a much better moral case for supervillainy besides, ’cause my arguments will include atomic dinosaurs, ninjas made out of lasers, and giant gorillas with Wolverine claws.


Mockery template:

Yes, in just the same way that [flawed but overall good thing] is just like [mind-blowingly horrendous and senseless disaster].


Yes, in the same way that Battlestar Galactica is just like Small Wonder


…and I am totally NOT bitter. Also.


The Iraq war was pretty much identical to adding cream to coffee — it’s very difficult to unstir the cream from the coffee, and it’s a warm, refreshing beverage which wakes up the senses in the morning.

It also has a way of making you jittery if you get too much of it.


Plus, if one wants to, one can interpret the swirls of cream as meaning stuff that that one wants to believe. I bet you don’t get biscotti with the Iraq war though.


“One tall Iraqaccino clusterfuck grande with a dash of torture, please.”


You don’t get biscotti for free. It is however a nominal surchage of $500,000 unmarked US bills. With a child’s tibia as a stirring stick. That’s free.


I don’t much wanna give Yoshida any hits.

I do.

O wait, you mean web hits?


Remember that time the Iraq War shaved $160 billion off the budget between 2003 and 2013, then shaved another $1.2 trillion off the budget the following ten years? No?

Bueller? Anybody?

Spengler Dampniche

Erm, I guess it’s the foot hanging by a ruined scrap of bloody flesh, but I got nothin.

Galactic Dustbin

OK, off to try some mangos over Yoshi’s. If I dont return, know that I’ve always loved yoooouuuu….

Ben Roethlisberger

The Iraq War is like having a surprise date with me!

You may not have wanted it. You may have hated it. It may have been a criminal act. But there was a prayer service before and after, so I’m pretty sure it’s all good. Whatever.

Galactic Dustbin

Well aside from the fact that the boy dosnt know what a paragraph is it’s all kinda, well sad.

It starts out :

“The following is an extended excerpt from something I’m working on – kind of a Galt speech for a character. ”

Oooh what the world needs is Ayn Ryn fanfic.

Then it degenerates into him/ or his character whining how his grandpa died and all he got was a cabinate full of bootleg Japanese soap opera VHS tapes. Instead of the millions- MILLIONS! He should have had.

But he has will.
And what he does with this will? Whine about how he cant have nice things because other people- not willful supermen like him, have things handed to them, unlike his rugged indivdualist way of getting rich- waiting for gramps to die.

Not a single- “I hope are you… comfortable, Mr. Bond” or “The Royal Society laughed me did they? They said I was mad! MAD do you hear!!!” or even a simple “BWAHAHAHA!”

Worst supervillain speech ever.


America– love its elective wars or leave it!!


To be fair, the Republicans shamelessly lied about the objectives, costs, and probable consequences of both the Iraq war and health care reform, so in that respect they are indeed alike.


By this logic, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is just like Twilight.

Chewing on a straw is just like smoking a cigarette.

Wu-Tang Clan is just like Vanilla Ice.


Ben Roethlisberger said,
March 31, 2010 at 0:32

The Iraq War is like having a surprise date with me!

You may not have wanted it. You may have hated it. It may have been a criminal act. But there was a prayer service before and after, so I’m pretty sure it’s all good. Whatever.

I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t find this funny, but I do. I keep telling my husband the steelers need to drop the rapist.


“Wu-Tang Clan is just like Vanilla Ice.”

Wait. Are you intimating that they’re not?

Oh shit. I think this means I’m considerably less cooler than I thought I was.

Galactic Dustbin

By this logic, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is just like Twilight.

5 minutes into the movie, I PRAYED that Buffy would appear in Forks and dust the emo bastards, leaving one to turn Bella, and then slay her too.

Sadly didnt happen. There is no God.


“just as long as that women doesn’t need an abortion.”

Women? Don’t you mean dirty sluts?


5 minutes into the movie, I PRAYED that Buffy would appear in Forks and dust the emo bastards, leaving one to turn Bella, and then slay her too.

Sadly didnt happen.

Seriously. I’d have settled for van Helsing or even D.

But nooo – the entire monstrosity blunders on for three more movies.


So now we’ll ALL be mandated to use tanning booths in order to darken up,

Oh, the Boehner provision?


Republicans shamelessly lied

helpful all purpose guide to american politics, short form

Eugene Blackford

Alas ye country bumpkin brook trout angler! For that is whay ye are a country bumpkin! How dare you sir! Not only do you slander my reputation as an angler, you have stooped so low as to slander me as a gentleman. Skilled English anglers such as myself were catching brown trout using the sophisticated fishing tactics of Europe while a bunch of tent dwelling savage indians were catching the unintelligent brook trout using nothing more skillful than crude spears while clubbing each other over the head. Englishmen mastered the art of anglilng and their most prized quarry was the brown trout. If the backward simple minded indians could catch your precious brook trout than you sir are the one not worthy of the title of angler! For the catching of brook trout require not even the most elementary of angling ability. Do you think the simple indians could ever hope to catch brown trout? Alas, not at all! Only a true angler can catch a brown trout! You sir are no angler! You sir are nothing more than a hillbilly!


By this logic, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is just like Twilight.

5 minutes into the movie, I PRAYED that Buffy would appear in Forks and dust the emo bastards, leaving one to turn Bella, and then slay her too.

Completely off-topic, but Twilight SHAMESLESSLY ripes off both Buffy and the sci-fi show Roswell (and probably other things as well).

The thing is, even with a smaller budget and supposedly lower-class actors, screenwriters, directors and crews, both these shows still manage to blow Twilight out of the water. Ripping something off isn’t so bad as long as you improve on the original material, but in that respect Twilight failed hard.


Never heard of this Yoshida feller, but he sounds absolutely darling. I guess objectivists are fine with theft when it comes to ideas. Pity he couldn’t have stolen a better one. Also, as someone who does some art on the side, “Something I’m working on” is one of the most annoying phrases ever: the perfect confluence of slavering hack and pretentious wanker.


Completely off-topic, but Twilight SHAMESLESSLY ripes off both Buffy and the sci-fi show Roswell (and probably other things as well).

When I read that Stephen-fucking-King praised Harry Potter and said that the Twilight Saga was (in comparison) a pile of garbage, that was enough to convince me to stay away from any incarnation of that story (with the exception of The Editing Room, cause that shit’s funny).

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Never heard of this Yoshida feller, but he sounds absolutely darling.

Oh yes. Yoshi was the one who suggested that we put terrrrrists into “macrowaves,” i.e. giant microwave ovens, and have their compatriots clean out the giblets after cooking. Real sweetie.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Yoshi was the one who suggested that we put terrrrrists into “macrowaves,” i.e. giant microwave ovens

As reported on this very site!


OT, and my apologies if someone’s already linked to this, but Mrs. Instapundit has posted a masterpiece: How Should Conservatives Deal with the Left’s Disrespect and Lack of Empathy?

Sample quote:
I am not saying here that liberals are psychopaths, for this would be incorrect for the most part. What I am saying is that their inability to understand the morality of conservatives makes them unable to understand their point of view, just as a psychopath does not understand the morality of normal people.

And don’t miss the wonderful, wonderful comments section.

The Reverend Henry Ward Beecher

Ah, ye elitist brown trout angler! You sir have some nerve! Slandering my angling skills are we! You sir are no gentleman! Ah, I challenge ye to a tournament! We shall meet on the banks of the Housatonic River. We shall fish from sunrise to sunset. And the fisherman who catches the most fish, he is the fisherman who is truly entitled to the title of angler! We shall see if your angling skills are as sophisticated as you say they are. Or as is more likely, your so called angling skills are as foul as your mouth!


The fact is, health care reform is worse than what Hitler did.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Real sweetie.

I prefer to concentrate on Yoshida’s plot to ruin all the liberal fun of Earth Day by… wait for it… this one’s a trip… keeping all of the lights on in his house and needlessly driving around.

I concentrate on this because the macrowaves thing kind of suggests he’s a stronger evil prick than he is, while his Earth Day plan reeked of stupidity, brazen impotence, flop sweat and just an overall pathetic nature.

He’s just sad, a little Canadian motard.


Oh yes. Yoshi was the one who suggested that we put terrrrrists into “macrowaves,” i.e. giant microwave ovens, and have their compatriots clean out the giblets after cooking. Real sweetie.

Hmmm… people put in ovens and their peers being required to clean up after… huh, where have I heard that before?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

And don’t miss the wonderful, wonderful comments section.

Or, y’know, /do/, because that would constitute getting out of the fucking boat.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

With all due respect to the Right Honorable Throatwarbler Beech-Mangrove Esq. (Mrs.), freshwater angling is for pussies. Go big or go home as my dear sainted grand-aunt used to say. If you’re not deep-sea angling for colossal squids, you’re doing nothing with your life.


“The following is an extended excerpt from something I’m working on – kind of a Galt speech for a character. ”

Now we know how The Scourge of the Underworld got his start. “Shut up shut up SHUT UP!” *BLAMBLAMBLAM!*


Now we know how The Scourge of the Underworld got his start

“Wankery is served!”

*disappears into shadows*

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

huh, where have I heard that before?

This is totally different! They didn’t have microwaves in those days.


“Snorghagen said,

March 31, 2010 at 1:52

OT, and my apologies if someone’s already linked to this, but Mrs. Instapundit has posted a masterpiece: How Should Conservatives Deal with the Left’s Disrespect and Lack of Empathy? ”

I saw it earlier at Pandagon. It made me sad for humanity. And I dropped a steaming pile of shit into their little conservative circle jerk.

Eugene Blackford

Alas, ye country bumpkin brook trout angler! I accept your challenge of tournament! I am supremely confident that my superior English angling skills shall enable me to catch the most fish of the day. And every detestable brook trout I catch I shall turn into fertilizer for my vegtable garden. For that is all they are suitable for. As stupid beasts not worthy of the respect or title of gamefish! We shall see if your uncooth hillbilly ways are equal to my most patrician of angling skills. I sincerely doubt it. You sir will be found to be no more of an angler than a child digging for clams along the coast!



How Should Conservatives Deal with the Left’s Disrespect and Lack of Empathy?

That is the most psychedelic thing I’ve heard all day.


This is totally different! They didn’t have microwaves in those days.

Did Yoshi suggest taking all their stuff first before killing ’em? Wouldn’t want all that boodle to go to waste, after all.

Maybe we could store it in a place called “Ontario” or “Poland” or something.


Read those Doctor Missus Old Perfesser comments. So many wingnuts talking about how liberals are the true violent assholes in between comments saying that the only way to deal with a liberal is with curbstomping. So beautiful.

And I think it’s great that DMOP’s example of lefty abuse of poor innocent righties is Jeff “Cockslap” Goldstein, for chrissakes, being sent a mildly critical email from a former professor, who eventually called cockslappy a “jerk” for calling him and bothering him.


How Should Conservatives Deal with the Left’s Disrespect and Lack of Empathy?

Like they deal with everything else – prolonged whining and bitching, followed by heavy drinking and spousal abuse. Then the dildos and wetsuits come out.


Relish the conservative insight from the comments section:

Maybe it’s as simple as Conservatives have a mental genetic mutation that allows their brains to comprehend productivity.(Snip long string of gibberish) It’s probably a bogus theory, but it is nice to savor, considering the liberals typical belief that conservatives are a bunch of Neaderthanls.
– – – – – –
Any liberal is, temperamentally, a Hitler or Stalin in wait – if not resisted, he/she, will add to the momentum of the totalitarian tide that is already engulfing us
– – – – – –
They are incapable of self-affirming love because they see themselves as evil, and thus must do everything in their powers to destroy what has been made by whom they perceive as similar to themselves-white Americans. Ergo, why they hate anything that white Americans have built, and our traditions and values, why they side with minorities and why they have made a Faustian deal with Islamic jihadists.


I’m not a…science guy, but doesn’t the “micro” part of microwave have to do with the mechanism behind it (particles rapidly colliding) rather than the physical size of the appliance? So all the guy’s got going for him is glibby basement-nerd “rational thought” and he can’t even get that right?


They are incapable of self-affirming love because they see themselves as evil, and thus must do everything in their powers to destroy what has been made by whom they perceive as similar to themselves-white Americans.

And the huge numbers of liberals, perhaps most liberals, who are not white are trying to…?

But I guess dealing with filthy race traitors is a more pressing concern than worrying about what the Negroids and Asiatics have to to say.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Relish the conservative insight from the comments section:

Why are you bringing the tiger onto the boat? Did we harm you in some manner that you need to hurt us with this gibberish? Why do you lack empathy for us?


Edroso on the Dr. Mrs. on empathy. Don’t miss Mr. Leonard Pierce’s comment in comments.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Also, if you keep indulging in self-affirming love, you’ll go blind. And grow hair on your palms. And go sterile.


Maybe it’s as simple as Conservatives have a mental genetic mutation

That can’t be it – that would make conservatism a form of evolution, which as we all know is a Satanic atheist librul conspiracy.

Methinks teh Glennbot commentator has a genetic mutation making him unable to keep his own cognitive dissonance consistent.


And the huge numbers of liberals, perhaps most liberals, who are not white are trying to…?

It says “liberals” not “black liberals” or “minority liberals.” When referring to any descriptor other than race, the “white” is silent and invisible, just like the “h” in white. Only elitists pronounce the “h.”

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Only elitists pronounce the “h.”

Or in words like “Cool Whip”

The Reverend Henry Ward Beecher

Ah, ye elitist brown trout angler! I am glad ye have accepted my challenge of tournament. We shall see if you can put your angling ability were your mouth is! I know these waterways like the back of my hand. You sir are merely a pampered foulmouthed aristocrat masquerading as an angler. I have fished these waters since the days of mine youth. I have seen the detrimental effects the stocking of brown trout have had on our pristine American trout waters. They have been disastorous to say the least. Your prized brown trout is not only unworthy of the tilte of gamefish, they are not even worthy of the majestic tiltle of trout. I suggest they should be classified as trashfish along with carp and other invasive, unedible monstrosities! They are rough, coarse brown brutes no more worthy of the title of trout than is a carp or a gar. I wouldn’t eat one of the ugly brown beasts unless starved!


Did we harm you in some manner that you need to hurt us with this gibberish? Why do you lack empathy for us?

I am incapable of self-affirming love because I see myself as evil!



The comments at Dr. Mrs. Putz’s place drive home the fact (not that it needs to be driven home; it can crawl there in three seconds) that a common mode of expression of such “conservatives” (ie, those that comment on such blogs) is, to use slightly archaic figures of speech or syntax, in the service of expressing simple-minded ideas.

It’s the tone, appropriated from Buckley, Rand, Burke, and Christ knows who else, that makes them think they’re sophisticated. Bless their heart.

As for the Dr. Mrs., she writes like a very talented 10th grader.

(Look, Ma! I know how to make italics!)

Lurking Canadian

I’m not a…science guy, but doesn’t the “micro” part of microwave have to do with the mechanism behind it (particles rapidly colliding) rather than the physical size of the appliance?

I believe it refers to the wavelength of the radiation used, but yes it would also be related to the scale of the interactions with the heated particles. Certainly has nothing at all to do with the size of the box.

I am not saying here that liberals are psychopaths, for this would be incorrect for the most part. What I am saying is that their inability to understand the morality of conservatives makes them unable to understand their point of view, just as a psychopath does not understand the morality of normal people.

This bullshit so pisses me off, for the same reason the pope’s “moral relativism” bullshit pisses me off. I understand your morality. I believe in morality. I also disagree with your morality and believe it to be evil. See? Neither relativist nor ignorant, nor (it should go without saying) psychopathic.


Speaking of moral relativism, if you’re going to be immoral, it pays to have the right relatives:

On December 13, a Wasilla homeowner discovered that the home they had for sale, but were no longer living in, had been broken into and vandalized.

The lock had been forced, five wooden doors had been so badly damaged they needed to be replaced, the walls and floors had been gouged with knives, and vodka and orange juice containers were strewn all over the house. It also appeared that sexual activity had taken place on some of the beds, and a computer, some winter gear, and clothing had all been stolen.

When Sarah was confronted with Willow’s involvement she at first said that it was impossible since Willow was out of town. However when Troopers interviewed the other teens, every single one of them identified Willow as a participant, and further revealed that it was she who directed the other teens to the house, which she knew to be empty, for the sole purpose of having a party. (In today’s post AlaskaWTF called Willow the ringleader. Which is accurate in that it was she who knew the location of the house, but whether or not she was involved in the incredible destruction is still undetermined.)

According to sources close to the Alaska State troopers there was a secret weekend meeting. This meeting took place between the Palin’s and some very highly placed people involved in the juvenile justice department.

Directly after this secret meeting the word came down to the juvenile justice probation officer, Chris Evans, that ONLY the boys who had participated would be charged with the crime. The girls would only be identified as “witnesses” and face no criminal penalties.


“OT, and my apologies if someone’s already linked to this, but Mrs. Instapundit has posted a masterpiece: How Should Conservatives Deal with the Left’s Disrespect and Lack of Empathy?”

It’s been said for a while that conservatives have a problem with projection, and this is taking it to a whole new level. Wow.

Love this part, though;

“Maybe it’s as simple as Conservatives have a mental genetic mutation that allows their brains to comprehend productivity.”

It’s not that we’re saying conservatives have the genetic superiority of a master race, it’s just that we’re saying conservatives have the genetic superiority of a master race.


It’s been said for a while that conservatives have a problem with projection, and this is taking it to a whole new level. Wow.

Mahablog links to it under the title Projection So Extreme It Borders on Psychosis

Shell Goddamnit

He’s just sad, a little Canadian motard

As long as he’s not a supermotard, or a hypermotard…


“Then the dildos and wetsuits come out”

Then the trip to the hospital six hours later for the required extraction of dildos, aerosol cans, bowie knives and Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged


Ok, so I looked over there about that empathy issue they got with us and saw this, “This professor tolerated free speech only for liberal ideas. But shouldn’t we all have the right to free speech? Apparently, only if it’s left-leaning. And one would think a creative writing professor might be above this. But the problem is, he may have a blind spot when it comes to those on the right.”

Which puts in a paragraph the core of their rationale. They called to provide proof; they have none, they are called on to learn the truth; they cannot comprehend; they are called dull-witted; they get all defensive.

There you have core Wingnut Syndrome. They are stupid but refuse to accept their ignorance and thus reform, instead they continue to stab that poor old pile of rotting flesh that was once a dead horse.


Oh dear god.

I just realized I could make a fortune by inserting a pocket pussy into a copy of Atlas Shrugged, and have it moan “You are just so powerful and productive!”, “You deserve everything you take from me!”, and “Ravage me you master capitalist!!!”. Set up a booth at the next Young Republicans convention, and I bet I could sell hundreds!

Best. Patent Application. EVAR!!


Catch and release the kraken!!!


Then the trip to the hospital six hours later for the required extraction of dildos, aerosol cans, bowie knives and Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.

The ER docs and the paramedics get some good stories. Win-win.


“by inserting a pocket pussy into a copy of Atlas Shrugged”

Pure genius mystic, pure genius.

May I also introduce the “Coulter Cooter”, same idea but instead of Randian shout-outs, the whiney of a horse, some hoof stomping and “I’m really not a girl.” rise out with every energetic thrust.

Strap-ons provided as a free service.


I read about the Dr.Mrs. Ole Perfessor thing at Roy’s place, but I didn’t get out of the boat. Just dipped my toe in the water at the link above, though.

So let me see if I get this right. A fellers whose name Godlstein lists as an endorsement of himself (Godlstein, that is) writes Godlstein a private email and asks him to remove his name because he no longer wants to appear as endorsing Godlstein.

That disturbed Jeff so much that he contacted the guy, argued with him, and when the guy called him a “jerk” in a private conversation, that’s supposed to be evidence that liberals are cruel people devoid of empathy?

“Empathy,” hmmmm……what’s that anyway? Isn’t that the stuff that is so bad we shouldn’t allow our Supreme Court Justices to have any of it?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Also, no longer wanting to appear as if you endorse someone is exactly the same as negating their right to free speech. Somehow.


If they want to talk about conservatives and genetic tendencies, I suggest this:

Scientists discover how to ‘turn off’ brain’s morality center

By Agence France-Presse
Monday, March 29th, 2010 — 9:38 pm

People’s moral judgment can be altered by disrupting part of the brain, a study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) disrupted activity in the right temporo-parietal junction, or TPJ, which is above and behind the right ear and is usually highly active when we think about what we believe the outcome of a particular act will be.

The researchers disrupted the TPJ by inducing a current in the brain using a magnetic field applied to the scalp and got study participants to read a series of scenarios posing moral conundrums.

In one scenario, a person called Grace and her friend are taking a tour of a chemical plant when Grace stops at the coffee machine.

Grace’s friend asks her to get her a coffee with sugar.

A container by the coffee machine is marked ‘toxic’ but contains plain old sugar — but Grace doesn’t know that.

She believes the white powder in the container is toxic but puts it in her friend’s coffee anyway. Her friend is unharmed because the substance was sugar.

Participants in the study were asked to judge on a scale of one to seven, with one being “absolutely forbidden” and seven “absolutely permissible,” if they thought what Grace and other protagonists in other scenarios did was morally acceptable.

Two experiments were conducted: during one, participants were asked to judge the scenarios’ characters after having magnetic pulses sent to their TPJs for 25 minutes, and in the other they passed judgment while undergoing very short bursts of magnetic interference.

In both experiments, disrupting normal neural activity in the right TPJ switched off the part of people’s moral judgment mechanism that looks at the protagonists’ beliefs.

When the right TPJ was disrupted, participants were more likely to judge as morally permissible failed attempts to harm another person than were control participants whose right TPJs were not tinkered with.

“When activity in the right TPJ is disrupted, participants’ moral judgments shift toward a ‘no harm, no foul’ mentality,” even though the participants should have given characters like Grace a mark in the forbidden range because they believed their actions would cause harm, the study says.

This is why the Iraq invasion & occupation is exactly like a nice cup of coffee, as long as you assume the presence of a certain magnetic field which has convinced your coworker that there’s nothing wrong with poisoning you.


The other thing that really showcases the superior humanity of Conservatives is the fact that a private correspondence regarding the withdrawal of a previous endorsement resulted in a very public denouncement and character assassination of the person who wanted his name removed.

Well, at least on one level, if the guy was worried folks would assume he endorsed Godlstein, he doesn’t have to worry about that now.


The healthcare bill is just like a failed analogy, except for the “failed” part & the “analogy” part.

don’t miss the wonderful, wonderful comments section

Oh man, those beans really got me … mind if I just use your punch-bowl?

249. jim:

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

If you can make a case for giving empathy, civility & respect to people who support the use of torture & illegal invasions – both crimes that were punished with hanging at Nuremburg – & who see nothing wrong with calling a moderate-right Administration “socialist” as they quiver with dread at the impending menace of FEMA death-camps, then please, go right ahead.

I think the relatives of the folks that have endured the fatal results of such “interesting” opinions would be very interested in hearing what kinds of rationales are used to justify inherently barbaric & malevolent ideas like those – assuming any of their fans actually had the guts to defend said ideas to their faces. I rather doubt Cheney, Yoo or Addington have any plans to go to Iraq any time soon to prove me wrong.

As for guessing at the political leanings of sociopaths, it’s a rather parlous canard – they’re both depressingly predictable & well-known. Go ahead, look it up – but be warned: you’re not going to enjoy the results.

“Conservativism honors individual liberty. It also values tradition. In what universe did Hitler respect individuals or liberty? How did he value tradition?”

I imagine Hitler would’ve been infuriated at the idea that he wasn’t valuing Germany’s traditions when he spent enormous energy in maintaining &/or reviving them – from pagansm to defending German womanhood via “Church, Kitchen, Children” to the cult of nature – & he most certainly despised “decadent” modern art & jazz … almost as much as he hated liberalism. He saw himself as figting the good fight for Germany’s liberation from an imminent Jewish-Bolshevik plot to conquer the world – nonsense to be sure, but in his opinion he WAS fighting for liberty. Nazi Germany also worshipped the individual in the form of the Great Leader as a template of the nation as a whole.

Conservatives generously supported Hitler – his party would’ve gone bankrupt many times over without them – while liberals under Hitler either went deep underground, fled Germany entirely or were branded “Political Enemies” & given a free one-way trip to camp.

“Obama in just over a year has grabbed control of the auto industry, the health care industry, the banking industry and now student loans.”

Bailing out banks isn’t controlling them – nor is buying up part of GM, nor is rewriting laws on health-care or student-loans. Nor is there anything “totalitarian” about using existing legislative means to pass a (very watered-down) bill, especially one that’s jam-packed with policies from the opposition-party.

These are exactly the sort of basic PoliSci 101 fallacies that make it very hard for anyone who actually has a basic understanding of politics to take contemporary American right-wingers seriously – & where they were once rare occaisions for hilarity, they’re now the norm.

“Mock them. Make fun of them. Ridicule them. Get people to laugh at them at every opportunity. Be sarcastic.”

You sure you want to go there? “An American Carol” versus Colbert Report? HALF HOUR NEWS HOUR versus The Daily Show? Not to mention which side actually has a robust ability to laugh at its own shortcomings … nah, I’m just some fuzzy-headed progressive know-nothing who’s blowing smoke … go ahead, take your butter-knife to a gunfight – I’m sure it’ll be a cake-walk.
Mar 30, 2010 – 7:43 pm


as long as you assume the presence of a certain magnetic field

There’s also “being a big dummy”.


Equating the health care bill to the invasion of Iraq is such a triumph of sophistry I hope it assures Mr. Von the Golden Colostomy Bag for 2010


My comment at Insta-Missus (awaiting moderation), in its entirety:

Mote. Beam. Etc.


Let’s face it, the passage of health care is basically just like the Nazi invasion of Mars. After Sarah Palin’s Alaska National Guard drove the Nazis off of Olympus Mons, Sarahcuda turned to the Fightin’ Teabaggers and exclaimed, “How ’bout this for a death panel, you stinkin’ Krauts!”

It’s really just the same.


every single one of them identified Willow as a participant

Vandalizing houses is quite the come-down since her days in Sunnydale.


They are incapable of self-affirming love because they see themselves as evil

I thought we were the moral relativists who don’t believe in evil but do believe in the progress/inherent good/perfectibility/whatever they were accusing us of last week and they were the ones who believed in the sinful, fallen nature of man? I’m just going to chalk this up to IMAX-level projection.

Maybe it’s as simple as Conservatives have a mental genetic mutation that allows their brains to comprehend productivity.

Let me guess, you’re in sales? Something terribly useful, like make-up to undertakers or something?


Vandalizing houses is quite the come-down since her days in Sunnydale.

Vampire Willow set her up.


They are incapable of self-affirming love

Some of us have been expressing self-love for decades, often in the company of famous actresses of the day, or representations thereof.



Very nicely done Jim, bravo! What a fine man. But alas, it will go to waste. They want not for learning my friend.


Let’s face it, the passage of health care is basically just like the Nazi invasion of Mars.

I’m sure that all right-thinking people agree that the HCR bill and the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event are completely morally equivalent.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

They want not for learning my friend.

They want plenty, but they don’t want to learn.


How Should Conservatives Deal with the Left’s Disrespect and Lack of Empathy?”

They should threaten to burn this country down and torture us to death, savoring every detail. Extremism in defense of empathy and respect is no vice.


They want plenty, but they don’t want to learn.

No, it isn’t so much aversion to learning (though that does exist) as that they want to engage in selective learning – to seek out & absorb only those ideas & opinions with which they enthusiastically agree … confirmation-bias run amok.

Not a form of fail exclusive to wingnuts, but they sure as hell are good at it.

The Flat Earth Society is alive & well until some damn highfalutin’ sphere-lover comes in & wrecks the fun.


Maybe it’s as simple as Conservatives have a mental genetic mutation that allows their brains to comprehend productivity.
–Mrs. Professor Power Point, who projects daily

Yes, because we all know that the ability to gravy train a husband who is famous for … typing six-word posts on the Internet, will place you in the American Productivity Hall of Fame. Heh, indeed.

And when the holy fuck did liberal go from being effete, latte drinking, tree-hugging pacifists to a bunch of ruthless politicos lacking empathy?

Ya know, I realized something the other day, while sitting out front and watching the neighborhood kids playing: conservatives are spoiled fucking brats. They’re the type who as kids, just had to get their way, and anything illogical or irrational or just plain fucking stupid was embraced if that’s what it took.

The thing is, most people grow out of that …


Jesus save me! I can’t stop. More from Doctor Missus Old Perfesser’s comments sections.

Why do leftists do this? (Fail to show empathy to conservatives) It is simply a classical technique of thought reform or brainwashing.

The right, including myself, have placed excessive trust in the power of rational thought and honesty when arguing with the left. The liberal mind is either that of an amoral leader, or a credulous follower.

…a lot of the glue behind the adherence to liberalism comes from peer pressure, and the desire to conform. After a series of significant electoral and cultural victories, there will suddenly be something “cool” about being a conservative.

Hitler and his National Socialists were proper leftwing revolutionaries…

It’s a motherlode of delusion.

(Incidentally, the comment quoted above about conservatives having a mental mutation was made by some loon in the comments section, not by Mrs. Instapundit)


Why can’t they just ever offer some rational argument in support of their theories? I mean, I’m willing to entertain an honest effort, really I am. Give me some real studies to support the idea that war is good for family strength and poor children rise to the top when they are starved.


“They want not for learning my friend.”

Yes, they want for plenty. I should just give up posting as I’m making an ass of myself.


you’ll notice that while we study their actual effusions in horror and in detail, they fail to do the same, and come up with bizarre and utterly offbase theories about “what liberals believe” or think

we “worship” obama, we are conformists, we want to control, we don’t understand self-reliance, “productivity”, capitalism, etc, etc, etc

i have spent my life as a pgmr creating commercial products for resale, watching small and large businesses from this inside, and now i even have my own small business. yet, i get lectured on how i don’t appreciate capitalism, want to suck on the mother state teat, etc, from lifetime military professionals and public high school teachers


How Should Conservatives Deal with the Left’s Disrespect and Lack of Empathy?”

Maybe they should start nominating Wise Latinas to the Supreme Court.


i tell you, i attempted to debate these “conservative” correspondants, but i finally gave up in despair, and, making a final attempt to put the discussion on a factual basis, posted this:

“please study up on

– how pension funds are operated
– the practice of deficit financing, at its relation to inflation, the reagan administration, and operating budgets vs long term business planning
– how insurance companies and banks operate and where their profits come from
– how the iraq war was “financed”, how much money was spent on it, and what percentage of the annual federal budget this amounted to


but it didn’t work


but it didn’t work

That’s because they’re wise to your insidious lieberal tricks and know the use of rational arguments based on so-called ‘facts’ is just a classical technique of brainwashing.


“from lifetime military professionals and public high school teachers…”

Yes, military professionals are absolutely the worst, but there the:

– enabled, male mama’s boys who never left home until they were 30, got a huge loan from pop to start their business and have been bailed out forty times in throughout their adulthood — but want you to know that they really are the Clint Eastwood character of business.

– trust funders – I’ve known some
– religious freaks, men seem to fall into this category more often as the more rigid protestant sects and offshoots offer worthless nerdboys the chance to be The Man — usually while mooching on a blithely obedient bunch of poor souls he “preaches” to.
– the self employed male. Working in the trades I have to deal with these overblown, self important douche bags who liken themselves to some kind of Ayn Rand vision of masculine independence with their trucks with plastic ‘bull balls’, $60 Carharts (that are never dirty) and a poor woman slaving away to support the family, usually as a nurse or grade school teacher.

— the Republican who works in a government position, like say HUD while railing against the excesses of government, who has no problem going to his office only three days a week and his wife sucking on the state teat as a community college prof, teaching history. This woman said to me when I saw she had a copy of “Roll Jordon Roll” that I was reading at the time, “Yeah, someone gave me that, a socialist diatribe it is.”

When I mentioned it was a good read on the social and cultural dimensions of the antebellum south and offered some good insight into the dynamics of racism today, she exclaimed suddenly, “Look, if they don’t like it here, they can just go back to where they came from.”

She teaches history at the community college. On our dime.


well, i don’t want to cast asperges. (or aubergines)

my gramma was a public school teacher all of her life (and raised two kids by herself), and i worked for the army for a couple of years & i really liked the army guys (despite the rush limbaugh shrines in the offices). not to mention the occasional toothsome army maiden…

but my appreciation of irony only goes so far


Holy fucking son of a bitch, Jim –

The word “eloquence” doesn’t begin to describe this, although if there ever was a case of tossing pearls to swine, writing that on a PJTV website has got to be it. Nevertheless, well done old bean!


well, i don’t want to cast asperges. (or aubergines)

or asparagus

I really appreciate and hold in high respect any teachers, but when anyone who works on a government salary starts to yap about the damn gubmint, my tolerance level hits its threshold.

Especially considering that these people will tell me that the one and half years I had to get a whole seven thousand dollars a year in assistance to keep me and my kids from starving was apparently such a damn drain on the universe.


and I never did finish college anyway and I can’t post coherently on liberal blogs, so I guess half their goals of my failure were achieved.

George Oscar Bluth

John Muir, whoever you are, that was brilliant.


And when the holy fuck did liberal go from being effete, latte drinking, tree-hugging pacifists to a bunch of ruthless politicos lacking empathy?

November 2008.

EAT IT, BITCHEZZ!!!!1one!!


Fairly long commentary by me of a couple of comments in the comments section of that PJM bullshit;

If you read the Old Testament, you’d realize that Jews as a collective tend to have horrendously bad judgment. Doing the exact same thing that got their progenitors killed is par for the course, even as they make decisions that on the surface seem different. While the Israelis will not stand idly by for Iran to nuke them, the Diaspora Jews are still in love with the philosophy that spawned the greatest Jew-killers of all time.

Jesus Christ, and they wonder why they don’t get any Jewish votes. I used to think it was just the Christian Right that scared them away, and given this person’s reference to a 2,000 years old book to judge the Jewish “collective,” it looks like I’m right.

That’s why so many Jews are liberals, dear .

Because the Nazis were left wing. That’s the ticket.

No, dear, they’re left-wing because their ancestors were persecuted by the Czarist regime in Russia and when they came here, the Democrats were indeed more welcoming to them – and other Ellis Island emigrants than the GOP was. That cemented the Jews in the Democratic Party,

The same exact thing could be said of the Catholic immigrant communities (which, due to its size, tended to attract even more hate from the all-WASP Republican Party than the Jews did). Hasn’t stopped a majority of Catholic voters (especially the Irish, who Lord knows have a pretty shitty history in this country) from going Republican in various elections over the last thirty years.

Same can’t be said of the Jews. Ever wonder why?

although, ironically, as Paul Johnson points out in his “History of the Jews:

“He (FDR) was both anti-semitic, in a mild way, and ill informed. When the topic (Hitler’s persecution of the Jews) came up at the Casablanca Conference, he spoke of the ‘understandable complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany, namely that while they represented a small part of the population, over 50% of the lawyers, doctors, schoolteachers, college professors in Germany were Jews’ (the actual figures were 16.3, 10.9, 2.6, and 0.5%)” p. 504

I’ve never read this book, but – why, exactly, would an “antisemite” have Jews in his cabinet? Affirmative action didn’t win you any brownie points back then. (Not that it does today, but it was virtually unheard of at the time and there certainly wasn’t much political advantage in “pretending” to like the Jews).

The pro-Zionist presidential assistant, David Niles, later asserted: ‘There are serious doubts in my mind that Israel would have come into being if Roosevelt had lived.’”

For the millionth time, telling the Jews that they don’t have the right to steal land from a people who had done them no wrong is not antisemitism. That’s respect for property rights, which would be a perfectly conservative value of the property in question wasn’t owned by, you know, fucking dune coons, man.

Truman was genuinely pro-Israel.

Pathetic. Genuinely pro-Israel, the guy who said this?

The Jews have no sense of proportion nor do they have any judgement on world affairs. Henry brought a thousand Jews to New York on a supposedly temporary basis and they stayed. When the country went backward — and Republican in the election of 1946, this incident loomed large on the DP [Displaced Person] program. The Jews, I find are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as DP as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire. I’ve found very, very few who remember their past condition when prosperity comes. Look at the Congress[ional] attitude on DP — and they all come from DPs.

Based on the above quote, Truman appears to have been a sensible and rational politician who understood better than most the nature of the Zionist movement and what the creation of Israel would bring about. I suspect in the aftermath of the Holocaust, the creation of Israel was so politically popular he had to go along with it. Wish he hadn’t; Palestine is a bleeding sore on the conscience of the West to this day, and it’s going to get much worse before (if) it gets better.

Obama, however, doesn’t appear terribly sympathetic – not that that bothers today’s Leftists, who are more likely to favor the Palestinians.

Guilty as charged. Pity that in the real world, the people you call “today’s leftists” aren’t actually the way you describe, or at least don’t have the courage to act accordingly. The world would be a better place if they did.

Not to mention that, like you, dear, they’ve bought the line that Nazism was “right-wing” hook, line and sinker.

Well, certainly Nazism’s a little hard to locate politically – it drew ideas from all kinds of sources, and really was a formula for barely controlled insanity.

If I had to guess, though, I’d say the primary reason Nazism is associated with the right wing is because that’s what all of their supporters in the West were. Petain was a conservative (not to mention a military man), as was Chamberlain, and as were the Republican isolationists who continued to call for nonintervention so trade with Germany could make Wall Street fat. (This tradition continues to this day in the form of Pat Buchanan, who believes it was a mistake to help defeat the Nazis, because we should have let them smash the commies and then just kinda hoped/prayed they didn’t come for us next).

While on the flip side, the fight against Nazism was spearheaded by people who were either left wing (FDR in America, the socialist parties in occupied countries in Europe) or center right politicians who would go on to accept and support welfare state reforms after the war (Churchill, De Gaulle). Actions speak louder than words, my friend.

A PJM columnist recently reported on a leftist rally in LA. One protester held a sign calling on Jews to be neutered.

See, the problem there is that it was reported by a PJM columnist, a category of “journalist” that I’ve caught lying so many times I simply don’t believe them anymore.

But sure, go ahead and worry about a mythical religious right that is supposedly threatening to drag Jews to the baptismal fonts instead.

We’re not worried, the Jews are – with good reason, given their 2,000 years of extensive experience living in “Christian nations founded on Christian values,” which, I thank Jesus for every day, America is not.

All that proves is that most Jews are really not very smart when it comes to politics.

Oh, well then! Must be genetic – they just don’t have that Conservative Gene that makes you smart enough to vote.

teh Universal Schlong

Kneel and pray at my altar, baby and I’ll send ya to Heaven.



“I am not saying here that liberals are psychopaths, for this would be incorrect for the most part. What I am saying is that their inability to understand the morality of conservatives makes them unable to understand their point of view, just as a psychopath normal person does not understand the morality of normal people psychopaths”.

Hey, what do you know! They do seem to have a point. It is just some wierd way of arranging the words. Maybe Star wars they watched yesterday.


>Not a single- “I hope are you… comfortable, Mr. Bond” or “The Royal Society laughed me did they? They said I was mad! MAD do you hear!!!” or even a simple “BWAHAHAHA!”

Worst supervillain speech ever.<

Well, would you expect someone as lame as Yoshida to know the greats? The real shock would have been if he went straight to the master himself, Ed Wood:

"Now I am here, sent to bring you home."

"Home? I have no home. Hunted, despised, Living like an animal! The jungle is my home. But I will show the world that I can be its master! I will perfect my own race of people. A race of atomic supermen which will conquer the world! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! "


>Then it degenerates into him/ or his character whining how his grandpa died and all he got was a cabinate full of bootleg Japanese soap opera VHS tapes. Instead of the millions- MILLIONS! He should have had.<

Hee–my favorite part was how he complained that he didn't have a normal teen life-o-leisure like his peers because he had to work various menial jobs. Um…er…bootstraps, dude…


“By this logic, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is just like Twilight.”



“…Mrs. Instapundit has posted a masterpiece…”

Who’s more shocked, shocked these days–her or Mrs. Frum ?


You make the best of what you can.

Good? Evil? Real Americans just split the difference and aim for the most positive spin.


When I mentioned it was a good read on the social and cultural dimensions of the antebellum south and offered some good insight into the dynamics of racism today, she exclaimed suddenly, “Look, if they don’t like it here, they can just go back to where they came from.”

This is why I don’t talk to people any more. Too much danger of me beating someone to death.


And when the holy fuck did liberal go from being effete, latte drinking, tree-hugging pacifists to a bunch of ruthless politicos lacking empathy?

Every day is Opposite Day when it’s convenient for wingnuts.


Every day is Opposite Day when it’s convenient for wingnuts.

Don’t you mean:

“It’s convenient for every day to be Opposite Day for wingnuts?”


It’s wingnut every opposite day for convenience.


kate mentioned:

– the self employed male. Working in the trades I have to deal with these overblown, self important douche bags who liken themselves to some kind of Ayn Rand vision of masculine independence with their trucks with plastic ‘bull balls’, $60 Carharts (that are never dirty) and a poor woman slaving away to support the family, usually as a nurse or grade school teacher

First, get out of my head.

Second, I think these are also by far the favorite callers to any right wing AM talk show. “Well, lemme tell ya somethin: I own mah own business, and this basically means that I now can blather on about anywhat related to Economics and my so-phisticated theerees are dang brillyunt.”


“Look, if they don’t like it here, they can just go back to where they came from.”

I tend to piss ’em off further by innocently replying, “But didn’t we all come from Africa any way?”


“Well, lemme tell ya somethin: I own mah own business, and this basically means that I now can blather on about anywhat related to Economics and my so-phisticated theerees are dang brillyunt.”

Cid, this goes double for the folks who watch Fox. I know this is tiresome but, they watch Glenn Beck or Hannity, possibly write incoherent, inaccurate notes and try to use that as actionable knowledge when discussing politics at their local town hall meeting and/or liberal relative’s house.


That last one was me, Cid.

I too piss ’em off when I say: “Lucky is more than a pack of smokes.”


OT, but well worth it. My old university went for the gold this past week. Below, an op-ed written in the school newspaper by the resident conservative columnist about feminism and date rape, which created such a fury that the article apparently made it all the way up to Fox News.

Shoter Alex Knepper: “It’s not rape if she’s intoxicated.”


we “worship” obama, we are conformists, we want to control, we don’t understand self-reliance, “productivity”, capitalism, etc, etc, etc

I don’t want to cast Asperger’s, but this is projection.

Look at the relativists! Objectively, any analysis of left-wing thinking would show there are deep schisms in the flank and between the flank and the Democratic party. Hell, Republican political strategists count on this: look at the trouble they tried to stir up in the 2008 primaries.

We tend to split into factions based on our pet issues, which are many: civil rights, peace activism, the environment all spring to mind and if I spent more time thinking, I’d come up with another half dozen.

The left fits together like a giant Venn diagram of about a dozen different circles that intersect other circles but not every other circle.

The right is a Venn diagram of two circles of primary interests: economic royalists (tax cutters), and religious conservatives (social structurals).

That dynamic alone tells me that the right is far more likely to be dogmatic, to be controlling, to not fully understand capitalism in practice (altho theoretical capitalism is a bit eaasier for them to grasp), and so on.

But because they have no objective way of measuring the left, only the paranoid delusions they and their overlords operate under, they presume we must follow the same dynamics they do.

This is American exceptionalism writ small. *We* are so much better than you, and can’t understand why you don’t emulate us.

Without taking into account that maybe we can’t be like you because we operate under a different culture.


“Well, lemme tell ya somethin: I own mah own business, and this basically means that I now can blather on about anywhat related to Economics and my so-phisticated theerees are dang brillyunt.”

We should point out here that 90% of American businesses fail in the first three years, and of the ten percent left, half don’t make it past ten.


Right-wingers don’t worship the Reagan corpse, or the idea of the myth of Palin.

The word “worship” is insufficient to describe the mind contortion involved.


Who’s more shocked, shocked these days–her or Mrs. Frum ?

I don’t get it.

How can she or ANYone involved even tangentially in the Bush administration not get that the monster they (via Karl Rove) created is now turning on them for being too moderate?

Even tho they’re fucking fascistic bastards who all deserve to be stood up against a wall and the first to be shot when the revolution comes, their minions, the “useful idiots” they turned out in droves, are against any reconciliation and compromise on anything, simply because that’s the way Bush trained them.

HOW FUCKING HARD IS THAT TO GET? Yet, they express shock! and surprise! at how venomous the vitriol has been…go fig.


Without taking into account that maybe we can’t be like you because we operate under a different culture.

Written like a true conformist.


Based on the above quote, Truman appears to have been a sensible and rational politician who understood better than most the nature of the Zionist movement and what the creation of Israel would bring about.

Truman was enough of a bigot to see an opportunity to get Jews to leave America. I suspect that was deep in his mind when he started thinking about creating Israel.


Written like a true conformist.

I for one welcome our Shania overlords.


typing six-word posts on the Internet, will place you in the American Productivity Hall of Fame.

It’s called “economy”. Suck it, bitches! Heh, indeed!

Oh wait, that’s eight. I mean twelve. Fifteen. Seventeen.





The word “worship” is insufficient to describe the mind contortion involved.

This was illustrated perfectly at the McCain rally that Palin attended. A woman was asked at McCain’s rally if she would vote for McCain. She said, “No, probably not.” Then asked if she was there to see Sarah Palin and she responded “Oh, most definitely. She is a breath of fresh air.”

Yeah, if you had your mouth wrapped around a Chevy Suburban’s tailpipe.


Then asked if she was there to see Sarah Palin and she responded “Oh, most definitely. She is a breath of fresh air.”

When you live in a shithole, the breeze off the landfill smells sweet.


I for one welcome our Shania overlords.

Ms Twain can lord over me all she wants.


Ms Twain can lord over me all she wants.

Of course, if she’s turned lesbian after her divorce, then never the Twain shall meat.


Of course, if she’s turned lesbian after her divorce, then never the Twain shall meat.

Veiled rump roast reference?


Veiled rump roast reference?

Definitely about turning her on my spit over a hot flame.


Actor Lulz!


Very OT, but hilarious.

Why US courts aren’t allowing the pope to be questioned under oath:

“If Pope Benedict XVI is ordered to testify by a U.S. court, foreign courts could feel empowered to order discovery against the president of the United States regarding, for example, such issues as CIA renditions,” Lena wrote in a 2008 brief.

Jeffrey Lena is the reclusive architect of the Vatican’s legal strategy in the U.S.


Forgot to add: “DO IT” to that previous post.


The Pope is a head of state. This is not unreasonable.


The Pope is a head of state. This is not unreasonable.

True, but that quote seems to be a threat.


Right. The U.S. doesn’t drag foreign heads of state into court on vague charges. It instead bombs the shit out of them and reduces their functional nation into non-functioning disputes over rubble, it invades, and then occupies the country and watches it turn into a terrorist warlord hell while assuring everyone that peace will be restored once we try one or another SURGE or new stragedy.


Right. The U.S. doesn’t drag foreign heads of state into court on vague charges. It instead bombs the shit out of them and reduces their functional nation into non-functioning disputes over rubble,….

Are you proposing the Vatican add a air raid siren to its Foreign State.


You never know where Wonkette is going:

So apparently there are these things called “ready-to-use therapeutic foods,” and they do miracle things for malnourished babies and mothers. But the US does not spend food-aid money on these RUTFs, because they’re usually manufactured overseas and US food aid $$ have to be spent on food made stateside.

So now some lady has started up an RUTF-making plant in beautiful Providence, Rhode Island! But really the very important take-away is this: her product, the miracle food that saves the lives of little starving babies, is called Plumpy’nut. This is also the name of Sarah Palin’s seventeenth child.



True, but that quote seems to be a threat.

It seems pretty simplistic, and it even seems simplistic to have to make that argument in a court of law (presumably Federal) but it is Kentucky. We have to make allowances.


Are you proposing the Vatican add a air raid siren to its Foreign State.

It’s a small country. A police whistle will suffice.


watches it turn into a terrorist warlord hell

Hey! This is the VATICAN! The historical capital of the Catholic Church!

How would we tell the difference?

Ted the Slacker

The Pope is a head of state.

So then we bomb the Vatican for failure on the separation of church and state. We’re spreading freedom obviously, and American Values, so I say why not.


It seems pretty simplistic,

I haven’t received an allowance in years.

The chances are slim to none that mein popen would be questioned but to insinuate that “if you criminally charge our criminals, we’ll criminally charge yours” is beyond retarded (satire).


Well, the Marcoses of the Phillipines were subpoenaed…but only after Aquino took over.


“If Pope Benedict XVI is ordered to testify by a U.S. court, foreign courts could feel empowered to order discovery against the president of the United States regarding, for example, such issues as CIA renditions,” Lena wrote in a 2008 brief.

They might start investigating our blowjobs for us!


The chances are slim to none that mein popen would be questioned but to insinuate that “if you criminally charge our criminals, we’ll criminally charge yours” is beyond retarded (satire).

The rule is that we get to invade and capture foreign heads of state for crimes (Manuel Noriega on crimes of narco-trafficking) but no one gets to touch the head of the Cosa Nostra of U.S. foreign policy.

After the Hague found the U.S. guilty of aggression for mining Nicaragua’s harbors for replacing the U.S.-installed dictator with a government we didn’t like, the U.S. just kept waging war on the Nicaraguan civilian population until they elected a government for which the U.S. promised to stop attacking them, and they dropped the case.


They might start investigating our …

I get stage fright.


They might start investigating our blowjobs for us!

Actually, given the strict conservative tenor of Congress, I’d prefer the Camerlengo…


they dropped the case.

Did they leave a running tape recorder in it?


I can just imagine the Vatican looking into that matter:

What? Himma putta his thing inna place dat wassa notta her putanda? Dassa mortal sin! Butta we da Catlick Church, so he canna justa pay us for a dispensation, and t’ings be forgiven, eh?

Hm, maybe they’d assign Father Guido Sarducci to investigate our blowjobs…

Dead Saint Peter

“Should the pope resign?”



I’m trying to figure out what kind of three-dimensional chess Obama’s playing, announcing off-shore drilling. Is he trying to make the wingnuts’ heads explode?

Is he trying to provoke them into denouncing offshore drilling?

Pass the popcorn.


Is he trying to provoke them into denouncing offshore drilling?

@g — LOL, I thought the same thing… after I thought “why?”. Next you’ll be hearing about a preemptive strike on Iran and the wingnuts will cry PEACE!


Thanks for the opening to blogwhore 😉

I blame the fascist left for not allowing the Earth to create more oil.


Actually, you know, if we outsourced our stupid right-wing investigations of Democratic Presidents, we could save a lot of money. Let the Maltese (or whoever) spend $70 million.



I blame the fascist left for not allowing the Earth to create more oil.

Carboniferous era plants were theft.


Let the Maltese (or whoever) spend $70 million.

It’ll be their cross to bear.

HAH! I crack me up.


Carboniferous era plants were theft.

Fossils are theft too, also.


Carboniferous era plants were theft.

Dinosaurs are the Jews of hydrocarbon pyrolysis.


Uhh, actor? I pray this is snark:

Well, it looks like Wall Street is getting its revenge for the recent scoldings its endured.


By scoldings you mean “getting to do whatever the hell they please,” right?


“Scoldings” was used to dramatize the “punishments”, yes.


After all, Obama did actually stand up in front of an audience of Wall Street executives and told them they must never ever ever do that again! That counts as a scolding.


Actually, you know, if we outsourced our stupid right-wing investigations of Democratic Presidents, we could save a lot of money. Let the Maltese (or whoever) spend $70 million.

OMG a whole world of cost-saving measures just opened up in my mind! We could contract out all Republican congressional work to a magic 8-ball whose inner die only has “ask again later,” “outlook not so good,” and “signs point to no” on it.


We could contract out all Republican congressional work to a magic 8-ball whose inner die only has “ask again later,” “outlook not so good,” and “signs point to no” on it.

Man, we JUST got rid of Bush!


After all, Obama did actually stand up in front of an audience of Wall Street executives and told them they must never ever ever do that again! That counts as a scolding.

LuLz! Too bad they don’t listen!


Maybe he did it just to see what Sarah Palin will post on her Facebook page.


Maybe he did it just to see what Sarah Palin will post on her Facebook page.

One of Sarah’s Facebook friends.


Gosh, I hope that Wall Street doesn’t have to face the harsh punishments meted out upon Catholic child-raping priests.


I blame the fascist left for not allowing the Earth to create more oil.

If we would only let Jeebus bury more dinosaur bones to melt into oil!

Why do we hate America?

…oh, right, ’cause we deny evil or some shit like that. And all have potty mouths.


If we would only let Jeebus bury more dinosaur bones to melt into oil!

God hates ferns!


…a lot of the glue behind the adherence to liberalism comes from peer pressure, and the desire to conform.

LOL WUT? Is that why I was laughed at in high school for mentioning that dry cleaning is bad for the environment? Is this why I always hear young women saying, “I’m not a feminist, but…”? I’ve been a liberal all my life and I’ve never been accused of “conforming.” But I suppose some crusty old fart on Mrs. Instapundit’s website is much more aware of what the youth think is hip and cool these days.


Hydrophobes are theft.


what the youth think is hip and cool these days.

Hating America?


what the youth think is hip and cool these days.

Hating America?

Yes. Also, iPhones.


iPhones are the Jews of modern Marxism.


Of course, Marx was the Jew of original Marxism, but no one mentions that much these days.


iPhones are the Jews of modern Marxism.

That is too deep for me. I’m not allowed in the deep end.


Androids are the iPhones of modern Judaism.

Wait, what?



Androids are the Blackberries of modern Smartphonism….


In New York, we’ve just completed the rainiest twelve months on record.

But no, there’s no extreme weather as the result of global warming…


adherence to liberalism comes from peer pressure, and the desire to conform.


Aren’t we always being told that “you’re just rebelling against your parents”? *Guh?*

Sigh. There’s a LOT more peer pressure on the Right, what with their own special version of PC and all the butt-sniffing they do to find out who’s more “pure”. Maybe back in the 30’s when the Internationals still existed and there was a Party line to conform to, but now I swear you could put a hundred liberals end-to-end and they’d end up pointing in a hundred different directions, some of which violate the laws of science.


We should point out here that 90% of American businesses fail in the first three years, and of the ten percent left, half don’t make it past ten.

Yes, but half of all 21st century presidents were failed business owners.


Yes, but half of all 21st century presidents were failed business owners.

Well, that’s what made him an expert in economics.


In New York, we’ve just completed the rainiest twelve months on record.

I’m well aware. I took a stolen jet ski to work.

Commuting is theft.


In New York, we’ve just completed the rainiest twelve months on record.

But no, there’s no extreme weather as the result of global warming…

And another island has disappeared beneath the waves.

But if Glennbeck says otherwise…

Xecky Gilchrist

Yes, but half of all 21st century presidents were failed business owners.

A third.

Clinton’s term ended just after the 21st century started.

/pedant hat


Aren’t we always being told that “you’re just rebelling against your parents”? *Guh?*

One reason I’m terrified of having children. Were they to rebel, they’d become fundamentalist Christians and Rush (both the band and the dude) fans.


And another island has disappeared beneath the waves.

Well, New Moore island disappeared because Michael Moore is fat.


And another island has disappeared beneath the waves

Do white people live on it? No? Then who gives a shit?


Clinton’s term ended just after the 21st century started.

Two thirds: Whitewater.


Those heroic Christian end-timers who planned to launch a war to bring down the evil secular government of the United States have all apparently requested to be provided by public defenders.

Alleged ringleader David Brian Stone is among nine Hutaree members arrested in FBI raids across the Midwest at the weekend. Each of the suspects is being held without bond and they have all requested a public defender. Bond hearings are scheduled Wednesday for 44-year-old Stone of Clayton, Michigan, and other Hutaree members.



But no, there’s no extreme weather as the result of global warming…

This is why people are so skeptical of science. With religion, you know what you are getting. God is always right, other people are evil, and if you follow the rules loudly enough you will be rich someday.

“Extreme weather.” Pfft. What does that even mean? That could be anything catastrophic.


Hating America?

Yes. Also, iPhones.

You know, there’s an app…


One reason I’m terrified of having children. Were they to rebel

Mine turned Japanese.

I only wish it was the cool kind.

Xecky Gilchrist

Two thirds: Whitewater.

Heh, OK.

But that only reinforces my point, since it wasn’t half.


With religion, you know what you are getting. God is always right

But can God make a stone so heavy that God can’t lift it? 🙂


Rush (both the band and the dude) fans.

Neal Peart is the bomb. Don’t hate.


But that only reinforces my point, since it wasn’t half.

You mean it’s central to your point, dont you?


Those heroic Christian end-timers who planned to launch a war to bring down the evil secular government of the United States have all apparently requested to be provided by public defenders.

Yes, but it is different when they draw on government benefits, because they would have had that money if it weren’t for government meddling… that is, they paid into the system, so they are just taking back what is theirs. What I mean to say is, they are white.


But can God make a stone so heavy that God can’t lift it? 🙂

That is the spiritual equivalent of masturbation and will make you go blind.

Xecky Gilchrist

You mean it’s central to your point, dont you?

Yes, that – but I seem to remember “that only reinforces my point” being the equivalent older, pre-Liberal-Fascism wingnut retreat. I recall lots of points being strengthened, reinforced, etc. on account of being shown to be wrong.


Rush (both the band and the dude) fans.

Neal Peart is the bomb. Don’t hate.

A gigantic drum kit doesn’t make up for horrible songwriting or Geddy Lee’s voice.


I recall lots of points being strengthened, reinforced, etc. on account of being shown to be wrong.

Tonight on “This Old Thesis”…

You Have To Know That Anything With "Supervillain" In The Title Is Like Catnip To The Goddamn Batman, Although That May Be Mixing Metaphors A Bit (Batnip?)

OK, so I had to get off the boat to see what Yoshida, who has always come off as being composed entirely of the undigested part of corn, had to say, and it begins with this:

(The following is an extended excerpt from something I’m working on – kind of a Galt speech for a character. Basic concept – a real life sort of “Bond Villain” who runs an ‘evil’ corporation that tries to overthrown foreign governments and the like for profit and that is building a SuperWeapon on its island. What I think of this really depends on my mood).

Adam is the sort of person that even the other comics geeks tend to back away from in the local comics shops, for any number of reasons. The rest of the post is one long tube of text, sans paragraph breaks, like the kind of turd that you get (if I may continue the excremental simile) after some truly heroic eating, such as Thanksgiving. tl; dr. His last post before that was dated 1/20, and was titled “The Revolution of ’10 and Onwards” and was all about how Scott Brown was gonna totally wipe the Obamagenda off the map. Oh, Adam. You make your own “Kick Me” signs.


A gigantic drum kit

Veiled Pertnis reference


A gigantic drum kit doesn’t make up for horrible songwriting or Geddy Lee’s voice.

To each his (I’m a misogynist) own.


@GD Batman,

What you write in the past has nothing to do with the present. Look forward, not back, I believe is the phrase of choice these days.


I’m trying to figure out what kind of three-dimensional chess Obama’s playing, announcing off-shore drilling. Is he trying to make the wingnuts’ heads explode?

Well, it’s apparently to keep Broder from writing a nasty op-ed about how partisan Obama would be for not including offshore drilling.

Seriously. That’s pretty much the whole plan: to preempt conservative whining.

This whole 11th-dimensional chess shit is getting real fucking old, real fucking fast.

I mean, I know Obama would’ve been a Republican 30 years ago, but sweet Jesus H. Riverdancing Christ … what’s with the negotiating away anything that will work in order to appease a bunch of fuckfaces who will never be appeased?

I don’t get it …


To each his (I’m a misogynist) own.

Oh, did the matriarchy require you to brand your sentences with that, like a post-feminist parenthetical “A”?


What you write in the past has nothing to do with the present. Look forward, not back, I believe is the phrase of choice these days.

You forgot “always twirling, twirling, twirling towards the future”


adherence to liberalism comes from peer pressure, and the desire to conform.

I heard that on Fox AND Rush, and the folks in Bible study all agreed.


Oh, did the matriarchy require you to brand your sentences with that, like a post-feminist parenthetical “A”?

Yes, I’ve also been castigated for not using both names from the evil hyphenated-last-named married working women.

You forgot “always twirling, twirling, twirling towards the future”

It’s too bad you could learn a lot from the past. Including, but not limited to, NOT REPEATING IT.


Or alternatively “Forward Into The Past!”


Or alternatively “Forward Into The Past!”

Wait! Didn’t we say that on the other side of the record????


adherence to liberalism comes from peer pressure, and the desire to conform.

I heard that on Fox AND Rush, and the folks in Bible study all agreed.

And now I’ve seen it on two different websites with the same kerning, so it must be true!


heard that on Fox AND Rush, and the folks in Bible study all agreed.

Double *Guh* when I forgot that Pigman has based a significant portion of his show around “DITTOEZ, RUSH DEEETOOOOOZZZ”!

so many people agree with him he had to find a way to shorten it up, HA! HO! HA! GUFFAW BLURP BLURP!


I heard that on Fox AND Rush, and the folks in Bible study all agreed.

I’d like to learn independent thinking too! Where do I sign up with all the like-minded folk?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Or another way to put it, just because nobody else likes your fucking ideas, doesn’t make you a rebel.


just because nobody else likes your fucking ideas, doesn’t make you a rebel

When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that’s what you’re going to get, Lad, the strongest castle in all of England.


Wait! Didn’t we say that on the other side of the record????

Someone should go and check before the pyramid opens.


I mean, I know Obama would’ve been a Republican 30 years ago, but sweet Jesus H. Riverdancing Christ … what’s with the negotiating away anything that will work in order to appease a bunch of fuckfaces who will never be appeased?

Shit like this makes me think that the game is rigged, you know? “Taking ideas from both parties”=appeasing corporate interests while convincing liberals that you don’t.


To each his (I’m a misogynist) own.

Apparently. It would have taken less effort just to write “his/her,” linguistic awkwardity notwithstanding.


Don’t like her? What’s wrong with her? She’s beautiful, she’s rich, she’s got huge… tracts of land.


Apparently. It would have taken less effort just to write “his/her,” linguistic awkwardity notwithstanding.

It was very linguistically awkward with “i’m a misogynist” in parentheses but it’s a court order and I wont ignore one of those again.


“Linguistic awkwardity” is also linguistically awkward, but I like making up words.

It was very linguistically awkward with “i’m a misogynist” in parentheses but it’s a court order and I wont ignore one of those again.

Hey, I hear you. Why do you think I always write “satire” after the word “retarded” (satire)?


Why do you think I always write “satire” after the word “retarded” (satire)?

I thought that was Federal Law.


Rembert Weakland is the emeritus archbishop of Milwaukee, notorious for having paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to satisfy the demands of his former male lover. Jeff Anderson is a Minnesota-based attorney who has made a substantial amount of money out of sex abuse “settlements,” and who is party to ongoing litigation intended to bring the resources of the Vatican within the reach of contingency-fee lawyers in the United States. Yet these two utterly implausible—and, in any serious journalistic sense, disqualified—sources were those the Times cited

Why are those “utterly implausible” sources? They both have intimate knowledge of the cases and the situation. Ohhh, I get it, because Weigel has to smear those he doesn’t agree with. Sorry I wasted everyone’s time.


Weigel’s cribbing from the NRO who of course have no reason to believe that Fr. Raymond J. de Souza has anything at stake in the matter.


Yet these two utterly implausible—and, in any serious journalistic sense, disqualified—sources were those the Times cited

Instead they should have cited the utterly uncompromised and unbiased church apologists who’ve knowingly, purposely, purposefully covered this shit up for decades.


Weigel’s cribbing from the NRO who of course have no reason to believe that Fr. Raymond J. de Souza has anything at stake in the matter.

ne of the lawyers, Jeffrey Anderson….He has a direct financial interest in the matter being reported.

The lawyer does, sure. But what about the people he represents?


The lawyer does, sure. But what about the people he represents?

It is unfair to listen to the people accusing the Church.


Victims have a very nonobjective interest in seeing justice done. That’s how you know that they can’t be trusted and were probably asking for it.


Before addressing the false substance of the story, the following circumstances are worthy of note:

Oh look, ad hominem! Yeah, Weakland bears a lot of the blame, but does this guy want to pretend Weakland shouldn’t be listened to because he knew TOO WELL what kind of crazy sex stuff was going on?


Need gender neutral pronouns. I think it will be easier to easier to refer to everyone as “hors” as a possesive pronoun. “To each hors own” would have been acceptable.

Wait, are we allowed to use possessives anymore?


some crusty old fart

Veiled popcorn-shit reference.


Someone should go and check before the pyramid opens.

It’s OK. They’re speaking Chinese.


Wait, are we allowed to use possessives anymore?

Possessives are nine-tenths of theft


Father Raymond de Souza has a blog. Sort of, more a collection spot for his essays.


I think it will be easier to easier to refer to everyone as “hors” as a possesive pronoun

Hors took all my money. They’re very possessive.


You are not even a man much less an angler!

Nothing like angler anger.


I think we had more than enough brown trout yesterday, if you know what I mean.


Eugene Blackford said,

March 31, 2010 at 19:37

Dude, you could have just said “I was there, where were you?”


Wait, are we allowed to use possessives anymore?

Not when Obama’s socialist agenda is achieved.


There’s a Roger Clemens sex tape floating around?

Um, EW???

Lurking Canadian

Of course, Marx was the Jew of original Marxism, but no one mentions that much these days.

You know who ELSE liked to point out that Marx was Jewish? HMMMM?


The Reverend Henry Ward Beecher said,

March 31, 2010 at 19:49

And your response could have been shorter too: “Liar liar, breeches on fire!”


You know who ELSE liked to point out that Marx was Jewish?

Warner Brothers?


Not when Obama’s socialist agenda is achieved.

Then the only pronouns will be “we” and “us” and the only possessives will be “our” and “ours”


Then the only pronouns will be “we” and “us” and the only possessives will be “our” and “ours”

We are not amused.


And your response could have been shorter too: “Liar liar, breeches on fire!”

Part of me – the part not currently trying to do useful work – sees an opportunity here for a disquisition of the differences between breech-loading and muzzle-loading.


We are not amused.

They are.


Not when Obama’s socialist agenda is achieved.

Then the only pronouns will be “we” and “us” and the only possessives will be “our” and “ours”

That’s OUR socialist agenda, mofos.


sees an opportunity here for a disquisition of the differences between breech-loading and muzzle-loading.

Fart v snort, eh?


freshwater angling is for pussies – St. Trotsky

This desperately needs illustration via LOLcat: i.e. a cute picture of a kitten trying to catch a fish from a babbling brook whilst saying “I can haz fishies?”


Speaking of health care, here in NYC one of the local VFW groups is claiming that the health care reform bill will raise premiums/deductibles for TriCare. Is this true?

If it is not true, why didn’t the article raising this comment give a response from any of the pro-HCR voices it interviewed saying “that claim is bullshit” or try anyway to evaluate the truth value of that claim? Is it because HCR supporters are asleep on the job and are not responding to falsehoods being spread about HCR? Or is it because the local rag which printed this just wanted to spread lies about HCR hurting vets?

Or is it because it is true that HCR will result in higher premiums/deductibles and/or worse health care for vets? If so, what idiot politician let that happen? It’s one thing when the GOP screws over vets — after all “the GOP is patriotic and loves [to put] our troops [in danger]”. But Dems should know that if they do anything that might be less than friendly to vets, “even the liberal media” will destroy Dems for “not supporting our troops and our vets”.

Spengler Dampniche

Okay, new, less depressing thread. So demands GODWIN !


Fart v snort

It’s a good thing Dickens dumped that for Jarndyce v Jarndyce.


@DAS, I had this convo with a self-described “intellectual conservative” friend of mine. I sent him here.


Wait! Didn’t we say that on the other side of the record????

It’s just this little chromium switch. Ah, you people are SO superstitious.


Your bison now are dust as your cornflakes rise.


Know who ELSE supported Godwin’s Law?


Esteev — thank you for the links.

However, the claim made in the rag was not that vets would have to purchase extra health care but that TriCare itself will be forced to raise premiums and/or deductibles or drop coverage for some Vets currently enrolled in it.

Neither of these articles addresses that concern, really.

Even if what the “oh noes, HCR is going to screw over Vets” crowd is saying are pure, 100% baseless lies, if we, as liberals, respond to “HCR will raise premiums for Vets using TriCare” with “TriCare will be considered acceptable health care insurance in terms of the health insurance mandate”, we will be seen as the ones trying to play bait and switch and hence we will be seen as the “liars” here, not the actual liars. If we are going to dignify misleading statements or even lies with responses (which here, IMHO, we must), we need to make sure we actually respond to the lies/misleading statements and not issue misleading statements or non-responsive statements of our own.


Oops … thank you Esteev and Actor212 for the links. My not thanking actor212 makes me just as bad as Hitler … or something.


Okay, new, less depressing thread. So demands GODWIN ! – Spengler Dampniche

OK … Hitler looks way to much like my Great Grandpa Joe (from Austria). If we weren’t Jewish, I’d be wondering … oops … I wonder if those Hitler was part Jewish rumors are true? Hmmm … maybe I am liberal because I am (genetically) a Nazi?

Perhaps I shouldn’t tell Jonah Goldberg …

Happy Passover everyone!


@DAS… this is a bit better. But, you’re right, there isn’t a definite answer.

Don’t we screw these vets enough with our pointless wars? This is an outrage.





You’re welcome, DAS. I can’t post another link. WP hates me.


So indeed, not surprisingly HCR opponents are lying. Alas, some in the media are abetting them (of course anything in the WP will be dismissed as “liberal propaganda” anyway thanks to the role of the WP in Watergate) … which is, alas, not surprising either. Oy.

Thank you again actor212 and Esteev.


In other news, it seems “If there’s grass on the field, play ball” is now the official stance of the Catholic League.

Surprise, surprise.


…derp de doop….

hmmm, nuttin to see here…move along…


It’s just this little chromium switch. Ah, you people are SO superstitious.

Shoes for industry, compadre! Are you holding?


@justme, do you happen to watch South Park?

Donohue was accurately represented in the Easter episode. Full of Hypocrite LuLz.


Alas, no cable.


Alas, no cable.

Call me crazy, but I think you have the Internets.


it seems “If there’s grass on the field, play ball”

Oh, yuck. (Note to self: get Brazilian to ward off lecherous priests).

(Another OT note to self: buy new headphones that actually fit tiny mutant ears).


This line was eyecatching: Male Amazon River dolphins have been known to penetrate each other in the blowhole.


You really do have to give the Catholic hierarchy and organizations & people like Donohue credit.

Pretty much every few days they manage to sink to a level of depravity that even takes me by surprise.

Kind of like the highest moments of Bush Jr. administration YEEEHAW-ism.


Schlusselgate at Big Hollywood! Apparently she dissed Steven Crowder too. Comment #1:

Thanks to a “FRIEND OF A FRIEND” thanks Debbie for a spot on BLOG you annoyance… O, thats right top 20 ANNOYING BLOGGERS… mensa member and a lawyer… yeah and SHE IS NOT A FAN of Mr. Hannity’s….stop trolling these parts and try and get some REAL STORIES not ones that where made up in your MIND!!!


Subi, you ought to read the rest of his comments:


Subi, you ought to read the rest of his comments:

If you go back to the first ones they’re slightly less kooky. Repeated exposure to BH is a bad thing.


Repeated exposure to BH is a bad thing.

And yet you challenge me to go back and read more…:-)


I repEAT: REpeatED EXposURE TO Bh IS a bad Thing.


The righties are correct about one thing — in comparison to how the Revolutionary Neo-Confederate TeaTard Battalions will handle immigration reform, they were models of Platonic introspective calm on health care reform.


Schlusselgate at Big Hollywood! Apparently she dissed Steven Crowder too.

Damn, Debbie, I’m liking you better all the time.


Damn, Debbie, I’m liking you better all the time.

She’s still a doosh.


Male Amazon River dolphins have been known to penetrate each other in the blowhole.

But it was to show dominance; not affection. Dolphins are straight as an arrow. And, like, soooooooooooooo cute!


It’s not a torture device if it’s classified a “sex toy”


But it was to show dominance; not affection.

Which explains all teh gehy sex Republicans have

*uncomfortable cough*


It was hard and full of seamen. It went down and came up with…

the worst case of crabs ever


It’s not a torture device if…

…it’s in a memo.

This could be a fun game.


The giant isopod may be new to many North American readers, but, as is usually the case, elsewhere in the world they take on a much more familiar aspect.

…in northern Taiwan and other areas, they are not uncommon at seaside restaurants, served boiled and bisected with a clean lateral slice. The white meat, similar to crab or lobster in texture, is then easily removed.

I think for U.S. markets, you might need a more delicious familiar title than “giant isopod”, or “marine woodlouse”, or “oceanic pillbug”…


In a posting to social bookmarking site Reddit, a deep-sea technician detailed the finding

I can’t wait for Fox’s reporting about the strange betentacled creatures found on 4chan.


“Linguistic awkwardity” is also linguistically awkward, but I like making up words.

You know who else liked to make up words?



Yes, these can be used to torture someone, but so can all sorts of ordinary devices like knives, forks and spoons.

Hey, brilliant, that’s right up there with McDonald’s assertion that Coke(tm) is all healthy and stuff because it contains water, and you need water to live. Wheee!

BTW, cool isopod. I foresee him getting a show on FAUX in the next couple days, as soon as they can establish his political leanings.


Dolphins are straight as an arrow.

Happily, no!

And, like, soooooooooooooo cute!

Well I can’t argue with that.



*ten foot ion powered butt plug


And as far as isopod politics go, he’s likely to respond to any questions with a violent hissing, which indicates he’s a liberal since all conservatives are full of the best humor and good cheer.

Plus, being an arthropod, he’s probably a hive creature and is further proved liberal.

Therefore, his show would HAVE to have balance and thusly we can expect “Buchanan And Isopod”, coming in April on FAUX Nooze.


justme said,
March 31, 2010 at 20:46

In other news, it seems “If there’s grass on the field, play ball” is now the official stance of the Catholic League.

Surprise, surprise.

You know, I hate those “kill the fuckers!” people, but this fucking Donohue asshole needs to fucking die. I wonder if he has any “pubescent” sons or daughters. I wonder if his opinion would be different if a priest raped had not necessarily consentual sex with one of them.

What a lying, sicophantic piece of kissass garbage.

The only people who can rationalize rape this way are rapists.


You know who else liked to make up words?

Hey, now!

Also, disassemble is a real word.


Hey, brilliant, that’s right up there with McDonald’s assertion that Coke(tm) is all healthy and stuff because it contains water, and you need water to live. Wheee!

Pot must be good for you since it’s natural–wheee11!!! Actually, god gave that to us, so we serve him by smoking our faces off.


Hey, now!

Also, disassemble is a real word.

You’re right, that was a major contextual fox paw.


I wonder if his opinion would be different if a priest raped had not necessarily consentual sex with one of them.

The stuck pig always hollers.


Pot must be good for you since it’s natural–wheee11!!!

Know who else was natural?



Pot must be good for you since it’s natural–wheee11!!!

It was powerful enough to take over Cambodia.


Also, disassemble is a real word.



The only people who can rationalize rape this way are rapists.

Fucking ding ding ding ding! Either that, or people who are highly invested in assuring that patriarchal institutions flourish.


Speaking of patriarchy-blaming, Zygote Americans!


bisected with a clean lateral slice

Of course their liberal with their alternative “bisected” lifestyle…


‘Egg-as-Person’ Makes Colorado Ballot

If this passes, can it be too hard to imagine a law outlawing masturbation?

I mean, socks everywhere would be relieved, but come ON!


or people who are highly invested in assuring that patriarchal institutions flourish.

Figurative rape. Essentially the same concept of domination and forcefully exerting one’s will on others, especially those less than capable of defending themselves.


Know who else was natural?


HA! I can just see the bio piece in High Times now–dreads, tie-dyed military uniform, giant bong for a riding crop, and the little taint tickler mustache, of course! Hilarious.


I mean, socks everywhere would be relieved, but come ON!

Oh. Here I thought I had come up with an awesome original idea–using a sock. There are others…


Here I thought I had come up with an awesome original idea–using a sock. There are others…

I like to draw little lips on mine so I can get head.

I mean, that’s if, you know, I did that.

Which I don’t.


Which I don’t.

Me either…

***slinks away quietly***


So wait, now I gotta save my eggs? I hope they supply a microscope. And a tiny little omelette pan…


*quietly pulls Time Magazine up higher in front of his face*

*whips out sunglasses and puts them on*


So wait, now I gotta save my eggs?

Menstruation is theft!

Yea, that line didn’t work in my second marriage either.


So wait, now I gotta save my eggs?

I look forward to the debate being renamed pro-poachers versus anti-poachers.




I look forward to the debate being renamed pro-poachers versus anti-poachers.

Damn, and I like my eggs over easy.

Especially my girl eggs.


Menstruation is theft!

I do not avoid men, Mandrake… but I do deny them my essence.


Suicide by teh buttsecks

It’s cruel and right-wingish to make fun of a suicidal man, but this is fucking hilarious.

“hm, no sword, cucumber won’t go through stomach skin. I try back door to get to stomach!”

Sad, but funny!


It would be sort of funny to see how the right wing would react to press releases by ACORN-type groups to try and register the new citizen-eggs to vote. Particularly among citizen-eggs living inside brown and poor women.


I do not avoid men, Mandrake… but I do deny them my essence.

What about your ebony and your jet?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“hm, no sword, cucumber won’t go through stomach skin. I try back door to get to stomach!”

Maybe he thought it was a zombie cucumber.


It’s cruel and right-wingish to make fun of a suicidal man, but this is fucking hilarious.

I wasn’t there, but I would bet my best dildo that he wasn’t suicidal until after being rushed to the hospital with a torn anus and a cucumber up his ass.


I wasn’t there, but I would bet my best dildo that he wasn’t suicidal until after being rushed to the hospital with a torn anus and a cucumber up his ass.

I didn’t think it could get funnier. Luckily for me, it just did!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The Iraq Bloodbath resulted in more people getting healthcare?

Don’t know if a previous comment dealt with this but- Yes, the Iraq Bloodbath has resulted in many previously healthy people, many in their late teens and early twenties, in getting healthcare… healthcare they never would have needed had they remained stateside.


Maybe he thought it was a zombie cucumber.

Who comes up with these nicknames? Is jimsonweed too hard to remember? I gotta think it’s somebody with a handle, like Jonathan “Bud” Josephson.


Don’t know if a previous comment dealt with this but- Yes, the Iraq Bloodbath has resulted in many previously healthy people, many in their late teens and early twenties, in getting healthcare… healthcare they never would have needed had they remained stateside.

Ah, yes. But in the true “support the troops or yer a traitor” fashion, we make sure it’s conspicuously shitty health care. Good health care encourages people to get traumatic brain injuries and be sick.


Good health care encourages people to get traumatic brain injuries and be sick.

So does shrapnel.

So, therefore, shrapnel=Obamacare= omfg HE’S GONNA KILL US ALL!!1


A gigantic drum kit doesn’t make up for horrible songwriting or Geddy Lee’s voice.

but WHAT about the lasers!!?? WHAT ABOUT THEM?


but WHAT about the lasers!!?? WHAT ABOUT THEM?

“There’s no swimming in the heavy water / Nor singing in the acid rain.”

They deserve to die.


So wait, now I gotta save my eggs? I hope they supply a microscope. And a tiny little omelette pan…

*GASP* Cannibal!!!!!


So, therefore, shrapnel=Obamacare= omfg HE’S GONNA KILL US ALL!!1

OMFG! We better get fat, sit on our asses, take monthly checks from the government and encourage armed rebellion on the interweb! Just make sure we keep the Social Security Administration offices intact. If my checks don’t come, my cable gets disconnected. If I miss my Blue Collar Comedy, there’s gonna be hell to pay. Hell, I tell ya!


but WHAT about the lasers!!?? WHAT ABOUT THEM?

Dude, I do not care about lasers unless they’re directed at R. Kelly’s crooch.


Rush: Hall of Famers.

Yeaa!! It’s about time.


but WHAT about the lasers!!?? WHAT ABOUT THEM?

“There’s no swimming in the heavy water / Nor singing in the acid rain.”

They deserve to die.

Also, too, for that whole entire record based on an Ayn Rand novelette, except that instead of a generator, the protagonist finds a guitar.


I really think you people need a new thread.
Or you could start blogs. Or something.


Also, too, for that whole entire record based on an Ayn Rand novelette, except that instead of a generator, the protagonist finds a guitar.

And date-rapes a roadie.


“There’s no swimming in the heavy water / Nor singing in the acid rain.”

They deserve to die.

Unfair. They could stack the cheese (in the traditional sense), but they also wrote some pretty awesome stuff.

From Witch Hunt:

They say there are strangers who threaten us,
are immigrants and infidels.
They say there is strangeness too dangerous
In our theaters and bookstore shelves.
Those who know what’s best for us
Must rise and save us from ourselves.

Quick to judge,
Quick to anger,
Slow to understand
Ignorance and prejudice
And fear walk hand in hand…

Besides, if you like Neil Young, you don’t get to say jack shit about a shitty singing voice.


Besides, if you like Neil Young, you don’t get to say jack shit about a shitty singing voice.

Who said I like Neil Young?


Who said I like Neil Young?




Then it must be…wait, what?


*GASP* Cannibal!!!!!

Oh please, like you’ve never wanted an egg salad sammich or something and ovulated just at that moment.


I thought all of us weenie libz liked Neil Young. Don’t you have to like him to pass the entrance exam?


Who said I like Neil Young?

That wasn’t meant to sound defensive or shitty, like it sounds. I was going for funny and missed.


I thought all of us weenie libz liked Neil Young. Don’t you have to like him to pass the entrance exam?

I wouldn’t release the kraken on him, but I never owned an album or knew any of his songs beyond the half-dozen that WPLJ played in the late 70s. If I wanted to listen to a southerner, I put on some Janis Joplin.


That wasn’t meant to sound defensive or shitty, like it sounds.

It didn’t strike me as bad, just as a non-sequitur.


Or you could start blogs. Or something.

Yeeeeeeeeeeah. If I were trying to be productive, I wouldn’t be here.

Besides, if you like Neil Young, you don’t get to say jack shit about a shitty singing voice.

Oh, I don’t think that Geddy Lee’s singing voice is shitty; I think it’s annoying as fuck.

Look, I’m not saying they’re not a technically talented band. I’m just saying that I’d rather jab a pencil in my ear while listening to Take That than ever listen to “Tom Sawyer” again in my entire life. I have a friend who literally becomes violent when she has to hear that song, btw.


It didn’t strike me as bad, just as a non-sequitur.

Ah–yeah! Ok, so you caught the subtle humor then. I totally meant to do that.

Neil is a liberal staple because of the lyrics to Southern Man.

When I want to hear from a Southernor, I jam in some fuckin RICKY MARTIN! YEAH!


Look, I’m not saying they’re not a technically talented band.

I am. I’ve heard better music at elementary-school recitals.


Oh, I don’t think that Geddy Lee’s singing voice is shitty; I think it’s annoying as fuck.

Look, I’m not saying they’re not a technically talented band. I’m just saying that I’d rather jab a pencil in my ear while listening to Take That than ever listen to “Tom Sawyer” again in my entire life. I have a friend who literally becomes violent when she has to hear that song, btw.

Fair enough.


Who said I like Neil Young?

That wasn’t meant to sound defensive or shitty, like it sounds. I was going for funny and missed.

Yeah, I hope I didn’t sound like an asshole. It’s, like, Rush represents my dad and Neil Young represents my mom, so I really just need to go into therapy. Though I’m not sure anything could convince me to like Rush…


Oh please, like you’ve never wanted an egg salad sammich or something and ovulated just at that moment.

I’m impressed. My eggs are about as controllable as a 15-year-old’s erections.


Look, I’m not saying they’re not a technically talented band.

I am. I’ve heard better music at elementary-school recitals.

SHH! I’m trying to be nice!


I’m trying to be nice!

Yeah, right.


Substance McGravitas said,
April 1, 2010 at 0:00

Pics of George Will in drag.



From the “what a fucking surprise” department:

Illegal Wiretapping is Illegal


From the “what a fucking surprise” department:

Actually, I do find the court’s ruling a surprise, and I’ll be more surprised if it isn’t struck down by another court.

Captain Obvious

That “theory of unfettered executive-branch discretion” holds an “obvious potential for governmental abuse and overreaching,” Walker said.


Actually, I do find the court’s ruling a surprise, and I’ll be more surprised if it isn’t struck down by another court.

I find the courage of the ruling a surprise. The actual ruling, however, is a “no shit, Sherlock” type of reiteration of the most basic 4th amendment protections.


From the “what a fucking surprise” department:

It’s that goddamn Vaughn Walker again! Jesus, judges appointed by Republicans should judge like Republicans. What is that guy’s problem, anyway?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

To paraphrase Jon Stewert, I’m not saying Rush might possibly be the work of the anti-Christ. I’m saying Rush is the work of the anti-Christ. And the bad anti-Christ Tim LaHaye talks about, not the one all the actual good musicians sell their souls to.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon


Well, there isn’t possibly any ambiguity in SHE BANGS.


The stuck pig always hollers.

SONOFABITCH that hurt!


And date-rapes a roadie.

come on now, you can’t blame a musician for wanting to violently assault a tech at SOME point.


It’s that goddamn Vaughn Walker again! Jesus, judges appointed by Republicans should judge like Republicans. What is that guy’s problem, anyway?

Hes a godam actavist thats what.


Well, there isn’t possibly any ambiguity in SHE BANGS.

Well if it looks like love should be a crime
You’d better lock me up for life
I’ll do the time with a smile on my face
Thinking of her in her leather and lace

Yeah, definitely gay.


If I wanted to listen to a southerner, I put on some Janis Joplin.



Oh, I don’t think that Geddy Lee’s singing voice is shitty; I think it’s annoying as fuck.

OK, to be fair, that’s what I LIKE about it.

hee hee hee.


Yeah, definitely gay.

I am not! I love poontang!


Uh oh — TeaTards will now have to choose between Toby Keith and Sarah Palin.

Hours after LL Cool J complained that Fox News was recycling an old interview with him for a new program hosted by Sarah Palin, representatives for the country musician Toby Keith, who was also listed as a guest for the show, made a similar charge against the cable channel.

In a telephone interview on Wednesday, Elaine Schock, a publicist for Mr. Keith said: “I have no idea what interview they are using. Toby’s talked to Fox a number of times, and I had no idea that this was going to be on Sarah Palin’s special. Fox has never contacted me — not now, not when they were putting this together, not at all. I have no idea what they’re using.”

Mr. Keith, whose songs include “Courtesy of the Red, White, & Blue,” was announced as a guest on “Real American Stories,” a program that Fox News has scheduled for Thursday night. Ms. Schock said he had not been interviewed by Fox News since 2008. Update: In a subsequent email message, Ms. Schock said that the interview with Mr. Keith likely happened in early 2009.

Asked if Mr. Keith was ever interviewed by Ms. Palin, Ms. Schock said, “Absolutely not.”

LL Cool J, the rapper and actor, wrote Tuesday on his Twitter feed that Fox News was “misrepresenting” him by using a 2008 interview in its promotions and advertisements for the show. On Wednesday, Fox News said it had dropped him from “Real American Stories.”

However, the two stars are clearly discounting Sarah Palin’s ability to travel through time, a magical gift granted to nearly all comatose patients in movies.

It is also unfair and libeal socialist to not let Sarah Palin count it as an “interview” if they just mix in her questions and prior footage of people saying stuff to people who unjustly and arrogantly chose not to be Sarah Palin.

Otherwise how would Sarah Palin ever have gotten her exclusive interviews with Winston Churchill, Dale Earnhardt, and that pickup truck from the Pixar movie “Cars”?


I’m just saying that I’d rather jab a pencil in my ear while listening to Take That than ever listen to “Tom Sawyer” again in my entire life.

I still remember gym class in high school – when we had swimming the coach let the wanna-be-metalheads play music over the PA, and “Tom Sawyer” and “You Really Got Me” were on very heavy rotation. In fact, I think the only two songs they played. *yipes*

Rush gets points for “Witch Hunt” and loses them for applying that kind of cold-blooded libertarian Spock crap to everyone else.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Oh, I don’t think that Geddy Lee’s singing voice is shitty; I think it’s annoying as fuck.

Hey, now, he MADE Take Off.

And date-rapes a roadie.

Hey, he chose to wear that faded-black, dandruff-flecked T-shirt!


I still remember gym class in high school – when we had swimming the coach let the wanna-be-metalheads play music over the PA, and “Tom Sawyer” and “You Really Got Me” were on very heavy rotation.

Oh, you went to high school in Hell, too?


It sounds like Fox has a bunch of videos in their archives–some of them theirs, others not theirs–and Palin is just going to host a Teabagger version of America’s Funniest Realest Videos, saying a few inspiring words between each clip. Low budget even for Fox.

Ladies may love Cool James, but clearly Cool James does not love America.


Hey, he chose to wear that faded-black, dandruff-flecked T-shirt!

Lulz. That is all.

Oregon Beer Snob


I used to like Rush. Enough that I went to a concert of theirs back in the late 80s. Unfortunately for Rush, Primus was the opening act. They absolutely killed, and the following Rush performance was pathetic.

I like Neil Young too, and Les Claypool doesn’t exactly have a soothing voice, this must be some sort of condition.


Low budget even for Fox.

FOX is trying to save some cash to offset how much they’re paying Palin. It’s a walk in the park, too, because her lines will be totally scripted. Of course, they may have do do multiple takes……


Y’know, The Spirit of Radio just never wears out for me. Not a particular Rush fan, but that one’s great, even with stupid yelp and stupid lyrics.

♬Invisible airwaves crackle with life…♫


You know, when you’re a conservative ‘leader’ so weird that you and the TV network which hired you are being mocked by Toby Keith as off-base, then you, you might be a TeaTard.


And date-rapes a roadie.

It’s not date rape when she’s a crew slut. Alas, you tube seems to be verkakt at the moment so no vid.


Otherwise how would Sarah Palin ever have gotten her exclusive interviews with Winston Churchill, Dale Earnhardt, and that pickup truck from the Pixar movie “Cars”?

Fox does not trust Sarah Palin in the same room with an interviewee even if they have the ability to edit the tape.



I am a product of my times, I still like some Rush – particularly The Camera Eye. I really like the bass line and the way it sounds in a car.

And if they can turn a Patagonian Toothfish into a Chilean Sea Bass then I have no doubt we will be seeing those Giant Isopods being served at Red Lobster but called Smooth Lobster or some such nonsense.


I have no doubt we will be seeing those Giant Isopods being served at Red Lobster but called Smooth Lobster or some such nonsense

A processing company and perhaps nearly all major national fast food retailers and distributors sweep up gristle, hair, and fat, complete with horrible E. coli infections, from slaughterhouse and processing floors and call it “hamburger”, so, why would this be different?

Oregon Beer Snob

Dammit El Cid, now I’m hungry for a cheeseburger.


I thought all of us weenie libz liked Neil Young.


Fortunately, he’s Canadian so its not a requirement for liberal status.


Dammit El Cid, now I’m hungry for a cheeseburger.

You should make one, then, or go to a decent restaurant. I’m pretty sure that the plastic things they serve in the drive-throughs of the fry-barns won’t much satisfy that craving.

Real ground beef, like what they grind in your grocery store, is pink slime free. The crap that you buy in pre-formed packages from national producers, however, is pre-ammoniafied for your intestinal pleasure.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Guh, pink slime. I haven’t eaten a hamburger since I found out about that stuff.


Speaking of which, I still like some Rush songs too. No accounting for taste, I reckon.





What about the voice of Geddy Lee
How did it get so high?
I wonder if he speaks like an ordinary guy?
(I know him and he does!)
And you’re my fact-checkin’ cuz!


Guh, pink slime. I haven’t eaten a hamburger since I found out about that stuff.

Again, it’s only the nationally processed stuff. It can’t be done by your local grocery store or butcher. So, go make yourself a hamburger. I mean, unless you’re vegan or something.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

So, go make yourself a hamburger. I mean, unless you’re vegan or something.

Point taken, but the psychological effect of learning about Teh Slime splashed over onto real ground beef, too. Much the same happened when the E. coli scares were the big news. I’m sure I’ll be back to decent burgers in a while.

Though when I do my own cooking, it is mostly strict-vegetarian because I have a serious yuck response to handling raw meat (VPR.)


The Pope is a head of state. This is not unreasonable.

Es verdad.


The crap that you buy in pre-formed packages from national producers, however, is pre-ammoniafied for your intestinal pleasure.

Well, it helps if you’re growing mushrooms in your colon, to be sure.


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