The Invisible Gnomes Are Attacking Joe Again

The Council of Foreign Bilderberger Illuminati are after poor Joseph Farah again. This time, they’re trying to discredit him by accurately quoting him on their websites:

Well, they’re after me, again.


How about the group that wins the award for having the most deceptive name, People for the American Way?

Not only is PAW monitoring my dangerous writings right here, as I have previously pointed out in this space, the group is also eavesdropping on my radio interviews.

Yes, those devious bastards at PFAW are spying on Joe by listening to the secret conversations he broadcasts on the radio. I expect this sort of invasive crap from Castro’s Soviet China, but from America!

Obviously, PAW trying very hard here to paint me with the broad brush of racism and intolerance.

PAW trying hard make Joe look racist. Joe no like. Joe lover of all hu-mons.

There’s just one problem with this effort: It wasn’t me who came up with the idea of “A Day Without Latinos.” That was the brainchild of those I call “the professional Latinos” – the folks who make a living by taking grants from the Rockefeller and Ford foundations. I just about plotzed when I saw their plan!

Some background is needed here. The “Day Without Latinos” is a nationwide rally planned for May Day this year for all Latino workers to protest the House GOP’s current anti-immigration legislation. The idea of the protest is to show Americans how much we depend on immigrants to do jobs that we consider menial. Responding to this upcoming event, Joe Farah said, “They might be very surprised to find out how many Americans would be delighted to have at least one day without Latinos – especially without the illegal alien variety of Latinos.” So the reason People for the American Way are painting Joe as a bigot is because he says bigoted things. Those slimy bastards.

But it’s not just Norman Lear’s brown shirts after me. It’s also David Brock’s leather-clad storm troopers at Media Matters. These folks, too, aren’t content monitoring the 1,000-plus words I write daily here at WND. They listen in on radio interviews where, I guess, they figure they’ll hear the real stuff!

Media Matters goes on ad nauseum about my assertion, “without any evidence,” that there are 20 million to 30 million illegal aliens in this country rather than the official number of 12 million.

Heck, nobody asked me for any evidence, which I have provided countless times in writing at WND.

OK, Joe, here’s your chance. Provide us with some evidence.

Rep. Tom Tancredo, chairman of the House Immigration Reform Caucus, agrees with my numbers. To my knowledge, it’s the government that hasn’t provided any evidence to support its official numbers. If someone can tell me how the government “counts” so-called “undocumented immigrants,” I’d really like to know. Given the fact that these people are, by definition, “undocumented,” I assume the government is guessing.

I’m guessing, too. But, while I have no vested interest in guessing high, the government most definitely has a vested interest in guessing low. So take your pick. Either way, it’s far too many.

To recap: Joe said he had piles of evidence to back up his claim that 30 million illegal immigrants now live in the U.S. When asked to provide this evidence, he said that he’s really only guessing, but hey, he thinks the government is guessing too because they’re all really run by the globalist one-world elite of elite globalists anyway. The bottom line is, nobody really knows how many illegal immigrants there are in America, and Joe’s guess is as good as anyone else’s, so you might as well believe everything he says. And for the record, if I had to guess how many illegal immigrants are currently living in the U.S., I’d say two: you and YO’ MAMA!!!

By the way, it’s not just the extreme left that’s after me, it’s also the right – which, to me, indicates once again just how right I must be.

You gotta love people who think like this. When everyone in the world says they’re crazy, they take it as evidence that they must be 400% right about everything. Gary Ruppert, I think I’ve found you a soul mate.

I don’t read Jonah Goldberg or National Review, but I have it on good authority that the former attacked me in the latter.

Gavin adds: If only there were some way to tell…

This from an eyewitness:

“Hello, Joseph Farah. I was reading ‘The Corner’ at National Review and Jonah Goldberg had taken some pot shots at you (on immigration, of course!). I responded to his comments by questioning his moral position with regard to the manner in which he assailed your character,” he wrote.

In a response, Goldberg denied attacking me personally. But he insisted that I did not represent the majority position on immigration. “… [I]f 80 percent of Americans agree with you and Farah, how is it Farah’s side of the debate has been losing all these years?” he asked.

Now let me see here if I can address this question.

Did 80 percent of the people in the old Soviet Union opposed its police state tactics? I think so. So why did it last 75 years?

Because they used brutal state oppression to keep people from opposing their rule, Joe. And unless the Latinos are secretly rounding people up and sending them to slave camps in Siberia, I don’t think this is a very apt comparison.

Do 80 percent of Americans oppose tax increases? I think so. So why do we keep getting them?

Because most people are willing to take tax increases if they feel they’re getting public services in return.

Do 80 percent of Americans oppose the ACLU? I think so. So why does it still exist?

Does Joe provide any evidence at all that 80% of Americans oppose the ACLU? Nope. But hey, he’s guessing, which is basically the same thing.

I don’t think Goldberg has really thought this idea through.

I don’t think Farah has taken his pills this morning.

But don’t get me wrong. Not everyone is attacking me. I received a nice letter from a source for one of my recent columns – Bob Carter, professor of marine geophysical sciences in Australia.

I love how Joe backs up his assertion that 80% of Americans agree with his immigration plans by citing an Australian guy.

“I have just read your posting regarding the opinion piece on climate change that I published in the Sunday Telegraph last weekend. I both admire your succinct and pungent style, and also appreciate that you took the trouble to read, understand and accurately promulgate what I had written.”

So there, all you naysayers.

Yep, some random kook from Australia thinks Joe is smart, which proves that everyone else is wrong about everything. Nyah, nyah, nyah, assholes.


Comments: 33


Yay!! Worldnut Daily reappears at S,N!

All is right with the world again.

And Joseph Farah’s mustache is far, far more hypnotic than John Bolton’s.

Just what exactly is a “professional Latino”? Is there a training program at the Chubb Institute you can take to become a Latino, or do you have to go to an actual school for it?


I don’t read Jonah Goldberg or National Review, but I have it on good authority that the former attacked me in the latter.

Rowr, catfight at the OK Corral! Now that’s what I call pungent!


but I have it on good authority that the former attacked me in the latter.

I love how Joe’s “good authority” is that some guy e-mailed him about it. Similarly, I have it on good authority that you can buy pills over the Internet that will add TEN INCHES to your manhood.


Did that Australian just say that Joe has a smelly style of writing?


Did that Australian just say that Joe has a smelly style of writing?

I think he did. Which further proves that Joe is right.


Of course! The fact that kittens are fuzzy also proves that Joe is correct.

“Kittens are fuzzy.
Kittens have paws.
PAWs are out to get me!
Therefore, my bullshit guess about the number of illegal aliens is more credible than the government’s guess.”



The government’s numbers are wrong because Tom Tancredo, a member of the government, says so. This guy’s tortured logic would go so well with P Swank’s tortured grammar.

And, not that it has any impact on the lack of cogency of his argument, but that guy is hitting the Just For Men Beard and Moustache treatments a little too hard…


“I have just read your posting regarding the opinion piece on climate change….”

What does that have to do with immigration?


Attacking wingnuttery? No, not on these internets! I propose tinfoil hats all around.


Will you let me post soon?


Illegal Mexistani immigration IS connected to climate change, because look what the queers are doing to the soil!


9/10 aussies agree, Farah is one of the most pungent writers on the internets.

And what attention and recognition does it get him? Liberal agents and spies listening in on every private radio interview!

If I were him, I\’d stop producing such wonderfully pungent material. That would show \’em!


I have a confession to make — in an attempt to keep tabs on conservative bias in the media, I have been covertly monitoring Fox News’s secret television broadcasts for several years now.

I would say more, but I have to go into hiding, lest Farah’s elite Australian Guard track me down and out me as a pro-Mexican commie fascist infiltrator.


When everyone in the world says they’re crazy, they take it as evidence that they must be 400% right about everything.

I know. Why?..why?..WHY? I mean, if there isn’t a clinical diagnosis of a mental health problem…why?

*tears the head off yet another stuffed animal*


Now that is a fine mustache. John Stossel must be so jealous.

I thought you guys had photoshopped that on, but Sadly, No! He really did glue a caterpillar to his upper lip. I can’t even focus on the wingnuttery because the mustache is so hypnotic.


The moustache… it’s like a hole. Black as his soul…

something something… than give him control? Enh, nevermind.


fiver, I thought of Stossel, too. What I wouldn’t give to see the battle of the ‘staches!


Gaffer tape rules!


Andrew A. Gill, the hilarious wingnut is using “plotz” correctly, to mean “explode” (like from shock or an overload of cognitive dissonance). For some reason, most people (I don’t know if it’s only Gentiles who don’t get it or if some Jews are under the same misapprehension) think it has a scatological meaning, probably because they think it’s onomatopoeic.


But considering that Farah seems to be a goyische mensch himself, it does sound a bit suspiciously….East Coast Liberalesque when he says it.


Is anyone else getting a little Yanni from that picture?


Is anyone else getting a little Yanni from that picture?

Oops. What I mean is, is anyone else seeing a resemblance to Yanni?


Do I make you Yanni baby?


Do I make you Yanni baby?


Do I make you Yanni baby?


I have to say, since Bill-O pioneered this “They’re writing down everything I say in a national public forum! Those bastards!” take, few people have used it as successfully as Mr Second-Rate Porno ‘Stache here.

I don’t read Jonah Goldberg or National Review, but I have it on good authority that the former attacked me in the latter.

See? Joe would *never* stalk someone by reading their words in a national public forum. How dare Media Matters or PFAW do so!


Second rate? The freaking thing sweeps his teeth clean as he smiles! Though shame on us for spying on him by viewing a publicity photo posted on the internet.


By the way, it’s not just the extreme left that’s after me, it’s also the right – which, to me, indicates once again just how right I must be.

Well, you’ve gotta give him credit for him diving willingly full-tilt into the Jeff Rense school of thought…


“I think so” is the new “The fact is …”


The PFAW and Latinos have implanted a listening device in his mustache…


Gayest Moustache Ever. Sign that man up for a slot in the Village People!


I don’t know if I’d call it a moustache so much as a “lip-ferret”.


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