The Hundredth Monkey
Above: Mark Steyn, Roger Kimball, James Taranto
James “Leafy” Taranto,1 The (opinion section of the) Wall Street Journal:
Consensus or Con? The global warmists are the real deniers.2
- I’ve long thumbed my nose at the idea of global warming, but held off on judging the actual science because I didn’t understand it. No more, for overwhelming evidence says the science has typos in it, unmasking a massive liberal fraud-conspiracy.3
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Taranto is a city associated since antiquity with the action-without-avail of the thrikospastikos, or hairy spaz, founded on the inner heel of the Italian peninsula, in 706 BC, as a stomp-off-and-start-your-own satellite extension of the polis that would become the great, closeted Bert to the Athenian Ernie. This distinction as Diet Sparta earned it a booby laurel with fail clusters during the Roman Period, as the epicenter of the Pyhrric War that everybody is still talking about. A prior rivalry with Rome ended in what we call the Roman Period. Subsequent fame was achieved via the Medieval hysteria of The Tarantella.
On March 6, 1834, the city was moved from the Italian region of Apulia to the site of the former city of York, former province of Upper Canada, formerly UK. When in 1867 the Canadians lost their temper and ejected the French into the hastily created province of What-A-Pecker (Fr.: Quel bec), they pretended to be sorry by renaming their half with the ancient Greek motto of peace, antares, or ‘against Ares,’ while the French, having none of this, retaliated by electing officials who renamed the transplanted city of Tarrant as ‘Torment,’ and the province as Ontoario (Greco-Latin: ‘of the nature of Ares’). Changings-around ensued and were changed around (‘Tomato,’ ‘New Ottawa’), until in 1997 the province and city of Rontoronto and Tortarion sat down with the Whatpeckers and came up with an arrangement such as holds today, where both city and province are named from the Greek Iothrikokataskopos, respectively in the Canadian and Canadien languages as Crotte Éclaireur-Velu and O! Hairy Tonto. Also not true are legends of a city called Saskatoon.
2 Are not.
3 No such thing is happening, although the propaganda effort to declare victory has started to seem less weird since oil companies and similar concerns have begun making concrete use of it, aided by the usual culprits. Still a bit weird is the way similar report-the-controversy pieces keep appearing in one newspaper after another, especially alongside the more-or-less ceaseless and unappeasable mau-mauing campaign that the right has been sustaining since the Van Jones and ACORN flaps (to notable avail). The Times, puzzlingly accused by historian Walter Russell Mead of “ignoring Climategate” while the Washington Post, belatedly, scooped them Watergate-style in the “story of the decade,” was actually early into the fray with this February 9 piece:
Elisabeth Rosenthal, The New York Times
Skeptics Find Fault With U.N. Climate Panel
The one at the Post came on February 15 , while the Wall Street Journal piece arrived on the 17th:
Gautam Naik and Keith Johnson, The (actual) Wall Street Journal
Controversies Create Opening for CriticsThe spate of recent controversies about climate research has given fresh voice to a group of scientists who question the mainstream view that human activity is warming the planet to dangerous levels.
Very few scientists disagree that the earth’s climate has warmed since 1850. But some have long argued that there are too many uncertainties about man’s role in the warming, and that other factors, such as solar activity and the greenhouse effect of clouds, could account for a large part of the observed warming trend. Among this group are researchers who have criticized the limitations of past temperature records and mathematical models used to forecast future effects.
Such views are getting a fresh airing on the heels of two recent controversies dogging climate researchers. A United Nations group, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, has been heavily criticized for publishing an unsubstantiated claim that Himalayan glaciers would entirely melt away by 2035. A recent report also included several other claims later found to lack a scientific basis, including predictions of the impact of climate change on agriculture in Africa and the retreat of Amazonian rain forests, among others.
News of those discrepancies followed a scandal in Britain where the publication of hacked emails of climate scientists suggested they had declined to share their data with fellow researchers and tried to squelch dissenting views about climate change.
It’s too soon to tell whether the critics’ views will force the scientific community to revisit the prevailing view of man-made climate change. Many of their colleagues remain…
Fans of the right wing and of their fascinating ways might notice something right away in the fact that the earliest piece is the most accurate, while the latest one has picked up a cargo of debunked nonsense and accepts the premises of the right’s coalescing official narrative. These are telltale signs of clownsourcing.Clownsourcing is a method of processing information in order to promote foolishness and manipulate people into bad choices. Unlike the traditional method, in which propaganda is produced by hacks utilizing a certain measure of cleverness and guile, clownsourced information is fashioned to maximum message efficiency out of the very stupidity it is meant to produce.
In clownsourcing a message, the right’s email briefings and action alerts will geyser out allegations and counter-allegations, as they do, and the blogs will roar and fulminate, and the radio and TV talkers will pick it up, such that a mass of online wingnuts will be attracted by the base flattery offered by the message, as per the right’s spite- and self-pity-based messaging system, and will repeat it back and forth in an ecstasy of self-drama, competing to fill in context and details and to create the most emotionally stimulating presentation.
Other diagnostic signs of clownsourcing are an embedded sense that the right or one of its surrogate identities (‘parents,’ ‘the military,’ ‘Americans,’ etc.) is under some kind of unfair assault, but that a blow for victory has been struck; allegations that someone or something ‘equals bad’ (i.e. that Van Jones ‘is a communist’) absent any evidence of wrongdoing; and reports of controversies ‘erupting’ that involve any of the right’s usual idées fixes where the conflict is purely symbolic — i.e., where the disputed point ‘makes it seem’ or ‘sends a message’ — and the solution is obscure or ever-receding (e.g., ‘making a stand against foreign extremism,’ ‘healing the rifts of the turbulent ’60s’).
Comments: 136
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Taranto links this TimesOnline article written by Jonathon Leake.
One of the more amusing bits about Leakegate is the citing of Anthony Watts of fame. How’s that amusing? Here’s the punchline.
I think you should edit the caption: Above, front row: Mark Steyn, Roger Kimball, James Taranto, back row: three insufferable douchebags
It’s been pretty much established that hundreds of millions of years ago, our atmosphere became oxygenated by cyanobacteria, making it possible for us to be alive on this earth today.
But when it comes to humans altering the climate by pumping huge amounts of CO2 into the air, the denialists claim “No way people can impact climate like that.” Gee, if tiny cyanobacteria can do it, why can’t we?
I’m totally getting note 1 as a tramp stamp.
…And of course, the recent record-breaking snowfalls in Washington DC are CLEAR PRUF that global warming is a lie (per every right-wing blowhard who thinks he’s just so original and hilarious).
So, we not only don’t have to worry about AGW, it’s not really warming up! Carbon emission cocktails for everyone!
I’m totally getting note 1 as a tramp stamp.
See, if only more people had decided to do that, maybe Latin wouldn’t be a dead language today.
“…the publication of hacked emails of climate scientists suggested they had declined to share their data with fellow researchers and tried to squelch dissenting views…”
Actually a conservative told me last weekend that the emails were NOT hacked, rather, the scientists had left the information available & free on the internet for all to read. PLUS: the same scientists refused to give contradictory info about GloWarm to the “Skeptics” who, being the fair & balanced folk they are, were BEGGING them for ANY “real” evidence of man-caused CliCha.
“Global Warmist.” Once again, science gets turned into ideology by someone who doesn’t know fuck-all about science. I think some conservatives, particularly the “idea guys”, think that global warming is an issue liberals only care about to score political points (which is brilliant of us, given the average citizen’s commitment to hardcore environmentalism), and the idea that we think it will, y’know, kill us all, hasn’t factored into the discussion.
think some conservatives, particularly the “idea guys”, think that global warming is an issue liberals only care about to score political points
Remember that everything to ‘pigs is just ideology, political, and a big “I win you lose” contest. They REVEL in anything that beats those loony libs. I even heard a caller on the radio after the Citizens United SCOTUS decision say (paraphrased) “now we got you libs! You guys lost! HAHAHAHAHA”
And no, he didn’t sound like a billionaire, thus another case of the “Whatsamatta Wid Kansas” Stockholm syndrome.
Y’know who I feel really bad for, every time I see Mark Steyn?
Seth Rogan.
Because he has to look like Steyn 24/7. That’s awful.
think some conservatives, particularly the “idea guys”, think that global warming is an issue liberals only care about to score political points
Conservatives have a real problem, as a rule, of understanding anyone taking a political position outside of pure self-interest, as if politics were some wierd vulgar-Marxist system – which is why, for example, it’s always asserted that anyone who espouses gay rights MUST be a fagnit themselves, otherwise what would be their personal benefit from taking the position?
which is why, for example, it’s always asserted that anyone who espouses gay rights MUST be a fagnit themselves, otherwise what would be their personal benefit from taking the position?
This is also why LBJ was obviously an octoroon.
So because there’s a typo, suddenly Taranto understands it?
I’m totally getting note 1 as a tramp stamp.
Photos? Website?
See, if only more people had decided to do that, maybe Latin wouldn’t be a dead language today.
Hmm, maybe linguists should consider the ways tramp stamps could be used to save endangered languages?
I had to look up the word “octoroon”, leading me to wonder what poor sap’s job it was to keep track of all those stupid measurements. Bigotry is one thing, but when it becomes a time burden on the bigot to be bigoted, but he keeps it up because he’s that damn dedicated, that’s just…wow. And of course, we still have plenty of them floating around
Photos? Website?
By the way, Gavin…totally not down with your diss of Trevor Horn…but you know, I can handle it.
Hmm, maybe linguists should consider the ways tramp stamps could be used to save endangered languages?
Or even just embroidering them onto garment tags.
I think we ought unleash the scientific power of the Wall Street Journal and the anti-global-warming bloggers and independent experts to analyze the nature of other cosmological questions such as “dark energy”.
Sure, them long haired pointy head so-called “science” types have a hard time answering these sorts of questions, but I’m pretty sure that enthusiasts armed with pictures of the Sun and a deep hatred for Al Gore can easily answer them.
Hmm, maybe linguists should consider the ways tramp stamps could be used to save endangered languages?
Well, when civilization collapses, the post-apocalyptic US will certainly recall flowers, butterflies and dolphins. Stands to reason if we have ladies (or men!) tramp stamp the Bill of Rights or Constitution on their lower backs, we might be able to rebuild.
We might have to get some abridgement done though, unless we want to perpetuate the obesity crisis.
Because he has to look like Steyn 24/7. That’s awful.
well, that explains Rogan’s enthusiasm for getting stoned.
We might have to get some abridgement done though, unless we want to perpetuate the obesity crisis.
Hell, here in the South you’ve got room for the entire Federalist Papers.
We might have to get some abridgement done though, unless we want to perpetuate the obesity crisis.
Freedom or fats-ism, you decide.
Stands to reason if we have ladies (or men!) tramp stamp the Bill of Rights or Constitution on their lower backs, we might be able to rebuild.
Fallout 3 tells me that those documents survive Apocalyptageddon, but despite the copious amount of text that’s made it through the collapse of civilization, there is not a single instance of the word PENIS.
Men and women with as yet unblemished lower backs, you know what your patriotic duty is.
And yet, there they are, the kings of wedge-issue politics, making certain that their rank and file base votes itself into a bottomless pit of serfdom. Odd creatures.
Aragonese ass antlers.
Man, please try not to let it go to your head and thus possibly spoil your output – but Gavin, you are one hell of a writer.
They really do think it is all a plot to impose socialism. Because that’s how they roll, contriving artificial crises, or exaggerating existing ones in order to ram through self-beneficial policies. It’s natural to assume that’s how everyone else thinks.
If I wasn’t living on this planet that they’re rapidly destroying, I might find it amusing how perfectly global warming simply confounds any conservative ideological attempt to either understand it or solve it. It’s just the antithesis of everything they believe.
And yet, there they are, the kings of wedge-issue politics, making certain that their rank and file base votes itself into a bottomless pit of serfdom.,/i>
I guess they’re voting for potential self-interest, in that high taxes on the wealthy, etc, will hurt them one day, once their ship has come in.
don’t forget to include the french spelling, “Quattre-Piqueraise”*, required to be displayed on all public signage, above the english spelling and using a more prominent typeface.
*a traditional tune with a repeated refrain that translates roughly to “bite me four times more”
Goddamn kitten paws, always botching the tags.
wedge-issue politics
it stands to reason that the exploiters of the Tea Panties movement would be the masters of the wedgie
I guess they’re voting for potential self-interest, in that high taxes on the wealthy, etc, will hurt them one day, once their ship has come in.
That’s what I’ve always figured – once they get promoted or hit the lottery or sell enough colloidal silver or whatever, they too will be wealthy an ain’t no Obambi gunna steel their moola then nosir!
Kind of like a magical incantation… if they support the interests of the wealthy they will inevitably be raised to join those exhalted ranks.
Men and women with as yet unblemished lower backs, you know what your patriotic duty is.
Do cum stains count?
I’d been meaning to note this, Gavin.
Well played, sir.
I think we should make this a meme. Anytime there’s a right wing talking point that gets echoed around the blogosphere, we can say it’s been clownsourced.
Speaking of note 1, as a resident of LEAFS SUCK (i.e. ‘Torment’), I can vouch that the part about Rontoronto and Tortarion being 110% true-onto.
Hmmm, what should I believe?
The stacks of peer-reviewed science sitting on my desk saying that we are well and truly fucked.
These happy asshats saying that they know science better than actual scientists.
I will stick with the real scientists, thankyouverymuch. And you know the worst part? I would LOVE for the science to be wrong!
Do cum stains count?
We are talking about permanently marking your rear with PENIS, so I’d have to say… umm… got distracted there for a moment, what was a talking about again?
That’s what I’ve always figured – once they get promoted or hit the lottery or sell enough colloidal silver or whatever, they too will be wealthy an ain’t no Obambi gunna steel their moola then nosir!
Don’t forget the always-depressing statistic that something like 20% of Americans think they’re in the top 1% of income earners. Pair that with the statistic that economic mobility is actually almost non-existent in America and you can see how mass delusion is what the ‘pigs and corporate criminals count on.
For the fully 20% of Americans who believe themselves a part of the top 1% of earners, that moment is now. Can’t fix stupid, I suppose.
It’s more than just that, though. It’s also screaming healthcare reform into the abyss because it would be tainted if the niggers got any, all while pissing and moaning about the rates being jacked and their family being shut out; wailing about a stimulus that might just keep them in a job, and bog knows all the other similar bits.
Apparently, nearly half of the country stopped rational development at the age of five or so.
Drat. Foiled again.
*%#*&^ing Lipstick.
Global Warming, it’s scientific, so scientific.
Global Warming, it’s scientific, so scientific.
That’s it!
Climate change needs a song, like “We Are The World”!
Once the yahoos get a glimpse of Lady Gaga and Faith Hill doing a duet, the anti-science types will fold up their tents and go home!
I had to look up the word “octoroon”, leading me to wonder what poor sap’s job it was to keep track of all those stupid measurements. Bigotry is one thing, but when it becomes a time burden on the bigot to be bigoted, but he keeps it up because he’s that damn dedicated, that’s just…wow. And of course, we still have plenty of them floating around
It’s really hard to take a step forward when your foot is on somebody’s neck.
Stands to reason if we have ladies (or men!) tramp stamp the Bill of Rights or Constitution on their lower backs, we might be able to rebuild.
Ah, yes, A Tramp Stamp for Leibowitz.
I’m trying to think of an example of where a profoundly anti-scientific belief system was promulgated by a group of deluded or cynical ideologues and was defeated by the rational. It would be useful to have some model for how to beat the deniers, but I’m coming up blank.
Evolution/creationism is the obvious example, except I don’t think the evolution crowd can really crow about their victory – some polling shows a plurality supports creationism, Texas is busy rewriting history for the whole nation’s children and it’s still acceptable for Republican Presidential nominees to raise their hand and admit they don’t accept evolution.
Maybe if we go back to ideas like social-darwinism, alchemy, or the medicinal powers of radium?
Fuck it took 400 years to get the damn Church to apologize for locking up Galileo. There doesn’t seem to be a model for this that is known to work on a short enough time span.
Climate change needs a song, like “We Are The World”!
Take your pick.
A Tramp Stamp for Leibowitz.
That is beautiful.
Take your pick.
I pick this one.
Gavin’s Book: 2 pages of text, 400 pages of footnotes.
or the medicinal powers of radium
I’m all for wingnuts’ jaws falling off.
I’m trying to think of an example of where a profoundly anti-scientific belief system was promulgated by a group of deluded or cynical ideologues and was defeated by the rational. It would be useful to have some model for how to beat the deniers, but I’m coming up blank.
The obvious example is Galileo and the Vatican. He was persecuted for his theory about the earth circling the sun, nearly tortured by those lovely theologians, and only set free when he recanted his beliefs. The Church eventually realized they were wrong and at first allowed his theories to be taught to Catholics, and then later apologized.
Of course it took 200+ years for the former, and almost 400 years for the latter, but when you’re dealing with nutjobs, wingnuts, ‘pigs, and ideologues, that is considered a victory.
and reports of controversies ‘erupting’ that involve any of the right’s usual idées fixes where the conflict is purely symbolic — i.e., where the disputed point ‘makes it seem’ or ’sends a message’ — and the solution is obscure or ever-receding (e.g., ‘making a stand against foreign extremism,’ ‘healing the rifts of the turbulent ’60s’).
My favorite MSM tactic. We report, you follow mindlessly. Remember kids, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Where there’s black, there’s radical communistic politics infiltrating our base!
It’s pretty goddamn amusing that you have the Flinstones picture up there … given that 60% of Texans think dinosaurs and humans lived together, or aren’t sure if they did.
No, seriously.
Any chance we can move Austin to a more sane part of the nation and just let Texas secede already?
I’m trying to think of an example of where a profoundly anti-scientific belief system was promulgated by a group of deluded or cynical ideologues and was defeated by the rational.
Um, well, there was the whole von Daniken “theory”…
Can someone do a takedown of Bobo Brooks complaints about how the new meritocracy is failing?
A coupla things I noticed:
Bobo: “Since then, we have opened up opportunities for women, African-Americans, Jews, Italians, Poles, Hispanics and members of many other groups.”
[and Republicans have proudly fought them every step of the way.]
Bobo’s Conclusion: “This is not to say that we should return to the days of the WASP ascendancy. That’s neither possible nor desirable. Rather, our system of promotion has grown some pretty serious problems, which are more evident with each passing day.”
[We elected a black man President.]
From Pere Ubu’s wiki link:
It was advertised as “A Cure for the Living Dead”[3] as well as “Perpetual Sunshine”.
More shambler hate from the breathers.
Gavin: Your footnotes are always outstanding; I always enjoy reading them. The ones in this piece are truly *exceptional*. Your skill with footnotes illustrates two other strengths in your writing: (1) Your relocatation of digressions that inhibit the main flow or narrative; your text is *always* clean. (2) The breadth of your reading and reach of your intellect.
I visit SN! daily, but pretty much as a lurker; I seldom comment. This one is to express my appreciation for your writing.
Any chance we can move Austin to a more sane part of the nation and just let Texas secede already?
Isn’t that where Rick Perry currently resides? Best to just grab all the sane people and let if fall.
Justme @ 20:11
I always thought everyone EXPECTED to be in the top 1% one day (a la Joe the Plumber).
The actually well off always poor-mouthed themselves as presently barely able to rub two nickels together.
“I’m not rich, I only make $150k/ yr and in New York that’s barely upper middle class.”
Remember kids, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Where there’s black, there’s radical communistic politics infiltrating our base!
I’m trying to think of an example of where a profoundly anti-scientific belief system was promulgated by a group of deluded or cynical ideologues and was defeated by the rational.
We don’t burn witches anymore. Much.
Until it reaches its Onandonanistic conclusion!
OK, way-hay-hay off-topic, here, but whatever happened to the Daily Dash? Are you and Dr MMM hiding something here?
“Food for [very little] thought”
Sheesh, Bobo’s career is proof that there is no meritocracy.
So I’m sure that all these pundits will suddenly do a 180 and agree with climatologists should the coming summer season produce record-breaking heat waves, right?
Can someone do a takedown of Bobo Brooks complaints about how the new meritocracy is failing?
Does he have a problem with incompetent WASP bank executives costing taxpayers trillions, nearly destroying the world’s economy, and for their “hard work” getting millions and millions in bonuses?
So I’m sure that all these pundits will suddenly do a 180 and agree with climatologists should the coming summer season produce record-breaking heat waves, right?
Sadly, no. That’s when they “remember how hot it was when we were kids?”. This is nothing compared to that. I heard Dennis Miller once try to refute global warming by saying he remembered that it was hot out a long time ago. Therefore, science is gay.
“I guess they’re voting for potential self-interest, in that high taxes on the wealthy, etc, will hurt them one day, once their ship has come in.”
Its worse than that. They believe that it would have come in already if only they didn’t have $40 being taken in social security from their paychecks, so that money going to welfare queens would be laying freely on the streets for them to pick up each morning, and they would be getting like $50 hour at their Wal-mart stockboy job if only walmart didn’t have to spend so much money defending itself from the government and losing so much to brown people stealing stuff.
And yes, the irrational leeps of logic in that progression are intentional representations of how one thing leads to another in the oppressed wingnut mind
leeps was actually a typo, though
So I’m sure that all these pundits will suddenly do a 180 and agree with climatologists should the coming summer season produce record-breaking heat waves, right?
Well, it is such in the Southern Hemisphere even as we speak, but CRIPES, that’s an alien planet and all and nothing that happens there has ANY relevancy to New York City, donchaknow.
They seem to like to ignore the word “GLOBAL” and instead substitute something like “Mid-Latitude Northern American Warming” and HURF DURF it’s really cold outside so Q.E. fucking D.
They believe that it would have come in already if only they didn’t have $40 being taken in social security from their paychecks
That’s one of the funnier bits I hear from time to time.
FReeper: If SS didn’t exist, my take home pay would go up!
Actor: How?
FReeper: Well, the boss would give me the money he gives to the SSA!
Actor: (after paroxysms of laughter) Oh really? So you’re saying your boss is a philanthropist? Why not simply ask him for a raise? Aren’t you worth that much more to him?
FReeper: Hommadahommadahommada….
leeps was actually a typo, though
I thought it was a hilarious mashup of “leaps” and “sheep”.
So I’m sure that all these pundits will suddenly do a 180 and agree with climatologists should the coming summer season produce record-breaking heat waves, right?
It’s SUPPOSED to be hot in the summertime, moe-runs.
I was just now musing on clownsourcing. As exemplified by the teabaggers, it seems to be a specific melding of two different manipulative black arts: the traditional “sting” con job, and Microsoft’s FUD campaigns of the mid-to-late 90’s.
In the traditional con, the con artists typically convince the mark that s/he is in like them in some way, and in need of their help in some way, and that they can both mutually benefit via actions with a third party. “The fix is in on a certain horse”, “These stocks are about to go huge”, “The Nigerian government is going to tax my money unless you help me with this wire transfer.”
In the Fear. Uncertainty and Doubt campaign, Microsoft would solicit opinions from seeming experts to tell the computer-neophyte majority that any software not made by Microsoft was risky, dangerous, unsafe, untested, and not serious for business use.
The teabagger clownsourcing seems to combine these two, by having con artists convince their marks they will both mutually SUFFER because of a third party’s actions – in this case, any single policy idea put forth by anyone besides teabagger-approved politicians. And thus, the FUD the con artists spread can take root endlessly – the con’s benefits are much less direct, but very repeatable.
Also in traditional cons, the mark can guess at some point that they’re burned. But in this case, the con is set up to keep marks from realizing how they’re avoiding progressive policies is burning them – they just think the Democrats are shtupping them and not their patriot buddies.
And, wow. That’s what living for emotional validation instead of reason can do to a person. You can actually say things like “Keep the government out of my Medicare!” without re-examining your life.
Well, everything in the Southern Hemisphere is upside down and therefore Satanic.
FUD describes Bush’s first term.
That’s what living for emotional validation instead of reason can do to a person.
“And if you ever need self-validation just meet me in the alley by the railway station.”
Having one’s prejudices “vindicated” appeals to the narcissist.
Well, everything in the Southern Hemisphere is upside down and therefore Satanic.
This is central to my point.
Its worse than that. They believe that it would have come in already if only they didn’t have $40 being taken in social security from their paychecks,
I actually had a discussion like this with my sweet-but-conservative stepmom.
She: “We don’t need to fund services for special-needs kids. Just look at Sarah Palin. If she didn’t have to pay income tax, she would have had more than enough money to care for her kid.”
Me: “What if you’re a couple making $20k/yr combined? How’s that 4 grand or so they’d get back help pay for a special needs kid for an entire year?”
She: “…….”
Me: “So that means they’d need funding right? Which means taxes.”
She: “….Obama (insert Limbaudio)
And so it goes.
No points ever stick. I think I do some good by at least resetting the nonsense – like brushing back weeds. But, just wow.
Definitely agreed on the first part. The only other problem was his certainty.
Fear, Certainty and Dumb?
Actor: How?
FReeper: Well, the boss would give me the money he gives to the SSA!
In addition, since the salaries and bonuses and honoraria and such as paid to themselves by the bosses are sustained at their high level as a reaction to market forces, if the boss receives a tax cut, then the market forces will drive down the salary and bonus and honorarium to compensate. Oh yes.
Gavin is a walking encyclopedia and has a PhD in snarkology.
Ah, yes, A Tramp Stamp for Leibowitz.
I visualise this as the Darwin Fish, but almost lost behind a tracery of illuminated decorations.
in which the author likens an imperialist oration to an agonistic display by Chimpanzees
i read that as agnostic display by Chimpanzees which, to be candid, only raised further questions.
“FReeper: Hommadahommadahommada….”
You left out the most important Hommada.”
agnostic display by Chimpanzees
If they were coked up, that would explain a lot.
Pere Ubu said,
“Conservatives have a real problem, as a rule, of understanding anyone taking a political position outside of pure self-interest..”
While at the same time they insist that “pure self interest” aka: Free Market, is the bestest way to run things, ever.
“You would say that a spastic thrashing of branches had been brought here.”
The trouble with trying to stage an all-chimpanzee production of the Scottish Tragedy is the way the cast always lose it during the Birnam-Wood-Come-to-Dunsinane scene.
There’s a terrible Andy McCarthy puff piece in the New York Times. I know it’s not really SN’s speed, but god is it noxious.
Steerpike said,
February 19, 2010 at 23:16
“OK, way-hay-hay off-topic, here, but whatever happened to the Daily Dash? Are you and Dr MMM hiding something here?”
Methinks Dash is a teenager now and his griping about “I want a new I-Pod” and “Dad can I have the car keys” is not so cute anymore. Just a thought.
“A Tramp Stamp for Leibowitz.”
Speaking of a “Canticle For Leibowitz” (love the book) I hear there is movie coming out, any new info Sadly Nobodies?
“Conservatives have a real problem, as a rule, of understanding anyone taking a political position outside of pure self-interest..”
While at the same time they insist that “pure self interest” aka: Free Market, is the bestest way to run things, ever.
And the always popular “believe in Jesus because otherwise you’ll go to Hell for eternity.” And He really really loves all the Hell-bound.
But when it comes to humans altering the climate by pumping huge amounts of CO2 into the air, the denialists claim “No way people can impact climate like that.” Gee, if tiny cyanobacteria can do it, why can’t we?
Ain’t no cyanowhatchacallit in Genesis, and ain’t no millions of years neither.
Your one a them Liberalz, ain’t you?
Once again, the tiny print at the bottom is the real behemoth.
“Clownsourcing” should be in Wikipedia – on the front page … & become a viral meme.
It’s quite, er, educational to see the American media giving “skeptics” equal time in regards to climate or evolution … but I can plainly see a major injustice being done here.
Where’s the media’s respect for the advocates of many other “controversies” like Hollow Earthers, phrenologists or astrologers? Surely these alternatives (some of which, like astrology, actually get serious attention every day from millions worldwide) also merit equal time alongside the socialist conspiracy that is modern science!
In other words … WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE?!?!?!???
actor points out something that conservatives seldom recognize: most think that the Social Security and Medicare they and their employer pay would be in their pocket if the gubmint rescinded the taxes. They really need to read this and they’d better understand how money works.
You know it wouldn’t be so bad if the other side was correctly labeled as a representitive of Exxon-Mobil instead of buying into bullshit orgs like the Competitve Enterprise Institute.
You know that’s what Mexican Druglords and Communist Dictators need. They need representation in the form of thinktanks named The Central American Competitive Policy Foundation
Some say 1 + 1 = 2, others disagree. We have noted mathematician D.F. Hypie here and disgruntled 1st grader Ima Futurewingnut to talk about this important issue. Unlike Fox News which takes a strong anti- 1+1=2 stance, we at CNN present both sides of the issue. What say you Ima, do you feel your views are being silenced?
We think it is important to teach both sides of the Integer Addition Controversy, so we will be including it in future editions.
Its funny because its true.
I stubbled across this blog via Sully.
He is an intellectually honest conservative Catholic who has come out against torture. His comment section is about 50/50 pro and against evil sophistry. Good discussion and I have toned down the snark a bit. Lets be somewhat respectful smartasses.
gocart – just don’t tone it down when you’re here.
I’m totally getting note 1 as a tramp stamp.
I prefer the term “ass antlers” myself. And yes I have one or a set depending on your preferred terminology
Speaking of a “Canticle For Leibowitz” (love the book) I hear there is movie coming out, any new info Sadly Nobodies?
This is somewhat worrisome- I picture an abbey full of scruffily-handsome twentysomething monks with fauxhawks, although I really don’t think there will be hair gel in a postapocalyptic desert.
Between “clownsourcing” and “A Tramp Stamp for Leibowitz” the win is strong in this thread.
As noted above, I like “ass antlers” as well. I think it started as a translation from the German slang. Whatever, it’s good.
That whole “pi” thingie is a little over-complex, dontcha think? Howsabout we just call it “three” and hit the bar.
Oh, and PENIS.
OK, way-hay-hay off-topic, here, but whatever happened to the Daily Dash? Are you and Dr MMM hiding something here?
Well, if the problem were reducible to two words, they might be ‘postpartum depression,’ but I’m trying to deal with things as offline as possible.
A simple recognition by the GOP Faithful they will never be the brightest person in the conversation. They know they lack the intelligence to employ even basic logic and they compensate for this by embracing their stupidity.
Well, if the problem were reducible to two words, they might be ‘postpartum depression,’ but I’m trying to deal with things as offline as possible.
Be strong, we need you- you’re keeping us sane (to some extent).
We think it is important to teach both sides of the Integer Addition Controversy,
Well if you have those mathaticiacists saying one thing, and the Holy Bibble Trinity Doctrine teaching us that “1 + 1 + 1 = 1”, which are you going to believe?
Speaking of the Holy Bibble, someone in India is making the baby Jesus cry:
“State Education Minister Ampareen Lyngdoh” is my favortie part of the article. Also, “furore.”
Wow. Apparently the “Jesus with a cigarette and a can of beer” controversy has been causing international incidents for several years now.
This should really fuck up people’s shit in India and Malaysia:
Waitaminute — more footnotes than text, weird Canadian history theories, flight of ideas — can this “Gavin” person actually be the late David Foster Wallace?
OT, but,
I’m not sure which burns more, the stupid or the crazy.
Either way, the goggles do nothing.
The problem isn’t that Jesus has a cigarette and a beer, but the fact that He’s turned them into a spliff and a Scotch.
The government in the Indian state of Meghalaya has confiscated textbooks showing pictures of Jesus Christ holding a cigarette and a can of beer.
These were apparently private schools, but even so,
It would be incivil to draw false moral equivalencies with moon-god-worshipping mohammedan fanatics and their unreasoning outbreaks of “mohammed cartoon” outrage.
The government in the Indian state of Meghalaya has confiscated textbooks showing pictures of Jesus Christ holding a cigarette and a can of beer.
And yet, the Catholic Church serves wine and spreads incense and no one complains.
A boozing, smoking Christ might increase liberal attendance.
Hell of a party, that last supper.
Nobody ever gets it right.
Myrrh is a hell of a drug.
Myrrh is a hell of a drug.
What a day to quit huffing frankincense.
It would be incivil to draw false moral equivalencies with moon-god-worshipping mohammedan fanatics and their unreasoning outbreaks of “mohammed cartoon” outrage.
Well, not really. As soon as someone declares a fatwah against the illustrator and tries to murder him, then it would be roughly equivalent. When it comes to being touchy-touchy about their religion, the Muslims really do have an edge over just about everyone else.
Though Christians can be really stupid about this type of thing, too. A few years back, the church lady I worked with (who loved Jesus so much that she was helping to start a new church, but not so much that she wouldn’t steal your customers) came back from working at the local Designer House and talked about how some people were “offended” by the “meditation room” (actually a “safe room” – for a house in Little Rock Arkansas – wrap your head around that) because the designer had incorporated a large statue of Buddha in the design. When I pointed out that it was ridiculous for anyone to be offended by such a thing, she said, “oh, come on!” I said, NO, YOU “come on!” Do you get offended driving past the synagogue? Are you offended just by the knowledge that there are other religions and not everyone shares YOUR beliefs? If you do you need to GET OVER YOURSELF and grow up.
So yeah, there are plenty of over-sensitive Jesus humpers – but still the Muslims have got the edge on offensensitivity.
Oversensitivity is not a problem when I’m humping Jesus.
Y’know who I feel really bad for, every time I see Mark Steyn?
Seth Rogan.
Because he has to look like Steyn 24/7.
I’m pretty sure that was him without makeup in Monsters Versus Aliens.
“We have told all our member schools across the country to ban this publisher,” said Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) spokesman Babu Joseph.
They are very, very bad men, Jerry. Very bad men.
Charles has a new column…
Shorter: Remember: The government is the only body that can safely launch people into space but cannot provide adequate, affordable health care for all its citizens because, well, in all honesty, its tough — with all the misinfo we keep spreading. 🙂
The Further(??)
Chuck also mentions “spontaneous demonstrations,” and “public opinion polls,” as obvious signs that people don’t want what he don’t want. Even with the most basic of googles searches returns the opposite of what this wingnut exposes as fact.
The government in the Indian state of Meghalaya has confiscated textbooks showing pictures of Jesus Christ holding a cigarette and a can of beer.
Pretty sure that makes them Meghalamaniacs…
Oh yeah, also don’t ever drop acid with Peter.
Now there is one morose motherfucker.
Well, when civilization collapses, the post-apocalyptic US will certainly recall flowers, butterflies and dolphins. Stands to reason if we have ladies (or men!) tramp stamp the Bill of Rights or Constitution on their lower backs, we might be able to rebuild.
Reminds me of this.
When it comes to being touchy-touchy about their religion, the Muslims really do have an edge over just about everyone else
Well, there ARE a couple reasons for that, feeble though they are. I’m generally inclined to look on such antics with a whiff of patience I don’t extend to, say, Christianists (homegrown or European) or even the likes of the Israelis.
I just can’t let go of the whole Tramp Stamp for Leibowitz joke…
“Ass Antlers” would be a perfect basis for a cladogram.
“…the propaganda effort to declare victory has started to seem less weird since oil companies and similar concerns have begun making concrete use of it …”
Yep. If an argument is catching on and gaining adherents, that’s powerful evidence of a conspiracy. Does this apply to AGW itself? It was a pretty popular theory, for a while there …