Primate Agenda

Above: Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)

Juliet Eilperin and David A. Fahrenthold, The Washington Post
Series of missteps by climate scientists threatens climate-change agenda

  • There is still a scientific agenda to insist that humans are causing climate change, but errors1 in the 2007 U.N. Intergovernmental Panel report are helping conservatives to make climate change not be happening.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


1 An ‘error’ here isn’t necessarily something that’s incorrect, but something that conservatives have declared to be improper, including typos and other such easily-corrected mistakes, but also faithful citations of perfectly relevant data that have been subject to that ancient rite of primate social cohesion that chimpanzees practice by thrashing branches and pant-hooting in unison, and that the online right practices by alleging dishonesty. E.g.:

Another line that has sparked scrutiny reads, “Up to 40 percent of the Amazonian forests could react drastically to even a slight reduction in precipitation,” and links to a report co-written by the World Wildlife Fund. The analysis cited key work by Woods Hole Research Center senior scientist Daniel C. Nepstad, but the link to an advocacy group instead of a peer-reviewed paper infuriated conservatives.

A better way of saying this is that conservatives alleged that the IPCC report was dishonest by alleging that a source it cited dishonestly portrayed some work of Nepstad’s. Except conservatives didn’t know what they were talking about, and were proven wrong in the most spectacular, ass-flaming way by experts including Nepstad himself — upon which they alleged that dishonesty was apparent in the flagrant pro-climate-alarmist bias shown by the IPCC in even linking to a pro-environmental NGO, especially with new allegations being raised as to the dishonesty of the Nepstad data, and so on, and whoop-de-doo, and chatter-chatter-blar-har, and an assortment of Don Martin sound effects including “Andy Capp Drinking Water By Mistake” (MAD #210, 10/79, p23), and “A Huge Extension-Arm-Launched Boxing Glove Hitting A Doctor In The Face” (MAD #70, 4/62, p10), the latter on some kind of infinitely repeating loop.

Oh sure, it would seem that the error-drilled Dunce of the Seven Fails quality of these right-wing attacks on reason and knowledge ought to be tripping some kind of carbon monoxide detector of irony for our journalistic corps — irony being a thing to them that can’t be seen, smelled, or otherwise perceived, like humor, but which like humor is known by them to harm the unwary.

Oh sure, it would seem so, and yet every morning I wake up and blink a couple of times and it’s like, “Wha? It’s that place again.” This place with the bearded-Spock Jonah and the talking pile of laundry sponsored by AssEffects — why am I always brought here?


Comments: 158


the talking pile of laundry
I remain unconvinced that there was ever a need for an updated version of Whistle And I’ll Come to You.


This is reminiscent of the “cigarettes cause cancer” agenda, and the “heritable changes in the properties of organisms from one generation to the next gives rise to new species” agenda, as well as the “Earth is 4.5 billion years old rather than 6000 years old as some of you stupid motherfuckers believe” agenda.


Ass Effect isn’t so bad.


Watch the prepositons: I’d go for either “setting off” or “tripping” the carbon monoxide detector. “Tripping off the carbon monoxide …” suggests something else entirely.

“Pant-hooting” is perfect, though.

Great to have you back more often, especially at an hour when I only have to compete w/ the Anti-Podeans. (Anti-BoDeans?) Things settled down a bit in Babyland?


An ‘error’ here isn’t necessarily something that’s incorrect, but something that conservatives have declared to be improper, including typos and other such easily-corrected mistakes

So, because there is a comma in wrong place, all climate change research is null, but somehow we should still take the teebaggers with their carefully spelled signs seriously when they are talking about death panels and socialism?


“A Huge Extension-Arm-Launched Boxing Glove Hitting A Doctor In The Face” (MAD #70, 4/62, p10)

Well played, sir.


Primate Agenda

Free bananas for everybody!


Except antipodians. They get free Eric Banas.


BEEYOOP The Hulk Turning Into Banner MAD #221, March 1981, Page 16

Says it all don’t it?


From the crazy extremists at RealClimate:

As far as we’re aware, so far only one–or at most two–legitimate errors have been found in the AR4 [the IPCC 4th Assessment]:

Himalayan glaciers: In a regional chapter on Asia in Volume 2, written by authors from the region, it was erroneously stated that 80% of Himalayan glacier area would very likely be gone by 2035. This is of course not the proper IPCC projection of future glacier decline, which is found in Volume 1 of the report. There we find a 45-page, perfectly valid chapter on glaciers, snow and ice (Chapter 4), with the authors including leading glacier experts (such as our colleague Georg Kaser from Austria, who first discovered the Himalaya error in the WG2 report). There are also several pages on future glacier decline in Chapter 10 (“Global Climate Projections”), where the proper projections are used e.g. to estimate future sea level rise. So the problem here is not that the IPCC’s glacier experts made an incorrect prediction. The problem is that a WG2 chapter, instead of relying on the proper IPCC projections from their WG1 colleagues, cited an unreliable outside source in one place. Fixing this error involves deleting two sentences on page 493 of the WG2 report.

Sea level in the Netherlands: The WG2 report states that “The Netherlands is an example of a country highly susceptible to both sea-level rise and river flooding because 55% of its territory is below sea level”. This sentence was provided by a Dutch government agency – the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, which has now published a correction stating that the sentence should have read “55 per cent of the Netherlands is at risk of flooding; 26 per cent of the country is below sea level, and 29 per cent is susceptible to river flooding”. It surely will go down as one of the more ironic episodes in its history when the Dutch parliament last Monday derided the IPCC, in a heated debate, for printing information provided by … the Dutch government. In addition, the IPCC notes that there are several definitions of the area below sea level. The Dutch Ministry of Transport uses the figure 60% (below high water level during storms), while others use 30% (below mean sea level). Needless to say, the actual number mentioned in the report has no bearing on any IPCC conclusions and has nothing to do with climate science, and it is questionable whether it should even be counted as an IPCC error…

To those familiar with the science and the IPCC’s work, the current media discussion is in large part simply absurd and surreal. Journalists who have never even peeked into the IPCC report are now outraged that one wrong number appears on page 493 of Volume 2.

We’ve met TV teams coming to film a report on the IPCC reports’ errors, who were astonished when they held one of the heavy volumes in hand, having never even seen it. They told us frankly that they had no way to make their own judgment; they could only report what they were being told about it.

And there are well-organized lobby forces with proper PR skills that make sure these journalists are being told the “right” story. That explains why some media stories about what is supposedly said in the IPCC reports can easily be falsified simply by opening the report and reading. Unfortunately, as a broad-based volunteer effort with only minimal organizational structure the IPCC is not in a good position to rapidly counter misinformation.

One near-universal meme of the media stories on the Himalaya mistake was that this was “one of the most central predictions of the IPCC” – apparently in order to make the error look more serious than it was. However, this prediction does not appear in any of the IPCC Summaries for Policy Makers, nor in the Synthesis Report (which at least partly explains why it went unnoticed for years). None of the media reports that we saw properly explained that Volume 1 (which is where projections of physical climate changes belong) has an extensive and entirely valid discussion of glacier loss.

What apparently has happened is that interested quarters, after the Himalyan glacier story broke, have sifted through the IPCC volumes with a fine-toothed comb, hoping to find more embarrassing errors. They have actually found precious little, but the little they did find was promptly hyped into Seagate, Africagate, Amazongate and so on.

This has some similarity to the CRU email theft, where precious little was discovered from among thousands of emails, but a few sentences were plucked out of context, deliberately misinterpreted (like “hide the decline”) and then hyped into “Climategate”.

As lucidly analysed by Tim Holmes, there appear to be a few active leaders of this misinformation parade in the media. Jonathan Leake is carrying the ball on this, but his stories contain multiple errors, misrepresentations and misquotes.

There also is a sizeable contingent of me-too journalism that is simply repeating the stories but not taking the time to form a well-founded view on the topics. Typically they report on various “allegations”, such as these against the IPCC, similar to reporting that the CRU email hack lead to “allegations of data manipulation”.

Technically it isn’t even wrong that there were such allegations. But isn’t it the responsibility of the media to actually investigate whether allegations have any merit before they decide to repeat them?

Tee hee! ‘Responsibility’ of ‘media’ to ‘actually investigate’? Ha ha! Let’s report the controversy! ‘John Kerry was never actually under fire in Vietnam — some say he actually spent those years in a Satanic coven in Moscow with Jane Fonda!’

I’m going to repeat that one part, from actual climate scientistitarians:

We’ve met TV teams coming to film a report on the IPCC reports’ errors, who were astonished when they held one of the heavy volumes in hand, having never even seen it.

‘Wow, this sure is a big heavy book! How can they get all that stuff in there? We didn’t even know they was so many damn words and numbers and shit! You guys must be, like, wizards or something! But how’s the lighting and what’s the color reading on how y’all must all be full of shit or somethin’?’

In fairness, though, the investigative TV teams might not have been told that there was an actual set of books. They could have been assuming that there were just words and sounds and noises that they heard on talk radio.


You will not have to sacrifice.
You will not be expected to grow.
You will always be right.
You are superior NOTE: to what or whom remains open
A stupid person is anyone who agrees with you when you are wrong.
You are a clown in a circus
at a WalFart parking lot
People you do not like are socialists
Single Payer is a commie plot.
Do not trust, (especially family)
President Obama wants to eat your children
Science is the Devil’s work
Public education is a union plot
Helping the less fortunate is insane
Only white people can do things
The law is what the criminals say is the law
Teh religion is Christian
The Bible does not mention dinosaurs and germs
Sunday go to Bible meetings are the underground
Everyone has it in for good people
Good people is you
Discipline is taught through child abuse
NOTE: they must always feel threatened
Smart people are evil
Everything belongs to us
Only one book is not evil
Traitors want to rise again
Duct tape makes torture fun
Killing a stranger’s children is OK,
because they would mature into strangers
Everyone else is backward or elitist
$43,000.00 is a fair price for a
Ford 250 pick-up truck
It is not murder to kill the mother
Global warming is anti-American weather
Sentimentality is not a manipulation


But isn’t it the responsibility of the media to actually investigate whether allegations have any merit before they decide to repeat them?

No, it’s called ‘Bible Journalism’.


So, because there is a comma in wrong place, all climate change research is null, but somehow we should still take the teebaggers with their carefully spelled signs seriously when they are talking about death panels and socialism?

Basically, yes. The Himalayan glacier bollocks & ‘Climategate’ prove that all us socialist liberals climofachists were lying all along, and must be shot ignored. As for the death panels and daily right wing lying, well SHUT UP, thats why…


shot fywp, the shot should be been a strike through…

guitarist manqué

Dunce of the Seven Fails is a boatload of win.


Here’s something I didn’t know: when the incredibly liberal super leftist communist socialist NPR did its obituary on Howard Zinn, one of the main voices they turned to was David Fucking Horowitz.

Horowitz is not an intellectual, not a historian, not a scholar of any note. He’s an ideologue schmuck who is so fucking guilty over his ego-driven need to have been at the center of revolutionary action that he worked with the Black Panthers until a friend of his got killed. Since then his basic crusade has been that any child who hears the voice of someone Horowitz thinks is ‘left’ will inevitably become Pol Pot Stalin.

“There is absolutely nothing in Howard Zinn’s intellectual output that is worthy of any kind of respect,” Horowitz declared in the NPR story. “Zinn represents a fringe mentality which has unfortunately seduced millions of people at this point in time. So he did certainly alter the consciousness of millions of younger people for the worse.”

The NPR Ombudsman assured us that no offense was meant, even though 3 of the 4 commenters chosen disapproved of Zinn and his work, because obituary writin’ stuff is hard.

NPR doesn’t have a full-time obit reporter. Last year, the network ran 317 obits and the year before 327. So when someone dies, pieces are often crafted at the time of death. [NPR does prepare advance obituaries of many prominent people. For example, Neda Ulaby had already done a piece on J.D. Salinger, who also died last week, in anticipation of the 91-year-old author’s death.]

The Zinn obit was assigned to Karen Grigsby-Bates late on the day he died but she had difficulty getting callbacks that day. Keyes got the assignment the next day to do the story for ATC that night.

“She reached out to as many voices on both sides about Mr. Zinn as she could,” said managing editor David Sweeney. “Some were not available or refused to talk.” Keyes reached Horowitz, who was willing to talk. Keyes declined to be interviewed.

Turns out they needed Shitbag Horowitz to “balance out” Noam Chomsky.

I can’t imagine what they’ll do when Chomsky passes — maybe get John Bolton, Horowitz and Pam Gellar to sing a piece in harmony about how Noam Chomsky loved Pol Pot and wanted to sleep with him and have his babies.


So, because there is a comma in wrong place, all climate change research is null, but somehow we should still take the teebaggers with their carefully spelled signs seriously when they are talking about death panels and socialism?

The fact is, yes.


Statistics is hard. You can’t expect a Senator from Oklahoma to keep up with probabilities and such-like. Well, I can’t explain it so maybe I’ll let Charlie Pierce do it.


Above: Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) (R-XOM)



Manly Senator Inhofe was taught his place by a woman. A liberal, ay-leet California woman at that.

During today’s Senate hearing, Inhofe used a considerable amount of time to attack Gore’s use of carbon offsets and try to convince him to sign a sham “energy ethics pledge.” (Find the real facts on Gore’s energy usage HERE and HERE.)

Inhofe asked Gore for his reaction, but then quickly cut him off saying Gore had taken up too much time. When Gore tried to go on, Inhofe repeatedly interrupted, adding, “I don’t want to be rude, but from now on, I’m going to ask you to respond…in writing.” Inhofe said Gore could respond verbally only if it was a “very brief response.”

Committee chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-CA) finally intervened. “Would you agree to let the Vice President answer your questions?” Inhofe said Gore could respond when he was done talking, but Boxer wouldn’t have it:

“No, that isn’t the rule. You’re not making the rules. You used to when you did this [holds up Committee gavel]. Elections have consequences. So I make the rules.”

Of course, things like this made Evan Bayh cry. Boxer clearly should have intervened to pass a resolution against Al Gore for not sufficiently agreeing with Republicans in a bipartisan manner.


Elections have consequences. So I make the rules.

Didn’t these asswads spend roughly eight years recently crowing much the same thing?

I mean, I knew reality would turn 180 degrees for them about the time a Democrat got elected, yet it’s still amazing to me just how quickly and thoroughly it’s happened.

I guess I keep making the mistake of thinking they’re human beings with normal human empathy and all that.


I have been anti-BoDeans for years, and yet they still play in my town once a year.


Andy Capp Drinking Water By Mistake

I’ve done that once or twice, and believe me, it’s something that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy!


The U.N. panel seemed to have quoted an activist group’s report, not a peer-reviewed study. And, in citing another source, it appeared to have committed a serious typo: The year 2350 had become 2035.

In stories about the mindset of teabaggers and climate-change deniers, a serious typo has also mistaken the year 1020 for the year 2010.


Well when Armageddon comes, it won’t be by accident. The thing that scares me most is how fucking smug and contented the Jehovah’s Witnesses look these days. They been burned by phony end-of-times predictions before, but right now things are looking gooooood.


Turns out they needed Shitbag Horowitz to “balance out” Noam Chomsky.

Jesus FUCKING CHRIST. When Salinger died, did they have some contrarian critic come on and say, “Oh, actually, Catcher in the Rye was a big load of shit”?

Also, David Horowitz needs to be kicked in the nads. Repeatedly. I have more intellectual chops than that motherfucker. Though it does take balls for him to weigh in on Zinn’s intellectual heft–I will give him that.


The analysis cited key work by Woods Hole Research Center senior scientist Daniel C. Nepstad, but the link to an advocacy group instead of a peer-reviewed paper infuriated conservatives.

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyea, cuz those who think global warming is a hoax are so pure of intent


Oh, sure, we get the “your comment is a bit too short, try again” shaft, but Kerry22Yp just slips right through unscathed. There is no God.


Oh, sure, we get the “your comment is a bit too short, try again” shaft, but Kerry22Yp just slips right through unscathed. There is no God.

Maybe it is not your comment, but your name.

You can’t be expected to be taken seriously when your name consists of only two digits you know.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

Kerry22Yp just slips right through unscathed.

I’ve noticed stuff like that – the comment widget must count all the characters in the URL you link to and stuff, in order to let spam through while preserving the non-letting-through of non-spam. Hence the term “spam filter.”


My features are not even remotely simian, therefore we did not evolve from apes. SUCK IT, LIBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If there’s so much of this damn ‘global warmin’, how come there’s still monkeys?


The TeaTards have had enough, and they are employing their music video allies to declare war on King George III. With an awesomely pated lead guitarist.


Geez, seems to be a lot of hate for jam rock here this am. Why not just trip on some Widespread Panic?


And there are well-organized lobby forces with proper PR skills that make sure these journalists are being told the “right” story. That explains why some media stories about what is supposedly said in the IPCC reports can easily be falsified simply by opening the report and reading. Unfortunately, as a broad-based volunteer effort with only minimal organizational structure the IPCC is not in a good position to rapidly counter misinformation.

I gladly offer my PR and writing services (seven and 14 years of experience, respectively) for what’s in reality a pretty damn good price (e.g., my current salary).

Wonder if I should send them an email …

In the mean time, “tripping off the carbon monoxide detector” sounds like something I did in college. Except it was a ceiling fan, and it was right after a Dead show in St. Louis.


The fact is, all this winter weather puts the lie to all the Warmer hysterea and the bias in the media.


I note that Ann two bottles of chardonay Althouse has weighed in on this matter by just making shit up….


Warmer hysterea

A Spoonerism for Harmer Wisteria.


If there’s so much of this damn ‘global warmin’, how come there’s still monkeys?

Cuz they live in jungles, you arse!

Now, if there’s all this “warmin'” how come there’s still Abominable Snowmen? Huh, libs? Suck on THAT!


They told us frankly that they had no way to make their own judgment; they could only report what they were being told about it.

That’s basically the whole fucking problem in a nutshell, innit?

Anyone else remember when Turner was trying to sell people on the idea of a 24/7 news channel by saying that the lack of time constraints meant that they could do more substantive long-form investigative pieces? And I thought my jokes were bad…


The TeaTards have had enough, and they are employing their music video allies to declare war on King George III. With an awesomely pated lead guitarist.

It looks like Lou Pearlman has put together another boy band.


And if you read the comments on the WAPO’s latest distortion, you’ll see that the deniers now cite as fact that “a leading climate scientist now admits there has been no warming since 1995.” Citing the Daily Mail, of course. Some say “many scientists now admit there has been no warming since 1995” just to add a rletorical flourish. And of course they refer back to their distortions on climate gate to reinforce the correctness of their current distortions.

It’s an inverse of occams razor: that which is done with more assumptions becomes the foundation for premises which are even further removed from the truth, and so on, and so on.


The climate change denialists have this notion (like the creationists) that if they can find any little error in some corner of the science then the whole edifice will come tumbling down like a house of cards and Jesus will be happy.

What they don’t seem to grasp is the idea of multiple lines of evidence that strengthen the overall hypothesis. You could throw out every single paper that used the HAD/CRU data and there would still be overwhelming evidence that our planet is rapidly warming.

Sorry for the lack of snark, but this is the most critical issue humanity has ever faced, and it remains to be seen if they are smarter than yeast.


Sorry for the lack of snark, but this is the most critical issue humanity has ever faced, and it remains to be seen if they are smarter than yeast.

I thought that hypothesis had more proof than global climate change or evolution. Or both, combined.


Gavin, I see a sandwich in Inhofe’s future.


if they are smarter than yeast

Well, they certainly know they need to beat the yolk of socialism.


if they are smarter than yeast

Well, they certainly know they need to beat the yolk of socialism.

We’re going to milk this, aren’t we?


The denialists are wincing and cringing at the thought that people (including them, of course) might actually bear the responsibility for the state of the world’s climate systems. It’s like such a thing is unbearable to them. “No Mommy, I didn’t break the lamp, don’t beat me!”

It would be nice (but na ga happen) if they would just grow a pair and say “We did it, now let’s fix it.”

Instead, the strategy seems to be: “Make it go away so I’m not responsible.”

What’s up with the Wingnut Processor Project, anyway? I’ve got a barn full of bowling balls just waiting…


“Oh, actually, Catcher in the Rye was a big load of shit”?

Yeah, but then they had folks on who basically said, “if you think it’s crap it’s because you read it with all the understanding of a banana slug,” and explained exactly why that was so.


The climate change denialists have this notion (like the creationists) that if they can find any little error in some corner of the science then the whole edifice will come tumbling down like a house of cards and Jesus will be happy.

Bringing Jesus and creationists into the conversation serves to underline that the reverse is not the case; no matter how many contradictions and errors one may discover in the Bible or their Bible-based notions their beliefs remain just as strong. Hell, stronger, as they assume their faith is being tested. They seem to genuinely not understand scientists’ willingness to discard what is shown to be wrong.


Turner was trying to sell people on the idea of a 24/7 news channel by saying that the lack of time constraints meant that they could do more substantive long-form investigative pieces

Well, he wasn’t wrong. They could do it.


So one of my facebook friends – a professor of mathematics – is a AGW denialist. He posted the blatantly lying Daily Mail about Johnson. I pointed out it was a blatant lie since Johnson didn’t say what the headline claimed he said, but rather the opposite. He concluded that Johnson is discredited, because he apparently can’t get his story straight. I ask you: how do you deal with such people?

(Aside: I think mathematicians are peculiarly vulnerable to the kind of thinking tigrismus describes because in math it really is the case that a small error can bring the whole edifice down.)


I pointed out it was a blatant lie since Johnson didn’t say what the headline claimed he said, but rather the opposite. He concluded that Johnson is discredited, because he apparently can’t get his story straight.

But, Your Honour! Don’t I deserve clemency? I’m an orphan!

The Tragically Flip

Great, let me try this new technique of using isolated errors to discredit entire texts:

Lev. 11:13, 19 And these are they which ye shall have in abomination among the fowls…And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat.

Bats are “fowl”?! An error in the bible!



The denialists are quite willing to push the whole global warming thing onto later generations as their problem, since most forecasts show that the real effects of warming won’t be seen until 2050, 2100.

But deficits to help spare people from poverty? We CAN’T pass those onto our kids!

The Tragically Flip

Oh, and Jesus was a liar too, MUSTARDSEEDGATE:

“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field; and this is smaller than all other seeds; but when it is full grown, it is larger than the garden plants, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches,” (Matt. 13:31; see also Mark 4:30; Luke 13:19).

Hide the decline!


Hide the decline!

Oh come on! You can’t possibly ask God to know all the seeds on the planet!


irony being a thing to them that can’t be seen, smelled, or otherwise perceived

So it’s silent, but deadly.


So it’s silent, but deadly.

and thus we return to the dairy references.


We’re still discussing global warming? Uh, like, look out your window and stuff and there’s a good chance, like, you’re gonna see snow…unless of course your at the Winter Olympics.


if they are smarter than yeast

Well, they certainly know they need to beat the yolk of socialism.

We’re going to milk this, aren’t we?

Cheese, you guys, quit hamming it up already!


Teh udder day, the NYT ran a story titled something like “Climate debates heats up …” said story being inspired by the recent feces flinging by the deniers amid the snowpocalypse. The “debate” as reported by the story consists of politiicians and lobbyists making accusations on the one side and …. well apparently there is no other side. Vague references to “however some scientists say…”. I was thusly inspired to create the following neologism, which began as a typo.

Arfument: n., verbal confrontation essentially consisting of opponents barking at each other.

Dear MSM,
Please cease referring to the alleged “climate change debate” as such. There is almost no disagreement among climate scientists as to whether human caused climate change is occurring. There may be an arfument but there is no debate.

Thank you,
Everyone smarter than yeast


SIEGEL: Scott Mathis(ph) of Austin, Texas was equally appalled. He writes this: This segment was as ill-conceived as asking Mr. Potter to eulogize George Bailey. Or asking Ann Coulter to eulogize Noam Chomsky or asking James Carville to eulogize Ronald Reagan.


Everyone smarter than yeast

Pointy-headed intellectual, you.


if they are smarter than yeast

Well, they certainly know they need to beat the yolk of socialism.

We’re going to milk this, aren’t we?

Cheese, you guys, quit hamming it up already!

We have to finish this thread quiche! They’re on to us!


I ask you: how do you deal with such people?

needs to be kicked in the nads


Everyone smarter than yeast



For anyone who needs some good climate science to battle the rampant idiocy I highly recommend Climate Progress and Skeptical Science


Please, you commentary is ham-handed.


everyone smarter than yeast

I bet you drink beer with hops and spell it with an “i,” don’t you.


Please, you commentary is ham-handed.

Hey, I only give you the cream of my thoughts.


I remain unconvinced that there was ever a need for an updated version of Whistle And I’ll Come to You.

I’m glad I didn’t see this last night before bedtime. That story scared the fucking fuck out of me.


I note that Ann two bottles of chardonay Althouse has weighed in on this matter by just making shit up….

Ann’s an idiot, which is OK, butterfat mouth is gonna get her in trouble.


Hey, I only give you the cream of my thoughts.

I’d say egg-cuse me but omelet you finish first.


Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)

There’s a running joke in the Senate that whenever Inhofe speaks people loudly whisper R-u-OK? and he keeps saying “yes, yes, I’m fine. Why??”


Ann’s an idiot, which is OK, butterfat mouth is gonna get her in trouble.

She’ll make it up to her minions giving away fritatas.


She’ll make it up to her minions giving away fritatas.

No. Thanks, but no. Really. No tatas, gratis or otherwise from that source. Gotta go.



No. Thanks, but no. Really. No tatas, gratis or otherwise from that source. Gotta go.

But she’s been exercising, doing pilatas for her tatas!


But she’s been exercising, doing pilatas for her tatas!

I would suggest exorcising, but that’s just me.


Boxer clearly should have intervened to pass a resolution against Al Gore for not sufficiently agreeing with Republicans in a bipartisan manner.

Enter the bureaucrats, the true rulers
of the Republic, and on the payroll
of the Trade Federation, I might
add. This is where Chancellor
Valorum’s strength will dissapear.


But she’s been exercising, doing pilatas for her tatas!

And spinning for her vortex.


And spinning for her vortex.

maybe she should switch to maxipads…


Watch the prepositons: I’d go for either “setting off” or “tripping” the carbon monoxide detector. “Tripping off the carbon monoxide …” suggests something else entirely.

I was repeating ‘tripping’ and ‘tripping off’ thinking they were both usable, then decided you were probably right, and changed it (thanks!). But I can’t actually judge, because after a dozen or two repeats, ‘tripping’ and ‘off’ just sound like silly, made-up words. Awf? Trip-peng?

Funnily enough, I was reminded by this to look up a piece of experimental music I heard on the radio when I was 12, and that I’ve been wondering about ever since. It turns out to have been Charles Amirkhanian‘s “Seatbelt, Seatbelt” — the ‘experiment’ being the same kind of word defamiliarization through repetition. Apparently, this person experienced it while tripping.

Great to have you back more often, especially at an hour when I only have to compete w/ the Anti-Podeans. (Anti-BoDeans?) Things settled down a bit in Babyland?

Not really; Marita and I have been having some issues that are proving hard to work through. I haven’t wanted to mention it, but it’s got me down in NJ trying to set up some kind of consistent backstop of couples counseling back in Salem, or to find another way of connecting the marriage with the sort of greater continuities that the world outside expects and, you know, in a way consists of. I’m sure I could say that in a simpler way, but I don’t mind leaving the phrasing a bit clunky at the moment, etc. Thanks for asking, btw. It’s been a thing solidly on the mind.


and it remains to be seen if they are smarter than yeast.

It has been my opinion for some time now that humanity on the whole behaves precisely like yeast. Individuals may be smarter, but the aggregate behavior remains strikingly similar.


RE: that video, it seems like they have finally gotten the idea that they need to hire someone with ten fingers to turn the knobs for them when they do this sort of thing. The production value is leaps ahead of the other wingnut stuff I’ve seen. Musically, an endless loop of the theme to Star Trek: Enterprise would be a step up, but they seem to have caught on as far as the turd-polishing goes.


Gav, it’s not post-partum depression? That shit is a killer. Good luck, stay strong, and if there’s any time to behave like the stereotypical milquetoast, this is it, cuz the rewards down the road are awesome.


Not sure what you mean, Gavin, but I hope it works out positively. We do need our Daily Dash.


Global Climate Change Unaffected By Bullshit Storm

natural forces continue to operate according to the laws of physics despite jabbering of ubiquitous primate species


Global Climate Change Unaffected By Bullshit Storm

If only we had creative writers here who could write a thousand word report on how poo flinging creates global warming…


Gav, it’s not post-partum depression? That shit is a killer.

I’m thoroughly convinced that about 95% of the marriages ended because “things changed after the baby” are due to undiagnosed and/or treated post-partum.

This is coming from a guy whose wife yelled at him for doing dishes. A man. Doing dishes. As he had every night for six years. Getting yelled at for it.

So yeah, PLEASE check into that if the mom doesn’t seem herself. Odds are that’s why, and it’s easy to treat (in our case, Celexa; took a month to kick in, works like a charm, and The Mrs has been herself for five years now).

Pregnancy does weird shit to a woman’s body …


Hey, Gav, note that while the introduction of a spawn unit is a joyous and wondrous thing indeed, it throws everything else out of whack (at least the first time through). And, as Actor noted, there can be some extremely thorny emotional/physiological impacts as well. Hang, brother, hang. Get the help you need (and just moving to do that can be stabilizing). There are a lot of different parts (emotional, exhaustion, etc) moving here. Spagspeed.


I say, I say, this is an excellent time for some peanut butter, hrfglmph.


if there’s any time to behave like the stereotypical milquetoast, this is it


Surely, none of us can evaluate your situation. That said, I’d advise you to do everything you can to hold things together. Nothing is permanent and now isn’t a good time to burn bridges. It all does get better.

Best wishes to all three of you.


I’m thoroughly convinced that about 95% of the marriages ended because “things changed after the baby” are due to undiagnosed and/or treated post-partum.

With the codicil that post-partum depression cuts across gender lines, this percentage might not be out of bounds. It’s hard to blame women for 95% of divorces. Men act like asses too when a kid’s born.

The Tragically Flip

Global Climate Change Unaffected By Bullshit Storm

I went to the Onion, hoping this was a recent article. It must be written!


Typos have consequences.


Turns out they needed Shitbag Horowitz to “balance out” Noam Chomsky.

During a brief stint at a “so-called Liberal” media organization I proposed interviewing Chomsky for a piece and was told no, because “Chomsky always says the same thing.”


Except antipodians. [sic] They get free Eric Banas.


errors in the 2007 U.N. Intergovernmental Panel report are helping conservatives to make climate change not be happening.

Yay conservatives! Keep it up! By the way, can someone please tell the UN to make more errors faster? I have major triggering issues.

I note that Ann two bottles of chardonay Althouse has weighed in on this matter by just making shit up….

I was going to relive my glory-days of trolling (i.e. yesterday, when all my troubles seemed so far away) via this thread with my patented “Copy & Paste” technique … but oho! The comment I left with Our Lady Of Teh WineCubez is nowhere to be found!

Gremlins? H@xx0r Dittoheads? Who knows?

Oh well, I guess I’ll just give up then:

Blogger jim said …

Thermometers? Obviously leftist – they keep saying temperatures are steadily rising worldwide (the one major exception, ironically enough, is North America). Arctic ice? Both leftist & plainly suicidal – at the rate it’s shrinking it’ll be a memory in 20 years or so. When it’s finally gone, the open ocean where it used to be will absorb far more solar energy than the ice did, ergo the ocean is a leftist too. Methane? Bubbling out of the arctic tundra faster every year … & even more leftist than CO2!

“Sorry Ann, but you are being a complete asshole here and acting in a completely disgusting manner.”

After searching in vain for my previous comment here – one which contained nothing obscene or threatening, but simply trashed the “skepticism” that chooses to willfully deny a reasonable climate model backed up by massive amounts of scientific data in favor of oil-company-funded FUD, I’m strongly inclined to agree.

Citing The Daily Mail – long synonymous with yellow journalism – to support your case doesn’t do much to weaken that inclination. It’s pretty well a default assumption that they misquoted him.

PS – they misquoted him.

2/16/10 1:07 PM


Methane? Bubbling out of the arctic tundra faster every year … & even more leftist than CO2!

Methane is the Jew of liberal chemistry.

A concerned citizen

Didn’t the Mars Volta do a song called “Clathrate Gun Hypothesis”?


I’m keeping an open mind about climate change. I mean I am not a denier, not even close, but on the other hand I need to see a little more good, hard evidence before I “drink the Flavoraid” and go hardcore environmentalist. Al Gore (anyone remember him? anyone? Bueller? Bueller? lol) has done some really good work on this but it’s still not quite enough for me. We have to always remember we’re balancing economic interest for millions of American votes against environmental idealism.


Has a climatologist ever accidentally printed off copies of the gay agenda for a climate change meeting? Because that would be a hilarious climax to a romantic comedy, and then they could say “based on a true story”.

Of course, they would have to rewrite it so that the protagonist was really teh strate and only went to ghey meetings to impress a girl, for some reason.


I mean I am not a denier, not even close, but on the other hand I need to see a little more good, hard evidence

We’re really not interested in your husband’s erectile dysfunction.

I’m betting, Esther, that you haven’t even looked at the mounds of evidence that’s already out there, like the fact that ice cores from the Antartic show that temperatures have risen faster in the last 300 years than at any time in the past 600,000, or that permafrost is no longer perma.

But hey, if you need any more convincing, look at it this way: what’s wrong with a healthier cleaner world for our kids to live in? No one will lose their jobs…in fact, more jobs will be created…but we’ll have taken God’s work truly as our own.


Gav and family: make no decisions about anything until the kid is two. And yes, parenthood changes everything and nobody should do it. My spouse and I are getting back to normal now. My kid is 18.


Of course, they would have to rewrite it so that the protagonist was really teh strate and only went to ghey meetings to impress a girl, for some reason.

It makes him seem sensitive, and has a developed sense of style and fashion.


Men act like asses too when a kid’s born.

I think the point was that A) women have a real, physical excuse, and B) it’s potentially treatable.

Men always act like asses. It’s what we do.


But hey, if you need any more convincing, look at it this way: what’s wrong with a healthier cleaner world for our kids to live in? No one will lose their jobs…in fact, more jobs will be created…

I’d like a cleaner world too, but I believe in pragmatism politically which means we can’t give in to the demands of the hard left. Pushing for too much environmental regulation will antagonize Republicans and make it harder for us to get our domestic agenda through and pick up seats in the mid-terms. What’s most important is that we all need to support Obama in all his policies and put on a united party front.

Marion in Savannah

Esther, honey, you might just want to inquire of Teh Great Gazoogle about Lohachara island, or ask one of the 10,000 people who used to live there.


T.V. – That whole comment was so perfect! Thanks for the best laugh I have had in a while. You have to go post that at Climate Progress.

I agree with The Tragically Flip, that is an Onion piece just crying out to be written.


I’d like a cleaner world too, but I believe in pragmatism politically which means we can’t give in to the demands of the hard left.

So a clean environment is a radical concept?



BTW, if you are having the fight “you’re treating him too rough!” and “you’re babying him!” this means you are perfectly normal and the sprout will benefit from this continual fight between yang and yin.

There’s a reason they say “not in front of the children.”


I went to the Onion, hoping this was a recent article. It must be written!

This comes close:


I really need to see more on this “mass extinction” thing before I’m willing to swallow the guava juice and put the dinosaurian economy at risk. After all, there’s no evidence of this crazy radical “meteor” theory.


Goodness knows, we need more emphasis on the Almighty Dollar in this country and less on living standards!


Ann did manage to cite the “statistically significant” excerpt from the Phil Jones interview but she wasn’t going anywhere near the meaning of it. Except, of course, to point out how everyone in the whole wide world should be aghast at a climate scientist using such a phrase to discuss a black and white, hot and cold, dry and wet issue like climate change.
Nooooooo, not for her the implication of mathematics and statistics; statistics, fer gawd’s sake, has that data delver Jones no sense of shame? I mean, 95% confidence? Interval? The man is sitting there in Norwich (a lovely city, a bit breezy at times) getting rich on government money (and power) and then admits (ha! and Ha! Ha!) that there has been no warming in the last 15 years!
Well, at least not statistically significant at the 95% confidence level, which if you carefully parse the admission, which is her spesh-i-ahl-i-ty, is the exact same thing as saying there is no global warming! Again, ha!
Except that it’s not the same thing at all. But the talk radio crowd, for which Ann A in a pitch perfect analogue, it serves the same purpose.
I just wish I knew the purpose.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

For anyone who needs some good climate science to battle the rampant idiocy I highly recommend Climate Progress and Skeptical Science

The AGW deniers are suffering from cognitive osmosis- they have a semi-permeable membrane through which facts cannot penetrate. You point out the bullshit, lies, and distortions, and they go on attack. I have a long-standing friend who has become a total right wing crank, and when I school him in his B.S., he goes on the attack. It was kinda funny when he called me a communist, but I haven’t had anything to do with him when he crossed the rhetorical line of death and called me an antisemite for, get this, making fun of Pantload, who’s not even Jewish.

Best wished for Gavin, Marita, and Dash- we need you to be strong, and as happy as is humanly possible.


Don’t shoot the messenger! lol. I’m just saying, I’d like to still be in power in a few years and for us to do that it means we won’t get everything we might want right away. We have to accept post-partisanship and be willing to compromise about some things we all might want but which would make it more difficult for Obama to enact his grand plan.


I’d like to still be in power in a few years

Um….Esther? You aren’t in power now, sweetie.


Goddamn, Esther. You are a douche.


It’s hard to blame women for 95% of divorces. Men act like asses too when a kid’s born.

Whoops. My comment wasn’t trying to imply that, but I can see how that can be the takeaway.

Men are asses, to be sure, and are just as culpable in identifying and helping to rectify the situation. They need to be more understanding, more patient, and sure as hell best help with pretty much everything (as I’m sure Gavin is).

Instead, many just get pissed, whine about how everything’s different, and look for any out they can find, instead of putting forth an effort.

So while the underlying cause might involve women, it’s not anywhere near their “fault,” per se, since it does take two to tango, so to speak. Also. Women can’t really be “blamed” for postpartum issues since it’s not exactly like they choose it—it just … is.

Regardless, best of luck to Gav and anyone else going through the same thing. It sucks ass now, but if you make it through, things will be better than they ever were before.


Um….Esther? You aren’t in power now, sweetie.

I am personally very proud of the US silver in Nordic Combined and wondering why it hasn’t gotten me laid yet.


…which would make it more difficult for Obama to enact his grand plan.

Is Obama’s grand plan anything like lying us into two pointless, poorly-planned conflicts halfway around the world with no way to pay for either of them? Is Obama’s plan anything like ignoring intelligence reports about an imminent and clear threat? Is Obama’s grand plan anything like using some bookish Asian man to circumvent the law of the land? Is Obama’s grand plan anything like giving a huge, delicious tax cut to the top 1% of the country? Is Obama’s grand plan anything like tarnishing America’s image in the name of Serious Security?

No, Obama’s plan is reasoned, well-thought out and socialist. YAY!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I am personally very proud of the US silver in Nordic Combined and wondering why it hasn’t gotten me laid yet.

Are you the one who won it? The answer is pertinent to the subject at hand.


I’d like a cleaner world too, but I believe in pragmatism politically which means we can’t give in to the demands of the hard left.

So a majority of our nation is “hard left”? Who the fuck knew?

Pushing for too much environmental regulation will antagonize Republicans and make it harder for us to get our domestic agenda through and pick up seats in the mid-terms.

Yes, because being nice to Republicans has worked out so well. I mean, look at all the huge issues Congress has been able to solve!

What’s most important is that we all need to support Obama in all his policies and put on a united party front.

What’s most important is that people like you get a fucking clue about political reality, instead of acting as if everything will get better if we just take these widdle baby steps on important policies and all hold hands with Republicans to reassure them that we really, really, really like them.

People like you, Esther, are the reason a million families go bankrupt due to medical debt each year … why another 40,000+ die from lack of coverage … why there has been no action taken to save our planet … why there has been no action to create jobs … why there has been anger in America over nothing getting done.

If Democrats lose seats in the midterms, it’s because chickenshits like you care more about whether or not Republicans and the media like us, than they do for taking bold actions–a vast majority of which are supported by a vast majority of Americans–to solve our nations crises.

So go fuck yourself, sweetheart. The rest of us have a nation to fix …


No, Obama’s plan is reasoned, well-thought out and socialist. YAY!

That’s central to my thesis and you’re making my point for me. However frustrated we may all get with Obama, it’s very important to support him no matter what because otherwise we’re going to get President Palin.


the demands of the hard left.

There’s a “hard left” in America?

Oh, yeah. That’s right. Anybody not racing breakneck for the starboard gunwale qualifies as “hard left” these days. Sometimes I forget.


starboard gunwales

You saucy lil sailor you.


give in to the demands of the hard left.



Esther, dude!

Have you hit a nerve yet? Is your day complete yet?

Is it snowing in Bennington?

What is it is that fascinates you about S/N so? Why would you spend all this time here trolling?

Dude, what’s up with that?


However frustrated we may all get with Obama, it’s very important to support him no matter what because otherwise we’re going to get President Palin.

PROTIP: The way things have been going, we’re going to get that anyway, so pardon me if I for one sit back and indulge myself in what little political freedom we have left – you know, disagreeing with stupid actions of our elected leaders and all that.

Christ, what are we – Republicans? Our leaders can’t stand the slightest bit of dissent?


I’m keeping an open mind about climate change.

Apparently there’s plenty of room in there too … oh, & that “environment versus economy” strawman is kind of clinically dead by now. No ecosystem = no economy, & there’s no shortage of potential green jobs (many of which pay quite well) waiting to give the global economy a much-needed boost once governments quit their habit of chumping it every time they get a chance to stop giving Aramco, Exxon, Chevron et al a perpetual rimjob & pull their collective thumb out of their ass (cf. Copenhagen).

I need to see a little more good, hard evidence

There are no minefields or barbed-wire fences with machinegun-towers around the Arctic, nor are the Inuit forbidden to communicate with outsiders.

Knock yourself out.


Oh, yeah. That’s. Anybody not racing breakneck for the starboard gunwale qualifies as “hard left” these days. Sometimes I forget.

This is how I interpreted justme’s above, extreme PolPolist comment:

“Oh Sometimes I breaknecks for the “hard left” these days.


PolPotist? Yes and as such that with. So.


I need to see a little more good, hard evidence

You obviously haven’t been to the right website.


Another great riff on the anti-science theme: Kansas Outlaws Practice of Evolution


The way things have been going, we’re going to get that anyway, so pardon me if I for one sit back and indulge myself in what little political freedom we have left – you know, disagreeing with stupid actions of our elected leaders and all that.

Yeah sure, you’re “free” to do that. And I’ll know who to thank when we have President Palin, no health-care, and the detention camps are still open and running strong.


Yeah sure, you’re “free” to do that. And I’ll know who to thank when we have President Palin, no health-care, and the detention camps are still open and running strong.

If that’s not satire, I’m gonna need more huffable rubber cement.


If that’s not satire, I’m gonna need more huffable rubber cement.

I’m sure it is, but it’s tired and unamusing.


Hey guys keep posting as much as you possibly can at the troll. I think we’ve almost fixed her! Awesome job.


I think we’ve almost fixed her!

I have an opening after a patient canceled. Is Ester ready for her lobotomy?


Gav, it’s not post-partum depression? That shit is a killer.

That’s officially diagnosed and very much part of the problem, yeah. But I’m trying to be delicate about things, and not to contribute to any he said/she said kind of stuff…


jeez, just when I was about to excoriate everyone for trying to argue with such an obvious parody, here comes brandi to do it for me. shouldknown


Gavin–hang in there. We’ve been having some problems for a couple of years now (due, in part, to my regular ol’ depression that hasn’t been under control for as long as I’ve had it), and I can’t imagine trying to do it with a baby. Counseling helps; I honestly think that both individual counseling and couples counseling is the way to go.

Good luck to you both.


But I’m trying to be delicate about things, and not to contribute to any he said/she said kind of stuff…

Yeah, none of us needs details. Just hang on you guys and try to remember why you thought it was a good idea to make a baby in the first place.


Has she been checked for an iron deficiency, Gavin?


if they are smarter than yeast

What so ever you do the the yeast of my people, you do unto me.


“I honestly think that both individual counseling and couples counseling is the way to go.”

DINGDINGDING We have a WINNER! We didn’t make much progress until I finally broke down and got my own therapist.


There’s a “hard left” in America?

According the media and Esther, that means “anyone to the left of Evan Bayh.” Or, as it’s more commonly known, “about 70% of Americans.”

But hey, as long as we take it slow, try to make the GOP happy, and make sure to act as we’re told (and not as we wish), everyone will get starbursty ponies that poop jobs and piss health care, all while eating the national deficit for sustenance.

At least that’s what I keep being told …


Boring and fake concern troll is boring and fake.


TruculentandUnreliable said,
February 16, 2010 at 16:12
Also, David Horowitz needs to be kicked in the nads. Repeatedly. I have more intellectual chops than that motherfucker. Though it does take balls for him to weigh in on Zinn’s intellectual heft–I will give him that.

There’s not a fine line between having “balls” and being a santimonious, conceited shit of a person who will trash an obituary on the radio. I’ve given up on NPR anyway, they bring assholes like Horowitz and an endless stream of people representing “think” tanks, and call them experts. It’s infuriating. I get most worked up over the economic discussions–they bring the same old supply side hack job economists who still believe that crushing organized labor and outsourcing jobs is good for the country. They defend it with all of the vigor of your average teabagger insisting that Obama is a Kenyan muslim. Excuse me, mooslim.


Oops–I’m not Anonymous, I’m tsam. Which, incidently, is kind of a lame handle, I think. Thoughts?


Has she been checked for an iron deficiency, Gavin?

Not recently, but there’ve been supplements in effect.


Don’t shoot the messenger!

Why the fuck not, clown?

*cleaning Glock*



That Righteous Bubba guy usedta occasionally put out, for no obvious reason, lists of names run through Janus Node. Wonder where he went? He was pretty funny. It’s where Xecky and I got our current handles. Mebbe he’ll come in and do another dump of crazy nyms.

Either that or find some obscure philosoph{er|y}, merge it in some clever way with some kind of Intarwebby thing and use that. That appears to be out of my own league but you might be smarter.


Yang-Yuk Carmelina
Chattertu Arbitrated-Gun the Analyst
Donna Kay
Valene Tailing the Interlocking Jormungandr the Midgard Serpent
Lateshaful Vowibquox the Mexican Blind Cavefish
Hai the Famous Consultant
Jone Nay the Clairvoyant Librarian
VoyfFinns Vouweetcloyw
Apatheticplut Gouge
Sunshine Tepcrocl Yimevishe the Exotic Goldeye
Kilemmayvishe Colonial
Lydia-Laurel Yixzoyshquoo the Kingfish
Gennie the Spotty Radiant Giant Eagle
Pastor Bin the Silver Electrical Engineer
Cledodistinguished Coy the Watcher
Breana Persuading-Hen
Copywriter the Cosmetologist
Naydoh Glynis
Roozerenato Zoyvix the Cashier
Stefan Impermanence-Shies the Authoritarian Obstetrician
Clorinda Cottonwood the Builder
Ariana Jamika the Gazelle
Emmy Brindisi
Lecokattie Procter the Pleasurable Musician
Ramona Difference the Old Amber Barnacle
Tiger Thooqucrazosu the Chimney-Sweeper
Siobhan Vayh the Finished Restaurateur
Sherilyn Thunoteexawjom
Nikita Crypt-Secedes the Flathead
Preebothoodpreeveduy Bypassing the Messenger
Queesimeyushklof Geeclcami the Illusionist
Wilfred Zokleplosecone
Pope Becomepreebo Frescoes-Unconditionally
Pamula Amada the Principal
Marlo-Angelyn Douglas the Web Developer
Mecounterrevolution Margarita the Snail
Johanna Yegegkidojon
Antoinettewew Sharo the Cellular Desert Pupfish
Keewinfred Weekend-Core the Flying Snakes
Cloobobbie Vee the Lively Leon Springs Pupfish
Clocrprior Rid the Clear Worm
Virgensof Wolves-Crux the Heron
Wistful Katmandu the Jewel Tetra
Croosensationally Obliterated-Sana
Ross Rusgashipl the Beautiful Small Earth Elemental
Tariffjon Roughen-Moments the Darwinian Exotic Dancer
Fonda Bryon the Entire Demographer
Millard-Chin Stefan the Television Announcer
Zoviwoyr Theorem-Rico the Sawtooth Eel
Xagcranking Mesquite-Gospel
Queevzagxikmee Carma the Omniscient System Administrator
Trailers Jogthoj the Simple Historian
Ploosu Genevie the Human the Green Hag
Synonyms the Enhanced Bishop
Herminiayi Marci
Becalmed Thermodynamics the Myriapod
Specialist Palmer Fawn the Ceo
Gavin Arron the Brutal Gianttail
Redeclaredpe Mitigates
Dute kathlene the Uncomfortable Aviator
Bayda Shane the Troll
Caron Lecoprayjeltish the Rotted Werefoxes
Charissequoy Luba
Biggest Li the Deathly Cab Driver
Abramzoys Tufguququokltho the Permanent Stunt Performer
Pluunshared Benched
Schemata the Conscious Grim Necromancer
Vella-Kena Bisect
Depend-Breakdown the Jittery Poison Dart Frog
Zoklothvuquar Heats the Envious Cicada
Carolee Preposition
Voch the Trembling Tiger General of the Animal kings
Baseman the Mountaineer
Anderson the Barista
Patriarch Doretha the Artless Vocalist
Mouxe Wub the Climbing Catfish
Elizabet-Latrina Anode-Scotia the Radiologist
Corrine-Mauro Deirdre the Cantankerous Drumfish
Daniela Conversation the Umber Bulk
Leonore Constrains
Viprxagtounu the Bizarre Ilisha
Subsumesfar Hereditary the Striped Firebird
Noemi Rendering the Manticore
Cliftontige Gisela
Zosshu Bashloz the Yeti
Cidvishe Latoria the Paradoxical Compasssmith
Jusequoniclpo Preferring
Antonette Elene
JotBatchelder Josiah
Compete Markets
Annexed Inclusion
Beejackelyn Wechnezife
Syria Slap the Master Programmer
Jarrod-Rodolfo Beloit-Performed
Endpoint-Digressing the Gemcutter
Nofemiy Elli
June-Gricelda Xoyplho the Handsome Wolf


Yeah, like that, only funnier. That Bubba, now HE was funny.


an iron deficiency
Not recently, but there’ve been supplements in effect.



That Bubba, now HE was funny.

Yea! Whatever happened to him? Did he get too righteous for us?


(comments are closed)