When I moved here 10 years ago, there were 2 great newpapers: The Denver Post, and the Rocky Mountain News. What a treat for a news junkie! I would often pickup the Rocky for my lunch hour (its tabloid format was nice for lunch a crowded counter, or to read on the bus or light rail train), and then spread out the Post after work at home.
Then, last year, the Rocky folded after 100 years in print.
So now we only get one paper in Denver–the Denver Post. It’s a pretty good paper, and it even hired some of the good writers from the Rocky, so the columns and local features are all excellent.
Also, they combined the comics sections from the 2 papers, so now the Post has –count ’em–four broadsheet pages of comic strips every single day. Which, for a comics lover like me, is a real bonus!
There’s the usual collection of tired haven’t-been-funny-in -my-lifetime chestnuts like Beetle Bailey, Blondie and Marmaduke, but there are also some good, fresh series like Frazz, Get Fuzzy and Candorville. I usually end up reading almost all of them.
Anacondaman: Agree with your “God Bless” sentence, except I would substitute “slime ball” for “good man”. It is hard to beilieve that anyone can still defend Bozobama, after his freedom-stealing, budget busting, promise breaking, troop killing, abortion funding, socialism promoting, ACORN pushing, Afghanistan slow-rolling, Medicare cutting, health care ruining, tax enslaving, Czar appointing, transparency ending, partisanship stoking, and Government growing actions. He the worst President ever, and the country already regrets the day he slithered out of the cesspool of Chicago politics.
Aren’t you supposed to leave a tiny bit in the bottom of the bowl, both to indicate your level of prosperity & that the portions are too humungous to finish?
Call your doctor if your False Moray remains erect for more than four hours. (Just to brag. Your Tart will probably be the one requiring medical attention.)
OT: Shorter Catholic Archdiocese of Washington: Screw you guys, I’m going home.
since it’s an open thread (weird!) i don’t feel too off topic in announcing that it really really really bothers me when people refer to christian homophobes as “stanch christians” (as someone does in this article.)
because why should being a “staunch christian” somehow also mean that one is a homophobe? i mean, i know that lots of christians are anti-gay jerkfaces, but i don’t think that due to a real commitment to the teachings of christ. it’s more being ignorant and kind of spiteful.
Cheerful note: I’ve developed a nasty case of hemorrhoids. Yay me. I blame the media.
Um…speaking from experience….Tucks.
Can’t do without them.
Donut cushion helps too.
If it’s complicated, get the surgery. Seriously – the recovery period sucks, but when it’s all done you’ll be problem-free.
And if you have a good sick leave policy at work, you can just whisper the problem to your supervisor and no one will ever talk about it again. You can spend 2 -5 weeks lying around on your …..well…ass…without being challenged.
As a fiercest and truest supporters of all things Hillary Clinton let me just say: OMG! That GWB is just so adorable I want to kiss him to death! And Dick Cheney? SO CUTE! You know what would be cool? A big sleep over with the Bushs, the Clintons, Geraldine Ferraro and Stephanie Tubbs Jones. BESTEST WHITEHOUSE EVENT EVAH!
(What? Oh, just forget all that stuff we said before. That was just crazy talk. We were up late or something. Why yes, of course we’re really Hillary supporters- why do you ask?)
(I know, I know- not as good as the pros. Just trying to keep things going during the extended break. Think of me as David Shuster on Countdown.)
in 2014, a news-anchor will rant on teeveee about Texan illegals sneaking in America
Won’t happen, there will be a border fence.
And the good news is it won’t cost the American taxpayer a dime. Those cocky Texans will put up the fence believing that everyone else would want to go there.
pho, its about the only thing I miss about Vietnam, the 15,000 Dong street side ‘cafe’ (photos to follow, some time) that I regularly ate my lunch…. aaahh. Dont get me wrong, Green Curry & Pad Thai is fine, but some days only a pho will do…..
The fiddly bits are the best part. Make mine with extra tendon!
Dont go there, honestly. Couple of times in HCMC I went for the 17,000 Dong specials, some of which involved tendon, I think, not pleasant…. when it comes to pho, go for the basics, I say
So now we only get one paper in Denver–the Denver Post. It’s a pretty good paper, and it even hired some of the good writers from the Rocky, so the columns and local features are all excellent.
does woody paige still have a job there? man i hate that guy. not as much as i hate mariotti, but a little more than i hate plaschke. a little less than bayless, i guess, but only because for a time when bayless hosted that morning show with paige he had to get up every morning, look himself in the mirror, and say “man, my job is to lose arguments with woody paige, professionally,” and in some sense that’s sufficient penance.
Yeah, Woody Paige is still there, but honestly I don’t give the sports page much more than a glance anyway. I love my Denver sports as much as the next blue-and-orange face-painted yahoo, but reading about it doesn’t do much for me. To paraphrase an old saying: writing about sports is like singing about architecture.
To paraphrase an old saying: writing about sports is like singing about architecture.
what’s your problem, homeboy? i’ve got life without buildings, i am the world trade center, and we’re all going to come beat you with copies of more songs about buildings and food if you don’t watch your tone.
man i hate that guy. not as much as i hate mariotti
You mean Jay Mariotti? That prick with ears. When he stopped appearing in the Chicago Tribune, I figured he was cooling off in a shallow grave somewhere in an Indiana cornfield.
Re: Bead-squeezers. At least they’re consistent. They regard abortion as a sin, so they use thier influence to shape policy to inhibit abortion services.
Likewise, they oppose the death penalty, so they trheaten to excommunicate lawmakers who support capital punishment…
Oh wait, that’s right, they don’t. OK, so I guess that means they’re a bunch of hypocritical douchbags after all. huh.
no, i mean espn still televises that guy 5 times a week, along with plaschke and paige. though there are rumors, just rumors mind you that after his excursion into blogging the tribune has been trying to clear up space on their payroll to make the jayster an offer.
it takes a big man to admit he was wrong. a big, brilliant, sensitive, kind, overwhelmingly great man. i am that man. i was wrong about dragon age origins. it’s far from terrible. in fact, it’s pretty good, though most of my previous complaints still stand.
Although one thing I’ve noticed about Dragon Age Origins is that it’s not a very Conservative game. What do I mean by that? Well I have been playing a rogue named AdamSmith and rogues receive XP for disarming traps. In fact they receive as many XP for disarming a trap as killing most foes. Thus during battle, in order to maximize XPs, there is actually an incentive to disarm traps, even ones well out of the melee zone, rather than engage enemies. Thus the market of XP accumulation creates a disincentive to actually help your party slay enemies and an incentive toward engaging in side activities that help nobody but your own character. Can you imagine if this were how things really worked?
Wow, what does it say about the amount of sleep that I’m getting that I suspect this post was done by my husband, but I’m not even sure?
Will post a new Dash picture either tonight or tomorrow – sorry for the delay (for the one person who asked), but it’s my first week back at work, and Dash is still fighting valiantly against the evil poo.
Since it’s sort of a food related thread, can people suggest recipes for Thanksgiving that don’t include: dairy, soy, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, or peanuts? And possibly wheat, if Dash doesn’t improve soon? I think I’ve got the turkey recipe covered, but that’s about as far as I’ve gotten…
can people suggest recipes for Thanksgiving that don’t include: dairy . . .
For a minute there, I thought I had something for you, but then I remembered: Butter. Every Thanksgiving recipe I have ever made has butter. Pounds and pounds of butter.
For a minute there, I thought I had something for you, but then I remembered: Butter. Every Thanksgiving recipe I have ever made has butter. Pounds and pounds of butter.
I know. Everything that I’ve ever made that is worth making contains butter. And the suck thing about margarine is that almost all of it has soy in it. Well, not the only suck thing about margarine, but among the suck things about margarine.
I suspect I can do something good with the cranberry sauce, so there’s that. Turkey and cranberry sauce and… stuff cooked in olive oil? Ideas? Anyone?
Since it’s sort of a food related thread, can people suggest recipes for Thanksgiving that don’t include: dairy, soy, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, or peanuts? And possibly wheat, if Dash doesn’t improve soon?
Let’s see…I think the Chairwoman sometimes does her apple pie crust with corn or canola oil. There are a bunch of hearty but non-dairy soups you could do–beef barley (if barley’s okay), vegetarian minestrone, etc.
Veggies…asparagus is probably a bad idea b/c I’m pretty sure the volatile compounds can be excreted in breast milk. Grilled veggies? Sauteed greens with lemon, ginger, garlic, whatever you think Dash can handle? I’d maybe skip the garlic and onion…hmm.
Earth Balance makes a soy-free margarine. I’ve only used the regular EB, but it’s surprisingly good. Baked sweet potatoes are lovely with or without butter, or s.p.s could be fried in olive oil, YUM. Corn bread stuffing, stir-fried or steamed green beans, sugar snaps, or what not, maple-glazed carrots, roasted roots…
I never thought reading a statement like this would cause me any sort of excitement or joy, but here I am! I guess the big adventure for my birthday weekend will be a trip to Whole Foods (the nearest Trader Joe’s doesn’t have it, or I would have spotted it).
Hopefully the diet won’t be this restrictive for too long; when Dash wins his battle with the evil poo, I can begin re-introducing stuff back into my diet one by one until we find out exactly what the problem was from. Maybe I can at least get dairy or soy back by Christmas.
I think the Chairwoman sometimes does her apple pie crust with corn or canola oil.
Mmmm… Apple pie sounds good. If I have that margarine tigrismus has described, I could also do an apple-crumble-type thing.
whatever you think Dash can handle?
I hope he doesn’t have an issue with garlic or onions. It’s certainly not something the pediatrician told me to avoid, and he seems to be improving despite the fact that those two things remain pretty prominent in my diet.
The soy-free is only in tubs, not sticks, unfortunately, but you can use it for cooking, frying, anything. The label is kind of a wine red. I think Mazola and Fleishman’s might both make a dairy-free, soy-free margarine, too, but not 100% sure.
I hope it doesn’t last long, too, for all of your sakes. Poor little tyke!
Hmm, looks like the corn marges might have soy lecithin. I know some folks who can’t have most soy products can tolerate lecithin, but not everyone can, so those might not work.
Hmm, looks like the corn marges might have soy lecithin. I know some folks who can’t have most soy products can tolerate lecithin, but not everyone can, so those might not work.
The doctor suggested avoiding it for now, while we’re just trying to get the little guy to stop pooping bloody green slime (it’s sort of emergency-ish cut out everything measures, with food added back in slowly later to see what’s tolerated).
Fingers crossed that it’s either dairy or soy, but not both…
The Price That The Goddamn Batman Pays For His Washboard Abs Is A Motherfucking Strict Diet, All The Motherfucking Time
I believe that I will have to make a point to lose my pho cherry on an upcoming trip to Chicago. Between this and a thread on cast-iron cooking on MetaFilter… well, it’s just a good goddamn thing that I wear a cape at all times.
Mmmm… Apple pie sounds good. If I have that margarine tigrismus has described, I could also do an apple-crumble-type thing.
Except that I’m an idiot who clearly doesn’t do any baking, because the Chairwoman’s crust has flour in it, which is, of course, wheat. Anyway, if you think the wheat is okay, here’s the recipe. This just does the bottom crust; you’ll need to double it if you like a two-crusted pie.
1 cup + 2 T flour
1/2 tsp salt (important!)
1/3 cup corn oil
2 T cold water
Mix flour, salt, and oil with a fork, then add cold water. Roll out between wax paper and press dough into pie dish. Poke all over with a fork.
Filling’s up to you…she does brown sugar, white sugar, cinnamon, lemon, apples, and a little more flour (to thicken the “sauce” that the apples make), but it’s highly idiosyncratic and (she claims) dependent on the exact kind of apples you get.
I hope he doesn’t have an issue with garlic or onions. It’s certainly not something the pediatrician told me to avoid, and he seems to be improving despite the fact that those two things remain pretty prominent in my diet.
Good. 🙂 I just mentioned them because I know some people who are really sensitive to ’em. My mother-in-law has to leave the room when onions are being chopped (though she can eat cooked onions without much trouble).
Cho. I can’t believe I ever thought she was funny.
Pho queue. I’ll get it out of the way early.
Of what?
Sherlypayqu Foul’s Mushy Oryx Punch
J P Morgan Chase Sultry Arapaima Tea
Ployququarts Heavens-Sault’s Religious Dung Beetle Custard
Royal Bank of Canada’s Torpedo Gazpacho
Adolph Brown’s Lizardfish Hamantaschen
Suburban Concatenated’s Shropshire Blue Cheese Paella
Credit Suisse Group’s Quaint Ox Stuffing
Thokhu’s Aged Gouda Filling
Lieutenant Commander Delhuso Love’s Morbier Cheese Mush
Grandma Tishroymti’s Stargazer Parfait
Congressman Saguaro’s Abnormal Menhaden Dumpling
Borneo’s Lacy Purple Martin Sushi
pido Sima’s Zucchini Cocoa
China Mobile Communications Corporation’s Hedgehog Jelly
Grandfather Invadesyoch Vegetative’s Soya Milk Swirl
Duke Jonitige Fulwoy’s Powen Stuffing
King Sacrilegious’s Lyretail Cookie
First Lieutenant Admiral Extrapolate’s Sand Eel Vinaigrette
Ensign Consulate-Pocketed’s Esoteric Burrowing Goby Jambalaya
Coowoyochwohjot’s Purified Newt Cobbler
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Llama Swirl
OAO LUKOIL Long-Finned Char Mincemeat
GlaxoSmithKline plc False Moray Tart
Princess Julesmo Determinacy-Stuffier’s Gold Crane Porridge
Lash’s Kind Shortnose Chimaera Squares
Poyplogasam Cremation’s Cuchia Water
Xaybee’s Electric Knifefish Stew
Yeewopohyevbol’s Ceremonial Freshwater Hatchetfish Marinade
Accustomed Tempie’s Low-Fat Milk Squares
Rabbi Moleonora Knighting-Loiters’s Animal Coati Risotto
Fawesunflower Entrench’s Pistachio Toast
Grandfather Yellows-Reflexivity’s Surfperch Water
UniCredit SpA Robiola Lombardia Cheese Couscous
Roysshimeyo Qugechmele’s Unitary Jewfish Orzo
Sunoco Earthworm Tea
Home Depot, Inc.’s Stupid Hog Guacamole
Baron Hayjepisode Overshadow-Muddy’s Concentrated Milk Mousse
Dr. Jumper Scrambles-Assort’s Smoothtongue Gazpacho
Royal Dutch Shell plc Approximationof Olive Flounder Cocoa
Imam Jooreina Sympathies’s Grumpy Goat Macaroni
Womogeorgine Xokvesthich’s Reef Triggerfish Wrap
Candlewickshib Assist-McNulty’s Tiger’s Chaudron Bagel
Cousin Rick’s Tomme Crayeuse Cheese Bisque
HBOS plc Famous Peter’s Elephantnose Fish Sandwich
Private First Class Lieutenant Gorgeous’s Eel Cacciatore
Sergeant First Class Jonnie’s Soy Milk Pate
Duke Jenice’s Sociably Black Tetra Dumpling
Great-Aunt Co’s Fleet Octopus Sandwich
Secretary Well-Jay’s Sauger Punch
Erikkaycl Inger’s Recluse Spider Parfait
Sunoco’s Fromage De Chevre Frais Sandwich
The Kroger Co. Pickerel Ketchup
Woujcoowonayp’s Frightening Spinefoot Cheesecake
VINCI’s Ultra-Pasteurized Cream Gazpacho
Chief Petty Officer Taunya-Denisha Yaqumele’s Robust Snow Monkey Burrito
Father Jeniffer’s Derby Cheese Pie
Cousin Senator Minuteman’s Humboldt Fog Cheese Chowder
Lance Corporal Reuben’s Waxen Monkfish Squares
Great-Aunt Hedy’s Castle Cheese Treat
Mabcroyle’s Cavefish Punch
Pope Ramonita’s Dead Catfish Filling
Brigadier General Alsatianful Strategic-Planned’s Clairvoyant Collared Dogfish Compote
Mikarus Shake-Pushers’s Farmer Cheese Mush
European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V.’s Spotted Dolphin Primavera
Arlynecre Pekllayvwoyojuse’s Oaxaca Cheese Bagel
Princess Matroid- Moravianized’s Garbanzo Bagel
Fishklod’s Midshipman Oatmeal
Gleams-Tractor’s Mountain Pine Beetle Hotpot
Superposed Cottonmouth’s Bland Recluse Spider Brownie
Croybo’s Date Fizz
Baroness Betide- Composition’s Paternal Tetra Fizz
Time Warner Inc. Oat Cookie
Microsoft Corp.’s Flathead Miso
IBM Corp.’s Fresh Mozzarella Fizz
Minister Kluxjeh Pius-Astounding’s Disinterested Lampfish Scone
Walgreen Co.’s Dwarf Gourami Sprinkles
Prime Minister Dogs-Almonds’s Demoiselle Mousse
Mister Emptier’s Conscious Flier Compote
Prudential Hazelnut Candy
Polyhymnia-Easier’s Saury Noodle
Munich Reinsurance Co. Well-intentioned Searobin Pie
Daqu’s Human Searobin Spaghetti
Brigadier General Signifying’s Garlic Cookie
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.’s Common Tunny Brownie
Specialist Boucloumcakl Funnel’s Permanent Spiny Dogfish Shark Sprinkles
Hewlett-Packard Co.’s Ecstatic Damselfish Sorbet
Johnson & Johnson’s Poignant Cepalin Burger
Watprofound Alphabetize’s Carpsucker Brownie
Rear Admiral Francoise’s Lonely Ribbonbearer Tahini
Bank of America Jerusalem Cricket Bagel
Dexter Miquel’s Batfish Chai
Chevron Corp. Trembling Uromastyx Sauce
Coomab’s Scissor-Tail Rasbora Candy
Lachelle’s Attentive Labyrinth Fish Cocoa
General Antionettetacr Tufyevcu’s Greenland Shark Ketchup
Chief Warrant Officer Choking Sheridan’s Bryde’s Whale Chowder
Sockets’s Electric Old World Rivuline Cobbler
Telecom Italia’s Pike Conger Ragout
E.ON AG Sensual Longneck Eel Miso
Larvepthok’s Amazing Tapetail Treat
Ensign Subclasses’s Green Tree Python Granola
Had that all ready to go, did you?
There was a restaurant near my place that advertised Beep Noodle Soup for a couple of years. Then, sadly, they discovered meat.
Moar Hitler! Moar Hitler!
Frond or Pho?
Pho dac biet? Or Pho tai?
My fave……
Here’s a nice bowl.
Pho 999 in Reseda – no, we can’t always go to Westminster, sorry.
Pho Town
By our Pulitzer Prize winning food critic.
I’m cooking andouille sausages, peppers, onions, potatoes and mushrooms for dinner, but now I want me some Pho.
OT: Shorter Catholic Archdiocese of Washington: Screw you guys, I’m going home.
The ladies had Pho Dac Biet. Whitey here had Pho Tai Nam – sin tripas.
Rock on.
(to proprietors)
You are posting too quickly. Slow the fuck down.
Mmm, pho.
Cheerful note: I’ve developed a nasty case of hemorrhoids. Yay me. I blame the media.
The internet, in particular, which has led to a tragic decline in newspaper readership in America…
The President of the United States is standing over the ruins of the 1000 post thread with a bull-horn.
Whitey here had Pho Tai Nam – sin tripas.
The fiddly bits are the best part. Make mine with extra tendon!
In the interests of omnivory, I went for a spleen sandwich last Monday.
Pho 777 on Argyle, Chicago. Been a while and now I’m really pining for it…
When I moved here 10 years ago, there were 2 great newpapers: The Denver Post, and the Rocky Mountain News. What a treat for a news junkie! I would often pickup the Rocky for my lunch hour (its tabloid format was nice for lunch a crowded counter, or to read on the bus or light rail train), and then spread out the Post after work at home.
Then, last year, the Rocky folded after 100 years in print.
Just because I had it handy, this.
That will never stop cracking me up.
So now we only get one paper in Denver–the Denver Post. It’s a pretty good paper, and it even hired some of the good writers from the Rocky, so the columns and local features are all excellent.
Also, they combined the comics sections from the 2 papers, so now the Post has –count ’em–four broadsheet pages of comic strips every single day. Which, for a comics lover like me, is a real bonus!
Over 25 comments, and no “Sadly, pho?”
Someone had to write it!
What the pho?
I’d blame it on FOX News, because they are definitely a pain in the ass.
There’s the usual collection of tired haven’t-been-funny-in -my-lifetime chestnuts like Beetle Bailey, Blondie and Marmaduke, but there are also some good, fresh series like Frazz, Get Fuzzy and Candorville. I usually end up reading almost all of them.
The problem is where I read them…
Open thread? That’s it? Not even a crappy little “shorter”?
Pho shame.
I dunno, I thought the previous thread was more open….
This just seems, you know, strained.
(teh shorter)
After work, I usually change clothes, grab the comics and head to the…head.
Shorter entire GOP/TeaBagger/Glibertarians:
If only we could get back the the wonder years: when G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney brought peace and prosperity to the planet.
Aren’t you supposed to leave a tiny bit in the bottom of the bowl, both to indicate your level of prosperity & that the portions are too humungous to finish?
Pho pas.
And let me tell you, 4 full pages of comics is waaaay too much to read in one…sitting
in 2014, a news-anchor will rant on teeveee about Texan illegals sneaking in America
GlaxoSmithKline plc False Moray Tart
Call your doctor if your False Moray remains erect for more than four hours. (Just to brag. Your Tart will probably be the one requiring medical attention.)
Parack Hussein Obama?
in 2014, a news-anchor will rant on teeveee about Texan illegals sneaking in America
Won’t happen, there will be a border fence.
since it’s an open thread (weird!) i don’t feel too off topic in announcing that it really really really bothers me when people refer to christian homophobes as “stanch christians” (as someone does in this article.)
because why should being a “staunch christian” somehow also mean that one is a homophobe? i mean, i know that lots of christians are anti-gay jerkfaces, but i don’t think that due to a real commitment to the teachings of christ. it’s more being ignorant and kind of spiteful.
back to pho jokes!
New South Park does Glen Beck.
“The Eric Cartman Show”
when people refer to christian homophobes as “stanch christians”
it’s pronounced “stench”
Cheerful note: I’ve developed a nasty case of hemorrhoids. Yay me. I blame the media.
Um…speaking from experience….Tucks.
Can’t do without them.
Donut cushion helps too.
If it’s complicated, get the surgery. Seriously – the recovery period sucks, but when it’s all done you’ll be problem-free.
And if you have a good sick leave policy at work, you can just whisper the problem to your supervisor and no one will ever talk about it again. You can spend 2 -5 weeks lying around on your …..well…ass…without being challenged.
that first poop is memorable tho
I love how the Rocky Mountain News folded despite being one of the most conservative papers in the country for 100+ years. Damn liberal media.
Soy nuts are the truck nuts of liberal fascism. Discuss.
Shorter HillBuzz
(I know, I know- not as good as the pros. Just trying to keep things going during the extended break. Think of me as David Shuster on Countdown.)
And forget about Hitler. Hideki Tojo’s got the Mojo.
Love Pho…. just love it. But the “Saigon Cafe” ’round the corner from the house… doesn’t serve it. “No call for it here” they claim.
Kind of like having a Ruth’s Chris Steak House without steak. Or meat.
Open advice:
1) Do not order seafood at Ruth’s Chris.
2) Extended literature sessions on the throne are counter-indicated for piles.
Especially the lobster.
Vietnamese soups are the saurbraten of liberal fascism.
Boy howdy, you can say that again!
Boy howdy, you can say that again!
actually, according to wordpress, I cannot.
Kind of like having a Ruth’s Chris Steak House without steak. Or meat.
Or Chris!
“Pho queue. I’ll get it out of the way early.”
There’s a Vietnamese place here called Pho Kim Long. They opened a second location, Pho Kim Long 2.
There’s a Vietnamese place here called Pho Kim Long. They opened a second location, Pho Kim Long 2.
Potential TV Commercial: On a lunch break? Pho Kim Long time! After work? Pho Kim Long time! Out on the other side of town? Pho Kim Long 2 time!
We shall oppose any pho to ensure the survival and the success of liberty.
Chin Nam Gao for the win.
GlaxoSmithKline plc False Moray Tart
That’s a moraySocial morays
I can stop any time.
One of the joys of living on the foggy side of SF is the plethora of pho joints. Wonderful stuff, and cheap.
Not that there aren’t any elsewhere in town. Just that there are so many around here.
Do they have any cheese?
Pho: a deer, an asian deer
Rey: a spanish crownëd head
Me: first person Sadly No!
Fa: Day of the Dolphin
Bowl Noodle Hot!
Anwar al-Awlaki is an American!
What, are we talking Judoon here?
And the good news is it won’t cost the American taxpayer a dime. Those cocky Texans will put up the fence believing that everyone else would want to go there.
Was Pho-town torpedo an act of pho-rain terrorism?
My prediction:
Next post will be titled, “To.”
Followed by a post titled, “Shop.”
Followed by a post featuring a tolietshoop.
Bookmark it.
pho, its about the only thing I miss about Vietnam, the 15,000 Dong street side ‘cafe’ (photos to follow, some time) that I regularly ate my lunch…. aaahh. Dont get me wrong, Green Curry & Pad Thai is fine, but some days only a pho will do…..
The fiddly bits are the best part. Make mine with extra tendon!
Dont go there, honestly. Couple of times in HCMC I went for the 17,000 Dong specials, some of which involved tendon, I think, not pleasant…. when it comes to pho, go for the basics, I say
So now we only get one paper in Denver–the Denver Post. It’s a pretty good paper, and it even hired some of the good writers from the Rocky, so the columns and local features are all excellent.
does woody paige still have a job there? man i hate that guy. not as much as i hate mariotti, but a little more than i hate plaschke. a little less than bayless, i guess, but only because for a time when bayless hosted that morning show with paige he had to get up every morning, look himself in the mirror, and say “man, my job is to lose arguments with woody paige, professionally,” and in some sense that’s sufficient penance.
Yeah, Woody Paige is still there, but honestly I don’t give the sports page much more than a glance anyway. I love my Denver sports as much as the next blue-and-orange face-painted yahoo, but reading about it doesn’t do much for me. To paraphrase an old saying: writing about sports is like singing about architecture.
it really really really bothers me when people refer to christian homophobes as “stanch christians”
I know that was a typo, but DAMN that is near perfect for those folks. Stanched Christians doing their damnedest to stanch Christianity.
To paraphrase an old saying: writing about sports is like singing about architecture.
what’s your problem, homeboy? i’ve got life without buildings, i am the world trade center, and we’re all going to come beat you with copies of more songs about buildings and food if you don’t watch your tone.
At a nearby Chinese Restaurant I once had General Tso’s chicken, and boy, was he pissed.
man i hate that guy. not as much as i hate mariotti
You mean Jay Mariotti? That prick with ears. When he stopped appearing in the Chicago Tribune, I figured he was cooling off in a shallow grave somewhere in an Indiana cornfield.
You mean somebody in Denver hired that guy?
Re: Bead-squeezers. At least they’re consistent. They regard abortion as a sin, so they use thier influence to shape policy to inhibit abortion services.
Likewise, they oppose the death penalty, so they trheaten to excommunicate lawmakers who support capital punishment…
Oh wait, that’s right, they don’t. OK, so I guess that means they’re a bunch of hypocritical douchbags after all. huh.
Correction, I mean when Mariotti was with the Chicago Sun-Times.
Boy do I have egg on my face.
If Texas secedes from the Union, I’ll kick in $100 to build a big electric fence with guard towers and angry dogs.
You mean somebody in Denver hired that guy?
no, i mean espn still televises that guy 5 times a week, along with plaschke and paige. though there are rumors, just rumors mind you that after his excursion into blogging the tribune has been trying to clear up space on their payroll to make the jayster an offer.
Best Pho in Northern Virginia: Pho Sate. Graham Road and Lee Highway, Falls Church. Get the Chinese twist crullers and dunk them in the broth.
And the tendon is the best part.
it takes a big man to admit he was wrong. a big, brilliant, sensitive, kind, overwhelmingly great man. i am that man. i was wrong about dragon age origins. it’s far from terrible. in fact, it’s pretty good, though most of my previous complaints still stand.
Although one thing I’ve noticed about Dragon Age Origins is that it’s not a very Conservative game. What do I mean by that? Well I have been playing a rogue named AdamSmith and rogues receive XP for disarming traps. In fact they receive as many XP for disarming a trap as killing most foes. Thus during battle, in order to maximize XPs, there is actually an incentive to disarm traps, even ones well out of the melee zone, rather than engage enemies. Thus the market of XP accumulation creates a disincentive to actually help your party slay enemies and an incentive toward engaging in side activities that help nobody but your own character. Can you imagine if this were how things really worked?
Glad I could inspire a couple of homebrew shorters. Also:
Wow. That’s a lot of dongs.
Wow, what does it say about the amount of sleep that I’m getting that I suspect this post was done by my husband, but I’m not even sure?
Will post a new Dash picture either tonight or tomorrow – sorry for the delay (for the one person who asked), but it’s my first week back at work, and Dash is still fighting valiantly against the evil poo.
Since it’s sort of a food related thread, can people suggest recipes for Thanksgiving that don’t include: dairy, soy, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, or peanuts? And possibly wheat, if Dash doesn’t improve soon? I think I’ve got the turkey recipe covered, but that’s about as far as I’ve gotten…
Is there anything edible that doesn’t incorporate one of those things? Steamed broccoli, maybe. Rice. Simple fare.
Sorry about the poo issues. This too will, er, pass.
can people suggest recipes for Thanksgiving that don’t include: dairy . . .
For a minute there, I thought I had something for you, but then I remembered: Butter. Every Thanksgiving recipe I have ever made has butter. Pounds and pounds of butter.
For a minute there, I thought I had something for you, but then I remembered: Butter. Every Thanksgiving recipe I have ever made has butter. Pounds and pounds of butter.
I know. Everything that I’ve ever made that is worth making contains butter. And the suck thing about margarine is that almost all of it has soy in it. Well, not the only suck thing about margarine, but among the suck things about margarine.
I suspect I can do something good with the cranberry sauce, so there’s that. Turkey and cranberry sauce and… stuff cooked in olive oil? Ideas? Anyone?
Since it’s sort of a food related thread, can people suggest recipes for Thanksgiving that don’t include: dairy, soy, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, or peanuts? And possibly wheat, if Dash doesn’t improve soon?
Let’s see…I think the Chairwoman sometimes does her apple pie crust with corn or canola oil. There are a bunch of hearty but non-dairy soups you could do–beef barley (if barley’s okay), vegetarian minestrone, etc.
Veggies…asparagus is probably a bad idea b/c I’m pretty sure the volatile compounds can be excreted in breast milk. Grilled veggies? Sauteed greens with lemon, ginger, garlic, whatever you think Dash can handle? I’d maybe skip the garlic and onion…hmm.
Bun Thit Nuong, anyone?
You must really have to pee, then.
Earth Balance makes a soy-free margarine. I’ve only used the regular EB, but it’s surprisingly good. Baked sweet potatoes are lovely with or without butter, or s.p.s could be fried in olive oil, YUM. Corn bread stuffing, stir-fried or steamed green beans, sugar snaps, or what not, maple-glazed carrots, roasted roots…
Earth Balance makes a soy-free margarine.
I never thought reading a statement like this would cause me any sort of excitement or joy, but here I am! I guess the big adventure for my birthday weekend will be a trip to Whole Foods (the nearest Trader Joe’s doesn’t have it, or I would have spotted it).
Hopefully the diet won’t be this restrictive for too long; when Dash wins his battle with the evil poo, I can begin re-introducing stuff back into my diet one by one until we find out exactly what the problem was from. Maybe I can at least get dairy or soy back by Christmas.
I think the Chairwoman sometimes does her apple pie crust with corn or canola oil.
Mmmm… Apple pie sounds good. If I have that margarine tigrismus has described, I could also do an apple-crumble-type thing.
whatever you think Dash can handle?
I hope he doesn’t have an issue with garlic or onions. It’s certainly not something the pediatrician told me to avoid, and he seems to be improving despite the fact that those two things remain pretty prominent in my diet.
The soy-free is only in tubs, not sticks, unfortunately, but you can use it for cooking, frying, anything. The label is kind of a wine red. I think Mazola and Fleishman’s might both make a dairy-free, soy-free margarine, too, but not 100% sure.
I hope it doesn’t last long, too, for all of your sakes. Poor little tyke!
Hmm, looks like the corn marges might have soy lecithin. I know some folks who can’t have most soy products can tolerate lecithin, but not everyone can, so those might not work.
can people suggest recipes for Thanksgiving that don’t include: dairy, soy, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, or peanuts?
Hmm, looks like the corn marges might have soy lecithin. I know some folks who can’t have most soy products can tolerate lecithin, but not everyone can, so those might not work.
The doctor suggested avoiding it for now, while we’re just trying to get the little guy to stop pooping bloody green slime (it’s sort of emergency-ish cut out everything measures, with food added back in slowly later to see what’s tolerated).
Fingers crossed that it’s either dairy or soy, but not both…
I believe that I will have to make a point to lose my pho cherry on an upcoming trip to Chicago. Between this and a thread on cast-iron cooking on MetaFilter… well, it’s just a good goddamn thing that I wear a cape at all times.
Mmmm… Apple pie sounds good. If I have that margarine tigrismus has described, I could also do an apple-crumble-type thing.
Except that I’m an idiot who clearly doesn’t do any baking, because the Chairwoman’s crust has flour in it, which is, of course, wheat. Anyway, if you think the wheat is okay, here’s the recipe. This just does the bottom crust; you’ll need to double it if you like a two-crusted pie.
1 cup + 2 T flour
1/2 tsp salt (important!)
1/3 cup corn oil
2 T cold water
Mix flour, salt, and oil with a fork, then add cold water. Roll out between wax paper and press dough into pie dish. Poke all over with a fork.
Filling’s up to you…she does brown sugar, white sugar, cinnamon, lemon, apples, and a little more flour (to thicken the “sauce” that the apples make), but it’s highly idiosyncratic and (she claims) dependent on the exact kind of apples you get.
I hope he doesn’t have an issue with garlic or onions. It’s certainly not something the pediatrician told me to avoid, and he seems to be improving despite the fact that those two things remain pretty prominent in my diet.
Good. 🙂 I just mentioned them because I know some people who are really sensitive to ’em. My mother-in-law has to leave the room when onions are being chopped (though she can eat cooked onions without much trouble).
I wonder if the flour could be replaced with oat flour?