Overheated Rhetoric Is So Two Hours Ago
Confederate Ace O’ Flopping Allah Yankee Spades Pundit* circa 4:22pm today:
I really, really am against overheated rhetoric that might encourage or give moral succor to those unbalanced enough — the desperate loners with nothing left to lose — to commit violence.
CAOFAYSP a mere one hour and 50 minutes earlier:
David Fredoso at the Washington Examiner has it.
See the list of the 75 Child Sex Slave Enthusiasts there.
‘On second thought,’ indeed. We can see where maliciously pointing readers to a list of prominent, public individuals — whom you have, on the basis of nothing whatsoever, described as ‘Child Sex Slave Enthusiasts’ — might cause you to reconsider your own ‘overheated rhetoric’ … wait, what’s that you say, Ace?
I have long disliked the ‘FASCIST’ claims, not just when they came every single day from the left, but now, too, as they come from the right.
Oh, you were talking about OTHER people’s ‘overheated rhetoric’. Any names to attach to such irresponsible demagoguery?
Nancy Pelosi is being utterly hypocritical here, as she encouraged and cheered the rhetoric of incitement when Bush was President. Win-win for her, I guess she thought — such rhetoric keeps the crazies in a constant state of agitation, and if one should happen to kill Bush… well, bonus, eh?
But her hypocrisy cannot push us away from what we know to be right: Some kind of rhetoric really is fairly dangerous, and, while it won’t put any evil thoughts (or more likely — reinforce evil thoughts already long-present) in the minds of most, it does have the possibility in doing that in a few.
So in this entire long-winded line-in-the-rhetorical sand drawn by Ace, in which he pretends to attempt to reel back all the wingnut crazies who are calling the country’s foremost Democratic leader a ‘fascist’ — the only actual purveyor of ‘overheated rhetoric’ he can name is … the second-most powerful Democrat in the country. Who, he adds, would have considered the assassination of George W. Bush a ‘bonus’. Which is not at all ‘overheated rhetoric’ … no, not at all. Only actual, demonstrably false uses of the word ‘fascist’ count on that score, we’re guessing.
And we can’t really blame Ace for failing to name-check a wingnut transgressor of his less-than-two-hours-old ethical standard. It’s not as if there is some doughy, prison-pussy-faced git who wrote an entire book based on the premise that modern liberals are fascists.
*I am really starting to lose track of which of these tools is which
This post is fascist. Bang, you’re dead.
I too am concerned about the overheated gasbaggery. When the grill flares up, the gasbag it could explode! Overwhemlingy! It’s not Consituional, neiver.
Condensed Ace:
I really, really am overheated 75 Child Sex Slave Enthusiasts ‘FASCIST’ and if one should happen to kill Bush… well, bonus, eh.
I am really starting to lose track of which of these tools is which
You need to draw outlines on the pegboard. That way you know which fits where.
When did Nancy Pelosi incite her constituents to kill Bush. Oh right, ‘San Francisco values.’
Gosh, I must have missed where Nancy Pelosi encouraged liberals to dress up in Revolutionary-era garb and hang around Bush events carrying guns and signs about Tree-Of-Liberty watering.
I mean, it MUST have happened. Otherwise Ace would be full of shit.
I guess the way to ratfuck any (liberal) organization is now clear: keep trying to do something outrageous on video, then post the results when you finally get one member of said organization to respond with something mildly questionable.
Fuck you, members of Congress.
Those fascist, lying, murdering, pedophile Democrat traitors are being most uncivil. I wish those inhuman vermin would discuss politics in calm, impersonal terms, unlike Nancy “Ilsa, She Wolf of the S.S.” Pelosi. Who is probably a lesbian.
Keep fucking that chicken!
Personally, I think “boomerang values” or maybe “bungie values” is more than descriptive of this and LGF’s recent brush with reality.
But you may recall how viciously K-Pax (Kathleen Parker) was drubbed for having the temerity to suggest McCain was not the optimal candidate last year.
75 child sex slave enthusiasts have gotten Ace all overheated.
And this comes as news to whom, exactly?
Do not overheat the rhetoric. The beer cheese will curdle and run along the knife.
That is an awful lot of fun to say in a snooty accent.
What’s that you say Ace?
Okay, what’s this then?
Umm, yeah. How about this one?
Oh, my bad – that’s “fishism”, and it wasn’t 2008 – it was last month.
Fascism is the Gemeinschaftsfremde of Liberal Fascism.
‘San Francisco values’
(wev) d00d. You can get like ten times as much rice and pasta for the same $$$ as you can in Rice-a-roni.
What? Overheated rhetoric? Well, you might expect it from Confederate Ace O’ Flopping Allah Yankee Spades Pundit.
But zip to memeorandum & check the rhetoric about the decision not to put bogus missile defenses in Eastern Europe, not from the fringies & their web logs, but from real freaking people who are paid to type by actual websites, not sole-proprietor, loon attractors.
Surrender! Appeasement! What do we get for selling out to Putin? Betrayal! Naiveté!!
The floors of NRO are browner & yellower than they’ve been in many days.
Not that easy to say in a snooty accent though. Or any accent.
Clearly this means that we need segregated buses, in Obama’s America and all. And people need to back off from the over-heated rhetoric, and so too.
See the list of 75 known communists.
See the list of 75 known communists.
Communist, communist, communist.
See Jane flirt with communism.
Flirt, flirt, flirt.
Not to be all fascism-yelly, but the fact is that fascist cults of personality routinely offer up their Dear Leaders as idealized physical perfections.
Mmmmmm….but isn’t that Sarah Palin hawt? And she can shoot a moose!
And she can shoot a moose!
Veiled perversion reference.
I remember when G.W. Bush was Mister Fighter Pilot/Cowboy.
And far smarter than all them pointy heads. Anyone else still remember?
Not so veiled:
Yes you can shoot me a moose
‘Cause I shot a mooooose over you
I would rather suffer from too many Flems than too many Walloons. In the US you seem to have a surfeit of both.
In the US you seem to have a surfeit of both.
Them damned libs promised me that the podiatrist surtax would eliminate the problem.
Anyone else still remember?
I remembers when Pelosi “encouraged and cheered the rhetoric of incitement when Bush was President” by taking impeachment off the table.
I remembers when Pelosi “encouraged and cheered the rhetoric of incitement when Bush was President” by taking impeachment off the table.
It wasn’t removal from the table that was the problem. It was that, once removed, it was thrown in the trash rather than being nailed to W’s forehead.
Yes, because liberal-types have no access whatsoever to video gear or the Intertubes & are thus cut off from any potential rat-trysting of their own. There’s absolutely nothing in this precedent that presages a veritable orgy of “guerilla-journalism video-sting” goodness being randomly inflicted on many of the same wingnut shitheads that’ve been cheering this ACORN scandal like a football game. I’m sure there are NO right-wingers looking at their, er, unique lifestyle choices & feeling just a little tiny bit paranoid right now, also. Nope. Nuh-uh.
“Follow” “me” on “the Internet” you “fascists”!
The overheated rhetoric is interfering with the hysteria.
The hysteria is in bloom but do watch out for the steel magnolias.
OTOH, under-heated rhetoric can spread listeria.
Ace is the Goldilocks of hysteria.
So, I guess Congress will wait for the next scandal to strike down one of its members and then defund themselves? With the way they have been caught taking bribes and what not, you’d think they’d have to be running bake sales to get a paycheck.
The libruls can and do make videos; the problem is that nobody cares, especially not the United States Congress. I guess it helps when your targets are blackety black black poor people, instead of violent cops with massively powerful institutional protection.
Read my Listeria. No newt lapses
The libruls can and do make videos
Of course, Congress doesn’t want to pay attention. Heck, Senator/President/Czar Baucus’s ‘plan’ was written by a lobbyist.
Cue the billionaires…
Arse of Spuds is a Child Sex Slave Enthusiast, or at very least, his public fap record suggests so.
Why did Nancy Pelosi bring up violence? Because she obviously secretly hoped it would happen, that’s why. And now it has!!!!!
Everything was fine until Pelosi started giving a few not-even-really-conservative crazies ideas by “worrying” about what might happen. She planted the seeds for this [bomb/assassination/head-stabbing-with-a-Confederate-sword] to happen.
We must not let Nancy “Goebbels” Pelosi get away with this evil plan. Rally tonight outside her house!
Or maybe the Pinocchio of panic?
I have here in my hand a list of 75
communistschild sex slave enthusiasts…No, really.
*I am really starting to lose track of which of these tools is which”
A good rule of thumb is that Mr Pantload really likes cheetos while Ace prefers ranch flavored doritos.
One has to wonder if Teh Doughy One is a-feared of them immigrant Cheetos.
The definition of mixed emotions, perhaps.
I think his rhetoric was more half-baked than overheated.
Decades of overheated rhetoric about baby-killers, combined with abusive, menacing, physical threats of medical offices, had absolutely nothing to do with bombings of said offices, and the killings of their doctors.
Endless hyperventilation about Clinton’s evil regime, pumped constantly from the apex of AM (hate) radio, had absolutely nothing to do with Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of a federal day-care center. (Just ask the poorly-educated, drug-addled mind which had ceaselessly supplied said bloviation.)
High-volume screeching about how a Democratic President was not even eligible for his office, and anyways was a MarxoIslamicHippieFaggotMexicanExtremist, had absolutely nothing to do with any violence which might come his way.
What if liberals stopped being such First Amendment absolutists, and started punishing speakers for the consequences of their speeches? What would happen to the Aces and Jonahs and Peggys then? Irresponsible not to speculate, etc.
Now, now. Let’s just sit back for a few months and let them relish their role as the opposition party. That’s right, they’re not in power! Ha ha haa ha! Crow all you like, bitches, you LOST!
If only the libs could kill goats with their stares. I’m sure Don Surber is working on a technique like this, but not “killing” the goats, per se.
*I am really starting to lose track of which of these tools is which
Too many bores and not enough augers.
If only the libs could kill goats with their stares.
I suppose it is too late for either of your main two parties to adopt the Kentucky Fainting Goat as its emblematic animal.
I suppose it is too late for either of your main two parties to adopt the Kentucky Fainting Goat as its emblematic animal.
Only if someone feels up to negotiating with Zombie Thomas Nast. He’s short, vicious, German, and dead.
Ace prefers ranch flavored doritos
Those things are seriously nasty.
He’s short, vicious, German, and dead.
Sort of OT, but does anybody else remember when they used to call John Ashcroft “General” Ashcroft? I thought even at the time that was sort of facisty.
does anybody else remember when they used to call John Ashcroft “General” Ashcroft?
Yeah, but that was only because no one wanted to think about his privates.
And we can’t really blame Ace for failing to name-check a wingnut transgressor of his less-than-two-hours-old ethical standard. It’s not as if there is some doughy, prison-pussy-faced git who wrote an entire book based on the premise that modern liberals are fascists.
Well no, we can’t blame him, not when last week teh Ace was all, “Doughbob, you my Yoda.”
Still, the wingnut 1.01 definition of “incivility” is stuff that I don’t want other people to say at certain times because uh, yeah, because liberals are mutherfuckers.
I thought even at the time that was sort of facisty.
Christ, was from the Bush Administration’s first squat in office WASN’T “fascisty”? These creeps were just itching for another 9/11 so they could make their Reich real.
As opposed to Obama and the Dems, who’ve been essentially go-along-get-along for the last nine months and yet neverthless get tarred as Stalinists because cap & trade public option GM bailout Fannie & Freddie ACORN Rev. Wright Kenya yadda yadda u.s.w. world without end amen.
Oh, and they all have “D” after their names, so they couldn’t POSSIBLY have gotten elected fairly QED.
Oh, and they all have “D” after their names, so they couldn’t POSSIBLY have gotten elected fairly QED.
I believe you meant “QER.” GOOD DAY, SIR.
Like this?
I really, really am
againstterrified of being held accountable for my overheated rhetoric because that mightencourage or give moral succor to those unbalanced enough — the desperate loners with nothing left to lose — to commit violenceresult in me being visited by a federal law enforcement official and I would have an “accident” and after I recovered and cleaned myself I would still be too unnerved to scream “POLICE STATE!” at the top of my lungs.FecksedDelousedFeh. Tags. Grampa lived to a ripe old age without gettin’ ’em all right.
Too many bores and not enough augers.
Bores do not augur well. Boers, however…
This lovely nugget from Ass of Spays says a lot about the Republican frame of mind:
So rather than give people all the information they need to make a responsible decision, you nickle and dime them until you hook them into having an emotional need to see the thing through.
There’s a word for this in the law…I think it’s called “a con”…
There’s a word for this in the law…I think it’s called “a con”…
Ace would try the old Three-card Monte short con but could only handle doing it with two cards, I suspect. Short deck*, and all.
*Neither veiled nor unintentional.
Has anyone else noted the fumbling and chaotic sound of rhetoric backpedalling from some of the wingnut blogosphere? You know it has to be bad when some of the more vitriolic online pundits (LGF, Ace) start saying “whoa there, maybe we should reign this in a bit.”
Is there a level of crazy to uncomfortably high for the right?
Could they possibly be afraid of what they created: the frothing unstable mob of the poorly informed?
Up until now, they have thrown every slight and slander they can think of (Crook, communist, terrorist, fascist, nazi, traitor, and now child slave trafficking sex fiends) at anything and anyone (and their relatives and friends and casual acquaintances) slightly to the left of the bizarre little treehouse (“NO LIEBURL HIPPIE COMMIES ALLOWD”) they live in on the political spectrum. Perhaps they tried too hard, not realizing that the mouth breathing masses were eating up every syllable and slander like it was holy doctrine.
I think, when the excrement hits the oscillating air mover, probably in the form of violent outbursts that can’t be easily shuffled to the bottom of the newspile, the bottom-feeders of the wingnut blogosphere see themselves as the first against the wall when the blame starts to fly, and a couple of nuts with a webpage aren’t important enough to be covered by IOKIYAR.
FAR too well *shudder*
And now, Ace on Fascism:
Most are just using it as an empty slogan, the same as many on the left did just one short year ago. But that’s the thing, then, isn’t it? If you know it’s not true, why are you carrying the sign? Honesty and straight-dealing are conservative values, too.
That was the money shot for me, right there. Emphasis mine. It really helps if you read the entire article in a sarcastic tone.
Has anyone else noted the fumbling and chaotic sound of rhetoric backpedalling from some of the wingnut blogosphere? You know it has to be bad when some of the more vitriolic online pundits (LGF, Ace) start saying “whoa there, maybe we should reign this in a bit.”
I think this may apply to LGF (but not to he point where I believe he has had some sort of epiphany–he’s still a
stool) but Ace and others only back off when they think they may be getting too close to being held accountable for their words. They’re still mob-baiting. And that’s a dangerous game because the mob can stampede. Ace (and his cronies) suffer the delusion that they can control these people even when the evidence accrues that they don’t. And, one has to ask, are they really upset when some nut case murders a doctor who performs abortions? Not really. Their faux outrage is cover. “Don’t blame us! He was a desperate loner with nothing left to lose.“I think his rhetoric was more half-baked than overheated.
It can be both, and often is: putting bread dough into an overheated oven is a great way to get a done-looking crust surrounding an uncooked wad of dough. Which also fits their rhetoric: only appears passable if you don’t actually look into it.
I never harbored any illusions there. You can be sure any backpedaling is Cover-Your-Ass at is best. The rights strange Jesus derived fear morality (“Everyone is god’s special children, except for abortionists and gays and people who aren’t us, who should die and be sent to a specially prepared torture chamber where our loving and forgiving god will torture them for all eternity.” WTF?) means that they personally encourage them to die in interesting and probably gruesome ways, as mandated by the aforementioned compassionate deity. It’s all about the fear of an unsubtle mob performing acts of wanton violence and destruction, and then terrestrial based justice looking for whatever propaganda outlet directed them to slay in the name of ideology. You can bet the upper echelons of the wingnut hierarchy would offer up the lowest rung of the hate machine as a sacrifice to save the rest. It’s the whole ‘I don’t have to out run the bear, just my friend’ paradigm.
I just love Nancy Pelosi’s statement about how organizations receiving federal funding should get said funding yanked even if their are serious allegations against them. Wellz, there are some serious allegations against the CIA, etc. Will Ms. Pelosi yank their funding?
Anyway, by the “there was fancy kerning on the document, therefore GW Bush was not a draft dodger but fought honorably in ‘Nam” standards of the right, doesn’t the fact that at least one of the allegations against ACORN (the woman who “admitted” to killing her abusive husband had never killed any of her husbands as all of her exes are alive or some such … I love how the local NYC newsmedia was trying to keep the story alive by phrasing it something to the effect of “none of her known husbands” or some such) is false cast doubt on the whole “sting”?
Separated by one post above, mind you:
You can bet the upper echelons of the wingnut hierarchy would offer up the lowest rung of the hate machine as a sacrifice to save the rest. It’s the whole ‘I don’t have to out run the bear, just my friend’ paradigm.
Yeah, and perhaps Ace knows he’s kinda slowuh.
Shorter Ace Hole: “Reap what whirlwind? That’s not what it said on the seed packet! Oh, wait… it did. My bad!”
“So, I guess Congress will wait for the next scandal to strike down one of its members and then defund themselves? With the way they have been caught taking bribes and what not, you’d think they’d have to be running bake sales to get a paycheck.”
Of course those nice people in Washington are running bake sales, where have you been? Haven’t you had the old stand-by from the Pentagon, “A-Orange Muffins”? Or perhaps you’ve had a chance to stop by and sample the fixins during Cheney’s famous “All You Can Eat Kitten Bar-B-Cue Contest”?
Anyways, sending young gullible Americans to die for oil contracts, using your wingnut contacts to swindle impoverished native american tribes, hiring ho’s, pledging assassins, hey what the hell!
Hell they got better, they just destroyed one of the most effective grass-roots organizations in the country that fought for civil rights and housing rights for the poor!
That’s values folks!