Breitbart Twitter Meltdown Enters Fifth Frantic Hour

Andrew Breitbart is giving Tila Tequila a run for the money with an epic, ongoing trainwreck on Twitter. Some highlights:


Comments: 278


Has he got hold of the Whitey tape yet?


How cool is it that Dem Party & Great Society made everything better for black Americans. Wish someone w guts would tell that success story!

I dunno. How is it that LBJ and his fierce Democratic schemers made everything better for black Americans. Anyone have any ideas? Anyone? Bueller?

Retracto the Correction Alpaca

Ahhhhh, The smell of wingnut desperation.


So aptly named, this fancy-schmancy new technology.


He’s almost there. Right now he’s warning random people on Twitter to beware of ‘multiple press operations [that] falsely frame you as a racist.’

It’s a big concern for the hoi polloi, y’see.


I also really admire the ‘why-didn’t-blumenthal-report-every-single-racist-incident-that-ever-occurred’ gambit.


Just because everybody says they’re racists doesn’t mean they’re not racists.


The joy of bitter twitter, public meltdowns


Anyone remember the pure ecstacy that white libs had
Ah, the golden days of the rave scene. Oasis! Stone Roses!
And we could spell ‘ecstasy’ properly in those days.


Yo yo yo, loony libs! The Laner’s in the hizzy, and you better be believin that Breitbart will have his day in court against you libelous loony lying libs. O’Keefe barely did anything wrong, and Breitbart didn’t know anything about it, so for the Lanester, that is Case Closed, silly socialists!

But yeah, keep on covering up how racist you are, and how you’re only going after Butch Breitbart because he’s white. It’s a lynch mob for the 00s, and you stupid statists are front and center!

Badoodle-boo-yeah! Me and Coach O want you to take that SPREAD and SHOVE IT! Wild Boys! Kiffykins out.


Clarence Thomas was so destroyed by those charges that he only got to be a Supreme Court justice.


Now that’s funny.


We’ve moved beyond ‘high-tech lynching’ us liberals. This is lynching 2.0.


Xecky – true, but I remember celebrating when he didn’t get confirmed as God-Emperor of the Northern Hemisphere thanks to our dastardly liberal plot!


Good Lord, the guy who spoke over the actual audio in secret videos made to entrap ACORN employees is the VICTIM of a SMEAR photo taken openly TO DESTROY HIS LIFE at an event he willingly attended!


Also, as a youngin’ I was not around for the Clarence Thomas hearings, but I hear it used a lot as evidence that liberals are the true racists because they can’t stand Black people who think for themselves. Was there actually a race part of the Anita Hill thing or was that all just a red-herring.


I remember celebrating when he didn’t get confirmed as God-Emperor of the Northern Hemisphere thanks to our dastardly liberal plot!

I wish I did. I got SOOOOO drunk.


The sad thing?

The REALLY sad, sad, sad thing?

This is going to earn Andy a great big tongue bath from Fred Hiatt and the boys.



Which is crazy talk because Breitbart already ANSWERED that question: Blumenthal’s a race-baiting, through-teeth-lying smear merchant devil spawn, DUH.


Retracto, the Correction Alpaca’s is coming after your ass, Steven Thrasher (Village Voice).

Has anyone checked to see if Mr. Thrasher has entered Witness Protection to hide from this brute Retracto?


“O’Keefe barely did anything wrong”

Yes, aside from the lawbreaking, it was perfectly legal.


Epic, truly epic.

This is what’s its like to be at the peak of your manic cycle. Wait till he crashes. That when the real fucking begins.


Once again, reinforcing why he should always be referred to as “Butthurt”.


“Retracto, the Correction Alpaca”

My spidey senses detect the beginning of a new internet tradition. Or is this an old one and I’m just a typical clueless lib?


“Was there actually a race part of the Anita Hill thing or was that all just a red-herring.”

Yes, liberals are the real racists because they wouldn’t support him just because he is black. Libtards were all “affirmative action is great” and then they have the nerve to try to keep an unqualified black man from getting a job over a more qualified white person. Hypocrites! The whole lot of them.


This is the guy who stood up on the terrace at a luxury beachfront hotel and yelled at a bunch of schoolchildren carrying protest signs – until he realized they weren’t yelling “Soak the rich!” and were chanting “Save Sudanese children” instead.

Methinks he tends to overreact a tad.


Ril_Juice for the win

“@andrewbreitbart How can I be disappointed w/ #Pimpgate Prison Cam – Live Chat? I’m sure it will be highly rated w/ lots of gurgle gurgle”


Dude’s got twitterhea. Stat.


Breitbart’s alpacas are retractoing into his torso.


Conservatives are … still pathetic?


If false racism charges hadn’t been used to destroy Clarence Thomas, he’d be Supreme God-Emperor of Dune by now, with the spice and the glowing blue eyes and the CHANGING! the water of LIFE, glaven, instead of being just another Supreme Court justice where he has to sit near Scalia. And you know Scalia’s robe is more fart-filled than a fat guy’s slanket.


Seriously, could you imagine how fucked these people would be if we were even half as powerful and evil as they think we are.


Andrew Breitbart is giving Tila Tequila a run for the money

Best reality show EVAR.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

I miss Andy Wetfart’s drunken voicemail about how James von Brunn was a multiculturalist. That was him at his most eloquent.


What’s important here is that not getting to the supreme court is the exact same thing as being tortured and hung from a tree branch. And having embarassing stories about you printed in salon is literally going to destroy your life even though a third of the country is still racist.


This twitter run of Breitbart’s has all the trappings of a man on a hell-bound whiskey binge.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“Every statement, online or otherwise, Breitbart makes has all the trappings of a man on a hell-bound whiskey binge.”


a hell-bound whiskey binge

Hell-bound whiskey monorails move faster.


Breitbart’s general appearence has all the trappings of a man on a hell-bound whiskey binge. Double fixed


Andy’s career in a nutshell:

Nobody in Hollywood will buy your screenplay? Then take on the system!


aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww …



Has anybody yet figured out what O’Keefe actually intended when he entered the Senator’s office under false pretenses?

Because everything any of these clowns has said so far stinks of desperate cover stories.


Y’know, it just occurred to me – Breitbart rhymes with white fart.

Think about it.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Could they have been trying to contact whatever grizzled old sea captain delivers Rush his Dominican boy-whores?
Irresponsible not to etc.


Breitbart’s Bourbon Bender Boondoggle! Baby!


Has anybody yet figured out what O’Keefe actually intended when he entered the Senator’s office under false pretenses?

The man is a born phone sanitizer…


Holy crap HE’S STILL GOING. It’s an epic slow-mo train wreck being pushed into a volcano by a shark tsunami.


Has anybody yet figured out what O’Keefe actually intended when he entered the Senator’s office under false pretenses?

I’m pretty sure they were there to uncover a major underpants theft operation, all hidden under a sitting Senator’s situation.


.. a man on a hell-bound whiskey binge.



Retracto, the Correction Alpaca has its sights on @salon, @dailybeast, @gawker & @villagevoice. How coordinated was this failed takedown? 6 minutes ago from web

Pareene and Greenwald better beware. This madman Retracto now has them in his sights.


It’s an epic slow-mo train wreck being pushed into a volcano by a shark tsunami.

That’s a Hays-Code metaphor for “republican orgy.”


It’s an epic slow-mo train wreck being pushed into a volcano by a shark tsunami.

I can hear the little bubbles popping in his blood-flecked spittle! Amazing.


You can smell the fear right now – another shoe is going to drop.

Stock up on popcorn, people!


It’s like a wingnut fell down a well.

Northern Observer

When a rageaholic goes on a bender it’s never pretty.


Holy crap HE’S STILL GOING. It’s an epic slow-mo train wreck being pushed into a volcano by a shark tsunami.

that’s, like, poetry.


Hey, there’s our friend Robert Green stirring up the shit with Breitbart. One good thing about this Twitter thing, you can troll one on one, right up in people’s faces just like that.


Paging @HowardKurtz: How many major media institutions can brazenly lie about James O’Keefe (including your own) without you noticing?

Breitbart is officially desperate and has now moved on to his second quart of Jim Beam for the evening.

Spengler Dampniche

Holy fucken shit, this is the bestest evar. I didn’t realize how badly I needed one of these asshats to have a public meltdown. He’s jumping the shark. I’ve never seen that done via tweets before.


How coordinated was this failed takedown?

The paranoia is strong in this one.



I mean, we all knew that Obama’s election was going to make the right all crazy-like, but to see them go feces-flinging full goose bozo like this is a bit …

well, actually, it’s kind of disgusting.


Where’s Jerry Lewis? Breitbart embarks on spur-of-the-moment Twitter-thon.


Spengler, he’s not only jumping the shark, he’s humping it, plucking out it’s eyes, eating its heart, and wearing its skin.


Will the MSM go for round 3 of false accusations against James O’Keefe? My pro recommendation: Go back to that Diebold conspiracy crap. 3 minutes ago from web

He’s sprinting downhill, with the wind now.


one of these asshats to have a public meltdown

and at that, it’s merely a dry run for Glenn Beck’s eventual tri-state rampage.

Spengler Dampniche

Jesus, he’s still at it… if he’s on the East Coast it’s getting pretty late. Maybe he’ll be found in a couple of days when his mom lets herself in to his condo to do the floors, and he’s dead at his desk with a pistol in one hand and a picture of Nancy Reagan in the other.

He’s sending out a epistle every three minutes or so. Must be raging at the teevy.


holy shit, Diebold retreads?

I am NOT getting out of the boat, y’all are much braver than I am, and I am a zombiee.

Spengler Dampniche

“Message to our troops: You must ALL begin 2 fight back. Dont simply depend on media types. Everyone needs to take on these bullies.”



Has anybody used the term “flop sweat” yet on this thread?

Can I be the first?


it’s a LOT of effort for one dweeby incompetent over-privileged white-boy felon.

Spengler Dampniche

Spengler, he’s not only jumping the shark, he’s humping it, plucking out it’s eyes, eating its heart, and wearing its skin.
No, that’s Chuck Norris.


Nurse says he’s on a bathroom break. Show will resume in 5 minutes.


Forget Tia Tequilla. He’s in full drunk-on-the-floor-in-a-pool-of-tears Debbie Schlussel mode. All Caps coming soon.


Invoking “300” in 3, 2, 1…


it’s a LOT of effort for one dweeby incompetent over-privileged white-boy felon.

You’d be upset, too, if you risked losing your fluffer.

Spengler Dampniche

It’s worth it to get out of the boat this time. Freals.


Make that “fluffer-nutter”.


From the racist fuckstick that D.A. linked to in the last thread:

What did the audience think of all this? It’s difficult to say. Few seemed to be repelled by what they heard, and at least two of the young conservatives from LI told me afterwards in private conversation that they were deeply impressed with Taylor’s arguments.

Hmmmmm. Would it be irresponsible to speculate that one of the “two young conservatives from LI” was James O’Keefe? It would be irresponsible not to.

Spengler Dampniche

LEAVE O’BRITNEY ALONE!!!! [weeps for camera]

Spengler Dampniche

This calls for a massive bong hit. That, and jury duty tomorrow.



Fecking Irish bastard.


Spengler, he’s not only jumping the shark, he’s humping it, plucking out it’s eyes, eating its heart, and wearing its skin.
No, that’s Chuck Norris.

or Ed Gein.


Holy crap HE’S STILL GOING. It’s an epic slow-mo train wreck being pushed into a volcano by a shark tsunami.

And the sharks are wearing frickin’ lasers!


I am NOT getting out of the boat, y’all are much braver than I am, and I am a zombiee.

SO WORTH IT. I swear to GOD I am getting tipsy just reading him.


Update: Break a little longer than expected. Went #2. But he’s back to work now.


Are “details” having an orgasm? because he keeps saying details are coming but…they never show up.


Linda Tripp reference for 20 points!


Bourbon hell , it looks like Andy’s moved on to Everclear 190 straight out of the bottle. Someone needs to walk over and cock punch him so he’ll chill out.


looks as tho andy wants that ugly little shit to pork his ass, thats the way it looks to me.


Waiting for the inevitable tweet:

…everyone is out to destroy O’Keefie, my wifey, because everyone knows how much I loved him… And I was the ONLY 1 WHO CARED!

Suck on THAT!. Libs.


If false racism charges hadn’t been used to destroy Clarence Thomas, he’d be Supreme God-Emperor of Dune by now, with the spice and the glowing blue eyes and the CHANGING! the water of LIFE,

Does this make O’Keefe the Batshitz Haderach?


Wow. That is one deeply fucked-up wingnut.

The truly sick part of this is, you just know almost all his “Big (The Name Of Your Business HERE For Only $79,98/month!)” fanboys will fap even harder the worse he gets, right up until he climbs a clock-tower with an AR-15 … because in today’s messed-up world, totally losing your shit in public has become yet another way for adult babies to grab some quick ManPoints in the eyes of a peer-group too simple-minded to see that it’s just the same old attention-whoring routine dolled up in RAEG-drag.

A pity he can’t be spanked, sent to bed without supper, & grounded for a month.


Uh oh! He’s goin’ after Charles Johnson now! FUCK YOU, ANTI-CHILD-SOLDIER PROTESTERS!!!


The truly sick part of this is, you just know almost all his “Big (The Name Of Your Business HERE For Only $79,98/month!)” fanboys will fap even harder the worse he gets, right up until he climbs a clock-tower with an AR-15 …

If the clock tower has an elevator. Otherwise he’ll be firing from the first floor, ’cause, man, all them stairs…


Charles Johnson has entered the fray. And Breitfart wonders why Eric Boehlert and Media Matters haven’t piled on. Hmmm….maybe because they have better things to do, like clean out their grease traps, ore something?


alright, I got out of the damn boat, and saw this:


what the hell? I am drunk, and a zombee, and it STILL makes my head hurt.


Seriously, I just noticed how close together these tweets are, it’s like every three minutes, and he’s just saying the same thing over and over again.


He’s either dead or puking. Breitbart’s recycling his material from four hours ago.



Who’re the reals racists? Whyd lefties Planned Parenthood ACCEPT DONATIONS TO ABORT ONLY BLACK BABIES?


Show’s over folks. Twitter cops broke into his basement. Pulled plug and detached bottle from mouth.


it’s MORE compelling than a traffic accident, in it’s way.


Batteries ran out on the Crackberry.


We now have the tools to fight back.

Do tell.


You know. If I were O’Keefe’s lawyer I’d put a bullet through Andy’s head because HE IS SO NOT HELPING.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“Who’re the reals [sic] racists?”
Black people. Duh.


Something tells me he’s going to bave a real bastard of a hangover when(if) he sobers up.


It’s still going on:

“Reason why LEFT & MSM fighting OKeefe is to discourage others. Think Linda Tripp in ’98. Fight back. We now have the tools to fight back.”

I guess I’ve learned a few things reading his twitter feed.


Nothing animates conservatives more than the notion that someone, somewhere, fails to believe that America’s biggest problem with race is that overzealous anti-racists have oppressed whites. ‘Cause that’s the problem with race in America.

Retracto the Correction Alpaca

Oh dear, Andy has gone from unhinged paranoia to the full metal straitjacket .A complete break with reality is coming in 3…2…1


Dude’s going to be screaming at the moon to ‘STOP FOLLOWING ME!’ any minute now …


He just called someone a fucktard. I think he’s starting to calm down.


A complete break with reality ? Shit , Andy hasn’t even been in the same zip code as reality for years.


Woo-Hoo! Live-blogging the Great Breitbart Twitter Meltdown of 2010! Drink a shot for every three he drinks!


Off topic but at long as we’re talking about breaks with reality;

It’s official; PJTV is now calling for war with Iran. Too much bullshit to dissect here, but here’s the relevant paragraph;

“It is not that the U.S. lacks options. The military option is certainly available. The U.S. has the forces to eliminate both the nuclear weapons and the current repressive regime. Washington could also arm and train the Iranian minorities against the regime. It has chosen neither. The Obama administration failed to support the Iranian opposition following the rigged August elections. It shudders at the thought of forcing a regime change in Iran because of political correctness, a signature value of this administration.”


“Retracto, the Correction Alpaca”

Just what we need, more right wing furries.


Origin of OKeefe false claims: One People’s Project Their slogan says it all.

Because it is total bullshit to pretend we are all the same and in fact we are different races and James O’Keefe is not interested in that at all!


He’s demanding that Media Matters and the Columbia Journalism Review denounce Gawker for it’s journalistic malfeasence. Seriously at this point why not ask the UN Security Council to denounce Max.


Their slogan is “Let another decade of anti-fascist mayhem begin” God damn liberal anti-fascists. No wait…


Ok, I have spent way more time reading those Jitters than I should have and I am not sure I understand the arguments:

1. O’Keefe was not distributing supremacist literature, or at least there isn’t a high-res timestamped photo of him doing so;

2. And it was not a racially-oriented event;

3. and if it was, it was at georgetown Law;

4. which it wasn’t, but there was a black guy there:

5. So because JO’K was not photographed well at a more-or-less racially tinged event attended by at least on African American person, then he is pure as the driven snow, and doesn’t have a racist bone in his body, regardless of all the racially- derogatory things he has said previously in his life, an as such, he did not break into a Senator’s office?


Imma zombie an I will leetya finnish, Brightblart, but I still don’t get it. Jimmy O’keefe did the BEST race-bating videos of the last year…..


seems to be stuck on Phase Six, to me.


Their slogan is “Let another decade of anti-fascist mayhem begin”

No, their slogan is, ” Hate has consequences. And Breitbart is a fucking douchebag.”


Another nice exchange:

@andrewbreitbart, weigel CONFIRMS, not denies, real journalists use google. UR not even a hack. Fucktard.

@xfreelancerx event was debate on race & politics. 1of3 speakers was black. this was at georgetown law center, not racist rally, fucktard!

I guess it doesn’t matter that Weigel said exactly the opposite of what Breitbart said he said. Also, apparently, no one wore hoods at the white people’s rally so that the black white supremacist would feel at home. Or something. Also, I think it’s traditional to end O’Keefe discussions with Fucktard!


No, their slogan is, ” Hate has consequences. And Breitbart is a fucking douchebag.”

I gotta admit, that has a ring to it.


Umm, sounds like Max Blumenthal put a pea under Breitbart’s mattresses.

Keep it up, Max.


this was at georgetown law center, not racist rally,

Not only does that not necessarily follow, Blumenthal’s story indicates that Georgetown bounced the event when the SPLC made a complaint, and that JO’K and his buds created the “Robert Taft” lecture series to put it on across the street.

But yeah, they didn’t burn any crosses during the event. Nice job of diversity, cobags.


Agree with Breitbart here. The racist angle is bullshit.

Let’s stick to the crime of entering a US Senator’s office under false pretenses, with the intention to commit some unknown mischief — and let’s focus also on tracking the money that went to support these apparent crimes.

Right, Andrew?


Who is this Andrew Breitbart prick, anyway?


You guys see this Ben Stein mash note?

…Does this give you the feeling that maybe the prison orange for Mr. O’Keefe and his pals is a mark of courage and honor and that the rest of us should be shivering about what the Obama Justice Department thinks is law? When was the last time you read about federal charges against a liberal reporter for going undercover? The behavior of the feds here is not just worrisome. It is something beyond that…

Yup, way beyond.


‘“Message to our troops: You must ALL begin 2 fight back. Dont simply depend on media types. Everyone needs to take on these bullies.””

I’m voting for that one as the treason-iest of all the tweets.


hell-bound whiskey binge

Best Robert Bloch story evah.


Saw that Ben Stein mash note and was going to comment on it, but then this Category 5 Magnitude 11 Breitbart Twitterphoon happened. If if bleeds, it leads ya know, or in Breitbart’s case, if it actively harms marginalized people, it leads.


He is sounding frantic about O’Keefe cooperating with the authorities. Tell me he didn’t neglect the Ceremony of Omerta: “This is how I will burn if I betray the secrets of La Cosa Douchebag.”


O-o-o-oh yeah!!! Yes, I remember the great destruction of Clarence Thomas. Ah-h-h that was such great fun! Hey, whatever happened to Thomas after that massive destruction was rained all over him?
He made it to the Supreme Court anyway and is still there?
Erm, that doesn’t sound very “destroyed” to me!


On the Carly front, a great line:

The irony, of course, is that you actually can’t spell “Carly FIOriNa” without “FCINO.”


So I toodle down to the office the pub for an hour or two and miss all tigrismus’ poetry.

I swear to GOD I am getting tipsy just reading him.
So how come it’s me who gets the vicarious hangover?

he’s not only jumping the shark, he’s humping it, plucking out it’s eyes, eating its heart, and wearing its skin.
Shark-fucking I can read about in Les Chants de Maldoror, but for further developments I await the newsletter.


Retracto, The Correction Alpaca’s is gone to buttfuck the truth out of your MSM fucktards @Salon @VillageVoice race card hustler smear pimps @MSNBC LIES LIES LIES LEIS LIS!~


Someone needs to hack into his Twitter profile and change the name to @BigTwit.


Contest to come up with the Tweet Breitbart should do next!


Agree with Breitbart here. The racist angle is bullshit.

I agree with you freg, that the emphasis here needs to be on the crimes committed.

However, disagree strongly and zombie-ly about the racism angle. It IS important, not for the criminal angle, but because this IS who this despicable kid is. He is a privileged white cobag, who has anger toward anybody who is less fortunate or a different race than he is, and has worked for most of his life to support and intensify that privilege. He is the product of country club, gated community white Republicanism, and his behavior has ALWAYS evinced the confidence that wealth, connections, his race, and a high-powered legal team will serve to prevent his paying any significant penalty for reprehensible and yes, criminal behavior.

And what is most repellent about this cockroach is that he apparently feels that all of the above is his birthright, and that anybody who is not as fortunate is subject to his narrow-minded judgmentalism, and further that his privilege and lack of experience gives him the standing to abrogate the benefits of others, when they not only pose no actual hardship to himself, but also are critical to the lives of the people he feels free to disdain.

fuck James O’Keefe with rusty chainsaws. He’s a choad, he’s an over-privileged cheese-spined pasty faced twit.


@token BULLSHIT it Was 1 black guy and 2 white guy at A DEBATE at Goergetown NOT A KLAN RALLY that was the after party!!!!!1!



I can’t believe he responded to me. He’s replying to everyone tonight. Or at least he was until he crashed. What a fucking loon. This is the parade protest/breakfast bistro incident writ virtual.


@CrankyPuebloan massachusetts, new jersey & virginia. add senate & house defunding, plus many corps. census delinked. pretty good for 25! ??

Anyone speak Breitbart?


@SaulAlinsky When are you going to own up to your part in this. Your silence indicts you.


Very well spoken, zombie, but too long for a tweet. I would RT it though


Big Andy was on a roll an hour ago, then took a Big Breather. Or a Big Vomit.


Oh, boy. Flopsweat this rank and copious doesn’t spring from disinterested parties.

Blightblart is in this up to his nuts. There are emails somewhere that probably sound an awful lot like D.A.’s xtranormal vid below. There isn’t enough popcorn on the planet for this show.

Squirm, Andy. Squirm.


he’s not only jumping the shark, he’s humping it, plucking out it’s eyes, eating its heart, and wearing its skin.

Thank you Smut-Man, it’s some of my finest free verse.


Breitblart wishes this was just about O’Keefe’s alleged racist past. Way past time for this asshat to be investigated for his ties to the Landrieu break-in thing.


zombie shortened for tweetledom and
James O’Keefe’s an over-privileged country club, gated community cheese-spined pasty faced repellent roach choad.


Later that night, the fateful tweet:

can’t believe i’m driving .. *hic* … @oncomingheadlights your siren call bewitches me LOL lets play tag ROTFLMAO


James O’Keefe’s an over-privileged country club, gated community cheese-spined pasty faced repellent roach choad.

Well, that sings, Lesley. You’ve got an ear for this stuff.


“Well, that sings, Lesley. You’ve got an ear for this stuff.”

Seconded. As outraged speeches go, you’ve got game, son.


What the zombie said.


Andrew Breitbart is giving Tila Tequila a run for the money

“Run for Money” is my favorite Japanese gameshow. The American version sucks though.


can’t believe i’m driving .. *hic* … @oncomingheadlights your siren call bewitches me LOL lets play tag ROTFLMAO

These internets are yours


As outraged speeches go, you’ve got game, son.

When you’ve made the Zombie give an outraged speech, you KNOW you’ve really fucked the alpaca.


can’t believe i’m driving .. *hic* … @oncomingheadlights your siren call bewitches me LOL lets play tag ROTFLMAO

oak tree yur in my way you fUCKTARD!1!1!


Question to @daveweigel: Why not express outrage at One People’s Project for claim you were source of OKeefe ‘manned’ racist book table lie? half a minute ago from web


@andrewbreitbart in other words: are you going to retract it? are you going to retract it? are you going to retract it? are you going to retract it? are you going to retract it? are you going to retract it? are you going to retract it?


Dammit I posted too soon. Thanks commie atheist.


I think Breitbart has sucked all of the available outrage from the internets. I’m not even pissed off at the Democrats for being pussies any more.

The Tragically Flip

It always seems that the only meaning conservatives can understand for the term “racism” is a full on Klan rally or actual rope-in-tree lynching.

Anything more subtle, that say, might allow for a black person to attend some event under whatever pretext becomes “not racist.” By Blartblart’s standards, slave owners weren’t racist because they worked in the same fields as blacks, and even invited black servants into their homes.


It always seems that the only meaning conservatives can understand for the term “racism” is a full on Klan rally or actual rope-in-tree lynching.

Or senate confirmation hearings where the lynching “victim” ends up with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.


@tragicallyflip hey genius okeefe just dragged the black guy behind his pickup truck 4 a couple blocks, they didnt lynch him you fucktard


well, the breitbart i remember from the 90s was a guy who wanted to hang with the wesleyan/vassar crew (of which i am a member), most of us wannabe industry types, and that andrew was loathed and treated with contempt for being a drunk and an endless groper of women where the attention was most unwanted. he drifted out of the crowd and into what i know not, but he ended up being drudge’s…it would be irresponsible NOT to speculate etc.


@tragicallyflip What tree? what rope? It was a chain and a pickup truck … waiting 4 retraction WAITING WAITING WAITING


@D.Aristophanes the strawberries were in georgetown asshole so they were good strawberries


And the sharks are wearing frickin’ lasers!

“Now you see how that works? He screwed with the sharks, and now the sharks, they’re screwing with us.”


“It always seems that the only meaning conservatives can understand for the term “racism” is a full on Klan rally or actual rope-in-tree lynching.”

Almost seems to me that the only meaning they understand for the term “racism” is “black people getting too big for their britches.” There’s still a substantial shit ton of them that the sight of a burning cross would leave completely unfazed.


@davidweigel Strom Thurmond had a black daughter, where’s Columbia Journalism Review on that @Ericboehlart

The Tragically Flip

@D. Aristophanes: I agree, truck dragging is not racist. O’keefe wasn’t wearing klan robes, clearly not racist. #notracism


Question to @daveweigel: Why not express outrage at One People’s Project for claim you were source of OKeefe ‘manned’ racist book table lie? half a minute ago from web

I think for Breitbart, ‘express outrage’ is what ‘c’mon have another drink with me’ is for regular people.


@CrankyPuebloan massachusetts, new jersey & virginia. add senate & house defunding, plus many corps. census delinked. pretty good for 25!

Can’t wait for this bastard to burn.


Breitbart’s like, ‘C’mon @daveweigel – let’s just express one more outrage for the road!’


@xfreelancerx event was debate on race & politics. 1of3 speakers was black. this was at georgetown law center, not racist rally, fucktard!

but not 3/5


Uh oh.

Something is technically wrong.
Thanks for noticing—we’re going to fix it up and have things back to normal soon.

I think Breitbart finally blew a gasket.

The Tragically Flip

Or senate confirmation hearings where the lynching “victim” ends up with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

Oh, right, well in liberals racism is any time the subject of race is even implied, suggested, or obliquely referenced. I was talking about what it takes for conservatives to be racist. You know, real people.

Liberals all voted for Obambi because he was black, and are the real racists.


Is there a Phase that involves Complete Disavowal?

A Butthurt tweet that reads “O’Keefe is dead to me” would allow me to die a happy human.


“destroy” Thomas? I thought he got the gig.

The Tragically Flip

I don’t think Weigel’s exactly going to engage this seriously:

@andrewbreitbart You’re a racist. Also, The Alarm are only so-so! #fightingwords



@spidermann acorn tapes speak for themselves. people of color, women, babies are not guilty until proven innocent. put down the pipe.



…but then this Category 5 Magnitude 11 Breitbart Twitterphoon happened. If if bleeds, it leads ya know…

Not to mention multiple Alpaca strikes. Ben Stein can wait.


put down the pipe

I think he meant, “don’t bogart that joint, my friend. Pass it over to me.”


Whee! It’s like Christmas, only Santa is sloppy, stupid, drunk, and probably fisting an alpaca.

The Tragically Flip

Is there a Phase that involves Complete Disavowal?

Oliver North, G.Gordon Liddy and Lewis Libby are still movement conservatives in good standing. So, no. Probably not.

Max has put up a rebuttal to Andrew Breitbarts drunken rant


Speaking of Boehlert, he’s got a good (if a bit mild for my tastes) takedown of the Breitbart school of journamalism:


Latest tweet:

@dtipson RAWWWRR SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!!! SHUT UP!!!!


@spidermann acorn tapes speak for themselves. people of color, women, babies are not guilty until proven innocent. put down the pipe.

breitbart at home on his keyboard


OMFG – are we going to get maudlin Breitbart before the evening is out? That would be awesome.


…acorn tapes speak for themselves…

Great! I guess he’s going to release the raw tapes now!

Hmmmm, perhaps someone should tweet Breitbart an invite to the SadlyNo Rest Home? Other than the companionship of his surly alpacas, he seems lonely. He’s reaching out for help. Why not offer the poor man some respectable SadlyNo comfort for the evening? Maybe encourage him to have another hot toddy and talk about his legal concerns in soothing tones?


I told him I’d put down my pipe if he puts down his drink.


It’s like when you provoke the guy in the dark corner of the bar into saying outlandist shit except it’s never last call in this neck of the woods.


@_ccm the unedited AUDIO tapes are on biggovernment. what exactly are you looking for? you’re regurgitating stupid spin that means nothing.

So there.


Lane Kiffin said,
February 4, 2010 at 4:42:

Yo yo yo, loony libs!

Brand dilution.




Catholicism is trouble.


So, um, excuse me if this is common knowledge, but Retracto the Correction Aplaca appears to be on the Breitbart payroll alongside such luminaries as Adam Baldwin . . .


So he’s been at this for, like, 8 hours straight? If nothing else, the man has stamina…and a hell of a lot of free time on his hands.


Maudlin Breitbart tweets:

@spidermann hey fucktard i was on top of world when ACORN tapes first came out it was like some day a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets NOW ITS ALL GONE TO SHIT


Big A could use a shag by a rare parrot.


only Santa is sloppy, stupid, drunk, and probably fisting an alpaca.


It’s the off season!


@cruelworld GOOD BYE! #wristlash




The Tragically Flip

Blartblart is probably going to be saved by even bigger conservative idiocy. #demonsheep


@daredevil man without fear my ass you fucktard see this gun? oh right yur blind lol


@_ccm read full UNEDITED transcripts at & listen 2 FULL AUDIO. will release PHILLY full ones too – if ACORN gal says OK.

Note that the transcripts are unedited which doesn’t mean that they synch to the video. Also, note that he’s talking audio, not video, here. That’s all rather qualified. What would the alpacas say?


@clarencethomas YOU WILL BE AVENGED #burp


@MailOrderAlpacaBrides ordered three weeks ago WAITING WAITING WAITING


And another one…

@_ccm the unedited AUDIO tapes are on biggovernment. what exactly are you looking for? you’re regurgitating stupid spin that means nothing.

He may be shitfaced on alpaca juice but he’s still good with the non-denial denials.


@alpacas. rise up my pretties. Hooves of death you have.


D. Aristophanes, when you add the flashing Drudge siren to this post, can you put it on the head of an alpaca? Kinda like the alpace is wearing a fez, a flashing Drudge siren fez. Please.


correction alpacas are the studebakers of Liberal Fascism


Over 20 minutes and no new tweets. Time to poke the lion.


It is begun!


thetragicsongwildfire – that’s a Gavin or Tintin request, I’ll see what I can do …


Hooves of death you have.
The first version of Clark Ashton Smith’s Teh Dark Eidolon featured demonic alpacas, but his editor talked him out of it.
Not many people know that.


When Alpacas Attack!


The first version of Clark Ashton Smith’s Teh Dark Eidolon featured demonic alpacas, but his editor talked him out of it.
Not many people know that.

The alpacas and the Ice Cream Van of Screaming Death are two of the saddest losses to world literature.


Thank you, D. Aristophanes. Poor Breitbart, tomorrow might be a stressful day for him after all these interesting tweets. Maybe a flashing alpaca alarm will cheer him up a bit when he sees it in the morning.


I, for one, welcome our shaggy camelid overlords.


Twitter-the new polaroid photos of the office party last night.
I said what!?!?!?


How funny is it that not 48 hours ago, Breitbart was railing on MSNBC’s Shuster for reckless tweeting?


@_ccm the unedited AUDIO tapes are on biggovernment.

A rebuttal that goes “Ha ha your argument is worthless because it is based on our evidence that we had previously edited and generally tampered with” would be known in NZ as “Not a good look” (a term of art). Perhaps it is different in the US.


You can lead an alpaca to Twitter, but you can’t make him Tweet.


Which one is BlartBlart?


100 points to whoever does a mashup of correction alpaca and FCINO demon sheep


Oh cute. Charles Johnson – Mr. Little Green Fact Checker himself- is spreading the lies! @lizardoid
about 3 hours ago from web

Comedy gold.


Capn Fatback – he’s the Lucky Pierre, of course!

Anyone doing a Correction Alpaca-FCINO Demon Sheep photoshop, send to Gav or Tintin on the Contact thingy … I’ll work it out with them on posting … thanks K in the O!



D. Aristophanes, when you add the flashing Drudge siren to this post, can you put it on the head of an alpaca?

If only it were hopefullolz, something, akin to this image?


Oh shit. I totally forgot that I had this. It’s one of the most hilarious interview breakdowns ever.


That still was from the upcoming camelid erotic thriller, Alpackin’ Heat, by the way.


He’s baaaaack:

Retracto the Correction Alpaca wants 2 know: Whatll come 1st: Appletini partyboy @pareene retraction or explanation of stepmons racist rant?


My best guess is that Retracto will come 1st, followed eventually by a severely whiskey-dicked Breitbart. Last one has to drink the soggy Appletini. KEE-YAH!


Retracto the Correction Alpaca, meet Optometro the Corrective Lens Alpaca:


Stock up on popcorn, people!

Even the first time that was ever written, it was lame, pathetic and over-used.


because in today’s messed-up world, totally losing your shit in public has become yet another way for adult babies to grab some quick ManPoints in the eyes of a peer-group too simple-minded to see that it’s just the same old attention-whoring routine dolled up in RAEG-drag.

Nicely done. Hats off, golf clap, and such.


Stock up on popcorn, people!

Even the first time that was ever written, it was lame, pathetic and over-used.

No shit! It’s not even meta-ironic funny now.

Plus, you’re at home, people, not in some rip-off theater. Can’t you find anything better to nosh?


Bacon popcorn, only in home theatres.


That’s one I have to stay in the boat for, because I would mix those two, & probably shouldn’t.


Ahhhh, schadenfreude.


Man, I missed the whole thing. Stupid sleep. :/


In his house at R’lyeh dead Breitfart lies dreaming.


Ah, the sun is coming up and Big Andy has a hangover and a cringe-inducing Twitstream to contend with. It’s a good day.


It’s a good day.

And I have an inexplicable urge to eat popcorn at my desk.

Spengler Dampniche

The great thing about never sleeping is you can watch the babies fall asleep.

I’m guessing his wife, the same one that drags him off balconies when he’s jeering the parade of colored folk below, finally begged him to get some rest. He took a drunken swing at her, puked on the cardboard-colored berber carpet that graces the spare bedroom of their condo, where his “office” is located, and she was then able to half-carry him into the so-called master bedroom, where he passed out next to the toilet on a pile of Boy’s Life magazines.

What saddens me, for all the delights of watching these twats melt down, is that they’re considered the “serious” ones. The Left is inherently unserious, Utopian, and self-contradictory, according to common media wisdom. After all, we’re reverse racists. We’re liberal fascists. We’re elites that spend all our time fretting about the poor. Marginalize! Ignore!

Yet this gin-scented asshole in raggedy underpants, tweeting deep into the night about the most paranoid and irrelevant bullshit because he has a man-crush on some unusually motivated frat boy, is considered well within the pale.

It makes me ill. But not as ill as he’s going to be when he awakes.


Fine, then. Fuck the popcorn, tap the keg!


I see a lonely man in a hotel room, curtains drawn, sitting on the floor in stained underwear, surrounded by empty bottles, frantically twittering away on his phone.


So it’s about 6:40 AM on the West Coast right now. I wonder if Big Andy is stirring yet? Waiting…


I can see Breitbart sitting in his den in his underwear, lit candles carefully placed around a portrait of O’Keefe, with Andy keening in the middle of the floor, screaming “WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?”


And, it’s been about seven hours since his last missive. I suspect the tranquilizing effects of the alcohol are beginning to give way to the pounding in his skull as the hangover completes its installation processes. This morning’s first tweet could be a doozy, I hope he doesn’t disappoint.



It’s paracetamol time for Andy.


Moral of the story – anyone who crosses Blartblart beware, he’ll twit you a new one.


While we are waiting for Breitbart to finish up with his headache and his lawyer…

“When an event gets so out of hand that the actions taking place are just plain disturbing and wrong” the words you are looking for are: Alpaca Sex!


Alpaca Sex!

Alpaca bag lunch and meet you in the park. We can watch fish.


these tweets are like the old-timey radio sound effect of a huge, extended car wreck, followed by lots of tinkling glass and flying metal and a hubcap rolling, rolling, rolling around until it falls *donk*


Breibart’s new tagline:

Come to, Where the Unsubstantiated Claims are Big and the Mental Breakdowns Are Even Bigger!

(It may need some work; help yourself)

The Goddamn Batman Loves It When The Schadenfreude Pie* Is Hot Out Of The Oven

Curious, to see someone twisting in the wind so furiously in a dead calm.

*See the recipe; that’s the second time I’ve linked to Scalzi today. He’s good people.


Annndd…he’s BACK.


the rest of us should be shivering about what the Obama Justice Department thinks is law?

I mean REALLY! Jesus, these so-called Obama “JUSTICE” people think they can question and investigate people for the long-time federal crime of phone tampering and whatnot? OUTRAGEOUS!


It’s paracetamol time for Andy.

And driving the porcelain bus.


And driving the porcelain bus.

I was thinking more on the lines of:

“And Tweeting into the big white phone.”

But that’s just me.


What’s this obsession with appletinis? Is that some kind of code for fucking Megan McArdle?


CA he’s obsessed by someone on the Gawker site who he calls the appletini Kid. Or somethin’. We might know this as “What about him!!!” behaviour.
Just from the tone of this mornings tweets Andy’s got the “Oh God I did it again” hangover. At the very least he needs new clothes.


Just from the tone of this mornings tweets Andy’s got the “Oh God I did it again” hangover. At the very least he needs new clothes.

He’s been quiet for a few hours now. Either someone took his phone away from him or he’s asleep next to the Big White Phone waiting for it to, um, ring, again.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Any black nonleftists out there sick & tired of white libs & MSM using race card w/out evidence 4 crass political gain & 2 destroy lives?

Worst singles ad EVAR!


Looks like it’s hair of the dog time…

humbert dinglepencker

“Magnitude 11 Twitterphoon” FTW.


This black leftist survivor of America’s “dance” with segregation believes Breitbart & Co. are racists, and I know racism when I see it. I don’t know an AA who doesn’t see them as racists, and I know many AAs. This wedge issue Breitbart is trying to drive between liberal and conservative AAs won’t hunt. Heck, this dog is like that dog the old man has in the Family Guy cartoon. He’s almost on life support.

Spengler Dampniche

TWITTERPHOON: “An outburst of many tweets that rise to a crescendo, often punctuated with all caps, long series of exclamation points, and web acronyms.

Twitterphoons are often associated with celebrities in the throes of intense emotional overshare, upset bloggers, and drunks.


Breitbart? He’s the fella that advocates affirmatively for the use of child warriors in Africa? Right?



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