For Your Listening and Viewing Pleasure, Thers . . .
Posted on December 17th, 2009 by Tintin
. . . I see your yodeling Swedish drag queen and raise you by an androgynous punk mannequin imitator now turned evangelical pastor in Hawaii.
. . . I see your yodeling Swedish drag queen and raise you by an androgynous punk mannequin imitator now turned evangelical pastor in Hawaii.
(comments are closed)
Wasn’t the MC that VJ from that whatsitsface music video channel from whatever decade that was that it all began in?
Heh. Heheheh.
ƒuck you, Looch!
Oh, Lord.
Jeezus. You’ve gone nuclear. If he can beat that, the interwebnet may asplode.
If he can beat that, the interwebnet may asplode.
Even if he can’t I may have lost the will to live.
You’ve gone nuclear.
And not tactical nuclear either.
He’s gone full Strategic Air Command end of the freakin’ world nuclear.
My eyes! Pluck them from my head!
Send this to Senator Nelson’s office immediately!
The fact is, I came.
It’s funny because it’s
truebad.I give up!
I’ll vote for it!
I’ll vote for anything!
Just. Make. It. Stop.
Oooh that was nice! Got any more like that?
Needƒ more cowbeƒƒ
I do nothing!
Teflon coated anti-goggle videos are forbidden by the Geneva Convention.
Jeebus fookin Keerist on a slimy fuckin crutch. Here’s the christianist equivalent of the above video:
So they’re no longer going to stop their meals for the needy program.
I swear, I am not maing this up.
…going to stop…
no longer going to feed…
I blame WP.
Ah, you’re just maing it up, now.
I especially like the churches deciding to do this now. It’s so Christmassy.
It’s what happens when those who despise the despised minority become despised themselves, and in the minority.
The acting out and arrogant cruelty, I mean.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Way to go, haters! Of course, Aramaic is tough so the big guy probably really said “no fags” and John jotted it down wrong.
Ricola meets Bowie slingin’ tropical fruit.
I humbly resubmit this
for all your VMD needs.
Who was the guy at the beginning of the clip, doing the intro? I feel like I should recognize him from the mists of my late-70’s pre-adolescence. Anyone know?
The part at the end (yes, I sat through the whole thing–kill me now) with Richard Dawson (Post-Hogan’s Heroes, but pre-Family Feud, I think) was also hilarious. He couldn’t even bother pretending that was anything but a “Genesis-Meets-Gentle-Giant-Meets-Uriah-Heep-and-They-All-drink-Bleach” fiasco.
Well, now I have an answer to that eternal question “What do you get when Gary Numan gets Styx pregnant and Styx has a partial birth abortion?”…
Skip something-or-other?
Skip Stephenson from Real People.
Tintin is cruel and unusual.
The move into the clergy may have been a positive one, at least this time. I couldn’t make it past where he started singing.
Hasn’t this senseless war gone on long enough?
Oh, and re: the churches, haven’t you guys read your Bible? Mark 12. Look it up.
31. And the second is like, namely this, No poofters.
The Greek can be a little tricky here.
Hell yeah, you did it! You went with the nuclear option. I just can’t see how anyone can pick themselves up off the mat after a blow like this.
Who is the guy that introduced them? He’s strangely familiar.
Nobody could possibly have an answer for that ever in the history of history.
Cocaine can be used as an anesthetic in eye and nose surgery.
I think the guy that introduced them was one of the Match-Game Misfits. Second row, stage right.
The “emcee’s” voice IS oddly familiar. I keep thinkiong I know the name but that cum rag keeps intruding and I get nowhere.
Who is the guy that introduced them?
Nobody could possibly have an answer for that ever in the history of history.
Unless you actually, you know, read upthread.
What I want to know is, where is Sarah Purcell?
“Who was the guy at the beginning of the clip, doing the intro? I feel like I should recognize him from the mists of my late-70’s pre-adolescence. Anyone know?”
I have the exact same feeling but no help here. He is vaguely familiar.
Well done, GoatBoy.
And he was on Match Game.
Jesus. It really sucks that I know that.
Just shoot me.
Am I the only one who can see GoatBoy’s post? Because this is starting to get freaky.
You know it’d help if someone let me know who the guy at the start of the video was.
and that sweater over a shirt look will be coming back any day now, I just know it. I bet he was wearing saddle shoes too.
Kids, this is why your parents are so fucked up.
Unless you actually, you know, read upthread.
Ahhh, I see. Now I know I know why
immediately followed by
had me confused.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
I love it! Especially that twangy rubber-band-sounding Rickenbacker bass. Oh, it takes me back to the good old days…
ƒkip ƒtephenson from Real People.
You know it’d help if someone let me know who the guy at the start of the video was.
Jonah would never ask to know who the guy at the start of the video was with so many vegetables on it.
I like that he’s upstage of the miming goofball.
So who was the woman who co-hosted Real People with Skip Stephenson? Can anyone tell me?
I, too am wondering who the guy was that intoduced them, but I knew it had to be fake because theres vegetables on him.
“He released a comedy album, “The Real Comedy of Skip Stephenson” on
LaffLaƒƒ Records. His career declined after the cancellation of Real People”Real People
Remember when PBS tried to convince us that Mark Russel was funny?
Damn you Xecky. Must Refresh before Submitting. Or at least that’s what your mom says.
That was Sarah Purcell J–
Jonah would never refresh the page to make sure there were no comments about what he’d not do because there were so many vegetables on it with so many vegetables on it.
So what was the name of that show that guy (whose name I can’t be arsed to remember) used to host. The one with Sarah Purcell? I wish someone would provide that information.
For you Xecky, and all the other fans of Real People.
gainsayer: Who’s Sarah Purcell?
There was a blond guy on that show. Looks kind of like the guy at the start of the video.
“Must Refresh before Submitting”
Hey, that’s what your mom said last night!
Ron “Typewriter” Mingo on Real People.
The key to success in the business world is typing fast.
Sweet IPU. Sarah Purcell was the first … in Live with Regis and …
Which narually segues into Teh War on Christmas.
narually? FFS, I don’t even know what I’m getting at any more. Unlike your mom.
The fact is, I am so overjoyed that all your socialist liberal hard left dreams of Stalinist Forced Health Care are going up in smoke, and we will return to the way it should be — the Free Market providing the world’s best health care with innovation and quality and hard work.
I knew yodeling would become a weapon in this war, and I’ve prepared for it.
The fact is, global climate change is being exposed on the world stage as the sham and UN socialist power grab it is. USA has everything to loose and nothing to gain by getting duped into destroying economy because a few islands can’t afford to put breakwaters on their beaches.
The fact is, when I think of Joe Lieberman ruining your day, your year, your life… I get a warm tingly feeling and my peepee goes up.
I think what Gary is saying is that we need more dykes in the world.
I’ll drink to that!
For once, Gary may be on to something!
I am guessing the 460,000 dollars in the background was the tote board to get them to stop.
“I am guessing the 460,000 dollars in the background was the tote board to get them to stop.”
Nah. It wasn’t going up fast enough.
“I am guessing the 460,000 dollars in the background was the tote board to get them to stop.”
Keeping it real in the lavatory.
You have a phone that can reach 1978?
Please warn them about leg warmers.
What, to stock up because they’ll be hard to find after 1985?
Apparently they’re in again. Consider and weep.
Their ƒuck button goeƒ up to ?!
So is it reasonable to assume that their pledge total went DOWN after this?
These brave innovators were doing that whole “Vogue” thing years before Madonna stole it from teh gays … whoa man … that guitar solo is sure made of WIN … eek!
It’s kind of like someone threw Styx, Loverboy & Journey in a blender. Literally.
So tig, could you at least call me back then and tell me to lay off the pot?
And study a little harder?
Aaaaah, nevermind. I didn’t listen.
I’m pretty sure I am the guy at the beginning of the video.
“So who was the woman who co-hosted Real People with Skip Stephenson? Can anyone tell me?”
That would be Sarah Purcell.
Gary Ruppert said,
December 18, 2009 at 3:54
“USA has everything to loose and nothing to gain”
Well don’t just sit there man, grab a socket wrench and help me tighten things up.
Who’s the guy at the start of this video?
Football great Fran Tarkington. Pay attention Substance.
Geez, heartless bastards, Skip is dead as the proverbial dead thing. Give him a break.
Saw him at the Ice House in Pasadena once, he did a truly amazing job of dealing w/ hecklers.
Not the Jerry Lewis telethon, btw. Not even the local insert.
The phone # (Now w/ 323 instead of 213!) goes to an “Audix” thing.
Jonah would never refresh the page to make sure there were no comments about what he’d not do because there were so many vegetables on it with so many vegetables on it.
I think I am the only commenter here who is not a Janusnode script.
Hey, I found some additional footage with that guy from the beginning of the video:
I think, if memory serves, his name is R. Louis “Skip” Stephenson. But who’s the woman with him?
noen said,
December 18, 2009 at 2:57
Ron “Typewriter” Mingo on Real People.
The key to success in the business world is typing fast.
Yeah, but can he Twitter while typing 160 words per minute?
And who was that Real Mannequin at the start of the video?
Wow. It’s like deja vu all over again reading this thread. It all seems so repetitive and redundant. And hey, wasn’t that Mclean Stephenson at the beginning of that video?
Yes, and he starred with Howard Cosell on “That’s Incredible.”
I see over at that other blog that shall remain nameless they have gone political and dragged out some muck about St Ronnie. Personally I think they misfired there. Certainly any of the self styled right-wing rap acts would have been more deadly or perhaps the Right Brothers or whatever it was they were called. Now I just want say that we do have this if we decide to resort to child warriors.
I really don’t think anyone touches The Cheeky Girls. Or maybe everybody does, I dunno.
Actually, I think it was Skip Stevenson…one time host of Real People. Right?