HCR: Wingnuts Say Blarg!
Posted on March 22nd, 2010 by HTML Mencken
Shorter Mark Steyn
National Review
“Happy Dependence Day'”
- Just as socialized medicine turned Canadians, Britons, and the French into huge pussies, so too will Obamacare transform Americans from heroic muslim-slayers into wimpy fagg0rt hippie appeasers. Goodbye, beloved American Empire; hello, New Caliphate.
Shorter Charmaine Yoest Infection
The Wall Street Journal
“Abortion and the Health Bill”
- Obama’s all like, “well, not really,” but I know that if this bill passes it will mean more abortion, abortion, abortion, abortion, because Democrats are abortion-loving aborters who love abortion.
Shorter Editorial
The Wall Street Journal
“The ObamaCare Crossroads”
- The reason health care costs are out of control is because of communist programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Naturally, like the commie socialist marxist commies they are, Democrats want an even bigger program. Hence, Obamacare, the most direct assault on the “vitality of American capitalism”, like, EVAR.
Shorter Shrieking Harpy
“America’s Day of Wreckoning”
“Bye Bye Miss American Pie”
- Virtuous tea partiers are being smeared! Obamacare is going to be passed! There’s no doubt now that America is run by a foreign power! Viva la counter-revolution! Obviously Obama is the new Allende.
Shorter The Forgotten Street
“Is Obama the New Allende?”
- Nice democratically-elected leader you have there. Be a shame if there had to be a coup or something to get rid of him.
Verbatim Republican Congressman to Bart Stupak
- Babykiller!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Question: Isn’t everyday at America’s Shittiest Website Dependence Day?
This is all very well, but I simply don’t feel any healthier. What gives?
Incidentally, I’ve nevar seen so many beautiful, shiny mangoes, or such still, black water.
I’m staying in the boat on this one. The weapons-grade-stupid mangoes on those other boats are probably infections and radioactive.
Thanks for collecting so much of “the great right-wing freakout of 2010” which has begun. Moar popcorn needz!
Welcome to Wingnut Meltdown Central, Zero Hour. My God, this is gonna be so much fun.
Wingnuts: You threw everything you could possibly muster into destroying this bill. AND YOU LOST. LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST. KISS MY ASS.
…infectious, too. Blart, also.
Even shorter: “BAWWWWWW!!!”
From J.C. Hawkins at The Forgotten Street:
Seems like a reasonable guy.
Question: Isn’t everyday at America’s Shittiest Website Dependence Day?
I believe you meant DEPENDS day.
Honestly it’s hard not to feel better about the shit and banana sandwich bill by seeing who is against it and how stridently.
Welcome to Wingnut Meltdown Central, Zero Hour. My God, this is gonna be so much fun.
agreed. Starting to remind me of that one day in fall of 2008.
Of course, all the fun evaporates when one of these whackaloons flips out and starts shooting.
Reconciliation passes the House! Reconciliation passes the House! Bring on the dancing and ponies!
Bring on the dancing and ponies!
And hookers and blow!
And abortions. Lots of abortions.
Oh, and branes.
Sic Semper Republicanis!
All the whining at Malkin’s blog about how useless the executive order was made me a lot more confident that the antis didn’t get anything of value from it.
I’d feed Republican branes to zombie rotten mcdonald, but then he’d starve to death.
The insurance companies and their bought-and-paid-for pissant Republican lapdogs can take their preexisting conditions, their recissions, their thousand-dollar deductibles, their $50,000-per-year caps, their $5,000-a-month COBRA “coverage” for the unemployed, and all the rest of their greedy-ass fuck-you bullshit, and shove it RIGHT UP THEIR FUCKING ASSES!!!!
Twitter’s down. This is just like in Iran!
Here’s the thing; wingnuts and Republicans have already painted HCR as leading to eugenics, and nazis, and death camps, and called supporters fascists and satanists…
So where do they go now? They pulled out all the stops, and teh Dems (and Obama) still pull it out.
Gosh, now that I think of it, weren’t there a bunch of guys who have been cluttering up these threads for the past year or so, telling us that HCR was DEAD DEAD DEAD? What happened to those guys?
Hey! Zombie legislation!
I posted this elswhere but screw it:
Pretty much every conservative headline Monday morning:
Had the bill failed:
You just wait ’til Obama puts forward the immigration reform bill he says he’s going to.
Just chiming in to say I’m glad this worked out.
And I’m hoping that while Obama’s signing the bill, his capos will be all over Washington, whacking the heads of the Five Families.
I believe the phrase is “double down”, zrm?
Although in this case, it has be something like octuple down or more.
And I’m hoping that while Obama’s signing the bill, his capos will be all over Washington, whacking the heads of the Five Families.
If Lieberman is Moe Green, Obama’s my new favorite president.
Then again, he seems more likely to be Abe Vigoda.
G.O.P. Ghastly Old Pricks.
I’m guessing they crapped themselves to death sometime in the afternoon.
The People’s Revolutionaries are covered with gooey sexual smears, but still they march forward.
Watching the Republican apoplexy is probably the best thing about this bill. It is an incremental improvement over what we have, but generally a piece of inadequate shite with little to recommend it.
Then again, he seems more likely to be Abe Vigoda.
JL: Rahm…Can you get me off the hook?
RE: Can’t do it, Joey.
They are already redlining on the outrage, Trotsky.
I just can’t see how they ramp it up without throwing a rod, or blowing a piston, or granking a fitztroodle or something.
It seems the wingnuts are in a panic about the large, meaty package to be rammed down their throats. Yes… panic…
Is there somewhere one can look to see if Health Ins stocks are active in after-hours trading? Or does that sort of thing only show up in the morning?
And I’m hoping that while Obama’s signing the bill, his capos will be all over Washington, whacking the heads of the Five Families.
If Lieberman is Moe Green, Obama’s my new favorite president.
Then again, he seems more likely to be Abe Vigoda.
Is Stupak Carlo?
I just can’t see how they ramp it up without throwing a rod, or blowing a piston, or granking a fitztroodle or something.
I would wear my raincoat and galoshes tomorrow, just in case.
Obama’s speaking live right now, via WhiteHouse.gov
The election of Scott Brown to Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat shows that America opposes Obama radicalism, and Democrats’ plans for health care reform is now widely acknowledged to be dead.
FDL comment page meltdown:
I’m so disgusted with politics in general right now, and I’m ashamed at what this country has become. On the right, we have a bunch of deranged lunatics threatening to assassinate public officials and calling for the overthrow of the government. On the left, with a few exceptions, we have nothing but lazy, complacent, easily led cowards. Is this how it was in the days of the Weimar Republic? America is headed for a really dark place over the next few years.
fortunately, Dr. D, I live in an urban hellhole, so wingnuts are more rare, and the existing sewer system should handle the splodey heads.
Not saying I won’t nibble on available branes, should I come across them, mind you. I’m just not expecting it, if you know what I’m saying…
also, that is a SOCIALIST sewer system.
Yoest Infection? LOL, but eww.
We need another one of these threads.
Bookmark this, libs.
srs lolz here yo.
this totes caps my weekend/
Tears of wingnut rage and sorrow are so sweet. I lap them up. They console me while health insurance companies get a big fat payout of my money. Hooray for our side.
I live in an urban hellhole, so wingnuts are more rare
You are indeed fortunate. I sadly (only in a political sense) live in Montana, where they are thick on the ground (which is where most of them will be tomorrow). It is going to be a very messy week here. I do not envy the municipal employees.
Anthony: whoah. That’s some military grade nuttiness. And turdsama was yelling at US for being unrealistic?
Yanno, here’s the thing. I came across FDL back when Hamsher was a solo blogger, and the comment threads were pretty sparse. She seemed smart, and dedicated, and I agreed with most of what she said. And when she added bloggers, it expanded the breadth of what was going on there.
I can’t point to a turning point, but I’ve noticed that I hardly ever read the posts anymore, and NEVER read any comments. except, as others noted, for tBogg, and he’s got that nutty anti-canadian-power-trio thing going on….
My favorite author, Chris Moore, just won an internet:
“The Hopey-Changie tribe have counted coup. Orange, spray tanned scalps fly from their lodge pole.”
They console me while health insurance companies get a big fat payout of my money.
yeah. Like insurance companies don’t already get a big fat payout of your money. Except before, you didn’t get anything in return.
Zombie Rotten McDonald –
Late night is still generally OK over there, but I tend to avoid the place during the day any more. They all seem to have gone around the bend over health care reform.
What annoys me is I don’t think she really thinks that the bill is a net negative, she’s just frustrated because she thought there were the votes to put the PO through public option and if only she put enough pressure on they would do it. But in doing that she tried to play chicken with pro-lifers, which is one thing when you’re gambling with just your political capital but it’s a whole nother thing when you’re gambling with other people’s lives and livelihoods.
Also, I’m tired of the constantly leftward shifting goalposts of what is “Serious Insider Centrist”
I came across FDL back when Hamsher was a solo blogger…
ZRM: likewise. The place had been in decline before the ’08 elections, but the pumatude really shoved it over the line. I think the comments died during the whole Scooter Libby thing – which I thought was some great blogging, but it attracted lots of commenters and they didn’t do anything to stop it turning into a big festival of “First!” and “me too!” junk.
Not to piss in the punchbowl, Sadlies, but I’m keeping my Champagne on ice for a few days until I see what the Senate does.
I don’t trust ’em.
Courtesy (?) of a Freeper:
(Bolded emphasis mine. Snark would be redundant.)
Pffft! You can keep that shit. Real world or not, this is all about RAMMING OBAMA’S HUGE PACKAGE DOWN TEATARD THROATS right now.
You don’t mind if I make myself a drink, do you?
Steerpike –
Regardless of what the Senate does at this point, we have a significant improvement over the existing status quo. A shitty, half-assed, miserable excuse for an improvement, but an improvement nonetheless.
The oldest wrote “I love you” on the floor of my office in cat food today. She knew I was having a really rotten day.
That’s so cute!
My son wrote the same thing on my office floor in rabbit entrails the other day!!
Spawn. Gotta love ’em. Until they’re big enough to eat.
Jeebus; they’re like the emo Twilight vampire that interned for Conan.
Not to piss in the punchbowl, Sadlies, but I’m keeping my Champagne on ice for a few days until I see what the Senate does.
I don’t trust ‘em.
Ignorant foreigner question: Does it matter what they do? My understanding is that this bill is law, one way or the other. The reconciliation makes it better, but at this point the worst that can possibly happen is the Senate bill. Is that not so?
See, guys, this is why I was really pissed at the “kill the bill from the left” debate.
The push-pull between progressivism and center-leftism need to be reasonable. You can argue that progressivism is losing too much under Obama, fair enough, but it needs to be reasonable. Because if we devolve into arguments that Obama is blowing Big Pharma and that the party has been bought (as I’ve read in these very comments recently), we turn into these guys. I don’t even want to imagine that.
Martian Buddy –
My response is that right now my youngest grandson can finally get insurance and be covered by my son’s policy (he is 12). My son does not have to continue to turn down raises so that he still qualifies for government assistance. This is a very good day. Not as good as I would like, but very good all the same.
Also, FDL is unwelcoming to the post-living. They trigger me, every time.
Worse than N__B even.
That’s so cute!
This must be one of those signs I’m not ready for kids. Reading that, my first thought was “so, I’m having a rotten day, and now I have to sweep up a bunch of cat food? Fucking kids, making my day worse!”
The “worse than 9/11” thing is the kicker though.
Ignorant foreigner question: Does it matter what they do? My understanding is that this bill is law, one way or the other. The reconciliation makes it better, but at this point the worst that can possibly happen is the Senate bill. Is that not so?
The bill isn’t law until it gets passed the Senate and the president, but since the bill is basically the bill that passed through the senate before, there’s no reason it shouldn’t
hey kids, lets not get too excited here.
we still want to make sure that thosez slutty wommzn dont get their bortions and all, don’t we?
“Senate Dems Hiding Reconciliation Failure Until After House Vote?
AH, Drudge must have crashed it. But here it is. Via the Senate GOP. The link hasn’t been opening. Have to go with what was in an email for now.”
DON STEWART, McCONNELL SPOKESMAN: “Republicans have been trying to set up a meeting with Senate Democrats since yesterday to discuss this fatal point of order but have been met with nothing but silence. We suspect Democrats are slow walking us so as to have the House vote first. Since Senate Democrats refuse to meet with us and the Parliamentarian, we’ve informed our colleagues in the House that we believe the bill they’re now considering violates the clear language of Section 310g of the Congressional Budget Act, and the entire reconciliation bill is subject to a point of order and rejection in the Senate should it pass the House.”
Email this
Hmm, Danny boy gets an email from someone telling him what Drudge is reporting about what Mich McConnel’s spokesman thinks might be true. This fail goes to eleven.
Yes. A baby step, but a satisfying one under the circumstances.
The bill isn’t law until it gets passed the Senate and the president, but since the bill is basically the bill that passed through the senate before, there’s no reason it shouldn’t
I thought the process was to pass the Senate bill (as is) and pass a different bill that modifies some of its financial details then have the Senate pass the second one through reconciliation. Have they, instead, amended the Senate bill and sent it back?
Lurk –
You are correct and the Senate Bill is now law as soon as Obama signs it. We will have to see what happens on reconciliation in the Senate. Even if it does not pass there, we still have an improvement, just not quite as less shitty an improvement.
Pammycakes, Steyn, Boehner, all Tea Baggers, Fox News, Stalkin’ Malkin’, Instapundit, etc…
Suck it. Suck it. Suck it.
Based on what I read at GOS, tonight the house passed both the Senate bill and the reconciliation sidecar. The Senate bill is law when Obama signs it (which will, of course, happen ASAP I’d guess) and the Senate gets a whack at reconciliation.
Dr. Dick has been drinking less than I have.
Yeah, the House wouldn’t agree to the Senate bill as it was and since there was no way to make both the House and the 60 senators happy at the same time, they altered it more, and now it needs to pass the house again (which is what just happened). Then it gets an up and down vote in the senate, which it should win. Writing this, I’m kind of surprised anything has gotten through congress ever.
Billy Kristol, who’s never, ever rong:
Here’s the thing; wingnuts and Republicans have already painted HCR as leading to eugenics, and nazis, and death camps, and called supporters fascists and satanists…
So where do they go now? They pulled out all the stops, and teh Dems (and Obama) still pull it out.
Zombiepocalypse, or dragon horde invasion…
What is Kristol’s idea of ‘better health care legislation’?
dragon horde invasion
as long as it means sweaty Mcconaughy and Bale running around. Bring it on.
Yeah, the whole thread was a sewer (it IS Freeperville, after all) but that was by far the biggest chunk o’ crap floating around. It’s hard for me to fathom the kind of mind that can equate the deaths of 3,000+ people with extending health care coverage to millions of Americans.
That’s how I feel–it’s a good start, and now we need to build on it. The public option would be nice, for example, if we can get more and better Democrats in office to pass it.
What is Kristol’s idea of ‘better health care legislation’?
Killing brown people
The “worse than 9/11? thing is the kicker though.
She’s a Freeper- the thought of New Yorkers- mainly liberals, plenty of minorities- really didn’t bother her much.
UH…NYers dying, that is.
“…but I know that if this bill passes it will mean more abortion, abortion, abortion, abortion, because Democrats are abortion-loving aborters who love abortion.”
I’ve already scheduled several abortions and I’ve been, like, totally dead for four thousand years! Man, I hope my burqa is back from the drycleaners…
I’ve already scheduled several abortions and I’ve been, like, totally dead for four thousand years!
Hey, deadness is no reason to forego an active sex life!!
So the Forgotten Street people really think America needs a Pinochet? They don’t seem bothered by how the human rights records of the two regimes compare.
They don’t seem bothered by how the human rights records of the two regimes compare.
As always with their opinions on human rights violations, a new Pinochet wouldn’t round them up, place them in a soccer arena and then execute them all. And thus he’d be the greatest President we ever had.
Note how Ms. Silicone Valley uses an early picture of the immigration reform rally (at least a hundred thousand attending) to make it look like the Tea Party isn’t completely over.
Odd. The Forgotten Street guy’s brief summary of recent Chilean history left that part out. Must of slipped his mind.
“Hey, deadness is no reason to forego an active sex life!!”
Well, see, that’s what *I* say, but modern men are really turned off by the mummy wrappings. Plus there’s the whole thing about my innards being in canopic jars: guys seem to prefer gals who still have their lungs…
On the other hand, your brains were twirled about into a slurry, picked out with a dental prong, and then replaced with the sweet scent of natron.
And y’know, some guys are into that in a girl.
This is the beginning of the real panic. The teabag crew will, maybe, realize that they aren’t the major force that their puppetmasters convinced them they are and, hopefully, they will react as rational folk should. Just walk away, egos bruised, but wiser and less gullible. That would not be much fun, and I want some fun, dammit! So, bring on the madness! Now! Not only are they irrational, now they can be indignant, too. Looks like a internecine massacre about to take off! Just when I thought I could get out (of my political junkiedom), they (the right wing lunatic fringe) pull me back in.
Nice graphic in that freeper thread above.
Oh, come on, the bill is crummy but there are upsides. For example, the ghosts of McVeigh and Reagan will soon appear in the clouds to lead the chosen people to a new nation. It’s like Obama just gave Sadlyno the world’s largest Easter basket!
…The government of the United States no longer governs with my consent. It is a tyrant, and illegitimate. I will commence measures to persuade as many states as possible to remove themselves from the Union, which is a sinking ship. I will move to one of those as soon as I can…
…We need to consider ways to make Alinsky tactics illegal. Citizen self-government did not survive the assault by amoral disciples of Alinsky….
…We will now retreat to our next line of defense and fight the next battle. The appropriate line of defense is a separate, conservative nation …
…I will never again refrain from an act because I fear it will demolish the structure of the nation. This nation needs to be demolished…
Hey wingnuts!
Waterloo cuts both ways.
Just as socialized medicine turned Canadians, Britons, and the French into huge pussies…
Huge PURRING pussies.
Gee: I wonder what nation Rush Limbaugh is going to move to, now that health care has passed and he promised to leave if it did.
I mean, virtually every industrialized country in the world has it, so what third world country’s left for him?
Bangladesh? Haiti? Mississippi?
60 Minutes did a story tonight about slavery existing in some parts of Haiti so I’m gonna say that Haiti is looking a lot better in Rush’s eyes.
It would at least be a step up from Mississippi.
Anthony said,
Writing this, I’m kind of surprised anything has gotten through congress ever.
Most congresses have had a lot less die-hard obstructionists than this one.
I’m hoping that now that the Dems have seen that
a: Negotiating with Republicans will get you NOTHING, and
b: They don’t need those truculent morons to bass laws,
They can get over their “bipartisanship” fetish and get some WORK done.
And as we all know, happy pussies are… happy. And wetter, generally.
… I wonder what nation Rush Limbaugh is going to move to…
Interesting question. Did he ever move his business out of NY. Wasn’t he upset with, oh, taxes. And, I’m pretty sure he specified Costa Rica as his new home.
And, hey, Rush isn’t the only winger to pledge to move out of the country. Oh, and lots of lesser lights pledged to move to a winger state. Rick Perry? Half the Tea Party. Pretty soon, we’ll be hearing of refugee camps on the Alabama border.
Pammycakes, Steyn, Boehner, all Tea Baggers, Fox News, Stalkin’ Malkin’, Instapundit, etc…
And Megan McArdle. Yes, ESPECIALLY Megan McArdle.
Are you people sane?
America passes one tiny bill on health care that goes only a fraction of the way to the type of health care enjoyed in most other developed countries for a generation and you go into meltdown.
This is like little Johnny thinking the world is going to end because mom made him share his lollipop.
Grows some sense.
Seems many only support Democracy if there side wins.
The whole world are amazed, laughing and making fun at the incredible over reaction of the Republicans and their supporters.
It truly is bizarre.
“On the other hand, your brains were twirled about into a slurry, picked out with a dental prong, and then replaced with the sweet scent of natron.”
Oh, man, you have *no idea* how the boys used to go NUTS over that natron!
So, yeah, I really should stock up on that. I’m hoping this Great Heartland Violent Uprising That Will Really-Really-Swear-To-GAWD-Teach-Us-A-Lesson is over by Wednesday, ’cause it’s a looooong way to the nearest mummification bazaar and I’m hoping for a little action this weekend.
Bastet is still the best!
“Pretty soon, we’ll be hearing of refugee camps on the Alabama border.”
I have a lot of hyenas on hand. They can probably clean that problem up for you…
Bastet would only expect a small donation in exchange, of course.
“I’m pretty sure he specified Costa Rica as his new home.”
Is there enough ROOM in Costa Rica for the Obese Oracle of Obnoxious Obsequiousness? Maybe he could clear out a chunk of southern Nicaragua so’s he c’n sit down?
They could even name a new port for him: Puerto Creepo.
Republicans make abortion a necessity.
Did he ever move his business out of NY. Wasn’t he upset with, oh, taxes. And, I’m pretty sure he specified Costa Rica as his new home
The studio is now in Florida.
And he implied he would leave the US, but later he explained that he would merely visit Costa Rica for medical care.
I didn’t know underage boys qualified as “treatment” under his insurance plan.
A sad day for the world; we are all Kenyans now.
A sad day for the world; we are all Kenyans now.
Hutu, Buntu?
Has Jon Swift been reincarnated into the blogger writing at the Forgotten Street? That site is either parody or is written by the know-nothingest know-nothing in the business.
Tom Paine:
No. No, they’re not quite sane, and this…
…is a pretty apt summary of the teabagger mentality. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve had some wingnut tell me that anything to the left of Reagan is an unconstitutional attack on our way of life, I could buy out Rupert Murdoch and turn Fox News into the Gay Atheist Abortion Channel.
“Is there enough ROOM in Costa Rica for the Obese Oracle of Obnoxious Obsequiousness? Maybe he could clear out a chunk of southern Nicaragua so’s he c’n sit down?
They could even name a new port for him: Puerto Creepo”
I suggest: Puerto Fatso.
…The studio is now in Florida…
Hmmmm, why does he still say New York on the show?
He must have quietly moved back, because it was just last May that he claimed he only came back to New York in the event of hurricanes.
See, there you go – it’s like I keep saying: “Sadly, No!” isn’t just about the snark … it’s also educational! Now, because I came here today, I know … that Pam Atlas doesn’t know how to spell “reckoning” – which in this case is beautifully ironic.
One link to rule them all!
Love the Forgotten Street post.
“He gained power in 1970 with a bloc of Socialists, Communists and radicals supporting his bid for the presidency. From there, he proceeded to try to transform Chilean society from a democratic government into rank socialism.”
Allende was elected by getting a plurality in the popular vote, getting barely more votes than the candidate of the right, but with another 28% of the votes going to a Christian Democrat whose platform was practically identical to Allende – and once in office, he had the temerity to actually try to implement the programs the Chilean people elected him for.
“Allende nationalized the banks, the copper companies , expropriated large agricultural estates and turned them into peasant cooperatives in his attempt to redistribute income.. He printed currency to support unsupported government debt, resulting in stagnant production, decreased exports and private-sector investment, exhausted financial reserves, and rising inflation, food shortages and the elimination of foreign lines of credit from the United Sates and Europe.”
Among those policies were finally trying to break the stranglehold that the wealthy and foreign corporations had placed on the economy, usually on the backs of those uppity Indios e negros who had the temerity to think their work entitled them to more than a shack and a sweatshop.
“At the same time, he forged alliances with Communist China and Cuba.”
Trust, me, if you get into a contest of “who between Salvador Allende and right-wing America has forged alliances with the most bloodthirsty dictators,” you are going to lose like a deaf kid in musical chairs.
“Finally in 1973, the Chilean military overthrew him in a coup. Since then, Chile has returned to functioning as a democratic republic that has become the most prosperous state in Latin America and a model for the world in general.”
With, in between the two, sixteen years of brutal fascist rule enforced at the point of a gun while American conservatives clapped, cheered, and lavished money on the new dictators.
“So America must learn from history and realize that Barack Hussein Obama has placed us on the same unsustainable path that Allende did in Chile.”
See SadlyNo link and trust the shorter.
The Allende stuff is more than a little unsettling, not just because of what it implies but because it’s something I’ve been hearing more and more from the right side of the spectrum.
We already knew that the right wing doesn’t consider foreign elections valid if they bring to power someone other than a free-market fundamentalist who’s also America’s bitch in all matters of foreign policy. The right of the rich to profit trumps the will of the people, which is why you casually hear them refer to Europe as “communist,” denounce Chavez and Morales as “dictators,” and refuse to recognize elections in Palestine or protect democracy in Lebanon even as they cheer rigged elections by Egypt’s “president” of 29 years.
The difference is in recent years, not only has this same rhetoric been applied to politicians in our own country, but there’s also an increasing undercurrent saying that they’re not going to tolerate it, and there are more and more rumblings from the right of the notion that this is going to end in violence.
You’ve got the Forgotten Street post comparing Obama to Allende while cheering on Pinochet for having removed him (and it’s not the first blogger to have drawn the parallel).
You’ve got people standing outside of townhall meetings with assault rifles and signs saying TIME TO WATER THE TREE OF LIBERTY.
You’ve got an increasingly paranoid rhetoric and a more and more universal tendency to see liberals and suspected liberals not as citizens to be reasoned with but enemy spies to be shot.
And, in the world of fiction, you’ve got right wing authors indulging in near-future fantasies of civil war in which the Evil Left is apocalyptically destroyed (http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/25891.html if you’re a gamer, http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/4439.html if you’re a reader, and those aren’t the only examples).
Person above talking about the Weimar republic’s got it right – that’s exactly where we are right now and the right wing psychopaths are on the rise again. Given the precedents in Germany and Chile, it’s a scary thought for the future of the country.