By The Hammer Of Thor, This Liberal Perfidy Shall Not Pass!

For Excellence in the Field of Impotent Rage, we honor this comment on health care reform over at Confederate Yankee’s House O’ Nutfuckery and Ammo Swap Meet:

We have a war now, should this become law. The little liberal weenies who have been crying about illegal wars over seas are about to have a real reason to cry. This shall not stand in my land.


Posted by: Odins Acolyte at March 22, 2010 09:47 AM

Ragnarok, bitchez!


Comments: 478


By Grobnath’s hammer, you shall be avenged.
Hey, Limbaugh–time to get your typhoid shots, you’re going to Costa Rica.


By SpongeBob’s Hammer, you shall be avenged!


The little liberal weenies who have been crying about illegal wars over seas are about to have a real reason to cry.

Just start something, you little man! If you do anything to a single liberal…why…by Grabthar’s hammer… by the Sons of Warvan… he shall be… avenged!

HAH! My god can beat up YOUR puny god!


OK, DA, that’s ANOTHER monitor you’ll have to explain away…


Wow, multiple CY commenters are saying that liberals in favor of HCR should be ‘drawn and quartered’. Pirate fetish? Torture fetish? Too much time spent wanking to old issues of Boys’ Life? Opinions sought.


Opinions sought.

Not Boy’s Life. As an organ (sic) of the Boy Scouts of America, its preferred torture was a weekend camping trip with Scoutmaster Foley.

The desperation of the right wing and its drone is comforting.


I’m pretty sure the Mighty Thor is a total hippie. He’s got that long blonde girly hair…


RELEASE THE KRAKEN WOLVERINES!!!!111!1elevenhundredandeleven!!11!!111

I’m guessing someone is firing off links to those comments to the FBI and/or Secret Service, correct?


Opinions sought.

They intend to throw away the left sides, thereby posthumously creating more right-wingers.


Pirate fetish? Torture fetish? Too much time spent wanking to old issues of Boys’ Life? Opinions sought.

I have no idea, but boiling in oil is my preferred method of gruesome death.


We come from the land of the ice and snow
Oh shit, gotta sit, I stubbed my toe


I’m guessing someone is firing off links to those comments to the FBI and/or Secret Service, correct?

*hiding anonymous remailer tab*

Ummm, why do you ask?

Ted the Slacker

Opinions sought.

Lynching fetish?


The difference is that THIS time, they really really really really really REALLY mean it!


Once again, we must proclaim that it would behoove the FBI/Secret Service greatly to spend an afternoon browsing the Cornfedrut Yanker archives. Just sayin’.

Spengler Dampniche

Oh great, now they’re shoving Thor’s hammer down our throats. What’s next, Odin’s basturma?


Ragnarok, bitchez!

Hey, you’re trying to ram your Níðhöggr down my throat!


Yggdrasil the World Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.


You’re being awful Loki today, DA…is everything OK?


I have no idea, but boiling in oil is my preferred method of gruesome death.

deep-fried brains. This is relevant to my interests.


Yggdrasil the World Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants Ouroboros urine.


We come from the land of the ice and snow
Oh shit, gotta sit, I stubbed my toe

well played, The Left. Golf claps.

I know it’s early, but martini?


That’s it. I’m sending him a gas grill with a leak in the line..


deep-fried brains. This is relevant to my interests.

I’m pretty sure the brain just sort of boils in the skull, which sounds rather unappetizing.

By the way, zombies must have terrible problems with heart disease, given that branes are obscenely high in cholesterol.


Ouroboros urine

No wonder he’s mighty Thor.


I feel bad for Odin’s Acolyte–all that throat-ramming from Sleipnir’s gotta hurt.

Spengler Dampniche

Long, feathered blond hair hung heavily around the god’s square-jawed, suntanned face. It stirred in the breeze that blew across the deck, pregnant with the scent of salt and sun, and obscured the almost preternaturally blue eyes that stared unblinking at Odin’s acolyte.
“Come here,” he grated, his voice deep and masculine. The acolyte was quaking with fear. He couldn’t take his eyes of the massive, battered hammer that hung from a leather thong at Thor’s belt. Thor’s thick fingers rested easily on the haft of the weapon. He expected obedience.
The acolyte shuffled forward. Thor would get no resistance from him. Long had he admired the Norse gods with their implacable thirst for violence and their massive Northern European cocks, thick and heavy to withstand the icy winters; now he thought he detected a stirring beneath thor’s iron-studded kirtle…
[continued page 18]


Wolverines aside, I suspect that we may see some form of civil war or otherwise collapse of the US into regional sections. The differences between parts of this country have been stretching pretty painfully since before we attempted to stitch them back together after the Civil War. And right now the gulf is becoming unsustainable.

We’ve got a large segment of Americans who want a sort of whites-only theocracy and the rest of us who want something like Europe but with a greater variety of restaurants.

It may just be a matter of time before Civil War II.


Today, I truly miss Jon Swift.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This shall not stand in my land.


Well, that’s simple- it won’t be your land anymore.

Let’s ship Egil Skalladimsson’s ass off to Greenland.

Coach Urban Meyer

LISTEN UP, you stinking loony libs, you will PAY IN NOVEMBER for your tRANSGRESSIONS against Awesome America and its Popular Patriots! Da Cool Coach KNOWS that your precious Obummer knows his keester’s heading for the Un-employment Line when Super Sarah, the Power Palin, is DONE WITH HIM. Heed my words, silly socialists, this bill will be the END OF YOU! YOU HEAR THAT?

CHOKE ON THAT SPREAD, loony libs! Too bad healthcare to save your necks is RATIONED now! Urban out, punks.


It may just be a matter of time before Civil War II.

I’m not so sure. Surprisingly, I’ve seen a lot of posts from conservatives today that have been very harsh on the Teabaggers and on the House leadership for playing in their ball park.

Frum, for example, pointed out that Obama was willing to sit with Republicans and listen to their concerns, and that was an opportunity to be reasonable and flexible and get on board with the program.

But by pre-emptively refusing to give any votes, Boehner and McConnell made this a “Democrats-only” bill, which means no Republican will be able to take any credit for even mitigating it. And in six months, when the American people have moved thru the next two scandals and the crowning of a new American Idol, most of the people who temporarily caught Teabagger fever will wonder why they did that, since the healthcare bill has been such a boon for small business and children.


The sound of heels kicking shall echo across the land!


Well, that’s simple- it won’t be your land anymore.

Not to mention the fact that it wasn’t “his land” to begin with.


Let’s ship Egil Skalladimsson’s ass off to Greenland.

The hell you say! Ship him over to Iceland! We don’t want him! Or better yet, the Orkneys! Let the damned Scots deal with him.


But by pre-emptively refusing to give any votes, Boehner and McConnell made this a “Democrats-only” bill

I would love to see those two kicked to the curb by their party for losing this. Their replacements will be just as nauseating, but I don’t hate them – whoever they may be – yet, so I don’t care.

Raw sewage compressed into the shape and outward appearance of human beings.


It may just be a matter of time before Civil War II.

WHY won’t people listen to John Titor??? NO GOOD can come of this!


I would love to see those two kicked to the curb by their party for losing this.

Won’t happen. You recall the definition of insanity? Well, the GOP is insane.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Pirate fetish?

I thought pirates preferred keel-hauling.

Wolverines aside, I suspect that we may see some form of civil war or otherwise collapse of the US into regional sections. The differences between parts of this country have been stretching pretty painfully since before we attempted to stitch them back together after the Civil War. And right now the gulf is becoming unsustainable.

I don’t think this will happen- the South would be so royally fucked financially that nobody in a position of authority would be willing to do this. What will happen, I have no doubt, is that the lunatic fringe will take to the hills, and occasionally pull of Eric Rudolph-style terrorist attacks in mid-sized southern towns (targeting family-planning clinics, gay bars, and liberal churches). It’ll be bad, like the 90’s militia movement turned up to eleven, but anybody with any authority will do the math, and simply use the rhetoric as a tool for campaigning.


Wanknut’s Best Quote

According to Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi (who just so happened to be the Democrat speaking when I wrote that tweet, but was assuredly not the first), it is my obligation to pay for your “right.” I will be forced to pay for coverage, whether I want it or not. I will be forced to pay for the coverage of others, whether I want it or not.

Apparently, Wanknut doesn’t realize that he already pays and he overpays, for healthcare coverage for people who don’t have any, so Pelosi et al are actually saving him money so he can buy a new grill.


Oh, BTW – this morn:

Can GOP stall health care “fixes”?

scare quotes in original.

Fuck, I’m SO GLAD for the liberal press.


WHY won’t people listen to John Titor???

I think I know why:

After the war, Omaha, Nebraska is the nation’s new capital city.


Spengler Dampniche – brilliant. But find a way to work in this quote from Odins Acolyte:

‘You can have Thor’s cock when you pry it from my cold dead larynx!’


What will happen, I have no doubt, is that the lunatic fringe will take to the hills, and occasionally pull of Eric Rudolph-style terrorist attacks in mid-sized southern towns (targeting family-planning clinics, gay bars, and liberal churches).

Good luck with that, fuckers. In the south, even liberals carry.


After the war, Omaha, Nebraska is the nation’s new capital city.

Fucking idiot. If you’re going to do a time travel hoax, at least make it believable. There’s NO WAY Omaha would survive a large-scale nuclear war. It’s the Strategic Air Command headquarters and there’s at least one air force base there.


Oh, never mind. I am a moran. The SAC was dissolved in 1992. However, central to my point is that Omaha wouldn’t survive.


There’s NO WAY Omaha would survive a large-scale nuclear war.

Because it’s the US designated whipping boy and we’d bomb it ourselves?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Apparently, Wanknut doesn’t realize that he already pays and he overpays, for healthcare coverage for people who don’t have any, so Pelosi et al are actually saving him money so he can buy a new grill.

The concept of a “risk pool” eludes him.

Good luck with that, fuckers. In the south, even liberals carry.

But only dead-ender hatemongers have a will to kill others.


The concept of a “risk pool” eludes him.

He thinks that’s the one retards swim in.

What? I meant it satirically!

Spengler Dampniche

[‘You can have Thor’s cock when you pry it from my cold dead larynx!’]

I just searched for that on xhamster and got some dynamite clips from an old Peter North movie. The wig is incredible.


There’s NO WAY Omaha would survive a large-scale nuclear war.

Because it’s the US designated whipping boy and we’d bomb it ourselves?

Oh, come on. I can think of several US cities I’d bomb before Omaha. I don’t think it even cracks my top five!


Waterloo! Couldn’t stop Obama if we wanted to.


In the south, even liberals carry.

That’s the thing a lot of the wingnut loons don’t seem to get: not all liberals are anti-gun. Some of us carry.

Unlike them, however, we don’t use guns to make ourselves feel like Real Men (or Real Women, in your case) and actually know how to use them correctly. So we got that going for us …


Is it true that in the New Valhalla, all the dead patriot race warriors get free Snuggies and the battery pack on your Gremlin never runs out?


Is it true that in the New Valhalla, all the dead patriot race warriors get free Snuggies and the battery pack on your Gremlin never runs out?

Mickey Kaus climbs the roof for quality time with Heiðrún.


Unlike them, however, we don’t use guns to make ourselves feel like Real Men (or Real Women, in your case) and actually know how to use them correctly. So we got that going for us …

This is true. People who do tend to be the fucktards who wind up shooting themselves in the foot when they’re drunk.

(I’ve only actually shot our handgun a few times because I LOATHE it, but I know how to use it and treat it with the respect it deserves).


Good luck with that, fuckers. In the south, even liberals carry.

Hey, even some whackaloon who attacks a librul UU church in the belief that liberal christians would be all scared of his big manly bang-stick, had his most fervent desire, to be shot down in a hail of bullets as a martyr, taken from him by the heroic actions of unarmed liberals.

We’re not passive, just because we believe in peace.


I apparently need to bone up* on my Norse mythology, because other than Thor, I have no clue what the hell y’all are typin’ ’bout.

(*Not-so-veiled erection reference.)


However, central to my point is that Omaha wouldn’t survive.

This is true. It is designated as the prime origin point for the zombocalypse.

Dangit, there I go revealing too much again. Zombie Central Planning is gonna censure me. Again.


You cannot pass. I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anus. You cannot pass. The dark Kenyan fire will not avail you, flaming homo of Obote. Go back to the Shadow. You cannot pass!


the rest of us who want something like Europe but with a greater variety of restaurants.

So true. Ever try getting a decent pizza, at a reasonable price, in Geneva? Impossible.


had his most fervent desire, to be shot down in a hail of bullets as a martyr, taken from him by the heroic actions of unarmed liberals.

Further demonstrating that he is a fucking nutjob. What kind of sick fuck would take a gun to church in the first place?


Laugh all you want, libtards, but when you sow the wind, you will reap the whirlwind, and this will transform this country into a landscape of slightly pushed over BBQ grills which will require constant appeals to blog readers to pay for new ones.


… and treat it with the respect it deserves

DING! DING! DING! We have a winnah!!

I used to have a .9mm, but we don’t currently have one — The Mrs. would prefer I not, and I have no reason to push the issue as of now. We will, however, be taking our son to my father-in-law’s place when he gets about 10. The FiL is an ex-cop, and he’ll be teaching The Boy the proper respect.

(I should also note that I love going target shooting. Miss it, actually … )


Ragnarok? Too late, it’s started. This is clearly because the health service in Iceland is primarily financed by central government. Odin no doubt weeps.


Let the damned Scots deal with him.

fuck that, although we do have some harsh, uninhabited islands

Our Mission: Repeal the Law, Restore the Republic

Congratulations, liberals, after 14 months of incompetence you finally managed to wring out something of a Pyrrhic victory.

Why do I say “Pyrrhic”? Because Obambi has spent all his political capital on a bill that half the Democrat Party hates! And now he can’t get through any more of his Socialist agenda! Even liberal MSNBC said last night that Nancy Pelosi will not bring any more “tough votes” to the floor for the rest of the year. That means no burdensome bank regulations, no amnesty for illegals, no cap and tax, nothing. This is all you’re going to get out of 2010, well, besides a big defeat in November.

Nevertheless this massive Socialist program is a huge defeat for freedom. The Republic of our Founders has been swept away by this act and replaced with a Euro-Canadian style nanny state. We no longer have anything that makes us special as Americans, were no different than Canadians and Euro-weenies now. Just unproductive, dependent pussies who suck the tit of the nanny state.

If Americans don’t throw out Pelosi in 2010 and give us a Republican Congress to repeal this law, I’m afraid this country is finished. Nevertheless I believe that right now the Republicans have just been defeated like the Continental Army was at the Battle of Long Island. This November will be our Trenton. In 2012, we shall be at Yorktown!


I used to have a .9mm

Wow that’s small.


Odin’s Acolyte = Erick Erickson?


Hey, the new talking points are out!!

Our Mission: Repeal the Law, Restore the Republic

And by the way, Bart Stupak is indeed a “baby killer”. He’s an idiot for thinking this Executive Order does anything at all. He’s been played by a Chicago politician. Just goes to show there’s no such things as a “pro-life Democrat”.


Congratulations, liberals, after 14 months of incompetence you finally managed to wring out something of a Pyrrhic a momentous, game-changing, momentum-shifting victory that kills the Teabaggers movement and pisses on its grave.

Fixed for honesty.


Well, that’s simple- it won’t be your land anymore.

Not to mention the fact that it wasn’t “his land” to begin with.

Well in a way it was for some forty years after civil rights passed. That was when the white Southern racists ejected from the Dem party and joined the GOP. They’ve had a disproportionate amount of influence ever since. I don’t believe in the meme some are trying to spread that this health care leg. will do the same thing again. I kinda doubt it. I’m looking forward to the more populated and metropolitan parts of the US gaining influence. That would be nice, bring a little bit of sanity to the US.


I used to have a .9mm, but we don’t currently have one

Mr. T&U bought a Star Ultrastar when we were dating. I thought I should know how to shoot it since it’s in my house, but as I said, I HATED it. However, I did enjoy shooting the .22 rifle his dad gave him, which is much more useful for the collapse of civilization/zombie apocalypse anyway.


Just unproductive, dependent pussies who suck the tit of the nanny state.

You’ve always been that, bub. Or are you posting on a Private internet?

If Americans don’t throw out Pelosi in 2010 and give us a Republican Congress to repeal this law, I’m afraid this country is finished.

You, and people like you, have been saying that since the hippies were right about Vietnam. Still seems to be here, despite the best effort of Saint Reagan and three generations of Bushies. Four, if you count the drunken demolition of Jenna and Not-Jenna.


Hey, the new talking points are out!!

Dammit! Don’t tell me the ending! I haven’t finished the last installment.


I’m askeert. And I don’t have a liberal weenie; I have a liberal VAGINA. Get it right, teatards.


“We no longer have anything that makes us special”\


You’ll always be a special snowflake hunny. No one can take that away.

Andrew Breitbart

Celebrate the massive, throbbing government takeover of Obamacare all you want, libtards. I remind you all that I am still posed to take down the institutional left, and will be doing so as soon as I finish this tweet calling Eric Boehlert a fag.



more useful for the collapse of civilization/zombie apocalypse anyway.

pfft. .22s just pass right through. You need something with stopping power, or more dispersal. I am sure mikey could give several options.


Ignore all that. Really.

Xecky Gilchrist

Hey, the new talking points are out!!

Yeah, and they’re pretty disappointing. They sound just like the old ones, with a few verb tenses and a new vocabulary word (“Pyrrhic”).

Why do I say “Pyrrhic”?

Same reason you do everything else – because Limbeck ordered you to.


Our Mission: Repeal the Law, Restore the Republic

You liberals make me sick. This healthcare bill makes me sick. You violated the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED and by God, libs, you will pay hard this November!

You’re transforming us into Canada!


And by the way, Bart Stupak is indeed a “baby killer”.

Dude went just went up, like, three notches in my estimation of him.

Spengler Dampniche

Hey neat! Lemme read ’em! Look at that, freedom suffers huge defeat. Now we’re all Canadians.
“Republicans have just been defeated like the Continental Army was at the Battle of Long Island. This November will be our Trenton. In 2012, we shall be at Yorktown!”
The battle of Long Island was like 1979, right? That zoning dispute where everybody with an illegal servant’s apartment over the garage was suddenly noncompliant and they all went nuts?

Our Mission: Repeal the Law, Restore the Republic

“Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” has become, under Obama/PelosiReid, “Abortions, Government Dependence, and the Pursuit of Taxpayer Dollars”.

Spengler Dampniche

“you will pay hard this November!” Hard, thick, and oily, all the way to the hilt. Veins wrapped around it like fig vines coiling up a rubber tree. Huge gleaming helmet like a Gothic sallet. All the way to the hilt.


I think that first comment over at Wankee’s may be the best one of the whole lot.

Don’t be fighting this tide. I am going to get me a rifle from the government for my right to bear arms.



You liberals make me sick. This healthcare bill makes me sick

fortunately, now you can afford health coverage without going bankrupt.

You’re welcome.


Hey, how come I posted not one but TWO comments over there, and neither one appears? What gives? Whereas D.A. gets all posted and everything. Hmf. And I mean it.


So true. Ever try getting a decent pizza, at a reasonable price, in Geneva? Impossible.

bullshit (OK, depends on what you mean by cheap)…. try getting a decent pizza in north america anywhere outside a major metropolitan area (oh, Pizza pie does not count)

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ragnarok? Too late, it’s started.

Hey, don’t blame me, I’ve been <A HREF=""clipping the nails of the dead all along!


And I don’t have a liberal weenie; I have a liberal VAGINA

I guess, for Truthy, that would make you a decadent pussy.


You liberals make me sick. This healthcare bill makes me sick.

good thing you’ll sone have free-ish healthcare then?

USDA-certified Grade-A Troofy Tears

Mmmmm! Yummy!


For as down as I am about the bill itself, I really do love how much pain it is inflicting on the fucktard portion of America. Maybe I was wrong… it is worth it!

It makes me want to go abort a baby right now!


So it was “Libs give up/it’ll never pass/hahaha” and now it’s “you barely did it/Dems hate it anyway/the GOP will return/hahaha.”

Talk about moving the goalposts. But then again we’re talking about someone who believes that insurance companies raising rates for no reason except WEWANTTHEMONEYGIVESUSTHEMONEY is “freedom.”


Y’know, I’ve had a similar thought recently. and the conservatives can fucking bring it.


pfft. .22s just pass right through. You need something with stopping power, or more dispersal.

I’m more of a “run and hide” kind of girl, and they’re light and quiet. Plus, the ammo is plentiful and cheap. And you can hunt rabbits with them!


You’re transforming us into Canada!


Maybe we’ll get better at hockey, then.

Spengler Dampniche

I’m in one of those moods, I just want to stuff the trolls full of yummies today. Go ahead and feed ’em, I say.

It’s that impotent rage thing that’s just so delicious. The breast-beating declarations followed by the ham-handed attempts at sarcasm, and eventually the sputtering and nym-switching and finally a chilly silence as found on the moon.


You’re transforming us into Canada!

Let the Moosehead and Labatts Flow!!! Eh?


For as down as I am about the bill itself, I really do love how much pain it is inflicting on the fucktard portion of America. Maybe I was wrong… it is worth it!

Right? It makes me feel a little dirty, but I like it!


For as down as I am about the bill itself, I really do love how much pain it is inflicting on the fucktard portion of America. Maybe I was wrong… it is worth it!

That’s what I said earlier.

The pain it’s causing Wingnuttia is pure sweet Schadenfreude and all the good things it does is just the cherry on top.


“I suspect that we may see some form of civil war or otherwise collapse of the US into regional sections.”

Aren’t they cute? With their “I suspect” and other indicators of thoughtful judiciousness, always in the service of the blibbity-blabbity-batshit-insane?


For as down as I am about the bill itself, I really do love how much pain it is inflicting on the fucktard portion of America. Maybe I was wrong… it is worth it!

Right? I feel a little dirty, but I like it!




Our Mission: Repeal the Law, Rest on your Pubis

This day shall live in infamy x infinity, LIBS!!!! This shall be our rallying cry, like REMEMBER THE ALAMO and GET A BRAIN, MORANS!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Hey, let’s all thank Tr00fie for bringing about the implementation of Obamacare- every one of Nostradumbass’ predictions has been completely wrong… it’s as if the universe itself acts to thwart him.

Thank you, Tr00fie, thank you, thank you, thank you!


Hard to have “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” when your house has been foreclosed because you couldn’t continue to pay your hospital bills.

Hard to have “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” when you were denied insurance because is was discovered you had headache once in ’93 and didn’t put it on your application.

Hard to have “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” when your insurance company raises your rates to a ridiculous amount and/or drop you completely because you had the audacity to get hospitalized from being hit by a drunk driver.



Apologies, Cerberus. I didn’t see it was you who wrote what I quoted. As Jackie Gleason used to say, “I have a BIIIIIIIG MOUUUUUUTH.”


It’s that impotent rage thing that’s just so delicious.

Fuckin’ A, Bubba.

First we get a crazy Communist Panther radical Mooslofascistical BLACKITY BLACK MAN elected (ELECTED!!!) as President, now this.


Mission Hypocritical said: “You’re transforming us into Canada!”

Ya know, I really like Canada; took 2 trips there already this year even though the skiing was rather crappy. And the locals are so nice.

Wait! That must be the main objection! If we turn into Canada the rethugs will have to become reacquainted with manners; Grapthar knows they’d hate having to be civil in a civilized society. Plus they call the letter Z “zed”; how unfreedomy is that?


Please Rush, don’t move to Costa Rica! They have even more soshalizm and no army, not to mention all the national parks they have preserved to appease teh evil enviro-nazis.

Somalia is the place for a good freedum luvin ‘Merkin such as yourself.



You keep using that word…


oh, fail tag tag fail FYWP

Our Mission: Repeal the Law, Rest on your Pubis

Oh Pryme, leave the repetitive litany comment structure alone on this glad occasion. Today is a happy day! Pluck the tender bud and gambol amongst the glades and dingles! Make free! Make merry! Shave your sack and feel the smoothness! Rejoice!


Our Mission: Repeal the Law, Restore the Republic said…

Sure, they are no bigger than the Whamp Rats in Box Canyon back on Tattooine. You can do it, I know you can. Especially after millions of kids are enrolled in Medicaid, no one’s going to want to keep that feature. MIddle class parents aren’t going to want to keep their 22-26 year old kids on the family plan, that part will be easy to repeal. Use the force and it doesn’t matter if the blast shield is over your eyes…retard.

Xecky Gilchrist

Right? I feel a little dirty, but I like it!

I’m getting that too.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens now that the Teatards will conclude that their only course of action is to get even stupider and angrier. Possibly actual violence, though I hope not. Pretty sure they’ll scare more real moderates away with all the poo flinging.


Yeah, grab my “hammer.” G’head.

Our Mission: Repeal the Law, Restore the Republic

This bill is horrible, Congress knows it, but couldn’t bring themselves to vote against it because they supported Obama and he wanted it done. He convinced them that it would look terrible if the first Black President failed and not passing health care would mean that he had failed. Their liberal white guilt kicked in and lead them support a terrible bill for America. They will support Obama, no matter what he does. We will all see our taxes rise, our health insurance costs soar, and our health options decline.

How long until Obama’s approval ratings are in the 30s?


WHY won’t people listen to John Titor???

OMG, I’d completely forgotten about that.

We’re not passive, just because we believe in peace.

Perhaps the loud-mouthed swaggering bullies think the word is passivist, not pacifist? They’re dumb enough.


I celebrated this morning with a delicious gayborted fetus smoothie. With arugula.


You’re transforming us into Canada!

More Than Meets The “Eh”


pussies who suck the tit

Unusual imagery.

The Red Badger of Courage

Why do I say “Pyrrhic”? Because Obambi has spent all his political capital on a bill that half the Democrat Party hates!

219/235 means that it’s only about 7% of the Democratic Party that hates it.

In other news, Troofie predicts massive win for the GOPers in November. Bookmarkers are GO!


I believe that right now the Republicans have just been defeated like the Continental Army was at the Battle of Long Island. This November will be our Trenton. In 2012, we shall be at Yorktown!



Brei-blart’s Big Blart Government is just chock-a-block with schadenfreude win today. Yummy!!

Paying for Stupid Wars is Great, Paying for Decent Health Care Not So Much

This war is horrible, Congress knows it, but couldn’t bring themselves to vote against it because they supported Bush and he wanted it done. He convinced them that it would look terrible if the first CEO President failed and not going to war with Iraq would mean that he had failed. Their defense contractor contributions kicked in and lead them support a terrible war for America. They will support Bush, no matter what he does. We will all see our young people die, our deficit soar, and our economy decline.

How long until Bush’s approval ratings are in the 30s?



lobbey said,

March 22, 2010 at 18:27 (kill)

You liberals make me sick. This healthcare bill makes me sick.

good thing you’ll sone have free-ish healthcare then?

Slower than a zombie, lobbey.

SLEEPY zombie.


Brei-blart’s Big Blart Government is just chock-a-block with schadenfreude win today. Yummy!!


Marion in Savannah

Spengler Dampniche, if you haven’t entered the Bulwer-Lytton contest you should. I’ve got a feeling you’d win in a walk…


For as down as I am about the bill itself, I really do love how much pain it is inflicting on the fucktard portion of America. Maybe I was wrong… it is worth it!

Much as I hated the right for governing solely to piss off the hippies, it isn’t that hard to see the attraction. It’s the whole “Crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women” thing, and I’m surely not immune.

The difference here is that pissing them off isn’t the primary goal and isn’t done despite some great damage to the world. I guess I can feel alright about it then.

Still have to work on fixing up the shit sammich of a bill, though. Baby steps.


Maybe we’ll get better at hockey, then.

I’m sorry, who’ve won La Coupe Stanley for the last decade plus in your universe?



I especially like that Pamela Geller gets better billing than Michael Steele. You know you’re blog is on the way up with Pammy leading the way!


Yup, send him to St Kilda. It’s far enough away that no human will mind, though the gugas may be a bit put out.

Re-Peel the Mangoes, Get Out of the Boat

I can assure you that those villains will recognize, will discover in appropriate time in the future how stupid they are and how they are pretending things which have never taken place. I can say, and I am responsible for what I am saying, that the Democrats have started to commit suicide under the walls of Washington D.C.. We will encourage them to commit more suicides quickly.

Our Mission: Repeal the Law, Restore the Republic

BTW, since when is 26 years old a “child” or “recent graduate” that can stay on their parent’s insurance?

If you’re a college graduate without health insurance that’s your own damn fault, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said,

Not Big Bad Bastard Baldr?


Someone called Paul A. Rahe is having a sad over at BREITBARTOCALYPSE CENTRAL:

The healthcare debate was over some time ago. When Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in January, it was made abundantly clear that Barack Obama and the Democratic Party had lost that debate decisively. Now, in the face of fierce public opposition, they have jammed the bill through Congress, and they have done so without the cover of a single Republican vote.

The election of one Senator from the opposite party meant that the Democrats lost the healthcare debate? Awesome. And the fact that no Republicans voted for a bill which contained a ton of Republican-originated proposals is central to their point.

Oh, and Rahe misses George W. Bush, and thinks the rest of us do as well. Please, Mikey Steele, put up those billboards! Please!



Big Bad Bald Bastard

Not Big Bad Bastard Baldr

Nah, mistletoe suits me just fine, thank you very much!


BTW, since when is 26 years old a “child” or “recent graduate” that can stay on their parent’s insurance?

Since your boy Bush royally fucked the economy in the ass and young people can’t get jobs?


they are going to repeal the bill by standing up in a public place and saying “i repeal you, i repeal you, i repeal you!”


I’m sorry, who’ve won La Coupe Stanley for the last decade plus in your universe?

Ummmm…. maybe I should pay a teeny bit more attention to professional sports I decide to base my snark on.

Oh, hey, how about free poutine for everyone?


Someone called Paul A. Rahe

Ah, the author of Soft Despotism – not to be confused with Liberal Fascism.


Wow that’s small.

That’s not what your mom said last night.

Of course, it was hard to understand what she was saying since, ya know, she was having health care RAMMED DOWN HER THROAT and all.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to head over to Wikipedia and learn more about decimal points.


The Tragically Flip

You’re transforming us into Canada!

It’s true. Phase 1, UHC. Phase 2, monetary union!

My buddy in CACORN (Canadian ACORN) is going to swing me a sweet government job building the NAFTA superhighway. Because we’re socialests, we’ve planned for the highway to go through as many homes as possible to maximize the amount of private property we get to seize for the NAU.


BTW, since when is 26 years old a “child” or “recent graduate” that can stay on their parent’s insurance?

Well the Senate is still going to vote on the reconciliation package, but Obama plans on signing something this week.


BTW, since when is 26 years old a “child” or “recent graduate” that can stay on their parent’s insurance?

Since we made it the law, shit head. And if they get sick early everyone will have to pay.


By Grobnath’s hammer, you shall be avenged.

Technically, it’s “By Grabthar’s Hammer,” but I thought the same thing.

Zounds, what a majestic wank that was!


By Mittster’s shelf of hair care products – this outrage shall be avenged!

So Mitt has decided to go full wingnut. Too bad for him that people will be pointing out, from now until November of 2012, how this healthcare bill is almost exactly like the bill he got passed in Massachusetts.


“Oh, hey, how about free poutine for everyone?”

Get one now! With a free triple by-pass for the first 100 customers!



How wide should my stance be?


they are going to repeal the bill by standing up in a public place and saying “i repeal you, i repeal you, i repeal you in thename of Jesus Christ!”

You left out a part.


AFAIR, Ted Kennedy’s seat was lost because they already had healthcare and were afraid they’d lose some of their perks if the HC bill passed. It sounds more like a resounding vote FOR universal healthcare to me…


This shall not stand in my land.
Take my hand, join my band
I will demand the flames be fanned
FreedomWerks might pay us a couple grand

Fear the shaft of the Hammer!
Shaft shaft shaft of the Hammer!


In 2012, we shall be at Yorktown!

Have you considered booking your next vacation at Stalingrad?

Spengler Dampniche

“Spengler Dampniche, if you haven’t entered the Bulwer-Lytton contest you should. I’ve got a feeling you’d win in a walk…”

I can only write Republican slashfic.


Get one now! With a free triple by-pass for the first 100 customers!

Cripes, I gotta do something under OMFG COMMUNIST ZOMBAMACARE to keep people filling those meds.

Too much preventative care and I’m gonna be doing nothing but counting out Viagra!


The stars are aligning! At last, Wingnarök is nigh!

Soon my trusty blade Lulznir shall sing a paean of pain & devastation, as I let it drink deep of the helpless tears of bitch-slapped wingnuts as never before – & possibly also give it the opportunity to subsequently gargle down some of their panic-spawned incontinent wee-wee for dessert, being the grotesquely perverted monstrosity of unspeakable evil that it is … yes, soon, soon.

Wolverines aside, I suspect that we may see some form of civil war or otherwise collapse of the US

Funny thing, though – I seem to recall hearing a whole bunch of exactly the same doomsday horseshit in regards to Barack HUSSEIN Obama being elected in the first place. Anybody called in the UN to airdrop food & medicine yet?

Perhaps one should recall just who’s doing all this Internet Tough Guy dick-swinging.

MYTH: teh wingnuts are all heavily-armed survivalist ninjas chomping at the bit to smoke some DFHs with their heavy-duty firepower.

FACT: The 101st Keyboarders are a pack of otiose suet-deposits who would get their collective shit messed up trying to take down a troop of Girl Scouts, let alone a SWAT team or a National Guard unit.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said,

March 22, 2010 at 19:05

Damocles’ sack?


“VD” Hansen – We’ve Crossed the Rubicon

“President Obama has crossed the Rubicon with the health care vote. The bill was not really about medicine; after all, a moderately priced, relatively small federal program could offer the poorer not now insured, presently not on Medicare or state programs like Medicaid or Medical, a basic medical plan.”

So we can count on your support for and expansion of Medicare to cover those “poorer not now insured”? Yeah…. thought not.


A man calling himself only ‘Odin’s Acolyte’ was arrested today, after he began running around an NAACP office smacking people with an inflatible toy hammer screaming “Feel my wrath against your package,” the office workers seemed amused by the incident but said they were annoyed by disruption


Just one more, because it feels so good…


For we who grew up tall and proud,
In the shadow of the mushroom cloud –
Convinced our voices can’t be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and LOUDER LOUDER

What the hell we fighting for? (no health care for poor folks)
Just surrender and it wont hurt at all (just suppress that gag reflex)
You just got time to say your prayers,
While your waiting for the hammer to hammer to fall.


When Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in January, it was made abundantly clear that Barack Obama and the Democratic Party had lost that debate decisively.

So some naked trucker dude winning a special election against an unpopular machine candidate in a state that already has a health care program might have meant less than they thought. Also: Mitt Romey hates socialist Romneycare!


MYTH: teh wingnuts are all heavily-armed survivalist ninjas chomping at the bit to smoke some DFHs with their heavy-duty firepower.

FACT: The 101st Keyboarders are a pack of otiose suet-deposits who would get their collective shit messed up trying to take down a troop of Girl Scouts, let alone a SWAT team or a National Guard unit.

Yeah, I really don’t see Bob Owens ever barricading himself in his house with his arsenal of weapons, surrounded by SWAT teams, and yelling, “Come on and get me, coppers!” Pussy is as pussy does.


One of the charming facts about Wolverines is that they are equal-opportunity throat-gougers. When your mascot will disembowel you lickety-split if you piss it off, you might consider the imagery of the eagerness of turning on your own side if they fail the purity test.

Shorter: WOLVERINES!!!!!1!!! indeed!


Oh, and the obligatory “You think you’re Thor! I’m not going to walk thtraight for a week!”


Our Mission: Repeal the Law, Restore the Republic

If [Republicans] won every single Democratic-held seat that’s up in 2010, and held on to Ohio, New Hampshire, and Missouri the Republicans would be up to 59 Senators—far, far short of the 67 you’d need. — Matt Yglesias, Think Progress


rush rants today

Americans are now eagerly awaiting their insurance premiums to be reduced by $2500 a year. Obama has been promising this since his presidential campaign of 2008

is this the new mensonge-de-jour or did i miss something?

Coach Urban Meyer

Hello, loony libs. I know you’ve been waiting for Da Cool Coach to have his say on this unfortunate matter, but to be honest I haven’t had the energy. I’m just so sick of your silly socialism that I just can’t be up for rip-rappin’ at you clowns right now. But know this: I will be back, and in hand will be Da Cool Coach’s ConservoVictory ’10 Manifesto. Ya better believe that you’ll shake and quake in your knickers upon my return, punks. Urban out.


Now that Reason Ball is rolling, how about we fight terrusts with our brains rather than a standing army. The status quo isn’t working on multiple fronts. So don’t front!


I think all of this can be summed up perfectly by Confederate Wankee commenter cnredd:

The right to bare arms…You also have the right NOT to exercise your right to bare arms if you’d like…

Freedom’s just another word for the right to wear a snuggie.

Lurking Canadian

He convinced them that it would look terrible if the first Black President failed and not passing health care would mean that he had failed. Their liberal white guilt kicked in and lead them support a terrible bill for America.


First, Obama was elected because of white liberal guilt.

Then, he won the Nobel Peace Prize because of white liberal guilt.

Now, he has managed to pass healthcare reform because of white liberal guilt.

Oh, white liberal guilt, is anything beyond you? Is there any boon which you cannot bestow in your omnipotence? Could you square a circle? Could you make a rock so heavy that even you cannot lift it?


The 101st Keyboarders are a pack of otiose suet-deposits who would get their collective shit messed up trying to take down a troop of Girl Scouts, let alone a SWAT team or a National Guard unit.

hey now. Breitblart has already demonstrated that he is able and willing to flip off a batch of peaceful protestors from the safety of a second floor bar patio….

Spengler Dampniche

Wingnut misogyny porn, by the way. Watch out — you’ll never get clean after you see this stuff.


Yeah, I really don’t see Bob Owens ever barricading himself in his house with his arsenal of weapons, surrounded by SWAT teams, and yelling, “Come on and get me, coppers!” Pussy is as pussy does.

He might if he can get his gree-yull down into the basement…



The Bill Will be Killed said,
March 20, 2010 at 6:46

I will be back on Sunday, liberals, when it will be clear even to you that there will be no Rose Garden ceremony. There will be no further government benefits to parasites and looters, no Obambicare–oh, and I’m AFRAID there will be no bounce in the polls for Obama either!

See you then, libs!

Xecky Gilchrist

Wingnut misogyny porn

No way am I clicking that, with that kind of pitch. You have to at least pretend those are mangoes.


He might if he can get his gree-yull down into the basement…

And he’ll die of carbon monoxide poisoning. Problem solved.


Oh, white liberal guilt, is anything beyond you? Is there any boon which you cannot bestow in your omnipotence?

Well, this white liberal feels guilty as fuck about the banksters not being thrown in jail for collapsing the economy. I mean, really, really guilty.


And he’ll die of carbon monoxide poisoning. Problem solved.

Better dead than Red.

Even if you’re red while dead.


“Wingnut misogyny porn”

You’re right I may never get clean. But with plots like this:

Kamryn is on a photo shoot at a cemetary when she decides she wants to be stabbed to death.

It may be worth every penny.


This is how the GOP will go down tonight….

First, jonah will unbotton his shirt, showing his mainly three chest hairs. then K-Lo, slipping off her blouse, will get down on her knees &….

oh, sorry, what was the question again?


If Obama is ahead in the polls, it’s because I’m fooling you! America will never elect a black president! No way whites would vote for a negro!

Wait, what? Really?

Well, clearly he won because he was black! White liberal guilt! It gave him an unfair advantage because whites are biased in favor of a negro!



The consent of the governed? You mean the 53% of who voted for Obama? The similar percentage who voted those Democratic majority in 2006 and 2008?

I think we followed their wishes to the letter.

The Tragically Flip

If liberal white guilt was this effective, Republican strategists would have been exploiting it long ago.


So the “Baby killer!” shouter outer was Randy Neugebauer. One guess as to what state he represents…


Hey Troofie?



Say, what do I do with all these bookmarks I’ve got stacked up here? My interspace is rife with them.

Spengler Dampniche

Xecky, there isn’t a mango in sight over there. It’s just a little reminder that we are, after all, dealing with genuinely insane people. You want mango porn, check this shit out:


Oh, white liberal guilt, is anything beyond you?

I still haven’t been able to give Troofie a real penis.


“Neugebauer” = German for “Noogie Buyer”


Speaking of killing babies, does anyone know if Plan B is banned under the Hyde amendment or if it isn’t considered the same thing.



Jim, I don’t believe I’ve said this to a man* yet, but can I have your baby?

*B^4 is less of a man than he appears, take it from me.


Plan B

Isn’t that “think of a more sinster word than ‘socialism’ because that didn’t work”.


V.D. Hanson from noen’s link @ 19:12

In the future when the Republicans gain majorities (and they will), the liberal modus operandi will be the model—bare 51% majorities, reconciliation, the nuclear option, talk of deem and pass, not a single Democrat vote—all ends justifying the means in order to radically restructure vast swaths of American economic and social life.

That’s right, libs – ye soweth now the partisan wind and so shall ye
reap the partisan whirlwind.


Speaking of killing babies, does anyone know if Plan B is banned under the Hyde amendment or if it isn’t considered the same thing.

It’s not considered the same thing. It only prevents fertilization.


It’s not considered the same thing. It only prevents fertilization.

The grass is always greene.. oh not that kind of fertilizer…


I’m sorry, who’ve won La Coupe Stanley for the last decade plus in your universe?

Um, American teams with mostly Canadians playing for them?

And there was this little transnational game couple weeks back for some gold-plated zinc medallions called “medals”….


Dragon-King, looking at your last link, that sure is a shitload of 51-50s on the Republican side of things. Always knew those crackers was nuts.


Always knew those crackers was nuts.

And/or liars.

I seriously think some of them live in a parallel universe and just happen to be able to sort of communicate with the rest of us. It’s the only explanation I can think of.


Um, American teams

Darn tootin.


Strange. I hadn’t thought I’d feel this good about this bill passing. I’d become pretty disillusioned with it over the last few months – but a conversation last Friday with the head of UCSF Medical School (basically, UC-Berkeley’s medical wing – one of the top 3 in the world) kinda won me over.

He didn’t like the bill either. But he said, “It’s a starting point. It gets the insurance companies under government control. Short-term, they’re gonna gouge everyone like never before. But long-term, the government is going to start grinding away at those bastards. That’s what the government does. That’s what the GOP was so worried about – long-term, their little corrupt gravy train based on human misery and suffering is going to come to an end.

BTW – this was a guy who solemnly confirmed that he was indeed a member of a death panel already. That he had to make the decisions every damn day about who will get care and who will not – only those are following the mandates of insurance company dickslaps who make their quarterly bonus by finding excuses to not give people the treatment they need. His job sucks.

Today it sucks just a tiny bit less. Our lives suck just a bit less.

That is not the huge Change we Hoped for. But it is a change in a positive direction, and I believe in it.


It’s not considered the same thing. It only prevents fertilization.

I had thought it prevented implantation, which is something different.

Oh, I just checked – it BOTH prevents fertilization in the first place AND implantation. Once the egg’s implanted, though, no effect. Still, according to wingnuts life begins at fertilization so it’s still MURDEING TEH BABEEZ!


I seriously think some of them live in a parallel universe and just happen to be able to sort of communicate with the rest of us

Sure would explain the anal probings in the heartland

The comments alone are priceless….


And there was this little transnational game couple weeks back for some gold-plated zinc medallions called “medals”….




So our Republicans handicapped are better than their handicapped!


What is “pedal pumping” and why are conservatives so ga-ga over it? Anyone know?


Fuck me, Neugebauer!? I used to be in that guy’s district!

Dude always seemed just impossibly dull before. Didn’t stick his neck out, didn’t do more than pay lip service to the loons. If he’s going full-blown wingnut, he must be really goddamn scared…


And there was this little transnational game couple weeks back for some gold-plated zinc medallions called “medals”

Gold-plated silver, to be precise.


that sure is a shitload of 51-50s on the Republican side of things.

Wouldn’t surprise me a bit.


Late to the party, but:

You’re transforming us into Canada!



Gold-plated silver, to be precise.

*hangs head in shame*

I’ll have to return my metallurgy merit badge.


Oh, I just checked – it BOTH prevents fertilization in the first place AND implantation.

Oh, snap. They’re totally going to take my Amateur Baby Killer license.

Is that hoary myth about the pill being an abortofacient still floating around, btw? I don’t care because, like, baby killer and all, but I am curious.


I’ll have to return my metallurgy merit badge.

That badge was forged!


We have a war now, should this become law. The little liberal weenies who have been crying about illegal wars over seas are about to have a real reason to cry. This shall not stand in my land.


Posted by: Odins Acolyte

What a drama queen.


BTW – this was a guy who solemnly confirmed that he was indeed a member of a death panel already. That he had to make the decisions every damn day about who will get care and who will not – only those are following the mandates of insurance company dickslaps who make their quarterly bonus by finding excuses to not give people the treatment they need. His job sucks.

B-b-b-but Mark Levin says the Obamacare death panels will be run by Chicago thugs and Demoncrap donors! And then something about him needing cheesy poofs, and screw you guys, he’s going home, or something.


Still, according to wingnuts life begins at fertilization dinner and a movie so…



Ouroboros urine

OK, leaving aside that you stole my next Nordic black-metal band’s name (and you’ll be hearing from my New York lawyers shortly), how would Ouroborous urine actually get to the Tree of Liberty to water it? Wouldn’t it all just go back to the source, as it were?


El Cid said,

Laugh all you want, libtards, but when you sow the wind, you will reap the whirlwind, and this will transform this country into a landscape of slightly pushed over BBQ grills which will require constant appeals to blog readers to pay for new ones.

The wallet of Confederate Wankee must be continually refreshed with the dollar bills of patriots.


Sure would explain the anal probings in the heartland

The comments alone are priceless….

Dude, everybody’s afraid of the grey guys, but the reptilians are the real threat. Never knew they were related to Mormons, though!

That shit is bananas.


doesn’t matter too much, T&U, because as has been obvious for some time now, abrogation of abortion rights are merely the beginnings of the efforts to roll back availability of birth control. allz about the sluts, you know.

As long as we are talking female sluts. Men TOTALLY have the right to fuck around.

Release the Kraken!

Freia, the head goddess…er, chief goddess of Norsk mythology, would guide the old ones, the Elementals. For instance, the Kraken! These dudes with their internet-ordered, ups-delivered swords and tin warhammers aren’t gonna stand up to the Kraken. These schmoes thought that all they had to do was grumble at some cowpie-convention-hall protests and the Congress would grovel. They kept lying that “the people” didn’t want health reform while everyone heard different. Now that the show is over, they are merely in the way of the Republican party primaries.


That shit is bananas.

yes, they are acting like monkeys.


Dude, everybody’s afraid of the grey guys, but the reptilians are the real threat.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you’re giving away the theme of my next four-part trilogy.


Hey…I got a message for the teatards: Don’t go away mad. Just go away!

That’s right. I just quoted Motley Crue.


how would Ouroborous urine actually get to the Tree of Liberty to water it?

Intercepted in its circular travels by Tweebaggers, swallowed, and regurgitated.

I know, I know, TMI…but you all know in your hearts that these cosplay tough-guy wannabes are into stuff far worse than watersports.


I’ll have to return my metallurgy merit badge.

That badge was forged!



can I have your baby?

“My God, his eyes! His eyes! What have you done to his eyes?”

“He has his father’s eyes.”


As long as we are talking female sluts. Men TOTALLY have the right to fuck around.

Hell, we aren’t even talking about sluts a lot of the time, but people in committed, monogamous marriages who have the audacity to choose to make the decision of when (and if) they’ll have children.


“My God, his eyes! His eyes! What have you done to his eyes?”

“He has his father’s eyes.”

Who’s his father, Dean Martin? /MAD


we aren’t even talking about sluts a lot of the time

Speak for yourself, tutz.


Too bad for him I’m not the gun control kind of liberal.


A man can sleep around, no questions asked, but if a woman makes nineteen or twenty mistakes she’s a tramp.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

*B^4 is less of a man than he appears, take it from me.

Hey, now, just because I am a member of NOW doesn’t mean your h8 can stand!


That’s right. I just quoted Motley Crue.

Meh, Blondie rocked it first.


These dudes with their internet-ordered, ups-delivered swords and tin warhammers aren’t gonna stand up to the Kraken. These schmoes thought that all they had to do was grumble at some cowpie-convention-hall protests and the Congress would grovel. They kept lying that “the people” didn’t want health reform while everyone heard different.

So it’s the Kraken’s fault all those kittens got killed so we could have socialist health reform?

Trilateral Chairman

BTW – this was a guy who solemnly confirmed that he was indeed a member of a death panel already. That he had to make the decisions every damn day about who will get care and who will not – only those are following the mandates of insurance company dickslaps who make their quarterly bonus by finding excuses to not give people the treatment they need.

This was the weirdest part of the whole healthcare debate. Did people *really* think that there was no rationing of care, that doctors never had to make life-and-death decisions about treatment? Heck, every *day* somebody finds that their insurance company won’t cover Treatment X (because it’s allegedly “unproven” or costs as much as the insurance company CEO’s Hummer). Every *day* my colleagues in neurology end up battling with insurance companies to get therapy for a particular patient who has an unusual presentation and doesn’t fall into any of the insurance guys’ neat little bins.

It happens even without the insurance companies. Every *day* the guys over in the neonatal critical care ward say “Well, we have 10 of these super-expensive incubators but 12 preemies who need them, so we’re giving ’em to the ones who are most likely to survive and we’ll keep the others as comfortable as possible.” This is just the obvious consequence of expensive high-tech medical care and limited resources. I’d rather have the docs doing it than the insurance SOBs, but it’s going to happen no matter what.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

While I’ve not seen a Reptoid, I have often heard snake-like “sssssssss” sounds emanating from sources I could not see.

Usually after eating beans…


Hey, now, just because I am a member of NOW doesn’t mean your h8 can stand!

Your picture is on the membership card.

Nice wig, btw


While I’ve not seen a Reptoid, I have often heard snake-like “sssssssss” sounds emanating from sources I could not see.

Usually after eating beans…

See? Now if the Sekrit Science Klub did these kinds of stories more often, I’d but season tickets.


And buy them, also.Too.


So it’s the Kraken’s fault all those kittens got killed so we could have socialist health reform?

A Kraken’s gotta eat.


This is just the obvious consequence of expensive high-tech medical care and limited resources.

Exactly. You think these geniuses who are all about the market providing would understand the basic concept of limited resources, whether we’re talking about equipment or medicine or healthcare workers’ time. “Rationing” is a fact of life. It’s the way that we do it that makes it moral or immoral.

I swear, these idiots should have to take a medical ethics course before opening their fucking mouths about healthcare.


A medical what course, now?


Conservatives’ tears are delicious.


“Meh, Blondie rocked it first.”

I didn’t know that…which is weird, ‘cuz I like Blondie and have no use for Motley Crue. But I do know that it’s much funnier to quote Motley Crue than it is to quote Blondie.

The Red Badger of Courage

Say, what do I do with all these bookmarks I’ve got stacked up here? My interspace is rife with them.

I say we sell them off on eBay, at least the ones that shockingly predict events up to March 21st. We may want to hold on to the ones for 2010 and 2012, just for larfs.

BTW, Troofie, how’s that hopey changey package taste?


Commie Atheist gets an A+ with Gold Stars for his homework.


So the “Baby killer!” shouter outer was Randy Neugebauer.

I’m sure he had some good reason for keeping his mouth shut afterwards and trying to hide behind the anonymity of a mob.

That badge was forged!
“He is forging ahead.” [/Keats & Chapman joke]


The phrase is “By the power of Greyskull” and the thor quote is just “Thor’s hammer.” /geek


MOAR WINGNUT TEARS! Bwahahahahahahahaha!


I could get used to this…it’s wrong, but oh so right.

A concerned citizen

I prefer rationing of care to irrationing of care.


If the merit badge was forged, doesn’t that qualify you for both a forgery and an engraving merit badge?


MOAR WINGNUT TEARS! Bwahahahahahahahaha!

Oh, please. When some asshole goes out of his way to not let me merge, or pulls in front of me to stop and turn, or lets a shop door close in my face when I have arms full of groceries, etc, their car invariably has Bush, McCain, or GOP stickers, a “support the troops” magnet, and a Jesus fish, so who will notice any difference?


T&U, that’s about the depth of the great Teabagger Uprising. Hysterical.

Butbutbut: What would Amy Alkon say?


“Conservatives’ tears are delicious.”

If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.

*sits back and waits for the hilarity to roll in*


If the merit badge was forged, doesn’t that qualify you for both a forgery and an engraving merit badge?

It was forged by Thor’s hammer and engraved with a hair from the beard of Odin.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

I’m kinda hoping somebody with IP-hiding goes to all the nutjob blogs and posts something like this:

“Can we all swear RIGHT NOW to never use health care or health insurance again in Commie America? I’ve already signed up dozens of people in my neighborhood! Only RINOs and closet-commies will refuse to sign such a pledge! Come on, what are you waiting for? Sign it or be a traitor!”


This was the weirdest part of the whole healthcare debate. Did people *really* think that there was no rationing of care, that doctors never had to make life-and-death decisions about treatment? Heck, every *day* somebody finds that their insurance company won’t cover Treatment X (because it’s allegedly “unproven” or costs as much as the insurance company CEO’s Hummer).

Oddly enough, this was the major plot point for Saw VI

umm, I hear.


Butbutbut: What would Amy Alkon say?




We now know the WIngnut strategery. It will be known in future textbooks as:

“The Great Impoliteness.”

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

I’m gonna register the domain to preserve the lulz.


If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.



their car invariably has Bush, McCain, or GOP stickers, a “support the troops” magnet, and a Jesus fish, so who will notice any difference?

I’ve been almost run over in the parking lot by someone in a car with a McCain/Palin sticker with the McCain part cut off. TWICE.


If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.

Whine cooler?


their car invariably has Bush, McCain, or GOP stickers, a “support the troops” magnet, and a Jesus fish, so who will notice any difference?

I still have a few dozen left over “Bush’s Last Day” bracelets, so I like to carry one or two around with me and stick them under the wiperblades of any car with a Bush, Bush/Cheney or Keep The Change bumpersticker.


“The Great Impoliteness.”

But we can beat them!!!!! To your Emily Post books, everyone!!!!


If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.

Well, the “Long Island Teabagger” is a little too obvious.

ToKilla Retard?



Rum and kvetch.

Whiskey sour and bitter. with Whine.

My favorite so far:

White Whine.


“Whine Coolers”

Tee hee!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m the guy that ran over a “Health Care Reform Now” sign on the side of a busy road five minutes ago.

This is awesome, he swerved out of his way on a busy road in order to run over a sign (presumably at the side of the road)… too bad the sign wasn’t posted on a telephone pole.


“White Whine.”

FTW…so far.

Trilateral Chairman

Exactly. You think these geniuses who are all about the market providing would understand the basic concept of limited resources, whether we’re talking about equipment or medicine or healthcare workers’ time. “Rationing” is a fact of life. It’s the way that we do it that makes it moral or immoral.

Well, in their defense (really!) I suppose some of them *do* understand this; they just think it should be “rationed” by ability to pay rather than, say, need.

Which would be fine, if we were talking about cosmetic breast implants or Botox. But we’re not.

One nice thing, at least from my perspective, is that the staff really do try to treat everyone as equally as possible. I’ve noticed that this often bothers (some of) the people who shell out for a private or luxury room; they expect to be waited on hand and foot by the staff and somehow don’t get that THESE ARE NOT A BUNCH OF HOTEL MAIDS AND HOUSE SERVANTS YOU’RE DEALING WITH HERE. They’re not going to leave a needle in some guy’s arm and come charging in just because you pushed a frickin’ button and need your pillows adjusted.

Nurses are REALLY good about this sort of thing, especially when the patients start bitching at them. General advice: NEVER yell at nurses. They bite.


A mango whaiqueri?

Spengler Dampniche

If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.

Not Chocolate-Covered Banana, I think.


“A mango whaiqueri?”

You need that special ingredient of gay aborted womb babies. Puts a nice froth on the top.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’ve been almost run over in the parking lot by someone in a car with a McCain/Palin sticker with the McCain part cut off. TWICE.

How does one cut the McCain part of the sticker off twice?


CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. March 19-21, 2010
“As you may know, the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are trying to pass final legislation that would make major changes in the country’s health care system. Based on what you have read or heard about that legislation, do you generally favor it or generally oppose it?” If oppose: “Do you oppose that legislation because you think its approach toward health care is too liberal, or because you think it is not liberal enough?”

Favor: %39
Too Liberal Oppose: %43
Not Liberal Enough: %13

=> %52 vs %43

“Who do you trust more to handle major changes in the country’s health care system: Barack Obama or the Republicans in Congress?”

Barack Obama %51
Republicans %39

“Who do you trust more to handle major changes in the country’s health care system: the Democrats in Congress or the Republicans in Congress?”

Democrats in Congress %45
Republicans in Congress %39


“Not Chocolate-Covered Banana, I think.”

Plantation bananas fried in peanut oil are best for this.


Let’s call it “The Death Panel”

Any three will kill you.


Strawberry haiqueri?


“Not Chocolate-Covered Banana, I think.”

Yeah, um, they tend not to like thinking about chocolate bananas unless they’re wanking off while writing a letter about fags and real americans to President Obama.


How does one cut the McCain part of the sticker off twice?

There’s the fine print at the bottom about “Paid for by McCain For President 2008” or some such.


A Wry Manhattan?



Love it!


General advice: NEVER yell at nurses. They bite.

Oh, believe me. I know this well. There’s no way I could be a nurse. You have to have the patience of a saint.


This is awesome, he swerved out of his way on a busy road in order to run over a sign (presumably at the side of the road)… too bad the sign wasn’t posted on a telephone pole.

And he gave Obama the finger!

WOW, he’s where we were for eight fucking years straight. Without all the stupid, in our case.

Someone might point out to him though that refusing to fill out the Census form is, you know, against the law. But I assume he’d just kick and whine about socialism and personal sovreignty and names in capitals and befringed American flags as they dragged him off. “OH NOEZ I IZ POLTICL PRIZONER!”



A Mai Tard

Spengler Dampniche

If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.

There’s already just such a drink. It’s called Budweiser.


If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.

Bagging Punch?


WOW, he’s where we were for eight fucking years straight. Without all the stupid, in our case.

Will he put his fingers in his ears and scream: “LA LA LA LA LA I can’t hear your stupid fucking ass!” every time the president speaks on TV/the radio?

Spengler Dampniche



If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.

Flotsam on the Beach

Spengler Dampniche



Or a “Tag and Tonic”

Spengler Dampniche

Tom Colons?


“Ram and Coke”


There’s already just such a drink. It’s called Budweiser.

Can’t be. wingnut tears are delicious


General advice: NEVER yell at nurses. They bite install & remove catheters.

Amended for clarity.


Pervy smalldangler?


Will he put his fingers in his ears and scream: “LA LA LA LA LA I can’t hear your stupid fucking ass!” every time the president speaks on TV/the radio?

Oh, I hope so. I really really hope so.

And that someone posts it on Youtube.


“If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.”

A Blart Sour.


Fail Ale?


And of course,

“A vodka/cramberry”

Spengler Dampniche

Lime Rickets?


“Ram and Coke”

Don’t you mean “Rahm and Coke”?


Ram Raaaaaahm and Coke”



General advice: NEVER yell at nurses. They bite install & remove catheters.

Don’t forget the whole enema thing as well.

Although some people pay alot of money to etc. etc. u.s.w.


An apoplexytini?

Spengler Dampniche

Oh wait, I got it. How about “A Big Steaming Bowl Of Shut The Fuck Up?”


Oral Enema.


Hey, i just wrote “alot”.

Fucking kill me, please.


Bullshot? wait.

I was going to say “bloody bullshit” earlier, but who wants to drink that, even if it is made from delicious, refreshing wingnut tears?


Blast! Beaten by that rascally actor again.


Dammit Pere, you totally stole my enema thunder, or something.

Trilateral Chairman

Someone might point out to him though that refusing to fill out the Census form is, you know, against the law.

It’s even in the Constitution, for pity’s sake, which these guys normally take to be second only to the Bible.

Spengler Dampniche

Speaking of cocktails, great comment at the top of Anal Alcohol’s latest post:

> horrified, terrified, outraged and disgusted

I sincerely believe this could be a civilization-breaker. It has so many shades of hubris…. Let’s try to count.

1. The abject authoritarianism.

2. The self-righteousness.

3. The origin in the hearts of people who don’t actually create wealth.

4. (Maybe the biggest point), the assumption that this is all a zero-sum game, and therefore the wealth to do this must actually exist somewhere beyond their own imaginations. See here, go to 78 minutes and 30 seconds.

5. Their disregard for public (or even legal) process.

This is a failure by Democrats, but no government servant should take pride. This is above all a failure of human nature.

It will end really, really badly.

And don’t let anyone tell you that this will bring back some righteous conservative response. If conservatives had been righteous, it wouldn’t have happened.

Bad day.

On the one hand, whaaaa? On the other hand, bwhaaaahaaaa!


Dumb and Stormy?


Why does it have to be called anything other than a cock-tale?


Fucking kill me, please.

I don’t think the death panels are on line yet.


Screwed Driver


I don’t think the death panels are on line yet.

Oh, but when they are, people who write “alot” will be at the top of the list! Also, people who write “definately.”


It’s even in the Constitution, for pity’s sake, which these guys normally take to be second only to the Bible.

Is that the order they mean to read them in, you know, one day when they’ve got the time because they really will sometime, for sure, I mean it but you know things have been crazy busy around here lately?


Oh, but when they are, people who write “alot” will be at the top of the list! Also, people who write “definately.”

fer sure. Totes.


Pan Galactic Gargle THIS!

Marion in Savannah


Looch for the win.


Fucking kill me, please.

I don’t think the death panels are on line yet.

Wait, we can choose death by fucking?


Their will be alot of them definately.

The Red Badger of Courage

It’s even in the Constitution, for pity’s sake, which these guys normally take to be second only to the Bible.

Only the 1st amendment (the part about preventing free exercise of religion-as long as it’s fundy Christianity) the 2nd amendment (wait, what’s that part about militias?) and the 10th (their “Get Out of Socialest Free” card)

And the 5th, if it’s a wingnut with their hand in the cookie jar.


“There’s already just such a drink. It’s called Budweiser.”

LOL! Ouch!


Oh, but when they are, people who write “alot” will be at the top of the list! Also, people who write “definately.”

Say what???????????


If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.

The usual.


So true. Ever try getting a decent pizza, at a reasonable price, in Geneva? Impossible.

Actually, in Oulu that’s practically the only kind of decent food you can get. Thin-crust tuna pizza, Finnish-style. Nothin’ like that here, sad to say. Still nothin’ like UHC here, even sadder.

Also – if these neocon sociopaths want a religion to ape, Germanic heathenism probably ain’t it. For one thing, there’s all that hippy-dippy tree-hugging nature-worship associated with Freyr and Nerthus, the keeping of ‘sacred groves’ and the sacrifices at the solstices (Yule and Midsummer). For another, Germanic heathens were generally fairly tolerant of outsiders and women often held positions of power.

Honestly, these guys probably have more in common with the Imperial cultus around the time of Nero, what with the racism and the butthurt BURN-EVERYTIHNG attitude they seem to have of late…


I sincerely believe this could be a civilization-breaker.

Yeah, because every other developed country in the world has so obviously fallen into mad-max style anarchy.

Wow. What drama queens. I don’t think any name we could come up with would properly convey the taste of these whines.

Spengler Dampniche

Posted by: bradley13 at March 22, 2010 4:16 AM

I actually cried a little when I turned on Good Morning America this morning and saw that the bill had been passed. I won’t be able to even think about our future without weeping a little.

Guys, stay in the boat, Alkorn’s minions are slaying me dead! Wooo!

Posted by: Pirate Jo at March 22, 2010 5:47 AM

I’ve always felt I had a charmed life as an American, and for the first time, I’m really afraid for this country.



Wait, we can choose death by fucking?

Three guys are walking through a jungle when they are caught and taken prisoner by a savage tribe. The tribe chief says to the first man, “I will give you two choices. Death, or bungie.”
The man, not knowing what ‘bungie’ was, decided to choose that, because anything could be better than death. So the tribe proceeded to sodomize him repeatedly, for over an hour until he could barely walk. He stumbled away in tears as the other two men watched in horror.

The chief asks the second man, “Death, or bungie?” The man was horrified by what he had seen, but still would rather not die. He chose bungie, and the tribe proceeded to sodomize him even more viciously than the first man, for hours and hours, leaving him permanently crippled. He dragged himself away, sobbing.

The chief asked the last man, “Death or bungie?” The man decided that anything could be better than this ‘bungie’, even death. “I choose death!” the man exclaimed, bravely. The chief smiled. “Very well. Death.. by bungie!”

Spengler Dampniche

If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.

The usual.



DeMint julep? Surely there’s something you can do with “julep,” but I’ll be damned if I’m smart enough to figure it out.

I actually cried a little when I turned on Good Morning America this morning and saw that the bill had been passed. I won’t be able to even think about our future without weeping a little.

ZOMG that made my week and it’s only Monday!


Can’t compete with actor and several others, but … well, what the hell?

Smacked Waaaahniels
Blart and blart with a blart twist and strained over blart

Okay … I’m spent.


I’ve always felt I had a charmed life as an American, and for the first time, I’m really afraid for this country.

Funny, cuz I remember standing in my office, watching TWO MOTHERFUCKING TOWERS fall down to the ground and feeling really fucking terrorized.

Xecky Gilchrist

Smacked Waaaahniels

Very nice! I was going to suggest

Tonguejack Daniels


If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.

Sex on the beach, but only for procreation and you can’t enjoy it.

I was beaten to “Blartini” I see.
“Whine cooler” and “the usual” win pretty hard.


Actually, Truculent was pretty correct the first time. The reformed SAC, now called the United States Stretegic Command is headquartered at Offut AFB in Omaha. They run military sattelites there, so it would be a high-priority target, I think.


“1. The abject authoritarianism.”

Shouldn’t they like it then?


I’m pretty sure the Mighty Thor is a total hippie. He’s got that long blonde girly hair…

Beauuuuutiful girl hair…!


There really are death panels mandated in the bill. Betsy McCaughey was telling the truth — it’s right here in black in white on page .

The fact is, this bill will never become be enacted, after the patriots of the land march on the nations capitol and use our second amendment freedoms to turn back the tide of Obambicare tyranny.


If S,N ers were to make a cocktail using teatard tears, I wonder what it would be called.

It’s already been bottled:


Sex on the beach, but only for procreation and you can’t enjoy it.

Heh, I almost suggested “KLo in a thong” but then couldn’t stop thinking about ipecac for some reason.


it’s right here in black in white on page .

Is that you, Foley?


it’s right here in black in white on page .

Man, I already need some Obamacare socialest wonky-eyeball tests because I can’t see the page number you’ve so clearly included there!


There really are death panels mandated in the bill.

There goes Gary again, off on another man date.


Um, by the way, Gary?

McCaughey wrote that in 1994 about Clintoncare.

She was wrong then, she’s even more wrong now.


this bill will never become be enacted

Whatcha gonna do, Gary? Shoot the President before he signs it?

*finger poised over last digit for Secret Service hotline*


Offut AFB

In the top 20, certainly. Top 10 wouldn’t surprise me.


Whatcha gonna do, Gary? Shoot the President before he signs it?

*finger poised over last digit for Secret Service hotline*

Actually, history has shown it’s only liberals who engage in illegality and terrorism. Tea patriots have no need to use violence, because we have the support of the country behind us.


The fact is, this bill will never become be enacted, after the patriots of the land march on the nations capitol and use our second amendment freedoms to turn back the tide of Obambicare tyranny.

I would say be sure and let me know so I can buy popcorn first, but as my son noted to me yesterday, ya’ll wouldn’t last past the first crunch or two.


OMG it’s back. I was going through wingnut tear withdrawal. This shit’s addictive, yo.


Tea patriots have no need to use violence, because we have the support of the country behind us.

Then the Second Amendment comes into play how, exactly?


Actually, history has shown it’s only liberals who engage in illegality and terrorism.

Timothy McVeigh? Eric Rudolph? Any number of the fifty or so people who have been arrested for threatening the life of Obama?

Wanna try that one again, son?


The wingosphere is a lot like this today.


Timothy McVeigh? Eric Rudolph? Any number of the fifty or so people who have been arrested for threatening the life of Obama?

The people you mention aren’t Tea Party activists or even conservatives — they were socialist radicals who were applying the favorite liberal technique of “civil disobedience”, just like your Communist icon Martin Luther King.


Gary Graham:

Ironic, isn’t it? The people who pledged to unite America…have divided it to a point not seen since the Civil War.

Apparently everything’s been hunky-dory since The Black Man Won Freedom.


because we have the support of the country behind us

I predict Obama’s approval ratings will be back above 50% by April 1.


commie atheist – that was just great – really hit the spot. I put it up over at the ol’ blog.


The people you mention aren’t Tea Party activists or even conservatives

So much for that “Personal Responsibility” horseshit. Conservative Rule #1 (the Karl Rove Rule): never admit fault, never admit responsibility.


The people you mention aren’t Tea Party activists or even conservatives


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! Gary, I’ve always admired your steadfast idiocy. It’s comforting that, when all around us, the world is going to hell in a handbasket, you can sort it out so easily.

“McVeigh hated the Federal government intrusions and taxes, and blew up the Murragh Building? Must be a liberal!”


Communist icon Martin Luther King

I guess Gary missed the talking point


Why are you arguing with fake Gary?


I predict Obama’s approval ratings will be back above 50% by April 1.

It’s 50 now.


Best line from the Graham piece Subi posted:

I didn’t want to write a blog today.

That makes two of us, moron.


Oh, I’m SO voting “fake troll”.

Not even the 99 44/100 pure stupid of glenbeck could come up with “Tim McVeigh = socialist radical”.


It’s 50 now.

He truly is The One!


Why are you arguing with fake Gary?

You’re right. The spelling is too good.

Fake Gary Ruppert

Oh, I’m SO voting “fake troll”.

Not even the 99 44/100 pure stupid of glenbeck could come up with “Tim McVeigh = socialist radical”.

OK I got nothin’.


Substance McGravitas said,
March 22, 2010 at 22:36

“And millions more little piggies will sidle up to the public trough of American largesse.”

Hooooooo, doggies. Would you like some fries with that dehumanizing eliminationist rhetoric?


Not even the 99 44/100 pure stupid of glenbeck could come up with “Tim McVeigh = socialist radical”.

You have a lot more faith in the stupid sumbitches than I do.

(although Gary is, was, and shall forever be, a fake troll. Or rather a real troll, in the original internet meaning of “saying things just to annoy and get a rise out of others”).


In the heartland it’s a Rustic Fail.


Righties blowing shit up == civil disobedience? That phrase obviously doesn’t mean what I thought it did.


Not even the 99 44/100 pure stupid of glenbeck could come up with “Tim McVeigh = socialist radical”.

Why not? They called Captain America a Socialist.


Not even the 99 44/100 pure stupid of glenbeck could come up with “Tim McVeigh = socialist radical”.

He wore a Sic Semper Tyrannus t-shirt, and John Wilkes Booth was a democrat, QED


Shorter Megan McArdle: Based on predictions I pulled out of my ass, health care reform will totally fail.


He wore a Sic Semper Tyrannus t-shirt


Right wingers don’t believe in dinosaurs.


You have a lot more faith in the stupid sumbitches than I do.

Indeed, they really can blame absolutely anything on liberals / socialests / whatever; since those words have no actual definition to the wingnuts apart from “somebody who isn’t on Our Team.”

I’m curious to see how the Stupid Anger crowd manages to get stupider and angrier after the amazing feats they’ve already performed. But though my imagination isn’t good enough to envision how they’ll do it, I know they will do it.


Shorter Megan McArdle: Based on predictions I pulled out of my ass, health care reform will totally fail.

Shorterer: Math is hard!


Thanks, Jennifer – but credit where it’s due, I stole that from justme, who posted it a few threads ago.


I swear, these idiots should have to take a medical ethics course before opening their fucking mouths about healthcare.

Triage? Wut’s dat… sounds like elitist Frenchie fag0rt talk to me.



Obviously, yes, I was upset yesterday. I’m glad that this could bring so much joy to peoples’ hearts, and of course to know that for many people, the happiest part of passing health care reform seems to have been knowing that it made people like me unhappy.

Oh, darling, you have NO idea!


Did people *really* think that there was no rationing of care, that doctors never had to make life-and-death decisions about treatment?

Well yeah, sure, but those death panels only decided about poor brown people. The new Obamacare DeathPanel 2010 will be deciding about white folks!


But though my imagination isn’t good enough to envision how they’ll do it, I know they will do it.

I think Lord Haldane had something to say along those lines.


Oh, there were 404 comments when I entered the thread.

I thought for a minute that meant that Confederate Yankeeracist’s ideas about healthcare reform could not be found.


I think Lord Haldane had something to say along those lines.

As I recall, his experiments involved goats.


McArgleBargle:the happiest part of passing health care reform seems to have been knowing that it made people like me unhappy.

Libertarianism in a nutshell: Everything is always about me.


As I recall, his experiments involved goats.

You’re thinking of Lord Kaus.


I’m curious to see how the Stupid Anger crowd manages to get stupider and angrier after the amazing feats they’ve already performed. But though my imagination isn’t good enough to envision how they’ll do it, I know they will do it.

The Senate GOP is already pulling an amendment crapflood to try and stall the financial reform bill. Standing up for the banksters seems like it ought to unlock the “epic stupidity” achievement.


McVeigh didn’t have a book by George Bernard Shaw in his car when they caught him, ergo McVeigh = not socialest. Q.E.D.


“Sex on the beach, but only for procreation and you can’t enjoy it.”

Thanks for the lulz everybody. I laughed out loud a few times. Good times.


Their will be alot of them definately.

Evan if there wingnuts, their dead irregardless


McVeigh didn’t have a book by George Bernard Shaw in his car when they caught him, ergo McVeigh = not socialest. Q.E.D.

Hello, the Tanner Diaries?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Man, there’s a lot of “WIN” here today- the whole day is composed of “WIN”.

“Ram and Coke”

Ram and Choke


Hello, the Tanner Diaries?

I heard it was the ‘Tin Ear Diaries”, about a noble Aryan who’s forced out of the music bid’ness by tone-deaf Jooz and the horrible vengance he visits upon Las Vegas.


Heh, I almost suggested “KLo in a thong” but then couldn’t stop thinking about ipecac for some reason.

Okay, the thought of that is enough to make me want to be an Admiral of the Narrow Seas.


Thanks, Jennifer – but credit where it’s due, I stole that from justme, who posted it a few threads ago.

Alas, not my work. Leftovers from the last election. I don’t remember where I first saw it but it still makes me smile every time I see it.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Heh, I almost suggested “KLo in a thong” but then couldn’t stop thinking about ipecac for some reason.

KLo in a Speedo, I know, I know it’s serious!


OT–awesome comment from a Brit, following a poll asking if Rush should stay or leave the country, as promised….

Rush Limbaugh is one of those hate figures of the American Right that British viewers barely have to hear from. He’s just one of those metonyms for an ignorant, bullying ideology that we love to hate, but it’s hardly a pressing concern for us.

I’ve listened to his show, and read Al Franken’s book about him, and he certainly seems like a Grade A twunt, and the high water-mark of the commercial corruption of news, but as long as there is a baying audience for this kind of crap, dying to define itself in indscriminate opposition to “political correctness”, it doesn’t matter whether he stays or goes. There’ll be an equally ill-informed, incurious, boorish mound of self-satisfied dunce along in a minute.

The poll choice for keeping Rush was “No, what has Costa Rica ever done to the US?” HA!


Admiral of the Narrow Seas.

that is fucking beautiful.


and he certainly seems like a Grade A twunt,

“Twunt” may be one of the best words ever.


KLo in a Speedo, I know, I know it’s serious!

at least it wasn’t a burrow owl reference.





KLo in a Speedo, I know, I know it’s serious!

No, I don’t want to see her…


“Twunt” may be one of the best words ever.

Yes…Does this guy’s assessment of Rush not the most perfect summation you’ve ever heard? I always just say he’s a fuckin douchebag.


IS this guy’s…

Geez, what a douchebag.


KLo in a Speedo, I know, I know it’s serious!

Desperate, but not serious.


In his latest excretion, Confederate Wankee warns that he and his fellow freedom-lovers may be forced to take up arms against a sea of ObamaNazis:

As we have been told countless times by philosophers and statesmen, tyranny is always seeking power and it comes in many guises. Sometimes sunlight is enough to dissuade those who would enslave others. In other instances, the mechanisms of justice can undo such wrongs. Thankfully, the final mechanism our founders instill to protect us from tyranny has not had to be used since an isolated event 64 years ago.

We live in a nation full of freshly-experienced combat veterans and graying patriots alike that still remember their oaths to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The taste of liberty is much sweeter for them, having been to parts of the world where such things cannot be taken for granted. Pray that we are not required to call upon their service in a struggle against our own countrymen. God protect us all if we are forced to such extremes by a power-mad clique intent on transforming citizens into dependent subjects.

Interestingly, the “isolated event” he refers to was one where a town rebelled to prevent an election from being stolen, and in which a black man was shot because he attempted to vote:

So, there was an election, and the townspeople took up arms to make sure that the will of the people would be obeyed, and that the corrupt assholes who fucked things up would be thrown out of office. And Owens thinks that somehow justifies violent action taken against a legally-elected President and Congress who are trying to enact legislation they campaigned on.

He’s really not very bright, is he?


<blockquote?Gary Ruppert said,
March 22, 2010 at 22:11
There really are death panels mandated in the bill. Betsy McCaughey was telling the truth — it’s right here in black in white on page .
The fact is, this bill will never become be enacted, after the patriots of the land march on the nations capitol and use our second amendment freedoms to turn back the tide of Obambicare tyranny.

The fact is, Gary, we hope you schizophrenic wingnut twunts are scared to fucking death. But you aren’t, are you? Because you know all your bullshit is nothing but fucking lies and princess theatrics. Go have your fucking tea party with your girly GI Joe dolls and leave the rest of us alone.


I remember a lot of years ago, I think it was Wolcott said something like the following regarding Rush: “…he’s a crypto-truckling fat boy, and in the type of society he advocates – the Wild West – Rush would be the blubbering saloon boy who dances when you shoot at his feet.”

A thing of beauty forever.


We live in a nation full of freshly-experienced combat veterans and graying patriots alike that still remember their oaths to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The taste of liberty is much sweeter for them, having been to parts of the world where such things cannot be taken for granted.

I”m figgurin’ CY has not only never been one of those people, much less ever having had left America (except of course for those trips to Tiujana…)

What a twunt.


We live in a nation full of freshly-experienced combat veterans and graying patriots alike

In which does he classify himself?
Writing in the High Style of a pompous dick does not make you a second Edmund Burke.


Wankee’e commenters double down on the stupid:

We are tired of our government and the direction it is taking. You can not say that elections indicate the will of the people and we will need to do something to get the politicians back on track. Our forefathers set up a system of elections much different from what we have. Originally only people of property were able to vote. This process that we are currently seeing shows the reason why.

Awesomeness. A call for a return to the good old days, when the men were men and the women were chattel, only property owners could vote, and black people knew their place – as 3/5th of a person. Good times!


We live in a nation full of freshly-experienced combat veterans and graying patriots alike that still remember their oaths to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

All enemies, Confederate and Wanker.

Pray that we are not required to call upon their service in a struggle against our own countrymen.

We! He really thinks people who actually believe in and take seriously their oaths to defend the Constitution will side with him against the majority of citizens and the legally elected leadership in the country because they passed some legislation he doesn’t like!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

<I?In his latest excretion, Confederate Wankee warns that he and his fellow freedom-lovers may be forced to take up arms against a sea of ObamaNazis:

I can see this ending badly, with the wingnuts blasting each other to bits at the slightest provocation, ala Cadmus’ serpent-sown adversaries.


I always love how when someone threatens to kill the president or overthrow the government, they always use passive tense. That is not the grammer of a confident revolutionary. ‘Will’ statements, Bob



What Would Loki Do?


Loki would get drunk and flyte the Aesir, same as he always does.


I always love how when someone threatens to kill the president or overthrow the government, they always use passive tense. That is not the grammer of a confident revolutionary. ‘Will’ statements, Bob

And “Pray that we are not required to call upon their service in a struggle against our own countrymen” is very “let’s you and him fight,” isn’t it?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

What Would Loki Do?

Loki would let a giant’s horse nail him, and give birth to an eight-legged colt.


“to promote the General Welfare”

Seems pretty clear to me, and that’s right up front. The part I can’t find is “to Insure The Profits Of Private Corporations”. I’m sure I’m just missing that part.

If these sumbitches were around 100 years ago, there would *still* be a subsidy for Goddamn buggy-whip manufacturers. No, these bozos don’t like socialism, they frakking love it!


I’m loving all the Impotent Potables!


And “Pray that we are not required to call upon their service in a struggle against our own countrymen” is very “let’s you and him fight,” isn’t it?

I visualize Bob “Wankee” Owens as a modern-day Smedley Butler, urging on his ragtag Bonus Army to fight for freedom while he stays in the rear and attends to his grill.


Here’s a good one, from VD Hanson’s comments:

Racism is fueling the leadership, read, Obama. This is all about Reparations plus interest….the government will be a single employer …Revenge against all non minority people is what Obama desires from his heart.


– An Asshattan

– A Lynchmob Lemonade

– A Butthurt Mary


Revenge against all non minority people is what Obama desires from his heart.

Why oh why does Obama hate his white half? Has “Star Trek” taught him nothing?


” Pirate fetish? Torture fetish? Too much time spent wanking to old issues of Boys’ Life? Opinions sought.”

Horses. And rope. You figure it out.


– A Schadenfreude Sling

– A Rusty Fail

– A Tequla Scumrise


OTOH, “Wingnut Tears” wouldn’t be a bad name for a beverage, but what might it contain? Bitters, sugar syrup, saline, and ethanol?


Ooh, “Pirate Fetish” would also be good.


Back to the Hammer of the Gods: it’s time for the viking kiitehs.


Teabag Warriors United- Not Timid!

And Odin’s Acolyte is not hung. Also.


Oh, but when they are, people who write “alot” will be at the top of the list! Also, people who write “definately.”

From acing the English SAT in high school to writing “alot”.

They say the mind is the first thing to go. Any day now I should be commenting over on Malkin’s or Freeperville and being a proper gullible brain-dead moran.

Sigh. It was a nice brain while it lasted.


Teabag Warriors United- Not Timid!

Bravo, sir. “Let us defend the ramparts until the last TWUNT falls!”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

They say the mind is the first thing to go. Any day now I should be commenting over on Malkin’s or Freeperville and being a proper gullible brain-dead moran.

Sigh. It was a nice brain while it lasted.

Hey, I know of a zombie who’d love to NOM NOM NOM it for you before you Freep out.

Lurking Canadian

Not even the 99 44/100 pure stupid of glenbeck could come up with “Tim McVeigh = socialist radical”.

Goldberg, on the other hand, could pull that shit off in his sleep.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Huh, the troll moved forward to the “well, you Democraps don’t really like it anyway, so I still win!” sooner than I expected. I was hoping for more struggling on the line with regard to the Court.


We’ve got a large segment of Americans who want a sort of whites-only theocracy

Give them Utah, build a big freaking wall around it, and lay a minefield a mile thick outside of that. Any of them who get past that get dropped on sight.

That’s an approach they should be able to relate to.

“This shall not stand in my land”? What land is that, Valhalla? Marvel Comics?

Odin’s Acolyte can kiss my ass.


What IS it with wingnuts and things that “shall not stand”?

I’m just askin’.


What IS it with wingnuts and things that “shall not stand”?

And will Obamacare cover the little pills that will finally make it stand?

Carrie Prejean's Web-interfaced Multispeed 1.3HP Gasoline-powered Vibrator (two-stroke, of course)

I’m-a gonna go with a melange of my two top favorites:

White whine cooler

Carrie Prejean's Web-interfaced Multispeed 1.3HP Gasoline-powered Vibrator (two-stroke, of course)

Sorry. I thought I hit “Submit” on that hours ago.

(The “Asshattan” is pretty good too, but that’s a beverage of wingnut bile and talk radio venom, made effervescent with Republican hot air. It tastes like warm kool-aid.)


What IS it with wingnuts and things that “shall not stand”?

With the solid foundation of No Understanding – No Standing obviously follows.


Hey, I know of a zombie who’d love to NOM NOM NOM it for you so you can Freep out.



I’d rather have the docs doing it than the insurance SOBs, but it’s going to happen no matter what.

Yeah, but the mere acknowledgment that there comes a time when the machine breaks down, that life with feeding tubes jammed down your throat* is not life at all — that goes against the whole “culture of life” thing that wingnuts give lip service to, because it allows them to bash women & hippies over abortion.

At some point, we do have to start to come to grips with the tradeoffs looming between medical science and our increasingly limited resources; with the stats that show some crazy percentage (60%? 80%? 1,000%?) of our money is spent on treatment in the last months of life, before we cack out, leaving our kids paupers. But that requires the American People to nut up and start acting like adults; to acknowledge that We Are All Going To Die (someday), and that we hafta make decisions about what we want to have happen when that day arrives.

The kicking-and-screaming we hear out of the Palin “Death Panel!!!” faction is definitely going to drown out any rational discourse on this issue.


From the missus, re drink names:

“Fuzzy Snivel”


It’s not considered the same thing. It only prevents fertilization.

Oh, I just checked – it BOTH prevents fertilization in the first place AND implantation. Once the egg’s implanted, though, no effect. Still, according to wingnuts life begins at fertilization so it’s still MURDEING TEH BABEEZ!

Ah, the remnants of the Bush-era FDA. Plan B (like all forms of progestin-based contraception) prevents ovulation: there is no evidence that it does anything at all once the woman has ovulated. The long-standing disclaimer “it may prevent fertilization and/or implantation” translates to “some people think it might prevent fertilization or implantation, and we can’t prove it doesn’t” with a slight accent of “and we’re too nervous to step on any wingnut toes, so we’ll weasel-word it”.

The problem is that the time span between ovulation and implantation is completely off the hormonal grid, so we can’t come up with any way to detect exactly when fertilization occurs. Like you said, Plan B has no effect on an existing pregnancy (i.e., after implantation occurs), and researchers don’t see how it could interfere with fertilization or implantation, but there’s no way to be 100% certain.

Oh, and the obligatory “You think you’re Thor! I’m not going to walk thtraight for a week!”

“I’m tho thore I can barely pith!”

A Journal of the Plague Year

I love it when wingnuts go all Viking. And by “love” I mean, “find hysterically funny,” since the average wingnut would only last several seconds in the company of real Vikings–and that only because the Norsemen would toy with them before crushing their skulls with an axe.

I know that they are my ancestors and I am therefore perhaps a bit biased, but…Vikings were seriously badass. Yeah, teatards love the image of being ruthless killers, right up to the point where they realize that being a Viking entailed really hard work (when there was no wind, those boats didn’t row themselves!). And fighting. In person. With axes almost as long as a wingnut is tall. Perhaps for hours. With no restart button if you die. Oh, and your family was disgraced if you died of old age.

Vikings: No whining, and no cheeto dust!


The fact is, this bill will never become be enacted, after the patriots of the land march on the nations capitol and use our second amendment freedoms to turn back the tide of Obambicare tyranny.

Ah. so Gary’s advocating armed insurrection to overturn Congressional legislation that changes….insurance policies?

History will look back on the pronouncements of wingnuts and wonder what the fuck was in their water.


“If you are reading this, then you are the Resistance.”

Jeez, couldn’t they have ripped off a good Terminator movie?

“We’ve cleared our schedules for the next two days and are going to hole up here in Buzzquarters to work nonstop on our strategy to defund the DNC and alienate large Democrat Donors from their support for Leftists in office….
It’s going to take sacrifice. Less trips to the movies. Fewer nights out. No more watching DVDs or goofing off.”

Yawn. Now if they were giving up Cheetos, then I’d be shaking in my boots…


“If you are reading this, then you are the Resistance.”

Good god. I used to say stupid shit like that when I was playing cops and robbers with my little friends in the back yard….

I think they just like playing pretend.

“We’ve cleared our schedules for the next two days

Rrrrrriiiiight…. I’m sure that schedule was just jammed before you cleared it for this Very Important display of utter psychosis.


We’ve cleared our schedules for the next two days and are going to hole up here in Buzzquarters to work nonstop on our strategy to defund the DNC and alienate large Democrat Donors from their support for Leftists in office

Hee hee hee, because there’s nothing so characteristic of wealthy, successful Democratic donors as their willingness to be influenced by the brain-dead stooges and lackeys still hoping to get Hillary Clinton declared the winner of the 2008 election.

Illuminati Repton

“While I’ve not seen a Reptoid, I have often heard snake-like “sssssssss” sounds emanating from sources I could not see.”

Oh, man. I don’t quite know how to break it to the guy, but it sounds like his house is the new hook-up spot for the local repton teenagers.

I bet if he looks around a little, he’ll find some used condoms in otherworldly shapes.


You can not say that elections indicate the will of the people

Right. For that we rely on focus groups and internet polls.


Vikings were seriously badass

Except when we were raising kittehs or trading with the Europeans or farming.


You can not say that elections indicate the will of the people

Oh yeah? WATCH THIS: “Elections indicate the will of the people.”

Nee. Ner.


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