Even Worse Than The Death Panels

ABOVE: Dan Riehl, c. 1785, Oil on canvas
by Joseph Siffred Duplessis

Shorter Dan Riehl, Poor Dan Riehl’s Almanack
Ack! World Car Day

  • Obama is going to take away everyone’s car. This means that old people won’t be able to buy groceries anymore and will all starve to death.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 151


Oh lord…how hard are they going to keep digging, now that they’ve trapped themselves in their own holes?


I couldn’t resist. I just posted this at Riehl’s:

Gee, Dan, that means you’d have to take public transportation more often, meaning more chances to beat up on pre-schoolers!


Oh lord…how hard are they going to keep digging, now that they’ve trapped themselves in their own assholes?



Hasbro or whoever the fuck ever needs to remake Masterpiece using Tintin’s illustrations.


I think the guys are competing for best pic and/or shorter. They have to be.


Can we have a World Asshole-Free Day?


B. S., I have been urging that for yrs., but what will we do w/ all the bodies?


<i<Gee, Dan, that means you’d have to take public transportation more often, meaning more chances to beat up on pre-schoolers!

Oh, how I loled!

Also, from the article: “‘The car-free lifestyle itself requires other motorized vehicles, which deliver everything from organic flour to fair trade coffee.’”

Thanks, CEI! All this time, I thought my organic, gluten-free, vegan carob bars were shipped here via horse-and-buggy!


HTML fail. Lo siento.


Car-free day?

Good God, what will happen to Gary Numan?


Dan is afraid that you might make him ride the bus with a bunch of ‘technical thugs,’ who might hate crime his earholes by saying critical things about Republicans where he can hear it.


If you hate-crime the earholes of an asshole by saying things he doesn’t want to have in his brain-hole, where does that put you?


who might hate crime his earholes by saying critical things about Republicans where he can hear it.

That is awesome.


The NASCAR drivers would have to trot around the track going “VROOM VROOM”


Why don’t we have a National Bring Your Gas Guzzler on the Highway Day?

Then at the same line the median strip with Cheetohs and Twinkies.

We could offer bets on how many wingnuts would collide each minute.


Or is buying them only to further weaken the industry as a profitable one the real goal in the end?

Pastor Swank? Is that you?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Good God, what will happen to Gary Numan?

No need to worry, Gary’s alread found an alternate means of transportation


Ack! World Car Day
Dan Riehl is about to cough up a furball.


My comment there:

My wife and I are currently living in London for a few months. We have no car, and absolutely no need for one, although I can imagine that if we lived here permanently we might occasionally rent one for a day or two. Much that we need is accessible on foot: several grocery stores, some retail outlets, a bunch of restaurants (including several that deliver), a half dozen pubs, the local branch library, a gym, a barber shop, a beauty salon, a couple of newsstands, an internet cafe, an OTB (actually, we personally don’t need that, but it’s there) and more besides. And we are living in the far southern suburbs, not in central London.

We are not even a five minute walk from a tube (subway) station, which is also a bus hub (3 regular routes, including one that is in service 24/7, plus a night route). All of London is available by public transportation, 24 hours a day. While not cheap, public transportation in London is still much cheaper than maintaining a car, and much friendlier to the environment. And we usually get where we’re going faster, generally much faster, than we could in a car. Yes, we have to share the tube and the bus, and yes, if we travel during peak hours, we might have to stand, and yes, if we absolutely have to go somewhere at 2:00 am it’s a little complicated, and yes, occasionally there are people who are loud and express opinions we disagree with, but so freakin’ what? We’re adults, and we understand that all of life isn’t designed for our personal convenience, and that we share the planet with others who are actually just as important as we are, and that future generations who will look in disbelief and horror at the way we squandered the world’s resources. We own cars back in the US just because where we live it’s essentially impossible not to, but we use them as little as we can, walking, biking, or taking public transportation whenever possible. Maybe it costs us an hour or two a week in transportation time, but the exercise alone will probably add a couple of years to our lives, and in a small way it helps the world.

And finally, what do you imagine the elderly or handicapped do when they can no longer drive, and there is no reliable public transportation? And they live miles from the nearest grocery store, doctor, dentist, or barber? This happened to both my grandmothers (my grandfathers died young) and my wife’s grandparents. Fortunately there were relatives around to help them out, but not everyone is that lucky.


It’s funny they’re complaining about this.

…It’s not like they linked to anything at all in the US about it, just the faux dateline.



Do these guys get paid per trackback link, maybe?


B. S., I have been urging that for yrs., but what will we do w/ all the bodies?

I might make a suggestion.


PS, in my town there are carob trees on every street. So… You don’t have to walk far (not even as far as the corner store) to get a carob bar.


First tilting at the art windmill, next tilting at the traffic awareness windmill. They are just about at the bottom of the barrel now.


So… You don’t have to walk far (not even as far as the corner store) to get a carob bar.

Making kids feel ripped off is not a local industry to be proud of.


They are just about at the bottom of the barrel now.

I’ve been thinking that everyday for 8 years.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The car culture is very much like conservative culture- it’s the illusion of freedom, accompanied by an increased dependence on, and subservience to, corporate overlords (put succinctly-freedumb!!!)

As an added bonus, reliance on public transportation forces one to interact with a wide cross-section of humanity, with the subsequent breaking of race/class/social barriers that are central to the wingnut Weltanschauung.


Can we have a World Asshole-Free Day?

A lot of people are gonna gain weight.


Traveling by public transportation is teh horrors for conservatives. A Repugnant “friend” of mine is constantly amazed that I can “lower myself” (not his words, exactly, but really, it’s what he’s thinking) to take a very excellent, cheap & easy bus to work most of the time. It’s rarely even crowded!

Like all good Repugs, he is secretly afraid that he might come in contact w/ “undesireables.” I’ll leave it up to you to define the term.

Per the post re living in London: here, here! I have spent substantial time there in the past, and it’s fantastic to live somewhere you don’t HAVE to have car to get around. I stayed often w/friends in Tooting Bec (south London), and it was pretty easy to get to most places I wanted to go. But yes, that did mean I had to come into some kind of “contact” with, shudder, shudder, “all sorts.”

Feh. Senior citizens would be much better served by having convenient, accessible public transportation. In case you aren’t aware (said ironically in comment to that dumb article), many seniors can no longer drive – or feel afraid to drive at night – and they are seriously constrained and hampered by having little to no access to public transportation.


In my city there are pine trees on every street so you don’t have to walk far to get Pine-Sol.


In my city there are cedar trees on every street so you don’t have to walk far to get Passover.


I was thrown out of a carob bar for asking for a choco-latte.


Good one SubBub! Audible noises!


I just got home having taken the 2 train from the far north end of the Bronx to mid-Brooklyn. Seventy minutes for 30 incredibly congested miles that would have taken longer to drive. Sat and read Charlie Stross the whole time.


I just got home having taken the 2 train from the far north end of the Bronx to mid-Brooklyn. Seventy minutes for 30 incredibly congested miles that would have taken longer to drive. Sat and read Charlie Stross the whole time.

Sounds like sheer hell.

Seriously, you can drive off wingnuts in a social setting by saying that.


Can we have a World Asshole-Free Day?

A lot of people are gonna gain weight.

Not as many as you may think, considering how full of shit so many people are to start with.


Seriously, you can drive off wingnuts in a social setting by saying that.

I’ve got such a large arsenal of wingnut-only neutron bombs that I’ve stopped looking for new ones.


The plan for today is to say disparaging things about The Marble Index and get thrown out of the Nicobar.


Sat and read Charlie Stross the whole time.

That’s the problem with publickal transpormation. You run into catty, vicious bitches like N__B who taunt and mock at every turn.

Occasionally you run into Dan Riehl and can hatespeech him for bonus points.


On my street we have acacia trees, so we don’t have to go anywhere to get anything. Acacia beer, acacia toilet paper, even acacia crabs.

Next street over they have Flaming Acacia. Don’t ask.


That’s the problem with publickal transpormation. You run into catty, vicious bitches like N__B who taunt and mock at every turn.

PeeJ, I do that pretty much everywhere, so don’t be hatin on the IRT.


Smut – are you back in NZ or still in Europe?


Speaking of catty, vicious bitches: http://xkcd.com/639/


Speaking of Dash: http://xkcd.com/634/


I was always disappointed that Punnett squares contained NO PUNS!


Yes, we have to share the tube and the bus, and yes, if we travel during peak hours, we might have to stand, and yes, if we absolutely have to go somewhere at 2:00 am it’s a little complicated, and yes, occasionally there are people who are loud and express opinions we disagree with, but so freakin’ what?

That was a great comment, and I would have personally added that some of the scariest people I’ve ever sat next to were in first class on an airliner.


Get your own Learjet, loser!


Can we have a World Asshole-Free Day?

A lot of people are gonna gain weight.

Not only that but I think there are enough cobags in the world already.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I just got home having taken the 2 train from the far north end of the Bronx to mid-Brooklyn.

Where in the north Bronx were you? If I’d have known, I would’ve met you at Vernon’s New Jerk House on 233rd for lunch and a sorrel punch.

I can practically see the 2 train from my house.

roast beef kazenzakis

Good God, what will happen to Gary Numan?
No need to worry, Gary’s alread found an alternate means of transportation.

Well what will Davros do now that Gary Numan has stolen his Dalek chair?


I’ve got such a large arsenal of wingnut-only neutron bombs that I’ve stopped looking for new ones.

I’m curious – share a few examples? (I could use such an arsenal myself, y’see~)


It helps if there is decent public transportation to begin with. When I worked in the Maryland burbs just outside of DC, I took the train to the metro (conveniently located across the street) for a couple of years. The problem was that the particular train line I took traveled on tracks owned by CSX which meant that the commuter trains ran for a few hours in the morning and a few hours in the afternoon. They were also terribly unreliable in poor weather. I made the smart decision one year of taking the Metro down to Union Station when work was closed due to a snow storm and caught my train at there. It was the only train out.
I can only compare that with growing up outside of NYC in New Jersey. The trains ran every hour on the hour for most of the day and 1/2 hour during rush hour. They also hooked up with the PATH station in Hoboken which made it easy to get into the City. Bus service was also very good.


In my city there are palmetto trees on every street so you don’t have to go far for… um… err… ummm…. a little hand job?


Speaking of Orly:

I don’t know if this letter came from her, since she is in Iraq now and the Office -max store from where it came, states that they don’t send faxes for customers. The signature on her notarized letter from Kansas and this letter looks different.

Top that! (Orly probably will.)


Can we have a World Asshole-Free Day?


Huge reduction in freeway traffic, especially Suburban Assault Vehicles.

No apparent impact on mass transit ridership.

Increased freedom from Rand-reading buttholes bothering you in bars.

Huge, huge, huge decrease in Internet traffic.

Stubots collapse in on themselves.

Huge swaths of white space in newspapers across the country, especially in the Wapo and the Grey Lady.

Wall Street Journal evaporates into thin air.

Cheeto inventories skyrocket.

Spam plummets.

Trolls, what trolls?

Sadly, No! reduced to Tom Brady fanboy posts.


Are there “palmetto bugs” everywhere as well?


Now that’s a nym, you leftist Obama-worshippers!!


“‘The car-free lifestyle itself requires other motorized vehicles, which deliver everything from organic flour to fair trade coffee.’”

Everybody knows that if there’s any vehicle traffic at all, it’s just like if we were all driving 6 MPG poorly-tuned SUVs one person per.


Hey, Dan! I walk to work every day and my employer gives me free access to public transport – my car died two months ago and I don’t miss it at all! So you have to drive twice as far today to cancel me out.


If that painting had a word balloon, it would say “DUUUURRRRRRRRR!!!!!!”

RE: palmetto bugs – no such creature exists. What there is, is giant disgusting fucking FLYING ROACHES. Fricken’ roaches 3 INCHES LONG.

RE: B. S., I have been urging that for yrs., but what will we do w/ all the bodies?



Oily Taintz DDS Esq. said

Dangerous Deluded Skanky Esquort?


Rush says Obama wants to steal the white man’s penis.
R’iehl fears Obama wants to car jack him.
To complete the fReichtard Trilogy of Terror [I See Brown People! Edition], we need someone to discover Obama’s plot to get high and rape all the white wimmins .


“‘The car-free lifestyle itself requires other motorized vehicles, which deliver everything from organic flour to fair trade coffee.’”

How does the food get to his grocery store, magic? Not a “car-free lifestyle” issue, then, is it?


O.T. Right now. Tom DeLay on Dancing With the Stars. It don”t get any better than this.


That’s odd. I thought the proper wingnut response was to drive 5x as much on Sept 22 and leave your car to idle in between trips. Have they lost their mojo?


I just got home having taken the 2 train from the far north end of the Bronx to mid-Brooklyn. Seventy minutes for 30 incredibly congested miles that would have taken longer to drive.

I’m guessing maybe 2-3 hours to drive that in afternoon traffic?

When we went to New York City on vacation last summer we stayed on the Jersey side and took the bus into the Port Authority.


The fact is, threatening to remove cars from USA is exactly the Hitler-like move I was expecting Obsama to do next. When can the heartland start impeachment?


Where in the north Bronx were you? If I’d have known, I would’ve met you at Vernon’s New Jerk House on 233rd for lunch and a sorrel punch.

I’m there. Let’s say Jan 20th, 2010?


There are plenty of palmetto bugs.

Nobody has to walk anywhere to get those.

Nobody WANTS them.

Not even the cats will eat them. Cats are not stupid.


Orly Taitz DDS Esq. said,
Dentistry is Tlooth.


Tom DeLay on Dancing With the Stars.

This, also, would not be happening on World Asshole-Free Day.


There are no “palmetto bugs” here in Minnesota. The 20 below winters with 40 below windchills sort of keeps them in check. But we also have Michelle Bachmann so I guess that evens it out.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I thought the proper wingnut response was to drive 5x as much on Sept 22 and leave your car to idle in between trips the garage.

Fixx0red for great justice.

I’m there. Let’s say Jan 20th, 2010?

Maybe your can persuade the proprietor to make some jerk brains… ah, it’d be easier to just munch on Hannity’s cerebrum as a light snack.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I thought Tlooth was a city in Minnesota!


In my city there are Phoenix palms on every street but people get dangerously agitated when you set fire to them to see if a new one sprouts from the seed.


But we also have Michelle Bachmann so I guess that evens it out.

We have palmetto bugs AND Jim DeMint.

Pity us.


We have palmetto bugs AND named Jim DeMint.

And I still pity you.


“I thought Tlooth was a city in Minnesota!”

It’s pronounced D’Lute. To imagine what living in Duluth would be like think of the hills of San Fransisco covered in ice fresh off lake Superior and dusted with enough light powdery snow to bring friction right down to zero. For four months. I love my state.


I thought Tlooth was a city in Minnesota!

Philistinean! A brief history of dentistry and surrealism:
(1) Tooth mosaic episode of Locus Solus.
(2) Tlooth.
(3) Rob Irwin’s Exquisite Corpse.*
(4) Orly Taitz.

* Honorary mention, on account of the readings from an unpublished novel about the adventures of a frontier dentist.

McTeague is not sufficiently surreal to qualify.


We have palmetto bugs named Jim DeMint.

That’s awfully harsh on the palmetto bugs, isn’t it?


Jennifer said,

September 22, 2009 at 2:28

OT: Top 10 Most Ridiculous Black Metal Pics of All Time.



In my city there are Ginkgo biloba trees on every street so we are well protected from free radicals.


That’s awfully harsh on the palmetto bugs, isn’t it?

Well, they stay away from the one named Demint. And tell the cats he’s a mouse.


It’s pronounced D’Lute.

So, were you a yoot in D’Lute?


In my city there are Ginkgo biloba trees on every street

aka Chunderberries, and/or Horkenfruit. We have a couple trees in the courtyard of my building and damn those things smell like vomit.


ittdgy – did you check out the link to the next 10 most ridiculous pics? The #1 on that list has some dude rocking out with his cock out. Literally.



I’m in the Minni Apple Looch. Surronded by dirty fuckin’ hippies, Somalian refugees and the Hmong who used to work for the CIA. “Grand Torino” was happening out in Blain!

I’ve only heard about D’Lute from friends who made the three day dog sled journey and managed to make it back alive losing only a couple of toes.


Oops. The Top 10 page doesn’t link to the Other Top Ten Most Ridiculous Black Metal Pics of All Time.



and tell the cats he’s a mouse.

Nope, cats won’t go near him either.

Like I said, not stupid.


I know what “palmetto bugs” really are, that’s why I brought it up.

Some here in Calif. call them “water bugs,” but I know euphemism when I step on it.

Nights in Black Satin

Living without a car is an excellent way to loose weight. After my car threw a rod, I was afoot and abus/train for a couple of years. Lost 25 pounds in 3 months and didn’t gait it back.

I think its the idea of -oh nos- exercise that horrifies the conservapigs.


Pere Ubu – there’s this stuff called MaxForce granules that the giant flying roaches LOVE to eat. And it doesn’t kill them right away, so they go back to the nest and poop, and then when the baby roaches eat the poop (you did know this, didn’t you? Hmmm? Yes, baby roaches eat roach poop – lovely creatures) and then the babies die too. I still occassionally will get one that gets into the house, but I don’t even see too many of them outside since I started feeding them.


Oops. The Top 10 page doesn’t link to the Other Top Ten Most Ridiculous Black Metal Pics of All Time.
Jennifer’s link is ganked. All I could see was Mexican wrestlers.


The fact is, anti-car=anti-USA. It’s just like Hitler.


Manowar is so totally not gay.


All I could see was Mexican wrestlers.

Scroll to the bottom of her second link. Caption includes phrase “Rock out with your cock out,” or some such.

Dan would be mortified.


Manowar is so totally not gay.

Damn you, Jennifer.


Firefox refused to show many ANY ridiculous black metal pics, I had to open IE to see them. Firefox was right.


As in, I was just getting ready to type that…


Manowar is so totally not gay.

How come so many young boys like them then, huh? How about THAT?


Listening to Manowar as I write.
Not their cover version of YMCA?


How come so many young boys like them then, huh? How about THAT?
Young boys also like pr0n which is ALSO GAY.


In my town there are monkeypod trees on every street. So… You don’t have to walk far (not even as far as the corner store) to get a monkey.

And monkeys are DELICIOUS.


The #1 on that list has some dude rocking out with his cock out. Literally.

Organ concert: prelude and fugue state.


Organ concert: prelude and fugue state.

That’s excellent.


Preludin fugue state.


The pr0n on this thread is turning everyone gay!


Rock on with a sock on.


The pr0n on this thread is turning everyone gay!

Senator Coburnbag’s aide was right!


Touching youself is gay because it turns your sexaulty inside of you and that reminds me of men touching men and I think of teh gehy and I am SO NOT GAY.


Where in the north Bronx were you? If I’d have known, I would’ve met you at Vernon’s New Jerk House on 233rd for lunch and a sorrel punch.

Engine 63 – 233rd and Byron.

But I disapprove of cruelty to horses.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

@noen: Does anyone else remember http://www.sexisforfags.com?


I’ve got such a large arsenal of wingnut-only neutron bombs that I’ve stopped looking for new ones.

I’m curious – share a few examples? (I could use such an arsenal myself, y’see~)

Hmmm. Keep in mind that while I’m not huge, I’m pretty big and deliver these loud and, as appropriate, with faked rage. Making a scene always helps. My goal is most often to render further conversation impossible, so:

“Sure I’ll vote for your candidate. Just blow me here and now as a preview of his administration.”

“Why stop at bombing Iraq and Iran? We could be bombing the IRA, the IRS, and my uncle IRA.”

“CEO do deserve all that money. No fucking way I want to waste my time robbing the middle-class.”

“Socialized medicine is ridiculous.” Hawk and spit to the side. “And all this crap about germs? Who believes that?”

And the old standard, “Fuck you and your god.”


I’m guessing maybe 2-3 hours to drive that in afternoon traffic?

When we went to New York City on vacation last summer we stayed on the Jersey side and took the bus into the Port Authority.

Probably two hours. And a 50% increase in blood pressure.

I work all over the metro area and don’t drive, ever.


Only a bad person would think about improving the large central O in the ManOwar logo with a couple of hands, goatse style.


After my car threw a rod, I was afoot and abus/train for a couple of years. Lost 25 pounds in 3 months and didn’t gait it back.

Just like a DFH to throw his rod down the throats of the RealAmuricun(TM) People. Liberals, hmph!


Why might that be?

HAIL!, totally not-gay fans of d00dz? in leather panties!


I got teeth too so watch it you fags.


“Manowar’s anagram name is RAW MOAN.”

AW, MORAN would also work.


Are we doing anagrams again?


Settle down everybody. Teh ghey doesn’t come from self-touching, pr0n watching or any of the other currently credentialicious RW memies.

I will admit, the Gay Mafia has gotten lax lately but everyone knows the only TRUE way to turn boys gay is RECRUIT RECRUIT RECRUIT.

It was fun while it lasted….


PS – ellipsis of the ominous variety….


I know what caused Teh Ghey for me; it was hearing Shelley Fabares singing “Johnny Angel” on The Donna Reed Show.


I will admit, the Gay Mafia has gotten lax lately but everyone knows the only TRUE way to turn boys gay is RECRUIT RECRUIT RECRUIT.

Yeah, you sign up to pay your college tuition and next thing you know they’re pulling the backdoor draft on you.


Venom In Jar said,

September 22, 2009 at 5:58

Are we doing anagrams again?

Ninja Mover
A Mover Jinn
Jar Venom In
Jar Move Inn
Ma Over Jinn

Nope. Not at all.


Tee may toonis. G’night all.


the Gay Mafia has gotten lax lately…

I read that as “latex laxity”.


That’s a good one too. Decisions, decisions.


The pr0n on this thread is turning everyone gay!

It’s such a very short road from jizz hands to jazz hands.


Or jizz hinds, for that matter.


When all you have is a nail, everything looks like a hummer.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Whoaouch– could you at least desaturate the face a bit, ‘tin?

Enraged Bull Limpet

I should probably desaturate myself before making such intemperately impulsive comments.


Sorry I’m late… Hey! How come this thread reeks of open ass and vanilla candles?

Enraged Bull Limpet

I should probably desaturate myself before launching impulsively intemperate comments. Off for a purgative sleep in about five mins…


Well, PeeJ has left already, so it doesn’t reek of marnoonies anymore.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Pay to Playlin.


Ack! World Car Day

Of course! Dan Riehl is Cathy! Suddenly all his stupid banality makes sense!


If you’re low on Ipecac and need a quick replacement, there’s always Bobo Brooks’ reality-free mash note to Irving Kristol.


Teh ghey doesn’t come from self-touching, pr0n watching or any of the other currently credentialicious RW memies.

Wait…I’m doin’ it rong?????


everyone knows the only TRUE way to turn boys gay is RECRUIT RECRUIT RECRUIT.

That does work best, but don’t underestimate the power of soy milk.


Why do I suddenly hear the song “In The Navy” as an earworm?


(comments are closed)