Breaking: Is Breitbart’s Rotten To The Core?

**********NEWS ALERT: MUST CREDIT SADLY, NO! **********


**********WHAT DID HE KNOW AND WHEN DID HE KNOW IT? **********


The arrest of’s James O’Keefe and three others for an alleged plot to interfere with Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu’s telephone system has raised new questions about the extent of the rot at the heart of Andrew Breitbart’s online media empire.

Breitbart, a former reporter for the Drudge Report, operates popular conservative media sites and But with a string of run-ins with the law over the past year, some observers say Breitbart may want to look into a new property:

The 25-year-old O’Keefe, who collected a salary from “blog producer” Breitbart’s for-profit media company, the modestly named Breitbart, was arrested by the FBI Monday along with Joseph Basel, Stan Dai and Robert Flanagan, all 24, at Landrieu’s New Orleans office.

For now, Breitbart claims no knowledge of the alleged scheme conducted by O’Keefe and the others. Furthermore, he
demands that media and the public “[w]ait until the facts are in.”

But Breitbart could go a long way towards helping us understand “the facts” himself. He could make public all communications between himself and O’Keefe in recent weeks. That he has not done so only raises suspicions that he may have something to hide. We also suggest that he release all financial statements pertaining to his company’s payments to O’Keefe.

But most damning of all for Breitbart is the following, never-before-seen video footage of Breitbart and O’Keefe actively conspiring to commit crimes – which we obtained from courageous 11-year-old investigative reporter who frankly has the kind of courage and ingenuity that is sorely lacking in today’s Mainstream Media:

UPDATE: The partisan media is already alleging that this video was ‘doctored’. We stand by our reporting and furthermore, we predict much egg on your J-school grad faces.


Comments: 70


The only problem with that clip is that it made me imagine James O’Keefe naked.


O, mighty jokes from little ACORNs grow.


this is fun.


The thing about catching these sorts of crimes on video is how mundane it all turns out to be, like any other plain boring conversation between two guys with very large and perfectly spherical heads.


Simba – what’s that … is that what you’re seeing with this post?


It definitely has a ring of truth to it. I’m sure O’Keefe and Breitbart talk that way.


I just don’t see how you can get around the clear criminal intent demonstrated in this video. Slam-dunk material.

Carrie Prejean's Monkey Butter™

“Blart Blart” = the sound that Andy’s once delicate posterior orifice will make at the sudden conclusion of his nightly date with cellmate Bubba.

(Let me know when I’ve gone too far.)


Who’s holding the camera? That’s the key to unravelling this tangled web.


Breitbart’s taste in office art is much better than I thought it would be.


Sweet Blood Of Jesus, y’all MUST SEE Blartblart on MSNBC at 1500 ET. Soon as it’s available I’ll pass the link on.

Unbelievable. Truly, Andy is King Douchebag.


why won’t FoxNews air this?

what are they hiding??


a former reporter for the Drudge Report

a reporter for the Drudge Report???

i thought his job title was queen marie of rumania


I have information that may be of interest to you.


Here it is!

In the video section, beneath the picture of Gillibrand, between iPad & J. D. Salinger.


The little fellow that is the “O’Keefe” character sounds like he is calling the other guy “Andrew Brightfart”.



a reporter for the Drudge Report???

newspeak. only reverted and turned inside out so much that it’s its own piece of shit.


wow. so Dimbbart really is not just malicious, but fooking retarded as well.

this is fooking classic!

“How much money is MSNBC making from Obama’s stimulus package? I believe it’s in the billions.”


this is fun.

Only if you enjoy watching Chrome crash like a Zeppelin.

The Goddamn Batman Has Never Been Caught On Videotape, No Matter How Many Times He Poses, Brooding And Resolute, Against The Overcast Gotham Sky. Damnit.

I’m looking forward to the next video, in which O’Keefe is in jail with a couple of real pimps, defending himself against charges that he’s a “hater”.


jasdye: Just the words I found most amusing.


So it’s OK to accuse ACORN of committing crimes because someof their employees humored an obviously fake “pimp,” but it’s “slander” to accuse O’Keefe of committing crimes because someone said “wiretap” instead of “criminal trespass.” Got it.

Was waiting for Shuster to say, “Will you just shut the fuck up already!” but I guess that was too much to hope for.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I look forward to Blartblart’s next blog: Big House.


i’m a Shuster fan. he just let AssBiteblart keep digging his own reeturd hole.

it’s really entertaining.

except for the fact that millions of people believe that shithead…


Also, Taibbi rakes DaBro over the coals for the column Mencken abused a post or so ago.


Here it is!

In the video section, beneath the picture of Gillibrand, between iPad & J. D. Salinger

Shorter Breitbart:





Irresponsible not to speculate! Irresponsible, I tell you!

Honestly, while it’s mildly amusing to see O’Keefe condemned to house arrest with his parents, when I got sent to my room without supper at 25 years old my parents at least had the wisdom to confiscate all my porn and video games.

We are going to need new orders of magnitude to describe the wimpiness of the wrist slap this guy and his cohorts are going to receive. My money is on a stern reprimand and 5 hours of community service. But I may be raising my expectations too high.


You know, if you look at pictures of Sir Pimpenstein, he really looks about 16-17. So the fact that we have conclusive proof of Blartblart inviting a naked looks-like-a-14-year-old boy into his office is proof of his vast collection of child porn. It would be irresponsible, etc.


Even shorter Breitblart:


Plan of Legal Defense for Breitbart, O'Keefe, et al



My money is on a stern reprimand and 5 hours of community service.

Nah. They’ll GIVE them $50; a shiny, shiny plaque; and a speaker’s fee for taking Bachmann’s place at Teabaggapolosea.


Why is everybody rushing to condemn O’Keefe when they should be rushing to condemn ACORN? This is not going the way I had planned …


As punishment for your acts felony and terrorism, here’s a map to Blanche Lincoln’s office. And make sure you actually do the wiretapping this time. None of this “disconnect the phone system” bullshit. The equipment is hidden in a gay bar in Memphis. I want answers, dammit!


forget it.
those guys are too stoopd evn 4 us. givem to teh darkies.


So even if this had worked out they way they planned, how the hell would they have leaked their ill-gotten “evidence”?


The film is an obvious fake.

There’s no fucking way that Breitbart has good enough taste to own an Eames chair.


“the” way, etc.


how the hell would they have leaked their ill-gotten “evidence”?

the same way they leaked their ill-gotten “evidence” before.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Only if you enjoy watching Chrome crash like a Zeppelin.

It was hot, the night we crashed Chrome.


“the same way they leaked their ill-gotten “evidence” before.”

…assuming nobody would be interested in the source of the bugging and/or _wiretapping_??


IOKIYAR, cat_namer_zoe. IOKIYAR.


Blartblart’s behavior in the MSNBC video reminds me of Nathan Thurm.


Holy cats, Breitblart is a moran. Let’s make it simple for Andrew. O’Keefe case: charges filed. Acorn case: no charges filed. In fact, no charges remotely possible because it would be such an obvious case of entrapment.

Clear, Blartblart? Good. Now go yell at a protest or something.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Blartblart’s behavior in the MSNBC video reminds me of Nathan Thurm.

He looked coked up at first, and ended up looking like he’d cry.

It was beautiful!


O’Keefe case: charges filed. Acorn case: no charges filed. In fact, no charges remotely possible because it would be such an obvious case of entrapment.

Don’t you SEE? That only PROVES his point! If ACORN is so innocent, why won’t the prosecutor press charges???


O’Keefe case: charges filed. Acorn case: no charges filed. In fact, no charges remotely possible because it would be such an obvious case of entrapment.

Well, duh, that’s because AG Stokeley Carmichael Holder and President H. Rap Brown Obama are refusing to press charges against ACORN because THEY’RE IN ON THE CONSPIRACY!!!! Instead, they’re slandering several upstanding young white men (and one apparently confused Asian) by accusing them of crimes theY didn’t commit!!!



Acorn case: no charges filed.

What happened to this country that I used to…


LOVE sogoddamuch?!!?

also, I would have taken anything Jimmy will toss at me.

and, I do mean anything, if you know what i mean.


and i think you do…


Someone should go through his trash.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said,

January 28, 2010 at 23:30

Only if you enjoy watching Chrome crash like a Zeppelin.

It was hot, the night we crashed Chrome.

Nice. Some of the tech stuff doesn’t hold up these days (e.g. making a big deal of selling 4 megs of RAM in Neuromancer), but I did like those books. May have to reread, it’s been a while.


If only all this deliciousness weren’t going to end with either greatly reduced charges (and a teensy wrist slap) or dropped ones. There is no way the White House will let the Justice Department pursue this once the teabaggers start howling about how the government is just punishing these brave boys for uncovering the unspeakable evil that is ACORN.

O’Keefers will then be assured of even greater wingnut welfare, which will emboldenenen other young “activist filmakers.”

Wash, rinse, repeat.


I understand now. It was all just a prank. This will definitely make things easier for future liberal muckrakers, by the moral equivalence principle. Also.


How is that O’Keefe doesn’t apply his expert journalistic talent to investigating Blackwater? Now that would be a real service to the country. O’Keefe bears a certain likeness to a combination of Lee Harvey Oswald and Timothy McVie.


i’m sure the good folks on this website have already seen my wife “making” glenn beck cry, an event which i witnessed and which was actually more mind-boggling in person than is possible to believe. these conservative activists are post-modern actors who have no interest in truth or reference to some shared reality, because the whole thing is relative to them. if reality does not get your political purpose done then ignore it, or better yet yell at it until it shuts up.

it’s the lyrics of nine inch nails “Only” as a lifestyle choice:

I’m becoming less defined as days go by
Fading away
And well you might say
I’m losing focus
Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

Sometimes I think I can see right through myself [x2]
Sometimes I can see right through myself

Less concerned about fitting into the world
Your world that is
Cause it doesn’t really matter anymore
(no it doesn’t really matter anymore)
No it doesn’t really matter anymore
None of this really matters anymore

Yes I am alone but then again I always was
As far back as I can tell
I think maybe it’s because
Because you were never really real to begin with
I just made you up to hurt myself

I just made you up to hurt myself, yeah
And I just made you up to hurt myself

And it worked.
Yes it did!

There is no you
There is only me
There is no you
There is only me
There is no fucking you
There is only me
There is no fucking you
There is only me


Blightfart gets stupider by the moment:

“That darn wascawy wabbit twicked me!”


Blightfart gets stupider by the moment:

isn’t he precious


Blartblartt: MSNBC said something wrong therefore there’s no way you can use any of the evidence from this case against me. Fruit of the Poison Vine, beaches. Any first year Law & Order student knows that. Which means that there’s no way you can prove anything about me being involved in a criminal conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism against the federal government. And not about them hookers neither.




Some of the tech stuff doesn’t hold up these days

I think I even saw Gibson himself talking about how things turned out wildly different from Neuromancer and now it’s dated…but I don’t get that. Neuromancer is slightly surreal science fiction. It has Space Rastafarians. It envisions some strange VR method of hacking. It’s fantastic.

Maybe there are a few moments that are genuinely dated, but the story held up just fine when I read it a couple years ago. It’s not wrong, it’s not right. It’s, well, fiction, set in a world that doesn’t exist.


Breitblart’s office is much cleaner than I expected – & there’s a suspicious deficit of visible “Red Dawn” & “First Blood” posters too.


I’m just waiting for O’Queef & his band of Merry Spanksters to claim the “it was a social-experiment/performance-art” defense … or maybe the Twinkie defense (hell, they could do a lot worse: that one actually WORKED in the 70s).

He looked coked up at first, and ended up looking like he’d cry.

I’d’ve gone for “ripped to the tits on meth” – but yeah, that boy looked way way too, er, ENTHUSIASTIC to me … & the whole “MSNBC Lied To Get Me On Their Filthy Commie Network” thing sounds like one-fat-rail-too-many territory too. Jesus, Andy, everyone knows what a full-bore flaming attention-whore you are by now; all MSNBC needs to do is offer you air-time to make a total dipshit of yourself & you’re there, red ball on nose, trou dropped & feather-duster dutifully crammed up arse, gobbling like a turkey on command, no questions asked.


I think I even saw Gibson himself talking about how things turned out wildly different from Neuromancer and now it’s dated…but I don’t get that. Neuromancer is slightly surreal science fiction. It has Space Rastafarians. It envisions some strange VR method of hacking. It’s fantastic.

Maybe there are a few moments that are genuinely dated, but the story held up just fine when I read it a couple years ago. It’s not wrong, it’s not right. It’s, well, fiction, set in a world that doesn’t exist.

I re-read Neuromancer at least once every year. On the whole, it’s not dated at all. Maybe some details like “three megabytes of hot RAM” seem dated because that’s not all that much these days, but it doesn’t detract from the story at all.


Breitbart is the idiot who yelled off a hotel terrace at a bunch of schoolchildren marching with signs because he thought they were protesting at rich people, when it turned out they were rallying aid to the poor in Sudan, isn’t he?

He’s hilarious. He always pops off before he gets it right.


I’ll bet his wife HATES that…


D., I always laugh here, but it’s been a while since I *wept* with laughter here. Thanks.


No way, you used one of my jokes…

I think I know now what lurker heaven is, and it’s good.


It’s just a matter of time.
Lets see, OQuiffe committed a felony.
Brietbert is implicated in this. It won’t be long before the FBI ceases his computer. Then the games really begin. Of course he’s been deleting all of his emails . That’s destruction of evidence. And all of this will go through the Louisiana courts.

I’m gonna enjoy watching this parade. I wonder who else will be implicate in this?

polyorchnid octopunch

Good lord, Carrie Prejean’s Monkey Butter™, I’m thinking that you own shares in a company that makes brain bleach.

Definitely too far.

Carrie Prejean's Schlick Flick, now in Imax 3D!

You’re welcome.


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