Anyone free on the evening of March 18?
Then again, even if you have plans we suggest you go ahead and cancel them. Why? It’s a once-in-lifetime opportunity to meet many of biggest conservative stars (including the real Ann Coulter, not the talking doll one that usually shows up on Cable TV.) You want to know more? Sure:
It’s usually the national liberal media savaging conservatives…
but on this night we get even!Join the Media Research Center and the conservative movement’s finest as we roast the year’s most blatantly liberal members of the national “news” media.
You can click on the link above (provided your computer is firewall-free of course) and see many of the past presenters and acceptors. This year’s acceptors include Mona Charen, who is no doubt being singled out for her recent article arguing that President Bush never used the word imminent, so there! (There was also her other essay on the Wilson/Plame affair, you know, that bogus thing.)
You can see pictures of the 2003 event here. They include Ann Coulter and all of her 45 pounds, Steven Moore featured in last year’s Star Wars Theme, and so much more.
How much would you pay for the chance to attend such an event? $400 billion dollars? $530 billion? Wait — don’t call now! Here is our offer to you:
You could plunk down $4,000 and send s.z. from World O’Crap to the NRO Cruise. Or for a a mere $250, you could send her to attend the MRC’s award ceremony, giving her a chance to meet Ann, as he is now known. So what are you waiting for?
Yikes! Coulter really puts the “Ann” in “anorexic,” don’t she?
I’d be happy to contribute, but I accidentally bought 100 dollars worth of yarn and an iPod this weekend.
(I’m having buyers remorse.)
(There was no reason for this comment other than I keep telling everyone what I bought this weekend, hoping that someone will tell me that I really did need yarn and an iPod.)
Gail, you needed an iPod because everyone who uses a Mac says that Macs are better than PC’s! (I wouldn’t know.) And you needed all that yarn to knit a nice sweater to keep your iPod warm in the cold Chicago winter.
I just want to point out that Ann Coulter’s liver comprises 40 of her 45 pounds; the remaining pounds are bile and spleen (reserving a few ounces for actual bone).
I guess it’s too much to hope that the “roast” won’t just be figurative. Then again, Coulter doesn’t have much meat on her anyway.
“So what are you waiting for?”
A f@^#%&g JOB! Got laid off April Fool’s Day 2003 and am STILL looking.
Maybe Anorexic Annie could send me her doggie’s bag?
Or Rev. Robberson could pray me a Bork chop?
Perhaps Jollie Ollie can secretly exchange my hostage (to the economic “recovery”) status for an arm to rob the local 7-11?
Oh, the directions to the ShoreHAM (god, allah, shiva, I’m salivating) weren’t necessary. My driver Musatfa knows the way.
Bye the way, anyone notice the Uniform of the Day is “Business Attire?”