Barney Faggity Fag Fag Fag Fag Fag

ABOVE: Dan Blatt and Bruce Carroll, The Gay Patridiots

Shorter B. Daniel Blatt, The Ambiguously Gay Pseudo-Patriot:
My Challenge to Barney Frank’s Defenders

  • Nobody should have to apologize to Barney Frank for calling him a faggot because he is, in fact, a big old fag.

Shorter Bruce Carroll, The Big Old Gay Armchair Patriot:
ABC News Inflames Race and Gay Baiting In America

  • There is no proof that anyone called Barney a faggot and any news media outlet reporting this so-called fact is gay-baiting. Also, it served Barney right for walking through a group of protesters.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 27


Whoops, Tintin – sorry for cock-blocking you with a new post above.


So what are Blatt and Carroll’s reasons for favoring the homophobic rightwing again? Is it all about money? Or love of raging douchebaggery?


Interesting that they both manage to contradick (sic) each other.

Indeed, there’s more evidence that Barney Frank was called the F word than John Lewis the N word. Actual honest-to-goodness MSM reporters heard the fag comment, but video evidence to the contrary, no MSM reporter claims to have heard the N word.


I did the same thing inadvertently to Brad because I didn’t see his post when I launched mine . . .


Reasons, you ask? It is to laugh, their “reasons.” the Brucies have had ahardon for Barney for a long time.


I should add, something about Barney’s frank, ramming, their throats…

Spengler Dampniche

“Whoops, Tintin – sorry for cock-blocking you with a new post above.”


All this thrusting of massive posts down our throats is getting confusing.


Of the accounts I’ve read, only one Tea Party protestor was arrested. There was a much smaller anti-war protest yesterday which resulted in 8 arrests, including Cindy Sheehan, who yelled “arrest that war criminal!!”, right before her arrest.

Lookit what Cindy Sheehan done!

They had refused to pick up cardboard boxes symbolizing coffins that they laid on the sidewalk in front of the White House.


Of the accounts I’ve read, only one Tea Party protestor was arrested. There was a much smaller anti-war protest yesterday which resulted in 8 arrests, including Cindy Sheehan, who yelled “arrest that war criminal!!”, right before her arrest.

So they are rejoicing in the fact that peace speech will get you arrested in this country but hate speech is ok. What would Jesus think?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

So what are Blatt and Carroll’s reasons for favoring the homophobic rightwing again? Is it all about money? Or love of raging douchebaggery?

A steady trickle of naive young men fleeing the bigotry of the Heartland, only to end up in their trolly clutches, until they finally wise up?


Of the accounts I’ve read, only one Tea Party protestor was arrested.

Three. Two were arrested inside the House chamber for interrupting the debate.


Of the many things I called GWB, I never called him a faggot while he was walking to work.

Also, Dan Blatt’s computer surely is full of self-hating abuse porn. Or he just jerks off to Westboro Baptist Church signs.


Well, I once flipped off Bush’s motorcade here in DC and Cheney’s more than once. Felt good too.


I had to leave this comment that I’m sure will be scrubbed in moments:

“Ahhh, tender young troglodites….Yes there is video up on teh intertubes where you do in fact hear the Tea Partyers yelling ‘nigger’ and also video of them yelling ‘faggot’.

I was really expecting to see much more of the line of ‘having this giant thing rammed down our throats’ here. Guess that one comes to close to home, or a successful Friday night for some here.”

So sad.


Yes there is video up on teh intertubes where you do in fact hear the Tea Partyers yelling ‘nigger’ and also video of them yelling ‘faggot’

Those were SO TOTALLY lefties PRETENDING to be nut-suckers.


Of the many things I called GWB, I never called him a faggot while he was walking to work.

did you ever call Pablo Picasso an asshole?


“Also, it served Barney right for walking through a group of protesters whilst a giant faggy gayfag.” is surely what he meant there.


Self-loathing homophobia is a wretched thing. I suppose when I contemplate my own personal inadequacies, I can always look to the Gay Patriots and be thankful that at least I don’t operate on that level of obvious self-hatred. They would obviously claim not to hate themselves, but they both obviously hold homosexuality and gay culture in low esteem, which must grate a little on their psyches.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Nobody should have to apologize to Barney Frank for calling him a faggot because he is, in fact, a big old fag.

Newsflash: Australopithecines attack Homo.


Barney Frank is gay?


Baiting my ass.

Reason they’re furious at the newsies who’ve reported it is because it torpedoes their narrative. They’ve been trying to say from the beginning that the Tea Party movement is NOT RACIST at all, they’re just Concerned Local Citizens who’re upset because they’re hurt by the government, and the liberals are falsely calling them racists in order to discredit them.

So when the teabaggers are caught using language that you normally hear only from Fred Phelps or Byron De La Beckwith, it turns out the liberal characterization is perfectly accurate. To be fair, though, it’s pretty well impossible to build an entire political base on white backlash and not expect that to seep through from time to time.


I would like to point out that the title of this post syncs rhythmically with Mars by Holst.



They’re saying FAG but they mean FAP.


I would like to point out that the title of this post syncs rhythmically with Mars by Holst.


And if you invert the FAG! and the FAGGITY FAG!, it’s the theme from Superman 1:


That riff hit me first, and it took me three tries to get Mars in my head. Then it turned into a Mars bar and someone rammed it down my throat and…

Wait–what were we talking about again?


Dorothy–not to forget the Star Wars opening theme … Williams ripped off Holst (and others) like a mothafucka. Ain’t nobody more gangsta than J-Dog, the King of Pops.


To get back to the POINT POINTEDLY POINT. POINT POINT POINT. POINT POINTEDLY POINT.POINTEDLY: (With apologies to whomever John Williams stole it from):

Just goes to show that the Everlasting GOP Stoppers can get ANYbody to vote against their own self-interest. Get the fags defending anti-fags screaming fag, because they’re in Teh Party That HATES Fags™. (And, maybe becuz they likes getting effed in the ass without benefit of lubricant. Surely that must be what it FEELS like, being a GOPPER hereabouts nowz.)

I believe that it can all be attributed to the secret meeting of St. Ronald of Ray-Gun, to barter guns and butter to teh Alienz at Area 51 in 1979, in exchange for teh STOOOPID Ray that magically enstoopids voterz into believing whatever Little Billy Kristol pulls out of his ass.

“So long kids. Have fun storming the asshole!”

This worked well for them until 2000, when, having succeeded beyond their wildest expectorations, Poppy’s GOPPY George W. Bush was forced to turn the S.R. on himself, so that he could be understood by his newly ray-conditioned followers.

The rest, as they say, is mystery.


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