Oh No He Di’int

Oh yes he di’id. B. Daniel Blatt, an allegedly* “Gay Patriot,” gets all weepy about the passing of Irving Kristol:
One of the truly great thinkers of the right, Irving Kristol, died in Washington at the age of 89. Known as the “godfather” of neo-conservatism, his ideas influenced many on the right, including yours truly.
Had more people understood his ideas, neo-conservatism would be in better repute.
Perhaps Daniel was thinking of another Irving Kristol. Surely he wasn’t eulogizing the guy that said that the AIDS virus was created by teh gay buttsecks. Or the one who said “I believe it is the responsibility of homosexuals themselves to keep their sexual life as private as possible.” Nor could he have possibly meant the once-Democrat who became a Republican because McGovern loved gays more than war. And certainly not the same Irving Kristol who said this:
[T]hose local communities that want to restrict public homosexuality or the advocacy of homosexuality should in my opinion be free to do so. I don’t think the advocacy of homosexuality really falls under the First Amendment any more than the advocacy or publication of pornography does. The First Amendment was intended to apply to political speech, not to all forms of “expression,” as some people now seem to think.
Of course, there is one thing you can say about Irving Kristol. At least he knew his own self interest better than our allegedly gay patriot friend. Kristol was too smart to pine for Der Führer or argue the merits of the Spanish Inquisition.
More oh-no-he-di’int-fun: One of Dan’s latest posts is titled “Not Proud to be Gay,” which is, of course, a real shocker.
Are all conservatives douchebags or just every single one I’ve ever heard of or met or know about?
(Sorry if that offends you, Trooth. I’ll try to be more politically correct next time so as not to harm your feelings.)
Had more people understood his ideas, neo-conservatism would be in better repute.
Funny, I was about to say that if more people understood Kristol’s ideas, neo-conservatism would be thought of in the same category of phrenology, the blood libel, and Frankenstein’s monster.
That is to say, driven off towards a broken-down windmill in the Transylvanian forests followed by infuriated peasants with pitchforks, torches and hounds.
Had more people understood his ideas, neo-conservatism would be in better repute.
I believe the reason Kristol’s ideas are in poor repute is that everyone, most notably his son, understood them with perfect clarity, and executed them fully.
All politics is personal, except when it’s psychological.
Today I have nothing to say.
It would be a fitting tribute to Irving Kristol if one of his followers was gay gay gay all over the internet and started a website where he was gay.
Awesome, it’s been far too long since we’ve visited the self-hating gaytriot.
FROM THE COMMENTS: Young Padawan offers: “It’s interesting the idea that once what separated people was the shame of being different but now it’s changed to the pride of being different.”
Yeah, bring back the shame! If there’s one thing our society needs more of it’s crippling depression resulting from completely harmless aspects of ourselves.
I can’t wait to read Andrew Sullivan’s love letter to Irving. It should be even steamier than his one to Bush.
I would tell him to go fuck himself but I’m afraid he would take it as a compliment.
Had more people understood Kristol’s ideas, more people would have realized that neoconservatism is a paper-thin attempt to pass off paranoid sociopathology as a political ideology.
It never ceases to amaze me how effective conservatism is at getting people to fight against their own interests.
“It’s interesting the idea that once what separated people was the shame of being different but now it’s changed to the pride of being different.”
I would have thought that “legal sanctions” are sometimes involved in separating people, as are “social taboos created by the need for a convenient out-group”. I have no idea why the commentor would see the actual members of the outgroup (and their own attitudes) as solely responsible for separating people.
“It’s interesting the idea that once what separated people was the shame of being different but now it’s changed to the pride of being different.”
Naw, what that moron means is: “Used to be it was normal people that shamed Others away, but now Others are shaming Normals. simply becuase they’re Normal. The world is upside down.”
neoconservatism is a paper-thin attempt to pass off paranoid sociopathology as a political ideology.
As opposed to elevating the sociopath personality to the position of a moral and philosophical ideal. Curv3ball has been cherrypicking from reviews of recent Rand biographies.
While I’m OT: the next time the subject of Ayn Rand comes up, could someone tell me why her project of celebrating sociopathy is so widely recognised in the US? I mean, in the rest of the English-speaking world, it’s not that people disagree with her philosophy; it’s that no-one’s even heard of her.
It’s a wonder the poor bastard doesn’t have the full ZZ Topp beard, since he must have an awful time resisting the temptation to slice his won throat every morning. It must be really terrible to look at yourself in the mirror day after day and think, every time as you gaze on your reflection, “My GOD! How I despise you!”
While I’m OT: the next time the subject of Ayn Rand comes up, could someone tell me why her project of celebrating sociopathy is so widely recognised in the US?
I guess it meshes well with America’s particular strain of frontier individualism. That individualism is by no means relevant in modern American society – and indeed those who preach loudest about individualism are often the ones who demand conformism most stridently in practice – but it sure does hold a large part of the conservative American imagination. Combine that attitude with libertarianism and Ayn Rand’s sociopathy begins to look heroic instead of monstrous.
I have no idea if Ayn Rand has a significant number of followers in Australia, but that country tends to follow behind America – albeit by a wide margin – as the number two country for kooky ideas like creationism and libertarianism. Similar frontier history and all.
Self-loathing people are so icky. Much more icky than buttsex.
Curv3ball has been cherrypicking from reviews of recent Rand biographies.
Thanks for sharing that. Linkee is to a good read. Alan Greenspan, Rand worshiper.
The wig’s one thing, but that monocle is so gay.
I have no idea if Ayn Rand has a significant number of followers in Australia, but that country tends to follow behind America – albeit by a wide margin – as the number two country for kooky ideas like creationism and libertarianism. Similar frontier history and all.
At least Australia has fought off the fire ants.
So far.
Seriously, what are the odds that this guy just plain isn’t gay? I’ve never met an out gay person who thinks like this, even the conservative ones. On the other hand I’m straight, so maybe it’s more common than I know.
In a related story
“All pornography is homosexual pornography.”
I also object to Affirmative Action because it subverts meritocracy.
Instead, you need to be friends with people in places like Harvard, the White House, and the RNC in order to get your son placed in jobs after he’s awarded his gentleman’s C in college.
Someone tried to quote me on this topic just now on Wikipedia, but it was reverted because it wasn’t constructive. Thanks, Wikipedia, for keeping me from embarrassing myself posthumously with my own clueless drivel.
I call fake Irving Kristol at 23:56.
Dead men walk, but they don’t talk.
And their fingers are too stiff to type.
could someone tell me why her project of celebrating sociopathy is so widely recognised in the US?
You mean, besides institutionalized and celebrated stupidity?
Whatevs. The only thing that counts is that Irving Kristol is dead.
Dead, dead, dead.
could someone tell me why her project of celebrating sociopathy is so widely recognised in the US?
Many of my (college) students were required to read her in high school. I blame Texas and its stranglehold on the secondary-ed textbook market.
“All pornography is homosexual pornography.”
Uh, Mr. Coburn? Perhaps you’d like to explain then the large number of ladies featuring in the porn I’ve seen, often without men involved in any way?
This is sick. So sick I’m not even gonna joke about it.
It reminds me of David Frum, whom I think now is considered a “sane conservative.” I’ll never forget the time I saw him on Washington Journal, bemoaning the times when men were men and people fetched their slippers and they were less communicative and emotive with their children. Yes, he was actually yearning for the days of less emotionally-available fathers. I thought that was one of the sickest things I’d ever heard…until today.
How pathetic do you have to be to suck up to people who think you’re a repulsive abomination?
Whatevs. The only thing that counts is that Irving Kristol is dead.
Dead, dead, dead.
But his evil spawn lives on. They’re like weeds.
Perhaps you’d like to explain then the large number of ladies featuring in the porn I’ve seen
“There’s straight porn?! Where?!
Does anyone else have trouble remembering what the differences are between Irving Kristol and Norman Podheretz? Everytime I think I remember something about Kristol this doubt pops into my head like “Wait, maybe it was the other guy”
“Wait, maybe it was the other guy”
Eh, claw hammer, ball peen hammer. Similar handles, easy to mistake one for the other.
Tools. Just tools in a tool box.
Hoisted on the petard of nym shifting. Kah-bloohey!
I think gal on gal porn is considered “homosexual,” strictly speaking.
“Mari said,
September 20, 2009 at 23:04
It never ceases to amaze me how effective conservatism is at getting people to fight against their own interests.”
“Bitter Scribe said,
September 21, 2009 at 1:06
How pathetic do you have to be to suck up to people who think you’re a repulsive abomination?”
Couldn’t have said it better myself. I truly do not understand these humans. Whether they’re “gay patriots” or lower-middle class “nascar dads”, they consistently support and vote for people who despise them and actively work against them. I used to think it was merely stupidity. Now, I just don’t know. I suppose there’s a clinical name for what these people suffer from.
Teh Wikipedia article is fun.
Daniel Blatt’s main man Kristol was all about the traditional norms — women in the kitchen, workers who didn’t demand too much, and Rule 1: No pooftahs!
It was only later, when they needed new opponents as the movement’s raison d’etre, that the neoconservatives staked out foreign-policy ideas about a
thousand-year reichNew American Century and the proper role of the US military (i.e. supporting Israel’s colonial expansion).Does anyone else have trouble remembering what the differences are between Irving Kristol and Norman Podheretz?
Here you go:
I think gal on gal porn is considered “homosexual,” strictly speaking.
How about “gal on extruded latex novelty”?
Dan is simply in desperate, desperate need of a good hard fucking. Or maybe in need of a good slapping. Or perhaps both simultaneously.
If he would just admit that he gets off on being humiliated and abused, then there are discreet ways of getting what he needs, without having to go to the extent of publishing things like that.
…there is nothing here to see…
move along, move along
The American fascination with Ayn Rand is very basic, and connected to the corporate class sitting on our chest like a night-hag. They’re convinced of their stature as the ‘producers’ talked about in Rand’s stuff, and so contribute money to scholastic programs based on the demand that Rand be used within it. Because it pumps them up to think shitty egotism is a philosophy instead of a mental illness.
Not even fucking kidding.
Both of them?
there is nothing here to see but hate
Bye! Bye!
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
How about “gal on extruded latex novelty”
I am straight but the guys I sleep with may not be. I’ll have to check more closely in future.
Badgers! For you!
And I love how upper management in the corporate world think of themselves as rugged capitalists – if there is a more protected working environment than a trans national I’ve yet to see it. Just think how long we’d all survive if the CEO left. Hint: a very long time.
Well, he works for us too, and we wouldn’t terribly mind socialism, so you might see where complications would arise, particularly since there’s more of us than you.
Also, look into the shift key.
Rabid pelicans will solve all our problems.
Just think how long we’d all survive if the CEO left.
A question!
How many CEOs can you name off-hand?
The answer to this can probably provide a picture as to how integral the corporate executive class actually is to society.
I call fake troll
Also, I find the construct “we are taxpayers, so you need to listen to us; if you’re listening to us, remove the reason why you should” very odd.
One would presume that if paying taxes is the only reason the government should listen to you, you should demand more and more taxes be put upon you, so that they have to listen to you even more.
I mean, if more organs means more human, than more taxes should mean more power.
I call fake troll
One can only hope.
…more organs means more human…
polyorchidism rules!
You know, if every randroid and libertarian just dropped dead tonight, the impact on the world economy would be minimal.
Randism is all about giving worthless spunkfarts some reason to consider themselves as important people. And of course, one more excuse to dehumanise people they don’t like.
Truth of the matter is, every last one of them is a replaceable cog. In fact, most of them came out of the box marked “plastic gear wheels – factory seconds”.
Their day jobs, the blogs they post, the books they write.. All of that could be done by Bangladeshi orphans for 3 cents an hour. A Bangladeshi orphan could certainly write a more coherent and enjoyable novel than Rand herself ever could.
Also funny, in light of this sudden terror in which these people live in of ‘czars’.
Rand was a petty Russian aristocrat, who therefore was probably related to at least a couple czars somewhere down the lineage, given the traditional in-breeding European nobility found to be the custom at the time.
“I have no idea if Ayn Rand has a significant number of followers in Australia, but that country tends to follow behind America – albeit by a wide margin – as the number two country for kooky ideas like creationism and libertarianism. Similar frontier history and all.”
not really, I know one of the famous creotards came from here but he was driven out. Except for QLD and parts of WA the vast majority of the country is secular and laid back.
re the CAPS troll, I would call a poe but these days it’s what counts as a high intellectual on the right.
I love you, Tintin, but this is the dumbest thing you’ve ever said. Sex is Bruce Blatt’s profession.
If our pathetic little Gaytriot didn’t whore himself out for the pleasure of older, wealthier closet cases he’d be waiting tables at Hamburger Hamlet. (I believe he’s even written about this with the names changed to protect the mercenary.)
Now if you’re talking about sex for pleasure and not pay, you may have a point.
Obligatory Randrhoid response link.
twice on Sunday
You know, if every randroid and libertarian just dropped dead tonight, the impact on the world economy would be minimal.
Actually, the funerary industry might see a spike. And college engineering courses would see a sudden nosedive it might never recover from.
…more organs means more human…
Oh, you said organs.
I should have read more closely before, um, never mind.
You know, if every randroid and libertarian just dropped dead tonight, the impact on the world economy would be minimal.
And the collective IQ of America would significantly increase.
“Actually, the funerary industry might see a spike”
I doubt it. Randroids tend to believe they are immortal gods, so are unlikely to make their own funeral arrangements. I also very much doubt they would have any loved ones they haven’t alienated who would be willing to cough up for anything more than a cardboard box.
Mind you, the sudden disappearance of so many third rate computer programmers will probably benefit the IT industry no end.
And what would become of science fiction magazine letter columns? And the board wargaming industry?
And who would buy all those Cheetos and Mountain Dew: Code Red?
Rand was a petty Russian aristocrat, who therefore was probably related to at least a couple czars somewhere down the lineage
Sadly, no. Rand was from a bourgeois Jewish family. I guess the White Russians were less offensive to her because they were merely anti-Semitic.
STPIA said
“Funny, I was about to say that if more people understood Kristol’s ideas, neo-conservatism would be thought of in the same category of phrenology, the blood libel, and Frankenstein’s monster.”
Not fair to lump phrenology in there, Saint; it’s it’s much less harmful and destructive than neoconservatism, and probably more useful. It’s cetainly a lot more fun when my 90 year old grandmother used to read the bumps on my head when I was kid.
Regarding Rand, a lot of people see themselves as game-changers, idea guys, self-made men, whatever, and even those with some reason to think that can discount the huge effects of good luck, good advice, good connections, etc.
…a lot of people see themselves
not to mention very poor vision
Rule 1: No pooftahs!
Well, none allowed above steerage. But there were lots of men extremely excited about the annual Cross Dressing Night at the Bohemian Grove’s big summer shindig.
Adjusted for clarity.
In fact, one could even strengthen your assertion by noting that, with the removal of such useless waste of (carbon-dioxide producing) flesh from the environment (not to mention the other noxious gasses they emit…PPFAARRTT!), the shuffling off of their mortal coils would be a positive good for the balance of humanity.
But then, that argument could be applied to just about anyone, when you get down to it.
a lot of people see themselves as game-changers, idea guys, self-made men, whatever
I ran across a ton of these sociopaths in Silicon Valley. I heard more than a few a few describe thier competitive edge as “the special sauce.”
Ewww. I made myself throw up a little bit in my mouth.
I didn’t know you could do that.
not really, I know one of the famous creotards came from here but he was driven out. Except for QLD and parts of WA the vast majority of the country is secular and laid back.
No see, the gap I referred to is very wide. But I’ve heard Australia referred to as a “stronghold of creationism” because about 5% of the population believes the Earth is less than ten thousand years old. That’s a significant number compared to Western Europe, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the half of the US population that puts at least some stock in the young-Earth belief.
Truth of the matter is, every last one of them is a replaceable cog.
Many with missing teeth.
While I’m OT: the next time the subject of Ayn Rand comes up, could someone tell me why her project of celebrating sociopathy is so widely recognised in the US?
And here’s your answer:
Alan Greenspan, Rand worshiper.
The whole “Chicago School”, really. U of Chicago transformed its econ dept. into a Randroid factory and every Republican (and most Democratic) administration since has used them as a feeder school.
Shit’s still going on, too. I recently watched a Niall Ferguson “history of finance” series on PBS of all places, that summarily declared the welfare state dead but praised Greenspan and the Chicago Boys for inspiring the totally awesome reforms of Pinochet’s Chile. No, I’m not kidding. Yes, I actually threw shit.
The wig’s one thing, but that monocle is so gay.
I took it for a cock-ring.
The First Amendment was intended to apply to political speech, not to all forms of “expression,”
Fortunately you will always have authorities like Kristol who can tell you exactly which issues do and do not fall within the narrowly-circumscribed arena of “politics”.
I took it for a cock-ring.
You were looking cock-eyed.
which issues do and do not fall within the narrowly-circumscribed arena of “politics”.
Come to think of it, that seems to lie at the heart of the neo-conservatist movement. Kristol et al. objected to those nasty counter-culture people who were trying to drag things into the political arena that did not belong there, and did not deserve the protection of the 1st Amendment… things like gender roles, sexual orientations, and economic paradigms, where no need existed for the free exchange of opposing views because Kristol already knew the correct answer.
If only the DFHs had stuck to expressing views about which of two wealthy white men to vote for every four years, then they would have been within their first-amendment rights, and the whole neo-conservative movement would never have been necessary.
Ooh, yes, speak strictly.
See thread below.
Also, I’ve taken to spelling it “Randrhoid” lately. It seems to fit.
I think what Americans like about Rand is that it doesn’t require any more reading (especially anything written by non English-speaking people…ew!) than what she herself produced. It’s a philosophy for the intellectually lazy.
If all her work had been in produced in her mother tongue, she’d be long forgotten by now.
Oh, I saw that watery turd on PBS as well. If my neighbors didn’t think me suitable for the loony bin before that, the various screams and high volume vulgarity emitted then convinced them.
Yep, PBS. The Liberal Media at work.
Quick question. Do we have *any* trolls here who aren’t parodies anymore? Or have you guys just scared all the real nitwits off and we’re left with a series of increasingly extreme fakes?
ice weasel @ 1:29:
Stockholm syndrome is the term you’re looking for.
The posters with Das Kapitals were jolly funny whoever done them. Remember kiddies, slaying pigs is not a job for those without training (this means you, ZRM) it will lead to tears and ruined furniture.
and we’re left with a series of increasingly extreme fakes?
HOW DOES ONE TELL?!!! The “non-fake” ones are increasingly extreme these days.
HOW DOES ONE TELL?!!! The “non-fake” ones are increasingly extreme these days.
Well, the one at 1:59 slipped up by spelling every word correctly.
Will Peak Wing-Nut be realized when the parodies are indistinguishable from the non-parodies?
Or has the distinguishability point already passed w/o notice, yet the production of Wing-Nut continues w/o end?
While I think that we may well have reached Peak Wingnut in strictly numeric terms, the energy release caused by the implosion of conservative relevance will quite possibly continue to amplify for some time. The Parody-Wingnut Axis began its blend toward the indistinguishable once their reality had lapped our satire some years back. The unabated spin of said axis has swirled what is normally an illustrative juxtaposition into a frothy quantum-entanglement where one cannot described without encompassing the other. They are, in effect, the same.
The spectacle of exploding Wingnut will likely keep up until the energies generated by the ever compacting base are through blowing apart any shell of rationality or moderation, leaving only a dark core of Wingnutronium. This, of course, is due to the law of conservation of conservatism. The fewer there are, the more each must contain. Like the skater pulling in their arms, the spin level will increase until nothing but the singularity of stupid remains.
has swirled what is normally an illustrative juxtaposition into a frothy quantum-entanglement
Quantum froth is a pain in the arse. Try as I might I can’t get it to break down. What’s the answer cleaning wizard???
I think you have to use a diluted Bose-Einstein condensate.
Although froth and arse in the same sentence inevitably makes me think of Ricky boy.
I think you have to use a diluted Bose-Einstein condensate.
Any industrial solvent should work. You just want to wash out the free-floating moron particles. But you have to dispose of the stuff at an EPA-approved site. And wear a Hazmat suit!
Any industrial solvent should work.
So, you’ve found a use for Gatorade.
Ah, Gatorade. The Rotten Little Perisher plays sports and is always hankerin’ for Gatorade as his drink of choice. Usually, an emply bottle of seltzer filled with tap water is what he gets, even if many of his little comrades get the big jug of red fructose corn syrup.
I believe a study was done at one point measure which liquid helped athletes recover most quickly. The result? Chocolate milk.
Gatorade is just soda without the bubbles. And, gee, it’s advertised as much as or more than its fizzy cousins. Wonder what that that tells us?
/parental bitch
“that that” tells us that moar koFfiE must be ingested.
Moar koFfiE with choclate milk!
Gatorade replaced my essential minerals and electrolytes! Without Gatorade, how can I continue my intestinal electroplating?
a frothy quantum-entanglement
popularly known as “Santorumite”.
BTW, he’s contemplating running for President in 2012. Would it be wrong of me to contemplate the fun that the GOP fielding Santorum, Palin and Bachmann would produce?
But….Brawndo’s got electrolytes!!!
Wait… plants crave Rick Santorum?
That doesn’t surprise me, actually.
plants crave Rick Santorum?
All that mulch between his ears.
Would it be wrong of me to contemplate the fun that the GOP fielding Santorum, Palin and Bachmann would produce?
Palin/Prejean 2012
Bachmann/Beck 2012
Santorum/(Vida)Boheme 2012
In (weak, half-hearted) defense of Gatorade, I occasionally do long bicycle rides, and the last thing I would want to drink on a hot July day on mile 70 with with 30 more to go is milk of any kind. Gatorade is ok, if you are used to it, but it’s kind of a gut bomb for me, I dilute it with 50% regular tap water and don’t get nauseous.
How pathetic do you have to be to suck up to people who think you’re a repulsive abomination?
Worse. This one’s dead already.
I recently watched a Niall Ferguson “history of finance” series on PBS of all places, that summarily declared the welfare state dead but praised Greenspan and the Chicago Boys for inspiring the totally awesome reforms of Pinochet’s Chile.
OMG, I wanted to strangle somebody after watching that. It was so fucking dishonest I watched with eyes abug and mouth agape, looking no doubt like some sort of stunned codfish.
The unabated spin of said axis has swirled what is normally an illustrative juxtaposition into a frothy quantum-entanglement where one cannot described without encompassing the other.
I watched with eyes abug and mouth agape, looking no doubt like some sort of stunned codfish.
I dated a girl like that once.
OK, inflated…
Alternative GapeApricot: “Had more gay people understood his ideas, they’d loathe themselves just as thoroughly as I do.”
Speaking of Randroids: I like to read in bars, and sometimes drunks take that as an opening to tell me what I should really read. Saturday night I was in my favorite brewpub working my way through Infinite Jest and this sloshed fellow spent some quality time insisting that I had to read The Fountainhead because–dig it, if you can–it possessed many of the qualities that made Jack Kerouac a favorite of this young man. Still trying to puzzle that one out.
I recall a time when someone spoke kindly of Irv to Bill Buckley, and Buckley’s response was something like “Perhaps one would have required nostrils less flared than those of my interlocutor’s to imagine the pain of breathing the same air as Kristol.”
Speaking of Randroids: I like to read in bars, and sometimes drunks take that as an opening to tell me what I should really read. Saturday night I was in my favorite brewpub working my way through Infinite Jest and this sloshed fellow spent some quality time insisting that I had to read The Fountainhead because–dig it, if you can–it possessed many of the qualities that made Jack Kerouac a favorite of this young man. Still trying to puzzle that one out.
Oh, I can answer that one for you. The problem is, you’re the kind of guy who likes to read IJ in bars. You do this specifically hoping to provoke reactions that will either cater to yr ego (“OMG I SO TOTALLY READ THAT BOOK DO YOU LIKE MY SHOES?”) or allow you to rush over to your favorite internet haunts and post about hilarious ways people in bars where you hang out reading just don’t get you. Does that clear things up? Hope so.
PS I have a 20 dollar bill that says you also have a canned rant about one or all of the following: People say Pynchon is just like Wallace, but they’re nothing alike, The biggest problem in the world today is that nobody understands just how *funny* Kafka really was (Kierkegaard can also be substituted for Kafka), and/or If you think about it, [insert movie currently popular with the New Yorker crowd] is *really* just [insert childhood cartoon] filtered through the voice of [insert prominent High Modernist writer] with a rakish [gay, hardboiled, sci-fi, romantic comedy, some monstrous combination thereof] twist.
PS I have a 20 dollar bill that says you also have a canned rant about one or all of the following: People say Pynchon is just like Wallace, but they’re nothing alike, The biggest problem in the world today is that nobody understands just how *funny* Kafka really was (Kierkegaard can also be substituted for Kafka), and/or If you think about it, [insert movie currently popular with the New Yorker crowd] is *really* just [insert childhood cartoon] filtered through the voice of [insert prominent High Modernist writer] with a rakish [gay, hardboiled, sci-fi, romantic comedy, some monstrous combination thereof] twist.
Your money sure says a lot for something that has nothing to say. Wish its owner was of a similar bent.
Now I remember why I changed majors from English Lit to a hard science.
Physics. Physics was HARD!
Phrenology, bitchez.
Now c’mere a minnit and let me paw yer SKULLBONE
Now c’mere a minnit and let me paw yer SKULLBONE
Aw, shit, Rusty gone zombie on us…
The anecdote had nothing to do with the specific book being read, and you’re a tiresome asshole.
“Braaaanes” squeak squeak “Braaaaaanes” squeak squeak.
Got a Rusty zombie? Lubricate it with a Sparkling Gatorade enema. Now that’s a frothy pleasure in the arse.
I dated a girl like that once.
OK, inflated…
galActor212 on extruded latex novelty imagery DO NOT WANT.CRAAAAAAAAANNES
if more people understood Kristol’s ideas, neo-conservatism would be thought of in the same category of phrenology…
I’d substitute trepanation for phrenology here.
Do not taunt zombie fun ball.
Well, now:
Sadly, no! See, the question that I was actually asking was re: a possible Kerouac/Rand connection, at least with regard to some overlap ( a simple Venn diagram will suffice for visualizing such) between their readerships. Instead, you seem to presume that I’m interested in your analysis of my personality, said analysis being hilariously inaccurate, although perhaps more inaccurate than hilarious. In fact, I’m just a fellow who likes a tasty, refreshing beverage with my big damn book. Nice try, though, sport!
Twenty whole dollars? American? Oh holy crap, I gotta get a piece o’ this action. Let’s break it down:
Sadly, no! (Again.) I regret to say that I have never finished, nor even made a decent start on, any of Mr. Pynchon’s works. I just may do that one of these first days, though, because I believe that Amazon told me that if I liked IJ I might enjoy whatever Mr. Pynchon’s latest is, and who am I to disagree with the internet?
Ibid., as I believe you highbrows like to say in your fancy intellectual papers! Again, don’t know too much about either one of them fellas, although I did like the story with the cockroach, although I always thought that it should have ended with him fighting crime in Prague or whatever with his cockroach powers.
Et le ditteaux. Dude, you just lost me with that one. Is that supposed to be college mad libs or some damn thing?
Now, then, since your Andy Jackson seems to be rather insane in the membrane, as I believe the kids like to say, with regards to my ranting œuvre, kindly allow me to relieve you of his company so that he and I can get to know each other better. I think that I’ll start by introducing him to Ariel, a charming young ecdysiast of my very recent acquaintance, who insists that she’s just doing it to earn her way through school. Maybe she’s heard of this Kierkegaard chap.
“One of the truly great thinkers of the right…”
A funny turn of phrase, like “the most physically demanding day spa” or “the most intellectually rigorous clown college”.
You’ll be surprised to learn that it appears the “Not Proud to Be Gay” post seems to have disappeared.
What a total fag (not the gay kind).
GayPatriot is one of my favorite conservative bloggers. I don’t even think he’s really gay… he’s just some bizarre mash-up of every trope of extreme wingnutism and he’s claiming to be gay for attention. He never takes an opportunity to play Uncle Tom when it comes blogging about gay issues; somehow he always finds a way to support the most homophobic position or person possible, while stating that this is how gays SHOULD think, if they could just be clear-headed and conservative.
Its like he’s closeted, but he isn’t.