Parody or Reality? (Part III)

Adam Yoshida continues to blur the lines between parody and reality:

Consider, for a moment, the most likely outcome of an effort by Iran to launch a massive offensive in Iraq. If Iran were to launch an all-out Shiite uprising against American and Iraqi government forces, we would likely see a modern-day reenactment of the Tet Offensive – a battle which would result in the annihilation of the attacking forces but which, thanks to a hostile global and traitorous domestic media would be presented to the public as a massive defeat for Allied arms. Iran can likely launch such an attack at any moment. Wouldn’t it be far better if it were launched while the media was distracted by images of Mushroom Clouds over the western deserts of Iran? This is especially true when one considers the fact that the combination of a distracted media and a chaotic military situation is likely to allow Allied forces to take more… liberties… with regard to their human rights policies than might otherwise be allowable.

The problem of Iran’s hardened nuclear facilities is easily solved if we choose to use nuclear weapons. Simply put, we can drop nuclear bombs on anything that even looks like a nuclear facility and, afterwards, no one will really be able to conclusively establish what was there to begin with. This will be extremely useful in the off-chance that, like Saddam’s Iraq, Iran proves to actually have a far-less advanced WMD program than we believed: no one will be able to prove the truth one way or another and, given the gravity of our own actions, a majority of people will generally accept our word for it.

In case you’re confused, Adam just advocated nuking everything in Iran that could conceivably be a nuclear weapons facility, which would likely include hospitals, orphanages and ice cream parlors. His underlying logic is that if we destroy the entire country, no one will ever be able to debunk our claims about Iran’s nuclear programs. And for good measure, he suggested that nuking Iran would be a good idea because it would distract the media and thus allow our military to torture people without any meddling.


I don’t know where this journey is taking me, friends, but if I end up orbiting Jupiter as a floating space fetus, you’ll know who to blame.


Comments: 100


Okay, I know this is me missing the point here, but I can’t help it: I’m just hung up on how badly he misunderstood what the Tet Offensive was, and what it proved.

The Tet Offensive was North Vietnam going Keyser Soze all over us, and we were collectively, as a nation, too stupid to see that.


Yes, isn’t it nice to get do-overs? if only the US had destroyed more of Iraq during Shock n’ Awe, no one would know that we lied our way into the war.


Yes, if we nuke Iran so completely that no evidence of any nuclear facilities remains, the world will just take our word the facilities were there.

Cause we have such credibility in the world after we found all those WMDs we swore were in Iraq….


“My God! It’s full of shit.”

Bored Huge Krill

“My God! It’s full of shit.”


really… everyone around here is looking at me funny trying to figure out what I’m laughing at…


Sorry, OT but check out today’s Day By Day

It’s startlingly porny and astonishingly witless.


This will be extremely useful in the off-chance that, like Saddam’s Iraq, Iran proves to actually have a far-less advanced WMD program than we believed

Leaving aside the sickening thought that nuking a country is a good way to hide intelligence failures (which, as noted above, is a hell of a lot to leave aside), why would Yoshida want to nuke Iran if they are at an Iraq-level of sophistication of WMDs? Where’s the threat? Where’s the imminent danger?

Of course by Yoshida’s logica, America would be equally well served if the Bush administration preventively nuked the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, ABC, NBC, and the New Yorker in addition to Iran, because if they’re gone, no one will be able to publish stories about Iran not having an advanced nuclear weapons program after all.


Philo, you’ve been chatting with Ann Coulter lately, haven’t you?


Why does he keep saying “we”? “If we drop nuclear bombs on Iran”…did I miss a memo or is Adam Yoshida involved in that particular decision making process? It’s like reading a post on a football team’s message board about how “we” should approach this season.

Mal de mer,
I sometimes think, particularly after a cartoon such as that, the day-by-day guy really could stand to date more. Or at least take an art class wherein he actually viewed normal female bodies.


Simply put, we can drop nuclear bombs on anything that even looks like a nuclear facility and, afterwards, no one will really be able to conclusively establish what was there to begin with.

Um…I thought “bunker-busters” had to involve…ya know…underground bunkers? Wasn’t that why we’re going all M.A.D. and shit?

Evil Yoshi must be having 3-day-old-burrito-induced visions of nuke symbols in his underwear again.

you must really have it bad…that montage reminds me of the opening to The Turkish Star Wars.

Mal de mer:
Muir’s been hitting the hentai again, I see… (link goes to Wikipedia, SFW)


“My God! It’s full of shit!”

GoatBoy, you owe me a new keyboard… I just up-snorted Diet Coke all over mine. 🙂


If we nuke anyone like that morons suggests, I hope the rest of the world takes all the rest of our nukes away and destroys any capacity we have for creating more weapons.

Does anyone know the last time UN inspectors visited our weapon facilities?


Day by Day is really becoming a hotbed of intertwined political and sexual frustration, isn’t it? Wow.


You want UN inspectors in the USA!? You’re Illuminati!!! That’s how the UN brings about the NWO!!! It’s a good thing I still can own a shotgun; I can’t wait to fight off those commie bastards myself…


Oh Jeezus. That “Day by Day” thing is a real train wreck. Must…Burn…Eyes Out….Now. Somebody PAYS that dood to do that? Smutty junior high school cartoon drawings of women surrounded by non sequitors? Yikes.

Oh, and Mr. Chris Muir? In spite all your efforts, Blondie and Betty Rubble are both hotter…



Maybe it’s just all the talk about nuking, but that Day-by-Day somehow reminded me of the odd exchange between Christina (Cloris Leachman) and Mike Hammer (Ralph Meeker) at the beginning of the Cold War noir classic Kiss Me Deadly (with all of the film’s irony carefully removed, of course).

Christina: You’re angry with me, aren’t you? Sorry I nearly wrecked your pretty little car. I was just thinking how much you can tell about a person from such simple things. Your car, for instance.

Hammer: Now, what kind of a message does it send ya?

Christina: You have only one real lasting love.

Hammer: Now who could that be?

Christina: You. You’re one of those self-indulgent males who thinks about nothing but his clothes, his car, himself. Bet you do push-ups every morning just to keep your belly hard.

Hammer: You against good health or somethin’?

Christina: I could tolerate flabby muscles in a man who may be more friendly. You’re the kind of a person who never gives in a relationship – who only takes. (Sardonically) Ah, woman, the incomplete sex. And what does she need to complete her? (Mocking) Why, man, of course. A wonderful man.

Worst. President. Ever.

Who the fuck is “we”, you dumbfuck Canadian chickenshit ?

Why don’t you get your lard-ass over to Iraq if you’re so full of great ideas about war?


Goat boy, I’m gonna make a second request on the new keyboards thing.

Lemme get this straight: The US should nuke Iran and strike anything that they think could be WMD (which given the accuracy of the intelligence over Iraqs WMD will result in some accidental nukings) because it will do two nice things

One: If Iran doesn’t have nukes the US can (supposedly) lie and get away with it sans credibility hit

Two: The media will be distracted by the nice beautifully coloured mushroom clouds so that the Coalition of the Willing can take a few… liberties… with the Iraqi people.

Brad, are you SURE Adam Yoshida isn’t a brilliant piece of performance art?


I don’t even think Adam is allowed to cross the border anymore. He’s made so many statements supporting genocide I’m pretty sure he’s on a few lists.

…and he HATES Canada. Then again, he appears to hate everything.

Total loon.


Goat boy, I’m gonna make a second request on the new keyboards thing.

Lemme get this straight: The US should nuke Iran and strike anything that they think could be WMD (which given the accuracy of the intelligence over Iraqs WMD will result in some accidental nukings) because it will do two nice things

One: If Iran doesn’t have nukes the US can (supposedly) lie and get away with it sans credibility hit

Two: The media will be distracted by the nice beautifully coloured mushroom clouds so that the Coalition of the Willing can take a few… liberties… with the Iraqi people.

Brad, are you SURE Adam Yoshida isn’t a brilliant piece of performance art?


In case you were wondering:

Glenn Reynolds = Greentits Shoggynollops

Michelle Malkin = Essence of sheer vile Mankdick

Ann Coulter = Fannyears Chubchoppler

Bill O’Reilly = Labialips Valdoonican’slovechild

Hugh Hewitt = Hummingbirdwhacker Onewhospits

Marie Jon’ = Paraplegickicker Chjortnik

Gary Ruppert = Drewcarey Chubchoppler (must be related to Ann Coulter!)

Sean Hannity = Goatsexanus Fannyears

Oh, I could go on like this forever.

For the record, Dan Someone = Odious and unpleasant child Slutmonkey. Please make all future checks out to that name.


I don’t even think Adam is allowed to cross the border anymore.

Oh, I think Adam crossed the border a long time ago….


OMG! Some of those are just awesome!

I will now and forevermore think of Glenn Reynolds as “Greentits Shoggynollops”. How could you not?


I showed the piece to a psychiatrist friend of mine, and her first thought was “I hope to God this one doesn’t have access to guns!” She went into a blue funk when I told her that this specimen lived here, in BC.


Could someone explain why Brad uses that weird looking puppet to denote Yoshida? I mean, it’s perfect, but how did it come about?



I think that’s Mr. Bill from the old SNL.


I forgot to add that he a plasticine puppet was the victim of random explosions and meltings.


It’s from a favorite show of Brad’s, Gimme Gimme Octopus. A couple downloads available here.


It’s not Mr. Bill.

It’s Gimme Gimme Octopus.

Exactly how he became a wingnut leitmotif, I don’t really know.


It’s an authentic photo of Yoshida. Compare with this one in black and white.


Having just followed the links provided and watched a couple of episodes I can safely state the following: I have just witnessed an octopus kill a dragon in a samuria sword battle over a book after they were toking up on mosquito coils. Even though I don’t speak much Japanese, those two completely incongruant items made more sense than Adam Yoshida’s proposition.


Gavin, it is eerily similiar.

OT, but is “eerily” the weirdest looking word? I looked it up and am still not convinced I spelled it right.

Gentlewoman Geekpockets

Hey! Dan! I got dibs on Odious and Unpleasant Child _________

from previous thread:

PS My name in the insult generator is ‘Odious and unpleasant child Geekpockets’ I think I’ll keep it

Hmmm…are you one of my brothers? Pete? Is that you? Quit dicking around!



Very very rarely do I post something while laughing aloud at my own stuff.

I apologize to all with sticky keyboards. (Frankly, I couldn’t believe that one-liner went unclaimed by Brad in the post itself.)

I appreciate your appreciatin’.


How could it be a sign of a military coup if all the guys criticizing the Preznit aren’t in the military anymore?

Just wondering.


I don’t see anything fundamentally wrong with this idea. If we need to nuke Iran, then we should do it in a way to wipe out their military.


And we do need to wipe out Iran, for the threat of International Islamism is a menace to free societies everywhere.

If you really want to leran about the serious nature of this problem, you can read more about it here.


Gary, what happens if that military is deployed in Tehran and other population centres? How many innocent people dead do you consider acceptable collateral damage? 1 Million? 500 000? Just wondering.


That why we have a special term for genocide “collateral damage”


Oh, is that what he said? Thanks for translating, because for some reason I thought he was saying we should nuke them because it would destroy evidence that proved we didn’t need to nuke them.


Pinko, Gary ain’t gonna call the what it really is. That’s why the Germans called it the “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Problem” and not mechanized wholesale murder. If you change the name of what you are doing to something slightly less abhorant, then your conscience is salved.

Lookit The Happy Monkey

Who the hell IS this guy anyway? Jesus.

I posted an article in the comments a month or so back, where Adam was apparently bat shit crazy. It turned out to be a phony article…

But after reading this, how was I to know?


“Am I wrong Dude?”
“No, you’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole.”
–The Big Lebowski


Adam’s two most recent posts are possibly the most laughable steaming piles of rotten horseshit ever to worm their way onto the internet. What a fucking lunatic.

And Gary, you are right with him, you genocidal fuck. Fuck fucking you.
/rant off


If you change the name of what you are doing to something slightly less abhorant, then your conscience is salved

Well hell yes. American Polititians actually tried honesty once. They found it to work a little less well than lying–er, a Creative Application of Marketing 101.

Without disingenuous names, these actions would have had trouble garnering a great deal of popular support:

Operation Steal an Entire Country to Guarantee Oil Supplies to the US Economy.

The “Fuck Seniors, they Mostly Vote Democrat Anyway, Lets Make Sure the Pharmaceutical Industry is Even More Obscenely Profitable Act of 2003”

The “Sorry, but Let’s Face it, The Credit Card Industry Contributes a Great Deal More Money to Republicans than Bankrupt Consumers Credit Reform Act”

The “Social Securtiy?? You Mean that Commie Program from the Rooseveldt Administration? Bwa hahahahaha!!! Reform Initiative”

Nope, just doesn’t sing, y’know?



How is this plane considered genocide? there’s no bigotry involved here


Oh bullshit. You guys want to drop the bomb because the Arabs are getting uppity.

North Korea = rogue nation that publicly admits it HAS nuclear weapons = nothing.

Iran = rogue nation that publicly admits it is enriching uranium for energy purposes = drop da bomb.


North Korea isn’t threatening to wipe other nations off the face of the earth. North Korea isn’t sending terrorists to kill our troops in Iraq.

Iran is.


Oh, yes, Gary, why not kill every single citizen of Iran simply because their government had the audacity to get pissed that the king was coming after them next? Why, that makes absolutely perfect sense now that you’ve explained it that way.


there’s no bigotry involved here

Um, I’ll take this one.

No, certainly not, Gary. We advocate killing these people because they are JUST LIKE US!

Gary. The last time the US military was deployed in a large scale against White Christians was WWII in Europe. I know, you’re gonna pull out Bosnia, but that also proves my point. When the American Military is used against people LIKE us, it is due to the frightful murderous behavior of those people. Now, sure, you’re gonna say that these evil brown people are also indulging in evil murderous behavior.

Here’s my question: In 2001, they did, in fact, kill 3 thousand americans. At what point, exactly, are you willing to call it even? Our military has invaded and occupied 2 countries. We’re now talking about nuking a third, and you’re cheering for that outcome. When can we stop killing brown people? When will the damage to who we are as a people, and our individual “trigger pullers” be enough? When will you and your ilk have enough blood and gore in your hands?

Dood, PLEASE! Listen to me. There is NO SOLUTION here. Sure, you get wood. You LOVE the pix of dead brown children. Know why? You’ve never smelled dead brown children. Harsh? Sure. But it’s time for you to take some responibility for your humanity. Killing is not something we should do as a first option, to give you wood, or to alter political polls. Killing is a BIG thing. Gary, it’s not too late to understand that we’re all humans. That, even in the words of Josey Wales, “We can live together without butchering one another”. Gary, you are a human being. Try to understand the conserquences of what you are encouraging. Try to think about your family, your children. We are ALL ONE!!

Anyway, thats what I got…



mikey — better put than my “Arabs getting uppity” argument. However, to think a bigot like Gary gives a rat’s ass about the lives of brown people is wishful thinking at best.

Gary and Adam are advocating dropping the most devastating weapon every created in the history of human civilization on a country with NO regard for civilians, because they don’t like what the clerics say about Israel and because it gives them a massive erection. I don’t think a few hundred thousand more dead brown people mean shit to those wads of fuck.


Clarifying previous post:
1. Gary and Adam advocate dropping …. on a country (that being Iran) with NO regard for CIVILIAN CASUALTIES. That’s what I meant.


And I was just saying over at Gilliard’s place that we’ve got an alocoholic who’s drinking again and in full-on crisis with his finger on the big red button. And bastards like Yoshida egging him on.

Damn, somebody jump in with teh funny.


Jeff. I get your point. I just can’t buy it. Maybe they are so intellectually dishonest that they can’t admit it, but we are dealing with humans. Humans, for some inexplicable reason, accept warfare as the natural order of things. But it is in war that humanity is truly forged. And if these horrible, murderous fucks would stop looking at the world thru their political ideologies and racial hatreds, even for a minute, they would recognize that their very political positions are poisening their humanity.

I insist that there is a possibiltity that these loons will suddenly realize the consequences of their actions, and if nothing else the fact that retaliation blows back on them and their family, and start thinking that mass murder on an industrial scale is WRONG. It’s not hard.

Gary. Remember when the Russians shelled Grozny into non-existance? I bet you were right there saying man, that’s wrong. It’s not that great a leap to realize it’s also wrong when we do it.

Why do I bother?



North Korea isn’t threatening to wipe other nations off the face of the earth. North Korea isn’t sending terrorists to kill our troops in Iraq.

Iran is.

Yup. It’s strange how all those Iranian terrorists running the insurgency are so very good at hiding their existance that Bush can’t just show a few captured Iranians, let alone the vast numbers needed to tie down 130 000 troops.

And Gary, Iran can threaten all it wants. Israel has the freakin’ bomb and is the only nation quite capable of wiping out another in the Middle East. Could you possibly explain to me how the mere threat that down the road Iran could acquire a nuke justifies killing thousands of people and quite possibly setting the entire Middle East on fire? By that logic you should nuke Pakistan because THEY HAVE THE FUCKING BOMB RIGHT NOW.


mikey — You also make a valid point, and unfortunately I can’t buy yours either.
There’s a segment of the population that thinks we should have nuked the living shit out of Vietnam and dropped Agent Orange on whatever crawled out from under the rocks. For people like Adam and Gary and their ilk, the reality of war means nothing. They are human in the sparsest of terms — they breathe oxygen and eat food (well, Cheetos) and all that, but their apparent respect for humanity is zero. Especially for those sections of humanity that are different from them.
For the vast majority of humans, however, your last post is absolutely correct. But for wingnuts like Gary and Adam (and, apparently, the morons running the U.S. government), human lives are “fungible assets.”


Why do I bother?


Because, unlike Gary, you’ve got a conscience. If you say nothing, and Gary get’s his way as those horribly beautiful clouds rise up over Iran this summer or fall, you at least tried. You stood up and called what was clearly wrong, wrong.

I for one would rather be punished for being right about Ira(q/n) than be awarded the Medal of Freedom from Bush. You know what side you’re on. I just wish that we didn’t live in a world where we had to argue against Gary and Adam’s Nuclear Masterbatory Fantasies. Let alone deal witht he fallout.


I suppose I should clarify. Jeff, I cannot look you in the eye and say you are wrong. There have always been homocidal, racist, nationalist pigfuckers who had some influence. Lemme tell you what I think I really meant.

I HAVE to believe in the basic humanity of everybody. I know there have been people, over and over again for thirty thousand years, that held a wounded child, a starving mother, an old person who died of despair, and changed.

I changed. I got it. It’s not for discussion here, but I’d be happy to tell you about it privately. But it shouldn’t require that. If Gary can love his mom, his wife, his daughter, I KNOW he can love a family in Tehran who are, GODDAM IT, utterly innocent. Killing them is a crime!!!

And in order to continue to have any belief in the essential goodness of the human species, I have to continue to believe that somewhwere in Gary there is some humanity.

I know I’m wrong. I know there are people who love killing, death and suffering. I believe these things, not for them. But for me…



Um………..would this be a bad time to point out that there is reason to believe that Israel has not only nuclear weapons, but also chemical and biological weapons in violation of a number of different anti-nasty-weapons conventions?

(or that we aren’t necessarily in compliance, either?)


Hate to nitpick, but the space fetus ended up orbiting the Earth, not Jupiter. Just saying…


North Korea isn’t threatening to wipe other nations off the face of the earth. North Korea isn’t sending terrorists to kill our troops in Iraq. Iran is.

BZZZZZZZZZZZT! Ooooh, no, wrong, sorry.

And being wrong twice in the same post means you forfeit our parting gift, that lovely case of Creamettesâ„¢.

Johnny, get him the fuck out of here…


Mikey — I admire your faith in humanity. And posts of yours I’ve read in the past reaffirm that. I have that exact same faith in 99 percent of humanity.

It’s the other 1 percent ya gotta watch out for.


ah the old “whatcha gonna do when islamofascists run wild on you??” argument. never fails to make me throw up in my mouth.

goebbels seems to have planted his seeds far and wide.


More insult generator names:
Jonah Goldberg = Odious and unpleasant child Mommylover (wow-who would have seen that coming?)
Kathleen Parker = Klanlover Paraplegickicker (hmm-could be!)
Chris Hartsock = Extra-chromosome-special Arsecrack (gee!)
Pastor Swank = Zebra bastard zebra zebra zebra zebra fucker Wankbottom (this thing is a little limited–is Swank related to Brad?)
Gavin (full name) = Poobrain Cuntbucket (that kinda sounds like the ol’ Sadly, No!ism “cum-guzzling monstertwat.” coincidence?)
Charles Krautenhammer = Essence of sheer vile Horsefather (wot? are we speaking of Neil Horsley here? hmm…)
Neil Horsley = Essence of sheer vile Horsefather (aha! bingo!! hey–what does that say about Charles?)
Jeb Bush = Jesusbottom Bushvoter (it’s so true!)
KJ Lopez = Zebra bastard zebra zebra zebra zebra fucker Slutmonkey (wait–wait–so, Brad is related to K-Lo and Pastor Swank?!? :::shudder:::)
Doug Giles = Doughfucker Gherkinpenis (I’m… left speechless)
Tom DeLay = Humungousbottom Drewcarey (ooh–things don’t bode well in prison for him at all!)
Rush Limbaugh = Bushvoter Sickbagbelcher (makes sense, makes sense….)
Richard Cheney = Brachiosaur Herpesmonkey (a-yep, a-yep)
Jerry Falwell = Jerky Analdweller (truer words…)
Pat Robertson = Penisbreath Herpesmonkey (…have never been spoken!)
Bill Frist = Labialips Babyrapist (that explains a lot!)
Michael Chertoff = Rider of a female camel Father of forty dogs (how… Arabic sounding!)Lastly, annieangel comes out as Fannyears Odious and unpleasant child, which should surprise exactly no one.


“North Korea isn’t threatening to wipe other nations off the face of the earth. North Korea isn’t sending terrorists to kill our troops in Iraq….Iran is.”

Um, no, I don’t think so.

Iran’s public stance is that they are making nuclear power plants. They aren’t threatening to wipe other nations off the face of the eath. They are indeed saying inflammatory things about Israel, but they aren’t threatening to nuke the; they maintain they don’t have nukes.

Unlike North Korea, which claims to have nukes and has threatened its neighbors.


Gavin (full name) = Poobrain Cuntbucket (that kinda sounds like the ol’ Sadly, No!ism “cum-guzzling monstertwat.” coincidence?)

Um, I’m fairly certain that is cum-guzzling assfuck monster twat.

And how is it that everyone else gets these baroque appelations, and all I got was “Republican”?

Granted, I find “Republican” even more insulting than “Jerky Analdweller”…but how did it know that?


GW, I think that we may be of the same generation, that halcyon time when the most popular name, for boys or girls, was Odious and unpleasant child. Followed closely by Greentits and Michael or Jessica.


Thanks, Marq, now you’ve made me go uh-oh in my pants.

However, I’ve discovered a variable for my new idol, annie, Jesusfreak Extra-chromosome-special and Dick Cheney could be
Mankdick Herpesmonkey (I like Mankdick better than Brachiosaur, k?).

For added hilarity, my real life maiden name came up as
Shoesniffer Bumfluffmonkeywhore (perhaps…hmmm)


Can I just mention that shoelimpy (as shoe) came up as
Shoesniffer Lumpylabia.

Coincidence? You decide.


For people like Adam and Gary and their ilk, the reality of war means nothing.

The reason for this is that unlike the vast majority of the world, there hasn’t been a large-scale military conflict on American soil since, oh, I don’t know, the Civil War. Sure, sure, there was Pearl Harbor… but that was one day, not a full-scale invasion. For all our paranoia about being invaded by a foreign power, it hasn’t really happened since the War of 1812. Meanwhile, Europe. Africa, and Asia were rended by both World Wars and regional conflicts on a regular basis. Things were a bit better in South America, but they endured regular revolutions and counter-revolutions, plus assorted military dictatorships with their fascist death squads and the like. Somewhere along the line, we became both overconfident and detached from reality. That’s why 9/11 came as such a shock. In many other countries, it would have just been a very, very bad day–terrorism has been a fact of life for them for decades. But we, who were unused to feeling vulnerable, didn’t react in the measured way many other countries would have. We completely lost our minds, became foaming psychotics. We’re still far, far away from being “normal” again. And now there’s an element that’s just itching to use our moldering arsenal of nukes on… well, anyone, really. It’s the breaking the taboo that’s important, not the “on whom?” This cannot end well.


Marq — well put. Is there a way to stow away that comment for future reflection?


I think it may also be helpful to remember that even as long ago as 2003, we were told that North Korea has ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States. While Iran is definitely working on long-range missiles, they can’t currently reach the U.S. (Part of the reason may be that former president Khatami actually put the brakes on the Shahab-4 and Shahab-5 development projects. Now, of course, Ahmedinajad has every reason to ramp them up again.)

So maybe, Gary, you can ‘splain why Iran is a bigger threat to the United States than North Korea?


Thanks Marq. Jeff, you don’t really need to. It’s in your chest. It’s part of what you feel when you look at your wife and family. We need to decide if hate or humanity is going to carry the day. Take a long look at everything you have. Take a look at how they live in the gaza strip, in Darfur, in an-Najaf. Now, dedide where you come down on the whole kill the brown people thing. It’s not going anywhere..



Me? I thought I was pretty clearly on the side of not killing the brown people.


Things were a bit better in South America, but they endured regular revolutions and counter-revolutions, plus assorted military dictatorships with their fascist death squads and the like.

Yes. And who, who could have been responsible for these things…? It’s a mystery, to be sure, but for some reason “United Fruit” keeps scampering across my brain.


It’s those goddamned bananas!!!!


Mikey — the 1 percent I was referring to were the wingnuts of all stripes who masturbate over the idea of killing shitloads of people, regardless of the consequences.


bananas – evil to their “perfectly shaped for entrance” core.


Well, now I’m torn, because I was going to welcome GG and GW as long lost family, (myownself being Odious Harlot and Unpleasant Child), but it looks like that family tree also includes JONAH GOLDBERG?!!! and *HER*


God, I guess that just goes to show you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family…


If you have a comment window open, it bookmarks very nicely, complete with column title. Unlike, say, World O’ Crap, where if you don’t bookmark the original post, you’re SOL (I learned the hard way). There was oddness when S, N! changed servers and ISPs earlier, but unless and until they do so again, you’re good to go, bookmarking whatever you please (I sometimes add a descriptive that has special meaning to me, like, say, “the Long Threadâ„¢”)


Surprise! As usual, I completely failed to “get” that insipid “Day by Day” strip. Oh, it’s not that I didn’t understand what Muir was aiming for… it’s just that he didn’t come anywhere near to actually hitting it. Again, as usual.


Well, at least you don’t have Fannyears, cg… or a Gherkinpenis, for that matter. That engine is too limited. They need to add components to it. Like “Loafmuffin.” And “ChumNugget.” And, what’s that word again? “C-c” “co”… “C-c-co…” “co-ba….” Damn! I’m sure I’ll think of it eventually! Maybe Pinko can remind me….



You rang?





MunchnuggetSTAGMC. “slimier that a Gila Monster’s Cloaca”


My actual name comes up as “Sickbagbelcher Wankbottom” but my webhandle comes up like “Gherkinpenis Slutmonkey”, which I think is much, much better.


Oh, and Adam is a wanker, as is Gary- sos I can say I actually did contribute in some small way to this topic.


We’re through the lookingglass here, people (To quote Milhouse Van Houten)!

Adam has gone the way of Coulter; Saying nasty evil stuff to try to get a reaction.

I never thought I’d see the day.

Is there anybody left who I can trust is an actual wingnut, instead of some Spinal Tap style performance artist?

Is there nothing solid in the world?!


Prussian Blue?


Is there anybody left who I can trust is an actual wingnut, instead of some Spinal Tap style performance artist?



Longtime lurker and enjoyer of teh funny here. I decloak to let you know, of all things, this: The zebra bastard zebra etc. thing can be found here. Not even remotely safe for work, unless it’s okay for your boss to hear “ELEPHANT COCK!” coming from your cubicle.


Don’t you love the way warmongers like Yoshida use the phrase “Allied forces” alla time, like they think its use will create the impression that this is 1941 and the war they’re proposing is a just, noble, and maturely conceived war? And what Allies does he think “we” (read: not-Canada) would have in this prospective all-out, hide-the-evidence-of-no-evidence war?

Gentlewoman Geekpockets

Well, now I’m torn, because I was going to welcome GG and GW as long lost family, (myownself being Odious Harlot and Unpleasant Child), but it looks like that family tree also includes JONAH GOLDBERG?!!! and *HER*


*waves at celticgirl* It’s OK–Doughy Pantload and AIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! are from the branch of the family that we don’t speak to any more. See you at the next reunion! Remember, we don’t tell them WHERE or WHEN the reunion is.

Cousin GW Geekpockets


Further blurring of the line between parody and reality: Malkin takes her shtick into video. Don’t miss the graphics.


Or the stage prop.


Good grief, could there be anyone less suited to a video rant than Michelle Malkin? Talk about drab, dull and lifeless. Where’s the emotion? Where’s the passion? Where’s the venom? Oh, sure, she spits out the word “liberal” once or twice, but there’s no feeling behind it. She might as well be saying “hamburger.” Top it off with the sporadic lame jokes, and you have a video barely worthy of public access cable. This is the voice of the Right? Puh-leeze.


I think Jesus’ General has cracked Adam Yoshida’s password.


Malkin’s site is called “Hot Air?” Holy crap, there really are no right-wingers, it’s all performance art.


Is it certain that Yoshida’s blog was not taken over by fafblog?


Thanks for another informative site. Where else could I get that
type of information written in such an ideal way? I’ve a project that I am just now working on, and I’ve been on the look out
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Today, I went to the beachfront with my children. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and
said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and
screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.
She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off
topic but I had to tell someone!


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