Bridging Cultural Gaps

Unemployed Iranian youths, as pictured in the Washington Post:

“Dude… they have nuclear weapons now too? Duu-huu-huu-huude. That is fuckin’ awesome.”

Unemployed American youths, as pictured in the classic film Half-Baked:


Clearly, we have much to learn from one another.

(Consider this your open day-after-4/20 thread.)


Comments: 85


Fitz! Whoops, sorry, wrong blog.


You’re damn right it is. We will have none of that here.


I prefer Wesley Pipes to Billy Bong Thornton. Have you read Tony Horwitz’s “Baghdad Without a Map”? He writes about Qef chewing in Qatar or Sudan. Hey any culture where you’re encouraged to have your own stash of “good stuff”… The book’s pretty good but not as good as “Confederates in the Attic”. Although I thoroughly enjoyed that one I don’t agree with some of his conclusions.


I have some American friends who smoke tobacco out of the hookah; it’s actually really nice. They sell tobacco with like apple and rose petals crap like that in it.

They have hookah bars in most cities, although those dumb smoking laws have been bad for them.

My interest in hookah smoking probably makes me a terrorist sympathizer, though…


also, I should point out that Kenny is a teacher, Scarface works at the burger place, Brian works at the record store, and Thurgood is a custodian.

(Janitor, if you want to be a dick about it.)


By the by, did you post that picture recently of the child with his mother, where he is holding a “If your heart is not in the USA, get your ass out” pennant? Man, I dig that shot the mostest. It is now my wallpaper. The expression on the kid’s face says it all.


also, I should point out that Kenny is a teacher, Scarface works at the burger place, Brian works at the record store, and Thurgood is a custodian.

Ssh! Ssssssssshhhhhhh!! Clever comparisons are more important than accurate comparisons!


When we gonna see some more of that nummy goat smellin asshattery de Swank? I laughed until I stopped last time.


Uh oh. You can smell invasion in the air when the press starts doing ethno-cultural expositions on the target in question: “Quick…let’s all learn how terrible these people have it so we won’t feel so bad when we bomb them.”

Well, wars are good for teaching people about the outside world. That’s something at least.


I should point out that Kenny is a teacher, Scarface works at the burger place, Brian works at the record store, and Thurgood is a custodian.

Well Brian and Scarface end up unemployed in the next act, so there’s 50% unemployment right there.


“Quick…let’s all learn how terrible these people have it so we won’t feel so bad when we bomb them.”

Exactly – that’s what they did in Baghdad in the hours before the Dear Leaker locked and loaded.

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

That guy on the left is too damn cute to bomb.


Scary, I was just thinking the same thing – unemployed hookah smoker or no, let’s make sure he’s evacuated first.


The town’s name is Shaft? The town with all the miserable unemployed who feel cheated by life is really named Shaft? I can’t wait for the next article on “down-trodden youth in nations we want to bomb”, straight from Phuct, North Korea.


Most people from the Middle East are gorgeous. That’s why those fat, pasty, ugly neo-cons hate them.

…well, it’s just a theory. But certainly, I can’t think of people objectively uglier than the ones in the Bush administration. Hideous, every last one of them.


What’s the Persian place where the smoke is thick
And jobless fellas get all the chicks?


Daamn right!

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

unemployed hookah smoker or no, let’s make sure he’s evacuated first.

I call dibs, there’s a hookah bar about 2 blocks away from me, he’d be right at home.

But those two guys in back, though blurry, look promising.


I have some American friends who smoke tobacco out of the hookah; it’s actually really nice. They sell tobacco with like apple and rose petals crap like that in it.

I like the apple flavored charcoals the most. Very relaxing…

Rose-petal-flavored I hadn’t heard of, but then again my use of ol’ Captain Hookah is rather limited. Maybe it’s alright, but that sounds noxious at the moment.

melior (in Austin)

Drugs are bad, mmmkay?


Okay, I’ll admit I’m completely out of it. Please tell me what the significance of 4/20 is for pot smoking? (I’m in my early 40’s, roughly twice the age of every other Internet user and feeling every single nanosecond of it right now.)


One of the first requirements for a proper war is to demonize and de-humanize the opponent.

Mal: As they say, wars are how Americans learn geography.

Cute I don’t know, just a plain ol hetero white guy here, but hookah party my place this afternoon!


Remember that big earthquake in Iran a year or two ago? The name of the town hardest hit was Bam.

Stay away from tobacco, kids. You might as well just send a check to the Republican party if you’re going to buy tobacco.

A friend of mine was quitting smoking, and a coworker gave him this mantra to recite whenever he felt tempted by cravings: “Whenever I smoke a cigarette, I’m sucking Jesse Helms’ dick.”


4:20 is in reference to the time of day a group of high school stoners would smoke pot every day after school.

4/20 – unfortunely, is the date of the Colombine killings.

The confusion between the two has unfortunately resulted in school districts freaking out when they see 420, 4:20 or 4/20 graffitied anywhere on campus. It’s usually a bunch of stoners, but they think it means that someone’s going to shoot up the school, Columbine-style.


dAVE, thank you. I knew about the Columbine killings anniversary but could not for the life of me make a connection.


I also heard that it was police code for a drug bust.


I think it means today is 4/21, but I ain’t touched the sky.


Mal, you’re dead right about the bush administration. Ugly, bloated, scary looking folks, every one of them right down to Condi. But my question is:

What happened to Dick Cheney’s mouth? I remember him from Gulf War I and he didn’t have that twisted up sneer. Did Rove tell him to adopt it, some sort of tough guy affectation? Or is it that there is SO much evil inside that some of it just has to manifest in his appearance?



Mikey, Dick’s human mask is getting old, and it’s slipping a bit.


Mikey, Dick’s human mask is getting old, and it’s slipping a bit.

Yeah, the Can Toi can’t quite get a mask that fits right.


420 is also police code for pot possession, if I remember right.


Hoo boy, that reads bitchy when it was supposed to be silly. Dagnabbit! Anyhoo, here’s a link which discusses it, and comes to the conclusion we don’t really know why it’s used.


I have no patience to read the comments!! Are they really smoking tobacca? Or is that, like propaganda? Or, I mean, real-live greenage? Er, I guess that would actually be brownage given the region? Nice, soft, fragrant? Or…maybe like CIA-planted stories? I am so confused…


dAVE: Sadly, No! on you, twice! 😛

You might as well just send a check to the Republican party if you’re going to buy tobacco.

That’s why I buy mine from Indian tribes that get it from Canada. 🙂

4:20 is in reference to the time of day a group of high school stoners would smoke pot every day after school.

The staff of High Times magazine has an editorial/brainstorming meeting every Friday afternoon at 4:20 PM. They smoke up at the meeting (as you would expect from the magazine’s content). From there it became the “official time of day” to toke, then onward to cute bumper stickers like “it’s 4:19 — got a minute?”, and then onward to “420” as a numerican synonym for “cannabis”.

*koff koff*


Let me add, “as far as I know.” 😛 Since I’m not completely 100% positive with firsthand knowledge re: 420, I shouldn’t make it sound that way (at least without using adjectives Euro-style and sprinking random punctuation marks about).

And allow me to lambaste my sausage-fingered “numerican”!!1! It’s time never for typing fat-fingered.


The cute Iranian’s eyes are pretty glassified, so it can’t be tobacco.


Cry pardon, GoatBoy! I’d say that Dick Cheney would best be described as a Low Man. And seriously, he’s one who has forgotten the face of his father.


couple notes:

1. per the article the picture is of youths smoking tobacco, but one states that the only relief they get from joblessness is hashish. Unfortunately, when there is no hash they must smoke tobacco.

2. 420 is not police lingo for pot smoking. The origination of 420 is actually from a bunch of California high school student back in the early 60’s who would toke up at 4:20. It kinda spread from there.

3. I’m with Bill Hick’s in that, “Pot shouldn’t just be legal, it should be mandatory.”


MCH – trigrismus’ Snopes link doesn’t mention the High Times staff meetings among the many 420 legends.

Ok – so you go out of your way to get tobacco from Indians who get it from Canada. Good for you. It’s still bad for you. (uh oh, now I sound like one of those sanctimonious ex-smokers, AUGHH!!)


Is that Gavin smokin’ it up in the orange shirt?


dAVE: Sadly (for me), Yes!

Mea culpa, etc. *sounds of flagellation* It’s been sixteen years since my last confession…

Mindlessly repeating what I once heard from stoners while stoned: check. Subtract the weed and you can call it a GOP think tank.

As for “going out of my way,” well, it’s not as high-minded (ack!!!1) as all that. Price is also a factor, as is quality (much better than a Marlboro), as is the tribe’s convenient online location.

But, since it sounds like I’m going the mile extra, and this methodology also avoids enriching, “wingnuts”?,,,,I can steal another trick from their playbook and just boil it down to: I’m doing it for America.


Cry pardon, GoatBoy! I’d say that Dick Cheney would best be described as a Low Man. And seriously, he’s one who has forgotten the face of his father.

Be not pert with me, Strange Forces. The Low Men (known as the Fayen Folken in other wheres and whens) are the Can-Toi, do ya. And their number in the Capitol is delah.


Wait a minute. A thread about smoking pot? Where’s our resident pot expert, annieangel? Surely she would know the origins of “420” slang, as well as how many millithongs make up a festoon of marijuana.

(OK, I’m probably going to regret invoking her. But I have mastered the art of ignoring threads when she metastasizes into them, so others will suffer more than I. I’m OK with that.)


Dan, hallelujah. I didn’t want to be the first crankypants to gripe about Lil Miss Charm School hijacking everything. Gary, at least, drops his twin payload of Deadpan Boredom and Consistent Inaccuracy, and then cuts and runs for a few comments. Annie too often stays the course.





I love Gary. He’s either the most brilliantly subtle parody ever, or so stupid Douglas Feith’s inbred pet rock mocks his intellect. Opinions vary, but either way he’s hilarious.


This thread needs more reverences to Shaft.

He’s a complicated man
And no one understands him but his iman….


(Or when the smoke clears…)

This thread needs more references to Shaft.

He’s a complicated man
And no one understands him but his imam….


He’s a bad mother…

Shut your burqa!

I’m just talking about Shaft!


Ok, ok, here’s a good one.

He’s a ….



Oh shit! I totally forgot!
But, it was hella funny.


Oh wait! Got it.
He’s a laduhlahduhla…..

Oh, wait, that doesn’t work…


I got nuthin.


dAVE’s not here, man.


dAVE’s not here, man.

It was only a matter of time until that happened on this thread.


420 doesn’t ring any bells for me, though I’ve never been involved with drugs to any significant extent. But a chap I know was once saying how he was taking the afternoon off for a little self-declared pot-smoking holiday, and I could have sworn he used some other number. . . something with a 9 in it? Anyone know what I’m talking about?Oh, yeah, Guy on the Left, as he has endeared himself to us, is really cute. I love the soulful, woebegone look. But ladies and gay men pals, let’s not ignore the willowy and elegant Guy in the Middle! Who’s with me?


I just came across this at a perfectly cromulent blog

When’s National Thumb Wrestling Day?

Hurry up! There are still a few minutes left to celebrate National High Five Day.

National High Five Day falls on the third Thursday of April each year, which falls this year on April 20, 2006. The holiday originated at the University of Virginia in 2002, and has since spread across the nation, and around the globe.

I’ll have to take their word for that (though the linked “intense high five montage” is somewhat amusing), and it’s fortuitous that this year NH5D falls on 4-20, because what’s more gratifying after smoking a few bowls than hitting each other up high, then down low? Nothing, that’s what.

While I’m on the subject, this “420” shit can officially go away now. I don’t know when it started, honestly (I don’t read High Times), but what might have been a mildly amusing stoner in-joke many years ago has now become recognizable to the squarest of the sqaures and as lame and commodified as any other formerly obscure cultural phenomenon.

In other words, all your 420 are belong to us.
Posted by pete to More Wastes of Time


that national High five day was invented by the same guy who brought you this:

(Sorry, Brad.)


I’m with you, Lucy! Looks like there might be quite the nice little butt on that one.

baked, not fried

Like, dooooooood. sO kEWL. L8r.


dAVE – you’re right. When I was in high school, it was cool because no one knew what the hell we were talking about, but now that even my mom knows what 420 means, It’s definitely run its course.

(the High Times office thing is bullshit, BTW, it was originally some guys in California, like some of you guys said, and it spread, mostly through HT, around the country.

I havent read HT in a while, but for a couple of years I bought every issue, and once they did a profile of the guys who ‘invented’ 420. It was just the time that they got out of school and they used to meet up to smoke then.
4/20 is the date of the Columbine massacre, because they wanted to do it on the date of Hitler’s birthday, or so the story goes, so it apparently has no connection with the pothead thing.)


What about Guy On The Right? He’s not bad. Certainly not “consigned to nuking” bad.

Meanwhile, there’ve been mantis shrimps on Animal Planet all week.


Ain’t nothing wrong with him, either, D. Sidhe, except he’s a little toothy. I’m a sucker for the T-shirt-under-collared-shirt look, even if it is probably a tank undershirt. I wouldn’t nuke ‘im. That’s the next way to say, “I wouldn’t throw him out of bed for eating crackers.” All the kids are using that expression.


i meant “that’s the NEW way to say. . . “


Bob Dylan’s “Randy Day Women #12 & 35.”

12 x 35 = 420


“Rainy,” not “Randy”


Randy works, too.


Sorry, Lucy but TGOTR has strange teeth. The two in the middle could be from my HS, in fact, hey, this isn’t Iran at all, it’s a picture from my high school yearbook! We’ve been had!


Meanwhile, there’ve been mantis shrimps on Animal Planet all week.

!!!!!!I don’t have cable!!!!!



Sorry, Lucy but TGOTR has strange teeth.You’ll have to take that up with D. Sidhe. I already sort of agreed with you. 🙂


Oh man, Gavin, where to begin? Well, Carter lost to a California Republican governor…


Oops, my last post was a quote, I should have used italics or something.

Anyway, this just goes to show you, white kids just don’t update the slang often enough. Black kids have been taking the lead on this forever. They’ve got new slang for stuff as soon as the adults figure the old one out.
One dude asked me some years ago, “do you know Yoda?” and – apparently is was some sort of pot reference – I guess cause the Jedi master was small, green, and hairy – like buds.

That one apparently never caught on.

Really, without African-American culture, all of our slang would be surfer terms from Hawaii, and the occasional cowboy/bastardized spanish.
Pretty pathetic, really. Or maybe we’d all be using Cockney slang.


Jesus, you guys are making me feel like a fossil at 41. I’m still using the slang I learned growing up in California in the ’70s; “I just can’t get behind it” still makes me laugh. Plus, I picked up “wicked” when I lived in Boston–good, all-purpose modifier. Somebody I knew in Boston once used the expression “wicked cheesy” when talking to my then-boyfriend, a Palestinian-American, and I had to translate it into proper English. Imagine trying to keep up with American slang if English is your second language.


I should mention that one good thing about living with the Palestinian-American ex is that I did learn how to swear in Arabic. Not from him, though–his mother had the foulest mouth I’ve ever encountered on a human being (about as bad as our local member of Trolls-for-Jesus).


Ooops, Lucy, you’re right, musta been the “Yoda” what blurred my eyes…


Ianua – He\’s not just a janitor, he\’s a \”master of the custodial arts\” if I remember correctly.

Also, I watched half baked for the first time in years a week ago, and dammit if it wasn\’t nearly as funny as it was when I was twelve!

The only thing I have to say about all this 420 nonsense is that if hitler had appeciated the day he was born on and smoked a lot of pot, things would have been much different.


No, no, Iran must not be nuked! Guy In the Middle and Guy On the Left must be preserved. Guy on the Right gets a pass through proximity.


Comparing the two pictures, America is a much more colorful place.

I’m proud to live in this land of chromatic intensity, but I say let the sepia-toned live as well.


Well, since we haven’t heard from the Homosexual Agenda yet, i.e. me, let me weigh in on this whole “who’s teh cute?” thing. Well, other than D. Sidhe, and she was manifesting her somewhat rarer, breederish aspect (no offense). Ennyhoo, yum. Dat pic is overflowing with teh cute. mind you, their Government would like to kill me, and perhaps them as well. And I couldn’t even afford a copious quantity of hash to bring as a hospitality gift. Then again, my Government would probably like to kill me, too. They just aren’t sure the public would go along with that… yet. No fair. I don’t want to kill anyone.
Hey–where’s Gary? I wanna engage in one of those “Hey, Gary, the sky is blue!” Gary: “No it isn’t! The sky is objectively orange. With purple polka dots.”-type arguments.


Adorable Girlfriend!!1! YOU LIVE!!!one! Gee, that liar, Pinko Punko said you were beheaded. Maybe you’re like Jeebs in Men In Black.


I’m just a people person, Marq.

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

What about Guy On The Right?

I’ve been looking at this picture a lot and I think Guy on The Right is not hideous, (like myself) he just got caught with a goofy expression and is overshadowed by the hotness of Guy on the Left.

I have mentioned Guys in the Middle, but they are a bit too blurry to take a definitive stand on.

I’m going to err on the side of caution and say that they are all too cute to bomb.

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

I wouldn’t nuke ‘im. That’s the next way to say, “I wouldn’t throw him out of bed for eating crackers.” All the kids are using that expression.

I don’t know about all the kids (I’m 35) but I’m certainly going to be using it.


My abilities to judge guys’ cuteness coefficient is limited, but I thought cuteness was inversely related to dextrosity and directly related to sinisterness in this picture.


“420,” courtesy of a bunch of waldos.


I’m going to err on the side of caution and say that they are all too cute to bomb.

Would that we could say this about the Bushies, eh? Seriously, who thinks any one of those uggos is decent-enough looking not to bomb? One glimpse of Dick Cheney and I’m googling “molotov cocktails.”


Lil’ Barbara (aka NotJenna) is hittable.

I’m not saying I’d stick around for pillow talk but I’d take her home long before closing time, gnomesayin.


Most people from the Middle East are gorgeous. That’s why those fat, pasty, ugly neo-cons hate them.

And, the exception that proved the rule was, of course, Yasser Arafat. Even as a young man, he always looked like something a sewer rat puked up.
OTOH, I remember seeing a Time Magazine cover that featured a close-up of a fellow in Afghanistan who was protesting something or other. With a raised fist, he was shouting in such a way that you could see all his teeth. They. Were. Absolutely. Perfect! Flawless, straight and sparkly white. I immediately wished painful “death from above” on him*. I was so jealous, damn him! Why is it that he, living in a less-than-dirt-poor nation, is forced to eat stuff that’s actually good for him, while I, a citizen of the “wealthiest” nation on the planet, am fed a constant diet of utter crap**? Cry havoc, and let loose the shi tsus of war, say I!!
*no, actually I didn’t.
**yes, I know–free will, etc. well, maybe I just like crap! So, there!


Shit. The guys in this photo all remind me of my son’s friends. High school kids in LA; Jewish kids, Iranian kids, Latino kids, all with that veneer of trendy-cool-cuteness.

I cannot tolerate any idea that we would bomb kids like this.


(comments are closed)