Less manners than the Sadly, No! staff

A few posts below we linked to Brad DeLong’s comments on the poor excuse for a story published in the Washington Post about Bush’s “budget” proposal. We learn now from Professor DeLong that Jonathan Weisman, who wrote the article, has responded to DeLong’s concerns.

(If by “responded” you mean “told him to go fuck himself because rewriting White House press releases is obviously ok if you’re under a deadline.” And yes, you will be surprised as to how accurate that summary is.)

And yes, the Washington Post is part of your liberal media, why do you ask?


Comments: 19


It is remarkably. Absolutely remarkable. Particularly since there were no surprises in the budget: no reason that it had to be done on deadline at all…


If by “responded” you mean “told him to go fuck himself because rewriting White House press releases is obviously ok if you’re under a deadline.” And yes, you will be surprised as to how accurate that summary is.

Your summary was totally inaccurate: Weisman said “Fuck Brad DeLong.” That’s completely different from telling Brad to fuck himself, which I think is much worse (third vs. second person imperative), and I’m suprised that such an upstanding blog would deliberately distort the truth just fan the flames.


Your summary was totally inaccurate Weisman said “Fuck Brad DeLong.” That’s completely different from telling Brad to fuck himself, which I think is much worse (third vs. second person imperative)

If William Safire were to start leaving comments on S,N!, it would look like this.

such an upstanding blog

Your favorites folder appears to have become corrupted — seek assistance.


How come you?ve sworn in four consecutive posts? You sound like a fucking asshole.


Weisman said “Fuck Brad DeLong.” That’s completely different from telling Brad to fuck himself, which I think is much worse (third vs. second person imperative)

Au contraire. Telling someone to “[f]uck Brad DeLong” sounds like an instruction to rape DeLong (unless DeLong were to consent, of course), which is surely worse than instructing DeLong to “fuck himself” (i.e., masturbate).


Frederick – hmmm…you make an interesting point. But still, I think it’s less rude to tell someone directly to fuck themselves, as opposed to an aside (despite the cc: to Brad) about fucking someone. But maybe that’s just a regional thing.

Regardless, I’m sure we can all agree that Weisman can fuck off and die.


Oops, I meant “more rude…” Whatever.


How come you?ve sworn in four consecutive posts?

Who made you the Brent Bozell of S,N! monitoring? Maybe you could start sadlynowatch.blogspot.com?


Maybe you could start sadlynowatch.blogspot.com?

Inquiring minds want to know: Who would you rather be stalked by, Frederick or Amber?


Inquiring minds want to know: Who would you rather be stalked by, Frederick or Amber?

Daniel, such difficult questions at this early hour. But your query is like being asked “which would you rather see, Janet Jackson’s left or right boob?” Who wouldn’t want both, and if forced to choose, on what basis could you narrow it down to just one?


Daniel, such difficult questions at this early hour.

Sorry, I’m going by Boston time here. That was inconsiderate and I am shamed.

But your query is like being asked “which would you rather see, Janet Jackson’s left or right boob?”

Well, I imagine that only one of them acts as a shiny pointy weapon (how effective, however, is your call).

Who wouldn’t want both, and if forced to choose, on what basis could you narrow it down to just one?

That’s very understandable. If you cannot have both, you could base it on perks. Amber has virtually batted her eyelashes and sent smooches over your way. Then again we know she just wants to use your happy man loaf in her attempts to not turn lesbian.


Then again we know she just wants to use your happy man loaf in her attempts to not turn lesbian.

You seem not to be acquainted with Amber’s theory of lesbianism, which posits that the enjoyment of too many men’s happy loaves is likely to turn a woman into a lesbian (in other words, “too many cocks spoil the broad”). Amber has told us that she loves cock. We do not know how many cocks she has loved, but is may be (if her theory is correct) that she is at the tipping point and the insertion of S,L!’s cock/happy man loaf into her could cause her to convert to lesbianism.

That said, I am skeptical of Amber’s theory. I shall apply the well-known scientific technique pioneered by K-Lo — looking at the behavior of fictional characters on TV shows — to investigate its truth vel non (that’s “or not” in Latin for all you hicks out there). Surely no television character has enjoyed more cocks than uber-slut Samantha Jones on “Sex and the City.” Yet Ms. Jones keeps enjoying more and more cocks. It is true that she did once have a lesbian affair, but she broke it off and resumed fucking guys after discovering that (1) fucking a woman with a strap-on dildo is exhausting (which made her appreciate what hard work sex is for a man) and (2) women (other than her) like to talk about feelings all the time instead of screwing at every opportunity. S.J. accordingly abandoned her brief dalliance with lesbianism and recommenced promiscuously screwing guys. It thus follows ineluctably that sexual promiscuity with men does not lead to lesbianism, at least not on any long-term basis. Q.E.D.

The moral of the story: don’t hesitate to jump S,L!’s happy man loaf, Amber (just don’t tell his wife).


Woops, that should be “S,N!’s” not “S,L!’s.”


And here I thought he was being renamed Sadly, Lo!



w.r.t. the fictional character Samantha Jones, she sounds like she would have been as spunky as Ms. P. during her college years. That was a fine choice, and your proof cannot be argued against now.

S,N!: Maybe Frederick should get the job after all.


By the way, Frederick,

S,N!’s analogy raises a serious question:

If you were one-half of Ms. Jackson’s chest, would you rather be the exposed right half (with the Mad Max-style Christmas ornament) or the half behind curtain number two?


If you were one-half of Ms. Jackson’s chest, would you rather be the exposed right half (with the Mad Max-style Christmas ornament) or the half behind curtain number two?

That is very difficult to say, particularly since her mammaries could have very different views on the subject. It may be that the right one was a tethered tit yearning to breathe free, while her left one was a bashful boob that wanted to stay in bondage — in which case both were presumably pleased with how things turned out. But it could be the other way around, in which case each is now a distressed breast. Hard to know about these things.


Speaking on behalf of all lesbians everywhere, we absolutely, positively do NOT want — nor would we allow — Amber Pawlik to join our exclusive club. Her self-loathing & misogyny make her unequivocably qualified for the hetero lifestyle … particularly with a Neanderthal who will keep her barefoot & pregnant, while slapping her around as needed.

Have a nice day!


[Amber Pawlik’s] self-loathing & misogyny make her unequivocably qualified for the hetero lifestyle … particularly with a Neanderthal who will keep her barefoot & pregnant, while slapping her around as needed.

The Neanderthal in question would evidently be Seb, whom a World O’Crap expos? has revealed is
Amber’s husband. (btw, I am touched to learn from the same source that they have named their son “Frederick” after me. Thanks, Seb and Amber!)


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