Breitbart: Take On M.E.Ch.A.!
environs for a pimp.
of disguise.
Andrew Breitbart’s made big news recently with its undercover investigation of ACORN, a notorious haven for poor people. The key to taking down this blight on the body politic was sending youngsters James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles into deepest, darkest ACORN-frica, decked out in native attire (fig. 1).
All well and good, but now the ACORN sting is yesterday’s news. Breitbart & Co. need another hit story — and really, this NEA thing just isn’t cutting it. Couldn’t they have at least dressed up O’Keefe and Giles as a sleazy West Bank artist and his nude model for another sting operation? That would have been hot.
Let’s face it, we all want to see Hannah Giles decked out in slinky clothes again. That’s why we at Sadly, No! are offering free of charge a new sting idea to We think James and Hannah should infiltrate M.E.Ch.A., the Chicano students’ organization that wants nothing less than to recreate the Seven Caves of Chicomoztoc in downtown Burbank (fig. 2).
More O’Keefe-Giles sting operation ideas to come over the next week. Link your own creations in comments … we’ll do one of those contest-thingies. First prize is a James O’Keefe dolphin costume from his epic infiltration of Greenpeace.
I get a kick out of the fact the young lady is the daughter of regular World O’ Crap punching bag and total douchenozzle Doug Giles. The fruit does not fall far from the tree, especially when she’s a lemon.
The fruit does not fall far from the tree, especially when she’s a lemon.
A tomato! *Hur hur hur*
Eh, she ain’t bad. But she’s a Republitrash girl. Like the old Cracker song says, you know.
She probably doesn’t sleep with guys unless they promise to refuse her access to an abortion or pre-natal care, and promise to die in a war for oil.
also please i’d like one day to be able to post again from my dam Sidekick, what with the anti-troofy filters all saying “you are posting from a Proxy, roast beef, fuck you” when I’m spoofin’ nothin’ but my fear of microwaves
Eh, she ain’t bad.
She’s got a pug-mug, though. I mean, I’m no oil painting, but look at that visage– she looks grim and dour.
Betcha money neither of them kids have ever left a tip in their lives.
Wouldn’t they need giant robot suits to infiltrate mecha?
Weird little tidbit from the link:
Wasilla, Alaska native Carlos Owens has built various protoype mecha with limited mobility.
I wonder if his project started off as a defense against Palin-initiated aggression.
Whoa! I just had a terrifying premonition of a “young conservative” cosplay convention.
Just so long as they do not install Coatlicue as the head of Women’s Studies
That kid could mug an actual pimp, steal his clothes, and wear them, and he would still look like a douchebag frat boy.
Whoa! I just had a terrifying premonition of a “young conservative” cosplay convention.
Sadly, that already happened. The guy’s name was cigarskunk.
James “Pablo” O’Keefe”
“Hola, there amigo. You likea my siiiister? She bean virgin 29 times.”
the Seven Caves of Chicomoztoc might be an improvement to downtown Burbank.
Just so long as they do not install Coatlicue as the head of Women’s Studies
Maybe O’Keefe can dress as Xipe Totec.
Sigh. Just when I thought you were getting the message about fairness and bipartisanship in all areas, lest one appear to be unprincipled and without merit, you go trashing some more hard working youth from the Heartland with your in-group snark that passes for intellectual reasoned debate. Being as fair minded as I am, you lose on all counts in any fairly judged critique of conservatism with this sad example. Quite childish, actually. It is no wonder that serious policy analysts and people in middle America, working at gas stations and such, cannot take you seriously.
Stephen said,
“That kid could mug an actual pimp”
I think that step one of that scenario would go badly wrong in a hurry.
Heya, stupid liberals! Once again, you’ve got NOTHING and your loosing, or rather YOUR BOY Obama is, got buyers remorse over all the Change yet? We do in what you call Flyover Country, we’ve had it up to HERE!
Oh, and by the way, why do you blame conservatives for everything wrong with America? Liberals did it, they ruined everything! Blame them!
OT, but this is worth a click.
roast beef kazenzakis said,
September 29, 2009 at 1:49
also please i’d like one day to be able to post again from my dam Sidekick, what with the anti-troofy filters all saying “you are posting from a Proxy, roast beef, fuck you” when I’m spoofin’ nothin’ but my fear of microwaves
We see right through you, troofishburger!
you’ve got NOTHING and your loosing
Right from the horse’s mouth.
New tossed salads. Also.
you go trashing some more hard working youth from the Heartland
Technically he’s from the honkiest part of New Jersey, but in this post-modern post-9/11 post-postmodern world, I can accept that he has magically transformed his glorious whitopia into the deepest, most honest chunk of the magical heartland.
Funny thing is, parody shitpie Mom, I is, got no time fer you either, get back to work ho.
Bookmark this, libs!!!
Via Christwire.
David Broder said
Say, David, aren’t you late for your meeting with William Safire?
Jennifer, don’t be so harsh. The kid who did that is probably just suffering from Assburger’s Syndrome.
SomeNYGuy – harsh? I think the kid totally rocks! The “Idiocracy-worthy” was intended as a compliment.
Maybe O’Keefe can dress as Xipe Totec.
I would prefer that he dress the priests of Xipe Totec, who sacrificed victims to the god, skinned them and wore their skins. Have to think their social life was almost as dismal as O’Keefe’s.
That is indeed a big bag.
This is a little OT, but if human cloning becomes possible, and those priests skin and wear a clone, will fashionistas rag on them for wearing a knockoff?
if human cloning becomes possible, and those priests skin and wear a clone
then McD’s will never run out of meat.
Jennifer, I’m going to hold my breath until you recognize the joke.
Remember: my life is in your hands.
Jennifer – I can see him turning blue form my living room window!
What could it mean? Bun=Bum=Assburger? HELP!!!
Gee, we always assumed he would die of shame.
And thanks, N__B — we’ll tell him to close the blinds…if he lives!!!!!
Oh, I got the Asberger’s joke. I just took the “being harsh” as serious commentary apparently because I’m brain fried.
The company I work for is seriously retarded, and it wears me the fuck out.
See? Asperger’s. Like I said, brain fry.
For a preacher’s daughter, Ms. Giles appears rather carefully shorn….*down there*…if you know what I mean.
[mouth watering] Mmmmm…. ass burgers…. [/mouth watering]
Big Hollywood now has an above-the-fold legal defense fund plea.
For a preacher’s daughter, Ms. Giles appears rather carefully shorn….*down there*
Preachers’ daughters are purer than pure and don’t grow shrubbery.
OT, but this is worth a click.
Yes, it struck the local campus last week. Someone emailed me a pic last Monday. I was pretty excited that it wound up on Consumerist.
Also, we are in Parade this week. So SUCK IT, coastal libs!
Big Hollywood now has an above-the-fold legal defense fund plea.
Jeebus –
The Breitbart Defense and Discovery Fund was formed to help defray the legal costs of and its affiliates in connection with and/or arising from the ACORN and any related litigation (and, if necessary, to provide security for Andrew Breitbart and his family, as well as for officers and employees and their families).
ACORN’S GONNA GIT US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Better flee to Bermuda.
So I live to
fightkvetch another day.Thanks, Jen.
He who kvetches and runs away
Lives to kvetch another day.
Cast no aspersions on Jennifer.
Also, to fuck oneself, vile
terryWP.US Apple Pie Mom is making William Safire turn over in his grave with all those exclamation marks.
My kid had a friend when he was in high school, who looked just like Okeefe. I was always itching to slap him silly – I managed to resist the temptation, but in Okeefe’s case, I wouldn’t be so strong.
They may not have time for another sting operation as they may be quite busy in court.
As I said at Pandagon: Holy God, that tan line. AWESOME.
they may be quite busy in court.
Will they try to goad the judge into saying something stupid, while secretly filming the proceedings?
I can only hope that the twelve red-bearded dwarfs will somehow be involved.
Big Hollywood now has an above-the-fold legal defense fund plea.
Ha, the Breitbart page is great, completely in line with his perpetual victim shtick. I notice they have a page for Giles but O’Keefe’s is “coming soon.” Sorry, dude. They’ll get to you eventually, if the FEMA gulag guards don’t get you first.
The Liberty Legal Institute got itself involved in Palin’s trooper problem last year.
As I said at Pandagon: Holy God, that tan line. AWESOME.
So she sunbathes wearing chaps. Who doesn’t?
Ha, the Breitbart page is great, completely in line with his perpetual victim shtick.
Heh, yeah. I notice he also doesn’t show how much has already been raised, which is probably a good idea.
I was always itching to slap him silly – I managed to resist the temptation, but in Okeefe’s case, I wouldn’t be so strong.
May I loan you my Louisville Slugger for the occasion?
From the Liberty Legal Institute’s “Highlights” page.
Yeah, couldn’t of done it without you, LLI.
A mention in John Gibson’s great book–the dream of any law office. But what is the third?
I would call that guy a dildo…but I’m pretty sure he’s never pleasured a woman so..
A mention in John Gibson’s great book–the dream of any law office. But what is the third?
“A Child’s Garden of Vermin.”
Isn’t The War On Christmas a South Park episode?
OK, I’d never actually seen a picture of those two before. I can see why the poor ACORN volunteer had a good time stringing them along. That guy is about as convincing a pimp as Pee Wee Herman with a hat.
James borrowed his wardrobe from my father. As did I.
I recall reading somewhere one of the ACORN people saying, “A prostitute? With skin like that? Sure, I knew something was up.”
Note to James O’Keefe: Next time, check with Linda Tripp about the best places in the DC area for secret taping. Hint: Not Maryland.
When ratfucking this obvious gets the Congress to stampede into a law which might deprive hundreds of organizations from receiving federal funds, you know our Founders’ dreams of a republic ruled by reason have come true.
Seriously, recording a person without permission has to be a crime in one of those states. Where’s the law-and-order crowd when it comes to well-off, white misc– oh, yeah, right, I forgot: the Strom Thurmond Exemption wasn’t just for the antebellum South, now, was it?
Ha ha, this O’Keefe idiot was the local master of the “pissing off liberals” school of conservatism at Rutgers University. He was fired from the Daily Targum, the Rutgers paper, for being an offensive and insubordinate ass, and then started a Wingnut Welfare Jr. publication, the Rutgers Centurion, which among other cutting edge examples of journalism ranted about evils of Rutgers alum Paul Robeson (did you know he was a Negro AND a Communist? The Horror, the Horror!), lauding Milton Friedman, another Rutgers grad, trafficking in the usual glibertarian Randroid horseshit, and generally basing their entire lives on doing whatever it is that annoys liberals.
The publication was so devoid of ideas and original intellectual content that their faculty adviser, a Marxist, who had sponsored the club out of an interest in the fair exchange of ideas, quit in disgust.
It is worth noting that they are apparently not funded in any way by Rutgers, have become a 501(c)(3) and apparently receive the majority of their funding from the usual wingnut welfare sources.
You can gape at the Stupid Minor Leagues here – Rutgers Centurion – if you are into that sort of thing.
Though it appears that young Master O’Keefe’s exploits have crashed their website.
It became something of a tradition among the grad students in my department to read the new issue aloud to much guffawing and frivolity.
But then again we are Homo-islamo-commie-fascists in training!
among other cutting edge examples of journalism ranted about evils of Rutgers alum Paul Robeson (did you know he was a Negro AND a Communist? The Horror, the Horror!)
Indeed, Robeson is a dangerous man and must be stopped. Why won’t he stay dead?
I just find it amazing that the folks here are more outraged that ACORN’s bad apples were exposed than that the bad apples existed. Makes me wonder if you people think that underage prostitution, and the facilitation thereof, is A-Ok. Or maybe you think that sort of thing is just the norm for poor, non-White people and are loathe to condemn it ’cause that would mean condemning poor, non-White people’s “culture”. Hey, I’m just a poor girl trying to figure out how you liberals think.
poor, non-White people
Like James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles?
Do your keepers know you’re on the internet unsupervised?
Seane-Anna said,
Why must the troll abscond with not one, but two of my favorite female names?! Drat, I say!!
Hey, I’m just a poor girl trying to figure out how you liberals think.
Just as a matter of curiosity, have you ever had an actual coherent thought? ‘Cause that whole post makes no fucking sense at all.
Hey, I’m just a poor girl trying to figure out how you liberals think.
That’s the key, darling. We liberals think. Try it some time!
Holy shit. I think I was there when The Centurion got started….. I vaguely remember coming across some photocopied four page conserva horseshit. Damn I wish I could remember it better.
Dr. Dick,
It’s fairly simply if you speak wacky. Since this video exists and in it’s chopped up way satisfies wingnut fantasies about ACORN, it’s true even though there’s really little evidence that says it’s anything but horseshit. Glen Beck wouldn’t lie, nor would he mislead. Therefore, if you don’t praise these two frat rats as the second coming of all that is good and holy and journalistically yummy, you think all black people are either pimps and/or prostitutes, or your mad that Al-Barry X. Hitlerlenin’s secret army what’s gonna rise up and crush Whitey (as Michelle said) was foiled by the Young Republican Mod Squad.
Like I said, if you speak wacky, it makes sense. I never said it was an intelligent statement, though.
Hey, I’m just a
poor girl trying to figure out how you liberals thinkreally boring troll.Like I said, if you speak wacky, it makes sense.
Wingnut fantasies have all the internal consistency of the plotlines of your average summer TV replacement series.
Hey, I’m just a poor girl trying to figure out how you liberals think.
Outrage? Outrage… no, I think you have us confused with other people. There’s no outrage here. We think they’re funny, like a clown. Like a rodeo clown, right before a bull puts their horns through a man’s bowels. We’re not here for outrage, we’re here for laughter.
So make with the laughs, clown.
Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure Scooby and the Gang all grew up to be Republicans. Evidence? 1) They were stupid; they got pwn3d week after week by guys with projectors pretending to be “real” ghosts. 2) Not only did they get pwn3d week after week with the same lame trick, every time someone pulled it on them, they went straight to pants-wetting fear. 3) Inevitably, in every episode, they are focused on some picayune concern while something evil is going on right under their noses; they only notice the something evil when their faces are rubbed in it. And yet…by the next episode, they’ve moved on to the next picayune concern.
Also, in the spirit of fair-minded “Activist” videoes, the clown and the other clown should infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan. But… and here’s the twist… they only show up in robes and under the robes… blackface!
It’s a Triple Lindy of gotcha film-making!
Ruh-ro! She’s on to us!
I dunno. I’ll defend the original Scooby-Doo shows. Every time some supernatural horror popped up, the gang eventually proved it was some jackass with a rubber mask, a lantern and well-trained fireflies or some shit. And why was it always some old crank trying to keep everyone from the abandoned mill so’s he could keep on printing fake money and not a ghost or a swamp monster or any of that shit? ‘Cause that shit don’t exist, that’s why. For a lad who went from Spider-Man not being real to the whole God thing being a bit a of hard swallow smack dab in the middle of JAY-SUS country, it was an afternoonly boon.
‘Course, the ones whoever’s been putting out the past dozen years or so have ghosts and zomibies that are actually ghosts and zombies. I think it’s a part of the master plan to make us all stupid and gullible, which is why the modern GOP is like it is. Seriously, anyone who didn’t jump ship after Terri Schiavo is hardcore whack-a-loon.
I just find it amazing that the folks here are more outraged that ACORN’s bad apples were exposed than that the bad apples existed.
What bad apples are you talking about? The ACORN operatives who put leashes on prisoners and sicced dogs on them?
Or the ACORN operatives who listened to some patently fake posers, crossed their arms and said, “Mmmm hmmmm,” and let them run their mouths while they rolled their eyes at one another behind O’keefe’s chinchilla-clad back?
The ACORN operatives who unloaded pallets full of stacked, shrink-wrapped currency in Bagdad and let it disappear?
Or the ACORN operatives who told a couple of laughably fake posers that they’d have to declare their income to the government?
Do tell me. Because I’m trying to figure out how you trolls think.
You know who was smart?
For a lad who went from Spider-Man not being real to the whole God thing being a bit a of hard swallow smack dab in the middle of JAY-SUS country, it was an afternoonly boon.
Scrappy Doo is still bullshit though.
Makes me wonder if you people think that underage prostitution, and the facilitation thereof, is A-Ok.
Actually, I am outraged that there were people trying to import underage hookers. I think Giles and O’Keefe should be thrown in the slammer for it immediately, and the key thrown away!
Scooby was no Goober.
Seane-Anne’s blog is hilarious! She actually has bagpipe music on it! I don’t think she’s a paid troll, she’s a real one.
Almost as good as Annieangel, but not as funny.
And Goober was no Cary Grant.
From Substance’s Sowell Train link:
“There is usually only a limited amount of damage that can be done by dull or stupid people. For creating a truly monumental disaster, you need people with high IQs.”
Thank goodness George W. Bush was an intelligence-ignoring, language-mangling, imaginary-sky-fairy-obeying, pretzel-choking moron. Imagine the damage his administration might have done had he been even a scoche brighter than an anvil.
bagpipe music
I call oxymoron.
Some NYGuy – I can’t believe you said “scoche.” Are you a refugee from Idaho?
SomeNYGuy said,
September 29, 2009 at 6:12
bagpipe music
I call oxymoron.
Hey now! “It’s A Long Way To The Top” was the best song AC/DC ever recorded.
Cheney’s regent was as bright as an anvil.
Dick “Rasputin” Cheney was something else entirely.
That was the problem.
Hey now! “It’s A Long Way To The Top” was the best song AC/DC ever recorded.
And Bon Scott played ’em. Therefore, bagpipes=cool. I bet there a bitch to tune to, though.
Are you a refugee from Idaho?
No, but I’ve dated some.
Believe it or not, “scoche” was a very popular word at Forest Hills High School in the 70s.
“they’re”, not “there”. Sheesh.
it was an afternoonly boon.
Afternoonly Boon, wow. I remember a guy from the early 1980s who must have been his whiny, less talented brother… Simonly, that’s it, Simonly Boon.
I know some advocates for Native Hawaiian rights who’re just aching to be inspected, & I might linger awhile if I came upon O’Keefe-Giles dolled up in grass skirt & coconut shells. Or tearful old Iron Eyes Cody. (Scalps! Gambling!) Or: Inscrutable Chinaperson. (Opium!! Transcontinental RR!!) Next: Nation of Islam. (Bean pies: Scandal!!) Etc. My nonwhite list is long.
Indeed, Robeson is a dangerous man and must be stopped. Why won’t he stay dead?
“Paul Robeson is…ZOMBIE COMMIE“
Believe it or not, “scoche” was a very popular word at Forest Hills High School in the 70s.
Did they say things were “just skookum” too? Or did that phrase not make it that far east over the Continental Divide?
(hmm….what is the origin of “scoche” anyway…..?)
And then they could infiltrate those Hasidic dudes in Williamsburg w/ the beards & the hats. What the fuck is up w/ them? They’re fuckin’ gay.
Oh, and you know the thing about bagpipes, right?
It’s blowing dead goats.
A scoche is a larger bit of smidge.
I hear that.
I work for a newspaper that runs Mallard Fillmore on the editorial page … and I have to be careful not to mock it too loud.
Heads up!
The co-author, ahem, of Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue is, ta da!, Lynn Vincent. Surely you remember Lynn Vincent? She’s the co-author (with Robert Stacy McCain) of, what else, Donkey Cons. That’s like putting a shot of Everclean in your Miller High Life. I _can’t wait_ to read Jonah’s review of Going Rogue.
I just find it amazing that the folks here are more outraged that ACORN’s bad apples were exposed than that the bad apples existed.
What bad apples? I’m not sure what you expected the ACORN employees to do. Should they have pulled guns and killed O’Keefe and Giles? Tasered them? Called in an AirStrike? He was reported by several of the ACORN people. Those would be the ones that didn’t immediately see him for the clown that he is. Many more threw him out.
You see ‘bad apples’ because you’ve already decided you know what happened.
…Tasered them?…
Now yer talking. If every member of ACORN has a Taser there will be no more humoring faux winger pimps and unruly Bad Apples. Taser ’em. Problem solved! Wingers happy. Pimps sad. ACORN rulz!
You know, the whole thing sort of reminds me of the show Scare Tactics. It’s like, yeah, you should know it’s a trick, but it doesn’t seem like you have a choice but to go with the flow.
Also where do all these fuckers who were endless apologists for Tom DeLay’s Northern Marianas ventures get off being outraged by child prostituion now?
“the unbearable whiteness of being said,
September 29, 2009 at 5:33
Hey, I’m just a poor girl trying to figure out how you liberals think.
That’s the key, darling. We liberals think. Try it some time!”
Come on, give the troll a chance. After all, it did say it is trying to figure out how to do this “thinking” we do. I’m sure once it figures it out, it will also try to do it.
Who knows, it might even have though of it’s own, and stop being a wingnut and joing the liberals.
I’m just a poor girl at a small midwestern college…
RE: mickey-d’s, the sign I’ve seen in the window of one says “Angus Third Pounders.” I keep thinking that a bit of well placed paint over the g and the third would do wonders for truth in advertising.
No, no. I believe that the next O’Keefe-Giles expose needs to be at AdultCon in Los Angeles. It’s local for them (I think), and there are ample opportunities for grabbing footage. Breitbart must know how much traffic Horny Hannah working undercover could generate for Big Hollywood.
Remember also that O’Keefe was carrying a cane to all these “stings” or whatever the fuck. That is, a deadly weapon. No intimidation was involved in the recording of these dastardly acts, however. Just a guy w/ a stick wearing a chinchilla stole. (Note stick in hand, & more of Doug’s Daughter, in this semi-exclusive photo.) And imagine the contortions that daughter-of-a-preacher-man was going through trying to keep her purse-camera aimed at the ACORN employee. Half the ACORN people probably thought it was frat & sorority creeps getting hazed or something & played along.
If these little jerks had actually been able to persuade an ACORN worker to do any more than give general advice (“Pay your taxes.”) like have a few more meetings, actually fill out &/or file forms, there might be a there there, but they knew damn well they wouldn’t be able to get anyone to go any farther, so they went w/ the first & only encounter.
Total bullshit, but it results in funding being taken from ACORN by idiots in Congres.
Is it possible to experience schadenfreude when bad things happen to people who are somewhat on one’s side?
Believe it or not, “scoche” was a very popular word at Forest Hills High School in the 70s.
I have relatives way down in Forest Hills…are you sure it wasn’t “douche”?
I kinda want them to do some sort of undercover sting at next year’s Folsom Street Fair in SF. He’d end up as someone’s ball-gag boy toy and she would would be permanently scarred, never to be seen again. Any of you gazoogling the Fair for pics should assume NSFW, BTW.
Oh, dear.
These two came to my door Trick-or-treating.
They said these costumes were meant to be scary socialists.
I thought they were cute, so I gave them chunks of government cheese I’d dipped in chocolate.
Am I in trouble?
Wrapped up like a scoche in the middle of the night …
Is it possible to experience schadenfreude when bad things happen to people who are somewhat on one’s side?
I hear you. Be easier to laugh if these two junior fuckwits hadn’t made congress sit up and bark. Which then led to the NYT’s ombudsman bending over for the wingnuts.
Pimpin’ ain’t easy when you’re a white upper class college kid…
Believe it or not, “scoche” was a very popular word at Forest Hills High School in the 70s.
Do you mean “skutch”, by any chance?
It’s from the Italian “scociare”, so it was not limited to Forest Hills high. We who lived in Sicilian neighborhoods knew that “skutch” was one step away frmo being clocked across the back of the head by someone’s mama.
After Giles and O’Keefe take on MEChA, maybe they can tackle MEChAGodzilla?
Is it me, or does that Giles chick have the chest of an 8-year old boy? Damn gurl, invest in some silicone, or cheezbugrers….
So according to webster’s online dictionary it is spelled ‘skosh’ and comes from the Japanese word sukoshi which means little bit.
So according to webster’s online dictionary it is spelled ’skosh’ and comes from the Japanese word sukoshi which means little bit.
That a skosh of etymology I did not know, sir.
Or “that’s.” Your pick.
Ah, skosh, not skutch. That’s what I get for not RTFT…
Say, is it true what I hear? That Dan Riehl fucks little boys?
This link is proof that Dan Riehl fucks little boys.
Wow. I read it on the Internet so it MUST be true!
have the chest of an 8-year old boy
For Republican women, that’s a feature, not a bug.
Why does Dan Riehl refuse to deny that he fucks little boys. What is he hiding?
He fucks mules, also.
“It’s A Long Way To The Top” was the best song AC/DC ever recorded.
“Overdose”, for the delicious irony.
So according to webster’s online dictionary it is spelled ’skosh’ and comes from the Japanese word sukoshi which means little bit.
That term was fairly common in the Air Force.
“We’re getting skosh on fuel, might need to land soon”.
Substance McGravitas said,
September 29, 2009 at 6:00
You know who was smart?
A quote from that linky:
But then again, you haven’t tangled with Thomas Sowell!
Why does Dan Riehl refuse to deny that he fucks little boys. What is he hiding?
I read somewhere that he fucks them after he beats them up on the subway. It’s true!
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.
Emphasis on the “numb”.
Why does Dan Riehl refuse to deny that he fucks little boys. What is he hiding?
I read somewhere that he fucks them after he beats them up on the subway. It’s true!
And then he says he was just kidding when the cops show up!
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.
A mere peccadillo! They can use their impending downtime to expose the corruption in the homemeade-tattoo- & handjobs-for-cigarettes-industries!
No, you’re just another lame troll trying to score cheap points, & looking like a twit doing so.
Your blog reeks of “Kill ‘Em All & Let Jeebus Sort ‘Em Out” law-&-order poutrage but I sincerely doubt you’re going to raise a stink about these “intrepid guerilla-journalists” having broken the law … something none of the ex-ACORN staffers seem to have done.
BushCo happily gang-raped your Constitution for year after disgraceful year, but only NOW are you suddenly developing a keen interest in protecting it – a keen interest we can expect to see magically evaporate on the same day another GOP Administration takes office.
You baaaaaw about the thousands who were killed in “an act of war” on 9/11 but obviously have zero interest in pursuing the criminally negligent Administration whose incompetence made it possible in the first place, & whose venality & sloth made sure that OBL would remain free to this day.
PROTIP: having a double-standard does not make you twice as good as those of us with only one.
PROTIP: having a double-standard does not make you twice as good as those of us with only one.
Imma gonna
steal that and claim it as my ownuse that and give you credit.@jim @seane-ana:
Regarding double standards: conservatives are pretty much the rhetorical poster child for having things both ways: we need to defend our Constitution where it gets us what we want, and shit the fuck all over it where it helps our political enemies.
Case in point; All 10 of the Amendments constituting the Bill of Rights are pretty much too vague to really enforce, except the Second, where we strike out the clause that is just too confusing to interpret, and take it to mean we can wander around at public events brandishing weapons as long as we are Conservative Patriots.
Cigarskunk. The saddest and funniest of all Sadly,no!s. A conservative shitbag who commisions portraits of himself fucking cartoon skunks.
OT, but only slightly, a map of the seven deadly sins:
The south looks like the place to try hooker fraud, not California.
Banned Books Week is a way for government employees to bully ordinary citizens by stigmatizing those who complain.
No cheating now, the wingnut handjob annual is being previewed on fox, 12 conservative wimmin ready to grace the basement.
Who can guess the flirty dozen?
(big Slacker hint, the quitbull is not one of them)
Why does Dan Riehl refuse to deny that he fucks little boys. What is he hiding?
This cannot be repeated often enough.
Heh. 7820 hits for the search terms “Dan Riehl” & “goats”. Balloon juice is #1, Rielworldview is #2, and the bronze goes to Sadly No!
USA Apple Pie Mom = A Pale Mouse Pimp
(Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but it’s at least somewhat relevant to your photo.)
Yes, kid, we combined tuna and egg salads on purpose.
This from the mahablog is worth a read.
Is Dan Riehl a Serial Rapist?
Sep 28, 2009
Before any more people start going bonkers that I’m accusing Dan Riehl of anything, take a breath. I’m just saying one doesn’t rule anything in or out without some firm answers. After all, Riehl is a man, and most serial rapists are men. All I’m doing is looking at any and all possibilities.
I know nothing about Riehl except what’s in his bio. But who knows if Riehl is telling the truth in his bio? If he’s a serial rapist, wouldn’t he be lying? I’m just saying you can’t leave out any possibilities.
Riehl looks at the apparent murder of Bill Sparkman, who was found hanging in a Kentucky cemetery with the word “fed” written on his chest and his census worker’s tag duct taped to his neck. And the first thing that pops into Riehl’s mind is that the murder has something to do with sex, and that Sparkman might have been a child predator. That tells you something. I don’t know what, but something.
One might speculate that Riehl was involved in Sparkman’s murder and is trying to throw off investigators with the sex angle. I have no evidence that connects Riehl to the murder, but it’s important not to rule anything out.
I suppose there’s even a possibility that Riehl is a disguised bug creature from another galaxy, and the Sparkman homicide was part of the initial assault to take over Earth. Having read Riehl’s blog, this would explain a lot. I have no evidence that Riehl is a bug creature, of course, so don’t go bonkers. I’m just saying you can’t rule anything out.
Is that a current picture of the trollette on her blig? I ask because its vocabulary is way beyond tthe apparent age but the “logic”, not so much.
So they asked a WaPo stooge about the Riehl thing, and the semi-official elite-media opinion on the matter is: “You say a Republican has baselessly accused a lynched census worker of pedophilia? I don’t know all the facts here, so maybe the guy did fuck little kids.”
God, I hope they go out of business soon.
And the first thing that pops into Riehl’s mind is that the murder has something to do with sex, and that Sparkman might have been a child predator.
Although it’s pointless trying to catalogue the epic fail of Riehl’s reasoning (there’s an oxymoron for you), Riehl points out that Sparkman wasn’t married, didn’t have kids, didn’t have a fulltime job, ergo: sex-offender! Of course Sparkman did have kids, or rather his kids had a father. But don’t let any of that get in the way of speculating Danny-boy!
Is Dan Riehl a Serial Rapist?
Sep 28, 2009
Maha owes us a credit!
Of course, I don’t know one way or the other but all scenarios must be on the table.
ZOMG! Dan Riehl killed Sparkman!
Dan Riehl killed Sparkman!
After fucking his kids, of course.
Dan Riehl killed Jon-Benet Ramsey.
What do conservatives have against comfort on earth. You know who else wore comfortable shoes? Jesus, that’s who.
How old was Dan when President Kennedy was shot? I’m not saying he was on the grassy knoll, but it seems irresonpobsible not to speculate.
USA Apple Pie Mom = A Pale Mouse Pimp
Also: USA Apple Pie Mom =Opium Please, Pam
Who’s Pam? And if I ask her nicely, can I have some opium, too?
Dan Riehl killed Jon-Benet Ramsey.
Single-handedly, no doubt.
Inspector McCain is on the scene and has discovered a Pizza Hut! Could be nothing, could be something! I suspect no-one and I suspect everyone!
The Alliance to Conserve Old Richmond Neighborhoods
Why do they hate Richmond Virginia?
CRIME BLOGGING: When Dan Riel Steals a bag of Cheetos from a 7/11 before he writes a post.
Dan Riehl still refuses to deny that he rapes children and baby goats. Why won’t he deny it? I don’t know any of the facts, so it is possible that the guy, Dan Riehl, rapes children and baby goats. Single-handedly. Also
Riehl even showed up at PZ’s blog to lay out some more rationalization as to why he can wildly speculate:
Yep, nobody knows what happened so wild speculation is GO!
This is why — in regards to the previous question — we cannot say he was targeted because of his federal employment or for any other reason.
So we can’t speculate on the possible motivations of a murderer, but it’s OK to call the victim a pedophile?????
It’s 2:21 EDT. Dan Riehl has just raped another boy.
I’m speculating, of course.
So since no one knows what’s going on the Sparkman case, the only way to shut Riehl up is if James and Hannah pose as moon-shiners and try to infiltrate that thar backwoodsy place: break out the daisy-dukes, start painting a Charger!
So we can’t speculate on the possible motivations of a murderer, but it’s OK to call the victim a pedophile?????
That’s how it’s played in the Riehl world.
it’s OK to call the victim a pedophile?????
It would be irresponsible not to.
As opposed to doing other things like asking why we’re invading a county, whether torture is ever justified, if the top 1% really need more tax breaks, or WTF a death panel is. Those are things it would be irresponsible to ask about.
I’ve got to admit, this whole “defense fund” scam is pretty clever. Never let it be said that wingnuts don’t understand the stupidity and paranoia of their target audience. “ACORN’s gonna kill us all if you don’t chuck some bucks into my personal slush fund…er…’defense’ fund!”
OT But something precious just happened. I’m watching the Senate Finance Committee “debate” with Rockefeller’s “Public Option” coming up for a vote. John Kerry lays out the whole problem with the GØP complaints. They are, he said, trying to scare people by comparing the PO to Medicare etc. Those programs are,he points out, _entitlements_. The PO as proposed is, by the way its written, necessarily a _self funding operation_. It’s apples and oranges.
Immediately following Kerry’s very well resoned explanation, GØØPer John Kyl begins his time by saying “This new entitlement….”
Watching him say that, the expression on his face said “I can’t believe I’m saying this lame shit but it’s all I’ve got…”
You know who else wore comfortable shoes?
I told a joke about that once…just once.
You know who else wore comfortable shoes?
I told a joke about that once…just once.
Like hell you did.
I thought that was Earl Butz…live and learn, I guess.
Too slow! Again!
Watt told the one about a comfortable place to shit.
Calling a federal worker found dead, naked, gagged, with hands and feet bound with duct-tape and the word FED on his chest a possible murder victim and potential victim of anti-government feeling is jumping to an unwarranted conclusions. Calling him a pedophile because you wrongly thought he didn’t have kids isn’t because shut up. Also, via ABC: “The FBI is investigating whether Bill Sparkman, 51, was the victim of anti-government sentiment.” Noooo, not the FBI, too, taken over by loony liberal CONCLUSIONS JUMPERS!
No, that was Butz (“tight pussy, loose shoes, warm place to shit”). Watt told the one about “a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple”. (I’m so old that I remember both of these when they were first made.)
Irresponsible spelling…
In a press conference on 21 September 1983, Watt made the following comment about his staff: “I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent.” He resigned eighteen days later.
I was quoting someone, somewhere.
My turn to be slow!
(I’m so old that I remember both of these when they were first made.)
Don’t be embarassed by that. I am too, and I forgot! Which probably means I’m older than you and senility is setting in.
and the word FED on his chest
Clearly a reference to Sparkman’s fedora collection, the existence of which the FBI is concealing.
I’m old enough to remember these guys Butz and Watt, but I couldn’t remember who said what.
Get off my lawn!
Clearly a reference to Sparkman’s fedora collection
or Kevin FEDerline.
Perhaps Dan Riehl committed this murder to impress Britney Spears.
Kevin Federline is now fat as a house – have you seen?
have you seen?
Hold on… [readies eye-wash station]… OK…
You try walking through the Kevin Federline with a house suit on–
“Fed”is ambiguous. It could mean that he was given food prior to his accident/suicide. This is why we cannot say he was targeted because of his federal employment.
(H/T Balloon Juice)
It could mean that he was given food prior to his accident/suicide.
You, sir, should consider this:
Here’s your chance to put your opinions to the test — and win the opportunity to write a weekly column and a launching pad for your opinionating career!
The WaPo has a new contest !
I’m sure Riehl would say that ‘fed’ was an acronym for Fatal Erectile Dysfucntion, in accordance with his fact-based speculation about Sparkman.
“Fed”is ambiguous. It could mean that he was given food prior to his accident/suicide. This is why we cannot say he was targeted because of his federal employment.
HEY! Someone used *my* joke?????
OK, I’ll just come up with a new one:
Riehl killed Sparkman, but was interrupted before he could finish the “P” in “Ped(ophile)”
I’m sure Riehl would say that ‘fed’ was an acronym for Fatal Erectile Dysfunction, in accordance with his fact-based speculation about Sparkman.
The WaPo has a new contest !
I saw that.
it reminded me of some casting calls I occasionally see in Backstage.
To-wit: once, when my daughter was really young, an open call was held at the Palladium theater (then a big dance club) for a girl to play Demi Moore’s daughter in the movie “Striptease”.
Thousands of kids turned out. The place was a madhouse, and you knew your daughter had the slimmest of chances of being cast. We went thru the exercise (my daughter was a model and wanted to get into acting), sat for the interview, she did her little audition dialogue, and we walked out fairly certain of having little chance of winning.
Zero chance, make that. Moore had already insisted her daughter, Rumer (and you thought Sarah Palin had weird kid names) be cast as, well, her daughter.
Similarly, the WaPo has its choice made already. What’s the point in applying?
By the way, Breitbart does indeed have a “new scoop” today.
Actually, actor212, I think I’m about a year older than you (I recall you revealing your age in one of your posts). Whether that’s significant or not I can’t say.
Similarly, the WaPo has its choice made already.
So you’re saying Riehl’s gonna get called up from the minors?
Thers does quite nicely on that new Breitbart thingie. Also if you listen to it backwards they’re saying “Here’s to my sweet Satan.”
Actually, actor212, I think I’m about a year older than you (I recall you revealing your age in one of your posts).
Yea, well, I’ll bet you don’t feel older than I do! 😉
So you’re saying Riehl’s gonna get called up
fromout of the minors?Fixed for clearer pedophilia reference.
Probably not–I’ve never had a daughter, or any children, and I hear they can sometimes age one. (Although I probably shouldn’t admit to that now, seeing as how it might make me a prime suspect in the census taker killing.)
No plagiarism intended, Actor–I credited Balloon Juice, if that’s where you posted it.
Forest Hills? I live in Forest Hills! Well, not Forest Hills proper — we’re almost into Rego Park. But we like to say we’re in Forest Hills, even if we don’t gots no money. And we pass by Forest Hills HS on our way to synagogue.
Anyhoo … I used to live in an economically depressed area (when I was a post-doc) and there were prostitutes about. I don’t recall any of such ladies looking like this girl. The girl in the picture is rather healthy and in quite good shape. Pug faced or no, crazy mind or no … if I weren’t married and she was interested … I wouldn’t go all Ross Douthat on her.
Nope. Posted it here, Steer. I’m saying BJ stole it from lurking these threads, and I should sue Cole.
Everybody should sue everybody. The churning of dollars will stimulate the economy.
Everybody should sue everybody.
You’re a man of Substance! How can you say such a ridiculous thing?
Obviously Mr. Sparkman met with a tragic accident. He wrote “FED” on his own chest, an acronym for the Latin phrase “Felix Et Dulce” to celebrate his own joy at being in the beautiful Daniel Boone National Forest on such a lovely day. He disrobed in order to frolic in the warm late-summer breezes, and duct-taped his Census-taker ID to his throat so he wouldn’t lose it. Next he engaged in a little auto-erotic self-asphyxiation (and who among us hasn’t done the same on a pleasant afternoon), but, tragically, the noose he fashioned worked just a bit too well, and he died in shame, just like the late lamented David Carradine. That was my first assumption, anyway. I think taking the evidence and making up some bizarre conspiracy of foul-play is far-fetched, at best.
Rego Park
For those unfamiliar with Queens – the NYC borough and NYS county, not the other kind – let me point out a historical fact. Rego Park was an early 20th C planned development. In order to get people to move out to the sticks, the developer named it “Rego” Park as an abbreviation for “Real Good.”
Since there’s at least three of us Queens natives here, I feel I can say that this sums up Queens surprising well.
I really think that the two of them should investigate possibly (ahem, ahem) overly-poor-person-sympathetic vigilantism in Gotham City. Wozzisface can put on a clown suit and present himself to the gatekeepers at Arkham Asylum, claiming that he’s run out of kittens to drown (don’t drop the soap!), and Hannah Giles can deck herself out in a basic catsuit-and-random-assortment-of-accessories-from-any-adequately-stocked-boutique-érotique-type outfit and pose as a supervillainess-on-the-edge-of-going-straight (or a superheroine-on-the-edge-of-going-rogue, or for that matter a sexy-tough cat burglar beyond good and evil; the Goddamn Batman’s Batrope swings every which way, if you pick up on what I’m putting down now), for the purposes of infiltrating a certain Darknight Detective’s bitchin’ ride**, in which she may see certain sides of the city–and certain sides of a certain brooding avenger, and certain sides of herself–that she scarcely imagined could possibly exist. Hidden camera? Don’t mind if she does! I have quite a few myself, some of which are positioned to capture some rather amusing angles.
She should be warned, however: once you’ve had Bat, you never go back.
*Both in the sense that it is a sad thing and that I am addressing Sadly, No! by its first name, since we’re so well-acquainted and all, although I may be presuming, apologies if so. If not, then please, it’s GB. Like the cave? Why, I had no idea that Alfred had been in to drop off that pitcher of martinis; the old chap’s smooth, just like his martinis! Say, do you care for modern jazz?
**As is well-established, chicks dig the car.
Since there’s at least three of us Queens natives here
Who you calling “native”? I was exiled.
Who you calling “native”? I was exiled.
You’re confused. Staten Island = Devil’s Island. Not Queens.
Listen, I’m born and raised Manhattan. Any body of water between me and Times Square is exile.
Hey, comedians, this is funny: Polanski drugged a 13 year old with qualudes and alcohol then raped her and, this is funny, middle americans are upset. But not you sophisticates, not hollywood — sophisticated european wits see this as ‘interesting’ in the way it excites the fly-over people. In the UK where people are raped to get back in prison or east europe where it is allowed for party members, this would never be an issue. But in backwater euro-lag regions of america, it is still upsetting. Work this, you funny guys — work it, you incredible wits. A portrait of wits as masters of the universe — the uber-class.
Life is full of humor with guides like the sadlyno crew of self-satisfied nihilists — happy with their lives, with how they turned out, and aghast at the retards still taking up earthspace, providing little more than humor for the sophisticates here at sadlyno. Roman’s your man — different only in that he acts, not just types.
the developer named it “Rego” Park as an abbreviation for “Real Good.”
That’s hilarious, it reminds me of the reputed etymology of the Dominican breakfast staple mangu, which is mashed unripe plantains. Apparently, an American soldier participating in one of our innumerable foreign “adventures” in the Caribbean ate some, and proclaimed:
“Man, that’s good!”
Indeed, it is!
Sounds like Rod Dreher and Marie Jon’ had a baby.
I think somebody took a wrong turn at Talk Left. Other than Jeralyn, I don’t see any libruls saying nice things about said child rapist.
Uh, C.B., you should have an English-speaking friend translate your post for you, as Babelfish is not always reliable when it comes to a- how you say- felicitous rendition of your original.
as Babelfish is not always reliable when it comes to a- how you say- felicitous rendition of your original
[Runs B^4 through Babelfish]
A cat-speak of the original?
Yeah, what Till said.
Sorry, piefilter C.B. man, liberals don’t support something just because Rush ordered you to believe they’re the kind of people who would.
Did I mention piefilter?
There are people in Hollywood – including his agent! – who support Polanski, and therefore Hollywood is united in his support, and Hollywood is liberal, and SO ARE YOU, RAPE ENABLER!
aghast at the retards still taking up earthspace
We are rather aghast at your presence, yes.
By the way, how are middle Americans upset over a thirty year old case that will likely be dismissed on statute of limitations charges?
I’m not aware of some big hue and cry calling for Polanski’s scalp.
Is anyone hearing this? Anyone?
Bueller? Bueller?
Actually, the WaPo’s resident and extremely relevant anti-Communist Anne Applebaum is defending Polanski — but she has a slight conflict of interest in that her husband is the right-wing Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Also, the Senate Finance Committee just rejected Rockefeller’s public option amendment to the health care reform bill — BECAUSE LIBERALS DON’T CARE THAT ROMAN POLANSKI RAPED A LITTLE GIRL!!!!!
A cat-speak of the original?
Meow, indeed!
I wonder what troll-boy thought of all those dirty liberals who worked so hard to get the statute of limitations dropped for rape charges…
He’s a fugitive from a sentence, not from a charge, so I would imagine there’s no statute of limitations on skipping out on your jail time.
Actually, the WaPo’s resident and extremely relevant anti-Communist Anne Applebaum is defending Polanski — but she has a slight conflict of interest in that her husband is the right-wing Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Yes, and I’ll be hanged if I understand any of that. Defending an admitted child rapist—a Hollywood type, at that—is a conservative position?
In any case, I’m disappointed in Applebaum. I really liked “Gulag” and thought she had more sense than to defend Polanski.
…But not you sophisticates, not hollywood — sophisticated european wits…
I say! Who let the riff-raff in here? A trifle unfunny I’m afraid.
He’s a fugitive from a sentence, not from a charge, so I would imagine there’s no statute of limitations on skipping out on your jail time.
Exactly that.
What’s great about Polanski apologists like Applebaum is that none of them are arguing he didn’t drug and rape a 13 year old (cause of course, he did), but they just go all vague and vapory about how he had to endure exile in France.
I guess if you’re well-connected enough, you shouldn’t be punished for your crimes.
Sure, we can burn all copies of Chinatown and Rosemary’s Baby — but first we’ve got to arrest Paul Robeson.
Yes, and I’ll be hanged if I understand any of that. Defending an admitted child rapist—a Hollywood type, at that—is a conservative position?
*ka ching* is always a conservative position.
This is central to my point!
I’d like to endure exile in France, but do I really have to rape a 13-year-old first?
He’s a fugitive from a sentence, not from a charge
Ah. Stand corrected. I should have known that.
See, Andy? Senility…
I’d like to endure exile in France
It’s sure gotta beat Queens.
Hey, CB?
How do you feel that Dan Riehl has never denied the charge that he rapes little boys? Huh? How about that?
I’d like to endure exile in France, but do I really have to rape a 13-year-old first?
No need to go all Humbert Humbert, just get your visa stamped at the next limozeen libruls cheez tasting.
It’s sure gotta beat Queens.
Sorry, actor, I was born in Manhattan and moved to Manhattan permanently at age 20 — except for a 5-year exile in Los Angeles, which sure as fuck ain’t France.
Is C.B. really Dan Riehl in diguise? I think Dan Riehl just masturbated into his sockpuppet. It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
C.B., liberals actually want Polanski to face the court-ordered judgement for his crimes. We don’t think the rich and powerful should be above the law. If you got such a mad-on for Polanski, you should really be eager to see Cheney and Rumsfeld in the dock, what with them authorizing the rape of child prisoners in Iraq…
I guess if you’re well-connected enough, you shouldn’t be punished for your crimes.
seeAlso: Cheney, Dick; Bush, George W.; Yoo, John; Addington, David… aw fuck it, just have a look at the 2000 Plum Book. Faster.
except for a 5-year exile in Los Angeles, which sure as fuck ain’t France
Wow, that seems like a kinda bipolar move.
Don’t forget Tom Delay supporting child prostitution in the Northern Marianas. Family values and moral rectitude, thy name is GOP.
gotta beat Queens
None of the homophobic shit here.
I actually don’t mind Queens now as much as it mortified me in the first few decades. I’ve found pockets of architectural beauty and quiet that rival much of Manhattan, especially after the Guiliani beat-down of anything cool in NY County.
seeAlso: Cheney, Dick; Bush, George W.; Yoo, John; Addington, David
Since they don’t like ur-a-pee-ans, they’re OK with CB.
gotta beat Queens
None of the homophobic shit here.
That’s the pet name I gave my penis.
As I used to say to my late, lamented spaniel, “I call you the Continental Cocker because every time I turn around, you’re-a-peein’!”
I actually don’t mind Queens now as much as it mortified me in the first few decades.
The 70s and 80s transformation from Archie Bunker’s white enclave to the most ethnically diverse county in the country helped.
“I call you the Continental Cocker…”
I see what you did there.
That’s the pet name I gave my penis.
‘Gordon Brown’ would be a good name. One-eyed, and all.
Excuse me now, but it’s Parliamentary Question Time.
The first neighborhood I moved to was Jackson Heights, just ahead of the wave of Indian and Pakistani immigration. That was fun, as the neighborhood had been and still was very Irish, and the color and variety that the subcontinent transplants bought was welcome.
Next, I moved to a very Paraguayan neighborhood in Long Island City. hard working folks, a little noisy and being near city projects was not helping keep things quiet. Finally I moved north of that area to Astoria, where I’ve mosied about watching it go from Greek/Italian/Irish to all artsy-fartsy.
Having seen Brooklyn Heights and Park Slope go thru its transition, I dread the next wave of residents. That might make me move away.
Queens has one of the best damn drinking establishments in the whole city.
The borough still kicks my ass, though- the street layout is mind-boggling, and the highways Robert Moses steamrolled through add to the madness. As much as I dig the multi-culti tapestry, it’s a tough place to navigate.
Queens has one of the best damn drinking establishments in the whole city.
It was better when it was just for the locals 😉
the street layout is mind-boggling
it’s really not hard. Avenues run east-west, streets run north-south. The numbering system is fairly logical.
Where there is a hiccup is trying to remember if lanes, roads, and other fill-in designations are east-west or north-south.
Smut, are you waxing your surfboard?
Not a veiled PENIS! reference.
The Street System of Queens
B^4, that tsunami already swept thru American Samoan
“Life is full of humor with guides like the sadlyno crew of self-satisfied nihilists.”
Great tag-line for a movie.
“The feel good hit of the summer. I laughed so hard, I almost choked on my Jujubrains.” says Zombie Gene Siskel.
Dear SadNo Overloards, on the 1-10 scale of “time to change the fscking thread”, discussions of the NYC grid layout score a 15. Just saying…
It was better when it was just for the locals 😉
All the old timers say it was even better when it was just for the Czechs.
While not Czech, I can always ingratiate myself with the stary jednoho by ordering a Becherovka and tonic.
Where there is a hiccup is trying to remember if lanes, roads, and other fill-in designations are east-west or north-south.
I rest my case!
Avenues run east-west, streets run north-south.
U R Doon it bkwards.
Next you’ll tell us the odd nos. are on the south side of the st. & the even ones on the west side.
P. S.: Spent an exciting evening in the Forty Projects in L. I. City once in 1970. How is that numbering logical?
(Above possibly a
demandpolite request for a new thread, rather than actual grid geekery.)Friedrich Nietzsche was a self-satisfied nihilist because he found it difficult to pick up chicks.
Veiled masturbation reference
on the 1-10 scale of “time to change the fscking thread”, discussions of the NYC grid layout score a 15.
Oddly, I found it all (and the Wiki article actor212 linked) pretty interesting.
That may mean that I’m a goofball from the sticks gawking at the big city, where I’ve never been, reflecting that that one borough has nearly as many people as my whole state, and imagining what it must be like there and all. Wow-ee!
Or it may just mean that my job is boring today.
But I do agree we could use a new thread. This one is getting that stale-feet trolly smell.
What kingubu said.
Smut, are you waxing your surfboard?
Oh noes! Quick, I must inflate my Zodiac.
Shecky, I remember SLC has some odd st. #ing. Can we get a few paragraphs on that?
From the Hollywood house organ, the LAT
Hey, do I go on this blog and make penis jokes? No, of course not. Have a little sense of decorum people.
To-wit: once, when my daughter was really young, an open call was held at the Palladium theater (then a big dance club) for a girl to play Demi Moore’s daughter in the movie “Striptease”.
Be glad your daughter didn’t make it. Everyone I know or read who’s ever seen that movie says it sucks balls.
Shecky, I remember SLC has some odd st. #ing. Can we get a few paragraphs on that?
Probably has something to do with LDS theological strictures.
Shecky, I remember SLC has some odd st. #ing. Can we get a few paragraphs on that?
The only thing that’s really odd about it is how consistent it is.
That, and people treat a double-zero ending to a street number as an ordinal – e.g., 900 East is called “Ninth East.” That leads to nearly all the problems non-locals have in understanding the addresses.
Apart from that, it’s very sensible.
…oh, and as B^4 points out, the origin of the numbering is the Mormon temple. So there’s North Temple which would be 0 North, South Temple which would be 0 South, and the east-west goes a bit weirder. There’s a West Temple, but not an East Temple (that’s Main Street).
…oh, I thought B^4 said theological structures, not strictures.
While not Czech, I can always ingratiate myself with the stary jednoho by ordering a Becherovka and tonic.
I know that stuff. It does at least have the advantage of making Gammel Dansk taste pleasant in comparison.
Story of my life.
See also
* Limet
* Fernet
* Fernet Stock
* Jägermeister
OK, the guy who managed to market Jägermeister as a party drink was effing brilliant.
Years gone by, I came back from being stationed in Germany to find everyone drinking what the old folks at the local gaststatte used to have after dinner.
Oh, and new thread. Also.
The Street System of Queens
You’re a cruel motherfucker. That there is a trigger for several million people.
…oh, I thought B^4 said theological structures, not strictures.
Well, the strictures are dependent on the structures in this case.
OK, the guy who managed to market Jägermeister as a party drink was effing brilliant.
Yeah, the distillers of kümmel must have been cursing for weeks!
Ditto the makers of this stuff.
In comments to Breitbart’s discovery:
Ditto the makers of this stuff.
There are some things that not even Danes will drink.
OK, the guy who managed to market Jägermeister as a party drink was effing brilliant.
Yeah, the distillers of kümmel must have been cursing for weeks!
Goldwasser was being promoted for a while as trendy and decadent. Pity it tastes like stale skunk smegma.
Goldwasser was being promoted for a while as trendy and decadent. Pity it tastes like stale skunk smegma.
Hey, now, if you didn’t live so far from the Nearctic ecozone, you’d be able to obtain fresh skunk smegma.
Pity it tastes like stale skunk smegma.
S.C. Research, Inc. goes there so we don’t have to.
Goldwasser was being promoted for a while as trendy and decadent. Pity it
tastes like stale skunk smegmainspires indigents to go panning in your toilet.As long as I never, ever, again have to drink that godawful balsam they serve in Latvia. I had to wash my mouth out with Jägermeister.
That Hanna Giles,I’d fuck that!
…tastes like stale skunk smegma.
Er, is fresh skunk smegma quantitatively better?
Never mind, I don’t wanna know.
Give back my smegma, you bastards! Or, I shall attack with twelve red bearded dwarfs.
Frankly I was astonished when the Catholic authorities wanted nothing to do with my smegmata.
So a guy turns up with a jar of some goop and says he wants to be a saint. I say “Wouldn’t we all, what’s your angle?” He says “This is my smegmata, I found it in my pajamas this morning”
He looks a lot like that O’Keefe moron plus there’s no Hoochie with him so I tell to get lost, or words to that effect. Who’m I, Saint Peter?”
Russ Feingold on Patriot act reauthorization:
“…critical information about the implementation of the PATRIOT Act has not been made public, information that I believe would have a significant impact on the debate. I urge you to move expeditiously…”
I say, send O’Keefe-Giles to Congress to ask what the fuck Feingold is talking about. They can wear whatever but 70s hard boiled is recommended. Give ’em drugs. Send Mark Taibbi along. With any luck, Greenwald will pay close attention. It’s a win-win, even if the options–1. No one cares about them again, 2. We learn some shit like NSLs were handed out, intentionally, to people who didn’t even show up in warrantless wiretaps or anywhere else, people who were known to be not involved in terrorism, just for control purposes, or 3. It all goes to hell and O’Keefe-Giles end up with footage of Rahm blowing his nose on a painting of FRD–are triage manoeuvres.
It was better when it was just for the locals 😉
All the old timers say it was even better when it was just for the Czechs.
Those ARE the locals! It was most fun when the Sokols put on the gymnastics shows. Lithe 18 year old girls doing all sorts of contortions and Budvec? Can’t beat that for a warm Sunday afternoon….
And for those of you whining about the off-topic discussion, when you’re stuck in Queens one cold winter’s day, and you forget this topic, don’t come running to me!
Frankly I was astonished when the Catholic authorities wanted nothing to do with my smegmata.
You know, when that appears on your hands it’s rarely a miracle.