Gun. Fish. Barrel. Or, Busting the Busters
The funny thing about P.J. Gladnick is that when he tries to be funny, such as when he posts at Dummie Funnies, his supposed comedy blog, he is about as funny as a whoopee cushion or a squirting carnation or, frankly, the title of his blog. But when Gladnick tries to be serious, such as when he posts over at Bozell’s Circus, well, he’s pee-in-your-pants, fall-down-on-the floor funny.
Even though PJ’s entire background in science is that he’s got every episode of NCIS on VHS, he has recently been donning his lab coat and expounding upon climate science over at Newsbusters. In particular, PJ has been yelling “Blizzardz, bitchez!” and then explaining how the most respected climate scientist has renounced his former beliefs and now completely debunked the liberals’ global warming conspiracy.
Imagine if the Pope suddenly announced that the Catholic Church had been wrong for centuries about prohibiting priests from marrying. Would that be considered big news?
Of course.
And yet something like that has happened in the field of global warming in which a major scientist has announced that the world, in contrast to his previous belief, is actually cooling.
According to Gladnick, that major scientist is Mojib Latif of Germany’s “Leibniz Institute.”
Being highly skilled, as we are here at Sadly, No!, in the use of a cutting-edge technology called Google, we can tell you, even if PJ can’t, what Dr. Latif actually said:
“Just to make things clear: we are not stating that anthropogenic climate change won’t be as bad as previously thought”, explains Prof. Mojib Latif from IFM-GEOMAR. “What we are saying is that on top of the warming trend there is a long-periodic oscillation that will probably lead to a to a lower temperature increase than we would expect from the current trend during the next years”, adds Latif.
Fortunately for Gladnick there is no penalty at Newsbusters for being flat-assed wrong, and so Gladnick needn’t fear that Bozell will subject Gladnick to a public humiliation or to a cut in his paycheck. But, you know, Gladnick might really want to stop calling his own blog “Dummie Funnies” because it’s rather like the guy in the back of the short bus telling jokes about the developmentally disabled.
The Earth is definitely cooling, because the people sailing through the new shipping lanes in the Arctic still have to wear jackets and stuff.
It’s definitely been getting colder lately, and I can’t quite put my finger on the reason, but I’m positive it means that global warming doesn’t exist.
Also, calling your blog “Dummie Funnies” is just one step away from sticking your fingers into your diaper and fingerpainting the walls with the rich pigments found therein.
It’s sort of a third wave of climate findings. At first, it was noticed that the Arctic ice was melting. Checking the mean temperature (by dissolved gas in ice cores) showed that there was indeed a warming trend. This theory was called “Global Warming”. But when the focus shifted from narrowly about the poles to the whole globe, scientists began to find that what would really happen was an unsticking from the chaotic entrainment we call weather patterns.
You’ve probably seen some local chaotic entrainment: ever experience a week where it rained every day around the same time in the afternoon? These little patterns seem to persist inside chaotic systems because the state-space is made up of lots of unstable orbits. If an orbit has a small (but positive) eigenvalue, it can take a long time to drift away, resulting in a kind of entrainment.
So anyway, it was decided that a better name was Climate Change. Old average values — rainfall, temperature, etc — wouldn’t hold true as the polar warming kicked the system out of the quasi-equilibrium it was in.
All of this climate study really refined techniques for determining the past temperature of the planet and for modeling the climate on a large scale. This has lead to better understanding of the lower order, slow modes of climate change that are not anthropogenic. That’s what Dr. Latif is referring to.
It’s definitely been getting colder lately
And the sun is going to bed earlier! And the trees are dying! We have never seen this before! Perhaps the billionaires can save us!
Imagine if the Pope suddenly announced that the Catholic Church had been wrong for centuries about prohibiting priests from marrying. Would that be considered big news?
Hm, its a puzzlement…
Better question: what if Alan “Ayn Rand In Drag” Greenspan declared that laissez faire capitalism was bullshit in a publicly broadcast Congressional hearing; would it cause you selfish assholes to shut the fuck up for maybe five minutes?
File under “Things you saw coming: when wingnuts and statistical modelling collide”.
This here is the nugget:
“on top of the warming trend there is a long-periodic oscillation”
Have yet to meet a single ‘nut who can comprehend the difference between cyclical changes and long-term trends. Here’s Doughbob from earlier this month:
“This overlooks the fact that solar cycles are permanent “periodic occurrences,” a.k.a. a very long-term trend.”
Perhaps it takes someone with my slacktastically nerdy background in econometrics to appreciate the essential stupid in this field of wingnut blartology, but the FAIL here has a Keystone-like predictability.
Imagine if the global scientific effort had some sort of grand authority, like the Pope, that every scientist had to obey.
Because, y’know, it doesn’t.
“This overlooks the fact that solar cycles are permanent “periodic occurrences,” a.k.a. a very long-term trend.”
Good God, are these people really that dumb, or are they just refusing to face reality?
Ironically enough, there was an ad for Priuses at that link.
on top of the warming trend there is a long-periodic oscillation
Well that certainly sounds more effective than “up on the backstroke”.
Also from Goldberg’s article: “For instance, when we have terribly hot weather, or bad hurricanes, the media see portentous proof of climate change. When we don’t, it’s a moment to teach the masses how weather and climate are very different things.”
Maybe because most members of the media are just as scientifically illiterate as you, asshole? And what the fuck does what they’re saying have to do with what this scientist is saying?
Jesus Christ, these people aren’t just wrong–they’re fucking stupid.
aren’t just wrong–they’re fucking stupid.
A medical professional would call this “co-morbidity.”
Indeed, the one saving grace of either global climate change for the warmer or cooler is they may mitigate the other.
However, it will mean more extreme weather swings. You know the old saying about being a mouse in an elephant fight.
Jesus Christ, these people aren’t just wrong–they’re fucking stupid.
And that’s why we must laugh at them.
Also, calling your blog “Dummie Funnies” is just one step away from sticking your fingers into your diaper and fingerpainting the walls with the rich pigments found therein.
If you do it well enough, you can be featured in the latest edition of Architectural Digest.
Or so I’m told.
Michael G. said,
September 25, 2009 at 15:06
The dichotomy of long term cooling versus intermediate term warming has been known for about thirty years. You can look at old issues of Time Magazine warning of the Ice Age to come.
These are not inconsistent, however. Global warming due to man-made pollutants is real just as the cyclical nature of long-term cooling is real. We will have another ice age, and fairly soon (it’s been tens of thousands of years since the last one, so we’re due), but before that happens in the year 10,2009, we might want to think about how to survive our own mess to get there to worry about it.
““What we are saying is that on top of the warming trend there is a long-periodic oscillation that will probably lead to a to a lower temperature increase than we would expect from the current trend during the next years”, adds Latif.”
In other words: “The complexities of climate change and the determinant forces driving the climate itself are such that if one approaches the topic without respect for these inherent complexities you will end up looking like a fookin moron.”
Yeah, I read about this in a blog post by a reporter for the BBC last week. The best part of that post was this bit towards the end:
You know that scientists are torn. They’re inclined to publish data, because that’s how knowledge gets disseminated and progress happens. At the same time, they know that stupid people work for news orgs, and have exactly zero interest in understanding the complexities of what they publish; also, there’s stupid/venal people who are eager to discard all complexity to get the money quote that supports what they’re looking for.
It’s a bother if they’re just talking about diet research or whatever; it’s depressing when it involves something that’s likely to make the world way harder to live in in the next 100 years. Sigh.
Wingnuts as a rule can’t think for themselves 99% of the time. Therefore they always look for the silverback baboon that’s squatting on the highest knoll in the area; he is taller and has a louder voice than everyone else. Therefore he must be in charge and know all the right answers.
This is why the GOP is in such a mess right now. Nobody left is smart enough to actually lead the party in a coherent direction. They had themselves a purity purge and got rid of everyone who knew fuck-all about anything.
The global warming theory has been based all along on the idea that the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans would absorb much of the greenhouse warming caused by a rise in man-made carbon dioxide, then they would let off that heat and warm the atmosphere and the land.
This is like a FAIL sandwich, with FAIL chips on the side, and a frosty mug of FAIL to wash it down. Then barfing to taste all that FAIL mixed together.
None of which matters, since, as been said here before, these nitwits speak to themselves. They’re like a herd/pod/whatever-the-plural-noun-is of seals. One starts barking, and then they all reply with barks and claps.
Oh, and: that there’s some damn fine Photoshopping, son. Wingnut Trailer Villa indeed.
I do like the idea of a Pope of Global Warming Science. I imagine his pontiffical mitre would be sublime.
Yup, that was the biggest news story EVAR.
What is it with wingnuts and their unability to understand what they read?
How does “…will probably lead to a to a lower temperature increase than we would expect from the current trend during the next years”
turn into
“…the world, in contrast to his previous belief, is actually cooling.”
Because someone should really use this in political discussion:
No-one is increasing taxes, we are in fact decreasing the speed with which the taxes are increased.
No-one is adding regulation to finanial sector, we are in fact removing the the blocks that were hampering creation of new legistration.
By the time your average wingnut manages to read the sentence properly the law has been in effect a decade.
And that’s why we must laugh at them.
🙂 I thought about doing this a while ago, but was far too lazy.
OT, but I just found out that Blue Cross/Blue Shield has starting requiring physicians at my institution to get pre-authorization for echocardiograms AND are requiring a massive amount of paperwork to be completed after the echos are performed. Insurance companies not only explicitly act like dicks by denying claims and procedures–they also make simple procedures and tests more difficult to perform so that doctors are reluctant to take the time to perform them if they’re not sure about the results.
In other words, they fuck you coming AND going.
They had themselves a purity purge and got rid of everyone who knew fuck-all about anything.
I think you are being way too generous, unless the purge you are talking about happened forty years ago. Remember James Fucking Watt, Ronnie Raygun’s EPA chief? Christian fundy, who believed the Rapture (Rupture?) was nigh and as a result thought any type of environmental stewardship was a waste of time and thought instead we should scour each and every terrestrial asset available with all possible speed so that we could live in as much excess as possible before Jeebus came and swept the Chosen off to the Big Ice Cream Stand of Goodness in the Sky. Modern know-nothingism has been a central element of the Republican party since 1980. Evil Dick Fucking Nixon at least had some respect for science.
(I’m not harshin’ ya, just ranting)
Hey, don’t go dissin’ VHS. Some of us are TiVo-retarded.
barrel. It’s barrel. Not barrell. No offense.
[Tintin adds: I didn’t notice that typo before I launched the post this morning. Thanks. Fixed. I blame it on a deficit of caffeine. We also had a few “Newbusters” in the post as well. Sigh.]
barrel. It’s barrel. Not barrell. No offense.
Spelling Hitler
No, I’m pretty sure it’s barelll.
I think you are being way too generous, unless the purge you are talking about happened forty years ago. Remember James Fucking Watt, Ronnie Raygun’s EPA chief? Christian fundy, who believed the Rapture (Rupture?) was nigh and as a result thought any type of environmental stewardship was a waste of time and thought instead we should scour each and every terrestrial asset available with all possible speed so that we could live in as much excess as possible before Jeebus came and swept the Chosen off to the Big Ice Cream Stand of Goodness in the Sky. Modern know-nothingism has been a central element of the Republican party since 1980. Evil Dick Fucking Nixon at least had some respect for science.
I wonder about guys like Watt. It’s strange how modern Christianism always seems to bend itself to the goals of casino capitalism, as if one was merely the crunchy candy shell around the other.
Looch said,
September 25, 2009 at 16:44
Spelling Hitler
And Godwin’s Law is revealed to be the law of the land yet again…
Man, I remember the Gland-dick when he used to post random political screeds over on alt.showbiz.gossip in the late ’90s. Good to see that a decade of failure hasn’t changed him, aside from him not being quite so obviously screamingly gay-in-denial as he was back in the day. I mean, aside from that cigar-that’s-not-just-a-cigar that his “comics” website’s mascot has in his, er, mouth.
Anyway, he hasn’t gained an iota of talent since, so Bruce Tinsley’s job is still safe, barring further DUIs of course.
Nein! Nein! Nein!
Because someone should really use this in political discussion:
No-one is increasing taxes, we are in fact decreasing the speed with which the taxes are increased.
Actually, that’s precisely what Newt did in the Nineties.
He claimed the GOP had pushed a budget thru that had “tax cuts” in it, when in point of fact, all the budget did was slow down the rise in taxes that a previous budget had projected.
Al Franken called him on it in one of his books, can’t recall which one tho.
Oh, OK, I found the cite, and I need to take more Ginko:
Indeed, this had been precipitated by Gingrich claiming Medicare was *not* being cut because they were allowing benefits to rise, but that rise was not keeping up with inflation, thus creating a de facto cut in benefits.
That would be a double-barrel
I wonder about guys like Watt. It’s strange how modern Christianism always seems to bend itself to the goals of casino capitalism, as if one was merely the crunchy candy shell around the other.
Capitalist Jesus!
No, I’m pretty sure it’s barelll.
No, I’m pretty sure Tintin has it right.
DO A BARRELL ROLL!!! = Double left shoulder button.
DO A BARREL RROLL!!! = Double right shoulder button.
And speaking of doing a barrel roll:
I mean, aside from that cigar-that’s-not-just-a-cigar that his “comics” website’s mascot has in his, er, mouth.
Although, someone ought to tell Peppy not always the best solution.
PROTIP: Check nym after shifting for comic effect.
Capitalist Jesus shares many traits with Republican Jesus, Supply-Side Jesus, and Bizarro Jesus
That site you linked to is great. The entry on John Galt is teh awesome to eleven.
Capitalist Jesus shares many traits with Republican Jesus, Supply-Side Jesus, and Bizarro Jesus
Yes. Actually, Republican Jesus was what I wanted, (but could not have) in mind. Gazoogled CapJesus instead.
That site you linked to is great. The entry on John Galt is teh awesome to eleven.
Fucking brilliant, especially the picture of them in college and the fact that Roark (“Red”) randomly shows up.
Imagine if the Pope suddenly announced that the Catholic Church had been wrong for centuries about prohibiting priests from marrying. Would that be considered big news?
Priest: “Depends. Can we still keep fucking altar-boys?”
Handy, thanks for finding that. I laughed hard.
That would be a double-barrel
Looks more like a double bare L
But, you know, Gladnick might really want to stop calling his own blog “Dummie Funnies” because it’s rather like the guy in the back of the short bus telling jokes about the developmentally disabled.
When you consider that “Dummie Funnies” attemps to mock certain alleged conspiracy-prone Democratic Underground members, P.J. Gladnick ought to take a gander at the comedic fodder Free Republic generates on a nanosecond by nanosecond basis.
Birthers, deathers, etc. An embarrassment of riches at it were.
You think that would occur to Gladnick since he posts his DUFU blog on the RimJob’s site. Then again, self-awareness isn’t exactly a wingnut trait.
imagine if the Pope suddenly announced that the Catholic Church had been wrong for centuries about prohibiting priests from marrying. Would that be considered big news?
Analogy FAIL!!
The leader of a human-created institution announcing a policy change he’s authorized to make DOES NOT EQUAL a scientist observing a natural phenomenon.
But perhaps it’s telling that bonehead either thinks scientists can control the weather OR that the Catholic Church is part of the natural world.
barrel. It’s barrel. Not barrell. No offense.
I lived in a town that had a sub shop called “Pickle Barrell” Lousy spellers. Great subs.
When you consider that “Dummie Funnies” attemps to mock certain alleged conspiracy-prone Democratic Underground members, P.J. Gladnick ought to take a gander at the comedic fodder Free Republic generates on a nanosecond by nanosecond basis.
If he’s the guy I’m thinking of, his sense of humor is pretty well unsalvageable. Isn’t he the fuckhead who thought it would be funny to interfere with the fundraising for some poor guy trying to raise money to pay for cancer treatments, who ended up dead out of the whole thing?
One small request: Please, for my and FSM’s sake, refer to that miasmic pile of excess biomass as anything but PJ. My stomach is turning from the association.
Thank you very much.
OT, but the Big Bad Bald Bastard wants to be a Big Bad Bald Bulldog Bastard next season.
If he’s the guy I’m thinking of, his sense of humor is pretty well unsalvageable. Isn’t he the fuckhead who thought it would be funny to interfere with the fundraising for some poor guy trying to raise money to pay for cancer treatments, who ended up dead out of the whole thing?
The very same. Gladnick thought the whole thing was a scheme to con DU members out of their welfare/cheetos money or some such nonsense. I guess actually dying from cancer was all part of the scam.
Is that our BBBB? He certainly looks B, B, and B. Have to take his word on the B part.
The very same. Gladnick thought the whole thing was a scheme to con DU members out of their welfare/cheetos money or some such nonsense. I guess actually dying from cancer was all part of the scam.
If I did something like this, I would have the irresistible urge to self-banish myself from the Interons forevah. I mean, FUCK, you sped another person to their death. Empathy? Compassion? Decency? Anything that doesn’t scream “PATHOLOGY” in big fucking bold letters? Not. So. Much.
OT, but the Big Bad Bald Bastard wants to be a Big Bad Bald Bulldog Bastard next
seasonturn of the karmic wheel.fiqqst
Oh, and there’s a special boat for these folks. We can hold a “Corner Cruise” event.
The only question: Do we sink this boat first, or last?
“That site you linked to is great. The entry on John Galt is teh awesome to eleven.”
And they should use that approach if they are going to make a film of Atlas Shrugged. I am picturing Patrick Warburton as Galt.
Global warming is, indeed, a myth:
Here’s Positive Proof
We will have another ice age, and fairly soon (it’s been tens of thousands of years since the last one, so we’re due),
Is that necessarily so? Before the Pleistocene, the Earth was relatively warm, so maybe the Earth is just warming up again and won’t glaciate for a long, long time (even geologically speaking) even in the absence of global warming.
This is not to provide aid and succor to wingnuttia or cast doubt on well-established evidence for anthropogenic warming, and I don’t know enough about the field to know the evidence for or against the current climate being “interglacial” vs. being out of the ice age entirely, but it seems to me that there is no particular evidence that we are not emerging into a regime of already warmer climate.
I lived in a town that had a sub shop called “Pickle Barrell” Lousy spellers. Great subs.
What idiots. Everyone knows it’s spelled “pickel”.
Isn’t he the fuckhead who thought it would be funny to interfere with the fundraising for some poor guy trying to raise money to pay for cancer treatments, who ended up dead out of the whole thing?
Yes, that’s him.
Don’t be a Sadnick! Do be a Gladnick!
” Imagine if the Pope suddenly announced that the Catholic Church had been wrong for centuries about prohibiting priests from marrying. Would that be considered big news?”
“And yet something like that has happened in the field of global warming in which a major scientist has announced that the world, in contrast to his previous belief, is actually cooling.”
He elevates this scientist to the level of power of the Catholic church? The similarity between the two is that the foundation of beliefs of either are so strong and widely supported by 1)in the case of the Catholic church, an entire belief system and 2) in the case of global warming, nearly every environmental scientist in the world.
So in either case, one small change would effect no one. The church is still patriarchal, global warming still exists.
Yes, that’s him.
Just read those links. Words fail me.
And they should use that approach if they are going to make a film of Atlas Shrugged.
Cripes, that brings back memories of reading “Starlog” magazine in the early years (’78 or so) when the editor was peeing himself over the idea that someone was, indeed, working on a movie version of Atlas. Thank god I never took the bait (“oooh! a SF book I’ve never read!”) and read the thing back then; I would have fallen for it hook & sinker.
Shorter Saddick:
I’ve just pulled this Gerbil out of my ass, if there is such a thing as global warming it should have been a Hamster. This Guy agrees.
BREAKING!!!! Lunch Lady sacked!
If I read that scientists who studied weather and climate were concluding that there were weather cycles we couldn’t control that could have unforeseen effects on climate on a planet that was experiencing anthropogenic warming, I might urge that we re-double our efforts to replace dirty fossil fuels with clean energy sources with no carbon footprint, because any changes in climate and excessive weather patterns would require more energy.
If I weren’t a wingnut.
Lunch Lady sacked!
Aw, that’s a shame. I liked her posts.
Let me know when Coach Urban “Badoodle boo-yeah, looney libs” Meyer gets his pink slip. He needs to be served a spread of unemployment benefits.
Perhaps in that hole in the ground.
OT: Coming soon! A prize for the winner of the Dash pool! Sorry to take so long, these babies are soooo demanding of attention, y’know?
Aaaand, the Daily Dash: We have a picture of mommy from her teenage years looking approximately like this, but we aren’t posting it here.
If I weren’t a wingnut.
Reminds me of a song from a Broadway musical:
If I were a wingnut / garble, garble, garble, garble, garble, garble, garble goo / all day long I’d shill for the man / if I were a wingnut man
I wouldn’t have to think hard / garble, garble, garble, garble, garble, garble, garble goo / I’d write garble garble gloock yang zoop / and call it a well thought out argument
I would sit and eat cheetos paid for by my parents / in a basement by the computer / I’d collect wingnut welfare / sitting on my ass all day long / garble garble garble goo / I would sigh about how the underprivileged / need to stop whining and get jobs / then I’d cash my wingnut welfare check and score some food / garble goo / garble goo / garble goo
If I were a wingnut / garble, garble, garble, garble, garble, garble, garble goo / all day long I’d shill for the man / all day long I’d sit on the can / all day long I’d write garbage and say it’s grand / all day long I’d get money placed in my hand / if I were a wingnut man!
It’s just a job, kid.
Isn’t he the fuckhead who thought it would be funny to interfere with the fundraising for some poor guy trying to raise money to pay for cancer treatments, who ended up dead out of the whole thing?
Yes, that’s him.
Jesus wept. I mean…fuck.
DAS, as I understand it, so long as North and South America stay connected, the Earth would (but for mankind) remain in an expanding and contracting glacial age – because the ocean currents get turned northward and then back south, rather than circulating at the equator and staying significantly warmer. In a few million years, this will change (and depending on where the continents line up, Earth could go Jurassic hothouse or could go Snowball). But that’s long term – me, I’m more concerned that Greenland’s glaciers are melting underneath (underside conducting ocean warmth into the interior). If that all slides off land into the Atlantic, my fair Baltimore will look like it did after Isabel – but all the time.
If I did something like this, I would have the irresistible urge to self-banish myself from the Interons forevah. I mean, FUCK, you sped another person to their death. Empathy? Compassion? Decency? Anything that doesn’t scream “PATHOLOGY” in big fucking bold letters? Not. So. Much.
Clearly, we have to shove his face in his murder.
If that all slides off land into the Atlantic, my fair Baltimore will look like it did after Isabel – but all the time.
Also no more PENIS, um, I mean Florida.
We will have another ice age, and fairly soon (it’s been tens of thousands of years since the last one, so we’re due),
Is that necessarily so?
The standard theory says that interglacials occur for about 12,000 years, and we’re about 11,000 from the last glaciation.
Yes, prior to the Pleistocene, there’s evidence the interglacial was 28,000, but that is not proven.
How the fuck do I know this stuff and not where the hell my car keys are???
OOOOOOOOOHHHH, if there was ever someone who deserved being punched in the face through the Internet, it is Mr. Gladnick.
I guess being a steaming pile of worthless excrement means never having to say “I’m sorry,” or, “Jeez, I guess I was wrong about that.”
Fortunately, excrement can be removed. You just need a good high-pressure hose, some industrial cleaning fluids, and a clothespin.
Just imagine your anxiety if you knew neither. That is what it’s like to be a wingnut: you literally know nothing of importance and are of no use to anyone.
That’s why they clump together to support each other, because it’s got to be scary to be as worthless a pile of fuming shit as PJ Gladnick.
In fact, some researchers allege that “being flat-assed wrong” is the only way for staff at this august scholarly website to earn enough, ahem, Brent-Brownie-Points to earn themselves a Bozell Blumpkin Bonus™.
Is conclusive documentary proof of this unique incentive-system available on YouTube yet?
Sadly, no.
cute kid.
Just imagine your anxiety if you knew neither. That is what it’s like to be a wingnut: you literally know nothing of importance and are of no use to anyone.
Actually, that sounds quite nice 😉
We have a picture of mommy from her teenage years looking approximately like this, but we aren’t posting it here.
Was that with or without rolling papers?
Actually, that sounds quite nice 😉
Hee hee – it does. Wingnuttery, however, requires that despite your lack of anything but flaws, you present yourself as a Randroid superman and would just die just die if you thought anyone believed otherwise.
Clearly, we have to shove his face in his murder.
I really am at a loss. Shamelessly interfering with a critically ill patient’s access to potentially life-saving surgery. How do you speak to that?
I need to brood.
Wingnuttery, however, requires that despite your lack of anything but flaws, you present yourself as a Randroid superman and would just die just die if you thought anyone believed otherwise.
Me not care! World revolve around me! Me! Me Me Me! ME!
Actually, that sounds quite nice 😉
I can imagine that life as a sea frond is probably pretty relaxing. Just sort of drifting there, bathed in a sea of cathode ray radiation, absorbing nutrients through your ass.
But, not very intellectually stimulating.
I can imagine that life as a sea frond is probably pretty relaxing. Just sort of drifting there, bathed in a sea of cathode ray radiation, absorbing nutrients through your ass.
But, not very intellectually stimulating.
Me feed thru my ass! Me head up me ass! Why you hate America so????
LDMM: Your l’il Dash is almost as cute as my new puppy-dog.
Yeah, newborn babies are real time- and attention-gobblers, aren’t they? Dang little freeloaders! Tell him to grow up and get a job already!
Shout out to Stabenow for telling Kyl your mom probably did.
You know who else experiences long periodic oscillations on top of a general warming trend? Your Mom.
…absorbing nutrients through your ass.
Know who else likes to absorb it through her ass?
Your Mom.
LDMM: Thanks for the
StudieDash update. It’s a good tonic.Know who else likes to absorb it through her ass?
That WOULD explain the strange looks my freinds gave me when they had dinner over at my house.
Know who else likes to absorb it through her ass?
Sponge Bob Square Pants?
Aaaand, the Daily Dash:
Why is he holding his dainty little pinky up like that?
You’re not letting him read George Will, ARE YOU?!?!?!?
Wait, the baby was born while I was gone? How big was he? Has he shown any preference for single-payer over public option yet?
You know who else experiences long periodic oscillations on top of a general warming trend?
Hitler, that’s who!!
Has he shown any preference for single-payer over public option yet?
Dash is all about sucking at the public teat. For now.
Dash is all about sucking at the public teat.
Gavin should punch you in the nose for insulting his wife like that.
Dash is all about sucking at the public teat.
Wait – they’re PUBLIC now?!
These babeies’r takn r jobs!
Clearly, we have to shove his face in his murder.
O.K., I’m game. How?
Of course, if the melting of arctic ice makes the water in the Labrador Sea so fresh it can’t sink and feed the Thermohaline Circulation, shutting down the Gulf Stream, and rendering Europe and North America uninhabitable, they’ll crow: “We told you Global Warming was a lie!” right up till they freeze to death or starve.
Clearly, we have to shove his face in his murder
Know who’s face I shoved it into last night?
Your Mom.
Shamelessly interfering with a critically ill patient’s access to potentially life-saving surgery. How do you speak to that?
With lawyers.
“actor212 said,
Dash is all about sucking at the public teat. For now.”
A pure teat-totter eh?
One wonders what he will do when Sadly No crew will go out drinking?
Your Mom.
Mom didn’t have her magnifying specs on. She missed it, apparently.
Speaking of Moms, I see that you labelled that jumper accurately. Too Cute indeed.
With lawyers.
Yeah, I was wondering if family stepped up on that (I don’t know the full story, so bear with me). I would think they would have some sort of basis to hammer him. Make him fucking homeless, I say.
She missed it, apparently.
Kinda like that tag…runs in the family.
Clearly, we have to shove his face in his murder.
O.K., I’m game. How?
I dunno. Seems to me a Gladnick=Murderer piece of Internet Performance Art should suffice.
Make him fucking homeless…
Know who else is fucking the homeless?
What, not funny anymore? Well, know who else ain’t funny anymore?
What, not funny anymore? Well, know who else ain’t funny anymore?
Yo momma.
Well, know who else ain’t funny anymore?
Yo momma.
Fortunately, his is still fun.
IF you know what I mean…
OT, whatever happened to Oily Tits or whatever her name is? You know, that crazy California broad who’s a lawyer AND a dentist, who’s always filing birther lawsuits? Last I heard, she was staring down a huge fine by a pissed-off Federal judge and disbarment. Did she manage to wriggle out of it?
World-O has an article demonstrating how her paranoia has gotten the worst of her. She’s taken legitimate criticism of her husband (he wrote some software that is used by Big Pharma) and somehow twisted it into criticism of her as a tool of the Obama administration, or some such
criticism of her as a tool of the Obama administration
Well, she IS a tool, you have to admit.
Orly is being beaten like a redheaded city comptroller:
This eplains why her hair looks the way it does: the wig doesn’t fit right over her tinfoil cap.
explains, even
Last I heard, she was staring down a huge fine by a pissed-off Federal judge and disbarment. Did she manage to wriggle out of it?
On September 18 the judge in Georgia ordered Taitz to show cause why she shouldn’t be fined $10,000. He gave her 14 days to do it. Her client in that case told the same judge she was planning to complain to the California bar about her attorney. Taitz and other birthistas say the letter is a forgery. Taitz’s next date with destiny is October 5, when Judge David Carter in California will hear arguments regarding the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss yet another birther case, this one with a huge list of plaintiffs.
I’m afraid the FEMA Gulag looms in the near future for Taitz because the United States is just like Soviet Union.
Any money being placed on how soon she bolts back to Israel and begs asylum?
Aaaand, the Daily Dash:
Does Dash have his own Motorhead t-shirt yet?
Everybody loves Orly Taitz, including the OC Weekly.
City comptroller indeed.
In an affidavit posted this month on Sinclair’s website, Sinclair says Taitz asked him to testify at her Sept. 8 hearing. He flew to Orange County from Florida, but the night before the hearing, Sinclair says, Taitz told him to testify he knew about three people who had been killed by Obama—a charge that Sinclair says isn’t true. The next day, he told her he wouldn’t testify and would be flying home.
Errrrrrrrrr, isn’t that suborning perjury?
Does Dash have his own Motorhead t-shirt yet?
Not yet. I have wanted to get him this, but haven’t managed to just yet.
For information straight from the horses ass’s mouth. Why not go to her blog. It would appear that comments are open. Would it be irresponsible if we all went over there and spoofed her or would it be irresponsible not to?
Your mother.
I very much like this for kids.
Conclusive proof that babies really prefer Motorhead over your wussy AC/DC.
Errrrrrrrrr, isn’t that suborning perjury?
Yeah, that’s why Sinclair said to Taitz I break with thee, I break with thee. Lucas Smith said the same. Funny thing about Sinclair, here’s sentence previous to “In an affadavit…”:
So he has no trouble saying crazy shit about Black Caesar, as long as it’s not in federal court and under oath.
My baby liked listening to this guy. It beat the vacuum cleaner.
Let us take a series of numbers that double each year.
2, 4, 8, 16, 32
Then, the next year, instead of getting the exptected 64, we only get 50.
50 is of course still a larger number than 32, but this nitwit is arguing that since 50 < 64, that 50 must also be less than 32, which of course it isn't.
Please, can't we enroll him in an adult education course to teach him enough basic calculus so that he can understand the difference between the first and second derivative.
Apparently Jesus doesn’t listen to you lie unless you just put your hand on his fanfiction.
From her comment section. I think this is very very good advice and I highly recommend that she take it. I mean, what could go wrong? (heh)
Dear Dr. Taitz,
There is a very simple way to quickly change Judge Clay Land from a bullying tyrant into a meek little lamb.
If the judge keeps his promise to impose a $10,000 dollar fine on you, simply say to his honor, — For the record your Honor, in what form of payment does this court demand payment? Is this court demanding payment from me in the form of unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes, or some other form of unconstitutional money, or is this court demanding payment in Constitutional money, which is ONLY gold and silver coinage, minted by the U.S. Mint according to the Constitution?
If payment is demanded in any form of money besides Constitutional gold and silver coins, then your Honor is in serious breach of his sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. If this court is demanding Constitutional money, then such a demand for payment is impossible for me to comply with, since there is no longer any Constitutional money in circulation.
Well, babies, like rock musicians, know that when the time has come to party, one should party hard.
Well, babies, like rock musicians, know that when the time has come to party, one should party hard.
Gotta fight for your right to potty.
This one kills me. Is this from the “real” Ed Anger of “Weekly World News ” fame?
Ed Anger
September 22nd, 2009 @ 5:11 pm
This “judge” Land has got me madder than a dozen wet hens. Dr. Mrs. Orly (esq) you have a DUTY to tell this “Land” character that HE is fined a ten thousand dollars a DAY until he shuts his YAPPER and follows the CONSTUTION of AMERICA. Last I checked, this was AMERICA, not Borneo or of those countries with stan at the end. Get hopping! I am praying to Jesus Christ the lamb that he gives this Land character cancer and also lupus. If you are Jewish persuasion pray to whoever gives those things in your faith.
Is being a dentist and a lawyer like being a dessert topping and a floor wax?
I just posted some words of encouragement to Oily Taint under the alias Gary Rupert. Its what real Gary would have wanted me to do.
Is this from the “real” Ed Anger of “Weekly World News ” fame?
Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune put together a great Ed Anger or Glenn Beck? quiz.
Anyone have a link to the epic thread attacking PJ for slandering a cancer patient who died?
Dr. Mrs. Orly (esq) you…
Oh man, she’s a doctor and a missus and an esquire? I just can’t stay ahead of these people.
Check upthread Lesley.
Creepy sweepstakes winner:
This is the single spookiest thing I’ve seen since “Jeepers Creepers” in the theater.
For some reason, I don’t think he’s discussing the terror that came into my heart when I realized someone was paid to make that movie.
True story: I was going to see a movie in which a trailer for “Jeepers Creepers 2” was shown. At the end, I yelled out in a darkened theater “WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ANOTHER ONE?”
I recently saw the first video of the school kids singing the Barack Obama song in class. At first I thought it was the promo for the new “Children of the Corn” film or perhaps another remake of “Village of the Damned”, but alas, it is not. It is real. But I think it’s way scarier than either of those two retreads will be.
Meanwhile, were those kids to have sung songs to Dear Leader back in 2002, it would have been perfectly okay and appropriate and patriotic ’cause he wasn’t a scary black guy and was a WAH PREZNIT and shut up that’s why.
Me, I thought the “W” stickers on the backs of cars were creepy, but then again I don’t recall that Obama’s waxed lyrical about the political benefits of a dictatorship recently, either.
TBogg notes that Roy Edroso looks to our future of mainlining the konservative kulture kommon-taters at The American Culture:
And truly they are brilyant:
O noez! Emmy’s done gone to good shows and not stuff what everbody liks! We just like Honduras I mean but they were totally not a coup I mean Chavez or somethin’.
And also, too, nobody watches that fag show “Mad Men” no way, and if they did, somebody good ort to write it so it gets all more positive and more better about business & stuff instead a’makin’ it look all seedy and weird. Sort of a Leave It to Beaver / Mel Gibson’s The Patriot version of “Mad Men”, that would be better.
How come they ain’t got no awards what is based on just how many peoples is watchin’? You know, you could prolly come up with a ‘ratin’ system or something. Pffft. But, nooooooo.
…low-rated shows, largely with a negative attitude toward American institutions and the conventions of bourgeois life…
Comedy stemming from a negative attitude! Who ever heard of such a thing?
For some reason, I don’t think he’s discussing the terror that came into my heart when I realized someone was paid to make that movie.
Isn’t this “someone” a convicted child molester?
Who ever heard of such a thing?
I haven’t been this upset since the Three Stooges/Charlie Chaplin double-feature I saw glorified physical violence as a comedic device!
Clearly things most people don’t pay attention to should be ignored EXCEPT FOR MY CRAZY MARGINAL OPINIONS WOO WOO!
“their intent to continue using their bully pulpit to turn the nation into a banana republic.”
Wait, “Mad Men” won an Emmy. Is there a connection between Banana Republic and Mad Men. Lets check the great Gazoogle.
Oh Nooos, Its Twoo Its Twooo!!!
Gotta fight for your right to potty.
Yea, yea, I think that right there is pretty funny.
Wait, Mad Men is pissing them off, now? It is now “politically correct”, not just to point out that people are racist, sexist homophobes now, but also to point out that people were racist, sexist homophobes in1960?
Typical wingnut: Why can’t the networks just show good American programming like Amos and Andy?
Wait, Mad Men is pissing them off, now?
If I am not mistaken, traffic cones and dryer lint are pissing them off now.
Actually, traffic cones kind of piss me off. Especially when there’s mile after mile of them, blocking traffic and causing hourlong jams, with nary a human in sight.
Wait, Mad Men is pissing them off, now?
Well, liberals do seem to like it.
I’m hoping that Christina Hendricks’ knock-your-eyes-out bombshelliness in that helps to make it OK for women to be non-anorexic again in pop culture.
Actually, traffic cones kind of piss me off. Especially when there’s mile after mile of them, blocking traffic and causing hourlong jams, with nary a human in sight.
Fair enough. But that was just a partial list. Light bulbs, envelopes, and houseplants also piss them off, terribly.
The Bullfrog
1) Drop a half a can of frozen Limeade in your favorite blender.
2) Fill the blender with ice.
3) Pour vodka over the ice, leaving a little room.
4) Blend until fully pureed, serve.
5) Try not to walk into anything valuable.
Yep, that, some sushi, and some Joel-era MTS3K and I call it a Friday.
3) Pour vodka over the ice, leaving a little room.
…what if you can’t find the door to the little room?
…what if you can’t find the door to the little room?
Drink directly from the bottle until it appears.
Curiouser and curiouser!
According to CY, that KY census worker did not have a large PENIS.
using their bully pulpit to turn the nation into a banana republic.
Needs more Trojan horse. White elephant also.
crocodile tears? mare’s nest?
Imagine if the Pope suddenly announced that the Catholic Church had been wrong for centuries about prohibiting priests from saying Mass in any language except Latin.
Oh, and fucking little boys in the ass.
According to CY, that KY census worker did not have a large PENIS.
Classy guy that Cornfed Wanker, innit he?
Okay, now, which friend of the Confederate Wankee went down to Colombia to work alongside circus-robbing gangsters and made sure to squire the burro before leaving?
…they have been unable to rule out [sic] whether [sic] this was an accident, homicide or suicide
…leaving ??? ah, he died of old age!!
I lived in a town that had a sub shop called “Pickle Barrell” Lousy spellers. Great subs.
Would that have been Bozeman, Montana? Home of the Museum of the Rockies, therefore, dinosaur aficianado heaven?
Is that our BBBB? He certainly looks B, B, and B. Have to take his word on the B part.
There is but one bastard, I am one aspect, he is yet another- read Joseph Campbell’s Bastard with a Thousand Faces for more info.
If that all slides off land into the Atlantic, my fair Baltimore will look like it did after Isabel – but all the time.
Gondolas would add an element of romance that Baltimore is sadly lacking at this time.
We have a number of parties that had evidence, that had knowledge that might be detrimental to the defense, that were found dead. . . .
On-topic, even if anthropogenic climate change weren’t a problem, wouldn’t oceanic acidification still be a major concern? I mean, I like soft-shelled crabs as much as the next guy, but won’t somebody please think of the plankton?
The commander of the Metropolitan Police of Cartagena Wednesday pledged to capture the gang of youths who raided a small circus and raped its dancing donkey Paola.
Ringmaster Olascuaga Janner said that the thieves looted the Triumph Circus, taking everything and leaving the performers with nothing but their tent and the clothes on their backs, “as God brought us into this world.”
Describing himself as broken-hearted, Janner explained that the gang stole “amplification equipment, lights, costumes, money and even makeup,” reported newspaper El Universal.
El Cid’s link. I am assuming that CY was the mastermind unless proven otherwise.
“I am nothing. What is a clown without makeup? He is not a clown,” said circus director Isaias Acosta Montes. “Without music, we are not a circus,” he said from his perch on a trapeze, voice breaking.
Even more distressing than the material losses was the rape of the circus’s beloved donkey Paola, ‘the dancing donkey’.
Wilfrido Junco Castilla, a clown in the circus, stood by the dancing donkey. “They abused Paola like a woman,” he told Colombia’s Caracol news.”
O.K. my comment appears in the middle of the story. Sorry.
Actually, traffic cones kind of piss me off. Especially when there’s mile after mile of them, blocking traffic and causing hourlong jams, with nary a human in sight.
I have an irrational fear of cone shaped objects.
“I am nothing. What is a clown without makeup? He is not a clown,”
He is a Newsbusters columnist.
“Without music, we are not a circus,” he said from his perch on a trapeze, voice breaking.
What is a clown without makeup?
Ah . . Glenn Beck?
I wish we’d all stop dancing around the main issue and get a worldwide compact going to cut global population, via family planning and government and aid incentives, to roughly half what it is now within the next 75 years. Not only would that have a more meaningful impact on climate change and general global pollution than any cap n trade or other policy will, but we probably could provide some halfway decent life for half as many people. Fewer people in every country should be the goal. Sure, those nations already so overcrowded that millions cannot even eke out a bare subsistence need to reduce their populations – but so do we. Every first-world citizen not born represents a reduction in strain on the planet of a magnitude of at least x 10 compared to one less third-world subsistence farmer.
We can make the decision or it will be made for us.
The most effective way to control population growth worldwide is to better the legal autonomy, education, health benefits, and work and business opportunities of the world’s poorest women.
Anyone who talks about serious population growth who doesn’t start there may not really be serious about it. It would do the most good at the lowest cost with the highest effectiveness.
Wilfrido Junco Castilla, a clown in the circus, stood by the dancing donkey. “They abused Paola like a woman,” he told Colombia’s Caracol news.”
At least he is still standing by the donkey and not calling her a slut or anything.
The most effective way to control population growth worldwide is to better the legal autonomy, education, health benefits, and work and business opportunities of the world’s poorest women.
I agree, but the most fun way is to go through conservative neighborhoods and sic Chopper the junkyard dog on all the young men’s nutsacks.
You have killed me. I laughed so lustily, all major organs failed.
Drink directly from the bottle until it appears.
Bite Me.
Yeah, but given the vast areas of the anti-contraceptive, pro ‘abstinence edumackation’ modal South and Heartland, Chopper’s eventually gonna get tired of chomping on guys like these’ nutsacks
a “take” on the problem
Chopper’s eventually gonna get tired of chomping on guys like these’ nutsacks
So far I’ve been surprised at Chopper’s stamina.
Agreed about empowering women, but having an agreed-upon global goal of reducing population would help that along too, would it not?
This is a big debate, but in terms of what such a rhetorical / policy focus would likely achieve, no, not in my opinion. And the poorest people are generally struggling to survive and better their lives, and so it might be a nice change for once if the wealthy, resource-devouring West really gave a shit about seriously bettering the lives of the world’s majority, rather than once again hectoring the majority of the world’s inhabitants that they needed to learn to restrain themselves in the midst of poverty so that we could continue to overconsume.
Okay, now, which friend of the Confederate Wankee went down to Colombia to work alongside circus-robbing gangsters and made sure to squire the burro before leaving?
Which friend? My guess would be Ace.
the thieves looted the Triumph Circus, taking everything and leaving the performers with nothing but their tent and the clothes on their backs, “as God brought us into this world.”
It comforts me to know that donkey-raping is weird even in countries where people are born fully clothed.
Which friend? My guess would be Ace.
I doubt it – his contempt for bacon -n- play-doh probably crosses species boundaries.
But if you know otherwise, I’m happy enough not knowing.
Which friend? My guess would be Ace.
Neal Horsley- need I even provide a link?
Neal Horsley- need I even provide a link?
No, I think there must be some term for a Q.E.D. embedded within the Q.E.D.
No, I think there must be some term for a Q.E.D. embedded within the Q.E.D.
Would Q.E.D., MOTHERFUCKER!!! be an appropriate term for such a construction?
Q.E.D., MOTHERFUCKER!!!³²³²³²³²³²³²³²
would probably do the job.
³ ² sez don’t oppress me.
Chopper’s eventually gonna get tired of chomping on guys like these’ nutsacks
That feller, skoalrebel, he’s a sensation.
Comments at Wonkette are mighty fine. Also.
rather than once again hectoring the majority of the world’s inhabitants that they needed to learn to restrain themselves in the midst of poverty so that we could continue to overconsume.
Hmmmm, not sure where you got that from, since my comment was about the need for ALL nations to reduce population, with the premise being that there should be incentives for voluntarily reducing family size. I didn’t spell that out but what I had in mind was some kind of guarantee to parents (again, all nations) that if they agree to one child only, that child will be guaranteed adequate nutrition, health care, and an education. In other words, the consumption would get spread around. At least that was my thought, and reviewing what I said initially, I think I pretty clearly spelled out that population reduction is just as, if not more, important in first-world nations, since they produce the most pollution and global warming per capita. I would hope that when I go to such detail and care to make an argument that it wouldn’t be misinterpreted by folks who should by now kind of have my drift to the point that they wouldn’t expect me to be less than even-handed and reasonable.
Tbogg’s got a winner.
Jennifer, maybe if you were designing and administering such a program, that’s how it might be. I was giving the version as I think it would actually happen, based on the sorts of programs already imposed upon most of the world when the West and lenders have their way to affect social policy.
However, I would reiterate that I was saying that the most effective way of reducing family size was to first concentrate on bettering the status of women, who are actually pretty good at being careful about family size as their autonomy and capacities improve; in my view, all else has secondary effects at best.
I cannot believe that Tintin has ignored the possibility of a “Dunny Funny” photoshop.
They sure are bending over backwards covering for an ignorant coward.
A pot grower/meth maker wouldn’t fucking advertise the murder!
Watching this sink into a Whack jobs on parade…
A part-time census worker found hanging in a rural Kentucky cemetery was naked, gagged and had his hands and feet bound with duct tape, said an Ohio man who discovered the body two weeks ago.
Rudzinsky said investigators hadn’t yet determined whether the death was a homicide, suicide or accidental.
Fuckin’ what?!? Suicide? Accidental? Rudzinsky (whoever the fuck he is) clearly leads a much more interesting life than I do, if he can think that hanging naked in a tree with hands and feet bound might be accidental.
Jennifer, El Cid: I recall reading somewhere that the single feature most strongly-correlated with lower birth rate was status of women. That’s right: not technological sophistication, not national wealth, not availability of health care. Just relative position of women vis a vis men.
In societies where women are treated as chattels, birth rates are high. This includes places like Saudi Arabia, which, while indubitably rich and with access to high quality medical care, gives women no ability to decide when they choose to have children. The US, oddly enough, was toward this end of the scale: not as extreme as the Saudis, but still with less freedom to decide their own reproductive destinies and a correspondingly higher birthrate than most other western democracies.
In societies where women are considered fully equal with men (and the laws and customs reflect this), birth rates are fairly low, regardless of technological level. This end of the scale includes very primitive tribes whose highest technology is the spear (roughly speaking).
The upshot: where women are considered fully equal humans, and know where babies come from, birth rates are lower. Yes, good health care and access to contraceptive measures help, but they’re not the main determinant.
Food for thought.
OT: What do you guys think, is this the first-ever watb mention?
Courtesy of Tbogg’s post:
I can see how this is going to turn out.
Even if it turns out that the dead man was not lynched by liberals in a false-flag operation, it SPEAKS VOLUMES about the moral turpitude of the left wing, that we could believe them capable of such a thing.
“Just Alison, aka Snail Joust said,
Fuckin’ what?!? Suicide? Accidental? Rudzinsky (whoever the fuck he is) clearly leads a much more interesting life than I do, if he can think that hanging naked in a tree with hands and feet bound might be accidental.”
Give the man a benefit of the doubt. He could have come across something like dead republicans wearing two wetsuits and a dildo before, so it could be they don’t want to rule out sexual perversions.
Rudzinsky (whoever the fuck he is) clearly leads a much more interesting life than I do, if he can think that hanging naked in a tree with hands and feet bound might be accidental.
You see, Watson, I’ve deduced that this man is a suicide who was quite seriously depressed, since he stabbed himself sixty-five times in the back with a butcher knife.
Rudzinsky said investigators hadn’t yet determined whether the death was a homicide, suicide or accidental.
I suspect there is a fair bit of political pressure from higher-ups in Kentucky to try and downplay the degree of racist and anti-gummint ugliness in the state. “Lynchington, Kentucky” may not be what the Commonwealth of Kentucky had in mind when it adopted the state marketing slogan “Unbridled Spirit.”
Chopper the junkyard dog…
holy hell, a Stephen King reference?
“Dummie Funnies”: Well, he’s half right.
Weatherman: It’s snowing today in _____, I guess that means global warming’s a crock!
Me: Or, possibly, you got into broadcasting when you failed Physics.
holy hell, a Stephen King reference?
Nothing but shIT.
From Tbogg’s comments:
Treebaggers gone wild
By: TBogg Friday September 25, 2009 6:33 pm
I knew it would come to this.
According to GayPatriot B. Daniel Blatt, even nature has turned against big Socialist government:
“Left-wing blogs have made much of the death of Bill Sparkman, a Kentucky census worker found asphyxiated by a tree in eastern Kentucky.”
If FreedomWorks forges an alliance with the triffids, we’re fucking doomed.
As a gay man, Mr Bla(r)tt should realize that overheated eliminationist rhetoric is dangerous. The very same individuals who killed Bill Sparkman would be those most likely to do the same to Daniel Blatt, although the two out of the three letters scrawled on the body would differ.
Does he ever consider the persons with whom he’s chosen to make common cause?
As a gay man, Mr Bla(r)tt should realize…
But Mr. Blatt is NOT a gay man. He is merely a homosexual.
But Mr. Blatt is NOT a gay man. He is merely a homosexual.
I stand corrected and humbly ask for your forgiveness.
a Kentucky census worker found asphyxiated by a tree in eastern Kentucky
Mr Blatt is obviously thinking of the short story by Patricia Highsmith, Please Don’t Shoot the Trees. Once again life irritates art. Or possibly vice versa.
<i>As a gay man, Mr Bla(r)tt should realize…</i>
But Mr. Blatt is NOT a gay man. He is merely a homosexual.
Nice,post i really enjoyed reading it thanks for sharing.