It’s like a blog full of Gary Rupperts…
What’s even better than a moonbat blog called Sadly, No!? A wingnut site called The Fact Is. To top it off, TFI even does shorters of its own pieces, such as:
Sex-trafficking is a big business and it’s a big problem across the blog [sic]. And the radical Sexual Left doesn’t want to stop it.
Other articles’ shorters ask rhetorical questions its authors don’t answer, such as:
AIDS turns 25 this year. Why is it that despite millions of dollars spent on education and prevention campaigns infection rates have remained the same?
Of course, the answer to the question would be… Sadly, No!
As for the rest of the article, it boils down to this:
Twenty-five years of experience has proven that no matter how much safe sex education the irresponsible receive they will not use a condom every time. […] It is time to just say no to the AIDS establishment and put in place the public health strategies that were suggested and rejected at the beginning of the epidemic […] 5) abstinence education.
Because while “the irresponsible” won’t pay attention to your “safe sex” messages, they are bound to love our “no sex” messages. Yet, even a broken blog can be right at least once:
In order for people to be elected they need to get the most votes in primaries and general elections.
Of course, not blog would be complete without a shot at Bérubé:
A college education is a big ticket item. Unfortunately many parents shell out the big bucks without taking the time to find out how many of their children’s professors are Neo-Marxists.
Fortunately, The Fact Is can help:
What is needed is a consumers report on institutions of higher education. Parents are paying the bill. They have a right to know: Is there ideological diversity in the faculty? Are students [sic] opinions respected? National Review put out a guide a few years ago and parents can check out “Choosing the Right College,” unfortunately both [sic] cover only a fraction of the institutions of higher learning. […] Education is [sic] high ticket item.
How much is a college education by Kaye Grogan worth anyway? And that’s just my punctuation!
The fact is that the Neo Marxist Education system wants our children to have sex so they will get aids as to enable the takeover/sellout of America to the Terrorists.
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to AI-IDS!
Happy birthday to you!
They have a right to know: Is there ideological diversity in the faculty?
Cause if there is, they sure as shit don’t want to send their kids to that school.
Oh. My. Gawd. This woman is a freaking genius! My favorite might be from this article titled “The Science is On Our Side”
Yeah. This happens all the time. Like here, for example.
Also bad is when they constantly cite non-peer-reviewed articles from their own foundation, misrepresent the opponent’s claims, and constantly conflate causation with correlation.
But hey – the science is on her side! And she proves this by writing her entire piece without actually citing anything (outside of an unnamed “article in the New England Journal of Medicine”). Considerate of her, if you think about it. Why insult people’s intelligence by citing things to back up her claims when she knows that no one is going to look at the sources anyway?
Rarely is the question asked, “Is our children learning a bunch of Marxist crap?”
Actually, the broken blog wouldn’t even be right that once. Viz. Presidential election 2000.
The thing is The Fact Is reveals what the truth is.
I spent all of my college years looking for the Sexual Left. Was it just me, or were they hiding?
Parents are paying the bill. They have a right to know
No, they don’t. Between student loans, grants and jobs, many students are paying their own way through college. My parents didn’t pay a nickel of my college expenses (not that they could have).
“Sex-trafficking is a big business and it’s a big problem across the blog [sic]. And the radical Sexual Left doesn’t want to stop it.”
Neither does Neil Bush.
“It is time to just say no to the AIDS establishment and put in place the public health strategies that were suggested and rejected at the beginning of the epidemic”
Does he mean quarantine camps?
“What is needed is a consumers report on institutions of higher education. Parents are paying the bill. They have a right to know: Is there ideological diversity in the faculty? Are students [sic] opinions respected?”
Meanwhile little Billy just wants to know “is this college full of hot sluts”, “what’s the party scene like” and “how easy is it to score weed”?!
good ‘un, jeremias. and tommy, The Sexual Left me behind, too 🙁
And they do their own shorters:
Refusing to Leave History’s Shallow End
by Madame X
The popularity of “The Da Vinci Code” reveals that people are looking for any excuse they can find to reject Christian authority.
Dale O’Leary’s piece really is a dangerous piece of shit. What a fucking idiot.
To add to your graphical takedown, here’s an even more dramatic example of the incredible effectiveness of safe-sex AIDS policy, which Dale would like to replace with a policy that is completely unproven, and which the Bush Administration has actively tried to avoid evaluating. (I wonder why.)
Shorter Dale O’Leary: If you crackheads who spread AIDS are too morally bankrupt to use free condoms, we’re going to have to ask you to stop having sex.
I’m with D.F. Manno. What is this conservative bullshit about “parents paying to have their morals undermined by professors”? I know a lot of college-educated people, many with conservative parents, and I know maybe two people whose parents even *helped* with their college bills, and one whose parents paid the whole thing (and his parents are liberal).
Far be it from me to try some sort of I Am The Culture move, but I can’t believe that I’ve simply tapped into the only cluster of economic freaks in the country.
The Sexual Left is a total band name. I picture them doing a lot of Barry White covers.
A couple of my favorites:
Traffickers can be sentenced to life in prison, which is probably not long enough.
And this from Madame X:
One of my teens passionately loves “Forrest Gump.” A few weeks ago I discovered that she had been assuming all along that Forrest was a real, historical person, who had really met all those famous people and been present at all those history-making moments. After I broke the truth to her, I found out that her older sister had the same misconception.
Wow. I hope Madame X has a talk with her daughters before they see the new Superman movie.
Sometimes, stupid is as stupid is.
Can’t you just picture Gary “preaching to the choir” at this blog (assuming that they allow comments)? It would be hi-larious! He’d be all like, “The fact is, Pretzlenet Bu$h blah blah blah….” and they’d be like, “Dude, we totally agree, but stop copping our name!” Comedy Zircon!
The Sexual has Left the building.
Did some lonely wingnut stumble upon one of Ruppert’s posts and say, “Hey, The Fact Is … what a great name for a blog to spread more of my wingnuttery!”
BTW, I haven’t seen much of The Gary lately.
Aw, this just makes me miss Gare-bear…He has abandoned us.
If Gary is not completely behind that silly blog, then he certainly has at least a hand in it. The absurd statements of “fact” just scream “Ruppert!”
Let’s blame it on Mexico! Or maybe something to do with the lack of pirates in the 21st century. I was thinking of becoming a pirate, but then I heard that it was out of style. Damn…Maybe we should pass legislation that kicks out all of the people with aids or even hiv to mexico. It’ll be like trading for free agents. Bush can try and leverage the hard working aids folks saying to fox, well, you want to get rid of the poor folks how about we trade? You give me your poor folks so I can have them work in my kitchen, I’ll give you the aids people. Bush will then go on to tell fox how this is a good plan. They’ll be dead soon enough anyway, so don’t worry, be happy…and they’ll start dancing to that lame song by bobby mcferrin…man, I am one sick fuck tonight…problem is, I can really see those 2 assholes doing something like that. Bush and fox sitting in a tree…k i s s i n g…
I recall some poll back when “Forest Gump” came out in which a majority of people who thought he was a real person also voted republican. (Sorry, can’t find it in Google though I just ran a couple quick searches.)
I’ve never met a liberal who needed to pay for sex.
It’s the radical Sexual Left you should be looking for, people. The merely liberal Sexual Left is too concerned with maintaining its access to Hollywood and mass media to endorse the truly liberatory sexual practices of the radical Sexual Left. Furthermore, the merely liberal Sexual Left often makes allegiances of convenience with the Sexual Right — agreeing, for example, that “sex-trafficking is a big business and it’s a big problem across the blog.” Here at the radical Sexual Left we reject all such accommodationist and neoliberal analyses of sex-trafficking across the blog.
We believe that the merely liberal Sexual Left has a theoretically acceptable policy on the question of Barry White and historical praxis, however.
Wow, I’d heard that about Penn State chicks…..
Madame X works in Washington DC for the federal government. Because of her employer, she must write under a pseudonym.
[wingnut]Heretic! She works for the Great Satan![/wingnut]
Damn Neo-Marxists! Where can my child be edumacated by traditional, old-school Marxists. With beards and berets.
And a college with none o’ them Leftosexuals, too!
“the AIDS establishment” or as it is known in shorthand “Big AIDS”