Teefer Madness
In RE: Rep. Slaughter’s comments at the health care summit:
Wealthy, overfed Rush Limbaugh said:
“If you don’t have any teeth, so what? What’s applesauce for?”
And wealthy, overfed Glenn Beck said:
“I’ve read the Constitution … I didn’t see that you had a right to teeth”
(via Digby)
Now I know from back in the old days when I was forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh at work that the Dirigible of Darvocet himself has said he pays cash at the dentist’s just like he does at the doctor’s and that’s the way the system should be for everyone. This latest is just more typical rightwing mean-spiritedness toward the poor who, in their view, deserve to be uncomfortable and humiliated because they can’t afford the dental care wingnuts can afford — that is, if wingnuts want it; some, apparently, do not. Here’s two more Cheeto-teethed, Mountain Dew-mouthed, um, mouthbreathers yukking it up over Slaughter’s testimony:
LS: I even had one constituent, you will not believe this, and I know you won’t, but it’s true. Her sister died, this poor woman had no dentures. She wore her dead sister’s teeth.
[Hugh Hewitt]: Mark Steyn…(laughing)
[Mark Steyn]: (laughing) That’s good. That’s good for the environment, isn’t it?
HH: (laughing)
MS: I’m in favor of that. If we can’t at least, if we can’t reduce our carbon footprint, at least we should be able to reduce our mastication mouth print by recycling dentures. I mean, this gets to the heart of why this is…is second-hand dentures, which I believe was the fourth chorus of that Barbra Streisand song, for those with long memories, but is second-hand dentures a huge problem in the United States? What are the number of people going around? There’s 300 million people here. Are 20 million going around with second-hand dentures? Are 5 million going around with second-hand dentures? The idea that you need comprehensive national health care for, to solve this particular lady’s second-hand denture crisis, I think is…
HH: But Mark, we’ve only got 15 seconds. It happened again and again. When the Democrats talked, you just looked the screen and said, “oh my God, they’re running the country.”
MS: (laughing)
HH: Oh my God, they’re running…Mark Steyn, always a pleasure, www.steynonline.com. Second-hand dentures, the chopper stopper, America.
Yeah, bwahahaha. Here’s a pic of Hugh Hewtit, undoctored:
Buy some fuckin toothpaste, Hugh. You can afford it.
Toothpaste is theft. As is dentistry. Also. Too.
He looks like the Abominable Snowman from the Rudolph Christmas special in that photo.
Paging Herbie the elf dentist, stat!
his teeth are a fucken disgrace, like mine (well i am scottish), however, I have an excuse, doobies & red wine. Hugh however…. well it would irresponsible not to speculate…..
I take it back. Even Bumbler’s teeth are pearly white compared to Hugetwit’s.
But in all other particulars, a striking resmeblance, no?
Are we really, really sure those quotes aren’t fake?
Parody is dead.
I assume it’s only a matter of time before our very own Tooth weighs in. While I watch the badgers dance, I’ll think about his racist/sexist/toothist monologue.
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from the bicuspids and the lower incisors will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. The cuspids will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, the molars and (much to your horror) the wisdom teeth will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Toothout will be on.
What are the chances that this shit’ll backfire on them? I mean, there have to be numerous listeners who are being forced to choose between dental care and, say, car maintenance… will they figure out that these jerks don’t give a damn about them?
Who am I kidding? These people are wingnuts, and they’ll gladly suffer as long as the ‘darkies’ suffer more. They haven’t changed a bit since the days of the plantation owners.
Crooks and Liars has the audio if for some reason you want to listen to the humorless dildo.
Rush, Beck, Hewitt – Time to start exiling people. Ship them to Canada so that the rest of don’t have to move there.
The Last Straw
This was a masterful play on Rep. Slaughter’s part. It really exposes conservatives as uncaring rich pricks. They should run with this.
. Ship them to
Canadahell so that the rest of don’t have to move there.Fiqqst to respect our canuck brethren and provide a better end result.
Hugh Hewitt:
Ugly inside his mouth and out.
Jeez, let me put on my surprised face…
Teeth are the enemy of Teabagging.
You know who ELSE took people’s dentures?
I’m not sure why anyone would be shocked that Hewitt has bad teeth. If you had shit coming out of your mouth all day long, your teeth would probably be discolored, too.
It’s the wrong argument, but wingnuts are too busy laughing at other people’s misery to even make the right argument.
Medicare, Med Sup, Med Advantage do not cover dentistry, eye glasses, or non-prescription drugs. If Slaughter’s constituent was below a certain level of income, she would have qualified for Medicaid, which *does* cover dentures and dental care.
So, as usual, the wingnuts didn’t do their homework or don’t understand the system. One of them should have said, “Well, wait a minute. If Slaughter’s constituent was that hard up, she would be on Medicaid, which would pay for her own pair of dentures. If she doesn’t qualify for Medicaid and she’s on Medicare, she’s in the same boat as every other Medicare beneficiary in the country, that doesn’t cover dental and never has.”
This is not to say that the denture issue is not unfortunate, but it’s the wrong issue.
The strange thing about teaching college students is the cruel kids gravitate towards the Republican Party. I teach at a Catholic College, and the Administration does not have to and does not put up with Free Speech, which is sad, but some of the GOP-inspired events they have vetoes are just pure racism and pure mean-spirited hatred of the Poor.
It astonishes me that the GOP can attract anyone who is not a billionaire, since it is clearly the party for the people who hate their imagined “inferiors”.
I always have to remind myself, btw, that a Civil War would be a terrible think when I see Hugh Hewitt throwing up on the rest of us.
Medicare, Med Sup, Med Advantage do not cover dentistry, eye glasses, or non-prescription drugs.
It stands to reason that one’s teeth and eyes are not part of one’s body.
This is central to my point!
Dammit, DJ, that’s where I was going to go.
The usual mean-spiritedness indeed.
When I look at the Republican party, that honestly seems to be a major offering to everyone who isn’t already rich; join us at hate other people. It doesn’t do anything productive of course, and we saw with the warmongering of the last administration where it leads, but it keeps them winning elections and keeps pundits employed.
However, the hate has to be fed. If these guys don’t keep the masses busy hating someone else, if they’re not vicious enough, people will turn on them. They cultivated the beast, and now it must be fed.
It astonishes me that the GOP can attract anyone who is not a billionaire, since it is clearly the party for the people who hate their imagined “inferiors”.
Herein lies the rub- the hateful ones are the useful tools of the billionaires, they are the ones who vote against their own self-interest in order to grind the poor and minorities further down into the muck. The billionaires just don’t give a damn, they’re more callous than hateful.
How many of the Young Republicans at your college will face problems paying off their student loans?
I get $1200 a year in dental coverage from my insurance plan.
I need about $12,000 in dental work done.
As a result, my teeth are still terrible, I can never afford to start.
How many sharks must these asshats jump before the likes of a Dave Broder will call them on it?
The answer, my fiends, is Dave Broder’s paycheck (etc.). AKA Never.
Fuck you, Donald Graham.
Granted, it wouldn’t be very fair to Canada. Tryng to think of a more deserving destination.
Looks like someone needs to cut back on the ol’ crystal meth.
You know who ELSE took people’s dentures?
@Big Bad Bald Bastard
How many of the Young Republicans at your college will face problems paying off their student loans?
The ones who have rich parents? None. A lot of the suckers will have problems, and they’ll be told to blame it on blacks, gays, and immigrants. We’ll see if a dose of suffering gives them some perspective, or if they go on hating.
“Dirigible of Darvocet” made me laugh so much i have heartburn.. thanks HTML…
A lot of the suckers will have problems, and they’ll be told to blame it on blacks, gays, and immigrants. We’ll see if a dose of suffering gives them some perspective, or if they go on hating.
This. They’ll be told that they WOULD have gotten hired except for affirmative action quotas, and that black guy/woman/Messican who got hired over them couldn’t possibly be any more qualified or competent than they are. I can’t find it, but somewhere out there in wingnut land is an article about the “gay conspiracy” to hire as many fellow gay people as possible. It’s the classic approach of conservatives who believe in personal responsibility: Every single one of their failures is someone *else’s* fault.
We’ll see if a dose of suffering gives them some perspective, or if they go on hating.
It’ll probably make them double down on the hate.
OT: if Yanks want a reason to be royally pissed off at their government, here’s a big one.
Note that while the House has the roll-call on the official record, the Senate doubled down on the sneak-factor by putting this to a voice-vote, so good luck getting any of them to cop to voting “aye.”
Needless to say, 99/100 teabagger “patriots” will tell you this kind of stealth-vote for another year’s renewal of a kinder, gentler Orwellianism is just hunky-dory … after all, if you’re
not mistaken for someone elsenot caught unknowingly associating with a “person of interest” at the wrong timeinnocent, you have nothing to fear, amirite?When your head is firmly planted up your ass, all perspectives looks the same.
Even spelling. Spelling is the Jew of WordPress fascism.
OT, but what’s this idiot ranting about:
“Red/Green Dawn” eh? Is that like the Red Green Show?
Anyone else here read Vonnegut’s essay “In a Manner that Must Shame God Himself”?
I read it this morning and in retrospect it’s very much a funny aneurysm kind of thing.
“It’s the classic approach of conservatives who believe in personal responsibility: Every single one of their failures is someone *else’s* fault.”
Huh?? That doesn’t make any sense. Oh, I forgot that in my universe personal responsibility means it’s probably your fault when shit happens.
I have never had less hope for the future than right now.
Seriously, I want to vomit.
Laughing at that heart-breaking story really does sum up their character, doesn’t?
Shorter: The only way to save democracy is to take over the government by coup.
Seriously, I want to vomit.
go ahead. we’ll all hold your hair back.
“Red/Green Dawn” eh? Is that like the Red Green Show?
Sort of, but the humor is totally unintentional. And not as good.
Also with delicious, cheap flatbreads.
Two quotes come to mind here.
“In some sense, the meanness is the message. On the right, there’s an almost lethal refusal to consider the problems of suffering of others. And it goes right back through time. Ronald Reagan has this line, in the famous speech in 1964 that launched his political career, in which he said, “They told us that 17 million people in America go to bed hungry every night. Well, that was probably true. They were all on a diet.” The problem of malnutrition in America was and is a serious problem. But to Reagan, from the beginning, it was all a big joke.”
– Paul Krugman (http://blog.buzzflash.com/interviews/079)
“In the slave states, there were three classes. At the bottom, four million enslaved Negroes, meaning about a third of the population. At the top, the class of landowners (poorly educated, rich, and contemptuous) that reserved for itself the direction of public affairs. In between the two, the lazy and miserable class of poor whites. Against all expectations, the latter were devotedly in favor of maintaining slavery, lest a class of emancipated Negroes rise to their own level.”
– Jules Verne, “North and South”
That reminds me of the interviews they did in the South during Segregation and the poor whites would say: “We might be dirt poor and poorly done by, but at least we’re better than a damn n***er”.
You see this with the patriarchy and the modern middle class as well. Men and middle class white people are generally fucked by their own policies, being twisted morally, restricted in options and generally living poorer, less fulfilling lives, but they are so scared of being reduced to “equal” to something even more wretched that they’ll gladly make their own lives more wretched and so close it doesn’t matter just to avoid the stigma of having to admit to being poor or akin to a female or having something in common with the black man.
This also explains why they are totally happy to ignore reality.
“The strange thing about teaching college students is the cruel kids gravitate towards the Republican Party. I teach at a Catholic College, and the Administration does not have to and does not put up with Free Speech, which is sad, but some of the GOP-inspired events they have vetoes are just pure racism and pure mean-spirited hatred of the Poor.”
I’ve noticed it too. Conservatism draws out the cruel people like nobody’s business, but what surprised me the most in college was how many minority groups could be drawn to it too (gay people who hate Muslims, religious conservatives who hate gay people, Asians who hate blacks and Hispanics)…
Something else I noticed when I involved myself in the religious community in college. The Catholics who really hated Protestants and the Protestants who really hated Catholics had one thing in common; they were both the staunchest Republicans in their churches, and for the same reasons (traditional values, preserve the true faith, etc).
The right wing is amazing. Not just because they can found an ideology on sheer hate, but because they manage to somehow bring haters from opposite and mutually exclusive sides of the fence together under the same roof and make them feel like they’re on both their sides. It’s truly mesmerizing to watch; like a car crash, I may want to puke but I just can’t look away.
What can I say that hasn’t been said? I do like that little “Oh my God, they’re in charge” exchange at the bottom. Tells me all I need to know about how they, like King Henry VIII, consider their rule to be both a law and a birthright, and simply can’t cope with the idea that anyone else could get to call the shots. And if they can’t cope with it, they sure as hell won’t do anything than spend all day trying to destabilize it.
Point to you, Cerberus.
(Which is why the New Deal had to wait until after three years in the Great Depression – at which point everybody was so equally fucked that it was finally possible for a supermajority to rally against the GOP elite. Thanks to the stimulus, things aren’t that bad today, which means we’ll have to wait another generation or two or three before that kind of coalition can finally exist again…)
“they manage to somehow bring haters from opposite and mutually exclusive sides of the fence together under the same roof”
That’s why the most powerful weapon against the Right is general peace and prosperity. End wars, end the Wall Street rape of our bank accounts and then give everyone decent health care and you’ve gone a long way towards defusing and debilitating the Right. Remove their imaginary enemies and they’ll eat their own.
(of course, eating our own is something we lefties could teach them a thing or two about, but I digest)
Well, it’s not like we’ve ever had trouble with far-right European political movements before. What could possibly go wrong?
You know its kind of amazing how far down the GOP has gone in just 20 years- I mean George HW Bush was quite possibly a war criminal but for all his flaws he actually accomplished things and was kind of admirable in a lot of ways, now looking back its actually hard to imagine the guy even being a Republican- Elite Education with actual achievement at said institutions, actual war hero, founder of Houston Planned Parenthoond (along with Wife), succuessful Buinessman, CIA Head during a period when there were some actual succuesses, presides over peaceful dissolution of USSR, assembles massive Global Coalition to enforce international law in the Middle East, honest broker on Israel (to the point that his secretary of State is basically regarded as an Anti-Semite by the Commentary crowd), raises taxes when needed (as did Reagan- let’s be real, Reagan doesn’t get the GOP nomination in 2012- raised taxes both as a President, actually came out against banning gays from the Classroom while California Governor- he’d be regarded as West-Coast Romney, ex-head of a Union- nowadays the fact that he betrayed his union wouldn’t exculpate him), I always thought he was the mirror image of his son but now its even worse.
I know I’m going to sound like a Neo-con pining for Scoop Jackson, but wtf as recently 18 years ago the GOP was headed by a man you could in some lights admire what happened? How did open sociopathy become a virtue- I mean good god, Nixon was a better man than anyone currently popular with conservatives and he was a bonifide War Criminal and cheat (founded EPA, actually proposed a Healthcare plan with serious government help, instituted price fixing– which noone today supports because it generally screws things up more but which is crazy interventionist– seriously, in retrospect I can’t think of a single GOP President other than Bush that measures down to their current standards- remember they didn’t fully back McCain because despite selling out at least for a time it appeared he had values and that scared them). I mean think about this for a second- as odious as a guy like Rush is you’re not entirely sure he’s serious and even if he is he’s less odious than Beck. Beck’s geniune of all the Fox nuts only he and Hannity seem like they truly believe what they’re saying and Hannity seems too dumb to know better, Beck on the other hand seems like a guy who quite literally losts his mind- I mean he’s turned on TR for godsakes (again with Good reason).
It sure would be nice if the Democrats were a political party that could decide to make hay that their opposition just declared teeth an unnecessary and luxurious expense.
“Well, it’s not like we’ve ever had trouble with far-right European political movements before. What could possibly go wrong?”
I don’t get it.
Aw, heck, even W isn’t nutty enough for them anymore. Aren’t some of them saying he’s not a real Republican? He’s even defended Obama’s handling of certain things. Next they’ll be wanting to see Bush’s birf certifycate.
That transcript is a bit misleading — Hugh Hewitt actually started laughing when she said “her sister died”.
This is because Hugh Hewitt is a terrible cunt.
My last post brings something to mind you guys like longform pieces occasionally- here’s an idea go through the GOP presidents since their founding and try and pick out which ones they’d still support:
Lincoln- Cons: Egregiously Violates States Rights Pros: Suspends Habeas Corpus, Kills Lots of People Net: Probably Support still popular and one of the few GOP presidents who Black People like
US Grant: Cons: Drunk, Corrupt (or at least allows corruption), conquered the base Pros: Killed Indians
Don’t know enough about the Gilded Age (Hayes,Garfield, Arthur, Harrison, Mckinley)- but they were good for Business and helped fight scourge of Unionism
Teddy Roosevelt Cons: Betrayed Party, Domestic Policy actually worked for the poor and against business interests Pros: Neocon on Steriods Foreign Policy- perhaps only prominent Conservative Expansionist who actually fought for his beliefs-basically is personally the guy all conservatives wish they were: Bold, Brave, Arrogant, loud, strong, etc.
WH Taft: not enough info
Harding: Corrupt, possibly poisoned,
Coolidge: Deregulated stuff
Hoover: Cons: Cared too much about New Orleans, Actually seemed to care about poor people, is associated with greatest economic collapse in American History Pros: Believed Free Market would fix depression (basically didn’t realize that most upper class people weren’t as good and driven as he was to help all mankind and thus didn’t see any reason for state to step in when obviously some brilliant administrator would start a private charity to fix things)
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Cons: Did all sorts of socialists anti-states rights stuff like sending in troops to enforce Civil Rights Court Orders and building the Interstate Highway system- the kinds of things that discredit go it alone philosophies, eventually destroyed Joe McCarthy (personal documents show that despite physical courage and an extraordinary personal distaste for the man Ike waited to speak out– during the 1952 campaing he had initially planned on denouncing the man in his home state after McCarthy attacked Ike’s hero and mentor Marshall) Pros: Tough on Commies (before he turned true American Hero Joe McCarthy), War Hero
Baby Hewitt looks like Ann Althouse in that pic. Also, a child molester.
Hewitt would make an awful child molester, for the simple reason that he’d have no credibility offering the welfare-state free ride that is delicious candy in a panel van.
Basically my strategery at this point is to do enough yoga so I can work my own erect pecker up my ass. Then I shall consume poison, so as to be found dead in that position. It will be a monument to mankind, composed of the flesh of one man.
A denture related anecdote of my own, to show this issue is hardly new…
About twenty years ago, had a coworker at a factory I was working at who had horrible problems with his teefs, eventually leading to losing all of them. The small indiana town we were in, however, had a very sympathetic dentist who was the “go-to” guy when it came to dentures – if you couldn’t splurge on a custom made pair of your own (and at our shitty job, nobody could afford to), he had a drawer full of old ones that he had apparently acquired through regular denture attrition. For much less money than new ones, you could dig through the drawer and try them out to see which ones fit best.
It was quite the happy day for him when he got married to a well-to-do widow (she had a job and a double wide AND a new car!) and she gave him his own personal pair of dentures as a wedding present.
Basically my strategery at this point is to do enough yoga so I can work my own erect pecker up my ass. Then I shall consume poison, so as to be found dead in that position. It will be a monument to mankind, composed of the flesh of one man.
Before you commit to your final exit, work your way up the hierarchy of a fundamentalist evangelical church in a small Southern city- that way, you can shame and confound the Christaliban, and provide us with some serious lulz.
When I look at the Republican party, that honestly seems to be a major offering to everyone who isn’t already rich; join us at hate other people.
It does serve a purpose, though, beyond winning elections. I recall a Business Week article from 2004 (hey, they had basically offered me a one-year subscription for free) which admitted W.’s middle-class support came from (my phrase) worthless white boys who’d “loafed their way through college.” (B-Week’s phrase, if I recall properly.) Such people have a deep and abiding fear of women and minorities, and at least part of that fear is not bigotry; it’s entirely rational. If women, minorities, gays, etc. get equal opportunity, the days of worthless white boys loafing their way through life in subdivisions will end. It may end anyway, if the billionaire barons of Wall Street keep their current influence; then the bigoted part of the hatred will deflect blame onto the minorities, etc.
It’s just a reminder that when the wingnuts scream about “entitlement”, they’re again projecting: white males have wielded undue power for centuries, for no good reason, and they’re terrified that anyone else might get the chance.
soc silence: onward marches the overton window.
Basically my strategery at this point is to do enough yoga so I can work my own erect pecker up my ass.
I think more than yoga will be required. Don’t forget to go up on the back stroke, or back on the down stroke, or down on the whatnot.
(Which is why the New Deal had to wait until after three years in the Great Depression – at which point everybody was so equally fucked that it was finally possible for a supermajority to rally against the GOP elite. Thanks to the stimulus, things aren’t that bad today, which means we’ll have to wait another generation or two or three before that kind of coalition can finally exist again…)
Obama’s biggest mistake was whipping for TARP before the election. FDR refused to cooperate with Hoover before his inauguration – so his administration wouldn’t get tainted and lose legitimacy.
Of course more people suffered.
“Also, a child molester.”
I know it’s totally ad hominem but that’s the first that pops into my head when I see most conservatives. “Child molester.” Weird, huh?
Also, people not getting healthcare is fucking hilarious. Sorry, it’s just is. Comedy gold. I’m surprised you people aren’t getting the joke.
Red/Green Dawn” eh? Is that like the Red Green Show?
If that’s what the future holds, then you know what to do: stock up on duct tape!
Hewitt’s teeth are yellow from the bile spewing endlessly from his mouth.
Soon they’ll be worn to stumps.
But heh, nothing in the constitution says he deserves teeth any more than he’s obligated to have a conscience. Oh wait…there are a few things in the constitution that necessitate a conscience. No wonder he wants to change it.
Big Gummint or not, I’m in full favor of a federal statute that says you’re not allowed to furiously hump the Constitution if you’ve no intention of reading the damn thing. Maybe add the Bible and (just for Tim Burton) “Alice in Wonderland” to that list, and pretty much every annoying wingnut in the country (and Tim Burton) would STFU by the end of the month.
congrats to Canada hockey btw…. end of the 4 yrs of hurt!!
Ok… You can’t furiously hump it. Can you mebbe lasciviously leer at it?
Here’s a pic of Hugh Hewtit, undoctored
Undentisted, as well.
The general impression is of an older female relative of Stephen King, from “that” part of the family.
The hockey game was great, sudden death OT for gold? AWESOME. And who watched the XC? 50 km, and it ends in an outright sprint… EXTRA AWESOME WITH AWESOME SAUCE.
Fun while looking at Hugh Hewitt:
Mrs. H. H. I rest my case.
And Mormon fun. We didn’t know that Holy Father (via Joe Smith, of course) had made a pronouncement on Presbyterians:
Mrs. H.H.
Probably just the posture, but that right there can only be Stephen Hawking in drag.
How long till the Red State Trike Force starts sending jars of applesauce to Nancy Pelosi?
It’s never good when your hair is whiter than your teeth.
they, like King Henry VIII, consider their rule to be both a law and a birthright, and simply can’t cope with the idea that anyone else could get to call the shots.
Well, lord knows I shook my head and said “I can’t believe these assholes are in charge” often enough during the Bush II years. It’s less the sentiment then it is what led to it.
“Can you believe that the people running the government think Americans shouldn’t live in a state of Dickensian misery? How did we get to a point where you can disapprove of incredible horror in public?”
Speaking of Dickensian misery, right wing pundits sure like to ask “Are there no prisons? No workhouses?” and whenever they do I wonder if they’re conscious of imitating Ebeneezer, or are they completely unselfconscious?
Uh… I got so far off the damn boat that I ended up on another planet.
“Islamic lands that were occupied by the enemies will once again become Islamic…We proclaim that we will conquer Rome, like Constantinople was conquered once, and as it will be conquered again.”
– Ali Al-Faqir, the Jordanian Minister for Religious Endowment
Britain, birthplace of parliamentary democracy, has fallen to Islam. Oxford, once home to the likes of C.S. Lewis, now houses a giant Eastern Islamic Studies Center. If this were the only Islamic addition to Oxford, the mood would be less somber, but when Oxford citizens are forced to awake every morning to the Muslim call to prayer with the full consent of the Church of England, nothing short of conquest has taken place.
Britain’s Muslim demographic is now so dominant that the British government recently began to allow Islamic civil and religious law, known as Sharia, to be enforced along side British law.
But if religious tolerance is good, why is this a problem? Simple-this is not an issue of religious liberty. Islam is not designed to co-exist with western civilization. It is designed to conquer it.
Most would agree that Judeo-Christian values are consistent with Anglo-American tradition. Can the same be said of Islam? Even Muslims don’t think so. The chief Justice of London’s Sharia Court made this chilling statement:
If Sharia is implemented then you can turn this country into a haven of peace…Once a thief’s hand is cut off, nobody is going to steal. Once an adulterer is stoned, nobody is going to commit this crime at all. This is why we say we want to offer it to British society.
Statements like this have not stopped prominent British figures from endorsing Sharia. The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Protestant equivalent of the Pope, called Sharia “unavoidable.”
Under Sharia, non-Muslims are forbidden to even criticize Islam. This is significant, considering that a Policy Exchange Poll found that forty percent of British Muslims prefer to be governed by Sharia. Thirty-six percent believe that “apostates” from Islam should be punished by death. A Guardian Poll indicates that a sizeable number of British Muslims favor terrorist attacks on the United States and even England.[1]
There are presently 85 Sharia courts all across Britain, and, although initial defenders of the transformation claimed that Sharia courts would only exercise authority when consistent with British law, recent developments indicate that Muslims want Sharia pushed still further. Many Muslims advocate a separate police force due to the repeated embarrassment of rampant “honor killings.”
Honor killings represent a new and growing form of homicide in many European countries, whereby Muslim families collaborate to kill fellow family members to restore honor. This practice is not alien to the US. Recently, a US Muslim man beheaded his wife, confessed to authorities, and still received a scheduled award from the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Britain is not alone in its Muslim plight. In 2005, France experienced massive Muslim riots in 300 cities. Public buildings were firebombed, 200 policemen were injured, and 4,000 were arrested.[2] This is not unusual as a Muslim response to perceived offenses. Remember the Danish cartoons?
The central problem is assimilation. Most Muslims don’t move to a country with the purpose of becoming real citizens of that country. Muslims don’t want to be British or French. Muslims come for the wealth of the west, and to make the west Muslim. The evidence is transparent to anyone paying attention. The Parisian riots of 2005 were committed by second and third generation children of Muslim immigrants.
The ultimate aspiration of Muslims is total, global dominion within a theocracy known as a “caliphate.” Be they peaceful Muslims or radical Muslims, all share in this goal.
And, incredibly, we cooperate with this reverse assimilation. Somehow we Westerners now feel compelled to assimilate with Muslims instead of expecting the reverse. Paris fashion runways have even begun designing and modeling “Muslim inspired head wraps and…tunics splattered with simulated blood in what some fashionistas dubbed carnage couture.”[3]
The problem of Muslim integration is so sensitive that 751 areas have been willingly ceded to Islamic residents by the French government. Called “no-go zones” by many, these areas are off-limits to non-Muslims who value their lives. The UK is home to an indistinguishable number of “no-go zones,” with violence toward non-Muslims increasing in once peaceful areas.
Dutch Muslims have such a grip on Holland that those who speak out must live in safe houses, like Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders. Yet the Dutch Minister of Justice still wants to make full Sharia an option on the next ballot, which would make Holland the first fully Islamic theocracy in the heart of Europe.
Germany could be next. Matthias Rohe, Judge on the Court of Appeals in Nuremburg wants to see full Sharia in Germany, saying, “we are ready to accept these kind of differences and would apply the norms.” Many areas of Germany are now off limits to police and other uniformed personnel, as in France and the UK.
Muslim majorities will soon be a reality. By 2050, one out of every three people in Europe will be age 60 and over. The UN’s Populations Division estimates that by 2050, if current birth rates are held, Europe will shrink by 200 million as a new Muslim majority dawns.
And now, onto this stage strides President Barack Hussein Obama, who advocates the European model for all aspects of American life; for the economy, for healthcare, and now, in our dealings with Muslims. We know where that road leads. It has been travelled by an entire continent now doomed to cultural and economic destruction.
Is this what we want? Do we really want European civilization, cultivated for centuries, to suddenly vanish? Do we really want American culture to disappear?
President Obama travels the world apologizing for America’s very existence. He redefines Islam’s historical goal as one of peaceful coexistence, its moral ethos as one of “tolerance and the dignity of all human beings,” despite the evidence to the contrary. He pledges that the US “never will be-at war with Islam,” blindly ignoring the present strategic situation. He claims that we are the “biggest Muslim country in the world,” despite the fact that 80 percent of Americans say they are Christian.
The US has steadily been bowing to Islamic pressure. Many US banks and investment firms have formally adopted Sharia Finance. Harold Koh, recent Dean of Yale Law School and current Obama Advisor to the Secretary of State, openly talks about the compatibility of Sharia with American legal precedent.
What is our fascination with Islam? Why are we so willing to capitulate to its aims without resistance? Can’t western civilization continue to champion religious liberty without committing suicide?
Radical Islam is inconsistent with American ideals, plain and simple. No two ideologies that embrace concepts so divergent as global domination and freedom can hope to coexist. There can be no compromise.
Europe is among the walking dead; their future is an Islamic one. America, however, still has a choice if we have the courage to make it.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
All copypasta and no job make Troofie a dull troll.
Amen. Fuckin’ freeloaders. I’m pretty horrified that she’s wearing her dead sister’s teeth too. The lazy leech ougta be eating with a straw. </wingnut>
ladies and gentlemen of the united states, we are today in the grip of a great plague of militant surrealism. we must stop these dadaists now before satire has died, been buried, and is forever forgotten, and unspeakable and inedible self parody holds sway over the four corners of the earth
No two ideologies that embrace concepts so divergent as global domination and freedom can hope to coexist.
Since when are we not about global domination?
Or, to use the proper Pentagon/AEI terminology “Full Spectrum Dominance”.
Srsly, have any of youse LIE-BERAL phaggortz ever seen U-rup? It’s all bombed out and desolate. Also teh moon is now totes devoid of life. Because of Muslims.
as a new Muslim majority dawns
but what about the Bonfire Of The Dental Work?
I think what these racist fucking tards oughta be worryin, aboot isn’t the coming Muslim majority in 2050. It’s more the issue that there are enough minorities around now that it’s gonna get more and more difficult to demonize entire ethnic groups. i.e. What do you mean Iranians eat babies – Mahmood is a really nice guy.
Even worse is teh increasing numbers of mixed heritage folks. Because they are all unbelievably fricking HOT. [I’d link a photo of Emm Gryner here, but I’m commenting from the Wii – and fancy HTML-fu is tough with a Wiimote]
“Fang: …However, the hate has to be fed.”
I’d say the Hate *addiction* has to be fed, and like most addictions, it requires stronger and stronger doses for the addict.
Used to be “Liberals are a bunch of softies who want to coddle the (poor, minories, etc).
After 30 years its: Liberals are EVIL, traitorous enemy-harboring, baby-killing *cancers* poisoning America: they must be destroyed, eliminated.
Quite a progression.
Srsly tho, is there a keyboard accessory for the Wii? Or am I gonna have to give up on surfing during my DDR:HP3 breaks?
Hey DKW,
Nearly all USB keyboards work just fine with the Wii as long as you’ve been keeping it updated since 2007.
Sweet. I’m gonna give it a shot right after I get Kimono Princess figured out.
I just finished a book by Douglas Rogers, The Last Resort: A Memoir of Zimbabwe. Toward the end, he’s talking about political and economic conditions in 2007 (spectacularly horrendous), and noting that the anti-Mugabe activists and supporters continued to press their case, despite the oppression. He says “…There was none of the belligerent self-pity everyone now associated with the tirades of the ruling party, a party that constantly blamed the West, Britain, America, Blair, Bush, Tsvangirai [the Movement for Democratic Change leader], sanctions, sellouts, puppets, stooges, whites, the weather, or the drought for the chaos in the country. They had held power for more than twenty-six years, they controlled every aspect of the state to the extent that you couldn’t openly say what you thought, and yet someone else was always to blame. Belligerent victimhood is a mark of tyranny, an ugly and dangerous thing to behold.….” (Emphasis mine.)
Our own nasty wingnuts have had a great deal of control over the discourse for a long time, and their heroes ran the country for ten years, and don’t even get me started on Reagan, but they are never to blame. It’s always someone else. It’s someone else’s fault, or at the very least, someone else has always screwed up worse than they have.
What a fucked up way to live. Belligerent victim wannabes whose only consolation is pointing at people they believe are more contemptible than they are. And again, they’re wrong.
It’s always someone else. It’s someone else’s fault, or at the very least, someone else has always screwed up worse than they have.
But, but they’re the Party of Personal Responsibility!
For you.
Well that’s certainly an interesting observation, but it doesn’t invalidate tne fact that it’s Obama’s fault that I can’t Full Combo A Brighter Day.
Red/Green Dawn
Even worse is teh increasing numbers of mixed heritage folks. Because they are all unbelievably fricking HOT.
Gotta agree with you. Hybrid vigor = teh sex.
Mark Ames on the folks who enjoy the yucks from Rushbo and his ilk, but mostly on the establishment ‘liberals’ who never get it.
I’m gonna give it a shot right after I get Kimono Princess figured out.
That Kimono Princess is a nasty trick. I think they spring it on you when they think you are starting to feel good about yourself, to keep your self-esteem under control
Hey, whichever of you sick bastards put together the “shithouse motivational” poster, please remind me. I’d like to put it up at the ol’ blog and want to make sure the responsible (guilty) party gets the credit (blame).
Now I know from back in the old days when I was forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh at work that the Dirigible of Darvocet himself has said he pays cash at the dentist’s just like he does at the doctor’s and that’s the way the system should be for everyone.
I can guaran-damn-tee you his recent hospital stay was covered by insurance.
Hygiene much?
Fine. You fucking whining Canucks happy now?
Hey, whichever of you sick bastards put together the “shithouse motivational” poster, please remind me.
That was me, at least the non-animated version.
Please credit to Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist – my late sainted mother would have liked me to be honored by my full name.
Hey, whichever of you sick bastards put together the “shithouse motivational” poster, please remind me.
That was me, at least the non-animated version.
FYWP eated my comment!
Loosely related to Dentistry is Theft:
Is commenting working again now (FYWP!!)?
Jennifer – I drew the troll motivational poster (but not the animated version).
Molars are un-Constutional.
*accepts pultizer nom*
Double-posting in a copypaste-trolled thread!
Feb.28,2010: the day Canada went bugfuck-crazy.
Now we see the true costs of the death of satire. I don’t think that Lamar Alexander would literally say “If he discards all his ideas and adopts all GOP ideas”…but can I be sure? Sadly, no.
I don’t think that Lamar Alexander would literally say “If he discards all his ideas and adopts all GOP ideas”…but can I be sure? Sadly, no.
Sir and/or Madam, may I interest you in some mango chutney?
Only if you can assure me that it is not, in fact, orange-painted diarrhea, as the mango chutney around these parts tends to be.
Damnitt, now they have health care and hockey glory.
Well, their rugby with pads league sucks, so there.
Mangoes are icky. Might as well be getting off the boat to look for guavas.
Lamar Alexander will never be the Cream de la Cream of American patriots, because that would already be Orly Taitz. But I suppose he could still be Mr. Cream de la Cream.
Is it wrong that I find myself, in a way, slightly scared of wingnut comment sections? Like, somewhere in my reptile brain, I can’t shake the feeling that if I read too long, Wingnut Samara Morgan is going to jump out and eat my soul.
Also: I think we must dismantel the United Nations
“That fireplace just doesn’t go w/ my concept for the room. It has to go!”
Red/Green Dawn
In honor of our Canuckiinoid Hockey Masters,
Thanks, Xecky! I responded in comments over at my place but see your response here finally got regurgitated by WP.
That would have been Xecky.
That link only sorta works in preview, so here’s one without the offending closequote, which probably won’t work after posting.
Wow. preview is twelve flavors of suck right now. Here goes nuttin’.
Oh, now I can read the rest of the thread.
If you’re going to “continue to spread” the manure, howza ‘boot (in honor of the Crosby led NorthNanooks, HockeyGods division) you copy from people who know whereof they write? Your pastee said: “The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Protestant equivalent of the Pope, called Sharia “unavoidable.”
But of course, that’s not what the AofC said. Here’s what the AofC actually said as opposed to what wingnuts want to believe he said:
In his lecture, the Archbishop sought carefully to explore the limits of a unitary and secular legal system in the presence of an increasingly plural (including religiously plural) society and to see how such a unitary system might be able to accommodate religious claims.
Previously, the AofC said: As such he said that sharia is a method of law rather than a single complete and final system ready to be applied wholesale to every situation,…
I realize people of the “continue to spread” type can’t handle complexity and nuance is right oot, but in your fear and loathing little mind, try to believe that other people can handle complex thoughts.
Then, of course, there’s the outright lies. Instead of what you said: Matthias Rohe, Judge on the Court of Appeals in Nuremburg…
Prof. Mathias Rohe is a scholar of law and Islam studies. and Rohe actually said: the development in Europe shows that it is very much possible to defend society against violence based on Islamic beliefs.
Google is your friend, eh? So stop spreading the manure. At least copy some stuff that isn’t a series of outright lies.
You twit.
When Sidney Crosby is your national hero, your country is deeply desperate for glory.
The women’s hockey team had the right idea: cigars and beer is the way to celebrate a hockey gold medal.
orange-painted diarrhea
Painted diarrhea is the Jew of colon fascism.
Buy some fuckin toothpaste, Hugh. You can afford it.
HTML, are you claiming that Hugetits has Steyned teeth?
Harold Koh, recent Dean of Yale Law School and current Obama Advisor to the Secretary of State, openly talks about the compatibility of Sharia with American legal precedent.
Link to his actual words, please, you lying motherfucking little creep?
You can’t, cuz they’re ain’t one. Go take a shower and wash my spit off you. Your ass, kicked again.
“continue to spread the word” has been doing the same shit at Yglesias’ place too.
You can’t, cuz they’re ain’t one.
Well actor212, if you had simply gone and tracked down the origin of the copy-pasta to this from the American
PooperThinker and then followed the link there to this NYPost op-ed you’d have found your proof – sure enough.Now if that isn’t lobbying for Shania Law, I dunno what is. In fact, in order to avoid Scor[ing] one for America’s enemies and hostile international bureaucrats, [and] zero for American democracy we ought to excise all commonality with Sharia from the US justice system. Prosecution for example. And punishment.
And by “THE WORD”, I mean “your mother’s thighs”.
John Hinderaker goes for such long stretches with a low key style, posting Rasmussen polls and musings about how playing in the snow is fun, you almost get lulled into forgetting that he’s totally insane.
Then he gets mad and reminds everyone that he lives in a Bizarro World where George W. Bush is a genius and science has defeated Darwin in the name of God. Yesterday was another epic of the genre.
Shorter Hindy:
This is a boat that needs to be gotten out of, folks.
They say toothache is the worst pain one can experience.
I’d say from personal experience they’re right.
Here’s hoping Pigman and Blecch get to experience it, and soon.
we ought to excise all commonality with Sharia from the US justice system. Prosecution for example. And punishment.
The death penalty.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Protestant equivalent of the Pope
It’s not even the Anglican equivalent to the Pope, though that would be closer to reality than “Protestant.”
When it comes to the whole “Islam is taking over the Judeo-Christian West” shit, the sociopaths in the right wing might be surprised that the Judeo-Christian religious leadership in Europe (that most threatened of continents) tends to agree with the Muslims and not the sociopaths.
When the French government banned headscarves in public schools, the Archbishop of Marseilles came out against it, saying that it was “unenforceable” and that Muslim immigrants should be persuaded, not coerced, into assimilating better. The Archbishop of Canterbury, by the way, the guy Troofie referenced, also condemned the French.
When the Swiss government banned the building of more minarets, the leaders of the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish communities all came out against it, the president of the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities going so far as to compare it with the history of discrimination against Jews in Europe.
A similar reaction occurred when an Egyptian woman living in Germany was murdered by a local racist and the Jewish and Muslim communities banded together, with the Central Council of Jews in Germany adding that they opposed the “largely unchecked hate propaganda against Muslims.”
By and large the Christian and Jewish churches in Europe aren’t even slightly bothered by the fact that there’s a new kid on the block. The only people who care are the local fascists for whom “the Judeo-Christian tradition” has never been anything but a sanctimonious spin on the old “Us vs. Dem.” Naturally the American right wing would come down on the side of the fascists – there’s quite a bit of history of them doing that.
the American right wing would come down on the side of the fascists
But, but….I swear the Doughy PL told us, in no certain terms, mind the gap, that LIEberals were the fascists, socialists and preemies. Too.
More accurately, The Archibishop of Canterbury, chief primate of the Anglican Communion, said …
chief primate of the Anglican Communion
I know it means different, but I can’t help but think of an orangutan in a mitre.