Mrs. Jackson, are you trying to seduce Kyle?

Our good friend Kyle Williams watched the Super Bowl, and Kyle no like what he sees:

Dressed as high-school cheerleaders, dancers stripped on stage. Sluts danced before millions of fathers, mothers and children, groping, flaunting and parading.

And that was even before Janet came on (or out we guess.) What happened then?

At the time, my family, friends and I were watching the halftime show when the big moment came. We looked at each other, thinking, “Was that supposed to happen?”

Those who think that was actually happened was “We looked at each other, thinking, “Are you as turned on as I am?,” please raise your hand. Yet where is this leading us? Does anyone want to take bets on whether WorldNetDaily’s favorite “sin” is going to make a special appearance in a column about an exposed boob?

To what end will this take us? Porn on demand ? that didn’t bring satisfaction. So, we adopt homosexuality into culture ? that’s not going make us happy. Should we allow every kind of immorality to invade our lives, hoping for some sort of contentment?

Well we’ll be… You see, “we” “adopted” porn on demand, and now “we” are “adopting” homosexuality (please, no one tell our wife) in order to make ourselves happy, to be content as it were. Because nothing makes a heterosexual content like a homosexual experience. Why, if it weren’t for all those morals and rules, there’d be no straight people at all we bet. We would all be Andrew Sullivan or Ellen DeGeneres. And would that make us happy? Kyle says, Sadly, No! While we’ll give Kyle extra special WorldNetDaily credit for mixing up porn and homosexuality, we’ll continue hoping gays are given the same right to marry straights have, and just take our chances with the consequences.


Comments: 12


>Because nothing makes a heterosexual content like a homosexual experience.


I see that Kyle is 15. I think they intentionally make him look young, like some sort of child prodigy, in the pic, where he looks about 7. He is pretty dumb for a 15 yr old, and anyway, I’m sure his mom writes his stuff.


Porn on demand doesn’t satisfy?

Doesn’t satisfy whom, Kyle? I mean, if you’re sick of hetero porn and you turn to homosexuality, chances are you were barking up the wrong tree, so to speak, in the first place.


I hesitate to make a comment about his girth, but the fact is that, if he looked a little more athletic, he might be able to get laid.


Kyle has been studying at the delicate man-lovin’ feet of Amber “Promiscuity Makes Women Lesbians” Pawlik. If Mr. Peanut gets too much sugar will he go gay (and finally start contributing non-laughable ideas to our shell reno)? And does sex have the same impact on gay couples — i.e., too much turns them straight — or does it just make them gayer?

Despite the prospect of everyone becoming way more fabulous, maybe we should all swear off sex until the extreme right has studied it closer (if that’s even possible).


Why, if it weren’t for all those morals and rules, there’d be no straight people at all we bet.

You think maybe Kyle’s afraid those rules are all that’s keeping him pure?

Related question: Can we start a pool on how old Kyle will be when he finally comes out?


I think Kyle’s feeling all icky and guilty about his impure thoughts in gym class.


Those who think that was actually happened was “We looked at each other, thinking, “Are you as turned on as I am?,” please raise your hand.

Nah, it’s obvious by the way he referred to it as “the big moment.” Kyle creamed his jeans for the first time! The boy’s become a man!


Kyle Williams loves cock.


Kyle Williams loves cock.

Frederick, is that you?


According to Bomis, Kobe Tai won’t go out with me. If Kyle watches more Janet Jackson, do you think he will go out with me?


But we had to adopt porn on demand. There it was, in the rain, looking so sad and forlorn…


wkd,if kyle wont go out with you ,iwill


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