Yes, this is your liberal media

Jonah Goldberg, one of many who whines endlessly about the liberal media, offers this irony-impaired comment this morning:

I’ve now met a fairly wide assortment of liberals, Democratic activists, reporters, scribblers etc over the last year — in green rooms and at cocktail parties. And while none of my conversations were on the record, I can report that there’s an astonishing amount of animus towards John Kerry. Lots of reporters just hate the guy. They think he’s arrogant and condescending (largely because he is). Even Democrats who were terrified of Dean winning the nomination because they feared he’d be unelectable, want nothing to do with Kerry. Obviously, this isn’t a universal sentiment. But it is a very real factor. But once the media gets over its shame for misreporting the whole Dean boom-that-wasn’t I predict they will turn on Kerry very hard. We’re already seeing a little of it now.

Come to think of it, this is funny on many levels, just one being the notion that a guy who wins a primary and a caucus can be liked by no one. (Just like Andrew Sullivan’s earlier claim that Gore is always political death, even though Al Gore won all elections he has entered until 2000, and managed to win the popular vote in the one he did “lose.”)

Warning: If the idea of Jonah Goldberg writing about nipples scares you (and it should,) stay away from The Corner today.


Comments: 4


Arethere librals in the media left for them to roast? I cant think of a one in mainstream.


You can be assured that [insert name of Democrat whose numbers are trending upward] turns out to be the worst of them all. He has an atrocious [insert character flaw, either a pathological propensity to lie or else irrational “hatred”] which stands in stark contrast to the [uniter/bipartisan/down-to-earth-American/morally clear] nature of President Bush.

Is it any wonder that the media reluctantly feels obliged to inform The American People of the Democrat’s fatal flaws?

If someone strays and points out something arguably negative about Our Leader, then that person reminds us of inherent liberal bias in the media, which keeps us from realizing how truly great Our President is.

Please, please give what you can to the Republican Party today, to stem this tide of misinformation that the Tax-and-Spend Democrats, in league with the Librul Media, will be flooding onto the airwaves in a desperate attempt to reverse the great good done over the last three years.


Arethere librals in the media left for them to roast? I cant think of a one in mainstream.

Does Star Jones count?


and managed to win the popular vote in the one he did “lose.”

Also the electoral vote. NO I AM NOT GOING TO COCKING LET IT GO


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