The Sorrows Of Young Werthmann1
That’s ‘young’ as in from 2003, when our old, old friend Kitty, recently in the news again, was still able to jitterbug, to grow her own oats for hot, homemade Cheerios, and to reliably reach the second round in the annual Pie- and Hitler-Eating Contest at Our Lady of… Wait a minute, Hitler Eating Contest?
Above: “…And we hope you like frauin’ too.” 2
Kitty Werthmann, Sioux Falls Argus Leader:
Freedoms can disappear in a hurry if we aren’t carefulThose of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity.
That depends upon which way they were sailing. But it’s also true that those who sailed into the Statue of Liberty would’ve come to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity,3 unless they could believe the freedom and opportunity.
Since as we’ve seen, Werthmann can believe any old darn thing, this is a gotcha, and she is docked two Hitlers.
I lived in Austria under Adolf Hitler’s regime for seven years. Dictatorship did not happen overnight. It was a gradual process starting with national identification cards, which we had to carry with us at all times.
You could say that the gradual process started with the March 11, 1938 seizure of the Austrian government by Nazi Party hacks, or you could take a more concrete view and say that the gradual process started with the March 12, 1938 rollout of the German military, who moved across the largely demilitarized Austria as if they owned the place, which ipso facto they did. We’ve studied the dates and times back and forth (the Wehrmacht were apparently early risers — all the more reason the Nazi juggernaut, whatever that word even freaking means — needed to be stopped). And it, um, pretty much does seem to be the case that it happened “overnight.”
But then, you could say that the gradual process was the rise of Nazi influence in Austria culminating in the March 9, 1938 announcement by Nazi opponent and right-wing dictator Kurt Schuschnigg that Austria had its own Christian Austrofascism already, thank you Mr. Grouchy McHitler, but that he would reluctantly hold a vote on the unification question just to quiet things down already, jeez, can’t a guy preside over a goddamn fascist regime4 around here?
And in such a case no, that dictatorship didn’t happen overnight, for on March 4, 1933, when Austrian chancellor and subsequent Vaterländische Front founder Engelbert Dollfuß dissolved the parliament and became the regime’s first dictator, it was daytime.
We could not board a bus or train without our ID card. Gun registration followed, with a lot of talk about gun safety and hunting accidents. Since the government already knew who owned firearms, confiscation followed under threat of capital punishment.
Ah, it’s the German Weapons Act of 1938, in which rifles and shotguns were actually deregulated, among other whoopsie-doodles. And then came the confiscation. That was in 1945, and ‘the government’ was the, um, Allies.
Freedom of speech was the next target. Free speech was curtailed with the enforcement of the federal police (Gestapo). With a large network of informers, people were afraid to say anything political, even in their own homes.
This was entirely different during the so-called Austrofascist period, when only Social Democrats, Marxists, Nazis, Anarchists, and anticlericals were afraid to say anything political, for fear of being thrown into the concentration camps set up in 1933 to contain political dissidents.
The liberal mindset in America has promoted gun control for a long time and is beginning to advocate national identification cards.
I’m imagining a bulky old cathedral radio with a pulsating brain inside. “Wobble-wobble-wobble!” [boing, skreek, white noise] “You’re listening to WIWW, America’s wobbliest rock. Stay tuned for more gun contro…um, ah, national ID cards, plus a Tracy Chapman rock bloc!” [scree! static, canned radio noises]
And the pulsating brain is like, “Alright! Woo! You got a fast car… I want a ticket to any-where. Maybe we can make a deal…”
Law-abiding American citizens should not have to carry national identification cards. Aliens and non-citizens should be required to carry ID cards.
Ev’rybody scapes the Jews,
There’s no excep-tion to the ruse…
Even their driver’s licenses should be different than a citizen’s driver’s license.
“Wass that say, mang?”
“‘Not valid for bouncy ranflas or scrapes with less than 4″ ground clearance, or with excessive kaboom in the ka-booty, or bass in the trunk.’ That means bass in the trunk, Señor Upscale Holmes.”
“Aw, mang! If you could drive aroun’ rockin’ the treble, why not kick it to a CD such as Captain Beefheart’s Trout Mask Replica? Civilization ‘ud fall, vato.”
“Some say it has, miclo.”
Our government also needs to take strong measures against illegal aliens and tightly close our borders to protect American citizens.
Even though we are in a state of war, we have to protect our civil liberties. While some people need power to secure our freedom, we must be ever-vigilant to maintain a system of checks and balances.
I am sorely disappointed with France and Germany. If it was not for the United States, the French would be speaking German today. And if our troops had not protected Germany, Russian tanks would have rolled all the way to the Rhine River.
Well, if not for the British, who defeated Napoleon, the Germans would have been speaking French, so where does that end? Plus, the shock-horror of ‘speaking German’ seems quaint when you realize that Finland was an Axis country, and might have Finnished us once and for all.
How ungrateful those nations are. We have to stand by our country and our troops. I am grateful that our troops are protecting freedom.
America is the greatest country in the world. After America, there is no place to run.
Not with the dagger of Argentina poised at the heart of Antarctica. That’s what’s keeping the Chthitler from awakening and sounding his pale and fatal oompah tuba, may his oompah tuba soon sound.
1 Cf. Goethe.
2 Cf.
3 I’m just thinking out loud here, but those who flew The Icarus past the Statue of Liberty came first to the Forbidden Zone, and then to Ape City. This is funny because if you work out the distances, Ape City seems to be on the site of present-day Union, NJ.
4 Austria, weird in many ways, sits geographically as a buffer between the beer, no-mustache, morning-person, and skinny-woman/fat-man society of Germany, and the wine, mustache, evening-person, skinny-man/fat-woman society of Italy, while lacking the compensations granted the Swiss of mutual incomprehension and remoteness from the Croatio-Albanian moonshine and mustache-woman juggernaut. Whatever that word, etc..
In the 1930s, situated thusly as well as between the inverted cultural extremes of a Hitler (a beer-abstaining, bemustached, skinny-man evening-person operating among Germans) and a Mussolini (a wine-abstaining, clean-shaven, fat-man morning-person operating among Italians), Austria was the site of vicious intra-fascist conflicts as the ideology’s harsh and emerging Germanic mode displaced the corporatist Italianate one that had shed much of its radical mystique since attaining power in the 1920s.
The eventual losers were what we’d now see as reasonable or moderate fascists, as ‘conservatives’ before the modern term emerged, who believed as most people did in the ’20s and ’30s that the modern, industrial society faced a choice between the technological progress and future-forwardness displayed in The Italian Miracle, and the social progress and egalitarian ideals of Marxism, an ideology then operating under what focus-groupers of later decades would call ‘rising negatives,’ with Stalinism to account for and a Stalinized Comintern with which to do so. The winners were what we’d now see as Freeper-Teabagger fanatics of no particular conviction but of ever-certain persuasion, attracted to the gleeful anger and spite-driven iconoclasm of the German NSDAP, or Nazi Party.
When Dollfuß (who incidentally, at 4’11,” wins the giant lollypop as the Littlest Dictator) was shot and killed by domestic Nazi party haxxorz in 1934, Mussolini threatened war with Germany, while rioting broke out in northern Italy as Nazis attempted various shows of force and power grabs there. By the time of the Anschluss, in 1938, Italy had lost its claim as the seat of modernity, and was pulled into the Axis as though by force of suction, leaving as the defining political choice of the period the one between Nazism and Stalinism — i.e., between two ecosystems in which the Freeper/Teatard reigned as apex predator. At least until the Hitler-Stalin pact (and the war) simplified things even further.
Oh wait, this just in: Gleiwitz Radio Station Attacked By Poles.
The liberal mindset in America has promoted gun control for a long time and is beginning to advocate national identification cards.
Ummmmmmmmm, it was *BUSH* who’s administration started the talk of national identity cards and even RFID implants.
What the hell do they teach for history in these right-wing “think” tanks?
Pssst…Gavin…you have a minor error here: “That depends upon which way they were sailing. But it’s equally true that those who sailed into the Statue of Liberty would have come to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity,1”
I am sorely disappointed with France and Germany. If it was not for the United States, the French would be speaking German today.
And if it wasn’t for France, Americans would be speaking English!
Plus, the shock-horror of ’speaking German’ seems quaint when you realize that Finland was an Axis country, and might have Finnished us once and for all.
I can confirm that Finnish is without question the single most difficult alphabetic language on the planet to learn.
Having finished the post, I have to say: THESE PEOPLE AND THEIR HITLER OBSESSION. Jesus CHRIST!
Those wingnuts! Ever ready to kill (and claim they’d die) for freedom, never ready to define it.
I wonder where this idiot was when we were annexing
the SudetenlandIraq?Law-abiding American citizens should not have to carry national identification cards. Aliens and non-citizens should be required to carry ID cards.
I’m confused. What if you are an alien or non-citizen and just didn’t carry an ID card? Then when the police arrest you for “not carrying a required ID card”, can’t you just claim “well, I’m a citizen, so I don’t have to carry an ID card” … and they would have to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that you are not a citizen.
So how would that work? How would they know you are an alien or non-citizen in the first place and thus would be required to carry an ID card if citizens are not required to carry anything? How would they know whom to arrest? They can’t just arrest random people without ID cards and then release them when they can’t manage to prove that random person is not a citizen.
Oh I think I know what this is about — you require all people of a certain color, or certain faiths or whatever to carry ID cards and arrest those that don’t. Which is 100%, 180 degrees the opposite of what Hitler did!
Or … well … never mind.
Immigrants are evil and scary unless they come from Austria.
ID cards are evil and scary and should be mandatory for non-citizens. The great thing about this idea is that when the police detain someone, and he’s not carrying an ID card, they know straightaway that he’s a citizen and they can apologise for the inconvenience.
the German Weapons Act of 1938, in which rifles and shotguns were actually deregulated
False Memory Syndrome is a bitch.
I can confirm that Finnish is without question the single most difficult alphabetic language on the planet to learn.
It’s one of the only modern European languages that’s not in the Indo-European family. English is more closely related to Urdu than it is to Finnish.
Also, what faster-typing people said.
OT, but…wasn’t someone recently speculating about how long it would take before David Frum was purged from the ranks of wingnuttia?
Then when the police arrest you for “not carrying a required ID card”, can’t you just claim “well, I’m a citizen, so I don’t have to carry an ID card” … and they would have to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that you are not a citizen.
Well, you’d be arrested and taken to the station house where the police would then hold you indefinitely until your citizenship could be established.
Which would likely not happen very quickly since you’d be automatically suspected of lying since why else would the cops pick you up in the first place, Constitution be damned?
It’s one of the only modern European languages that’s not in the Indo-European family
Hungarian is not European, or not modern?
English is more closely related to Urdu than it is to Finnish.
You’re mistaking “Urgo” (which is Hungarian) for Urdu, which is an African language. The language group is correctly called Urgo-Finnian and in fact is more closely related to Japanese than to most of the Romance languages.
Shorter Breitbart on Ratigan just now:
If you damn lefties would just stop calling us racists, we wouldn’t need to be racists anymore.
Those heresy convictions get handed down a lot faster these days.
You’re mistaking “Urgo” (which is Hungarian) for Urdu, which is an African language.
Urdu is Pakistan’s national language, and is Indo-European and therefore more closely related to English than English is to Finnish. That’s what EJ meant, no?
Urdu is Pakistan’s national language
Objection withdrawn.
Yeah, remember when we told Hitler in ’39 we’d smoke his ass if he so much as laid a finger on our buddies France and England? And that scared him so much he never started the war? Anybody?
Even though we are in a state of war
I thought Malcom Barack Obamalapooza X wasn’t a WAHR PREZNIT like the last guy, being all black and radical and anti-American as he is, so how are we “in a state of war”?
Minus also the whole Congressional declaration thing, which was arguably a hell of a lot more fascistic than gun control or ID cards or even health care, but who gives a rat’s ass about picky stuff like that anymore?
False Memory Syndrome is a bitch.
Shirley you do not doubt the memory of someone who was 12 at the time all this happened six decades ago?!!
Guys, guys, GUYS! You’re ignoring the real issue here!
Somebody out there who can fire a gun into the air, and drop the bullet through a window perfectly into the space between the window and the blinds! He’s just running around, free!
Who will stop the Parabola Marksman?????
You know, Kristallnacht didn’t happen overnight either, Gav.
It wasn’t even Cantor’s window. Take a Xanax.
Austria, weird in many ways, sits geographically as a buffer between the beer, no-mustache, morning-person, and skinny-woman/fat-man society of Germany, and the wine, mustache, evening-person, skinny-man/fat-woman society of Italy, while lacking the compensations granted the Swiss of mutual incomprehension and remoteness from the Croatio-Albanian moonshine and mustached-woman juggernaut.
I think Gavin stole that from the official tourist brochure. It should be on there, anyway.
Kitty Werthmann logic in action: Freezers are evil because Jeffrey Dahlmer used his to store human heads.
You know, Kristallnacht didn’t happen overnight either, Gav.
Possibly the only joke referencing Kristallnacht I ever have and ever will laugh out load at.
Ahem. I mean “loud.”
Possibly the only joke referencing Kristallnacht I ever have and ever will laugh out load at.
Ditto, but these clever commenters do keep surprising us.
Ahem. I mean “loud.”
Nuts, I guess i won’t be asking for a how-to guide.
Needless to say, tries their hand at a Kristallnacht joke…and EPCI FAIL!
Nuts, I guess i won’t be asking for a how-to guide.
Sorry. Freudian slip.
Possibly the only joke referencing Kristallnacht I ever have and ever will laugh out [loud] at.
I guess I’ll keep the one about Bill Kristol’s nacht emissions to myself.
Needless to say, tries their hand at a Kristallnacht joke…and EPCI FAIL!
That “joke” is such a fucking mess I don’t even know where to start.
Apparently, is infectious…
I guess I’ll keep the one about Bill Kristol’s nacht emissions to myself.
I have to tell you: the first time I saw a commercial for that artificial sweetner, Crystal Light, I had to ask if it was made of broken glass…
I guess I’ll keep the one about Bill Kristol’s nacht emissions to myself.
Ugh. If there were ever a “Kritol night” I never wanted to have to think about…
I guess I’ll keep the one about Bill Kristol’s nacht emissions to myself.
Okay, TWO.
Kristol, dammit.
Kristol, dammit.
I’m betting this is not the first time those two words have been so closely related…
the language family is called finno-ugric, for the very sensible reason that finno-hungarian would not sound silly enough. estonian is very close to finnish, only shorter and with less alcoholic content. this language family has relatives in tribal areas in russia and siberia. the hungarians revolted against being tribal around 700 AD or so and took over hungary, which had formerly been taken over by huns, who got hungry and left looking for food, leaving the door to hungary unlocked. the finns have been where they are forever, including the lapps, who are like finns but more so.
finno-urguric languages are agglutinative, which the fda requires to be listed on all food packages, unlike indo-european languages, which vary between being inflected and being synthetic and thus having fewer calories and so get around FDA requirements
the other major non indo-european language in europe is basque, which is the language that the devil’s mother in law uses to yell at Satan when she is pissed off at him. basques claim to understand each other, but this has never been verified. (these jokes are very old and come with distinguished pedigrees, not to mention shampoos). it is not impossible that basque is a descendent of one of the languages spoken in europe during the ice age, unlike the indo-european family which is thought to have originated somewhere outside of europe, although if you dare to speculate where this might be, somebody will invade you and rape your women
Speaking of David Frum, apparently AEI kept scholars from speaking with the media because they agreed with the Democrats too much.
Tacitus Voltaire said,
March 25, 2010 at 22:36
I am humbled at the effort and the results.
the first time I saw a commercial for that artificial sweetner, Crystal Light, I had to ask if it was made of broken glass…
A friend used to tend bar at a joint owned by a coke-head asshole. My friend had a test he wanted to perform: put some sugar in a glassine bag that he would simply leave on the back bar to see if the owner would snort it without knowing the provenance. I suggested, to no avail, using ground fiberglass instead.
the other major non indo-european language in europe is basque, which is the language that the devil’s mother in law uses to yell at Satan when she is pissed off at him.
However you missed a lingerie reference here, so your final grade is a B++
Freedomlover24 or whatever your name is
This has a mention of European politics. As a Euroweenie, am I allowed to comment?
As a Euroweenie, am I allowed to comment?
Euroweenie, I’m a weenie, can’t we all just get along?
Speaking of David Frum, apparently AEI kept scholars from speaking with the media because they agreed with the Democrats too much.
I am shocked!
If it was not for the United States, the French would be speaking German today.
Also presumably living under a fascist regime. Which is worse, I cannot say. Alls I know is that the French woman speaking German on the in-car GPS is totally hawt. Bitte liiinks ‘alten. Rawr.
And if our troops had not protected Germany, Russian tanks would have rolled all the way to the Rhine River.
But if the Russians woulda defeated Germany…then your last sentence…oh nevermind.
And I have a little script that italicizes the last word in every one of my comments.
I am shocked!
Right? Who would have ever guessed!
Did someone say last?
Speaking of David Frum, apparently AEI kept scholars from speaking with the media because they agreed with the Democrats too much.
Interesting, if unsurprising. ‘Course, that won’t make a dent in the wingnutosphere, because it comes from Bruce Bartlett, who has already been purged for such heresies as Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy and The New American Economy: The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward.
Law-abiding American citizens should not have to carry national identification cards. Aliens and non-citizens should be required to carry ID cards.
Wait a minute. How does this work? So…if I’m an alien and non-citizen and I want to pass myself off as a citizen, all I have to do is not carry an ID?
“Can’t we all just get along”? That sounds very Euroweenie to me. Are you sure you aren’t a socialist?
My all time favourite argument with a right winger was a few years back when he tried to tell me that;
1) The USA declared war on Germany and not the other way round
2) Without the USA the UK would never have won the Battle of Britain because we saved your arses somehow even though we weren’t involved at that point so shut up
Got to love that level of stupid
Um, yeah, that’s what I was saying. Yeah.
Whoops. I see someone’s beat me to it. But has anyone answered?
So…if I’m an alien and non-citizen and I want to pass myself off as a citizen, all I have to do is not carry an ID?
Sure! Unless you’re brown.
The USA declared war on Germany and not the other way round
We declared war on them after they bombed Pearl Harbor. Duh.
(I went to college. I have a sweatshirt that says “College” on the front.)
(I went to college. I have a sweatshirt that says “College” on the front.)
Oh. Sorry, Senator, didn’t recognize you without your lovely wife.
unlike indo-european languages, which vary between being inflected and being synthetic
If your language is inflected you probably need to get some amoxicillin or something.
Otherwise you might end up with black hairy tongue.
If it wasn’t for the United States, the United Kingdom would be called the British Soviet Socialist Republican today.
Otherwise you might end up with black hairy tongue.
She was a dancer at Scores. Pretty hot, but she got really sweaty.
And if it wasn’t for the United Kingdom, FreedomFucker, you’d be a serf on my farm.
You’re mistaking “Urgo” (which is Hungarian) for Urdu, which is an African language.
You still drive an Urgo?
You still drive an Urgo?
No thanks. Yugo first.
Dude, you’re freedom’s lover? That’s kinda…gay.
You know who else was familiar with the history of Nazi Germany?
Looch said,
Well, I can’t argue with a sweatshirt can I? Damn Nazi loving BBC tries to claim otherwise. What the hell is wrong with them?
Wait a minute. Is her headline really “Freedoms can disappear in a hurry…” followed by her assertion that “it didn’t happen overnight it was a gradual process”???????
Who is this person, anyway?
After Obama, if he’s not stopped, we’re going to be just another western “social democracy”on the U.N. rolls along with Belgium and Britain and France and Germany.
If it wasn’t for the United States, the United Kingdom would be called the British Soviet Socialist Republican today.
Thank you, Mr. Freudian Slip.
BTW, did you know that the guys opposing the fascists in Spain in the ’30s were called “Republicans”?
Of course, they were anarchists, Socialists and Communists…
We’re already about halfway into being transformed into Canada.
the indo-european family which is thought to have originated somewhere outside of europe
actually, for the sake of accuracy i should revise and extend this remark since the major candidates are turkey before 6000 BC and the ukraine about 4000 BC, which is technically in europe, although outside of the euroweenie area proper
this demonstrates, however, that indo-european languages are neither holy, roman, nor an empire
If it wasn’t for the United States, the United Kingdom would be called the British Soviet Socialist Republican today.
I wonder who the Socialest Republican is? Not many of them seem very friendly, mind you.
Can I just say that USAweenies can’t comment on UK politics?
Thank you.
Ubangi? Bantu?
we’re going to be just another western “social democracy”on the U.N. rolls along with Belgium and Britain and France and Germany.
Oh, god, not those primitive third-world hellholes!
we’re going to be just another western “social democracy”on the U.N. rolls along with Belgium and Britain and France and Germany.
A-frikkin’-men. Its about time.
If it was not for the United States, the French would be speaking German today. And if our troops had not protected Germany, Russian tanks would have rolled all the way to the Rhine River.
So the French would be speaking German, and the Germans would be speaking Russian? Who would be speaking French, then, the Spaniards? Is this like the squeeze the balloon theory?
Ubangi? Bantu?
Oh. Sorry, Senator, didn’t recognize you without your lovely wife.
Ah, hell, we’re pretty informal around here. Just call me Bluto.
We’re already about halfway into being transformed into Canada.
You mean we’re halfway to my friends being able to marry legally, lax cannabis prohibition, and poutine? OH NOES!
We’re already about halfway into being transformed into Canada.
Or vice-versa.
Why is that a bad thing, anyway? Are we going to be overwhelmed by moose? Forced to eat poutine at gunpoint? Uh?
turkey before 6000 BC
Everyone knows you cook a turkey in AD in America!
We’re already about halfway into being transformed into Canada.
It’s about bloody time. Our curling team was a disgrace.
We’re already about halfway into being transformed into Canada.
Is this like Hangman? I choose, um, the letter A.
“It was a gradual process starting with national identification cards, which we had to carry with us at all times.”
and right now, everyone in Germany is required to carry identification at all times.* Oh noes! It’s like… Nazi Germany! Run for the hills!
I may have to stop reading US political blogs. I’m sure my ISP has me flagged for all the Nazi imagery both sides post. Godwin wept.
*I don’t know how this works places like FreiKorperKusten. I try not to think about it.
Who would be speaking French, then, the Spaniards?
The Spaniards would be speaking Urdu.
Go on then, amuse me about why social democracy is bad. Whilst you are at it, as you clearly know loads about the subject, what are the key structural differences between the countries you describe?
We’re going to be Norway with nukes and a big army.
Or perhaps a data mining mission managed to connect you, via keywords, to a terrorist plot. We know it’s a terrorist plot because we just said it was. So maybe we’d best send you to a
campfacility in Cuba, where we don’t have to worry about interruption from stupid lawyers and those pinko Red Cross pussies for interrogation. This is nothing like how it worked in Nazi Germany because they had ID cards and gun laws that I said existed and really didn’t.Are we going to be overwhelmed by moose?
A Møøse once bit my sister …
It’s never a good idea to have turkey before 6000 BC, because you’ll wake up in the middle of the night.
We’re going to be Norway with nukes and a big army.
And a reaallly embarassing Cross Country ski team.
They’d give up on that real quick. Too much work.
Also, had it not been for the Soviet Union, Austrians would be speaking German today. And yes, the Soviet “liberation” of Austria was immensely horrible, and it’s sort of odd that this woman isn’t expressing a teeny bit of resentment at the US for not stepping in. But hey, it’s great when someone overcomes resentment, nicht war? Auch, wenn wir nur in jungerem Alter fremde Sprächen lernte, dann würden (hätten gelernt?1) wir auch.
1 Und auch, niemand benützet die Konjunktiv, weil es eingebildet und schwule aushört.
No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse
with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given
her by Svenge – her brother-in-law – an Oslo dentist and
star of many Norwegian møvies: “The Høt Hands of an Oslo
Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Mølars of Horst
We’re going to be Norway with nukes and a big army.
I’m still not seeing the drawback here, unless we’re talking lutefisk or gravelax.
We’re going to be Norway with nukes and a big army.
Death metal, akavit, and lots and lots of dwarves everywhere.
I’m disappointed that neither the OP nor the subsequent comments bothered to mention the anti-fascist Austrian revolt of 1934. The Socialist Protection League – an armed militia set up by the (Marxist but non-Leninist) Socialist Party after several of its members were lynched in 1927 tried to stem the black tide of fascism. . . they held out for three days in their strongholds in Vienna (e.g. working class housing projects like the Karl Marx Hof) before being crushed. . .
Surely this would have been the ideal kick in the teeth for this ‘Sally Werthmann’ and her idiot friends? Poor show all round comrades.
We’re going to be Norway with nukes and a big army.
That sounds awesome. Except for the “nukes and big army” part.
weil es eingebildet und schwule aushört
Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti…
the indo-european family which is thought to have originated somewhere outside of europe
Not to mention Proto-Indo-European, which included such languages as Paleofrankish and Ur-Urdu.
That sounds awesome. Except for the “nukes and big army” part.
Cut to the Norweigan Twoofie sitting in his basement wishing his country could have nukes and a big army…
cook a turkey in AD
we used to have roast hittites with lithuanian sauce instead
Lead singer for The Rock Knockers.
I actually lived in Norway for three months. Of course, those three months were January – March, which was a dumb choice on my part.
But what I remember is lots of death metal, open flame candles in all the bars, nice fluffy down bedclothes, and an unusually high occurance of dwarves in the streets of Oslo. And these weird villages of teensy-tinsy vacation huts. Oh, and lots and lots of Iranian political refugees.
we used to have roast hittites with lithuanian sauce instead
With a side of string Thisbeans!
Who is this person, anyway?
One of Jeff Dunham’s stupid fucking puppets.
I dunno, never really enjoyed Norway. Now Denmark and Sweden…that’s what I’m talking about.
With a side of string Thisbeans!
I like mine with DeezNutz
an unusually high occurance of dwarves in the streets of Oslo
Santa had to lay in supplies, and you don’t think HE’S going to shop, that miserable skinflint!
We’re already about halfway into being transformed into Canada.
On the plus side, Sarah Palin won’t have to travel as far to get health care for her family. Eh?
As opposed to Paleo-Frankenfish.
OT, but goddamn Obama can bring it when he gets up on his hind legs and gets feisty. Check this out –
he dares the teatards and Repelicans to ‘Go for it’ and run on the “Repeal Health Care” platform.
Now where has this guy been for the last 12 months? Better yet is the mockery of the wingnuttia for screeching “Armageddon!!!” over HCR. I think this is going to be an especially effective line of argument in the next couple of months – the steady drumbeat of “HOLY SHIT THE SKY IS GONNA FALL!!” is gonna make all the Pantload/Becks of the world look pretty goddam stupid when the world wakes up and the 7-headed Whore of Babylon’s giant seapony has not yet made landfall.
Wait a minute. Is her headline really “Freedoms can disappear in a hurry…” followed by her assertion that “it didn’t happen overnight it was a gradual process”
Well yeah, but it was a hurried gradual process.
And a reaallly embarassing Cross Country ski team.
Aw, now I has a sad.
We’re going to be Norway with nukes and a big army.
Actually, we keep spending all that money on nukes and military toys and we gonna look a lot more like Belarus.
Ok, I’m tired of you. Put FreedomLover1 or 2 on the phone. I’m lodging a compaint about your uninformed ass.
After Obama, if he’s not stopped, we’re going to be just another western “social democracy”on the U.N. rolls along with Belgium and Britain and France and Germany.
The horror, the horror.
Put FreedomLover1 or 2 on the phone. I’m lodging a compaint about your uninformed ass.
The earlier ones were even worse. Remember the discussion about Product 19?
I can’t haz American Ekseptualism?
You know what the real horror is? Four very, very different countries with different laws and different ways of life.
It doesn’t get much worse does it…
Put FreedomLover1 or 2 on the phone. I’m lodging a compaint about your uninformed ass.
The earlier ones were even worse. Remember the discussion about Product 19?
So what you’re saying is that FreedomLover335 might not be (satire) retarded?
finno-urguric languages are agglutinative, which the fda requires to be listed on all food packages, unlike indo-european languages, which vary between being inflected and being synthetic and thus having fewer calories and so get around FDA requirements
Or the polysynthetics, which largely fell out of fashion after an period intense incorporation.
Oh, yeah, my point was going to be that most of the winning1 against Germany in WWII was done by the USSR, and that this kind of screws up the “we saved your ass several decades ago so you have to kiss our ass now” thing, in that it really implies that Western Europe should not have acted so “ungrateful” to the Soviet Union, rather than the US, and, taken to its logical conclusion, should have joined the Warsaw Pact.
1 “Winning” to be taken in the sense of “some of you continuing to exist while the invading army’s frostbitten extremities snap off like blunt sections of Exacto knives”, or something along those lines.
be sure to get the kind with frets
Kitty Werthmann is, what, 84?
To the Death Panel with her. Stat.
I can’t haz American Ekseptualism?
No kidding. If we’re going to be a social democracy, I want to be the socialest and democratest social democracy the would has ever seen. Goddamn Republicans and their “no we can’t waah waah” quitter attitudes.
You know what the real horror is? Four very, very different countries with different laws and different ways of life.
It doesn’t get much worse does it…
On that tiny little continent??? OMG!
Instead of id cards, why don’t we just give them, oh I don’t know, pass books? They have a long and venerated (at least by Kitty and company) history. I think the Von Trapp kids have to go kick Kitty’s ass for making up shit.
be sure to get the kind with frets
I believe a 10-stringed lutefisk is a sign of the end times.
Reportedly the Weiner powder was harmless. Thankfully no Weiner liquids have been reported in the offices.
TruculentandUnreliable said,
Saying that, Belgium is historically where Germany parks its tanks….
Yeah, we all moan about the EU but we have all retained our national characteristics.
Now, my all time right wing rant is that Europe has been Islamified. You can’t move in Europe for Islam calling the shots.
Reportedly the Weiner powder was harmless.
If the teabaggers have powdered their Wieners no wonder they hate the Big O so much.
Thankfully no Weiner liquids have been reported in the offices.
Are you saying Weiner has no juice?
I believe a 10-stringed lutefisk is a sign of the end times.
Well, this makes about as much sense as the belief that health care coverage will ensure the dominion of Satan’s legions over this earth.
You could probably tart up a holy platter of lutefisk into the shape of Sarah Palin’s nether regions, and establish a nexus of Holy Wingnut Pilgrimage. A sort of “Santiago de Compostela” trail, only instead of being trodden by DFHs with iPods fulla French crapdisco, it’d be chubby 101st Fighting Keyboarders listening to Fox and Friends.
Of course, the trail would have to be about as long as the Mall of America, with frequent Cheeto rest stops along the way, else the pilgrims would collapse from the unexpected exercise…
Goddamn Republicans and their “no we can’t waah waah” quitter attitudes.
If we aren’t beating them at their own game, we not really winning.
To the barricades beergartens!
After Obama, if he’s not stopped, we’re going to be just another western “social democracy”on the U.N. rolls along with Belgium and Britain and France and Germany.
I’ll take any one, thanks. It’s be an improvement.
“Well, if not for the British, who defeated Napoleon, the Germans would have been speaking French, so where does that end?”
Technically, it was Blücher’s Prussian troops arriving at the eleventh hour at Waterloo that saved Wellington’s bacon, which was beginning to look seriously compromised. Wellington admitted as much later when he said Waterloo was “a damned close-run thing.” So technically, if not for the Germans who defeated Napoleon, the British would be speaking German. Same thing, though.
Oh, here’s another good one; if not for the French, who stopped the Muslim invaders in their tracks at Tours over a thousand years ago, everyone in Europe and the Americas would probably be speaking Arabic right now. I don’t see too many “the French died for us at Tours so we’re never allowed to badmouth them again” events today, even from the most rabid Islamophobes.
Not having gotten off the boat, just what kind of mangoes is Kitty seeling? So blah blah blah Hitler and ID card and OMG. So what is she concluding, that letting me keep my kid on my insurance policy tilll he’s 27 is the first step towards the Third Reich?
It’s be an improvement on English, also too.
Oh, here’s another good one; if not for the French…
Then, too, there’s that little thing about the money they gave the US to fight the English. So if it weren’t for the French, we might all be speaking English! And using their weirdo spelling.
I loves me some GM style take-down…
Chris said,
I’m going for the pedant of the year here but it was Prussia not Germany that saved our arses at Waterloo. Germany didn’t exist until 1871.
Yeah, I’ll head off and have a little weep about where my life went wrong.
And maybe the French and British might have been aware of the scholarship of the Greek and Roman classics and medieval Islamic science centuries earlier.
I don’t see too many “the French died for us at Tours so we’re never allowed to badmouth them again” events today, even from the most rabid Islamophobes.
I seem to recall when I lurked on Free Republic (my stomach was stronger then), I spied a few usernames based on some variation of “Charles Martel.”
Beyond that, no, not much love for the French over there.
Wonderful how she warns of the dangers of Hitler, while extolling the virtues of discrimination. No irony whatsoever…
Wonderful how she warns of the dangers of Hitler, while extolling the virtues of discrimination. No irony whatsoever…
Especially the bit about separate identity cards. Gotta love that from Maria von Krapp.
Also, Hitler was born in Kenya and was thus technically ineligible to be Führer.
Also, Hitler was born in Kenya and was thus technically ineligible to be Führer.
*colf glap*
the French died for us at Tours
this kind of thinking is so pre-roncevalles
So, telling us we’re all going down the path towards European-style socialism, where the health care is free, the safety net is strong, and the pot is (mostly) legal, is supposed to scare us? Really?
Also, note that Ms. Werthmann published her little tale of mis-remembered history in 2003, when what’s-his-name was in his first term as Prez. Funny how Cornfed Wankee and his friends have suddenly discovered her words of wisdom in 2010.
Oh, THAT guy. All he ever did was wiretap citizens, detain people without charges, and suspend habeus corpus. Nothing tyrannical, like changing health insurance policies.
One of the things that’s also funny about this ‘social welfare state = Hitler’ is that all of the European nations involved in WWII still have social welfare state economies but you generally don’t have people concluding that France from 1945 – today is “Hitler”.
Also, note that Ms. Werthmann published her little tale of mis-remembered history in 2003, when what’s-his-name was in his first term as Prez.
Ah, that explains the ‘we’re at a state of war’ babble in her post that I found so odd.
Let’s say I need eye surgery because I’ve just had a sandwich with too many vegetables on it rammed down my throat, does anyone know if cocaine would make a suitable topical anesthetic? Further, what if the police burst into the room while I’m spread out on the operating table and they demand that I produce my national ID card? For fuck’s sake, why would I have one if I’m a citizen and only non-citizens are required to carry them? Do you follow me?
So what you’re saying is that FreedomLover335 might not be (satire) retarded?
Good Lord, no. Just noticeably less so – there’s a long way to go before the newest incarnation is all the way disretarded.
Good Lord, no. Just noticeably less so – there’s a long way to go before the newest incarnation is all the way disretarded.
Wake me when we get to the fur bikini stage.
it seems that ms werthmann is becoming a prominent tea party spokesliar, peddling more misremembered history, such as this:
Hitler nationalized (socialized) the banks, health care, automobile production, education, and more.
Werthmann said they had prayer in school and religious instruction, but “this all stopped overnight” once the Nazis took over. Instead of praying, they started singing praise songs about the state.
Children were instructed to report to state education on Sunday morning instead of church. If parents failed to comply with this political education on Sunday, they received a stern warning first, followed by a stiff fine for a second offense.
Let’s see….
HCR passed… Check.
Legalization of recreational
pot on the ballot in CA… Check.
Wake me when we get to the fur bikini stage.
And wake me when they’re being discarded…
The poll on Gawker to come up with a term to replace “hipster” has given us: fauxhemian.
Tee hee…
A professional liar, who has found a willing and compliant audience in the teabaggers. Awesome.
The poll on Gawker to come up with a term to replace “hipster” has given us: fauxhemian.
I like it, but I’m sticking with epic douche.
Speaking of speaking truth to horseshit …
Via driftglass – the ultimate answer to all those re-forwarded wingnut e-mails.
Seems the page linked above is very very hard to get right now due to “unprecedented traffic” … gosh, I wonder why.
Copy the link & wait a day or so … & you’ll have an appropriate response to the next “Obama Will Make Baby-Rape & Worship Of Baal Mandatory By Last Tuesday, FreedomWorks Experts Predict” e-mail your crazy Auntie Mildred sends you.
Austria had private health care prior to the Nazis, and the quality was good. But the government took over the health care system, and when health care became “free” the doctors quickly became overloaded by frivolous use of the system. Surgeries of a more important nature, however, had waiting lists of about 18 months because of all the “hypochondriacs” abusing the system.
Werthmann said that if a doctor prescribed a medicine not on the government-approved list, the government would take the cost of the medicine out of the doctor’s salary.
Welfare became a “huge apparatus,” said Werthmann. Everyone had access to subsidized housing, food stamps, heating subsidies and many other benefits until everyone–regardless of salary–reached the prescribed standard of living.
“That’s called socialism,” she said.
In examining the attacks from socialists that have come against America, Werthmann recalled an incident in1985 she was invited by President Ronald Reagan to attend the summit between himself and Soviet President Gorbachev in Switzerland.
While there, she infiltrated the “peace movement,” which was there just to support Gorbachev. She marched with Bella Abzug, Barbara Boxer and Jesse Jackson while dressed “like a hippie.” She said Abzug greeted a woman who was in the German Parliament and told her there was a private meeting the next day with Gorbachev and she was invited.
Werthmann said she talked to a woman there who told her she and her fellow communists were working their way against the U.S. starting in Nicaragua, Honduras, and eventually with an eye to attack the U.S. through Mexico. The woman told her they would do this by getting massive numbers of illegals into the U.S. and pushing the sanctuary movement. Werthmann said when she saw illegal immigrant marches in California carrying the Mexican flag and trampling the American flag, she knew this was actually happening.
Hitler nationalized (socialized) the banks, health care, automobile production, education, and more.
Werthmann said they had prayer in school and religious instruction, but “this all stopped overnight” once the Nazis took over. Instead of praying, they started singing praise songs about the state.
Children were instructed to report to state education on Sunday morning instead of church. If parents failed to comply with this political education on Sunday, they received a stern warning first, followed by a stiff fine for a second offense.
Oh great. It’s the history of Nazism according to Hansi: The Girl Who Loved the Swastika. You too can hate National Socialism without any mention of those icky semitic types:
I like it, but I’m sticking with epic douche.
I stick with the classics. I call people “assholes.”
I don’t know why, but every time someone mentions Ms. Werthmann, I picture her as Mrs. Butterworth‘s arch enemy.
You too can hate National Socialism without any mention of those icky semitic types:
You too can post with tag fail.
A professional liar, who has found a willing and compliant audience in the teabaggers. Awesome.
Does she really exist? If so, is her story true? Something about all of this just smacks of 82nd Chairborne Infantile shenanigans.
Something about all of this just smacks of 82nd Chairborne Infantile shenanigans.
I was thinking maybe the Poor Man Institute had gotten their ratfuck on in a big way.
Werthmann said that if a doctor prescribed a medicine not on the government-approved list, the government would take the cost of the medicine out of the doctor’s salary.
What, she says she was 12 years old when she left, but she managed to learn all about the details of how doctors were paid and how the government compensated them? What, were children pressed into serve as accountants, also too?
The poll on Gawker to come up with a term to replace “hipster” has given us: fauxhemian.
Somebody now needs to come up with a Fauxhemian Rhapsody. Preferably with fur bikinis (furkinis?). Or merkins.
Preferably with fur bikinis (furkinis?). Or merkins
How ’bout beaverskin beavercovers?
OT: Gingrich stays classy.
Gingrich would not say whether he plans to run for President in 2012, but he said his focus is narrowing.
Perhaps his focus is narrowing due to that 2×4 he’s got sticking out of one eye.
OT: Gingrich stays classy.
Speaking of assholes…
Exactly. This is exactly like what I told my wife right before I beat the shit out of her for not getting those motherfucking DISHES DONE! I do it because I LOVE HER.
What, she says she was 12 years old when she left, but she managed to learn all about the details of how doctors were paid and how the government compensated them? What, were children pressed into serve as accountants, also too?
Must have been one of those little-known tasks of the Bund Deutscher Mädel:
managed to learn all about the details
also, being a child in austria she had no way of knowing that health insurance was socialized in germany under bismark in the 1880s
as for nationalizing the auto industry, and other purported ‘socialization’, see this:
The main question treated in this paper is why was that the case. Why did the Nazi state refrain from widespread nationalization of industry, contrary to the Soviet Union which it is sometimes compared with? In view of the violence displayed by the regime otherwise it can be taken for certain that the reason was not any respect for private property as a fundamental human and civil right.
In the second part of the paper it is analysed whether private property of industrial companies in the Nazi economy, the formal existence of which is unanimously agreed on in the literature, was perhaps an empty shell without much significance to entrepreneurs, a proposition which is voiced quite often. In that case there would have been not such a great real difference between the Nazi economy and socialism. It is shown, however, that freedom of contract, that important corollary of private property rights, was as a rule not abolished during the Third Reich. In fact firms preserved a good deal of their autonomy even under the Nazi regime. Therefore the causes for the reluctance of the state in the Nazi period to encroach on private firm property are analysed in the third part.
The Role of Private Property in the Nazi Economy: The Case of Industry
Christoph Buchheim and Jonas Scherner, University of Mannheim, Germany
For one has to keep in mind that Nazi ideology held entrepreneurship in high esteem. Private property was considered a precondition to develop the creativeness of members of the German race to the best of the people. Therefore it is not astonishing that Otto Ohlendorf, an
enthusiastic National Socialist and high-ranking SS officer, who since November 1943 held a top position in the Reich Economics Ministry, did not like at all Speer’s system of industrial production. He very much criticized the cartel-like organization of the war economy where groups of interested private parties exercised state power to the detriment of the small and medium entrepreneur. For the postwar period he therefore advocated a clear separation of the state from private enterprises with the former establishing a general framework for the activity of the latter.66 In his opinion it was the constant aim of National Socialist economic policy, “to restrict as little as possible the creative activities of the individual. […] Private property is the natural precondition to the development of personality. Only private property is able to further the continuous attachment to a certain work.”67
It was a gradual hurry.
It was a gradual hurry.
The favorite pace of radical centrists.
“I’m happy to condemn any effort to engage in personal threats,” Gingrich says.
Saying “I am happy to condemn…” without actually condemning is the new “I regret that anyone took offense at my words”.
Freedoms can disappear in a hurry, but Friedmans are forever.
“I’m happy to condemn any effort to engage in personal threats,” Gingrich says. “But I think that the Democratic leadership has to take some real responsibility for running a machine that used corrupt tactics that bullied people and enraged much of the American People.”
Bitches were asking for it. I can’t wait for his take on altar boy buggerygate.
Well yeah but then it got re-privatized by Kaiser Permanente.
Oh, and “corrupt tactics” is what we used to call a “straight up-or-down vote” when there was a Republican majority.
She’s the Anne Frank of Teabag conservatism.
Oh, and “corrupt tactics” is what we used to call a “straight up-or-down vote” when there was a Republican majority.
Hey! No fair ‘memberin’!
Not only did Democrats start it, but right-wingers aren’t misogynist oh no not a’tall.
D’oh. Y’all already noticed that Sir David of the Lion’s Share got turfed.
Also, if a lefty burns a flag in protest, it’s totes Unpatriotic, but if a right-winger douses a flag in gasoline, tears it up, and sends it to various congresspeople, it’s the Democrats’ fault.
Not only did Democrats start it, but right-wingers aren’t misogynist oh no not a’tall.
Hey! No fair noticin’!
Also, if a lefty burns a flag in protest, it’s totes Unpatriotic, but if a right-winger douses a flag in gasoline, tears it up, and sends it to various congresspeople, it’s the Democrats’ fault.,
The wingnuts’ love for the American flag transcends basic respect.
Actually, that would explain their love for a lot of things.
Actually, that would explain their love for a lot of things.
Like The Troops?
Oh, and “corrupt tactics” is what we used to call a “straight up-or-down vote” when there was a Republican majority.
That and “political capital.”
And a reaallly embarassing Cross Country ski team.
Norway’s? Because Petter Northug would beg to differ! Plus, I would like to have his children. For Science!
Actually, that would explain their love for a lot of things.
Like The Troops?
Like their love for American people.
Like their love for the sanctity of marriage.
Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minnesota, was one of several members of Congress who reported receiving obscene and threatening letters after voting for the health care reform bill passed by Democrats on Sunday.
But nothing is worse than making jokes
about Sarah Palin’s kids!that Sarah Palin claims are about her kids!That and “political capital.”
Ugh, please don’t remind me. In fact, the sooner I forget that fall/winter in general, the better.
The fact that it was a condom taken out of the wrapper somehow disgusts me more than if they just sent a wrapped condom. At least it wasn’t used, I guess?
Well, to be fair, he’s not noticin’ nor ‘memberin’.
In his opinion it was the constant aim of National Socialist economic policy, “to restrict as little as possible the creative activities of the individual. […] Private property is the natural precondition to the development of personality. Only private property is able to further the continuous attachment to a certain work.”
In all things we depend upon the invisible hand of the
free marketFuhrer.Speaking of Goethe’s Sorrow of Young Werther, I bet y’all didn’t know this: Lotte World, the Korean theme park, is named after Charlotte, the heroine of the tragic tale. The old feller that founded Lotte World is a huge fan of Goethe.
I did some design work on that park.
Lotte World, the Korean theme park
You mean, it’s not a Korean tribute to Lotte Lenya? I’m devastated.
Treaty Advances Obama’s Nuclear Vision
just exactly how many superpowers were in that HCR bill?
In other good news, the world’s major church remains steadfastly committed in its duty to bugger the little children.
In other good news, the world’s major church remains steadfastly committed in its duty to bugger the little children.
Why should they abandon the practices that they’re good at?
Sadly, Montana is lacking an exciting, freedom and free-market candidate for one of its House seats:
Stan Jones
indeed, it seems that it is possible to visually apprehend his wonderous blueness
you libruls just hate true blue Americans
you libruls just hate true blue Americans
Nuh-uh. I saw Avatar.
Writing for the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. Now there’s a high profile gig.
So the French would be speaking German, and the Germans would be speaking Russian? Who would be speaking French, then, the Spaniards? Is this like the squeeze the balloon theory?
You know, I was going to post a rebuttal to the original claim, to point out that if the US had not become involved in WWII, the French would be speaking Russian, not German, but your post above is so balls out awesome that it obviates the need for anybody to ever say anything on the subject ever again.
Go on then, amuse me about why social democracy is bad.
Well, as everybody knows, Hayek proved in 1942 that once a government imposes a redistributive tax structure, or a dirigiste industrial policy (but not, strangely, a guaranteed standard of living), that country is on the Road to Serfdom and it is only a matter of time before people are being shipped to concentration camps on boxcars.
The fact that no country has ever actually gone down this road, despite 60+ years of trying, is only central to the point.
Road to Serfdom
Worst Hope/Crosby movie EVER.
What, were children pressed into serve as accountants, also too?
Well, when the Nazis placed all the Jews in concentration camps, someone had to keep the books in order.
I’m a Jew — I can make that joke … can’t I?
I’m a Jew — I can make that joke … can’t I?
I hope you didn’t just convert for the jokes….
Too soon?
Am I the only one who sees “Werthmann” and reads “Wertham” and wonders what the Nazis had to do with the death of EC Comics?
After going to and reading Ms Werthamnn’s memoires at length, I am impressed what a witness to history she was — always there at the right time and the right place to personally witness each stage of the tightening stranglehold of fascism, from the death panels and euthanasia to the confiscation of firearms under an imaginary law.
Can’t help wondering which parts of her memories are total fabrications and which are merely plagiarised from other people’s experiences, but that is because I am devoted to the politics of personal destruction.
Also I can barely wait for the next edition of her memoirs when they have grown to include (a) the time when her family and friends were dragged off for the compulsory state-ordered abortions, and (b) the time when the whole school was made to attend the first gay weddings as part of the imposition of the gay agenda.
If I put as much effort as Kitty Werthmann and her fans into constructing a fictitious world and clinging to it against actual recorded facts, I hope I won’t construct one where my government is a reincarnation of the Nazi party. That seems unnecessarily depressing.
be sure to get the kind with frets
For years I laboured under the misapprehension that the “fretful porpentine” whereof Shakespeare wrote was a variety of musical instrument.
Have I mentioned that my parents were a mine of misinformation?
You know, Smut Clyde, I’d always wondered why the clearly-proverbial porpentine was fretful, but I never lit upon that theory.
If I put as much effort as Kitty Werthmann and her fans into constructing a fictitious world and clinging to it against actual recorded facts, I hope I won’t construct one where my government is a reincarnation of the Nazi party. That seems unnecessarily depressing.
I know, right? My made-up fantasy history will be all about the horrors inflicted by Fascist Italy on my brave, plucky Albanian comrades, and how America’s transition to a corporatist dictatorship will not happen overnight, but it will happen quickly, if we are not vigilant.
Poor Il Duce never gets any respect – at meetings of the Underworld Fascist Dictators’ Club, it’s always Hitler this, Hiter that, and Pinochet and Franco making fun of Mussolini in Spanish, so he can’t figure out what they’re saying.
Let’s not forget that if it weren’t for the Germanic tribes, we’d all be speaking Latin today.
And while I know this was touched on earlier, there’s is something just hypnotically stupid about a story wherein the liberals are compared to Hitler because we “want to identify” everybody, when we should clearly just narrow who we identify to fit some xenophobic terror of the foreigners and outsiders amongst us.
it weren’t for the Germanic tribes, we’d all be speaking Latin today.
Tell me about it. Just the other day we were staging a re-enactment of the Battle of the Teutoberg Forest. Another Kiwi got to play Arminius and I was Varus commanding the 17th, 18th and 19th Legions, so I got hit on the head a lot ow ow chiz chiz chiz.
But next week we re-enact the Eagle of the 9th (Rosemary Sutcliffe as any fule kno) and this time it’s Another Kiwi’s turn to be the Ninth Legion and hit on the head a lot so it’s all good.
At least they didn’t make him wear a party hat.
Well, the porpentine was fretful so that each particular hair standing on end could be compared to its quills. When they’re not fretful, the quills just lie kinda flat and the analogy doesn’t work. Also it wouldn’t scan.
“Who is this person, anyway?”
“One of Jeff Dunham’s stupid fucking puppets.”
Wait, so she didn’t make her fortune or is in any way responsible for producing those godawful waxy-mug Werther’s “original caramels?” Are you _sure_ about that?
Scarlet Johansson is a Nazi?
Law-abiding American citizens should not have to carry national identification cards. Aliens and non-citizens should be required to carry ID cards.
Search and replace: citizens=Christians; aliens=Jews
I don’t think Kitty actually believes what she claims to believe.
be sure to get the kind with frets
Silly Voltaire! Lutefisk arent’ worried about anything. Not even being eaten.
the French died for us at Tours
Only one Frenchman has died on the Tour. Most of the cycling deaths were Italians.
Freedoms can disappear in a hurry if we aren’t careful
OK, I’ve had enough. Kitty may be the worst person on the planet. The complete disregard for reality is no longer cute. It is a psychosomatic issue that needs immediate shock therapy.
Kitty, you old hag, stop it. Stop trying to equate present-day America with anything Nazi-esque. It makes you look worse than stupid; it makes you look friggin psychotic.
I’m beginning to think Kit simply uses a template for her articles. There are a few places that are _____(blank) and she just fills it in depending on the “topic”. Look, I have never been occupied by a maniac and his powerful army but, if you think that what is going on in the US looks remotely like that, there is a room available for you in the Padded Hotel and I’m paying. You need help, Kitty. Your family may not think so, they are probably just happy to get you out of the house and that you aren’t complaining about how the mailman is trying to subjugate you. Enough, Kit, time to relax with a nice, warm shower…NO NOT THAT ONE!
Scarlet Johansson is a Nazi?
Which way do I goose-step??
Of COURSE I’m sure. It’s now on the interenet, isn’t it?
This is why I’m calling bullshit on these writings. I can’t believe someone who actually lived through that nightmare would talk like this, or allow themselves to get wrapped up with a group of people who pine on about how bad fascism is, but then rabidly promote fascist ideals and tactics. Throwing that fascism charge around at anything that doesn’t look right to you cheapens the meaning of the word. I just can’t believe that any intelligent victim of the Nazi expansion would write bullshit like this.
I can’t believe someone who actually lived through that nightmare would talk like this, or allow themselves to get wrapped up with a group of people who pine on about how bad fascism is, but then rabidly promote fascist ideals and tactics.
Money talks. What can you say?
Give it up dude.
Nobody speaks Basque. It’s a language to spit to.
Nobody speaks Basque.
I like to lay in the sun too.
“Werthmann said she talked to a woman there who told her she and her fellow communists were working their way against the U.S. starting in Nicaragua, Honduras, and eventually with an eye to attack the U.S. through Mexico. The woman told her they would do this by getting massive numbers of illegals into the U.S. and pushing the sanctuary movement. Werthmann said when she saw illegal immigrant marches in California carrying the Mexican flag and trampling the American flag, she knew this was actually happening.”
LMAO, she deduced all that from watching immigrants waving a Mexican flag in California?
Last week was St. Paddy’s day, you wouldn’t believe how many Irish-Americans were out waving the Irish flag. And you know, nasty, hairy, smelly mics, all alcoholics and terrorists, which means, Papist conspiracy, America in danger, save the republic!!!
Oh sorry, wrong century – we hate other people now.
LMAO, she deduced all that from watching immigrants waving a Mexican flag in California?
No, a for reals woman Werthmann totally didn’t make up told her so! Voluntarily and in great detail!
Voluntarily and in great detail!
I have, in my possession, the Secret Protocols of the Revolutionary Woman’s Auxiliary of Aztlan. In it, the minutes of a secret meeting which reveals the truth of the new Reconquista as only the latest in a series of movements to destroy the Austria-Hungarian Empire… er, I mean, America at the hands of the Je- illegal immigrants and their Communist brethren!
Now, who do I have to sell this to to get a drink around here?
I also enjoy the idea of Werthmann getting all decked out in “hippie” disguise to infiltrate our fiendish organization. I imagine she got a Halloween costume.
“What is… how you say, up, my young parsons?”
If it wasn’t for Americans sending the Pacific Fleet to help Finland after they nuked the German cities of Munich and Berlin to prevent a risky ground invasion, we would have had to learn German, and not the Finnish, Swedish, and English, that we do today!!