Their Memories Are Even Shorter Than Their Johnsons
The latest hullabaloo over in Fucktardville is that Obama, cleverly remonikered by the perpetually scintillating Dan Riehl as O-Bow-Now (harharharhar, you’re killing us, Dan!), bowed to the Emperor of Japan. Apparently, the appropriate wingnut protocol in this instance would have been spitting in the Emperor’s face, then kicking him in the rubber parts before shouting “This, Mr. Slanty-Eyes, is for Pearl Harbor, Hello Kitty, and Toyota!”
Of course, not a peep was heard from any of these perpetually-outraged, self-pissing, nose-picking, Funyun-munching, mouth-breathing, middle-school dropout bloggers over any of this:
George Bush slash: DO NOT WANT.
Do conservatives really know about Hello Kitty? I question the accuracy here.
As we learned from George Herbert Hoover Bush, proper protocol is to vomit on Japanese leaders.
It’s hypocritical to point out their hypocrisy.
Well, of course they’re not dickbroke over any of that. That guy was only President for one day, on 9fucking11, and saved the whole free world singlehandedly ’cause his package sticks out in a flightsuit. Unlike that swarthy fella who caused every problem back since before he beat Nixon over the head with a peppermill and forced him to resign.
Do conservatives really know about Hello Kitty?
All that matters is that Hello Kitty knows about them. She knows who’s been good and who’s been bad.
I am not outraged that bush kissed the Saudi king but I think using the tounge was a bit much. Just my two cents.
I wonder if the Wingnuts relaize that Prince Bandar (the last picture, IIRC) is referred to in some circles (including the Bush family) as “Bandar Bush.” Zis eez no problem, eh?
It wasn’t just heads of state. Bush enjoyed affectionate relations with a wide variety of individuals.
Best Thread Evar.
And. Fifteen of the nineteen participants in the attacks on the Day that Began All History where from which country?
Or “were.” WERE
I object to your title. Nothing is that short.
I understand we needed their oil and all, but did George W. Bush have to offer the Saudi prince a reacharound?
Of course, His Holiness wasn’t interested in such sex play from the Greatest President Evah, since he has a stable of hairless altar boys waiting to service his turgid monstrance.
I would like to have been a fly on the wall when Pope Benny heard GWB’s confession. I understand Bush had been carrying around a lot of guilt for paying that Mexican immigrant to fight in Viet Nam in his place.
Of course, not a peep was heard … over any of this:
Well, duh, of course not. The guys in those pictures were never President. Just ask any wingnut.
A hand massage is nothin’. I give my mother a hand massage.
I’m glad to see Bush and King Abdullah got along swimmingly. Too bad he botched it with Angela Merkel.
I know that picture’s old as shit, but I never get tired of it.
Second try at posting the bush kiss photo at Don Surber’s site. First time it did not get through moderation. Currently awaiting moderation.
“I guess this is too politically incorrect for the hyper sensitive conservative “mind”. Are you going to delete this again Don?”
Why the fuck would our President go to Asia? When Commander Guy was President, Asia came here.
Dan The He-Man responds to a commenter (“Bob”) who takes issue with Dan’s analysis with the following comment:
“Bob’s been waiting all his life to serve on a black man’s plantation. Give ’em a break! ; )”
Um, wha?
Yes, now that we have shown weakness to the Japanese by following their standard protocols for politeness, it’s only a matter of time before they bomb D.C.
So, Obama is not only a Muslim Manchurian Candidate, but is also a Shinto/Buddhist sleeper agent?
Well, to be fair, the problem is that, apparently, the American Revolution was fought solely to ensure that no American would ever bow to a foreigner. ‘Cause that’s horribly degrading.
Making out with foreigners, now- well, that’s just hot!
yeah im drunk but no what? fuck the fucking wingnuts getting fucking knickers twisty over every fuckinbullshit nothing after sucking the crank on ol w for fucking eight years seriously PUT THESE FUCKERS UNDER THE FUCKING OCEAN
Mark Steyn makes a knee-slapper.
We all use to bow back in karate class.
Back when I took karate class, that is.
Wait — it’s horribly offensive that our President would be so weak-minded as to care about foreigners’ protocols and bow to a foreign leader, but OMG he totally insulted Queen Elizabeth by giving her an iPod!! The HORRORZ!
Pretty sure the middle one is fake, but the top one is bush bowing to the man who helped shield pedophiles from justice. And the bottom is the leader of the country that was home to 15 of the 19 911 Hijackers. Last I checked, the Emperor of Japan was relatively clean, ethically.
President Chuck Norris would great all foreign leaders with a roundhouse kick to their head before jumping out of the big bay window as the house exploded behind him.
Culturally speaking, Obama did bow too low, denoting that the emperor was superior to him, so that was a gaff. It’s very important how low you go in comparison to the guy you’re bowing to:
So the Japanese will be pleased (as a people) that the American president showed a proper amount of respect for the country’s symbolic leader and the centuries-old cultural history he represents to his countrymen. American interests are served poorly by this because? Bueller? Bueller?
As opposed to, say, the C-Plus Augustus, who actually LAID HANDS on a foreign head of state to give her a completely unwanted massage, and the paroxysms of outrage that the wingtards leveled on his head for his complete lack of kultur.
Oh, wait….
And you can bet that Big Tough Dan didn’t bow to any of those thugs on the train, nosireebob. When he got home, and locked the door, he beat them all up but good.
Now it’s starting to make sense – it is permissible for conservatives to have sex with foreigners, but they must avoid making any bending motions around the waist.
God, how it pains me to agree with the hypocritical wingnuts even the slightest bit. But I have to admit that I HATE it when our head of state—Bush, Obama or anyone—indulges in this royalist bullshit. Bowing to some divine-right ruler, ceremonial or otherwise, is just plain wrong behavior from the leader of a democratic nation.
Sadly, no.
Feel free to use the google and read up on it, but shrubby did indeed play nuzzle the muslim with then Prince Abdullah, now King Abdullah.
I would assume that when Mr. Riehl looks at those three pictures, he gets all tingle-tingle in his winky, and who wants to talk about that?
Judas, bowing in Japan is not royalist bs.
It’s being polite.
Excuse the fucking hell out of me, but I’ll go w/ J. P. on this one. Bowing or showing respect to anyone on the basis of their position or authority is fascist bullshit.
As is politeness.
The Scott Johnson post is, as usual with Big Trunk, unintentionally hilarious. Macarthur not bowing and seeking to teach Japan how to run a country = humility. Obama practicing local custom (i.e., bowing) and seeking partnership between nations = arrogance.
The fact is, liberals always bow to fascsiscts because thats what they are, too.
How is bowing more subservient than shaking hands?
The fact is, why the fuck would you bow to an equal, Gary? You fucking redneck moron?
Subservience scale:
Cold glare < nod < shaking hands < bowing < hand job < blow job
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
What about a blow job with a cold glare?
On Topic: Rumproast has selected some YouTube comments, & has video of the beginning of the end of the AmeriKKKan Empire.
The fact is, liberals always bow to fascsiscts because thats what they are, too.
That’s fascscitinating.
Matrix-style kung-fu. It’s only proper.
What about a blow job with a cold glare?
…sorry, I’m watching the game
So modern day Japan is a ‘fascsisct’ country, “Gary”?
I see the “butt bush” argument works in your dumb ass world…setting the bar awfully low, aren’t you?
Apparently you can’t seem to come to grips that our POTUS can actually do something that doesn’t mean protocol…RETARD!
I think Bush 41 set the standard of puking on Japanese VIPs.
Apparently you can’t seem to come to grips that our POTUS can actually do something that doesn’t mean protocol…RETARD!
Apparently you can’t write a comprehensible sentence … RETARD!
It’s not really my dumb ass world. It’s everyone’s dumb ass world. And what a whacky, wonderful dumb ass world it is!
Honestly, kidfance, I’d never argue in favor of Bush’s butt. Or against. It’s kind of a political third rail.
Hey, I just saw Bitter Scribe here and at Pandagon. (S)he’s like Santa!
Donald Trump does not shake hands. He prefers a slight bend at the waist as a formal greeting. When Donald bends it is to protect against germs, not to humble him during an introduction.
The bow is chosen because each person is humbling himself before the other. Unbelievably, humility is considered a virtue in some very foreign countries. Conservatives decided that humility is a weakness. It is one of the reasons that they cannot learn new or alternative ideas. It is also the reason that conservatism is a failed political philosophy.
Failures hold conservatism in a death grip, because it is the only perspective that supports their phony indignation and their real prejudices. Isn’t it always better to be belligerent about recognized delusions than it is to be humble and clear in one’s perceptions? To a conservative the answer is, “totally.”
Bush’s butt. […] It’s kind of a political
thirdturd rail.Well, someone had to.
Oh, wait, That’s right. I just remembered that the right wing actually was violently disgusted at Bushes many craven displays of obsequiousness and lack of protocal as well. In fact, they hated his whole presidency, really, since it was such a disdainful rejection of true conservative values.
They just forgot to mention it at the time.
So let’s see…the liberals here are worried about sentence construction and GWB’s ass…shocking, really!
BHO violates protocol and they blame Bush…you dildos are fucking priceless!
No, we’re worried about how the hell you morons can complain about Obama and excuse what Wonder President Butch was doing in the photos up top.
So the left who was outraged at GWB’s lack of protocol is fine with BHO’s lack of protocol? Interesting…hypocrite much douchebags?
Excuse the fucking hell out of me, but I’ll go w/ J. P. on this one. Bowing or showing respect to anyone on the basis of their position or authority is fascist bullshit.
Excuse me, I have never been to Japan. So I could be talking out my ass here.
But in my Japanese style karate class (Kanzen Gojuryu), black belts and white belts bowed to each other.
So the point would be that it has nothing to do with the basis of their position or authority. And such as.
P.S. I now recall in my long career of doing random stuff I used to trade JGBs (Japanese government bonds) against JGB futures. In that line of work I met with folks from Nomura. Bowing was the equivalent of shaking hands. Maybe it still is, you never know.
What I can’t figure out is whether kidfance is to catfance as kid fancy is to cat fancy.
Hey kidfance,
Do you fance kids?
Dude. If Obama kissed a Saudi royal on the mouth and held his hand, you’d be screaming “OMG proof Obambi is Mooslim!!!!!”
Hypocrite douchebag.
The only acceptable international greeting between heads of states is for each representative to run at each other, throw up the middle finger or equivalent insult, and scream out, in English, “FUUUUCK YOOOOUUUUUUUUUU, ASSHOLE!!!”
Hey ittdgy,
In Japan you even bow at fast-food cashiers, so um, figure it out. Google: Ojigi.
What “violation of protocol”? Seriously, your underwear is in a wad. I’m sure no one in Japan is thinking that they’ll get Hawaii back because Obama bowed too low. How low to bow is not cut and dried for the Japanese either.
On what planet do leaders surrender power with gestures?
No, no, no! The right wing was vehemently outspoken about its contempt for Bush … but the goddamned liberal media refused to report on it!!!!!!
Also ittdgy,
I say that with no disrespect! *bow*.
Can we start saying that people who actually spend the better part of a lovely Saturday in mid November yowling about absolutely nothing as suffering from “Obama Derrangement Syndrome” yet? I mean, really, if this is your idea of a “gotcha” after complete silence for eight years as the faux cowboy idiot embarrassed the non-knuckledraggers in this country, you really need to step away from the Beck, son.
Just saying that the Nipponese are a bunch of fascists, w/ their “respect,” & other such right-wing values.
Oddly enough, the reactionaries don’t consider it a right-wing value when someone not of the right (well, not too much, anyway) expresses it.
Also, reactionaries are confused ’cause the Prez is so much taller than many of the leaders of the malnourished nations of the world. He’s just trying to hear them.
Ummm….I voted for Obama you jack ass! GWB was a complete tool…that doesn’t change the fact that BHO has had a couple of blunders in foreign protocol.
If you’re only worried about him being a better POTUS than GWB…you can stop worrying…he already is.
On what planet do leaders surrender power with gestures?
“Planet of the Mimes.” I believe it was Charlton Heston’s only silent movie. Very popular in France.
#13 is the best
I voted for Obama
…oh well, then – you’re excused from being an idiot
Hey, El cid…why didn’t the emperor return the favor to BHO?
Get a clue fucktard!
Japan is thinking that they’ll get Hawaii back …
Ah-ha!! Proof that libz want to give away all of America to non-white furriners!1!11!
The Statue of Liberty should be redesigned as a fatass tourist couple and floated on a barge. Then they could crash it into every port there is and run complaints over an irresistably loud PA system.
Do not pass #7 in your haste to #13.
It’s so encouraging to see the sincere, deep concern of today’s youth for international diplomatic protocol. It’s a sign that a better tomorrow is coming, for sure.
Also, if Obama keeps making so many protocol blunders, how come no one complains but wingnuts who hate foreigners anyway? Seriously. Has the Japanese press been running stories all day about the president’s gaff? Or is it just assholes who think Dan Rhiel’s worth listening to?
Well I for one am shocked — SHOCKED! — that the man referred to as the Leader of the Free World would go around bowing to the emperor of a foreign country on foreign soil. What the rest of the world must think of us! And especially Japan — after this shocking display of obeisance they must be looking at us like a tentacle monster looks at a schoolgirl.
Of course, it would be disingenuous of me not to admit that I would be equally shocked — SHOCKED! — if Obama had arrogantly shaken the Emperor’s hand.
Obviously, Obama should quit with all this diplomacy, and just call up world leaders on Skype while he’s lounging around his studio apartment in his underpants.
Now that we’ve got that settled, does anyone use this crap?
Because I need something like that on the pc.
And if this crap works, then I don’t need to send money to MSFT.
Hey, I just saw Bitter Scribe here and at Pandagon. (S)he’s like Santa!
Just give me the list of naughty girls and I’ll be happy.
He should have given the Emporer an ipod also. Than wingnut heads would explode. OMG he showed too much respect! OMG he was insulting! Obamahitler O’Bambi: Such a ruthless a wussy.
er, that should be ruthless wussy
Also also, does anyone else get the impression that when Dan Rhiel and his ilk call the current president “the Boy King”, it’s less a remark about Obama’s youthfulness or supposed inexperience or even his born-on-third-bassness – as it was with Bush – and more along the lines of what a fat white guy might say to Virgil Tibbs during In The Heat Of The Night?
Snorghagen said,
November 15, 2009 at 1:37
What about a blow job with a cold glare?
I believe that’s called a hate suck.
Now that we’ve got that settled, does anyone use this crap?
yes, it works
wussless ruthy.
I use openoffice. It’s about as functional as the equivalent MS stuff, but there are intercompatability issues (which is to say, people whine that they can’t be bothered to right-click and choose “Open With”, or whatever). Plus openoffice doesn’t have inbuilt support for as many macro viruses, so you may find that you sometimes have to open up Word to run a macro virus.
See, thats the thing- while I can remember having a variety of reactions to Bush’s many stumbles, pratfalls and malapropisms, seething rage wasn’t even in the running. Sometimes I found them humorous, sometimes embarrassing, once in a while I may have even humanizing. But, I can honestly say that something like, (to pull a random reaction,) this:
or, say, this:
Never. Crossed. My. Mind.
But, I guess that was the beauty of his presidency- what with a war based on lies, a drowned city, rampant rejections of basic civil liberties, near constant saber rattling and the many, many deaths accompanying those things, it was easy to laugh at the meaningless stuff and move on. I felt no need quake in fear and scream “trator!” because that the republic was on its death bed due to his social clumsiness. There were more important things going on.
I could go on, but this is a humor blog, and this bit here isn’t all that funny by even my low standards, so I’ll just leave you with this:
A duck walks into a bar and says “penis.” Also, too.
I use Open Office. Generally a little clunkier than the MS products, but free, less invasive, free, and free.
Thanks, ckc (and other peoples!).
I got a laptop from Dell auctions, and it came with almost nothing on it. (A blessing, really…a crap free computer, at last!)
But I need some stuff, and not needing to pay a corporate megalodon is a nice bonus.
Matt T. said,
November 15, 2009 at 2:43
Yes. See especially, Rush Loadbaugh. He’s a professional broadcaster, and I’m sure quite a bit of thought went to whether or not he would call Obama “boy” and variations of it. And he’s just the kind of douchebag to go ahead and do it.
I wonder if the Wingnuts relaize that Prince Bandar (the last picture, IIRC) …
That’s not Bandar, that’s King Abdullah. I don’t blame you, it’s been misidentified in a few places.
Bandar is younger, darker, and though I hate to say it, slightly better looking.
Now that we’ve got that settled, does anyone use this crap?
Sometimes I found them humorous, sometimes embarrassing, once in a while I may have even humanizing.
Seconded. If it weren’t for all the blood on his hands, his total disinterest in either governing or making his administration govern, and his complete inability to give a fuck about anything which led to a wrecked economy, trashed infrastructure and absolutely no pull in world affairs, I would’ve gotten a lot of enjoyment out of ol’ Dubya. I remember early in his presidency, maybe even before 9/11, where he snubbed the British royal family in some way or another. I want to say it had to do with a cook but I can’t be arsed to look it up. In any event, some on the D side made hay, but I thought, “Hey, Her Majesty’s a pretty nice girl, sure, but fuckin’ get over it.” Here’s the idiot scion of an uber-wealthy, blueblood family and he’s kickin’ it like my Uncle Rerun when he met his in-laws the first time. I half expected Bush to call out for a styrofoam cup and some tissue paper so’s he could have an after-dinner dip.
Same thing with his drug use in the ’70s and his inability to get along with his jackass father. The guy was flawed grievously, but so are we all. His handlers and worshipers pretended that very human part of him didn’t exist, it was all God’s chosen codpiece with them. And now they’re like the 13 million people who bought Hootie & The Blowfish’s first record, pretending like it was someone else’s fault.
Hey, I just saw Bitter Scribe here and at Pandagon. (S)he’s like Santa!
Just give me the list of naughty girls and I’ll be happy.
wethey get nice presents?“Planet of the Mimes.” I believe it was Charlton Heston’s only silent movie. Very popular in France.
Who can forget the scene where Heston and the other astronauts are confined inside an INVISIBLE BOX?
Also, re protocol: golly, whose opinion will I give more weight to, a professional staff of trained protocol droids with years and years of experience or some pseudonymous internutz blowhards? Tough call.
I still don’t know how you guys are going to ever get a better class of troll if you keep feeding the ones that can be replaced by a very short Perl script.
Wrong! The correct answer is “NO!”
Issue number three…
ifthetunderdontgetya is completely correct about Japanese bows. And to answer whoever asked about Japanese press coverage, I’m in Japan right now. Obama got wall to wall coverage and I only know he met the emperor because I read Sadly, No. The Japanese are most disappointed that Obama didn’t visit Obama City, in Fukui Prefecture.
…my daughter has her first gallery show coming up in the new year – I suggested she call it “No Mimes Were Harmed” – she declined (with thanks)
I also use Open Office and I agree with what Substance said.
Return to Planet of the Mimes.
she declined (with thanks)
So did Dragon-King Wangchuck’s mother.
No, wait.
Mr. President, we must not allow a “quality troll” gap!
OpenOffice is all right. I prefer MS Office for a couple reasons, but OO.o is perfectly serviceable, especially for the price.
…a better class of troll
It’s not their class, but their unattractiveness that I mind.
Wrong! The correct answer is “NO!”
Dammit, I ALWAYS get that one wrong.
The Japanese are most disappointed that Obama didn’t visit Obama City, in Fukui Prefecture.
Now I am, too.
Did someone say Obama, Japan?
Sorry for the super long link. This is better one.
I use OpenOffice. It works. My only complaint is that Draw (the OO versions of MS paint) is very clunky. But how often do you use Paint for anything important, anyway?
The only program that I use which is actually more annoying than its msft counterpart.
That being said, it gets the job done.
So did Dragon-King Wangchuck’s mother.
I do not wish to become involved.
Trolls are like school on Saturday.
No class.
I’ve rescued documents with Open Office (spreadsheets, text documents) that I couldn’t with other suites – I don’t use it routinely, but I would if I didn’t have (free) access to MS.
I hereby make a motion that no more computer talk be allowed. Do I hear a second?
Russell used “no class”.
Open Office is actually pretty good. There are some limitations- for example with macros, translating complicated formats and the spreadsheet limits you to some large, but finite number of spreadsheets per workbook (I think around 200.) But it does come with a very good selection of translators for importing and exporting different file formats, good customization, and, you know, free.
I actually have an office 2007 license that I haven’t used because it was easier to just install O.O than deal with all the nonsense Microsoft has done to 2007. Haven’t found any reason to go back yet.
ittdgy started it!!
Also, re protocol: golly, whose opinion will I give more weight to, a professional staff of trained protocol droids with years and years of experience or some pseudonymous internutz blowhards? Tough call.
This. Thank you, Tig.
No pivot charts, I’ve been told.
a professional staff of trained protocol droids with years and years of experience or some pseudonymous internutz blowhards?
The latter, of course, out of professional courtesy.
Thanks for correcting my Fat Albert joke Substance. I won’t make that same mistake again.
Of course not.
The proper protocol would have been to vomit on the Emperor’s lap.
…No pivot charts, I’ve been told.
…and the multitude responded, “Woe!!”
From the comments at Surber’s place which apperently is inhabited by people who live in some type of bizzaro universe, there is this jem. Always trust the shorter.
“You know, I am beginning to wonder about Obama’s “education”. We really don’t know if this POS even graduated from any college. He seems to have had influence and backing all the way. Maybe there was no thesis from any of his colleges. Maybe he failed because of cocaine but was moved on up the ladder because of the plans some person or group had for him. He seems strangely lacking in basic education like geography, government and economics but is well steeped in marxism, socialism and communism. He is curiously dumb about basic facts for someone with the education he claims. Why has he in his whole life never held a real job? What did he live on all those years of college and as a partime instructor in constitutional law? How could he afford to go to Pakistan as a college student? Is he just lazy and that is why he let congress write his healthcare bill and cap and trade. Is he incapable of writing a bill himself? So many questions and no answers…they are all sealed and he has spent more than a million dollars to keep them all sealed.”
I still don’t know how you guys are going to ever get a better class of troll if you keep feeding the ones that can be replaced by a very short Perl script.
Yeah, but if no one ever responded to the trolls, we’d miss out on your contributions. I, for one, would have to cry myself to sleep over that.
So many bows, I’ve lost count.
Meet the Japanese Obama??
Thanks for correcting my Fat Albert joke Substance. I won’t make that same mistake again.
Heh. Vigilance.
The latter, of course, out of professional courtesy.
Hmph, I say, HMPH!
…and the multitude responded, “Woe!!”
Well, this is what keeps my husband from being able to switch. I don’t know why he feels the need to chart every pivot, but there you are.
This guy has an endowed chair in political science.
..oh, I like to chart pivots, but can’t be bothered to pivot the charts – it’s just the way I am.
I don’t like to prick my finger but I like to . . .
This guy has an endowed chair in political science.
Just more evidence that academia in this country only exists to indoctrinate people with liberal views.
… the Roy P. Crocker Professor of American Politics at Claremont McKenna College.
…Betty would be SO proud!
I think Thomas Jefferson once _heard_ about the Pacific Ocean, and he was a lot older than Obama at the time.
Obama should fist-bump all leaders and popes. That work for you, Surber? Strict constructionists? Trolls?
ckc (not kc) said,
November 15, 2009 at 3:30
…No pivot charts, I’ve been told.
…and the multitude responded, “Woe!!”
I’ve downloaded the thing and it is running already.
I don’t really care about the pivot charts. Give me countif, sumif, and vlookup and I gots what I need.
Hey born-on-third-bassness,
Third Bass is a little too awesome, that’s not a bad way to be born.
Also G. Mozart,
Jem is truly, truly, truly outrageous.
CutePDF will print your files to PDF without Adobe invading your system.
Russell used “no class”.
Frege immediately realised that the axioms on which he had constructed his Grundgesetze der Arithmetik were unsustainable.
Hey Subby McG,
Here’s another easy way to make PDF files without Adobe crapping up your system: http://www
… the axioms on which he had constructed his Grundgesetze…
another easy way to make PDF files …
…shall I mention the box girder bridges?
Are wingnut face-mullets explained because no one shaves the barber?
…shall I mention the box girder bridges?
If they are anything like box turtle marriages, then NO YOU SHALL NOT.
(no one shaves the hamster)
I took that as a challenge.
Shouldn’t a US President simply shoot any foreign leader in the head with a revolver? While wearing a flight suit? Anything else would mean instant surrender.
It all fits.
Hello Kitty shows subservience to no one. She’d never end up on the blow job end of the scale for the simple reason that she has no mouth.
Now it’s starting to make sense – it is permissible for conservatives to have sex with foreigners, but they must avoid making any bending motions around the waist.
They’re ok with bowing at the waist, if at the same time the president’s pants are down and he’s mooning the other head of state, like Bush did on so many occasions.
Among lower primates, this is known as “presenting” as in for copulation. Republicans, of course, are a subset of “lower primates.” Also.
I took that as a challenge.
(it looked chilly)
DOJ subpoenas popular news site for visitors’ ip addresses, emails, credit card info and more
Alien monkey-boy caught in devious trap
By the way, this from the OP:
is reassuring. I’ve been ashamed to confess my fondness for Cheetos (and Mountain Dew), but if they’ve switched to Funyuns, I guess I’m OK.
At times I really feel sad for this country instead of remaining in a perpetual state of shocked disbelief. That people are paying attention to what this freako idiot Sarah Palin is saying in her new book is really depressing. I’d rather hear the latest on how Carrie Prejean was touching herself. It’s important.
Most amusing. Mac user here though…just trying to help poor self-handicapping Thundra…
Gee whillikers!
Is this by any chance the same Dan Riehl I’ve read about on Thee Interbutts as being a known serial-killer & necro-copro-pedophile?
Poor tightie-righties … odds of Obama ever coming within a mile of the epic decorum-failathon that was W: doodly-squat.
just trying to help poor self-handicapping
ya, ya, ya – pphhththtbbt!
These are the first six comments at Cornhole Wanker’s post.
Obama. ASSHAT.
Posted by Mark Harvey at November 14, 2009 03:14 PM Looks like he has some sort of slave mentality
Paul in Texas
Posted by Pauk at November 14, 2009 03:18 PM I have to agree with Pauk. There were reasons that our forefathers picked blacks as slaves. Obama is exhibiting all of those reasons.
Posted by David at November 14, 2009 03:47 PM It is hard to learn, when you are obviously learning disabled.
Posted by Musings at November 14, 2009 05:18 PM American Power tracked back with (the best video evah!), ‘Bowing Before Monarchs and Tyrants: Obama ‘Restores’ America’s World Standing With His Head Down – UPDATE: REAGAN DIDN’T BOW!!’.
Posted by Americaneocon at November 14, 2009 05:56 PM I would like to respect the office and the results of the election, but I am finding it extremely difficult if not impossible to regard this man as my President, and his supporters as fellow citizens.
Posted by zhombre at November 14, 2009 07:15 PM
Don’t wanna be an American eocon…
Using Wankee like others use cyberpr0n.
And can you hear the sound of my fappery?
I wish the prezdint was still Taylor, Zachary.
I’d rather
hearview the latest on how Carrie Prejean was touching herself. It’s important.Is that really so wrong?
Most amusing. Mac user here though…just trying to help poor self-handicapping Thundra…
Yer scoffing only makes me stronger!
Except for those seven videos SHE DID NOT APPEAR IN ANY VIDEOS.
Also she kept us safe from terrorism for seven and a half years.
Also she kept us safe from terrorism for seven and a half years.
If they’re fapping over there they’re not killing us here! QED!
Once again, you all are being inappropriate. You really are.
I don’t want to see Prejean vids, those vacant, crazy eyes of hers are very unappealing. Even if they’re not in the field if view you know they’re there, and they’re HUNGRY FOR YOUR SOUL.
J— is about to walk off the set of S,N!
I’ve removed my m
Even if they’re not in the field if view you know they’re there, and they’re HUNGRY FOR YOUR SOUL.
They follow you around the room.
On tentacles.
Prejean bows to no one. She is the Queen of California sex tape beauty sluts and always will be.
I will not be silenced.
Prejean bows to no one
handboob job?If Carrie Prejean is not the Republican Vice Presidential nominee in 3 years, I will be very much surprised.
Prejean bows to no one
She prefers pizzicato, then?
Possibly glissando.
It would be irresponsible not to speculum.
col legno battuto (Italian for “hit with the wood”)
She prefers pizzicato, then?
If the tales of the videos are true, she prefers pizzicato to col legno.
col legno battuto (Italian for “hit with the wood”)
If that is not in Urban Dictionary, it certainly deserves to be.
Also confirms all those jokes about the string section.
In fairness, if she can bring down Trump while destroying herself, she will have done her nation a great service.
Those eight missing years:
No. Brain matter is greasy and difficult to clean from wallpaper and carpets.
I advocate the adoption of a more dignified protocol. The President of the United States should appear before foreign leaders totally nude, should rapidly and silently approach them with his arms extended, and should immediately pin them in a hammerlock, screaming “You’re weak! You’re nothing!” while slamming them against the wall. After the foreign leader has been subdued and handcuffed, issues of state can be discussed.
What a totally low blow. I’m so liberal, I make Dennis Kucinich look like a Hitler-sign-waving Teabagger, but I’ve always enjoyed munching Funyuns. They’re tasty, and they’ve got “fun” right in the name! Please stop the Funyun hate.
Funyuns are the Devil’s snack. Please do not indulge. Ever.
I thought Bugles were the devil’s snack? Like little devil horns they are, or witchy claw-fingers.
very short Perl script
Or an even shorter Expect script, but please carry on.
I thought Bugles were the devil’s snack? Like little devil horns they are, or witchy claw-fingers.
You were in error, one might say in heretical error, but I will not.
LocalArea Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be
ESCONDIDO, CA—Spurred by an administration he believes to be guilty of numerous transgressions, self-described American patriot Kyle Mortensen, 47, is a vehement defender of ideas he seems to think are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and principles that brave men have fought and died for solely in his head.
Kyle Mortensen would gladly give his life to protect what he says is the Constitution’s very clear stance against birth control.
“Our very way of life is under siege,” said Mortensen, whose understanding of the Constitution derives not from a close reading of the document but from talk-show pundits, books by television personalities, and the limitless expanse of his own colorful imagination. “It’s time for true Americans to stand up and protect the values that make us who we are.”
I thought Bugles were the devil’s snack? Like little devil horns they are, or witchy claw-fingers.
Or scaly lizard tongues, an option available to those of us genetically blessed with the ability to point the tips of our tongues into a shape upon which the wide open end of a Bugle will fit.
Look, it’s Eisenhower bowing to a Muslim guy. Then the guy yelled “Allah Wakbarr! and tried to start sucking Eisenhower’s cock. (via LGM)
Sometimes I’m ashamed to be the same species as these people. Then I remember what sapiens means.
that Eisenhower. Also critizised the military industrial complex. Very suspect.
Call me Col. Legno Battuto, head of the one-eyetalian navy.
Dubya would never have bowed to the Japanese emperor but his father did one helluva job puking in the Japanese prime minister’s lap.
I still say that Hello Kitty’s lack of a mouth is completely ominous.
Dubya would never have bowed to the Japanese emperor but his father did one helluva job puking in the Japanese prime minister’s lap.
And his grandfather did even better financing their allies in Germany, but shhh.
Several people have noticed a definite decline in the quality of trollage we have been subject to of late. Really, it’s like they’re not even trying anymore. I think the real problem is a lack of training in the fundamentals. Therefore, I was happy to find this useful article for our bridge-underside-dwelling guests to use as a primer for their craft. Read it. Use it. Love it.
You’re welcome.
Substance McGravitas said,
November 15, 2009 at 7:55
Christ, I have a filthy mind.
Christ, I have a filthy mind.
President Chuck Norris would great all foreign leaders with a roundhouse kick to their head before jumping out of the big bay window as the house exploded behind him.
Oddly enough, Chuck would bow to them first if the encounter took place in a dojo.
Imagine the outrage if Obama had been beaten by a schoolgirl while he was over there.
WTF? It’s no wonder these assholes never travel- it’s a no-brainer that you bow in Japan, and the people there really appreciate the effort you’ve taken in educating yourself about their culture.
It was terribly embarrassing because it was obvious to the rest of the world that the Saudi king thought G.W. was a schmuck. The royal family must have shared great laughs at home when Bush held the king’s hand and kissed him on the lips. “Look at this cracker trying to go native on us. Who does he think he’s fooling? Himself? You gotta love these cretins when they believe that they have the franchise on snake-oil. Nothing was funnier than when Mr. Self-Important and Serious walked into the room with the same tired lines and spoke them as if they were said for the first time. That Dick he is a real card. He had the look of a man who has whacked his thing into submission and believes that everyone else should do the same thing. A real sociopath that boy.”
That is so funny BBB. Putin thrown to ground by ten year old Karate prodigy. Makes you wonder if Putin earned his black belt. Whose gonna tell Mr KGB he flunked?
Sorry, left out the 4th B ya Bastard.
That is so funny BBB. Putin thrown to ground by ten year old Karate prodigy. Makes you wonder if Putin earned his black belt. Whose gonna tell Mr KGB he flunked?
Putin’s no joke-a as a judoka, he’s a former St Petersburg regional champion and a sixth dan (his black belt is so high, it’s not black anymore). He even wrote a book on the subject.
Smut Clyde, you’re like the man who shaves all those who do not shave themselves.
Dammit why is it every time there’s a good straight line it’s while I’m away doing something important?
Hello Kitty said Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds
Do not piss off the putin. whatever you do.
I see what you did there Shell, Goddamit! Funny.
“Do not piss off the putin. whatever you do.”
In related news young Japanese Kung Fu prodigy dies of “natural causes”. Shame because I would have loved to see her kick Chuck Norris’ ass. Who am I kidding. He’s not man enough to fight her.
I have no mouth but I must meme
The memeing. Make it stop!
you’re like the man who shaves all those who do not shave themselves.
I use Occam’s Razor.
Substance McGravitas said,
This is why all a my tattoos are in invisible ink. They will only be visible in the crematorium, briefly.
I went with a life sized tattoo of gocart mozart.
“Hello Kitty said Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds”
You had me at Hello.
those of us genetically blessed with the ability to point the tips of our tongues into a shape upon which the wide open end of a Bugle will fit.
Those of us here at Maison d’Etre who do possess the tongue-rolling gene will never tire of teasing the Frau Doktorin about not having it.
only ceilingcat can save you from HelloKitty group-mind awfulness.
Where are all the insomniacs and antipodeans?
Where are the insomniac antipodeans?
His advice to Woody? Don’t be specific on the campaign trail – just repeat empty slogans like “change.”
*chuckle* John McCain’s plane read “Reform Prosperity Peace.” Never did figure out how “peace” got on his plane.
Antimaniac dipsomniac insopodeans currently have no limericks, haiku or general blather to contribute to the gaiety of nations. Brain is suddenly full of IPA rather than constructive activity. We’re relying on you to provide the lols.
John McCain’s plane read “Reform Prosperity Peace.” Never did figure out how “peace” got on his plane.
Well, he figured he could reform prosperity and peace by changing the definitions- “prosperity” would mean further government deregulation of predatory financial institutions, and “peace” would mean total, indiscriminate war on all Muslim-majority nations.
Never did figure out how “peace” got on his plane.
“Reform Prosperity Desert” did not have the same ring.
Brain is suddenly full of IPA rather than constructive activity.
I will have the same predicament in about twelve hours- the IPA being named “Smuttynose” in your honor. The party will be a rather bizarre one, named after a book concerning the antipodes.
We’re relying on you to provide the lols.
All I could come up with was a series of pictures of Putin being thrown by a ten-year-old girl…
On another note, it occurred to me that people don’t want Shalid Cake Mohammed to have a trial because recent events have shown that anyone who says “I don’t recall” enough times gets off scot free.
I hope KSM tries it, if only for the irony.
“Reform Prosperity Desert” did not have the same ring.
It originally read: Reform:Turnip! Buttocks!
Any complete list of S,N! traditions & rhetorical tactics would definitely include “obligatory Bloom County references” (in addition to limericks, haiku, “Is that what the kids are calling it” and “veiled XXXX reference”
and trebuchets).Signing off now and heading for the tub.
Also I would
makerepeat a joke here about “they make a dessert and call it peas”, but on certain other blogs I am already labouring under the accusation of having a lentil fixation.Signing off now and heading for the
tubtrebuchet.Fizzixed for accuracy!
On another note, it occurred to me that people don’t want Shalid Cake Mohammed to have a trial because recent events have shown that anyone who says “I don’t recall” enough times gets off scot free.
I hope KSM tries it, if only for the irony.
I think the GOP would pressure him to run for office, if this were to happen.
On a slightly less bizarre note, the local CBS radio affiliate had a bit about Lou Dobbs being tapped for a senate run in NJ.
Insomniac at the in-laws in Michigan.
Never did figure out how “peace” got on his plane.
“Reform Prosperity Desert” did not have the same ring.
They made Sarah Palin, and called it peace.
Damn you Smut!
Who know who also had in-laws in Michigan?
Who know who also had in-laws in Michigan?
The answer is either “Hitler” or “Howdy Doody” and seeing as how I’ve slept three hours out of the last 48, I’m not going to hazard a guess.
hello cthulu is a thing of beauty
I have no tentacles but I must share
My father would have loved Hello Cthulu…he expressed a desire to “round up Strawberry Shortcake, Barney, those goddamned Smurfs, and the Cabbage Patch Kids, and blast them all into the sun.”
Dad, it seems, lacked an appreciation for the whole concept of mascot marketing to kids.
mascot marketing to kids
Hello Goaty?
Can’t afford a shit moat of your very own?
Tired of the cheap shit moats you find locally?
Never really having enough shit to fill that moat?
At ShitMoat Shares we solve all your problems.
Finest Shit Moats in history, with options to please everyone.
Old Shit? We got ‘it.
New Shit? We got that too!
But wait until you see the power of our patent-pending Delusional shit.
So come on down to ShitMoat Timeshares, Inc.,LLC and roll around awhile!
Free ‘Hello Kitty’ balloons for the kids!
I’m sorry, there will be free ‘Hello Scatty’ balloons for the kids!
Hugh Hewitt says, “Who is that creepy guy kissing the Sheik and bowing to the Pope? He must be one of those San Francisco, radical leftist Dummocrats.”
I too use Open Office. It is in some ways better than the MSFT stuff, in some ways MSFT is better. But they are comparable and mostly compatible.
ShitMoat Timeshares Inc., LLC:
Dude/ette, I am going to record that commerical, just because I can.
The only thing I use Word for is specification writing, the specs use macros to simplify the process. Does OO support basic macros?
Yes. For Mac there’s NeoOffice which is a little easier on the eye.
He seems strangely lacking in basic education like geography, government and economics but is well steeped in marxism, socialism and communism.
Wait a minute. You say Obama is ignorant of geography now? Did I miss some shocking gaffe on the level of…oh, for instance, Fox News showing a graphic labeling Iraq as “Egypt”? How did I miss this?
Somehow I get the slight suspicion that this commenter doesn’t know jackshit about geography. Or Communism, either.
Y’know, the weirdest thing is that if I wasn’t paying attention to places like Sadly, No or Crooks & Liars, people like Prejean and Palin would be completely gone from my memory.
Maybe this is something to do with the quick pace by which I repress memories though, but seriously, Palin’s basically rendered herself as culturally inert as Tila Tequila.
And a sex tape? Fuuuuuck, who doesn’t have a sex tape now?
Does it count as a sex tape if the lights were off during filming?
We’re an inhibited lot in NZ.
As I understand it, lights off is practically necessary at this stage for a sex tape to be worth anything. Personally, I blame the militarization of our culture for the night-vision video fetish.
Does it count as a sex tape if the lights were off during filming? We’re an inhibited lot in NZ.
A sex mixtape?
On another note, it occurred to me that people don’t want Shalid Cake Mohammed to have a trial because recent events have shown that anyone who says “I don’t recall” enough times gets off scot free.
I hope KSM tries it, if only for the irony.
And then after being acquitted he, OJ Simpson and Alberto Gonzales go on to become co-hosts of a remake of the game show To Tell The Truth — Flying Spagetti Mohammed the Simon Cowell of the group; OJ Simpson the Randy Jackson, and naturally Alberto, the Paula Abdul. (Fun fact: in the mid ’90’s, Alberto Gonzalez also cut a record with MC Skat Kat. Fun non-fact: in Lithalobonian, a language I just invented, the word for moat is kat, meaning MC Skat Kat translates over there as “MC Shit Moat”.)
Neo Office?
Does clippy have a shag haircut and say ‘duuuuude’ a lot?
Hey assholes, leave Hello Kitty out of this.
Also: quit pretending you don’t think the second pic is hawt.
El Cid said,
November 15, 2009 at 0:42
President Chuck Norris would great all foreign leaders with a roundhouse kick to their head before jumping out of the big bay window as the house exploded behind him.
as he leisurely walks away?
Does it count as a sex tape if the lights were off during filming?
Hrrrmmm. A hearty and belated mea culpa here. Apparently, that kissing image is a bit doctored. The footage shows a two-cheek kiss, not one so likely to involve tongues. Looks like someone tightened up the distance a bit.
My apologies to Scott, but I thought he meant the whole episode was phony.
Apparently, that kissing image is a bit doctored
Not doctored. Just a bad angle. You can see that Bush’s mouth is either behind the Prince’s lips or has been chewed off.