Deep thought
Posted on March 22nd, 2010 by Brad
If my grandmother if still alive tomorrow morning I will feel betrayed.
Consider this an open thread.
If my grandmother if still alive tomorrow morning I will feel betrayed.
Consider this an open thread.
(comments are closed)
my parents just became grandparents. I fear for them.
If this was supposed to be his Waterloo, then Napoleon is dynamite.
Sadly, My father will not. He passed away a couple of weeks ago but he had the best healthcare the Mayo Clinic could give him to the end.
The NEA teachers union that’s why.
Here’s what I like about this; Obama, and secondarily the Democrats, have demonstrated in obvious fashion how toothless and ineffectual the Republicans are, even when they are nearing frothing at the mouth levels of apoplexy.
So next time, fewer people and pundits will take people like Boehner seriously. I can’t see that as a bad thing.
Apoplexy. That’s a good word.
If my grandmother if still alive tomorrow morning I will feel betrayed.
Sounds like she’s got good branes.
Maybe I could make a visit…?
Well, Brad, a few threads down you mentioned being promised to run a death panel pending the approval of the bill. Therefore the disposition of your grandmother’s life is entirely your prerogative.
Apparently they have death panel vans driving around right now, going to old folks’ homes. My own grandmother just swallowed poison rather than have something shoved down her throat.
noen–my father has been in the hospital for the last month recovering from a stroke. Thank God he has good health insurance through his teacher’s union, for just the first week’s tests would have destroyed my parents’ bank account.
Incidentally, two-part marine apoplexy works underwater. I used it to repair my mango boat.
If my grandmother if still alive tomorrow morning I will feel betrayed.
I guess it’s up to me to be *that guy* and mention the typo. Should be “is still alive”.
Waterloo- We were defeated, you won the war
Waterloo- Promise to bitch for ever more
Waterloo!- Couldn’t stop shit if we wanted to
Waterloo- Knowing my fate is to lose to you
Waterloo!- Finally facing our Waterloo
Oh, yeah, and because I just have to gloat –Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah! Writhe in impotent, burning torment, GOP and all your scum-sucking minions!! Nyaaahhh, you fuckers!!! How’s getting outwitted, outplayed, and smacked down feel (again. And again. And again…:)? )To paraphrase philosopher Monie Love, you’ve been kicked, dissed, listed as some dumb ones. I hope you like sad songs–you’re gonna hum some…
Yes, deering, gotta love them teacher’s unions and all unions. This is a good day.
Oh yeah? We’ll I’m gonna take may van down to the corner by the Home Depot and pick me up a crew of illegals, andthen we’re all going to get free state-sponsored sex changes followed by free state-sponsored abortions.
Beat that!
the Zombies Union is surprisingly ineffectual.
Check this shit out!
I just learned that. Sweet. Now I can make (¿ ), which is my French Bulldog’s anus and balls as seen from behind.
Sorry, off topic.
Sorry, off topic.
Really? How?
Because my French Bulldog already has free healthcare.
Death panel airborne units are parachuting into isolated communities in the Heartland even as we post.
How’s that hopey changey goin’ for ya now, libs? Ted Kennedy’s seat went to Scott Brown and now your fantasies of taken over 8/7ths of the economy by putting big government in health care are DEAD. Dead.
noen, my sympathy. my mother’s union and mine are looking out for us, too. be well and brave.
ϝυ℃☈ ☂☵∀╦
Death panel airborne units are parachuting into isolated communities in the Heartland even as we post.
And, you can’t even see them coming, ’cause they’re riding BLACK HELICOPTERS!! Pretty soon, free inoculations and preventative care will be unavoidable! I HAVE A RIGHT TO DIE FROM PLAGUE YOU LIBS!!1!
But if poor people are allowed to have health care then how can we keep pretending that we are more deserving than them, dammit!?
And wearing Invisibility Cloaks.
There’s always somebody showing off. And then the boat tips over.
M wife is in both the WGA and the PGA (Producer’s Guild, she’s not a golfer), so we have superb insurance through them. And she needs it — all kinds of awesome pre-existing conditions.
Much as I scoff blar blar blar boo sucks at this puny effort in Washington, even the slightest step towards better care is a tremendous advance — it signals a sea change in thinking. Now the average American can wake up without something shoved down his or her throat and maybe start warming to the whole idea of free wellness.
I just went out and killed all my grandparents.
I’m not going to let the fucking government decide how they go out.
I just went out and killed all my grandparents.
That’s the sort of individualism and can-do spirit that makes this country great!
Donner party conservatives would make sure that said killed grandparents wouldn’t be let go to waste.
Well, it looks like Tr00fie dumped his turdsama persona, and is now just sitting in a dark corner, cutting himself while listening to emo.
As a physician, a socialist and a humanist I have to say that this is as proud as I’ve ever been of my country.
Which is to say, not very.
This bill sucks. Big time. Huge.
I think of what could have been had the leadership been more committed.
Nevertheless, it is a half-shuffle step over the starting line on the marathon to a universal single payer system.
The greatest works, etc.
“Because my French Bulldog already has free healthcare.”
Because he’s French, or because he’s your Bulldog?
First they came for the scorpionfolks, and I did not speak out because I was not a scorpionfolk;
Then they came for the icthyodrakes, and I did not speak out because I was not an icthyodrake;
Then they came for the intelligent funguses, and I did not speak out because I was not an intelligent fungus;
Then they came for the vampire vines, and I did not speak out because I was not a vampire vine;
Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak out for me.
“Donner party conservatives would make sure that said killed grandparents wouldn’t be let go to waste.”
Oh, they didn’t.
Chili, anyone?
Donner party conservatives would make sure that said killed grandparents wouldn’t be let go to waste.
I LOVE that story!!
… because I was not an intelligent fungus;
I think we are gonna have to ask you for evidence of that, sir.
good one guys…
no sign of teh trooofus yet. if he does come along, one word:
Needs more chemtrails.
As a physician, a socialist and a humanist
Every time pöplikid walks into a bar, a punchline goes to waste.
no sign of teh trooofus yet. if he does come along, one word:
I’m starting to think he’s our good luck charm, if he hadn’t kept predicting the demise of the bill, it wouldn’t have passed.
It would be a shame if something happened to him.
SHANETR00FIE!!Big Bad Bald Bastard,
Nope still here. If anything I dropped my urdsama persona and went back into lurk mode.
Most people here are very invested in this bill becoming something great, even though it is currently a POS. Just can’t buy into that, but since there is going to be little debate about it that does not devolve to various personal attacks I’ll just lurk.
… I’ll just lurk.
And not soon enough.
way to get the trool to drop the persona, though, Ya Bastard.
“Every time pöplikid walks into a bar, a punchline goes to waste.”
Trust me, when I’m on the Three Boys Porter, there ain’t no punchline going to waste.
I’m bringing the muthafuckin’ HOUSE. DOWN.
Are we clear?
I am digging my schadenfreude here.
Schadenfreude pie is the best expression of this particular emotion.
WOLVERINES!!!PIEFILTER!!!A wise decision.
I’m off to bed. Tomorrow’s a big day. I’ll be starting my new job as a commissar in the Freedom Suppression Section of the newly formed People’s Security Police.
currently a POS
your depth of evidence and force of logic here have totally convinced me
“The perfect is the enemy of the good.”
If this bill is one step towards the day when no one knows what it’s like to be uninsured while chronically ill, then I don’t care if that step looks grand, or if it’s drunken shambling. It’s progress, and we’ll drag the recalcitrant bastards into the future, just like progressives have always done.
noen, I’m sorry for your loss.
Trust me, when I’m on the Three Boys Porter, there ain’t no punchline going to waste.
The calls are coming from INSIDE THE PUB.
Okay, who’s going to do the bookmarks-of-health-care-reform doom? Not that I’m heading to bed anytime soon…:)
Oh yeah, and to, like, amend my earlier comment…
It was so sweet to watch those troglodytes lose.
I’m a Pittsburgh fan across the board. In my life I’ve witnessed a World Series win (The Pirates were great once. They are a source of constant pain. I never lost it over a person I didn’t know like I lost it when Willie Stargell died. Except maybe when Steve Gilliard died. Anyway, I digress.), four Super Bowl victories, three Stanley Cups and a University of Pittsburgh football championship.
I’ve never been happier with a win-lose outcome in my life.
I’m off to bed. Tomorrow’s a big day. I’ll be starting my new job as a commissar in the Freedom Suppression Section of the newly formed People’s Security Police.
I’m also starting a job in the Maoist Regime- I’ll be rounding up native-born church-going Anglo-Saxons, and forcing them to work giving Brazilian-wax jobs to Barney Frank.
And this shoutout playlist goes to the GOP and their scumbag minions…just because. Muhahahahahahahahahaa,,,
“Never Say Never,” Romeo Void
“Come to Papa,” Bob Seger
“Mama Said Knock You Out,” LL Cool J
“Crumblin’ Down,” John Mellencamp
“Future’s So Bright,” Timbuk 3
“Beyond Here Lies Nothin,” Bob Dylan
“Looking For Clues,” Robert Palmer
“Adult Education,” Hall & Oates
“Born Under a Bad Sign,” Albert King”
“I Wouldn’t Want To Be Like You,” Alan Parsons Project
“Knocked Out,” Paula Abdul…
…and with any luck…
“Locked Up,” Akon
“I’m off to bed. Tomorrow’s a big day. I’ll be starting my new job as a commissar in the Freedom Suppression Section of the newly formed People’s Security Police.”
Put a good word in for me with our new Soviet overlords.
I’ve recently discovered that I’m really good at killing old people.
pöplikid–God, I wish Gilliard had come back to earth for the last two years. He never would have gone back to heaven…;)
Mangoes! Get your fresh Mangoes here.
mmm, Christian mangoes.
Hey, who’s up for a manwich?
“Hey, who’s up for a manwich?”
I gotcha manwich right here.
Upon further examination of that sentence, it appears that there may be some potential for a double-entendre kind of thing. I assure you that it was written with completely innocent intent; an attempt to play on earlier references to dead grandparents and chili.
So let’s dispense with the obvious homoeroticism of the sentence right here.
A manwich could be:
A) A sandwich made from canned sauce and ground beef.
B) A sandwich made from canned sauce and ground dead grandparents.
C) A sandwich made from canned sauce and three men of a certain persuasion.
D) All of the above.
I want a sandwich. I just have to decide which kind.
Has Troofie showed up yet to explain his inevitable failure? Just curious.
“pöplikid–God, I wish Gilliard had come back to earth for the last two years. He never would have gone back to heaven…;)”
I think you’re right.
Got hooked during the 2006 World Cup.
Too short. Way too short.
Prediction time!
The troll, backed into a corner now, will either start tomorrow about how “it’ll never pass the Senate!”. Then “The Supreme Court will save me! Unconstitutional, really!” Then when that doesn’t pan out, he’ll start harping about how terrible the bill is anyway, and how Obama played us and blar har har, your liberal tears are delicious.
Y’know, same way he ever justifies himself.
Has Troofie showed up yet to explain his inevitable failure? Just curious.
He may have dropped by under a different nym to concern-troll a bit, but he won’t show up in his usual guise for a while, and when he does, he’ll pretend that nothing happened.
A lot of American Thinker cut & paste thread shitting as well.
A lot of American Thinker cut & paste thread shitting as well.
Maybe, but I think he’ll wait a while before he does that- he’ll lurk for a bit because, this soon after his heart was nuked from orbit, he’ll be liable to collapse into full LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL mode.
Good times!
The troll, backed into a corner now
wingnuts would suffer personality disintegration if they ever admitted to themselves that they made an error
I got a .45 and a shovel in the trunk. As soon as she comes out of the Denny’s breakfast buffet, I’m gonna get the drop on Gamma. That wily ol cuss’ll never see me coming.
Wow. The scars from De Troofus run deep.
If he’s real, and he means what he says, he just got the Crane Technique straight to the beanbag.
With a steel-toed boot. By Wayne Rooney. Using a new form of power armor that accelerates the operator’s leg speed by infinity percent.
I don’t think he’s coming anywhere near here tonight.
wingnuts would suffer personality disintegration if they ever admitted to themselves that they made an error
Well, they will struggle on the line for a bit, depending on how obviously they’re trapped, but yeah. He’s never going to acknowledge that he said it’d never pass the House because “what I meant was!”. When that no longer works, he’ll just close it off and move onto attack form, targeting all the “oh, this bill is awful” bitching we’ve been doing as his new avenue of attack.
Because y’know, obviously if we’re saying it from a left-wing perspective, he can grind his boot heel into us by saying how much Obambi played us and has left all the parasites, looters and Zimbabweans out in the cold, blar har har.
“I won, libs, that’s how it went down!”
Then he’ll make a new set of predictions which will be utterly wrong. Because that’s what he does.
Are we all sure that SCOTUS WON’T, in fact, fuck this up yet?
Sign a Farewell Card to Rush
No, pseudo-parade rainin’ guy, I’m not all sure. On the other hand, the troll thinks it could happen, and he’s a twit, so I’m keeping hope alive.
So….death panel meeting first thing tomorrow, followed by
wankee sez “Both the President and the Congress know—and have always known—that an executive order cannot override written law.” Is he talking about signing statements? like dubya did all the time?
Fire up the camps, comrades. It’s time to unveil the true extent of our nefarious plans to destroy America. I’m going to go check the Republican ghettos to make sure that everybody is wearing their red elephant patches.
And granny best not let out a peep.
Funny how the last, desperate hope the wingnuts have of keeping Obama’s massive package out of their throats is that the Supreme Court will go all activist-y and shit on established precedent. Which isn’t to say that they won’t, of course–Scalia’s probably hovering already.
Yeah, but surely they wouldn’t go and contravene the manifest will of the electorate,would they?
Oh, wait…………..
Hold me……………..
Tonight we celebrate. but …
What scares me is that SCOTUS will use this as a pretext to go after the commerce clause, as decided in 1944 (or thereabouts), which is the basis of nearly all federal regulation, etc. etc. etc.
And a decision like THAT would make Dred Scott look like a parking ticket.
On the other hand, maybe they’ll decide that suicide is a pre-existing condition.
B) A sandwich made from canned sauce and ground dead grandparents.
That would be a granwich.
Open Thread! YEEHAW! The FREEDOM to say anything I want to!
From DKW’s
linkPENIS —Little did town officials know when they singed the permit
Apparently official documents in the town of Truckee are not valid until they have been heated to just below the ignition flashpoint.
I saw a death panel shoot a man in Reno, just to watch him die
What scares me is that SCOTUS will use this as a pretext to go after the commerce clause, as decided in 1944 (or thereabouts), which is the basis of nearly all federal regulation, etc. etc. etc.
The mandate is not on the citizenry, however. It’s up to the individual state to impose and enforce the individual mandate. That negates the commerce clause.
I made a French Bulldog joke way back up there and somebody actually rose to the bait… Yes, because he’s French, he has free healthcare. I think that’s what I meant. I’m pretty stones. He’s a real dog, though, and pretty as a picture.
Did anybody else wake up this morning with Obama’s package shoved down their throats? Talk about rude awakenings.
For “I’m pretty stones,” read “I was pretty stoned.” I guess I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue.