He’s Just as I Imagined Him

Thanks to tigrismus for sending us this picture of Dafyydd ab Hugh, the wingnut blogger/Star Trek fan fiction author who recently got props from Powerline for dismissing the anti-Rumsfeld generals as Clintonista partisan hacks:

Gavin, if you’d like to Photoshop a jumbo box of Ho-Ho’s in one of his hands, feel free. But otherwise, I think he’s perfect.


Gavin adds: Where would I put it?



Comments: 110


He looks a great deal like my old roommate, who was prone to getting cellulitis and then would always need to show me his rash for some reason.

Can I tell you how glad I am to not live there anymore?


Is this a joke?


I’m afraid I can’t say anymore. The line between parody and reality has completely disappeared under ab Hugh’s waistline.


Whoa! (Shakes head real hard, blinks, looks again) WHOA!!

Now here’s a guy who’s opinion on military policy I’d take seriously. I mean, after you’ve been beat up after school, after college, after work and after the Trekie Convention, you know a thing or two about fighting, lemme tell ya.

I have one issue with the photo. The martini glass. It’s kind of cool. How did it get there? Does this blob of stoopid and obnoxious somehow have, somewhere inside, a tiny shred of cool? Nah, couldn’t be. It’s gotta be either a tip jar or somebody left it there and he just hasn’t noticed yet…



Dude walks around looking like that and using a fake Welsh name…I can’t believe he has had a total ass-kicking by now. Must be the combined buffer of the Ho Hos, chimis, and fangeeks…


Thank the anonymous commenter at TBogg, who posted it with the the comment “Amazingly, this is exactly what I imagined Dafydd ab Hugh would look like.” I kid you not.


This is the sort of bold warrior you’d find in the pages of the Mabinogion!

Can’t you see him, standing in his breeches and tunic, covered in woad tattoos, inovking the names of his ancestors, like Math ab Mathonwy, before riding in his chariot off to battle, the fierce battle cry of his clan rolling off his lips…



Jillian, you owe me one laptop girlfriend. My drink hath spewed forth!


… and here I thought his name was Klingon.


Actually, megisi, that’s his job title…



Then the Emperor smiled. “Lord,” said Iddawc, “wherefore dost thou laugh?”

“Iddawc,” replied Arthur, “I laugh not; but it pitieth me that men of such stature as these should have this island in their keeping, after the men that guarded it of yore.”

–The Dream of Rhonabwy


If only the president had listened to Daffyd, our troops would all be equipped with the latest in BFG technology, and the insurgents wouldn’t stand a chance in Iraq.


Wow, I guess as long as you are enough of a geek to write fanboy novels about Star Trek and video games, and to do so under a Welsh nom de plume when your real name is Dave Friedman, you might as well think that ‘Viva Reagan’ t-shirt is cool also.

Notice I didn’t say anything about the bad moustache…

It occurs to me that this could be taken as evidence of the ‘meanness’ of the left. (It’s worth it.)


Oh, this kind of thing preys too easily on my enormous guilt complex. Is it moral to deride the unfortunately corpulent? Will I feel bad to have sinned in thought and (if spoken) deed, enough to require an emergency visit to the nearest confessional? Will I ever get the image of this wide-bodied turd-barge out of my head?



The derision is not for the corpulence, though…it’s for the hypocrisy.

If you’re going to tell the military how to run their affairs, you at least ought to be able to fit in one of their uniforms.

How can he be a Star Trek fanboy, anyway? Wouldn’t the inherent socialism of the Star Trek universe give him hives, or something?


For me, it’s not that he’s fat. (Hell, I’m fat.) It’s that he has absolutely no fashion sense and is a walking cliche.

And the moustache. I hate moustaches.


In fact, I think there may be the basis for a major research program here. I can’t help but wonder why it is the extreme right tends to be overwhelmingly populated by squishy, poorly dressed white guys. I mean, I understand why squishy white guys like to hang out with other squishy white guys talking tough about guns and bombs and genocide and US vs. THEM, it’s their single best chance at an erection, and it’s so embarrassing when the head nerd calls out “CIRCLE JERK” and whoops, no wood. But don’t they realize that there is no need to be a bush apoligist in order to do these things?



\”Captain, we are entering the Nevergettinglaid portion of the Cheeto nebula\”
\”Full speed ahead number two.\”

I know I joke, but that\’s seriously embarassing. He looks like some sort of pirate-Elvis cloning attempt gone horribly wrong. It also seems as if he\’s completely given up on traditional styles of belt, opting instead to cut large sections of black material off other garments and tie it around his waist.

The last few days make me feel that wingnuttia has been nothing but the world\’s biggest joke setup ever.


That’s a hell of a sandwich.


I’m speechless.

You’re right; I guess some things should just be left alone.


Timmah, if you’re right I’m terrified of the punch line.


What’s the purpose of that martini glass in the picture? Was it filled with M&M’s? Besides, he looks like the kind of person who drinks out of a goblet.


Well, that’s what wingnuttia is. Sloth. Intellectual, physical, esthetic…nothing but sloth.

I wonder if Matt Groening ever met Dafydd?


Dafydd. Does anyone else just automatically see this as “DaffyDuck”?



In a second photo there’s a salad. Apparantly its a prop – as its noticeably out of arms reach and clearly untouched.


Speaking of Daffy Duck, how come we don’t see the “Wingnut-Projection Daffy” anymore?


Verily, thou hast made sport of the wrong warrior! See now what I do with yon sandwich…


Here’s a pre-cheetoh photo.


I never understood how wingers could like Star Trek since the Federation is essentially the UN in space.

But then, I never understood how they turned the Prince of Peace into Rambo…


Oh good Lord. Not only fanfic, but Deep Space Nine fanfic. I’m getting dizzy just thinking about it.


OK, never in a million years would I dream that we’d be discussing the Mabinogion in a thread at Sadly, No!

Sniff! I am verklemmpt.


The “squishy white guy” phenomenon is quite telling. It’s my theory that most right-wingers hate the left because right-wingers are SQUARES, totally uncool and with no chance of ever being cool. This goes all the way back to the 60’s.

And I’m not talking about high school-popularity contest cool. I’m talking about the more adult kind of cool, the kind of cool that means you have good taste in music and know how to dress yourself and aren’t into Star Trek.

Since Cheeto boy could use them, here are some fashion tips:

1. If you are wearing an XXL t-shirt and a pair of imitation Dockers, DO NOT tuck the t-shirt into the slacks.

2. Do not tie your belt four sizes too tight in order for a “slimming” effect. It doesn’t work. What happens instead is that your pale, distended belly pours over your belt, creating the “Michelin Man” effect.

3. Do not make a vain attempt at hipness by growing a porn ‘stache and a soul patch. The “soul patch” only calls further attention to your uber-white dorkiness.


In a second photo there’s a salad. Apparantly its a prop – as its noticeably out of arms reach and clearly untouched.

Salads are very safe around this dude.


2. Do not tie your belt four sizes too tight in order for a “slimming” effect. It doesn’t work. What happens instead is that your pale, distended belly pours over your belt, creating the “Michelin Man” effect.

I believe this is referred to as the Dunlap Disease – when your belly dunlapped over your belt, or among the layman, the Dicky-do Disease. When your belly hangs out further than your dicky-do.


I think this is just further proof that the mainstream media hates conservative ideas. He’s obviously a very intelligent and meticulous thinker, whose outside-the-box military tacticianary is forced into the realm of science fiction. The same science fiction that supported the heretical ideas of Jules Verne.

Only in there can his bleeding edge ideas see the light of day.

Or, he’s just a blithering windbag.


Celticgirl, I have a feeling this guy and the others like him *cough*AA*cough* are the punchline.

Granted it’s one of those “horribly long setup for not that funny of a joke” type joke, but that explanation makes a lot more sense to me than these people actually believing their arguments.


Note: Sweet jesus, yes!

Finally found a free proxy which doesen’t insert slashes into every bloody sentence randomly.

Take that employer!


Note: Sweet jesus, yes!

Finally found a free proxy which doesen’t insert slashes into every bloody sentence randomly.

Take that employer!


So hopefully the WaPo will use this photo when they write a “profile” on right-wing bloggers. Right? Right?




Photoshop a giant cheeto over that sandwich and … perfection!


Looks like your proxy makes you double post, howevver, Timmah.

But that’s okay – there’s just more of you to love, now! 😉


Someone on another site pointed out the psuedo-Welsh spelling of his name, which if he had done it the right way should have been “Dafydd ap Huw”.



hmm. That younger picture shows he can grow a proper moustache.

So how to explain that atrocity he’s sporting above?


Someone on another site pointed out the psuedo-Welsh spelling of his name, which if he had done it the right way should have been “Dafydd ap Huw”.

Now imagine in your head what Daffy D would sound like refuting that claim. Use the voice of Comic Guy from the Simpsons.

“Actually, if you had read the collected English battle histories of the late 15th century (in graphic novella form) as I have, clearly you can see that…”


So how to explain that atrocity he’s sporting above?

Well, poor diet *can* lead to hair loss . . .


So how to explain that atrocity he’s sporting above?

I heard some time ago that, in males, obesity causes diminished testosterone levels and inhibits hair growth typically of the type associated with males. Good news for Daffy’s back, but not so good news for the face, obviously.

…and now that’s I’ve imagined Daffy with hairy back, I need to lie down.


The more I look at that picture, the more PERFECT I realize it is. He’s wearing a freaking “REAGAN REVOLUTION” t-shirt for crying out loud!

Pure zen.

Now, let’s blow this up and put it on a billboard. No one under the age of 40 will join the GOP for the next 50 years.


Well, to be fair, there are squishy white guys on the left as well (I’m happily married to one, and a bit squishy myself. We’re working on it!) The SWGs on the left that I’ve met have been genuinely sweet, caring, clever, and geeky as hell. Thankfully, most of the cool geeks seem to be left-leaning and generous to boot (witness Penny Arcade’s annual Child’s Play toy drive & auction).
I can’t defend this guy, though – arrogance is the dark side of the geek-nerd continuum, and the pretentiousness isn’t helping him much either.


If I were a “chubby chaser,” and I nost certainly am not, I’d… still find this dude incredibly repulsive, and not just for his personality. Ew.


Now there’s a man who could use mustache lessons from Joseph Farah. It’s an art, not to be attempted by amateurs.

I’ve got nothing against Trekkies or fandom or whatnot, but I find myself horribly biased against doughy, wannabe-Welsh white men wearing Reagan paraphenalia like it’s the next cool thing. I guess the Left is hateful.


I thought the proper Welsh patronymic was “ap”, but I lacked the proper geek confidence necessary to point and laugh loudly at that.


I’ve got nothing at all against geekiness and Star Trek fandom (although I draw the line at LARP…I first heard about it this year on this blog and I’m still shuddering). Live and let live, I say. It’s the confusion of fantasy with reality that’s scary. The idea that what you imagine works well for popular fiction is actually applicable to real life.


There’s nothing wrong with being squishy…not in the slightest.

But there is something wrong with being squishy and walking around like you’re going to kick everybody’s tuchis.

Heck, there’s something wrong with being fit and walking around with that attitude – it’s sort of sociopathic.

But when it comes from the lean muscle mass-challenged, it’s charmingly ridiculous.


Jillian: Somebody over at TBogg’s made that same point.

Ya know, to the uneducated, that name might sound kind of Muslamic.


Jillian: Both are used, but when I looked at it again I realized that it had to do with the letter that follows. If he had tried to use Gwilym, it would have been ‘ab’. But I’m pretty sure Huw would require the hard ‘p’. I’m not an expert Welsh speaker, but I have noticed that certain mutations and changes like this are kind of intuitive (or, as my teacher tells me, since my ancestors are from the North of Wales, I developed some kind of instinctive pronunciation of the Northern form).


Charlotte, I have to agree; there are plenty of SWGs on both the left and the right because there just are a lot of SWGs, at least in the U.S. My experience is that SWGs on the left are comfortable with themselves; they sort of groove on it (see PZ Myers’ discussion of the Geek Prom). The ones on the right are full of desperate self-loathing and frantic attempts to cover it up (by being bullies, developing a gun fetish, or buying videos on how to kill people with toothpicks FROM ACROSS THE ROOM!!!)


Sadly, I have a pair of those shorts, only several sizes smaller. They are made of only the finest tan nylon. The belt is attached to the pants, and is made of some kind of black elastic material. It has one of those huge plastic buckles that you find on childrens bookbags. They cost around ten dollars.

I have never worn it in public, unlike Dafyydd ab Huge. I bought them because I needed something to wear around the house when it’s 90 degrees outside with 100% humidity.


Shame on all of you for casting aspersions on the wingnuts’ military prowess. If we used the assets of these fine Americans, the insurgency would be doomed as they are caught within the wingnuts’ collective event horizon.

(The reason he’s capable of hanging out with other wingnuts without doing serious damage is that they have titanium-reinforced crania.)


With my limited experience with Science Fiction (I liked Ursala LeGuin, Poul Anderson and Fritz Leiber, oh, about 40 years ago), something does occur to me. In a great deal of “Hard” science fiction, the kind with starships and space battles and the like, it is very common to find HUGE quantities of “Collateral Damage, AKA Genocide. The Death Star, entire planets blown up with their Billions of inhabitants, with nary a twitch of remorse.

So members of the Doughy class perhaps acquire a certain, er, comfort with mass death on an industrial scale. So when they propose killing a few hundred thousand brown people on the other side of the planet, this really seems, well, resonable and nuanced. The practical application of the Darth Vader World View, so they can see those pictures of dead people and broken villiages.

It also occurs to me, just now, that they really only like to play this game when it has absolutely ZERO impact on their lives. They’re not going to go FIGHT, fer crissakes, and they aren’t going to have fighting in their home town. No car bombs, clean water, macdonalds and electricity 24×7. So I’m wondering, america bombs Iran and the price of gas goes to six bux a gallon, are these same boobs going to be the loudest to complain that those rotten brown people have IN Fucking CONVENIENCED them?



among the layman, the Dicky-do Disease. When your belly hangs out further than your dicky-do.

Why do I get the feeling he’d be suffering from Dicky-do, even if he had 6 pack abs?

Gentlewoman Geekpockets

I really, REALLY wish I had not seen this photo. That is all I am capable of expressing right now.



re: Daffyd’s literary output.

Anyone else think of Alpha Squad 7: Lady Nocturne: A Tek Jansen Adventure ?

re: the right and space opera scifi…

The definitive text is Norman Spinrad’s The Iron Dream, most of which consists of a Hugo award winning scifi novel called Lord of the Swastika by none other than Adolf Hitler (who in, the backstory to Spinrad’s novel, emigrated to the US in the 1920s and wrote scifi). A very clever sendup of the inherently reactionary aspect of much bad science fiction.


Is that the english language on that T Shirt?

French, Spanish….He’s an america hating, terrorist supporting, communist.


Odd that the marketing guys at Subway went with that Jared guy given this opportunity.


well, mikey, among the fans I know (including yrs truly), it’s pretty well understood that the people who blow up planets with Death Stars or otherwise threaten to render them uninhabitable with nukes, “scorched terra” policies, or great big rocks yanked into asteroid duty with tractor beams are…

…wait for it…

…the Bad Guys. And not to be admired or emulated, but thwarted whenever possible.

(There was a sort of belated recognition by a few last Summer that they’d gone over to the Dark Side – John Tierney being the most notable – but essentially learning to live with cognitive dissonance is a survival skill necessary to be a conservative and still consider one’s self either “hip” or moral.)


The thing is, in all our ha-ha dreams the guy would look like Comic-book guy. And we wake up and he actually does. This is sad.


PP, it’s just like how we complained for ages that the WH press corps was composed of a bunch of whores, fellating Scottie boy for access and good quotes.

And then Jeff Gannon happened.

It’s almost enough to make you believe in God – what are the odds?


Careful, Jillian…indulge too much in that kind of thinking and next thing you know, you’ve got Tek-War bestseller and you’re mainlining Taquitos.


¡Vivà la revoluciòn! ¡Vivà las Rollitos!


Is that the “before” picture of Jared from the Subway ads?


As a squishy white guy with a ‘stache and no fashion sense myself (though my facial hair is more “John Stossel” than “John Holmes”), and a Sci-Fi fan, this guy makes me roll my eyes with a great deal of annoyance.
While more than a few of us may have a keen appriciation and knowledge of history (and may or may not be headed down the academic path), it’s the rare one who gets the Fat Guy version of the Napoleon complex- which old FakeWelshName clearly has. If he actually had some half-decent historical training to go along with his musings, he might have something- but I somehow get the impression that that particular facet isn’t there, which makes all of the fellating by AssRocket and co. somewhat infuriating.


I read recently that one of the ways Timothy McVeigh justified the OKC bombing was via “The Death Star”. In other words, thousands and thousands of maintenance workers, file clerks, janitors and other assored non-Vader entities were likewise blown to space fritters when Luke let loose his photon torpedoes. Course, this was before Lucas wimped out and said most of the Imperial cannon fodder was clones, but still.


Well, utilitarian ethics at work- a few thousand semi-innocent military personel in menial service vs. the probablity of millions or billions of civillian casualties if that thing keeps rolling. Plus that whole “survival of the Alliance” business that was somewhat in doubt at Yavin 4.


OMG, he’s the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons!


Good God – look at
the dump where this clown’s “libertarian supperclub” (the “Karl Hess Club”) meets for its monthly wankathon.

Billingsley’s in LA – now there’s a joint that is without a doubt populated by a combination of lowlifes out of a James Ellroy novel and mutant potato people from the imagination of Dan Clowes.

Which basically describes Dafyydd ab Hugh himself.


Hey, if the booze is good, the booze is good!


Karl Hess was a POS anyway, fitting that his society meets in a dive.

and fitting that uber-Nerd Dave Friedman meets there with a supper group of libertarian nerds.


“Billingsley’s in LA ”

Oh my god. I’m embarrassed to say I’ve actually been there.

And, actually, it’s not really populated by people out of a James Elroy novel. Rather, it’s the over-65 fixed-income crowd going in for the early bird dinner special.

Well drinks, cheap steaks and mashed potatoes, ribs, red leatherette booths. Waitresses that call you hon.

I’ve been told it was originally owned by someone related to Barbara Billingsley (Beaver’s Mom and the “I speak jive” lady in Airplane.)


I’ve been to most of the fru-fru “Thai-Fusion” or whatevers cool that week restaraunt in California, and have for years. It’s the bullshit marcom biz and the people who have money choose where to eat. Y’know what? Gimme Billingsleys, red leatherette booths and waitresses that call ya hon. Just sayin…



Well, mikey, Billingsley’s is OK and comforting. Good martinis. But they still overcook the vegetables.

What’s the “marcom” biz? Just curious.

Are you in LA?


I read recently that one of the ways Timothy McVeigh justified the OKC bombing was via “The Death Star”. In other words, thousands and thousands of maintenance workers, file clerks, janitors and other assored non-Vader entities were likewise blown to space fritters when Luke let loose his photon torpedoes.

Well, I’m a contractor myself. I’m a roofer… Dunn and Reddy Home Improvements. And speaking as a roofer, I can say that a roofer’s personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs.

Clerks Fawking rules…..


And it is proton torpedos, if we’re going to nitpick here.



I’m the anonymous (i.e., at work) commenter from Tbogg who posted the link for the photo of uberdweeb Dafydd. (One of these days I’ll figure out how to actually do html tags).
Thanks so much for noticing it and helping make sure it gets the attention it so richly deserves (you too, Brad). Also, thanks for being so gracious, as it gives me the belated opportunity to take geek-like pride in what, if I may say so myself, was a pretty great find. How can you look at that picture and not just laugh and laugh and laugh?


Mikey, g – hey, I’ve been to lots of “Billingsleys” over the years. I love ’em too (but prefer the burrito stands at the end of the day). Shit, my grandmother used to take us out to a similar place on special occasions.

That said, I wouldn’t put a picture of Billingsleys next to a b/w mug of a creepy German guy on the front page of my calling-card libertarian website (if I had one). Like, a chick magnet that is NOT. More like a sad sack CPA magnet if you ask me.


What’s the “marcom” biz? Just curious.

Are you in LA?

Marketing Communications.

I’m in beautiful Silicon Valley, land of the concrete tilt-up and Strip Malls…



Barbara Billingsley (Beaver’s Mom and the “I speak jive” lady in Airplane.)

“Chump don’t want help, chump don’t get help.”


Comic Book Store Guy cut off his ponytail?

Worst. Facial Hair. Ever.


And the moustache. I hate moustaches.

That’s not a moustache, that’s a dirty sanchez!!!


aninedigitnumber, it was an awesome find, and your comment was perfect-it’s funny because it’s true!


Guinnessguy, one of my circle, Grey Lady Bast, came up with a slogan in the wake of Abu Ghreib/No WMDs/etc etc etc etc etc etc –

“Don’t *be* a janitor on the Death Star” – which some of us have adopted as a motto.

IOW, the moral implications of being a willing, if largely oblivious, low-level cog in an engine of oppression are something that can be kicked around as a consciousness-raising tool. (And I should acknowledge that the fans at Onion came up with a riff on the concept ten years ago.)


Heh- it’s depressing for me that that article is ten years old. I remember reading it when it was hot off the presses.
I ain’t saying they aren’t people and therefore worthy of due consideration- it’s just, by taking part, you kick yourself out of the “civillian” catagory (though not up to the “active combatant/active pro-*insertcause* policymaker” level on the enemy combatant morality-kill scale). Less morally stressful than “collateral damage”, but moreso than “he’s actively trying to kill me”.
Just my appraisal, of course…


In fact, I think there may be the basis for a major research program here. I can’t help but wonder why it is the extreme right tends to be overwhelmingly populated by squishy, poorly dressed white guys

Wait a minute – you just described me. Come to think of it, I look suspiciously like Captain Tiberus J Wingnut above.

I never understood how wingers could like Star Trek since the Federation is essentially the UN in space.

Oh, it’s worse than that – the Federation is essentially Marx’s evolved communist state.

Phoenician in a time of Romans

(Owning up to writing the anonymous confession above)


Phoenician is correct- the Federation is so Marxian flowers-and-candy-perfect-and-so-blessedly-impossible it makes me puke; of course, that gave the show some dramatic friction.


I’m a squishy, poorly-dressed geeky mouthbreathing white guy who has attended more than a couple fan conventions myself, and this guy is tacky by even those standards.


Hey, don’t make fun of Dafydd because he looks funny and writes Star Trek novelizations. (Lots of writers look funny — myself included — and novelizations are, at worst, honest work.)

It’s okay to make fun of him for the crazy things he often says.


Caption: “This should provide enough sustenance for the Dr. Who Marathon.”


I doubt it- such a marathon would require at least… three pizzas (scaling it based on my previous nerdathons).


En hommage to Miguel

HAHAHAHA LOOK AT THE RETARDEDS!!!!! IT IS TO FUNNY FOREVER!!!1! ARE YOU NOT MEN? “We are wingnuto hehindeed!!!” oh baldy dorkfart, the Amish wingnut lady did eat your hat??? “YOOSTAHAVE HAT, YOOSTABEE DEMOCRAT!!!” Amish lady or Holly Hobbie? it…


I could go for a wheelbarrel full of burritos right about now.


Gods, you people are vapid assholes. Got bored with being picky on substance and decided to go for the low blow? And none of you have a single solitary photo somewhere that makes you look like a dork? Sure. I believe that. And Dubya’s got a genius IQ.


I’ve got a shitload of them, m’self.
If you’re tired of vapidity, there are some WTC conspiricy kooks up yonder in one of Retardo’s now-apparently-common bits about “The VRWC-as-Actual Vast Conspiricy” posts.
I don’t have the constitution to keep reading up there (I want to laugh, dammit!), but there’s no vapidity to be found up there.

Have fun, dear!


Apparently just one kook- point still stands (and I need a shower).


I wish we could stick with mocking the wingnuts’ idiocy and moral emptiness, rather than their looks or their bodies. It just puts us on their level (the “she’s only a feminist because she’s so ugly” kind of so-called reasoning).


I’m afraid I can’t say anymore. The line between parody and reality has completely disappeared under ab Hugh’s waistline.

apparently fat-bashing is the last refuge of those who otherwise consider themselves open-minded and accepting. geez, the guy’s an asshole in so many ways, why pick on something so unrelated??


And…true to form, whenever the “lefties” feel threatened, the freedom of speech FOR OTHERS goes right out the window. Open-minded liberals? Liberals who allow others to speak freely is they differ with their personal opinions? Is there such a thing? Sadly, no… Good name for this site. OK, y’all, go ahead and blast off on this post and prove me correct.


Sorry…”IF they differ”, not “IS they differ”. Forgive the gaffe. Product of the American public school system, ya know.


OK, y’all, go ahead and blast off on this post and prove me correct.

Psst: last post on this thread was quite some time ago. You might want to get your dander up on a thread that someone is paying attention to besides me.


(comments are closed)