Sometimes They Just Write Themselves

I was twoogling the Faceblogtubes today and came across this:

‘An Intimate evening with Pamela Geller’

I will be speaking in Texas next month for a conservative Republican fundraiser. Did you get your tickets yet? The Republicans in Texas are having an Atlas hoe down throw down.

Which just goes to show that we were right all along.

Update: OMFG!


Comments: 43


an Atlas hoe down throw down.
I sense an Urban Dictionary entry in the making.


Looking for SEX on the Side

Isn’t that RONG?


an Atlas hoe down throw down.
I sense an Urban Dictionary entry in the making
Either that, or the premise for a new Bravo reality show.


Obvious Photoshop. That’s the first picture of Pammycakes I’ve seen on the Interwebs that does not feature the twins.


…enjoy hors d’oeuvres…

Oh, c’mon, this is like T-ball.


If Pam wasn’t so painfully un-self aware, I’d say she wrote that on purpose …


‘An Intimate evening with Pamela Geller’


<runs screaming>


SadlyNo’s become NSFW 🙁

(I don’t even want to think of Pam in that way.)


Well, I have never served with Pam , I don’t know Pam, and Pam is no friend of mine. But I can say-

NSFW boobies? You are no Pam Geller’s NSFW boobies.

On the other hand, “the VIP Patriot Reception” sounds wildly promising. I wonder if Cam’ron will be on hand, with the crystal, the gucci shades, and such. Could be a good time.


So….Should we look for Pam under “Naked Chicks” or “Horny Wives Looking for Sex on the Side?”


I demand Alan Grayson apologize for this immediately.


Hey, c’mon, either censor it up good or don’t at all, ‘k?

I can still see two nipples, & the one under Mme. Geller is questionable.


Dallas is a big city, but I doubt there are that many people who are into nausea as a kink.


Looking for SEX on the Side

Isn’t that RONG?

It depends on where your orifices are located.


She certainly knows her audience.


Somewhat OT, shorter Asshammer today:

Why won’t Obama spend an intimate evening with Sarkozy? Why won’t he suck French cock?

Of course, five years ago, Asshammer was saying the French are a bunch of limpdicks, and they’ll always be this way.

Being a professional teabagger must be so confusing.


Sounds more like “an Atlas hoed-up, throw-up” to me.


Wait! is that an activist judge I see on host commitee list?

Collin County Judge Keith Self

I thought the Repugs hated activist judges.


Atlas: Tore Up from the Floor Up. Only $19.95. On Wednesday afternoons between 12 and 3, take advantage of the two-fer-one special.


WITH whores hors d’oeuvres in the VIP lounge?


Keep fucking that chicken!


I thought Duchehammer was advocating bombing Paris in the run up to the Iraq war? Now he gives a shit about what some short, modely banging, brie eating Frenchy thinks?

I cannot keep up with these people.

Also, I haven’t seen any Texasland with sirens reports up at Drudge even though Governor Rick Perry’s cousin was just gunned down by sheriff’s.

As for Pam, is she also advertising on Craigslist?



Will there be an event at The Lodge in Dallas by chance?


an Atlas hoe down throw down.
I sense an Urban Dictionary entry in the making.

I wonder if she’ll try to break Houston’s record?


Does anyone know the best way to clean vomit off a keyboard?


And lookee, they’re still toasting those glasses of champagne.

Although that last glass of champagne may not have had the privileged upbringing of others, it served as diligently and nobly as any cuvée de prestige. So let’s raise our glasses in remembrance of the sacrifice the last drink. Huzzah!


Atlas hoe down throw down.

she really wrote that?


I’m not sure Ayn Rand would approve of selling tickets to an event centered around yourself. Does she really need the approval of parasites?


I’m not sure Ayn Rand would approve of selling tickets to an event centered around yourself. Does she really need the approval of parasites?

To echo Brandi, “Objectivism” had nothing to do with philosophy and everything to do with Ayn Rand. Pammy is following in a grand tradition.

My Name Is The Goddamn Batman, You Killed My Parents, Prepare To Die

an Atlas hoe down throw down.

Those words do not mean what she thinks they mean.


I’m sorry, you guys are usually pretty funny and accurate, but I’m going to have to say that this is way to ridiculous. There is no way that sex with Pam Gellar could be considered an act of “intimacy.”

Please do not make this mistake forthwith or henceforth for forthright or futureforth or whatevs.


There is no way that sex with Pam Gellar could be considered an act of “intimacy.”

Nutella, would YOU admit you had sex with Pam?

Then it’s got to remain “intimate”…


Easy rider on the range. Rode hard and put away wet.


Only if I gave her a facial. Then I’d brag about it for weeks. ALL OVER HER FUCKING FACE, MAN!


Only if I gave her a facial.

I think if my cock got in proximity of that face, it would go limp.

Now, her TITS, maybe…


‘An Intimate evening with Pamela Geller’

A “Hoe Down Throw Down” you say? Sounds totally bitchen, pardner!

What the hell – I was looking for an excuse to double up on the Gravol anyway.

Mrs Eunice A. Fussbudgit, Language Enforcement Czar

That is not the proper spelling for “whore” Miss Geller.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Way to woo the Nice Jewish Girl from Longisland, pardner:

Pamela, I know the Texas folks will treat you like a queen. Let me tell you, Texas has the best BBQ on the planet. It will not be a piece of rubbery chicken for dinner. Those folk are real and they love our country. Have a great time.

Ok, ok, I know they barbecue beef brisket, but let me wallow in my rube-bashing here!


It’s all about the burned meat in Texas.

That’s why they send their wimminfolk elsewhere to get pregnant. Just ask Jenna Bush.


In honour of the previous Atlas Juggs takedown that D.A. sokindly linked in the post:

[insert bad wordplay using “paneer” to replace “pained ear”]
[insert bad wordplay using “limburger” implying that Oshry consumes human flesh, onna bun]
[insert bad wordplay using “manouri” to replace POOP]

[insert cheese-y closing line about how this is going to get “whey” out of hand]


[insert bad wordplay using “paneer” to replace “pained ear”]
[insert bad wordplay using “limburger” implying that Oshry consumes human flesh, onna bun]
[insert bad wordplay using “manouri” to replace POOP]

Since you only punned near, I suggest “limnburger.”


(blink blink blink)

Is that screen-grab for real?


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