Someone’s Looking A Little Starbursty There
Posted on February 9th, 2010 by HTML Mencken
Instaputz catches Rich Lowry in flagrant defapo:
That’ll teach Ana Marie Cox to shut up about assfucking.
Anyway, Instaputz reports (I’m not gonna watch) that Lowry was denouncing Markos Moulitsas as an extremist. That’s rich, Lowry!
Posted in Uncategorized
But don’t you see? He’s writing a book called The American Taliban! He must be…What? One of Lowry’s own writers has a book called Liberal Fascists? Hah! You’ve godda be fuckin’ with me…
This Lowry is exactly the kind of asshole a minister described to Jonathan Kozol in Amazing Grace:
“Do you ever turn on [cable TV]? You see these rather shallow but smart people, most of them young and obviously privileged, going on and on with perky overconfidence about the values and the failings of poor women and you want to grab them in your hands and shake them!”
On CNN’s HLN, they have Joy Behar hosting a discussion of Sarah Palin with Ron Reagan, Stephanie Miller — and Pamela Fucking OMG I Love John Bolton Gellar.
Atlas’ Juggs is so fucking nutzo on TV it’s awesome. She just spent like 5 minutes yelling at Ron Reagan when he stated that his Dad wouldn’t have anything to do with Saint Say-ruh of Klu-Liss.
Joy Behar vs. Crazy Pammy?
My. The Naaw Yaaawk accent meter must be in “Drescher” range.
I wonder if anyone’s asked him if he thought Barry Goldwater was an extremist.
Oh bugger, just missed the good stuff on JB. On again in 2.5 hrs., though.
Goldwater was misquoted by the liberal media.
OK, Rich Lowry is Jonah’s boss. I’m not sure who that insults more.
The Naaw Yaaawk accent meter must be in “Drescher” range.
My brother attended high school with La Drescher.
And yet I am so resoundingly normal. Go figure.
Mencken types:
That’ll teach Ana Marie Cox to shut up about assfucking.
Yet the final ButtHeads chapter is entitled:
A pound of butter, …
We’ll see whose booty gets busted!
Ana and Lowry have similar haircuts.
Ana Marie’s neck, however, is significantly thicker than pencil-necked geek Richie’s.
OMG! Moulitsas compares the American right to the Taliban?!?
Why, that’s just crazy talk!
This sort of scurrilous slander will surely come to an end … just as soon as Ayatollah Palin issues a fatwa (scrawled on her hand with a Sharpie) against these America-haters!
I won’t be commenting nearly as often, because apparently I’m behind a proxy server at work, and The New Spam Protection Regime doesn’t like that. Oh well, it was fun for a while, as Bryan Ferry was wont to sing.
I mourn the loss of The Goddamn Batman. It’s a sad day when a superhero gives up.
Wait is that Andy Dick on the left?
The Goddamn Batman will be very much missed by me as well.
I say we all chip in for a Bat Proxy. That Bruce Wayne guy seems awfully nice, I bet he’d help out.
I’ll miss the Batman too. And where did Coach Urban Meyer go?
I blame the IT department for hiring Bane to configure the servers.
Hear, hear. The Goddamn Batman is a shining light in the firmament of S,N! He is, may I be so bold, like a tea tray in the sky…
Haven’t been paying too close attention, but I think Coach Urban morphed into Coach Kiffin not too long ago. Badoodle-boo-yeah and all that.
Substance McGravitas said,
February 9, 2010 at 4:14
I wonder if anyone’s asked him if he thought Barry Goldwater was an extremist.
And in which direction?
That style is popular with the cool kids.
Bruce Wayne is a goddam elitist trustafarian!
A friend of mine grew up with Rich Lowry when they were young. He says the only thing he rememebrs about him is that whenever the kids in the neighborhood played football, Rich Lowry always cried.
True story.
Rich Lowry is a blubbering little pussy.
Am I really the only one who thinks Charlie Rose is kind of hot? I love a guy who is secure enough to wear purple.
I miss The Lunch Lady…
firewalls at work are an evil plot by THE MAN to make us more productive.
Also, the Goddam Batman needs to join the zombocalypse. or something. Nom a few heads in the Monday Meeting, things will shape right the hell up.
zombies ARE purple….
well, some of us are. or parts of some of us. You know, when we haven’t kept well.
Charlie Rose’s mom of course, but let’s not dig into the sordid secrets here.
Charlie Rose’s mom of course, but let’s not dig into the sordid secrets here.
Meh. If you can’t dig into sordid secrets while Rome is burning, when can you dig into sordid secrets?
I have no opinion on Charlie Rose.
I used to wear a lot of purple, cause it went w/ my blond locks. Now that they’re rapidly approaching white, it still looks good.
However, I would not touch Concern Blogette w/ Charlie Roses’s sainted mother’s pecker.
yeah, Ana Marie kind of has a footballer’s neck, doesn’t she?
Yes, that is looksist.
Is there a transcript somewhere? I’m somewhat curious as to exactly when and in what context herr Lowry said “hey Ana, lemme show you my ‘O’ face”…
the stibbert is often amused by Rose’ celebrity tuft-hunting, he extends tongue as well as anyone on the major networks, fawning over Kissinger is his raison d’etre.
Markos created a trap for GOP faithful. He did this by asking them if they believed the shit the Limbaugh/Faux/Republicans triumvirate has been spewing for years.
Then he published that information!
Fucking radical!
Oh, to be the pen that the lovely Sarah used to inscribe those powerful Words of Reagan upon her sweet, supple palm. To be held, not too loosely, not too tightly, and drawn across her tender flesh with firm yet gentle strokes, until the inky fluid oozed forth to leave its semi-permanent tattoo there…and finally, spent, to be returned to the pocket of her blouse, close to her heaving bosom. Ah, me.
Just read that & feel ill …
Soylent Green is purple!
Penises and caustic soda.
Yes, that can be a tough one at cocktail parties.
and finally, spent, to be returned to the pocket of her blouse, close to her heaving bosom. Ah, me.
Get a room, you
two!Didn’t Rich Lowry cum in Sarah Palin’s mouth? Or at least imagine he did?
HOLY FUCK I didn’t realize Caribou Barbie had actually goddamn written speech notes on her hand.
Sweet screamin’ jesus, every day is high school to this sorry bag of mostly water, innit?
SWEET DOUBLE HOLY FUCK you had to pay $500 to get into this thing on top of it all?
Was it more than one day? I tell you, stuff like GenCon is something like $100 for FIVE days and draws more people than this teabagger “convention”.
Oh, excuse me – Gencon Indy 2010 is $78 for 4 days. And pulled in 28,000 gamers last year. Why are we not being told about the Great Gamer Nerd Revolution afoot in this country?
OT, but didn’t anyone else catch the Superbowl halftime of misogynistic assholery that is the aptly named ‘ewerickson’ Erick Erickson on his twitfeed sunday? No? Howz about this: Thus ends the credibility of all pro-abortion groups. Thanks Mrs. Tebow for that. Ugly feminists return to their kitchens. And: That’s it?!?! That’s what the feminazis were enraged over? Seriously?!? Wow. That’s what being too ugly to get a date does to your brain
Just…sigh. Words. There simply are none adequate for the task.
html failz. Last sentence not meant to be included in frenzy of italics. Must have more coffeeeeee.
Thus ends the credibility of all pro-abortion groups. Thanks Mrs. Tebow for that.
I didn’t realize Caribou Barbie had actually goddamn written speech notes on her hand.
Hey! At least she doesn’t need a teleprompter, amirite???
Again, I ask…what is up with these little conboys and their perpetual Peter Pan-age? Dude’s 42 and he looks like he’s 15.
Also, ewwwwwwwwww.
Two words come to mind when I look at Rich: “Lemon swirly.”
Ugly feminists return to their kitchens. And: That’s it?!?! That’s what the feminazis were enraged over? Seriously?!? Wow. That’s what being too ugly to get a date does to your brain
Wow. He really said that? Is it 1973 or something?
what is up with these little conboys and their perpetual Peter Pan-age? Dude’s 42 and he looks like he’s 15.
Well, there’s this portrait, see…
That’s what being too ugly to get a date does to your brain
Please note that the only men who ever seem to make this “argument” are hideous, and, based on looks alone, would be astoundingly lucky to get to fuck 99.9% of the feminists I know.
Well, there’s this portrait, see…
Sounds kinda gay.
Hey! At least she doesn’t need a teleprompter, amirite???
Teleprompters are for socialists.
Thus ends the credibility of all pro-abortion groups.
Right. Because a well-off white woman wholly supported by a church, and given access to the best medical care on a fairly populated island is surely a metaphor for all the inner-city and rural poor who have to struggle with clinics and bigotry, like, say, Erickson’s
I’m still not quote sure what the wife of an overpaid fratboy said that would invalidate any pro-choice argument forever no takebacks world without end amen.
goddamn written speech notes on her hand.
well, it is overly kind to call them ‘speech’ Republican Word Salad is more appropriate.
same old bullshit talking points is more accurate.
which makes one wonder, why does she need to WRITE DOWN the three cornerstones of Republican thought?
why does she need to WRITE DOWN the three cornerstones of Republican thought?
This is a rhetorical question, right? Do zombies ask rhetorical questions?
It’s been my experience that the misogynist jerktards who screech the loudest about feminism and its allegedly unattractive adherents are inevitably the ones with the teeniest wienies. I believe empirical academic research supports this conclusion.
why does she need to WRITE DOWN the three cornerstones of Republican thought?
Even the BRANELESS need a leg up, zrm.
I believe empirical academic research supports this conclusion.
I’ll take your word for that.
I believe empirical academic research supports this conclusion.
I’ll take your word for it. I’m not about to test that hypothesis.
I already miss the Goddamn Batman.
D’oh! Too slow.
Palin also quoted a Buchanan article as supporting a war with Iran, when instead, he was advocating that we stay out. (Even if the article was unclear, anyone with any fucking knowledge of politics knows that Buchanan is a paleocon and an anti-interventionist, but we are talking about Palin, here).
I miss Bruce. BRUUUUUUCE!
but we are talking about Palin, here
This is why a Palin presidency both is unconcerning and disconcerting.
Unconcerning, because she’s a fucking idiot who’s not even adept at politics (which Bush was).
Disconcerting, because she’s just dumb enough to be lucky.
Palin’s chief obstacle to a presidential run is finding a running mate who doesn’t outshine her intellectually.
Hey! At least she doesn’t need a teleprompter, amirite???
Telepalmters don’t count.
Seriously, she couldn’t have remembered “tax” or “cuts?”
Please note that the only men who ever seem to make this “argument” are hideous, and, based on looks alone, would be astoundingly lucky to get to fuck 99.9% of the feminists I know.
Ah, so you’ve seen Erickson. Ugly, doughy, dumb, and about as personable as a bucket of spit.
Seriously, she couldn’t have remembered “tax” or “cuts?”
Worse, she couldn’t spell them…
Solved. Pick from just about any politician in South Carolina and most politicians in Georgia. Done.
Is there a transcript somewhere? I’m somewhat curious as to exactly when and in what context herr Lowry said “hey Ana, lemme show you my ‘O’ face”…
Palin’s chief obstacle to a presidential run is finding a running mate who doesn’t outshine her intellectually.
Peyton Manning, but only with less than five minutes left on the clock and down by a TD.
Palin’s chief obstacle to a presidential run is finding a running mate who doesn’t outshine her intellectually.
Michelle Bachmann
Glenn Beck
An inanimate carbon rod
The only thing that Tebow ad did was convince a lot of NFL GM’s not to waste a draft pick. Every time that glassy eyed harridan said “Oh, Timmy,” her widdle boy dropped another 40 spots on draft day.
Sarah!/Trig ’12
Sarah!/Trig ‘12
In order to get around the not-from-the-same-state requirement, Trig will establish residency in Oklahoma.
An inanimate carbon rod
Hey now! That “rod” saved a shuttle flight!
Palin’s chief obstacle to a presidential run is finding a running mate who doesn’t outshine her intellectually.
I’m sure she’ll pick a fawning young male sycophant – John Ziegler? James O’Keefe?
Pass the popcorn.
Trig will establish residency in Oklahoma.
He was nearly born there.
Palin’s chief obstacle to a presidential run is finding a running mate who doesn’t outshine her intellectually.
Carrot Top
Hm, they still might have to switch spots on the ticket.
Hey now! That “rod” saved a shuttle flight!
Speaking of which, are you coming to B^4’s geek-fest tonight?
He was nearly born there.
Bristol’s never been to Oklahoma, tho they tell her she was born there.
Speaking of which, are you coming to B^4’s geek-fest tonight?
I didn’t get the invite.
He was nearly born there.
By that score, I’m a resident of the Lexington Avenue subway.
I didn’t get the invite.
Be at the bar at 7ish:
I’ll do my best, sir. Ain’t promising. I have a urologist appointment.
See what you have to look forward to? Just when your breeding days end, your peeing days begin….
The real question is, WHOSE HANDWRITING WAS IT? We must assemble an army of handwriting experts!
Kerners are go!
We have a possible author!
I’ll do my best, sir.
B^4’s blog let’s you know what he looks like. I’m a cross between Vincent D’Onofrio and a polar bear. Mrs. __B is petite with curly hair.
Lets lets lets.
Fucking fingers.
B^4’s blog let’s you know what he looks like.
The daguerreotype? With the muttonchops????
B^4’s name is a bit of a clue as well.
well, at least your work doesn’t take precision or concentration or anything, N__B….
B^4’s name is a bit of a clue as well.
From my perspective, he’s a medium-sized bad bald bastard, but that’s because (as I keep telling Mrs. __B) I’m a full-sized person.
well, at least your work doesn’t take precision or concentration or anything, N__B….
The work is getting my attention, which is why my comments such shit.
I give up.
I give up.
That’s what she said.
N__B said,
February 9, 2010 at 18:18 (kill)
I give up.
N__B is the champeen. Actor, give him the self-pwnage crown.
“Per IBC Section 1607.9, the minimum uniformly distributed live load is allowed to be reduced in accordance with 1607.9.1 or 1607.9.2.
which is why my comments suck shit.”
Just don’t get confused on which window is open, is all I’m saying.
uniformly distributed live load
Sounds like warm showers late at night at Camp Pendleton.
Hey Mr. Brady –
Not all of us laze around building models of split levels in our part-time job that supports six kids, a non-working wife, and a housekeeper.
Ooo, I hit a sore spot.
Say, Greg, can you deliver these plans downtown?
Oooohhhhhh … this N_B vs. actor212 fight should be a real doozy.
There’ll be straight edges flying, loads borne, and an overall feeling that we’re witnessing the Internet equivalent of a fight during Math Club.
But with only slightly less slapping, and much less pouting afterward.
As far as the Plain Wood vs. Ass Fuckee go, meh. They’re both tools.
Here’s the story of a zombie lady
Who was eating up three very lovely girls.
All of them had hair of gold, like their mother,
The youngest one in curls.
this N_B vs. actor212 fight
I’m a lover, not a fighter.
Boys, put down the slide rules. No one wants to get hurt here.
Hey, look up from shoes when I’m talking, OK?
Before you go picking on the moat in his eye, deal with the logarithm in your own.
Shit. “your” shoes.
Gah. Imminent self-pwnage looms.
Problem solved! And he doesn’t use a teleprompter.
Looch, you are dealing with N__”Sliderule MC”__B and “Bad” actor, titans of self-pwnage. The competition is fierce.
There’s always Michele Bachmann.
You’re on The List, Zombie.
Slide rules? Straight edges? Are you guys practicing some kinda paleoengineering?
On the topic of extremists, here’s an interesting little tidbit I bet most liberals didn’t know or wouldn’t want to acknowledge:
Birthers Began on the Left
Yes, that’s right. Democrats started the birther issue with Barack Obama.
Those same Democrats who first raised the issue are still carrying the ball, too. And they’re still Democrats.
An Inconvenient Truth, no?
Hey look, Dennis is here
Always been a big fan of actor212’s song lyrics, Big Russ.
Oh and hey, my condolences to you on the recent revelations into John Edwards’ soul, Rusty. I know how upset you used to get when images of John McCain’s infidelity popped in your head every now and then. And that author you never hear about that said he heard from a friend of a friend of a friend who wouldn’t give his name out that McCain called his wife the C-word; hearing that Edwards beat his cancer-stricken wife must have been quite a blow to you knowing you once voted for the guy.
I just want you to know I’ve been thinking about you and as always I wish you all the best. Mine and my family’s thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend.
The silence is deafening.
Yeah, lord knows that S!N refuses to acknowledge that PUMAs exist. Smooth move, slappy. Any more breaking news, Chief Editor Korir?
I rate for the architects. We dress better and have better drugs.
Whitey tape any minute now, promise.
I have an infatuation with men named John stemming from the nights when every man I met ultimately is remembered by that name.
The National Enquirer is now the paper of record and must be believed completely.
Just wait ’til we release that Whitey tape.
Even if they’re democrats, given their rhetoric I wouldn’t exactly call the PUMA dead enders liberals. And if I remember correctly in Authoritarianism and Polarization, they scored ridiculously high in Authoritarianism.
I wouldn’t call the nutjobs at Flowbee’s joint liberals. Or even “Democrats”.
When Sarah Palin talks to the hand, it talks back.
This is the chain of inference the “birtherism is from the left” centroid is using:
Birtherism started with PUMAs -> PUMAs claim to be Democrats -> Democrats are all leftist -> Birtherism started on the left -> Birtherism is crazy -> Birtherism started on “the far left fringe” -> Buy my book
Or, more simply:
Self-proclaimed Democrat = Democrat = Leftist
Birtherism = Crazy
Leftist + Crazy = Far Leftist
Self-proclaimed Democrat + Birtherism = Far Leftist
.: BUY MY BOOK!!!!
Seriously, regarding Super Sarah’s cheat-sheet: the funniest thing about it is that after narrowing down to three things she wanted to write down to make sure she remembered…she crossed one of them out and changed it.
Three simple points, and by the time she gets to writing them on her hand, she’s still editing?
Why do I have the suspicion that Palin writing “tax cuts” on her hand had less to do with the speech and more to do with some sort of bizarre hand-job fetish of Mr. Caribou Barbie or perhaps one of her tea party “aides”?
Jesus has stigmata too.
Why do I have the suspicion that Palin writing “tax cuts” on her hand had less to do with the speech and more to do with some sort of bizarre hand-job fetish of Mr. Caribou Barbie or perhaps one of her tea party “aides”?
Nah, then they’d be smeared.
Plus, “budget” was scratched, leaving just “cuts,” which is not hand-job-sexy.
An Inconvenient Truth, no?
Oh, man you got us!!!! By arbitrarily contriving to call individual nut-cases “liberals”, you’ve completely shot down every single rational progressive argument.
My hat is off to you, sir! A masterful stroke! I will now like
weepinglaughing in the corner.You’re forgetting the requisite rubber gloves. The effect would be ruined if the words got smeared. It’s all part of the fetish.
And the first person that says “newsletter, interest, etc.” gets a wedgie. Interest in the wedgie newsletter is acceptable though.
I love that in this argument meant to prove that Joseph Farah is a leftist, he quotes a liberal pushing his book about dangerous far-rightists.
You believe in my hand-job theory too! I feel so validated.
You’re forgetting the requisite rubber gloves. The effect would be ruined if the words got smeared. It’s all part of the fetish.
Ugh. I never thought I’d say this, but can we go back to making slide rule jokes, please?
Democrats started the birther issue with Barack Obama.
We call them PUMAs, Dennis.
rational progressive argument, g?
Is that like ‘Think Progress’ or something?
This is blowing my mind.
some sort of bizarre hand-job fetish of Mr. Caribou Barbie\
“Oh, come ON, Frist Dude! See? I wrote “tax cuts” on my hand like you asked, youbetcha!”
By arbitrarily contriving to call individual nut-cases “liberals”, you’ve completely shot down every single rational progressive argument.
And yet, disavowing the John Birchers or the KKK as legitimate wings of the Republican/conservative movement. That’s the neat trick.
Jesus has stigmata too.
Fuck! And I bought a Camry thinking he didn’t like rotary engines…
(OK, that’s going to cause some headscartching)
This is blowing my mind.
No no no…we’re talking about Super Sarah’s hand jobs.
Plz try to keep up.
Hey! At least she doesn’t need a teleprompter, amirite???
Teleprompters are for elitists.
I wonder how long it’ll take some oh-so-not-racist to make a crack about how Obama couldn’t write anything on his palm because, you know, contrast and all that.
I dunno, how long before some racist writes that racist thing you wrote?
that’s going to cause some headscartching
I’m certainly scartching my head.
Are you thinking a miata has a rotary? (stig-miata, get it?)
I dunno, how long before some racist writes that racist thing you wrote?
I dunno, about as long as it took some ass to write that asinine thing you wrote.
Well, it is by Mazda which used to Wankel its engines…
The RX8 still uses a Wankel. None of the other Mazdas do though, unfortunately.
Well, it is by Mazda which used to Wankel its engines…
They’ve gone into therapy for that.
Now the RX-8 is their only rotary with the new (-ish) Renesis engine.
</car nerd>
Or I could just say, “What Oregon Beer Snob said”…
Defensive racist is defensive.
Want to know why Sarah winks so much? She has notes on the inside of her eyelids.
GG has a boat on this river, too.
I may be switching boats, but I’m certainly not going ashore.
Yes, long time nutbar and republican (redundant) senate candidate Andy Trigona-Martian is really a liberal Democrat.
ol Ana Marie got a bit of the googly eye going on there
[…] after narrowing down to three things she wanted to write down to make sure she remembered…she crossed one of them out and changed it.
Occam’s razor: She was taking dictation.
Palin’s chief obstacle to a presidential run is finding a running mate who doesn’t outshine her intellectually.
Dan Quayle has a proven track record.
Oh, snap!! Dennis is so sharp!
This is blowing my mind.
Ur doin it rong.
Dan Quayle has a proven track record.
I dunno. Given he looked stupid 15 years ago and the general stoopid has gone through the roof since then, he may be extremely overqualified for the job.
Uh, Bitter Scribe is not a racist. He’s good people.
You believe in my hand-job theory too! I feel so validated.
Well, let’s face – Palin’s entire appearance was basically a hand-job for Teabagger Nation.
Hand jobs. Wankels.
Do you suppose Palin has leaky apex seals too?
Yeah, the racist charge is too much. But what he wrote was racist and unfunny besides and his response so silly that what the heck. Can’t remember taking issue with him/her before. He/she can feel free to call me on my shit when I screw up.
I remember seeing him in an interview some years back and thinking that, compared to Bush, he looked positively scintillating.
Then I wept.
Mein Führer!
Your comment was a bit too short. Please go back and try again.
Do you suppose Palin has leaky apex seals too?
I wouldn’t know, but I’d bet she’s blown a few gaskets in all of the five colleges she had to attend before someone kicked her out.
You can’t even FYWP! any more.
I’m going to add that “Your comment was a bit too short” admonition to future comments just to avoid getting it again.
Your comment was a bit too short. Please go back and try again.
We must have hurt its feelings.
I wonder how long it’ll take some genital-obsessed penis lover to make a crack about veiled references.
Your Daily Meditation:
You know you’re getting old when “unplugged” means your favorite rocker is switching to a toupee.
Joe Biden is a rocker?
To get back to the issue at, ahem, hand: Why is it that the only time someone like Lowry gets to debate someone who does not share his own views, it turns out to be someone like Cox, who, as GG says, seems to be auditioning to be the next Fox News Democrat? Clearly this is not by accident. So, I guess the real question is “What can be done to stop it?”
Why is it that the only time someone like Lowry gets to debate someone who does not share his own views, it turns out to be someone like Cox, who, as GG says, seems to be auditioning to be the next Fox News Democrat?
Perhaps Sylvester Stallone can provide the answer:
Definitely not getting off the boat after reading this at Greenwald’s place:
Cox really has her schtick down, doesn’t she? She goes on Maddow’s show and makes fun of conservatives, then she goes on BloggingHeadsUpTheirAsses with Rich Lowry and makes fun of liberals. Not so much a Fox News Democrat as she is an unprincipled hack who agrees with whoever’s paying the bills.
Not so much a Fox News Democrat as she is an unprincipled hack who agrees with whoever’s paying the bills.
You make that sound like a bad thing.
And the slowness of my fingers is matched only by the glacial-like workings of my mind.
And the slowness of my fingers is matched only by the glacial-like workings of my mind.
If it starts calving let the zombie know.
Let’s try this again and FYWP.
I remember seeing him in an interview some years back and thinking that, compared to Bush, he looked positively scintillating.
Richard Milhouse Nixon is, IMO, far superior to anyone the Republican Party has put on the national stage in the past thirty years.
Fucking Nixon.
Wept, indeed.
an unprincipled hack who agrees with whoever’s paying the bills.
Pretty much. It’s the Gawker ethos, which is gossiping about and making fun of everyone and being unfunny, and not giving a shit about any of it. Trolling for profit.
Gina Trapani manages to be the ridiculously awesome exception to that rule, fortunately.
It isn’t just that they’re getting new dumb candidates either. The ones they get have their minds decay.
Thankfully, I brought some C-rations, a chocolate bar, and a couple of tabs of windowpane.
It isn’t just that they’re getting new dumb candidates either. The ones they get have their minds decay.
I couldn’t watch more than 30 seconds of W in the second example. Too damn depressing.
If it starts calving let the zombie know.
Not enough left, due to 52 years of anthropogenic meltdown.
Clearly this is not by accident. So, I guess the real question is “What can be done to stop it?”
I really don’t know. But in lieu of a solution, I would support the idea of feeding Rich Lowry a series of urinal cakes.
But that’s just me.
Not enough left, due to 52 years of anthropogenic meltdown.
Ah, yoot and der big woids.
I liked Bush better when he had that black bar with words and numbers on it over his mouth.
Not so much a Fox News Democrat as she is an unprincipled hack who agrees with whoever’s paying the bills.
I agree.
Not so much a Fox News Democrat as she is an unprincipled hack who agrees with whoever’s paying the bills.
Foil lite.
Not enough left, due to 52 years of anthropogenic meltdown.
Great, you’re right on track to be Veep candidate material!
Also. Cox .
Also. Cox .
Veiled penix reference.
I’m a lover, not a fighter.
Hump my leg and I’m having you fixed.
Hump my leg and I’m having you fixed.
Get enough beer in my belly and you may have to.
Get enough beer in my belly and you may have to.
I guess that means you’re [ahem] coming tonight.
A commenter at TBogg’s place posted this fun little clip featuring Atlas Pam and Little Ronnie Reagan:
Pam’s looking a bit, um, tired these days.
Still not sure what time I’ll get there. You may be safe without a cork and rubber band.
I’ve been waiting for that, but CNN can’t get the aspect ratio right?
Okay, done complaining. That’s awesome.
And Robert Gibbs strikes back at Palin
Okay, done complaining. That’s awesome.
And yet, the Trike Force claims Pammy won…
The great Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs destroyed Ron Reagan Jr., Joy Behar and her other hateful liberal guest on the Behar Show last night.
“Destroyed” – I do not think that word means what the fucking re-, um, Mr. Hoft thinks it means.
My favorite part is when Pam shrieks about Ron Reagan, “He doesn’t share the epistemology of his fawthuh!”
Pam defending the quitting was hilarious.
The great Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs destroyed Ron Reagan Jr., Joy Behar and her other hateful liberal guest on the Behar Show last night.
They say of Steve Jobs that he has a “reality distortion field” cloaking him.
I really wish he hadn’t leased it out to the Republicans.
Jennifer: Thanks.
Substance: I don’t think what I wrote was racist, but I’ll give you unfunny.
my favorite part came just before the epistemology thing, when she was shrieking at Reagan that he didn’t know his father.
She said it 3, maybe 4 times before I think she figured out how insane that sounded, and changed to teh epistemology thing.
It’s the usual fine line. IMO it’s a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too thing.
So, I write something I know I would never say.
I put it in some guy’s mouth and I get to say it.
Obviously that doesn’t make, say, the folks who wrote Archie Bunker’s dialogue racist – Archie was a buffoon who doomed himself with such statements, and fine.
In this case, the wish to have a hypothetical individual take responsibility for the creatively racist thoughts from your head was creepy, and still, for my money, a racist comment.
In any case I make such mistakes and I could have been less mean about it. My apologies.
FYWP for making me write FUCK YOU WORDPRESS.
Substance is a meanie and has an unhealthy obsession with whale-penis oriented clack metal bands.
Zombies will be BLOODROCUTED.
Governor Palin quit because the Lower 48 said, “Come play with us, Sarah. Come play with us forever and ever.”
The great Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs destroyed Ron Reagan Jr., Joy Behar and her other hateful liberal guest on the Behar Show last night.
“That dreamy Peyton Manning won the Super Bowl and the EssEmEss got the score reversed!”
I’ve been waiting for that, but CNN can’t get the aspect ratio right?
Saw it on the re-run, it was shot w/ 4:3 cameras, not 16:9 “HD.”
Guess their web people aren’t too damn smart.
her other hateful liberal guest
The lovely & talented Stephanie Miller, available 9-12 ET. Dig her here.
Guess their web people aren’t too damn smart.
well, to be fair, I am sure they have executive bonuses to fund, and so the video was formatted by the guy who delivers sandwiches, in lieu of a tip.
And even so, he delivered more value than the top 40% of the corporation.
yes I am bitter. time to start a black metal band. that’s ‘black metal’, not ‘clack metal’ as some imposter yonked up above.
However, I am SO going into my next meeting with notes written on my hand.
I honestly did not figure out what “clack” meant. Gonna have to smoke some dope to keep the old noggin in tip-top shape.
I remember seeing him in an interview some years back and thinking that, compared to Bush, he looked positively scintillating.
You know, I was a bit hasty criticizing the guy. Imbecility has indeed lurched quite a ways forward in recent decades.
I was mainly thinking that Quayle has a track record of being successful as a presidential-candidate-not-outshiner.
Comes from hangin out with folks like Actor and N__B. typos are infectious, yanno
although, having listened to some of Substance’s young folks, “Clack” metal certainly gives an accurate impression….
In any case I make such mistakes and I could have been less mean about it. My apologies.
Am I so ugly that I have to paint my face LIKE A WHORE?
Substance: No worries, and you can leave your face alone.
I wouldn’t be that quick to say so, Bitter, let’s see a piccy first.
Quote from Michelle Malkin at the very end of this BBC podcast: