SF Health Care Reform Rally Today

It’s through Health Care for America Now, there are rallies in San Francisco and Los Angeles, you can go to the SF rally at the time and location below, register with HCAN as well if you like.


WHEN: 11am, Saturday, Jan. 23

WHERE: Nancy Pelosi’s office, 90 7th Street, Suite 2-800, San Francisco, California 94103

h/t: Cyntax in comments

PS I will be the one chanting:

What do we want?
Ponies and rainbows!
When do we want it?
Micky Kaus blows goats!


Comments: 510


Also, Pammy.

(It’s OT, but I thought Sadly should KNOW!)


Wait, why am I supposed to come rally for a corporate giveaway?

No public option, no support.


This isn’t a rally for the Senate bill. It’s a rally for passing HCR.


I’m sure the corporatist media will cover this rally in a positive light that maximizes impact and doesn’t focus on the one guy in the banana suit blowing soap bubbles.


What do we want?
Ponies and rainbows!

Great, more things to be negotiated away.


What do we want?
Ponies and rainbows!

What, no unicorns?



Hey hey, ho ho!
Pre-existing’s got to go!


Ponies and rainbows are sold by big corporations so you’re sucker for rallying for access to them unless you can buy them from the government. Besides, I already have my ponies and rainbows so fuck you.


I want some science fiction health care.


“It’s a rally for passing HCR.”

It’s not a health care bill, it’s a health insurance bill. It does make some much needed reforms of the health insurance industry and I support that. I do want it passed for that reason and because not passing it would be a political defeat for Obama. So after they pass this I’d like real heath care reform. Not holding my breath for that though.


1, 2, 3, 4!
Fred Hiatt is a whore!


HCR is dead. The Teabaggers have spoken. True patriots want to get fucked up the ass again by insurance companies and the banking industry only this time harder and with no lubrication.


“I want some science fiction health care.”

I’m a doctor not a magic pony breeder.


Given that the Democratic party is an umbrella of convenience for progressives (small group), moderate liberals, pharma/insurance/real estate/banking industry stooges (the ones with seniority), and blue dogs, it’s easy to see even how a supposed “super majority” in the Senate is really a tenuous grasp on power for more progressive interests.

While the Republicans are a sometimes-uneasy tent of glibertarian richy-riches, bald-faced liars, and religious crazies, as the authoritarian party, they vote as a bloc. This gives them a plurality.

So it’s not really so simple as “58 senators–we win”. (This is also more reason that progressives, we need to get the most liberal electable person in the race. It’s also a reason (especially if you’re gay, black, poor, etc) to vote against any republican in a national race.)


It’s not a health care bill, it’s a health insurance bill. It does make some much needed reforms of the health insurance industry and I support that.

Al Franken made a great point this summer that the Swiss have excellent, yet private health care. The reason is that they’ve regulated the insurance companies into submission. (Think auto insurance in Massachusetts, or US life insurance industry, for the most part. If the suits in the life insurance field weren’t scared to death of being hauled off to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison, life insurance would be AIG all over again. Ironically, when AIG blew up, its life insurance division was unaffected because they had known better than to play games with that money.)


HCR is dead. The Teabaggers have spoken. True patriots want to get fucked up the ass again by insurance companies and the banking industry only this time harder and with no lubrication.

My self-righteous right-wing coworker came by my desk the other day and said, when I expressed frustration at the mess HCR had become, “No, you don’t want this. We have excellent insurance.”

I refrained from pointing out that it continually blows up in cost and eats our annual raises and more every year, that I’m afraid to see a doctor because it will cost me hundreds, that I worry and fuss every time I have even a minor complaint because I’m not sure if the EHS nurse will take care of me or if I’ll have to go to one of those ripoff emergency health stops with these obnoxious doctors who got their MD in the 70’s and haven’t kept up with the times.

But at least I have insurance!



What, no unicorns?


even in these dark days, teh snark remain….


oh,sorry about the #, ive been drinking french cider all day……


real scotsman, teh snark’s all I got to keep me sane these days. It’s not like I can lately afford Scotland’s finest, or even Humboldt County’s finest. It’s more like Popov’s cheapest, and Humboldt County’s NOTHING.*

*Gotta be ready to pee on command like a good serf, you know!**

**Let’s have none of your filthy-minded remarks now, the rest of you.


Well, the rally was well-attended (besides myself and Mr. Aristophanes, of course), though the media was conspicuous in its absence (no surprise there). SEIU members were there, so those who are slagging Andy Stern for cheerleading with insufficient fervor can fuck back off again. No one loves the Senate bill, but everyone wants some reform, so it looks like the Senate bill is what we’re going to get. That’s a goddamned shame, but real.

Also: Mr. Aristophanes has excellent taste in burritos. This I learned today.


“It’s not a health care bill, it’s a health insurance bill. It does make some much needed reforms of the health insurance industry”

Well, no, not really. Insurance companies have already found ways around the weakass tepid “reforms” described in either bill. That part is dp talking point bullshit tailored for oh-so-pwogwessive access bloggers.


Micky Kaus blows goats!

Or alternately, “Micky’s Goat Blows Kaus!”


“french cider”

I said, what the heck?

You learn something new everyday…maybe!


progressives (small group)

but but but Glenn Beck says we control history!

how’d we manage to re-write American history to hide our evil perfidy if we’re so small and powerless, HUH?


I find the trust many people put in “regulating” health insurance companies (as opposed to making them superfluous) touching. In a country where the government is wholly owned by corporations, these regulations will be gone (or undermined so much they might as well not exist) soon – probably before they can take effect, in this case. My guess: the only parts of this bill that (if the thing is passed) will ever actually happen are the individual mandate to increase insurance industry profits and the tax on employer-sponsored health plans. The regulations will be meaningless, medicaid expansion will be killed off by “deficit hawks”.


There are no parents in a LOT more than half
Achance Saturday, January 23rd at 2:53PM EST (link)

For a variety of reasons, even where there are two parents, either bio or blend, all too many can’t, won’t, are aren’t allowed to exercise any real authority over kids other than a certain amount of buying desired behavior, itself a conduct that makes for very good Democrats. Kids being raised by a single mom and Uncle Sam has been an unmitigated disaster, most noticeably in the Black community but equally so in the White where it isn’t so noticable because it is a smaller percentage of White culture and a White single mom may have more family support. But the most insiduous lack of parental influence and authority is in two parent families. The so-called blended family with, usually, a step-father isn’t blended; they’re her kids and their father’s kids and the stepfather is there for sex and home repair. Usually, the kids play mom like a cheap fiddle whenever she tells them anything they don’t want to hear; all they have to do is say, “We HATE you and want to go live with our Dad.” Mom calls the Lamborgini dealership and starts shopping for European castles to give them so they’ll love her. During the usually brief period in which a stepfather might be foolish enough to actually exercise any authority over the kids, the Mom Court of Appeals is immediately in session and the foolish stepfather’s decision is immediately reversed, usually with lots of dicta about his ancestry and sexual proclivities for having had the gall to try to influence HER children. The kids chime in with a tearful, “We want our Dad.”

Even in bio families, the modern mommy ain’t much on controlling children. All the mags and self-help books have told her that children are pretty much like tomatoes; you just give that little seed a lot of sunshine, nourishment, and water and it just naturally becomes a big, beautiful, fully socialized tomato. It gets missed somewhere that there’s a lot of work involved in tending even tomatoes.

And even in families where two parents can actually agree how to and work together on raising kids, the minute the kids walk in a public school, they aren’t yours any more and you and your values are under assault. So, every time Pomp and Circumstances gets played, we move further from a citizenry equipped to participate in a constitutional republican democracy.

In Vino Veritas


ooooooo, commies, hippies unions! Scaaarrryyy! OOOGGA BOOOOGA!


Gosh, you’re dull.


I’m sure the corporatist media will cover this rally in a positive light that maximizes impact and doesn’t focus on the one guy in the banana suit blowing soap bubbles

Well, where’s the fun in that?

(quickly stows banana suit for future rallies)


Geez, you spend an hour at the gym, you come back to find that your favorite source of PENIS has turned into ArtChanceTalksToHimself.com.


How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It’s incredibly obvious, isn’t it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That’s the way your hard-core Commie works.

Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face.

War was too important to be left to the generals. When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. But today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.


We’re pushing for REAL unicorns and rainbows (CA bill SB-810 Single Payer) at Healthcare for All – http://www.californiaonecare.org.

HUGE campaign to launch soon that will need immense net-roots help to grow and go viral. Submit your own 30-second ads on why we need Single Payer, or how the current system has “worked” for you. Ads be launched online. If we raise enough money (don’t forget to donate!) the best will air on TV. We need money to get a majority in the state legislature that will support SB-810 and combat the health (un)insurers.

This is the real deal. SB-810 just this week passed out of committee and WILL pass in the legislature (for the 3rd time!).


Blech–Woke up in the clutches of this cold I’ve been trying to fight off and didn’t go (ah, the irony). Hope there was a decent turnout and drinks afterward.

Or drinks afterward whatever the case.


Methinks the veritas is that our redstate troll has gotten a bit too much into the vino already.

gay guys whose hands are constantly flitting and urban castrati with leftwing shrew wives

Mom calls the Lamborgini dealership and starts shopping for European castles to give them so they’ll love her.

the minute the kids walk in a public school, they aren’t yours any more and you and your values are under assault.

Hey Art Faps: General Ripper called: he says he doesn’t want to be associated with an obvious loony like you. Oh yeah, and to stop trying to steal his essence.


Now why don’t you just take it easy, Group Captain, and please make me a drink of grain alcohol and rainwater, and help yourself to whatever you’d like. (full quote)


Given that the Democratic party is an umbrella of convenience

Yeah, somebody somewhere called the Dems a coalition party, and I thought that was pretty apt. The Repubs purge the ideologically impure, they end up joining the Dems, so R’s end up with a small but obedient bloc and D’s end up with the herd of cats.


You beginning to understand?

Yes. ( chuckles. begins laughing/crying quietly )


Blech–Woke up in the clutches of this cold I’ve been trying to fight off

At least it’s not waking up trying to fight off the cold clutches of Glenn Blech.


Thanks so much for the mental image, now I have to kill myself. BASTARD.


“but but but Glenn Beck says we control history! how’d we manage to re-write American history to hide our evil perfidy if we’re so small and powerless, HUH?”

It’s fucking weird. Seems like the less liberals there are in America, the more people there are being accused of being liberals.

In the same way, the Berlin Wall’s been down for twenty years, most of the red countries are only red in name, and capitalism’s become not just the ruling but pretty much the only system on Earth… And yet, if you only read PJM you’d swear to God that it’s the commies who won the Cold War. (Having taken over Europe, Canada, the Democrats, and apparently now even the “moderate” people in the GOP).

Proud Teabagging Patriot

Liberals demonize big business because its with it and because class warfare is the opnly thing theyve got. Typycal of those who creat nothing of value,just take it from those who do for free, thats what liberals are all about

USA Apple Pie Mom

Right on, PTP! Who creates all the jobs, after all? Not the government! Every time Obama threatens class warfare on free enterprise the Dow tanks, so be careful libs.


The fact is.

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape

Hey Art, you don’t know how to troll properly. Here’s the system: if you want to link to something of your own, choose a handle other than your name, like freedomisntfreeusa or Eagle of Justice.

Then write something related to the piece you’re linking to, usually a supporting argument, with the link embedded in it. Don’t make the entire text a link, though, or it comes our very hard to read. Try to make it sound like you didn’t write the linked item, cause we tend to mock people that self-promote in this fashion, except if it’s me.

Finally, go fuck yourself, you snow-burned shithead.


A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape

By the way, it’s going to go terribly hard on folks like Art when they decide to take back the country (from themselves, apparently) and discover some of us libs have firearms.

I have this lovely picture in my mind of one of these whiskery pud-pounders rising from the computer in his mother’s basement, filled with the fire of righteous justice, taking to the streets, and ending up on my street.

If all the authentic negroes don’t get him and he makes it to my front door, we’ll see if he can run faster than 1200 feet per second.


By the way, it’s going to go terribly hard on folks like Art when they decide to take back the country (from themselves, apparently) and discover some of us libs have firearms.

They may also be surprised by how many law enforcement and military folks frown on violent revolution.


Please chill w/ the talk of violent revolution until I can buy weapons again. Should be 2012, if I can fool the authorities.

Thank you.

Of course, if I have to pry someone’s metallo-penis from their cold dead fingers, that’s fine by me too.


Liberals demonize big business because its with it and because class warfare is the opnly thing theyve got.

Translation, anybody?

I guess it is just the hangover from a time when we could not quite define what is is.

That too.


I’ve always been waiting for the day when they decide to take firearms away from the liberals, because after all, as traitors, it’s not like they’re *really* citizens anyway.


Art Chance

Aw, crap. I just applied for a job in Juneau.


Translation, anybody?

I’ll take a stab at it. I think he’s saying we demonize big business because that’s the cool new thing for the kids to be doing (“its with it”) and also because the only possible reason people would agree with liberals is because they’re poor people who are jealous of their betters.

Johnny Depp's character in "Secret Window"

Gary, quit stealing my bit.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“The ‘nice’ Republican is a thing of the past.”
The Lincoln administration, to be precise.


we’re going to start smashing, literally if necessary people like you.

Tough talk, fat boy.

Now I actually look forward to meeting you.


Say, has anyone seen a goat? He’s wandered off and I just thought someone here might have seen him.

Well if you do, please let me know, okay?




Yeah, Art, you go girl!

I’m totally sure you & all your elite badass milita buds will have no problem whatsoever in a showdown with the likes of SWAT teams & the National Guard – I mean, it’s not like THEY have any weapons training or resources, & besides, everyone knows artillery, air-support & heavy armor are SO over-rated … & I bet they’ll all switch teams in a heartbeat once you start shooting at them with freedom-bullets from your magical democracy-guns!

Go for it. Whip it out. No, really, no snark whatsoever here – I WANT TO SEE YOU DO IT, ASAP.

I’ll be the guy watching from right next door, having the ROTFLMAO of my life.


Liberals demonize big business because its with it and because class warfare is the opnly thing theyve got.

Translation, anybody?

“I heard you Sadlynaughts really like the taste of troll dick!”


The Revolutionaries are the first casualty of any successful revolution.
Achance Wednesday, December 23rd at 12:41PM EST (link)
The truly committed activist is never going to be satisfied and as soon as you set up your government, s/he will turn the same baleful glare on you that he had turned on your predecessor. So, you kill him.

Back in the late ’80s we had a band of insurgent malcontents in our largest union, an independent employee association. The malcontents, self-styled freedom fighters against the entrenched power of the old guard, hooked up with a big national union and ultimately were able to decertify the local association and take over. At first, the national guys let the local malcontents stay in office and act important. We wouldn’t collect dues for them and they had no money as the result, so they were totally dependent on the national for both expense money and staff salaries. Yet, the “revolutionaries” didn’t get that they really were irrelevant. They came up and demanded an audience and my then-boss was stupid enough to give them one. Of course, they came in and huffed and puffed and told us how they were going to blow our house down. I got tired of listening and told them we had no intention of doing anything with them except the bare minimum of what the law required, that we weren’t going to see them again except in formal negotiation sessions, and that we weren’t going to involve them in anything because we were certain that the national organization would take over and send them all to the outer darkness within a few weeks. Of course, they told us how stupid we were and how we’d pay for not showing them the respect they deserved. Few weeks later, we get a letter signed by obviously not written by the president informing us that all the representation duties and all negotiations will be handled by the national staff which will then designate a bargaining team from the membership. Within six months NOT ONE of the orginal orgainizing group and founding officers had any position in the union and all power was in the hands of the DC office of the national union.

In Vino Veritas


Tashina-Briana Allyn-Outwitting’s Warthog Brownie

I’m not 100% sure of this recipe. I will check with the person who taught me how to make it and get back to you. This is what I remember:

3 cans warthog
1 jar light whipping cream
1 Vavexecutive Hedgehogs-Lucks’s Hoop Cheese
7 jiggers delicate gudgeon skull
6 cans basil
2 gallons cilantro

The first thing you are going to want to do is let the warthog soften. I recommend cutting it into small squares to let it soften quicker. Then you are going to roll the hoop cheese with the light whipping cream out onto a 2 X 1 (roughly) cookie sheet. Bake the dough at 387 Farenheit. YOU MUST LET THIS STOP SCREAMING BEFORE PUTTING ANYTHING ON TOP OF IT. Let it cool for at least 1/2 hour. You can chop up whatever’s handy while waiting for it to cool and make the warthog center. For the center, mix the gudgeon and the warthog. You can use Mouyleila Thoodvehoyp’s galjoen fish throat but gudgeon is better for this recipe as you want more of a taste. Mix it with a blender until it is very creamy and there are no lumps. Then add in the basil to the warthog mix. Spread the warthog mix over the cooled hoop cheese bottom. I recommend putting it in dollups over the dough, so you can spread it around easier. Try not to touch the hoop cheese bottom as you are spreading it. The reason why the hoop cheese bottom has to be very cool is because otherwise it will start to lift up as you are spreading the hoop cheese. Make sure to get all spots where the hoop cheese shows. After this is done, sprinkle the basil on top. Don’t try cutting it until you have let it cool in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Before putting it in the refrigerator though, run a knife over the outside of the whole thing, so it is easier to get out later. If you try cutting it into slices before it is cool, the hoop cheese and the warthog will run along the knife with you.


Hey Mickey, I found your goat. But you can’t have it. I still need it.

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape

Oh Christ, I stepped away from the machine at the wrong time, except for getting extremely stoned was genius. Anyway, Art really puffed up his tiny chest and roared, huh? He’s all “flash suppressors” and “control the muzzle tip” and shit. He got so upset and freaky, and I wasn’t even here.

Man, what a pantsing. He did it to himself! Literally LOL.

God almighty, the gratification. It was all worth it, finishing high school and everything, to have Art get all big up in my grill and whatnot. Art, I don’t know who you are, only that you’re a sackless paranoiac whose relatives can’t stand to be around him.

But I’m glad you were around when I needed you.


Hey OT, but apparently there’s a bizzaro dimension at the Weekly Standard.

“Mr. Foxman has a long history of seeing an anti-Semite under every conservative bed while blinding himself to the blatant fact that anti-Semitism has largely been banished from the Right in the past forty years, and that it has found a hospitable new home on the Left, especially where Israel is concerned”

The funny part is that Rush’s comment isn’t actually anti-semitic.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

‘Tis said of old Art Chance,
he doth make badgers dance.


Juneau who else could see Russia from his house? Hitler, that’s who.

Well, Russians, anyway.



Somebody seems to be having trouble with his html tags. Jesus, go take a night school course already, Mr. Tough Talk.


P.S. I was a busy/lazy bastard and missed the storming of Nancy’s office today. Any stories to tell?


I forgot for a moment

that liberals have no sense of either history or humor.

What you mind numbed liberals
don’t get is that Attilla was the liberal of the group. Rome had all the power and all the Halliburtons. Hell, they didn’t even much tax the rich. The only tax that Rome ever imposed on itself was a 2% tax on prostitution. Attilla was just speaking truth to power.

You know,
people like you are the reason I’d never vote for university funding. What a bunch of mindless drivel! Only people who’d spent their whole lives in the front or the back of a classroom would listen to crap like that. Get a real job!

dirty fucking hippy

Art Chance, man, you’re like putting us on. I can read the blog headlines now: “Conservative Argues for Rehabilitation of Attila the Hun.” Sorry, not biting.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I think I’ll now lobby against funding for the Arts- Medicare shouldn’t pay for his boner pills.

Colonel Richard Hindrance (Mrs), VC, DSO and Bar, Buffet, Dancing 'til Late

“I forgot for a moment that liberals have no sense of either history or humor.”

Well I for one found that hilarious!


Medicare shouldn’t pay for his boner pills.

Of course not. It’s the “Defense” budget that pays for boner pills.

The Backlash is Coming

In future years Americans will look back at the election of Scott Brown as a warning–a warning just as dire and accurate as that other Bay Stater, Paul Revere. But instead of the British, Scott Brown rode through Massachusetts in his GMC Canyon with this simple message:

“The backlash is coming! The backlash is coming!”:

Three races now, all in blue states, Republicans won. Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts.

A backlash against big government, big spending, high taxes, open borders, burdensome regulation, and bailouts. Massachusetts turned red last Tuesday–red with conservative, populist anger.

Still think the TEA Party Movement is a joke, liberals? We elected one of our own in one of your base states. The peasants are already inside the castle, and you didn’t realize it until it’s too late. Obambi’s whole agenda is now dead–we will continue to vote “no” on anythinig and everything. No, no, no. And we will be handsomely rewarded for it in November.

The backlash is coming, the backlash is coming…


The backlash is coming, the backlash is coming…

I though it was “the sky is falling, the sky is falling!”


Gee, Mr. Backlash, can you be any more vague?

I’m still waiting for you folks to tell old folks Social Security and Medicare are going away, to tell mothers that child labor laws are going away, and to tell workers that time-and-a-half for overtime is going away.

Teabaggers – all hat and no cattle.


Massachusetts turned red last Tuesday–red with conservative, populist “why hasn’t Obama got me a job already?” anger



A backlash against big government, big spending, high taxes, open borders, burdensome regulation, and bailouts.

Odd they never bothered with a “backlash” when Preznit Bush was, you know, doing pretty much all that.

It’s almost as if they have a problem with the guy who’s there now.

Couldn’t be the fact that he’s a… you-know-what in addition to being a Democrat. Nope. No racism here. No way. Never happen.



The Backlash is Coming

Medicare is bankrupt and we’re going to have to do something about Social Security–either privatize it or end it gradually thirty years from now.

It’s not going to be there when people younger than 40 retire, anyway.

The Backlash is Coming

Bush has been out of office for a year now, and you’re still enraged with BDS. Pathetic.

Hold the CURRENT President responsible. The buck stops with him.


Art really puffed up his tiny chest and roared, huh? He’s all “flash suppressors” and “control the muzzle tip” and shit. He got so upset and freaky, and I wasn’t even here.

Ah, yes, the Common American Mall Ninja (domesticus bangbangus), chirping its song.

Beautiful plumage.


Bush has been out of office for a year now, and you’re still enraged with BDS. Pathetic.

Hold the CURRENT President responsible. The buck stops with him.

*double snerk*

Yeah, like you guys did for eight years. “Bush is MAH PREZNIT! He never done NUTHIN’ WRONG! It’s all Clinton’s fault!”

The Backlash is Coming

Nobody cares about Bush anymore, and the election in Mass should have made that clear.

The Backlash is Coming

You just want to have your Bush bogeyman to run against, but he’s gone, and people blame Obama now. Without Bush Democrats lose again since this is essentially a center-right nation. Democrats only win by default when Republicans fail to be conservative.


Medicare is bankrupt and we’re going to have to do something about Social Security–either privatize it or end it gradually thirty years from now.

I believe the technical definition of that statement is a lie.

And if Social Security had been privatized it would have been wiped out in the housing bubble (but since you teabaggers want old people to hurry up and die, that’s all good).

pere’s point is a good one (and hit the mark, giving your spluttering): Republicans have no principles. A principle is the same regardless of circumstance, yet deficits are ok when a Republican is president, but not OK when a Democrat is President; bailouts are OK when a Republican is president, not OK when a Democrat is president, etc. etc.

Teabaggers have no principles. Why not man up, Backlash, and tell the truth. Own it, sissy boy!

The Backlash is Coming

The TEA Party Movement has principles:

*Low taxes

*Small government

*Less regulation

*Balancing the budget by drastically cutting spending

*No amnesty for illegals

*A strong, muscular foreign policy (no more Apology Tours)



Since when is Virginia a blue state, Mr. Liar Liar Pants on Fire? It has voted for the Democrat for president what, exactly once in the past 30 years?

And the “backlash” that’s brewing isn’t against BIG government; it’s against ineffective and impotent government, and if you think Republicans have any chance to build a lasting majority based on actually delivering effective government, then apparently you’ve forgotten that they haven’t even tried campaigning on anything of the sort for 20 years or more now. For the past ten years their whole raison d’etre has been “be afraid and the Democrats are devils!” Before that, it was just “the Democrats are devils!” That’s reason enough for the 30 – 40% of numbnuts like you, perhaps, but everyone else has figured out that they only end up worse off whenever the petulant children are running the show.


It’s pretty clear today’s modern American businessman can’t cut it. Taxes are as low now as they have been in the last 90 years, quite a bit lower than Reagan’s term, hugely less than in the 50’s; during Ike’s term the highest marginal bracket was 90%. Yet business boomed back then, and poor businessmen today, which so much less tax burden, still can’t create the jobs.

Your team has no bench, Backlash.



You lying sack of shit. You had no problem with Bush doing a bailout – the bitching didn’t start until a Democrat was elected.

It’s not a principle if it’s conditional on the political party of the President, it’s a talking point. And that is all teabaggers have, talk talk talk.


It’s not like it takes much for the conservatives to get their panties in a wad.

They were pretty much seething with white-hot anger even when they controlled all branches of government.

Nothing but a bunch of professional rage junkies.

The Backlash is Coming

“You lying sack of shit. You had no problem with Bush doing a bailout – the bitching didn’t start until a Democrat was elected.”

Bullshit! Conservatives blocked the first bailout attempt in the House. Conservatives strongly disagreed with Bush’s bailout push.

The banks should have failed. All of them that couldn’t survive in the market should have FAILED. Chrysler and GM should have FAILED and been liquidated. That’s the logic of the market–the MARKET should pick winners and losers, not Big Government.

And Jennifer, ALL government is ineffective and impotent–just look at Fannie and Freddie, the Post Office, or Amtrak. None of them can turn a profit or even be self-sufficient.

I bet if you turned the Northeast Corridor Amtrak line over to Wal-Mart we’d have lower ticket prices, better service, and they’d be making a profit.


The TEA Party Bagger Movement has principles:

*Low taxes

*Small government

*Less regulation

*Balancing the budget by drastically cutting spending

*No amnesty for illegals

*A strong, muscular foreign policy (no more Apology Tours)


*NO MOAR N***ERS!!!!

fixxored for great justice


*Low taxes

Taxes are as low now as they have been since the 1920’s. If you can’t cut it with taxes that low, it’s not the taxes causing your problem, buddy boy. Too much hard work to actually run a business, you know.

*Balancing the budget by drastically cutting spending Then do it! Call for Medicare being shot in the head! Quit talking about it and do it.

All I know is when Rep. Anthony Weiner of NY gave Republicans a chance to vote against Medicare, exactly *none* of the Republicans did so.

All talk, no action.


The banks should have failed.

Um, tried that once already. Didn’t work out so good.

The Backlash is Coming

The rich pay a greater percentage of taxes than they ever have in our history. Over HALF of American’s DON’T PAY ANY TAXES AT ALL now!

What we need is a low, flat tax. Our current tax code is tens of thousands of pages long–one, simple, 15% tax on all incomes over $30,000 would fix that.

And our corporate tax rate is the highest in the world. It needs to be cut in half, then our economy would roar.


Conservatives strongly disagreed with Bush’s bailout push.

Did they write a sternly worded letter? Because they sure as hell didn’t vote against it in the numbers they are voting against health care.

They carps and stamped their little cloven hooves, but when it came time to actually vote, the thing they are obstenisbly sent to Washington D.C. for, they voted for it.

Principle, my ass. When George asked for it, he got it. Party over principle.


Excuse me, but did you just give the Post Office as an example of “ineffective government”? The agency that supports itself and delivers anywhere in the country in 5 days or less, with a 99.9% efficiency rate in handling over a billion pieces of mail daily, and does it for 42 cents?

Remember that study a few years ago that found that incompetent people were incompetent because they lacked the skills to determine what is and is not competent? Look folks, here’s exhibit A, trolling right here at Sadly, No!

The Backlash is Coming

And all the printing of money for Obambi’s social programs is going to lead to hyperinflation. That’s a kind of hidden tax.


Bush has been out of office for a year now, and you’re still enraged with BDS.

The way you guys still obsess about Jimmy Carter 30 years after the fact, I figure I get to bitch about Bush until 2038 or so.

The Backlash is Coming

Excuse me, but did you just give the Post Office as an example of “ineffective government”? The agency that supports itself and delivers anywhere in the country in 5 days or less, with a 99.9% efficiency rate in handling over a billion pieces of mail daily, and does it for 42 cents?

I’m talking about the organization that loses billions every year and is synonymous to most, sane people as “inefficient” and “slow”. The DMV, the Post Office, the IRS…yeah, I really want THEM to run everything, including my health care. /sarcasm

Ask the Soviets how big government worked for them.


The rich pay a greater percentage of taxes than they ever have in our history.

Not only is this bullshit, it also ignores that they own more of the wealth in this country than they ever have in our history. So what, you’re going to get the money you need for running the country by squeezing blood out of turnips.

Again, exhibit A.


Over HALF of American’s DON’T PAY ANY TAXES AT ALL now!

Well, if they’ve got it so good all you have to do is make less money and you too can be a “lucky ducky”.

Care to trade places with any of them?


The rich pay a greater percentage of taxes than they ever have in our history

The rich also have a greater percentage of the national wealth in our national history. Those two go together. The rate, however, is much lower.

And our corporate tax rate is the highest in the world. It needs to be cut in half, then our economy would roar.

Our corporate tax rate is about 18%. (35% gross rate – 17% legal reductions all corporations take). That’s about the same as most counties – Japan’s is like 19% Again, it’s not the taxes causing the problem, it’s poor corporate management. Too many interlocking corporate boards – they agree to the non-compete. It’s not the government doing that.


I’m talking about the organization that loses billions every year and is synonymous to most, sane people as “inefficient” and “slow”.

If you weren’t as stupid as a sack of dogshit, you’d know that the Post Office doesn’t “lose” billions every year. They have operating deficits from time to time, which get repaid with postal increases.

I suppose next you’ll tell us that we would never have a postal increase if the profiteers were delivering our mail. No, FedEx and UPS are far too noble to recoup inflationary costs for fuel increases and the like. Princes among men that they are, they’d sacrifice profit to keep the prices low I’m sure.

Never mind that we pay exactly the same to send a piece of first-class mail that we paid in the 1920s after adjusting for inflation.


The rich pay a greater percentage of taxes than they ever have in our history.

*triple snerk*

Maybe as a total of taxes as a whole, since god knows corporations no longer pay their share so the burden’s on individuals. But as a percentage of income, that’s total and utter bullshit. We used to tax at a top rate of 70-80% – and, for some unknown magical reason, that was when the country prospered.

The Backlash is Coming

What we need is a spending freeze now! Before the hyperinflation comes.

That’s what Republicans will run on, and we’re going to sweep out all the Democrat Congressmen.

And deep down, you liberals are nervous about the midterms.

Obama’s agenda is FINISHED.

The Tragically Flip

Ask the Soviets how big government worked for them.

I will when you get back from asking the Somalis how small government worked for them.


Whenever they bring up the Post Office as an example of inefficiency, you know you’ve got a live one, one of the fetishists who believes that everything should be privatized because…well, just because.


Funny – it’s the Information Age that will be the death of America. For all this talk of the Founding Fathers, a key assumption was that voters would have a clue. All business has to do is convince useful idiots like Backlash that government is the problem.

I don’t know what kind of corporate state(s) will arise, and the Backlashes will probably like it, but it won’t be America any more.

Patriots my hammy ass. Patriotic to money, maybe, but not to America.

Interesting – when the country falls from the elimination of all taxes, what currency will be used? Backed by the full faith of a country that no longer exists.

The Backlash is Coming

“Interesting – when the country falls from the elimination of all taxes, what currency will be used?”

Gold, not worthless paper, or at least paper BACKED by gold like our currency used to be before FDR. Of course having currency backed by gold means you can’t just print money to fund programs for freeloaders, so that’s why FDR did away with that.

The Happy Prospector is Coming

Gold! GOLD, ah tells ya! Aheheheheheheh! [Hoedown music]


Obama’s agenda is FINISHED.

So you admit it’s just the racism, huh? Good that you are being honest for a change.

Seriously though, hyperinflation? That’s a most retarded argument I’ve heard yet. Only the rich worry about inflation, and we have 10% unemployment. There will be a GOP landslide, but only because Republicans will be promising people the jobs the Democrats did not deliver. Then when Republicans get back in, deficits will be okey-dokey once more, and they will deficient spend away to create jobs. They will be rewarded for doing what they did not let Obama to do – that’s party over principles.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

You know, this actually makes me feel better about Massachusetts, seeing that in the wake of it Troofie is just as moronic and dick-waving as always.

The Backlash is Coming

So you finally admit it LittlePig. Republicans will win in a landslide!

Suck it!

Any other lib care to admit the obvious?


Gold, not worthless paper, or at least paper BACKED by gold like our currency used to be before FDR. Of course having currency backed by gold means you can’t just print money to fund programs for freeloaders, so that’s why FDR did away with that.

Oh, a Paultard. I was just kidding about the racism before, but if you’re a Ron Paul man, I know your racism in genuine, just like Dr. Paul’s.

Your Klan robes are showing pal – more white people are on welfare than black folks.


And then there was this: and is synonymous to most, sane people as “inefficient” and “slow”.

I guess this is why everyone makes sure to put their bills in the mail a month in advance, because they know it will take that long for the PO to deliver. Heh.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

“Suck it!
Any other lib care to admit the obvious?”
You’re homosexual.


So you finally admit it LittlePig. Republicans will win in a landslide!

What the fuck are you talking about? I didn’t *finally* admit it, I just said it. It’s not like I’ve ever said otherwise.

And yes, I expect the Republicans will win in a landslide, by promising jobs, which they will deliver by deficit spending.

No principles, just lies. And the fact that you cheer that demonstrates that you too choose party over principles.

My Penis is Coming

HA! The joke’s on you, Jennifer, because I don’t pay ANY bills, because I don’t have any money! But that’s okay, because the important thing is making sure niggers don’t get any.

The Backlash is Coming

They will win but will CUT non-defense spending to the bone.

The Tragically Flip

Uhm, what right wing idiots always seem to forget is that the Postal Service is required to service all sorts of small hick towns in flyover America where it would never ever be profitable for any private market shipper to service at less than exorbitant ($20 to mail a letter) rates.

That really goes for a lot of the modern services like electricity and indoor plumbing which would never have come to small towns in red, real America if not for dick sucking liberal hippies who socialized these things through the USPS and the TVA.

Or do you think 3 farmers living on a 10 mile road in Kansas pay enough taxes for that road to be paved?


Oh, a Paultard. I was just kidding about the racism before, but if you’re a Ron Paul man, I know your racism in genuine, just like Dr. Paul’s.

Yep, pretty much, what with the ranting about hyperinflation and all. I’m hearing that live from Wingnut Bossman – who’s a fellow Paulista.

And if Republicans win in 2012, it’ll be for the same reasons the NSDAP won in 1930’s Germany – empty promises and nationalist racism. That bullshit always goes over big in hard economic times.


Hell, Backlash, you even demostrate you value dishonesty over honesty.

I expect a GOP landslide. That doesn’t make a fact, of course, but that is my honest opinion.

You, on the other hand, won’t admit your position is “party over principles”, and you think you have won when I make an honest admission and you refuse to.

Man up, Nancy. Only little kids and dry-drunk Presidents won’t admit the truth.

My Penis is Coming

Defense spending somehow doesn’t count as spending! And we all know how thrifty Republicans are with that!


Gold, not worthless paper, or at least paper BACKED by gold like our currency used to be before FDR….

Sorry to interrupt, but Nixon was the one who took the US off the gold standard. At this point, I doubt there’s enough gold (mined and unmined) to back the world’s currencies.


They will win but will CUT non-defense spending to the bone.

So do you work in the defense industry, or is your dick just that tiny?


Nah, easy mistake. The troll shares my fondness for foreign civilians, liberals and Jews, so I’ll forgive the goddamn cocksucker.


socialized these things through…the TVA

One such considered above criticism, sacred as motherhood, is TVA. This program started as a flood control project; the Tennessee Valley was periodically ravaged by destructive floods. The Army Engineers set out to solve this problem. They said that it was possible that once in 500 years there could be a total capacity flood that would inundate some 600,000 acres (2,400 km2). Well, the engineers fixed that. They made a permanent lake which inundated a million acres (4,000 km²). This solved the problem of floods, but the annual interest on the TVA debt is five times as great as the annual flood damage they sought to correct. Of course, you will point out that TVA gets electric power from the impounded waters, and this is true, but today 85 percent of TVA’s electricity is generated in coal burning steam plants. Now perhaps you’ll charge that I’m overlooking the navigable waterway that was created, providing cheap barge traffic, but the bulk of the freight barged on that waterway is coal being shipped to the TVA steam plants, and the cost of maintaining that channel each year would pay for shipping all of the coal by rail, and there would be money left over.


They will win but will CUT non-defense spending to the bone.

Yeah. Just like they did with the Medicare giveaway to big pharma.


You know what’s a great idea? Selling arms to an enemy nation, giving the profits to fascist drug dealers, and then lying about it. But speaking of lying, you’ll love me anyway because I make up stories about how unwilling to work the darkies are.

The Tragically Flip

At this point, I doubt there’s enough gold (mined and unmined) to back the world’s currencies.

People who believe in the gold standard want to substitute worthless paper for…worthless metal. Gold is valuable because people value it. It’s shiny and heavy and makes neat-o jewelry in a colour that other metals don’t provide. It doesn’t tarnish.

If gold was grey, like lead, it would be worth about what lead is worth, which is measured in dollars per ton, not per ounce. As an industrial metal, it’s not particularly useful – there are better conductors, it’s too soft for most applications though the lack of reactivity does make it sometimes useful.

You can’t eat it, and it’s too heavy to carry much around, so in the mad max post President Palin world, I’d see gasoline as a better currency than gold.


so in the mad max post President Palin world, I’d see gasoline as a better currency than gold

Or cigarettes.

Or, for that matter, oxycodone tablets.


I personally plan to use bio-fuel I make from the carcasses of dead Republicans, who, having to fend for themselves for the first time in their lives, will croak in droves.


Citgo can now legally influence elections in the U.S.A. God bless the Supreme Court.


“Or, for that matter, oxycodone tablets.”
Cool, I’m set already.


Come on up, brother Chavez! These idiots think American liberals are Leftists…har-dee-har-har. Show what REAL Leftism is!


Notice nobody addressed my points about the TVA.


Notice I’m a traitor to my country, so who gives a fuck what some unemployed troll who wants to suck off my corpse thinks?

The Tragically Flip

You didn’t address my point about Somalia either there, Bonzo.


You know what else was a great idea? Amnesty for illegal immigrants. That’s what.

The Tragically Flip

Or explain how rural america gets electricity, roads, running water, television, mail or the internet without socialism.


Didn’t address any of the refutations of your bullshit about the postal service either, bucko.


Notice nobody addressed my points about the TVA.

If I knew what that point was, I might. Democrats give away shitloads of government money? Sure they do, as do Republicans. It’s just that when Democrats do it, ordinary people get some benefit. When Republicans do it, only other rich fat cats do.

Both parties are corrupt, but Democratic corruption helps regular folks. That is why I haven’t supported a Republican since Winthrop Rockefeller in 1968.


We heard y’all folks got someone here who flew an aeroplane to Germ’ny specifically to praise dead Nat-zees.


Hell that’s nothing, Aldo. We’ve had two Presidents whose family fortune was made selling steel to them.


Both parties are corrupt, but Democratic corruption helps regular folks.

Have you read “Plunkett of Tammany Hall”? It’s the second-hand memoirs of an NYC “boss” and he goes at great length about the difference between “honest graft” and “dishonest graft.” In both cases, money is taken illegally, but in the first the common people get something in return (he uses several infrastructure projects as examples) while in the second they get nothing.

I’m not in favor of stealing, but George Washington Plunkett had a point.

The Currency of Social Justice

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January 24, 2010
The Currency of Social Justice
By Andie Brownlow
What happens if the dollar becomes worthless? People on the left have given serious thought to a replacement for money itself.

Many Americans believe that the Cloward-Piven strategy is not only what purposefully bankrupted New York, but also what the Obama administration is employing to erode capitalism in America. So what economic system is being erected in its place? Using Gesell and Keynesian monetary theories, as well as precedents by the Obama administration and Congress, we can see “social justice” transforming America through “green jobs” and our currency crisis.

The government is contriving a green jobs boom. Last year, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act allocated over $500 million for entry-level and advanced training for jobs in the clean energy and health care industries. Job growth would be nice if it were controlled by the private sector, but government employment and regulation will dominate a “green energy” industry since the free market has not yet seen fit to produce this boom on its own.

The resulting expense from this artificial boom will be increased taxes to support green subsidies. In addition, the current fuel industry will be decimated by cap-and-trade legislation designed to skyrocket the cost of traditional energy methods. Our economy is not undergoing a recovery; it’s undergoing restructuring to remove the element of free-market capitalism.

As government jobs have now surpassed goods-producing jobs, the new “green economy” jobs will start to absorb most of the rising U.S. unemployment. Government-subsidized green jobs will be centered on alternative energy production and retrofitting homes and businesses for energy efficiency.

As Van Jones articulates, “You cannot beat global warming unless you green the cities, you cannot green the cities unless you green the ghetto and you cannot green the ghetto in 2009 without giving Pookie a job.” Common sense says that “Pookie” can’t be saved by a green job if “Pookie” isn’t inclined to working in general. But let’s humor the thought anyway. Van Jones also says that in a green economy, there will be “no more throw-away people.” That phrase is also the title of a book written by a pioneer in the social justice movement, Edgar Cahn.

Mr. Cahn is the founder of an organization called TimeBanks USA. TimeBanks are used as private entities who work with government agencies, such as Social Services, to inject the concept of Co-production into communities. The goal of Cahn’s version of Co-production is to “redefine work” through “social justice” and the “core economy.” It’s also a way through philanthropy and government funding to intermingle our monetary economy with the low-valued skills of the “core economy” in order to have an equalizing effect on wages. Their system is based on a mutual credit, non-negotiable and non-interest bearing form of currency called “Time Dollars.”

So what does all of this mean for a fundamental transformation of America? In the coming months, we’ll have the largest government employment sector in American history and a labor market ominously beholden to the government for its survival. Common sense says that if the government’s income relies on taxes from the private sector, then when those jobs are gone, so is the government’s revenue to pay off its massive debts. This concept is now tritely referred to as “unsustainable.”

For those on whom the consequences of “unsustainable” aren’t lost, it most likely means the collapse of our currency. As California proved last year, the government is not above IOUs. But what about a full-on economic collapse of our currency, where IOUs are no longer worth the paper they’re written on?

When the government is bankrupt and on the hook for the majority of U.S. employment, it can’t just neglect government salaries for citizens. In a panic situation, otherwise considered ideal conditions by the Obama administration, there would need to be an economic system in place not based on our devalued currency.

For the restructuring of our economy to bring about social justice and economic equality, a non-negotiable currency unhindered by zero-bound interest rates must be put in place. Here’s one scenario in which an alternative currency could be introduced into our economy: Let’s use government-sanctioned Time Dollars as an outline for what a new domestic currency might look like, given the goals of the political left. I’ll call this fictitious currency “Credits.”

Fiat-backed IOUs would be replaced by time-backed salary Credits. If you worked forty hours this week at a government job, you get forty Credits. Those in the private sector who are given government subsidies or resell subsidized products would most likely be required by law to accept Credits as legal tender. The rest of the private sector, fearing loss of market share and further devaluation of the dollar, would also begin accepting and using Credits. (Initially, Credits would probably be considered “negotiable” as they’d be used in exchange for goods offered by the competitive free market. Later, government rations and price controls would rectify this “problem.”)

Credits would be advocated to the public as inflation-resistance because they would be based on an electronic credit/debit system and considered always in “sufficient” supply. It would also be non-interest-bearing, meaning the currency carries no investment potential. This discourages hoarding and makes savings accounts obsolete because there is no possibility for interest accrual.

To support existing entitlements such as welfare, disability, and retirement, there is a potential for negative interest on Credits. It would serve as an equivalent of “stamp scrip” from the 1930s to keep the currency valid. This would also discourage hoarding and provide government revenue for further redistribution of wealth.

An example of negative interest: The government applies a monthly 1% “tax/stamp scrip” on the balance of your Credit account. That tax would go to support federal entitlement programs and eventually eat away at your “savings” unless you spend them. It also prevents you from saving for your own retirement, and creates perpetual dependency on the federal government.

The key to achieving social justice is the non-negotiable aspect of Credits; an hour of work is valued the same no matter the job, not just the person. The slogan that holds down minorities and kills ambition, “equal work for equal pay,” is easily achieved by Uncle Sam becoming America’s employer. We’re well on our way.

Whatever is left of the private sector could be taxed for “windfall profits” above whatever the government deems equivalent to full-time government employment. This wouldn’t be much different from FDR’s proposed 100% tax rate on the wealthy during WWII. This will successfully push out the private sector by taking away the ability to earn more than the maximum income allowance for all citizens. From there your imagination can take over, but there it is: social justice.

All of this sounds wildly conspiratorial until you notice each point is not without precedent. Not all complementary currencies are this severe in restraints, but I wanted to highlight how some of the Marxist goals prevalent in the Obama administration could be achieved through a currency change.

I recommend reading about complementary currency systems such as WIR, Time Dollars, and Ithaca Hours, as well as radicalized political economics, Co-production and TimeBanks.


Ah, copypasta, the last refuge of the ass-kicked.

The Currency of Social Mustache

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I’m just a poor boy (Poor boy)
I need no sympathy
Because I’m easy come, easy go
Little high, little low
Any way the wind blows
Doesn’t really matter to me, to me

Mama just killed a man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he’s dead
Mama, life has just begun
But now I’ve gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooh
Didn’t mean to make you cry
If I’m not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters

Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body’s aching all the time
Goodbye, everybody
I’ve got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, oooooooh (Anyway the wind blows)
I don’t want to die
Sometimes wish I’d never been born at all

[Guitar Solo]

I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the Fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening me
(Galileo) Galileo (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo Figaro
I’m just a poor boy nobody loves me
He’s just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity

Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
Bismillah! No, we will not let you go
Let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go
Let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go
Let me go (Will not let you go)
Let me go (Will not let you go) (Never, never, never, never)
Let me go, o, o, o, o
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
(Oh mama mia, mama mia) Mama Mia, let me go
Beelzebub has the devil put aside for me, for me, for me!

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
Oh, baby, can’t do this to me, baby
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here

[Guitar Solo]
(Oooh yeah, Oooh yeah)

Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters
Nothing really matters to me

Any way the wind blows…

The Currency of Social Justice


I bet that video is going to piss you all off!


Shorter Andie Brownlow: Without white privilege, we’ll be on the same playing field as the niggers.


I bet that video is going to piss you all off!

Not especially. The same outcome will happen with private insurance, so it’s six of one, half-dozen of the other. If A doesn’t piss me off, I don’t see why A should piss me off – that doesn’t make sense.

The Tragically Flip

All of this sounds wildly conspiratorial

Only part of that cut and paste fiasco that I agree with.



Wow, the Currency of Social Justice is Muslim!




I think giving Hugo Chavez a stake in American elections does a whole lot more to advance the Marxist agenda than anything President Obama has done.


“Gold, not worthless paper, or at least paper BACKED by gold like our currency used to be before FDR. Of course having currency backed by gold means you can’t just print money to fund programs for freeloaders, so that’s why FDR did away with that.”

Interestingly, the people who initially wanted the Gold Standard crucified were a populist movement from the heartland who thought the Gold Standard was a way for Eastern elitists to screw over the Real Americans. Farmers in the Midwest and miners in the West were the ones who led the fight for Free Silver against the Eastern establishment that wanted to stick to gold. Isn’t it funny to see a conservative siding with the New York elites over the Average Americans.



I actually hope Hugo Chavez does have CITGO start to influence U.S. elections, in part so that Americans see just what the fuck is at stake here.


Many Americans believe that the Cloward-Piven strategy is not only what purposefully bankrupted New York, but also what the Obama administration is employing to erode capitalism in America.

That’s all I needed to read.

“erode capitalism” my ASS.

Sure, you do that by capitulation to corporate lobbyists, everyone knows that.



There’s no quicker way to erode capitalism than to follow the advice of the capitalists themselves.

Stop Playing the Race Card

Stop playing the race card
By E.W. Jackson Sr.
As an American who happens to be black, I say to those who are playing the race card in the healthcare debate: Stop it! The very people who do all the hand-wringing about racism are the first to use it to divide us, and we are tired of it.

The racial denigration of those who show up at town meetings as “angry white folks” is disgusting. If anything is “un-American,” as Nancy Pelosi has alleged, it is her describing citizens as Nazis because they do not agree with President Obama. Americans are angrily rejecting the Democrats’ effort to jam government health care down their throats, and their displeasure has nothing to do with race.

Liberals have a propensity toward intellectual arrogance. As such they view the American people as too stupid or disengaged to understand the complexities of health care reform. Because most of us are busy earning a living, we sometimes allow government to go awry for a while, but when it goes too far, the people awaken with a fury. That point has been reached. It may not be pretty or pleasant, but it is real and politicians dismiss it at their political peril.

The more Democrats attempt to marginalize the opposition, the more it grows and the angrier people get. The polls show that as the debate proceeds, notwithstanding some yelling, more people agree with the citizens expressing opposition to ObamaCare. They are listening and deciding that something is very wrong. It makes us angrier when the very people we pay with our hard earned tax dollars have the hubris to call us names because we do not agree with them.

To add insult to injury, the president who promised to unite us asks people to email the White House if they hear anything “fishy” about the health care plan. The president and Democrats who control both Houses of Congress had better take a deep breath and stop overreaching. There are some things the American people are not going to take, and some lines that politicians dare not cross. Every time they accuse people of being racists and Nazis they cross that line. If they force on the American people a health care program we vehemently oppose, they will have crossed the point of no return.

King George imposed taxes on the American colonists for the benefit of England. Those who opposed him were called traitors, and it sparked a revolution. If an imperious President and Democratic Party attack those who oppose the new healthcare plan instead of listening to them, there may well be a second — albeit peaceful — revolution. The effort to divide us along racial lines is a despicable tactic which will only bring a harsher backlash.

We have had enough of Balkanizing us into enclaves of hyphenated Americans. This is what happens when we are led by those who believe in one nation under government, instead of one nation under God. The unity of our country lies in rejecting race as our primary identifier. We are Americans, and right now, we are angry. Our elected officials need to deal with it instead of trying to demonize those who dare question them. When they start categorizing citizens by skin color, they do so to de-legitimize those who disagree with them.

For fifty years now we have been told that we need an honest dialogue on race. The Attorney General condescendingly informed us that we are “cowards” when it comes to matters of race. When Jeremiah Wright’s racist demagoguery was exposed, Candidate Obama lectured us about “typical white people” like his grandmother being inherently racist. Recently the President advised us that we had a “teachable moment” when in so many words he accused the Cambridge police of racism in the treatment of Professor Henry Gates. Of course, he did the teaching when he should have been apologizing and taking responsibility for his own gaffe.

Obama lectures us from Mt. Olympus on matters of race, but his own racial record is dubious at best. He sat under Jeremiah Wright for 20 years, in spite of Wright’s racist rhetoric and support for notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. Candidate Obama accused his opponents of pointing out that he does not look like the Presidents on our currency. In truth, nobody cares that he doesn’t look like George Washington, but we would be pleased for him to govern with a similar wisdom, integrity and restraint.

It was Obama who quoted Wright admiringly in his book, The Audacity of Hope, “white folks greed runs a world in need.” Recently his administration dropped charges of voter intimidation against the virulently racist New Black Panther Party even though the Justice Department has already won the case. Based on his writings and past associations, the President is not post-racial, but race obsessed. Like his mentors and leftists colleagues, he believes that our country is essentially racist, particularly its “white folks.”

The American people are tired of being called racist. We have had it with ivory tower liberals telling us we need to have a “dialogue” about race. We don’t need any more lectures or sensitivity training. Here is my racial dialogue with the American people. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Dialogue over. Let’s drop the race bating and get on with debating the matter of keeping our country prosperous and free.


Blah blah fucking blah, copypasta.


Farmers in the Midwest and miners in the West were the ones who led the fight for Free Silver against the Eastern establishment that wanted to stick to gold.

There are actually several contemporary books on this whole subject freely available from the Internet Archive, including a scan of “Coin’s Financial School”.

But, you know, that’s HISTORY, stuff that happened long ago, so who gives a rat’s ass about it anyway?


Many really fucking retarded Americans believe that the Cloward-Piven strategy is not only what purposefully bankrupted New York, but also what the Obama administration is employing to erode capitalism in America.

As opposed to folks that actually have a clue, who realize that corporate mergers have effectively eliminated the competition that makes capitalism work in the first place.


“Stop Playing The Race Card” from a guy that just quoted Van Jones about having to give “Pookie” a job?

Projection, thy name is Republican.


Let’s drop the race bating and get on with debating the matter of keeping our country prosperous and free, which we can only accomplish if we keep the darkies in their place and dying young from lack of health care.

BTW, it’s baiting as in “bait on a hook”, not bating as in “masturbate”. Though I suppose in this case it’s an entirely appropriate mistake.


You libruls are just trying to run away from the fact that Bill Ayers and ACORN have been given the power to kill America. And by that, I mean Real America, which is not where you live.


The main threat to this country is how white people aren’t as free to shout “n***er” any more.


What’s up with Bill Ayers, anyway?

I thought Obama was supposed to make him High Minister of Killing Rich White Guys if he got elected.


Well, El Cid, people like Backlash know if they actually have to compete for a job, rather than just being given one because they’re a Good Old Boy, they’ll be flipping burgers for 50 cents an hour (after the Teabaggers revoke minimum wage laws).


I thought Obama was supposed to make him High Minister of Killing Rich White Guys if he got elected.

I know I’d shell out big bucks to see that on Pay-Per-View. Must See TV!


Pere Ubu – actually, he was in line for Secretary of KILL WHITEY.

The Tragically Flip

Oh I get it, conservatives think saying “race card” when accused of racism works according to the same rules children use when deciding how to start a game of tag – merely declaring “not it” is sufficient, and the last one to say it, is “it”

Thus liberals are the real racists because we don’t say “race card” fast enough.


after the Teabaggers revoke minimum wage laws

yes, the minimum wage is destroying small companies, blurp blurp *rustles papers*.

Never mind that the ones apparently most interested in eliminating it are the Wal-Marts and McDonalds, small mom-and-pop companies with threatened profits that they are.


I just wish Barack “Caspar Milquetoast” Obama was one one-hundredth the bad ass mofo the Right makes him out to be.


I’m the beginning of the end for Obambi.


actually, he was in line for Secretary of KILL WHITEY

And Obama hasn’t even gotten around to making that a Cabinet position yet.

Some Negro Racist Stalinist Overlord HE’s turning out to be.


I also wish that when these nimrods get to the damn Thunderdome they would think “Maybe I shouldn’t have been a corporate shill after all”, but I know they will die thinking the damn libruls did it to them.

Ah well, 50% die off will cut America’s carbon footprint substantially.


“As an American who happens to be black, I say to those who are playing the race card in the healthcare debate: Stop it! The very people who do all the hand-wringing about racism are the first to use it to divide us, and we are tired of it.”

Yeah… and when Nixon and Reagan were playing the white backlash card like there was no tomorrow, making up stories about black welfare queens driving Cadillacs with hard-earned white money, you were where, exactly? When Bush was prancing around the Deep South parading a picture of McCain’s adopted daughter and calling her “an illegitimate black child,” you were where, exactly?

“The more Democrats attempt to marginalize the opposition, the more it grows and the angrier people get. The polls show that as the debate proceeds, notwithstanding some yelling, more people agree with the citizens expressing opposition to ObamaCare”

That’s funny, because as the debate proceeds, Obama has moved further and further from the liberal position and closer and closer to the conservative one. I’ll never underestimate the ability of right wing talk radio to make people believe whatever it says, but might that be part of the problem?

“King George imposed taxes on the American colonists for the benefit of England.”

King George imposed taxes without granting representation – that was the problem, not that the founding fathers were too fucking cheap to pay their tax money. As it is, you have representation, you just happened to lose the last election, which means you get to wait another few months before you have a chance to make the rules again. And THAT’s the founding fathers’ legacy, i.e. the Constitution.

Oh, and drop the ‘revolution’ talk. None of you fat fucks is about to go out there and actually throw bricks and everyone knows it.

“Obama lectures us from Mt. Olympus on matters of race, but his own racial record is dubious at best. He sat under Jeremiah Wright for 20 years, in spite of Wright’s racist rhetoric and support for notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.”

Yeah, and the GOP just spent thirty years in thrall to Jerry “Integration will destroy our race” Falwell and Pat “Just one man one vote, unrestricted democracy, would not be wise” Robertson as the “moral majority” of the party, no less. Where were you guys back then? Oh, that’s right. Falwell and Robertson are the same honest and hardworking white folk you want to absolve of racism charges.

“The American people are tired of being called racist. We have had it with ivory tower liberals telling us we need to have a “dialogue” about race. We don’t need any more lectures or sensitivity training. Here is my racial dialogue with the American people. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Dialogue over. Let’s drop the race bating and get on with debating the matter of keeping our country prosperous and free.”

Stop legitimizing and excusing white racism, which fuels the GOP on everything from health care to foreign policy, and then we’ll talk. Until then, you go and fuck yourself.


I’m the beginning of the end for Obambi.

Yep. Third world status, here we come, just like you want, Mr. Brown.


You learning Chinese yet, Backlash? Their middle class is growing as ours shrinks, so we’ll be the ones in sweatshops making shoes for the Chinese version of Wal-Mart in 30 years, just like your masters wanted (before they moved to the Caymans).


We got your “dialogue on race” right here.


All these backlashers are too fucking retarded to figure out that when there’s a backlash, the whip snakes back and puts out their eye.




You learning Chinese yet, Backlash? Their middle class is growing as ours shrinks, so we’ll be the ones in sweatshops making shoes for the Chinese version of Wal-Mart in 30 years, just like your masters wanted (before they moved to the Caymans).

Actually, the teabaggers should love China, because they have 700 million peasants who stream from the impoverished countryside into the cities by a million a year, and mostly they have spent the past 30 years deconstructing the social safety net. FREEDUM!

The Coming Muslim Takeover of Europe

By Andre Zantonavitch

[Book review of While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West From Within by Bruce Bawer; published February of 2006; 237 pages; $23.95]

This stunner of a book about Continental Islam has two main themes. The first is that Europe has a horrific Muslim immigration and reproduction problem. European Muslims are expanding their numbers almost exponentially, and they are not being assimilated or integrated into European culture. This radically new and explosive demographic, according to the author, is not being converted to Western liberalism or adopting Western life—styles.

While Europe Slept argues that while Europe is currently only about ten percent Islamic —— vs. two percent for America —— if present trends continue it will only take a generation or two for Muslims to become the majority. The once—noble Continent will become what intellectual fellow—traveler Bat Ye’or in 2005 called “Eurabia.” The shocking claim by Bruce Bawer is that well before 2050, most of Europe is likely to become an outpost of Islamdom governed by Sharia. Europe will be alien to Western culture and an enemy of Western Civilization.

The second theme of this almost shattering book is that Europe today is a hellhole of leftist multiculturalism, far worse than anything in America, and even far worse than almost anyone in America suspects. American expatriate Bawer —— who has lived the past ten years in various European countries, mostly Holland and Norway —— is almost uniformly horrified by every country he resides in or visits. According to him, political correctness and multiculturalism are “a habit of thought that in America is an annoyance but in Europe is a veritable religion.”

Bawer excoriates his European friends for their propensity to display phony “respect” and “understanding” of the various foreigners in their midst, especially Muslims. He blasts their cult—like belief in the mantra of multiculturalism and their unlimited “belief in peace and reconciliation through dialog,” even with Muslims who emphatically reject peace, reconciliation, and dialog as methodologies or ideals.

While Europe Slept also makes the interesting observation that there is virtually no American—style “religious right” to oppose growing Muslim power. Virtually the whole Continent is atheist or de facto atheist. Thus in Europe the religious right is the Muslims.

This leads to some odd political terminology and alliances. Bruce Bawer consistently champions what he calls “the liberal resistance,” but he doesn’t seem to know where to find it or even how to describe it. What he does describe, in sickening detail, is how much the multicultural left utterly protects the Islamic religious right. These two have formed an evil alliance which seems all but unstoppable in the heart of Western Civilization.

Bawer himself is a little confused about what he is. He edited a book slamming America’s multicultural left called Beyond Queer: Challenging Gay Left Orthodoxy (1996). But he’s also written a book called Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity (1998), which trashes the religious right. In the end, Bawer calls himself a part—time “libertarian” and is essentially a strong Western or classical liberal.

This book is an easy and fun read. But it’s also horrifying. And despite the speed with which its mere three chapters can be consumed, it has plenty of documentation for its claims from almost every nation in Europe. Bawer, who is also a translator, speaks Dutch and Norwegian fluently, and is conversant in several other European languages as well. This insider—perspective helps provide quotes, incidents, and stories from all over the Continent —— many based on personal experience.

In the end, this book essentially writes off Europe(!). It argues that America is the last hope for Western Civilization and the world. Although’ While Europe Slept tries to be positive at times —— and does offer suggestions to ameliorate the coming demographic nightmare —— ultimately Bawer concludes

“Europe is steadily committing suicide, and perhaps all we can do is look on in horror.”

Perhaps the most terrifying part of the book is the way Muslims everywhere are already confidently planning to rule Europe and make it part of the caliphate. A popular Swedish t—shirt reads simply “2030 —— then we take over.” With France still only 12% Muslim, the leading Parisian newspaper Le Monde seems to have already surrendered. In 2004 it praised France for “the fact of its having and accepting the role of the first Muslim country of Europe.”

How did Europe ever reach such a dead—end? The problem began rather recently, in the late ’60s and ’70s, with a temporary labor shortage and subsequent special “guest worker” programs. But the shortage is long gone and the Muslims are still there. And as Bawer points out repeatedly, they aren’t being integrated into the various populations as in America. Almost all Muslims live in suburban ghettos and are somewhat rejected by the native and slightly nativist whites. The Muslims, in turn, utterly reject their new country and its Western liberal ideology. The vast majority —— even second generation kids —— aren’t fluent in the different, local European tongues.

And this growing cancer is wildly exasperated by a phenomenon unknown in America called “fetching” marriages. Males from Europe use “family unification” laws to being in illiterate females they’ve never met from their former country, and then marry them —— usually as uneducated teenagers. The young girls are then kept at home in a virtual prison where they reproduce wildly. These new citizens never learn the local languages or customs but they do qualify for vast welfare benefits and quickly produce more Islamist—oriented males and slave—like females. Then the process starts all over again.

The effect of all these Muslims on the life—styles of Europeans is simply remarkable. Homophobia is way up, as is opposition to abortion and divorce. “Honor” killings are rampant as is female “circumcision.” In many parts of Europe all women must wear a scarf covering their face lest they be deemed whores and “for everyone.” By right, any Muslim or Muslim gang can rape any uncovered girl. Afterwards, the girl is properly killed by relatives to end the “shame” of her family.

The rapists, naturally, go unpunished. And because native Europeans differ on this practice, Muslims scornfully think of all white men as weak and effeminate, for not being able to control their women. They think of all normally—dressed Western women as honorless low—lifes and unloved harlots, valuable only for group violation and subsequent termination.

Among the nightmare statistics cited by the book are these:

1. 80% of the women in Oslo’s shelter system are Muslims fleeing abusive families, husbands, and boyfriends;

2. Danish Muslims make up 5% of the population but 40% of the welfare rolls;

3. refugee—friendly Switzerland is already 20% Muslim;

4. the world’s most wonderful city (in my view) Amsterdam is now majority Muslim;

5. 70% of all French prisoners are Muslim;

6. the four London bombers that killed 56 in July of 2005 received almost a million dollars in welfare benefits.

And the bad news in this book just keeps coming. Bruce Bawer and While Europe Slept are relentless. This book is praised by Mona Charen, Abe Foxman, Daniel Pipes, and Victor Davis Hanson, among others. But it doesn’t offer much hope. Because of a kind of maniacal political correctness, otherwise civilized and enlightened Europeans seem doomed to Muslim domination in the near future. They are incurably infected with multiculturalism and a subsequent

“unprincipled spirit of compromise and capitulation that is guiding today’s Europe, step by step, to the gallows.”


OOOO — i wanna do this too:

The Epic of Gilgamesh

Tablet VI</b?

He washed out his marred hair and cleaned up his equipment(?),
shaking out his locks down over his back,
throwing off his dirty clothes and putting on clean ones.
He wrapped himself in regal garments and fastened the sash.
When Gilgamesh placed his crown on his head,
a princess Ishtar raised her eyes to the beauty of Gilgamesh.
"Come along, Gilgamesh, be you my husband,
to me grant your lusciousness.'
Be you my husband, and I will be your wife.
I will have harnessed for you a chariot of lapis lazuli and gold,
with wheels of gold and 'horns' of electrum(?).
It will he harnessed with great storming mountain mules!
Come into our house, with the fragrance of cedar.
And when you come into our house the doorpost(?) and throne dais(?)'will kiss your feet.
Bowed down beneath you will be kings, lords, and princes.
The Lullubu people' will bring you the produce of the mountains and countryside as tribute.
Your she-goats will bear triplets, your ewes twins,
your donkey under burden will overtake the mule,
your steed at the chariot will be bristling to gallop,
your ax at the yoke will have no match."
Gilgamesh addressed Princess Ishtar saying:
"What would I have to give you if I married you!
Do you need oil or garments for your body! Do you lack anything for food or drink!
I would gladly feed you food fit for a god,
I would gladly give you wine fit for a king,
… may the street(?) be your home(?), may you be clothed in a garment,
and may any lusting man (?) marry you!
…an oven who… ice,
a half-door that keeps out neither breeze nor blast,
a palace that crushes down valiant warriors,
an elephant who devours its own covering,
pitch that blackens the hands of its bearer,
a waterskin that soaks its bearer through,
limestone that buckles out the stone wall,
a battering ram that attracts the enemy land,
a shoe that bites its owner's feet!
Where are your bridegrooms that you keep forever'
Where is your 'Little Shepherd' bird that went up over you!
See here now, I will recite the list of your lovers.
Of the shoulder (?) … his hand,
Tammuz, the lover of your earliest youth,
for him you have ordained lamentations year upon year!
You loved the colorful 'Little Shepherd' bird
and then hit him, breaking his wing, so
now he stands in the forest crying 'My Wing'!
You loved the supremely mighty lion,
yet you dug for him seven and again seven pits.
You loved the stallion, famed in battle,
yet you ordained for him the whip, the goad, and the lash,
ordained for him to gallop for seven and seven hours,
ordained for him drinking from muddled waters,'
you ordained far his mother Silili to wail continually.
You loved the Shepherd, the Master Herder,
who continually presented you with bread baked in embers,
and who daily slaughtered for you a kid.
Yet you struck him, and turned him into a wolf,
so his own shepherds now chase him
and his own dogs snap at his shins.
You loved Ishullanu, your father's date gardener,
who continually brought you baskets of dates,
and brightened your table daily.
You raised your eyes to him, and you went to him:
'Oh my Ishullanu, let us taste of your strength,
stretch out your hand to me, and touch our vulva.
Ishullanu said to you:
'Me! What is it you want from me!
Has my mother not baked, and have I not eaten
that I should now eat food under contempt and curses
and that alfalfa grass should be my only cover against
the cold?
As you listened to these his words
you struck him, turning him into a dwarf(?),
and made him live in the middle of his (garden of) labors,
where the mihhu do not go up, nor the bucket of dates (?) down.
And now me! It is me you love, and you will ordain for me as
for them!"
When Ishtar heard this, in a fury she went up to the heavens,
going to Anu, her father, and crying,
going to Anrum, her mother, and weeping:
"Father, Gilgamesh has insulted me over and over,
Gilgamesh has recounted despicable deeds about me,
despicable deeds and curses!"
Anu addressed Princess Ishtar, saying: "What is the matter?
Was it not you who provoked King Gilgamesh?
So Gilgamesh recounted despicable deeds about you,
despicable deeds and curses!"
Ishtar spoke to her father, Anu, saying:
"Father, give me the Bull of Heaven,
so he can kill Gilgamesh in his dwelling.
If you do not give me the Bull of Heaven,
I will knock down the Gates of the Netherworld,
I will smash the door posts, and leave the doors flat down,
and will let the dead go up to eat the living!
And the dead will outnumber the living!"
Anu addressed princess Ishtar, saying:
"If you demand the Bull of Heaven from me,
there will be seven years of empty husks for the land of Uruk.
Have you collected grain for the people!
Have you made grasses grow for the animals?"
Ishtar addressed Anu, her father, saying:
"I have heaped grain in the granaries for the people,
I made grasses grow for the animals,
in order that they might eat in the seven years of empty husks.
I have collected grain for the people,
I have made grasses grow for the animals."
When Anu heard her words, he placed the noserope of the Bull of Heaven in her hand.
Ishtar led the Bull of Heaven down to the earth.
When it reached Uruk It climbed down to the Euphrates…
At the snort of the Bull of Heaven a huge pit opened up,
and 100 Young Men of Uruk fell in.
At his second snort a huge pit opened up,
and 200 Young Men of Uruk fell in.
At his third snort a huge pit opened up,
and Enkidu fell in up to his waist.
Then Enkidu jumped out and seized the Bull of Heaven by its horns.
the Bull spewed his spittle in front of him,
with his thick tail he flung his dung behind him (?).
Enkidu addressed Gilgamesh, saying:
"My friend, we can be bold(?) …
How shall we respond…
My friend, I saw…
And my strength…
I will rip out…
I and you, we must share (?)
I shall grasp the Bull
I will fill my hands (?) ..
In front…

between the nape, the horns, and… thrust your sword."
Enkidu stalked and hunted down the Bull of Heaven.
He grasped it by the thick of its tail
and held onto it with both his hands (?),
while Gilgamesh, like an expert butcher,
boldly and surely approached the Bull of Heaven.
Between the nape, the horns, and… he thrust his sword.
After they had killed the Bull of Heaven,
they ripped out its heart and presented it to Shamash.
They withdrew bowing down humbly to Shamash.
Then the brothers sat down together.
Ishtar went up onto the top of the Wall of Uruk-Haven,
cast herself into the pose of mourning, and hurled her woeful curse:
"Woe unto Gilgamesh who slandered me and killed the Bull of
When Enkidu heard this pronouncement of Ishtar,
he wrenched off the Bull's hindquarter and flung it in her face:
"If I could only get at you I would do the same to you!
I would drape his innards over your arms!"
Ishtar assembled the (cultic women) of lovely-locks, joy-girls, and harlots,
and set them to mourning over the hindquarter of the Bull.
Gilgamesh summoned all the artisans and craftsmen.
(All) the artisans admired the thickness of its horns,
each fashioned from 30 minas of lapis lazuli!
Two fingers thick is their casing(?).
Six vats of oil the contents of the two
he gave as ointment to his (personal) god Lugalbanda.
He brought the horns in and hung them in the bedroom of the family
head (Lugalbanda?).
They washed their hands in the Euphrates,
and proceeded hand in hand,
striding through the streets of Uruk.
The men of Uruk gathered together, staring at them.
Gilgamesh said to the palace retainers:
"Who is the bravest of the men)
Who is the boldest of the males!
Gilgamesh is the bravest of the men,
the boldest of the males!
She at whom we flung the hindquarter of the Bull of Heaven in
Ishtar has no one that pleases her… in the street (?)
Gilgamesh held a celebration in his palace.
The Young Men dozed off, sleeping on the couches of the night.
Enkidu was sleeping, and had a dream.
He woke up and revealed his dream to his friend.


I thought a storm was coming.


Gotta go, but as a half-European in reference to the above “I got me a continent full ‘a black Muslims, gawd damn, what the hell!” –

FUCK YOU. On behalf of the European Union of which I am a citizen, eat shit and die before you repeat the party line from the BNP, the FN and the BZO again.

Wish I could say I was surprised that American conservatives feel more affinity with the local holocaust deniers than they do with any of the other parties on the spectrum. But I’m not. This is the same party that did everything it could to prevent our helping the British stop Hitler, to say nothing of William F. Buckley’s cheerleading for Francisco Franco in the 1950s National Review. The essence of the conservative soul is the same as ever.


I for one am sick and tired of Europe being taken over by the swarthy Southern Europeans.


Again, it doesn’t realize the cognitive dissonance of posting “the coming Muslim takeover of Europe” right after “Stop Playing The Race Card” .


Stop the Coming Jewish Takeover of Europe by Playing the Race Card.


Jebus, what happened to this place, one or two trolls was good sport, but they’re swarming here.


You start out in 1954 by saying, ‘Nigger, nigger, nigger.’

By 1968 you can’t say ‘nigger’ – that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff.

You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that.

But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me – because obviously sitting around saying, ‘We want to cut this,’ is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than ‘Nigger, nigger.’


Jebus, what happened to this place, one or two trolls was good sport, but they’re swarming here.

That’s what happens when you move your servers to a secure, under-bridge location.


Anybody got a can of troll-b-gone?

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape

This turned out to be a fun thread. Thanks, everybody. And I’d like to thank the absolutely indefatigable trolls. You guys should bugger off out of it now, but it was a great time! from the majestic, fierce threats to the lengthy screeds posted entire, all issued from the semen-scented depths of your lonely bedrooms, it was a million laughs.

The thing is, our trolls here on SN are quite possibly the best anywhere. I worry — I really do — that they’re fake trolls, that’s how pitch-perfect they are. I don’t see how anybody could be that out-of-touch and yet still leave the house once a week to buy mayonnaise.

From the determined conceit that Obama is a socialist to the yearning for the destruction of the American social fabric (in the name of America, of course), the special alchemy of misdirection, misinformation, and indignation is just so yummy.

But I don’t want these ambulatory hemorrhoids guys to think we’re only here for the derision. I have a special, sincere message just for you fellows that are so angry and triumphalist over the snuffing-out of all that’s good in our country. I hope you can see past the jeering and mockery and hear the sincere message I bring.

To all the right-wing, anti-America types on here, I’d like to say this: long after you’re dead of diabetes complications in a few years, there will still be a country here, and it will continue on for hundreds — even thousands — of years. The world, in some form, will be here for several billion years. The immensity of time is terrifying. We will all have ceased to exist — all memory forgotten, our very constituent atoms scattered, incorporated into something else, scattered, and incorporated again, until time and space switch places.

What we human beings tend to forget is that we will die. And when we’re dead, we will be remembered for a decade or two at most. Then we’ll fade away, becoming a nameless figure in the corner of some antique photograph, and ultimately part of that great generalization: “my ancestors came from America.” Meanwhile, as we’re ceasing to be, the world continues on. Social Security! Privatize it! There’s no point attempting to save the future! The environment? Drill it, kill it, spill it! After all, there is no future.

But here’s what I could wish you’d understand. We’re just passengers here, aboard for a very brief ride, then gone without a trace. The only legacy we can offer, the only thing we can do to bate the beating wing of time, is providing a better life for those to come. What else is there? I owe my allegiance to life itself. Human life, and the living skin of the world. My own life is just a single wink of a single shitty 5-watt Christmas light among 7 billion such lights, strung up on a tree the size of Mount Everest. What does it matter if I pay more taxes, if children in generations to come can thrive, their parents can live lives less worry-gnawed than ours, and the specter of want and devastation looms a little less closely than in our brief time?

I think what it comes down to, maybe the central distinction between your brand of ur-conservative reactionaryism and my brand of liberal progressive activism, is that you believe, as a child does, that the world revolves around you (albeit grudgingly), while I have seen enough of life and the world to know that we’re each just a scintilla of light, gone in an instant, in the scheme of a universe so vast and rich that our little corner of it might just as well not exist.

Which means that what we do to make the world a kinder, better place is that much more important. Because we’re all we’ve got. In all this vast creation, it’s just you and me, steward of the future.

Kind of makes you think, doesn’t it? Or not. Also.

But hey, bookmark it, libs!


Go for it. Whip it out. No, really, no snark whatsoever here – I WANT TO SEE YOU DO IT, ASAP.

I don’t; some LEOs might get hurt busting these morons.

A backlash against big government, big spending, high taxes, open borders, burdensome regulation, and bailouts. Massachusetts turned red last Tuesday–red with conservative, populist anger.

Let me guess, you don’t live here. Quite possibly you don’t even know anyone who’s ever lived here. Tell you what, though, YOU guys just go right ahead and be Paul Revere, WE’LL be Samuel Prescott.


We don’t have a swarm of trolls. We have one troll who changes his name every time he gets his ass kicked. Which has happened about 10 times in the past couple of hours.


Wow. Looks like there’s been an infestation. Who lost the trollbane?


Some gasbag retiree, no doubt, judging by the amplitude of the flatulence.

Who else caught the comment from the guns/gardens/gold peasant at Thomas Frank’s piece about selling off the gold in Fort Knox? It was such a classic distillation, I’m still laughing.

When I’m not aghast that people actually believe poop like that. They should be shot down like dogs, of course.


Pere Ubu – actually, [Bill Ayers] was in line for Secretary of KILL WHITEY.

I LOVE the idea of appointing white guys to this office, it totally defangs those who would otherwise cry “racism.” Of course, if they believe in leading by example it’s going to be a nightmare keeping it filled… “welcome to Washington, sir! Here is your wakizashi.”

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape

I knew I was gone before they even put the handcuffs on
A whole chicken in the back of the Brougham
Rocked up, so I knew that I was locked up
Got a good lawyer but can’t do nothin for ya
But they got chronic, I chills and get my puff on
Eat Ramen, hit my fifi, lift weights and get my buff on
These hoochies are trippin but I expect that, see
All on another fool’s jock but they can’t get a dime from me
But you my gee, see, and we supposed to be tight
So why the fuck you didn’t send me no kite?
I been down for two and ain’t heard a thing from you
See, that ain’t the thang to do, let’s keep this bangin true, blue
If it was you, you would want me to do the same thing
How you gon’ slip and leave your homie on the hang?
I gots no time for you busters and you snitches
This is for the real – niggas and the bitches

[ VERSE 2: Jayo Felony ]
I had a down one, she kept my books on fat
We used to do it like this, then we would do it like that
This is for the real, to hell with the faker
I was on my bunk bed bumpin Anita Baker
Wishin I was in a hot thub gettin my back rubbed
Instead of bein in here with 4’000 thugs
I remember all the letters you wrote and the cards you sent
And them ends when you had to pay rent
But you would always get yours and couldn’t nothin stop ya
Tight Guess and K-Swiss lookin proper
And you were proud to be Ms. Bullet Loco
Fool, don’t phantasize off my foto
Even though you knew I was mackin you still stuck with me
Remindin me to stay sucker free
And when I touched down you kickin in straight riches
This is for the real – niggas and the bitches

[ VERSE 3: Jayo Felony ]
And now I’m fresh out, I was a C but they doubt me
Much love to the bitches that didn’t forget about me
Because I surely won’t forget about you
And everybody knows what the fuck I’m gon’ do
Blow up from the flo’ up, grow up and don’t be to’ up
The hoes that tried to clown, I diss them hookers like throw-up
I’m tryin to learn to keep my black ass on the streets
No more shackles on my feet
Makin funky hits like this I can’t miss
Jam-Master Jay and T-Funk and my nigga Cool Chris
So when I’m at a picnic gettin my mob on
Don’t walk up on me, we might have to get our squab on
And my female got a mouthpiece
Protection for the wicked streets of Southeast
My day is too short for you marks and you snitches
This is for the real – niggas and the bitches


Hey, hey, UHC!
How many claims did you deny todee? Er, today?


Hear, hear, Second Non-Lester. That was lovely.

Still, this was my favorite:

“nobody in Alaska cares what’s on the end of the barrel, so I got a nice one with holes and slots. It controls the muzzle tip…it directs much of the expelled gas back towards you.”



I personally enjoyed Lil’ Troll’s bitching about liberals blaming Bush, followed quickly by his blaming of FDR.

Also, fer chrissake – Switzerland isn’t 20% Muslim – more like 4%. You do know that you can look this shit up, right?

Terror at the Mall?

Terror at the Mall?
By J.R. Dunn
The shopping malls of America will be among the next major terrorist targets.

Malls make such obvious high-value targets that it’s difficult to grasp why they haven’t been hit up until now. Shopping malls are America’s marketplaces, constantly packed with people, with uncontrolled entry, and openly vulnerable to any given form of attack. We need only consider the darkest days of the Iraqi terror campaign of 2006-2007 to grasp how the jihadis view marketplaces. Scarcely a week went by without another Iraqi marketplace bombing, with casualties largely consisting of women and children, mounting from the dozens to the hundreds. We need only add the fact that the mall in many ways symbolizes the United States to people across the world, acting as kind of American Horn of Plenty, to see the inevitability of the threat. Such attacks will come, and they will be ugly.

It’s not as if the jihadis haven’t tried. In late 2003, Nuradin Abdi, a Somali native, was arrested in Louisville, Kentucky while in the midst of plans to attack a mall in Columbus, Ohio. Abdi was closely associated with al-Qaeda member Iyman Faris, arrested for planning a bombing of the Brooklyn Bridge. (A personal side note: Two weeks after 9/11, I was in Columbus itself, speaking to acquaintances about what I’d seen in lower Manhattan. “Well, at least they’ll never attack us here,” one of them said. “I wouldn’t be too sure of that,” I told him. “If I were an educated terrorist, I’d be very interested in hitting a town called Columbus.”)

Late last year, Tarek Mehanna of Sudbury, Massachusetts was arrested for, among other things, conspiring with Ahmad Abousamra and Daniel Maldonado to attack unidentified malls with automatic weapons. (Abousamra and Maldonado, who had received training in al-Qaeda camps, were evidently already in custody).

On at least two occasions in 2004 and 2007, the FBI circulated warnings of potential mall attacks during the holiday season, when they would present what is known as a “target-rich environment.” The 2004 warning involved a mall in central Los Angeles, while the later incident involved malls in both L.A. and Chicago. While no attacks occurred, it remains unknown how far jihadi plans were actually taken.

In Europe, the action has been even hotter. Last week, a Palestinian named Wissam Freijeh was sentenced to ten years for shooting up a Danish mall on December 31, 2008. Freijeh’s target was a kiosk selling Israeli products. Two people were injured.

So malls have definitely been on the jihadis’ minds. Why no more than one-off attacks? If malls were such an obvious target, wouldn’t they have been hit before this? Counter-terror specialists are convinced (as was ably expressed here by Bruce Hoffman) that after a lengthy hiatus recovering from the losses sustained during the Bush years, the jihadis have emerged with a new strategy. This could be called the “wasp” strategy, a method well-known to guerrilla fighters and special-operations forces. Rather than concentrate on massive operations of the 9/11 type, Islamist terrorists will instead carry out endless pinprick attacks, much as a swarm of wasps might harry an elephant (so okay, we’ll make it a rhino), maddening the beast to a point where it finally plunges off a cliff. The Fort Hood attack, the Underwear Kid, and the Afghanistan CIA bombing act as evidence of just such a strategy. And there we might well have our answer: the jihadis may have put the malls aside to wait for a moment such as this, when a series of attacks would pay off the most.

How would such attacks occur? As with all Islamist efforts, the goal will be to account for the highest number of casualties in the most horrific manner possible. With this in mind, the first scenario that arises is the truck bomb. With their broad parking lots, enabling a vehicle to build up a high terminal velocity, and their wide glass entrances, malls almost appear to have been designed for this style of attack. The truck payload could be conventional explosives, or in the case of a stolen tanker truck, a supernapalm mixture. (Some readers have understandably protested over my providing the actual formula for supernapalm the last time I dealt with the topic, so we’ll elide that this time.) In either case, the casualty level would be appalling, the images horrifying, and the impact impossible to negate. While some malls and shopping complexes have blocked their entrances with concrete barriers or planters, many others have ignored this cheap and simple safeguard. All such establishments should be encouraged to emplace such obstacles as soon as possible.

A secondary threat is the bomb vest, which we most recently saw deployed against a CIA unit in Afghanistan. While not as destructive as the vehicle bomb, the bomb vest has probably claimed more victims overall. It was a favored weapon for striking the markets of Iraq, and as the CIA assassination clearly reveals, it remains extremely effective. Countermeasures could be difficult. In Iraq, the jihadis showed no hesitation in utilizing small children, the retarded, and even animals in carrying out bomb attacks. A coatroom in which heavy coats and other items could be checked could aid in curtailing such attacks. But this leaves us with the problem of large handbags, baby carriages, and packages. Eventually, it may be necessary to adopt the Israeli practice of bag searches and metal detectors.

A related method would involve nerve gas, as successfully used by the Aum Shinryko cult to strike the Tokyo subway system in 1995. The Tokyo attacks killed twelve people and wounded several dozen others. A supply of atropine injectors, the standard first aid for nerve-gas poisoning, should be stored in each mall’s pharmacy or medical clinic — no rarity today in malls across the country.

Finally, we reach the trusty firearm, the easiest threat to smuggle in, and in some ways the hardest to deal with. Mall security is almost exclusively unarmed, with little training in dealing with firearm threats. While some large malls feature police substations, most rely on a warning system to call in the police in the event of an emergency. A well-armed jihadi death squad could cause considerable loss of life before local police could respond, and they might conceivably escape to strike elsewhere. Perhaps the most effective tactic would be to come in through one entrance, race through the mall firing at all available targets, and exit through another entrance where a car or van would be waiting with engine running. It’s difficult to see how any official countermeasure short of a police tactical squad could handle this type of attack.

What defensive measures have been taken by mall operators? Apart from the previously mentioned entrance barriers, next to nothing. Security experts have suggested a number of cheap countermeasures, such as utilizing transparent trash buckets to prevent use by bombers, but in large part, these have not been taken up. The general response of owners and operators has been a claim that “no credible threat” to malls has been demonstrated, much the same attitude that preceded the 9/11 attack, but with much less in the way of excuse.

No small number of malls have gone out of their way to increase their vulnerability through participation in the “gun-free zone” movement. In 1990, Congress, in what many observers consider to have been an incremental attempt at a national firearms ban, passed a “Gun Free School Zones” act as part of that year’s Crime Control bill. The law forbade ownership or possession of a firearm, apart from strictly limited conditions, anywhere within a thousand feet of a school or related institution. The attempt was ill-fated, being overturned by the Supreme Court and then reinstated in a thoroughly unenforceable form.

Congressional meddling triggered a kind of low-key craze among schools and other institutions — including malls — in which administrations eagerly adapted the “gun-free” pledge, often ostentatiously announcing it with signs containing menacing threats against anyone caught with a gun.

As a result, school shootings, a rarity prior to the ’90s, became a commonplace. “Gun-free zones” served to attract armed loons the way that honey attracts bears. Firearms-affairs specialist John R. Lott, Jr. has gone on record to state that every major recent shooting has occurred in a declared gun-free area. This includes Virginia Tech, where in September 2007 an insane undergraduate murdered over thirty students.

Malls have not been immune. Mall shootings, unheard of before the “gun-free” movement, are today no rarity. They have occurred in recent years at Kingston, N.Y.; Tacoma, Washington; Kansas City, Missouri; Omaha, Nebraska; and Salt Lake City, Utah. In each case, the “gun-free” policy was in place and widely advertised.

We can assume that jihadi terrorists are as well-informed as the average American psychotic. “Gun-free” malls are simply informing our enemies where the easiest targets can be found. These malls will be the first ones hit.

As is often the case with the P.C. crowd, the exact opposite action would produce the desired results. In the Salt Lake City incident of February 12, 2007, a gunman entered the mall with the intention of shooting shoppers at random. Fortunately, an off-duty policeman, Keith Hammond, had also disobeyed the anti-gun admonition. The shooter had already shot nine and killed five when Hammond brought him under fire and held him at bay until responding officers ended the attack by killing the gunman.

Salt Lake City reveals the solution to the mall terror problem. It is clear that the best method of negating the threat would be to enlist customers themselves in defending and protecting their malls. Operators and owners should meet with qualified locals — ex-police officers and soldiers in particular — to set up an armed patrol system. Local police cooperation would be necessary to assure proper training and liaison. The goal would be to have one or more patrols present at all times during opening hours. A communications system could be established (no real challenge in the age of the cell phone), both to assure regular contact and to alert members of potential threats. Regular mall security would continue handling everyday problems. By such a means we could avoid a terror-related Virginia Tech, Salt Lake City, or, for that matter, Fort Hood.

Another possibility would be to organize and train mall workers who own guns, assuring that their firearms would be available at work in case of an emergency. While many retail franchises and chains have strict rules against interfering with criminal activities (workers are supposed to wait for the cops), certainly this should be set aside in dealing with terror attempts.

There’s little hope of such concepts being put into effect under prevailing conditions. Experience teaches us that P.C. notions of the “gun-free” variety are the hardest weeds to dig up once they’ve taken root. But it is undeniable that the “bureaucratic” strategy of meeting the terror threat — Homeland Defense, a centralized National Intelligence Directorate, and so forth — has proven to be an abject failure. The latest attacks over Detroit, at Fort Hood, and in Afghanistan occurred because the oversized bureaucracies had been put in place, creating a system of endless filters to prevent urgent and necessary information from getting where it was needed. The federal government has merely provided a larger rhino to be stung by jihadi attacks.

On the other hand, all three failed airliner attacks were prevented by the passengers themselves, with no help from air marshals, anti-terror specialists, or Homeland Security bureaucrats. (We’re counting Flight 93 here as a defeat for terror — the attack was curtailed, even though the heroic passengers lost their lives doing it.) In the end, it’s the individuals on the spot who make the difference. Even the hapless Janet Napolitano has admitted that passengers comprise the last line of defense.

To combat a swarm of wasps, you don’t call up a herd of rhinos. You gather a lot of people with rolled-up newspapers. At this point, our efforts against terror are reactive — we may well have to endure a mall attack, with casualties possibly reaching the hundreds, before the federal government is forced to rethink its approach. When the time comes, the alternative strategy must be considered. With the American people, this country has a resource unparalleled across the wide world. It’s about time we put it to use.


Hey, thanks for the strategy hints, Terror Troll.

And just think of the collateral damage from the crossfire! Shazam!

The Backlash is Coming

Let’s talk about the War on Terror.

Didn’t Scott Brown’s strategy of telling the voters he wasn’t going to let Obambi “lawyer up” the terrorists but instead detain them as enemy combatants and give them a summary military tribunal (along with enhanced interrogation techniques such as waterboarding to get more information) show that the American people are sick of Obambis wishy-washy approaches to jihadism?


Terror at the Mall? said,

Not eeeven gonna get out of the boat to un-logorrhea that one (thank you, Dancing Badgers!) but assuming it’s about what I expect:

Don’t we have Mall Ninjas to save us?


Didn’t Scott Brown’s strategy … tell us

No. HTH.

The Backlash is Coming

If you want to talk about Bush so much, here are the FACTS:

War has freed tens of thousands of people from a despot dictator that was openly defying international law and resolutions of the UN. It has also diminished the capacity of terrorists.

Climate ALWAYS changes, and man-made climate change is bunk. It is a figment of people’s imagination that leads to Socialist policies.

Economic Crisis was CREATED by the government. By pushing asset bubbles around the economy, and fostering policies like CRA, and Fannie and Freddie to carry them out, have created those problems. They have fostered the thuggery of unions, and pressed from the other flank with regulation, and have, at least in part, created the automotive problems.

Unemployment is a response to the economic crisis. If the government does much more, they will make the macro-economic losses effectively permanent.

There is no such thing as smart government. The only answer is the most bare, limited and restricted government, solely to protect the freedom of the people. Government managing the people is not freedom, it is tyranny.


“Didn’t Scott Brown’s strategy…show that the American people are sick…?”

Um, correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure “the American people” didn’t vote for Scott “I gotta truck!” Brown, just over half the people who voted in Massachusetts’ special election did. Scott Brown won an election against a truly shitty candidate. Good for him, but he doesn’t represent me.


Heeeeere I come to save the day!

The Backlash is Coming

It’s always a “bad candidate” isn’t it? Bad in Virginia, Bad in New Jersey, bad in Mass….I guess Obama will be a “bad candidate” in 2012 after he loses.


The st00pid™ is strong with this one.


Don’t dip your oar in this sordid sea, Dick. You might be besmirched.


There’s more evidence for anthropogenic climate change than for the Laffer curve, for the utility of torture, or for the harmful effects of gay marriage upon society, so I for one applaud this new Conservative desire for evidence-based policy.

The Backlash is Coming

Climate change is not man made, the hottest year was 1998 anyway. Any changes are most likely to do sunspot activity.

I notice nobody wants to challenge me on the war or how government is essentially tyranny.


War has freed tens hundreds of thousands of people from a despot dictator

by killing them.


Can I have a sip of your Coke, libtards?

The Backlash is Coming

Saddam Hussein was funding Palestinian suicide bombers which killed people, and I didn’t see you complaining about that. Or the Kuwaitis or Kurds he killed.

Because according to the leftist mind killing is only bad when done by the American or British militaries.


according to the leftist mind killing is only bad when done by the American or British militaries.

So the Boston Massacre is okay with you?


Backlash, I actually have you blocked(so while I can see a little bit on the RSS feed I can’t see whole comments unless they’re very short) but I think the reason why people might ignore certain assertions and not others is because while they’re all dumb, some are dumb and funny.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

No, Troofie, you just think killing is OKAY when done by the American or British military. Normal people think ALL killing is bad.
And come to think of it, Kuwaitis and Kurds are Muslim, so by your logic, the more killed, the better.

The Backlash is Coming

So killing Nazis was bad then? Hmmm?


The Backwash Is Coming said,

January 24, 2010 at 20:43 (kill)

Can I have a sip of your Coke, libtards?

Fool me once, shame on me.
Fool me twice…I won’t get fooled again.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

It was necessary. It still wasn’t the triumphant orgasm you associate with killing (of course, the Nazis were white, so I imagine you don’t in this case). And come to think of it, Godwin, dickwad. So now you get to GTFO and go back to masturbating onto Scott Brown’s Cosmo spread.

The Back Hair Is Coming

Where are your razors now, libs?

The Troofie Symfonie

Suck it!
Suck it!
Suck it!
Suck it!

The Backlash is Coming

And killing Saddam was necessary too, and we ended up winning the war (btw more people died in “peacetime” operations under Jimmy Carter in the late ’70s than did in the Iraq War).

The Backlash is Coming

I meant to say, more American soldiers died under Carter in “peace” than did in the Iraq War. Look it up!

Hundreds of Thousands of Dead Iraqi Civilians

Um, yay?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

I’ll ask again: since you believe every Muslim in the world is a subhuman terrorist, why are you pretending to celebrate the “liberation” of a Muslim country?

The Backlash is Coming

The annual peacetime casualty average in the Clinton years for casualties was 938.

Under Bush? 780.


100s of Thousands of Iraqis Dead under Saddam Hussein

I guess we don’t count.


Good thing I started that pointless war to even things out a little!

The Backlash is Coming

And win Republicans win in 2012, next up, IRAN!

100s of Thousands of Iraqis Dead under Saddam Hussein

It’s kind of insulting when the unemployed white supremacist troll pretends to give a shit about us.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Um, wow, Troofie. Yeah. Campaign under the promise of another clusterfuck “Minority Report” war with no exit strategy. That’ll, um, that’ll get you your landslide. Go for it.

The Backlash is Coming

Of course the Republican won’t campaign on it, but he/she will carry it out once elected, and the country will “rally round the flag”.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

….just like Iraq, right?

The Backlash is Coming

Yes, except now we don’t have this nonsense Rumsfeld came up with about a “light footprint.” We’ll going with Surge levels from the beginning, overwhelming force, balls to the wall!


You know, troofie, the anti-Nazi thing (that Republicans fiercely opposed until we were forced into it) was a few years wars back, there.

And while we’re talking about the British military and The Coming Republican Backwash That Started in Massachusetts, I can guarantee you there are a hell of a lot of Scott Brown voters who take a dim view of the British Army, for people they’ve killed in more recent history.

White people, troofie. So, by your lights, they count!

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Okay, dear. Take a moment to clean off your keyboard, then come back and make excuses for why you won’t be doing any of the fighting.


Quantum Leap marathon, anybody?

The Backlash is Coming

It will be just like the Bush years, without the mistakes.

I can’t wait for 2012. Hopey CANNOT win another second term. His party is in Civil War (ask Jane Hamsher) despondent and likely to stay home and/or vote Green.

The Whiplash is Coming

Get ready to have all your blond virgins tied to railroad tracks! Suck it, libs!


Over the Scott Brown Cosmo spread, natch! Sticky!

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

“It will be just like the Bush years, without the mistakes.”

The Back Door Is Open



We’ll going with Surge levels from the beginning, overwhelming force, balls to the wall!

“I’m sorry, President Palin, but I’m afraid your Bank of China Visa card has been rejected. Is there another way you’d like to pay for this invasion?”

The Backlash is Coming

Our economy will be booming, Citizen_X, with high revenues and the oil we will take from Iran it will pay for itself.

The Backlash is Coming

Especially after we drill for oil and mine for clean coal.


Negroes need to learn their place!

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Um, just like Iraq, right?


I’m over here, next to Santa Claus, Bigfoot and the teabagger who can’t be bought.


Coal – now it’ll kill ya cleaner!

The Backlash is Coming

And Xe will play a BIG role in the new war. That will piss you off sooo much.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

You’re right; the idea of a pronoun coined to refer to people who don’t identify with either gender playing a big role in the new war does piss me off. I’m not sure why.

Snidely Whiplash is cumming

Harder Dudley, HARDER!

Troofie reading a Harry Potter book

Harder Dudley, HARDER!

The Lash is Coming Back

Whip it! Whip it good!

The Backlash is Coming

Haha, you libs don’t even try anymore. You know Obambi is a FAILURE.

Still happy you nominated him and not Hillary, libs?

My Penis is Coming

Haha, I change the subject whenever it becomes obvious that my argument is a FAILURE.
I’m still masturbating to pictures of men and then burning my scrotum for punishment, libs!

The Department of Idiotic Nicknames

We are pleased to see that even you realized how fucking retarded “Hopey” was.

The End of the Obama Mystique

The End of the Obama Mystique
By J.R. Dunn
It’s been a few years since the release of The 13th Warrior. The film was that rarity, an intelligent actioner. Adapted from Michael Crichton’s novel Eaters of the Dead, it was a retelling, and rationalization, of the ancient Beowulf legend.

In Crichton’s version, the monsters of legend comprise a tribe of human cannibals preying on Viking settlements. The story is told through the eyes of an educated Arab visitor driven to the far north by circumstances. He witnesses an attack by the cannibals in which the Vikings panic and run for it, sustaining heavy casualties in the process. But then, with the assistance of their Arab visitor, the Vikings begin to analyze the behavior of their enemy, piercing through the supernatural aura to the actuality within, learning their enemy’s weaknesses and the means of capitalizing on them. The Viking defense improves and becomes formidable. At last they assault the cannibal stronghold itself, where Beowulf confronts and destroys their unsavory queen-goddess, losing his life in the process.

The film is an examination of the power of intellectual analysis. Utilizing their brains, along with their swords, the Vikings pierce the mystique of the cannibals, seeing them no longer as demons erupted from Hell but merely as men whose mother goddess dresses them funny. From that point on, it’s only a matter of time, effort, and tactics.

The same process has occurred many times in history. In 1814, somebody — it’s unclear who — persuaded the Allies that the smart move was to stop chasing Napoleon from battlefield to battlefield and instead to march directly on Paris and deprive him of his power base. That did the trick — with his mystique as the Unconquered Conqueror punctured, Napoleon was soon without an army and within weeks in Elba, playing solitaire and planning his big comeback.

To read the war reports and commentary of 1942 is to step into an alternate universe. People really expected the Japanese Imperial Navy to sail over the horizon any minute. Predictions were made for the loss of Alaska, attacks on the West Coast, an invasion of the Pacific Northwest, the utter destruction of the Panama Canal. None of it happened, of course, and the legend of the Japanese superman died at last in the hard fighting at Midway and Guadalcanal, and was never regained.

We saw it again this Tuesday in Massachusetts. In a nearly unimaginable upset, a seat that “belonged” to the Democrats in a state “owned” by extreme liberals was taken by an underdog Republican candidate. Scott Brown’s victory over Marsha, Marcia, Ms. Coakley was substantial – 52% to 47%, with the balance going to a third-party pest. The results have shaken the political cosmos. It is impossible to see the long-term results at this point.

But one thing is clear: Brown didn’t just overcome an unworthy, machine-produced opponent, or even provide the crucial vote to prevent the further socialization of the United States. He destroyed a legend — the legend of Obama the Omnipotent.

We are seeing an intrusion of the mythic into everyday life, an instance of the Beowulf factor influencing millennial politics. The result has shocked and disturbed many onlookers. But Carl Jung would not have been surprised.

The Obama of 2008 was a figure who came out of nowhere trailing clouds of glory. His followers hailed him as a new phenomenon, of a type unseen in America since JFK and perhaps not ever. He was hailed as superhuman, with more than a touch of the divine. Some openly called him a messiah. One of his media supporters stated for the record that Obama was a godlike entity.

Perhaps it seemed like that to some after his November victory. The stunned opposition among Republicans and conservatives were certainly tempted to view it that way. How else to explain the near-mad adulation, the absolute certainty, the pseudo-religious frenzy? People rushed to make offerings at Obama’s feet. Buildings and schools were renamed for him. The Nobel committee trashed its reputation to offer him a prize normally given only after lengthy and productive careers.

To the opposition, he remained a mystery, an uncanny figure, certainly not what his followers claimed, but something out of the ordinary all the same, to be analyzed and pondered only at a safe distance. Stymied conservatives were reduced to watchful waiting, to near-hysterical pursuit of wills-of-the-wisp, or at worst to even turning their coats and going over to the other side. (In the case of David Brooks, I’d guess you’d have say turning his pants)

Some had doubts. It all seemed too much like rock-star hype of the most vulgar sort. Obama was a pol for the age of Britney, a messiah for people who became famous for wearing their pants low. Such an epoch could never produce an FDR or even a Lyndon B. Johnson. The Big O had flaws, hidden though they might be. Remain alert, and they’d appear eventually. This was the impulse that fueled the Tea Parties of last summer.

The record of his first year seemed to bear this out. The pusillanimity in dealing with the Russians and Iranians, the back of the hand given allies such as the UK, Israel, and Poland. As the months passed the errors grew larger, the faux pas more humiliating — the bows to toy royalty, the collapse of Chicago’s Olympics plans, the debacle of the Copenhagen “climate summit”. But Obama’s more-than-human reputation survived. Even when New Jersey and Virginia went to the GOP in the gubernatorial elections, the blame went to poor candidates, the recession, the customary blowback against incumbents. Obama sailed above it all, his halo unblemished.

With the health-care bill, it all seemed to be coming back. The tide once again was running Obama’s way. Through a mixture of chicanery, deceit, and open bribery this atrocious bill, as clear an undermining of American freedoms as exists in the historical record, was brought to the very brink of passage. The superhuman Obama had returned, once more standing astride history like a colossus.

As of this week, that is ended. Obama as Übermensch is a thing of the past. In a short time, commentators from all parts of the spectrum will be scratching their heads and wondering what it was all about.

While Obama was tarred from his support of losers in the Virginia and New Jersey contests, Massachusetts left him no choice. Too much was at stake. His signature effort, the takeover of the health-care system, depended on that single vote. So he was flushed out of the Oval Office at emergency speed to throw a lifeline to a swamped candidate. The tired, near-shabby figure who appeared in Boston last Sunday to mouth a pro forma endorsement that he obviously did not believe was not the Obama of last year. Not a godling, not a New Man, not a higher step in evolution, but a sad and overwhelmed individual who is having bad time of it and sees worse coming.

Mystique is a strange type of armor. Intact, it is effectively impenetrable. But when it fails, it fails not in sections or layers but completely, becoming not a source of protection but a burden, one that the wearer cannot rid himself of no matter how hard he tries. Obama is about to discover the truth of this. The historical record is clear on one point: people are not kind to failed messiahs.

And it was accomplished by a regular guy, a guy who drives a pickup, who probably intended or foresaw nothing of the sort. But that, after all, is the way it goes in this country. It’s not Beowulf who rides to the rescue in America — and that’s a good thing; Beowulfs often die fulfilling their missions — but the average guy who sees something wrong and acts to set it right. That is what Scott Brown did. And though he may sometimes disappoint us in days to come – a serious conservative, after all, could never have been elected in Massachusetts – nothing can diminish his achievement of this day. He is the man who demonstrated, clearly and with finality, that a god-emperor has no place in the American system. That is no small thing.

A final point: this must also mark the end of conservative defeatism. Obama is no longer a mystery, no longer an invulnerable figure, no longer the favorite of destiny.

He is the master of a party of thieves, loons, and hustlers. A party that has tossed away its mandate in less than a year’s time, a party with no Plan B, with no ideas and no useful tradition, a party that feeds off fantasy, with nothing to serve it but the husk of an ideology dead for generations. They are easy targets, from Obama on down, and there is no excuse for holding back.

There is still plenty of work to do, and a long road ahead. We are still at Midway. But as a man said at the time, “It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Let us go amongst them.

This Isn't That Hard

I said a hip hop,
Hippie to the hippie,
The hip, hip a hop, and you don’t stop, a rock it
To the bang bang boogie, say, up jump the boogie,
To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat.
Now, what you hear is not a test – I’m rappin’ to the beat,
And me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet.
See, I am Wonder Mike, and I’d like to say hello,
To the black, to the white, the red and the brown,
The purple and yellow. But first, I gotta
Bang bang, the boogie to the boogie,
Say up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie,
Let’s rock, you don’t stop,
Rock the rhythm that’ll make your body rock.
Well so far you’ve heard my voice but I brought two friends along,
And the next on the mic is my man Hank,
C’mon, Hank, sing that song!

Check it out, I’m the C-A-S-A, the N-O-V-A,
And the rest is F-L-Y,
You see I go by the code of the doctor of the mix,
And these reasons I’ll tell you why.
You see, I’m six foot one, and I’m tons of fun
When I dress to a T,
You see, I got more clothes than Muhammad Ali
and I dress so viciously.
I got bodyguards, I got two big cars
That definitely ain’t the wack,
I got a Lincoln Continental and a sunfoofed Cadillac.
So after school I take a dip in the pool,
Which is really on the wall,
I got a colour TV, so I can see
The Knicks play basketball. Hear me talk about
Checkbooks, credit cards, mo’ money
Than a sucker could ever spend,
But I wouldn’t give a sucker or a bum form the Rucker
Not a dime ’til I made it again. Everybody go
Ho-tel, Mo-tel, Whatcha gonna do today? (Say what?)
‘Cos I’m a get a fly girl,
Gonna get some spank n’ drive off in a def OJ. Everybody go
Ho-tel, Mo-tel, Holiday Inn,
Say if your girl starts actin’ up, then you take her friend.
Master Gee! My mellow!
It’s on to you, so whatcha gonna do?

Well, it’s on’n’n’on’n’on on’n’on,
The beat don’t stop until the break of dawn.
I said M-A-S, T-E-R, a G with a double E,
I said I go by the unforgettable name
Of the man they call the Master Gee.
Well, my name is known all over the world
By all the foxy ladies and the pretty girls.
I’m goin’ down in history
As the baddest rapper there ever could be.
Now I’m feelin’ the highs and you’re feelin’ the lows,
The beat starts gettin’ into your toes
You start poppin’ your fingers and stompin’ your feet
And movin’ your body while while you’re sitting in your seat
And then damn! Ya start doin’ the freak, I said
Damn! Right outta your seat
Then you throw your hands high in the air,
Ya rockin’ to the rhythm, shake your derriere
Ya rockin’ to the beat without a care,
With the sureshot MCs for the affair.
Now, I’m not as tall as the rest of the gang
But I rap to the beat just the same.
I got a little face, and a pair of brown eyes
All I’m here to do, ladies, is hypnotize
Singin’ on’n’n’on’n’on on’n’on,
The beat don’t stop until the break of dawn
Singin’ on’n’n’on’n’on on’n’on,
Like a hot buttered pop da pop da pop dibbie dibbie
Pop da pop pop, don’t you dare stop
Come alive y’all, gimme whatcha got
I guess by now you can take a hunch
And find that I am the baby of the bunch
But that’s okay, I still keep in stride,
‘Cos all I’m here to do is just wiggle your behind
Singin’ on’n’n’on’n’on on’n’on,
The beat don’t stop until the break of dawn.
Singin’ on’n’n’on’n’on on’n’on,
Rock rock, y’all, throw it on the floor
I’m gonna freak you here, I’m gona freak you there,
I’m gonna move you outta this atmosphere.
‘Cos I’m one of a kind and I’ll shock your mind
I’ll put TNT in your behind. I said
One, two, three, four, come on, girls, get on the floor
A-come alive, y’all, a-gimme whatcha got
‘Cos I’m guaranteed to make you rock
I said one, two, three, four, tell me, Wonder Mike
What are you waiting for?

I said a hip hop,
The hippie to the hippie
The hip hip a hop, and you don’t stop, a rock it
To the bang bang boogie, say up jump the boogie,
To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat.
A Skiddleebebop, we rock, scooby doo,
And guess what, America, we love you
‘Cos you rocked and a rolled with so much soul,
You could rock ’til a hundred and one years old.
I don’t mean to brag, I don’t mean to boast,
But we like hot butter on our breakfast toast
Rock it up, Baby Bubba!
Baby Bubba to the boogie da bang bang da boogie
To the beat, beat, it’s unique
Come on everybody and dance to the beat!

*Drum break*

A hip hop
The hippie to the hippie the
Hip hip a hop and you don’t stop, rock it
Rock it out, Baby Bubba to the boogie da bang bang
The boogie to the boogie, the beat.
I said, I can’t wait ’til the end of the week
When I’m rappin’ to the rhythm of a groovy beat
And I attempt to raise your body heat.
Just blow your mind, so you can’t speak
And do a thing but a-rock and shuffle your feet
And let it change up to a dance called the freak
And when you finally do come into your rhythmic beat,
Reast a little while so you don’t get weak.
I know a man named Hank
He has more rhymes than a serious bank
So come on Hank, sing that song,
To the rhythm of the boogie, the bang bang da bong!

Well, I’m Imp the Dimp, the ladies’ pimp,
The women fight for my delight.
But I’m the grandmaster with the three MCs
That shock the house for the young ladies
And when you come inside, into the front,
You do the freak, spank, and do the bump
And when the sucker MC try to prove a point,
We’re a treacherous trio, we’re the serious joint!
a-From sun to sun and from time to time
I sit down and write a brand new rhyme
Because they say that miracles never cease
I’ve created a devastating masterpiece
I’m gonna rock the mic ’til you can’t resist,
Everybody, I say it goes like this
Well, I was walking home late one afternoon
A reporter stopped me for an interview
She said she’s heard stories and she’s heard fables
That I’m vicious on the mic and the turntable
This young reporter I did adore,
So I rocked some vicious rhymes like I never did before
She said, “Damn, fly guy, I’m in love with you
The Casanova legend must have been true”
I said, “By the way, baby, what’s your name?”
Said, “I go by name of Lois Lane
And you could be my boyfriend, you surely can,
Just let me quit my boyfriend called Superman.”
I said, “He’s a fairy, I do suppose
Flyin’ through the air in pantyhose
He may be very sexy, or even cute,
But he looks like a sucker in a blue and red suit,”
I said, “You need a man man who’s got finesse
And his whole name across his chest
He may be able to fly all through the night,
But can he rock a party ’til the early light?
He can’t satisfy you with his little worm,
But I can bust you out with my super sperm!”
I go do it, I go do it, I go do it, do it, do it.
An’ I’m here an’ I’m there, I’m Big Ban Hank, I’m everywhere
Just throw your hands up in the air
And party hardy like you just don’t care
Let’s do it, don’t stop, y’all, a tick tock, y’all, you don’t stop!
Go ho-tel, mo-tel, whatcha gonna do today? (Say what?)
I’m gonna get a fly girl, gonna get some spank, drive off in a def OJ,
Everybody go, “Ho-tel, mo-tel, Holiday Inn”
You say if your girl starts actin’ up, then you take her friend
I say skip, dive, what can I say?
I can’t fit ’em all inside my OJ,
So I just tak half, and bust ’em out,
I give the rest to Master Gee so he can shock the house
It was twelve o’clock one Friday night
I was rockin’ to the beat and feelin’ all right
Everybody was dancin’ on the floor
Doin’ all the things they never did before
And then this fly girl with a sexy lean
She came into the bar, she came into the scene
She travelled deeper inside the room
All the fellas checked out her white Sassoons
She came up to the table, looked into my eyes
Then she turned around and shook her behind
So I said to myself, it’s time for me to release
My vicious rhyme I call my masterpiece
And now people in the house, this is just for you
A little rap to make you boogaloo
Now the group you hear is called Phase Two
And let me tell you somethin’, we’re a helluva crew
Once a week, we’re on the street
Just to cut in the jams and look at your feet
For you to party, you gotta have the moves,
So we’ll get right down and get you a groove
For you to dance, you got to be hot
So we’ll get right down and make you rock
Now the system’s on and the girls are there
You definitely have a rockin’ affair
But let me tell you somethin’, there’s still one fact
And to have a party, you got to have a rap
So when the party’s over, you’re makin’ it home,
And tryin’ to sleep before the break of dawn
And while you’re sleepin’, you start to dream,
And thinkin’ how you danced on the disco scene
My name appears in your mind,
Yeah, a name you know that was right on time
It was Phase Two just doin’ a do
Rockin’ you down ‘cos you knew we could
To the rhythm of the beat that makes you freak,
Come alive girls, get on your feet
To the rhythm of the beat to the beat the beat
To the double beat beat that makes you freak
To the rhythm of the beat that says you go on
On’n’on into the break of dawn
Now I got a man comin’ on right now
He’s garuanteed to throw down
He goes by the name of Wonder Mike
Come on, Wonder Mike, do what you like!

I say a can of beer that’s sweeter than honey,
Like a millionaire that has no money
Like a rainy day that is not wet,
Like a gamblin’ fiend that does not bet
Like Dracula without his fangs,
Like the boogie to the boogie without the boogie bang
Like collard greens that don’t taste good,
Like a tree that’s not made out of wood
Like goin’ up and not comin’ down,
Is just like the beat without the sound, no sound
To the beat beat, you do the freak
Everybody just rock and dance to the beat
Have you ever went over a friends house to eat
And the food just ain’t no good?
The macaroni’s soggy, the peas are mushed,
And the chicken tastes like wood
So you try to play it off like you think you can
By saying that you’re full
And then your friend says, “Mama, he’s just being polite
He ain’t finished, uh-uh, that’s bull!”
So your heart starts pumpin’ and you think of a lie
And you say that you already ate
And your friend says “Man, there’s plenty of food”
So you pile some more on your plate
While the stinky food’s steamin’, your mind starts to dreamin’
Of the moment that it’s time to leave
And then you look at your plate and your chicken’s slowly rottin’
Into something that looks like cheese
Oh so you say “That’s it, I gotta leave this place
I don’t care what these people think,
I’m just sittin’ here makin’ myself nauseous
With this ugly food that stinks”
So you bust out the door while it’s still closed
Still sick from the food you ate
And then you run to the store for quick relief
From a bottle of Kaopectate
And then you call your friend two weeks later
To see how he has been
And he says, “I understand about the food,
Baby Bubba, but we’re still friends”
With a hip hop the hippie to the hippie
The hip hip a hop, a you don’t stop the rockin’
To the bang bang boogie
Say up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie the beat
I say, “Hank, can ya rock?
Can ya rock to the rhythm that just don’t stop?
Can ya hip me to the shoobie doo?”
I said, “Come on, make, make the people move!”

I go to the balls and then ring the bell
Because I am the man with the clientele
And if ya ask me why I rock so well,
A Big Bang, I got clientele
And from the time I was only six years old
I never forgot what I was told
It was the best advice I ever had
It came from my wise, dear old dad
He said, “Sit down, punk, I wanna talk to you
And don’t say a word until I’m through
Now there’s a time to laugh, a time to cry
A time to live and a time to die
A time to break and a time to chill
To act civilized or act real ill
But whatever you do in your lifetime
You never let an MC steal your rhyme”
So from six to six ’til this very day
I’ll always remember what he had to say
So when the sucker MCs try to chump my style
I let them know that I’m versatile
I got style, finesse, and a little black book
That’s filled with rhymes and I know you wanna look
But the thing that seperates you from me
And that is called originality
Because my rhymes are on from what you heard
I didn’t even bite, not a go—word
And I say a little more, later on tonight
So the sucker MCs can bite all night
A tick a tock, y’all, a beat beat, y’all
A let’s rock, y’all, you don’t stop
Ya go, “Ho-tel, mo-tel, whatcha gonna do today?” (Say what?)
Ya say, “I’m gonna get a fly girl, gonna get some spank and
Drive off in a def OJ”
Everybody go, “Ho-tel, mo-tel, Holiday Inn”
Ya say if your girl starts actin’ up, then you take her friends
A like that, y’all, to the beat, y’all
Beat beat y’all, ya don’t stop!
A Master Gee, my mellow
It’s on to you so whatcha gonna do?

Well, like Johnny Carson on the Late Show
A like Frankie Crocker in stereo
Well like the Barkay’s singin’ “Holy Ghost”
The sounds to throw down, they’re played the most
It’s like my man Captain Sky
Whose name he earned with his super sperm
We rock and we don’t stop
Get off, y’all, I’m here to give you whatcha got
To the beat that it makes you freak
And come alive, girl, get on your feet
A like a Perry Mason without a case
Like Farrah Fawcett without her face
Like the Barkays on the mic
Like gettin’ down right for you tonight
Like movin’ your body so you don’t know how
Right to the rhythm and throw down
Like comin’ alive to the Master Gee
The brother who rocks so viciously
I said the age of one, my life begun
At the age of two I was doin’ the do
At the age of three, it was you and me
Rockin’ to the sounds of the Master Gee
At the age of four, I was on the floor
Givin’ all the freaks what they bargained for
At the age of five I didn’t take no jive
With the Master Gee it’s all the way live
At the age of six I was a-pickin’ up sticks
Rappin’ to the beat, my stick was fixed
At the age of seven, I was rockin’ in heaven
Don’tcha know I went off
I gotta run on down to the beat you see
Gettin’ right on down, makin’ all the girls
Just take off their clothes to the beat the beat
To the double beat beat that makes you freak
At the age of eight, I was really great
‘Cause every night, you see, I had a date
At the age of nine, I was right on time
‘Cause every night I had a party rhyme
Going on’n’n’on’n’ on on’n’on
The beat don’t stop until the break of dawn
A sayin’ on’n’n’on’n’ on on’n’on
Like a hot buttered de pop pop de popcorn…


J. R. Dunn jacks off to Hugh Jackman.

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape


The Backlash is Coming said,

January 24, 2010 at 20:21

If you want to talk about Bush so much, here are the FACTS:

War has freed tens of thousands of people from a despot dictator that was openly defying international law and resolutions of the UN. It has also diminished the capacity of terrorists.

Climate ALWAYS changes, and man-made climate change is bunk. It is a figment of people’s imagination that leads to Socialist policies.

Economic Crisis was CREATED by the government. By pushing asset bubbles around the economy, and fostering policies like CRA, and Fannie and Freddie to carry them out, have created those problems. They have fostered the thuggery of unions, and pressed from the other flank with regulation, and have, at least in part, created the automotive problems.

Unemployment is a response to the economic crisis. If the government does much more, they will make the macro-economic losses effectively permanent.

There is no such thing as smart government. The only answer is the most bare, limited and restricted government, solely to protect the freedom of the people. Government managing the people is not freedom, it is tyranny.

This has got to be phalse troll. It’s just too pitch-perfect to be real. THUGGERY OF ONIONS!!!! CLIMATE CHANGE IS JUST SNUPSOTS!!!

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape


Verse 1
A long long time ago
I can still remember how that music used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they’d be happy for a while
But February made me shiver
With every paper I’d deliver
Bad news on the doorstep
I couldn’t take one more step
I can’t remember if I cried
When I read about his widowed bride
But something touched me deep inside
The day the music died


So, bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and rye
Singin’ this’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die

Verse 2
Did you write the Book of Love
And do you have faith in God above
If the Bible tells you so
Do you believe in rock n’ roll
Can music save your mortal soul
And can you teach me how to dance real slow
Well, I know that you’re in love with him
‘Cause I saw you dancin’ in the gym
You both kicked off your shoes
Man, I dig those rhythm & blues
I was a lonely, teenage broncin’ buck
With a pink carnation and a pickup truck
But I knew I was out of luck
The day the music died
I started singin’


Verse 3
Now for ten years we’ve been on our own
And moss grows fat on a rollin’ stone
But that’s not how it used to be
When the Jester sang for the King and Queen
In a coat he borrowed from James Dean
In a voice that came from you and me
Oh, and while the King was looking down
The Jester stole his thorny crown
The courtroom was adjourned
No verdict was returned
And while Lenin read a book on Marx
The quartet practiced in the park
And we sang dirges in the dark
The day the music died
We were singin’


Verse 4
Helter Skelter in a summer swelter
The birds flew off with a fallout shelter
Eight miles high and falling fast
It landed foul on the grass
The players tried for a forward pass
With the Jester on the sidelines in a cast
Now the half-time air was sweet perfume
While the Sergeants played a marching tune
We all got up to dance
Oh but we never got the chance
‘Cause the players tried to take the field
The marching band refused to yield
Do you recall what was revealed
The day the music died
We started singing


Verse 5
Oh, and there we were, all in one place
A generation lost in space
With no time left to start again
So come on, Jack, be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack Flash sat on a candlestick
‘Cause fire is the devils only friend
Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in Hell
Could break that Satan’s spell
And as flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
He was singing


Verse 6
I met a girl who sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news
But she just smiled and turned away
I went down to the sacred store
Where I’d heard the music years before
But the man there said the music wouldn’t play

And in the streets the children screamed
The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed
But not a word was spoken
The church bells all were broken
And the three men I admire most
The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died
And they were singin’


Bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singing this’ll be the day that I die

They were singin’
Bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singing this’ll be the day that I die


Godwin’s Law!


In 1814…with his mystique as the Unconquered Conqueror punctured, Napoleon was soon without an army.

The Retreat From Moscow called. It wants some motherfucking respect, dammit.


“next up, IRAN!”


“We’ll going with Surge levels from the beginning, overwhelming force, balls to the wall!”

“Um, we’re sorry President Brown, but thanks to the troops and equipment used up in Iraq and Afghanistan I’m afraid your surge will consist of three platoons of National Guard troops and a clapped out Humvee.”



Cleanup on isle 5!!!!


Come ‘n listen to my story ’bout a troll named Pie
A poor teabagger, basement-dwellin’ kinda guy
And then one day, he was trollin’ at some site
And up through the Net come a stupid pie fight
Cream, that is, white gold, Texas teabags

Well, the first thing you know, old Pie’s high on the hog
Kin folk said, Pie, go get yourself a blog
Said, the Intertoobz is the place to spread yer lies
So he loaded up a page and stocked up some supplies
Grub, that is, Cheetos, Mountain Dew

Well, now it’s time to say goodbye to Pie and all his kin
They would like to thank you folks for kindly droppin’ in
You’re all invited back again to this locality
To have a heapin’ helpin’ of their hos-pie-tality
Dipshittery, that is, set a spell, turn your brain off

Y’all come back now, hear?


I live in San Francisco. Why should I spend $2.00 for a Muni ride downtown to support a bill that’s even worse than the current disaster? The “HCR” proposals in congress are crap engineered by faux-Democrats to appease their corporate masters.


Please don’t waste your time with any of that “think of the Iraqis!” shit. Saddam had the full support of the Reagan and Bush I administration for his worst atrocities – the Iran war (he was the aggressor, the U.S. backed him anyway), the gassing of the Kurds at Halabja (which the State Department tried to blame on the Iranians despite overwhelming evidence) and the 1991 progrom that destroyed the southern Shi’a (Bush deliberately encouraged them to revolt and failed to support them after the Gulf War).

The cocksucking trogloytes calling themselves the conservative movement don’t have the moral standing to lecture anyone about Saddam’s war crimes. You didn’t “discover” these crimes until 2002, years and years after they’d been committed with the full support of your great heroes in the White House. You didn’t give two shits about Iraqi deaths until you started needing ammo to throw at the anti-war movement. And by the way, the Iraqi people had to wait until 2007 before the U.S. military’s mission profile in Iraq included “protecting civilians” and not just “killing hajjis.”

Which might just explain why huge majorities in Iraqi public opinion had been demanding that U.S. troops get the fuck out for the last seven years. If you care so much about the Iraqis, put on a uniform and go tell them yourself. And if you care so much about their freedom, stop rooting for an occupation they themselves have never wanted.


Why should I spend $2.00 for a Muni ride downtown to support a bill that’s even worse than the current disaster?

You shouldn’t, especially since it was yesterday.


Unless you’ve got stuff to do downtown, of course.


This Isn’t That Hard said,

Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.


Spendin’ too much time away
I can’t stand another day
Maybe you think I’ve seen the world
But I’d rather see my girl

I’m goin’ home, I’m goin’ home
I’m goin’ home, I’m goin’ home
I’m goin’ home, bome, bome, bome-bome-bome,
Home, bome, bome, bome, back home
Yes, I am

All those letters ev’ry day
Maybe alright in their way
But I’d love to see your face
When I get home in their place

I’m goin’ home, I’m goin’ home
I’m goin’ home, I’m goin’ home
I’m goin’ home, bome, bome, bome-bome-bome,
Home, bome, bome, bome, back home
Yes, I am

I’m goin’ home, I’m goin’ home
I’m goin’ home, I’m goin’ home
I’m goin’ home, bome, bome, bome-bome-bome,
Home, bome, bome, bome, back home
Yes, I will

When you’re three thousand miles away
I just never sleep the same
If I packed my things right now
I could be home in seven hours

I’m goin’ home, I’m goin’ home
I’m goin’ home, I’m goin’ home
I’m goin’ home, bome, bome, bome-bome-bome,
Home, bome, bome, bome, back home

Yes, I will
Yes, I will
See my baby, see my baby
I wanna see my girl
I just can’t wait, I just can’t wait
I just can’t wait, I just can’t wait

I just can’t wait, I just can’t wait
I just can’t wait, I just can’t wait

I just can’t wait
I’ll see my baby
She’ll make me feel alright

Gotta see my baby
She’ll make me feel so good
She’ll make me feel allright
Yes she does
In the middle of the night
So good ti ti tight

Feel allright, come on baby
I’m gonna get home babe
I feel allright
I’m lookin’ for my baby
I’m gonna go in the early morning
I’m gonna catch that plane
Now it won’t be long, I say
Listen to me

Long time since I’ve seen my baby
Yes it is
It’s such a long long time
Yes it is, I feel allright
I’m gonna see my baby, one more time
I get home, I gotta get home
I wanna see my darling

I wanna make sweet sweet love
In the middle of the night
Early in the morning
In the midnight hour
She’ll make me feel so good
She’ll make me feel allright

When she touch my hands
And that’s all I gotta say
Cause I’m gonna pack my bags
I wanna see you baby
See your face
Your pretty little smile
Your pretty clothes
Hear you talk
Come on

I’m comin’ home
I’ll see my baby
I’m goin’ home
I’m gettin’ out
To see your face
Makin’ love to you baby
Yes it makes me feel so good
I feel so good inside

Touch me one more time
Come on little girl
You may look sweet
But I know you ain’t
I know you ain’t


Fuck the politically minded, here’s something I want to say,
About the state of nation, the way it treats us today.
At school they give you shit, drop you in the pit,
You try, you try, you try to get out, but you can’t because they’ve fucked you about.
Then you’re a prime example of how they must not be,
This is just a sample of what they’ve done to you and me.

Do they owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?

Don’t want me anymore, cos I threw it on the floor.
Used to call me sweet thing, I’m nobody’s plaything,
And now that I am different, ‘d love to bust my head,
You’d love to see me cop-out, ‘d love to see me dead.

Do they owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?

The living that is owed to me I’m never going to get,
They’ve buggered this old world up, up to their necks in dept.
They’d give you a lobotomy for something you ain’t done,
They’ll make you an epitomy of everything that’s wrong.

Do they owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?

Don’t take any notice of what the public think,
They’re so hyped up with T.V., they just don’t want to think.
They’ll use you as a target for demands and for advice,
When you don’t want to hear it they’ll say you’re full of vice.

Do they owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?


Gee, Backlash, wouldn’t just be easier to buy a penis pump?


whoah. Haven’t had to break out the logorrhea badgers for quite some time.

haven’t missed it.


It’s been one humdinger of a clusterfuck of a thread, ZRM.

And I thought Paultards were extinct. Silly me.


I noticed that John McCain is going to have to face a tea-bagger in his primary. Some right-wing radio loon. That will be fun to watch.

I also saw a music video I hadn’t seen since the early days of MTV, “The Girl With The Curious Hand”, a pean to hand-jobs. Starring a young Mrs. Scott Brown.


Oh, I love a bit of S&M, particularly if i am ‘bottom’…..


what the hell is going on here tonight, too much ex-lax?


Naw, just one bitter troll. It got desperate and started with the copypasta, and then things went downhill is a hurry.

As one of the instigators, please accept my apology.


As one of the wags that proceeded to parody the copypasta with random song lyrics, I apologize too. But it was fun looking over old Crass lyrics again.


I noticed that John McCain is going to have to face a tea-bagger in his primary

John McCain is objectively a liberal.


I noticed that John McCain is going to have to face a tea-bagger in his primary

I wonder if teh ‘Bagger will demand to see mcCain’s birth certificate?


“I wonder if teh ‘Bagger will demand to see mcCain’s birth certificate?”

About goddamn time somebody did. If Hawaii’s not really America, it’s a good bet Panama isn’t either.


Clustered Colossal Animator with Braised Zucchinis

1 frightening colossal animator
1 zucchini, hoarsely glazed
5 teaspoons peanut, pulled
5 sticks river wurm tentacle
1 tablespoon basil
6 pints salt

Pre-heat your George Foreman grill to 251 Farenheit. Charmingly begin praying. Place the colossal animator into a small pot. Use a food processor to mix the peanut with the zucchini. Stuff the resulting potion into the colossal animator. Dry – very ominously – the river wurm tentacle, basil, and the salt. Mush everything together voraciously. Leave raw. Serves 9 yummy enemies with evangelical stomachs.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Hmmm… it’s almost as though there’s something about Barack Obama independent of his birthplace that would upset teabaggers…. SOMETHING about him that John McCain didn’t share. What could such a thing possibly be?


“What could such a thing possibly be?”

He’s a Muslim. I mean, he’s an Arab. You know, a terrorist. I mean, he goes to church, but the pastor at that church doesn’t like whiteys so he must be Muslim. So yeah, he’s a Muslim. Okay, maybe not, but he’s a Kenyan, right? Or Hawaiian, or something. But it’s not because he’s black. Oh, heavens, no! He’s a decent family man he is, oh you betcha.


Samoans, man.

Steak knife – there’s a hole in my head
Steak knife – you’re gonna be dead
Steak knife – it’s a heavy change
Steak knife – say goodbye to your brain

There’s a hole, there’s a hole in my heart
Dick hurts, chop it apart
Fuckin’ sheep, I’m on the rag
They got my balls in a plastic bag

I think I need a doctor – to look inside my head
Every time I love a girl – I stab her in my bed
I see my life – in visions crimson shape
I see my life in hell – there’s no escape

There’s a hole, there’s a hole in my heart
Head hurts, chop it apart

Steak knife – there’s a hole in my head
Steak knife – you’re gonna be dead
Steak knife – it’s a heavy change
Steak knife – say goodbye to your brain

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape

Sorry, that wasn’t Hitler, it was me. I forgot to change my handle.



Isn’t it a little late for a pro-health care reform rally?

I mean, maybe if we’d done this in August it would all be a done deal now.

So we wait until after a republican wins Teddy Kennedy’s senate seat to actually go out and show support for HCR.

Maybe I’ll wait until November 4th to donate to any Democrat candidates.


Moe Lane! Neil Stevens! Erick Erickson !

Cleanup on isle 9!

Come quick with the BLAM STICK!


John McCain is going to have to face a tea-bagger

Thanks for the mental image. And by “thanks” I mean DAMN YOU TO HELL.

Sorry, that wasn’t Hitler, it was me.

Lester is Hitler? Why am I always the last to know?

The Tragically Flip

Remember that bit about more troops dying under Clinton? Snopes says: false.

Deaths per president, US Military, active duty, all causes:
Reagan: 17201
Bush I: 6223
Clinton: 7500
Bush II, 2001-2006: 8792

So with only 6 of 8 years of data included, Bush II had already passed Clinton. St Reagan takes the prize for murdering US soldiers I guess.

Fuck are conservatives ever stupid and dishonest. How do you look yourself in the mirror there Backlash/Truthy, you lying little shit? Or does it even occur to you to be mad that wherever you dredged up this nonsensical statistic was lying to you in turn? Comparing apples to oranges? Bush’s combat deaths against Clinton’s deaths from all causes.

The Tragically Flip

Isn’t it a little late for a pro-health care reform rally?

It’s too late when John “The Great Pumpkin” Boehner is swearing in as Speaker of the House in January 2011. Until then, the House can just pass the senate bill and at least get something done.


Bush’s combat deaths against Clinton’s deaths from all causes.

That was the angle I assumed he was using. They value dishonesty – Backlash demonstrated that above. They just want to win.

Unfortunately what they want to win is a huge assfucking from their corporations.


They got my balls in a plastic bag

I suppose they’re easier to keep clean that way, if nothing else.

Smiling Mortician

John McCain is going to have to face a tea-bagger

OK but I just pictured that.

That will be fun to watch.

No, really. It wasn’t.

Smiling Mortician

tigrismus is magic and I am slow.


Apparently I’m in a death struggle with WordPress. Anyway, my point is, you can’t mention Hitler and the Angry Samoans without this:

They saved Hitler’s cock, They hid it under a rock.
I discovered it, last night. I couldn’t even, believe my eyes.

If Hitler’s cock could start to talk, it would say: To kill today.
If Hitler’s cock could choose it’s mate, it would ask, for Sharon Tate!

They saved Hitler’s cock. They stuffed it in Mengele’s sock.
They saved Hitler’s cock, and now it wants to talk.

Now it’s starting to get hard, I found it in my backyard.
Every night it kills a dog, and now it wants, some night and fog
Hitler’s cock is on the move, and now I’m scared of what it’s gonna do!


Hey, have I mentioned that I DRIVE A TRUCK??!!!

Senator-Elect Scott Brown

Yup, I drive a GMC Canyon. And I’m also the next Senator from Massachusetts. In Ted Kennedy’s seat. And I’ll kill Obamacare.

Still think it’s funny, El Cid?


Still think it’s funny, El Cid?

No, we still want you to explain how a private corporation would do a better job of providing mail service to the entire US at a lower price.

We’ve been waiting for about 8 hours now.


WordPress says:

Duplicate comment; It appears you have said that before.

Sadly, NO


No, we still want you to explain how a private corporation would do a better job of providing mail service to the entire US at a lower price.

That and how come your manhood could be completely covered by your twiggy wrist.


we still want you to explain how a private corporation would do a better job of providing mail service to the entire US at a lower price.

No, because Hopeyobamacarejenasixhelensuzmanasspiebookmarkit!


I think really the best solution would be to have postal service run by the government only in very rural areas. The rest could be privatized, split up into three or four competing corporations. Service would improve and prices would drop, and the economy would be stimulated.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

They saved Hitler’s cock

That’s not the way I heard it:

He’s riding around in the back of a staff car
His body is dead, but his brain’s in a glass jar.
Threat on his life, so they had to move quick,
They saved his brain, but not his prick.


And corporations often serve unprofitable areas as a “loss leader” so they can brag about coverage or how they are serving communities.

Believe me, Verzion and AT&T providing 3g access to North Dakota and West Virginia isn’t very profitable, but they do it so they can brag about having “x number of million people covered”. Private mail corporations may very well do the same.

Truth or Consequences

I think we need to break the mail service up among four competing companies. Then instead of delivering letters, they’ll sell them to each other for profits that only exist on paper, until the economy collapses again.

And then we’ll blame the niggers.


I think that all roads should become privatized, with three or four competing companies ruinning the roads. Quality would improve, and I’m sure that we would get used to the constant parade of toll booths after a couple of decades. Plus, my vas deferens the economy would be stimulated.


Read this book, Jennifer:

Unlike you, twat, I don’t HAVE to read a book to figure out some very simple mathematics, such as: if a not-for-profit outfit is providing service at price X, which represents the costs of performing the service, there’s no way a for-profit business is going to be able to deliver that same service at a lower price because…doh!…they not only have to cover their costs – they also have to generate a profit for their shareholders.

This is pretty basic capitalism, so I’m not surprised you have a hard time understanding it.


I think roads in high-traffic areas should be privatized, but most roads are unprofitable. Yet, they are needed for transportation due to military necessity and every day need. Thus they are constitutional and within the proper scope of government, even the founders funded national roads.


But to have government do something like, say, giving tax credits to hybrid owners is illegal and coercive.

Firstly, it’s robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Secondly, unlike a road, I can’t use my neighbor’s hybrid. It’s using GOVERNMENT money to subsidize PRIVATE property, yet Obambi is in favor of schemes like this (along with the unsuccessful and expensive “cash for clunkers”).

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I think really the best solution would be to have postal service run by the government only in very rural areas. The rest could be privatized, split up into three or four competing corporations.

Mister fucking FREE MARKET!!!! going on about internalizing profits and externalizing losses-real cute! If the market deems rural Americans to be unworthy of services, why should they get special consideration, o Randian superman?

And, ASN-LtGA, your piece at 18:35 was beautiful- warmed a cynical bastard’s heart.


Thus they are constitutional and within the proper scope of government, even the founders funded national roads.

As is and as they did the Post Office.


In fact, the federally funded roads were for the post, and were originally called post roads.

Truth or Consequences

I think roads in high-traffic areas should be subsidized for military necessity. Most Republicans agree, but they’re not dumb enough to openly brag that they want to wage war on their own country.


I think really the best solution would be to have postal service run by the government only in very rural areas.

Yes, that’s the conservative answer to everything, isn’t it? Soak the taxpayers for the unprofitable stuff, and let the corporations make the money in the profitable areas that would, you know, cover the costs of doing business in the unprofitable areas. But that would be an unconscienable offense to the “free market” if we didn’t let private interests suck up all the gravy, amirite?


That was the 18th Century, tigrismus, and it is only Constitutionally PERMISSIBLE, not Constitutionally MANDATED. I trust you can understand the difference.


I think that private companies should be allowed to print their own money, with the freedom to determine how much their scrip is worth. The competition to work for the company with the most valuable monetary units would stimulate the economy because SHUT UP THAT’S WHY!


Liberals believe in government.

Conservatives believe in the people.


Liberals trust the government with the people’s money.

Conservatives trust the people with their own, hard-earned money.


Unlike a road, I can’t use an education that’s going to some black kid. It’s using GOVERNMENT money to subsidize WHITE PEOPLE’S education!


Conservatives trust the people their corporate masters with their own, the people’s hard-earned money.

fixed your lie.


Jennifer, why do you hate capitalism and corporations?

A corporation, after all, essentially made your state famous and enriched it.


Liberals believe the people are the government.

Conservatives believe government power should reside only with corporations, like God intended.


Where would Arkansas be without Wal-Mart?

Nowhere. No one would give a shit about Bentonville, AR, or your entire state without Wal-Mart.


How many jobs did Wal-Mart create in Arkansas, Jennifer?

I bet more jobs than Bill or Hillary ever did!


First of all, numbnuts, in what way does my state being “famous” (whatever the fuck THAT is supposed to mean) benefit me? They’re not paying MY bills or anyone else’s, for that matter.

As far as “enriching” my state, have you looked at my state’s per-capita income stats, you stupid lying douche?

"The Corporations"

Why do liberals think we’re some kind of single entity? We do compete with eachother. We’re not a singular thing.

"The Corporations"

And why do you hate us when we creat MILLIONS of new jobs? More than the government ever does?

The government, btw, is a single entity, backed by force. Nobody forces you to use us. The only monopolies are government backed. Think about it!


Conservatives believe in the people. Except the ones on the east coast, the west coast, Illinois, and apparently Arkansas, too.


As for “where would Arkansas be without Wal-Mart”, it would be at about the same place, or slightly better off, given that Wal-Mart shunts 95% of its employees’ health care costs off on the state. As well as forcing a number of them onto food stamps thanks to their generous pay.

Arkansas’ treasury would be better off without Wal-Mart.


Jennifer, you know, I was on the board of Wal-Mart at one time. Am I a right-wing corporate sell-out who doesn’t care about the people?


“I think really the best solution would be to have postal service run by the government only in very rural areas.

Yes, that’s the conservative answer to everything, isn’t it? Soak the taxpayers for the unprofitable stuff, and let the corporations make the money in the profitable areas that would, you know, cover the costs of doing business in the unprofitable areas. But that would be an unconscienable offense to the “free market” if we didn’t let private interests suck up all the gravy, amirite?”

It’s also robbing Peter (urban and suburban areas) to pay Paul (rural areas) in its own way, seems to me. But then, the rugged individualists from the heartland have never had a problem taking federal subsidies. It’s just when those subsidies go to urban blacks “driving Cadillacs” that it’s objectionable.

Did I say that out loud?

100,000 small business owners

How many jobs did Wal-Mart create in Arkansas, Jennifer?

Almost as many as it cost us. Pass me the want-ads, dumbass.


Am I a right-wing, corporatist sell-out who hates poor people for serving on the Wal-Mart board?


Am I a right-wing corporate sell-out who doesn’t care about the people?

You’re the one who brought it up. If the shoe fits…


Wal-Mart created more jobs than Hitlery, who ran Wal-Mart!

I swear, it made sense when Rush told me to say it!


Conservatives believe in the white people.

OK, except for the jews.


“Conservatives believe in the white people. OK, except for the jews.”

Tell that to the Palestinians…


We love Jews and Israel.

The real anti-semites have always been on the left.

So you hate Hillary, Jennifer? You think she is a corporate sell-out?


Both parties are chock-a-block with corporate whores. The only difference is, the Democrats don’t enjoy sucking corporate cock quite as much as the Republicans do, and for the most part (exceptions like Evan Bayh and Blanche Lincoln do occur) don’t go around in public proclaiming how much they love sucking sweet, sweet, corporate cock like the Republicans do. Another difference is the Republicans enjoy sucking corporate cock even more when it’s dirty, all cheesed-up and sweaty. And also, Republicans swallow.


And what about beer, which made Milwaukee famous? Or Rice-a-Roni, which made San Francisco famous? Huh, libs, huh?


Conservatives believe in the white people.

OK, except for the jews.

And the Hispanics.
And the Iranians.
And most people from Eastern Europe.
And Italians not named Giulliani.
And the French, Belgians, Dutch, and Luxembougeouis.

Other than that, they’re cool.


Hillary! Hillary! HILLARY!!

Do you get it, yet? I am implying that you are a hypocrite because you must unquestioningly worship Hillary Clinton the way I unquestioningly worship Sarah Palin.


That was the 18th Century, tigrismus, and it is only Constitutionally PERMISSIBLE, not Constitutionally MANDATED. I trust you can understand the difference.

Hey, guess what? Mandated, permitted, in this democratic republic the will of the vast majority of the people apparently is still for the government to provide this totally Constitutional service, whether you want them to do it or not. Private profitarians: 0.


The real anti-semites have always been on the left.

Both Hitler’s cock and Hitler’s brain would like a word with you, Troofy.


Also. Should have added, what Republicans love most of all, above all else, as they will tell you with pride, is to suck corporate cock right after it’s fucked their constiuents up the ass.

Like I said, the dirtier the corporate cock is, the more they enjoy it.


We love Jews and Israel. The Bible says they will help bring about the end of the world, which is the singular goal of the Republican Party.


Why to liberals hate us?


Why does Troofy hate me?


Why do liberals hate us? Why? We drive innovation and productivity.


Corporate cock, mmmmmmmmmmm.


Government cock, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


Government cock, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Is that you, Larry Craig?

Private in the Army

Why isn’t Troofie one of me? Is it because he’s a sniveling pussy, because he weighs 300 pounds, or because he’s so obviously gay?


Does anybody want to buy these worthless mortgages? I promise that somehow innovation and productivity will result.


By the way, Troofie has infected yet another board. However, they seem to ignore him for the most part.


Inw weality, I was behwind the hwousing cwisis. Along wif Fweddie and Fwannie.



Why isn’t Troofie one of me? Is it because he’s a sniveling pussy, because he weighs 300 pounds, or because he’s so obviously gay?

Why can’t it be all of the above?


“By the way, Troofie has infected yet another board. However, they seem to ignore him for the most part.”

Perhaps we should too – “don’t feed the trolls” is a good policy for any message board. Unless this is all for enjoyment, in which case all bets are off.

The English Language

There’s, uh, there’s no “R'” in the words “in”, “behind”, “housing” or “Fannie”.
And don’t tell me, you want English to be America’s OFFICAL LANGUAGE, right?


Well, dahts how i pwonounce thwings. Awre you dwimscwiminating?


Conservatives believe in the people.

Except Barney Frank. Also Obama, Pelosi… heck, every member of the Democrat party. Also everybody who isn’t an American should just die.

So, on the whole, we actually hate the people.


The Supreme Court said that all Americans will be sucking me from now on.


The Supreme Court said that all Americans will be sucking me from now on.

Yes, but only Troofie and his pals will enjoy it.

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape

Jennifer, you’re giving our guest troll a wicked stiffy. Stop talking about cock or he’s going to have to buy a new keyboard.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

The troll’s needed a new keyboard ever since it was talking about [people who weren’t cowards like it] going to war with Iran.


I imply I’m a veteran , but I’m really not.

But it earns me respect at RedState.com, so whatever t takes.


He did go all quiet after CockTalk, didn’t he?

Maybe he’s having a smoke.

Federal Government Cock

Liberals looooooove to suck me off.


Liberals looooooove to suck me off.



May as well vote Green instead of Democrat in 2010 and 2012, liberals, since both parties are the same corporate whores.


Oh, I see Troofie’s smoke break is over.

Few people know, and fewer yet want to know… whenever Troofie “finishes”, he looks at his hand and tenderly asks, “was it good for you, too?”


Isn’t it amazing how many people love me and Private Profits at the same time and see no contradiction? It’s kind of sweet.


When did you lose your virginity Jennier?

Or are you some fat-assed Feminazi 40 year old virgin?

Is your mouth a virgin then? How about your asshole? Have you ever had a REAL man fuck you?


whenever Troofie “finishes”, he looks at his hand and tenderly asks, “was it good for you, too?”

You think? I bet he makes his hand sleep in the wet spot.


Have you ever had a REAL man fuck you?

I’m pretty sure you don’t know any of those, so how would it benefit me in any way to answer?


You seem pretty upset, Troofie.


Sorry for spoiling the afterglow for you, Troofie.

Also. My apologies to your hand.


When Troofie masturbates, he still has to rub his hand with Rohypnol to get it “in the mood”.


I’ma gonna go all pedantic asshole and point out that this: ‘/’ is not a backslash, this: ‘\’ is.

There, now I feel better.

Not to say it wasn’t a great play on toofie’s newest nym (it was!) and good points…I just couldn’t let it go.


God Damn, Fat Chance — thank you! You’re really an effective cure for insomnia. By the time I got to your third post yesterday I started to yawn and next thing I know it’s Sunday night. Geez, I haven’t slept that well in years.


Remember that time I made Troofie admit that capitalism doesn’t work when there are no brakes on the over-concentration of wealth?


That’s ok. He remembers it.


When did you lose your virginity, Jennifer?

Are you a slut? Is your asshole a virgin? What about your mouth?


Have you ever sucked a cock, Jenny? Yes or no?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

This can’t be the real Troofie…he’s turning his violent sexual frustration on a WOMAN.


And the master of civil discourse strikes again.


You all are always the ones making penis jokes.

So let’s try on a “penis joke” on Jenny here. Did you ever suck a cock? How long did it take for the first one you sucked to cum?


Four hundred twentieth!


Wouldn’t you like to know, bukake-boy?


St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Wait, no, I forgot, he wants to fuck Obama’s daughters too.


So, did you suck a cock or not Jenny?

Or are you a 300 pound lezbo blaming the “patriarchy”?


Does the troll think he’s actually capable of hurting anyone’s feelings? Yeesh.

BTW, “Breaking news: Wal-Mart says it is cutting more than 10,000 jobs at Sam’s Club”.

Hey, how’s that free market workin’ for ya now?


It hasn’t been a week since Massachusetts, and rape threats are ALREADY all I’ve got left.


At night, Troofie’s hand cries itself to sleep.


Ha! The joke’s on you! My hand actually pretends I’m Ronald Reagan!


(sprays Trool-Out ® around generously)


Just asking Jenny here some simple questions. She still can’t answer them.


Wow, silence. Really put that dumb bitch in her place.


Just asking Jenny here some simple questions.

Like I said, he remembers getting completely pwned on the subject of over-concentration of wealth. Hence the pathetic aggression.


Of course, I still haven’t explained why I haven’t enlisted in the army, or why I call for a genocide of Muslims and still pretend Iraq was about “liberation”. But hey, again, I’m a pathetic, closet-homosexual pussy. Anyone who says otherwise is a lib spoofing me.


So, have you sucked a cock or are you too fat to be attractive to any real man Jenny?

Answer that.


I hope he doesn’t beat the shit out of me like the last time he got his ass kicked by a female.

Whatever Gym Teacher Raped Troofie

Wow, silence. Really put that dumb bitch in his place.

The Back Door Is Open

wow. Dancing badgers.

Don’t worry. They’re braneless.


So, have you sucked a cock or are you too fat to be attractive to any real man

That’s not an “either-or” question, douchenozzle.

The \ is coming (now with 20% less pedantry)

Poor Troofie. Having had his ass-rape fantasies unfulfilled by his sexual preference, he now has to turn to a woman. The horror… the horror…


Whoops. Nym reversion fail.


What’s your height and weight, Jenny girl?


What’s your height and

frustrated lonely sex chat room devotee tell


Who the fuck is Jenny, and why are you stalking her when your hand is ready, willing, and able?


Let me just say that I have to get up early tomorrow to spend most of the day with lawyers and a good round of troll-baiting accompanied by my newest discovery – fresh soft cider with dark rum – is just what I needed.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

“Jenny girl”
Pedophile tell. I mean, along with everything else.


Who the fuck is Jenny

He has spinning jenny fantasies – it’s that hot thread on wood action.


Oh Jennifer, you’re just playing hard to get.

But once you’ve had a real, rock-ribbed conservative man, you won’t want any scrawny little lib boy ever again.


fresh soft cider with dark rum

how about some nice fancy red port stiffened with jack daniels?

scares the badgers right into the neighbor’s yard!

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Has anyone ever met a heterosexual man who used the phrase “rock-ribbed”?
Didn’t think so.


But once you’ve had a real, rock-ribbed conservative man, you won’t want any scrawny little lib boy ever again.

What does “rock-ribbed” mean, exactly? Because what it immediately puts me in mind of is someone who’s dealing with athletic injuries and can’t function, can’t move fast, and always feels people have to cater to him because he “deserves it” cause of his victory on the field during junior varsity.

Scrawny little lib boys are way more nimble and accommodating. Most women would agree.


how about some nice fancy red port stiffened with jack daniels?

Interest, newletter, liver transplant…


Is anyone else as amused as I am about Osama bin Ladin taking credit for the failed underpants bombing? I mean….hello? You want to take credit for that?


What does “rock-ribbed” mean, exactly?

Something like “ribbed, for her pleasure”? Because, you know, they aren’t planning on delivering it with their performance.


Scrawny little lib boys are way more nimble and accommodating.

Large, lummoxy lib boys can be accommodating, too, ya know.


I got an announcement to make.

I’m gay. Ok, libs? I’m gay. I’m gay. I like men. This is the REAL Truth/Authentic speaking, and I like men. I just want to be honest about it now.


Why do conservatives always assume, after a woman has told them in so many words they wouldn’t fuck them even with Phyllis Schlafley’s dessicated snatch, that they’re just “playing hard-to-get”?

Probably for the same reason they believe Reagan cut their taxes: they’re fucking morons.


Are you that guy that hangs out at the rest area?


But once you’ve had a real, rock-ribbed conservative man, you won’t want any scrawny little lib boy ever again.

Waayyy too much info about Troofy’s fantasies.


Seriously, I’m gay.

How do I come out? Any advice? I’m so conflicted.



Come on.

I need some advice on how to come out, please?


How do I come out? Any advice? I’m so conflicted.

Go out on the interstate to the nearest Rest Area. Write on the divider between the urinals, free blow job, walk outside, and rub both eyes, then put right hand on crotch.

Wait and watch for he sign.

Buenos Huertes, Troofie


Any gay liberals on here? Anyone?


Is anyone on here a part of the GLBT community?


i’ll have a BLT on whole wheat toast, hold the anchovies kthx


I’m just kidding. Was just trying to out some f*ggots and trannies and lezbos.

I’ll be back for Obambi’s State of the Union Address, and I already think there will be a lot of “Joe Wilson Moments” for it, lol.

Until then: suck it, libs!


Until then: suck

does this mean i won’t get my sandwich?

The \ is coming (now with 20% less pedantry)

I’m just kidding. Was just trying to out some f*ggots and trannies and lezbos.

And you only succeeded in outing yourself. Bra…vo.


out some f*ggots

why the fear of typing “faggot”?

surely not because it’s offensive… offensive is it’s M.O…. mommie will hit him if she finds out?

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape

Troofie has a million children. Too bad they’re all knuckle babies.


wingnuts have ALWAYS had problems with understanding consent…


I typed f*ggots because when I typed “f aggots” some dumbass software here decided not to post my comment.

anyway, suck it, liberals. I’ll be back for the SOTU and the response from none other than:


The \ is coming (now with 20% less pedantry)

Remarkable that TV had no problem writing the word, yet Troofie has mysterious problems doing it. Could it be that his infinity+1 IP addresses are letting him down?


dumbass software here

that means somebody is reading every word you type and writing it up your little “conversations” in their report

A Preview from Governor Robert F. McDonnell

Wassup, loony libs! Layin’ down a spread of TROOF with my “home-y”, Pimpin’ Pat Robertson, who I invited to my inaugurizzle directly after he called the Haitian earthquake God’s punishment! Having a pastor who says stupid things: IOKIYAR, silly socialists! McDonnell out (but not quite so out as Troofie)!


What is hilarious is that there are several openly gay commenters here who aren’t the least bit shy about it. See, Toofless, we don’t care what anybody’s sexual orientation is.

You think it’s a big deal to “out faggots” because in your world being gay is shameful somehow. Must be sad to be you, unable to come out of the closet to all your heroes.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

But being outed by Troofie is such a traumatic experience, considering every commenter here is required to post their full name and a photo!


unable to come out of the closet to all your heroes.

If he only realized that they were all PENIS-happy too, he’d be a much happier clown.

Robert F. McDonnell (R-VA)

I’m going to put that boy Obambi in his place this week!


What if the gay commenters DRIVE A TRUCK!!! Are they still gay and not-Real American?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Yawn. Openly racist, obviously gay troll is openly racist and obviously gay.


Don’t forget, I admitted I was gay, beyond a shadow of a doubt. If I ever try to take it back, just remember I copped to it. Bookmark the fact that I suck it, libs!

Bobby Jindal (R-LAme) last year

I’m going to put that boy Obambi in his place this week! Now to work on my Kenneth the Page impression. Boyoboy, that kills ’em down at the State House!

The Tragically Flip

We did get him to admit the USPS is needed to provide mail service to rural America, and that it is constitutional.

We found something markets can’t do, that needs doing, and government must do.


“What if the gay commenters DRIVE A TRUCK!!! Are they still gay and not-Real American?”

Well considering that many of the most manly-man TRUCK DRIVIN’-est Republicans are carefully hiding their, um, proclivities, I’d say it’s no problem.


And don’t forget, I’m (snicker) the GOP candidate to beat in 2012!

Sarah Palin (R-Facebook)

And don’t forget, I’m (snicker) the GOP candidate to beat in 2012!

You just hold yer horses, there, Bobby. Youbetcha I’m the one to beet. Also.


Buenos Huertes, Troofie

Don’t you mean, “Buenos Herpes”?


Troofie can’t type “faggot” because his hand gets jealous and refuses to cooperate.


Buenos huevos, perhaps?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

We did get him to admit the USPS is needed to provide mail service to rural America, and that it is constitutional.

He hates to admit it, but the USPS is his sole lifeline- delivering those “Muscle and Fitness” magazines to the squalid double-wide he shares with his mom and her meth-cooking Sinaloa cartel boyfriend.


I can’t believe people are still saying Obambi. The guy is the next Hitler, you need to fucking update your epithet.


“What if the gay commenters DRIVE A TRUCK!!! Are they still gay and not-Real American?”

Depends. Do they have TruckNutz?

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape

He hates to admit it, but the USPS is his sole lifeline- delivering those “Muscle and Fitness” magazines to the squalid double-wide he shares with his mom and her meth-cooking Sinaloa cartel boyfriend.

BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA! I don’t know, that just paints a real purty word-picture. And it smells true, somehow. TRUE AMERICAN!!!!


Ah, what a glorious thread. Why not top it off with some Ross?

Shorter Douthat: If libs would stop trying to, like, do things, then maybe something would actually get accomplished.


amore de pollo, huevos de toro


I’m confused: is this

1. Troofie – the rough-n-tough member of the 10th Mountain Special Airborne Commando Squad Division (Mounted)? Or is this,

2. Troofie – the rough-n-tough member of the NY National Guard, who will join the (above mentioned) 10th Mountain when he can figure out how to operate a doorknob? OR is this,

3. Troofie – the spectacularly successful small business owner who can’t afford health care for all his thousands of employees because Obama won’t let him (plus everyone knows he’s a NI-!), who will then run down to his local Recruiter’s Office to join the military, and show us all what a rough-n-tough he-man he is? OR is it,

4. Troofie – the sad, sad, little nowhere man, making with his nowhere plans, and envisioning how he’s “On the Front Lines” cutting and pasting random bits of text from his copy of the local community college republicans club “how to make them lib’rals real mad” brochure. All the while denying his insatiable lust for “the love that dares not speak it’s name”?

Or is he just Mickey Kaus’s pet goat?


A very complex person, to say the least.


Damn, I hope I didn’ kill the thread…


fresh soft cider with dark rum

I’ve been looking for a new drink for a while, i might just try that, how you mixing it, 5/6 parts cider/1 part rum?


Or is he just Mickey Kaus’s pet goat?

Thats what im betting…..

Damn, I hope I didn’ kill the thread…

No, think all the north american types are off to bed, or steaming on Port & JD (I mean seriously, wtf, that is a Champions League beverage).

Troofy’s mum told him to go to bed, he has to clean all his sperm covered soiled sheets before he is allowed back onto the internet.


Damn, I was wanting to be the 500th post


fresh soft cider with dark rum

I’ve been looking for a new drink for a while, i might just try that, how you mixing it, 5/6 parts cider/1 part rum?

More like 3:1. But I’m a professional, kids, so don’t try this at home.

It’s got a weird-but-good taste/aftertaste/afteraftertaste thing going that gets stronger as it gets warmer, so I left the cider bottle on the counter.


Damn, I hope I didn’ kill the thread…

In God’s name, WHY? If anything ever needed to be put out of its misery…


Fwiw, you could have been in the last largely troof-free thread before this.

Moyers totally shitted on Bobo this week. Hope you all watched, well worth it.


amore de pollo, huevos de toro

Lover of chicken, eggs of the bull?

I think I need to improve my spanish skills.

Or troofie is more into fowl then bovid, which is WAYYY too much info about the guy…


where’s my wine box, this troofie guy is fun to read!

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape

Next thread: America’s favorite troll inadvertently confesses he once fucked a burrito; claims this is proof he’s not racist.


Go out on the interstate to the nearest Rest Area. Write on the divider between the urinals, free blow job, walk outside, and rub both eyes, then put right hand on crotch.

And don’t forget to wear a red hankie in your right pocket.


amore de pollo, huevos de toro

Lover of chicken, eggs of the bull?

I think I need to improve my spanish skills.

Or troofie is more into fowl then bovid, which is WAYYY too much info about the guy…

love like a cock, balls lika a bull


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