Awesomest Teh Schadenfreude EVAR!!!!1!

From a little ACORN, a mighty joke will grow:

ACORN gotcha man among four arrested for attempting to bug Mary Landrieu’s office

By David Hammer, The Times-Picayune
January 26, 2010, 1:53PM

The FBI, alleging a plot to wiretap Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s office in downtown New Orleans, arrested four people Monday, including James O’Keefe, a conservative filmmaker whose undercover videos at ACORN field offices severely damaged the advocacy group’s credibility.

FBI Special Agent Steven Rayes alleges that O’Keefe aided and abetted two others, Joseph Basel and Robert Flanagan, who dressed up as employees of a telephone company and attempted to interfere with the office’s telephone system.

A fourth person, Stan Dai, was accused of aiding and abetting Basel and Flanagan. All four were charged with entering fedral property under false pretenses with the intent of committing a felony.

A witness from Landrieu’s staff said O’Keefe was present in the office and claimed to be “waiting for someone to arrive.”

Methinks it could be hard time out here for a fake pimp.

H/t: Eagle-eye commie atheist in comments.


Comments: 148


My first h/t EVAR! Thanks, D.A. After the shittiness of the past few weeks this story made things just a little bit better.


(loud mocking laughter)



Gitmo was made for these assholes!


And yes, follow the money. Somewhere, there’s a GOP sugardaddy who’s frantically shredding documents and praying O’Keefe keeps his stupid mouth shut…


O’Keefe. A right-wing Sascha Baron Cohen wannabe, without SBC’s cognizance of the boundaries of legal behaviour. What a piece of shit. Enjoy that federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison. Daddy’s lawyers aren’t going to be able to help you now.


I wonder what O’Keefe thought he was hot on the trail of?

Giant Rat of Sumatra

Gosh, that just brightened my afternoon.


Clearly the Democratic members of the House and Senate should once again move quickly to pass a resolution calling ACORN enemies of the Republic, and in response we should vote to slash Medicare and Social Security, because then Republicans will like us, really, really like us.


A witness from Landrieu’s staff said O’Keefe was present in the office and claimed to be “waiting for someone to arrive.”

mr godot will be here very soon


Landrieu? Really? You’re going to go to jail for wanting to listen in on *her* private calls? Bwa hah fucking hah. And hah.

Sascha Baron Cobag

A right-wing Sascha Baron Cohen wannabe



I wonder what O’Keefe thought he was hot on the trail of?

COMMUNAZI MARCHING ORDERS, you fool! Which are obviously stored in the public office of some two-bit blue dog!

Such a Barren Cobag

Double Ahem.


Did Big Journalism ever get around to setting up a legal defense fund for him? I know they had one for Hannah Giles real quick.


Acknowledgment of this development on Crickets.


Did Big Journalism ever get around to setting up a legal defense fund for him? I know they had one for Hannah Giles real quick.

They only set up defense funds for hot chix.


Landrieu? Really? You’re going to go to jail for wanting to listen in on *her* private calls?

Come on, everyone knows that Landrieu is the biggest Socialist-Nazi-Commie-FagLover-IslamoFascist in the Senate. Who else were they gonna go after? Bernie Sanders?


Follow the money…

The Patriot Act gives the federal government some extraordinary powers.


Landrieu seems an odd choice. Liddy wouldn’t have bothered with her. Who does this idiot think he is any way? Haldeman?


Clearly the Democratic members of the House and Senate should once again move quickly to pass a resolution calling ACORN enemies of the Republic, and in response we should vote to slash Medicare and Social Security, because then Republicans will like us, really, really like us.

Worked so well for Bill Clinton, after all.

Oh, wait, no it didn’t.

(And what, no “Will of Landrieu” jokes? I’m very disappointed.)


That should be Big Government, not Big Journalism. I get my Bigs confused.


O’Keefe is going to luuurve pound-you-in-the-ass prison, lots of expose opportunities.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Somebody set us up the bug!


lots of expose opportunities

Pronounce that either way, and it’s still correct.


Over at The Atlantic a commenter notes: “I appreciate your efforts in exposing ACORN. I have become a fan, but you have to keep it LEGAL. Going into a federal office undercover is not cool in today’s age. We the people have an opportunity to take this country back to the principles of the founding fathers, but all of our steps must be taken legally.”

Yeah. He’s going to be charged with being “not cool” by Judge Fonzie.


I want to hear him say “The bitch set me up!”


Landrieu? Really? You’re going to go to jail for wanting to listen in on *her* private calls?

If he wants to dig up a corruption complaint against someone with a D after her name, she’s not a bad place to start. And I’m not just saying that because she’s from Louisiana or because she’s crookeder than a dog’s hind leg. has the AP story on this, sort of. Compare Breitbart’s truncated version with the complete one. Something’s missing, what could it be.


I doubt he will have to go to prison, I’m afraid money, connections etc. let him get off way too easily.

Then again, I may be wrong, and I hope I am. What kind of time would he have to do for the crime? Does anyone know?


you have to keep it legal

take this country back to the principles of the founding fathers

Who totally worked within the existing framework of the existing British government. How far are we from “Founding fathers” being used as slang for whatever you happen to like? “Love this pizza. Very Founding Fathers.”

English James O'Keefe, circa '73

I’m breakin’ the legs of the bastard that got me framed!


We the people have an opportunity to take this country back to the principles of the founding fathers, but all of our steps must be taken legally.

Which I suppose, in the mind of the edyoomacatied conservative Teabagger, includes threats of secession and violent revolution.


Landrieu may be corrupt, but O’Keefe wasn’t going after her to say “Look at this corrupt politician.” He was going after her to say “Look at this corrupt Democrat.”


I’m sure Landrieu will see this as a sign that she needs to move farther to the right, so the Teabaggers will like her more.


Of course, this is good news for the teabaggers, according to the Jawa Report:

Possible silver lining – As mentioned via some Twitter between myself, CollegePolitico and SluBlog, if the media had actually, you know, paid attention to who this guy was when he was demolishing ACORN, it may have been easier for them to report on him now. Since they didn’t (they actively ignored it to a large extent), they have to explain that this was the guy who destroyed ACORN and bring that whole can of worms up again. Which doesn’t minimize what’s apparently happened here, but it’s still slightly ironic and snort-worthy.


I appreciate your efforts in exposing ACORN. I have become a fan, but you have to keep it LEGAL

his efforts to expose ACORN weren’t legal, either.


Something’s missing, what could it be

Longer Breitbart’s shorter, which omits the stricken portions : Four people, whom I have totally never heard of and with whom I am completely unassociated were arrested today in Lousiana for something which which I am completed uninvolved.


Of course, this is good news for the teabaggers, according to the Jawa Report:

Huh? I had to read that, like, five times. Worst argument EVER.


Since they didn’t (they actively ignored it to a large extent), they have to explain that this was the guy who destroyed ACORN and bring that whole can of worms up again. Which doesn’t minimize what’s apparently happened here, but it’s still slightly ironic and snort-worthy.



Flanagan’s the son of the acting US Attorney for Western Louisiana.

I betcha he claimed “If anything goes wrong, my Dad can get us off the hook.”


I love how their cover is “I left my ID in the car.” And what did they think they were going to do with whatever evidence they turned up? Any way you shake it, they were going to get busted. This is some classic dumbassery. He was probably thinking this would get him a blowjob from Malkin on air during Glen Beck. Now he gets to be the resident fluffer at Angola.


And when the media does bring up ACORN again, I hope they mention that his ACORN taping was illegal as well, which makes O’Keefe a two-time loser. I won’t hold my breath though.


if the media had actually, you know, paid attention to who this guy was when he was demolishing ACORN, it may have been easier for them to report on him now.

Right, which is why this is the first we’ve heard of this.

Number of times Beck’s and Hannity’s programs, combined, referenced ACORN, Abramoff, Blackwater, and Halliburton/KBR from May 8, 2006, to September 18, 2009:

* ACORN: 1,502

* Disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff and former Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH): 62

* Blackwater/Xe: 4

* Halliburton/KBR: 43</blockquote

Fox is to the media as 9/11 is to terrorist attacks during the Bush Administration.


The man who destroyed ACORN really, really loves black people:

O’ Keefe explained that part of his motivation for placing the call was to fight the racism he perceives in Planned Parenthood.

“African-Americans today are targeted by the abortion industry and suffer deeply because of it,” he said. “Planned Parenthood makes a profit off of their operations. We wanted to reveal their racist past – and the practical racism of their policies today – reflected in their other operations. Planned Parenthood must be held accountable for their actions, both past and present.”

Liberals are teh true racists. Also.


We wanted to reveal their racist past – and the practical racism of their policies today – reflected in their other operations.



Check out the affidavit if you haven’t already. It’s short–four pages. Fucking pathetic.


In other Schadenfreude-related news, Super Sarah, the Power Palin, is, in reality, a RINO?!?!

Since she was picked as Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) running mate, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin has been one of the right’s most beloved political figures. But when Palin announced last week that she would campaign for McCain in his reelection primary battle against ultra-conservative former congressman J.D. Hayworth, some of her most vocal supporters were outraged that she would endorse McCain, who they see as a Republican in Name Only (RINO).

Oh noes!

Thomas Lamb at Red Country called the endorsement Palin’s “political Waterloo.” He added that “by Palin supporting McCain, she is supporting an enemy to [the Tea Party] movement and by de facto, becomes the enemy.” In a post titled “Yes, Sarah Palin is a RINO” on the Christian-right blog RealityCheck, ZbigniewMazurak called McCain “a despicable traitor” and wrote that by endorsing him, “Palin has proven that she IS for sale.” “I was a fan of Palin myself,” he added. “But I’m now convinced that she’s not a conservative, nor is she a politician qualified for the Presidency of the United States. … No real conservative would ever endorse McCain for the Senate.”

The Man in the Sky really does love me, after all.


“I love how their cover is “I left my ID in the car.”

Yeah, all three of them left their ID in the car. When going into a Federal building, where they might well need to show ID to get in.

It’s like the terrorists in the new movie Four Lions. The one guy buys all their peroxide at the wholesaler down the road, but covers his tracks by using different voices: his own voice, an “IRA voice”, and a woman’s voice (while he covers his beard with both hands).


Check out the affidavit if you haven’t already. It’s short–four pages. Fucking pathetic.

Again with the fucking dumbshit costumes!!!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

In other Schadenfreude-related news, Super Sarah, the Power Palin, is, in reality, a RINO?!?!

Talk about reaping the whirlwind.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Again with the fucking dumbshit costumes!!!

Everything they “know” comes from watching television.

They are not the A-Team, and O’Keefe, though a wingnut and Blartblart protege like Dirk Benedict, is no Dirk Benedict.


English James O’Keefe, circa ’73 said | January 26, 2010 at 23:07

I’m breakin’ the legs of the bastard that got me framed!

Epping Forest ref?


I like this comment left by “Conservatism is my Anti-drug” at that Think Progress link:

Real conservatives never supported her in the first place. That’s why we didn’t even vote in 08. Her supporters are misguided and most of them have no clue what conservatism really is.


Epping Forest ref?

You bet your ass.


Wow — if Saint Say-ruh ain’t wingnutty enough for the wingnuts, get ready for the fun to come if Democrats keep sweeping their own electoral advantages into the storm sewers.


Fox “News” is on teh case:

Fox News aired a report about the arrests shortly after the news broke. However, reporter Tim Vaughn tried to downplay the news:

VAUGHN: [It’s a] very weird story that probably needs a lot of context and a lot of looking into, which is what we’re going to do here. I just wanted to get it on the record with it right now.

SHEP SMITH: So, they’re saying basically, they’re in there — It sounds as if what they’re saying is, they’re looking for some ACORN hanky panky and they try to tap into Mary Landrieu’s telephone to get it.

VAUGHN: That could be one way of looking at it, yes.


Real conservatives never supported her in the first place. That’s why we didn’t even vote in 08.

Who wants to be the first to thank him for electing Obama?


Undoubtedly, the D-Ho underling who penned this a couple days ago …

ACORN Nut Sues The Whistleblowers

… feels really really smart right now.


Dear God…do “real conservatives” even exist? Or are we in Theory of Forms territory here?


I betcha he claimed “If anything goes wrong, my Dad can get us off the hook.”

Lawyers, money. Probably no guns.

It’s entirely possible that this kid fancies himself the conservative Michael Moore and is acting alone. On the other hand, the whole ACORN thing worked out spectacularly well for the GOP; there was no hesitation in taking full advantage of it. And a US Senator is a pretty ballsy target for this kind of crap.

Would be a shame if he doesn’t face serious consequences.


Dear God…do “real conservatives” even exist? Or are we in Theory of Forms territory here?

They don’t understand why they can’t vote for the shadows on the cave walls.


I was a fan of Palin myself,” he added. “But I’m now convinced that she’s not a conservative, nor is she a politician qualified for the Presidency of the United States.

Wow. Um.

And this in spite of the fact that she’s shilling for the same guy who 14 months or so ago would have been her boss. I mean, where was Zbig’s fine discernment of her qualifications for holding office then – much less for the guy she ran with?

Just further proof the Universe gets created anew every five minutes for these assclowns.


Look, since ACORN are obviously terrorists (being black and all), and since Mary Landrieu is in a political party whose leader pal’s around with terrorists, dude’s got an anti-terrorism ticking bomb defense right there — if he didn’t tap a U.S. Senator’s phone lines, then the terrorists would have won.


Wow — if Saint Say-ruh ain’t wingnutty enough for the wingnuts, get ready for the fun to come if Democrats keep sweeping their own electoral advantages into the storm sewers.

Yes, the Last Days of the American Empire are going to be quite amusing. I’m thinking that New Zealand would be a good place to go to watch it all unfold.


El Cid, the fact that you wouldn’t vote for a shadow on a wall is that Liberals Are The Real Racists. Because shadows are black, you know, like coons. Also.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Wow — if Saint Say-ruh ain’t wingnutty enough for the wingnuts, get ready for the fun to come if Democrats keep sweeping their own electoral advantages into the storm sewers.

The way things are going, Sarah Palin will be challenging Obama in the Democratic primary.

Interesting times, indeed!


El Cid, the fact that you wouldn’t vote for a shadow on a wall is that Liberals Are The Real Racists. Because shadows are black, you know, like coons. Also.

Don’t blame me. I keep trying but my ballot keeps falling off the cave wall and the shadows refuse to take it.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker

It would be really nice if just once the reports got it right about his crusade against ACORN.

…James O’Keefe, a conservative filmmaker whose undercover videos at ACORN field offices severely damaged the advocacy group’s credibility UNTIL THEY WERE DISCOVERED TO BE A HOAX, WHEN THE MASSACHUSETTS ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE FOUND THAT THE VOICEOVERS FOR THE “PIMP AND HOOKER” HAD BEEN ALTERED ON THE RECORDING.

Funny how that part didn’t get the same media play.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

James O’Keefe III

Worst sequel EVER!



Hey, well done, Martha Coakley.


El Cid: they think that the shadows on the cave walls agree with them, and want to give them the vote.


This sounds like the plotline to CREEP 2: The Pimpening.


Undoubtedly, the D-Ho underling who penned this a couple days ago …

ACORN Nut Sues The Whistleblowers

… feels really really smart right now.

It’s really quite wonderful how he uses the videos of an ACORN employee agreeing with two obviously fake assholes as evidence of ACORN “advocating…for the trafficking of child sex slaves.” And, of course, the fact that Congress thought the videos were enough evidence of wrongdoing for them to defund ACORN completely, was in retrospect, just the first sign of the stupidity and cowardice that was to come. Heck of a job.


I imagine that their cover was blown when they did not know the correct answer to the secret question that all members of the demonCRAT Soshowlist conspiracy have to answer to get access to the offices the evil Senator. It probably went down like this:

Receptionist: WHO DAT?

Buggers: We are employees of Bell Telephone.

The Tragically Flip

By the way, the twitterati have already coined “Teabugging” as the term of art for this.


It’s really quite wonderful how he uses the videos of an ACORN employee agreeing with two obviously fake assholes as evidence of ACORN “advocating…for the trafficking of child sex slaves.”

It is cute though, in a pathetic kind of way, that after twenty-odd years of being privileged fucktards, it never dawned on them that people only smile and nod to humor them.


This sounds like the plotline to CREEP 2: The Pimpening.

I thought the original was much better, since it featured this guy:


The FBI works for Obama now. This is obviously an Obama planned stunt to discredit Mr. O’Keefe.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Buggers: We are employees of Bell Telephone.

The jig was up when he said, we are employees of Taco Bell.


Milo, would the proper answer be “Gon’ beat dem Saints?”


The FBI works for Obama now

Hate to break it to ya…


The way things are going, Sarah Palin will be challenging Obama in the Democratic primary.

The way things are going, Sarah Palin may be the Democratic candidate, while Rahm has Obama run as a Republican.


Calling O’Keefe a filmmaker seems awfully generous.


“This sounds like the plotline to CREEP 2: The Pimpening.”

Tragedy / Farce. Who would have guessed O’Keefe was such a fan of Marx?


The way things are going, Sarah Palin may be the Democratic candidate, while Rahm has Obama run as a Republican.

It’d be more ideologically honest of the fucker.

Which fucker? You decide.

Mr. O'Keefe's Lawyer

Your honor, I’m submitting this request for my client to be released on his own recognizance on the grounds that there are negroes in jail and he’s a good white boy. Putting him near negroes would be cruel and unusual.


How O’Keefe sees himself. (With apologies to the less cheesy O’Keefe.)


Hmm. that should be a link:


First time as tragedy. Second time as farce. Third time as camp. Fourth time as reality TV show. Many times later, it’s Jonah Goldberg.

The Tragically Flip

ha ha

Y’know, a criminal record can make it tough to find a job. Is there some community group that could help O’Keefe out? Oh.


How O’Keefe sees himself. (With apologies to the less cheesy O’Keefe.)

How others see him:


Landrieu? Really? You’re going to go to jail for wanting to listen in on *her* private calls?

If I were a democratic senator, I’d have my office swept for bugs. I can’t believe that the only one they tried this on was the one they got caught on. How many more senators were bugged? I hope the FBI is researching O’Keefe’s movements over the last few months….

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I can’t believe that the only one they tried this on was the one they got caught on.

You are making an assumption that these four have two brain cells to rub together.


Megan McArdle is hot out of the gate, claiming that poor 24 (er, 25, Megs) year old O’Keefe didn’t know he doing anything illegal. She also calls them “allegations” despite his being caught red handed and an FBI agent signing an affidavit that O’Keefe confessed.

But I’m sure that’s not because he’s a glibertarian!


Up to ten years in prison for each of the two counts. This is excellent news for the Republicans!


Megan McArdle is hot out of the gate, claiming that poor 24 (er, 25, Megs) year old O’Keefe didn’t know he doing anything illegal.

He knew what he was doing but I gather Megan and I agree that O’Keefe was stupid.


If you don’t know it is illegal, it isn’t a crime. Besides, he was upholding the spirit of the law, which is to preserve wealth and white privilege.


Megan McArdle is hot out of the gate, claiming that poor 24 (er, 25, Megs) year old O’Keefe didn’t know he doing anything illegal.

Perhaps O’Keefe thought he was operating under Bush league rules where wire tapping laws are all bendy and such.



Substance McGravitas said,

January 26, 2010 at 22:33 (kill)

Follow the money…

Why is the Assistant Director of Trinity University’s Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence (Stan Dai), giving advice to right wing think tanks on how to wiretap US Senators offices?
One might want to pose this question to Ann Pauley who is the Media Contact for said center.
Also, a subsequent poster asked how much time the gents were facing. Ten years. That will be enough to get them singing. This is going to get very interesting if the prosecutor has half a brain.


Per Megan – yes, I am sure that James O’Keefe, a man jowl-deep in ongoing legal issues over secretly recording people, is perfectly ignorant regarding the legal implications of secretly recording people.


It’s not like there’s been a prior case of Republican operatives disguised as utility workers trying to tap the phones in an office belonging to a Democratic official/officeholder. Free the Louisiana Four! (Oh wait, they’ve already been released on bond.)


On the Tweeter, O’Keefe sez: “2008: Planned Parenthood VPs fired 2009: ACORN defunded 2010: Get ready cuz this is about to get heavy”



On the Tweeter, O’Keefe sez: “2008: Planned Parenthood VPs fired 2009: ACORN defunded 2010: Get ready cuz this is about to get heavy”

He ain’t heavy, he’s my cellmate.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

O’Keefe to Flanagan: Landrieu? Yeah, I’d tap her.

Big Bad Bald Bastard


A Joseph Basel is listed as one of 15 University of Minnesota-Morris College Republicans

How soon before the righties blame Pee Zed?


“Ha! Ha!” – Nelson Muntz


This whole so-called operation was bought and paid for by Andrew Breitbart whose vigorous denials only make the whole thing funnier.


The Times-Picayune story has been updated.

An official close to the investigation said one of the four was arrested with a listening device in a car blocks from the senator’s offices. He spoke on condition of anonymity because that information was not included in official arresting documents.

That would be Dai, I assume.

Whee, 18 U.S. Code, Section 1362!


I doubt this guy is going to prison. No judge will give a twentysomething with a clean record hard time over a failed prank.

Now, if he could just be sentenced to a good spanking and no video games for a week…

The Tragically Flip

Spying on a US Senator a “prank”? I should hope it isn’t viewed that way. He was after all, trying to secure her electoral defeat. Can a “prank” be a prank if it is likely to have consequences that serious?


I was listening to the Hugh Hugh-it show in its special all-fart language broadcast on my local AM radio station, and it turns out that Andrew Breitblart is a national treasure, he was in no way connected to the pimp repairmen’s actions, and that if libruls try to use this to take Andrew Blighttard down, Hew Hew’dit would be willing to launch an Andro Blatburp defense fund.


Those crazy watergate pranksters. Those merry pranksters.

Well… they ARE on acid, if my senses haven’t entirely failed me.


I think Obama needs to rush out and establish a comfortable middle point position between the sensible conservatives who want to let Teatard kids tap Senators’ phones and the wild-eyed, radical liberal fringe extremists who want jack-booted FBI thugs to lock up any right wing activist just for carrying out a bit of illegal fraud and wiretapping of federal officials for fun.


Flanagan’s the son of the acting US Attorney for Western Louisiana.

And would you like to know why Flanagan pere is *acting* US Attorney? Because President Obama’s appointee for the position is on hold in the Senate. The hold was implemented by…

Senator David J. Vitter (R-Diaper).

Have an enlightened day!


OK, I totally don’t get this. If Flanagan pere is being jerked around by Vitter, why the fuck did the kid try to bug Landrieu’s office and not Vitter’s?


this is the kind of image we need to tag to the wingers and republicans in every voter’s mind.

we need to remind them how criminal and, in the case of birther mccain challenger jd hayworth, how batshit crazy they are.

a commenter at thinkprogress says pelosi should bring olsen’s resolution praising o’keefe up for a vote tomorrow.

make the bastards either abandon the peewee winger or vote to praise him. no other choice, except of course ‘present’ or a no vote — but those would be almost as bad as a yae.


No, pere is a holdover from Bush because the Obama nominee can’t get past the diaper baby.


O’Keefe to Flanagan: Landrieu? Yeah, I’d tap her.

One of the comments over at rumproast:

Considering it’s Mary Landrieu’s office, I’m expecting the following headline:



a commenter at thinkprogress says pelosi should bring olsen’s resolution praising o’keefe up for a vote tomorrow.

Ha. One can hope.


Big Hollywood has a piece up. Comment #1:

let’s just see what Eric Holder’s DOJ does about this…

Generally speaking whistleblowers are given special treatment and eventual adjudication for whatever small crime was committed while digging up illegal activity. Most times there is no prosecution of all- think ‘W’s DUI or Jack and Jeri Ryan’s ‘sealed’ divorce papers for examples.

Nobody ever charged with a crime there- and there were crimes committed.

This IS different. You don’t know just how much this poor kid O’Keefe is HATED by the left. They desperately want to put him away, and care not of the obvious hypocrisy it would show.

Anita Hill, anyone?

It sounds like they did something dumb. But criminal?

Stay tuned…


You don’t know just how much this poor kid O’Keefe is HATED by the left.

Hands up, who forgot who he was before this story broke?


Whistleblower? Maybe skin-flautist.

The Tragically Flip

Poor kid?

Yeah, maybe if we went snooping around his house to see what kind of counter tops he has, you might have a point.

Congressional Hearings

O’Keefe videotaped his co-conspirators in the Senator’s office with his cellphone. Now that the FBI has his cellphone, every call made from or to that phone will be investigated. There are a lot of wingnuts calling their lawyers tonight.


Did you mean effing forest?

Poor O’Keefe, the little Squonk; just a shit bag o’ tears.


Breitbart obviously has hated confused with laughing at

As I recall , Anita Hill did not illegally eavesdrop on Clarence Thomas. If anything, the illegal contacts went the other direction….


That was commenter dcase, who’s an easy mark.


O, more fool he…


How the hell should I know, Substance? I stay in the damn boat.




speaking of sasha baron cohen, it was a real shame she came in fourth in the american skating finals last weekend. so much for her olympic comeback.



never mind.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Megan McArdle is hot out of the gate, claiming that poor 24 (er, 25, Megs) year old O’Keefe didn’t know he doing anything illegal.

G. Gordon Kiddie


ya, achance is pathetic. he comes off as a wise old man over at redstate. the post they have now on this subject only has fourteen comments up and the late consensus is that it’s all entrapment and a libtard conspiracy as payback for o’keefe doing such a bangup job are the worst criminals since the clinton’s made a mint on whitewater.

here’s the link if you can stand it:


Check it:

18 USC Sec. 2332b:
the term “Federal crime of terrorism” means an offense that
(A) is calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct; and
(B) is a violation of […] 1362 (relating to destruction of communication lines, stations, or systems)


18 U.S.C. § 1362:
Whoever willfully or maliciously injures or destroys any of the works, property, or material of any radio, telegraph, telephone or cable, line, station, or system, or other means of communication, operated or controlled by the United States, or used or intended to be used for military or civil defense functions of the United States, whether constructed or in process of construction, or willfully or maliciously interferes in any way with the working or use of any such line, or system, or willfully or maliciously obstructs, hinders, or delays the transmission of any communication over any such line, or system, or attempts or conspires to do such an act, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Little Jimmy may just have made himself a terrorist.


Landrieu? Really? You’re going to go to jail for wanting to listen in on *her* private calls?

They are such fucking idiots, I can’t even stand to be alive while they roam the earth. “Yo, let’s bug the offices of the most corporate sellout Dem imaginable, that’ll blow the lid off of…um, conservative Democrats, which non-delusional people can’t distinguish from Republicans”.

I say again, please kill me while such people occupy space in this world.


I had a grade school teacher who likened the conscience
Achance Tuesday, November 3rd at 10:46AM EST (link)
to a saw inside your head that had only one very sharp tooth. Each time you did something bad, the saw turned and that tooth bit into you and hurt you. But, after you’d done enough bad things, the saw had turned all the way around and there was nothing left for it to cut. Lots of things are like that; do it enough or have it done to you enough, and it doesn’t hurt any more.

In Vino Veritas
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Hey, man, I’m makin a movie.
Ya don’t have to make a federal case out of it!
[chortle][gloat] ti-ra-la-la-i-tu I gloat!


“And would you like to know why Flanagan pere is *acting* US Attorney? Because President Obama’s appointee for the position is on hold in the Senate. ”

The prior US Attorney, appointed by Bush, only stepped down a couple weeks ago. I’d be surprised if things moved fast enough that Vitter already put a hold on the replacement, but perhaps the process started earlier.

a) Perhaps Flanagan’s miffed that Landrieu didn’t suggest Dad for the job?
b) Man, wouldn’t it SUCK to be two weeks into a high-profile prosecutin’ job and have your son blunder into a high-profile political crime?


“Landrieu? Really? You’re going to go to jail for wanting to listen in on *her* private calls?”

We never did learn what Colson, Liddy, Nixon, and the rest of the LawnOdor crowd wanted to get from bugging the Democrats. Whatever it was, it couldn’t possibly been worth the trouble that “third-rate burglary” got them into, with a little help from intrepid reporters Woodward and Bernstein renegade FBI agent W. Mark Felt.

Then again, Colson had already bullied CBS to restrict their exposes of Watergate, and had also bullied NBC into fluffing Nixon’s daughter’s wedding as “news”. Like our Acorn wingtards, he just got too enamored of his own success to stop. I hope decades of “getting tough on crime” makes Colson’s time in The Big House look like a picnic to James O’Keefe CandyAss O’Sweetcheeks.


You know, this is how Karl Rove got his start, just without all the ridiculous incompetence and getting caught.

Imagine if Karl Rove, instead of stealing Democratic letterhead and mailing fake letters had instead dressed up like a Black Panther and attempted to sekritly install those big 1970s live TV cameras in the Democratic offices…


Love this from the McArdle:

“Conservatives defending O’Keefe’s actions in Landrieu’s office are saying that he wasn’t trying to wiretap the phones, but rather to see whether the office had done something to the phones to make it hard for constituents to call her to complain about health care.”

Okay. Well, case closed, it was freelance constituent phone repair. Very nice.

Now, about those flying monkeys all over the place…


Okay. Well, case closed, it was freelance constituent phone repair. Very nice.

That’s it! He thought he was Robert DeNiro in Brazil!

Actually, I’m thinking someone gave them a copy of Collinwood and told them it was All the President’s Men.


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