You better think again, Inky, Blinky, and Clyde…

By Michelle Malkin · April 19, 2006 08:53 PM

You know who you all are.

And if you think I’m going to stop blogging/writing/making a living because you’ve plastered my family’s private home address, phone numbers, and photos and maps of my neighborhood all over the Internet to further your manufactured outrage and pathetic coddling of a bunch of lying, anti-troops punks at UC Santa Cruz…

…you better think again.

Help Michelle make a living while avoiding the moonbats!

[Code hiked from Francesco Pastore]

Bradrocket adds: Seething, outraged right-wingers should know that when some putz posted Michelle’s number in the comments to one of our threads, we deleted it as soon as we saw it. Seriously, people, that shit is not cool so please don’t do it.

OK, you may now return to playing Ms. Malk-Man, which is the coolest thing ever and deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine.

Gavin adds: I do it for science.


Comments: 34


Mmm-mm, I can feel those delicious waves of righteous indignation from here. “Sadly, No!” is going to have its work cut out for it, she’ll be powering off that for weeks. No more studying for exams for you!


I never thought I’d have cause to say this, let alone know it to be true: the shape of Michelle Malkin’s head is not conducive to playing Pacman.


The usual create the situation so you can be self-righteious about it later.


can someone sign her up for the Mars, bitchez! mission please?


Gosh, she’s just so … so brave!



create the situation so you can be self-righteious about it later

One wonders, but it doesn’t excuse what was done to her.
I’m thinking Xena would be a better mission. It’s cold like her heart, small like her mindedness, and very far away. And it’s also Greek for “immigrant”. Ho ho ho.


My first and worst imitation of Sadly No! and other scoundrels, a tribute to Malkin, or 420, or something. I was gonna trackback ya after seein you wrote about this too, but that’s a lot of work, or so somebody said to somebody once.


Post you scores in this thread! Malkin just keeps getting totally eaten when I try it.


Isn’t Protein Wisdom the house husband chicken hawk? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


yeah, it’s hard to turn the corner sometimes.

But it seems like your lives never decrease, so you could probably rack up some pretty good scores.

It would be cooler if her head split apart and curled up into a dot when the monsters get her, (like real pac-man) but I know that would be a pain to do…


Wheeeeeee! I could watch that all day (or, that might just be the cold meds talking…)


Gavin, you deserve a Nobel Prize for Medicine for this one.


Aren’t you forgetting that MM is only writing, while the Santa Cruz students are slashing tires and throwing eggs at the house of septugenarians?
There is a difference between speech and action, and their phone numbers were posted on the internet by their own actions, as far as I can tell.


I’m not one to usually endorse this course of action normally reserved for the violent anti-abortionists. However, Malkin has already done the same thing to people who less afford it.
On April 11, Malkin published the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of anti-war protesters at UC Santa Cruz on her website. Within a day, according to her own website, her rabid followers chased them off campus, injured at least one, and slashed their tires. Malkin merely suggests to her cronies that they not send death threats or use foul language. Harrassing phone calls and daily beatings are apparently OK.
If anyone has opened themselves up to being outed in this fashion, it is Malkin.

See Here and Here.


There is a difference between speech and action, and their phone numbers were posted on the internet by their own actions, as far as I can tell.

I agree. In fact, when anyone is accused of doing something wrong or illegal, we should just post their personal contact information on the Internet instead of calling the police. Clearly, having angry vigilante mobs give them death threats is far more effective than following the rule of law.

Again, are these trolls for real, or are they parodies?


I’m not one to usually endorse this course of action normally reserved for the violent anti-abortionists.

Dude, I say the same thing to you I say to Jack: if people are behaving illegally, you call the fucking police. You don’t post their home addresses and phone numbers on the goddamn Internet and incite others to harrass them. Jesus Christ, these people have families. Do they deserve to be harrassed for some dumb shit their parents did? Really. Think about it.


her [Malkin thing’s] rabid followers chased them off campus, injured at least one, and slashed their tires.

No, that was the demonstrators. Not that any of the ‘who did what first’ stuff matters, or else I could walk down the street hitting random people in the shins with my cricket bat of retribution (’cause I’m sure everyone’s something at some time to deserve that, and my righteous wrath burneth like Jeff Gannon’s loins).


…and my righteous wrath burneth like Jeff Gannon’s loins).

How’d you manage to get an STD on your righteous wrath? Be careful where you put it, for chrissakes.


I was looking up synomyms for “slattern” yesterday and came up with “malkin.” Am I seriously the last person in the world to find this out?


the Santa Cruz students are slashing tires and throwing eggs at the house of septugenarians

Are those the ones whose numbers were posted on the internets? Or is it enough that they are all Santa Cruz students — after all, they pretty much look the same. :rolleyes:



is that your “signature” I see on Jeff Goldstein’s petition?

I mean aren’t they all trying to boycott the lefties, troublemakeers, etc, and trying to publicly shun us?

Just wondering


Somebody in Santa Cruz slashed tires.

I say we post the personal phone numbers of someone in the same town, in case they happen to be the tire-slashers.

That’s the logic at work here. Malkin is a venal bitch.


Hey, Jack: Do you have some inside info that the kids whose names and phone numbers got published were the ones who slashed tires and threw rocks or eggs or whatever? I doubt it.

On the other hand, I know for a fact that it was Michelle Malkin who published their phone numbers for a wide Internet audience. And if you say she didn’t intend her readers to at least harass the UCSC students, then you are either lying or stupid, because there could have been no other purpose in posting it. (Or do you think she was doing it to show her support of their organization?) Did she intend death threats? Probably not, though if she had three brain cells, she might have anticipated them. But when she learned about the death threats, she *reposted* the numbers. And said something like, “I don’t condone death threats, but here’s their info again.” As I’ve pointed out before, shades of Henry II and Thomas a Beckett.

So your “no moral equivalency” argument is actually correct, but not in the way you think. The students who have received death threats and harassment are essentially innocent victims of Malkin’s venality.


Answer the question, Jack.

By the way, liberals in the US are going to have to drop the self-conscious expressions of “we won’t descend to that level” in re-asserting sanity and taking the high road in public discourse. You DON’T descend to that level, and that is good enough. You don’t need to keep spoon-feeding the fascists the idea that you are overly pre-occupied with the unethical (but barely legal) behaviour of the type they engage in, or give the impression that silly, bourgeois manners are that important or that you can be manipulated through “guilt by association.” Just keep pointing out forcefully how unethical and criminal they are.

If other liberals engage in unethical practices, let them answer for it themselves.


Please to consider a humble suggestion for your excellent game.

When Ms. Malkman eats a power pellet, her head should change into that unhinged crazy-eye picture that is found all of the cyberwebs. If you did that there’s no way the committee could overlook you.


That would be so cool.


Also, if you could make the ghosts a bunch of multi-colored Cindy Sheehans 🙂


even scarier, Mal de mer, if you look further down the list, another synonym is “dowd” (which opens up whole new fields in unified pundette theory)


You mean the idea behind the game isn’t to keep running your malkin into the ghosts over and over?



My Malkin keeps getting eaten by those little multi-colored illegal immigrants. She seems to like it though, so it’s ok….


Also, you need to fix the code so getting caught by a ghost actually makes you lose a life.


Ha! Puny mortal! You cannot kill Ms. Malkman!!one!!! Bwah-ha-ha-haaaaa!!


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