I Hope Annie Won’t Get Jealous…
Don’t tell Annie Angel, but she’s got some competition in the faux-kooky-Christian-blogger-chick buisness. Via TBogg, meet Sister Nancy:
The Left continues to tout the existence of the elusive female orgasm, despite all biological evidence to the contrary. As I have often said, if The Lord intended for us to have such things, He would have given us penises. But regardless of what the facts and common sense say, liberals continue to pursue their great white whale — and I don’t mean Michael Moore (Ha! That joke never gets old!). I’ve often wondered what motivates them to pursue this specious black-is-white reasoning. For the longest time, I assumed that it was merely another entitlement program created to pander to one of their key constituencies. Today I have my answer: Pure, unalloyed hatred of America. Evidently ladyquakes are the carrots moonbats are using to lead the women of Our Christian Nation over a moral cliff.
Annie, I think it’s time to pay Nancy a visit and show her what real orgasm-hating Christian theocrat gals are made of! Go, I say, with all due haste! Fight, fight, fight, fight!
I have no interest in engaging that whore in conversation.
The part of her whatever it is that you quote is disgusting. Fighting with her would be like fighting a drunk crackwhore. Too easy and too sleazy.
She’s a Christ pisser. Probably a friend of patriotboy.
I know! You can start picking on her instead of me, please!
Also, send money.
Also, send money.
Did you give any thought to being a webcam girl?
Elendil, out of the Great Interwebs to Sadly,No! I am come. In this place will I abide, and I’ll NEVER LEAVE, unto the ending of the world or until Gavin bans me.
“Fighting with her would be like fighting a drunk crackwhore.”
Honey, Sister Nancy and Betty Bowers would tag-team your ass to kingdom come.
You’re outa your league.
“Christ pisser”?
*rolls eyes*
You seem to think I should care what people like that and Jesus General do with their time. I don’t.
I had the General in chaos. I also told him to fuck off the other day on this site and HE DID.
Now, maybe you like to go around like some kind of hyena scavenging the carcasses of the lowest forms of internet content…but I have no interest in being some kind of sideshow for you morons.
You go use your superior wit agaisnt a lowlife sinner who pisses on God and who uses the words “orgasm” and “penis” to get noticed because she’s not funny. Like the General uses the word “homosexuality.”
..out of the Great Interwebs to Sadly,No! I am come. In this place will I abide, and I’ll NEVER LEAVE, unto the ending of the world
Wow, that’s some truly apocalyptic imagery. You could be the “Whore of BablyOn!”, riding Brad R. over the many waters while getting drunk on the blood of dead irony from a golden chalice. And on Thursdays, you could get half nekid!
Yawn. Too long. You didn’t grab me with the opening sentence and I skipped over the rest. Short and peppy, annie. *tosses annie a Snausage ™*
Mal. Sucks.
lowlife sinner who pisses on God and who uses the words “orgasm” and “penis” to get noticed because she’s not funny. Like the General uses the word “homosexuality.”
But not like annieangel, who uses Christpisser.
I don’t use anything for attention. You all give me all the attention I can handle.
but I have no interest in being some kind of sideshow for you morons.
But you already are….
Ah, never mind. It’s hardly worth it when she makes it that easy.
She is a loathsome, offensive brute… yet I can’t look away.
Don’t talk about Jilian like that!
I was hoping to avoid annieangel tonight. But no…out went the cry:
Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!
Have fun, folks. G’night.
Mal. Sucks.
That’s not acceptable. *taps annie on the nose with two fingers*
She was so hoping to avoid me that she went out of her way to post on MY thread.
It’s got MY NAME in the title.
That’s 3 now. Brad’s obsessed.
Nancy’s blog is gold. From here:
As one of the greatest theological works of our present era says, “The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize.”
She was so hoping to avoid me that she went out of her way to post on MY thread.
Truly, annie, the whole world revolves around you. You can suggle up and sleep soundly tonight.
I thought you were gone, cranky? Just HAD to see if I posted to you didn’t you?
It’s ok, I understand. π
Gav, do the world a favor and ban this clearly angry little tranny that calls herself Annie.
Gavin loves me.
I’m not getting banned.
Live with it.
angry little tranny that calls herself Annie
Hey, that rhymes!
This Nancy is even better: Jesus & I had our first fight this past Sunday…
I have a feeling Annie is banned over on Nancy’s site, and thus the strong denials and attempts to change the suject. *sigh* no crazy faux-Christian ladyfriend fight for you Brad.
Hah! I gotta share this one before I go. From here:
Moonbats are having an obvious field-day with President Bush’s doorknob malfunction in Mongolia, but that’s just a red herring to detract from the importance of this mission. Our President’s willingness to travel to a country populated entirely by retards or whatever they like being called today is truly Compassionate Conservatism in action.
I’ve never heard of her, never been on her site.
Why do you think I’d be banned from there? Or want to post there? Most likely I’d be banned after a few posts. It’s not rocket science!
merely another entitlement program
I’d like to sign up for this entitle program by the way.
Haloscan has demons again.
I think Brad should devote all of his time to making posts about this Nancy person and leave me alone.
I’m actually not writing my “good christian” series anymore or taking HNT’s because of the treatment I’ve received here. She wants your negative attention, give it to her!!
Crackwhores don’t get drunk, they get high, or possibly krunk.
Oh yeah, what is a “Christ pisser?” Is that some fetish thing like a “Hot Carl” or a “Golden Shower?”
You know this…how?
I know people who know people. That’s all.
A Christ pisser is a person who mocks our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They piss on God with everything they do. They think they are so clevor and so funny.
Why don’t they mock Allah? Or Buddha or Morrighan? She’s a fatty, tons of material there! Get it? Mocking pagans like the fluffy who posts here is just so CRUEL! So MEAN!!
Hypocrites. Go help PisterNancy masturbate or something. Freaks.
Is it yo mama, billy? Do tell all. You’re among friends.
I kill Buddha whenever I meet him. Is that good enough?
No, that’s what you’re supposed to do. If you give him a bath and put some clothes on him he gets pissed.
is it just me or is someone a little obsessed with urination?
It’s you.
funny, because it really seems like it is you.
You’re the one who brought it up.
I’m going to bed. Goodnight, darlinks, especially Brad. I hope you’re working on an MBA. Rich men are so sexy.
Sadly. No.
If you pray really hard you just might!
does annie have anything to do except hijack every thread on S,N? Guess not.
I don’t like annie anymore now that I know she’s not real.
It’s kind of like: you’re watching this great play in a school gymnasium, and really getting sucked into the story, and having no problem suspending disbelief. Then every prop, every piece of scenery, every curtain, all drop to the ground at once.
Sure, you keep watching, but now that the thesbians are reciting their lines while standing under a basketball hoop or next to a rock-climbing wall, you just can’t get into the story anymore.
They piss on God with everything they do.
Jesus wouldn’t get pissed on if he moves away from my dick when I take a piss.
Sure, you keep watching, but now that the thesbians are reciting their lines
Best. Misspelling. Ever!
They think they are so clevor and so funny.
Annie. . . you misspelled ZOMG CLEV0R!!!
You never know, annieangel, maybe God likes being pissed on. Many people do, I understand.
How many different people did she post as on this thread? I counted four, with a possibility of a 5th.
I have no interest in being some kind of sideshow for you morons
Right. That’s why you spent eight or ten hours a day posting here.
That’s one cranky sock puppet.
Now, maybe you like to go around like some kind of hyena scavenging the carcasses of the lowest forms of internet content
We do. And here you are. Allah provides!
You all just can’t stop talking about me!
When is Allen’s next article due out?
You all just can’t stop talking about me!
Perhaps, but only in the sense that there is often a single dominant subject of dicussion swirling about when one is in the same room as a train wreck. It’s natural.
In this case, the wreck keeps crying, “Look at me! I’m NOT a train wreck!”– often crashing AGAIN just to underscore the point– all of which has the unfortunate effect of keeping attention focused on the wreck even after bystanders would normally have become bored.
After some time, local officials usually cart the wreck away, and it’s eventually forgotten. Which reminds me–anyone have the number for the Department of Public Works?
How did I scream “look at me?”
Isn’t the little puppy cute? Look, she’s chasing her tail again!
Here, squeeze the squeaky-toy and watch her ears perk up!
Is anyone else reminded of Kevin Nealan’s Subliminal Man?
I AM NOT A SIDESHOW (please respond to me)
YOU ARE THE ONES TALKING ABOUT ME (please respond to me)
BRAD LOVES ME (please don’t ignore me)
I AM NOT ASKING FOR ATTENTION (I wish I had something clever to say)
Come on, folks! I see The General’s handiwork all over this “Nancy” site. Or maybe it’s a joint venture between him and Betty Bowers…
So, uh, I’m obviously not that bright, but is annie here for real or not? Is this an elaborate, Floyd Alvis type of performance art, or is she really this crazy?
I’m not crazy. I’m just a person like you but saved much prettier and Brad has a mega crush on me.
These facts combine to piss off the mere mortals who beg and plead for Brad’s attention. Especially the women, they get downright nasty!
Mary Jones
April 27, 2006 07:06 PM
“So, uh, I’m obviously not that bright, but is annie here for real or not?”
April 27, 2006 07:20 PM
We seem to have missed the point here. The female orgasm really is just a myth. As a gay male, I can say so with absolute authority.
Now excuse me while I go throw up.
Instead of previous efforts to hook up Ben Shapiro with Marie Jon’, how about going for a Nancy/Ben Shapiro love match?
that is one way to guarantee that her opinions on female orgasms are never threatened or questioned.
if The Lord intended for us to have such things, He would have given us penises.
Well, yeah, I mean–HEY! Waitaminute. You mean women don’t…I mean, they can’t…Er, well, how do they…???
Oh man, I’m just gonna quit this whole internet thing forever…
You could give Allen material for A Brief History of Sadly, No!
I’m just a person like you but saved much prettier and Brad has a mega crush on me.
However, you’re grammer is worse (there should be a comma between “saved”, “much prettier”, and “and”).
Also, you have a non-working link.
Thanks for the link tip. Haloscan had demons yesterday.
And thanks for the grammar (not grammer, whoops) lesson! Are you sure there should be a comma before “and”?
Are you sure there should be a comma before “and”?
Yes, my child. In many cases it might not be neccessary to place a comma before the last item in such a list but your tortured syntax all but rquires on for the sentence in question.
Oh yeah. Also stop fornicating, thou trollop.
Well tell you what. If I make mistakes you all can correct me. It’s the only way I’ll learn. π
If I make mistakes you all can correct me. It’s the only way I’ll learn.
No such thing as negative attention for this particular toddler, is there?
Usually that indicates emotional neglect by parents.
(“Well tell you what.” isn’t a sentence. As typed it isn’t even a phrase or a clause. It’s a list of words. I couldn’t resist, Lord forgive me.)
No sweat. Got your back, B.
Just WOW!
I just posted a couple of innocent comments on Annie’s blog last night and this afternoon.
Check out her responses to me after deleting my comments:
“You can go fuck yourself. π You really think I care what YOU think?
Go beat your wife some more.
Looser. This is a serious topic and I’m sick of trolls.”
The funny thing, that what I said was nothing but a couple of quotes from the Gospel of Matthew and 1 Timothy about not hating your neighbors and not hating your enemies, with one thrown in (by Paul) stating that no real Christian should ever use profanity.
Her second response:
“Hey Jeff, you’re the asshole who trolled my blog! You ignored the serious topic and you think you’re going to get to post here?
Rot in Hell, unbeliever!”
All I had written there was a humorous question asking her if she had gotten Lisa Welchel’s permission to encroach upon her territory…
Annie, why are you Christians so vile and angry all the time? Lighten up, you’ll live longer.
I guess my “atheist cloak of invisibility” has failed, and I am now readily visible to Christians everywhere.
Hey Brad, can I borrow one of your old ones you’ve got tucked away in the closet?
You’re a troll, jeff. An unfunny, ignorant, smelly, troll, and you suck.
You’re not welcome on my blog because you’re a dick.
Annie, I can feel all the love from here.
(And who told you I smell?? I wear deodorant every single day…)
Annie this one’s just for you:
“Now I, Paul, myself urge you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ–I who am meek when face to face with you, but bold toward you when absent!“ [2 Cor 10:1 NASB]
Ooooh! I could go on all day quoting scripture to you…..
“One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, ‘Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons'” [Titus 1:12 NASB]
Now as a liar, well, dear Annie, you make your bed, you sleep in it. Call me names if you must, but the Bible tells you about you.
Ah, my work is done.
annie: yap yap yap yap yap yap!!!!!
*pats g on the head*
Here, annie. Want a biscuit? C’mon girl, here’s a biscuit!
Oh, look, she’s standing up on her hind legs!
Where is Allen travelling to next?
Isn’t Annie griping about trolls much the same as Malkin griping about the eponymous brown folk?
And thanks for the grammar (not grammer, whoops) lesson!
Note that I never said my grammar was perfect.
(I should have expected that to happen, however.)
We all need each other to help us with our grammar, we’re like a family in that way, here at Sadly, No!.
Eh, these Annieangel threads are getting old. She’s good at being sarcastic, but that’s where it ends. There’s no substance. She never answers questions, which is the only reason I would want to engage her (that and her legs).
So on that note, let’s see if a simple one will elicit a response: Annie, are those your legs in the picture on your ‘blog?
We all need each other to help us with our grammar, we’re like a family in that way, here at Sadly, No!.
We are, indeed. Though I can’t quite decide if you’re the crack baby or the drunken stepmother. Either way we’d all be healthier and happier once you’re moved to a more suitable environment. I hear Free Republic and LGF operate outstanding foster homes/halfway houses along these lines.
Tough love, you know.
Of course they’re my legs.
Yeah, well, you’ve got thick ankles and flabby calves. And your taste in shoes sucks.
*pats g on the head and scratches behind his ear*
Goog gods… When will this thread die already??
Annie, I would say “suck my dick” but I fear you would appreciate that comment. Besides, I read the goddamned bible, and you are wholly ignorant of it, go back to satan worshipping, X-files style.
Good, not whatever the heck is “goog”…
Ohhhh, copying the Atriots…that’s a paddlin’.
Hey, Annie, do you happen to be wheat? Because you are getting SHREDDED!
Mary Jones and Jillian are two of my new heroes.
Cool, thanks Annie! I stand corrected; you do answer questions!
No problem, Kilfartsnot!
And 100 is mine. π
The big mistake wasn’t yours, Annie Alcholic, it was your mother’s for drinking during pregnancy and not having an abortion. Well, the really big one was the fact she didn’t have an abortion.
By the way, did you enjoy being ass-raped by your father? I’m sure he didn’t, you being a fat, lonely, sad, Lewinsky lover, bitch.
Those aren’t her legs. She is the failed clone of a pig that was originated from a woman’s womb.
Annie Alcholic (also known as annieangel, without any space), likes to crave pussy from Lewinsky. She loves the woman, but hides it behind her Jebus-freak faΓΒ§ade.
She isn’t but a half-wit, narsicistic, slut. But fat, so she dies of famine. Pity her, for having being born. Hate her father, for having impregnated her mother. Hate her mother, for not using her as a stem-cell.
Am I typing to fast for you, Annie Anvil? I hope not, since most probably you will answer me with something without a comma. Stop masturbation, Annie, the maggots might eat your fingers, and make you type even worse than you do while you masturbate.
Also, send money***
Wow, who is the whore now?