Are Y’all Read for Some DERANGED LUNACY??? Damn Right You Are

A big “Thank you” to my friend A.J. for sending me this stunning column by FrontPageMagazine’s David Yeagley. Just when you think D-Ho’s Crack Den can’t sink any deeper, they decide to strap fifty bowling balls onto each of their legs and plunge right down the Marianas Trench:


Guilty ‘Til Proven Innocent

By David Yeagley

It’s racism at Duke, all right. Racism against white students. Members of the Duke University Lacrosse team may have abused a black party girl, but, without any proof or trial, the Duke Lacrosse team was punished by the university, suspended from further games.

Oh. My. God.

David, let’s think about this for a second. First, the Duke lacrosse team hired a bunch of exotic dancers to perform at one of their parties. I admittedly have no idea whether this violates Duke’s rules of conduct for athletic teams, but I’d imagine that it’s something of a no-no. Second, one of the dancers at this party alleges she was beaten and raped by three members of the lacrosse team. Third, the police have found her allegations credible and have opened up a broad investigation into the matter. Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong, whose office is handling the case, told an A.P. reporter that he’s “pretty confident that a rape occurred.”

To sum up: the lacrosse team hires exotic dancers for a party. Three team members allegedly rape one of the dancers. The cops find her allegations credible enough to open an investigation, and the whole case becomes a national incident. Now imagine you’re Duke’s administration. Would you honestly allow your lacrosse team to continue playing when three of its members are under investigation for rape? Really, David. Fucking think about it.

So terrified was the administration of being charged with “racism.� The black female wins again. She is truly an ace on the field and in court.

“Sure, she may have been raped a little bit, but she’s really the winner in this whole ordeal!”

Naturally, the name of the black girl has not been released – appropriate if she is a rape victim, inappropriate if she is engaging in scurrilous race-baiting.

Good point, David. We should start releasing the names of black rape victims just so they’ll only come forward with credible, non-race-baiting allegations.

The reports say the woman is a divorced, 27-year-old “mother� of two, attending North Carolina Central University.

I love how David Yeagley, an alleged “human being,” puts those scare quotes around the word “mother.”

She is not a person of note, and is said to do exotic dancing as a side job to pick up extra cash.

Of course she’s not a person of note! She’s black and her name isn’t Oprah!!! Why should we care if she got raped, right Dave?

The entire Duke Lacrosse team and the university may have been severely maligned on all sides. The alleged incident occurred March 13, but as of Sunday, April 2, no charges have been filed against anyone.

That’s because they’re still investigating, dude. These things take time, y’know. You wouldn’t want them to accuse the wrong guy or anything, would you?

One report says 46 of the 47 members of the team were required to submit DNA for testing. (The black member of the team, of course, was exempted, since the accuser says she was attacked by white males.)

Hey, I thought you guys were supposed to support of racial profiling!

The story, as reported in the papers, indicates either profound social retardation on the part of the black “dancer,� or else irrationality on the part of racist-oriented reporters.

There were two women involved, one apparently white (whose name also remains unrevealed), and the other black. Police got a call from the black woman who claimed she had been yelled at by some guy in the rented quasi-frat house of the Lacrosse team. She and her companion nevertheless went back to the house to “dance,� expecting, they say, four or five college boys to be there. Idiotic mistake No. 1.

“Idiotic mistake #2: getting herself raped. It amazes me how many times these dumb bitches do that to themselves.”

Then, she says, the two women were suddenly surrounded by 40-some boys, all coughing up racial epithets—presumably at the black woman. (Remember, she’s a 27-year-old-mother. Some of the team members are under twenty-one, else how could any of them have been charged with under-aged drinking?) The women then say they were so upset and frightened that they left the house.

Then, “helplessly,� the two women went back! Idiotic mistake No. 2.

Some guy on the porch “coaxed� them back, after which time they claim the black woman was abused. So far, there are no witnesses. (So, what happened to the other woman?)

Of course they were no witnesses- it was an alleged fucking rape! Where do you think most rapes occur, in the middle of crowded public parks? What the hell is wrong with you?

Two weeks later, the team was suspended from games. The team captains say that the DNA testing will prove that all the members are innocent. This, of course, if true, will mean that it was either an easy set up for the women, or else the fervor of youthful hormones blinded everyone. In the heat of passion, well-ignited before the girls even showed up, there may have been some rough-housing. That should have been a serious tip-off. Of course, a 27-year-old mother of two certainly must have more sense than a drunken 19-year-old, no? However, our nameless victim showed less maturity than a six-year-old.

All the racial issues in this story are moot. This is a tale of stupidity on the part of two women, particularly the black woman.

“Yep, all racial issues are moot, but DAMN that darkie sure had it comin’!”

So, that black woman said, “No,� eh? First, she’s in a profession where she’s expected to do tricks for clients. Second, she’s walking into a house full of young, drunken athletes, who happen to be white. Third, she called the police and complained once; then she went back, but then left. And then she went back again! That’s a peculiar way of saying “No,� it seems to me. These racist black people just want a role model victim, with mistreatment wreaked upon the weakest of the weak: the black woman. All she has to do is cry, “rape by white male!� and she rules the world.

Weak? How about “strong� – as in a strong manipulator?

But she had to have the money, right? She just has to feed those children, pay that tuition, rent, car payment, and books. She’s not on welfare, scholarship, or assistance of any kind? Well, whatever she does receive may not cover her expenses. That’s quite possible.

But, exotic dancing—and then to cry “abuse�? This may be pushing victimhood beyond reason.

I got nothin’ to add to that. I will note, though, that this column has spawned several thoughtful and enlightening comments from other FrontPageMag posters. This one is particularly astute:

These “ho’s” are just looking for a free check from these rich whitey’s….that’s all there is to it.
Race has nothing to do with it (although blacks do look favorably on suing somebody as a means to add to their net income more than the rest of us).
I wonder when the press will concentrate on the tens of thousands of rapes blacks commit on whites?


Comments: 118

Charlotte Smith

Sweet Lord Jesus. I’m gonna need a plane ticket to where this guy lives and my lucky 2X4 (I call it “Smacky”). Who’s with me?


I thought I was ready, but I wasn’t, not for that. I feel a little ill.


She … is said to do exotic dancing as a side job to pick up extra cash.

A side job? To pick up extra cash? I mean, can you imagine? The only acceptable reason for a woman to strip is if she’s constantly horny.

That’s the most brutally ugly piece of writing I’ve ever read. I feel slightly victimized having read it. Thanks, Brad.


While I mostly agree with you on the merits here, do you not see how refering to Frontpage as “D-Ho’s Crack Den” is a little racist and sexist in its own right?


Yeah. Me too, tigrimus. No more snark left for me, this guy is too vile.



One could certainly read that assessment as implying that crack is a “black thing”.


While I mostly agree with you on the merits here, do you not see how refering to Frontpage as “D-Ho’s Crack Den” is a little racist and sexist in its own right?

I don’t get it. I’m saying that a bunch of silly white guys who write moronic columns for David Horowitz (or “D-Ho,” as we affectionately call him) are essentially on crack. If anything, it’s an insult to the crack addicts.


Nice of the shitwit to take off his Klan hood for his picture.


I like the phrasing “a side job to pick up extra cash,” as opposed to “a way to make sure she and her kids can eat three meals every day.” No bias there, no siree!

Charlotte, I’ll come with. I’d like to bring along a couple of friends of my own – they go by “Slashy” and “Stabby.”


He looks like a goy version of Gilbert Gottfried, God help us.

PS. Is anyone else smelling, besides pork rinds and dried semen, a possible replacement for Ben Domenech? I know I am!


Charlotte, I’ll come with. I’d like to bring along a couple of friends of my own – they go by “Slashy” and “Stabby.”

Por favor, no threats, even joking ones. We’ve had some bad *COUGH*DEANESMAY!*COUGH* experiences with that sorta thing before…


Oh, and also: this 27-year-old mother of two is apparently a “girl.” Right.


D-Ho is not supposed to be a dialtected pronounciation of “the whore”? Really?


Christ on a motherfucking plane.

That’s not a cool thing to spring on someone in the morning.

Wow. I’m just…I’m speechless. Seriously. Sometimes I think I can no longer be shocked by what people say, but…nice to know that I can still get kicked in the metaphorical balls. Ugh.

But I do have to say this: Exotic dancers are not expected to turn tricks. If they were, that would be PROSTITUTION and strip joints would be ILLEGAL.


Brad: Oh, all right. Stupid “decorum” and “decency” and “legality” messing with my webcomic references.

Seriously, sorry if I was out of line. although I take it as kind of a compliment that I was able to be out of line on this blog, of all places.


D-Ho is not supposed to be a dialtected pronounciation of “the whore”? Really?

Well, yes and no.

It’s also a play on David Horowitz’ name, the sort that is popularized by names like “J-Lo” (Jennifer Lopez) and “A-Rod” (Alex Rodriguez). The fact that shortening Horowitz’ name in this manner makes him “D-Ho” is just a hilarious coincidence.


Seriously, sorry if I was out of line. although I take it as kind of a compliment that I was able to be out of line on this blog, of all places.

No, I know. But there are generally lines between making fun of someone and calling him mean names and making threats (and yes, I know you weren’t serious).


Hilarious to you, perhaps. In this context especially, to me, not so much.


She’s responsible for her own rape, just like those negroes in NOLA were so befuddled through generations on Welfare that were too stupid to get out and were responsible for drowning.

You know, like domesticated turkeys. They’ll just hold their heads up with their beaks open in the middle of a downpour and drown!

I suppose one response is pity. The other is to round up all 57 million of ’em and put ’em on a leaky WWII boat in the middle of the ocean. It would have to be a really big WWII boat.

Hey, how many big, leaky WWII boats do we still have?

Maybe we can build a 700 mile fence around “darky town” in Durham. Yeah. That would be easier. Or eat them, like domesticated turkeys. Next big shower, they’ll just drown and we’ll eat them.

I’m all about solutions.


Yeah, this was a tough one to read first thing in the morning. This guy must take a variety of stupid pills every day to keep his cerebral cortex shiny and wrinkle-free.

Jack of None: To be fair, Yeagley said “do tricks,” not “turn tricks.” Apparently, in his mind, exotic dancers are expected to make coins disappear or something.


Finally some people speaking up for white people. It is funny though, the peope of durham show their racism by ranting and raving that this was a hate crime & categorizing Duke a s a white rich kid school. And I love how they are beating people up and making threats to any white kid who goes to duke. savages. What is going to happen to the escort if she made this all up? Her boyfriend probably lumped her up.


Jesus is weeping right now… seriously, He’s crawled into the fetal position and is bawling His little deific eyes out; that is epic level stupidity from ol’ Dave.

Charlotte Smith

Brad – I do apologize for sullying your blog with jokes about severe bodily harm in a fit of indignation. Truth is, I’m Canadian, and opposed to violent actions unless hockey is involved 😉


First, she’s in a profession where she’s expected to do tricks for clients.

I think he’t talking about his mama.


More Words o’ Wisdom for Prof. Yeagley:

“Well, what do you know? Marines are saying all that ‘crucial’ body armor that the anti-war, anti-Bush crowd made such a stink over, is actually an impediment. Many marines don’t even wear it. Clearly, the issue of body armor meant more to the Democrats than to the Marines.”


Did anyone also get how he kept refering to the Lacrosse players as boys and what did this dancer expect going into a sexually charged atmosphere like that- of course she was going to get rapped… the whole boys will be boys anser and the girl taking off her clothes to “earn a little extra money on the side” and, who knows, maybe feed and house her family deserved it because she is a bad mother (as implied by the ‘scare quotes’). Ugh, yeah, this was hard to read first thing in the morning and remind me how ashamed I am to sometimes find myself a member of the same human race as the sort of people who have this sort of thought pattern.


Hilarious to you, perhaps. In this context especially, to me, not so much.

I can’t believe this. Ann Bartow comes by and says, ‘That’s not funny.’

It’s like you’re sitting in a bar, and a priest, a rabbi, and a minister walk in.


Hilarious to you, perhaps. In this context especially, to me, not so much.

Wow. Talk about wielding self-centredness and silly bourgeois sensibilities as a way of completely deflecting from the main fucking point.

Sorry to break it to you, Ann (Althouse, is it?) but this post isn’t about you.

I couldn’t finish reading this. I was completely nauseated half-way through.


My “favorite” line from this piece: “The black female wins again.” Oh my dear, sweet god. This guy’s nuts.


Wow. Talk about wielding self-centredness and silly bourgeois sensibilities as a way of completely deflecting from the main fucking point.

That is not funny. I am offended.


That is not funny. I am offended.

What a coincidence….I’m running a workshop on exactly this issue this afternoon. You’re welcome to join. Bring a small hand-mirror.


Hilarious to you, perhaps. In this context especially, to me, not so much.

Hey, Ann, ever hear of man whores? What, you didn’t know they exist? I think I saw a movie once….

And if that’s the most offensive thing you find on this post then you really need to look in the mirror. For the love of Isis, get that PC bug out of your ass.

That prick “D-Ho” (and as a woman I find that completely fucking hilarious) could and should be called a lot worse.


So calling people “ho” is funny, but suggesting maybe calling people “ho” in the context of a discussion about racially charged rape accusations is less than ideal is self-centered?
Oh, I’ll take any concern expressed here for the woman very seriously now…if there is any.


No, no Brad. We’re the racists. Get it straight.


Yes, please, no threats. And “2×4” has a Jane Galt vibe that we’re uncomfy with around here.


Hilarious to you, perhaps. In this context especially, to me, not so much.

Oh, it’s hilarious to me too.

But then, I’m not always trying to contextualize everything, which may be why I don’t see the comment as the same grave threat to human decency that you do.


No, you’re absolutely perfect. Any woman who comes here and reads this will be delighted by the caring and sensitivity. “D-Ho’s crack den” will have them roling in the ailes. Why is it that the criminal justice system treats crack so much more harshly than corollary drugs like cocaine? Because it is viewed as a “black” drug. Oh the peals of laughter that inspires! And when you say D-Ho just like Amos and Andy might – heelarious. Truly, whay could be funnier. Oh, calling someone a ho in a discussion about rape, where the woman is poor and black and the accused are white and priviled. Why they may well have called her a ho while they were attacking her, so it’s true comedy gold. But of course this is so very BOURGEOUISE of me.

Sorry to interupt. By all means continue congratulating yourselves for being so morally superior to the wing nuts.


Let this be a lesson to you all not to say anything that your commenters might misconstrue through the lens of their own carefully cultivated hypersensitivity. Because once they get offended by a joke that had a completely different provenance and point than they think it did, they won’t believe anything else you have to say. Obviously you were joking cruelly at the expense of the woman, using a painstaking point-by-point “J’accuse” as the cover for your dirty, evil, racist, sexist screed. Oh, yeah, I forget, you’re also “spewing hate.” –Where’s my check, Hindrocket?


Are you done?


clearly the whole thing is a flaming pile of poo. but for me the end is the worst…

But she had to have the money, right? She just has to feed those children, pay that tuition, rent, car payment, and books. She’s not on welfare, scholarship, or assistance of any kind? Well, whatever she does receive may not cover her expenses. That’s quite possible. But, exotic dancing—and then to cry “abuse�? This may be pushing victimhood beyond reason.

What’s going on there? Is he saying she SHOULD be on welfare or public assistance? That doesn’t sound very conservative.
Is he being sarcastic?
I don’t get it. And then to imply that someone can’t be abused or should not be able to claim abuse because they exotic dance for a living…that’s just repungnant.


Huh…I read through all the comments, and I didn’t see one that was unsympathetic to the woman. Ann? Care to expand? You don’t like the word ‘Ho’? Fine, but I don’t think anyone here is implying that’s what this woman was doing or that she should be viewed as such because she happens to be an exotic dancer. Don’t you have dragons to slay elsewhere?

As for Mr. Yeager: Dude, put down the crack pipe. Those Duke boys are lucky they haven’t had their asses thrown out. When the investigation concludes, I predict that several of these “boys” will be going buh bye.


Honestly, I have to say I never thought of crack as a “black drug.” Where did you get that idea? It’s that erroneous starting point that is the source of this trouble. Also over-parsing the nickname “D-Ho.” It’s funny, because “ho” is a funny word to call David Horowitz, and the nickname is clever because it works so well as a rhyme for “J-Lo.” It really requires too much thought to then work your way back to how S,N! is invoking the nickname “D-Ho” (which they use ALL THE TIME) in this context to cast aspersions on the specific black woman in the story, all black women, and, by extension, to all black people because they supposedly say “whore” like “ho.” Phew! So much work for so little return.


And when you say D-Ho just like Amos and Andy might – heelarious. Truly, whay could be funnier.

The Speech Police, they live inside of my head…


ann, a question or two…

if someone is acting really weird and i say “wow. that dude is on CRACK” am i being racist?

also, if a guy’s first name starts with “D” as in “David” and his last name starts with “Ho” and in “Horowitz” and I shorten that to “D-Ho” (like J-Lo, as mentioned before) am I being sexist?
Just curious.



I meant Yeagley….

*Note to self: must remember to preview before pushing ‘post’*

Hysterical Woman

Fucking asshole. I’d say he deserves to get raped, but I believe nobody deserves that, not even guys like him. He believes that a woman should get raped just for doing the job she was paid for.


When you call David Horowitz “D-Ho,” he cries. You’re mean.


Wow, every single piece of patriarchal crap you can say about a rape victim, ALL IN ONE ESSAY!

Whew… what a fuck-head. What’s worse is that brain-dead scuzzwads like him actually have power and influence in this country.

I think the idea about it being rude to call him D-Ho is that whoring is a response to patriarchal oppression, and that whores are victims, and thus shouldn’t be objects of derision. Kind of like how you shouldn’t call nitwits like Yeagly “retarded”, because it links an involuntary mental disorder to a voluntarily adopted moral disorder.

Not sure what’s wrong with calling his place a crack den, though.

I guess we could always switch to “Meth Lab”.

Charlotte Smith

I do again apologize for my earlier anger. However, I maintain that Mr. Yeagley resembles a demented Ed Grimley. That is all.


Wow, every single piece of patriarchal crap you can say about a rape victim, ALL IN ONE ESSAY!

Whew… what a fuck-head. What’s worse is that brain-dead scuzzwads like him actually have power and influence in this country.

I think the idea about it being rude to call him D-Ho is that whoring is a response to patriarchal oppression, and that whores are victims, and thus shouldn’t be objects of derision. Kind of like how you shouldn’t call nitwits like Yeagly “retarded”, because it links an involuntary mental disorder to a voluntarily adopted moral disorder.

Not sure what’s wrong with calling his place a crack den, though.

I guess we could always switch to “Meth Lab”.

n 2002, the Commission re-opened the crack powder debate and once again heard testimony from experts who reiterated that there is no valid scientific or medical distinction between cocaine in its powder form or in its base form (crack).

Cocaine Sentencing Has Racially Discriminatory Consequences

Unfortunately, the difference in the cocaine weights that trigger mandatory sentences for crack and powder cocaine has racially discriminatory consequences. Nationwide statistics compiled by the Commission reveal that the race of those prosecuted for crack offenses has predominately been African American. In 2000, 84.7% of crack cases were brought against African-Americans, 9% against Hispanics and only 5.6% against Whites. Caucasians, however, comprised a much higher proportion of crack users: 2.4 million Caucasians (64.4%), 990,000 African Americans (26.6%), and 348,000 Hispanics (9.2%).[ii] For powder cocaine, the disparities are somewhat different. Of all powder cases brought, 30.5% were against African-Americans, 50.8% were against Hispanics and 17.8% were against whites.[iii]


i wonder how many of y’all actually live in Durm?

Despite anonymous’ comments above about how the people of Durham are showing “racism” against the “rich white kids” of Duke, basically the entire Durham community, black and white, has come together in outrage over this incident. Including many who are also Duke staffers.

By the way, this breaking story isn’t going to help make the case for the lacrosse team at all.


Any woman who comes here and reads this will be delighted by the caring and sensitivity

I don’t claim to be representative of all women, but I would prefer you shut the fuck up rather than pretend you do, and also rather than deflect from the point of the whole post with your petty PC bullshit.


OK. A few points:

1.) The women were stupid. But stupidity isn’t a crime. Rape is. It doesn’t matter how short her skirt was, not one iota of the blame belongs on her. But she was pretty dumb.

2.) You *suspend* students when they are suspected of wrongdoing. You *expel* them when they are convicted. They are under investigation, ergo they are suspended.

3.) My brother graduated from Duke, and when discussing this, he’s quick to say `allegedly,’ and then hastily adds, “but knowing the Lacrosse team’s reputation, they probably did it.”


All she has to do is cry, rape by white male! and she rules the world. Weak? How about strong–as in a strong manipulator?

That’s the stupidest argument I’ve ever heard. It only works if the author is referring to himself as a strong manipulator.

5.) Yes, he looks like a goyische Gilbert Gottfried (or if they mated: Pierce Brosnan and Gilbert Gottfreid), but please don’t put that image in my head.

6.) Is clue-by-four still OK?

7.) The abbreviation should be first initial of first name-first syllable of last name. So that makes it D-Hor. Hmm…that makes it worse.


Unfortunately, it’s not only the righties who are being stupid about this case… TalkLeft’s recent post on this topic had only slightly more compassion and common sense than Mr. Yeagley’s.


I don’t claim to be representative of all women, but I would prefer you shut the fuck up rather than pretend you do, and also rather than deflect from the point of the whole post with your petty PC bullshit.

Which begs the question why you insist on berating Ann for telling Brad what he thought of his joke instead of focusing on the point of the article. Because yelping about the PC police isn’t petty at all.


Weak? How about “strong� – as in a strong manipulator?

That’s right! It was those poor widdle boys who were so weak and helpless. I don’t know how White guys manage to survive in this cruel, cruel world.

But she had to have the money, right? She just has to feed those children, pay that tuition, rent, car payment, and books. She’s not on welfare, scholarship, or assistance of any kind? Well, whatever she does receive may not cover her expenses. That’s quite possible.

Allegedly, this “mother” has to feed her “children” since they are rumored to “eat.” And she must pay tuition in order to “learn,” graduate and get a good job. (And a real job, not a “job” writing for United Wingnuttia, Inc.)

But, exotic dancing—and then to cry “abuse�? This may be pushing victimhood beyond reason.

Yeah, ’cause everyone knows that exotic dancers aren’t people. Why, she should be charged with refusing to put out, damn her!

Was this boy stupid, or does he just practice every day?


categorizing Duke a s a white rich kid school.

They’re also damn yankees. Don’t leave out that part.


Count the number of responses from each of us. I’ve now left two off-topic out of three total, one of which is this reply to your one off-topic post. After what I saw as her interminable hand-wringing and pompous let me tell you, women won’t like it crap, I personally got a mite annoyed. I think some here might by now be familiar enough with me to tell such an angry response is atypical. However, if you really want to see petty, I could ask why you barged in at all with nothing to bring to the table but a pointy stick, and also point out that “begs the question” doesn’t mean what you think it means. I won’t, though.


I see you’ve responded on topic, and I withdraw my pointy stick remark.


2.) You *suspend* students when they are suspected of wrongdoing. You *expel* them when they are convicted. They are under investigation, ergo they are suspended.

Students are both suspended and expelled from institutions private and public, secondary and university, all the time in this country without ever even entering the judicial system. In the Durham public school system, being caught with drugs or weapons will earn you an automatic expulsion before the law enforcement people even get involved. Duke also has numerous procedures for expelling students that have nothing to do with the legal system (cheating, for example).

As it turns out, though, unless things have changed, the only thing that’s been suspended is the lacrosse season. The players are still enrolled, to my knowledge.


Ann Bartow. Hmmm….

A-Ho, anyone?

And you thought the humorless liberal scold was a figment of Rush Limbaugh’s imagination!


But there are generally lines between making fun of someone and calling him mean names and making threats

I think you’re jumping to conclusions, Brad. What if he really has two friends names slashy and stabby? Talk about your hilarious coincidences!


How about Ann BARTho. She works the trains in the Bay Area.
Why do you even read Sadly No.


Jeezus, Ann, you’ve had this discussion before, with the Worst Professor in the Universe, and you gave him a pass. (“I haven’t protested when Michael calls David Horowitz “D. Hoâ€? even though whore and ho are words that bother me, because in context I know his intentions are okay.” Why does he get off without even a slap on the wrist, and we get accused of racism and sexism? Are we permitted to call Horowitz D-Ho when there isn’t a woman involved? Are we permitted to joke that someone who says something incredibloy off the wall is “smoking crack” only if there are no black people in the vicinity?

Not one person in this thread — other than you — has suggested that “D-Ho” is anything other than a goofy, pop-culture way of referring to David Horowitz. Not one person in this thread — other than you — has suggested that using “crack den” to refer to Horowitz’s compost heap at Frontpagemag is related in any way to race. You connected those dots all on your own, so forgive me for asking, but… are you on crack?

Tell me, if someone said that Yeagley was being “hysterical” in his screed, would you begin pounding on him or her for sexism?


“‘D-Ho’s crack den’ will have them roling in the ailes.”

And if you cross those ailes, Ann will go after you, and one day you will get a knock at the door, and BAM!, life as you know it will change …


Ech. This is the first thing you guys have posted that is so completely awful and vicious it can’t be made funny. I actually had to stop reading it halfway through.

“D-Ho” doesn’t bother me, personally, but I do see Ann’s point. Especially now that some commenters are starting to make hilarious “A-ho working the trains” jokes.

Charlotte Smith

annie: shh, adults are talking.


No adults are jerking off in front of little girls and people are making jokes about it.


Charlotte Smith

annie: please, shh.


What a fucking horrible person. Blargh.


Now look what Bartow has done. She woke up annieangel and I bet she won’t go down now for the rest of the day.


Heh. Mal said “go down” in the same sentence as “annieangel”.

That does it. I’m boycotting this thread because it chooses to attack the racist, misogynist writer of a horrible argument with humor, instead of…

Oh, wait, Ann, what’s your suggested alternative? Simply ignore Yeagley?


No, you’re absolutely perfect. Any woman who comes here and reads this will be delighted by the caring and sensitivity. “D-Ho’s crack den” will have them roling in the ailes.

What? Ho and sex trade worker are two different cans of beans, Ann. It’s due, at least in part, to your bourgeoisness that you don’t know this. And Ann, rape and sex work ARE NOT RELATED EITHER. When a sex worker is raped, they weren’t asking for it just by being a sex worker. When a woman is raped, she wasn’t asking for it just by being a woman. It follows then, that exotic dancers (exotic being the actual racist term used here) aren’t asking to be raped just by being exotic dancers, which was the whole point of the article’s deconstruction by the lovely and brilliant Brad R.

Why is it that the criminal justice system treats crack so much more harshly than corollary drugs like cocaine? Because it is viewed as a “black” drug. Oh the peals of laughter that inspires!

A “black drug”, eh? Just examine that statement a little longer before you express opinions in the future. Maybe it’s best not to communicate when you’re mad.

And when you say D-Ho just like Amos and Andy might – heelarious. Truly, whay could be funnier. Oh, calling someone a ho in a discussion about rape, where the woman is poor and black and the accused are white and priviled. Why they may well have called her a ho while they were attacking her, so it’s true comedy gold. But of course this is so very BOURGEOUISE of me.

They might have also said “spaghetti”, but what’s that got to do with anything? The woman isn’t a ho, she’s a rape victim. She’s a dancer, not a sex worker, so the term “ho” shouldn’t be offensive. Moreover, a sex worker isn’t even a “ho”. D-Ho is a ho, for wingnuts. A sex worker is exercising her power. A ho doesn’t exercise power, ability, choice, survival skills, morals. They are puppets, not in control of their actions…hence “D-Ho”. It’s by this reasoning that I have more respect for a crack addicted sex worker whose children are in care, but who is taking baby steps towards better health, than I do for Goerge W. Bush. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. He would be the ho in that situation, see? Derogatory terms are offensive when used in a power situation. Why should this woman be offended (or any woman for that matter), that we trivialize the assumed power wielded by D-Ho. Ha! If anything, that makes for a woman-friendly space — mocking the foolishness of a privileged white man. I’ll take a little more of that, won’t you? I love it when someone who misuses their power makes an idiot of themsleves.

Sorry to interupt. By all means continue congratulating yourselves for being so morally superior to the wing nuts.

Just ’cause we think wingnuts are nutty doesn’t mean we think we’re the best, you know. Chill out!


Mal said “go down” in the same sentence as “annieangel”.

Now I’ve done it. I expect some indignant femisaddamite will be having a hissy any moment now.

…and annieangel will accuse me of being Pontius Pilate…or something (I admit, I don’t really get her)


Why is it that people never spell my handle right? Such a killer to my self-esteem.
At least most of the others were drunk or stoned when they do it… Actually, that might explain a few things.


I thought the A-Ho comment was over the line.

Besides, the correct J-Loization of Ann’s name would be A-Bar (which would have an eerie resonance with A-Rod — I wonder if Ann is a baseball fan).

It is nice to see Steph chime in with a different view on deconstructing the offensiveness of words. Maybe someone could put together a paper for the next MLA conference: “A Crack (Den) in the Mirror: Race and Sex as Context, Pretext, Subtext and Non-Text in a Paleopatriarchal Dystopia,” maybe?


Calm down, Annie, and enjoy the feel of common ground beneath our feet. We’re all united in a very special way by our hatred of the morally deficient reprobate who thinks a woman can’t really be “rapedâ€? if she works as an adult entertainer. (Next thing you know, that dumbass will be claiming it isn’t rape if the woman works past 9:00 PM.)

I think your criticism of Brad’s using the term ‘D-Ho’ is unfounded.

By appropriating a derogatory term and applying it to someone traditionally immune to that kind of criticism, you’re taking ownership of the offensive language and using it to serve your cause.

And Horowitz is a whore – a whiney whore.


Maybe someone could put together a paper for the next MLA conference: “A Crack (Den) in the Mirror: Race and Sex as Context, Pretext, Subtext and Non-Text in a Paleopatriarchal Dystopia,” maybe?

Someone should have told me Sadly, No! was going to be this hard before the add/drop deadline.

…*sigh* Ok, I’ll do it. Maybe Ben Domonech can help me “edit” it. Eh? Get it? “Edit”, with scary quotes, meaning I’m implying plagiari…

Ah, forget it.


I didn’t criticize Brad, I was criticizing the disgusting LIBERALS on Atrios and the site he linked to about a girl who some Homeland guy jerked off in front of.

Go read it. The comments to the posts are disgusting.


In Atrios’ defense, he hardly has any control over the linked site’s comments (or his own, for that matter).
I mean, that story’s screwed up (and icky), but it’s hardly “wingnut aghast that students are denied privilages over alleged gang-rape” level seriousness (not that it isn’t serious, of course).
But some of the comments are terribly tasteless, you are right.


I’m late to the party, but feeling irritable.

“Reading for context” seems to be the concept that Ann is missing. I recall that trick from elementary school. It’s proved quite useful to me over the years. When in doubt as to what a word or phrase means; check the rest of the phrase, sentence, paragrah, article, life’s work, etc.

She illustrates the problem with the “politically correct” speech notion that has unfortunately become tied to liberals like a concrete anchor. It is not what is said, but the context in, and underlying meaning with which it is said.

Ann, if you’re still updating…I score a negative 4 on the feminism scale for having one husband and three children. I score a positive 10(?) for working full time while my husband is Mr. Mom.

Hey, commenters! Please don’t be cruel. I’m a recovering Catholic (i.e., atheist but feeling badly about it) who has been a long time blog reader but is now a first time commenter.

I think you should consider yourselves honored. Right?


I wonder when the press will concentrate on the tens of thousands of rapes blacks commit on whites?

If he could find even a shred of proof backing that, I’ll eat my hat. I hate to break it to him, but black men aren’t exactly wandering the earth like Reavers, foaming at the mouth shouting “WHERE DA WHITE WIMMEN AT!?”


All this Ann bashing is taking away from the fun of mocking racists. She raised a question, brad answered it, no need for the rankling. I like the ‘meth lab’ construction better than the crack den, because the reference is more current.


It’s funny because someone coming from the University of South Carolina stopped by my blog and commented anonymously that David Yeagley is cowering at my mighty intellect. I assumed, because of the timestamps (there were multiple visits from the same IP and coming from her site) that it was her. Could be wrong though.

I also assumed that the comment was sarcastic, but now, I’m thinking it was a compliment…I feel so much better.


Wow, this is seriously fucked up.

And then to imply that someone can’t be abused or should not be able to claim abuse because they exotic dance for a living…that’s just repungnant.

I think he’s going further than that and saying that exotic dancers should EXPECT to be sexually assaulted.

sexual harrassment panda

Which begs the question why you insist on berating Ann for telling Brad what he thought of his joke instead of focusing on the point of the article.

No, it may raise the question, but it certainly doesn’t “beg the question.” Please learn how to use this phrase properly.


And hell, he apparently thinks they deserve it, too. I am rambling at this point and need to go to bed.


This thread doesn’t have as many posts as the other one does. That’s not right – I demand equality for both the thread that degenerated into irrelevance, and the thread that is rooted in irrelevance.

This patriarchal, bourgeois oppression of thread will not be tolerated! Viva la Revolucion! Viva el hilo!


Haha Jennifer made a Firefly funny.



Okay. I’m revising my original assessment: He looks like the glue-huffing lovechild of Gilbert Gottfried and Jan Michael Vincent.


Am I already too late for the part where Ann Bartow has nickname conventions explained to her, and she’s all, “Nevermind!” like Emily Litella?

I hate it when I miss shit like this.


Guiness Guy,

The comments were all made by liberals. Don’t try to shift the focus on how it’s not Atrios’ fault, I didn’t blame him. I blamed those making the comments….LIBERALS.

At least you have the balls to say that some of the remarks are terribly tasteless, there’s hope for you. You may not be hellbound.



Not one person in this thread — other than you — has suggested that using “crack den” to refer to Horowitz’s compost heap at Frontpagemag is related in any way to race.

Careful, there are likely to be urban farmers in the audience.

(Man, it really sucks to come late to the … no, proabably a bad choice of words, given the context.)


Well I’m offended by dominic referring to “this guy’s nuts”. We don’t discuss guy’s nuts here.


My email response to Yeagley:

Mr. Yeagley,

I just completed reading your article in “Front Page Magazine” entitled “Guilty ‘Til Proven Innocent”. To say that I disagree with a majority of your views in the article would be the understatement of the year. To be perfectly honest I am appalled in the manner that you have vilified the alleged victim in this case. Yes the race of the alleged attackers and victim is a polarizing factor in this case, but even without the media attention the incident in question would still a black eye over the athletic department and university as a whole. Now to your article…

It’s racism at Duke, all right. Racism against white students. Members of the Duke University Lacrosse team may have abused a black party girl, but, without any proof or trial, the Duke Lacrosse team was punished by the university, suspended from further games.

How can the University’s disciplinary actions be perceived as racist towards white students? Associated Press news reports and statements from the Durham Police department have verified that the Duke men’s lacrosse team has not been cooperative with the ongoing investigation (hence the court order to obtain DNA samples from 46 individuals). These actions, or lack thereof, of the Lacrosse team are most likely what has prompted the University to cancel the rest of the season, and prompted the resignation of head coach.

If a rape occurred, it is inexcusable, regardless of the race of the victim or perpetrators. However, all the indications raise serious questions about this situation – and the racial hyperventilating makes the case even muddier.

As you have previously stated rape is inexcusable, however in your article you failed to elaborate on the indications that “raise serious questions about the situation”. According to police documents listed on the website when the alleged victim was taken to the hospital and inspected by a Forensic Sexual Assault Nurse (SANE) and a Physician. “Medical records, symptoms, and injuries consistent with being raped and sexually assaulted vaginally and anally. Furthermore, the SANE nurse stated the injuries and her behavior were consistent with a traumatic experience.” It would seem to me that the indications point towards criminal misconduct by the individuals inside of the house on the evening in question.

So, that black woman said, “No,” eh? … And then she went back again! That’s a peculiar way of saying “No,” it seems to me.

Fortunately the law is very clear on the meaning of rape and sexual assault. Regardless of her profession, or her race, or the race of the gentlemen inside of the house, if a woman says no and is forced to perform sexual acts or has sexual acts forcibly performed on her the outcome is the same. Rape. God forbid your daughter, sister, mother, wife, or someone that you care deeply for, was subjected to such treatment, wouldn’t your heart break if someone’s response were “Thats a peculiar way of saying ‘No'”?

These racist black people just want a role model victim, with mistreatment wreaked upon the weakest of the weak: the black woman. All she has to do is cry, “rape by white male!” and she rules the world.

When I initially read the above statement I was appalled, then I realized that you are guilty of the crime that you are accusing the black community in Durham of committing: race baiting. Not once in your article have you made mention, or attempted to justify your statement by pointing out the actions of “racist black people”. Mr. Yeagley it seems quite base of you to complain about the racism against white students at Duke when your article adds fuel to the flame of racial unrest attached to this situation.

But, exotic dancing—and then to cry “abuse”? This may be pushing victimhood beyond reason.

Regardless of the profession of the young lady involved the evidence leads one to believe that a crime was committed. Society may not view exotic dancing as a job for an upstanding individual, but that gives no person the right to violate another soul in such a manner. If someone were to attack a professional boxer should they not be charged with assault? Neither the “fervor of youthful hormones”, “heat of passion”, or percentage of alcohol in one’ bloodstream should ever be used as an excuse for such actions. For your own personal safety I would request that you not use any of those excuses when attempting to explain the situation to a survivor of a sexual assault.

In closing I realize that your article is more of an opinion piece than actual news reporting, but if you were to approach the situation with a woman’s or an African American’s point of view, you may have a change of heart. In addition Duke University should be applauded for taking a firm stance on discipline with student athletics and sexual assault on campus. Hopefully other Universities and their athletic departments will take not and follow the example.




Guiness Guy,

The comments were all made by liberals. Don’t try to shift the focus on how it’s not Atrios’ fault, I didn’t blame him. I blamed those making the comments….LIBERALS.

At least you have the balls to say that some of the remarks are terribly tasteless, there’s hope for you. You may not be hellbound.


Firstly: Why the fuck can’t people spell my goddamn handle during this whole thing?
Ans second- I’d like to point out that whether or not “liberals” said that stuff is irrelevant, or indeed, that that stuff was said is ultimately irrelevant. You shouldn’t be surprised or shocked- liberals are people too, and they will deal with shocking stuff however best they know how. For some of them, it’s humor- sometimes stupid humor, but humor nonetheless. It doesn’t make them evil or anything, just human.
I’d recommend you just calm down over the whole thing.


On that first point, madam, if I didn’t make it abundantly clear elsewhere, I don’t blame you or anything- I just needed to get it out of my system.


Guinness isn’t just a beer, it’s an experience. And misspelling it is a blasphemy. The God of All Stouts will not be mocked.


Ugh. Is it the immigration debate that’s causing all this naked racism to come to the forefront? I mean, I knew these guys hates all things brown but they used to hide it better before.


Yes, well, you know the routine, GG. The syllogism seems to be as follows:

Premise (1). People who act like jerks are morally imperfect.

Premise (2). Some LIBERALS act like jerks on occasion.

Conclusion (3). All LIBERALS are morally imperfect.

Premise (4). LIBERALS claim to be morally perfect.

Premise (5). Claiming moral perfection while being morally imperfect is evil.

Conclusion (6). LIBERALS are evil. Q.E.D.

Note the strawmen and fallacies with which this syllogism is riddled. Yet it certainly appears to represent annieangel’s thought process in pointing out that it was LIBERALS who made obnoxious jokes in that thread. Perhaps I’m wrong. I’d love to hear a different explanation of why she felt it necessary to berate us over the comments of the “LIBERALS” at another site on an entirely different topic.


With reference back to the original, non-silly, very serious and disturbing topic under discussion here…..the story just got worse:

Earlier Wednesday, authorities unsealed documents stating that hours after the alleged rape, a player apparently sent an e-mail saying he wanted to invite more strippers to his dorm room, kill them and skin them. It was not clear whether the message was serious or a joke.

In the e-mail, addressed “To whom it may concern,” the player says he has “decided to have some strippers over” to his dorm room, “however there will be no nudity.”

“I plan on killing the bitches as soon as they walk in and proceeding to cut their skin off,” the author of the e-mail says, adding in vulgar terms that he would find the act sexually satisfying. The e-mail was signed with what police said is the player’s jersey number.

Jesus. Just….Jesus. I don’t know what to say.


Look, the article is terrible, but realize that these kids and the entire Duke campus – rather, the white male part of the Duke campus – is being treated as if they are guilty. I don’t think that’s the way the system is supposed to work.

There have already been incidents of “retaliation” by area blacks against white Duke students. Is that what we want? Where’s the community outrage?

I think that Duke is handling the situation well.



Woo, I agree with you that they are indeed innocent until proven guilty. It’s why I’ve tried to avoid saying accusatory things about the suspects at this point.

However, I’ve tried to come up with a scenario in which someone could compose the lines in that email quoted from above that doesn’t end with the observation that the author of said lines is morally bankrupt….and I’ve failed.

Regardless of whether they are ever found to be rapists in a court of law, there’s something seriously, seriously wrong with at least one of them.

And it seems to me that the community outrage is right where it needs to be – directed at the university that apparently hasn’t been able to do a very good job of explaining the idea of “acceptable standards of behavior” to its athletic division.


Plus, Woo, the point of this post was not the guilt or innocence of the Duke players, but the disgusting level of racism and sexism displayed by Yeagley in his FrontPageCircleJerk


“I plan on killing the bitches as soon as they walk in and proceeding to cut their skin off,”

Jillian: Sounds to me like a _Silence of the Lambs_ reference. To what end, I couldn’t guess.


Perhaps I’m wrong. I’d love to hear a different explanation of why she felt it necessary to berate us over the comments of the “LIBERALS” at another site on an entirely different topic.

I suspect, given the context, that she found it shocking that liberals- who must, by definition, be ultra-tolerant, PC and above all sympathetic to the feminist cause- were acting in a non-uber-PC feminist-friendly manner.
Because we come out of a factory, you know. Because I, a straight, white, Aquinas-reading Catholic, midwestern male with some ingrained ‘redneck’ tendancies and prejudices (not that I act on them), must have virtually the same beliefs and feelings as the New Englanders, Europeans, Canadians, atheists, Jews, women, gays, and the veritable potpourri of “everything/one else” that I have the great pleasure of interacting with on this site, constantly disagree with them on minor things though I may.

Honestly, when I first read the story, I had the same “she watched him jerk off for 15 minutes?” reaction as a lot of those commenters, which was quickly followed with “what a bastard” and “too bad for the victim”, but I can see how someone could stupidly post whatever first popped into their heads.


Kids? What kids? Which of the team-members aren’t LEGAL ADULTS?

Talking about them as if they’re children, not mentally competent adults who should be responsible for their actions is pretty silly.


Guiness Guy,

First, get over yourself!

Second, you all seen to think only Republican men are sexist disgusting pigs and will use the pain of women for their own sick humor. You’re wrong.

Take it like a man, stop trying to make excuses for other men. You’re all fucking pigs. 🙂

On Atrios they told me I need to be ralying around the Republican “Christian” who jerked himself off in front of that little girl. What the fuck is up with that??

Now here you are making excuses for those jokes which were malicious and sexist. Excuses for bad behavior are weak and show a boomshagalaga mentality.


annie, why are we pigs? You don’t even know us. We weren’t the ones that posted over there. Personally, I avoid comments threads at Atrios like the plague (now I’m sure I’ve offended some medieval Europeans.)


annieangel (or aniangel, if you are prefer):

First: Get over yourself (and stop being paranoid about the intentions of the commenters, if you can gather the moral fiber to do so).

Second: How was I making excuses for them? I merely pointed out that some people write the first thing that pops into their head, stupid though it is. Hang around the internet for .5 second, and you’ll see someone post the first idiotic and inflammatory thing that comes into their head…
And how do you gather I think only Republican men do idiotic things? I’m a Democratic man, and I do and say stupid things all the time, and think homophobic, sexist, racist or otherwise not-good things all the time (I generally don’t act on them, and I usually feel guilty about thinking them, but I would be lying to say they don’t pop into my head)! Hell, I have friends who I often taunt as “commies” for being so far to the left of me, who do dumber shit than I could ever concieve of doing. Hell, I imagine I qualify as a “sexist pig” in your book: so be it. I don’t particularly care in any abstract way how or what you think of me, nor do I expect anything in that vein from you, though it is important to get one’s message across so I can say “I tried to get them off their foolish/wicked/incorrect in some way path”, even if I don’t expect them to care what little old I have to say.
If you wish to continue, cool, but as you can see, few are taking your statements as you apparently wish them to be taken.

Oh yes, and the beer gods will remember your mispellings, and you will be forced to drink Steel Reserve for the length of your afterlife.


There is a 🙂 after the all men are pigs comment.


If you really weren’t making excuses, please forgive my remarks, but liberals are people too, and they will deal with shocking stuff however best they know how. For some of them, it’s humor- sometimes stupid humor, but humor nonetheless. It doesn’t make them evil or anything, just human.

sounded like you were making an excuse to me.

My bad, I guess. *eye roll*


It’s alright… I don’t attach anything necessarily positive to humor, so labling it as humor doesn’t make it good or appropriate- but does leave open the possibility that the comments aren’t activly malicious, but merely insecure and lack of control over their lesser instincts.
They were wrong for doing so, of course, but I hesitate to classify them as actively malicious, as I prefer to do with most non-tinfoil conservatives, though those in tinfoil land like your average far right pundit or columnist.


I read this site for a laugh at the expense of the Repugs and their silly and delusional (at best) ranting, but this …

I have to work with some Repugs. I don’t know how I can possibly look at them tomorrow without scowling or puking ot something.

THIS is what you vote for when you vote Repug …


Oh, Yeagely is a RIOT. I love passing his work around so we can point and laugh at his self-hating ass. For someone who wants to cling to his Native American heritage so badly, he sure does hate anyone who isn’t white.


April 20, 2006

In case anyone missed it, on Fox News’ Special Report with Brit Hume on April 18, the Fox News “All-Starsâ€? panel discussed the Duke rape allegations. Panelist Charles Krauthammer stated his belief that our society has “come a long way” in shedding the social stigma that it associates with a woman who has been victimized by rape. He further suggested that the journalistic “custom” of protecting the identity of the alleged victim is no longer necessary – again, because of your his belief that our society has made large strides towards addressing such kinds of crimes and injustices in the last thirty years.

Krauthammer’s comments are not only poorly informed, they are recklessly irresponsible.

For future discussions about this issue, I’d like to recommend the following resources – both of which are widely available on the internet – to persons who participate in discussions about this issue –

There are two relevant crime databases in the U.S. – the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The UCR compiles police reports from across the country; the NCVS anonymously surveys a wide range of American households.

According to the UCR, approximately 90,000 rapes were reported to law enforcement authorities last year.

But according to the NCVS – which permits people to report crimes without anyone knowing about it – 300,000 rapes were reported. That is, two-thirds of incidents where women were raped last year were reported only when the person reporting the crime was afforded anonymity. This discrepancy is listed in the NCVS’s Table 91 – its tabulations indicate that only 32.7 percent of survey respondents who were victims of rape or attempted rape said that they reported the crime to the police.

Now, why would an overwhelming majority of women choose to not report such a horrific violation of their safety and dignity? A logical person might deduce that the social stigma associated with being a rape victim remains significant, if not severe.

Let’s be intellectually honest – today, rape remains the only crime in our society in which the victim is somehow to blame.

For evidence of this attitude, you only need to rewind the April 17 episode of The O’Reilly Factor, where Geraldo Rivera summed up the situation at Duke with the following – “It’s not always the nuns [who] get raped. Sometimes it’s the strippers [who] get raped.�

– nationals61

– – –


For this Bad Eagle (1/64 Indian).
Try the Bald Beagle instead!


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