Bobo Says Duhduh

Shorter David Brooks
The New York Times
“What’s Next, Mr. President?'”

  • Barack Obama, a Democrat who promised sweeping reform, was elected president because the American people were fed up with partisan Democrats and didn’t want any reform. Now that the people have noticed he’s acting like a Democrat and pushing reforms, he’s lost them; therefore, he should cave to everything Republicans demand, and so regain the public’s confidence.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 38


He’s so cute with a bonnet… then you read his “article” and realize he’s not cute but sick, stupid and in desperate need of a lobotomy.


Bobo can just never stop trying to push this bullshit line, can he? And why should he? It’s not as if his complete inability to correspond with reality threatens his job or anything.


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

Hey, Mr Tallyman, tally me mangoes!


Oh, btw, the anti-proxy thing locks me out, too, when I want to comment from work. Ah well…


First, he promised a less partisan government. Second, he promised a more activist government. His postpartisan style was accompanied by conventional Democratic policy substance. It was clear voters wanted the first element, but it was never clear how many wanted the second. -Bobo

Obviously, Bobo needs new spectacles as well as a new set of (rhymes with spectacles).

[I hereby claim this comments section in the name of ESTEEV!]


I think it is cute how he thinks he is directly addressing the president, instead of just blathering in a newspaper column that the president will never see.

At least, I hope hope he doesn’t read bobo shit.


They were sick of partisan gridlock

Bush did rack up more vetoes than James Garfield managed…


[I hereby claim this comments section in the name of ESTEEV!]

I think that’s so cute that you think that!


First, every Bobo post should be accompanied with this link.

Second, aside from the usual troll spam, was spam ever a problem here? Cuz, I don’t recall that being the case. And we still have that. Between the “too short” and locking out Snowwy, The Goddamn Batman, and who knows how many others, the spam bib seems to me to be all pain, no gain.


Anyone who mentions partisanship while blithely ignoring the current context of Republicans filibustering EVERYTHING is an automatic FAIL.


“A distinct Obama governing style emerged[…]half Boss Daley.”

The hell you say, Bobo. Don’t compare Obama to Old Man Daley as they are about as different as, oh say, black and white in every fucking respect.


PeeJ, thanks, but i really don’t comment that often.

Except when I do.

But that almost never happens.


I think that’s so cute that you think that!

I think its cute that you think that its cute that i claim things that are quite literally unclaimable(???). Kinda like Bobo claiming that “voters are in no mood for a wave of domestic transformation.”

EERRRNT Incorrect.

BTW, actor, yer blog is funni. I personally like the “Snowgasm” coinage.


“Third, Obama could serve as a one-man model for bipartisan behavior. Right now, the Republicans have no political incentive to deal on anything.”

As if the past year in which he repeatedly reached out to the GOP and repeatedly cut, cut and cut things from his various programs weren’t enough. Didn’t a major Republican senator just come out and say that the GOP should block and filibuster absolutely every Obama proposal because it might not be good for the country but it’s good politics?

Course, this is Brooks, but still, what a fuckass.


Third, congrats PeeJ on getting that link in before someone beat you to the punch again.

Fourth, how completely wierd is it that this is also what Steve Benen’s latest post is about. You can also get to it by clicking “A Brooksian disconnect” in the ad sidebar.



Modestly prevents me from linking to my most excellent and award-winning blog, because, you know, that would be blogwhoring and bad.

But thank you.


Didn’t a major Republican senator just come out

As a bi partisan?






You’re welcome.


Second, aside from the usual troll spam, was spam ever a problem here? Cuz, I don’t recall that being the case. And we still have that. Between the “too short” and locking out Snowwy, The Goddamn Batman, and who knows how many others, the spam bib seems to me to be all pain, no gain.

It hasn’t even stopped the spam: some uber shitty resume/essay writing service is popping up in the RSS feed pretty regularly.



Fifth, it’s time to have a constitutional debate. We might require amendments of one sort or another to fix the broken political system.

Such as?

We don’t need a constitutional amendment to change the filibuster.


Well, I got it from memeorandum; Benen probably only saw it cuz Matt or Ezra or Kevin talked about it.


WP-SpamFree has blocked 6,450 spam comments.

The truth is we want WP on that wall. We need WP on that wall.


We might require amendments of one sort or another to fix the broken political system.

I’ve got one: The bitter, losing party may not in any way impede the progress of a once fine nation because of their bitter and losery ways.


Reading the times piece makes me wonder that neither I nor anyone else (that I’ve seen) has posted this.

Looks like the SNL version isn’t available, alas.


It was clear voters wanted the first element, but it was never clear how many wanted the second.

Jane’s Diner bills itself as a restaurant that offers “service with a smile.” It opened last year to wide acclaim from food critics and patrons alike. Until she opened her doors, most of the options for dining out were overpriced, unpalatable, and swarming with E coli. Nevertheless, her intrepid competitors fought back with a 12-month campaign to win back their lost customers. Tactics ranged from scattering trash on the floor to smearing feces in the restrooms. Rival restaurant owners would loudly harass staff, prevent others from eating their meals, and even break in after hours to poison the food in the kitchen.

These days Jane is smiling less and less. It is clear that the public wanted the smile, but it was never clear how many actually wanted service. Perhaps Jane should stop trying to serve food and content herself with smiling. He customers would surely appreciate it. Or she get a job at a rival restaurant and serve their contaminated food, smiling all the while. I predict that her business would soar and all would join hands in song as they carved the roast beast.


Much shorter Bobo: Obama must switch his registration to Republican


Well, I got it from memeorandum

Does anyone read the Times Op-Ed page without being directed there from somwhere else?

And speaking of wrong thread, does this picture from the Iran thing look suggestive or is it just me?


Oh dear god … I GOT OUT OF THE BOAT!!

the mangoes were rotted
so gross
so bleh.


Books is part of the reason our nation is on the brink — he’s helped set up so many fucked-up narratives we have a government that can’t function.

Thanks to the likes of Brooks (and Broder, et al), we have one party that lost an back-to-back elections, and is less popular than a raging case of the clap. And that party is holding its breath in what has got to be one of the longest temper tantrums in American history, deciding to just say “NO!” regardless of the issue.

And—again, thanks to the Bobo—it’s actually working.

Mainly because despite the fact the GOP is making sure nothing gets fixed, the reason things are broken are apparently ALL OBAMA’S FAULT!

(At least Americans aren’t so stupid as to believe it. At least not yet.)

So go fuck yourself, Brooks. And then jump into the goddamn Potomac. Consider it your gift to our country.


And speaking of wrong thread, does this picture from the Iran thing look suggestive or is it just me?

Is that missile going to do the Cuban Slide on that pert little clitoris?????


Third, Obama could serve as a one-man model for bipartisan behavior.

Isn’t it impossible for one man to exemplify bipartisan behavior? Sort of like one man dancing the waltz.


Third, Obama could serve as a one-man model for bipartisan behavior.

Isn’t it impossible for one man to exemplify bipartisan behavior? Sort of like one man dancing the waltz.

And yet he continues to dance.


And I know without even reading Brooks’ tripe, that the Shorter is far more cogent, direct and rational than the Longer and Uncut steaming log.

Is Brooks a completely irrational fancy-worded Palin-minded geek? Or is he an intentional propagandist smarmily and consciously engaged in keeping the rabble asleep for his dark masters?

Is he, in an Orwellian double-unthink manner, both?


Shorter Brooks: Bipartisanship means doing whatever the Republicans want at all times.

To do anything else, including acting on the platform you based your landslide-winning campaign on, is just irresponsible grabbing for power.

Microprocessor-Stockpile the Extroverted Shadow bat

Fuck him in his bottom. What a toad is Brooks.


We might require amendments of one sort or another to fix the broken political system.
Hey, ya gotta admire an antillectual who can write shit like this for money. Is this like a TV news show where they tell you 50% of the story and then say “film at eleven”?
Dammit, I want to know what sort he has in mind!!!!!!!!!!!


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